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Declaration by the Student.

This proposal is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other

No part of this research should be reproduced without the authors’ consent or that of the
Management University of Africa.

Signature…………………………………. Date ………………………………

Nyawa Michael Mangale


Declaration by the Supervisor.

This research proposal has been submitted for examination as The Management University of
Africa supervisor.

Signature……………………….. Date…………………………

Mr. David Kanyanjua.

This project is dedicated to my loving Parents Dr.Peter Nyawa Mangale and Mrs Josephine
Mwaka Mshenga, my aunt Prof.Patience Mshenga and my friend Joseph Mutinda and Kalabatan
john who have been my great source of inspiration during my research period. They have been a
source of valuable advice and financial support.

I am very grateful for this kind of support and dedicate this to them

My special thanks go to my parents Peter NyawaMangale and Josephine Mshenga who were a
source of both material and emotional support. My aunt Patience Mshenga cannot be forgotten
for her encouragement and love for education .Also my special thanks go to The Management
University for guiding me and providing me with all the necessary materials for writing this

I am grateful for the people who directly or indirectly contributed to the completion of this work.
My sincere thanks go to my supervisor, Mr David Kanyanjua for guiding me giving me the much
needed advice and support in conducting this study. I would also like to thank all my colleagues
especially Joseph and Kalabatan for their encouragement and assistance. I also wish to thank all
respondents who availed me the data used in this report.

A big thank you to all.

This study seeks to explore the effects of compensation on employee productivity with specific
focus on Kenya Literature Bureau. The problem that the research seeks to address is the limited
study done on how compensation affects the productivity of employees. The objective will be to
investigate the effects of Compensation on employee Productivity, in Kenya Literature Bureau in
Nairobi. The specific Objectives of the study will be: to evaluate the effects of direct financial
compensation on employee productivity at KLB Nairobi, to determine the effects of indirect
compensation on employee productivity at KLB Nairobi, to examine the effects of Non-financial
compensation on employee productivity at KLB Nairobi. The findings of this study will assist
KLB (South C) and other branches countrywide to formulate acceptable and better compensation
strategies in order to enhance and increase employee motivation and uplifting their morale and
have a positive attitude towards work hence high productivity which results to a high competitive
advantage. The study will adopt a descriptive research design that will enable the use of
questionnaires as research instruments. The target population consisted of one fifty (150)
employees of Kenya Literature Bureau South c Nairobi. These will include management staff,
support staff and subordinate staff in the establishment. Stratified proportionate random sampling
was used to obtain a sample size of 45 respondents. The data will be analyzed using the
qualitatively and quantitatively through the use of SPSS and then put on tables and figures. The
research questions will be answered from the data analyzed where conclusion will be made and
then recommendations. Data will be presented using pie charts, tables, graphs and figures.


DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... ii

DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................ iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................... iv


TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ vi

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................. xii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................... xiii

OPERATIONAL DEFINATION OF TERMS ...................................................................... xv

CHAPTER ONE .......................................................................................................................1

INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................1

1.0 Introduction .....................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of study ..........................................................................................................1

1.1.1 Background of Kenya Literature Bureau .........................................................................4

1.2 Problem statement .............................................................................................................5

1.3 Objectives of the study.......................................................................................................6

1.3.1 Specific Objectives .........................................................................................................6

1.3.2 Research Questions .........................................................................................................6

1.5 Justification .......................................................................................................................7

1.5.1 The management of Kenya Literature Bureau .................................................................7

1.5.2 Other Researchers ...........................................................................................................7

1.6 Scope of the study..............................................................................................................7

1.7 Chapter Summary ..............................................................................................................7

CHAPTER TWO ......................................................................................................................8

LITERATURE REVIEW .........................................................................................................8

2.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................8

2.1 Theoretical Literature Review ............................................................................................8

2.1.1 The Reinforcement Theory .............................................................................................8

2.1.2 Expectancy Theory .........................................................................................................9

2.1.3Equity theory ...................................................................................................................9

2.2 Empirical Literature Review ............................................................................................ 11

2.2.1 Employee productivity .................................................................................................. 11

2.2.2 Direct financial compensation and employee productivity ............................................. 13

2.2.3 Indirect financial compensation and employee productivity .......................................... 15

2.2.4 Non-financial compensation and employee productivity ............................................... 16

2.2.5 Total Reward and employee productivity ...................................................................... 20

2.3 Summary and Research Gaps. .......................................................................................... 24

2.4 Conceptual Framework .................................................................................................... 25

2.5 Operationalization of variables......................................................................................... 27

2.5.1: Direct Financial Compensation .................................................................................... 27

2.5.2: Indirect Financial Compensation .................................................................................. 27

2.5.3: Non-Financial Compensation. ...................................................................................... 27

2.5.4: Total reward ................................................................................................................ 28

2.6 Chapter Summary ............................................................................................................ 28

CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................................ 29

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY .................................................................. 29

3.1Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 29

3.2Research Design ............................................................................................................... 29

, analysis and interpretation. .................................................................................................. 29

3.3Target Population ............................................................................................................. 29

3.4Sampling Design............................................................................................................... 30

3.5 Data Collection Instrument and Procedures ...................................................................... 31

3.6 Pilot Study ....................................................................................................................... 31

3.6.1 Validity Test ................................................................................................................. 31

3.6.2 Reliability test ............................................................................................................... 32

3.6 Data Analysis and Procedures ....................................................................................... 32

3.7 Ethical Considerations ................................................................................................... 33

3.7.1 Confidentiality and Privacy ........................................................................................... 33

3.7.2 Informed Consent ......................................................................................................... 33

3.8 Chapter Summary ............................................................................................................ 33

4.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 33

4.1. Presentation of research findings ..................................................................................... 34

4.1.2 Response Rate............................................................................................................... 34

4.1.3 Gender .......................................................................................................................... 34

4.1.4 Age ............................................................................................................................... 34

4.1.5 Education level ............................................................................................................. 35

4.1.6 Duration of service of respondents ................................................................................ 35

4.2 Direct Financial Compensation ........................................................................................ 36

4.2.1 Monthly constant and fixed salary ................................................................................. 36

4.2.2 Salaries and wages paid on fixed date or not ................................................................. 37

4.2.3 Sufficient salaries for retention...................................................................................... 38

4.2.4 Salary and remuneration reflect work employee output ................................................. 39

4.3 Indirect Financial Compensation ...................................................................................... 40

4.3.1 Other benefits offered by K.L.B .................................................................................... 40

4.3.2 Indirect Financial compensation impact on employee productivity ................................ 41

4.3.3 Company concern on employee personal needs ............................................................. 42

4.3.4 Benefits administered fairly on competence .................................................................. 43

4.4 Non-financial compensation ............................................................................................ 44

4.4.1 Non-financial compensation offered at K.L.B ............................................................... 44

4.4.2 Working environment to employee productivity............................................................ 45

4.4.3 Employee recognition to employee productivity............................................................ 46

4.5 Total Reward ................................................................................................................... 47

4.5.1 Employee relationship on productivity .......................................................................... 47

4.5.2 Impact of mixing financial and non-financial compensation .......................................... 48


4.5.3 Impact of employee involvement in total strategy design strategy ................................. 49

CHAPTER FIVE..................................................................................................................... 52

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations ..................................................................... 52

2.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 52

5.1 Summary of findings ....................................................................................................... 52

5.1.1 Direct financial compensation ....................................................................................... 52

5.1.2 Indirect financial compensation ..................................................................................... 52

5.1.3 Non-financial compensation .......................................................................................... 53

5.1.4 Total reward.................................................................................................................. 53

5.2 Conclusion....................................................................................................................... 53

5.2.2 Direct financial compensation ....................................................................................... 53

5.2.3 Indirect financial compensation ..................................................................................... 54

5.2.4 Non-financial compensation .......................................................................................... 54

5.2.5 Total Reward ................................................................................................................ 54

5.3 Recommendations............................................................................................................ 55

5.3.1 Direct Financial compensation ...................................................................................... 55

5.3.2 Indirect financial compensation ..................................................................................... 55

5.3.3 Non-financial compensation .......................................................................................... 55

5.3.4 Total reward.................................................................................................................. 55

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 57

APPENDIX I: LETTER OF INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 59

APPENDIX II: QUESTIONNAIRE ....................................................................................... 61


Table 3.1: Target population ..................................................................................................... 30

Table 3.2: Sample Population .................................................................................................... 30

Table 4.1.1: Gender of respondents ........................................................................................... 34

Table 4.1.2: Age of the respondents .......................................................................................... 34

Table 4.1.3: Duration of service respondents ............................................................................. 35

Table 4.1.4: Education level ...................................................................................................... 35

Table 4.2.1: Monthly constant and fixed salary ......................................................................... 36

Table 4.2.2 :Salaries and wages paid on fixed date or not ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 4.2.3: Sufficient salaries for retention .............................................................................. 38

Table 4.2.4: Salary and remuneration reflect work employee output .......................................... 39

Table 4.3.1:Other benefits offered by K.L.B .............................................................................. 40

Table 4.3.2: Indirect Financial compensation impact on employee productivity ......................... 41

Table 4.3.3 :Company concern on employee needs.................................................................... 42

