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The KNF Times Issue #1 December 2020

$5 Retail Value

“We exist to restore life through microbial awareness, education and action.”

In this Issue
Looking Back on 2020 In Review
Timeline and Highlights of the work of the Pure KNF Foundation

Solutions in Depth: Lactic Acid Bacteria

Recipe, How it fits into a GAPS Diet, and how it solves lactose intolerance

A KNF Journey with Minister Logan Silsley

A personal story of how KNF has led to a vital purpose in Life

A Bud Tenders Guide to KNF

What you need to know to promote a better kind of cannabis

Executive Officers Community Report

Get to know Ryan Flesch the Pure KNF Foundation Executive Officer

KNF Support Question of the Month

Hemp or alternatives for making IMO#3
The KNF Times
Produced by
Pure KNF Foundation
a 501c3 Educational NonProfit

PO Box 59 President’s Letter

Papaikou, HI
Aloha Pure KNF Foundation members and allies in human form!
Speaking for the Foundation, I am stoked to bring you this news-
letter. It has been a long time coming to get organized enough to
make this happen. We aim to facilitate wonderful news in such a
Editor/Layout: way that adds value to all the life you cultivate. Even though this
Eric Weinert may be your first newsletter officially from the Foundation, this is a
manifestation of a persistent steady action toward a vision.
Copy Editor:
I feel immense gratitude to our founding funder who made this first
Jennifer Weinert
year of our existence possible. I feel so blessed to be recognized
enough as a leader to be empowered to build an organization that
Chief Writer:
can rise to bring Master Cho’s dream to life.
Ryan Flesch
But more than that, where we are headed with the Foundation, in a
Contributors: direction where all practitioners of KNF, large and microscopic, are
Suze Gudmundson recognized and lifted up to share in the abundance of our success.
Logan Silsley
I hope you enjoy this Newsletter.
Stacey Shepard

Aloha Pumehana!

Contact us
[email protected]
Eric Drake Weinert Jr.


Pure KNF Foundation

Humble beginnings of the Foundation

Copyright © 2020
All Rights Reserved
Looking Back on 2020 In Review
By Eric Weinert
It’s hard to believe that it was only one year ago Suze and I sat down with Michele Denise to be guid-
ed through the process of filing the right paperwork at the right time to build a real Foundation for
the Korean Natural Farming community. We’ve done a lot quickly, but if there is one accomplishment I
am the most proud of achieving this year, it’s that the foundation has articulated a mission true to all
Our Mission: “We exist to restore life through microbial awareness, education and action.”
With this mission I can put my full confidence in the Foundation, and it gives the Board of Directors a
way to focus the business of the organization toward what really matters. When I met with Master
Cho in February, he spoke about spreading his teachings of KNF and establishing trust in the communi-
ty, and said “you have to gain the respect of the community.” I see this foundation and its mission as a
critical part of continuing to forge those relationships based on integrity and love.
There is a lot that has to go on behind the scenes to build a solid foundation, and as I sit here on a
computer that the Foundation has furnished, I am looking at a timeline of events reviewing all the
things we’ve done. Sometimes it doesn’t really feel like we’ve made that much progress, but when I see
it from this view, it’s magnificent!
Everything the foundation is doing is made possible this year by the generous donation of the ARIA
Foundation. As of October the Foundation website is now accepting donations under $200 from anybody
wishing to make a financial contribution online. Visit to make a donation today!
This year we had to cancel the KNF Conference in Texas because of travel restrictions, but had already
planned a stellar event with multiple collaborators. The educational tracks that would have been offered
included Market Gardening, KNF for Human Health, and the 9 Core Solutions. Over 100 folks were slated
to attend the event with many from Texas and the worldwide community to enjoy the camping and net-
working that occurs in these settings.
2020 made it clear there is a cultural shift from in person educational opportunities. Responding ac-
cordingly, the Foundation made an investment in video production equipment and began filming a docu-
mentary. The stories of Mike Duponte, an expert in KNF Livestock, Moose and Mimi, kava orchard farm-
ers, and Reverend Logan Silsley, medicinal cannabis farmer have been documented and produced into
mini series for the Hawaii Farmers Union United State Virtual Convention on November 14th. The films
were followed with a live panel of the participants.
To expand educational access the Board of Directors created a Scholarship Fund to award financial sup-
port to meritorious applicants to attend KNF educational offerings from any instructor. Four applications
were received and reviewed with 3 being issued helping those students to attend KNF courses.
Building on the experience gained from serving on other boards and wanting to further the Mission
more expediently, the Board of Directors hired an independent contractor to act as our Executive Offi-
cer for the winter season. When the board put out the job posting there were several highly qualified
folks applied, and the selection process was very inspiring. The task of connecting everyone with the
Foundation will hopefully be made easier by our work on the Newsletter which the Executive Officer is
working on!
With the end of 2020 the Pure KNF Foundation will have completed its first year in existence!
A Bud Tender’s Guide to Korean Natural Farming
By Ryan Flesch
This guide is intended to give an overview of the general query of ‘What’ and ‘Why’ in regards to
Korean Natural Farming. For the ‘How’ and for further information, please see the resources section
beyond the Q & A.

