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Apply client service techniques to improve service delivery 

US ID: 120310
SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies

NQF Level 5
2nd Edition Nov 2012

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Customer Service Management 2

SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

Table of Contents
Using the Moderation Guide.........................................................................................4
1. Introduction........................................................................................................4
2. Using the Moderation Guide..............................................................................4
2.1 Point of Moderation Purpose.......................................................................4
2.2 Moderation Documents................................................................................4
2.2.1 Pre-Moderation......................................................................................4
2.2.2 Concurrent / Post Moderation...............................................................4
Provider Details............................................................................................................5
Moderation Plan............................................................................................................6
1. Moderation Preparation.....................................................................................7
1.1 Learner Sample............................................................................................7
1.2 ETD Staff Sample........................................................................................7
1.3 Documents in Moderation Sample...............................................................7
2. Validation of Assessors & Candidates...............................................................8
2.1 Assessor Validation.....................................................................................8
2.2 Candidate Validation....................................................................................9
3. Comparative Moderation Results....................................................................10
3.1 Assessors Validation..................................................................................10
3.2 Candidates Validation................................................................................11
4. Cross Sample Moderation Report...................................................................12
Concurrent / Post Moderation.....................................................................................14
1. Moderation Preparation...................................................................................14
1.1 Learner Sample..........................................................................................14
1.2 ETD Staff Sample......................................................................................14
1.3 Documents in Moderation Sample.............................................................14
1.4 Learner Status............................................................................................14
2. Portfolio Construct...........................................................................................15
3. Comparative Moderation Results....................................................................16
4. Cross Sample Moderation Report...................................................................18

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SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

Using the Moderation Guide

1. Introduction

The purpose of this Moderation Guide is to provide the Moderator with basic tools to
conduct moderation before, during and after assessment has taken place.

The Moderation Guide incorporates a system of comparative moderation as a basis

for obtaining more objectivity in the moderation findings, and allows for block
moderations instead of a “per portfolio” approach only.

2. Using the Moderation Guide

Depending on the moderation point, the Moderator will delete the sections not in use,
and only maintain the areas applicable to the point of moderation.

2.1 Point of Moderation Purpose

The Moderation Guide allows for a targeted scope of moderation:

No Moderation Point Purpose and Scope of Moderation

1 Pre-Moderation  Assessor Validation
 Candidate Validation
 Instrument Validation
2 Concurrent / Post  Learner Status
Moderation  Assessment Practice
 Assessor Performance
 Portfolio Validation

2.2 Moderation Documents

2.2.1 Pre-Moderation

The pre-moderation should be conducted during and directly after learner

registration. When conducting the pre-moderation, delete the concurrent / post
moderation section and only complete the pre-moderation reports.
2.2.2 Concurrent / Post Moderation

The concurrent moderation should be conducted at the end of every Learning

module assessment and results reported as part of the moderation report. When
conducting the concurrent moderation, delete the pre-moderation section and only
complete the pre-moderation reports.

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SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

Provider Details
Provider Name Type of Moderation

Provider Address Date of Moderation

Provider Contact Moderator
Person Responsible
Provider Contact Moderator Contact
Details Details
Qualification / Learning programme

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SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

Moderation Plan

1 Type of Moderation

2 Purpose of Moderation

3 Date of Moderation

4 Location of Moderation

5 Method of Moderation

6 Role Players

7 Scope of Moderation

8 Moderation Sample

9 Moderation Tools

10 Preparation Required

Additional Briefing Notes

Moderator Signature Date of Moderation Plan

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SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

1. Moderation Preparation
1.1 Learner Sample

Surname Name Learner ID Unit Standards

Numbers Completed

1.2 ETD Staff Sample

Surname Name Assessor ID Unit Standards

Numbers Assessed

1.3 Documents in Moderation Sample

No Documents requested Receive Comments

Yes No
1 Alignment Strategy & Facilitation
2 Master Assessment Guide and
Assessment Toolkit
3 Learner recruitment, selection &
entry documents as per selection
4 Assessor registration and SME

