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A Qualitative Research Presented to the Faculty

and Staff of Naguilian National High School,
Senior High School Department
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements
for the Subject Practical Research I

Presented by:
Agustin, Janelle P.
Dela Cruz, Bea L.
Demandante, Ivon A.
Jacobo, Kristine Joy A.
Madayag, Lea-Ann R.
Ulidan, Estefani P.

Mr. Dante M. Capuchino Ph.D.

Practical Research Teacher
School Year 2021-2022
Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela


The researchers would like to extend their sincere gratitude to all the people who
helped and supported them to complete the research successfully.

Foremost, to God Almighty, thank you for guiding us throughout this research for
giving us the strength and the courage to not give up, and for giving us good health in order
to finish this study.

We would also like to express our gratitude to our research teacher, Mr. Dante M.
Capuchino for the support and advices you gave to be able to have much better research
paper, and for giving your best to teach us in each and every part of this research paper.

We are also grateful for the never-ending love and support given by our parents. They
are our inspiration to successfully complete our study.

To the authors of the online academic journals and studies whom the articles we used
for our references.

Lastly, the participants of this study for sharing us your time to answer the interview
questions to achieve our goals.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela


The researchers humbly dedicate this research paper to God Almighty who gave
guidance to the researchers and knowledge to finish this study.

The researchers also dedicate this research study to their beloved parents who have
always been a source of inspiration, encouragement and strength to undertake their higher
studies and to face the eventualities of life with zeal and enthusiasm.

This study is also dedicated to our research teacher Mr. Dante M. Capuchino who has
been a constant source of knowledge.

To the SHS faculty who allowed us and gave us the opportunities to convey our skills
and talents as a researcher in this generation.

And especially we dedicate this research paper to ourselves who did their very best to
gather data needed in this study and of course in completing this research.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela




Researchers: Agustin, Janelle P.

Dela Cruz, Bea L.
Demandante, Ivon A.
Jacobo, Kristine Joy A.
Madayag, Lea-Ann R.
Ulidan, Estefani P.

Adviser: Mr. Dante M. Capuchino Ph.D.

Abstract: The research work focused in the different contributions of the traditional and
the blended learning modalities in the student’s academic performance. The study is
conducted to find act to which has a greater contribution to the learner’s academic
performance, the Traditional or Blended Learning Modalities. The result of this study will
benefit the following and will bear significance to everyone on what may be the advantages
they get with the two Learning Modalities especially for the students.

After conducting survey through Google form, the findings revealed that the
most of preferred learning modalities was traditional learning or old school. The findings of
the study will serve as a references material and guide for future researchers who wish to
conduct the same study related to the contributions of Traditional and Blended Learning
Modalities to the learner’s academic performance.

Keywords: Traditional learning and Blended learning, Learner’s academic performance,

References materials

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela


TABLE OF CONTENTS…….….……………………………………………………………………………………………………….iv
I. INTRODUCTION.....……...……………...…..……………………………………………………………………………………..1
Background of the study.……….………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Statement of the Problem…….…………………………………………………………………………………………..2
Scope and Delimitation……….…...….………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 2
Importance of the Study…..…….…………………………………………………………………………………………3
Definition of terms.………..…….………….…………..……………………..…………………………………………………..… 3
II. Review of Related Literature. .….....….………….…………………………………………………………………………….……
Foreign Literature.…..…..…..…….…..……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Local Literature………..….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Foreign Studies.........…………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
Local Studies….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Synthesis.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
III. Research Design and Methodology……..……………………………………………………………………………10
Research Design………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10
Source of data…………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..…… 10
Participants of the Study…..……………………………………………………………………………………..…..…11
Locale of the Study….………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….11
Instrumentation and Validation..........................………………………………………………………………..…… 11
Data gathering Procedure………….…......……………………………………………………………………………
Treatment for data Analysis……………......……………………………………………………………………….…..……12
Ethical Consideration……….…..……………………………………………………………………………………….…………12
IV. Results and Discussion…………….…………………………………………………………………………………………14
Preferred learning modalities.……..…………………………………………………………………………………………14
Advantages of learning modalities.....………….………………………………………………………….……..16
Disadvantages of learning modalities……………………………………………………………………….…….19
Challenges encountered……………………………………………………………………………………………..….22
Effects of learning modalities in academic performance of students ......……...…………………..25
Effects of new normal and old school in student’s academic performance…………………....28
Coping strategies.……….…...………………………………………………………………………………………………........ 30
More beneficial learning modalities....….……………………………………………………………………………….31
Learning modalities students capable of learning……………………………………………………….....33

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
V. Summary, Conclusion and

Findings………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 36
Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37
Recommendation………..……..……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 37
A. Electronic Sources.……….….………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39
B. Journals……….....….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39
C. Theses/Dissertations.…......………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 40
A. Letters………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 41
B. Significant Statement……….………………………………………………………………………………………………... 43
C. Theme Clusters………………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………44
D. Coding & Verbatim Transcription……..………….………………….………………………………………………..46
E. Curriculum Vitae.……….….…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 84

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela




Education is the most powerful weapon we have at our disposal for changing the
world’s perspective. It is one of the important element in the evolution of the nation.
Without education, one will not explore new ideas. It means one will not able to develop
the world because without ideas there is no creativity and without creativity, there is no
development of the nation. People need a good education to be able to survive in this
competitive world.

Month of December, the year 2019, a virus shaken the city of Wuhan, people could
not suspect that the virus would travel all the world and change the way now people live,
interact, work, teach and learn. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is drastically
changing the lives of people, including the lives of young people. Schools and universities
have closed.

When schooling finally resumed in October 2020, the education department’s solution
was a blend of remote-learning options: online platforms, educational TV and radio, and
printed modules. But social inequalities and lack of resources at home to support these
approaches have dealt a huge blow to many students and teachers. (Guzman, 2021)

As a student we experience a lot of obstacles on our process of learning when COVID-

19 happen, such as low internet connection, lack of knowledge, decreased motivation, lack
of gadgets, delayed feedback or help due to the fact that teachers are not always available
at the time we may need help while learning, or feeling isolation due to lack of physical
presence of classmates.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in
human history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 200 countries. Closures of
schools, institutions and other learning spaces have impacted more than 94% of the world’s
student population. This has brought far-reaching changes in all aspects of our lives. Social
distancing and restrictive movement policies have significantly disturbed traditional
educational practices. Reopening of schools after relaxation of restriction is another
challenge with many new standard operating procedures put in place. (Sumitra Pokhrel,

Now, in 2022, were slowly seeing a comeback to reality of face-to-face classes. Month
of February, year 2022, given the President’s approval of recommendation for the
progressive expansion of face-to-face classes, Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones
has authorized all regional directors to commence the progressive expansion phase of face-
to-face classes for both public and private.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Given the scenarios above, the researchers was inspired to conduct a research about
the way the process of learning was affected during this time of crisis and investigates the
student’s view on effectiveness of blended learning modalities and compare it to the
learner's academic performance during traditional learning. We conducted this study to
know the most effective type of learning modalities and its effect to student's academic


This study aims to determine which learning modality has a greater contribution on
student’s academic performance, the Traditional or Blended Learning Modality.

Specifically, this study will answer the following questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of blended and traditional learning?
2. What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and traditional
3. How does the new normal and old school affect your academic performance?
4. How do the students cope-up with the situation?


1. The researchers assumed that the respondents would be a reliable source of

information that would make this study a success.
2. The researchers would be able to deeply explain the purpose of the study to the
3. This research assumed that traditional learning is more advantageous for learner’s
academic performance than through blended learning.


The research work focused on which learning modality has a greater contribution to
student’s academic performance, the Traditional or Blended Learning Modality. The
respondents of the study are STEM students only from Naguilian National High School. This
study was conducted from the Month of March 2022-June 2022. In this connection, the
researchers target 20 respondents to interview. The respondents all came from Naguilian
National High School of Naguilian, Isabela and those students who refuse to be interviewed
are not respondents of the study.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela


The study is conducted to find act to which has a greater contribution to the learner’s
academic performance, the Traditional or Blended Learning Modalities. The result of this
study will be benefits the following and will bear significance to everyone on what may be
the advantages they get with the two Learning Modalities especially for the students:

The Future Researchers:

The findings of the study will serve as a references material and guide for future
researchers who wish to conduct the same study related to the contributions of Traditional
and Blended Learning Modalities to the learner’s academic performance.

The Parents

Parents will also be of benefit because through this study, parent will become aware
of the changes and improvement in their child’s academic performance. They will be able to
know on how they will support and guide their children.

The Students

The knowledge that will be gained in this study will enable the students to be aware
on how the Traditional and Blended Learning Modalities can contribute in their academic
performances. This will give awareness on what is more beneficial for the learners and how
it plays a role on their life during the new normal.

The Teachers

This serves as a guide to the teachers on which the students are more comfortable and
can learn efficiently in their subjects. This will also help them to determine the steps they
should make to make it easier for the students to learn.


The term below is defined conceptually and operationally.

Academic Performance- is the measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects.

Blended Learning Modalities- is a system where students receive instruction from a teacher
in a physical classroom and via online courses.

COVID 19- a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus.

Education- is an essential tool that imparts knowledge to improve one’s life.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

New Normal- means a new way of living and going about our lives, work and interactions
with other people.

STEM- refers to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Traditional Learning- takes place in a classroom setting.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela



This chapter deals with the related literature and studies that have a direct bearing or
relation to this study conducted.

The previous researches help the researchers to conceptualize phenomenon, and

doctrinal appraisal which may contribute with regard to design appropriate methodology.
Keeping in mind these objectives, the researcher reviewed literature in order to obtain
information and the status of work being done in this area. Therefore, literature from
various sources was extensively reviewed in the light of the present investigation.

Foreign Literature

Yasmin Mohamad Hamdi Sakka (2022) had investigated “Students’ Acceptance of

Distance Learning as a Result of COVID-19 Impact on Higher Education in Jordan” towards
distance learning processes due to the global pandemic caused by COVID-19 in 2020. A
conceptual framework was developed using a validated conceptual framework (UTAUT) that
has proved its robustness in prior studies. The study made amendments for this framework
as it excluded the actual use variable and was only concerned with the intention
determinants, as online distance learning was imposed on students in higher education in
Jordan, and there were no other available alternatives; therefore, the study investigates the
drivers for intentions. This study also attempted to extend the theory, which does not
underestimate the robustness and validity of the proposed framework.

Maarten van der Velde, Florian Sense, Rinske Spijkers, Martijn Meeter and Hedderik
van Rijin (2021) had investigated “Lockdown Learning: Changes in Online Foreign-Language
Study Activity and Performance of Dutch Secondary School Students During the COVID-19
Pandemic” significantly impacting the education of students. Here, we investigate how the
switch to distance learning affected study activity and performance in an online retrieval
practice tool used for language learning in Dutch secondary education. Performance on
individual study trials was generally stable, but accuracy and response time on open answer
questions went up, perhaps as a result of students being more focused at home. These
encouraging findings contribute to a growing literature on the educational ramifications of
distance learning during lockdown.

Ram Gopal, Varsha Sungh and Arun Aggarwal (2021) had investigated “Impact of
online classes on the satisfaction and performance of students during the pandemic period
of COVID-19” identify the factors affecting students’ satisfaction and performance regarding
online classes during the pandemic period of COVID-19 and to establish the relationship
between these variables. This study have numerous significant practical implications for
educators, students and researchers. It also contributes to the literature by demonstrating

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

that multiple factors are responsible for student satisfaction and performance in the context
of online classes during the period of the COVID-19.

Local Literature

Ruel Ancheta and Helen Ancheta (2020) examine and discuss “The new normal in
education: A challenge to the private basic education institutions in the Philippines” This
pandemic has brought a dilemma to the educational institutions especially when the
government announced and ordered not to open face-to-face classes for Academic Year
2020-2021 until the Covid-19 vaccine. The bigger challenge is now passed on the private
basic education schools. Literature cited herein develop a framework as to the necessary
measures every private basic education institutions must do in the reopening of the schools.
As there are limited studies written on the same nature, the author suggests a thorough
study on the various facets of the online learning involving the children of the private basic
education institutions.

Jhoselle Tus (2021) “Amidst the Online Learning in the Philippines: The Parental
Involvement and Its Relationship to the Student’s Academic Performance” is one of the
determinants of the academic success of the students. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic
affected the living conditions of societies, specifically, the families. Further, this resulted in
the implementation of the new normal of education: online learning modalities. Therefore,
it challenges the students with their parents to be active in learning in-home while the
isolation is relative to their success in their educational goals. The parents were still in the
process of developing their involvement in school, specifically, in this challenges time. Also,
the level of academic performance showed that the mean score of the respondents’
academic performance was very satisfactory. This revealed that the students performed
well in class during online learning modalities.

