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Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006

Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections

from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna
Riccardo Benzi Cipelli, MD, DDS1, Franco Giovannini, MD2, and Gianpaolo Pisano, MD, OHNS3
Surgeon, Specialist in Odontostomatology, Periodontologist, Studio Benzi Dental Clinic, Vigevano (corresponding author Via P.
Mascagni, 41, 27029 Vigevano – Pavia, Mantua, Italy, [email protected])
Surgeon, Acupuncture Specialist, Oxygen-Ozone therapy, Diagnostics, Giovannini Biodiagnostic Center, AMBB Headquarters,
Mantua, Italy
3 Surgeon, Specialist in Otolaryngology, Masters in Cytology

The use of dark-field microscopic analysis of fresh peripheral blood on a slide was once widespread in medicine,
allowing a first and immediate assessment of the state of health of the corpuscular components of the blood. In the
present study we analyzed with a dark-field optical microscope the peripheral blood drop from 1,006 symptomatic
subjects after inoculation with an mRNA injection (Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna), starting from March 2021. There
were 948 subjects (94% of the total sample) whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of
particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation. In 12 subjects, blood was
examined with the same method before vaccination, showing a perfectly normal hematological distribution. The
alterations found after the inoculation of the mRNA injections further reinforce the suspicion that the modifications
were due to the so-called “vaccines” themselves. We report 4 clinical cases, chosen as representative of the entire case
series. Further studies are needed to define the exact nature of the particles found in the blood and to identify possible
solutions to the problems they are evidently causing.

Keywords: blood from COVID-19 vaccine recipients, dark-field microscopy, detoxification of COVID-19 inoculation
recipients, experimental injections, foreign materials in COVID-19 injections

Dark-field microscopic analysis of fresh blood on a slide was once widely used in medicine. It enabled an
immediate assessment of the state of health of the corpuscular components of the blood. The traditional
analysis would proceed to completion with measurement of acidity versus alkalinity (pH), relative hydrogen
(rH2), and rate of oxygen release (rO2). These measures (not shown in this paper) would help to define
early on any harmful blood alterations even before they could be revealed by coagulation measures of D-
dimer (DD), prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), fibrinogen (Fg), platelet counts,
and so forth (Long et al., 2020; Giovannini & Pisano, in press). The present study presents the results of

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 385
dark-field microscopic analysis of the blood of 1,006 patients referred to the “Giovannini Biodiagnostic
Center” for various disorders after inoculation with mRNA injections (Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna). Of
the total 1,006 subjects, blood drops from 12 of them were performed, prior to any mRNA injections, using
the same dark-field microscopic methods. Of these 12 subjects, 4 were chosen as representative of the
entire sample of 1,006 cases and are reported in detail as illustrated with corresponding photographic


With a dark-field optical microscope, we analyzed peripheral blood, a drop of it from each of 1,006
symptomatic subjects after at least one mRNA injection (Pfizer or Moderna), starting from March 2021. All
the demographic data and the basic statistics are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1
Demographic Data on Cases Studied with
Dark-Field Microscopy
Grouping by Age Males % Females % All %
10-20 16 3.76% 4 0.69% 20 1.99%
21-30 29 6.81% 25 4.31% 54 5.37%
31-40 105 24.65% 43 7.41% 148 14.71%
41-50 102 23.94% 120 20.69% 222 22.07%
51-60 138 32.39% 255 43.97% 393 39.07%
61-70 29 6.81% 114 19.66% 143 14.21%
71-80 7 1.64% 14 2.41% 21 2.09%
81-90 0 0.00% 5 0.86% 5 0.50%
Column Totals (Check Sum) 426 100.00% 580 100.00% 1,006 100.00%

Doses Received Males % Females % All %

1 dose 72 16.90% 69 11.90% 141 14.02%
2 doses 168 39.44% 285 49.14% 453 45.03%
3 doses 186 43.66% 226 38.97% 412 40.95%
Column Totals (Check Sum) 426 100.00% 580 100.00% 1,006 100.00%

Males % Females % All %

Cases with Normal Blood
27 2.68% 31 3.08% 58 5.77%
Cases with Abnormal Blood 399 97.32% 549 96.92% 948 94.23%

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Of the 1,006 subjects, 426 were males and 580 were females and 141 of them received only a single dose of
the mRNA experimental injection, 453 got a second dose, and 412 received a third dose. The average age of
the 1,006 subjects was 49 years and their age ranged from 15-85. On the average, 5.77% of the 1,006
individuals had normal blood samples in spite of their COVID-19 symptoms. The remaining 94.23% had
abnormal blood samples as illustrated in the 4 cases we selected out of the 12 who were normal before
receiving any mRNA injections but were no longer normal afterward. For each case, a drop of blood was
drawn by pricking a finger and was analyzed under a ZEISS Primostar or LEITZ Laborlux 12 dark-field
microscope. The observation of the blood under an optical microscope in a dark-field took place an average
of thirty days after the last inoculation. From a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 20 photographs were taken
for each patient examined. All initial observations were made at 40x magnification except for digital 3x
enlargements to 120x for certain objects of interest. Measurements were performed with DeltaPix InSight

