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SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE authority as a result of a merger or acquisition, provided that the assignee will expressly agree to be bound by the Contractor's obligations under this APA, The Contractor will promptly notify the Commission of any assignment or transfer. This APA will be binding upon the successors and permitted assigns of the parties and the name of a party appearing herein will be deemed to include the names of such party’s successors and permitted assigns to the extent necessary to carry out the intent of this APA. For the purposes of this Article 11.14, any references to “the Contractor” shall be interpreted as references to “Pfizer and/or BioNTech” For the purposes of the Vaccine Order Form, any references to the “APA” in this Article II.14 shall be interpreted as references to the “Vaccine Order Form”. IL.15| FORCE MAJEURE 1115.1 If a party is affected by Force majeure, it must immediately notify the other party, stating the nature of the circumstances, their likely duration and foreseeable effects. 1.15.2 A party is not liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under the APA ‘or Vaccine Order Form if that delay or failure is a result of Force majeure. If the Contractor is unable to fulfil its contractual obligations owing to Force majeure, it has the right to remuneration only for the services actually provided. 1.15.3 The parties must take all necessary measures to limit any damage due to Force majeure and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to avoid or minimize the delay in performance of their respective obligations affected by Force majeure. IL16 SUSPENSION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE APA. 1.16.1 Suspension by the Contractor If the Contractor or a Participating Contractor Affiliate is affected by Force majeure, it may suspend the provision of the services under a Vaccine Order Form. The Contractor or the Participating Contractor Affiliate must immediately notify the Commission of the suspension. The notification must include a description of the Force majeure and state when the Contractor or the Participating Contractor Affiliate expects to resume the provision of services. ‘The Contractor or the Participating Contractor Afiiliate must notify the Commission as soon as it is able to resume performance of the Vaccine Order Form, unless the Commission has already terminated the APA or the Vaccine Order Form. 11.16.2 Suspension by the Commission or the Participating Member State Pursuant to the Financial Regulation, the Commission or the Participating Member State may suspend the Implementation of the APA or performance of a Vaccine Order Form or any part of it: (@)___ ifthe procedure for awarding the APA or a Vaccine Order Form or the Implementation of the APA proves to have been subject to Irregularities, Fraud (in the sense of the Financial Regulation) or breach of obligations; 38 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE (b) in order to verify whether the presumed Irregularities, Fraud (in the sense of the Financial Regulation) or breach of obligations have actually occurred. ‘The Commission or the Participating Member State in question must formally notify the Contractor of the suspension and the reasons for it. Suspension takes effect on the date of formal notification, or at a later date if the formal notification so provides. ‘The Commission or the Participating Member State in question must notify the Contractor as soon as the verification is completed whether: (@)__ itis lifting the suspension; or (b) _ it intends to terminate the APA or a Vaccine Order Form under Article 1.17.1, (f) or ( ‘The Contractor is not entitled to compensation for suspension of any part of the APA or a Vaccine Order Form. For the avoidance of doubt, the Contractor shall not be under any obligation to deliver any Contracted Doses during the suspension period, and the Delivery Schedule shall be adjusted to take into account the period of such suspension. Equally for the avoidance of doubt, the Contractor shall complete the delivery of any Contracted Doses that were already in transit on the date of the formal notification or at the later date indicated in the formal notification. 