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TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL SUAIMIT EXECUTIVE CENTRE 19706 RESEARCH BLVD. STE. 100 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78750-1535 (602) 424.5017 wwe dps.t0xa8.B0V July 28, 2022 Lieutenant Miguel R. Hemnandez eee eee re ee beak raf rece merc Dest Lieutenant Hemandex: The Texas Department of Public Safety (Department) recelved the request to provide you with background informration for the abowe referenced emplayea. A seerch of the Department's Office of Inspector General ‘and Equal Employment Opportunity Office files was conducted; the following was located: " a a ‘Actions inconsistent with training and Department requirements. © Pending Investigation ~ Inwestigator Has Not Been Assigned led in this letter applies only to records maintained by the ind the Equal Employment Opportunity Office; Human Resource related records and may have additional information to provide. Please note that the information provid Department's Office of Inspector Generel ar Operations maintains separate employment if you need additional information. Please contact Michelle Johnson at Deputy Inspector General Jim

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