5 Workplace agreement / minutes

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SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

2. Validation of Assessors & Candidates

2.1 Assessor Validation

Programme / Qualification
Assessment period / Client /

Rating ranges from 1 – 4 for each main criterion

No Evidence – 0, Insufficient Evidence – 1, Sufficient Evidence – 2, Above Standard Evidence – 3, Excellent
Evidence – 4

Doc Evidence Evaluation External Moderator Comments


Not met

A. Assessor Name Assessor Validation to Programme
1 ID / CV / scholastic documents on
2 SSETA Registration Report
3 Assessment Scope validated
4 Assessor SLA and code of conduct
5 Assessor /learner allocation
B. Assessor Name Assessor Validation to Programme
1 ID / CV / scholastic documents on
2 SETA Registration Report
3 Assessment Scope validated
4 Assessor SLA and code of conduct
5 Assessor /learner allocation
C. Assessor Name Assessor validation to programme
1 ID / CV / scholastic documents on
2 SETA Registration Report
3 Assessment Scope validated
4 Assessor SLA and code of conduct
5 Assessor /learner allocation
Overall Findings Average of 3 ratings, and moderator decision
in terms of candidate suitability and entry
11 Assessors’ registration and scope in
line with programme requirements
12 Assessor contracts and
administration in line with SETA
13 Assessor learner allocations
reasonable and manageable
Moderator Comments

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SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

Doc Evidence Evaluation External Moderator Comments


Not met

Moderation Decision
Assessors meet the programme and SETA requirements in terms of Yes No
registration and Subject Matter Expertise

Assessors have been duly contracted / briefed on programme / Yes No

assessment requirements

Assessor – candidate ratio is suitable and in line with SETA requirements Yes No

2.2 Candidate Validation

Candidate Name

Candidate ID

Qualification / Unit Standards

Rating ranges from 1 – 4 for each main criterion

No Evidence – 0, Insufficient Evidence – 1, Sufficient Evidence – 2, Above Standard Evidence – 3, Excellent
Evidence – 4

Doc Evidence Evaluation External Moderator Comments


Not met

A. Candidate Administration Candidate screening and administration

1 ID / CV / scholastic documents
2 Registration Form & database entry
3 Contract
4 Learner administration file
B. Candidate RSE Recruitment, Selection & Entry
5 Recruitment & Selection Validation
6 Entry Orientation / Induction
7 Assessment Preparation
8 Candidate meets entry requirements /
special needs identified
C. Learner Support Candidate support from provider and
9 Candidate received training material &
facilitation schedule
10 Candidate coach / mentor / workplace

Customer Service Management 9

SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

Doc Evidence Evaluation External Moderator Comments


Not met

D. Overall Findings Average of 3 ratings, and moderator
decision in terms of candidate suitability
and entry process
11 Candidate Administration in order
12 Candidate RSE fair, valid, appropriate
13 Learner support evident

Moderator Comments

Moderation Decision
Candidate meets the programme entry requirements and due process has Yes No
been followed in recruitment, selection and entry

Candidate administration has been completed relevant resources provided Yes No

Candidate has been oriented on programme and assessment Yes No


3. Comparative Moderation Results

3.1 Assessors Validation

Candidate Name / Surname Candidate ID Number

4. Assessor /

Rating per

1. ID, CV,

Scope &

3. SLA /

Code of


Rating per area of moderation

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SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

3.2 Candidates Validation

Candidate Name / Candidate ID Number

A. Candidate

B. Candidate

C. Learner

Rating per
D. Overall
Rating per area of moderation

Overall Moderation Overall Rating General Comments and Remediation Required

A. Assessor
B. Candidate
C. Overall Findings

KEY: MR – Met Requirements, RR – Remediation Required, NMR – Not met Requirements

Moderation Decision MR / RR/ NMR

The selected candidates meet the requirements of the programme recruitment, selection
and entry requirements
The assessors meet the requirements of the programme registration, scope and subject
matter expertise
Overall programme requirements have been met for candidates and assessors
Moderator Details