John Erwin Prado Perdroso and Khelly Mae E. Herbuela (2022) had investigated
“Prospects, Appropriateness, and Adoption of Online Learning: The Case of Social Studies
Education in A Public University in the Philippines” Online learning has been widely
employed by Philippine educational institutions as a means of continuing learning due to the
shutdown of schools as a result of the pandemic. While an extensive study on the influence
of online learning has been conducted globally, little is known about its implications for
social studies education. Given that social studies education spans a diverse variety of social
science disciplines and is firmly entrenched in the application of knowledge and skills, it is
essential to determine whether it is suitable in the context of online distance learning.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Foreign Studies

Kemp and Grieve (2014) investigated “Face-To-Face or Face-To-Screen?

Undergraduates’ Opinions and Test Performance in Classroom Vs. Online Learning” using
thirty-seven (37) third year psychology college students as their participants. The result
revealed that in terms of academic performance, it showed that there were no significant
differences in test performance in class material either face-to-face or online. There was
also no significant link between the academic mark achieved on the unit overall and
preference for either face-to-face or online learning activities. The lack of relationship
between preference and performance is a notable one. At least in the current study, it
seems that a liking for a particular modality does not benefit performance in that modality.
Importantly, these findings also suggest that asking students to engage in their non-
preferred modality does not mean that poor performance will ensue. The implication is that
educators can select delivery modality based solely on pedagogical reasons with confidence,
rather than being concerned that a certain delivery method may disadvantage students who
hold negative perceptions of that method. Overall, performance across the two modalities is
convergent, but the electronic and face-to-face pathways to that performance may be

Arias, Swinton and Anderson (2018) compared online and face-to-face modality
through their study “Online Vs. Face-to-Face: A Comparison of Student Outcomes with
Random Assignment” to determine which modality is much effective. Students were
randomly assigned to either an online or face-to-face section of the same class to minimize
sample selection bias. There were two broad measures of student performance: the exam
average for the entire course and the improvement on a post-test relative to a pre-test. The
pre- and post-test had both standardized Test of Understanding of College Economic (TUCE)
questions and instructor questions. The face-to-face class performed statistically,
significantly better than the online class in terms of the exam average and improvement in
post-test instructor questions. There was no statistical evidence for a difference in
improvement in total post-test questions or improvement in post-test TUCE questions.
These mixed results remain when using ordinary least squares analysis to control for the
student’s Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) math score, the student’s overall Grade Point
Average (GPA) prior to taking the course, the student’s gender and the student’s overall
credit hours prior to taking the course The sample size does not allow for anything more
than a suggestion that the two approaches in question may led to different results
depending on how one measures student performance.

Paul and Jefferson (2019) had investigated “A Comparative Analysis of Student

Performance in an Online vs. Face-to-Face Environmental Science Course From 2009 to
2016”, wherein it is centered around the nature of the group such as students’
skills/abilities, and students’ familiarity with online instruction. The study compared learning
via Face-to-face vs. online learning modalities in teaching an environmental science course
additionally evaluating factors of gender and class rank. These data demonstrate the ability
to similarly translate environmental science concepts for non-STEM majors in both

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
traditional and online platforms irrespective of gender or class rank.
The social implications of this finding are important for advancing access to and learning of
scientific concepts by the general population, as many institutions of higher education allow
an online course to be taken without enrolling in a degree program. Thus, the potential
exists for increasing the number of non-STEM majors engaged in citizen science using the
flexibility of online learning to teach environmental science core concepts.

Local Studies

Chua, Sibbaluca, Miranda, Palmario, Moreno and Solon (2020) conducted “The Status
of the Implementation of the E-Learning Classroom in Selected Higher Education Institutions
in Region IV-A Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis” in order to have an in-depth analyzation of E-
Learning implementation in Higher Education Institution (HEI) in times of emergencies like
COVID-19 crisis. The result of the study suggests that most of the respondents feel great,
happy, and convenient with this transition. Some of the participants believe that this is the
best solution during this pandemic and they believe that learning will never get interrupted.
Teachers that are part of the study has a positive outlook and are motivated to teach and to
learn the new technology. This motivation has pushed them to provide best strategies for
their students.

Lapitan, Tiangco and Diaz (2021) conducted “An effective blended online teaching and
learning strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic” wherein the shift to distance learning
during the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a real challenge for both instructors and
students. The blended online learning strategy is deemed to be the most practical method
to adapt as this combines the advantages of synchronous and asynchronous strategies. The
main motivation in choosing the blended strategy is to increase the student’s participation
in their own learning process rather than quietly sitting during a synchronous discussion.

Sofia De Guzman (2015) conducted the “STUDENT PERCEPTIONS ON THE IMPACT OF

learning instruction should be a “winning combination” of online and classroom activities.
The most significance difference between traditional and blended mode of instruction is the
conscious integration of technology, specifically, online activities, and face-to-face
classroom activities in the blended mode. In addition, the choice of online activities and
tasks should match face-to-face classroom activities and help achieve the set learning goals.
Online activities should be engaging in the same manner as classroom activities. There are
various computer applications, software, web-based programs that teachers may choose
from to ensure that students are motivated.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

In summary, the review of related literature and studies, local and foreign, shows that
during this pandemic, it is the best option to have distance learning. The participants of the
said specific study believe that learning will not get interrupted by the new method of
teaching. Teachers are motivated to teach which pushed them to create strategies for their
students. The instructor indeed has a big role in making the subject to be an online-class
friendly in order to have a learning outcome comparable to those students who take face-
to-face class. In addition, one of these study suggest that professional learning is essential to
change existing practices and discard ineffective teaching methods in order to make changes
in teachers’ practices, it is necessary that school systems identify what the school needs and
provide professional learning using the format that is most appropriate for the topic of

When it comes to student’s performance, the result revealed that, there were no
significant differences in test performance in class material either face-to-face or online.
There was also no significant link between the academic mark achieved on the unit overall
and preference for either face-to-face or online learning activities. Moreover, these findings
also suggest that asking students to engage in their non-preferred modality does not mean
that poor performance will ensue. But one study found that the face-to-face class
performed statistically, significantly better than the online class in terms of the exam
average and improvement in post-test instructor questions. Overall, performance across the
two modalities is convergent, but the electronic and face-to-face pathways to that
performance may be divergent.

The significance of the aforementioned studies gave rise to the idea of this whole study
for this research has not been conducted yet. Aside from that, these studies aid the
researchers to have an initial expectation to the results of their study since the given studies
are similar to what they are conducting.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela


This chapter will give an outline of research methods that will be followed in the study.
It will provide information on the participant’s methods present the methodology of the
study in terms of the effects of blended learning modalities in the academic performance of
STEM student. The chapter will describe the research design, source of data,
instrumentation and data collection, tools for data analysis and ethical considerations are
used in this study. Each aspect of the research method is described for purpose of clarity.

Research Design

The survey method was utilized in this study. This design is a list of questions aimed at
extracting specific data from a particular group of people. According to J. Ponto (2015) it is a
useful and legitimate approach to research that has clear benefits in helping to describe and
explore variables and constructs of interest. To make it clearer, this study design is fitted for
the study since it concentrates on the gathering of data with regard to the blended learning
modalities versus old school a comparison and contrast on perceived contributions to
learner’s academic performance.

In addition, qualitative research was used. Qualitative research design should also not
only account for what is said or done, but also the manner in which something is spoken or
carried out by the participant. Sometimes these mannerisms can hold answers to questions
in themselves and body language and the tone of voice used by respondents are key
considerations. It aimed to get a better understanding about one’s personal experiences
that are to be interpreted for the formulation of solutions that may be imposed. This
appropriate to the study since it utilized qualitative techniques such as interview and
observation to identify which they prefer on academic learning modalities.

Sources of Data

In this study, the participants coming from Naguilian National High School a Senior
High School students from STEM strand which has two section which is Silver and Gold are
the sources of data participated this school year 2021-2022. The researchers utilized the
interview method to extract information from the interviewers. The interview was
conducted by the researchers themselves. They are interviewed by the researchers through
Google form and send it to their email account. The adviser of this practical research
recommends 20 participants. These recommendations can help the researchers estimate
how many participants they will need, but ultimately, the required number of participants
should depend on when saturation level is reached.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Participants of the study

The respondents of this study are Senior High School Students at Naguilian National
High School specifically STEM students aged 16-18. The researchers target 20 respondents
for the questionnaire. The respondents are chosen randomly to answer the questionnaires
regarding the difference of learning the traditional way with the new learning modalities
that are used during the new normal.

Locale of the study

The probe was

conducted by the
researchers at Naguilian
National High School at
Hilltop Magsaysay
Naguilian Isabela.

Figure 1: Map of Isabela,


Instrumentation and Validation

The researcher chose to gather data via text messaging through messenger to express
the respondent’s feelings, emotions, and opinions regarding the research subject. The
questionnaire was self-made by the researchers. It comprises the student’s profile to be
filled up by the respondents. Also, open question questionnaires were provided to allow a
participant to answer in open-text format.

The researchers spent time, efforts, and cooperation in developing their questionnaire
so as to serve its intended respondents. The questionnaire was created by the researchers
from the related research. The researcher conducted a survey and will gather all of the
information or answers regarding the questions sent to the respondents via messenger after
the survey.

Before the conduct of the interview, the researchers asked permission to the research
adviser. After asking permission to the research adviser to conduct the study, questionnaire
will be sent to the 20 respondents. Furthermore, the comments and suggestions of the
teacher is highly observed.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Data Gathering Procedure

For the purpose of this research, this is to compare and contrast on perceived
contribution to learner’s academic performance of blended learning versus traditional
learning or old school. The coordination of senior high school of Naguilian National High
School gives us a permission to conduct a survey with our research tittle “BLENDED

The researchers had used Google form survey and send it to their email so that they
can easily answer the questionnaires. The result will hopefully be the basis to start the
chapter 4 of the research title.

Treatment for Data Analysis

In order to gain the result, the researchers used questionnaire to determine the
responses of the people who affects the difference of acquiring knowledge traditionally and
during the new normal. The content of the gathered information will be critically analyzed
by the researchers. The responses to the questionnaire by the STEM students were
statistically analyzed with the data requirements of the study. The themes was used to write
a textual description of what the participant experience, the themes was used to write a
structural description of the context or setting that influenced how participants experienced
the phenomenon.

Ethical Considerations

Anonymity of individuals and organizations participating in the research has to be


Research participants should not be subjected to harm in any ways whatsoever.

Any deception or exaggeration about the aims and objectives of the research must be

Respect for the dignity of research participants should be prioritized.

Affiliations in any forms, sources of funding, as well as any possible conflicts of

interests have to be declared.

Full consent should be obtained from the participants prior to the study.

Any type of communication in relation to the research should be done with honesty
and transparency.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

The protection of the privacy of research participants has to be ensured.

Any type of misleading information, as well as representation of primary data findings

in a biased way must be avoided.

Adequate level of confidentiality of the research data should be ensured.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela



This chapter presents the interview analysis about blended learning modalities versus
old school: a comparison and contrast on perceived contributions to learner’s academic


THEME 1. Best choice. The study revealed that majority of the participants believed that it’s
a best choice of traditional learning because they can easier understand the lessons. The
majority answers were showed in the following responses:

“Traditional learning, because it is easier than blended learning it is easier to understand

the lesson and I think it is more efficient than blended.”

“Traditional learning because I learn more here than in blended.”

“Traditional learning because it is easier for me to understand the lessons.”

“I choose traditional learning because of this you will learn well than blended learning.”

“I prefer the traditional. Cause during that mode of learning I believe that I do learn more
compared to the blended learning.”

“Traditional because I think it is more efficient than blended.”

“I prefer traditional learning modality because I can learn efficiently that way without
struggling to cope up.”

“Traditional learning is my preference because I believe I learn more in that method of

learning than I do in blended learning.”

“Traditional learning because I can easily comprehend the lesson.”

“I prefer traditional learning but in this situation, blended learning is the best choice.”

THEME 2. Connection. Based on the study, interaction with teacher is very helpful to the
students. Connection with teachers, friends, and classmate is very important in studying, it
make it helpful for them to clearly understand the lesson. These findings are manifested in
the following responses:

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

“I prefer traditional learning, because teachers can explain the lessons clearly and we are
able to interact with our classmates/friends.”

“Traditional learning since, it is easy for ask questions to our teacher regarding to the
subjects we didn’t clearly understand.”

“I prefer traditional learning because students or learners can fully understand well the
lessons that was being discussed by the teachers and we are able to interact with our
classmates and/or friends.”

“I prefer face to face because it is much easy and the teacher is there that you will have
friends and you will actually understand more about the topic.”

“I prefer face to face because it is much easy and the teacher is there.”

“I prefer traditional learning because it’s better to learn something with my friends and
classmates that to learn something by myself.”

“The traditional learning because the teacher can easily explain the lessons clearly.”