Table 4.3.4 :Benefits administered fairly on competence ........................................................... 43

Table 4.4.1: Non-financial compensation offered at K.L.B ........................................................ 44

Table 4.4.2 :Working environment to employee productivity .................................................... 45

Table 4.4.3: Employee recognition to employee productivity .................................................... 46

Table 4.5.1: Employee relationship on productivity ................................................................... 47

Table 4.5.2: Impact of mixing financial and non-financial compensation................................... 48

Table 4.5.3: Impact of employee involvement in total strategy design strategy .......................... 49


MUA - Management University of Africa

KLB - Kenya Literature Bureau
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
NRB -Nairobi


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework .............................................................................................. 26

Figure 2: Conceptual Framework .............................................................................................. 36

Figure 3: Monthly constant and fixed salary .............................................................................. 37

Figure 4: Salaries and wages paid on fixed date or not ............................................................... 38

Figure 5: Sufficient salaries for retention ................................................................................... 39

Figure 6: Salary and remuneration reflect work employee output .............................................. 40

Figure 7: Other benefits offered by K.L.B ................................................................................. 41

Figure 8: Indirect Financial compensation impact on employee productivity ............................ 42

Figure 9: Company concern on employee personal needs .......................................................... 43

Figure 10: Benefits administered fairly on competence.............................................................. 44

Figure 11: Non-financial compensation offered at K.L.B........................................................... 45

Figure 12: Working environment to employee productivity ....................................................... 46

Figure 13: Employee recognition to employee productivity ....................................................... 47

Figure 14: Employee relationship on productivity ..................................................................... 48

Figure 15: Impact of mixing financial and non-financial compensation ..................................... 49

Figure 16: Impact of employee involvement in total strategy design strategy ............................. 50


Compensation: is the human resources management function that deals with every type of

reward individuals receive in exchange for performing organizational tasks.

Productivity - is output of goods and services per unit of input of resources used in a production


Benefits- indirect financial compensation or services are called benefits.

Indirect financial compensation- rewards and services, other than wages and salaries

Direct financial compensations- it consists of pay employees receive in the form ofwages,

salaries bonuses or commissions

Training-Is the procedure of equipping workforces through the necessary abilities to improve

their productivity in their current position as well as prepare them for

potential future assignments.



1.0 Introduction

This chapter will include introduction to the topic under study, It will therefore aim at providing

the necessary information to facilitate an easy understanding of what the study attempts to solve.

To achieve this, the chapter is divided into; background of the study, statement of the problem,

objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study and finally the scope of the


1.1 Background of study

Farrel and Rusbolt (2011) found that turning into a proficient pioneer is one among the biggest

impediments for numerous Business people all inclusive. Reliable with them, keeping staff

driven and dependable and true may be eminently extreme all through the stages of a startup.

Eisenberger, Fasolo and Davis (2010),argued that those staff Joined together Countries office

sense that they are concerned for by their organization and directors not exclusively have

advanced levels of engagement, in any case that they're a part of mindful with respect to their

obligations, have greater inclusion inside the organization, and zone unit a part of inventive and


They steered that bosses and establishments should reward and back up their staff for the job that

they are doing as a result of this perceived support permits for a lot of faith and job contentment

within the organization. These interpretations results to the fore the connectedness of worker

inspiration in making certain output. (McCollum, 2011).

Its relate degree indisputable truth that efficiency of a company relies upon the fulfillment level

of its job drive and indeed a parcel of, on the emolument of specialists (McCollum, J. S., 2011).

As a result there has been a great intrigued inside the evaluation of stipend factors of laborer as

they influence efficiency.

Steady with Perry (2007) the thought of recompense has pulled in sizable consideration over

later a long time and has gotten to be a essential goal of human asset administration. He

demonstrated that Human Asset Administration arrangements zone unit right now being planned

to expand structure integration, laborer commitment, adaptability and quality of labor. Meyer

and Smith (2007) found out that remuneration and specialist fulfillment drive efficiency, by

implication making benefit for a company. To them, these are stipulations for employee’s


They conjointly found out that organizations with higher specialists maintenance rates range unit

actually higher at holding data, which may result in higher execution and benefit for the

business. Steady with Meyer and Smith (2007), remuneration factors improve laborer fulfillment,

cut back the esteem of workers turnover, construct entirety devotion with specialists relate

decreed position the corporate as a pioneer of choice that draws capable persons to the

establishment. It’s common information that nearly all workers disturb for higher situations of

benefit, while bosses grumble of little efficiency.

Workers range unit interminably on the post for promotions on what they depict as higher

occupations. These laborers range unit able to take off their occupations for distinctive

employments. Others utilize their blessing employments to create the required abilities and

information, a request for numerous employments. Managers conjointly put in numerous locks in

conditions of benefit and check out to make solid work environments in an endeavor to realize

the commitment of specialists. (McCollum, 2011). It is relate degree undeniable reality that

efficiency of a company depends upon the fulfillment level of its work drive and indeed a part of,

on the stipend of laborers (McCollum, 2011).

As an outcome there has been a countless concern inside evaluation of remuneration factors of

specialist as they influence on productivity. Reliable with Perry (2007) the thought of

recompense has pulled in sizable consideration over later a long time and has gotten to be a vital

goal of human asset administration. He demonstrated that Human Asset Administration

approaches region unit at the moment are planned to maximize structure integration, laborer

commitment, adaptability and labor quality.

Meyer and Smith (2007) found out that remuneration and laborer fulfillment drive efficiency, by

implication making benefit for a company. To them, these are stipulations for employee’s

maintenance. They conjointly found out that organizations with higher laborers maintenance

rates region unit actually higher at holding data, which may result in higher execution and benefit

for the business. Reliable with Meyer and Smith (2007), recompense factors progress worker

fulfillment, cut back the esteem of workers turnover, and construct entirety devotion with

laborers relate degreed position the corporate as a pioneer of determination that draws capable

people to the organization.

It’s common information that nearly all laborers disturb for higher conditions of benefit, though

managers complain of moo efficiency. Specialists range unit interminably on the post for

promotions on what they depict as higher occupations. These specialists range unit able to take

off their employments for distinctive occupations. Others utilize their blessing occupations to

create the required aptitudes and information, a request for numerous occupations. Managers

conjointly put in numerous locks in conditions of benefit and check out to make solid job

situations in an endeavor to realize the engagement of specialists. (Greenberg, 2005).

1.1.1 Background of Kenya Literature Bureau

Kenya Literature Bureau emerged from East African Literature Bureau that was formed in 1947

by the British High Court. It then proceeded to be a subdivision in the Education Ministry in

1977 during the time where the East African Community wound up; and a government body in

1980 by an act of government, (K.L.B, 2015).

Kenya Literature Bureau is a national publisher whose major concern is to establish superior

studying materials at a pocket friendly price promote local authors and maintain stockholder

value. K.L.B has published more than 800 book titles in various subjects for the local and

intercontinental markets and nearly all of their published books are accepted by the Education


K.L.B dedicated to unbeatable client service, clearness and answerability, unrestricted policy and

morals. It identifies each person’s input to the victory of the organization.

It is composed of high qualified and knowledgeable staffs that practice up-to-date expertise in

publishing, manufacture and publicizing sections. The Organization has lately invented a

Customer Care Centre on Kijabe Street; and one can now easily access its services in the web

hence fostering service delivery. (K.L.B, 2015).

1.2 Problem statement

While remuneration is apparently one in each of the key drivers of Productivity and one in each

of the first considered zones, questions are strong by atomic physicist, (1957) and Armstrong

(2008) on the viability of remuneration. They contended that, though need of it causes

discontent, its arrangement doesn't lead to enduring inspiration. The results of remuneration on

efficiency change from organization to organization Most of the individuals are affected by cash

a least of for his or her fundamental wants and needs (DeNisi and Griffins, 2008). Laborer

productivity through stipend is in numerous shapes together with pay raises, execution rewards,

commissions, share and distinctive assist preferences like excursions, cars and distinctive

substantial things that are utilized as rewards (Campbell, 2007).

This remuneration framework is classified as either direct monetary payment or indirect financial

disbursements (Dessler, 2004). Nelson and Spitzer (2003) says that in recent job air, there's extra

alteration and vulnerability, there's hyperbolic would like for authorized specialists, there's decay

in antiquated motivating forces, there's rise of nontraditional motivating forces and there's

hyperbolic utilize of variable stipend

Studies have conjointly shown that recompense packages and also the ways of administration

have an effect on worker productivity, (Bowen, 2000). Scholars have centered on contentment,

gratitude, thankfulness and job surroundings as worker stimulators in several organizations

(Kosgei, 2011). But none has researched on worker compensation at Kenya Literature Bureau.

It’s not very clear what ways were wont to confirm worker compensation, what direct and

indirect monetary packages were offered at K.L.B and their outcomes on worker productivity,

the non-financial advantages offered and their impact on worker productivity and last the full

rewards and their impact on worker productivity. This study can sought-after to handle the

breach by enquiring on the impact of reimbursement on worker productivity at Kenya Literature


1.3 Objectives of the study

The general objective will be to establish the effects of compensation on employee productivity

at Kenya Literature Bureau in Nairobi.