Q: What is Korean Natural Farming (KNF)?

A: KNF was created by Master Cho Han Kyu and is known all over
the US as a craft cannabis method of growing that produces the
highest quality product on the market.
These buds not only naturally have higher THC contents, terpene
contents, and a higher oil to mass ratio but the same practic-
es that grow a robust, healthy plant are regenerating more life
in the soil food web. KNF implements fermented nutrients that
introduce microorganisms to the soil to boost overall soil health.
Just like you’d want a healthy gut flora, KNF feeds the soil life to
promote the good microbes and bugs to keep the plants healthy
throughout their lives. Less problems dealt with during the
plant’s life means a more robust plant that has more energy to
devote to its flowers.

PC: Joel Robles

Q: Why is KNF better than any other weed?
A: KNF is able to provide the kindest buds through relating the health of the plant to the health of the
growing mediums ecosystem. Korean Natural Farming (KNF) is a modern farming method that prolif-
erates healthy microbes to restore balance to the soil microbiome. This produces a more vibrant and
balanced product for our consumption.
Rather than dealing with the common problems in cannabis cultivation with either organic or non organ-
ic methods, KNF growers get ahead of the game by addressing the health of the whole system before
symptoms of weakness begin to occur.
This gives advantage to the grower, the plant, the consumer and the earth as the plant is less prone
to attract pests and catch diseases and the soil is left healthier than it started. KNF is a method that
focuses on the roots of the problems, literally.
It is important to know what we’re putting into our bodies when we consume
a product. When we choose a KNF product, we know we are getting medicine
from a well balanced, robust and healthy plant. If we want to make the best
choice for our high and our health, we’ll choose KNF bud.

Q: Where did this KNF bud come from?

A: KNF grow operations differ from the production first model. Many cultivators
utilize a generic approach to business. This KNF bud came from a farmer who
is participating in disrupting not only this industry, but degenerative agriculture
as a whole.
Each farm will be unique to some degree, but they will all be working towards
a more beautiful future world while producing a high quality, balanced product
in the present.
PC: Matt Jones
Q: Where do KNF practices come from?
A: Master Cho Han-Kyu founded Korean Natural Farming in 1967 in South Korea. His entire life has
been devoted to giving farmers the tools they need to grow in balance with Nature. These practices
and recipes have been passed down to thousands of people and have spread across more than 30 coun-
Master Cho went to Japan as an agricultural research student and spent 3 years studying with Japa-
nese agricultural scientists, primarily Miyozo Yamagishi, Kinshi Shibata and Yasushi Oinoue, and synthe-
sized what he learned from them with his traditional cultural knowledge of fermentation into a set of
practices that strengthen the biological functions of every aspect of plant growth to increase produc-
tivity and nutrition.
Proper soil biology thereby reduces or eliminates the need for chemical interventions, whether to bol-
ster plant productivity, protect against predation, or to help with competition from other plants.

Q: Was everything I smoked before this cardboard?

A: At best. The vibrancy, balanced tetrahydrocannabinols (THC compounds),
cannabidiols (CBD compounds) content, terpenes, and minerals in KNF products
are unheard of outside of these growing practices.
There remains more research to do into the 113 different cannabinoids found in
Cannabis Sativa, but I for one want what this plant naturally offers when it is
grown in a healthy and balanced way. When it has access to all the nutrients
it wants, and all the minerals of the sea, it can decide for itself what it needs
to be balanced and stay healthy.
It is likely that everything you’ve smoked before has never tasted this good,
has never given you such a balanced high, and may have had residue of differ-
ent petrochemicals or heavy metals from more degenerative growing methods.
For the main reasons you would choose healthy foods over less healthy foods
(taste, results, personal or planetary health, etc.), you would choose KNF over PC: Ray Jurado
any other product.