THEME 3. Adapting. As nowadays we are in the new normal because of COVID 19 all over
the world is been affected to this crisis specially the students. In this point learners are been
using blended learning modalities because it is the best choice for this crisis. The different
answers of the participants are manifested in the following responses:

“Well I prefer blended learning right now because I’ve already adjusted to it and it is a
best choice for this seasons of crisis.”

“I prefer traditional learning apart from the fact that I am used to blended learning
because will experience many distractions, there are also many adjustments and changes in
time in activities.”

“Traditional learning because students in blended learning can’t focus or study properly
due to distractions in their environment, it’s also difficult to self-study at home, even if you’re
slow learner.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela



THEME 1. Something better. In this study participants responses in our survey that
interaction between teacher and students are the advantages in traditional learning. The
answers were showed in the following responses:

“In traditional learning there is interaction between teachers and students that’s help
them to cope up with the lessons.”

“Easy learning.”

“The advantage of traditional learning is that it teaches you well and clearly.”

“The advantage of traditional learning is that you can easily understand the lesson.”

“You can learn easily.”

THEME 2. Active in school. Most of the learners are more active in engagement with
teachers. These findings are shown in the following responses:

“Traditional learning can increase the levels of student’s engagement with teachers.”

“One on one or in person teaching is effective and demonstrates in increased levels of

student engagement with teachers.”

“You can learn inside the classroom wherein you learn a lot of things.”

“You can learn in a classroom setting, where you will learn things.”

“Students are more focused because we have a teacher around us teaching these things.”

“In traditional learning you can learn fast and understood what your teacher is teaching.”

“Traditional learning: learn more in academic, socialization to other learners and

teachers, understand more about the lesson and the topics from any subject.”

THEME 3. Friendly. Being friendly is making yourself socialize, in that way you can ask them
if you don’t understand the lesson. The findings are shown to the following responses:

“In traditional learning you can easily and you can learn more in academic socialization.”

“Traditional learning. You will learn a lot because there are teachers.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

“In traditional learning, advantages include having an interactive learning with classmates
and teachers while not having to struggle to cope up.”

“Teachers and students can interact well and can ask their teachers easily if they are
having a hard time understanding the lessons that was being given. It develops one’s
communication skills and social skills.”

“In traditional learning interaction with teachers for me is the biggest advantage.”

THEME 4. Enjoyable. In traditional learning it much more enjoyable because after classes
you can hang out with your friends. The following are the responses:

“You can enjoy studying in traditional learning.”

“More enjoyable.”


THEME 5. Self-study. Self-studying become more and more popular way to engage students
with what they are learning in class. Students have the ability to access so many resources
that now, learning can happen anywhere, anytime not just in the classroom. The findings
are shown in the following responses:

“In blended learning you can improves your skills of being independent, the ability to
work without supervision.”

“We have our own time and we can do our tasks at any time.”

THEME 6. Flexibility. A feasibility study aims to objectively and rationally uncover the
strengths and weaknesses. These findings are shown in the following responses:

“Blended learning offers flexibility in terms of availability.”

“Save more time and resources.”

“Complex learning.”

“The advantages of blended learning is that it is more flexible and I can save more money
since I don’t need to go to school every day.”

“In blended learning advantages includes flexible learning and the utilization of
technology foe academic purposes.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

“Blended learning allows student give feedback and makes learning fun since it is easier
to be taught by teachers themselves instead of watching tutorials on other websites such as

“Blended learning enables the student to access the materials from anywhere at any time
while enjoying the benefits of face to face support and instructions.”

“You can just search the answers in Google or in any websites.”

“Flexible scheduling opportunities.”

THEME 7. Organize. Organizational learning is the process of creating, retaining, and

transferring knowledge within an organization. An organization improves over time as it
gains experience. From this experience, it is able to create knowledge. The different answers
of the participants are manifested in the following responses:

“You can manage your own time management.”

“You can attend classes without getting ready.”

“More time in answering modules and activities, learn and think more when it comes
from other subjects, less risk in getting deadly viruses.”

THEME 8. Safety. A safe learning environment involves every aspects of creating a positive
experience for students. These findings are manifested in the following responses:

“In blended learning you can be safe while learning especially during a crisis like the

“Allows you to learn while staying secured, which is especially important during a crisis
like COVID-19.”

“Students may develop good time management and improves their knowledge about
technologies that was being used during online classes. Also, in this time, we are facing a
pandemic. Blended learning helps us to avoid being infected by the said virus.”

THEME 9. Adjusted. Learning adjustment refers to the process through which students
make efforts to achieve balance in their learning environment and improve their academic
performance. The majority answers were showed in the following responses:

“In blended, our learning is in our hands at the same time less financial things.”

“Blended learning allows you to relax whenever you want.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela



THEME 1. Unfavorable condition. Students with unfavorable condition on learning may

have problems with reading, writing or paying attention in their lessons. They may also be
disengaged or show signs of poor-emotional health. These findings are manifested in the
following responses:

“Blended learning have a chances of distractions and procrastination happens.”

“Blended learning may create a sense of isolation. Everyone learns in their own manner.”

“In blended learning, I am more prone to procrastinating.”

“In blended learning you will experience a lot of distraction in studying in difficulty in
understanding the topic.”

“You’ll having difficulty of studying alone and will face poor internet connection.”

“Internet connection, less understanding in a lesson and topics from the subjects given, lot
of modules that can cause mental health to the students.”

“Lack of physical interaction.”

THEME 2. Technology issue. Technology can provide learners with access to inappropriate
content or information if the proper security measures are not put in place. The different
answers of the participants are manifested in the following responses:

“The disadvantages of blended learning are lack of technology and low internet

“Disadvantages include a possible lack of motivation to engage in technology, a

temporary increase in the workload during the transition phase.”

“You can’t learn a lot because of slow internet connection and poor time management of

“In blended learning, lack of time, cheating and dependence in the internet.”

“Disadvantages include the need of abundant gadgets, stable connection despite of

remote areas and lack of interactive discussions like of that of traditional learning could.”

“Time constraints, cheating, and reliance on the internet.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

“Poor internet connection.”

THEME 3. Missing deadlines. A deadline is a date or time when something must be finished.
At work and school, most projects have deadlines. If you don’t get your paper in by the
deadline, you won’t get a good grade. The answers are showed in the following responses:

“In blended learning, many modules or activities to be answered in a short period of time
and also lack of guidance by the teacher.”

“We struggle at time management.”

THEME 4. Confusing. Confusion is a powerful feeling. If it doesn’t turn to frustration, it can

give rise to curiosity, motivation and engagement. These findings are shown in the following

“Cannot understand clearly the lessons/modules.”

“In blended learning it’s hard to understand the lesson.”

“In blended learning, students are likely to finish modules just for passing the subjects.”


THEME 5. Financial problem. Students often struggle to make ends meet and afford their
education, and many of them suffer from low income, low financial literacy, compulsive
spending tendencies, and high debt levels. The findings are shown to the following

“Traditional learning is expensive now that the fuel became more expensive.”

“Higher cost not only of money but also of time as previously mentioned, commuting
demands an economic expense.”


“You’ll have problems like on commuting, money, lack of school supplies and more.”

“The disadvantage of traditional learning is the financial assistant.”

“Safety and costly.”

“Needs more money for allowance and etc.”

“Maximum financial resources.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

THEME 6. Exposure. Exposure is the act of subjecting yourself to an influencing experience.

Exposure implies opening oneself to the learning experience by charting a path with
passionate curiosity, accepting failures and learning something more about yourself in the
process. The following are the responses:

“Physical interaction can lead more possible COVID cases.”

“In traditional learning, disadvantages include inflexible learning that risk safety and
efficiency of learning in this new normal.”

“The disadvantage of traditional learning, would be it’s not safe during his pandemic.”

THEME 7. Feel tired. The more we use our brain to perform mental tasks, the more energy
is being used. Long-term stress can be brought on by a variety of factors, including a
challenging life event, a demanding learning process or procrastination. The findings are
shown to the following responses:

“In traditional learning I get burnt out sitting all day and listening to lectures.”

“Disadvantage is a temporary increase in the work load during the transition phase.”

THEME 8. Connection. If your loss of concentration allows you to fail at task even as simple
as reading, writing or reciting, this can directly affect your learning. The following are the

“Sometimes, students tend to lose their focus during the discussion because of their
classmate/seatmates and being nervous when talking in public (e.g. when your teacher
called you for a recitation).”

“Teachers will struggle and might overwork and work themselves and so are students.
Travelling from one house to another, the fear of pandemic will definitely still be there.”

THEME 9. Procrastination. Procrastination can have a negative effect on student’s

schoolwork, grades and even their overall health. Students who procrastinate experience
higher level of frustration, guilt, stress and anxiety. In some cases, leading to serious issues
like low self-esteem and depression. The following are the responses:

“Struggling on time management.”

“We don’t have any access at our time.”

“The disadvantage on the traditional learning is you need to focus on studying even if you
are tired or hungry because you have to wait for the set time.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela



THEME 1. Hindrances. Many learners fail to catch up the virtual classroom requirements,
maybe due to low bandwidth, little or no access to technological devices or other technical
issues. The findings are shown in the following responses:

“Low internet connection resulting to not understand the lesson.”

“I encountered the difficulty in understanding the topic, lack of time and interest, and
easily get bored.”

“The expenses of the technology inadequate training, technological issues the need to
adapt content for blended learning, decrease motivation and weekend relationships
between students and teachers.”

“I’ve encountered a lot of challenges, like poor internet connection.”

“Low internet connection.”

THEME 2. Miserable. Blended learning can cause social isolation, it requires strong self-
motivation and time management skills. These findings are shown in the following

“There is not enough technology available in my study.”

“Slow internet connection, procrastination, lack of technology and school supplies and
hard to cope-up with lessons.”

“Financial needs, time management, need to study the lesson that we don’t know how to
answer all the questions.”

THEME 3. Laziness. By postponing academic tasks, students would fail to control themselves
which then leads to stress, low academic performance and anxiety. These findings are
shown in the following responses:

“Poor time management and procrastinating.”

“I have hard time to practice time management.”

“I am more prone to procrastinating and sometimes I don’t understand some concepts in

the modules.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

“It’s hard to fix your schedule because there are many things to do other than modules.”


THEME 4. Distracted. When a student is distracted during learning, learner’s brain actually
processes and stores information in different, less useful ways, resulting in knowledge that
is much less adept at extending and extrapolating to new contexts. The different answers of
the participants are manifested in the following responses:

“In blended learning, I uncomfortable home learning environment.”

“The main challenges that the students have encountered are self-studying, poor internet
connection, lack of sleep and time to answer all the modules due to the great number of
activities, distractions, and lack focus.”

“I’ve encountered the challenge were you need to focus and forced yourself on studying
than making necessary things than un useful.”

“I have face many challenge when it comes to beating deadline.”

THEME 5. Boredom. When students feel they already know the subject matter, they get
bored if they aren’t stimulated. Regardless, they don’t feel there’s anything new to learn
and their attention wanders. These findings are manifested in the following responses:

“I encountered short span of interest, lack of interactive participation and lack of stable
internet connection.”

“I have trouble understanding the topic, a lack of time and interest, and a proclivity to
become bored.”


THEME 6. Barriers. A barrier learning is anything that prevents a learner from being fully
engaged in the learning process. A person or even a group of people affected by learning
barriers feels frustrated or unwilling and cannot achieve their learning goals. Learning
barriers can be caused by various factors. The majority answers were showed in the
following responses:

“Hot weather and challenges on transportation.”

“I encountered include constant active participation, travelling expenses and in flexible


Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

THEME 7. Problems. Problems are often unavoidable but important part of the learning
process. This seems particularly so for complex conceptual learning. These findings are
manifested in the following responses:

“In traditional learning, I encountered lack of financial.”

“The difficulties I faced were in comprehending the materials.”

“Lack of money (e.g. money to buy for your snacks and schools fares) the fear of failing
during exams and overtime classes.”

“Financial assistance, time management.”

“One of the challenges are with that of money especially it is costly.”

“Financial problem.”

THEME 8. Struggles. A struggling learner has to work harder than others around him in
order to accomplish the same task or learn the same thing. The different answers of the
participants are manifested in the following responses:

“I’m not good in public speaking.”

“I’m lack of self-confidence to recite in front.”

“It’s hard to compete with your classmates.”

“The feeling of competing with classmates”

THEME 9. Disturbance. A disruption is a sudden break or interruption. Disruptive education

is, therefore, that which intends to break with the established model to improve the existing
one. The answers are showed in the following responses:

“Having a problem on concentrating in class if others are noisy and disruptive.”

“I get burn out sitting all day and listening to lectures.”