Of the 1,006 cases analyzed, only 58 (27 males and 31 females), equal to 5.77% of the total, presented a
completely normal hematological picture upon microscopic analysis after the last mRNA injection with
either the Moderna or Pfizer concoction. The vaccines are purported to contain at least the spike protein
from SARS-CoV-2 (Nance & Meier, 2021), but is known also to contain foreign particles that the CDC and
the many promoters of the experimental injections claimed were not in them at all. Among those foreign
components are metallic objects as demonstrated previously in this journal by Lee et al. (2022) which are
confirmed in our results as described in the following. The 4 clinical cases reported below, with
photographic documentation revealing strange phenomena in their blood, illustrate the range and types of
the anomalies found in the microscopic examination of the blood of 94.23% of the 1,006 cases (a total of

Figure 1. These photos are at 40x magnification. At the left side, (a) shows the blood condition of the patient before the
inoculation. The right side image, (b) shows the same person’s blood one month after the first dose of Pfizer mRNA
“vaccine”. Particles can be seen among the red blood cells which are strongly conglobated around the exogenous particles;
the agglomeration is believed to reflect a reduction in zeta potential adversely affecting the normal colloidal distribution of
erythrocytes as see at the left. The red blood cells at the right (b) are no longer spherical and are clumping as in coagulation
and clotting.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 387
948 cases that showed the same sorts of abnormalities). The 4 cases summarized and illustrated here are,
according to our understanding and in our opinion as clinical experts, absolutely representative of all 948
cases with peripheral blood alterations.

Figure 2. In this case the assembly of particles takes on Figure 3. The image at 120x magnification shows two
crystalline features; furthermore, there is an area of close exogenous particles and clusters of fibrin 2 months after
influence, butterfly wings, in the context of which a vaccination.
crystalline type organization occurs.

Figure 4. This image at 120x magnification (3x magnification digitally produced) highlights a
typical self-aggregating structuring in fibro/tubular mode.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 388
This individual is a male of 33 years, who formerly was an athlete, apparently healthy before inoculation
with an mRNA Pfizer injection. One month after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer “vaccine”, he showed
marked asthenia, a constant gravitational headache (i.e., one sensitive to the position and movements of his
head and body such that the pain was increased by movement of the head up or down). The headaches were
unresponsive to common pain killers. Diffuse rheumatic arthralgia with dyspnea on exertion were noted.

Figure 5. A highly structured fibro-tubular configuration of structures that can coalesce together, reaching dimensions
ten times their initial size. In (a) and (b) at 40x magnification, we see what appears to be a laminar linkage. In (c), at
120x magnification (3x magnification digitally produced), there is a composite which is 166.54 µm (DeltaPix Software)
in length.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 389
Figure 6. The sharper and larger image on the left seems to suggest the power of the exogenous particles introduced into the
blood of mRNA injection recipients to assemble themselves into massive structures: we can see in both (a) and (b) at 120x
magnification evidence of what appear to be lamellar configurations similar to agglomerations occurring in a field of forces
pulling colloidal particles in the plasma together. The relative bulk of the particle conglobate can be easily estimated by
comparison with the erythrocytes at the periphery of the much larger mass. It was also measured accurately at 113.91μm by
139.99μm (see the hatch mark green lines in b) using the Delta-Pix Software as shown in the computer screen shot at the

Figure 7. (a) The photo on the left at 40x magnification shows the blood condition of the patient before the inoculation.
(b) The image on the right, also at 40x magnification, shows the deformation of the erythrocyte cell profile, and the strong
tendency for the deformed erythrocytes to aggregate.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 390
This case was a woman 54 years old whose symptoms included the drug-resistant severe headache,
profound worsening asthenia, sleep/wake rhythm disorders, generalized paresthesia and dysesthesia, psychic
manifestations with depressive mood after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Her blood story is
captured in Figures 7 through 9

Figure 8. (a) Deformation and erythrocyte aggregation with signs of hemolysis at 40x magnification. (b) A foreign crystallized
tubular structure at 120x magnification.

Figure 9. (a) Aggregated/conglobated erythrocytes, with hemolysis, and clustered fibrin at 40x magnification. (b) A blowup of a
foreign complex crystalline structure at 120x magnification.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 391
CASE NO. 3 (FIGURES 10-18)
This patient, in 2021, was an 84-year-old woman, enjoying managing an unassisted satisfying life with
autonomy before receiving any mRNA injections. Her medications at the time included beta blocker, ace