Q: How does this product align our engagement with Cannabis Sativa to the healing of our shared
home, Earth?
A: KNF practices actually restore life and biodiversity to the soil food web. This provides a slew of
benefits, many of which have been discussed above. In addition to these other benefits, KNF builds a
healthy soil food web which builds healthy soil structure and tilth.
Soil structure is an important aspect of any agriculture. When soil gets tilled, the carbon contained
in the bodies of the microbes that end up dying in the process are released into the atmosphere. So
at the same time as the soil food web underfoot is harmed, the carbon footprint of that farm is in-
creased, adding to the PPM (Parts Per Million) of carbon in the atmosphere that is one of the main
contributing factors to ‘global weirding’. Soil needs to be aerated for plants to grow best, which is one
reason why conventional farmers till twice a year. When there is a healthy and diverse soil food web
present, which Korean Natural Farming proliferates, the microorganisms and small animals such as worms
do the micro-tilling, or natural soil aeration for you. This eliminates the need for the disruption of that
soil’s food web, which gets badly damaged by plowing. Structure, aeration, and tilth allow for easier
access to and exchange of nutrients. A good tilth means good conditions for life to flourish, for seed
germination, root proliferation, nutrient and mineral exchange, and plant growth.
In cultivating a healthy soil food web, KNF growers are simultaneously restoring the soil’s ability to act
as a filtration system for the earth’s water cycle. When petrochemicals get added to the water cycle,
many of them remain there for long periods of time or until they get bio-remediated. When there is a
diversity of organisms living and thriving in soil, they are more capable of breaking apart these syn-
thetically joined chemical compounds that act as pollutants in the environment. KNF acts as a bio-re-
mediator of soil and water. When we choose to support these products, we are choosing to contribute
to the healing of earth.
All of that means a higher quality product while building a
healthier shared home for all beings.

Drake Weinert’s Advice for Bud Tenders:

When you sit back and take a rip of your favorite herb, do you
take a second to reflect on the effects of the process that got
it to you? More than how your herb was grown, but what were
the effects of this grow in the bigger picture? What goes
into cannabis can make a big difference. Beyond the flower
and the plant to the whole operation’s effect on the ecosystem.
Think a bit further than just the flower, for instance, what is
in the runoff of that grow site? Are the methods being used
in alignment with cleaner water? Are the inputs used to grow
your cannabis transported thousands of miles and made with
questionable effects in relation to the health of the planet?
It’s when one starts to ponder at this depth that KNF begins
to make sense on all levels. Not just providing a better prod-
uct, but building a better ecosystem as a whole. Long live the
Natural Farmer!
PC: Bernard Jerimiaha
Additional Avenues for Further Education:
KNF Support Cannabis thread:
Beginner’s guide:
Guide to KNF cannabis:
Filmed workshop on KNF cannabis:

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A KNF Journey with
Minister Logan Silsley
By Ryan Flesch
If you would join me in putting our
minds together in gratitude for all that
has brought us together; I offer my
thanks, to the microbes, to Logan, to
you, the reader, to myself, the Pure
KNF Foundation, and all other beings for
holding this container that allows us to
propagate truth.
Logan, can you talk about the context you place us in at this moment in history?
This moment is about being human. We’ve been displaced from our role and our duties through various
means of brainwashing and programming. There is a lot about life in 2020, and even more longstanding,
that is not quite an accurate way to be living, and so we gravitate towards alternative ways, but truly,
these alternatives are the true ways of humanity and have been for thousands and thousands of years.
What we call normal or mainstream is really a bastardized version of human life. Part of my teach-
ings and part of my life has been tapping back into the ancient remembrances of who we are as human
beings on planet earth. Which takes us to the misinterpretation of the Genesis passage describing
dominion and domination instead of stewardship. Hebrew scholars have spoken out against these false
interpretations. What was truly being written about was the care-taking ability of the human. Why
do we have the capacities that we do? The opposable thumbs, the frontal lobe expansion of the brain?
We need to realize what these tools are for. We are a part of a much larger story than is being ac-
knowledged in mainstream culture. We live in critical times, and it is imperative that we place ourselves
in the context of life in a truthful way. We need to tap back into human remembrance so we can move
forward into the ancient future.
What brought you to Korean Natural Farming (KNF)? Or how did KNF find you?
It begins with my being a long time cannabis farmer. My entire adult life has been spent growing
marijuana. I have been blessed to live and grow in Hawaii, where, for a long time, pests and diseases
weren’t such a problem. As legalization came into its own, Hawaii was invaded by a ton of new prob-
lems, and, through my own research, I came into the natural realm as a solution to the compounding
problems that seemed to require evermore store bought inputs. Finding Dragonfly Earth Medicine who
practices natural farming methods resonated for me in part because of my Rastafarian background. I
started making compost teas and no till systems but found that disease was still finding a home in
those systems. From there, I heard from a friend that a natural farming teacher, Master Cho, would
be coming to the Big Island to teach his recipes and methods. I immediately jumped on the opportu-
nity and, about 6 years ago, took my first KNF 3 day workshop at the University of Hawaii. My mind
cracked open, I took a week-long workshop with Drake Weinert that rounded out the beginning of my
KNF journey. I was able to take all of that home, implement these practices, save money, make my own
fertilizers, and tap into the indigenous microbiology on my farm.
What’s the history of the Institute of Natural Farming?
I felt the necessity of spreading the KNF methodology, and to blend it with what else I knew was in
alignment with our shared home; permaculture, biodynamics, Fukuoka natural farming,
In December of 2019, I had the opportunity to rent a location near my mother’s new vegan deli. I
dove in and set myself up to teach. I planned to build a curriculum to be accredited, but through the
onset of Covid-19 and the reaction to it, we’ve had to shift gears. We are hosting monthly, or some-
times weekly workshops. We’ve had 40 or 50 students come through who are going home with the
recipes, experiences, and even finished products that we produce during the training. We have been
doing health classes, diet classes, a ‘Have No Fear’ workshop where Drake Weinert gave insight into
understanding our microbial friends. Open source information is a part of this duty, this calling of mine,
to make these offerings available to the public. All of these workshops are available a couple of weeks
after they happen on youtube.
How do you see KNF as an empowerment tool to allow for more independence?
One of the courses I teach is called the ‘Sovereign Farming Workshop’. The concept is that we are
going to take back our sovereignty. Part of what we teach is teaming up with nature, with god, and
with microbes, as opposed to corporations, Monsanto/Bayer, bottled nutrient companies, or CAFO’s (Con-
centrated Animal Feeding Operations). Mother Nature is the ultimate source and the only ally that we
need to be independent in our relationship to the soil food web.
Farmers have been put into a position where they are dependent on the system, and KNF is a sim-
ple and elegant solution that will give you self, or at least agricultural, sovereignty, keep your money
circulating in your local community and on your own farm. These practices will give you more strength,
power, and mana. They are contributing to the liberation and dignity of farmers everywhere.
Do you consume food or medicine grown with KNF practices?
I consume cannabis as well as a variety of food plants; banana, papayas, avocados, cassava, taro among
them. The cannabis is 100% KNF, while the food is supported by IMO 4 and occasional sprays. Fla-
vonoids and terpenes are more prevalent, and there are less problems overall. The growing resilience
of the soil lends itself to the resilience of the plants growing in it. Where I’m growing, we’ve gone