1.3.1 Specific Objectives

i. To examine the effects of direct financial compensation on employee productivity at

K.L.B Nairobi.

ii. To assess the effects of indirect financial compensation on employee productivity at

K.L.B Nairobi.

iii. To establish the effects of non-financial compensation on employee productivity at K.L.B


iv. To establish the effects of total reward at K.L.B Nairobi.

1.3.2 Research Questions

i. What is the effect of direct compensation on employee productivity at K.L.B Nairobi?

ii. What is the effect of indirect compensation on employee productivity at Kenya Literature


iii. What is the effect of non-financial compensation on employee productivity at Kenya

Literature Bureau?

iv. How does total reward affect employee productivity at Kenya literature Bureau?

1.5 Justification

1.5.1 The management of Kenya Literature Bureau

The findings of this study will assist K.L.B Nairobi and other branches countrywide to formulate

better and acceptable compensation strategies in order to enhance an affirmative outlook among

employees and motivate them toward doing their work hence a better service quality and a high


1.5.2 Other Researchers

This study will be of significance to other researchers by assisting them have a better

understanding of the subject under study for relevant resources in the future. This can be done

through identification of gaps in knowledge and offer recommendations for further studies.

1.6 Scope of the study

The study will explore the effects of compensation on employee productivity, a case study of

Kenya Literature Bureau located at South C in Nairobi. The population targeted will be 150

employees that will include the Management Staff, Support Staff and the Subordinate Staff. The

duration of the study will be from July to September 2017.

1.7 Chapter Summary

The chapter will lay the study background from which the research problem is determined and

set precedence in coming up with the research objectives and research questions. The reasons as

to why the study is being done and the scope it will cover are also done. The factors that will

make the research study challenging are also identified in this chapter.



2.0 Introduction

This chapter will present an analysis of literature related to this topic under study. It will focus on

the variables discussed in the earlier chapter. The chapter therefore aims to provide the

researcher with a clearer perspective of the study area, from the point of view of other

researchers as well as scholars. The researcher aims to develop an understanding of the gaps that

exist in the study area with the main aim of trying to cover those that fall within the scope of this

study. To achieve all these, the chapter covers the following: theoretical review, critical review,

conceptual frame work and summary.

2.1 Theoretical Literature Review

This is focused on the relevant theories that the study is premised on that helps in informing the

finding of the study.

2.1.1 The Reinforcement Theory

Behaviorist B.F. Skinner, (1953) determined the reinforcement hypothesis, one in each of the

most seasoned theories of motivation, as how to explain laborer behavior and why we have a

propensity to do what we have a tendency to do. The theory is moreover alluded to as

behaviorism, or conditioning. The theory states that "an individual’s behavior could be an

introduce of its results" (Administration Consider Direct, 2013) Reinforcement theory outlines

that a reaction taken after by a gift is extra possible to be futuristic and repeat itself (Thorndike's

Law of Impact). The suggestion for remuneration administration states that the top laborer

execution followed by money related remunerate can make future high execution extra probably.

By an equivalent token, high enactment not taken after by a gift can make it less likely inside the

future. The theory emphasizes the significance of an individual really encountering the


2.1.2 Expectancy Theory

Unlike reinforcement theory, expectancy theory (Vroom, 2014) centers on the connect amongst

recompenses and deeds (instrumentally sensitivities), in spite of the fact that it highlights

anticipated (rather than skilled) recompenses (i.e., enticements). Inspiration is moreover a work

of other two variables: hope, the alleged interface between exertion and execution, and valence,

the anticipated esteem of results (e.g., recompenses). Compensation frameworks vary concurring

to their influence on these motivational mechanisms. In general talking, pay frameworks vary

furthermost in their effect on instrumentally: the seen interface between behaviors and pay too

alluded to in the pay writing as "line of prospect." Valence of reimbursement results ought to

stay the same beneath distinctive pay frameworks. Anticipation perceptions frequently have

more to do with work plan and preparing than pay frameworks.

2.1.3Equity theory

Equity theory recommends that laborer discernments of their contributions towards the

organization, what they get correspondingly, and the way their come -commitment quantitative

connection compares to others in and also out of the organization,' confirm in any case honest

they get it their business relationship to be (Adams, 1963). Recognitions of imbalance region unit

anticipated to cause staff to require activities to revive value. Tragically, a few such activities

(e.g., stopping or need of participation) might not be valuable to the organization. Equity theory

centers on 2 sides: the input and hence the result. Associate degree worker compares their job’s

inputs with associate degree outcomes quantitative relation. If the worker perceives difference,

he or she he can act to correct the inequity. The worker could lower productivity or cut back the

standard of their job. Persistently inequities will cause a rise in absence and even resignation of a

corporation (Greenberg, 2005).

Polyglot (2010) examined however a corporation addressed the issue of pay cuts to its staff and

hence the effects on high embezzlement rates and perceived equity. 2 organizational units got V-

day panoptic pay cuts. A 3rd unit did not receive a salary cut and served as an effect cluster. The

clarifications for the pay cuts were being addressed in a few ways that to the 2 pay-cut groups.

Inside the "satisfactory clarification" pay-cut cluster, administration given an enormous degree of

information to illustrate its reasons for the compensation cut, and conjointly communicated

imperative penitence. In qualification, the "insufficient clarification" cluster got plenteous less

information and no sign of compunction. The management cluster received no salary cut (and so

no explanation).

The crowd in control and the two pay-cut individuals began with same thievery degrees and

equity opinions. Later after the pay cut, the thievery rate was 54% higher in the acceptable

explanation cluster than in the control group. Though, in the "inadequate clarification" condition,

the embezzlement rate was 141% compared to the control group. In that circumstance,

communication had an enormous, self-regulating consequence on workers' outlooks and also


Cowherd and Levine (2012) used an illustration of 102 trade units in forty one firms to look at

whether or not the measurements of the pay difference amid the lowest level workers and high

administration had any effect on the item quality. Cowboy and Levine guide that laborers

regularly compare their pay to those of higher places inside the organization composition. In case

the subordinate specialists feel disproportionately handled, they'll get to cut back their effort to

realize value. Quality, in their study, was sketched out as client recognitions of the standard of

goods and services.

They also theorized that further role, or residency actions, like openly giving to help other

people, following the spirit instead of letter of rules, and adjusting some of the errors that will

usually discharge notice, would be minimal surely once pay differences amid hourly and high

social control laborers were enormous. Their results backed up this theory, proposing that

organizations got to be extra careful that they not disregard the potential antagonistic mental

highlight results of government get the inspiration of diverse workers.

2.2 Empirical Literature Review

2.2.1 Employee productivity

Millea (2012) reports observational prove around the bi-directional connection amid employee’s

benefits and productivity, in specific putting in the nature of the benefits setting prepare in

various nations. The experimental proof of this paper as well as that of a more detailed study for

Germany (Millea, 2006) may be understood in the light of value reimbursement, i.e. clarifying

competence as resulting from specific stipend levels, for given features of the work advertise for

example the add up to level of redundancy.

Karanja (2005), carried out a research on the impact of training on personnel enactment and

initiated out that preparing is contributing on individuals to empower them perform way better

and enable them to make the leading utilize of their natural talents. He proceeded expressing that

the influence of organizing on personnel is critical in administration which when appropriately

executed could lead to worker efficiency.

Kamau (2006), on the impacts of degree of training on employee Productivity wrote that

superiority of employees plus their advancement through training and education is one major

components in deciding lengthy term productivity of establishments. For an organization to

recruit and keep great workforces, it is good approach to contribute in the improvement of their

abilities so that they can increase their abilities so that they can increase productivity. Training

should cover both new and existing workers to offer assistance alter to quickly changing work


Mkawale (2008), carried out a research on the impacts of worker training on group enactment in

an organization established the preparing is exceptionally much important, it closes up being

checked as an resource Or maybe than an obligation in spite of downsides it may have. Training

improves organization profitability, reduces its costs, increases commitment and inspiration of

workers subsequently realizing their possibilities.

Remuneration mechanisms can stand to be a capable motivating force in connecting execution to

rewards. Recompense frameworks that remunerate individuals forthrightly based on how well

they perform their employments are known as pay-for-performance plans (Berger, 2009). These

could yield such shapes as “commission plans” utilized for deals work force, “piece-rate

systems” utilized for production line laborers and field hands, and “incentive stock choice (ISO)

plans” for executives (Dunn, Mercer, Carpenter, & Wyman, 2010) and other representatives

(Bread cook, 2012). However, rewards connected to execution require not be money related.

Typical and verbal shapes of acknowledgment for great execution can be exceptionally

successful as well (Markham, Dow, &McKee, 2012).

2.2.2 Direct financial compensation and employee productivity

Direct monetary stipend could be a reward / punishment is named the incomes or wages square

measure paid regularly by the due date fastened. In line with the understanding that, wages or

pay rates taken also as a installment inside the sort of cash in money or in a comparable way

gotten by specialists of the usage work, (Baker, 2012).One purpose of someone as Associate in

Nursing laborer of an organization is to gain budgetary pick up inside the sort of compensation

or remuneration. Gotten compensation to fulfill essential needs like nourishment, wear and

lodging. Each company in significant to the number of compensation paid to the laborer ought to

be conceivable, so rock bottom wage that's given to fulfill the prerequisites of their life

(Kanzunnudin, 2007). A few financial specialists opine concerning the means of wages.