Figure 10. (a) The photo at the top and center shows the patient’s blood condition at 40x magnification before the first mRNA
inoculation. The images in (b) and (c), at 120x magnification, left and right at the bottom of the figure, show a voluminous
agglomerate (measured at 329.14μm by 137.74μm with the DeltaPix software) five weeks after vaccination. Are these metallic
objects graphene particles?
inhibitor, diuretic, cardio-aspirin, and a gastro protector. In 2016 she had been operated on for descending
colon cancer without locoregional lymph nodes or metastases. She was declared free from the neoplastic
pathology at the 5-year-follow-up in 2021 before receiving any mRNA injection. In 2020, she was seen for
symptoms of a burning mouth that responded to topical treatment; histology was positive for a mixed
lichen/pemphigus infection. She was strongly advised not to be injected with the anti-COVID-19
experimental genetic concoction. This advice was on account of her previous oncological and ongoing
rheumatic disease.
In fact, at the second dose of Pfizer, she experienced intense erythroderma of the face and chest, a dramatic
intensification of the burning mouth symptoms, unsustainable muscle pains resistant to analgesic therapy.
Using capillaroscopy, her rheumatologist diagnosed a form of acute dermatopolymyositis which was

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 392
confirmed with self-immunity tests. The symptoms did not respond to 60 mg
of deflazacort (used because she was known to be intolerant to Deltacortene,
a different form of cortisone) and 10 mg per week of Methotrexate. Later, the
rheumatologist suspended the Methotrexate but added 500 mg of
Mofetil 3 times daily to taper down the dosage of cortisone. A
tachyarrhythmia was successfully treated with TAO and Amiodarone;
following a cardioversion performed in a stable electric field (3 sessions),
rivaroxaban (Xarelto), stabilized with flecainide (Almarytm). Alendronate was
added (one tablet per week), cholecalciferol 50,000 IU per month, and folic
acid one tablet per week. Due to abdominal pain a PET scan was carried out Figure 11. Geometric figures
and ileo-aortic abdominal lymph nodes proved to be positive. A subsequent tend to take shape (120x
abdominal CT and MRI ruled out a neoplastic recurrence, attributing the magnification) in extremely
lymphadenopathy exclusively to the worsening of the rheumatic disease complex aggregates.
which, from a mild form confined to the oral cavity, had
evolved into a severe systemic form (polymyositis).
Within a month, she was no longer autonomous. She
required a walker, had developed mild renal insufficiency
possibly due to an excessive pharmacological load. This
escalation, which led to an authentic biological fragility,
occurred chronologically later and was probably
(according to our informed medical opinions) caused by
the mRNA injections. Our assessment is that by injecting
elderly patients who are already contending with multiple
comorbidities with the experimental mRNA “vaccines”,
previously controlled morbidities are very suddenly Figure 12. At the poles of the figure (120x
augmented in a magnification) we can see an initial lamellar
negative way. configuration with crystalline scales resembling
structures peculiar to graphene particles.
systems that were formerly under control prior to the mRNA
injection(s) are soon compromised by a flood of confusion and
biological disinformation (what some have been calling
“biosemiotic entropy”; see Pellionisz, 2012; Gryder et al., 2013;
Davidson et al., 2013; Shaw, 2017 and their references). As a
result, the clinical terrain that was formerly manageable is
suddenly fraught with unfamiliar perils never before encountered.
For this patient the story of her blood transformations appears in
Figures 10 through 18. Before her inoculation with the
experimental mRNA concoction her erythrocytes looked normal
and healthy as seen in Figure 10(a). But that healthy condition
was suddenly changed with the second dose of the Pfizer mRNA
Figure 13. Again, at 120x magnification, injection when her blood profile changed to the pictures seen in
geometric figures tend to take shape in Figure 10(b) and 10(c).
extremely complex aggregates.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 393
Figure 14. The photos (a) and (b), both at 120x magnification, show tubular, flake, crystalline and mixed shapes configurations,
surrounded by clustered fibrin. (Measurement: 146,72μm X 31,03μm - 62,00μm X 61,59μm Delta-Pix Software).

Figure 15. Here are some very smooth and complex crystalline configurations at 120x magnification.

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Figure 16. This image, at 40x magnification, is extremely representative of the “Z potential” disorders, with aggregation
and "rouleaux stacking" of red blood cells.

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Figure 17. An example of the complex and structured crystal/lamellar organization at 120x magnification. In the picture on the
right side a "module" from the morphology and recurrent structuring occurring with great frequency. The aggregating forces
are guided by the negative entropic context.

Figure 18. Images of crystalline aggregation, regular and modular, with apparent "self-similar attitudes of fractal nature".

CASE NO. 4 (FIGURES 19-28)

This patient was a 64-year-old male, himself a medical doctor in good health, able to practice martial arts
(Ars dynamica CM) involving, among other physical challenges, phases of prolonged apnea (being choked).
He was diagnosed with hepatitis A at the age of 10, had a semi-block of the right branch, documented
during military service, an episode of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo at the age of 30, with recurrence

