Significant Small Ships 2007

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BOCAS DEL TORO: Tug series optimised

SMALL SHIPS OF 2007 BOURBON TRIESTE: Multi-purpose vessel created for deepwater 6
Cheryl Saponia operations
BUGSIER 6: New tug class proving popular 9
Editorial Assistant:
Clare Nicholls BURAK REIS·3: Sea Bus series completed 12
Production: DON INDA: Europe's most powerful towing tug 14
Kevin Hyatt
EDDA FRAM: First vessel with integrated drilling system 16
Group Sales Director:
Debbi Bonner ELYAH and ASSAD: Quick build for high stability series 18

Advertising Manager:
FAR SAPPHIRE: Powerful offshore vessel for ultra-deep waters 21
Rosemary Little FIRST and TEN: PSV series with increased capacity 23
Advertisement Production: GEOGRAPH: Vessel assists seabed mapping 26
Stephen Bell
GRAMPIAN TALISMAN: Innovative bow shape guarantees high 28
Adelaide Proctor speed
Publisher: GUAN XIAO YI HAO: Innovative fireboat for Asia 30
Mark J Staunton-Lambert
HARRY EVANS: First of deign built in China 32
Published by: IBEEV·3: Unusual icebreaking emergency evacuation vessel 34
The Royal Institution of Naval Architects
dACQUE CARTIER: One-off ferry adapted from existing hull 37
Editorial & Advertisement Office:
10 Upper Belgrave Street dMEC: Advanced military technology battles war on terror 39
London SWIX 8BQ, UK
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7235 4622 OSMAN GAZI·1 and ORHAN GAZI·1: Twin sisters aid Turkish 41
Telefax: +44 (0) 20 7245 6959
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected] PROVIDER: High-speed cargo vessel unrivalled in class 43
ROYAL CHARTER: Lengthened hull improves old favourite 45
SEA SCAPE 1: All-aluminium design for modern ferry 48
SIMARA ACE and SILUNA ACE: Modern ships have green focus 50
SVITZER SAKHALIN: Unique tugs aid LNG port 52
2008. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects TANSey: Small cat serves Norwegian islands 54
This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention.
All rights reserved. No pan of the publication be repro-
THE GRAND CANAL SHOPPES: Luxury ship serves luxury resort 56
duced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted without
the prior permission of the copyright owner. Permission
THOR: Powerful tug first for North America 58
is not, however, required to copy abstracts or articles on
condition that a full reference to the source is shown.
TIGER: Ambulance designed with safety and manoeuvrability in mind 60
Multiple copying of the contents without permission is VB dEREZ: Compact tugs for unrestricted navigation 62
always illegal.
VOS TRACKER: New standard set in safety 64
Printed in the UK by Pensord Press Ltd, Tram Road,
Pontllfraith, Blackwood, Gwent NP2 2YA WEDEL: Bearing and measurement vessel for safety and construction 66
ISBN 978-1-905040-42-1 XPLORER: New hull shape improves performance 69

Shipyards: Australia
Fax: +61 894102564
and USA Email: [email protected]
Tel: +61 89410 I I 11 -~ &Q


T his annual publication, Significant Small
Ships 0/2007, aims to comprehensively list
and showcase some ofthe most interesting and
similar theme, Fjellstrand
the ROY/survey
vessel, Geograph.
and dynamic
AS constructed
del iveries in 2007. Sisters
and Siluna ACE were designed
Hansen and built by Remontowa,
Simara ACE
by Knud E
of Poland,
technically innovative small vessels - of under Productive shipyard Ulstein, of Norway, for short-haul voyages in Sweden and have
100m in length - delivered over the year. As did not fail to deliver in 2007, with the launch been designed with the environment in mind.
in previous years, a great range of interesting of Olympic Triton, an amended version of Elsewhere in Europe, Batservice MandaI
different ship types have been presented, from one of the company's platform supply vessel delivered the small passenger-car catamaran,
tugs to high-speed ferries. designs, which has been specially adapted Tansey, for use in Norway.
This year, yet again, has been an extremely for work underwater. Further afield, as has come to be expected
positive one for the small ship building Finally in this group, we see a diversification from Asia Pacific builders, there have been
industry, worldwide. Entries include vessels from Middle East builder Grandweld, with a interesting offerings of aluminium high-
from shipyards in Australia, the UK, Norway, technically sophisticated twin screw stern speed vessels. Strategic Marine delivered a
the USA, Spain, Hong Kong, and the UAE. drive vessel for mooring and oil recovery. one-off ferry based on an existing hull, and
The first things that may strike readers as On a similar theme, an emergency rescue in The Philippines, FBMA Marine built yet
they browse through the latest edition of and response vessel is claimed to be a another first in series vessel, this time a ro-
Significant Small Ships is the sheer amount completely new concept by Damen Shipyards. pax, for use in Australia.
of offshore support vessels that are featured This 48m ship has been especially designed Other interesting deliveries that have
this year, which have presumably gained in with optimised views for North Sea rescue. come to light this year include Wedel, a
popularity thanks to the knock-on effect of In the renewable sector we see two vessels, 24m bearings a measurement ship, built by
the boom in the offshore market. both from UK builders. Xplorer is the first Fassmer, for the Hamburg Water and Shipping
The innovation in this market sector is of a new class of wind farm support vessels Office. This craft was constructed to allow
unmatched anywhere else, with the worldwide from Alnmaritec, and Provider, from South monitoring of the hydrographic bottom with
boom in these vessel types, pushing designers Boats Special Projects, is now working on the traffic safety bearings and has bearings for
to create more and more technically pioneering Q7 offshore wind farm in The Netherlands. the inspection of the construction works,
craft. A series of four icebreaking emergency amongst other things.
Spanish shipyards have been busy in the evacuation vessels are also noteworthy. These In the military sector, Aluminum
offshore market, with Astilleros Balenciaga, 45m ships, built by Gdansk Shiprepair Yard Chambered Boats, of Washington, USA, had
Gondan, and Zamakona, all fabricating some Remontowa, are being used for emergency designed and patented a line of vessels whose
interesting vessels this year. The supply vessel evacuation of personnel from the Kashagan technology incorporated several innovations,
Grampian Talisman, with an unusual bow field, and are truly state-of-the art vessels. one of which is JMEC, which has been
shape, has been built by Balenciaga, while a More ground-breaking designs have also specifically created to counter terrorism.
PSY, Edda Fram, from Gondan, is thought to emerged from the tug sector, the great Of course, we have also included detailed
be the first with an integrated drilling system. majority being from prolific Canadian information on lots of other vessels.
Meanwhile, Zamakona, with Don lnda, has designer Robert Allan Ltd. Svitzer Sakhalin, Once again I would like to say a big thank
given us Europe's most powerful towing tug. built by ASL Shipyard, in Singapore, as you to all the people, the designers, builders,
A series of 10 of the Guido-Perla-designed, an example, was the first of four 34m tugs and owners, who helped compile this
Bollinger-built Rigdon 4000 series of platform built to a unique design, as was Thor, built annual. Without them taking their valuable
support vessels are currently building, and this by Maid Iron Works, ditto VB Jerez built by time to fill in our detailed data sheets, this
series, headed by First and Ten, has a huge Union Naval Yalencia, Bocas Del Toro built publication would not be as thorough as
capacity of 4000bbls of liquid mud. by Cheoy Lee Shipyard, and Guan Xiao Yi it is. Each vessel has been chosen for its
Meanwhile, Shipyard De Hoop Lobith, of Hao constructed by Wang Tak Engineering uniqueness and significance, and I hope that
The Netherlands, built the 82m one-of-a-kind, and Shipbuilding. you enjoy reading about them all.
Bourbon Trieste, which has been created for High-speed passenger vessels and ferries Cheryl Saponia
ROY and offshore intervention; and on a are also in the fore with several interesting Editor


BOCAS DEL TaRO: Tug series optimised

Builder's name Cheoy Lee Shipyards Ltd works stern-first in tractor mode. A single control areas of the canal. The skeg of the tug then acts as
Designer.. . Robert Allan Ltd station serves both harbour ship-handling duties an extended rudder to the attended ship, providing
Vessel's name Bocas Del Toro (facing forward over the working deck), and transiting much enhanced manoeuvrability at slow speeds.
Owner/operator Panama Canal Authority or towing voyages (facing astern). A 'day boat' accommodation arrangement has
Country Panama Although after their delivery voyages the new ACP Z- been included, again suited to the nature of the
R~ . Techs are operating in the relatively benign conditions canal operations. A feature of this configuration is a
Total number of sister ships already completed 3 of the canal, their maiden voyages involved a complete complete 'breezeway' across the deck house, isolating
Total number of sister ships still on order 5 transit of the open Pacific, from China to Panama, the exhaust casing/engineroom entry from the crew
Contract date - under their own power. accommodation spaces. This provides much better
Delivery date January 2007
The delivery voyages were undertaken by crews noise control in the latter.
from Redwise, in The Netherlands, who experienced
the full brunt of a series of the same Pacific storms PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS
T he first three of a series of new Z-Tech 6000
class ship-handling tugs, Bocas Del Toro, reported
for duty with the Panama Canal Authority in late
that battered the west coast of North America in
December. The tugs reportedly came through this
Length,oa... ..27.40m
ordeal successfully.
January 2007, with the second and third following Beam, moulded. .. 11.65m
The ACP Z-Tech 6000 includes a number of unique Depth, moulded.. .. 5.00m
in February. Designed by Robert Allan Ltd, of features, specifically suited to the operations in the Draught, maximum.. .. 5.33m
Vancouver, Canada, these new high-performance Panama Canal. These include a wider beam (11.65m) Minimum speed.. .. 12.5knots
tugs are based on the standard successful Z-Tech in order to ensure a higher clearance angle (minimum Bollard pull minimum.. .. 6Otonnes
6000 class design, but were specifically adapted to 35deg) when working under the flare of ships. In Fuel capacity. .. 111m'
the operational needs of ACP for the busiest ship addition, the height of the wheelhouse is lower than Potable water capacity 12.2m'
channel in the world. other tugs of this class, again to ensure better tug- Classification society and notations Lloyd's Register 100
A total fleet of eight new tugs is being built by Cheoy ship clearance. A1 Tug, LMC, UMS
Lee Shipyards Ltd, of Hong Kong, at its Hin Lee The propulsion plant comprises a pair of WartsiLi Main engines
Shipyard facility in China. 9L20 engines, each rated 1800kW at 1000rev/min, Make.. .. wartsua
driving Lips model LCT FS250-S/BN-K Z-Drives Model.. .. 9L20
The Z-Tech design combines the performance
with 2400mm diameter FP propellers. Number.. . 2
features of an azimuthing stern drive (ASD) tug with
Output of each engine 1800kW at 1000rev/min
those of a Z-drive tractor tug. The Z-Tech has a large Firefighting capability is provided by a single FFS
skeg forward, providing a high indirect steering force, Model SFP 250X350HD fire pump with a capacity
Manufacturer.. .. Lips
and enabling direction ally stable operation in both of 1136m' /hour, driven by an independent diesel Model LCT FS250-S/BN-K Z-Drives
ahead and the astern tractor modes. engine. Pitch... ......Fixed
The working deck forward is relatively low and Two independent winches have been equipped Diameter.. .. 2400mm
flat, creating a safer working space, yet still leaving forward, which reflects the operational process Deck machinery.. ...2 x independent winches forward
sufficient room to install/withdraw the Z-drive units within the canal, where tugs put up two lines to Engine monitoring/fire detection FFS SFP 250X350HD
from aft of the house. For seagoing operations or for the stern of an attended ship (thus creating a short fire pump with a capacity of 1136m'/hour, driven
line towing, the Z-Tech with its high, rounded stern bridle) when running through the various restricted by an independent diesel engine


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BOURBON TRIESTE: Multi-purpose vessel
created for deepwater operation
Builder's name Shipyard De Hoop Lobith Classified by French society Bureau Veritas, Bourbon Speed. .. " 12knots
Designer.. . . Trieste has a DP Class 2 diesel-electric propulsion Bollard pull.. . 5Otonnes
Vessel's name.. . Bourbon Trieste system and has been designed with special features Classification society and notations Bureau Veritas
Owner/operator Bourbon Offshore for deepwater intervention. With this in mind, a 100m Other important international regulations complied with DP
offshore subsea crane with AHC knuckle boom at Class 2
Country ~re~~I11~r~~~~~~~:c": 7m/lOm up to 2000m water depth, and a 12tonne Main engines
Flag French Number.. . 4
knuckle boom crane certified for man-riding, both
Total number of sister ships already completed 1 Output of each engine.. ...... 1700kvA; 7638bhp
with fast deepwater deployment capabilities, have Emergency generator 1 x 310kvA, 480V/60Hz
Total number of sister ships still on order - been fitted.
Contract date............... October 2006 Propellers
Based on speci fic job requirements, Sonsub will Number .. . ..... 2
Delivery date 27 September 2007
install one or two r nnovator heavy work class ROV Pitch .. .. Fixed
systems with full 3000m water depth operating Special adaptations .. ...Azimuthing thruster
T he Netherlands-based builder Shipyard De Hoop
Lobith delivered yard number 422, Bourbon Trieste,
on 27 September 2007, after a successful launch in
capacity. The spread will be dedicated mainly to light
subsea construction and IRM activities in deepwater.
Tunnel thrusters
............ 1800kW

Bourbon Trieste has been fitted with four main engines, Number .. . 2
June. The 8Sm multi-purpose ROV and offshore Pitch .. .. Controllable
with an output of 7638bhp, and two PP azimuthing
intervention service vessel then set sail for her first Output.. .................. 780kW
propellers with an output of 1800kW. In addition, two
job in Egypt for Sonsub. Azimuthing thruster
CP tunnel thrusters with an output of 780kW and one
The vessel was named Bourbon Trieste in honour of Number.. .. 1
PP retractable azimuthing thruster have also been
the famous bathyscaphe that holds the world record Pitch.. . .. Fixed retractable
fitted, and the vessel can reach speeds of 12knots, and Output.. 600kW
for deepest dive.
has a ballard pull of SOtonnes. Deck machinery.. . 1 x 100m offshore
Sonsub entered into a long term charter with
Bourbon Offshore Greenmar Management, the subsea crane AHC knuckle boom at 7m/10m
owner of the ship, for the provision of a newbuild up to 2000m water depth; 12tonne knuckle boom
vessel to be dedicated to deepwater work in West PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS crane certified man-riding; 2 x deepwater work
class ROV systems
Africa. Bourbon Offshore Greenmar ptovides marine
Bridge electronics
services, operating in the international offshore oilfield Length, oa.. .. 85.2m DPL system. .. Sonardyne
market, and its two main activities are crew and vessel Length, wi. .. 81.70m DGPS...1 x with reception Inmarsat or Spotbeam;
management. Beam.. .. 18.00m 1 x with reception Inmarsat and HF
The vessel has a length overall of 8S.2Sm, a length Depth.. . 7Am Gyro.... . 3
waterline of 81.70m, a beam of 18m, a depth of 7.4m, Draught.. . .. 5.75m Vertical reference units ... .. 2
and a draught of S.7Sm. A large working deck area of Working deck area. . . 800m' Wind sensors.. .. 2
800m' has been provided, along with a mezzanine deck Mezzanine deck area 260m' Hydroacoustic system.. .. 1 Sonardyne USBL
area of 260m'. Cabins for 70 have been provided, with Deadweight, at max draught 3210dwt Laser scanner 1 x with two reflectors
all the expected modern facilities. Deck load capacity.. .. 1245tonnes Complement.. .. 70





BUGSIER 6: New tug class proving popular
Builder's name ASL Shipyard and control capabilities. Size 2300mm
Designer ...Kooren Shipbuilding and Trading As is to be expected, a great deal of deck machinery Pitch CP fitted in HR nozzles
Vessel's name ....Bugsier 6; Bugsler 4; Bugsier 5 has been fitted to the vessels, including: a Plimsoll Deck machinery
Owner/operator .. Bugsier Reederei Hamburg combined anchor/towing winch; two pool high holding Anchor winch ..Plimsoll combined anchor/towing
Country Germany power anchors; and a 9tonne-l0tonne (2Stonne option) winch
Flag Germany/Malta hydraulic crane.
Total number of sister ships already completed ..1 Anchor 2 Pool (high holding power)
For towing, a heavy duty hydraulic towing winch
Total number of sister ships still on order 5 Anchor chain Stud link chain strength U2
has been fitted aft and forward. These winches have
Contract date November 2005 a capacity of 30tonnes 0-lSm/min pull on the first Hydraulic crane 9-10tonnes (25tonnes option)
Delivery date Bugsier 6, December 2007; layer and a brake force of 200tonnes. The tow line has Stern roller Guide roller in towing bars; pins
Bugsier 4, end January 2008; Bugsier Towing
5, mid-February 2008; and unnamed a minimum length of 200m, the hawser 10m, and the
forerunner 20m. Winch aft Heavy duty hydraulic towing
March 2008
For firefighting, the tugs have been equipped Winch forward Heavy duty hydraulic
with standard Fi-Fi 2400m' equipment, two 1200m' towing/anchor
I n November 2005, KST BV (formerly
under the name Kooren Shipbuilding
and Trading)
ordered four new RT-80r class Rotor tugs to be built
monitors, a foam injection unit, and a 300m3/hour
spray system. Lifesaving devices include eight lifebuoys,
Capacity winches ....Pull 30tonnes 0-15m/min on
tst layer
two eight-person liferafts, and a Zodiac six-person
at ASL Shipyard Pre Ltd, in Singapore. Delivery of Brake force 200tonnes
MOB boat with launching device.
the tugs began in December 2007 and the units will Tow line 200m length (min)
continue to be delivered at regular intervals until Hawser.. . 10m length
March 2008. Forerunner 20m length
The vessels, the first three of which are named Bugsier Bridge electronics
6, Bugsier4, and Bugs;er 5, are modern high performance Radars make/model (1 x sea + 1 x river) . Furuno
rugs specifically designed for harbour and coastal Length, oa 28.30m
Autopilot make/model Furuno
berthing operations, as well as coastal towing. Length, wi. . 26.10m
Beam, oa.. . 12.00m Gyro.. . Furuno
The tugs have a ballard pull capacity in excess Echosounder/speed log Furuno
Depth 5.24m
of 80tonnes each and this high ballard pull, good
Displacement. . 456tonnes Air horn Marco
manoeuvring capabilities, and comparable low draught, Draught, maximum. . 5.95m Firefighting
have reportedly proved extremely popular amongst Maximum speed 12knots
purchasers. Fire pump capacity Standard Fi-Fi 2400m'
Range (economic service) 40(lOnm
They have a length overall of 28.30m, a length Monitor 2 x 1200m'
Bollard pull 80tonnes +
waterline of 26.10m, a beam of 12m, and a depth of Classification society and notations Germanischer Lloyd Foam.. . 1 x foam injection
5.24m. Classified by Germanischer Lloyd to: Hull + Hull + 100 A5 M (TUG) Machinery + MC AUT FF1 Spray system 300m'/hour
100 AS 1\1 (TUG) Machinery + MC AUT FF1, the Main engines Safety
sisters have a displacement of 456tonnes. Make wartsua Life buoy ... ..8
Each tug will be powered by three Wartsila 8L20C Model 8L20C Liferaft .. ..2 x 8-person
main engines of 1600kW, each of 1000rev/min. Speeds Number 3 MOB Boat..
Output.. 1600kW at 1000rev/min .. Zodiac 6-person
of 12knots can be reached, and the tugs have an Complement
Generator sets
impressive range of 4000nm.
Number 2 Crew 6
The three Wartsila/Lips azimuth thrusters that are
Power 120kW; 50Hz Number of cabins 2 x 1; 2 x 2
fitted to the tugs are of the 22S-S/WN-K 2300mm Harbour generator.. . . 25kW silent pack
type with CP fitted in HR nozzles. Additionally, a Other significant or special items of equipment. ...LipsTronic
Azimuthing thrusters
LipsTronic remote control system and an integrated remote control system; Advanced engine
Make Wartsila/Lips
bridge control system, as well as an advanced engine Numbm 3 monitoring system; Integrated bridge control
monitoring system have been fitted for better navigation Type 225-S/WN-K system




