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Translated Transcription TITLE: 1.Magistrado Rodriguez-Agosto 13,2022- Declaraciones en contra del juez y Robert Moores DATE OF TRANSCRIPTION: September 12, 2022 NUMBER OF SPEAKERS: 3 as outlined below TRANSCRIPT STYLE: Non-Verbatim SOURCE AUDIO LANGUAGE: Spanish FILE DURATION: 46 minutes 43 seconds TRANSCRIPTIONIST: Valeria B. Delmar, A LINGUA FRANCA LLC RMV — Rosa Maria Valdez RR — Roger Rodriguez TH - Thomas Hoffman uA Unintelligible Translator's Certification: I Valera 8 Delmar hereby atest tat! am a ransatr certified by the American Transltors Association fo Span nto {Engl that hve Vanslted he relrenced audi, and that tothe best of my knowlege, ability, and bei this talon Srv, accurate, nd compete rensltion ofthe orignal Spanish language audio that was provided to me. Date: 09/12/2022 _ Signature TBEGINNING OF RECORDING} ‘SPEAKER _| TIME ‘CONTENT RAV 0:00:00 | Hello, good morning. [BACKGROUND: RR: Good morning] I'm here next to Thomas. He's having breakfast but he’s telling ne, “Mon, my mouth is full. You pick up.” [Laughs] TH 0:00:14 | Good morning. RV 0:00:15 | He’s saying, “Good morning,” to you. Go ahead. (Background: RR: [U/T]]. I can’t hear you too well, unfortunately. Let’ s see... Go ahead. This call is not too good. Let's see, Thomas, you take it, Let’s see if you can hear better, because I can’t hear well. TH Well, you can’t hear well because the TV is on, see. RAV No, Ro. TH ‘You don’t want to talk? BMV No. = TH Hello. % BR Hello, am 1 speaking to Thomas? TH How's it going, Magistrate? RR Where (U/I]? TH Here, in Juarez. RR 0:00:56 | Hey, I used to get invitations for breakfast, and now T just get messages. TH Vidi:02 | No, it’s that.. yes, mom was saying that she does not want that letter to be released, Alex's letter. RR Didizis | ¥es, yes, hey, let me tell you a few important things. TH, 0:01:18 | Yes. RR 0:01:19 | First of all, how are you ali? Are you doing well health wise? Is everyone okay? TH O:01723 Well, stressed out. Aside from how things are here inthe city. Lots of violence and well, I don’t know if you heard the news about the disaster that happened. Piget of 4 BIT a Here, behind our home. Here, just behind our home, you see.. ‘On Gomez Morin. That’s where shots rang out. So, well, everyone around here is nervous. Yes, see, that, let’s see. let me tell you a few things. What is going on in Juarez, Thomas, is not a coincidence, right? What is going on in Juarez is the result of the corruption, of the [female} governor, of businesspeople who allow criminal groups to take over judges, the system, so that they could do as they please. When good people such as you, your mom, like Alex, like my wife, and like me fear the system, it allows the judges to do what they want. And that is when criminals thrive. In this case here, the criminals were those who did what they did to your father. Now, my message to you all is one of solidarity. You may discern stress, nervousness or worry in my voice. And I don’t feel any of that. I’m not worried, stressed, or anything. 1/11 tell you why, Thomas, because the friends from here, from El Paso, have been working extra hard to neutralize this judge, very hard. That judge is corrupt. He is corrupt, racist, because there is such a thing as a Hispanic thug who can be racist toward good people from Mexico, right? So, what I’m trying to tell you right now is that, on Monday and Tuesday, some news will come out. It’s not anything that you all wrote, nothing like that, but it’s things that here, the friends in governnent, are doing in order to stop the judge, okay? Also, Thomas, we are looking into the possibility of issuing an arrest warrant against the judge, or a notice on behalf of the government of Mexico, okay? So then, no, this does not, will not stay as is and let’s see what happens on Thursday. No, we are even getting notes from people who were there on July first (1°) saying you all didn’t know anything at all. So, you can’t be held responsible for anything. We are protecting and supporting you always, okay? [Ur] the notary? ‘Okay? So then.. Let’s see, ask him. Te’s that.. mom is worried because she’s thinking, “then, why did the notary arrive the first time?” That’s how they will be able to prove that it’s me. Wo, no, thé.. Well, it’s that we're talking about different things. The thing about the first time was about leaving there a. not an agreement but a complaint about the judge's action, which was not allowing a date to be set on the trial. And that docunent made it to the Commissioner's Court, but it’s confidential. That is not a public document. 