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1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs! 1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs!
a) If I ........................... (find) your lost watch, I ............................. (tell) you. a) We ............................. (have) a picnic if the day .......................... (be)
b) If it ......................... (rain) tomorrow, we ................................. (go) to the fine.
cinema. b) I .................................. (finish) the job tomorrow if I ....................... (can).
c) If he ........................... (not come), I ................................ (not be) c) I ................................ (not need) an umbrella if it .............................. (not
surprised. rain).
d) They ........................... (go) to Spain if they ............................... (go) on d) If it ......................... (snow) heavily, we ........................... (stay) at home.
holiday this summer. e) Pam ................................. (meet) us at the station if we ...........................
e) If I ................................ (not go) to bed early, I ............................. (be) (catch) the 15.00 train.
very tired next day. f) If we .................................... (not go) to Paris, we ............................... (be)
f) She ............................... (stay) in London if she ............................ (get) really disappointed.
a job there. g) No problem. If I ................................. (see) John, I .............................
g) I .................................. (buy) new boots if I ..................................(have) (give) him your message.
some extra money this month. h) If we ................................. (not come) there on time, we
h) I ............................... (not go) if you ................................. (not go) with ............................. (miss) that film.
me. i) If our class ................................... (go) to London, I .......................... (visit)
i) I .................................. (finish) the job tomorrow if I ....................... (can). the Tower of London.
j) We .................................. (not swim) if the weather ........................... (be) i) If you ......................... (not panic), you ......................... (manage) it.
bad. ............... / 20 p.
.............. / 20 p.
2. Fill in the table with TIME expressions, English or Slovak...!
2. Fill in the table with TIME expressions, English or Slovak...! English Slovak
English Slovak a) zajtra večer
a) this morning b) next Easter
b) minulé Vianoce c) vo štvrtok ráno
c) v pondelok poobede d) on Christmas Eve
d) on New Year’s Eve e) minulý víkend
e) včera večer ............... / 5 p.
............... / 5 p. 3. Fill in the prepositions!
3. Fill in the prepositions! a) ................. winter d) ................. September
a) ................. Wednesday d) ................. autumn b) ................. the second of June e) ................. Good Friday
b) ................. October e) ................. Easter c) ................. Christmas ............... / 5 p
c) ................. the first of May ................ / 5 p.
1. 1.
a) find, will tell a) will have, is
b) rains, will go b) will finish, can
c) doesn’t come, will be c) won’t need, doesn’t rain
d) will go, go d) snows, will stay
e) don’t go, will be e) will meet, catch
f) will stay, gets f) don’t go, will be
g) will buy, have g) see, will give
h) won’t go, don’t go h) don’t come, will miss
i) will finish, can i) goes, will visit
j) won’t swim, is j) don’t panic, will manage

2. 2.
a) dnes ráno a) tomorrow in the evening
b) last Christmas b) budúca Veľká noc
c) on Monday afternoon/in the afternoon on Monday c) on Thursday morning/in the morning on Thursday
c) na Silvestra c) na Štedrý deň
d) yesterday evening d) last weekend

3. 3.
a) on a) in
b) in b) on
c) on c) at
d) in d) in
e) at e) on

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