THEME 1O. Challenging. With a learning challenge, the individual’s input, output and/or
internal processing is inefficient. This typically causes exhaustion and overload from what
others see as a normal amount of work. The key to eliminating learning challenges is to
identify the underlying causes. These findings are shown in the following responses:

“In traditional learning, the challenges I encountered was difficulty of understanding.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

“The disadvantages on traditional learning is you need to focus on studying even if you
are tired or hungry because you have to wait for the set time.”



THEME 1. Incapable. Basically, the person is trying to learn the wrong thing at the wrong
time. You might consider this as a working rule. If you cannot learn something in particular,
you need to look earlier and find what is blocking that, that you can learn. When you learn
earlier thing, then you can learn the later thing. The findings are shown in the following

“Can’t pass modules on time which can lead to lower academic performance.”

“Having low grades, because I’m not able to focus properly.”

“My academic performance includes average grades that may or may not decrease as I
now struggle to maintain it while coping up.”

“It effects a lot of my academic performance since I have hard time to deal with the
unfamiliar words and topics and hard time to focus on studying.”

THEME 2. Beneficial. Blended learning creates truly integrated classroom where the needs
of all types of learners can be met. Keeping students engaged, stimulated and motivated
also helps teachers to be more effective and make greater gains with their students. These
findings are shown in the following responses:

“Blended learning has a positive impact, it can enhance students learning out comes,
improves students motivation and it is effective way for achieving learning objectives.”

“Blended learning can enhance students learning outcomes, improve student’s

motivation, and it is effective way for achieving learning objectives.”

“It improves students motivation, enhances different skills such as time management skills
and technology skills, and it provides safer learning environment for both teachers and

“This affects blended learning facilitates collaboration delivering a blended learning

strategy increases the opportunities for students to collaborate, which results in a deepened
learning experience and improvement performance and profitability.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

THEME 3. Expansion. Expanded learning time refers to any educational program or strategy
intended to increase the amount of time students are learning, especially for the purposes
of improving academic achievement and tests scores or reducing learning loss, learning
gaps, and achieving gaps. The different answers of the participants are manifested in the
following responses:

“Increased my academic performance.”

“I maintain to an honor students. I still manage to learn new things and new lessons.”

“Improves my academic performance by raising my grades.”

“The work also confirms the results of previous papers, finding that the learning outcomes
improve students.”

“My academic performance turns up great recently.”

“My academic performance is good.”

“The effects in every student’s grade or academic performance because they don’t get the
full guidance of the teacher, but also it is a better way of learning in order to learn peacefully
at home.”

THEME 4. Attitude. Negative attitudes discourage, limit performance, saps motivation and
inhibits learning. These findings are manifested in the following responses:

“My mood in answering modules can easily change.”

“I can learn more easily, it’s more productive.”


“I’m more impressed.”


THEME 5. Engage in. In education, student’s engagement refers to the degree of attention,
curiosity, interest, optimism and passion that students show when they are learning or
being taught, which extends to the level of motivation they have to learn and progress in
their education. The majority answers were showed in the following responses:

“More focus on studies that leads to higher academic performance.”

“Improves my academic performance.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

THEME 6. Convenient. Traditional learning provides students with affixed schedule and
specific periods dedicated exclusively to learning. These findings are manifested in the
following responses:

“Traditional learning increases interaction among students and provide conducive

environment to learn fellow student.”

“In traditional learning modalities, effects regarding my academic performance include

good grades because of interactive efficient learning.”

THEME 7. Simple. Learning is a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result of
experience and increases the potential for improved performance and future learning. The
different answers of the participants are manifested in the following responses:

“It is easy for me to understand the lesson.”

“The effects of it, is you can learn easily but it’s hard to catch up with your clever

“You can focus on learning the lessons in order to understand more and also to enjoy your

THEME 8. Amusement. Learning isn’t a one-off event. It requires repetition and dedication.
If the experience is fun, learners will stay curious and keep coming back for more. The
answers are showed in the following responses:

“It didn’t bother me on my academic performance since I’ve been enjoying teaching

“Happy and enjoyable environment.”

THEME 9. Daring. Daring is learning something new, giving importance. It is constantly being
in search for new and in the effort of learning. Daring has the ability to transmit and create
action. The answers are showed in the following responses:

“I can show and build my self-confidence in myself and engaged more in academic

“It provides higher level of learning, increases the interaction between teachers and
students, and also it enhances student’s confidence.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela


THEME 1. Disappointment. When you experienced disappointment, it can help make you
feel more grateful for what you have. When you are disappointed you, it helps you better
understand and appreciate the things you have in life, the people who have your back, and
the fact that you can overcome anything. The findings are shown in the following responses:

“New normal way of learning made my academic performance lower than when we’re on
old school.”

“It’s more challenging than before. It’s hard to adjust, especially what we are used to is
F2F then suddenly changed. This has big effect on my academic performances because there
is a teacher who teaches you differently than self-study.”

“Despite the fact that we don’t know exactly how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting
academic performance, our own experiences and observations suggest that the substantial
loss of learning time, coupled with the sudden and challenging shift to remote learning or
home schooling are having an impact on academic performance and learning.”

“My grades are low.”

“It affects me a lot during this time unlike old school you can easily answer the given
activities with the guidance of teacher.”

THEME 2. Unhealthy. We are always learning but not all learning is good for us. Learning
can be as unhealthy as it can be healthy. Learning is a responsible for what goes wrong in
our lives as it is for what goes right in our lives. Learning has a dark side. These findings are
shown in the following responses:

“The new normal affects my academic performance for many reason such as depression
and anxiety compared to old school.”

“It affect my mental health and lead to questioning my own capacity on learning.”

“It is very stressful and uncomfortable.”

THEME 3. Crucial. Learning depends on many other skills: such as focusing and centering
your attention, planning and sticking to a program; tenacity, resilience and the ability to
reflect on information. Recognizing that struggle is often a part of learning prevents us from
becoming too discouraged and giving up entirely. The different answers of the participants
are manifested in the following responses:

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

“This new normal it affects my academic performance in the way that it is not easy to
finish the lesson, while during old school it is easily to understand the lesson because there is
a teacher who will teach you.”

“New normal affects my academic performance in such way as not to understand the
other contents of my modules.”

“Still good but little bit change when the new normal came.”

“In the new normal, my academic performance is affected negatively in such that I have
to struggle to maintain it while coping-up, decreased it slightly because blended learning
issues I encountered including short span of interest, lack of interaction and unstable
internet connection.”

“The new normal has had an impact on my academic performance in such a way that
finishing a lesson or two has become difficult due to several obstacles. I learned more and
sometimes more easily at the old school because there was always a teacher to teach you.”

“On new normal, it affects a lot of my academic performance since I have hard time to
deal with the unfamiliar words and topics and hard time to focus on studying. On old school,
it didn’t bother me on my academic performance since I’ve been enjoying the teaching

“In the new normal it affects badly because of the many modules and household chores
while in old school it affect’s on how I catch up with my classmate’s performance.”

“I can manage my time for my activities but traditional learning hits different.”

“New normal learning affects my academic performance in the way that I don’t want or I
can’t understand the lesson form the modules. And in traditional learning it affects my
academic performance in a way that I can show my skills to higher my grades.”

THEME 4. Excellent grades. A great learning experience adds value to the learner. This
means we are helping them understand something they couldn’t before, it’s easy to use,
and well-crafted. The entire experience should feel purposeful, and put the needs of the
learner first. These findings are manifested in the following responses:

“Both new normal and old school made my grades increased.”

“New normal is challenging but it benefits my academic performance by making my

grades increase and I think the results is the same with old school.”

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

“During the new normal, it helps me improve my time management skills. Although I’m
having a hard time understanding the lessons I am able to finish it well. My grades are also
good and high. In old school, it enhances my communication skills. The lessons are easier
because it is discussed well by the teachers.”

“Again, it’s just the same but it takes a big adjustment academically.”


THEME 1. Persuasive. Persuasive learning is about tempting your learner’s, not tricking
them. The primary goal of using persuasive learning is to get learner’s actively participate,
not manipulating them into doing so. The majority answers were showed in the following

“I would find a way to understand the lesson, by watching YouTube or by reading the
modules carefully.”

“I learned how to be independent, I provide time in terms of learning and for my break
time, and I balanced my time or the used of gadgets/social medias.”

THEME 2. Balancing. A balanced learning allows learners to have more control over their
own academic experiences by vigorously assessing and improving their own learning. These
are important steps in helping them to develop the attitudes and aptitudes of lifelong
learners. These findings are manifested in the following responses:

“By having time management.”

“Rest when you’re tired. Continue when you’re ready.”

“Better time management and determination.”

“By organizing my schedule and doing it early and finishing it early.”

“I always make time for answering my activities.”

“I make time for myself.”

THEME 3. Building self. Self-learning is an approach to learning where the individual makes
the effort to identify their own learning needs, set learning goals, find the necessary
resources, and evaluate their own knowledge. The different answers of the participants are
manifested in the following responses:

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

“Just do my best, trust myself and build more self-confidence.”

“I deal with it and learned from it.”

“I made adjustments with my mindset.”

“I really don’t know, I just keep going because I need to.”

“The challenges can mean the students screen time.”

“Even it’s hard to coping up by the means of adjusting is very important I always tried my
best to adapt with the new normal.”

THEME 4. Motivated. Motivation is not only important in its own right; it is also an
important predictor of learning and achievement. Students who are more motivated to
learn persist longer, learn more deeply and perform better in classes and on standardized
tests. The answers are showed in the following responses:

“With the help of my friends and the people close to me, also by encouraging myself that I
can do it no matter what happen.”

“I coped up with the challenges of blended learning by changing my learning habits

efficiently, in such ways that I now prioritize my participation in online classes and that to
manage my unstable internet connection.”

“With the assistance of my friends and family members I also tell myself that no matter
what, I can accomplish it.”

“It’s really hard at first, but with the help of my friends and families, my trust in myself
become bigger.”

“I find motivation to cope up with it.”

“I stayed motivated.”


THEME 1. Kinds of students. Greater sense of belonging and improved self-esteem. Even
small acts of kindness create feelings of self-worth and belonging. Acts of kindness increase
energy and give a wonderful feeling of optimism. The different answers of the participants
are manifested in the following responses:

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
“There are different kinds of students, some students prefers
blended learning because they are more focus when study without the help of anyone.
However there are also students prefers face to face method.”

“It depends on every student because we don’t have the same capacity/ privilege to

“Well for our cases right now I think face to face is not the best way to continue
education. We should be sure that our environment is safe. I don’t really agree that face to
face class because in school we can’t avoid to have contacts with others students and

“For me yes, cause they can be able to search their answer through online.”

“For me it depends on the students but I know a lot of students like me will say that there
is a higher learning in face to face method.”

THEME 2. Level of understanding. Understanding level teaching is a more deliberate

teaching method in which students interact with concepts and, as the name implies,
comprehend the content. The answers are showed in the following responses:

“No, for me face to face method are more capable for students because face to face
method gives you more understanding.”

“No, since students are no longer can do numerous modules.”

“No because in blended learning most of students just rely on searches and answer keys
on modules.”

“For me, students are capable of learning through face to face method because I observed
that lots during blended learning are not active. Some do not attend online classes, some do
not pass their answer sheets on time and also many teachers are having a hard time to talk
to students.”

“From what I hear and experience for me not because not everything you want to change
is that easy to change and not everyone is that easy to educate themselves especially on
changes in lifestyle.”

“No, because learning through teacher is more effective.”

“No, because traditional learning is better than blended learning because you can
understand more the lesson if we are in traditional learning.”

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THEME 3. Struggles on learning. A struggling learner has to work
harder than others around him in order to accomplish the same task or learn something.
The findings are shown in the following responses:

“No I don’t think so, because there are more limitations in learning during the blended

“No” said the participant 2&4.

“No, I do not believe so, because learning during blended learning has more limits than
traditional learning.”

THEME 4. Expanding. The term expanded learning time refers to any educational program
or strategy intended to increase the amount of time students are learning, especially for the
purpose of improving academic achievement and test scores, or reducing learning loss,
learning gaps and achievement gaps. These findings are shown in the following responses:

“I more capable on face to face because my academic performance is more increased.”

“For me, students are more capable in learning through face to face method because of
the efficient interactive learning that results good grades and understanding of lessons at
least for me.”

“Yes because face to face is more fun and I always have encountered good.”

“More people are capable in face to face learning because it’s easy to understand a

“I think they’re more capable on face to face method because of their performance


THEME 1. Helpful. For many students, learning typically involves reading textbooks,
attending lectures, or doing research in the library or online. While seeing information and
then writing it down is important, actually putting new knowledge and skills into practice
can be one of the best ways to improve learning. The majority answers were showed in the
following responses:

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“Old school, being in a classroom filled with students and having
an interaction with the teachers has a big impact to a student learning. It can help them in
learning the lessons more easily and quickly.”

“Old school because it is much easier for us students to learn because there is the
guidance of the teachers.”

“I think its old school because this is more beneficial to the learners like me.”