7H Now.. ‘So, your won’s identity, in that regard, is not open to the public, Thomas. TH ‘Oh. What I’m uncomfortable with is that, I don’t know, if the Judge were to be switched out as you say, and if there was a ifferent judge, don’t you think that it will start again from scratch and take another three (3) years? [UI], that can’t be, because the rights and interest of the murderer are also taken into account, right? They can't do that. So, if the judge gets it his way, Thomas, then this case will be delayed, ata minimum, another three (3) years. . Page 2 of 14 0:06:04 But if another judge comes into the picture, then could it take less time or how does that work? 0:06:13 Yes, a judge, see, for instance, let’s see, I’m not going to tell you what it is that I’m going to do, because I have no control over that, but let say I was the judge who [UI], what would I do? I would immediately call upon all of the sides, the attorneys, and I would say, “You know what, you have exactly thirty (30) days to set all dates, because this trial will start in December of this year.” Of this year, Thomas. Yes, that would be great. ‘And that’s for a trial start time. That's it; the only thing that left is to summon the jurors. About three-hundred (300) people will be summoned. Don’t you think that in a city of one- point-five (1.5) million, there aren’t three-hundred (300) people that can be summoned? Of course there are. Where is the list from which people are summoned? From the drivers’ licenses. That’s the source from which we draw. From all of the people in El Paso, we'll send a list. “We need you to appear.” It would be the news piece of the year: Crusius’ trial will now begin. And that’s it; the only thing we need is for the trial to begin. The case doesn’t have to be resolved; it has to be started. And I would give an order to say as follows, “I am in this proceeding. Please start the civil proceedings.” The civil suit may proceed. Because Crusius does not have to be present for the entire civil suit. Whether it goes to trial or not, remember that Walmart’s suit is not against Crusius, it’s against Walmart. So whether or not Crusius can be present in that case, it’s not necessary for him to be there. Walmart’s attorneys, Walmart’s managers, Walmart’s employees can be there. That thing about Walmart’s case not being able to begin is a lie. The lawsuit is not against Crusius, it’s against Walmart. And they are doing that to trick people. To say, "Oh, we can’t start because Crusius is stuck over here.” No, no, no, the lawsuit is because there were deficiencies and lack of attention and negligence when it came to security. So then, it’s two (2) very different things. But since this is long distance, I want to ensure that you are still on the call. Can you hear me? Yes, yes, I’m here. Oh, perfect, Well, let me know you're alive, man BB (uaughs) No, I’m just thinking. I’m thinking because, because we don’t what that, personally, I don’t want anything happening to ny mom, for instance, if for any reason, they will want to (Background: RMV: [UI]] put her in jail or put my brother in jail, or if they want to take him off the case or anything like that. 0:05:05 T’m saying, Alex. Thomas, no, no, they cannot take her off the case, because her rights are those of a widow. A widow has a lot of standing here. The only thing that I’m going to ask of you is that at “half-time,” yes, don’t have doubts. Because what you said to me at the end, the last time we went out to eat, which was a really nice meal... (ory ele ala You told me, “You know what? The only thing you cannot do in life is not do anything.” Yes. lel gls| If someone, on the day of your father’s death, had pulled out a gun, one even of the smallest caliber, and had shot one up into the air, I assure you that that idiot would not have killed so Page3 of 14 many people. But no one did anything. The ones at the door didn’t close, neither did the ones at the bank. The cops that were around, none of them had any guns on them, because I don’t know if you knew, but do you know how many federal agents were there that day at Walmart making purchases? TH How many? RR, Eleven (11). Do you know how many of them had guns? TH How many? RR, Zero (0). TH Not _one (i) RR ‘And did you know that there was aman and his wife who did have gun, and they were in the back? And the managers did not allow them to go and help? TH Really. RR, Did_you_know that? TH T didn’t know. RR And the man said, “Hold on, I have a gun. Let me just get close and fire off some shots to scare him.” And the managers didn’t Jet him. They got a hold of him and said, “Don’t even think about it; stay here.” TH 0:10:49 | See. RR 0:10:50 | So, from the first who died, the first, the second, the third, the fourth, I mean, do you want it to get to number twenty-three (23)? What’ number was your father when he died? Do you know? TH Wo. RMV We think he was [Uz]. RR ‘And you’Il never know. If you keep being scared, you'll never know. RAV (or) TH Let_me put mom on, because she wants to ask you something. RR Wo, yes, but let me tell you something before she asks me the | question. TH Oriivai_| Yes. i RR 0:11:22 | Something I want you to know is that Crusius, I do know what Crusius said, because I’ve had access. I’m going to tell you what Crusius said after, he said, when they detained him, when he turned himself in, because they never detained him. He turned himself in [UI]. And