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Islamic Golden Age: Rise and Fall

When we hear the word “Renaissance’, we usually refer to the European Renaissance that
lasted from around the 14th to 17th centuries. Michelangelo, Botticelli, Donatello and many
other names come to mind when we discuss this Renaissance, which was a period when
Europe started to abandon many traditional customs from the Middle Ages and started the
quest for learning. Today, we will go back even further before the times of Renaissance (from
the 8th to the 14th century) when the quest for learning was centered in the Middle East and is
known as the Islamic Golden Age. The Islamic Golden Age was a historical period in Islam
when inventions in science, technology and economy flourished, typically from the 8th century,
but eventually collapsed around the 14th century. It was another brilliant time before the
Renaissance where scholars around the world were highly respected people and contributed to
many important things in society.What is the Golden Age

The Islamic Golden Age was a period of scientific development, economic and cultural
enhancement in the history of Islam. According to the modern researchers, it is generally dated

from the 8th century to the 14th century. This era is traditionally understood to have begun

during the reign of the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid (786 to 809) with the inauguration of the

House of Wisdom in Baghdad, where many scholars from different sides of the world with
various cultural backgrounds were standardized. They transformed most of the world-famous

knowledge into the Arabic language. This helped the future Arabic researchers also to explore
the new things. Mainly, after the death of prophet Mohammad (sm), the Arabic rulers were

called Caliphs. They build Bagdad as the hub of Abbasid Caliphate which is modern-day

Iraq.Pursuit of knowledge

House of Wisdom which was built in Baghdad. It was a dedicated space for scholarship. It was
built by Abbasid Caliphs Harun al Rashid and the development was followed by his so Al
Mamun. The House of Wisdom was used most in the era of Al Mamun’s ruling time from 813 to
833. He gave an extra focus on the institution by recruiting famous scholars and researchers.
Muslims, Christians, and Jews all religion’s researchers worked together.

Al Rashid and Al Mamun directly announced to translate the scholar books and journals into
Arabic. They encouraged to make a formal translation copy of Greek books as those are very
precious and highly recognized over the world. This thing is named as translation movement.
They wanted Aristotle’s works available to the Arab world. That is why, their goal was to
translate as many books as they could to make a complete library of knowledge with different
countries book in Arabic language. Notwithstanding Arab Muslim researchers, Syrian Christians
made an interpretation of Syriac writings into Arabic too.

During the Golden Age of Islam, Arab and Persian researchers—just as researchers from
different nations—had the option to expand on the data they interpreted from the Greeks and
others during the Abbasid Dynasty and produce new progresses in their fields. In that period,
Ibn al-Haythm invented the camera. Doctor and philosopher Avicenna wrote the Canon of
Medicine, on the other hand, Al-Khwarizmi, a mathematician, invented algebra, a word which
itself has Arabic roots. Hydrochloric acid, Sulfur-mercury theory, Paper Mill, Alcohol distillation,
ThisAtomic controls,
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10-06-2022 21:42:21 era.
GMT -05:00

Various significant instructive and logical foundations beforehand obscure in the antiquated
world have their causes in the early Islamic world, with the most outstanding models, opening of
emergency clinic and mental medical clinic, the open library and loaning library, the scholarly
degree-giving college, and the cosmic observatory as an examination establishment rather than
a private perception post similar to the case in old occasions. The universities which gave
recognitions were the Bimaristan therapeutic Universities emergency clinics of the medieval
Islamic world, where restorative confirmations were given to understudies of Islamic prescription
who were able to practice specialists of drug from the ninth century. There ware libraries in the
Arab. The library of Tripoli had around three million books in it. Various unmistakable highlights
of the advanced library were presented in the Islamic world, where libraries not just filled in as a
gathering of original copies similar to the case in old libraries, yet in addition as an open library
and loaning library, an inside for the guidance and spread of sciences and thoughts, a spot for
gatherings and talks, and some of the time as a hotel for researchers or all inclusive school for

With the presentation of paper, data was democratized and it wound up conceivable to bring
home the simple from basically composing and selling books. The utilization of paper spread
from China into Muslim locales in the eighth century, and after that to Spain (and afterward the

remainder of Europe) in the tenth century. Paper was simpler to fabricate than material and

more averse to break than papyrus, and could retain ink, making it hard to eradicate and perfect
for keeping records. Islamic paper creators formulated mechanical production system strategies

for hand-duplicating compositions to turn out versions far bigger than any accessible in Europe

for quite a long time.


The Arabs assimilated the scientific knowledge of the different civilizations like Greek, Roman,
Persian, Chinese, Egyptian, and Phoenician civilizations. Researchers recuperated the

Alexandrian numerical, geometric, and galactic information, for example, that of Euclid and

Claudius Ptolemy. Persian researcher Muhammad ibn M?s? al-Khw?rizm? created polynomial
math in his milestone content, Kitab al-Jabr wa-l-Muqabala, from which the expression 'algebra'
is inferred. The expression 'algorithm' is gotten from the name of the researcher al-Khwarizmi,
who was additionally in charge of presenting the Arabic numerals and Hindu-Arabic numeral
framework past the Indian subcontinent. In math, the researcher Alhazen found the aggregate
equation for the fourth control, utilizing a strategy promptly generalizable to decide the whole for
any fundamental power. He utilized this to discover the volume of a paraboloid.

Drug was a focal piece of medieval Islamic culture. Islamic doctors and researchers built up a
huge and complex therapeutic writing investigating and blending the synthesis and routine with
regards to prescription. Islamic drug was based on convention, essentially the hypothetical and
commonsense information created in India, Greece, Persia, and Rome. Islamic researchers
interpreted their works from Syriac, Greek, and Sanskrit into Arabic and after that created new
medicinal learning dependent on those writings. So as to make the Greek custom increasingly
available, justifiable, and open to instruction, Islamic researchers composed the Greco-Roman
restorative learning into reference books.

Original illumination turned into a significant and incredibly regarded workmanship, and picture
smaller than usual painting prospered in Persia. Calligraphy, a fundamental part of composed
Arabic, created in original copies and compositional embellishment.

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After the twelfth century, Europe was getting more significant scientific scholars than the Arabic
world. The Arabic scholars began to run out from the civilization. The negligence in science and
technology made it happen. Libraries and arts were not properly cared. The Muslim-Christian
relationship was reversed and Arabic students lost their teachers. There were very little
opportunities for the non-muslims in the arabic countries. So, day by day the Islamic Golden
Age turned away.

At the end, proper query about the justice and history of Arabic Science, muslim researchers
recover the age of the science in the muslim society.


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