“Old school since it assists the students to learn better along with their teacher without
experiencing difficulties.”

“I like face to face method because I believe students learn and comprehend more during
this method than in other. Face to face learning also allows students to interact and discuss
issues with their peers in a more personal setting.”

“Old school/face to face I believe that face to face learning is more beneficial than
blended learning because students tends to be more active discussion when it is face to face.
Teachers could easily observe their students when they were having a hard time
understanding some lessons especially on math concepts. Teachers can also easily manage
their lesson because they don’t have to compress it to fit the modules. Social skills,
communication skills and critical thinking skills are also being enhanced and/or developed.”

“Old school because we can focus more & there are teachers there to guide us.”

“Old school because that’s what I’m used to it.”

“A. Old school”

“Traditional learning is more beneficial because teacher can teach and guide us face to

“Old school/face to face, because the lesson can easily to understand and capable to
apply and you can socialize to other students same with the teachers.”

“I think it’s old school because there will be teacher who explains the lesson briefly in
order to understand more the lessons they want to teach and the lessons you want to learn.”

THEME 2. Privilege. It is the ability to understand the within-group differences that make
each student unique, while celebrating the between-group variations that make our country
a tapestry. These findings are manifested in the following responses:

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“Old school, because I believe that students learn more and more
and understand more during this modality than the other one. Face to face learning also
gives the students the freedom to mingle and discuss topics with their friends in personal.”

“Old school because in old school students much learn more.”

“Modular blended learning because it is most efficient out of three for the teachers
explain the topics to students but it’s not available for students who don’t have internet
connection modular learning distance will be the most efficient for them.”

“Modular learning teach the students values not specific lessons which is repetitive.”

THEME 3. Accomplished. A learning outcome is a clear statement of what a learner is

expected to be able to do, know about and/or value at the completion of unit of study, and
how well they should be expected to achieve those outcomes. The answers are showed in
the following responses:

“I choose old school, because in terms of academic performance, students are likely to
have better excellence in learning through interactive participation resulting in better grades
and understanding lessons.”

“Old school because it is more efficient and the grades that are being given is more fair.”

“Old school because to be honest I prefer the old school rather than the blended learning
why? Because many students like to go back in the old traditional way cause in the blended
learning it is more stressful and tiring also it affects our health.”

“I would definitely say that the old school is better because this is what we have done
traditionally but I would say that blended learning doesn’t feel because this is the safest way
of learning during this time.”

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Naguilian, Isabela


This chapter shows the following parts: Summary Findings, Conclusion and


This study was designed to know the difference of the traditional way of acquiring
knowledge with the new learning modalities now with the new normal also. It aims to know
whether these new learning modalities really affect the academic performance of STEM
students at Naguilian National High School.


The following are the salient findings of the study:

 The students have different learning modalities that they prefer.

 Blended learning and Traditional learning modalities have their own advantages.
 The learning modalities have their own disadvantages.
 Both traditional and blended learning modalities have challenges that students have
encountered like: In blended learning the challenges encountered by the participants
are low internet connection, lack of time management, laziness and distractions.
While in traditional learning, lack of self-confidence, not good in public speaking and
the feeling of competing with classmates.
 Blended and Traditional learning modalities have different effects to learner’s
academic performance like: In blended learning, the effects to learner’s academic
performance is that, they can’t pass the modules on time which can lead to lower
academic performance, enhances their skills and knowledge and their academic
performance raising or turns up greatly. While in traditional learning, they can focus
more on their studies, they can easily understand the lessons and it enhances the
self-confidence of a student.
 New normal and old school affects the academic performance of the students like: It
can decrease, increase or maintain their grades it depends on the students on how
will they handle the situation.
 Students have their own different way to cope up with the situation.

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Naguilian, Isabela
 Each learners have different learning modalities that they are
capable of like: Learners are more capable on traditional learning because it’s more
advantageous than blended learning, students can easily understand the lessons and
more focus on studying.
 Blended learning and Traditional learning modalities/old school have their own
benefit to learner’s academic performances like: In blended learning, learners can
improve their skills of being independent, students also can manage their own time
and in this blended learning you can be safe while learning especially during this
crisis. While in traditional learning, learners can easily and clearly understand the
lessons, learners can focus more.


Each student has their own different perspective. The learning modalities have an
advantages and disadvantages for the learners. It is normal for the learners to encounter
various challenges with the different learning modalities which are the blended learning and
traditional learning modalities/old school. Both learning modalities affects the academic
performances of every learners, it can be positive or negative. Each learning modalities have
different effects to learner’s academic performance. Students cope-up with the situation by
doing their best, motivating themselves and by the help or guidance of other people. Every
student has different learning capability or strategy to learn. Both blended and traditional
learning modalities/old school have their own benefit to learner’s academic performances.


From the findings and conclusions of the study the following recommendations are

For the Future Researchers

1. For the future researchers, you can use this as a reference material and guide for
future researches if you wish to conduct the same study related to the effects of the
pandemic to the academic performance of STEM students.
2. This study serves to have a basis for them to make a good research.
3. Through this study, future researchers already know what they’re going to do,
because they have already a references.

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Naguilian, Isabela
For the Parents

1. For the parents, always check your child whether they really are doing their
2. You should able to know how you will support and guide your children.
3. Through this study, parents will become aware of the changes and improvement in
their child’s academic performance.

For the Students

1. For the students, get organized. Making a plan for what you’re going to do and when
you’re going to do it make sure you’re always ahead of the curve-literally.
2. With the current situation, students must understand that face-to-face classes was
not possible for the time being. Students must learn how to study independently and
use their gadgets wisely.
3. Manage your study space, find a place that will maximize your productivity. In the
places away from the distractions.

For the Teachers

1. For teachers, studying techniques depending on the learners’ preference must be

applied to further understand a certain lesson.
2. This research study would initiate student-teacher interaction and has
communication and technological skills to effectively implement the different types
of learning modalities.
3. Through this study, it will serve as a guide to the teachers on which the students are
more comfortable and can learn efficiently in their subjects.

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Naguilian, Isabela

A. Electronic Sources
Arias, J., Swinton, J., Anderson, K. (2018). Online Vs. Face-to-Face: A Comparison of Student
Outcomes with Random Assignment. Stud. High. Educ. 42, 1785–1799. doi:

Flores, Gago, Nasri, Quezada,Talbot, and Quezada-Parker(2020), “The COVID-19 Pandemic

and its Effect on Teacher Education”, September 16, 2020

Gopal, R., Singh, V. & Aggarwal, A. Impact of online classes on the satisfaction and
performance of students during the pandemic period of COVID-19. Educ Inf Technol 26,
6923-6947 (2021).

Jeremiah Joven B. Joaquin, Hazel T. Biana and Mark Anthony, “The Philippine Higher
Education Sector in the Time of COVID-19. Front. Educ. 5:576371. August 05, 2022

Kemp, N. and Grieve, R. (2014). Face-to-Face or face-to-screen? Undergraduates'

opinions and test performance in classroom vs. online learning. Front. Psychol. 5:1278. doi:

Leslie Ann C. Demandante, Althea Kate C. Domingo, Krisha Mae G. Gajelon, Christian Ivan I.
Rosini and James Bryan Francis M. Villacite, THEN AND NOW: QUANTIFYING EFFECTS OF
Quantitative Research March 2021.

Lorico DS. Lapitan, Jr., Cristina E. Tiangco, Divine Angela G. Sumalinog, Noel S. Sabarillo, and
Joey Mark Diaz, “An effective blended online teaching and learning strategy during the
COVID-19 pandemic” Published online 2021 January 30.

Maarten van der Verde, Florian Sense, Rinske Spijkers, Martijn Meeter and Hedderik van
Rijn (2021). Front.Educ. 03, August 2021.

Paul, J. and Jefferson, F. (2019) A Comparative Analysis of Student Performance in an Online

vs. Face-to-Face Environmental Science Course From 2009 to 2016. Front. Comput. Sci. 1:7.
doi: 10.3389/fcomp.2019.00007

Simon Burgees, Hans Henrik Sievertsen(2020), “Schools, Skills and Learning: The Impact of
COVID-19 on Education, April 01, 2020

Ssemanda Enosi (2010-2018), History of Education. African Virtual University.

B. Journals
Andersen, S C, and H S Nielsen (2019), “Learning from Performance Information”, Journal of
Public Administration Research and Theory.

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Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Chua, R., Sibbaluca, B., Miranda, R., Palmario, G., Moreno, R., Solon,
J. (2020). The Status of the Implementation of the E-Learning Classroom in Selected Higher
Education Institutions in Region IV-A Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis. COVID-19. E-
Learning.Platforms. Journal for Critical Reviews Vol.7, Issue11,2020.

Jhoselle Tus. Amidst the Online Learning in the Philippines: The Parental Involvement and Its
Relationship to the Student’s Academic Performance. International Engineering Journal for
Research & Development, 2021

John Erwin Prado Pedroso, Khelly Mae E. Herbuela. Prospects, Appropriatesness, and
Adaption of Online Learning: The Case of Social Studies Education in A Public University in
the Philippines. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 4, pp
480-488, March 2022.


Sumitra Pokhrel, R. C. (2021). A Literature Reiew on impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on

Teaching and Learning. SAGE journals.

Ruel Ancheta, Helen Ancheta. The new normal in education : A challenge to the private
basic institution in the Philippines. International Journal of Educational Management and
Development Studies 1(1),2020.

C. Theses/Dissertations

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Naguilian, Isabela

Appendix A. Letters

Letter to the Authorities

Naguilian National High School

Hilltop Magsaysay Naguilian Isabela
Senior High Building Department
June 2022

Dear Sir Dante,

In partial fulfillment of our requirements for our subject Practical Research 1, we grade
11 STEM student of section Silver in Naguilian National High School, we would like to ask
your approval to our research entitled “BLENDED LEARNING VERSUS OLD SCHOOL: A

We believe that you are with us in our enthusiasm to finish this research for our subject
and to develop our well-being. We hope of your positive response on this humble matter.
Your approval to this research will be greatly appreciated.

Respectfully yours,
Minallo STEM Silver Group

Recommending Approval:
Mr. Dante M. Capuchino Ph.D.
Practical Research I Teacher

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Letter to the Participant

Dear Respondents,

We are the grade 11 STEM SILVER from Naguilian National High School. We are conducting a
study about “Blended learning modalities versus old school: A comparison and contrast on perceived
contribution to learner’s academic performance”. This said study aims to determine what is the
most effective type of learning and its effect to student’s academic performance. The participants
that will be needed in this are stem students only from Naguilian National High School.

And because of this, we are asking for your precious time, and effort to answer the questions in
the questionnaire, that are important and helpful for the completion of the study. We appreciate
your participation, just please answer it carefully and seriously.

Rest assured that all data gathered from you will be kept at the highest level of confidentiality.
Your positive response to this request will be a valuable contribution to the success of the study and
will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much for your cooperation.



Appendix B. Significant Statement

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Naguilian, Isabela
Table 1.
(Statement of the Problem no. 1)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of blended and traditional learning?
Advantages of blended learning
1. In blended learning you can improves your skills and being independent, the ability to
work without supervision.
2. Blended learning offers flexibility in terms of availability.
3. You can manage your own time management.
4. In blended, our learning is in our hands at the same time less financial things.
Disadvantages of blended learning
5. Blended learning have a chances of distractions and procrastination happens.
6. The disadvantages of blended learning is lack of technology and low internet connections.
7. In blended learning many modules or activities to be answered in a short period of time
and also lack of guidance by the teacher.
8. Cannot understand clearly the lessons/modules.
Advantages of traditional learning
9. In traditional learning there is interaction between teachers and student that’s help them
to cope up with the lesson.
10. Traditional learning can increase the levels of student’s engagement with teachers.
11. In traditional learning you can easily and you can learn more in academic socialization.
12. You can enjoy studying in traditional learning.
Disadvantages of traditional learning
13. Traditional learning is expensive now that the fuel became more expensive.
14. Physical interaction can lead more possible COVID cases.
15. In traditional learning I get burnt out sitting.

Table 2.
(Statement of the Problem no. 2)
What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and traditional learning?
Encountered challenges in blended learning
1. Low internet connection resulting to not understand the lesson.
2. There is not enough technology available in my study
3. Poor time management and procrastinating.
4. In blended learning, I uncomfortable home learning environment.
5. I encountered short span of interest, lack of interactive participation and lack of stable
internet connection.
Encountered challenges in traditional learning
6. Hot weather and challenges in transportation.
7. In traditional learning, I encountered lack of financial.
8. I’m not good in public speaking.
9. Having a problem on concentrating in class if others are noisy and disruptive.
10. In traditional learning, the challenges I encountered was difficulty of understanding.