what happened? He said, “See,” he said, “the only thing that surprises me is that there was no one. No one willing to stop it.” That no one had a gun. TH 0:41:50 | Uh-huh. RR 0:11:51 | That’s what Crusius, said, yes. And what’s going on right now in Juarez, of course it will affect you, because it is more violence. But I want you to know something. Those who are destabilizing Juarez are doing so because the system is so corrupt. Because the [female] governor took sides. Because they are allowing people to come from Sinaloa to Juarez, and those people are real disgusting. They cut heads off, they torture people, and that has nothing to do with Walmart, but what does relate is that if one allows government officials to do as they please without saying anything, that’s when they becone even more corrupt, and they will continue to do as they please. What, here, the only thing that was done is there was an objection because the judge was so rude, so partial and not fair with regard to this. That he would treat prosecutor Rosales as if she was nobody, and that the judge did not want to allow a trial. He's not allowing a trial to happen. Whether there is a win or a Page4 of 14 Toss at trial, that we can’t control. The jury will determine it. If the jury says, “This young man is innocent. You've got the wrong guy. And people never did die, and that was all a lie and fake blood.” Well, okay, that could happen. But do you think that will happen? No. It’s all recorded. The bodies were buried. ‘The blood was photographed. The firearm is in custody. The murderer is there across the street from where the judge said, “There is no trial. I am not allowing a trial.” How many objections [UI], Thomas? Zero objections. They don’t even want to say that the idiot is there across the street. And why is it that if he is there across the street they don’t take him to the courtroom where you are. Why don’t they bring him to the same room? To tell him, “There will be no trial.” You know why? Because he himself would also say (UI], “I want my trial, and I want it now, because I want to die.” Crusius knows what he did. He knows he's not the only one. What he wants is to die. Because when one kills so many people, Thomas, the devil is present. And the devil doesn’t thank you and forget about you. He tortures you in your dreams and in life and in everything. What your mom sees in her dreams, Thomas, that river and all of that is not different from what Jesus Christ lived through. TH 0214239 But then. Why did Crusius, at court, why did Crusius say he was innocent? 0:14:47 ‘Ok, I’m going to answer that question for you, but first, let ne finish. TH 0:14:52 Yes. 0:14:51 ~.the idea. Jesus Christ is the son of God and He is God. And notwithstanding that, he came to fight against evil, because that is what it’s about. Do you know why, yesterday, I was telling my wife. I was saying, “Do you know why We need to have these types of challenges? Do you know why it’s necessary to struggle? Do you know why sometimes we need to worry for those we love and cherish?” Because if we didn’t, Thomas, we would not need Jesus Christ or God. If everything was rose-colored and pretty, then we would not need God. And God is testing us at this time. If we have faith and are willing to fight, as your father did in life. Your father fought for your mother. He fought to come to the United States. He fought to provide stability for you. He fought so that you would get your citizenship. He fought in many ways. Now, the answer to your question is as follows. Why was he declared innocent? No, why did Crusius declare himself innocent at court? Yes, here it goes. Because Crusius didn’t. At that time, when he appears, he is not allowed to declare himself guilty. They don’t allow it. He was standing there with attorneys by his side who are telling him that his only option is to declare himself not guilty. Because if they declare him guilty, here it goes, at that time, he has to say who was behind this, why, and why did he kill the people. And they don’t want to let him speak. And if they do that, Thomas, then they, the defense attorneys, cannot bill the millions they are charging. They, the sixteen (16) attorneys, have been charging millions for the three (3) years already. Do you know how many attorneys Crusius has? He’s got sixteen (16) people helping him defend his case. I have counted no fewer than five (5) attorneys and sixteen (16) people, to include paralegals. So, you tell me, please... PageS of 14 O:i7eii ‘And why does he have so many? I don’t understand. (Background: RMV: Why do they pay for all of his attorneys? And why is it so expensive?] Or, why are they paid? Dri7:13 Why, who pays for that? That is being paid for by the judge. The same judge who yelled at the prosecutor. And it’s the same judge that is telling you all, “Be quiet. Step aside. You are not relatives, and be afraid.” That is the same judge who is paying them. Why? Because that attorney is his best friend. And the other attorney that was also with