BURAK REIS-3: Sea Bus series completed

Builder's name ..Damen Shipyards Gorinchem Manufacturer .. ........... Servogear

3.80m. They have been classed by Bureau Veritas
Designer Damen Shipyards Gorinchem to: 1 + HULL, + MACH, High Speed Craft-Cat. A,
Number .. ............... 2
Vessels name Burak Coastal Area + AUT-UMS and also comply with the
Pitch .. ................. Controllable
Reis-3, Salih Reis-4, Kemal Reis-5, Murat Generators
Reis-7, Mehmet Reis-11 International Maritime Organization High Speed Number.. . 2
Owner/operator Istanbul Metropolitan Code 2000. Output.. .. 200kWe
Municipality (IMM) The propulsion system consists of four Caterpillar Network .... 3S0V/220V AC, 3 phase, SOHz, 24VDC
C32 main engines, which have an output of 4180bkW

Total number of sister ships already completed S

~I~~ntr~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• at 2300rev/min, coupled to two Servogear HD 450
Tank capacities
Fuel. . 1O.00m'
PTIR gearboxes. The vessels are also equipped with Fresh water .. .1.S0m'
Total number of sister ships still on order - two Servogear CP propellers to assist propulsion. Sewage .. . 1.S0m'
Contract date 24 November 200S Bilge/sludge .. ....... 0.30m'
Delivery date March 2007 Bridge electronics
Radars make/model .. . 1 x Furuno FAR 2117,1 x

D amen Shipyards Gorinchem delivered the new

Sea Buses, Burak Reis-} and Salih Reis-4, in
March 2007. These were the first of a series of five
Beam,oa.. .
. 42.90m
Autopilot make/model.. ....... Cassens & Plath
Navipilot HSC/GM
Echosounder make/model. Furuno FE 700
fast passenger ferries, yard numbers 538721-538725, Depth, moulded 3.S0m GPS make/model.. .. Furuno GP 1S0
built for Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM). Draught aft baseline.. . 1.SSm Gyro compass Cassens & Plath Navigat 2100
The final three vessels Kemal Reis-5, Murat Reis-7, Speed (90% MCR output) 30.9knots at SOtonnes
Magnetic compass Cassens & Plath T12C
and Mehmet Reis-11, completed in Singapore, were Speed log . Furuno DS-SO
Classification society and notations ..... Bureau Veritas 1 +
also delivered in 2007. IDO, the maritime transport VHF radio.. . Sailor RT S022
HULL, + MACH, High Speed Craft-Cat. A,
authority of Istanbul, has now incorporated the new Handheld VHF.. ... Jotron Tron TR-20
Coastal Area +AUT-UMS
vessels into its large ferry fleet, to operate in the Navtex.. . Furuno NX-700B
Other important international regulations complied with ... IMO
Radar transponder.. . McMurdo RT 9 MK3
Istanbul Straits and the Sea of Marmara. High Speed Code 2000
EPIRB.. .. McMurdo E 3 A
The newall-aluminium catamaran fast ferries are Main engines
Make Caterpillar AIS. . Furuno FA-ISO
of the Damen Fast Ferry 4212 design and capable of
Model.. . C32 VDR .... . Furuno VR-3000
transporting 449 passengers, and a crew of four, at a Satellite . Camos CSA 4S0
Number 4
service speed of over 30knots. Main characteristics Complement
Output 41S0bkW at 2300rev/min
include the high standards of passenger area outfit, Gearboxes CffiW.. . 4
good sea-keeping behaviour, and low specific fuel Make Servogear Passengers.. . .449
consumption. Model.. . H D 4S0 PTI R Other significant or special items of equipment. HVAC
The vessels have a length overall of 42.90m, a Number.. . 2 air-conditioning with temperature
beam overall of 12.40m, and a moulded depth of Propellers control; intercom and PA Vingtor