through 40 or 50 cycles of growth in no till soil with less and less disease and pest pressure.
Considering all of Master Cho’s recipes are edible, have you been consuming these recipes? If so,
which ones?
Yes, KnfMedicine (OHN) is a household favorite for any under the weather conditions. I put the mainte-
nance solution in my water bottle at the same ratios as I am giving it to my plants. It keeps my sen-
sory organs alive. I also make special Green Juices From Heaven (FPJ, FFJ: Fermented Plant, Fruit, or
Flower Juice) when I’m making it for human consumption using organic coconut sugar.
Have you noticed any changes to your personal health and wellbeing?
I’ve got healthier fingernails, hair, and my skin has become clearer. The mind, in addition to the body,
moves towards a healthier lifestyle and perspective. The concepts and teachings have had the largest
impact on my personal life. KNF has removed the fear from life that false science or fanciful ideas had
previously inoculated me with. Now that I’ve grown into a healthier human, in the same or actually
more dangerous environment that I was in before, I get sick less. This hearkens to the Terrain theory
vs Germ theory debate of Antoine Bechamp and Louis Pasteur, which if you’re not familiar with, I highly
encourage you to look into.
What are you doing to spread KNF practices?
In addition to the institute, I co-run Conscious Riddims Records which myself and some friends started
as teenagers. In addition to great music, we offer KNF books, seeds, KNF nutrients, and other sources
of information to help people on their KNF journey. I also offer farm consultations and have success-
fully transitioned a Cacao operation called Ocean Grace from conventional practices to KNF, having also
added food crops to their system, creating a polyculture that supports more life above ground. I also
offer implementation of KNF via on-the-ground work through the students that have come through the
institute. They help the transformation of farms that have had consultations that want to come into
right relationship to their land by providing consultations.
See the Ocean Grace KNF transition story here! (
What’s your favorite of the 9 vital solutions?
I love teaching the Green Juice From Heaven (FPJ, FFJ) recipe. One of my favorite things to do is make
a guava FFJ and add it to sparkling water. I’ve thought about the viability of a tonic bar being opened
up where different ferments are mixed into sparkling spring waters. I’ve got 100’s of KNF business
KnfMedicine (OHN) has to be my favorite though, to talk about, to teach, and to drink.
KnfStructure (WCP) and KnfReproduction (WCA) are particularly critical locally as Hawaii lacks calcium
and phosphorus in its natural systems, making these some of the most important to add to any Hawaiian
agricultural system.
How has KNF changed your relationship to land?
The land IS the resource. Nature has everything for you. It has connected me to the importance of
the natural resources that the land provides. You can’t poison the air, the soil and the water without
poisoning yourself. KNF tunes the mind back into recognizing that the earth is all the value that we
have. Even all these capitalistic businesses are getting their products from earthen byproducts. My
relationship to land is more wholesome than it ever was before KNF entered my life.
How do you integrate KNF into your care for animals?
KNF Piggeries are great, and as long as the human race decides to continue to use pigs as caloric re-
sources, transitioning the prevalent factory farming to KNF methods should be an extremely high pri-
ority. On my farm, the animals consist of a dog and a worm bin. I’ve been considering ducks to work
with the slug population. I have been adding IMO 4 to my worm bin and it seems to be the best way
to preserve the IMO’s, just as feeding it to your larger animals will. The worms appear healthier, the
castings are a higher quality, showing a beautiful white layer of IMO 4 mycelium. If someone doesn’t
want larger animals, vermicompost is an elegant solution to propagating IMO 4 into IMO 5.
Has KNF altered the way you view the world?
Once you understand the concepts of fermentation, the concepts of the interconnectedness of all life
start to piece themselves together. You will be drawn towards the natural processes, you will under-
stand the functions of the earth deeper, and fear will leave your body. God, or nature, has a plan, and
that plan is greater than you. These are practices of humility. A transformation occurs beyond these
recipes and in the soul and the mind and into the cosmos and the earth. KNF taps you into the power
of the Earth and God and Heaven and all that lies between.
Do you have anything else you’d like to say about how KNF has impacted your life?
I am so thankful for KNF. It has given me a good direction to go in life, opening the school and giving
me more purpose. In reaching out to help the world, KNF has given me a tool to open the earth and
to leave an impact of positivity through my existence. To the ancients who have come before, to Master
Cho, Drake, Elaine Ingham, my worm teacher Dave, Masanobu Fukuoka, my gratitude is forever.
We do need to hold on to the concept of hope. We need to keep the fire burning, and reinvigorate the
true work of humans on earth, our sacred role as stewards, as caretakers. This doesn’t end with prayer
and fanciful ideas and wishing, but boots on the ground, doing the true work. We are going to do this
through the broadcast of true information. We are going to do this through collaboration and through
the sharing and liberation of information.
Babylon’s got problems, we’ve got solutions!