Moderator Name Date

Moderator Signature

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SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

4. Cross Sample Moderation Report

Rating ranges from 1 – 4 for each main criterion
No Evidence – 0, Insufficient Evidence – 1, Sufficient Evidence – 2, Above Standard Evidence – 3, Excellent
Evidence – 4

Doc Evidence Evaluation External Moderator Comments


Not met

A. Candidates Candidate Validation
1 Candidates meet entry
requirements of programme,
special needs identified
2 Recruitment, selection and
entry process followed
3 Learner Administration and
support in place
B. Assessors Assessor Validation
4 Assessors meet registration
and subject matter expertise
5 Assessor contracts,
agreements and
administration in place
6 Assessor briefing / schedules
7 Assessor – candidate ration is
reasonable and appropriate –
note total assessors and
C. Instrument Validation Instruments Reviewed
8 Assessment strategy and
related assessment toolkit
suitable for target group in
this project
9 Plan for special needs
10 Workplace supports valid
assessment and evidence
D. Overall Findings Average of 3 ratings, and moderator decision in
terms of programme start up
11 Candidates suitable for
12 Assessors suitable for
13 Instruments suitable for
14 Overall logistics, planning and
preparation for programme in

Customer Service Management 12

SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

Moderator Comments

Moderation Review
Candidate and assessor sample is valid and representative of the total target group under Yes No
review in terms of demographics and programme suitability

Moderation methods allowed for a fair, valid reliable and credible review of candidate, Yes No
assessor, workplace and instrument suitability – a combination of desk-top and interactive
methods used
A remedial plan has been established that will allow current learners to exit, and future Yes No
practices to improve.

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SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

Concurrent / Post Moderation

1. Moderation Preparation
1.1 Learner Sample

Surname Name Learner ID Unit Standards

Numbers Completed

1.2 ETD Staff Sample

Surname Name Assessor ID Unit Standards

Numbers Assessed

1.3 Documents in Moderation Sample

No Documents requested Receive Comments

Yes No
1 Alignment Strategy & Facilitation
2 Master Assessment Guide and
Assessment Toolkit
3 Learner PoE sample as per selection
4 Assessment Toolkits as per selection
5 Learner uploads for programme in

1.4 Learner Status

No Description Total No Description Total

1 Learners registered 4 Number of drop-outs
2 Learners remaining 5 Percentage drop out
3 Number of learners 6 Number of learners in
Competent to date remediation
7. Number of drop-outs per reason - please complete below

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SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

Reason Total

2. Portfolio Construct
Candidate Name
Candidate ID
Qualification / Unit Standards
Assessor Name
Assessor ID

Rating ranges from 1 – 4 for each main criterion

No Evidence – 0, Insufficient Evidence – 1, Sufficient Evidence – 2, Above Standard Evidence – 3, Excellent
Evidence – 4

Doc Evidence Evaluation External Moderator Comments


Not met

A. Assessment Details Candidate details

1 Portfolio Index / checklist
2 Progress sheet completed and as per
strategy / roll out schedule
3 Learner Preparation
Learner Information Declaration of
B. Assessment Process Plan, prepare, conduct, judge, feedback,
review documents
4 Assessment Recording &
Administration - complete
5 Coaching Sheets & Re-assessment
6 Validity of assessment recording -
quality of comments
7 Learner feedback per instrument
completed in line with decision
8 Evidence Summary completed
9 Judgements completed
10 Overall learner feedback completed
C. Evidence Evidence documents, review in terms of
11 Valid - sample answers checked
against model answers, re-
assessments where necessary
12 Authenticity & Currency – signed and
13 Sufficient – enough evidence
provided in line with strategy and

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SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