him is also his friend. They play golf together. And if you don’t have a voice who trusts you and tells you, “Hey, Thomas, you are good people. Do you want to know the truth? Do you really want to see progress on this?” Okay. But it’s like a cancer, right? It’s like when you go to the doctor and you say, “Doctor, I’m just not feeling well. T exercise and do not feel well. What do I do to feel better?” ‘Well, see, ladies and gentlemen, it’s because there’s a cancer here.” And so, when you already know there is a cancer, then you know you can beat it, because you are catching it early enough. ‘The cancer needs to be removed. But removing the cancer doesn’t mean taking a few aspirin to feel better, no, no, no. It’s a battle. And this is a battle, Thomas, and ma’am. As for me, I've never abandoned you, and believe me, believe me that people have approached me to say, “You know what, forget about them.” and I would never do that, because, as I explained to my wife, “See, I, for your mom, for you, and Alex.. The agreement that we made is not written. It is written in a prayer. That is where the agreement is made. You are people of faith. I cannot fail that faith. I could never do that. If someone approaches me and offers me one-hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars to betray you, I could not do that. If I’m offered one million ($1,000,000) dollars, Thomas, I could not do that. Because I cannot go against my faith. That’s not what it’s about for me. And you all can corroborate that, because you know, “I’ve never charged you, and 1/11 never charge you one ($1) dollar. And I'l] never take a dollar from you, not one (1) cent of any type of currency. Tt’s because mom. yes, no, yes, I understand and thank you for it, but it’s just that mom is worried because of that. she thinks someone might do something to her, or... Yes, but, believe me when I say.. That they will.. if T have a legal problem, when it comes to the lawsuit against Walmart, will that affect me? No. They are going to say that I am a controversial person, and this and that. No. ‘I think so. Let’s see, here, let me explain that to you. The Walmart lawsuit is a suit on behalf of your father’s, what's called an “estate,” right? The lawsuit is not from you directly. You all are the owners of a.. It’s like a corporation, see, that’s the best way to think about it. You are the owners of the corporation but you are not the corporation. For example, if someone goes into a convenience store and slips because someone left water behind, you didn’t do that, and employee did, right? So then, the lawsuit is on behalf of your father’s state [sic], in English it’s called the “estate of,” right? So, if your mother, let's say.. I don’t want to use your mother. Let’s say that your father at the time of his death was married to a woman by the name of Page6 of 14 Juana Sanchez, let’s say, whether Mrs. Juana Sanchez was a drug addict prostitute who was up to no good, she would still have the same right as a wife who was a lady, such as your mother, people in high society who are good, hard-working, and business- oriented. It would be the same right. ‘So, then... Here, we are not saying that Walmart harmed your mother directly. It harmed your father, and that affected (UI]. So, the impact is indirect. So, your mother’s reputation is not factual within the lawsuit. The factors in the Walmart lawsuit are as follows, did Walmart know there was a risk, yes or no? Did Walmart act correctly in protecting and minimizing that risk? And what was the result? The result was that there was a harm? Yes, there was a harm. And so, those are the factors in the lawsuit. And I know this very well, because I teach courses. T have litigated. What’s more, I’ve filed a lawsuit against Walmart. I have won lawsuits against Walmart. And we will talk about ail of that later, but you have everything at a standstill, because this judge is wanting to apply the brakes to everything. But I will tell you one thing, Thomas, it’s not about.. The feelings of fear that you all are feeling are not real. The thing about this affecting you with Walmart, no, it cannot impact you at all. Hey... ‘And It were impacting you, the attorneys that are working on the Walmart case would be calling you right now. “Hey, this can affect you.” And, they’re not even realizing it. Because they are not doing anything about the case. Now, if they do nothing, and this continues on for three (3) more years, it could impact the case. And I’m going to tell you how it could impact it. People will start to die, naturally, of natural causes. People of advanced age who have health issues. You all don’t know, but there have been suicides already. I’ve mentioned it to you before. With family Legaretta, the widower, got a gun and shot himself. ‘Oh, my goodness. How sad. So, I’m telling you.. Yes, it’s very sad, ma’am, that they. 1 did not get a chance to speak to them. If that man had known the truth, I assure you he would not have shot himself. I assure you. (Background: Thomas: Who was that?) Legaretta. “that he would have harnessed all of that rage at the pit of his Stomach to find the strength and character to say, “You know what, yes, I may be afraid, but I’m going to fight. I’m going to fight, because it’s not fair that someone we love be taken away from us on account of money.” And the people over here are working very hard to fuck with the judge so that he won't have a say and won’t be able to utter your name anymore. That’s what is being done. And how is it being done? Well, I can’t give you too many details, but what I do want you to know is that you won't have to appear at all this week at any hearing. But, won’t I be charged with contempt? No. ‘And that will impact my lawsuit. BEF No, that can’t be, because it’s.. remember it’s two different courts. There is the civil one, which is the one the other attorneys are working on, and this is the criminal one, which is they one prosecutor Rosales is handling. He cannot accuse her of Page7 of 14 something, because, in order for that to happen, she needs to be formally notified. The formal notification needs to be delivered to her hands by an agent, and the agent needs to sign off on your receipt, the subpoena. Uh-huh. ‘And you never received a formal notification or subpoena, that’s why. ‘They're very shrewd. They'll send it through a special kind of mail. ‘That’s not valid. Just like they sent the other one. Bee) 8) Yes, but the other one was a courtesy subpoena. This would have to be made in person. That’s why I told Thomas, “If someone goes there.” Actually, that can’t be, because it’s international, first of all. He would have to ask for the permission of the prosecuting office in Chihuahua. But I told Thomas, “If someone goes there wanting to deliver something, don’t let them get through the gate.” And if someone wants to get in, let me know straight away, yes? T’ve already told the guard not to let anyone come in, but, well, I’m. ‘And this won’t last past this week, ma’am. Because on cone Monday, and this is very important, don't interrupt me. Listen to what I’m going to say, on Monday, documents will be submitted to the judge, a notification to the judge saying to the judge that you all’ cannot be touch by anything and that the judge.. Do you swear? Really? Can you guarantee it? Tt’s a sin to swear, but I’m telling you with the same faith with which I’ve told you everything. And I’ve never lied to you about anything. I have no reason to lie to you. If I were to lie about something, I would say, “If you give me twenty million ($20,000,000) dollars, that.. Don’t ask me to swear to you. Believe in this voice that has never lied to you. I have never lied to you, okay? And why would I say that to you if it’s not the truth? I’m telling you. Documents will be submitted on Monday, right. We are, additionally, and here it goes.. forcing the bald guy, remember the bald guy? Uh-huh. To testify under oath that he, yes, never explained or said anything, that could harm you, okay? So, we're forcing everybody to testify before the hearing so that the judge understands that he does not have material to work with. He has nothing, zero. And what will happen after that is an attack against the judge. It's coming. ‘Oh, I understand now. So. Judge, but you're saying that they can send us a letter and leave it here, I mean, they may want to leave it here, right? That’s what your mom said. I didn’t say that. she did. If someone were to want to come here, for instance, if the judge says, “Send a letter to the lady.” And if someone wants to leave us with a letter whether we want it or not, the guard won't let them. Let leave it with the guard. I would imagine, right? 0:28:31 TU/I], the guard. For it toa be a subpoena, it can’t be done through an employee. It has to be with the actual person. 0:28:37 Yes. 0:28:40 Te’s not valid if, For example, if it’s a corporation. Page of 14 TH 0:28:44 ‘And if the judge says, “Oh, well, I tried to hand it over to them, and they did not let me.” Can he say that? 0:28:45 No, that’s not enough. The whole “they didn’t let me,” does not. In the United States, it’s acknowledged that it’s a game. If they didn’t let me, they didn’t let me, and that’s it, but it’s not valid. The judge can’t do anything, and that’s why we are taking the steps we are taking, Thomas. So that, so that.. I’m looking right now to have a notification be sent to him on behalf of the government of Mexico saying not to mess with the people of Mexico, okay? And I can’t tell you more about it. ‘Yes. Because they are people at a very high level who are about to level allegations against the judge. And it is not advisable that I tell you who it is and how, but I have talked about it with your mother, yes, in the past about who it could potentially be. But this is not going to remain as is. You're calling me on a Saturday, and I’m telling you that I have, I mean, there’s a whole process in motion, why? Because we are indeed interested in supporting you, Thomas. If this judge carries on the way he’s carried on, there will never be a trial, truly. TH 0:30:01 That was just the question we had, that if a new judge comes in, I had that question, that if a new judge comes in, whether that would extend the case, make it go longer. That was my question. 