Connect with Logan and the work he’s doing through

these avenues:
Instagram: @ConsciousRiddims & @InstituteOfNaturalFarming
Youtube: Institute of Natural Farming (
The Institute’s website:
A Recipe for Making LAB at Home
By Natural Farming Hawaii
The G.A.P.S. Diet and L.A.B. Support
by Ryan Flesch
I spoke with Stacey Shepard recently about her experience with our recipe of the month, LAB (Lactic
Acid Bacteria). Stacey is a licensed acupuncturist as well as a GAPS (Gut And Psychology Syndrome)
diet healing practitioner. Growing up, Stacey had IBS and, in her early 20’s, she discovered the GAPS
protocol. From her journey through that diet, she was able to heal her IBS and reclaim her health, as
well as an aspect of food sovereignty that gets left out of the important conversation regarding our
dependency on the fragile global food supply chain. That aspect is our body's ability to digest food.
‘Food Allergy’ is a phrase that seems like it should be oxymoronic. Since when have foods that we as
humans have been consuming and digesting for thousands of years started to cause allergic reactions
on a pervasive level? When I was growing up (and mind you, I wasn’t born that long ago, 1989), aller-
gies were quite uncommon (and mostly limited to a few items, like peanuts), and ‘food sensitivities’ wasn’t
a phrase I even heard until after the year 2000.
The conversation I had with Stacey steered my thoughts back towards the debate started by Antoine
Bechamp and Louis Pastuer regarding ‘Terrain Theory’ and ‘Germ Theory’. I will not go into that here,
nor say that the debate is one sided. There is truth to both in my opinion, which is why after 100
years it is still ongoing. The problem lies in that society, culture, and governments have not acknowl-
edged the importance of Terrain Theory, whereas Germ Theory has long guided decisions made by the
FDA, the AMA, the EPA, the WHO and many other national and global regulatory agencies that have
changed the terrain which we as humans now live in.
Stacey pointed out that our microbiome takes its shape in the first two years of life. We are given
most of our microorganism friends by our mother during birth. For this to work best, not only does our
mother need to have a robust and healthy microbiome, but we also need to make our entrance into this
world the natural way. In a country that has a c-section rate of around 33%, there are nearly 1/3 of
us who didn’t have that opportunity. Midwives and Birth Doulas are helping mothers and children and
doctors with this issue by doing vaginal swabs for babies who need to be born by c-section (which the
WHO has determined about 19% of births require this method, for either the health and safety of the
mother or the child). That means that 14% of births in this country, and close to half of c-sections are
cosmetic c-sections. This, along with the way that we’ve treated our soils with plowing and chemical
fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides has been detrimental to our microbe friends. That we receive our
microbiome in the first two years of life can be an uncomfortable thought when we look back on the
first two years of any of our lives and all that we as a society did not know about the microorganic
life that lives in symbiosis with our bodies then.
The Human Genome Project was begun in 1990 and completed in 2006. I will reference information
regarding this below, but it was an important step in growing our understanding of the way that the
human body maintains homeostasis. Let me spoil it a bit for you: Nearly every aspect of our health
depends on our microbiome. We depend on microorganisms to digest our food, stave off disease, main-
tain our endocrine system, send and receive neurological signals and more. 80% of your immune system
is in your gut, and when the tight junctions that maintain your gut lining become damaged by glypho-
sate and other toxins, a slew of problems start to affect your ability to maintain homeostasis. So many
problems that we think are unrelated to the microbiome are truly rooted there.
In Chinese medicine, it is understood that soil health is related to the digestive system. All the me-
ridians and the transmitters have connections to the soil. Without healthy soil, we cannot access true
human health. When our bodies don’t receive the full complement of microbes that have been a part
of the ongoing relationship between microbes and humans for all of our evolutionary history, we are put
into a position where we need to regularly inoculate our guts with a healthy complement of these miss-
ing microbes, as the terrain they are used to living in has not developed properly.
Stacey uses LAB to continuously inoculate her gut to maintain the health that she reclaimed through
the GAPS diet. LAB can create B vitamins and neurotransmitters. They work with your digestive sys-
tem and immune system to send and receive signals and create all the B vitamins, and vitamin K, all by
themselves. LAB can be applied topically to address many skin problems. Some of Stacey’s clients have
had rashes and eczema and have used supersaturated LAB topically to heal those problems within a
matter of days. All skin problems stem from the gut.
This is such an important recipe because you can make it yourself, it is cheap, easy, and tastes good!
If you have trouble digesting lactose, experiment with ingesting the LAB that Korean Natural Farmers
make. You can find the recipe in this newsletter, and you can find support from our growing community
in regards to troubleshooting the recipe or anything else on
If you do decide to begin engaging with the LAB recipe, the Pure KNF Foundation encourage you to
document your journey and share it on KNF Support or email your story to [email protected]

Info regarding the GAPS diet: Home - GAPS Diet

Referenced: The Human Genome Project
Continuing Education: Regenerative Agriculture Podcast: Embracing the Connection Between Agriculture
and Health with Zach Bush
Connect with your gut through Zach Bush’s ongoing work: GUT HEALTH - Zach Bush MD

Want to Save Money & Get Certified in KNF?