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 396
at 54 and 60 years of age. To comply with the
anti-COVID harassment for medical clinicians,
on 17 December 2021 he had the first dose of
the Moderna mRNA concoction. In the
following period, significant episodes of
tachyarrhythmia were treated with 3 sessions of
pulsed electric field. After relapse of
paroxysmal positional vertigo (treated with a
pulsed magnetic field), he had a peripheral
blood test taken which identified the structures
that seem likely to be graphenic particles. On
January 30, 2022, the patient’s smear was re-
evaluated, after having taken the second dose
of Moderna on January 28. The configurations
of the foreign particulate, presumably Figure 19. This image at 40x magnification shows the patient’s
graphenic particles, were very evident as can be smear before the first dose of the Moderna mRNA injection.
seen in Figures 19 through 28. From the clinical
point of view, blood hyper-coagulability was
recorded on the bleeding test; this occurred in a
patient who had been rejected from a trial on
ticlopidine as suffering from platelet
aggregation deficiency (in a trial performed at
the Pavia University in 1983) with the advice to
use platelet anti-aggregants with caution.
Although the patient had taken 500 mg of
aspirin daily for a week, it was not possible to
obtain a blood sample from the scarification
site. The same problem arose during the finger
prick sampling, for the second fresh blood test,
when previously he would bleed for hours for
example after shaving. Currently the patient has
severe, a persistent and disabling headache, loss
of concentration and difficulty in performing Figure 20. Image at 120x magnification obtained three weeks after
the first dose of the Moderna mRNA concoction: structures
even routine professional activities, bilateral appear in dispersed and initially conglobate configuration
tinnitus, an arrhythmic heartbeat, and
tachycardic crises. The patient was taking Prisma, a 50 mg tablet per day, cardio-aspirin, Vitamin D3 4,000
U.I. per day, and was receiving Pulsed Electrostatic Therapy in 3 sessions each week. For this person,
Figures 19 through 28 tell the story of his changing blood profile going from normal to very abnormal.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 397
Figure 21. Another image at 120x magnification taken three weeks
after the first dose of Moderna.

Figure 22. Image at 40x magnification showing aggregation and

morphological modification of the erythrocytes two days after
the second dose of a Moderna mRNA injection.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 398
Figure 23. Illustrative images (a) and (b) at 120x magnification showing the different types of aggregations taking shape.

Figure 24. Evident tubular formations at 120x magnification in the aggregative phase showing their complex morphology.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 399
Figure 25. Here at 120x magnification (3x magnification digitally produced) (a) and (b) show tubular formations that seem to
be in different aggregative stages.

Figure 26. In this image at 40x magnification, it seems that the red
blood cells are being adsorbed on particulate structures.

Figure 27. In these images at 40x magnification erythrocyte seem to be drawn towards the conglomerates.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 400
Figure 28. This photograph at 40x magnification highlights the interface of the interaction between red cells and what is
presumably a graphenic particle.


In the present study, blood samples of 1,006 symptomatic subjects after one or more anti-COVID mRNA
injections from Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna were analyzed under an optical microscope in the dark-field.
Of the 1,006 cases, 948 (94.23% ) showed various alterations in their blood. Aggregation of erythrocytes
were highlighted and exogenous point-like and self-luminescent particles in the dark-field were detected.
The luminescence of those particles was markedly higher than that of oxygenated red blood cell walls. The
particulate infiltrates, whatever they may consist of, gave the appearance of a starry sky at night. All of the

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 401
abnormal blood samples of injected persons, the 948 cases, showed tubular/fibrous formations and
frequently also crystalline and lamellar formations with extremely complex but consistently similar
morphologies across all of the patients with abnormal blood samples. Our results are so similar to those of
Lee et al. (2022) that it could be claimed that, except for our innovative application of dark-field microscopy
to mark the foreign metal-like objects in the blood of mRNA injections from Pfizer or Moderna, we have
replicated the blood work of the Korean doctors with a much larger sample. Our findings, however, are
bolstered by their parallel analysis of the fluids in vials of the mRNA concoctions alongside centrifuged
plasma samples from the cases they studied intensively. What seems plain enough is that metallic particles
resembling graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds, like those discovered by Gatti and
Montanari (Montanari & Gatti, 2016; Gatti & Montanari, 2012, 2017, 2018), have been included in the
cocktail of whatever the manufacturers have seen fit to put in the so-called mRNA “vaccines”. In our
experience as clinicians, these mRNA injections are very unlike traditional “vaccines” and their
manufacturers need, in our opinions, to come clean about what is in the injections and why it is there.
The blood tests of 12 subjects, carried out with the same methodology before they received any mRNA
injections, showed perfectly normal hematological features as documented with the 4 exemplary cases
selected from among those 12 to represent all 948 of the abnormal samples we examined. The alterations
found after the injection of our patient/cases with mRNA materials (whatever may be in them), we found
what we believe is conclusive evidence that the modifications observed, as these persons went from normal
blood profiles to very abnormal ones, must be attributed to the proximate mRNA injections.
We assert unequivocally that the 4 cases described in this series are representative of the 948 cases in which
extraordinarily anomalous structures and substances were found. The alterations in the erythrocytes show a
tendency to aggregation/disintegration, stacking in rouleaux, hemolysis, and other conditions suggestive for
an important alteration of their zeta potential (Davidson et al., 2013; Shaw et al., 2014; Davidson & Winey,
2021). Furthermore, there is a well-known tendency for fibrin to cluster that was documented in the
biomedical research long ago. These alterations are likely, in our opinions, if not certain, to be involved in
producing the coagulation disorders commonly reported after anti-COVID injections (Long et al., 2020; Liu
et al., 2021; Seneff et al., 2022). There is also the known vascular toxicity of the spike protein itself (Lei et
al., 2021; J. Liu et al., 2021), the principal factor in mRNA injections (Nance & Meier, 2021) and one of the
adverse effects in some of the subjects inoculated with mRNA vaccines (Long et al., 2020; Aldén et al.,
2022; Trougakos et al., 2022).
With the hematological pictures we have presented here it is reasonable to expect reactivation of oncological
disease along with blood circulation disorders. Nearly two decades ago, Miller et al. (2004) showed that
disruption of the coagulation pathway was associated with a higher incidence of malignancies. With that
research in mind, the observed abnormalities already found in our micrographs of individuals injected with
one or more of the experimental mRNA concoctions of Pfizer or Moderna, can no doubt be attributed in
part to the foreign materials some of which we suspect are graphene-family particles. These have been
observed by many other expert researchers who have examined the so-called “mRNA vaccines”. What
appear to be graphene based technological composites of some sort have been widely discussed by
competent researchers including Armin Koroknay (2021), Pablo Campra (2021), Robert O. Young (2021),
the distinguished group of New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDOS, 2022), Andreas
Noack (2022), and others. All these doctors and researchers have also examined the actual contents of the
so-called SARS-CoV-2 “vaccines”. Additionally, Lee et al. (2022) showed that the strange particulated matter
found in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections, also appeared in centifuged blood plasma from
recipients of those injections. Such graphene-family materials have been intensively studied by researchers

