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Question 1 – 4

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1. There __________ many people at the mall.

A was
B are
C is
D and

2. Her favourite food __________ pizza.

A are
B has
C and
D is

3. Maya is _________ a cake.

A bake
B baking
C bakes
D baked

4. I have a sister. is a teacher.

A You
B She
C He
D They
Question 5 – 7

Read the text and choose the best phrase based on the pictures given.
Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik berdasarkan gambar-gambar yang

Faris and his sister is making (5) _________. They need

(6) __________. They also need (7) __________

and a few drops of citrus juice.

5. A a plate of rice
B a bowl of fruit salad
C a slice of cake
D a bottle of water

6. A many vegetables
B some vegetables
C some fruits
D many fruits

7. A a teaspoon of honey
B a pinch of honey
C a carton of honey
D some honey
Question 8 – 10

Based on the picture given, choose the best answer.

Berdasarkan gambar-gambar yang diberi, pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

A The girl is playing a violin.
B David is playing a guitar.
C My brother is playing a piano.
D He is having a lesson in piano class.


A They are relaxing at the beach.

A The kitten is chasing a mouse.
B The girls are playing volleyball.
B The little girl is playing with her kitten.
C The boys are playing football at the field.
C The little girl is feeding her puppy.
D The children are laughing happily.
D The kitten is lying in front of the little girl.

A My sister is reading a book.
B The girl is playing game.
C Sofia has a lot of toys.
D She is crying sadly.

Question 11 – 15

Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation
shown in the pictures,
Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih ayat terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.

11 A It is too heavy for you.

B Where is your house?
C That’s very kind of you.
D I have been there once.

A Congratulations, my darling!
B I don’t believe you
C Okay.
D Are you sure?

13 A Sorry, thank you for reminding me.

B Someone’s calling for help.
C Really?
D Please give me an astray.

14 A Your basket looks heavy.

B Would you like to buy this basket?
C Let me carry your basket.
D I don’t like your basket.
15 A Thank you.
B May I sleep on your bed?
C Don’t mention it
D It is nice to see you sick.


Question 16 – 18

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.

16 Mr. Salman went to the hospital with __________ wife.

A her
B his
C he
D she

17 __________ many students are there in your class?

A Where
B How
C Why
D Who

18 I like to play __________ games.

A komputer
B compter
C computer
D compootr
Question 19-20

Choose the correct punctuation.

Pilih tanda baca yang betul.

19. A She lives in taman melawati.

B She lives in Taman Melawati,

C she lives in taman melawati

D She lives in Taman Melawati.

20. A I enjoyed reading about your holiday in Sarawak.

B I enjoy reading about your holiday in sarawak.

C i enjoy reading your holiday in Sarawak.

D I enjoy reading your holiday in Sarawak

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