The KNF Farm in Hawaii offers complete full immersion hands-on Level 2 Solution Manu-
facturer’s Certification Courses. Class sizes are lmited to 12 students so you get the care
and attention you need to master KNF. Actualize your dreams and incorporate these life
enhancing recipes into your practice. Don’t miss this life changing opportunity!
January 10-16th 2021
February 7-13th 2021 Enter coupon code KNFTimes
Register online at at checkout to save $100
How KNF L.A.B.S. Changed My
Life From the Inside Out
by Suze Gudmundson
While “lacto” has revolutionized many aspects of domestic
life as a household cleaning cure-all, the most profound
change occurred within my body three years ago after I
started to ingest the stuff.
One day almost four years ago I went over to a friends
house and found Drake was there visiting her as well.
I think I remember walking in on them pouring off the
whey from the curd and talking about the benefits of
LAB. Intrigued I told him “I’m lactose intolerant--can I eat
that?” to which he replied, “If you are lactose intolerant
this is the exact microbe you need.”
Not knowing anything about natural farming at the time,
nor about the science of lactobacillus microorganisms, I
trusted Drake and started drinking very small amounts
of the stuff. Sometimes a teaspoon of it by itself, often
mixed into water with food--I liked the taste. After a
month (not long at all) I started to eat small amounts of dairy (butter, cheese, and yogurt) with a small
amount of diluted LAB at meal times. Miraculously I found that my symptoms of intolerance were less
severe. A year later, I had no symptoms of ill health at all.
Some back story: I was not born allergic to dairy. I ate the standard American kid’s diet of cereal and
(pasteurized and homogenized) milk each morning, and for almost every day of school for lunch I ate a
bagel and an enormous amount of cream cheese, ‘cause I loved the stuff. By high-school I was hacking
up loogies every single day (I exaggerate not) and getting sick quite often. For a couple years I denied
that anything was amiss in my body, until I finally gave up and had a naturopath doctor test me for
food allergies. Dairy, gluten, and corn. I followed his advice and eliminated those three, but then added
corn back to my diet approximately five months later. While I no longer felt ill effects after eating corn
products, I could not go back to wheat bread or dairy. Even the smallest amount of either would cause
gas, stomach ache and an incredible itch in the back of my throat that would quickly lead to common
cold with sore throat symptoms.
I know there are different types of lactose intolerance and various symptoms. I am not sure what ex-
actly in the milk I was reacting to, whether it be the sugar (lactose) or the protein (casein). All I know
is that drinking lacto 100% cured me in less than one year. It also notably helped my gluten sensitivity
as well. While I am not a medical expert, I do encourage anyone suffering from allergies, sensitivities,
or gut problems of any kind to give lacto a shot. Even if you don’t end up reintroducing the problem
foods, lacto is sure to improve your health in one way or another!
Where I am today, I don’t have to drink lacto with every meal containing dairy. I drink it as I please,
often mixed with FPJs, raw vinegar and water as a refreshing beverage from time to time.
While the enzyme, lactase, is found in LAB and will always improve the digestion of dairy in the stom-
ach, I am pretty sure lactobacillus microbes persist inside my gut now, making all food I consume more
nutritionally useful and less harmful. However, my current diet supports them too. While I don’t obvi-
ously react to eating gluten I tend to avoid it on principle. I don’t consume a great deal of commercial
dairy, but when I do I choose raw. I do consume quite a lot of fresh raw milk and homemade kefir and
yogurt. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I have never gone back to Philadelphia Cream-cheese…. Oh yea
and I almost forgot, I am addicted to butter, and praise the microbes, I feel great!
Executive Officer’s Community Report
By Ryan Flesch
Aloha Ohana! My name is Ryan Flesch and I have recently joined the
Pure KNF Foundation as a supporting team member. One of my primary
roles is to get this newsletter you are reading up and off the ground
so as to share more resources and build a more collaborative network
within the KNF community. I have gratefully accepted this role to help
with this non-profits mission of ‘Balancing life through microbial aware-
ness, education, and action’. Through taking on the perspective of the
microbes, we can intuit more and more clearly what actions are appro-
priate to act in service to life as a whole. Through taking on the per-
spectives of each other, we can build a more complete perspective of
how we can be in right relationship to each other, the microbial world,
and our shared home, the earth.
With documentation added to our practices, we can more readily share what is working. With better