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 402
for decades and increasingly so since COVID-19. A Web of Science search for “graphene AND covid”
produced 190 hits and “graphene AND vaccine” turned up 124 hits on July 30, 2022. However, a search for
“graphene oxide” generated 133,756 dating from 1995 to the present. Taking account of the findings of Ou
et al. (2016), showing that “graphene-family nanomaterials” have been associated with “physical destruction,
oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis” on account of
their stressful impact on “toll-like receptors- . . . , transforming growth factor β- (TGF-β-) and tumor
necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)”, if the mRNA concoctions by Pfizer and Moderna do contain the suspected
graphene materials, they are implicated as disease causing in the recipients of those vaccines.
A second factor known to be involved in disruption of complex biosignaling at the post-translation level of
protein production is the supposedly “safe and effective” artificial mRNA concoction aiming to produce the
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the injection recipients. The coding sequence for that spike component was
detailed and praised by Nance and Meier (2021) who said that its artificial modifications “cloak mRNA
vaccines from the immune system” (p. 753) and supposedly cause the mRNA injected to persevere in
producing one spike protein after another by somehow evading the microRNAs that normally regulate the
disassembly of the mRNA soon after the protein is produced. But that is not supposed to happen,
according to Nance and Meier with the mRNA in Pfizer and Moderna. They suppose the artificial mRNA in
those concoctions, containing “the modified nucleobase N1-methylpseudouridine (m1Ψ)” in the place of
the normal Uracil, in addition to hiding them from the normal immune functions of the body will “increase
their stability” (p. 749), their “protein production” (p. 751), “their half-life” (p. 752), while “decreasing TLR3
activation” (p. 751) on account of the cloaking modifications.
If they are correct in their claims, the research of Palzer et al. (2022) concerning the special role of “the
RNA-binding protein KH-type splicing regulatory protein (KSRP)” must be taken into consideration.
According to Palzer et al. the KSRP regulatory protein “controls the mRNA stability . . . by initiation of
mRNA decay and inhibition of translation, and by enhancing the maturation of microRNAs” (p. 1). Then
note that “KSRP-mediated mRNA decay of pro-inflammatory factors is necessary . . . for the induction of
robust immune responses. . . . In cancer, KSRP has often been associated with tumor growth and
metastasis” (p. 1). It follows that if the mRNA of the Pfizer and Moderna injections merely do what Nance
and Meier claim, they must interfere with KSRP and its post-translation regulatory functions which would
seem likely to cause reduction of immune functions and greater likelihood of new or recurrent
Taken together, the toxic blood clotting impact of graphene-family nanoparticles and whatever other
particulate matter may be causing clotting, along with the disruptive influence of the modified mRNA
producing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in a manner interfering with the KSRP splicing reulatory protein,
would it be unreasonable to suppose that the sudden onset of physical and mental senility (marasma) seen in
our Case No. 4 was probably directly caused by the Moderna injections?
In conclusion, such abrupt changes as we have documented in the peripheral blood profile of 948 patients
have never been observed after inoculation by any vaccines in the past according to our clinical experience.
The sudden transition, usually at the time of a second mRNA injection, from a state of perfect normalcy to
a pathological one, with accompanying hemolysis, visible packing and stacking of red blood cells in
conjunction with the formation of gigantic conglomerate foreign structures, some of them appearing as
graphene-family super-structures, is unprecedented. Such phenomena have never been seen before after any
“vaccination” of the past. In our collective experience, and in our shared professional opinion, the large
quantity of particles in the blood of mRNA injection recipients is incompatible with normal blood flow
especially at the level of the capillaries. As far as we know, such self-aggregation phenomena have only been