Implicit contract show briefly illustrated that the compensation of professionals in a company is

decided by the contract between the boss and the union. This implies that in the nearness of solid

unions, wage rates cannot be effectively changed as in a superbly competitive showcase. Coming

about in compensation unbending nature and particularly compensation will be amazingly

difficult to diminish on the off chance that there is stagnation.

Insider-outsider models consider that the markets for products and labor markets are blemished.

In the labor advertise there is a union and a generally constrained number of undertakings, the

wage rate is decided from the collective contract assertions between unions and managers. Union

members called insider and who are not in a union called the outsider. Compensation

determination with the contract likely to be higher than was the case in a superbly competitive


Wage flexibility is the primary subject of the economy, are generally found in the literature

related to the provision of motivating forces given by the company. A number of theoretical

models have created a clarification of how the company ought to plan compensation plans to

energize employees to work for the benefit of the corporation. The decision is put a few exertion

into their work to maximize corporate profits (Prendergast, 2009).

Wages become an imperative feature of being compelling if connected to the execution

significantly (Umar, 2012). Giving wages recompense is the most difficult errand for the

industry, is too the most significant viewpoints for laborers, because of the sum of wages reflects

the estimate of the value of their work among the specialists themselves, their families and

communities. Wages are exceptionally imperative for the industry since it reflects the industry’s

endeavors to guard human assets in order to have a high devotion and commitment to the


Effective wages technique is anticipated to contribute to maintaining the practicality of the work

constrain, the realization of the vision and mission, as well as for the accomplishment of work

objectives (Umar, 2012).

Shields (2007) sights basic recompense as a vital portion of overall pay that is immovable and

primarily time-bound, other than performance-based. Fundamental reimbursement is the biggest

portion of the add up to pay for subordinate staffs. It too acts as a yardstick for other currency

motivating forces such as revenue sharing, which is communicated as a rate of essential pay.

Essential pay makes a difference to draw in and hold representatives. Representatives utilize

essential pay to compare their work offers instep of utilizing inborn recompenses and other

rewards not captured in the formal organizational system up to counting work security. In a

competitive market, organizations pay over the showcase rates to hold their employees.

2.2.3 Indirect financial compensation and employee productivity

The primary effect of fringe benefit is to retain the employee in the organization. The practical

operational value to the employing organization include maintenance of workforce in

competition with the organizations, preservation of some degree of labor management peace in

collective bargaining arrangements and maintenance of acceptable levels of general morale. It

will produce varying values e.g. paid vacation is presumed to provide a mental and physical

respite that generates increased interest and activities on the job. Life insurance reduces worry

about one’s family security and thus leads to greater concentration upon work. Company

cafeterias promote the eating of balanced meals thus reducing fatigue in the late afternoon.

Medical services help to keep the employees in good health therefore reducing absenteeism. The

returns of employee benefits to the company can take various forms, these includes; More

effective recruitment, improved morale and loyalty, good public relations, reduced influence of

unions and reduced threat of further government intervention (Flippo, 2014).The dollar return

from employees benefits is almost impossible to measure. Worker benefits and motivating forces

propel workers to endeavor for a higher level of productivity. It enables the organizations to

attract and retain competent career personnel and it encourages all employees to work

enthusiastically towards the efficient and effective achievement of organizational goals

(Okumbe, 2011).

Benefits should be viewed as an investment on the part of the employer. Soft returns delivered

by an effective benefits program incorporate reputation, a sense of meeting commitments and

goodwill. Difficult returns, which tend to have a more quantifiable impact on a company’s

bottom line, incorporate worker attraction, retention and efficiency (Leopold, 2010).Offering

more flexible work arrangements has been helpful for retaining best female employees. Other

firms may need to find other ways to reduce voluntary turnover (Susan & Schuler, 2010).

Sabbaticals are benefits that some companies offer to prevent employee burnout. Numerous

businesses are starting to offer vacation advantage to hold skilled workers. Workers are

permitted time off to rejuvenate; and the manager spares cash by holding ability rather than

investing funds to supplant workers who end up quitting the organization (Knudson, 2006)

2.2.4 Non-financial compensation and employee productivity

The non-financial rewards incorporate job design, the working atmosphere, career improvement,

training, cooperation and also acknowledgment. Work plan points are usually focused at

improving worker fulfillment and finishing organizational goals and objectives by planning the

content, strategies and association of jobs, according to the preference and capacities of various

employees. The job design can demonstrate a very good role in encouraging the worker by

planning the tasks in a manner that are curiously and challenging as well. A sytematically

planned work can increase the worker morale and motivation by making monotony and work

redundancy less, (Georg &Rastogi, 2007). The perceived work requests, job control and social

support through work design eventually leads to more efficiency. Work plan might be continued

by adequately executing the Human Resource involvements like revolution of work, work

improvement and extension of work. These intercessions are supportive in relation to making a

job more challenging with changing the work hence uplifting the workers stimulation and

enactment. Alternatively, adaptable work plans, work delegation and working from home

moreover encourage the worker and are supportive in their day to day existence in the

organization. The adaptable work plan permits the worker to decide when to arrive and also what

time to leave and to perform their duties amid the core time. In work sharing, two workers can

share their obligations on one work and working from home propels the worker by encouraging

them to work two to three days a week while at the comfort of their homes, (Bohlander& Snell,


A superior working environment points up to expanded worker belongingness, engagement

commitment and execution. It uplifts the worker inspiration and hence fosters efficiency. A

working atmosphere where workers feel that they are in charge and they have reasons for doing

work and get pleasure from doing their work propels the worker. In working atmospheres where

representatives aren’t given with satisfactory assets, tools, training, programs and supplies lead

dissatisfaction hence less efficiency.

The wasteful working environments which include well-being issues like impoverished

ventilation, seating, lighting and commotion may cause discomfort and lessen the yield, Hughes,

(2007). A working environment with no protection and communication boundaries decreases

motivation and efficiency. A solid work put which is made by utilizing ergonomic furniture and

accessories, lightning and useful plan will decrease trouble and progress generation. Lack of

praise, acknowledgment and advancements in the working atmosphere influence the inspiration

of workers. The nearness of violent and destructive workers moreover impacts the employee’s

relationship with other colleagues negatively. As a result, the non-appearance rate increments

and they are less likely to continue with the work, Roeloelofsen, (2012). Relationship with other

colleagues, rise to openings for advancements, obligation and independence are too components

of a working atmosphere that can influence inspiration of employees. Administration ought to

move forward working circumstances in arrange to increase efficiency hence propelling the

employees. Since workers arent robots so the work environment ought to have an exercise center

and lounge for the prosperity of workers.

The lack of career development openings influences inspiration and performance. In the event

that workers are given openings for creating their careers by adjusting abilities, innovations and

competencies fundamental for performance improvement and advancement, they usually feel

esteemed and persuaded. Inspiration is a forward-looking behavior. Agreeing to this idea,

workers can be impelled in the event that their desires concerning the objective achievement are

connected with the particular activities on the portion of administration. Consequently, employee

inspiration will increment with the realizing that the progress of activity will not as it were lead

to achievement of objectives but comes about in more noteworthy probabilities for their

advancements. The arrangement of openings for training and development of establishments can

persuade workers, Armstrong, (2011). Organizations usually put more emphasis on creating their

representatives and improving their motivational viewpoints like self-esteem and self-

actualization. Hence, they can attain the most favorable performance and hence achieve set up


Equal prospects for career progression and “reasonable” payment framework and preparing may

increment the inspiration of employees. There is a good relationship between training and

employee execution, (Whitney& Cooper, 2009). The expectation of forthcoming budgetary

benefits, promotions and acknowledgment spurs the worker to adjust to modern aptitudes and

innovation at the training program that begins with a needs evaluation and at that point

irregularity between real and standard execution of trainee is analyzed. Afterward on, preparing

targets are made. After deciding who needs the training and what type of training ought to be

administered, the training package is actualized. The final step of the handle is to assess the

adequacy of training programs. Training impacts a positive effect on the worker execution.

Concurring to Naveed, (2012), acknowledgment and recompenses usually contain coordinate

effect on inspiration of workers and increment to their productivity. Acknowledgment alludes to

the common affirmation or authorization of a specified event or execution (Petresca and Simon,

2008). According to Harrison (2005), worker acknowledgment is understood as a timely,

educated or official affirmation of a characters behavior and exertion that specifically underpins

the accomplishment and organizational objectives and values and ordinarily has been past typical

desire levels. It is hence an employee’s acknowledgement of an employee’s achievement and

exertion towards the establishment’s objectives. It concludes the act of giving uncommon

consideration to employee’s activities, endeavors behavior or execution which can moreover be

physically or mentally or both. It is really one way of managing with the representative

sentiments. Worker acknowledgment is one of the methods of persuading staff in a business,

making them feel esteemed and in general stimulation of worker retention

Not all workers are spurred to execute past the basic least with financial motivating forces by

themselves Nolan, (2012). It is hence mandatory on establishments to supply significant grants

on value as a shape of worker acknowledgment. Agreeing to Keller, (2009) non-monetary

rewards can be very encouraging making a difference to set up certainty sentiments and

fulfillment on portion of the worker. Observational studies appear that workers who get

acknowledgment at their place of work result in higher self-esteem, self-confidence and also an

actuated feeling and eagerness to take up new challenges while grasping developments (Allen

&Kilmann, 2011). Workers who sense acknowledgement frequently go over and past the

organizational desires and are probable to remain in the organization Welsh , (2012). Such

workers gotten to be positive approximately themselves and as a result of their positive self-

esteem, they end up getting to be the most excellent and dependable workers in the organization.