documentation of what we’ve done, attached to the information of where it was done, when it was done,
and what was done. We are better together.
The KNF Support group has been an ongoing project started by the non-profit ‘Pure KNF Foundation’.
Our intention with this platform is to provide a container for the dissemination of information and col-
laboration of the greater Korean Natural Farming community to build a community of people with the
shared intention of restoring the proper biology to our soils, and ultimately, to contribute to the resto-
ration of earth’s natural cycles. Without a robust microbial biology, soil has less structure, which means
it has less air, which means it can hold less water, which means the water will run off (instead of pen-
etrating into the water table and ultimately the aquifers), which means that whatever nutrients we’re
using, organic or otherwise, will be accumulated in the runoff areas, which are ultimately our oceans
and the entire water cycle.
Water is Life, as has been put forth by indigenous cultures throughout the world and is apparent if
one considers it for a moment. Water, whether it was a warm shallow pool, or the earth’s oceans, is
the birthplace of life and what has supported the ongoing systems of life on this planet since it began.
Our soils have always been the natural filtration system for this sacred substance. When they become
depleted through degenerative practices such as tilling and the application of petrochemical fertiliz-
ers, pesticides, and herbicides, they lose their ability to fulfill their filtration duties for the rest of life.
Tilling, in its essence, is not a bad thing. Tilling is done by a variety of different beings from all six
different kingdoms of life, and primarily, by the microbial kingdoms. Without tilling, soils become com-
pacted and lose their structure.
We need to act as stewards of the soils as we have come into an age where we, as humans, are now
wielding power great enough that it can be compared to the power of nature itself. As Stewart Brand
said in the opening statement regarding the purpose of the Whole Earth Catalog, “We are as gods and
might as well get good at it.” This correlates to another of Stewart’s finest quotes that more directly
addresses what we are building with KNF Support: “In our research on the likely economic apocalypse
it's become clear what the prime survival tool is for hard times: friends [and community].” As Facebook
and other platforms for our discussion become more censored, and have always been poor in the realms
of being searchable and easy to use for these purposes, we recognize and are responding to the need
for a better platform.
KNF Support Question of the Month
KNF Support is a Question and Answer Platform run by the Pure KNF Foundation with the intention of
helping the KNF Community find better answers to commonly (or not so commonly) asked questions. It
was created in response to the frustration in the Korean Natural Farming Facebook Group where many
basic questions are asked over and over again without a mechanism to discern great answers from bad
advice. It helps to differentiate answers from those with more experience by including a reputation sys-
tem based on points so that the more one interacts with the website in a positive way, the more repu-
tation a member can accumulate. Answers are also voted up or down depending on their relevance and
helpfulness which adds to the members reputation accordingly.
As KNF Support is relatively new to the scene, we will be monthly featuring some of the best questions
and answers to bring more awareness to the system. Those featured here will also be receiving a token
of our appreciation by mail (assuming we can get a hold of you) to further the feeling of community
and support. To visit KNF Support online, visit

Hemp or other alternatives for IMO 3
Q: “Hello!
In the level 2 course on Youtube, Drake tried using hemp in the 2nd video as a substrate for IMO3.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to find the next video in the series, so do not know if that experi-
ment worked out or not.
Hemp is a really cheap resource here, and it would be awesome if we could use it in this process.
Also, for non-tropical growers, what have been some successful alternatives to wheat mill run for you?
A: “The main thing to think of is you want Carbs and Carbon at a 50/50 to 60/40 ratio to make IMO3.
The Carbs are food, the Carbon is the hotel. If you think of it like this you will find 100’s of alter-
natives and the ones that are cheapest or even better free are the best to use for you – one of the
greatest ideas of natural farming is the ingredients are not really specific - its use what you have –
Chris Trump uses nut shells and nut left over from his nut farm, Drake I’ve seen use grain and wood
chips, I’ve most recently used cracked corn and grains (old chicken feed from a friend) and hardwood
lump charcoal ( for my BBQ ). It’s about remembering Carbs n Carbon and using what you’ve got.

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