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 403
documented after the COVID-19 mRNA injections were first authorized, then, mandated in some
countries, and now are still being widely distributed in more than 12.3 billion doses (, 2022).
Further studies are needed to determine the precise nature and purposes of the foreign particles found in
the blood drops of about 94% of the mRNA recipients we have studied. Where do they come from and
why are they in these injections?1

Funding and conflicts of interest

All Authors declare that they have not received any funding to influence what they say here. They have no
conflicts of interest.
They also state that the research reported in their work was carried out in accordance with the Helsinki
Declaration of 1964, and that, although all reported data are anonymous, informed consent was obtained
from all participants prior to their enrollment in this study.

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Scanning Electron Microscopy Analysis of Cases 3 and 4 with
Secondary Electron (SE) Detection, Back-Scattered
Electron (BSE) Detection, and Energy Dispersive
Spectroscopy (EDS)
In this section of our report, we present the following:
Our focus here is on images of foreign entities in the blood samples from Cases 3 and 4 discussed in the
main section of our report. Here we look more closely into foreign objects of interest with additional
images at different magnifications and with different equipment than used in the main section of our report.
Plates 1 and 2 of this Annex report in Italian and English the technical methods used to obtain the images
that follow in this supplement to our main report. The images discussed here were obtained with secondary
electron detector (SE) of the scanning electron microscope (SEM) to provide more detailed morphological
information. In some cases, when we thought it would be useful, we also report images obtained with back-
scattered electron (BSE) detection. That technique enables a resolution below 1 nm because of the higher
energy of the BSEs. Together with the spectra from energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS/EDX), we
are able to learn something about the quantity and distribution of elements in the foreign objects of interest
found in the blood of patients who volunteered for this research, the first is one of the authors, and the
other, his mother-in-law, both eager to better understand what was circulating in their blood. For each
structure of interest, ones that should not be present in blood samples at all, energy-dispersive X-ray
spectroscopy (EDS/EDX) was used to obtain point and distribution maps to show the approximate
percentages and distribution of the foreign elements. The images presented here are accompanied by some
of the standard information supplied by the SEM equipment and its accompanying software (e.g.,
acquisition parameters such as voltage, magnification, type of detector, and probe current).2

2 For qualified individuals, more information can be obtained by writing directly to the corresponding author.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 407
Plate 1. Technical description of data obtained on Cases 3 and 4 from the Electron Microscope Laboratory at the University of
Torino in the Department of Chemistry on February 13, 2022 reported March 31, 2022.

[English Translation of Plate 1]

Electronic Microscopy Laboratory
Department of Chemistry
University of Turin
Via Gioacchino Quarello 15A
10135 Turin

Turin, March 31, 2022

Report Concerning the Measures Performed with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Supplemented by Energy
Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS) on Blood Samples
1. Purpose
On February 13, 2022 our laboratory received a request to carry out measures with scanning electron microscopy on two samples
of blood. The analysis requested was conducted between February 14 and February 24, 2022 at the Electronic Microscopy
Laboratory in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Turin located at Via Querello 15A. The request from the client
was to identify structures with anomalous morphology compared to ones well-known in human blood. Specifically, the request
from the client was based on their identification of the preceding structures with optical microscopy. Furthermore, once
identified, it was requested to pursue the analysis of individual elements to their chemical composition.
2. Analytical Methodology

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 408
The slides to be analyzed were prepared immediately before the analysis in strips, and after drying, were treated with 1 nm of
chromium. Placing a thin metal wire on the sample is necessary whenever non-conductive samples are analyzed that would
[otherwise] prevent the acquisition of the images. The choice of chromium has been necessary as it has a very fine grain suitable
for operating with sophisticated instruments such as the one used for the execution of the measures.

2.1 Principles of the Technology

The technology of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) uses an accelerated electron beam to produce a three dimensional image
of a sample. This technique is indispensable with respect to characterizing materials and as such is useful in every area of research
and of industry. The following briefly offers some facts that may be useful in understanding the origin of the images produced.
The electronic bundle produced by a source is appropriately accelerated and crosses a series of electromagnetic lenses that is
finally focused on the sample. When the electrons of the bundle hit the sample, shocks can take place that will give rise to a
volume of interaction (having a droplet shape) from which the signals useful for producing images will escape by flourescence.
The main type of signals that propagate and that are collected by appropriate detectors are:
• Secondary electrons, they are electrons of the sample and after being hit by the band of electrons being expelled from
the most superficial layers of the sample (a few dozen nanometers at most) bringing with them morphological and
topographical information. The most exposed or very accentuated areas appear brighter in the images produced.
• Retro-diffused, or back-scattered electrons, are electron bundles (more energetic than the secondary electrons) which,
after interacting with the sample nuclei, are turned and expelled on the surface. The peculiarity of these signals, arriving
from depths greater than the sample (1-2 microns), bring with them compositional information. Specifically, the
presence of elements with a higher atomic number (heavy elements) appear more luminous and the opposite is true for
the lighter ones.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 409
Plate 2. Photographic documentation.