1.17 TERMINATION OF THE APA 1.17.1 Grounds for termination by the Commission ‘The Commission may terminate the APA or the Participating Member State may terminate any on-going Vaccine Order Form (depending on whether the event affects the APA or the Vaccine Order Form) solely in the following circumstances: (a) in the event any of the circumstances referred to in Articles 16.3(iii), 1.6.3(v) or 1.6.3(vi) occur; (b) if the Contractor does not implement the APA or perform the Vaccine Order Form in accordance with material aspects of the APA or the Vaccine Order Form (as applicable) or is otherwise in material breach of another substantial contractual obligation; (©) if the Contractor repeatedly refuse to sign Vaccine Order Forms without cause. Termination of three or more Vaccine Order Forms in these circumstances also constitutes grounds for termination of the APA; (@) if the Contractor or any person that assumes unlimited liability for the debts of the Contractor is in one of the situations provided for in points (a) and (b) of Article 136(1) of the Financial Regulation’; (©) if the Contractor or any Related person is in one of the situations provided for in points (c)to (h) of Article 136(1) or Article 136(2) of the Financial Regulation; Regulation (EU, Paratom) 2018/1046 of the Burgpean Parliament and of the Council of 18 Jy 2018 on the financial rues applicable tothe general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (FU No 1296/2013, (FU) No 13012013, (EU) No 150872013, (EU) No 130472013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 13162013, (EL) No 22372014, (EU) No 28872014, and Decision No ‘54/2014 and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 9662012, 0) L193 of 30.7 2018.1 hiiscurles europe eulesae ‘SontenEN/IX TF 2gh= 1548791 83634Qur-CELEX=32018R 1086 39, SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE (0) ifthe procedure for awarding the APA or the Implementation of the APA prove to have been subject to Irregularities, Fraud (in the sense of the Financial Regulation) or breach of obligations; (e) if the Contractor is in a situation that does constitute a Conflict of interest or a Professional conflicting interest which would have a material adverse impact on the performance of the APA; (b) incase of a change regarding the exclusion situations listed in Article 136 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1046 that calls into question the decision to award the contract; () inthe event of Force majeure, where either resuming implementation is impossible or the necessary ensuing amendments to the APA or a Vaccine Order Form would mean that this APA is no longer fulfilled to a substantial degree or result in a substantially unequal treatment of tenderers or contractors. 11.17.2 Grounds for termination by the Contractor ‘The Contractor may terminate the APA or any on-going Vaccine Order Form solely in the following circumstances: (a) __ if the Commission or the Participating Member State does not implement the APA or perform the Vaccine Order Form in accordance with material aspects of the APA or the Vaccine Order Form (as applicable) or is otherwise in material breach of another substantial contractual obligation, including the Commission’s obligation to communicate the allocation of the Contracted Doses, the Commission’s obligation to pay the Advance Payment, the Participating Member States’ obligation to submit a duly completed Vaccine Order Form in accordance with the allocation, the Participating Member States’ obligation to accept delivery of the Contracted Doses, and the Participating Member States’ obligation to pay the price of the Contracted Doses; or (b) inthe event any of the circumstances referred to in Articles 1.6.3(iii), 1.6.3(v) or 1.6.3(vi) occur, 1.17.3 Procedure for termination A party must formally notify the other party of its intention to terminate the APA or a Vaccine Order Form and the grounds for termination, The other party has 30 days following the date of receipt to submit observations, including the ‘measures it has taken or will take to continue fulfilling its contractual obligations. Failing that, the decision to terminate becomes enforceable the day after the time limit for submitting observations has elapsed in the event the grounds giving rise to termination have not been, cured, Ifthe other party submits observations, the party intending to terminate must formally notify it 1.17.4 Effects of termination Within 60 days of the date of termination, the Contractor must submit any invoice required for services that were provided before the date of termination. The Advance Payment will be refunded to the Commission if either party terminates the APA pursuant to Article 1.6.3(iii) or 40 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE Article 1.6.3(v), and the Advance Payment for Contracted Doses not delivered will be refunded to the Commission if either party terminates the APA pursuant to Article 1.6.3 (vi). The termination or expiration of this APA shall not affect the survival and continuing validity of Articles 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6.7, 1.6.9, 1.6.11, 1.6.12, 1.6.14, 1.6.16, I.7 to 1.9, 1.11 to 1.14, 11.3, ILS, 1.6, 118.2, 118.4, IL9 to IL11, IL15, 1117.4, 1118 to IL28, Attachment 3 (Delivery Specification) and Attachment 5 (Return and Disposal of Product Materials) or