0:30:15 ‘See, it’s important to extend it further, because this judge is extending it so much so that he’s not willing to set a date. Right now, this judge could potentially say that this case will start in twenty twenty-nine (2029). TH 0:30:31 I think that it will be in twenty twenty-four (2024), in January, right? That’s what he had said. 0:30:35 No, no, no. That’s where they are misleading you. No, that was not the.. remember, it’s because there is a federal case and a state case, A different judge is handling the federal case, right? And that’s the one they’re looking at for twenty twenty- four (2024). You did know that there are two (2) judges, right? That there are three (3) judges? You did know that there are three (3) judges, right? No. Well, that’s why it’s easily misunderstood. ‘Uh-huh. (Background: RMV: Is the [male] governor the one paying the attorneys?] My mom wants to know whether it’s the [male] jovernor who is paying the attorneys for Patrick Crusius? No. ‘No? No, no. No, see, you hear me hesitate because the funds come from the State. They do come from the State. I will find out this week whether the [male] governor has his hands in this or not, okay? ‘Uh-huh. But what I do know is as follows. That the one who decides who gets those funds is the judge, okay? Or31:47, ‘Uh-huh. 0:31:48 and he chose the defense attorney. And he chose them because tury. Or34:57 Why? Tt got cut off. 0:32:00 Yes, because it’s his best friend. 0:32:01, Uh-huh. Page of 14 0:32:05 Bat I had told you all of this before. And it’s not good to be talking on the phone, Thomas. TH 0:32:07 ‘Okay. 0:32:08 Right? You all know this already. 1 had told you about it before TH Or32113 No, it’s just, I’ve been watching channel nine (9), and I didn’t see the news, that’s why I was wondering why. Because you had said it would be made public on Friday, yesterday, and you didn’t make it public, so that’s why... (Background: RMV: No, but {UI}.] I was wondering why not. (Background: RMV: Why not.) 0:32:29 Wo, because I didn’t say that it was going to be made public, 1 said those letters would be sent but not that they were going to be made public. I was really clear about that. It is not the right time now to make them public. No, it’s not possible. Why? Because what we want right now is for the following to happen. That the judge receive a notification that any gag order does not apply to you all. You are not witnesses to the case, right? 0:33:00 Exactly. (Background: Thomas: Exactly.J 0:33:01 You are relatives who have rights as part of the victim impact, but you are not witnesses. I mean, your mother was not standing there watching Crusius shooting at everyone. No, that’s right. 0:33:14 ‘So then, nothing was made public yesterday, because it was not advisable. 0:33:21 Wo, it’s better, sir. That’s good. It’s a good thing it was not made public, so that we are not made to be part of the controversy. What we least want is to be the talk of the town. 0:33:33 Exactly, but I did explain it to Thomas. The thing is that Thomas is very in love, ma‘am. 0:33:35 No way, I don’t think he’ll fall in love. I would want that for him, but it seems really hard. 0:33:47, Well. 0:33:48 Let me tell you, I was renting an apartment to a woman, and T even increased (the rent], because she was making eyes at Thomas, so I thought to myself, “Oh, then she should pay more, right? It doesn’t matter.” And wouldn't you know, the woman realized he would pay no mind to her because she’s too old for him. she’s over forty (40). [Laughs] One thing is for sure that women nowadays are more outgoing. 3g 0:33:48 Hey, and you know where he will find love, in the intelligence program at Ft. Bliss, there are some undercover [female] agents, such as you are describing, right. They seem to be European and everything, and believe me, they don’t much care for the American guys, okay? 0:34:33 Well, if you say so, the good thing is that, hopefully your wife is not listening in or you'll hear about it. [Laughs] But I haven’t said anything bad. 1 said they are from Burope. [Laughs] That they are very beautiful. Hey, but, no.. I said they were European, you, I said, but your son deserves the best. You know tha 3) BE) & Uh, well, not so much, not so much. I’m not such a proud mother. I see my children as they are, right? With all of their faults and virtues. aI You should be fairer, because let me tell you something, if my children were your children, and I see them in that light Page 10 of 14 sometimes, because I have to protect them. I am not willing to let anything harm come to them at all, ever. And that is what separates me from politicians, I. 0:35:24 Why do you think I’m always with then? I’m always with then. It’s like I’m James Bond. I get them to tell me everything and 1 see