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Naguilian, Isabela
Table 3.
(Statement of the Problem no.3)
How does the new normal and old school affect your academic performance?
1. New normal way of learning made my academic performance lower than when we’re on
old school.
2. The new normal affects my academic performance for many reason such as depression
and anxiety compared to old school.
3. This new normal it affects my academic performance in the way that it is not easy to
finish the lesson, while during old school it is easily to understand the lesson because there
is a teacher who will teach you.
4. Both new normal and old school made my grades increased.

Table 4.
(Statement of the Problem no. 4)
How do the students cope-up with the situation?
1. I would find a way to understand the lesson, by watching YouTube or by reading the
modules carefully.
2. By having time management.
3. Just do my best, trust myself and build more self-confidence.
4. With the help of friends and the people close to me, also by encouraging myself that I can
do it no matter what happen.

Appendix C. Theme Clusters

Table 1
Theme Clusters
Question no. 1
Theme 1. Best choice
Theme 2. Connections
Theme 3. Adapting
Question no. 2
Theme 1. Something better
Theme 2. Active in school
Theme 3. Friendly
Theme 4. Enjoyable
Theme 5. Self-study
Theme 6. Flexibility
Theme 7. Organize
Theme 8. Safety
Theme 9. Adjusted
Question no. 3
Theme 1. Unfavorable condition
Theme 2. Technology issue

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Theme 3. Missing deadlines
Theme 4. Confusing
Theme 5. Financial problem
Theme 6. Exposure
Theme 7. Feel tired
Theme 8. Connection
Theme 9. Procrastination
Question no. 4
Theme 1. Hindrance
Theme 2. Miserable
Theme 3. Laziness
Theme 4. Distracted
Theme 5. Boredom
Theme 6. Barriers
Theme 7. Problems
Theme 8. Struggles
Theme 9. Disturbance
Theme 10. Challenging
Question no. 5
Theme 1. Incapable
Theme 2. Beneficial
Theme 3. Expansion
Theme 4. Attitude
Theme 5. Engage in
Theme 6. Convenient
Theme 7. Simple
Theme 8. Amusement
Theme 9. Daring
Question no. 6
Theme 1. Disappointment
Theme 2. Unhealthy
Theme 3. Crucial
Theme 4. Excellent grades
Question no. 7
Theme 1. Persuasive
Theme 2. Balancing
Theme 3. Building self
Theme 4. Motivated
Question no. 8
Theme 1. Kinds of students
Theme 2. Level of understanding
Theme 3. Struggles on learning
Theme 4. Expanding
Question no. 9
Theme 1. Helpful

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Theme 2. Privilege
Theme 3. Accomplished

Appendix D. Coding & Verbatim Transcription


Which learning modalities do you prefer blended learning or traditional learning?

“Traditional learning, #easier to Most preferred THEME 1. Best
because it is easier understand choice
than blended learning #more efficient
it is easier to
understand the lesson
and I think it is more
efficient than
“I prefer traditional #interaction with Student-Teacher THEME 2.
learning, because teachers interaction Connections
teachers can explain
the lessons clearly
and we are able to
interact with our
“Well I prefer blended #already adjusted More sustainable THEME 3.
learning right now Adapting
because I’ve already
adjusted to it and it is
a best choice for this
seasons of crisis.”
What are the advantages of traditional learning and blended learning?
In traditional learning modalities.
“In traditional #interaction Influence of THEME 1.
learning there is between teachers Something
interaction between teachers and better
teachers and students students
that’s help them to
cope up with the
“Traditional learning #students Engaging in THEME 2. Active
Republic of the Philippines
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Naguilian National High School
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Naguilian, Isabela
can increased the engagement learning in school
levels of students
engagement with
“In traditional #academic Socializing THEME 3.
learning you can socializing Friendly
easily and you can
learn more in
“You can enjoy #enjoying while Enjoyment THEME 4.
studying in traditional learning improve learning Enjoyable
In blended learning modalities.
“In blended learning #improves your Enhancing THEME 5. Self-
you can improves skills study
your skills of being
independent, the
ability to work
without supervision.”
“Blended learning #offers flexibility Flexible schedule THEME 6.
offers flexibility in Flexibility
terms of availability.”
“You can manage #manage your Time management THEME 7.
your own time own Organize
“In blended learning #safe while Safe learning THEME 8. Safety
you can be safe while learning environment
learning especially
during a crisis like the
“In blended, our #less financial More convenient THEME 9.
learning is in our Adjusted
hands at the same
time less financial
What are the disadvantages of blended learning and traditional learning?
In blended learning modalities.
“Blended learning #distraction Time management THEME 1.
have a chances of #procrastination skills Unfavorable
distractions and condition

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“The disadvantages of #lack of Wider online THEME 2.
blended learning is technology learning Technology issue
lack of technology #low internet
and low internet connection
“In blended learning, #loaded activities Can’t answer some THEME 3.
many modules or #lack of guidance activities Missing
activities to be deadlines
answered in a short
period of time and
also lack of guidance
by the teacher.”
“Cannot understand #unable to incomprehensible THEME 4.
clearly the understand Confusing
In traditional learning modalities.
“Traditional learning #more expensive Expenses THEME 5.
is expensive now that Financial
the fuel became more problem
“Physical interaction #more possible High risk THEME 6.
can lead more cases Exposure
possible COVID
“In traditional #burnt out Not preferred THEME 7. Feel
learning I get burnt tired
out sitting all day and
listening to lectures.”
“Sometimes, students #interaction with Students THEME 8.
tends to lose their classmates interactions Connection
focus during the
discussion because of
and being nervous
when talking in public
(e.g. when your
teacher called you for
a recitation)
“Struggling on time #no time Easily distracted THEME 9.
management.” management Procrastination
What are the challenges you encountered during the blended learning and
traditional learning?
In blended learning modalities.

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Naguilian, Isabela
“Low internet #low internet Can’t attend THEME 1.
connection resulting connection classes Hindrances
to not understand the
“There is not enough #lack of Can’t attend online THEME 2.
technology available technology class Miserable
in my study.”
“Poor time #procrastination Rushing answering THEME 3.
management and Laziness
“In blended learning, I #uncomfortable Too much THEME 4.
uncomfortable home home learning distractions Distracted
“I encountered short #short span of Not interested THEME 5.
span of interest, lack interest Boredom
of interactive
participation and lack
of stable internet
In traditional learning modalities.
“Hot weather and #weather Climate change & THEME 6.
challenges on #transportation lack of Barriers
transportation.” transportation
“In traditional #lack of financial Can’t afford some THEME 7.
learning, I expenses Problems
encountered lack of
“I’m not good in #no confidence Social fear THEME 8.
public speaking.” Struggles
“Having a problems #problems on Noisy and THEME 9.
on concentrating in concentrating disruptive Disturbance
class if others are
noisy and disruptive.”
“In traditional #difficulty of Difficulties THEME 1O.
learning, the understanding Challenging
challenges I
encountered was
difficulty of
What are the effects of the blended learning modalities and traditional learning in
your academic performance?
In blended learning modalities.

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Naguilian, Isabela
“Can’t pass modules #can’t pass on Leading to low THEME 1.
on time which can time grades Incapable
lead to lower
“Blended learning has #positive impact Improves learners THEME 2.
a positive impact, it Beneficial
can enhance students
learning out comes,
improves students
motivation and it is
effective way for
achieving learning
“Increased my #increased Accelerated THEME 3.
academic Expansion
“My mood in #my moody Contented THEME 4.
answering modules Attitude
can easily change.”
In traditional learning modalities.
“More focus on #more focus Center of attention THEME 5.
studies that leads to Engage in
higher academic
“Traditional learning #conducive Most beneficial THEME 6.
increases interaction environment Convenient
among students and
provide conducive
environment to learn
fellow student.”
“It is easy for me to #easy for me Uncomplicated THEME 7. Simple
understand the
“It didn’t bother me #enjoying Knowledgeable THEME 8.
on my academic teaching process Amusement
performance since
I’ve been enjoying
teaching process.”
“I can show and build #build myself Optimistic THEME 9. Daring
my self-confidence in confidence
myself and engaged
more in academic

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Naguilian, Isabela
How does the new normal affects your academic performance? How about in old
“New normal way of #lower performances THEME 1.
learning made my performance Disappointment
performance lower
than when we’re on
old school.”
“The new normal #experiencing Emotional THEME 2.
affects my academic depression and problem Unhealthy
performance for anxiety
many reason such as
depression and
anxiety compared to
old school.”
“This new normal it #not easy to Unfinished THEME 3. Crucial
affects my academic finish the lesson
performance in the
way that it is not easy
to finish the lesson,
while during old
school it is easily to
understand the lesson
because there is a
teacher who will
teach you.”
“Both new normal #both increased Level performance THEME 4.
and old school made Excellent grades
my grades increased.”
How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in the blended
“I would find a way to #finding a way Self-study THEME 1.
understand the Persuasive
lesson, by watching
YouTube or by
reading the modules
“By having time #time Managing THEME 2.
management.” management Balancing
“Just do my best, #trying best Self-growing THEME 3.
trust myself and build Building self

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more self-
“With the help of my #encouraging Complementing THEME 4.
friends and the oneself Motivated
people close to me,
also by encouraging
myself that I can do it
no matter what
Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended learning
that in face to face method? Why?
“There are different #most preferred More capable THEME 1. Kinds
kinds of students, of students
some students
prefers blended
learning because they
are more focus when
study without the
help of anyone.
However there are
also students prefers
face to face method.
“No, for me face to #more Advantages of a THEME 2.Level
face method are understanding student of understanding
more capable for
students because face
to face method gives
you more
“No I don’t think so, #more limitations Not capable THEME 3.
because there are Struggles on
more limitations in learning
learning during the
blended learning.”
“I more capable on #more increased Academic THEME 4.
face to face because performance Expanding
my academic
performance is more
What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities to
learner’s academic performance?
A. Old school?
B. New normal?

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Naguilian, Isabela
“Old school, being in #big impact Easily and quickly THEME 1.
a classroom filled understand Helpful
with students and
having an interaction
with the teachers has
a big impact to a
student learning. It
can help them in
learning the lessons
more easily and
“Old school, because I #freedom to Connections THEME 2.
believe that students mingle Privilege
learn more and more
and understand more
during this modality
than the other one.
Face to face learning
also gives the
students the freedom
to mingle and discuss
topics with their
friends in personal.”
“I choose old school, #better Participation in THEME 3.
because in terms of excellence each other Accomplished
students are likely to
have better
excellence in learning
through interactive
participation resulting
in better grades and


Transcribed data

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or
traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning, because it is easier than blended learning.

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: Actual learning is happening, there is an interaction

between a student and a teacher.

Blended learning: Studying on my own improves the skill of being independent, the ability
to work without close supervision.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: The fare is expensive especially now that the fuel became
more expensive.

Blended Learning: A lot of distractions and procrastination also happens.

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: Hot weather and challenge in transportation.

Blended learning: Low internet connection resulting to not understanding the lesson.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: Traditional Learning: More focus on studies that leads to higher academic

Blended Learning: Can't pass module on time which can lead to lower academic

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: New normal way of learning made my academic performance lower than when
we're on the traditional way of learning because for me, new normal way of learning is harder.
However, the grading of teachers in the new normal way of learning is better.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Participant: I would find a way to understand the lesson; by watching
YouTube, or by reading the modules carefully.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: There are different kinds of students, some student prefers blended learning
because they are more focus when they study without the help of anyone. However, there are
also students that prefers face to face method, they can't focus properly to their modules
because they can easily be distracted.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: A, being in a classroom filled with students and having an interaction with the
teachers has a big impact to a student learning. It can help them in learning the lessons more
easily and quickly.

Name of the Participant: Participant 1

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning, because I learn more here compared to blended

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: The advantage of one-on-one or in-person teaching is effective and

demonstrates increased levels of student engagement with teachers. and in Blended learning
offers flexibility in terms of availability.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Disadvantages include a possible lack of motivation to engage in technology, a

temporary increases in the workload during the transition phase.

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Participant: In traditional I encountered lack of financial assistance
and in blended there is not enough technology available in my study.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: having low grades, because I'm not able to focus properly.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: New normal affects my academic performance in such a way as not to

understand the other contents of my modules.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: By having time management.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: No

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: A. Old School/ face to face learning because in old school students much learn

Name of the Participant: Participant 2

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning because it is easier for me to understand the lessons

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: You will learn a lot because there are teachers.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Blended learning: You manage your own time in learning.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional Learning: Physical interaction that can lead to more possible COVID-
19 cases.

Blended Learning: You can't learn a lot because of slow internet connection and poor time
management of students.

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional Learning: Public Speaking

Blended Learning: Poor time management and slow internet connection

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: Blended learning has positive impact to the learning process. Some researchers
stated that blended learning can enhance students' learning outcomes, improve students'
motivation, and it is effective way for achieving learning objectives.