This further deciphers into more prominent performance requiring negligible supervision. A few

organizations utilize acknowledgment to spur individual execution while others utilize it to

upgrade in general organizational performance. Organizations can offer employee

acknowledgment in different ways extending from the arrangements of gifts cards, certificates,

shopping vouchers, ‘thank you’, commend suppers, trophies, career progression opportunities,

training's, appreciating thoughts and regard where it merits, Nolan, (2012). Establishments have

indeed formulated acknowledgment programs such as ‘employee of the month year plans and

long service awards.’ Studies show that failing to incorporate acknowledgment as a component

of stipend is a common event in most organizations Ndetei, (2009). Acknowledgment is in any

case the slightest costly Corby, (2005) and however it evokes more benefits from workers.).

2.2.5 Total Reward and employee productivity

The point of total remunerate is to expand the mutual influence of an enormous shift of

remuneration parts on inspiration, commitment and work engagement. Subsequently, add up to

compensate grasps everything that employee’s worth inside the business relationship. In keeping

with O’Neal (2008), a total compensate methodology is crucial to explaining and outlining the

issues made by achievement and maintenance since it makes a piece expertise that meets the

prerequisites of specialists and energizes them to exhaust extra effort. The significance of total

reward is making a troublesome work climate amid which individual’s square measure ready to

utilize their aptitudes to attempt and do significant jobs that they're shown appreciation is likely

going to be an extra bound much appreciated to upgrade inspiration (Pfeffer, 2008)

Concurring to Armstrong (2006), the advantages of a total reward approach exemplify a joint

impact of various sorts of rewards makes a more profound and enduring effect on the inspiration

and worker engagement. Moreover, the utilization connection made by a total remunerate

approach makes the most use of relative additionally as value-based rewards and hence allure

extra to laborers. Other than, a framework of total rewards grants adaptability to fulfill person

needs as relative rewards ties specialists extra effectively to the organization as a result, they

reply those uncommon person needs. Relative rewards conjointly convey a positive mental

contract and this will work a human within the achievement market that is distant harder to copy

than person recompense practices.

Hutcheson (2007) conjointly came to an agreement that organizations that does total reward

methodology square degree prepared to set up a specific set of rewards to back the

establishment’s business entirety and permits the institution to draw in and hold qualified work

force. In keeping with him, it gives a guide for the time unit work to audit and enhance the whole

rewards offerings and conjointly gives a straightforward and steady communication device to

incite workers of the total cluster of rewards. Creating and actualizing add up to remunerate

technique may be a crucial structure intervention that needs prime administration support. It’s

vital for prime administration to create strong connection among the organization and workers to

meet the persistent dynamical needs of each party since the workers square degree seen as vital

supply of the organization’s competitive advantage. Administration should to acknowledge the

increasingly fundamental part of remunerate programs in achieving trade objective; hence

ensuring that organizations provide the correct sum and combination of rewards to the adjust

people, at the accurate duration of time, and for the adjust clear reasons.

Managers are moreover expected to deliver esteemed rewards, evidently linked to the indicated

behaviors and seen as honest and reasonable (Mullins, 2010). Prime supervisors shouldn't

exclusively verbally advocate the procedure or basically mirror the compensate frameworks of

elective organizations in any case they must attempt to encourage the rectify blend of financial

and non-financial recompenses to inspire their constrain towards accomplishing their vital

objectives. As Morris (2006) places it, administration ought to purposely deliver a bespoke total

reward technique to comprehensively deliver a program that most closely fits their particular

human capital and trade strategies as this separates the organization from competitors.

Administration ought to conjointly recognize the exceptionally truth that including laborers

inside the style of the whole remunerate methodology increase their acknowledgment and

commitment towards successful execution. It’s conjointly terribly imperative for managers to

think almost their outside climate and add up to remunerate technique expresses in simple in any

case capable terms in any case organizations should to contribute their assets, strengthen their

center standards and morals, and construct competitive advantage.

Lawler (2003), an effective compensate technique should be outlined to motivate laborers to

perform and gives them the facility to impact their performance. Wilson (2014) on the inverse

hand, states that an effective compensate procedure would affect totally on behavior once they

square degree critical and important to specialists backed the organization’s destinations and

getable objectives, open and should be communicated all or any and not bolstered competitive

battles inside the work and adjusted between adscititious and intrinsic rewards. The United

Kingdom cabinet work environment (2007) diagrams that in creating an entire remunerate

procedure, establishments ought to construct an legitimate understanding of the organization’s

technique, objectives, capability to provide and support changes in add up to remunerate take

after and key measures of victory. They more set that there ought to be associate degree

understanding of what spurs people, in any case they contribute to structure victory, the

competences and capabilities required the standards and ethos required to secure tall execution,

this time unit methodology, the approach key time unit programs square degree focused on and

the way current add up to rewards square degree seen by laborers. Once these, a collection of

total remunerate programs, arrangements and hones might be created for arranged enactment.

When making a choice that of the various rewards to incorporate inside the total reward

procedure, leaders ought to weigh the qualities and shortcomings of each compensate

furthermore as considering the sort of synergies this will be created by combining these rewards.

Being aware of the rewards inclinations and also the worth of rewards as seen by the force aids

organizations modify the remunerate parts to draw in and hold the required capacity combine

(Morris, 2006).

The UK cupboard Office’s Pay and men Reform Team (2007), created a total Remunerate Model

that organizations particularly open foundations will embrace to be prepared to attract, empower

and hold the foremost conventional and successful men. The Armstrong Total Reward Model on

the opposite hand combines the effect of two major classes of compensate: value-based rewards

and relative rewards. The value-based rewards are noticeable rewards emerging from exchanges

between the pioneer and staff with respect to pay and edges. The relative rewards on the inverse

hand, are insubstantial rewards included with learning and improvement and work ability In

keeping with Armstrong (2006), pay and benefits; represent value-based rewards that are cash

and alien in nature and are fundamental to recruit and hold workers in any case will basically be

followed by competitors. Alternately, relative rewards are non-financial and improve the worth

of value-based rewards

According to Thompson (2012), scholastic degree investigation of the different total reward

models appears that almost of those models have certain common features as an case, all of them

show up to be holistic in nature. That is, they appear to shake the total work esteem suggestion

design scholastic degree cluster of money related and non-financial rewards. These total

compensate models are as a rule modified in such in any case that they are custom-made to suit

scholastic degree organization’s claim culture, structure, and work method and trade

destinations. Basically put, these models are best match.

They in addition appear to be vital and integrative. This is as a result of these total compensate

models bring into line all aspect of rewards to business methodology and are coordinates with

totally diverse unit of your time approaches and practices parts of significantly, the different

components show up to complement each other though the total remunerate models planned by

Thompson (2012), seem parts of people-oriented, hence recognize that workers are the key give

of property competitive advantage and target what they esteem interior the utilize connection,

they in addition show up custom-made and distinctive. They so set up flexible blend of rewards

that gives distinctive and are higher outlined to meet employees' needs. These models utilize

different rewards to make a vigorous and competitive pioneer total that serves to distinguish the

organization from its competitors. Coordinate financial stipend depicts the remuneration and

wages paid to staff for the administrations advertised interior a set sum of your time. There are

set measures by unions that guard staff from abuse from bosses and so accomplish the objectives

of great remuneration. The literature doesn't capture the ways in which within which the

coordinate financial emolument effect on the efficiency of staff.

2.3 Summary and Research Gaps.

Direct monetary compensation depicts the wage and wages paid to staff for the services offered

at intervals a set amount of your time. There are units set standards by unions that shield staff

from exploitation from employers and therefore attain the goals of tight compensation. The

literature doesn't capture the ways in which during which the direct monetary compensation

impact on the productivity of staff. Indirect monetary compensation presents the advantages like
leave; insurance and tuition compensation that area unit meant to inspire and retain staff. this

could not have fast impact on the productivity of staff however makes staff to range the goals

and objectives of the corporate and not the wage and remuneration ones attracts from there.

There’s lack of the length such compensation will desire impact on the productivity of staff. The

non-financial compensation area unit the rewards that don't seem to be financial like operating

atmosphere, training, career development and recognition that are the motivating factors that

enhance worker productivity. The studies didn't clearly indicate the however every of the factors

guarantee productivity of staff Total remunerate is with respect to amplifying the combined shift

of compensate components adapted toward worker inspiration, work engagement and

commitment. It’s included with those things that employee’s worth inside the business

relationship that's terribly crucial in making a piece skill that energizes staff to fulfill their work

wants. The study didn't articulate in any case total reward will relate to elective worker has to

encourage their productivity.