£1 LOOl so SdlHS "YWS .LNY::>WNOIS
uBid ~~aa Ja ddn
.f .
DON INDA: Europe's most powerful
towing tug
Builder's name Astilleros
Zamakona environmental regulations back to the sea, whereas oil towards the recovery pumps. Two small craft are
Designer.. .. Rolls-Royce normally oil recovery tanks would contain a mixture of carried - a MOB/boarding boat and a 9m craft with a
Vessel's name Don Inda about 50/50 oil and water. bollard pull of Ztonnes, mainly intended to tow the oil
Owner/operator Maritime Safety Authority A. the recovered oil may have a high viscosity, all booms. An oil dispersant system is also to be installed.
Country........... . Spain these tanks are heated, enabling oil to subsequently Don [nda is equipped to Fi-Fill firefighting standard

~~~~I number Ciisisier shi's aireadycom

Total number of sister sRiPS still on or~r O
sre~~~~~ be pumped to another vessel or ashore. This feature
means that the SASEMAR vessels can act as pumping
stations in the event of a massive oil spill.
with three main water/foam
drenching system.
monitors, plus a self-

Contract date . Four Bergen eight cylinder B3Z:40 long stroke engines
Delivery date January 2007 PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS
produce a total of 16,000kW. Two engines are coupled
to each propeller shaft turning a CP propeller, and a
;\ n oil recovery and salvage vessel for Spain's Length,oa.. .. 80.60m
fire pump is geared to the forward end of the inner
fiMaritime Safety Authority (SASEMAR), was this Length, bp . . 70.10m
engine of each pair. This propulsion system provides a
year built by Spanish shipyard Astilleros Zamakona. Depth, to main deck . 8.25m
maximum speed of 17.6knots.
This vessel was commissioned in the wake of the Draught.. . .. 6.8m
Depending on the operating mode, either all four
Maximum speed.. .. 17.6knots
Prestige disaster to combat potential environmental engines can be run, or just one on each shaft line. In
Bollard pull... . 220tonnes
threats. Don Inda is now working in Galicia, Spain. addition, there are powerful auxiliary generator sets,
Classification society and notations Bureau Veritas
Don Inda (and identical sister Clara Campoamor; which and the swing-up azimuth bow thruster has its own Other important international regulations complied with..Dynamic
was delivered in March 2007) has been built with independent 736kW diesel engine. positioning notation AM/ATR, IMO DP2
emergency towing as the main role. Should the worst Manoeuvring is enhanced by high lift rudders, twin
Main engines
happen with a tanker, she is equipped with a full range stern tunnel thrusters, and an additional bow runnel Make.. .. Bergen
of equipment for recovering spilt oil. Rolls-Royce thruster supplementing the azimuth unit. The vessels Model eight cylinder B32:40 long stroke
developed the design for these vessels and provided the are built to Bureau Veritas class and have dynamic Number.. . .4
main equipment. They are of the UT-Design type UT positioning notation AM/ATR, which corresponds to Output.. 16,000kW
722 L because they are derived from the anchor handler IMO DP2 standard. Propeller
of the same type number, although they differ from an The towing winch on Don lnda is designed to use the Pitch.. .. Controllable
offshore AHTS in many respects. full bollard pull capability. This main winch is a two Power auxiliary generator sets; swing-up
Both vessels have a length overall of 80.60m, a length drum hydraulic Rauma Brattvaag unit sized for 83mm azimuth bow thruster with independent
bp of 70.10m, and a draught of up to 6.8m. Hull depth wire and capable of pulling 300tonnes with a 550tonne 736kW diesel engine
to main deck, however, is considerably larger than the brake holding load. For escort work there is a winch on Manoeuvring high lift rudders;
normal T 722 L at 8.25m. the foredeck with a 45tonne pull/250tonne brake load twin stern tunnel thrusters; additional bow
The SASEMAR vessels lie at the towing end of the equipped with synthetic rope towlines. tunnel thruster supplementing azimuth unit
spectrum, having a large installed power and very A strongly fendered reinforced bow allows the Deck machinery
powerful towing winches. They are, however, flexible SASEMAR vessels to push disabled ships. Deck layout Oil booms ..... 1 x 100mm freeboard; 1 x 600mm
enough to take on many other roles, including pollution aft is designed to give a clear lead for towlines, but the freeboard
clean-up, escort towing, rescue of ships and their crews, vessels will be prepared for an A-frame at the stern Oil boom transfer Transrec 150 system
emetgency coordination, firefighting, and salvage. which can be put aboard when required, for example to Main winch. . .Two-drum
A primary role is the emergency towing of tankers of undertake salvage of sunken vessels. hydraulic Rauma Brattvaag 83mm wire
unlimited size under adverse conditions. The bollard A comprehensive range of oil booms and skimming 30Otonnes pull with 550tonne
pull of about 220tonnes makes these vessels the most equipment enable Don Inda to clear oil pollution, both brake holding load
powerful coastguatd vessels in Europe, with regard on the open sea and in more confined waters. There are Escort winch ...45tonne pull/250tonne brake load
to towing, two oil booms, one with a 100mm freeboard, the other equipped with synthetic rope towlines
An important feature is the extremely large tank 600mm freeboard, to enclose oil spills under different Small craft ... 1 xMOB/boarding boat; 1 x 9m craft
capacity for recovered oil of approximately 1730m'. sea conditions. Oil can be transferred from the booms with bollard pull of 2tonnes
This figure can be increased as an oil/water separation by a Transrec 150 system to the recovered oil tanks. Fire detection system .. ......... FiFill; 3 x water/foam
sysrem is built-in. The recovered oil tanks will For more confined waters, two 15m long floating monitors; self-drenching system
be filled with about 95% oil and 5% water, the arms can be deployed from the ship's side in a wide vee- Other significant or special items of equipment.. Large
separator discharging water of a cleanliness meeting shape. The vessel moves through the oil spill, sweeping tank capacity, 1730m'. for recovered oil


~I LOOZ ''0 SdlHS l1Vi'lS lNV:)I"'NDIS
>(ua ...•J3M.1
>DJO )Qal~8
\ "aNI Noa
EDDA FRAM: First vessel with integrated
drilling system
Builder's name Astilleros Gondan SA been specially designed for this vessel. The LLC Classification society and notations DNV 1A1 . Supply
Designer Skipsteknisk A/S principally consist of four switchboards instead of the Vessel, SF, EO, ICE C, DYNPOS- AUTR. CLEAN,
Vessel's name Edda Fram normal two connected via a bus-tie breaker, a bus-link, Comfort-C(3)-V(3). LFL'
Owner/operator 0stensj0 Rederi A/S and two LLC transformers into a ring system. Other important internationalregulationscomplied with.....Trade
Country Norway The LLC provides for an increased power and Worldwide within GMDSS A3; Norwegian
Flag Norwegian thruster availability in case of any failure on the Maritime Directorate; SaLAS 1974/1978;
Total number of sister ships already completed ..- International Convention on Load Lines; Pollution
switchboard, especially in DP mode. In case of a short
Total number of sister ships still on order 1 Prevention - MARPOL 1973/1978; INLS Certificate
circuit failure on one of the switchboards, the available
Contract date . Main engine(s)
power will be reduced, and the available thruster Make .. ....... Voith
Delivery date June 2007 capacity by 25%. A traditional system with a split Propellers
switchboard will similarly have a reduction of 50% of Manufacturer .. ........................... Voith
both available power and thruster capacity. Model .. ... VSP36R6
D esigned by consultants Skipsreknisk
by Astilleros Gondan, Edda Fram is claimed to
and built

be the first PSV with diesel electric Voith Schneider

Ostensje Rederi AS launched a development
aiming to radically improve on the safety, capacity,
project Number ..
Speed ... . 2 x 2800kW
..... 2

and costs involved in transportation and handling of Bow thrusters

propulsion and the first with integrated drill cutting drill cutting. This project was initially initiated as a Number 2 x 1400kW super silent; 1 x 800kW
handling systems. Built for Norwegian owner cooperation project with Shell UK. Deck machinery
Ostensje Rederi, a sister ship is also set for delivery A total of eight circular tanks are arranged and Anchor chain ... 20 shackles SB and 14 shackles
in 2009. connected to different systems with chemical type PS 44mrn DnV K3 stud link chain
The ship, model ST 216, has an overall length of Anchor windlass/mooring winch 2 forward
separation flanges. The tanks may be used for a variety
Mooring winches aft.. .. 2
85.80m, a length bp of 19.20m, a draught of 6.50m, of cargoes and slops including low flash point liquids.
Deck crane 1 x 4tonnes SWL at 10rn; 1 x
and a depth of 8.0m. The craft will have a special low Tank suctions and pumps are placed underneath the 15tonnes SWL at 8m
resistance hull form which has had extensive model tanks, allowing for the best possible suction and ............. 2 x 10tonnes
Tugger winches ..
testing at Marintek, Trondheim, and the Vienna Model draining of the tanks. Bridge electronics
Basin. Both PSVs are classed by Det Norske Veritas. The drill cutting system is integrated into the large Radars make/model Furuno FAR-2827 Arpa
The Voith Schneider propulsion ensures improved tank capacity area - around 400m3 - below the deck. 3cm; Furuno FAR-2837S, Arpa 10
efficiency with an active roll reduction function This new unit is also newly developed and assists the Autopilot make/model Robertson AP9 Mk III
(ARRF). Two 1500kW super silent bow thrusters, and handling and pumping of high density drill cutting. Voyage data recorder.. .. Furuno VDR500
a new RIM thruster 800kW have also been fitted. Voith The accommodation onboard is high quality and DGPS make/model .....2 x Furuno GP90 w/DGPS
has also supplied the two 2800kW propellers. The includes single cabins with TV and entertaining Gyro compass.. . ...3 x SG Brown Meridian
vessels will be able to reach speeds of 15knots. equipment; a satellite TV antenna; a spacious lounge Navtex Furuno NX-500
The suitability of the Voith Schneider propulsion for and mess room; a separate lounge for smokers; a Engine chart system Telchart 2026 w/ C-Map
offshore vessels has been demonstrated, and it has been gymnasium/recreation room with a sauna; and office vectorised electronic charts
discovered that rhe high propulsion efficiency has 5%- facilities. Echosounder Furuno .....FE-700 with digital depth
20% (depending on operational conditions and speed)
potential fuel savings compared with contra rotating PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Double berth cabins. .. .4
azimuth thrusters.
Single berth cabins.. .. 15
The Voith Schneider propulsion unit has a very quick Dynamic positioning system .....Kongsberg Simrad Green-
Length, oa 85.80m
thrust response time from port to starboard, with a DP22 interfaced to DPS116. Fan Beam laser;
Length, bp . .. 77AOm
maximum of about two seconds. This feature allows Trimble DMS 232. 3 x gyros
Breadth, moulded.. .. 19.20m
the thruster forces actively to counteract for the roll Depth, moulded.. . 8.00m Lifesaving
movement of the vessel. The roll of the vessel will in Gross tonnage.. . 3800gt Rescue boat.. ..... Fast rescue craft abt 6.5m
many cases be reduced by up to 90%. Deadweight 4100dwt, summer draught Liferafts LSA approved for 23 persons
The diesel-electric system is based on 690V of Aker Maximum speed 15.5knots on 28tonnes/day Fire-fighting/foam .water/foam pump/monitor
Kverner's new Low Loss Concept (LLC) which has Economy/fuel consumption 13.0knots on 13tonnes/day covering cargo deck area


ELYAH and ASSAD: Quick build for high
stability series

Builder's name Grandweld end of 2007. Grandweld's newbuild division constructs Number .. ....................... 2
Designer Robert Allan Ltd steel and aluminium vessels such as tugs, anchor Output of each engine .. ..... 880kW
Vessel's name. . Elyah and Assad handling vessels, supply vessels, and crew boats. Propellers
Owner/operator Abu Dhabi National Oil The vessels, E!Jah and Assad have a length of 20m,
Material .. ...................... Cu AI10 Ni
Co/Abu Dhabi Petroleum Ports with a beam of 8m, and depth of 3.5m. The craft are
Operating Co classified by Lloyd's Register of Shipping with notation: Manufacturer ... .................. Schottel
Country United Arab Emirates + LMC AI SSC, Work Boat, Mono, Occasional Oil Model .. ...... SRP 550
Flag United Arab Emirates Recovery Duties, G3 Mooring, + LMC, UMS. Number .. . 2
Total number of sister ships already completed 4 Each boat is powered by twin MTU engines rated at Pitch .. ................. Fixed
Total number of sister ships still on order .. 880kW each, and has a bollard pull of 30tonnes. The
Contract date 27 August 2006 Diameter ., ... 1750mm
tugs are capable of reaching a top speed of 11.2knots.
Delivery date Elyah: 30 September Speed. .... 360rev/min
2007/Assad: 28 October 2007 Two nozzled Schottel SRP 550 FP propellers with a
Open or nozzled .. ............... Nozzled
speed of 360rev/min assist propulsion. Two Leroy
Somer alternators with an output of 1800rev/min have Alternators

A bu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC)

received four twin screw azimuth stern drive
(ASD) type, mooring work, and oil recovery boats
has now
also been fitted.
Accomodation has been provided for four crew
............. Leroy Somer

members in one cabin. Output/speed of each set.. . ... 1800rev/min

from Dubai-based shipbuilding and repair specialist
Grandweld, part of the GMMOS group, in a deal Deck machinery
worth US$15.1 million. The deal was signed in
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Towing winch .. ................. 60tonne brake holding
August 2006. Capstan .. ...5tonnes
The craft have been specifically designed for Length, oa.. . 19.80m
Towing hook. ........ aotonnes SWL
Length, bp . . 17.40m
ADNOC to be operated by Abu Dhabi Petroleum
Breadth, moulded.. . 8.00m Bridge electronics
Ports Operating Co (IRSHAD) at the Single Buoy
Depth, moulded.. . 3.50m Radars make. .. Furuno
Mooring (SBM) terminals of Abu Dhabi Perroleum
Gross tonnage.. . 124gt Autopilot make.. . Navitron
Ports. The vessels were designed to comply with the Displacement.. 239.2tonnes
requirements of Abu Dhabi Petroleum Ports Authority, GPS make.. .. Samyong
Design, draught.. 2.5m
with significant seakeeping performance in order to Design, deadweight. .. 31.40dwt Chart plotter .. Furuno
reduce the port closure time due to inclement weather, Lightweight 207.8010nnes Engine monitoring/fire detection system MTU/
and to include oil recovery and fire fighting systems. Speed, service.. .. 11.5knots Precept
These tugs have been designed with a high beam to Maximum speed... . 11.94knots
VHF DSC. ...... Sailor
length ratio and increased stability with the utilisation Bollard pull.. . 30tonnes
of an aluminium wheelhouse. The vessels have Range.... .. 150nm Intercom ... ............ Phontech
additionally been installed with a forward hydraulic Fuel consumption.. .. 500litres/hour Anemometer .. ............... Vetus
towing winch, heavy duty towing staple, and an Classification society and notations.. ...Lloyd's Register SPT.. .. Phontech
autopilot with ahead and astern operation. + 100 A1 SSC, Work Boat, Mono, Occasional Oil
It took Grandweld less than 14 months to complete Recovery duties, G3 (Mooring) + LMC, UMS
Crew ... ..... 4
construction and handover of the first two boats. A Main engines
Make. .................................. MTU Passengers ..
third vessel was delivered to ADNOC in November
2007, with the last scheduled for delivery before the Model .. ...................... 8V 4000 M60 Number of cabins .. . 1




FAR SAPPHIRE: Powerful offshore vessel
for ultra-deep waters
Builder's name Aker Yards Langsten Farstad Shipping has invested heavily in measures Pitch.. . Controllable
Designer............. . Rolls-Royce to reduce emissions and water pollution risks from Far Diameter 4.3m
Vessel's name.. . Far Sapphire Sapphire. The double hull means that there is no fuel Speed Variable
Owner/operator.. . Farstad Shipping ASA or potentially polluting cargo next to the outer skin. Special adaptations ..Diesel mechanic and diesel
Country Norway A hybrid propulsion system reduces the amount of electric drive

~~7~ number ·(iisistei-ships aireadYCO~~I~~~i~3

Total number of sister ships still on order O
fuel burnt by matching the way in which the engines
and propulsion equipment are used to the task being
Open or nozzled

undertaken, for example in transit, full power anchor Shaft ..... AvK 2 x 4000kW; Aux 2 x 2 100kW; Em:
Contract date. . October 2005 handling, or lying at a rig in dynamic positioning mode. 150kW
Delivery date December 2007 PTI motors ABB 2 x 3000kW
Four Bergen clean design main engines can produce
a total of 16,000kW to give a bollard pull of 232tonnes Bow thruster 1 x Rolls-Royce Azimuth swing-up
l-f"1he latest vessel to come from the close collaboration using the main CP propellers or 261tonnes if the Azimuth 1800kW; 2 x Rolls-Royce tunnel 883kW
1. between Farsrad Shipping and Rolls-Royce is Far thrusters are coupled in as well. Various combinations of Stern thruster.. ......1 x 1800kW Rolls-Royce Azimuth
Sapphire, a powerful vessel for anchor handling, ROV diesel mechanical and diesel electric can be selected to swing-up, 1 x Rolls-Royce tunnel 1500kW
operations, and subsea work in ultra-deep water. Far suit the operation. Deck machinery .... Rolls-Royce hydraulic triple drum main
Sapphire was built by Aker Yards Langsten, in Norway, The engines meet clean design rules, and Farstad winch, 500l0nne pull; secondary winches
with hull steelwork fabricated at Aker Yards Braila, in calculates that fuel consumption and, consequently, 170tonne pun, split stern roller; 2 x sets shark
jaws/centring devices/tow pins; tugger
Romania. emissions will be reduced by up to 50% compared with
winches, capstans, mooring winches/
Far Sapphire is a UT 732 CD, one of a range of new a typical conventional AHTS, and NOx reduced by 95%
windlasses, pennant winder; prepared for
generation of offshore vessel designs from Rolls-Royce altogether due to the engine design and the catalytic
4000tonnes/m subsea crane;
mat incorporate the company's latest thinking in low- converter system specified.
Odim ARF for handling objects over
resistance hull forms, efficient propulsion, safe and
stern; prepared for 250tonnes A-frame at stern
effective handling of heavy anchors and moorings in PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Cranes
ultra-deep waters, lighter subsea construction work, and
Deck 1 x 20tonnes at 20m with active heave
Length, oa 92.70m compensation
The CD in the type name indicates that the vessel,
Length, bp 81.30m Caro rail 2 x 3tonnes at 15m
including diesel engines, meets the clean design Capacities
Breadth, moulded 22.00m
classification society requirements for minimum Depth, main deck.. . 9.50m Ballast water 3000m'
emissions to the air and low risk of water pollution. In Gross tonnage.. . 7176gt Drill water 2000m'
addition, Far Sapphire has Comf-V3 notation, indicating Design, draught 6.0m Fresh water.. . 1000m'
a comfortable low noise and vibration environment for Design, deadweight max .4582.7dwt Base oil.. . 300m'
those onboard. There is accommodation for up to 60 Bollard pull.. . max continuous 261tonnes Fuel oil 1400m'
people, in 35 cabins, which includes spacious operational Deck area.. . 800m' Liquid mud/brine 700m'
rooms and several dayrooms for crew, including three Maximum speed 17.4knots Rig chain lockers 1000m'
lounges, a conference room, offices, and an ROV Fuel consumption 25tonnes/24h at 13knots Deck cargo 2500l0nnes
control room. Classification society and notations DNV +1A1,. Bridge electronics
With its full outfit of Rolls-Royce equipment and Tug, Supply Vessel, Ice C, SF, EO; Radars make/model 1 x Furuno S band PM 51
systems, this 92m long, 22m beam vessel has some Dynpos AUTR, Clean Design, Naut Autopilot make/model Anschutz Pilots tar D
impressive capabilities to offer to the offshore oil and OSV-A, Comf-V3, TMON, BIS, DK(+), HL(p) GMDSS make/model. ..Furuno Felcom equipment
gas industry. Its main hydraulic winch has three drums Other important international regulations complied with AII
G PS make/model Furuno Felcom 15
covering different tasks. relevant regulations
Gyro ....2 x Anschutz Std 22; 1 x Anschutz Std 21
Main engines
The special handling drum can pull 500tonnes and Chart plotter 2 x Furuno Telchart TECDIS
Make Rolls-Royce
hold more than 12km of 76mm steel wire rope, or Enginemonitoring/firedetectionsystem UMAS/
Model Bergen B32:40L8P
1600m of large diameter synthetic fibre rope. The two EI Tech
Number .4 with catalytic converters
anchor handling/towing drums have pulls of 450tonnes Output of each engine 4000kW Other communication systems v-sat, F-Sat, UCOM
and 350tonnes, while both can hold 675tonnes on the Gearboxes telephone/intercom svst: 1 x Furuno X
brake and have a large wire capacity. Make . Scana Volda band PM 31
The main winch is complemented by secondary Number 2 Complement
winches and deck equipment for safe handling of Output speed 133rev/min Passengers .. . 60 maximum
wires and chains. An ROV hangar is incorporated in Propellers ~~~ ~
the superstructure, and all the normal supplies can be Manufacturer Rolls-Royce Other significant or special items of equipment... Passive
carried, up to a maximum deadweight of 4582.7tonnes. Number 2 roll reduction system




FIRST AND TEN: PSV series with
increased capacity
Builder's name Bollinger Shipyards Inc DC drives. A unique feature is the engineroom which is on International Ship and Port Facility Security
Designer Guido Perla & Associates Inc located at the first deck level. Not only does this allow Main engines
Vessel's name First and Ten for more bulk storage capability under the main deck, Make Cummins
Owner/operator Rigdon Marine but it also allows for ease of maintenance and repair by Model .. 2 x Cummins KTA·50DM1; 1 x Cummins
Country USA key vendors such as Cummins and AVK. KTA-19DMl
Flag. ..USA The Rigdon 4000 PSVs can transport up to 4000 Output of each engine ... 2 x 1235kW; 2 x 435kW
Total number of sister ships already completed 2 barrels of liquid mud in an independent and fully- Emergency generators
Total number of sister ships stili on order 8 segregated, self-cleaning oval tank system, and have Make Cummins
Contract date 9 November 2007 the ability to deliver 100% of their mud cargo to an Model 1 x Cummins DGDK
Delivery date August 2007 Output 113kW; 60Hz
offshore rig while greatly reducing the client's expense
of tank cleaning. The liquid mud tank capacity and Propulsion

T he first of 10 new diesel-electric

654 platform
Rigdon GPA-
support vessels went into service
in August 2007, and this first vessel is now working
delivery capabilities are typically found only in much
larger vessels. The oval liquid mud tanks with a self-
Manufacturer Steerprop
Number ... 2 x 843kW 360deg azimuthing L-Drive
thrusters; 1 x 843kW fixed L-Drive thruster
cleaning system provide maximum circulation and are
with a major international oil company operating in more cost-effective to clean than traditional square Pitch Fixed
the US Gulf of Mexico. The vessels are named the tanks. Diameter 1701.8mm
Rigdon 4000 series because they can carry 4000bbls Speed 1040rev/min
of liquid mud, one of their main selling features. Special adaptations L-Drive
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Open or nozzled .... Outboard nozzled/centreline
The vessels were designed under the guidance of
Guido Perla and Associates, and built by Bollinger open
Length, oa 57.95m Alternators
Shipyards. Length, bp . . 54.90m Number 3
The PSVs have a lengrh overall of 57.95m, a length bp Breadth, moulded 14.00m Make/type 2 x 1235kW Stamford Newage
of 54.90m, and a depth of 5.50m. With a gross tonnage Depth, moulded.. .. 5.50m Marine Model; 1 x 435kW Stamford Newage
of 1600tonnes, and a draught of 4.30m, the vessels can Gross tonnage 1600gt
Marine Model
reach maximum speeds of 13knots, at light draught. Operating displacement.. 2398tonnes
Output/speed of each set 2 x 1235kW/480V;
In fact, the vessels have been designed to maintain a Maximum displacement 2824tonnes
1 x 435kW/480V
speed of 12knots at load line (fully loaded condition), Draught
Bow thrusters
thought to be up to 30% faster than most existing Operating 4.30m
Maximum 4.91m Make Berg
vessels of equal size. Number 2 x FP variable speed
The engine package consists of two KTA-50DMI Design, deadweight (at maximum draught) 1706dwt
Lightweight. .... 1104tonnes Output of each 560kW (750hp)
producing 1235kW and one KTA-19DMI producing Deck machinery ... l x SEC anchor windlass; roll reduction
Maximum speed at maximum draught 12knots
425kW main propulsion generators, and one 6BTA5.9G system-bilge keels; Fi-Fi1off-sh ip fire-fighting
Maximum speed at light draught 13knots
producing 85kW for a SOLAS emergency standby Range 14,000nm 2 x pumps at 528gal/min, 2 x monitors at
unit. This environmentally-friendly diesel-electric Fuel consumption at 4.9m draught 5283gal/min; deck cargo
propulsion uses less fuel than conventional direct drive Cruising speed.. ..... 11.5knots 110gph crane; telescopic boom
systems and ptoduces far less pollution. Economical speed 10.5knots at 85gph Bridge electronics
The engines are connected to the vessel management Classification society and notations American Bureau of Radars 2 x radars with ARPA,