[English Translation of Plate 2]

This document shows the photographic collection relating to the two blood samples analyzed with the FE-SEM/DS
What you will find in this document:
• For each "structure" encountered different photographs were reported with different magnifications. The
images reported were obtained with the detector for secondary electrons (ES) which, providing
morphological information, proved to be the most useful for our investigation purpose. In some cases, when
it seemed useful, those in BSE [back-scattered electrons] were brought back.
• For each structure encountered microanalyses with (EDS [Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy]) were
acquired both at the site and as distribution maps. This information, in addition to the graphical visualization
of the maps, also reports the semi-quantitative percentages of the elements present. These microanalyses
have been acquired in some areas where it was considered more appropriate.
• The images here are reported with only the essential data associated with each electron microscope image.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 410
Supplementary Materials

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This image obtained at 20 kx, shows an agglomeration of folded red blood cells and its micro analysis. Carbon, nitrogen and the oxygen
are the main elements. The other elements correspond to the components of the slide. Traces of sulphur and potassium are also found.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 412
The images shown were acquired at 8 kx and show the presence of an elongated, twisted body over 40 microns in length and a
variable thickness of a few microns.
Both images (SE&BSE) show a structure with a morphology very different from that of the globules. In order to better study
the nature of this structure, we proceeded with the acquisition of images and higher magnifications of different areas.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 413
The distribution maps of the elements in the investigated area show that carbon is the predominant element constituting
the elongated body. The carbon map in red shows an accumulation of this element along the entire length. The
predominant presence of this element is evident by observing how the relative map looks like a copy of the photograph.
The same cannot be said of oxygen which, although present, is present in much lower percentages. We have also included
the map of the silicon (constituent of the slide) for reference. A very useful piece of information that can be gleaned from
looking at the silicon map is that there is a dark area (right) corresponding to a part of the "foreign body". That indicates,
in this area, the greatest thickness than in the rest of the body.

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The image on the right is an enlargement acquired at 70 kx of the area indicated in the box, where several overlapping and crumpled
layers can be seen.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 415
Further magnification acquired at 70 kx of a different area, indicated in the box, where the presence of several
overlapping layers is again observed. .
On the next page, the micro-analysis will further confirm the predominantly carbonaceous nature of the material.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 416
The element distribution map shows the accumulation of carbon in the area corresponding to the body in question. The silicon
map shows the main component of the slide and can be useful as a reference for the other maps.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 417
The micro point analysis performed on the indicated area revealed the presence of 63% carbon. The constituent elements of the
slide (silicon, oxygen and sodium) were also highlighted. Traces of salts (sodium chloride and/or potassium chloride) were also
Aluminium and silicon may be due to the presence of some silicoaluminate (lighter particles), component of atmospheric
particulate matter

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 418
Finally, the image shown here was obtained at a high magnification, 280 kx, and shows the surface structure of the component
film that resembles those presumably graphenic particles.

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These images obtained at 9 kx show the second structure found in sample 1. This seems to show a red blood cell impaled by a "crumpled
sheet" and folded structure. The next page shows the precise micro analyzes performed both on the rounded part and on the body that passes
through it in order to evaluate any differences in composition, even if already looking at the BSE image it can be expected that the composition
will be very similar (levels of gray very similar).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 420
The constituent elements of the globule and the body that passes through it are the same, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.
Nitrogen appears to be more present in the blood cell. The silicon and sodium found in the film (spectrum 25) belong to
the components of the slide, which in this case, being the film very thin, have been detected.

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The distribution map of the elements confirms the prevalent presence of carbon with lower percentages of nitrogen and oxygen.

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This third structure found in sample 1 shows two bodies having very well defined geometric lines with equally defined angles. The dimensions
of these structures are a few tens of microns. In this case, we also report the photos in BSE as they are useful for visualizing the boundaries
of the structure. The SE images show very bright edges (characteristic of this type of signal) to indicate that they are bodies with greater
topographical relief. Looking at both images it is clear how these two structures detach from the support slide showing the regular edges very
well. Furthermore, their texture looks very different from the rest of the sample. The images at higher magnifications, present in the following
images, will highlight this aspect.

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More details of the texture at increasing magnification

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The enlarged detail of one of these bodies shows a wrinkled film structure like presumably graphenic particles.

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This page shows the images acquired at 6 kx of an additional structure detected in sample 1. In this case it is very useful to also report
the image in BSE which makes it immediately evident that the chemical composition of this film is made of very light elements (dark
contrast to the background). Furthermore, it is observed that the film is very thin in some points and the folds present are very clearly
visible. The film surrounds some red blood cells. The dimensions are a few tens of nanometers.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 426
Two magnifications in different areas, at a magnification greater than 12 kx, show the structure of the film in more detail. It does
not appear continuous but composed of several assembled fragments.