2.4 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework will include the independent variables which consisted of direct

financial compensation, indirect financial compensation, non-financial compensation and also

the various compensation packages.

Reichel and Ramey (2007) see conceptual framework as set of thoughts and philosophies gotten

from important field of inquiry and utilized to structure consequent presentations. Conceptual

system includes forming ideas around relationships between factors in the study and showing

these connections graphically or diagrammatically (Mugenda and Mugenda, 2003).

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Direct Financial Compensation

Indirect Financial Compensation Employee Productivity

Non-Financial Compensation

Total rewards

Source: Study, 2017

2.5 Operationalization of variables

2.5.1: Direct Financial Compensation

Direct financial compensation is sometimes usually restricted to the direct money advantages

that is received by the staff on monthly, bi-monthly or on a weekly basis for what they offer as

workers of a given establishment. It might even be within the kind of stock bonus remunerate,

wherever workers of the business area unit given the chance to possess shares within the

establishment they work for and at the top of each year they need the chance once more to

achieve some divided within the kind of equity on their dividends thus once direct monetary

compensation is emphasized properly within the organization it will facilitate enhance worker


2.5.2: Indirect Financial Compensation

Indirect compensation or worker advantages are parts of remuneration given additionally to the

assorted styles of money pay. They additionally embrace things that don't seem to be strictly

remuneration like annual holidays. Organization uses it mostly to facilitate its enlisting effort or

influence the potential of staff returning to figure for an organization, influence their keep or

produce larger commitment, uplift employee morale, scale back absence normally and improve

worker productivity.

2.5.3: Non-Financial Compensation.

Non-financial compensation encompasses all other ways of compensating employees other than

cash for example paid holidays, business trips, recognition, health insurance, flexi times and also

promotions. When these are carefully implemented they can help enhance employee


2.5.4: Total reward

The aim of total reward is to make the most out of the joint impact of a wide extend of

remunerate components on inspiration, commitment and work commitment. Thus, total reward

grasps everything that employee’s esteem in the work relationship. Agreeing to O’Neal (1998), a

total reward technique is basic to expressing the issues made by enrollment and maintenance as it

creates a work involvement that meets employees needs and empowers them to exhaust extra


2.6 Chapter Summary

This chapter will examine different literatures in relation to effects of compensation on employee

productivity on direct financial compensations, indirect financial compensations and Non-

financial compensation and total reward and how they impact on productivity. The chapter

further presents the scholarly gaps identified, the theory used in the study and a conceptual

framework that differentiates the dependent from the independent variables of the study.




This includes research design, target population and the sampling procedure. It also dealt with

data collection instruments and procedure, validity and reliability of the instruments, data

presentation and data analysis techniques.

3.2Research Design

Research designs refer to the in general plan on how to answer the research question. It alludes to

the overall procedure chosen to integrate the different components of the consider in a coherent

and systematic way, subsequently, guaranteeing successful address of the research issue.

Mugenda and Mugenda (2003), further characterizes research designs as arrangement of

conditions for collecting, an analyzing of information in a way aimed at combining important

research purpose with the economy if procedure. The research plan that was embraced for this

study was descriptive study that determined the impacts of compensation on employee

productivity in Kenya Literature Bureau Nairobi. This plan enabled the researcher to use both

quantitative and qualitative research strategies in data collection, analysis and interpretation.

3.3Target Population

This included the individual or group subjects from which the study samples are taken from by

the researcher (Mugenda&Mugenda 2003). The target population of the employees in this

research will be 150 employees of Kenya Literature Bureau. They will include the Management

staff, Support staff and the Subordinate staff. This is represented in the table 3.1:

Table 3.1: Target population

Population Category Target Percent (%)

Management Staff 40 26

Support staff 74 49

Subordinate Staff 36 25

Total 150 100

Source: Study, 2017

3.4Sampling Design

Sampling is the process by which a comparatively lesser number of persons, objects or occasions

is highlighted, selected and scrutinized in order to find out something about the whole population

from which is selected (Kothari, 2001). A sample represents a small proportion of the targeted

population that is selected using systematic forms. The researcher used stratified random

sampling method because it enables generalization of a greater population with a margin of error

that is statistically determinable. A sample size of 45 will be selected representing 30% of the

target population.

Table 3.2: Sample Population

Population Category Target Sample size


Management Staff 40 12

Support Staff 74 22

Subordinate Staff 36 11

Total 84 45

Source: Study, 2017

3.5 Data Collection Instrument and Procedures

This study adopted the use of questionnaires as the sole data collection instruments. This is

because this instrument can be administered faster than an interview. Consequently, the

questionnaires composed of both open and closed ended questions. The closed- ended questions

will provide a set of alternative answers for the respondents to pick the one which best fits their

judgment. The open- ended questions on the other hand will be accompanied by empty slots that

will allow the respondents to fill in their opinions in their own words. The questionnaires

therefore will aid in the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data. The researcher also

will use self-administration to administer the instruments.

3.6 Pilot Study

This study will pretest the questionnaires to establish their reliability and validity. As such, the

test will involve a unit of items drawn from the respective employees of Kenya Literature Bureau

who were not involved in the main study so as to avoid bias.

3.6.1 Validity Test

Frankel and Wallen (2006) said that validity relates to the quality attributed to the degree to

which they conform to establish knowledge or truth. It refers to the extent to which an instrument

can measure, or, ought to have measured. It is the accuracy and meaningfulness which are based

on research results, Mugenda and Mugenda (2003).

Concurrent validity refers to a measurement devices capacity to differ straightforwardly with a

measure of the same construct or indirectly with a degree of an inverse construct. It permits

showing that the test is substantial by comparing it with an already valid test. Content validity is

concerned with a tests capacity to incorporate or speak to all of the content of a specific

construct. The validity of the instruments will be done by designing the questionnaires and

consulting the supervisors of the contents. Adjustments will be made according to the advice of

the supervisor.

3.6.2 Reliability test

This study will use the test-re-test method to determine the reliability of the research instruments.

This will involve administering the questionnaires to the eight respondents twice in a span of one

week. The researcher will then compare the results of the two events to check for any correlation

between the responses, (Kumar, 2005). The test/retest method is preferred because it is easier to

administer than the internal consistencies method for testing reliability.

3.6 Data Analysis and Procedures

This is the procedure of collecting, modeling and converting raw data with the aim of

emphasizing helpful data, signifying, conclusion and supporting the final decion (Kothari, 2001),

the purpose of data analysis is to prepare crude data into interpretable design. The data will be

analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative techniques. On qualitative technique data was

analyzed through explanatory notes while, in quantitative techniques the researcher will use

SPSS on tables and figures.

3.7 Ethical Considerations

This study will involve human subjects, thus ethical considerations will be highly considered.

Rosenthal (2004) defines ethics in research as the ability of a researcher to report exactly what

happened .It involves maintaining honesty and discipline in conducting and reporting scientific

research and credit for ideas and efforts.

3.7.1 Confidentiality and Privacy

There will be respecting the privacy of participants by assigning them unique identifier codes to

protect their identity and the responses that will be given. The study will generalize the findings,

thus information that will not be associated to an individual.

3.7.2 Informed Consent

Participants will be informed and their consent will be sought for the drive of this study. The

informed consent will include expected duration of research and right of participants to decline

or withdraw during the process.

3.8 Chapter Summary

This chapter discusses the methodology that will be used in this study; it has critically analyzed

the research design, target population, the sample design, data collection techniques, validity and

reliability test and the application package for data analysis.



4.0 Introduction

This chapter focuses on decoding the data collected according to the variables under study. The
presentation of data is done in respect to the following sections; demographic information, direct

financial compensation, indirect financial compensation, non-financial compensation and total

4.1. Presentation of research findings

4.1.2 Response Rate

The researcher sort to know the bio data of the participants that would be of importance in
determine the quality of information sort for the purpose of the study. Therefore the areas of
interest that were explored are; the age of the respondents, their gender, the level of education
and then the duration of service that one has rendered at Kenya Literature Bureau.

4.1.3 Gender
The gender of the respondents from the study indicated that there were 28 men and 17 women
from the 45 total participants.

Table 4.1.3: Gender of respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Men 28 62
Women 17 38
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017

From the data recorded it was noted that men were more at 62% and women were less at 17%
meaning it was male dominated population.

4.1.4 Age
The researcher explored the age of the participants and established the following findings
according to the data collected;

Table 3.1.4: Age of the respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

Below 22 years 4 9
23-27 years 10 22
28- 33 years 18 40

34- 40 years 8 18
Above 40 years 5 11
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017

The findings indicated that those employees below 22 years were at 9%, 23-27 at 22%, 28-33
years at 40%, 34-40 years at 18 and then those above 40 years at 11%.

4.1.5 Education level

There was need to establish the education level of the respondents and the collected data was
presented as shown below:

Table 4.1.5: Education level

Education level Frequency Percentage

Secondary 2 4
Certificate 8 18
Diploma 14 31
Bachelor’s degree 15 33
Post graduate 11 14
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017

The results indicated that those with secondary education was at 4%, the certificate holders at
18%, diploma at 31%, the holders of bachelor’s degree at 33% and then 14% had post graduate

4.1.6 Duration of service of respondents

This was meant to establish the period of time an individual has worked at Kenya Literature
Bureau so as to determine the experience acquired for the authentic information given.