system by means of a Mod Bus arrangement supplied Shipping + Al + AMS + DPS-2 + 'Circle E' equipped with interfaces to gyro and DGPS
by CMSL, using Auto Maskin panels. These tier into + Full Ocean GMDSS make/model 1 x Furuno RC181;;
a Techsol vessel management system and a Frank Other important international regulations oomplied with...sOLAS; GMDSS Console
L Bier DP system. EPD provided the entire vessel USCG Subchapter L; the International Convention on. GPS make/model 2 x Leica MX420/2 DGPS
power management system, including all motor control Load Lines 1966 with declaration Resolution A 23(VII)' Gyro 1 x navigation gyro compass
centres, SCR system, and the actual drive motors and A 320 (IX); International Convention for the Safety Other communication systems Radio system
themselves. Karl Senner Inc supplied the Steer Prop of Life at Sea, SOLAS 2001 with current amendments;
compliant with GMDSS A3 rules; EPIRB
steerable propeller system. International Telecommunication and Radio Regulator
(2 radar transponders);5 UHF, 4 VHF
Two azimuthing Z-Drives and one fixed L-Drive of 1973/1976 and 1982 including GMDSS - rules
(bridge to bridge)
1999 for radio communication; International
aft, and two large tunnel thrusters forward, all assist in Complement
Convention for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea, 1972
making the 4000 series a faster, more manoeuvrable, Crew 12
including amendments; International Labour
more stable, and safer vessel than traditional medium- Passengers.. . 0
Organisation, ILO, Convention No 92 and No 133 for
sized vessels, it is claimed. First and Ten and her sister crew accommodation 1970; International Number of cabins 2 x 1 man cabins, 3 x 2 man
PSVs will be capable of serving the widest array of Convention of the Prevention of Pollution cabins, 1 x 4 man cabins
applications in all water depths. from Ships (MARPOL 1974/1978 Annexes, I, IV, V Other significant or special items of equipment...Dynamic
First and Ten is classed by the American Bureau of Resolution MEPC 14 (20) 07.09.84, Resolution A 393 Positioning System Class IIBeier IVCSABS02-
Shipping to: Dynamic Positioning-2 (DP-2), with a (x); International Convention on Tonnage N0298376-PDA DP-2 system
diesel-electric propulsion arrangement. This system Measurements 1969; International Rescue boat ..1 x MOB boat with davit SOLAS cargo ship
provides fuel efficiency and performance redundancy. Electronical Commission, Electrical Installation safety equipment
The vessels are DPI I and fully diesel electric with SCR in Ships; International Maritime Organization Liferafts .. .. 2 x 20-man inflatable liferafts





GEOGRAPH: Vessel assists seabed

Builder's name Fjellstrand A/S thrusters, supplied by Rolls-Royce, which have an Output of each engine 3460kW/900rev/min
Designer GlesvcerShlp Design A/S output of 1000kW. Two bow thrusters have also been Propulsion.. .. 1000kW (retractable)
Vessel's name.. . Geograph fitted. One is a tunnel thruster of type 375 TW, also Auxitiaryengines
Owner/operator Geo ASA from Rolls-Royce, that gives an output of 900kW; the Make Caterpitlar

Total number of sister ships already completed O
other a retractable Rolls-Royce Azimuth thruster, type
TCNS 073, with an output of 883kW.
Modet.. . C18TTA

The sophisticated dynamic positioning (DP 11) Output/speed of each set ..601kW (1800rev/min)
Total number of sister ships still on order 0 system onboard Geograph includes a Kongsberg SOP Bow thruster
Contract date 8 December 2006 21; a Kongsberg Sea path 200 (OGPS); two DGPS (one Make .. ..................... Rolls-Royce
Delivery date.. ... October 2007 Mooet.. . 375 TW
POSMV and one OPS132); a Kongsberg Radius 1000;
and two dual mode Simrad I-J iPA P 500s. Number.. .. 1
As would be expected of a survey vessel, a range Output of each.............. ..........•.. .. 900kW

Geograph, yard no 1678, was built by Fjellstrand

A/S, of Norway, and was delivered in October
2007. This ROV /survey vessel has been constructed
of deck equipment has been supplied, including two
capstans, an anchor winch, and a crane. This crane,
Tunnel thruster
Make.. . Rolls-Royce
from National Oilwell, has a capacity of 20tonnes at Model TCNS 073 Azimuth (retractable)
with dynamic positioning and can reach speeds 9m double fall - AHC, or 10tonnes at 18.5m single
of 17knots. The vessel has now joined Geograph fall, 1500m wire. Output.. 883kW
Shipping's subsidiary, Geo ASA's, fleet of offshore Accomodation has been provided for 50 persons Stern thrusters
vessels. The contract for this agreement had a value in 33 cabins. There are 18 one-person cabins; 14 Make .. .. Rolls-Royce
of approximately Nkr130 million. two-person cabins. and one four-person cabin. Also Model .. .... TCNS 073
The hull was originally built as a trawler in Romania, provided are a conference room, Internet cafe, offices,
and was converted and outfitted with very advanced online/offline rooms, dayrooms, mess, and a gym. Deck machinery National Oilwell
survey equipment. It is hoped that Geograph will Lifesaving equipment supplied includes a Norsafe main crane 2Otonnes 9m/double fall - AHC,
consolidate Geoconsult's position within seabed Magnum 750; a Vestdavit PLR-3250; six 25-person 1Otonnes -18.5m/single fall, 1500m; 2 x capstans;
mapping. Geo ASA supplied the hull and some of liferafts from Viking; 56 survival suits; and 68 anchor winch
the equipment to be installed. Glesva-r Ship Design lifejackets. Bridge electronics
carried out the technical specification and drawings Radars make/model JRC 3cm JMA-5320-7
The vessel has a length overall of 70m, a length bp Autopilot model AGD4000 full autoadaptive
of 61.8m, a beam of 14.6m, and a draught of 5.8m. Length,oa.. .. 70m GPS make... .. Leica
Geograph has a gross tonnage of approximately 2600gt, Length, bp. . 61.8m Gyro compass 2 x C Plath Navigate X MKI std
and a net tonnage of approximately 830nt. A generous Gyro C Plath Navigate 2100 fibre optic
deck area of 370m' has been provided, which has a Gross tonnage 2600gt Echo sounder Skipper GDS 101
substantial total load of 500tonnes. The vessel has been Net tonnage.. 830nt Chart machine.. .. MARIS ECDIS 900
classified by Det Norske Veritas to: +lA l,ICE-lB, EO, Draught.. . . 5.8m Speed log make/model Consilium SAL Rla
DYNPOS-AUTR,Dk+. Deck area.. .. 370m' Dynamic positioning system Kongsberg SOP 21;
Equipped with two Caterpillar 3612TA main engines Deck load 500tonnes Kongsberg Seapath 200 (DGPS); DGPS (1
producing 3460kW (900rev/min), the vessel has a Speed, service.. . 11-12knots x POSMV, 1 x DPS132); Kongsberg Radiusl000;
Speed after installation of propeller 14-15knots 2 x Simrad HiPAP 500 (dual mode)
service speed of l l knots-l Z knots, but can reach speeds
Maximum speed... . 17knots
of 14knots-15knots on installation of a propeller, and a Complement
Classification society and notations ..... Det Norske Veritas
top speed of17knots has been recorded. Two Caterpillar +lAl. ICE-1B, EO, DYNPOS-AUTR. Dk+ Passengers.. .. 50
C18TIA auxiliary engines of 601kW at 1800rev/min Main engines Number of cabins ..30 (18 xl, 14 x 2, and 1 x 4)
and two Stamford HCM534F-2 generators of 550kW Make .. .. Caterpillar Lifesaving equipment.... .. Norsafe Magnum 750;
have also been installed. Mocel 3612TA Vestdavit PLR-3250; 6 x 25 person liferafts
Propulsion is via two TCNS 073 retractable stern - Viking; 56 x survival suits; 68 x lifejackets



,- /






I Hd"I::I~03~
shape guarantees high speeds
Builder's name Balenciaga Shipyard steering system is comprised by two independent For possible future requirement to perform rescue
Designer IMT Marine Consultants electro-hydraulic power packs driving each a spade- operations, in lieu of a standard SaLAS MOB, the
Vessel's name Grampian Talisman type high lift rudder, which can operate in tandem or vessel is provided with an Avon Searider 65m fast rescue
g~~~1yo~~rator North Star ShiPf~~~aL~~ independently from each other. craft which is deployed by a MacGregor hydraulically-
The ship's electrical needs are covered by a pair of operated davit. Other appliances for rescuing survivors
Flag UK generating sets and two main engine-driven shaft from the water shall be fitted in the event it is required to
Total number of sister ships already completed O alternators. The generating plant is composed of rwo perform such operations. The vessel is further prepared
Total number of sister ships still on order 1 Volvo D12-Aux generating sets, sited at the forward for retrofitting a daughter craft on starboard side, on the
Contract date . end of the engineroom, capable of producing 350KWe boat deck, should such capability be called for.
Delivery date August 2007
at 1800tev/min each. There is also a Volvo TAMD D9
190kWe emergency/harbour generating set fitted on the PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS
main deck. Additionally to these, there are two Leroy

G rampian Talisman is the first of a pair platform

supply vessels, with standby
response and rescue operation capabilities,
to be
Somer shaft alternators
PTO of the gearbox.
of 1500Kwe, driven off the
Length, bp . ..
.. 78.30m
All propulsion units can be operated by means of Breadth, moulded.. . 17.00m
built by Balenciaga for its long-term customer orth their individual controls from the fore and aft stations Depth, moulded.. .. 7.20m
Star Shipping Ltd, based in Aberdeen, Scotland. in the wheelhouse, as well as from the independent Gross tonnage.. .. 2900gt
Balenciaga first delivered Grampian Surveyor (Significant joystick system provided, which has three fixed control Design, draught.. 5.00m
Small Ships of 2003) in 2003, and over the past two panels, one each on bridge wings and in the aft Design, deadweight. . 3610dwt
years a series of five dedicated standby rescue vessels, control console of the wheelhouse. The twin propeller Speed, service (85% MCR output) 11knots
all of them to designs by IMT Marine Consultants. and high lift rudder combination, together with the Maximum speed.. ....13.00knots
The concept design work was carried out by IMT, electrically-driven tunnel thrusters when controlled Classification society and notations Lloyd's Register
+100A1, +LMC, UMS, Supply Vessel
in close cooperation with the shipowner. This design by the Masterstick joystick system, give the ship
Other important internationalregulationscomplied with....MCA,
has received the design reference number IMT978, excellent manoeuvrability and necessary control for
UKOOA (subject to retro-fitting some equipment)
prominent on the ship's superstructure. station-keeping. Main engines
The vessel design stands Out with its unusual bow In accordance with the UMS class notation, the Ma~.. .......• .. MaK
profile, with a semi-bulbous bow emerging well above vessel is fitted with an alarm and monitoring system, Model .. .. 6M25
the waterline, which allows for a longer waterline as part of an integrated automation system, which is Number ... . ... 2
length than a conventional bow on a vessel of rhis kind. also interfaced to the tank level and draught measuring, Output of each engine ... .. 1980kW
This has permitted speeds of 13knots to be achieved a cargo pumping system and a loading computer, as Gearboxes
in trials. typically found in this vessel type. All cargo valves and Make.. ....Scana Volda
Typical on this type of vessel, the superstructure pumps are remotely operated from mimics displayed in Model... .. ACG 68/600H
four operator stations around the vessel. Number.. . 2
is set well forward allowing for a 700m' cargo deck.
As a PSV vessel, the accommodation is laid out for a The mooring and deck equipment onboard includes
Material .. .. Ni-AI bronze
crew capacity for up to 18 persons, all in single cabins two capstans on the aft deck quarters, two tugger Manufacturer ... .. Scana Valda CANA
with own ensuite. There is one deck fully dedicated winches on the aft end of the upper deck, split windlasses Number ... . 2
(0 survivor accommodation, and treatment areas in on the fore deck, and a hydraulic knuckle boom crane, Pitch .. ....Controllable
compliance with UKOOA Class B Standby Vessel with a capacity of 1.8tonnes at 18m outreach. Open or nozzled .. . Open
regulations, with capacity for up to 300 recovered The accommodation is divided into four levels with Alternators
people. the wheelhouse being the fifth. At main deck level the Number .. . 2
The 740m' cargo deck has a design strength of crew's daytime living spaces are found, including the Make/type .. .. Leroy Sommer
5tonnes/m' and the maximum deck load capacity is changing room, laundry, crew's mess, galley, and day Bow thrusters
rooms suitably outfitted with audio-visual entertainment Make .. ...................... Schottel
approximately 1300tonnes. The ship has a deadweight
Number .. . 2
of 3610tonnes. centres, as well as dry provision and refrigerated stores.
Output of each. . 590kW
The vessel is driven by a twin MaK 6M25 main On the upper deck, safe and direct access is afforded Stern thrusters
engine plant, each developing 1980kW whilst turning from the FRC (and Daughter craft when retro-fitted for Make.. . Schottel
at 750rev/min. Each engine drives a Scana Volda standby duties) boarding platform. A 11 the regulatory Number.. ......2
controllable propeller propulsion system fitted with zones and equipment, required for this kind of vessel, Output of each. .. 590kW
open water propeller, through a flexible coupling. have been carefully studied and laid out to enhance a Deck machinery 2 x capstans aft deck quarters; 2
Commanding of the engine and propeller is by means speedy access and flow of survivors to the reception, x tugger winches aft end upper deck; split
of controls comfortably placed on both the fore and aft treatment room, recovery room, and seating areas. windlasses on fore deck; hydraulic knuckle
consoles in the wheelhouse. All of the crew's quarters are sited on the forecastle boom crane 1.8tonnes at 18m
and upper forecastle decks, below the wheelhouse. The Bridge electronics ....X-band S-band radars; chart plotter;
For manoeuvring purposes, the vessel has two
radio communications;
Schottel STT 2CP CP tunnel thrusters forward and forecastle deck is devoted to crew accommodation and
on board communications system
two aft, rated at 590kW each, which can be driven rescue boat crew changing room. The upper forecastle Firefighting .. ....................... Semco; Unitor
separately by their dedicated control, both at forward deck holds the captains and chief engineers cabins, as Complement
and aft control stations, or in conjunction with the well as officer cabins and client cabins, all of them with Crew .. .. 18
main propeller and steering system by means of the washroom facilities. The ship's office and instrument Passengers ...
independent joystick system. The Van der Velden room is also found on this level. Number of cabins .. . 18


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GUAN XIAO YI HAO: Innovative fireboat
for Asia
Builder's name .. Wang Tak Engineering and low-wake, I l knots-l Zknots cruising/patrol speed. PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS
Shipbuilding Co Ltd The powering, sea-keeping, and wake generation
Designer........ . Robert Allan Ltd characteristics of the semi-displacement hull form Length, oa.. . 38.90m
Vessel's name Guan Xiao Yi Hao were all verified in an extensive model-testing
Length, wt . ..36.05m
g~~~1~~~r~t~r .: ~f .~~.n~ti~~ programme. On trials, the vessels achieved
load speed of 16knots.
a full
Beam, moutded.. . 9.00m
Flag Chinese The installed propulsion power is 2 x 1118kW Depth, moulded .4.46m
Total number of sister ships already completed ....- from two Caterpillar 3512B main engines. Propellers Draught, maximum.. ... 2.20m
Total number of sister ships still on order.. ..0 are FP, driven through a pair of ZF Model W4610 Maximum speed.. . 16knots
Contract date. reduction gears with a 3.5:1 reduction ratio. Main engines
Delivery date February 2007
The firefighting equipment for the new fireboats, Make ... ................................... Caterpillar
which is effectively a Fi-Fi1 international standard, Model.. ........ 3512B
comprises the following two 1500m'/hour fire Number .. ... 2
I n February 2007, the new RAnger
fireboat Gllan Xiao Yi Hao was delivered
3900 Class
to the
pumps driven through a power take-off on the front
of each main engine; two 1500m' /hour water only
Output of each engine .. .................. .... 1118kW
POrt Authority of Dongguan, China by the builder fire monitors; and two 600m'/hour water/foam
Wang Tak Engineering and Shipbuilding Co Ltd of monitors. Pitch Fixed
Hong Kong. A fire equipment room has been outfitted to store Reduction gear.. . ZF W4610
The vessel was designed by Robert Allan Ltd, of hoses, fittings, rescue equipment, etc, and is accessed Reduction ratio. . 3.5:1
Vancouver, Canada, and is one of the first of that by a 2m wide double-door. There are multiple Tank capacities
company's new RAnger Class emergency response hydrant outlets for water supply to shore systems, Fuel.. . 32.9m'
vessels. The Dongguan fireboat is thought to be and a crane fitted with telescoping ladder for high Potable water 5.4m'
one of the largest and most capable boats in the level water stream and access has been fitted. Fi-Fi foam.. . 15.0m'
region, and has sparked interest in several other Csan Xiao Yi Hao has been designed with the
communities in China with similar fire protection Deck machinery .... crane fitted with telescoping ladder for
wheelhouse arranged with maximum, all-round
needs. visibility, including an elevated engineer's control high level water stream and access
The new fast response fireboats are designed to station aft of the main console. Firefighting equipment (Fi-Fi1)
specifically address the flreflghting and rescue needs of On the main deck a command centre is a Fire pumps 2 x 1500m'/hour each, driven
the local port area, which is contained entirely within sophisticated communications centre/meeting through a power take-off on the front of
the local river estuary. Consequently, the fireboat has room for coordinating on-scene activities with land each main engine
both water depth and air draught constraints, the latter based resources. A large working deck areas ensures Fire monitors water only - 2 x 1500m'/hour;
to deal with numerous local bridges. generous access along house sides. water/foam - 2 x 600m'/hour
The new fireboats have a length overall of 38.90m, Other notable rooms onboard include a master's
Complement. . ... Crew 8
a length waterline of 36.05m, a moulded beam of cabin, a small meeting room/office, and a large water
9.00m, a moulded depth of 4.46m, and a maximum Other significant or special items of equipment... ..Rescue
level rescue platform for casualty recovery. Crew
draught of 2.20m. accommodation has been outfitted to house up to boat arranged for rapid deployment;
Guan Xiao Yi Hao, and sisters, have been eight live-aboard crew or provide rest area in the multiple hydrant outlets
designed for a response speed of l Sknors, with a event of extended operations. for water supply to shore systems



-, -,


HARRY EVANS: First of design built •In
Builder's name , Cheoy Lee Shipyards Ltd Harry Evans is outfitted for a crew of eight persons Design, draught.. ', 4.85m
Designer .., Robert Allan Ltd in comfortable quarters. In addition to a very spacious Speed, service (100% MCR output) 12.5knots
Vessel's name Harry Evans mess/lounge area the tug has a large combination Maximum speed.. .. 12.5knots
Owner/operator .Hio Tinto Aluminium switchboard room and office on the main deck, Range.. . 1200nm
Country""", .." .."", .." ..""""", .." ..", ..,Australia enabling the engineers to maintain watch without being Fuel consumption.. .... 776litre/h
Flag" .."", ..,.." .."", , , , Australian subjected ro the continuous noise of the engineroom. Classification society and notations ...Lloyd's Register LR
Total number of sister ships already completed 2 On entry into the deckhouse through the aft + 100A1 TUG + LMC
Total number of sister ships still on order 4 bulkhead, there is a generous 'wet room' which includes Main engines
Contract date 3 January 2006 washing-up and laundry facilities, as well as wet-gear Make.. .. Caterpillar
Delivery date 23 November 2007 storage. From the same lobby area one can access the Model.. . 3516B
engineroom, thus the arrangement provides a useful Number" ,.....,""", ..,2
heoy Lee Shipyards delivered two Ramparts
C 3000 tugs, named Harry Evans and Peter Crooke,
in November 2007. The RAmparts 3000 originates
noise barrier between the machinery space and the
accommodation. Gearboxes
Output of each engine ...1685kW at 1600rev/min

The main winch forward, supplied by Kraaijeveld, Make Twin Disc

from the design office of Canadian naval architect is a rlivided drum, hydraulic type, each with a capacity Model.. . .. 3000-7-HD
Robert Allan and is the first to be built in China. for 110m of 80mm synthetic hawser. There is also an
Yard numbers 4908 and 4909 are the first two in Number.. .. 2
aft towing winch, fitted with 220m of steel wire. This Propellers
a batch of six of these 30m long, 56ronne ahead and
feeds through a large aft bitt which in rum supports a Manufacturer ,' Aquamaster
53ronnes astern bollard pull, 12knot rugs. All are 55tonne SWL radial-arm tow-hook. The rowing suite
destined for large mining operations in Australia, as Model " """ US205/3305mk2
is completed by a set of hydraulic tow-pins built into Diameter.. .. 2400mm
well as ship berthing, escort work, and offshore towing the aft bulwarks.
duties. Open or nozzled.. ..... Nozzled
Fendering comprises a fairly typical array of 800mm Deck machinery ...,1 x Mampaey towing hook; 1 x Unitech
Harry Evans and Peter Crooke are fitted with a pair of diameter cylindrical upper fender, above a row of 'W'
Caterpillar 3516 B diesel engines, each rated 1685kW tow pins; 2 x Kraaijeveld hydraulic towing winch
fenders. The sheer line aft is protected by 'D' rubber Bridge electronics
at 1600rev/min, driving a Rolls-Royce model US 205 and the forecastle sides forward by a row of aircraft
Z-drive with a 2400mm rliameter propeller through Radars make/model Furuno/M-1832
tires. Autopilot make.. . Simrad
a twin rlisc slipping clutch and a straight line shafting The rug is rated for a full Pi-Pi1 notation, with two
system. The subsequent four vessels in the series are GMDSS make/model Furuno/FM-8800S
main-engine driven pumps rated 1200m' /hour each, GPS make/model Furuno/GP-32
being fitted with larger Niigata 2500hp units. Fuel supplying water ro a pair of remote-controlled monitors
capacity is 78,000litres, and water, 26,000litres. GPS compass Furuno/SC-50
forward. There is also a Fi-Fi foam capability, carried in Chart plotter Navigator Professional Electronic
The vessels were was built and classed to Lloyd's a 5000litre, independent stainless steel tank.
Register of Shipping notation: +100 A1 Tug, Fire- Navigation
fighting Ship 1 with waterspray, +LMC, UMS. Engine monitoring/fire detection system.. .......Unitor
This version of the RAmparts 3000 tug design PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Other communication systems Phontech SPT, T&T
incorporates a fairly large 'escort skeg' to enhance the Immarsat C
indirect towing capability of the rug. Although this Length,oa.. .. 30.25m Complement
design is not considered as an aggressive escort tug, the Length, bp . . 28.63m Crew .." , 8
skeg will enable the execution of very effective indirect Breadth, moulded.. ..11.00m Passengers.. .. .
manoeuvres and also provide enhanced sea-keeping Depth, moulded 5.28m Number of cabins 3
and directional stability. The capacities of this rug were Gross tonnage.. .. 399gt Other significant or special items of equipment.. Fi-Fi1
also tailored to the unique client requirements. Displacement.. 119tonnes system


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ISEEV·03: Unusual icebreaking
emergency evacuation vessel
Builder's name Northern Shipyard Special focus has been put on the development of Classification society and notations ..... Det Norske Veritas
(Remontowa Group) the propulsion solution, allowing the vessels to operate +IAl ICE - lB OAT (-30°C)
Designer Naval Engineering & Design safely within a toxic/hydrocarbon environment. Other important international regulations complied with....IACS
Ltd/Robert Allen Ltd Combustion air is provided by a specialised installation Safety Guidelines for Cargo Ships of Less Than
Vessel's name. . /beev-03 consisting of 16 high pressure cylinders storing air Convention Size; International Load Line Convention;
Owner/operator AGIP Kazakhstan North compressed to 350bar, decompressed via pressure MARPOL I, II, IV,V; IMO 9384332
Caspian Operating Co NV reducing panels and supplied to the engines. Generating sets
Country The Netherlands IBEEV3 has a rliesel electric propulsion system,
Flag Vanuatu Make.. .. Caterpillar
consisting of two 856kW diesel-electric prime movers Model.. . 3508 DITA
Total number of sister ships already completed ...4
running at 1500rev/min and driving twin azimuth
Total number of sister ships still on order ...2 + 2 Number.. .. 2
options thrusters rated at 550kW at 1500rev/min.
Output of each engine 856kW at
Contract date. . July 2005 The winter ice conditions prevailing in the north
, 1500rev/min/50Hz
Delivery date ......March 2007 east Caspian resulted in the designers developing a hull
form with the capability for vessel operation in 'first Azimuth thrusters
year' ice (0.6m thick), which was proved by extensive Material.. .. Martensitic 13 Cr 4 Ni steel
