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1. Part of the nail structure that contains nerves and blood vessel located under the nail root.

a) Skin b) Matrix c) Nerve d) Surgery

2. The portion of the skin under the free edge of the nail.
a) Eponychium b) Nail walls c) Hyponychium d) Nail grooves
3. Halfmoon shape found at the base of the nail.
a) Cuticle b) Nail root c) Nail bed d) Lunula
4. Visible portion of the nail that is attached to the nail bed.
a) Nail plate b) Nail grooves c) Nail walls d) Nail root
5. The technical term for nail.
a) Onyx b) Onycholysis c) Onconail d) Onyxil
6. Nail grows into the sides of the flesh and may cause infection.
a. Ingrown Nails b. Onychogryposis c. Onycholysis d) Onyxil
7. The nail curvature is increased and enlarged and becomes thicker and curves.
a. Ingrown Nails b. Onychogryposis c. Onycholysis d) Onyxil
8. A loosening of the nail caused by internal disorder, infection or drug treatment.
a. Ingrown Nails b. Onychogryposis c. Onycholysis d) Onyx
9. Known as tinea unguium or ringworm -an infectious disease caused by a fungus.
a. Onychomycosis b. Onychogryposis c. Onycholysis d) Onyxil
10. A shedding of one or more nails, either in whole or in part.
a. Onycholysis b. Onychoptosis c. Ingrown Nails d) Onyx

Directions: Write the correct word described in each statement below on the space provided before each
____________1. Reveals that body is not getting enough oxygen. This also indicates infection in
the lungs, such as pneumonia.
___________2. Are wavy ridges caused by uneven growth of the nails, usually the result of illness
or injury.
___________ 3. Hang nails are caused by dry cuticle and loose skin separates from the cuticle. ____________4.
With concave shape usually caused through iron deficiency or anemia. ____________5. Is a condition in which
white spots appear on the nails.
THREE PARTS OF NAIL: Nail Body or Nail Plate, Free Edge, Nail Root
Nail Body - composed of densely packed dead keratinocytes. The Epidermis in this part has
evolved a specialized structure upon which nails can form.
Free Edge - tip part of the fingernail or toenail
Nail Root - is also known as the germinal matrix, its edge appears as a white crescent, known
as the lunula.


 Nail Bed - is the skin under the nail plate.
Matrix - part of the nail bed which contains nerves and blood vessels and is located beneath the
nail root..
 Lunula - half-moon shape found at the base of the nail where the matrix connects with the nail
Cuticle - the overlapping skin around the nail
Eponychium - cuticle extension at the base of the nail body which partly overlaps the lunula.
Hyponychium – portion of the skin under the free edge of the nail
Nail Walls – folds of the skin overlapping the sides of the nail
Nail Grooves - are slits or tracks in the skin at the side of the nail
Mantle – deep fold of the skin in which the nail root is embedded.

Directions: Identify the word/term being described in the

statement. Write the answer in your quiz notebook.
1. Portion of the skin under the free edge of the nail.
2. The skin upon which the nail body or nail plate rests
3. Beginning of nail found at the base and is embedded underneath the skin.
4. Folds of the skin overlapping the sides of the nail
5. Technical term for the nail

1. Examine your own fingernails. Check its structure and analyze its condition. What have you
2. Make a short RAP SONG based on the questions mention above.

ACTIVITY : In your next lesson, you have to study why some people have nail problems.
Answer these questions :
1. Have you seen somebody who has nail disorder? Nail problem?
2. What do you think are the causes of it?
Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the
correct answer in your quiz notebook.

Column A Column B
1. Leuconychia a) ingrown nails
2. Onychocryptosis b) inflammation of the skin around the nail
3. Onycholysis c) wavy ridges
4. Paronychia d) shredding of one or more nails
5. Koilonychia e) bitten nails
6. Onychophagy f) white spots
7. Onychoptosis g) an overgrowth of the nail in thickness
8. Onychomycosis h) spoon nails
9. Corrugations i) ringworm of the nails
10. Onychauxis j) loosening of the nail

NAIL DISEASES AND DISORDER Human nails are sometimes unattended, and this causes diseases and
disorders. Without proper care and hygiene, bad bacteria or accidents will damage your nails.
TRIVIA : Your nails reveals an overall look of your health. Onychosis refer to any disease,
disorder or condition of the nails.
Fungi - are plant organisms that live on dead, decaying or living matter. Some fungi are capable
of causing serious infections but some are harmful and beneficial.
Pus - a thick yellowish or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected tissue, consisting of dead
white blood cells and bacteria with tissue debris and serum.

A. Nail Disorders
Nail Disorders – are condition caused by injury to the nails,diseases or imbalances in the body.
_____1. Hang Nails _______6. Paronychia
_____2. Bruised Nails _______7. Pterygium
_____3. Onychia _______8. Bluish Nails
_____4. Bitten Nails _______9. Onychogryposis
_____5. Onycholysis ______10. Brittle Nails

Direction: Fill in the correct word/words to complete each statement about nail disorder. Write
your answers on the spaces provided.
1. _______reveals that body is not getting enough oxygen. This also indicates infection in the
lungs, such as pneumonia.
2._______ are wavy ridges caused by uneven growth of the nails, usually the result of illness or
3. Hang nails are _______ and loose skin separates from the cuticle. This is caused by dry
4. _____or spoon nails are with concave shape usually caused through iron deficiency or anemia.
5. _____is a condition in which white spots appear on the nails
ACTIVITY: Compose Me
Try to check the nails of the members of your family. Make a short paragraph of your
observations and give some suggestions on the proper care of the nails to avoid diseases.
Write your answer in a long bond paper.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Nail grows into the sides of the flesh and may cause infection.
a. Ingrown Nails b. Onychogryposis c. Onycholysis
2. The nail curvature is increased and enlarged and becomes thicker and curves.
a. Ingrown Nails b. Onychogryposis c. Onycholysis
3. A loosening of the nail caused by internal disorder, infection or drug treatment.
a. Ingrown Nails b. Onychogryposis c. Onycholysis
4. Known as tinea unguium or ringworm -an infectious disease caused by a fungus.
a. Ingrown Nails b. Onychogryposis c. Onycholysis
5. A shedding of one or more nails, either in whole or in part.
a. Onycholysis b. Onychoptosis c. Ingrown Nails
6. Part of the nail structure that contains nerves and blood vessel located under the nail root.
a) Skin b) Matrix c) Nerve
7. The portion of the skin under the free edge of the nail.
a) Eponychium b) Nail walls c) Hyponychium
8. Halfmoon shape found at the base of the nail.
a) Cuticle b) Nail root c) Lunula
9. Visible portion of the nail that is attached to the nail bed.
a) Nail plate b) Nail walls c) Nail root
10. The technical term for nail.
a) Onyx b) Onycholysis c) Onconail

Directions: Identify the term/s being describe in the statement below. Write your answer on the
space provided before each item.
__________1. Reveals that body is not getting enough oxygen. This also indicates infection in the
lungs, such as pneumonia.
_________ 2. A wavy ridges caused by uneven growth of the nails, usually the result of illness or
__________3. Hang nails are caused by dry cuticle and loose skin separates from the cuticle. __________4.
With concave shape usually caused through iron deficiency or anemia.
__________5. Is a condition in which white spots appear on the nails.

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