everything, but I take good care of them. Praise my Almighty God, because they are good kids. Nothing will happen to them, you know why? Because fox the first time, there is movement on the case. Uh-huh. ag] 3 Because when the enemy sees you content, it’s because he is pulling the wool over your eyes. But when the enemy sees you are worried, it’s because you are getting closer to the truth. Well, yes. But that worry is going to do me in. [Laughs] Because when they feel they have no way out, what they want to do is harm. You've got to be careful with them. 8 It’s very evident to me that God put you on this Earth with a mission. And I don’t know if you still have twenty (20) years left or how many. No, if I make it past a year or two (2), that’s a win. God « willing. Okay, well, I’m going to tell you one (1) thing, 1 mean, however many you have left at this time.. Whatever they may be. Be) 8) 8 Because I almost lost my mother during these past few months. She got real sick. And I didn’t know.. I can share with you that at the time she was about to undergo surgery... Yes. ag ‘She didn’t get to talking about difficult moments in life. The only thing that she wanted to express to me in that moment is, “bon’t be afraid to fight.” That's it. That is her message. Praise the Lord, because I scolded all the people at the hospital. They brought me sixteen (16) doctors, ma’am, and they saved her. ‘And _what was wrong with her? ‘But let me tell you something, after everything happened, she continued on with a singular message, “Don’t be afraid to fight.” When I went up the Hill of Tepeyac to see, to give, to pray alongside the Virgin in Mexico, I never forgot the words that they had there. And they said, “Why are you afraid? Is your mother not by your side?” And “your mother” refers to the Virgin. That's who we pray to so that she may intercede on our behalf. This fat man, right, is there being corrupt wanting to bury the truth and bury the memory of those who died. This is not a God-fearing man, ma’am. This is not a person who kneels before Jesus Christ or prays to the Virgin. And you know that, so long as I am alive and have the strength, I will not be afraid. Because I do pray to the Virgin for you. I do so daily. And when people have told me, “Hey, there’s no need to worry so much.” My response has been, “No, about the Hoffmans, no. The Hoffmans are my family now, right. I consider Thomas and Alex to be like sons. And no one is going to harm you. And the truth will be known. And you will get to [UI] your Walmart case, and someday you will have that money in the bank, and you know for whom? For your grandchildren, for your children, and for the wives. Page IT of 14 0:38:30, We are going to give jobs, jobs. If we are to gain something, the United States and its citizens will gain something, because we are not the type of people that are going to be running around in three million ($3,000,000) dollar or four million ($4,000,000) dollar cars. We won’t go crazy. Our feet are planted on the ground. And that.. 0:38:56 Yes, ma’am, you have class and manners. That's why I am willing to sit with you. If you didn’t have those two (2) things, namely class and manners, ma’am, this type of approach would not be permissible. Because that’s what keeps everything stable: faith, class, and manners. And that’s why betrayals are unacceptable. And it's not acceptable to forget about the team. We are a tean, and we are moving forward. 0:39:24 Yes ~ aa 0:39:25 ‘And believe me that I’m telling you this, only what I’m able to express to you via phone, because we have done many more things to support you and help you. 0:39:34 ‘And, so what do we do now? Sorry, sorry, 1 didn’t mean to interrupt. Go on, go on. 0:39:41 Yes, right now, the only thing you need to do is go shopping, go out to eat. I know that right now [UI]. 3) 8 8 0:39:47 Wo, I don’t go shopping. I hardly ever go shopping. 1 don’t go shopping. I have clothes from twenty (20) years ago. I don’t like to go shopping for clothes. 0:40:00 ‘You have to be calm. You will be getting a call at noon on Monday, okay? 0:40:05 ‘Okay. 0:40:07 ‘And the call is going to be from the prosecutors to see if they are able to contact you. You will not answer those calls. 0:40:47 ‘Uh-huh. 0:40:18 ‘And if for any reason you end up answering, hang up right away. Okay? 0:40:23 No, no, well. 0:40:27 ‘Okay? They are going to make it, and they know, and they are expecting that no one will answer. Okay? 0:40:30 Okay. PAE CECE 0:40:31, ‘So that they can tell the judge that there was no communication, that due to all of the violence in Mexico, right now the calls are not going through, the technology is too cheap in Mexico, whatever. But [UI}. 0:40:46 ‘Of course, we cannot go to El Paso Fight now, correct? Because over there, yes.. 0:40:53 Well, you could go. Starting on Monday, that’s when. but [UI] want. 0741700 Not today Friday, nor Saturday, nor Sunday, correct? (Background: Thomas: It’s Saturday today.] I mean, not Saturday or Sunday. 