Traditional classroom teaching environment increases interaction among students and

provides conducive environment to learn fellow students. It also encourages higher level of
competitiveness among students. The social environment at a traditional school is perfect to
build a student's character and personality.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: In fact, it's more challenging than before. It's hard to adjust, especially what we
are used to is f2f then suddenly changed. This has a big effect on my academic performances
because there is a teacher who teaches you differently than self -study.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: I deal with it and learned from it.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: No

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the
stated learning modalities to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: Old school because it is much easier for us students to learn because there is
the guidance of the teachers.

Name of the Participant: Participant 3

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: I choose traditional learning, because of this you will learn well than blended

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: One-on-one or in-person teaching is effective and

demonstrates increased levels of student engagement with teachers.

Blended learning: Saves more time and resources.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: Higher costs not only of money but also of time: as
previously mentioned, commuting demands an economic expense.

Blended learning: Blended Learning May Create a Sense of Isolation. Everyone learns in
their own manner.

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: Finding schoolwork difficult, or having problems

concentrating in class if others are noisy and disruptive.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Blended learning: These include anxiety, depression, poor
Internet service, and unfavorable home learning environment

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: Traditional learning modalities: Traditional classroom teaching environment

increases interaction among students and provides conducive environment to learn
fellow students.

Blended learning modalities: Blended learning can enhance students' learning outcomes,
improve students' motivation, and it is effective way for achieving learning objectives.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: The new normal affects my academic performance for many reasons such as
depression and anxiety compared to old school it is better understanding.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: Just do my best, trust myself and build more self-confidence.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: No, for me, face to face method are more capable for students because face
to face method give you more understanding.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: I think it's Old School/face to face because this is more beneficial to the
learners like me.

Name of the Participant: Participant 4

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: I prefer the traditional learning. cause during that mode of learning i believe
that I do learn more compared to the blended learning.

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: For traditional learning, you can learn inside the classroom wherein you learn
a lot of things. While in blended learning you can be safe while learning especially during
a crisis like the covid-19.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: In traditional learning, I don't see any disadvantage aside from safety if we
will talk about during the pandemic. While in blended learning, lack of time, cheating and
dependence in the internet.

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: In traditional learning, the challenges I encountered was difficulty of

understanding the lesson. While in blended learning, i encountered the difficulty in
understanding the topic, lack of time and interest, and easily to get bored.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: Well during the two modalities I maintain to be an honor student. I still
manage to learn new things and new lessons.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: Well new normal affects my academic performance in a way that it is not
easy to finish a lesson or so. Because of some challenges. While during the old school, I
learn more there and learn easily sometimes, because there is a teacher who will leach

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Participant: With the help of my friends, and the people close to
me. Also by encouraging myself that I can do it no matter what.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: No I don't think so. Because there are more limitations in learning during the
blended learning than in traditional.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: A. The face to face modality, because I believe that students learn more and
understand more during this modality than the other one. Face to face learning also gives
the students the freedom to mingle and discuss topics with their friends in personal.

Name of the Participant: Participant 5

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional Learning, since it is easy for ask questions to our teacher
regarding to the subjects we didn't clearly understand.

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: Easy Learning

Blended learning: Complex Learning

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: Expensive

Blended learning: Less cost

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela
Participant: In traditional I can say that I'm lack of self-confidence
to recite in front, while in the blended learning I have hard time to practice time

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: Blended: increased my academic performance

Traditional: easy for me to understand the lessons better

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: Still doing a good but a lil bit change when the new normal came.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: Rest if you're tired. Continue when you're ready.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: No. Since students are no longer can do numerous modules.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: A. Since face to face classes assist the students to learn better along with
their teacher without experiencing any difficulties.

Name of the Participant: Participant 6

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional because I think it is more efficient than blended.

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Participant: The advantages of blended learning is that it is more flexible and I can save
more money since I don't need to go to school every day.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: In traditional learning I get burnout seating all day and listening to lectures In
blended learning I am more prone to procrastinating.

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: In traditional learning I get burnout seating all day and listening to lectures.
In blended learning I am more prone to procrastinating and sometimes I don't
understand some concepts in the modules.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: Traditional learning benefits my academic performance by making my grades

increase and I think the results is the same with blended learning.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: New normal is challenging but it benefits my academic performance by

making my grades increase and I think the results is the same with old school.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: I made adjustments with my mind set.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: No. Because in blended learning most of students just rely on google
searches and answer keys on modules.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Participant: Face to face because it is more efficient and the grades that are being given is
more fair.

Name of the Participant: Participant 7

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: I prefer traditional learning modality because I can learn efficiently that way
without struggling to cope up.

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: In traditional learning, advantages include having an interactive learning with

classmates and teachers, while not having to struggle to cope up. While in blended
learning, advantages include flexible learning and the utilization of technology for
academic purposes.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: In traditional learning, disadvantages include inflexible learning that risks

safety and efficiency of learning in this new normal. While in blended learning,
disadvantages include the need of abundant gadgets, stable connection despite of
remote areas, and lack of interactive discussions like of that of traditional learning could.

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: In traditional learning, challenges I encountered include the constant active

participation, travelling expenses, and inflexible learning. While in blended learning,
challenges I encountered include short span of interest, lack of interactive participation,
and lack of stable internet connection.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: In traditional learning modalities, effects regarding my academic

performance include good grades because of interactive efficient learning. While in
blended learning modalities, effects regarding my academic performance include average
grades that may or may not decrease as I now struggle to maintain it while coping up.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: In the new normal, my academic performance is affected negatively in such

that I have to struggle to maintain it while coping up, decreased it slightly because of
blended learning issues I encountered including short span of interest, lack of interaction
and unstable internet connection. In old school, my academic performance is affected
positively because of efficient interactive learning resulting in good grades.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: I coped up with the challenges of blended learning by changing my learning

habits efficiently, in such ways that I now prioritize my participation in online classes and
that to manage my unstable internet connection.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: For me, students are more capable in learning through face to face method
because of the efficient interactive learning that results good grades and understanding
of lessons at least for me.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: a. I chose Old School/face to face learning modality because in terms of

academic performance, students are likely to have better excellence in learning through
interactive participation resulting in better grades and understanding of lessons.

Name of the Participant: Participant 8

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning is my preference. Because I believe I learn more in that

method of learning than I do in blended learning.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: You can learn in a classroom setting, where you will
learn things.

Blended learning: Allows you to learn while staying secure, which is especially important
during a crisis like COVID-19.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: I get burnt out sitting all day and listening to lectures.

Blended Learning: time constraints, cheating, and reliance on the internet

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: The difficulties I faced were in comprehending the


Blended Learning: I had trouble understanding the topic, a lack of time and interest, and
a proclivity to become bored.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: Traditional learning improves my academic performance by raising my

grades, and I believe the same is true for blended learning.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: The new normal has had an impact on my academic performance in such a
way that finishing a lesson or two has become difficult due to several obstacles. I learned
more and sometimes more easily at the old school because there was always a teacher to
teach you.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: With the assistance of my friends and family members I also tell myself that
no matter what, I can accomplish it.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: No, I do not believe so. Because learning during blended learning has more
limits than traditional learning,

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: I like the face-to-face method because I believe students learn and
comprehend more during this method than in the other. Face to face learning also allows
students to interact and discuss issues with their peers in a more personal setting.

Name of the Participant: Participant 9

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: I prefer traditional learning because students or learners can fully understand
well the lessons that was being discussed by the teachers and we are able to interact with
our classmates and/or friends.

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: Teachers and students can interact well, students can
ask their teachers easily if they are having a hard time understanding the lessons that was
being given. It develops one's communication skills and social skills.

Blended learning: Students may develop good time management and improves their
knowledge about technologies that was being used during online classes. Also, in this
time, we are facing a pandemic. Blended learning helps us to avoid being infected by the
said virus.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Participant: Traditional learning: Sometimes, students tends to lose their focus during the
discussion become of their classmates/seatmates and being nervous when talking in
public (e.g. when your teacher called you for a recitation). Another one, since we are
facing a pandemic, traditional learning is not good because we can be infected by the

Blended learning: Lack of technology to be use during online classes, many modules or
activities to be answered in a short period of time and lack of guidance by the teachers.

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: Lack of money (e.g. money to buy for your snacks and
school fares), the fear of failing during exams and over time classes.

Blended learning: Slow internet connection, procrastination, lack of technology and

school supplies and hard to cope up with the lessons.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: Traditional learning modalities: It provides higher level of learning, increases

the interactions between students and teachers, and also, it enhances student's
confidence and knowledge.

Blended learning modalities: It improves student's motivation, enhances different skills

such as time management skills and technology skills, and it provides safer learning
environment for both students and teachers.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: During the new normal, it helps me improve my time management skills.
Although I'm having a hard time understanding some lessons I am able to finish it well.
My grades are also good and high. In the old school or the traditional learning, it
enhances my communication skills. The lessons are easier because it is discussed well by
the teachers.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: I learned how to be independent, I provide time in terms of learning and for
my break time, and I balanced my time or the used of gadgets and/or socmeds.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: For me, students are more capable of learning through face to face method
because I observed that lots of students during blended learning are not active. Some do
not attend online classes, some do not pass their answer sheets on time and also many
teachers are having a hard time to talk to students.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: a. Old School/face to face I believed that face to face leaning is more
beneficial than blended learning because students tend to be more active during
discussion when it is face to face. Teachers could easily observe their students when they
were having a hard time understanding some lessons especially on math concepts.
Teachers also can easily manage their lesson because they don't have to compress it to fit
the modules. Social skills, communication skills and critical thinking skills are also being
enhanced and/or developed.

Name of the Participant: Participant 10

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: Well I prefer blended learning right now because I’ve already adjusted to it.

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Students are more focus because we have a teacher around us teaching these
things. While in blended learning, we have our own time and we can do our tasks at any

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: We don’t have any access at our time.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Blended learning: We struggle at time management

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: Both: Some teachers are inconsiderate and some of them will shame you for
whatever reason (they are teachers so maybe they can talk more professionally to their

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: I’m more productive than before this pandemic started and I can learn things

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: It affected my mental health and lead to questioning my own capacity of


Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: I really don’t know, I just keep going because I need to.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: It depends on every student because we don’t have the same

capacity/privilege to learn.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: a. because we can focus more & there are teachers there to guide us.

Name of the Participant: Participant 11

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: I prefer face to face because it is much easy and the teacher is there. You will
have friends and you will actually understand more about a topic.

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Blended learning allows student give feedbacks and makes learning fun since
it is easier to be taught by teachers themselves instead of watching tutorials on other
websites such as YouTube.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Teachers will struggle and might overwork themselves and so are students.
Travelling from one house to another, the fear of pandemic will definitely still be there.

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: The main challenges that the students have encountered are self-studying,
poor internet connection, lack of sleep and time to answer all the modules due to the
great number of activities, distractions, and lack of focus.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: This affects blended learning facilitates collaboration delivering a blended

learning strategy increases the opportunities for students to collaborate, which results in
a deepened learning experience and improved business performance and profitability.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: Despite the fact that we don't know exactly how the COVID-19 pandemic is
affecting academic performance, our own experiences and observations suggest that the
substantial loss of learning time, coupled with the sudden and challenging shift to remote
learning or home schooling are having an impact on academic performance and learning.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Participant: It's really hard at first, but with the help of my friends and families, my trust
in myself become bigger.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: Well for our case right now i think face to face is not the best way to continue
education. We should be sure that our environment is safe. I don't really agree with face
to face class because in school we can't avoid to have contacts with other students and

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: Modular blended learning because it is most efficient out of three for the
teachers explain the topics to students but it's not available for students who don't have
internet connection modular learning distance will be the most efficient for them.

Name of the Participant: Participant 12

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: I prefer face to face because it is much easy and the teacher is there.

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: In other words, blended learning enables the student to access the materials
from anywhere at anytime while enjoying the benefits of face to face support and

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Disadvantage is a temporary increase in the workload during the transition


Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: The expenses of the technology inadequate training, technological issues the
need to adapt content for blended learning, decrease motivation and weekend
relationships between students and teachers.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: They work also confirm the results of previous papers, finding that the
learning outcomes improve students.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: It is very stressful and uncomfortable.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: The challenges can mean the students screen time.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: Yes because face to face is more fun and I always have encountered good.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: Modular learning teach the students values not specific lessons which is

Name of the Participant: Participant 13

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Participant: I prefer traditional learning apart from the fact that I am used to blended
learning because I will experience many distractions, there are also many adjustments
and changes in time and activities

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: The advantage of traditional learning is that it teaches you well and clearly
while blended learning allows you to relax whenever you want.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: The disadvantage on traditional learning is you need to focus on studying

even if you are tired or hungry because you have to wait for the set time while in blended
you will experience a lot of distraction in studying and difficulty in understanding the

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: On traditional learning, I've encountered to answer the question quickly since
the teacher allowed you a limited time to answer it. In blended learning, I've encountered
the challenge where you need to focus and force yourself on studying than making
necessary things that un useful.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: On blended learning modalities, It effects a lot on my academic performance

since I have hard time to deal with the unfamiliar words and topics and hard time to
focus on studying. On traditional learning, It didn't bother me on my academic
performance since I've been enjoying the teaching process.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: On new normal, It affects a lot on my academic performance since I have

hard time to deal with the unfamiliar words and topics and hard time to focus on
studying. On old school, It didn't bother me on my academic performance since I've been
enjoying the teaching process.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Participant: Better time management and determination.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: From what I hear and experience for me not because not everything you
want to change is that easy to change and not everyone is that easy to educate
themselves especially on changes in lifestyle.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: Old school because that’s what I’m used to it.