Table 4.1.6: Duration of service of respondents

Duration of service Frequency Percentage

0-2 years 7 15
3-5 years 24 53
Above 5 years 14 32
Total 45 100


0-2 years
3-5 years
Above 5 years


Figure 2: Conceptual Framework

Source: Study, 2017

The findings was clear that those who had worked for 0-2 years were at 15%, 3-5 years at 53%
and then finally those above 5 years were at 32%.

4.2 Direct Financial Compensation

4.2.1 Monthly constant and fixed salary

The intention was to explore the implementation of the direct financial compensation through
fixed salary every month and the results presented as below;

Table 4.2.1: Monthly constant and fixed salary

Monthly fixed compensation Frequency Percentage

yes 37 82
No 8 18
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017

Yes No



Figure 3: Monthly constant and fixed salary

Source: Study, 2017

It was established that 82% agreed that there was fixed and constant monthly salary that
confirmed the existence of direct financial compensation for the services rendered. 18% did not
agree to it indicating that they may be casuals paid weekly or every fortnight.

4.2.2 Salaries and wages paid on fixed date or not

The aim was to know if the paid salaries and wages are payment dates are predictable or not and
if they frustrate employees due to delays.

Table4.2.2: Salaries and wages paid on fixed date or not

Fixed payment dates Frequency Percentage

Fixed pay day 6 13
Sometimes flexible 26 58
Very flexible 5 11
Don’t know 8 18
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017





10 13

Fixed pay day Sometimes flexible Very flexible Don’t know

Figure 4: Salaries and wages paid on fixed date or not

Source: Study, 2017

It was found out that there was the fixed date for salary and wages according 13%, pay day being
flexible at 58%, being very flexible at 11% and then don’t know for 11%.

4.2.3 Sufficient salaries for retention

The researcher wanted to know if the salary and wages payment way enough to motivate
employees to work for Kenya literature Bureau.

Table 4.2.3: Sufficient salaries for retention

Sufficient Salaries Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 8 18
Agree 10 22
Disagree 20 44
Strongly disagree 7 16
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017





50% frquency




strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree

Figure 5: Sufficient salaries for retention

Source: Study, 2017

The response from the participants was that 18% strongly agreed to the salary as sufficient to
make an employee desire to work at K.L.B, 22% agreed to it while 44% did not agree and 16
strongly disagreed with it.

4.2.4 Salary and remuneration reflect work employee output

It was necessary to find out from respondents if the salary and remuneration they get reflect their
skills, competence and the work output offered by employees.

Table 4.2.4: Salary and remuneration reflect work employee output

Remuneration to employee output Frequency Percentage

Yes 11 24
Somehow 18 40
Not sure 6 13
No 10 23
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017




25 24


15 13



Figure 6: Salary and remuneration reflect work employee output

Source: Study, 2017

The findings from the data collected indicated that the salaries and remuneration reflected their
skills, competencies and work output according to 24%, those who thought it to relatively reflect
their output at 40%, those not sure at 13% and then those who denied were at 23% they did not
give any answer.

4.3 Indirect Financial Compensation

4.3.1 Other benefits offered by K.L.B

There was need to establish the availability of other benefits at K.L.B apart from the direct
financial compensation and the results were presented in table 4.3.1;

Table 4.3.1 :Other benefits offered by K.L.B

Other benefits Frequency Percentage

Yes 41 91
No 4 9
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017



Yes No

Figure 7: Other benefits offered by K.L.B

It was very clear that other benefits exist at Kenya Literature Bureau apart from the direct
financial compensation since 91% approved that. This clearly shows that the indirect financial
compensation is offered.

4.3.2 Indirect Financial compensation impact on employee productivity

The research was interested in knowing the impact of indirect financial benefits on the morale
and productivity of employees.

Table 4.3.2: Indirect Financial compensation impact on employee productivity

Impact of indirect financial Frequency Percentage

Great impact 18 40
Normal impact 15 33
Less impact 10 22
No impact 2 5
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017





Figure 8: Indirect Financial compensation impact on employee productivity

Source: Study, 2017

The indirect benefits like health insurance, paid leave etc. have great impact on the morale and
productivity of employees as of 40% of the respondents, 33% termed it to have normal impact,
22 for less impact and then 5 for no impact on financial compensation.

4.3.3 Company concern on employee personal needs

It was necessary to establish the is the company was concerned with the personal needs of
employees and the response was presented as below;

Table 4.3.3 : Company concern on employee personal needs

Company on employee needs Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 3 6
Agree 8 18
Disagree 28 62
Strongly disagree 6 13

Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017






10 6


Figure 9: Company concern on employee personal needs

Source: Study, 2017

It was established that the company is not concerned with the personal needs of employees such
as child care services, domestic partner benefits etc according to 62% who disagreed, 18%
agreed, 13% strongly disagreed and 6% strongly agreed.

4.3.4 Benefits administered fairly on competence

The aim was to know how the company administered the benefits based on competence and
work output. The results were tabulated in table 4.3.4;

Table 4.3.4: Benefits administered fairly on competence

Benefits administration Frequency Percentage

Yes 6 13
Sometimes 15 33
Rarely 2 4
No 22 50
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017

40 33
20 13
10 4
Yes Sometimes Rarely No

Figure 10: Benefits administered fairly on competence

Source: Study, 2017

It was noted that the company did not administer fair benefits to its employees in regard to
competence and work output as of 50%, sometimes fairly administered at 33%, agreed to fair
administration at 13% and rarely administered at 4%.

4.4 Non-financial compensation

4.4.1 Non-financial compensation offered at K.L.B

The researcher wanted to know if non-financial compensation like flexible work schedule and
job sharing was offered at K.L.B and the results were presented as below;

Table 5: Non-financial compensation offered at K.L.B

Non-financial offered Frequency Percentage

Yes 39 87
No 6 13
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017



Yes No

Figure 11: Non-financial compensation offered at K.L.B

Source: Study, 2017

The results showed that non-financial compensation like flexible job schedule and job sharing
was being offered at Kenya Literature Bureau according to 87%, the remaining 13% did not

4.4.2 Working environment to employee productivity

The intention of the researcher was to explore how working condition as a non-financial
compensation determines the productivity of employees.

Table 4.4.2 :Working environment to employee productivity

Working environment Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 16 35
Agree 22 49
Disagree 5 11
Strongly disagree 2 5
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017







15 11

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Figure 12: Working environment to employee productivity

Source: Study, 2017

It was noted that working environment like seating, lighting, noise, recognition and promotion
determines the productivity of employees according to 35% who strongly agreed, 49% agreed,
11% disagreed and 5% strongly disagreed.

4.4.3 Employee recognition to employee productivity

There was need to know how employee recognition ensure productivity of employees and the
data collected was presented as below;

Table 4.4.3: Employee recognition to employee productivity

Employee recognition Frequency Percentage

Yes 14 31
Somehow 20 45
Not sure 6 13
No 5 11
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017

20 13
Yes Somehow Not sure No

Figure 13: Employee recognition to employee productivity

Source: Study, 2017

From the respondents 31% clearly agreed that employee recognition through giving of shopping
vouchers, praise dinners and trophies ensured the productivity of employees, 45% termed it as
somehow, 13% were not sure while 11 did not agree.

4.5 Total Reward

4.5.1 Employee relationship on productivity

This was to sort the relevance of the relationship between top management and organizational
employees on the productivity of employees.

Table 4.5.1: Employee relationship on productivity

Employee relationship Frequency Percentage

Yes 36 80
No 9 20
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017



Yes No

Figure 14: Employee relationship on productivity

Source: Study, 2017

The relationship between employees and top management determines the productivity of
employees according to 80% of the respondents while 20% did not agree.

4.5.2 Impact of mixing financial and non-financial compensation

The research sort to explore the impact of mixing financial and non-financial reward in employee
compensation and the results were tabulated.

Table 6: Impact of mixing financial and non-financial compensation

Impact of financial and non-financial Frequency Percentage

Great impact 23 51
Normal impact 10 22
Less impact 8 18
No impact 4 9
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017





20 22


Great impact Normal impact Less impact No impact

Figure 15: Impact of mixing financial and non-financial compensation

Source: Study, 2017

It was noted 51% of the respondents agreed to the mix both financial and non-financial reward
when compensating has great impact on employee productivity, 22% for normal impact, 18% for
less impact and then 9% for no impact.

4.5.3 Impact of employee involvement in total strategy design strategy

It was necessary for the researcher to explore the impact of employee involvement in the design
of the total reward strategy on the influence of the performance of employees.

Table 4.5.3: Impact of employee involvement in total strategy design strategy

Employee involvement Frequency Percentage

Yes 32 71
Somehow 7 15
Not sure 4 8
No 2 6
Total 45 100
Source: Study, 2017




Yes Somehow Not sure No

Figure 16: Impact of employee involvement in total strategy design strategy

Source: Study, 2017

It was very evident from the respondents that involving employees in design of total reward
strategy is very important in employee acceptance and commitment to the designed strategies
that is necessary for the performance of employees since 71% affirmed this, 15% somehow, 8%
were not sure and 6% denied the claim.

