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Spending and Saving: Budgeting Daily Allowance of Senior High School Students in

Bato National High School

Background of the Study

The most basic needs of a human life is money, without it, one cannot fulfill
his basic needs and requirements of their daily routine. The importance of money is
increasing day by day as the living become costly (Archana ,2017). Allowance refers
to the amount of money that is given to students based on the financial status of their
parents and guardians. The allowance can be used as a substitute for parental
support, a supplement to other income sources, or as an investment into future
earnings (Galulu, et al., 2017). Allowance is money earned or given to a child at
regular interval to teach the child how to manage money. (

In the Philippines, a new program has been introduced to provide students

with an additional two years of high school education. This is a program called the
Senior High School Program, which will allow students to graduate from their regular
elementary or junior high school program and move on to complete their secondary
education. After completing their elementary or junior high school program, students
are expected to take university entrance exams and apply to universities where they
can continue their education. However, there are also those who wish to continue
their studies in order to pursue post-secondary education. While there are many
options available for you as an individual, it is important that you take responsibility
for your future by making smart decisions now so that you can prepare yourself for
whatever life throws at you later on down the road.

Managing your allowance wisely is a challenge that comes with every high
school student. It is important to understand how to make the most of your money
and put it to good use. Many of the students encountered hard time to budget the
money given by their parents because if you are a senior high school student you will
experience the life of a college student. Money is the essential needs to every
student now a day they need to be more responsible in managing their money. But
the problem is how they will manage their money.
It is believed that the most difficult part of being a senior high school student is
separating their wants from their needs. In this study, the research is to find answers
from the respondents as to how and where they spend their money every day.
Budget as the main subject of this study will focus on the proper allocation of
allowances of every student in order for them to properly utilize their daily, weekly or
even monthly allowances.

As students are not in the same economic category as their peers, they have
limited amounts of money. The students are usually less capable to save money
than their peers since they are still dependent on their parents and cannot make
much money on their own. This can be seen through the fact that most of them do
not have savings accounts or credit cards because they cannot afford to buy
anything that is not needed.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to find out how Senior High School students of
Bato National High School manage their daily allowance by conducting a survey.

It aims to answer the following research question:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Sex
b. Strand
c. Year level
d. Socioeconomic Status

2. What percentage of the respondents’ allowance is spent for:

a. Personal needs
b. Academic purposes
c. Food
d. Transportation
3. Is there a significant difference in spending behavior when grouped
according to profile variables?

Proposed intervention

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This research study was limited and conducted only at the Bato National High
School at the school year 2022. The respondents of the study are the Senior High
School students. The researchers have planned to use Random sampling in Senior
High School student is the one to be asked. The method the researchers will use in
collecting information will be through survey. This is used to evaluate and estimate
the amount of money students spend every day and what they spend their money

Framework of the study

The Social Cognitive Theory is a model that explains how human functioning
can be explained by a triadic interaction of behavior, personal and environmental
factors. This theory is useful in analyzing and interpreting the difference of profile
variables (sex, course, year level, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity) of the
respondents and their spending behavior.

The Social Cognitive Theory was first proposed by Albert Bandura (1977). It
suggests that humans are driven not by inner forces but by external factors. This
model suggests that human functioning is often explained by a triadic interaction of
behavior, personal and environmental factors.

Year level

Figure 1.An illustration of the factors related to the spending behavior of the
respondents. Spending Behavior

Albert Bandura (1977) introduced the Social Cognitive Theory. This theory
states that the way humans function can be explained by triadic interaction of
behavior, personal factors, and environmental factors. The researchers
Purposes used the
triadic interaction of behavior, personal and environmental factors to explain
spending behavior. This can be seen in the figure above. The researchers used the
following variables: personal needs, academic purposes, food and transportation,
and personal factors such as sex, and year level.

Name: ___________________________

Grade level: _______

Strand: _________________

Gender: _________

1. What are your sources of income?


2. How much is your daily allowance?


3. How do you spend the money that was given to you?

4. How much percentage do you spend for your food? Transportation?
Academic needs? Personal needs?
5. On average how much money do you spend for your school necessities?
6. In budgeting, what do you prefer to buy first, your needs or your wants?



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