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At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
1 Define what recreational mathematics is
2. Enjoy playing mathematics puzzles
3. Engage with different mathematical puzzles

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Recreational Mathematics
Reference. Math in the Modern World, by Dr. Ricardo Talde, Lorimar Publishing pp 243-
249. Materials: Visual aids, Whiteboard and Marker, Laptop and Cutouts of games

IIl Procedure:
A. Daily Routinary Activities
1. Opening Prayer 2 Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4 Classroom Management

B. Motivation
Group the students into four. Then each group will be given a chess board made out of
illustration board and they will try to solve the "8 Queen Puzzles" and "Horse Puzzle".
The first group who got the correct answer will get 5 points. The second one will get 3
points. The third group will receive 2 points. And the last group will get 1 points.
Throughout the lesson, the group that will gain the most points will win. No cellphones
are allowed during the game

After the activity, the teacher will ask some students what they have observed and
learned from the activity.

C. Lesson Proper:
Ask first what is their prior knowledge about recreational activity in mathematics based
on the activity and Discuss what recreational mathematics is.

D. Application
Each group will choose a representative and play the game "Constellations". All they
have to do is to draw points based on the number of given stars. Then a series of
distances, in centimeters, will also be given. They will need to draw a line between the
two dots that satisfy one of the given distances. If they satisfy all of them the answer will
be correct. If not, they can change the location of the dots. There will be three sets of
round for this game and for each set, each group need to: choose a new representative.
The point system is still the same as the previous activity.

Ask the students how recreational mathematics could be helpful to their studies
After the reflection of learnings and experiences from the lesson. Discuss all the things

IV. Evaluation:

Each member group play the game 4 Four's. There will be 10 items that they will try to
answer. The time limit for this games is 5 minutes and after that each group must
present their answers. For each correct answer, 2 points will be added to the group's
total points

V. Assignment:
List down at least 10 different recreational mathematical games.

Group the students into four. Then each group will be given
ACTIVITY a chess board made out of illustration board and they will
try to solve the "8 Queen Puzzles" and "Horse Puzzle". The
first group who got the correct answer will get 5 points. The
second one will get 3 points. The third group will receive 2
points. And the last group will get 1 points. Throughout the
lesson, the group that will gain the most points will win. No
cellphones are allowed during the game

After the activity, the teacher will ask some students what
DISCUSSION they have observed and learned from the activity.

Ask first what is their prior knowledge about recreational

INPUT activity in mathematics based on the activity and Discuss
what recreational mathematics is.

Ask the students how recreational mathematics could be

DEEPENING helpful to their studies.
Each member group play the game 4 Four's. There will be
ACTIVITY 10 items that they will try to
answer. The time limit for this games is 5 minutes and after
that each group must present their answers. For each
correct answer, 2 points will be added to the group's total

Ask the students how recreational mathematics could be

SYNTHESIS helpful to their studies
After the reflection of learnings and experiences from the
lesson. Discuss all the things tackled.

5 E’s Approach
Group the students into four. Then each group will be
given a chess board made out of illustration board and they
will try to solve the "8 Queen Puzzles" and "Horse Puzzle".
The first group who got the correct answer will get 5 points.
The second one will get 3 points. The third group will
receive 2 points. And the last group will get 1 points.
Throughout the lesson, the group that will gain the most
points will win. No cellphones are allowed during the game

After the activity, the teacher will ask some students what
they have observed and learned from the activity.
Ask first what is their prior knowledge about recreational
activity in mathematics based on the activity and Discuss
what recreational mathematics is.

Each member group play the game 4 Four's. There will be
10 items that they will try to
answer. The time limit for this games is 5 minutes and after
that each group must present their answers. For each
correct answer, 2 points will be added to the group's total

Ask the students how recreational mathematics could be helpful to their studies
After the reflection of learnings and experiences from the lesson. Discuss all the
things tackled.

Prepared by Submitted to;

Calubia, Jessa R. Sir Gregorio Ruales

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