4.2 Limitation of the study

4.2.1 Lack of Cooperation

During the study the researcher anticipates that some of the employees will not be willing to
respond to the questionnaires due to the fear that the information they divulge may be used
against them. To solve this problem, the researcher will have a letter of introduction from the t
University which clearly indicates that the study is specifically meant for academic purposes and
that the information obtained will be treated with strict confidentiality. The researcher will
consequently present this letter when administering the questionnaires and similarly clarify its
content whenever there will be need to.

4.2.2 Access to Information
It was difficult to access information with regard to productivity strategies by organizations such
as Kenya Literature Bureau. This is due to the stiff competition in the steel industry. To solve
this problem the researcher approached the management of Kenya Literature Bureau and explain
that the study is being carried strictly for academic purposes and that the information provided
will to be treated with utmost confidentiality. This clarification backed by the letter of
introduction will convince the managers to share information needed for the success of this

4.3 Chapter Summary

The chapter focused on analyzing data results presentation and discussion of findings. The
general objective was to determine the effects of compensation on employee productivity at
Kenya Literature Bureau. Findings are presented in tables, graphs and charts.


Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

2.0 Introduction

This chapter answers the research questions by presenting the summary of the findings from the

data collected conclusions from the summary and also make recommendations that emanates

from the study.

5.1 Summary of findings

5.1.1 Direct financial compensation

It was clear that the organization was offering fixed and constant monthly salary as the direct

financial compensation for the service rendered which stood at 82%. The dates for salary and

wages were flexible according to 58% though sometimes the dates could be fixed for some

months as of 13%. On the salary being sufficient to retain employees, it was noted that 60% did

not agree to it while 40% agreed. Then on the salaries and remuneration reflecting the skills,

competence and work output of employees, 24% agreed to having a true reflection while 40%

termed it as somehow reflective but not fully.

5.1.2 Indirect financial compensation

According to 91%, indirect financial compensation like health insurance, paid leave etc existed

at Kenya Literature Bureau and they had great impact at 40% and normal impact at 33% on the

productivity of employees. The respondents indicated that the company was not concerned with

the personal needs of employees such as child care services, domestic partners benefits according

to 80% of the respondents. The company did not administer the benefits fairly to the employees

in regard to their competence and work output according to 50% though sometimes it could be

fair according to 33% of the respondents.

5.1.3 Non-financial compensation

The non-financial compensation like flexible work schedule and job sharing were offered at

Kenya Literature Bureau according to 87%. Respondents at 84% agreed that working

environment like seating, lighting, noise, recognition and promotion determines the productivity

of employees. On employee recognition through giving of shopping vouchers, praise dinners and

trophies to employees to ensure productivity was termed to be effective by 31% while 40%


5.1.4 Total reward

The respondents at 80% confirmed that the relationship between top management determines the

productivity of employees. The participants at 73% agreed to the mix of both financial and non-

financial reward when compensating employees has great impact on the productivity of

employees. Then finally respondents affirmed employee involvement in design of total reward

strategy as important in facilitating employee acceptance and commitment to the designed

strategy as of 71%.

5.2 Conclusion

5.2.2 Direct financial compensation

There exist fixed and constant monthly salaries with flexible dates though some months are fixed

during payment. It is not very substantive to conclude that the salary being offered is not

sufficient to motivate and retain employees since a considerable number termed the salary as

sufficient. There is also no conclusive position on the salaries and remuneration reflecting the

skills, competence and work output offered by employees.

5.2.3 Indirect financial compensation

Indirect financial compensation like health insurance and paid leave impact on the productivity

of employees. The personal needs of employees like child care services and domestic partners

benefits are not taken care of by the company. Many times the company administers the benefits

fairly though sometimes it does it unfairly.

5.2.4 Non-financial compensation

Non-financial compensation like flexible work schedule and job sharing are necessary. Also

working environment like seating, lighting, noise, recognition and promotion are relevant in

determining employee productivity. Employee recognition through giving of shopping vouchers,

praise dinners and trophies to employees does not necessary ensure employee productivity.

5.2.5 Total Reward

The relationship between top management and organizational employees is relevant in

determining employee productivity. The productivity of employees can be of great impact if both

financial and non-financial rewards are mixed during employee compensation. It is important to

involve employees in designing of total reward strategy to ensure acceptance and commitment of

employees to the strategy.

5.3 Recommendations

5.3.1 Direct Financial compensation

There is need to ensure that existing fixed and constant monthly salaries have fixed dates to

avoid frustrating employees due to some possible delays triggered by flexibility of dates. More

studies to be explored to establish the factors will conclusively make the salary offered to

employees sufficient to motivate and retain employees. Also further research on how salaries and

remuneration should reflect the skills, competence and employee output.

5.3.2 Indirect financial compensation

The employers should consider taking care of the personal needs of employees like child care

services and domestic partners benefits to promote productivity of employees.

The benefits administered by the company should be done fairly all the time to ensure

consistency and cultivate trust from employees.

5.3.3 Non-financial compensation

Reward for employee recognition like shopping vouchers, praise dinners and trophies should not

be premised on as the main motivators for employee productivity. A conducive working

environment with sufficient seating space, proper lighting and due promotions should be

facilitated for effective employee productivity.

5.3.4 Total reward

Organizations should consider offering employees mixed financial and non-financial

compensation reward to have double impact on their productivity.

It is essential to involve workforces in the designing of total reward approach for employee

ownership and engagement to the strategy during implementation


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Nyawa.M. Mangale

P.O Box 60, Mariakani

2nd October 2017


Kenya Literature Bureau

P.O. Box 14242 – 00800, Nairobi

Dear sir/Madam:

Request to participate in research study

I desire to carry out an investigation on the effect of compensation on employee productivity;

this is a partial fulfillment of a Bachelor’s degree programme at Management University of

Africa, which I am currently doing.

The study will use Kenya Literature Bureau as the case study institution and you have been

designated as one of the fortunate respondent, the conclusion will provide the organization with

material necessary to help foster and uplift on the employee motivation and this will intern

improve on employee productivity and reduce on negative impacts of de-motivated employees in

the organization.

A questionnaire that will take approximately 20 minutes to complete is attached. Kindly note that

all the information provided is strictly for this study only and will be treated with severe

confidentiality, your designation will not appear anyplace in the report.

Thank you for your time and contribution

Yours sincerely

Michael Mangale Nyawa




Section A: Demographic Information

1. Your gender?

Male []

Female [ ]

2. What is your age bracket?

Below 22 years [ ]

23-27 years []

28-33 years []

34- 40 years []

Above 40 years [ ]

3. Highest level of education?

Secondary []

Certificate []

Diploma []

Bachelor’s degree []

Post graduate degree [ ]

4. Duration of service at Kenya Literature Bureau?

0 – 2 years []

3- 5 years []

Above 5 years [ ]

Section B: Direct Financial Compensation

5. Does your organization have constant and fixed salary every month?



6. Are the wages and salaries paid on the set date or it’s flexible to sometimes resulting in

critical delays?

Fixed pay day []

Sometimes flexible [ ]

Very flexible []

Don’t know []

7. Do you agree that the basic pay is sufficient to make one desire working for Kenya

Literature Bureau?

Strongly agree []

Agree []

Disagree []

Strongly disagree [ ]

8. Does the salary and remuneration paid reflect the skills, competence and the work output

offered by an employee?

Yes []

Somehow [ ]

Not sure [ ]

No []

Section C: Indirect Financial Compensation

9. Is there any other benefits offered by Kenya Literature Bureau apart from salary and


Yes [ ]

No [ ]

10. The other possible benefits apart from salary and wages are things like health insurance,

paid leave etc. Does the mentioned benefits have any impact on the morale and

productivity of an employee?

Great impact []

Normal impact [ ]

Less impact []

No impact []

11. Do you agree that the company is concerned about the personal needs of employees such

as child care services, domestic partner benefits etc?

Strongly agree []

Agree []

Disagree []

Strongly disagree [ ]

12. Does the benefits provided by the company administered fairly according to the

competence and work output of an individual?

Yes []

Sometimes [ ]

Rarely []

No []

Section D: Non-Financial Compensation

13. Job design in terms of job rotation, flexible work schedule and job sharing is part of the

non-financial compensation. Does it happen at Kenya Literature Bureau?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

14. Better working environment like seating, lighting, noise, praise, recognition and

promotions determines employee productivity. Do you agree?

Strongly agree []

Agree []

Disagree []

Strongly disagree [ ]

15. Career development opportunities offered by management affect employee morale and

productivity. To what extent do you think it affects employee productivity and morale?

Great extent []

Normal extent [ ]

Little extent []

No effect []

16. Does employee recognition through giving of shopping vouchers, praise dinners and

trophies etc ensure employee productivity?



Not sure


Section E: Total reward

17. Does the relationship between the top management and organizational employees

determine the productivity of employees?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

18. What could be the impact of mixing the financial and non-financial reward when

compensating employees?

Great impact

Normal impact

Less impact

No impact

19. Employee involvement in the design of total reward strategy is important for employee

acceptance and commitment to implementation of the strategies. Does it influence the

performance of employees?

Yes []

Somehow [ ]

Not sure [ ]

No []


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