0:41:06 Well, right now, I would prefer that you stay put until Saturday. On Saturday, you can come over here, and I expect to see you. O:4n:i2 ‘Uh-huh. 0:41:13 If there is a need to, I/1l go and see you over there. or I can meet you here, and I/1l swing by myself. I‘11 go along with you. So, don’t worry about that, okay? ‘Okay. ‘But you all are protected. And you will see movement this week. Page 12 of 14 RAV 0:41:30 | Tell your wife. Tell your wife on my behalf that 1 ate her food. [Laughs] And I loved it. The food she had at the restaurant. Do you remember she left a lot? Well, I heated it up here and ate it. [Laughs] RR How delicious! RMV And it is really good. RR My wife really cares for you. MV Thank you. I adore her. She’s so sweet. She’s so petite and beautiful, she seems delicate. My, how she is beautiful. She resembles a little flower, so.. She's like an orchid. BR, 0:42:12 [0h, how kind of you. REV. 0:42:13 | Orchids are small but beautiful, sophisticated. RR 0:42:20 [She has been among the people who have encouraged me the most to fight for you. RAV 0:42:24 [Oh, thank you. Thank you. RR 0:42:25 | She has told me, “Protect them at all times. And no matter what happens.” Because, well, for her, she’s stressed out. I mean, she could be on vacation, and she says, “No, we must support the Hoffmans.” We must support them. RV How sweet. RR Tt is worth it to support and protect them. Ma’am, now I have to go, because I have some appointments, but... RAV Yes. RR Tama phone call away, a phone call away always, okay? BMV ‘So_then we won't go to El Paso today, right? RR Well, for now, I would lay low over there, and I will pray and believe me that there will be movement. RAV ‘Okay. RR But right now there is no, nothing to worry about. RAV ‘Oh, okay. RR, Tf [U1] over there. RUV Te7s just that we don’t want to go out here. We cannot go out here in Juarez right now. It’s horrible. It’s a nightmare. RR Yes, I know. That was because of Maru Campos, but we'll talk about that another time. UV ‘Okay then. RR But also, it looks as though Jauregui is also lending his support, so we need to take care of the porcupine right now. RAV Jauregui? Is there? BR Right? Even if he’s ugly. He’s lending his support, so we must take care of him. And I will ask of you, ma’am, pray for us as well, just like we do for you. REV Yes, of course. Of course. See. RR, May God bless you. RM T ama strong follower of God and the Virgin, and God-willing, if someone lies, if someone betrays, well they alone will bring about their bad karma, you understand? Definitely. RR, You know about that. You know [UI]. RMV Yes; I know. RR, You told Enrique Moreno and Enrique Moreno died of cancer. RM T have the document here, where they gave me the letter. Asking me why I had told him I didn’t want him to be my lawyer anymore. T have that letter. They gave it to me, because I didn’t want him to be my lawyer anymore. BR Lets see, hold on, that is very interesting. Tell me slowly. BMV 0:44:29 | T have the letter. 1 have it. RR, 0:44:31 [Who sent it to you? Page 13. of 14 0:44:35 Fron the office of, uhm, what’s his name, of Enrique. (Background: Thomas: You are getting too close to the phone.] Enrique Moreno. (Background: Thomas: Don’t get too close to the phone. ] 0:44:42, What did it say? 0:44:44 What’s that? 0:44:46 What did the letter say, I’m sorry? aes 0:44:47 Tt said. (Aside: Let’s s6e, show me the, over there. They’ xe up there, all of the documents.] And, you see, I recently found it when he was still alive. It was weeks before he died. And they told me, “We are providing you this letter seeing as to how you did not’ want Mr. Enrique Moreno to be your..” how do you say it? Your... (Background: Thomas: Your attorney.] Your representative, your attorney. I’d have to look for it. It’s around here somewhere, yes, yes. 3 0:45:24 ‘And that’s very interesting. Thomas, 1/11 ask you to send me. When you're over here, bring me a copy of that letter. That is. very interesting. 0:45:31, Yes, yes, yes. 0:45:34 Because wasn’t Moreno there like a used car salesman? 0:45:37 [Laughs] 0:45:38 ‘Okay? They are such leeches. That’s why, that’s why God took him, okay. God is the only one who knows why. 3) BiBAg 0:45:49 His character was very.. he was a fighter like you but he was very arrogant, too much. Too arrogant. And too much for my taste. I did not like it at all. Because I, too, I’m not arrogant, but I’m no pushover. I’m no pushover. 0:46:07 No, but okay, he was bad. He did betray people. And that is not good. But, I’m hanging up, because I have to go (UZ). a & 0:46:14 Okay, then, we can say our goodbyes, and may God protect you all. Tell my “Glerita,” “Guerita” that we love her very much, and to take good care of herself. To take good care. I want her to tell me one day, “Rosy, I want you to make me this that I like to eat.” And I will make it when you come, okay? May God bless you, {UI}. ‘Thank you. Goodbye. ‘Sending you each a hug and blessings. Bye. = TEND OF RECORDING] Page 14 of 14

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