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EDITOR’s OPINION pISSN 2234-7550 · eISSN 2234-5930

Implant complications in bruxism patients

Ji-Young Song
Department of Dentistry, School of Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea

Abstract (J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2021;47:149-150)

Bruxism is defined as a parafunctional activity during sleep or while awake that includes locking and grinding of teeth and clenching. It generates ex-
cessive occlusal force that may lead to implant failure. Therefore, diagnosis of bruxism and providing specific protocols such as occlusal splint and/or
injection of botulinum toxin before implant installation are important to prevent increases the risk of implant failure in bruxism patients.

Key words: Bruxism, Dental implants, Implant-supported dental prosthesis, Dental prosthesis failure
[paper submitted 2021. 3. 29 / accepted 2021. 3. 29]

I. Introduction (ceramic or porcelain), severe marginal bone loss and de-

cementation4,7. The failure rate is increased by intensity and
Bruxism is defined as monotonous masticatory muscle frequency of excessive occlusal forces on dental implants due
activity characterized by clenching and grinding of teeth and/ to bruxism. The direction of parafunctional forces affects the
or thrusting of mandible either in sleep or while awake. It is a survival rate of implants and implant-supported prosthesis7.
common parafunctional habit that leads to overloading of the
masticatory muscles and temporomandibular problems1-3. III. Assessment of Bruxism
Bruxism has been reported to have a positive association
with implant complications1,2,4. Therefore, the purpose of this Diagnosis of bruxism is complicated. The assessments of
study is to evaluate the assessment of bruxism and to discuss bruxism can be divided into non-instrumental and instrumen-
the ways of reducing implant complications in patients with tal3.
bruxism on the basis of literature review.
1. Non-instrumental assessments
II. Implant Complications Related to Bruxism
Non-instrumental assessments include clinical inspection
Implant complications are divided into early and late fail- and self-reporting such as by filling questionnaires.
ures. Early failures are related to osseointegration and late Clinical features of bruxism include hypertrophy of the
failures are related to occlusal overload5,6. masticatory muscles with linea alba on the intraoral cheek
Bruxism is related to the late failures such as implant frac- and/or indentation on the lip or tongue. Severe masticatory
ture, screw loosening, screw fracture, fracture of prosthesis muscle pain or temporomandibular joint pain, extreme me-
chanical tooth wear (attrition) and complications of prosthesis
Ji-Young Song
may also be indicative of bruxism. Mechanical tooth wear is
Dental Clinic, Jeju National University Hospital, 15 Aran 13-gil, Jeju differentially diagnosed from chemical tooth wear caused by
63241, Korea gastro-esophageal reflux. Attrition due to past bruxism that is
TEL: +82-64-717-1840
E-mail: [email protected] not currently active is ruled out carefully during the assess-
ORCID: ment of current bruxism3,4.
CC This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Self-reports may reveal muscle and joint pain resulting
Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, from psychological conditions such as stress and anxiety.
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Copyright © 2021 The Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. All However, self-report have limitations because they might not
rights reserved.

J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2021;47:149-150

reflect actual hyperactivity of masticatory muscles3. implant failure and emphasize the recommendation of an ad-
Presently, non-instrumental assessments are not complete ditional treatment such as occlusal splint and/or injection of
methods for diagnosis of bruxism. However, they may pro- botulinum toxin.
vide a good rationale for performing instrumental assess-
ments3,4. Author’s Contributions

2. Instrumental assessments The manuscript was written by J.Y.S.

Instrumental assessments are currently the most accurate Conflict of Interest

way to evaluate bruxism. However, they are time-consuming
and are associated with extra costs. No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
During the awake state, electromyographic monitoring reported.
may provide key evidence for awake bruxism, whereas poly-
somnographic monitoring during sleep is regarded as a gold References
standard for evaluating sleep bruxism3,4.
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Sufficient history taking such as experience of repetitive org/10.4317/medoral.22923
prosthesis failures and of nocturnal bruxism and careful
clinical inspection of the evidence of bruxism are necessary
before implant surgery. If you find such evidence by using How to cite this article: Song JY. Implant complications in brux-

non-instrumental and/or instrumental assessment, sufficiently ism patients. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2021;47:149-

explain to the patients that bruxism increases the risk of 150.


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