model tests. The shallow waters of the Caspian Sea also Manufacturer.. .. Schottel
O n 22 July 2005, Gdarisk Shiprepair
Rernontowa SA and Agip KCO signed a contract
for the construction and delivery of four specialised
required tight design control over draught of the vessel,
which is not to exceed 2.0m in the summer and 2.1 m
Pitch.. ..
.... 2
icebreaking emergency evacuation vessels (IBEEV), in winter conditions. Environmental factors were also Diameter.. .. 1400mm
yard numbers B 843/1-4. The contract also provided taken into account, resulting in the application of 'no Special adaptations Compliance with ICE-IB
the owners with an option to order four additional discharge' equipment and fulfilment of requirements of requirements
sisterships, of which two were confirmed later in MARPOL, as well as other international conventions. Open or nozzled .. . Open
February 2007. IBEEV3 is designed to evacuate 340 persons at a Bridge electronics
The first two vessels, IBEEVOI and IBEEV02, time. Evacuees will enter the vessels through evacuation Radars make/model Furuno FAR-2117/DC
were delivered in September 2006, the second two, tunnels linking each vessel to the Kashagan 'D'-Island GMDSS make/model Sailor 4000 (Area A2)
IBEEV03 and IBEEV04, in March 2007, and the facility, they will then enter the vessel via an air lock DGPS make/model Furuno GP-90
last two vessels, IBEEV05 and IBEEV06, are set for which will be purged using stored air from cylinders. Gyro.. .Anschutz Standard 22 G/GM
delivery in September 2008. A fterwards, the evacuees wi II proceed forward through Fire and gas detection system Sealab/Autronica
The vessels are designed to be used to carry out the the vessel, to one of three hermetically sealed evacuee
emergency evacuation of personnel from offshore compartments.
CffiW.. . 2
installations located in the Kashagan Field, which is During evacuation, personal CO2 scrubbers and re-
Passengers 338 (328 seated,
10 stretcher
currently one of the largest offshore developments in breather sets will be provided to each of the evacuees.
the world, and which forms part of the Kazakhstan Solid-state chlorate candles will be used to generate
additional oxygen in the evacuee compartments as the Electric prime mover components ABB
Economical zone.
oxygen levels are depleted by the evacuees. Combustion and Breathing Air System Divex
Basic front-end engineering design was developed
Integrated automation system.. .. Bj0rge
by Robert Allan Ltd in close cooperation with AGIP
Moland Steinco AS (Smart Chief II)
KCO. Classification design and workshop drawings of PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS
the vessel were provided by the yard's subsidiary, Naval Watertight doors and medevac hatches Meblomor
Engineering & Design Ltd, from Poland. IBEEV A-60 windows and blindcovers . .. Bohamet
Length,oa.. .. 45.10m Linings and ceilings Famos (Remontowa Group)
represents state-of-the-art technology and will comply Length, bp . .. 42.34m
to Det Norske Veritas notation +lA1 ICE 1B DAT Gastight sliding doors.. .. Norac
Breadth, moulded.. .. 8.00m
(-30°C). Depth, moulded (main deck).. .3.60m Watertight sliding doors IMS AS
IBEEV3 measures 45.10m in length, 8.0m in beam, Depth, moulded (upper deck) . .. 5.80m Distribution boxes and starters MORS
and 3.60m in depth. The specific requirements of Agip Gross tonnage 452gt (Remontowa Group)
KCO, as well as the onerous environmental operating Design, draught 2.10m (winter conditions) EEX fans.. .. Alwo
conditions, greatly challenged the yard to develop Design, deadweight. . .. .... .48dwt ICAF Material Metingen Europe NV
tailor-made solutions for this project. Bollard pull 11.5tonnes at 1500rev/min Icebreaking paint system International Paints



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JACQUE CARTIER: One-off ferry adapted

from existing hull
Builder's name Strategic Marine moulded of 7.0m, a moulded depth of 2.5m, and a Reduction to 30.0knots; Global Maritime Distress
Designer Wavemaster maximum draught of 2.3m. Area A3
International/Strategic Marine Jacque Cartier is powered by three MTU 12V 2000 Main engines
Vessel's name Jacque Cartier M70 diesels rated at 788kW at 2100rev/min. The MTU Make MTU
Owner/operator Compagnie Corsaire units each drive a FP propeller via a ZF 2050 gearbox. Model 12V 2000 M70
Country France In addition to this, a Scandia Nidaros bow thruster was Numbm 3
Flag French installed to meet the manoeuvrability requirement of Output of each engine 788kW at 2100rev/min
Total number of sister ships already completed ...7 the operator. The vessel cab reach speeds of 29knots at (45deg air, 32deg water) subject to
(by Wavemaster) 100% MCR, and has a range of 527nm.
Total number of sister ships stili on order 0 load profile approval by Caterpillar
The passenger accommodation is located on the main Continuous fuel. .. 594litres/hr
Contract date end-2006
Delivery date.. . August 2007 deck area and consists of 203 Beurteaux 300 series Gearboxes
seats. The main accommodation area also consists Make .. ..ZF
of two kiosks, luggage racks amidships, and four aft Model .. .2050
trategic Marine delivered its first passenger ferry
S to Compagnie Corsaire this year, the 37.5m
Number .. ..3
monohull aluminium passenger ferry which began
its operations in early August 2007. The vessel is to PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Number .. ..3
be based in St Malo, France. Blades .. ..5
Compagnie Corsaire's operations currently consist of Length, oa.. .. 37.5m Pitch .. ..Fixed
four monohulls that are engaged in tourist excursions Length, wi 31.6m Bow thruster .. . Scandia Nidaros
around the Cherbourg Peninsular. Jacque Cartier will be Beam, moulded 7.0m Auxiliary
the first fast ferry in the company's fleet and the first Depth, moulded 2.5m Make.. .. Perkins
to operate the St Malo to Jersey route. Maximum draught 2.3m Model 6TG2AM
The vessels' operations will consist of a rigorous Hull draught 1.0m Numbm 2
schedule of daily departures from St Malo to Jersey, an Trial deadweight Output 72kW
eight-and-a-half hour journey in total. During the busy Passengers - 202 at 75kg 15.15dwt Consumption 20litres/hr
Crew - 6 at 75kg 0.45dwt Emergency genset Perkins 28kW
months of the year Compagnie Corsaire may add an
Fuel (3000Iitres) 2.52dwt
additional journey to meet demand. Tankage
Fresh Water (1OOOlitres).. .. 1.00dwt
The hull (originally constructed by Wavemaster Diesel fuel 2 x 6000litres
Speed (100% MCR output) 29knots 100% trial
International) was purchase by Strategic Marine when deadweight Fresh water 2 x 1000litres
Wavemaster ceased operations in 2003. The vessel was Range .....527nm (at continuous speed using 90% of total Black and grey water 1000Iitres
approximately 60% complete when Strategic Marine tankage and including auxiliary) Lube oil 200Iitres
took the project on. It was not until Compagnie Classification society and notations ....Bureau Veritas -100 Complement
Corsaire purchased the monohull ferry in late 2006, A5 HSC-Passenger A; -MC HSC-Passenger A Cmw 6
that Strategic Marine kick-started the project and Other important international regulations complied with...IMO Passengers ...204 or 201, plus 2 wheelchair bays
worked towards completing the vessel for handover. Code of Safety for High Speed Craft (1994) Category Main deck arrangement.. ..... Kiosk, toilets, skylight, fully
The vessel has a length waterline of 31.6m, a beam A Safety Certificate with equivalences: Severe Wind air-conditioned




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JM~C: Advanced military technology
battles war on terror
Builder's name ....Aluminum Chambered Boats The hull design allows JMEC to operate in just Maximum speed +40knots
Inc millimetres of water at speed. The craft is able ro Range +300nm at cruise speed
Designer ....Aluminum Chambered Boats Inc perform an emergency srop in just one-and-a-half Fuel consumption 32gph
Vessel's name Joint Multi Mission boat lengths and has the manoeuvring capabilities of Classification society and notations ABYC certified
Expeditionary Craft (JMEC) a helicopter. This is achieved with the new Ulrrajet- Main engines
Owner/operator Aluminum Chambered JetMaster joystick control system. JMEC can operate Make Cummins
Boats/Northrop Grumman Integrated up river and SOnm offshore. ACB has also developed Model Twin QSC 8.3 Quantum High
Systems a new armour technology that could be used on other Output/Government Series
Country USA Number 2
land and sea craft, too.
Flag American Output of each engine 540hp
Total number of sister ships already completed 3 Dimensionally, JMEC is capable of fitting a Stryker
size vehicle; however, the total weight of the vehicle Gearboxes
Total number of sister ships stili on order 0 Make ZF Marine Arco SpA
Contract date - grossly exceeds the weight carrying capacity of J MEC.
The current configuration/size will accommodate the Model ZF305
Delivery date... . May 2007
Number 2
wheel base for a fast arrack vehicle (FAY). Any air
Propellers.. . Jet Propulsion
N orthrop Grumman Corp's Integrated
(NGIS) sector has long been known as an aircraft
builder and systems integrator. The narure of warfare
Systems droppable vehicle that fits on a standard 463L pallet
(air force) is capable of being transported in the current
configuration/size watercraft.
Number 2
Make/type Cummins 3967726
today, however, demands that information, such as The heart of the boat is the information centre. In the
Output/speed of each set Leece 24v, 80amp
that which can be acquired and used by planes, be early decades of war on terror, the US Navy, for example, Waterjets
available to e,'eryone in a fight, from the general in a re-entered the riverine 'brown water' domain, which Make Ultrajet
command centre in the USA to a marine on the ground, required extensive situational awareness and command Number Twin 340
somewhere in the world. and control capabilities. Northrop Grumman and ACB Deck machinery ro-ro loads as well as palleuseo
Realising that, Integrated Systems engineers began to believed it was time to evolve and experiment with a (463L) loads up to 3401kg
apply network-centric warfare skills to ships, working comprehensive concept of operations to service the war Bridge electronics
with a sister sector on the DDG1000, CG(X), and on terror-focused expeditionary war fighter. Radars make/model Koden
CYN21 programmes, and winning a contract to be the Their idea was ro offer the expeditionary war fighter, GPS make/model Navistar
mission package integrator for the US Navy's Littoral those involved with policing shipping lanes and Gyro.. . Navistar
Combat Ship. It began looking for other markets for harbours, interdicting drug runners, and others with Chart plotter Sperry
its skills. the most capable and flexible set of rools, processes, Engine monitoring/fire detection system Smart
Meanwhile, Aluminum Chambered Boats (ACB), of technologies, and capabilities available. Craft Cummings
Washington, had designed and patented a line of vessels Thus, Northrop Grumman inserted a number of Other communication systems ..Standard Marine
whose technology incorporated several innovations. systems into ACB's 12m, high-performance hull to and Military
ACB and NGIS had many intense discussions demonstrate some of its potential. These included Complement
regarding their views of the global opportunities for a an integrated electro-optical/infrared sensor; radar Crew 4
JMEC type of craft. ACB needed a C4ISR 'partner' for sensors giving a 360deg field of view; integrated, Passengers 15
JMEC and NGIS needed a watercraft 'partner' for its common operator workstations having selectable crew Number of cabins 1
C4ISR. With terrorists often hiding in the reeds along station functions and displaying information on 431mm Number of vehicle decks 1
rivers, and pirates operating in strategic straits around colour monitors with night vision capability; wireless C41SR mission systems suite Integrated
the world, marrying the two companies' skill to fight intercom with active noise cancellation, VHF/UHF EO/lR, radar sensors - 360deg field of view;
radios with line-of-sight and beyond-line-of-sight and Distributed open architecture; Stabilised remote
those threats made much sense.
Internet protocol technology and growth provisions for weapon system gun mount; Integrated mission
HF radios; and an airborne sensor data link. . system
Craft UMEC). JMEC integrates Northrop Grumman's
Weaponry includes a pedestal mounted stabilised, Operator consoles Common operator
leading-edge navigation, surveillance, network and
workstations with selectable 431mm colour
command, and control systems onboard an innovative, remotely operated gun platform atOp the cabin that can
displays/night vision compatibilily; cornrnurucation
tactical-class hull form designed and built by ACB. accept a .50 calibre machine gun, a GAU-30 Gatling
systems wireless ICS active noise cancellation;
The boat itself has unique attributes. ACB applied gun or other weaponry, and is operated from with the
VHF/UHF (LOS/BLOS) radios with Internet protocol
its patented, Sealed Air Chamber design to the boat, cabin.
(IP); sensor data link; growth provisions for
adrling visual and acoustic signature treatments. JMEC HF radio with IP; command and control
is 12.25m long with a 3m beam, and a draught of only PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS PC provides onboard/off-board; situational
0.7m. awareness, alerts, and messaging; moving
Powered by two Cummins QSC 8.3litre, 540hp Length,oa.. . 12.25m imagery map enhances situational awareness;
turbocharged diesel engines, and twin Ultrajet 340s, Breadth, moulded.. ..3.02m reports about potential enemy weapons cache via
the Jl\!EC has a top speed of greater than 40knots. Depth, moulded 0.6m VMF message and tracked into command and control
With a crew of four, the new boat has room for another Gross tonnage 11gt PC; live video feed can be provided over
two observers and, depending on the mission, can also Design, draught O.7m tactical edge network; electro-optical/infrared
ferry a 14-member combat team or various cargoes up Design, deadweight 21,OOOdwt sensor used to monitor situation
rivers or streams. Lightweight 19,857tonnes and establish onboard identification (day/night)






sisters aid Turkish commuters
Builder's name Austal fully active SeaState Ride Control System featuring Gearboxes
Designer Austal forward T-foils and transom mounted interceptors Make.. . Reintjes
Vessel's name.. . Orhan Gazi-1 providing dynamic pitch and roll stabilisation in higher Model.. .. VLJ 6831
Owner/operator Istanbul Metropolitan sea states. Numbm 4
Municipality The vehicle deck on the new ferries offers a clear Alternators
Country Turkey height of 4.0m under the raised mezzanine decks, Number 4
number oi sisiei' shi s i:iireaCiycom
Total number of sister SRiPSstill on or~r 0
~~:~~~ which are being installed for the first time on a Turkish
fast ferry enabling greater flexibility in seasonal load
Leroy Somer HC4
of each set.. ..280~W/1500rev/mln
Contract date - Passenger accommodation is located on two decks:
Delivery date.. .. September 2007 Make Lips LJ 120E
the tourist class upper deck for 922 passengers, with
360deg panoramic window views, also providing Number 4
catering and shopping facilities and a children's Deck machinery 1x anchor winch; 4 x capstan winches;

A contract
for two 88m high-speed

Istanbul Metropolitan
catamarans was signed
with the
and Ausral in
recreational area. The bridge deck accommodates
business class passengers. Two additional VIP cabins
278 stern ramp;
2 x hoistable mezzanine ramps; 2 x
mezzanine decks; 2 x rescue boat
provide lounge seating for 16. davit cranes
2005. To be operated by Istanbul Deniz Otobusleri Passenger loading is enhanced by specialised boarding Bridge electronics
(100), the identical new ferries are called Osman ramps and entrances that enable safe, simultaneous Radars make/model Sperry Marine Decca
Gazi-1 and Orban Gazi-l, and were delivered in April movement of vehicle and passenger traffic. Bridge Master
and September respectively. The vessels were built in accordance with the Autopilot make/model. Provided by wartsua Jets
The craft have a capacity [0 carry 1200 passengers and requirements and under the survey of Germanischer GPS make/model.. .. Leica MX420 DGPS
225 cars or 126 lane metres of trucks plus 158 cars. The Lloyd, conforming to International Maritime Gyro C Plath Navigat 2100
new Austal ferries are designated [0 operate on a 39nm Organization codes, and Turkish Flag and Port State
Chart plotter Sperry Marine Naviecdis System
reciprocal service across the Marmara Sea between regulations.
Engine monitoring MTU ASSYST and Marine
Yenikapi (Istanbul) and a new port development in
Mudanya servicing the city of Bursa. Link
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Fire detection system Salwico CS4000
Each ferry is powered by four MTU 20 cylinder 8000
series diesel engines driving a Lips propulsion system VHF Radio Sailor RT5022
through four Reintjes gearboxes. This combination Length,oa.. . 87.85m MF Radio.. ..Sailor HC4500
was specifically developed to achieve the performance Length, bp . .. 77.3m SAT C Thrane & Thrane TT3000SSA
targets with 1200 passengers and 225 cars onboard. Breadth, moulded 24m Complement
The vessels have an impressive maximum deadweight Depth, moulded.. . 68.25m
Crew .. ..30
Design, draught.. 3.62m
of 470[Onnes and are designed to operate with this load Passengers .. ..1200
Design, deadweight .470dwt
at speeds in excess of 36knots utilising only 90% of Vehicles
Speed, service (90% MCR service speed) 37.4knots
maximum engine power. Number of vehicle decks .. ..2
Maximum speed 45knots at 90% MCR under lightship
The performance of the fast ferry was impressive on Total lane length .
official sea trials, with a higher than contract speed of No of cars 225
Range.. .. 530nm at 90% MCR and full deadweight,
37.4knots achieved at operating deadweight, 90% MCR
20% reserve No of trucks/trailers 126 lane meters and 158
(power), and with operational ride control system. Fuel consumption 6300Iitres/h at 90% MCR, full cars
With four MTU 20V8000 M71R engines installed deadweight Garage deck
at the reduced (R) maximum rating of 7200kW at Classification society and notations .. Germanischer Lloyd
1150rev/min, this allows for low engine stresses, Height under mezzanine deck 2.2m
Other important international regulations HSC 2000
increased fuel efficiency, and longer intervals between Height over mezzanine deck 2.0m
Main engines
engine overhauls. The main engines exhaust via dry Make MTU Height of centre lane with mezzanine deck
stacks [0 keep fumes away from passengers during Model 20V 8000 M71R raised 4m
boarding and departure. Number 4 Ride control system 2 x T-foils, one under each hull
Passenger comfort at high speed is aided by Austal's Output of each engine 7200kW forward; 2 x interceptors, one under each hull aft



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PROVIDER: High-speed cargo vessel

unrivalled in class
Builder's name South Boats Special Spencer Carter hydraulic capstan package. PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS
Projects Ltd The wheelhouse is accessed from the after deck

nam~~~t~ ~~~~i~1 ~ro~rC;:~i~~~
~~~t~. through a Seaglaze part-glazed aluminium door and is Length, oa 14.05m
fitted with an 'L' shaped bench seat to starboard", irh Breadth, moulded 6.13m
Owner/operator MBL Supply AB stowage lockers beneath providing seating for up to
Country Sweden Depth, moulded.... . 1.99m
eight passengers.
Flag Swedish Gross tonnage 18.36gt
Forward to port are two KAB214 crew seats complete
Total number of sister ships already completed - Displacement.. 24.17tonnes
with hip guards and lap belts. The dominant 'wrap
Total number of sister ships still on order 1 Design, draught 1.35m
around' central helm is fitted with a KAB525 complete
Contract date 18 December 2006 Design, deadweight 13.73dwt
head rest and lap belt mounted within the console. The
Delivery date 16 August 2007 Speed, service (85% MCR output) 26knots
console is equipped with electronic engine and steering
Maximum speed 31.8knots
controls either side of the seat, manoeuvring joystick,
Range (nautical miles) 325nm at 85% MCR
Interceptor control panel, fire control, and local control
TYovider is a South Catamaran 44/14m alloy supply Fuel consumption 198Iitres/h at 85% MCR
switches all within easy reach.
1-vessel that was built by South Boats Special
The vessel is equipped with an IMO-approved
Classification society and notations ...Lloyd's Register, Det
Projects Ltd for MBL Supply, of Gothenburg, Norske Veritas, Swedish Maritime Authority, MCA
Furuno electronics package comprising Radar (with
Sweden. The vessel is now working on the Q7 Main engines
ARPA & AIS tracking), Video Sounder, twin GPS
offshore wind farm from Ijmuiden, The Netherlands, Make Volvo Penta AB
sets, Navtex, Class A GMDSS Radio, Class D GMDSS
where she is believed ro be the first service vessel ro Model .011
Radio, Class A AIS, and full PC-based Transas chart
carry three spare gearboxes on the after deck. Number 2
This offshore cargo supply vessel measures 14.1m The ergonomic helm position has full visibility Output of each engine 500kW
length overall, 6.3m beam overall, has a draught of of the boarding area and allows for observation of Gearboxes
l.4m, and has a lightship displacement (including pilots ascending and descending ships ladders though Make Volvo Penta AB
fluids) of 24.2tonnes. The unique ability of this vessel large tinted 'pilot style' observation windows in the Model IPS2
is the abiliry to carry 12 passengers, two crew, fluids, wheelhouse roof. Number 2
and 10tonnes of deck payload totalling 36.6tonnes, The accommodation void is accessed from the Propellers
cruising at over 20knors. A rema.rkable achievement, wheelhouse and features twin single berths in a Material Nickel Aluminium Bronze
and thought not to be rivalled in class. fully lined and insulated compartment beneath the Manufacturer Volvo Penta AB
The vessel follows standard South Boats design wheelhouse. Number 4
principles with symmetrical underwater sections and The propulsion is claimed to be unique, being the Pitch.. .. Fixed
asymmetrical wet deck knuckles and spray deflectors. first commercial installation of Volvo Penta IPS850, Diameter 560mm
The design includes a high buoyancy bow and triple featuring Dll main engines rated at 500kW each Generator
internal spray knuckles to maintain a suspension of coupled to Volvo's unique forward facing duo prop ~m~ 1
air/water to dampen pitching moments, particularly drive pod, complete with integral exhaust and sea inlet Make/type Beta Marine
in heavy weather. systems. Output/speed of each set ..30kW at 1500rev/min
In addition, the hulls maintain a parallel waterline This propulsion package offers the vessel a sprint Deck machinery .Palfinger PK10000M
beam through the length of the vessel, allowing for speed of 30knots (with nearly 33knots recorded fully folding knuckle boom crane; Spencer
good weight distribution around the vessel. The design on trials) and a 26knot cruising speed at 2100rev/ Carter 1tonne hydraulic capstan; cargo
offers class leading sea-keeping, stability, fuel efficiency, min (combined 198Iitres/h). At low cruising speeds securing eyes
and manoeuvrability. The sea-keeping in particular (18knots at 1700rev/min), the vessel offers a frugal Bridge electronics
has been proven in service operating in excess of 2.5m fuel consumption of 120litres/h. At full 36tonne Radars make/model ...Furuno FR-8062 c/w 1.2m
significant wave height. displacement with full compliment of passengers, crew, high-speed open array
The vessel is fabricated of aluminium and is generally and 10tOnnes of deck cargo, the vessel can still achieve Autopilot make/model Simrad AP25
in accordance with Lloyd's Special Service Craft Rules speeds in excess of 24knots, well in excess of yard and GMDSS make/model Furuno FM-8800S Class A
with all metal of marine grade 50830 and 6082T6 client expectations. DSC; Furuno FM-2721 Class D DSC
extrusions meeting the requirements of Lloyd's Register The vessel is fitted with four helm positions GPS make/model .... Furuno GP-150; Furuno GP-37
of Shipping and Det Norske Veritas. In addition, (wheelhouse, port side deck, starboard side deck, aft Gyro Simrad RC36 Fluxgate & Rate Sensor
the vessel has been built to the Swedish Maritime deck crane position) all with an electronic steering Chart plotter Transas Professional
Authority regulations and could be coded to carry 24 wheel, throttle set, IPS joystick, EVC engine and fuel Engine monitoring/fire detection system ..... Volvo
passengers in the future. monitoring, and station control pad. Penta EMS/Pyrogen
The vessel features an 'island' wheelhouse forward The joystick control enables the vessel to have Other communication systems Furuno FA-150
and a 40m' working deck aft. Deck equipment includes uncompromised manoeuvrability with the ship moving AIS; Furuno FCV-620 Video Sounder;
a raised Palfinger PK10000M fully folding knuckle proportionally to the joystick, even bodily sideways, Furuno NX-700B Navtex
boom crane capable oflifting over 1tonne at 8.3m. The which is essential during cargo transfer operations. Complement
crane dominates the transom of the vessel but at the Tn addition, Volvo's new Interceptor and ride control Crew 2
bow there is an l\!kl V bow loading platform to enable system has been fitted, allowing for control of trim Passengers 12
the vessel to work on offshore wind farms, and also a whilst carrying cargo. Number of cabins 1