Doc Evidence Evaluation External Moderator Comments


Not met

model answers
D. Assessment Judgement Feedback, re-assessment, coaching and
recorded judgement
14 Feedback and re-assessment /
15 Judgement
E. Overall Findings Average of 5 ratings, and moderator decision
in terms of assessment conducted.
16 Assessment practice – process,
recording, policy compliance
17 Evidence – VACS
18 Administration – recording, PoE
19 Overall reliability, consistency and
credibility of assessment judgement
and feedback

Moderator Comments

Moderation Decision
The learner meets the requirements of the unit standards and evidence requirements, and Yes No
is therefore competent.
Assessment meets the requirements of process, principles and recording Yes No
Overall portfolio and assessment decision can be upheld Yes No

3. Comparative Moderation Results

Candidate Name / Surname Assessor Name / Surname


C. Evidence


Rating per
E. Overall



Rating per area of moderation

Overall Moderation Area Overall Rating General Comments and Remediation Required
A. Assessment Details
B. Assessment Process

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SAQA US ID: 120310 Moderator Guide

C. Evidence
D. Assessment
E. Overall Findings

KEY: MR – Met Requirements, RR – Remediation Required, NMR – Not met Requirements

Moderation Decision MR / RR/ NMR

The learner meets the requirements of the unit standards and evidence
requirements, and is therefore competent.
Assessment meets the requirements of process, principles and recording
across all portfolios and assessors
Overall portfolio and assessment decisions for group of learners
moderated can be upheld
Moderator Details

Moderator Name Date

Moderator Signature

Assessors Feedback Provided

Assessor Name & Signature Date

Assessor Name & Signature Date

Assessor Name & Signature Date

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4. Cross Sample Moderation Report

Rating ranges from 1 – 4 for each main criterion
No Evidence – 0, Insufficient Evidence – 1, Sufficient Evidence – 2, Above Standard Evidence – 3, Excellent
Evidence – 4

Doc Evidence Evaluation External Moderator Comments


Not met

A. Assessment Details Candidate details
1 General Portfolio administration:
portfolio checklists, structure, neatness
and consistent filing
2 Progress sheets / assessor reports,
candidate details, adherence to provider
policy and strategy / roll out schedule
3 Learner Preparation
Learner Information Declaration of
B. Assessment Process Plan, prepare, conduct, judge, feedback,
review documents
4 General Assessment Recording &
Administration – across portfolios and
per assessor
5 Coaching Sheets & Re-assessment
evidence - across portfolios and per
assessor / candidate
6 Validity of assessment recording - quality
of comments - across portfolios and per
7 Learner feedback per instrument
completed in line with decision - across
portfolios and per assessor
8 Evidence Summary completed - across
portfolios and per assessor
9 Judgements completed - across
portfolios and per assessor
10 Overall learner feedback completed -
across portfolios and per assessor
C. Evidence Evidence documents, review in terms of
11 Valid - sample answers checked against
model answers, re-assessments where
necessary recorded - across portfolios
and per assessor
12 Authenticity & Currency – signed and
dated - across portfolios and per
13 Sufficient – enough evidence provided in
line with strategy and model answers -
across portfolios and per assessor
D. Assessment Judgement Feedback, re-assessment, coaching and

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Doc Evidence Evaluation External Moderator Comments


Not met

recorded judgement
14 Feedback and re-assessment / coaching
- across portfolios and per assessor
15 Judgement - across portfolios and per
E. Overall Findings Average of 5 ratings, and moderator
decision in terms of assessment
16 Assessment practice – process,
recording, policy compliance - across
portfolios and per assessor
17 Evidence – VACS - across portfolios and
per assessor
18 Administration – recording, PoE structure
- across portfolios and per assessor
19 Overall reliability, consistency and
credibility of assessment judgement and
feedback - across portfolios and per

Moderator Comments

Moderation Review
Portfolio sample is valid and representative of the assessment under review Yes No
in terms of learner demographics, assessors, regions / sites
Moderation methods allowed for a fair, valid reliable and credible review of Yes No
assessment practice – a combination of desk-top and interactive methods
A remedial plan has been established that will allow current learners to exit, Yes No
and future practices to improve.

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