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The distribution map of the elements confirms the prevalent presence of carbon with lower percentages of nitrogen and

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 428
I report the data of the micro analysis performed in two points; one that looks thicker and one thinner. In the folded and therefore thicker
part (spectrum 9) the presence of silicon in the slide is less than in spectrum 8, since the film is much thinner, the percentage of silicon is
greater. This confirms what has already been said in the case of structure 1 on p. 5.

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Image of the red blood cells presents, in the sample 2, the relative data of the micro analysis and shows the presence of traces of iron
uniformly distributed.

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The first structure, found in the second sample analyzed, shows a film of considerable size (hundreds of microns) that
surrounds the red blood cells which appears to be very agglomerated with each other. In this case, we found it useful to also
bring the image back to BSE to highlight how the film wraps the blood cells so that they are no longer detectable.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 431
The micro analysis performed in one point of the film highlights a predominantly carbon component. In addition, the
presence of oxygen and nitrogen in smaller percentages was also detected.

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This image shows another fragment of the film which, like a veil, extends for about a hundred microns. Being so long, it
wasn't possible to photograph it in one shot.

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Enlarged detail of the film with its folds where the different nature of the film with respect to the globules is confirmed.

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On a low magnification image (about 1 kx) an attempt was made to measure the length using the instrument software. As
you can see, the measure is approximate (in default) as the film is not stretched but a little folded and moreover it is more
connected fragments. The overall measurement exceeds 200 microns.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 435
The second structure detected on sample 2 shows a film of about 30 microns that surrounds red blood cells. As evidenced
by both images, the film appears very thin and made up of several assembled and folded fragments

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The central image shows an enlarged 30 kx detail of the film frame area. It is observed how the film appears to be composed of several
assembled layers. This is not a continuous film. The micro analysis of the enlarged area once again confirms the presence of carbon,
oxygen and nitrogen as main components. The fact that the silicon of the slide has been detected (at the voltage used 5kev) gives us
information that the film is very thin

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 437
These pages show the images of a red blood cell in which two types of different agglomerates are stuck:
1st aggolmerate-yellow arrow: shows globular structures formed by nano particles which, given the different level of brightness in the BSE
image, will have a chemical composition different from that of red blood cells.

2nd agglomerate-red arrow: shows a kind of slime that incorporates nano particles stuck in the globule. In this acso the contrast level of
the BSE image suggests that the composition will not be very different from that of the blood cells.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 438
Detail enlarged to 175 kx of the agglomerations of the upper part.
The dimensions of the agglomerates on the right are about 200nm and are clarifications composed of particles at the nanometer level
(25-30 nm).

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 439
The agglomerates of nanoparticles in the upper part (yellow arrow) are agglomerates of iron oxide. The iron and oxygen maps show
accumulations in correspondence with the agglomeration so the identification is certain. The situation of the adjacent agglomeration is
different, which, as can be seen from the maps, seems to have a carbonaceous composition.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 440
Observing the agglomerate at the bottom, a block of a few hundred nanometers dimensions is highlighted, with an elemental composition
similar to the agglomerate shown on the previous page: iron and oxygen. The distribution maps of the elements allow us to say that it is iron

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 441
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 442
Following your request, measurements were carried out with the FE-SEM / EDS technique on two blood samples.
The drops on the slide were prepared before carrying out the analyzes, and as soon as they were dry, they were metallized with 1 nm of
Each analyzed sample was observed randomly until structures with "unusual" morphologies compared to those expected in human blood
were found. During the identification phase, the writer was guided by the client in the choice of structures with an interesting aspect that
required in-depth analysis and characterization.
Different structures were found and for each of these we proceeded by acquiring images at different magnifications and using the three
detectors that our instrument is equipped with:
- Secondary electron detector (SE)
- Detector for retro scattered electrons (BSE)
- X-ray detector (EDS)
The characteristics of the individual signals have been described in the technical report to which this photographic report is attached.
Very similar structures were found between the two samples except for figure 7 (iron oxide agglomerates) which was found only for sample 2.
The morphology for the most commonly encountered structures can be assimilated to structures presumably graphenic folded and / or
wrinkled thin films similar to a veil. The films appear superimposed and agglomerated, sometimes they seem assembled to each other and in
other cases twisted on themselves. The dimensions found are of the order of tens-hundreds of microns but, as these films are visibly folded,
these are approximate measures (by default).
As regards the chemical composition of the structures found, these showed a prevalent carbon component accompanied by much lower
percentages of oxygen and nitrogen except for structure 7 which, as mentioned above, was of a completely different nature: iron and oxygen.
An important aspect to underline is that when dealing with samples composed of light elements present in a matrix having a similar
composition, as in this case, the elemental analysis becomes a very delicate phase of the investigation.
During this work, in fact, as much information as possible was collected, exploiting all the means available, to allow the client to better
understand the samples in question.

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2), August 12, 2022 Page | 443
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