-------- ---
81 i
.--- ------,

ROYAL CHARTER: Lengthened hull

improves old favourite
Builder's name .. Safehaven Marine 12,300kg, Royal Charter achieved a very impressive Design, draught 1.2m
Designer Frank Kowalski speed of 27knots, exceeding her contract speed by a Speed, service 22knots
Vessel's name Roya/ Charter large margin and with very low noise levels of 79.8db at Maximum speed 27knots
Owner/operator... .. Port of Liverpool 18knots-19knots. The sonar head can be raised through Range SOOnm
Country UK the moon pool hatch for fast transit speeds of 22knots. International regulations ..MCA Category II 60nm offshore
Flag UK The vessel is powered by twin Caterpillar 3126 licensed for 12 persons
Total number of sister ships already completed 9 engines rated at 385hp, and is also fitted with two Main engines
Total number of sister ships still on order 3 Twin Disc MG5061A gearboxes. Propulsion is via Make Caterpillar
Contract date. .. February 2007 two Clements Engineeting propellers which have a Model 3126
Delivery date.. . September 2007
diameter of 584mm, and a Side Power bow thruster. Numbm.. . 2
A 10kVA generator supplying 240v onboard through Output of each engine 38Shp
T he Port of Liverpool's new Wildcat 40, Royal
Charter, is a survey vessel built by Safehaven
Marine. The vessel is the first of the new 12.1m
a full ring circuit, a large survey bench, and a dedicated
survey position facing forward alongside the helm
Make Twin Disc
allow Royal Charter's crew to operate in an efficient Model.. MGS061A
versions of Safehaven's Wildcat, and features a hull and comfortable environment, enhanced by onboard Number.. . 2
lengthened by 1m, and this has improved the design's air-conditioning. A window arrangement for improved Propellers
performance with a lower running trim, smoother visibility features a new front and side window design Material NAB
ride, and improved sound levels as a result of the with heated screens. Manufacturer Clements Engineering
further aft position of the engines. A HIAB crane on the aft deck and a stainless Number 2
The Port of Liverpool opted for a twin hull steel A frame for deploying sonar and grab sampling Diameter S84mm
design as a result of its intention to use sophisticated equipment have also been installed. Bow thrusters
multi-beam sonar equipment. The deployment of the Now in service, the port is said to be very happy with Make .. ..Side Power
valuable sonar head and its subsequent protection made the vessel's performance, the moon pool and sonar head Number .. ..1
the choice of catamaran a logical step, as by deploying deployment system works very well, with the Reason Output of each. ..7Skgf
the sonar head through a moonpool in the bridge deck multi-beam sonar providing reportedly excellent 3D Deck machinery .. ..HIAB 013T crane
at the vessel's LGG, means it is fully protected between images of the sea bottom and making surveying and Bridge electronics
the twin hulls, and being at the centre of the craft, mapping of the port's waters fast and efficient. Radars make/model Raymarine E120
pitch, and heel motions are minirnised, rnaximising the Autopilot make Simrad
accuracy of collected data. GPS make Raymarine
The vessel has a breadth of 4.57m, and a draught of PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Chart plotter Raymarine E120 24NM
1.2m. A displacement of 13,OOOkg and a gross tonnage Other communication systems Reason side
of 21gt have been recorded. Royal Charter meets MCA Length, oa 12.19m scan sonar
regulation Category II 60nm nffshore licensed for 12 Breadth, moulded 4.S7m Complement
persons. Gross tonnage.. .. 21gt Crew .. ....3
On a quite substantial lightship displacement of Displacement 13,OOOkg Passengers .. ..6


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m.n camp bllgo pump

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ru.1 fiH.r
SEA SCAPE 1: All-aluminium design f~r
modern ferry
Builder's name FBMA Marine Inc waterline of 50.76m, a moulded breadth of 16.5m, Depth 3.4m
Designer Sea Transport Solutions a draught of 1.6m, and a depth of 3.4m. The vessel Design, deadweight 220dwt
Vessel's name. . Sea Scape 1 has a deadweight of 220dwt and a displacement of Displacement.. 170dwt
Owner/operator Sea SA 170tonnes. Displacement, fully loaded 130tonnes
Country Australia Powered by four Cummins KTA19M3 447kW Speed. service. .. 18knots
Flag Australian engines, and a Cummins side thruster, the vessel can
Total number of sister ships already completed 1 Cruising speed 15knots
cruise at a speed of approximately 15knots, and can Fuel consumption.. .. 1901itres/hour
Total number of sister ships still on order - reach top speeds of 18knots. Two auxiliary engines
Contract date April 2006 Important international regulations complied with AII
were also supplied by Cummins, and a reverse reduction
Delivery date. . March 2007 aluminium medium speed ro-pax
gearbox has also been fitted.
Main engines
With a capacity for 300 passengers, the vessel has
F BMA Marine Inc, shipbuilders
The Philippines, launched
Seascape 1, a 50m all-aluminium
based in Cebu,
hull number 1023,
ro-pax ferry for the
been furnished with fabric Berteaux seating with tables
for 120 passengers. Television monitors, a cafe bar,
Model.. ..
.. Cummins
and a play area have also been included for passenger Number 4
new South Australian operator Sea SA. Output .447kW
Sea Scape 1 has replaced the existing vessel Seaway Auxiliary engine 2 x Cummins 65KVA +
The vessel has a capacity for 53 cars on the main deck
- built by FBMA in 2003 - on the new south Australian
and 12, or four trucks, on a central mezzanine. To allow Gearbox Reverse reduction Dong I DMT26H 2.5:1
route crossing between Wallaroo and Lucky Bay on the
tall trucks along the vessel's centre lanes, the passenger Propulsion 4 x 2205 steel, S/W and grease lubricated
Spencer Gulf.
areas are located starboard. aluminium steel
The vessel has been designed by the naval architects
company Sea Transport Solutions, of Queensland, Side thruster Cummins bow thruster PM
which developed its well-proven catamaran designs PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Complement
to meet the route and infrastructure requirements in Cffi~. . 8

south Australia. Using an innovative all-aluminium Length. oa 51.9m Passengers 300

design, this new vessel has provided Sea SA with an Length, wi 50.76m Vehicles
efficient modern ferry for the six daily crossings. Breadth, moulded 16.5m No of cars 65
Sea Scape 1 has a length overall of 51.9m, a length Design. draught 1.6m No of trucks/trailers .4


I"l' ------ .. --------
I --,-
ships have green focus
Builder's name Remontowa SA FP 2.91/2.61m AP 2.91/2.61m, Extended Protective Propellers
Designer ..Remontowa SA/Knud E Hansen A/S Waters Service with the Limitation of Skagen in the Material CuAI10Ni
Vessel's name Simara Ace/Si/una Ace north and Bornholm in the southeast +LMC, UMS. Manufacturer .. . Schottel
Owner/operator ACE-Link A/S The vessels are equipped with a diesel-electric Number.. . 2
Pitch Fixed
~I~~ntr~ ..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
propulsion system consisting of three Volvo Penta
generator sets and two azimuth thrusters aft. The Diameter.. . 1600mm
Total number of sister ships already completed machinery also includes one side thruster in the bow Speed. ..356rev/min
Total number of sister ships still on order 1 with streamlined tunnels, one pair of heeling tanks, Special adaptations Gear reduction 5059:1
Contract date . and one pair of fin stabilisers. Two FP Schottel Open or nozzled.. ..Open
Delivery date 19 November 2007 Bow thruster
thrusters with a speed of 356rev/min have also been
installed. SitnaraACE and Siltfna ACE can reach speeds Make .. .................................................. HRP

A t the end of September two new ferries were

delivered which operate short-haul
services across the 0resund
between the Swedish
of 14knots and have a range of 2000nm.
Facilities onboard include a cafe deck and sun deck,
Input speed.
Deck machinery
........ 300kW
a games arcade, a large shop, and a small sitting lounge
port of Helsingborg and Holsinger in Denmark, for Windlass ..... 2 x SEC electro-hydraulic, for chain
located aft of the central hall. The restaurant deck is
ACE-Link. The ships, which can carry twice as many 28 U3, anchor 970kg, pool type
divided into two sections by the central stairway: an
passengers as the ones they have replaced, offer a nominal/max pull 37.24kN/55.86kN
aft section, which holds a restaurant, and a forward Mooring winch ... 2 x SEC electro-hydraulic, self-
modern cruise feeling on the short crossing.
section, which is arranged with cafe and pub. tensioning, EHMW 30k
The vessels had their technical design carried out
The crew area contains a crew mess, toilets, office, Fast rescue boat davit 2 x Global Davit GmbH
by Danish naval architects Knud E Hansen, while the
and one cabin. In the front, the bridge is arranged Fast rescue boat 2 x Ernst Hatecke
exterior design was by Petter Yran, and interiors were
elevated for increased visibility over the bow. Hydraulic lift Techwind. capacity/person
created by Steen Friis Design.
Sitnara ACE and Siltfna ACE are 60m in length, 25m 800kg/10, speed 0.6sec
longer than the vessels they have replaced. This means PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Bridge electronics

that they will offer generously sized public spaces Radars make/model. SAM Electronics;
Length, oa 60AOm RadarPilot 1100part of integrated navigation
and can easily carry 400 passengers over the route in
Length, bp 51.20m system NACOS 35-5
comfort. Sitnara ACE and Siltfna ACE operate under
Breadth, moulded 11AOm Autopilot make/model. SAM Electronics;
a Swedish flag.
Depth, moulded 4.70m/4.75m TrackPilot 1100 part of integrated
The vessels have been built by Rernontowa Shipyard Gross tonnage.. . 1665gt navigation system NACOS 35-5
in Gdansk, Poland, and are designed to meet the most Displacement.. (ro =1.010/1.025t/m') GMDSS make/model. ...SAM Electronics, DEBEG
stringent environmental and safety requirements. This 1053.6tonnes/1069.2tonnes RT5022
includes completely sealed waste and water systems, Design, draught 2.80m/3.00m GPS make/model. SAM Electronics, SAAB R4
engines which use low sulphur fuel, and an advanced Design, deadweight 64.717dwt/168.717dwt Gyro.. .....SAM Electronics; Raytheon standard
catalytic conversion solution with the latest in particle Lightweight (without solid ballast) 885.517tonnes 22G
filtration technology. Speed, service 12.0knots Chart plotter. .....SAM Electronics; Chartpilot 1100
The new ships will offer a smooth and stable passage Maximum speed 14.Oknots part of navigation system NACOS 35-5
due to their length. This is further improved through Classification society and notations Lloyd's Register Engine monitoring Lyngso Marine UMS/UCS
the use of retractable stabilisers which are designed to 100A1,PassengerShip, Ice 1Cat: Max/Mindraught
efficiently reduce roll. Crossing t.imes are short, with (bottom of the keel) FP 2.91/2.61m AP 2.91/2.61m,
Fire detection system Autronika BS-320
Extended Protective Waters Service
an average passage of just 18 minutes. The vessels also addressable
with the Limitation of Skagen in the north
have a rapid turn-around time and they operate from Internal communication.. ..Amplidan, V-SAT
and Bornholm in the southeast +LMC, UMS
a centrally-placed part of the ports of Helsingborg Seatel4003
Main engine genset
and Heisinger, right in the hearts of the two town's Make.. . Volvo Penta Complement
business centres. Model.. . D30MT Crew.. . 13
Lloyd's Register classed the ships to: 100Al, Passenger Number.. ....3 Passengers 386
Ship, Ice lC at: Max/Min draught (bottom of the keel) Output of each engine 640kW Number of cabins 1