Name of the Participant: Participant 14

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning, because students in blended learning can't focus or

study properly due to distractions in their environment, it's also difficult to self-study at
home, even if you're a slow learner.

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: In traditional learning you can learn fast and understood what your teacher is
teaching while in blended learning you can just search the answers in google or in any

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: In traditional learning you'll have problems like on commuting, money, lack of
school supplies and more while in blended learning you'll have difficulty of studying
alone, and will face poor internet connection.

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Participant: In traditional learning it's hard to compete with your classmates while in
blended learning it's hard to fix your schedule because there are many things to do other
than your modules.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: In traditional learning the effects of it is you can learn easily but it's hard to
catch up with your cleaver classmates while in blended learning you can't learn that easy
like the traditional one but my academic performance turns up great recently.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: In the new normal it affects badly because of the many modules and
household chores while in the old school it affects on how I catch up with my classmate’s

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: By organizing my schedule and doing it early and finishing it early.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: For me yes, cause they can able to search their answers through online.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: A. Because to be honest I prefer the old school rather than the blended
learning why? Because many students like to go back in the old traditional way cause in
blended learning it is more stressful and tiring also it affects our health.

Name of the Participant: Participant 15

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning, because I can easily comprehend the lesson.

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: The advantage of traditional learning is that you can easily understand the
lesson, while in blended learning you can search all the lessons in the internet.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: The disadvantage of traditional learning is the financial assistance etc. while
in blended learning It’s hard to understand the lesson.

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: I've encountered a lot of challenges, like poor internet connection.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: My academic performance is not as good as when blended learning


Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: My grades are low.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: I always make time for answering my activities.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: More people are capable in face to face learning because it’s easy to
understand a lesson.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: A

Name of the Participant: Participant 16

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: I prefer traditional learning because, it’s better to learn something with my
friends and classmates that to learn something by myself.

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: More enjoyable

Blended learning: You can attend classes without getting ready

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: Safety and costly

Blended learning: Poor internet connection

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: The feeling of competing with classmates.

Blended learning: Stressful

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: Traditional learning: Happy and enjoyable environment

Blended learning: Boredom

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: I can manage my time for my activities but traditional learning hits different.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: I make time for myself.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: No, because learning through teacher is more effective.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: Traditional learning is more beneficial because teacher can teach and guide
us face to face.

Name of the Participant: Participant 17

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: learn more in academic, socialization to other learners

and teachers, understand more about the lesson and the topics from any subject.

Blended learning: more time in answering modules and activities, learn and think more
when it comes from other subjects, less risk in getting deadly viruses.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: needs more money for allowance and etc.

Blended learning: internet connection, less understanding in a lesson and topics from the
subjects given, lots of modules that can cause mental health to the students.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: financial assistance, time management.

Blended: financial needs, time Management, need to study the lesson that we don't know
how to answer all the questions.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: Traditional: I can show and build my self confidence in myself and engage
more in academic performances.

Blended: My mood in answering my modules can easily change.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: New normal learning affects my academic performance in the way that I
don't want or I can't understand the lesson from the modules. And in traditional learning
it affects my academic performance in a way that I can show my skills to higher my

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: I will find motivation to cope up with it.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: No. Because traditional learning is better than blended learning because you
can understand more the lesson if we are in traditional learning.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: Old school/ face to face, because the lesson can easily to understand and
capable to apply and you can socialize to other students same with the teachers.

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Name of the Participant: Participant 18

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: I prefer traditional learning but in this situation blended learning is the best

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: In traditional learning interaction with teachers for me is the biggest

advantage while in blended our learning time is in our hands at the same time less
financial things.

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: The disadvantage of traditional learning would be it's not safe during this
pandemic while in blended learning students are more likely to finish modules just for
passing the subject.

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Participant: In traditional learning one of the challenges are with that of money especially
it us costly. While on the blended one I have faced many challenge when it comes to
beating deadline.

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: Positively nothing changed when it comes to my academic performance

though I'm more impressed to what am I during the traditional learning.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: Again, It's just same but it takes a big adjustment academically.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Participant: Even it's hard coping up by the means of adjusting is very important I always
tried my best to adapt with the new normal.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: For me it depends on the students but I know a lot of students like me will
say that there is a higher learning in face to face method.

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: I would definitely say that the old school is better because this is what we
have done traditionally but I would say that blended learning doesn't fail because this is
the safest way of learning during this time.

Name of the Participant: Participant 19

Transcribed data

Question no.1: Which learning modalities do you prefer blended or traditional learning?

Participant: The traditional learning because the teacher can easily explain the lessons

Question no.2: What are the advantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: You can learn easily

Blended learning: Flexible scheduling opportunities

Question no.3: What are the disadvantages of traditional and blended learning?

Participant: Traditional learning: Maximum financial resources.

Blended learning: Lack of physical interaction

Question no.4: What are the challenges you encountered during the blended and
traditional learning?

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Participant: Traditional learning: Financial problem

Blended learning: Low internet connection

Question no.5: What are the effects of blended learning modalities and traditional learning
in your academic performance?

Participant: Traditional learning: Some effects to be given is; in traditional learning, you
can focus on learning the lessons in order to understand more and also to enjoy yourself

Blended Learning: Number one effect of blended learning is the effects in every student’s
grade or academic performances because they don't get the full guidance of the teacher,
but also it is a better way of learning in order to learn peacefully at home.

Question no.6: How does the new normal affects your academic performance?

Participant: It affects me a lot during this time unlike the old school you can easily answer
the given activities with the guidance of teacher.

Question no.7: How did you cope up with the challenges that you encountered in this
blended learning?

Participant: I stayed motivated.

Question no.8: Do you think the students are more capable of learning through blended
learning than in face to face method?

Participant: I think they're more capable on face to face method because of their
performance outcome

Question no.9: What do you think is more beneficial among the stated learning modalities
to the learner’s academic performance?

a. Old school/face to face performance, why?

b. Modular/Blended learning, why?

Participant: I think it's Old School because there will be teacher who explains the lesson
briefly in order to understand more the lessons they want to teach and the lessons you
want to learn.

Name of the Participant: Participant 20

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela

Appendix E. Curriculum Vitae


Name: Lea-Ann Rosini Madayag

Address: Cabaruan, Maddela, Quirino

Cellphone Number: 09150775021

E-mail Address: [email protected]

I. Personal Information

Nickname Lea Age 16

Birthday October 06, 2005 Nationality Filipino
Birthplace Balaoan District Hospital, Civil Status Single
Bungol, Balaoan, La Union
Religion Roman Catholic
Father’s Name Rande Madayag
Mother’s Name Corazon Rosini
II. Educational Background

Senior High School Naguilian National High School 2021-2022

Junior High School Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School S.Y. 2020-2021
Elementary Cantoria Central School S.Y. 2016-2017
III. Honors and Awards Received

Elementary: Best in Art, Spelling Bee (Grade 2)
With Honors Grade 1 (overall) Special Award, Awardee Drum and Lyre
2nd Honor(Grade 2) Champion (Grade 4-6)
With Honors Grade 3 (overall)
3rd Honor (Grade 5)
With Honors Grade 6 (overall)
Grade 8: With Honors (3rd Quarter) Conduct Award (Grade 8)
Grade 9: With Honors (2nd Quarter- 4th Quarter) Perfect Attendance (Grade 7-9)
With Honor (overall)
Grade 10: With Honors (1st -3rd Quarter)
With High Honors (4th Quarter)
With Honors(overall)

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela


Name: Ivon Afalla Demandante

Address: Minallo, Naguilian, Isabela

Cellphone Number: 09193283762

E-mail Address: [email protected]

I. Personal Information

Nickname Vonney Age 17

Birthday April 04,2005 Nationality Filipino
Birthplace Minallo, Naguilian, Isabela Civil Status Single
Religion Wesleyan
Father’s Name Noel Demandante
Mother’s Name Juvelyn Afalla

II. Educational Background

Senior High School Naguilian National High School

Junior High School Naguilian National High School
Elementary Minallo Elementary School

III. Honors and Awards Received

Elementary (NONE) Most Polite (Grade 4)
Best in Self-Discipline (Grade 6)
Grade 8: With Honors (4th Quarter) Most Generous (Grade 8)
Grade 9: With Honors & Top 1 (3rd Quarter)
Grade 10: With Honors (1st -3rd Quarter)
With High Honors (4th Quarter)
With Honors (overall)

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela


Name: Bea Lutrania Dela Cruz

Address: Minallo, Naguilian, Isabela

Cellphone Number: 09913047364

E-mail Address: [email protected]

I. Personal Information

Nickname Bia/Beyang Age 17

Birthday October 08,2004 Nationality Filipino
Birthplace Piglisan, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija Civil Status Single
Religion Wesleyan
Father’s Name Domingo Dela Cruz
Mother’s Name Vilma Lutrania

II. Education Background

Senior High School Naguilian National High School

Junior High School Naguilian National High School
Elementary Minallo Elementary School

III. Honors and Awards Received

Elementary: 1st Honor (Grade 1-5) Most Attentive, Spelling Bee 3rd runner up (Grade 3)
With Honors Grade 6(overall) MTAP Division Qualifier (Grade 4)
Best in Science, Hekasi and English, Girl Scout of the
year, Most Attentive (Grade 5)
Best in Science, MTAP Division Qualifier (Grade 6)
Grade 7: With Honors (1st -4th Quarter- overall) Perfect Attendance(Grade 7)
Grade 8: With Honors (1st Quarter-overall)
Grade 9: With Honors (1st Quarter- overall)
Grade 10: With Honors (1st-3rd Quarter)
With High Honors (4th Quarter)
With Honors (overall)

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela


Name: Janelle Padero Agustin

Address: Minallo, Naguilian, Isabela

Cellphone Number: 09082862378

E-mail Address: [email protected]

I. Personal Information

Nickname Nelle/Nel/Ja/Jaja Age 17

Birthday November 20, 2004 Nationality Filipino
Birthplace Rayos-Valentine Hospital, Civil Status Single
Paniqui, Tarlac
Religion Roman Catholic
Father’s Name Orlando Agustin
Mother’s Name Irene Padero

II. Educational Background

Senior High School Naguilian National High School

Junior High School Naguilian National High School
Elementary Minallo Elementary School

III. Honors and Awards Received

Elementary(NONE) Best in Arts(Grade 6)
Grade 10: With Honors (2nd-3rd Quarter) High school (NONE)
With High Honors (4th Quarter)
With Honors (overall)

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela


Name: Kristine Joy Atabay Jacobo

Address: Minallo, Naguilian, Isabela

Cellphone Number: 09491245927

E-mail Address: [email protected]

I. Personal Information

Nickname Tine Age 17

Birthday April 18, 2005 Nationality Filipino
Birthplace Minallo, Naguilian, Isabela Civil Status Single
Religion Church of Christ
Father’s Name Leonard Jacobo Sr.
Mother’s Name Evangeline Atabay
II. Educational Background

Senior High School Naguilian National High School

Junior High School Naguilian National High School
Elementary Minallo Elementary School
III. Honors and Awards Received

Elementary (NONE) Grade 6: Best in Self-Discipline
Best in Cheerful Dance
Grade 8: With Honors (4th Quarter) High school (NONE)
Grade 9: With Honors (3rd-4th Quarter)
Grade 10: With Honors (1st-overall)

Republic of the Philippines
Region 2
Naguilian National High School
Senior High School
Naguilian, Isabela


Name: Estefani Pungtilan Ulidan

Address: Minallo, Naguilian, Isabela

Cellphone Number: 09280619202

E-mail Address: [email protected]

I. Personal Information

Nickname Stef Age 17

Birthday December 16, 2004 Nationality Filipino
Birthplace Cauayan District Civil Status Single
Religion Roman Catholic
Father’s Name Nelson Ulidan
Mother’s Name Analyn Pungtilan
II. Educational Background

Senior High School Naguilian National High School

Junior High School Naguilian Natioal High School
Elementary Minallo Elementary School
III. Honors and Awards Received

Elementary: (NONE) Grade 4: Most Faithful & Most Active
Grade 6: Most Friendly
Grade 9: With Honors (3rd Quarter) High school: (NONE)
Grade 10: With Honors (1st- overall)


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