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SVITZER SAKHALIN: Unique tugs aid
LNG port
Builder's name ASL Shipyard tankers calling at the terminal. In addition, the tugs had phase/50Hz power throughout the ship. There is also a
Designer........ Robert Allan Ltd to meet the stipulated minimum of 70tonnes bollard 24kW air-cooled emergency generator.
Vessel's name.. . Svitzer Sakhalin pull, and a speed of 12knots. These rugs are outfitted to a high standard for a crew

g~~~1yo~~r.ato.r ::::::::::~~it~~r.\V~~~~~;k In order to verify the design, an extensive series of

model tests were commissioned by Robert Allan, and
of six persons, plus rwo client representatives. The
officer's cabins include private en suite facilities, and
Flag Danish carried Out at the HSVA, Hamburg, Germany, under others share a common lavatory/shower facility. There
Total number of sister ships already completed 4 the direction of Alan Reynolds of Offshore Research is a spacious lounge/mess area and a fully equipped
Total number of sister ships still on order 0 Ltd, Vancouver, on behalf of the designers. modern galley.
Contract date - The programme focussed on the icebreaking
Delivery date February 2007 performance of the tug, and was conducted as both PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS
towed and self-propelled tests.
The performance in ice exceeded all expectations,
I n late February 2007 the high performance
tug Svitzer Sakhalin was delivered
and in particular the ability of the tug to break out
of an ice channel was exceptional. Very little ice-
length, oa..
Beam, moulded.
Depth, moulded.. .
. 34.5m
. 6.8m
from ASL Shipyard, of Singapore, to owners, propeller interaction was observed. The unique hull
SvitzerWijsmuller of Copenhagen, Denmark. Svitzer Draught, extreme... . 6.1m
form incorporates an aggressive icebreaking 'spoon'
Sakhalin is the first of four tugs being built to this Bollard pull.. . .73tonnes
bow, with shallow buttock angles in the ice contact
new unique design, which will operate under a long- zone, optimised for icebreaking performance. This Speed, service.. ... 12knots
term COntract to Sakhalin Energy Investment Corp. Maximum speed.. ..13.5knots
shape merges into a modern ship-docking style bow,
The second vessel, Svit'(!r Aniva, arrived in Sakhalin providing low contact pressures for tanker handling Bollard pull.. . .701onnes
in March. The last two tugs to the same design were duties. Fuel capacity.. . 238m'
built at Admiralty Shipyard, in St Petersburg, Russia, Additional design fearures developed to deal with Classification society and notations Lloyd's Register
and were deliverd at the end of 2007. The design was the harsh winter environment in Sakhalin include of Shipping 100A1 Tug, Fi-Fi 1 with waterspray,
developed for SvitzerWijsmuller by Robert Allan Ltd of underdeck heating and a large boiler/heat recovery lMC, UMS, IWS, Ice Class 1AS FS notation; Russian
Vancouver, Canada, under the direction of Jim Hyslop, system. The underwater hull is treated with Inerta 160 Maritime Register of Shipping for an ice class lU-5
project manager. low friction ice-capable coating. notation hull only
These heavy-duty ice-class tugs will be used at the The propulsion system comprises a pair of Bergen Other important international regulations complied with all
Prigorodnoye oil export terminal and liquefied natural Model C25:33LBP diesel engines, each rated 2395kW at SalAS and International loadline requirements
gas (LNG) plant, located near to Korsakov Port, in 1000rev/min, driving a Rolls-Royce model US 305CPP Main engines
Aniva Bay, on the south coast of Sakhalin Island. The Z-drive thruster. This combination delivers a bollard Make.. . Bergen
oil terminal and LNG plant will handle both crude oil pull of 73tonnes, and a free running speed in excess Model.. . C25:33l8P
and L G exports. The rugs will be expected to fulfil of 13.5knots. Number.. . 2
duties which include ship berthing, buoy maintenance, The main hawser winch is a double drum, hydraulic Output of each engine .. 2395kW at 1000rev/min
ice channel breaking, and ice management, at the winch supplied by Rolls-Royce, Both drums have Thrusters
terminal. a capacity for 110m of 120mm diameter synthetic Make .... .... Hells-Boyce
The tugs were built to Lloyd's Register of Shipping hawser. The brake capacity is IBOtonnes. Aft is a single Model.. . US 305CPP Z-drive
requirements for a 100A 1 Tug, Fi-Fi 1 with waterspray, drum towing winch, with a capacity for BOOm of 52mm Number.. ... 1
LMC, UMS, IWS, Ice Class lAS FS notation, as SWR, and with a brake capacity of IBOtonnes. The Deck machinery Rolls-Royce double drum, hydraulic
well as to the requirements of the Russian Maritime latter is located in a fully enclosed shelter. 110m of 120mm diameter synthetic hawser
Register of Shipping for an ice class LU-5 notation for Additional deck equipment includes a large utility/ capacity, brake capacity 180tonnes; Aft single
the hull only. The vessel also meets all SaLAS and buoy-handling crane by Norcrane, rated 10tonnes at drum towing winch, capacity for 800m of 52mm
International Loadline requirements. Bm outreach, a lOtonne tugger winch, shark jaws and SWR, brake capacity 180tonnes; large utility/buoy-
Svit'(!r Sakhalin has a length overall of 34.5m, a tow-pins mounted flush with the main deck aft (first handling crane by Norcrane, rated totonnes at 8m
moulded beam of 13.0m, a moulded depth of 6.Bm, and pair of tugs only), ahead of a 4m long x 1000mm Of) outreach; a 10tonne tugger winch;
an extreme draught of 6.1m. stern roller. There is also deck space for storage of two shark jaws; tow-pins; aft (first pair of tugs
The new design was developed in response to a 20' containers. only) ahead 4m long x 1000mm aD stern roller
demanding statement of requirements, issued to The tug is equipped to a full Fi-Fil (with waterspray) Complement
industry for this project. The requirements included classification, with two main-engine driven pumps, Crew .. . 6+2
the ability to break B5cm of level ice at a minimum of with a total capacity of 2BOOm' per hour. Potable water capacity .. . .26m'
3knots, perform harbour ice management, and when The ship's service generators are a pair of Volvo D9 Fi-Fi foam .. ........ 1Dm'
operating in pairs, break a channel wide enough for the MG gensets, each rated at 225kW, delivering400volts/3 Dispersant.. . .............................. 6m3


NVld 3snOA I33RM
31L30Ba dBVOEffilo

TANS(lY: Small cat serves Norwegian

Builder's name .Batservlce Mandai A/S pair of 60kW tunnel thrusters forward were also Main engines
Designer Ola Lilloe-Olsen/Batservice fitted. Make Caterpillar
Mandai A/S This equipment ensures that Tansey can reach Model.. .. 12VC32
Vessel's name. . Tansey speeds of 28knots with a normal cargo load, and Number.. . 2
Owner/operator Fjord1 Fylkesbaatane 22knots in cargo operation; with 25tonnes of Output of each engine ....1045kW at 2100rev/min
~I~~ntr~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Total number of sister ships already completed O
deck cargo. The vessel can reach top speeds of
Steering engine
Make .. . Scana Mar-EI
The catamaran has lounge seats for 96 passengers Model .. ......... ME-SG-23/4
Total number of sister ships still on order 1 and a separate room for transportation of patients
Contract date 1 February 2006 Auxiliary engines
has also been provided. Located on the bridge deck
Delivery date 24 January 2007 Make John Deer
is a separate lounge fitted with galley equipment.
Number.. . 2
The car deck aft, with an area of 110m', is fitted
Output... 52kW
B iitservice Mandai A/S, part of the Norwegian
Barservice Group, delivered the passenger-car
with a stern ramp and can carry 10 cars, or one
lorry and four private cars. Up to 96 passengers
Electrical system 2 x 230V, 50Hz
catamaran 30m Tansey at the end of January. This Propeller
can be carried.
small and efficient vessel, the first of its kind, is Pitch .. .................................. Controllable
The vessel has also been specified to carry
now operating in the Norwegian Floro area, and its Diameter .. .................. 1.2m
dangerous cargo and this cargo can be lifted
archipelago for the Norwegian road-ferry operator Tunnel thrusters
onboard using the Bergen Hydraulikk Palfinger
Fjordl Fylkesbaatane. Number.. . 2
18tonnes/m deck crane that has been fitted.
The Kombi catamaran was designed by naval Output of each 60kW
architect Ola Lilloe-Olsen, and was further
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Deck machinery Bergen Hydraulikk Palfinger
developed in cooperation between the owner
18tonnes/m deck crane
and builder. A second vessel has also now been
Bridge electronics Furuno AIS; Navtex Receiver; Echo
ordered, with minor amendments to the original Length, oa 29.45m
sounder; GPS Compass; VHF; GMDSS; Autopilot
design. Beam.. .. 9.00m
The vessel has a length of 29.45m, a breadth Communication VHF; Intercom; Telephone; VDR
Height to main deck 2.85m
of 9.00m, and a draught of 1.85m. Tansey's depth Draught 1.85m Complement
to the main deck measures 2.85m. The vessel Speed, service 28knots Crew .. . 3
has been classified to the Norwegian Maritime Maximum speed 32knots Seats .. . 96
Directory standards. Speed cargo operation 25tonne deck cargo 22knots Vehicles
The vessel has been equipped with a pair of Diesel/fuel capacity 5000litres Car deck .. .................................... 110m'
Caterpillar main engines, model 12VC32, which Fresh water capacity 1000Iitres Capacity .. ..for 10 cars, or one lorry, and four
each produce 1045kW at 2100rev/min. In addition, Classification society and notations .. Norwegian Maritime private cars
a CP propeller with a diameter of 1.2m, and a Directory Weight 10tonnes or 25tonnes aft deck


a. t " I ~ t


ship serves luxury resort
Builder's name Austal system, each ferry is additionally fitted with transom Range 370nm at 100% MCR
Designer Austal mounted SeaState Interceptors providing an active Fuel consumption 2276Iitres/h main engines at
Vessel's name The Grand Canal Shoppes high-speed ride control system for maximum passenger maximum speed
Owner/operator Venetian Marketing comfort. The vessel has been equipped with four Classification society and notations ..... Det Norske Veritas
Services Ltd Reintjes VLJ 930 gearboxes. + 1A1 HSLC Passenger R2 EO

~1~~ntr~••••••••••.•••.•••••••.••••••••••• K~~~
The vessels are being built in accordance with the
requirements and under the survey of Det Norske
Other important international regulations complied
with ....lnternational Maritime Organization High
Total number of sister ships already completed 4 Veritas, conforming to the International Maritime Speed Craft code (HSC 2000) in conjunction
Total number of sister ships still on order 6 Organization High Speed Craft code (HSC 2000) in with the Hong Kong Marine Department
Contract date November 2006
conjunction with the Hong Kong Marine Department requirements
Delivery date October 2007
requirements for high-speed ferries. Main engines
The new ferries will add a dedicated transport link Make.. .... MTU
to supply The Cotai Strip, and have been finished in Model 16V 4000 M70

A contract to deliver 10 4Bm passenger catamaran

ferries was awarded to Austal by Venetian
exciting electric blue, with a fountain flowing with gold
and sparkling stars.
Output of each engine..
.. 2320kW

Marketing Services Ltd (VMSL), and included Gearboxes

In addition to the 411 passengers carried by each
meeting a challenging delivery schedule for the boats ferry on two decks, special cranage and storage for Make .. ........... Reintjes
to be in operation in 2007 and 200B. passengers' luggage is also included. The cabin areas Model ... .......................................... VU~O
With the capacity to carry 411 passengers at a include Beurteaux Club and Executive seats with Number .. .. ... 4
service speed of 42knots, the ferries will provide a leather finish, accompanied by aircraft style overhead Waterjets
link from Hong Kong locations to the new Pac On lockers to provide a carry-on baggage capacity. Make Kamewa 63 SII
ferry terminal being built by the Macau Government Combined with electronic ticketing and onboard hotel Number 4
to provide a service to The Cotai Strip, on Macau. The check-in, the intention is for the new ferries to provide Deck machinery.. ..Hypac hydraulic anchor winch;
Corai Strip will incorporate a wide range of shopping, a seamless final connection for The Corai Strip'S guests Palfinger 10000M marine crane
entertainment, gaming, and convention activities that and visitors. Bridge electronics
are currently being constructed. Radars make/model.. .. Manta 1700A TFT
When opened in 2007, the Venetian Macao will Autopilot make/model Simrad APSO
provide a fully integrated resort destination with
GMDSS make/model Sailor RTS022
unmatched entertainment, convention, gaming, and GPS make/model Simrad GN33D
hotel facilities. The first class resort in Macau will Length, oa 47.Sm Gyro.. . Meridian B929216
be supported by a first class ferry service delivering Length, bp 41.SSm Engine monitoring/fire detection system ...Marine
visitors and guests to their destinations on The Cotai Breadth, moulded 11.8m Link
Strip. Depth, moulded 3.8m Complement
The vessels have a length waterline of 43.Bm, a Design, draught 1.6m Crnw.. . 8
moulded hull depth of 3.Bm, a beam of ll.Sm, a Design, deadweight 70dwt Passengers 411
draught of 106m, and a deadweight of 70dwt. Speed, service (90% MCR output) 42knots under full Other significant or special items of equipment...Palfinger
Powered by four MTU 16 cylinder 4000 series diesel load departure condition 10000M marine deck crane has been
engines, each producing 2320kW at 2000rev/min, Maximum speed .....4Sknots at 90% MCR under lightship designed to work specifically with the
driving a Rolls-Royce/Kamewa waterjet propulsion conditions palletised cargo system for luggage


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THOR: Powerful tug first for North
Builder's name. . Main Iron Works Shipyards of Orange Texas, a division of Conrad Depth. moulded 5.00m
Designer Robert Allan Ltd Industries Inc for delivery in 200S and 2009. Speed, service.. .. 13knots
Vessel's name Thor The vessel has a length overall of 30m, a beam Bollard pull 75tonnes ahead. 70+tonnes astern
g~~~[{~~~r~t~r .~u~erl11~~.~ ..~~~~~. g~
~~~in8 of 12.0m, a depth of 5.0m, and a draught of 5.1Sm.
Propulsion comprises a pair of Caterpillar 3516B
Fuel capacity..
Potable water capacity .
.. 169m'
Flag USA diesel engines, each rated 234SkW at lS00rev/min, Classification society and notations American Bureau
Total number of sister ships already completed 2 and each driving a Schottel model SRP 1520 Z- of Shipping +A1 Towing Service,
Total number of sister ships still on order 3 drive with a 2700mm diameter propeller through a +AMS, Escort, Fi-Fi1
Contract date.. . . hollow, in-line shafting system. This combination Main engines
Delivery date July 2007
delivers a bollard pull of 75tonnes ahead, 70+tonnes Make Caterpillar
astern, and provides a free running speed in excess Model.. . 3516B
nsummer 2007, Thor, a new Z-Tech 7500 class tug,
I was delivered to its owners, Suderman & Young
Towing Co, of Texas. Thoris the first of this new class
of 13knots.
The Z-Tech 7500 class tugs are outfitted for a crew
Number.. ..
Output of each engine .. 2348kW at 1800rev/min

of six persons, in modern and well-equipped facilities Propellers

of powerful ship-handling/escort tugs developed by with a 'down-home' touch to the decor provided by Make. .. Schottel
Robert Allan Ltd, and builds on the international the shipyard. Model SRP 1520 Z-drive
success of its smaller cousin, the now well-known The main hawser winch is a double drum, model Number.. .. 1
Z-Tech 6000 class, which since their introduction DYSF-52 hydraulic winch supplied by Markey Diameter.. 2700mm
to the world market barely four years ago, are now Machinery, of Seattle. The winch has a line capacity Gensets
operating throughout South East Asia, Australia, the of 22Sm of SOmm diameter synthetic line, a brake Make.. .. John Deere
Middle East, and in the Panama Canal. This delivery capacity of 250tonnes, and a line pull of 9070kg at a Model 6081AFM75
marks the first Z-Tech tug of any class built in North speed of 3Sm/min or 4300kg at 76m/min. Number.. . 2
America. Electrical power is provided by a pair of John Deere Output.. 195kW
Thor, and its soon to be delivered sister tug, is 60S1AFM75 gensets, each rated at 195kW. Deck machinery ..... Markey Machinery main hawser winch
classed for both harbour and coastal towing and The tug has a full Fi-Fi1 rating in accordance with double drum. DYSF-52 hydraulic. capacity 228m
tanker escort duty, and will be used in the port of class notation requirements. The two fire pumps are of 80mm diameter synthetic line,
Houston. driven by an independent fire pump engine. brake capacity 250tonnes. line pull of
The tugs were built to American Bureau of Shipping 9070kgatspeedof38m/minor4300kgat76m/min
class notation: +A1 Towing Service, +AMS, Escort, PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Fire protection Full Fi-Fi1 rating; 2 x fire pumps
Fi-Fi1 by Main Iron Works of Houma, Louisiana. driven by independent fire pump engine
Another set of three tugs of the Z-Tech 7500 class Length. oa 30.00m Complement
have also recently been contracted with Orange Beam, moulded 12.00m Crew .. .........................................6


6!; LOOl so SdlHS llV~S ~NV:JI~INDIS
I II I ill I I I I
o o
TIGER: Ambulance designed with safety
and manoeuvrability in mind
Builder's name Sabre Marine & General This simplifies close quarters manoeuvring and Survey requirements, other features .of the vessel
Engineers allows continuous operation in the event of a failure include a flush deck, inboard hand ralls, and safety
Designer.. . Michael Hunn Marine in either system. A remote joystick allows the harness rail, and access and stowage for a stretcher.
Vessel's name Tiger coxswain to control the vessel from the after deck
Owner/operator North Western Shipping during any MOB recovery.
As the operation of a pilot boat requires what is
in effect a controlled collision with a large object
~I~~ntr~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (a ship), the structure of Tiger has been designed Length,oa.. . 11.9m
Total number of sister ships already completed 1 with this fully in mind. A wide horizontal web Length. wi . . 10.6m
Total number of sister ships still on order - frame runs around the perimeter of the hull, which Beam.. . . .4.1m
Contract date . De~h.. . 1.9m
together with the deck, and the transverse bulkheads,
Delivery date November 2006 Loaded displacement. . 10.8tonnes
provides extreme strengthening in the region of
major anticipated contact. Draught.. . 0.6m
Speed, service.. . 26knots
To cushion any anticipated encounters with large
A new aluminium

pilot boat, Tiger, built for
North Western Shipping & Towage by Sabre
both Tasmanian companies, was
vessels, a large closed cell foam fender has been
fitted to this stiffened area. The transom corners
Maximum speed
Fuel consumption..
33knots at 2800rev/min
.. 90litres/hour
at 2400rev/min
of 6mm plate are heavily rounded to absorb impact
commissioned for pilot and ambulance duties in and Fuel capacity. .. 1200Iitres
on breaking away from the vessel, and to add to the
around the Port of Portland. The boat was designed Fresh water. . 200Iitres
integral strength of the construction. The bottom
by Michael Hunn Marine, another local business. Classification society and notations MAST, Tasmania,
plating consists of 8mm marine grade aluminium,
The vessel has an overall length of 11.9m, enabling it Class 2C
and the transverse bulkheads are of 3mm corrugated
to be operated by a coxswain, ideal for regional ports; Main engines
plate. Make.. ..Cummins
it has a 4.1m beam; and a dead rise of 18degs. A full electronics package was provided and fitted Model.. .. aSB
Power is delivered by twin 350bhp Cummins by Island Marine including VHF, Garmin GPS/ Number.. . 2
QSB5.9 electronic diesel engines without gearboxes, plotter, and a Garmin Sounder. Sonar ports have Output of each engine.. .. 300hp
coupled to Ultra jet UJ305 warerjers, giving Tiger a very been fitted to allow the vessel to participate in Propulsion.. .. 2 x 5 Ultrajet 305
respectable 26knot service speed (fully loaded), and a hydrographic survey work if required. In addition, a Bridge electronics
maximum speed of 33knots at 2800rev/min. Vessel Cummins Srnartcraft electronic management system Radars make/rnodel.... .... Raymarine integrated
control at high-speed and when manoeuvring is via a has been fitted. radar/plotter/GPS
two-station Ultra Joystick system. The accommodation fit-out is bright and highly Depth sounder. . Garmin
Waterjets were chosen rather than conventional functional, with hydraulic suspension seats for Electronics supplied Island Marine
propellers because of their outstanding manoeuvra- crew and pilots, and with a small galley in the Radios 2 x Raymarine VHF
bility, simplicity of installation, and safety in the event wheelhouse. The wheelhouse has good visibility Steering system Electro hydraulic joystick +
of retrieving a man overboard (MOB). Tiger has been with everything within reach to the coxswain and manual back-up
fitted with both manual hydraulic steering and an accessible electronics. Complement
electro-hydraulic Ultra Jet joystick control system. Built under Tasmania's Marine and Safety and Crew .. ..... 2 + 4


19 LOOl so SdlHS llVI'lS .1NV:>WNDIS
.... I I I .1. .
I~!~! I I 1--..

VB JEREZ: Compact tugs for unrestricted

Builder's name Union Naval Valencia Ltd A great deal of anchoring and mooring equipment Depth, moulded. . .4.72m
Designer........ .. Robert Allan has been installed on the series. The manoeuvring of Gross tonnage 237gt
Vessel's name VB Jerez the anchor is carried out using an electric winch, from Displacement.. 395tonnes
Owner/operator Sertosa (Grupo Boluda) Iberci. a, which has a water/sand-tight motor. Design, draught 3.00m
Country Spain An Oelkes-Eichler, model 402, tOwing winch of Lightweight. . 329tonnes
~~~~I number sisier shi's' iiireadycom
Cii S
Total number of sister sRiPS still on orr;fer O
re~;d~~ approximately 52tOnnes has been mounted
the winch. The hook is hydraulic, and manoeuvring
close to
Bollard pull 53tonnes ahead, and 48tonnes astern
Maximum speed (100% MCR output) 12.15knots
Contract date 20 February 2006 located locally and remotely from the bridge. The hook Classification society and notations Bureau Veritas I
Delivery date. . .4 July 2007 release system is made by three controls. Jn addition, +Hull +Mach Tug +AUT-UMS
one small auxiliary electric winch is fitted close to the Firefighting (E)
Pictured here is VB Rota, an identical sister. hook to recover small diameter towing ropes. Otherimportantinternationalregulationscompliedwith.....Spanish
One lbercisa hydraulically-driven towing winch has
rules for vessels under 24m length overall
been installed on the main deck forward. The winch
E ight azimuthing stern drive tugs, of 4200hp,
have been built by Spanish shipyard Union has a brake holding capacity of 137.5tonnes, 5tonnes
at 30m/minute, with 150m of towing rope and 80mm
Main engines
Make.. .. Caterpillar
Naval Valencia (UNV) as part of the U V 352 SD
Model.. .. 3516B
series. Unusually, the tugs have be fitted with all plus 20m of steel cable with 36mm. It also has a
Number.. . 2
the necessary equipment needed for unrestricted warping head for mooring. The winch has been fitted
navigation, and are part of a design originally created Output of each engine.. .. 1566kW
on reinforced seating.
for harbour and coastal operations only. Two hydraulic pumps, each with 100% of the Propellers
The six vessels already delivered are VB Tamaslipas required power, are driven by the propeller shaft in Manufacturer.. . SchoUel
and VB Sinaloa for C 1 del Pacifico, SA de CV (Mexico) order to operate the winch. One of the hydraulic Number.... . 2
in larch 2005; VB Sonora for the same owner in May pumps acts as a spare. Pitch Controllable
2005; VB Rota for Sertosa (Spain) in ovember 2006, As expected, there is also a plethora of lifesaving Open or nozzled.. .. Nozzled
VB .Almeria for the same owner in January 2007; and equipment on this tug series. Two RFD pneumatic Alternators
VB CAdiZ for Covaresa (Spain) in March 2007. The last liferafts have been installed aft of the bridge, and a Number... .. 2
two in the series, VB Jerez and VB Lanzarote were built Zodiac inflatable, with an outboard engine of 25hp, Make/type Volvo Penta
for Serrosa and Rebalapa y Barcazas de Las Palmas, is also carried. The rugs are also equipped with a Output/speed of each set 80kW
SA (Spain) respectively, and both were delivered in centralised C02 firefighting system in the engineroom, Deck machinery... .. Ibercisa; 1 x towing
July 2007. supplied by Semco Maritime. winch Oelkes-Eichler 52tonnes; 1 x towing winch
The tugs have a bollard pull of 53tonnes ahead, and Located on the main deck is a common mess room Ibercisa 137.5tonnes; anchor Vicinay Cadenas
48tonnes astern. The speed of the tugs at sea trials with forward starboard side, a galley aft port side, a toilet Bridge electronics
a mean design draught of 3m was 12.15knots, with
with shower, wash basin, and we, port side and a Radar make/model 1 x JRC JMA-2344 6kW,
the main engines developing 100% of the maximum
corridor with access to the engineroorn, accommodation 64miles; 1 x JRC JMA-3910/6 X
forward below deck, and the wheelhouse. Under the band10kW,
The series was built and classi fied by Bureau Veritas
main deck is the accommodation area comprising 96miles
to: I +Hull + Mach Tug +AUT-UMS Firefighting (E),
of one single cabin and three double cabins, and Radar transponder 9GHz Jotron TRON-SART
and complies with Spanish administration rules.
these have been designed with comfort in mind. The Autopilot make/model Navitron NT-921G
The two four-stroke Caterpillar 3516B propulsion
increased crew capacity in comparison with the original GPS make/model JRC 112-J-NAV500
engines in each vessel have a continuous service power
Ramparts 2400 design was a key issue for unrestricted Graphic echo sounder JFE-582
at 100% of 1566kW at 1600rev/min. In addition, two
operations. Magnetic compass Unilux Hansita II
Schottel SRP 1212 CP azimuthing propellers have
been fitted. Engine monitoring/fire detection system ....Semco
The electric current onboard is produced by two Volvo PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Maritime
Penta generator sets comprising a four-stroke diesel Radio beacon 406MHz Jotron TRON 40S
engine at 1500rev/min and one electric alternator of Length, oa 23.80m Complement
100kVA, 400V-50Hz with all necessary accessories. The Length, wi 21.46m CffiW.. . 7

generator sets will be cooled by a 'box-coolers' system. Breadth, moulded 11.00m Number of cabins .4


NVld 3SnOH133HM
31N3nd -80::;1
31N3nd OH::l31
M311\ lNOMJ MJII\ NCl31S
31UOCld osvosmo
VO~d ClOd "11511\ YdDd ClOd "1$1/\ 00YZ1V

VOS TRACKER: New standard set In
Builder's name ...Damen Shipyards Gorinchem consumption by enabling one generator set to take the Bow thruster
Designer Damen Shipyards Gorinchem fuJl hotel load and restricted bow thruster load, with Number .. .......................... 1
Vessel's name Vos Tracker still sufficient capacity for station-keeping in standby Pitch .. ................................. Fixed
Owner/operator Vroon Offshore Services BV operations in fair to moderate weather conditions. Output.. ......................................... 300kW
Country.............. . The Netherlands The crew accommodation, for 12 plus four spare, Generator sets
Flag The Netherlands is located aft of the rescue zone for optimal comfort Make.. .. Caterpillar
Total number of sister ships already completed 2 in seaway. The fore ship is fully dedicated to the Model.. .. C18
Total number of sister ships still on order 2 survivors and is clearly separated from the crew Number.. . 2
Contract date . accommodation. Output of each engine 550kVA, 60Hz
Delivery date September 2007 Emergency/harbour generator
The vessel has a total capacity for 125 survivors with
a reception area, a 20m2 treatment room, a recovery Make... .. Caterpillar
area with 20 bunks, a survivor area with 105 seats, as ModeL.. . C 4.4

I nSeptember 2007, delivery of the emergency rescue

and response vessel (EERV) vas Tracker took
well as sanitary facilities. There is also a morgue with
a capacity for 12.

place. This vessel, built at the Maaskant Shipyard, Rescue equipment includes one knuckle boom crane Tank capacities
which is part of the Darnen Group, is the first in a with an SWL of 2.7tonnes at 12.S5m, two SOLAS- Fuel oil. .......... 230m'
series of four vessels being constructed. vas Tracker approved IS-person fast rescue craft, as well as a
Fresh water. ...................................... 153m'
was followed by vas Trader in December 2007, and climbing net and a Dacon scoop.
Ballast water .. ...................... 166m'
vas Trapper and vas Traveller will be delivered in Electrical installation
Power system .. ......... .440/230V; 60Hz
February and lay 200S, respectively.
Shore connection. ..440/230V. 125KVA
The vessels will be operated by Vroon Offshore PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Bridge electronics
Services, a supplier of ERRV services in the orth Sea
Radars. .. 2 x AIS and ARPA
and, in particular, on the Dutch and UK continental
length, oa.. . 48.20m Gyro ... ...... Alphatron
length. bp 44.40m Autopilot.... . Anschutz NP-60
The innovative design of the vessels has been focused
Beam. .. 11.00m GPS.. . JRC J-NAV500
on simplicity, functionality, and crew comfort. The Depth. ...5.50m VHF 1&2. . ICOM
result is claimed to be a completely new concept. Gross tonnage .. .. 425gt VHF DSC . .. Sailor RT-5022
The rescue zone and fast rescue crafts are located Design, draught.. .4.25m Echosounder JRC. type JFE-3800
amidships and the wheelhouse is situated JUSt aft of Speed Radio equipment.. according to GMDSS rules
the rescue zone, resulting in an optimal view from the At maximum draught 13.8knots Area A3
control stations in the bridge wings. At sec propulsion.. . 6.7knots Alarm/monitoring system Marble MS-2180
vas Tracker has a length of 4Sm, a beam of 11m, Range 5000nm; 40 days Complement
and a depth of 5.50m. She has been classified by Classification society and notations Lloyd's Register + Crew .. .................. 12 + 4
Lloyd's Register to: + 100 AI, + LMC, UMS, and also 100 A1. + lMC, UMS
Survivors .. .................................. 125
complies with UKOOA, NMD, DMA, and Nogepa Other important internationalregulations complied with....UKOOA.
Rescue equipment
regulations. NMD, DMA, Nogepa
Knuckle boom crane .... 1 x SWl 2.7tonnes at
Main engines
The propulsion system consists of one ABC 6DZC 12.85m
Make.. .. ABC
1325kW main engine, driving a FP propeller through a Fast rescue craft. .. 2 x SOlAS approved for 15
Model.. .. 6DZC
reverse reduction gearbox. A diesel-electric system for Number.. .. 1 persons
a 300kW retractable azimuth bow thruster is provided Output of each engine 1000/1325kW at Climbing nets. .................................. 1
as a secondary propulsion system and for standby 1000rev/min Dacon scoop .. ...... 1
operations. The vessel can reach speeds of nearly Propeller Rescue capacities
14knors, and has an impressive range of 5000nm or ~m~.. . 1 Survivor seats .. ................................ 105 person
40 days. Pitch.. . Fixed Survivor berths .. ..................... 20 person
This propulsion concept is optimised for fuel Diameter 2650mm Morgue. ..................... 12 non-survivor


- --
o o o o o o
1::13>1~"I::I.l SOJ\

WEDEL: Bearing and measurement vessel

for safety and construction
Vessel's name Wedel equipment with electrical gear actuation; and two four- Gearbox
Owner/operator Hamburg Water and bladed propellers with a diameter of 1000mm, ensuring Make .. .....IF
Shipping Office the boat can reach speeds of greater than 12knots. Model.. ............ 1900
Country Germany Redundancy has been secured in accordance with Type .... .. Reduction
Ratio .. ........i = 3:1
~~~~ number Oi'sisier' shi' s'iiiready
Total number of sister S~iPS still on or~r
class specification,
their independent
through the two main engines and
supply. Ecologically-friendly oils Propeller
Make .. ................................ \ Piening
have been used where possible, for example in the stern
Contract date December 2005 Number .. ............ 2
tube. I n addition, a rudder heel, for the protection of
Delivery date 30 March 2007 Blades .. .. .4
the rudder blades, has been installed.
Diameter .. . 1000mm
The vessel has a capacity for three persons and there
is a centrally arranged stairwell that connects the Make.. .. MTU
I n December 2005, the German shipyard Fassmer
received an order for the construction of a seagoing
24m bearing and measurement vessel. This craft was
aluminium wheelhouse, the equipment deck, and the
machinery room. The free working deck has an area
.400/230V-SOHz; 38kVA

of approximately 45m2• A sounder balcony is located in Capacity

to be a modified rebuilding of the bearing ship the foredeck area. Fuel. . .. 746SIitres
Baltic, which was supplied to the Hamburg Water and Equipment installed on the bearing ship includes Fresh water.. .. 12S0Iitres
Shipping Office, Stralsund, in 2002. The vessel, yard one RR 4.2 standby support boat from Fassmer; one Deck machinery ....Fassmer RR 4.2 standby support boat;
number 2070, delivered in March 2007, is now used davit/working crane; one Steen anchor winch; and one 1 x davit/working crane; 1 x Steen anchor
in Wedel, and is also called Wedel. MKG crane. IVedel has an optimal arrangement of the winch;1 x MKG crane; sonic depth-finder
The 1.54m-draught vessel has been built to allow sonic depth-finder oscillators. oscillators
monitoring of the hydrographic bottom with traffic Bridge electronics
safety bearings, and has bearings for the inspection Sea-going radars Kelvin Hughes Nucleus 3
of the construction works. In addition, the vessel PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS SOOO
will be engaged in shipping-lane cross-bearings up to Magnetic compass Cassens & Plath type 210
the shipping lane edge, with a speed of greater than Length,oa.. .. 23.90m Gyro compass Raytheon, Standard 20
6knots. Width.. . S.70m Compact/Pilots tar D
Here, good manoeuvrability and good course stability Draught.. 1.S4m Radio system ELNA Sailor RT-4722 and RT-
are necessary, also in the case of shorter journeys. Depth 1.6m 4822
In this case, base contacts of the ship hull are usual, Displacement... 102tonnes Wind measurement system Friedrichs
Open deck.. .. .4Sm' Measurement system.. .. Simrad
thus hull, rudder, and drive bodies are to be protected
Free working deck .4Sm' diversity sonic depth finder system type EM
Maximum speed.. .. 12knots 3000; and type measurement sounding
The vessel was constructed from normal-strength Sounding speed.. .. 6knots EA400
shipbuilding steel in combined longitudinal and frame Range.. . 620nm Satellite TV radio reception system ELNA
rib design. The wheelhouse is made from aluminium, Classification society and notations ...Germanischer Lloyd Intercom.. .. ELNA Amplidan Commander
and TBT-free anti-fouling was used throughout the + 100 AS K + MC-AUT Complement .. crew 3
vessel. Classification was carried out by Germanischer Main engines Other significant equipment. Ecologically-friendly
Lloyd to: + 100 AS K + 11K-AUT. Make MTU oils have been used, eg in stern tube;rudder
IVedel has been installed with two MTU engines with Model D2876 LXE 403 heel for protection of rudder blades; TBT
power of 331kW at 1880rev/min. The boat has also Number.. ..... 2 anti-fouling paint; creep-drive equipment with
been fitted with a ZF 1900 reduction gear; creep-drive Output of each engine ..... 331kW at 1880rev/min electrical gear actuation


Ansicht von Stb.-Seite Ansicht von hinten Ansicht von vorne

. . . . ._.~.:~2~

" " "


XPLORER: New hull shape improves

Builder's name " "". .Alnmaritec Ltd She has a fully raised forecastle deck with clear all Length, bp 13.27m
Designer"".".. . Alnmaritec Ltd round access and direct view from the helm station to Breadth. moulded.. .. 6m
Vessel's name ....,," Xplorer the transfer platform in order to facilitate personnel Depth, moulded.. .. 3m
Owner/operator. . North Sea Logistics transfer, and her increased beam enhances her Gross tonnage 17.1gt
stability to allow for safe transfer operations, even Displacement 18.6tonnes under difficult conditions. Design, draught 0.63m
Total number of sister ships already completed - The large aft deck is configured to carry up to Design, deadweight 5dwt
Total number of sister ships still on order" 1 5tonnes of deck cargo and a hydraulic crane is Lightweight 17,20Okg
Contract date 20 July 2006 offered as an option. With her powerful twin waterjet
Maximum speed 22knots
Delivery date 22 February 2007 configuration she is highly manoeuvrable with a
Range.... . 200nm
Fuel consumption 100.2litres/h at 2500rev/min
shallow draught making her extremely versatile.
Classification society and notations MCA Category 3
She carries a compliment of two crew members

lorer, launched in Spring 2007, is the first of Main engines
seated forward at the raised control console and 12 Make.. . Cummins
the new Wave Commander class of offshore
passengers seated in comfort, around tables within the Model QSC 8.3
support boats from Alnmaritec Ltd. She is
spacious deckhouse. The deckhouse also incorporates Number 2
a powerful vessel designed to be used primarily as
a galley and a WC, together with ample storage and Output of each engine .490bhp
a wind farm support vessel, although she is equally
a wet area. Gearboxes
adept in surveying or dive support roles. Alnmaritec
She is fitted with a Beta Marine 1305 diesel generator Make ZF
has now begun building a second in class vessel, for
and a comprehensive array of electronic equipment Model 280
delivery in 2008.
including a satellite 'man-finder' tracking system, Number Port 2
Her new asymmetric catamaran hull form is a Output speed 2475rev/min
3D seabed profiling, radar, GPS, and chartplotter,
development of the successful 'Wave Train' hull Waterjets
together with a satcom communications suite.
shape which has been well proven in service on Make Hamilton Jet
The boat is extremely robustly constructed from
Alnmaritec vessels all over the world, but this new Model 362
marine grade aluminium alloy to deal with the
form has a higher wet deck, sloped inner hull plates, Number 2
rigors of support operations. Protection is fitted;
and an outboard planing chine to specifically improve Bridge electronics
on both keels forward and she has a substantial
performance in heavy weather. Radars make/model Furuno Navnet 1944-BB
rubber fendering system at the bow to cope with the
The new hull has been extensively tested in the Autopilot make/mode Simrad AP35
requirements of transfer operations.
model towing tank at Newcastle University, in the (Sys3)
She has a foam fendering system around the
UK, to analyse and optimise performance for both GMDSS make/model Sailor RT5022 (dsc)
remainder of the boat to help reduce weight, and the GPS make/model Furuno GP32
resistance and sea-keeping. As a result she has a
waterjets are protected by a substantial bump guard Chart plotter PC Driven Mac C
top speed of over 22knots with twin 490bhp QSC
frame. Despite the strength of construction, the bare Engine monitoring/fire detection system Heat
Cummins diesels driving Hamilton 362 waterjets, and
weight of the boat has been kept to around 17tonnes detector H900/CO, dowsing system
she has proved herself to have excellent sea-keeping
to help reduce fuel consumption, which plays a major Echosounder Taiyo OF, AIS and Furuno
part in running COSts. FCV1200-BB
Alnmaritec has been in the vanguard of the
development of wind farm support boats in
Crew 2
conjunction with Xplorer's owners North Sea Logistics
over the past seven years, with six such vessels built Number of cabins 0
during that period, and the boat's arrangement Other significant or special items of equipment Beta
reflects the culmination of this development. Length, oa .. ..15.05m Marine BV1305 generator


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