of any other provision which is expressly or by implication intended to continue in force after such termination or expiration. Expiry or termination of this APA for any reason shall be without prejudice to either party’s other rights and remedies or to any accrued rights and liabilities as the date of such expiry or termination; provided that the Contractor shall have no liability for any failure to deliver the Contracted Doses in accordance with any estimated delivery dates set forth herein, IL18 INVOICES, VALUE ADDED TAX AND E-INVOICING 11.18.1 Invoices and value added tax Invoices must contain the Contractor's or the Participating Contractor Affiliate’s (or leader's, in the case of a joint tender) identification data, the amount, the currency and the date, as well, as the APA reference and reference to the Vaccine Order Form, Invoices must indicate the place of taxation of the Contractor or the Participating Contractor Affiliate (or leader in the case of a joint tender) for value added tax (VAT) purposes and must specify separately amounts not including VAT and amounts including VAT ‘The Commission is exempt from all taxes and duties, including VAT, in accordance with Articles 3 and 4 of the Protocol 7 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union on. the privileges and immunities of the European Union, It is understood and agreed between the parties that any prices stated under this APA and Vaccine Order Form are exclusive of any VAT or similar tax and all other taxes which are incurred as a result of manufacturing and supplying the Product (including custom duties, levies and charges and all local taxes) (“Taxes”), which shall be added thereon as applicable. Where Taxes are properly chargeable on any amounts payable under this APA or Vaccine Order Form, the party making the payment will pay the amount of Taxes, as specified on the invoice, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country in which the Taxes are chargeable. In the event any payments made pursuant to this APA become subject to withholding taxes under the laws or regulation of any jurisdiction, the party making such payment shall deduct and withhold the amount of such taxes for the account of the payce to the extent required by applicable laws or regulations and such amounts payable to the payee shall be reduced by the amount of taxes deducted and withheld. Any such withholding taxes required under applicable laws or regulations to be paid or withheld shall be an expense of, and borne solely by, the payee. 4l SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE TL19 PAYMENTS AND GUARANTEES 1119.1 Date of payment The date of payment is deemed to be the date on which the Commission’s account or the account of the Participating Member State in question is debited. 1.19.2 Curreney Payments are made in euros or, for non-Eurozone countries, the local functional currency of the Participating Member State. For non-Eurozone countries, the Vaccine Order Form shall set, forth the Delivery Price in the local functional currency converted from euro at the exchange rate existing one (1) day prior to the Effective Date of the APA as of 4:00pm London time published in Bloomberg FX Fixings (BFIX), such rates being found via Bloomberg or the website, 1.19.3 Costs of transfer ‘The costs of the transfer are borne as follows: (a) the Commission or the Participating Member State in question bears the costs of dispatch charged by its bank; (b) the Contractor or the Participating Contractor Affiliate bears the costs of receipt charged by its bank; (©) the party causing repetition of the transfer bears the costs for repeated transfer, 1.19.4 Suspension of the time allowed for payment The Commission or the Participating Member State in question may suspend the payment periods specified in Article L8 at any time by notifying the Contractor or the Participating Contractor Affiliate (or leader in the case ofa joint tender) that its invoice cannot be processed. ‘The reasons the Commission or the Participating Member State in question may cite for not being able to process an invoice are: (@) because it does not comply with the APA or Vaccine Order Form; (b) because the Contractor or the Participating Contractor Affiliate has not produced the appropriate documents or deliverables; as required by the APA or a Vaccine Order Form; or (©) because the Commission or the Participating Member State in question has reasonable observations on the documents or deliverables submitted with the invoice as not complying with the APA or Vaccine Order Form. ‘The Commission or the Participating Member State in question must notify the Contractor or the Participating Contractor Affiliate (or leader in the case of joint tender) as soon as possible of any such suspension, giving the reasons for it. In cases b) and c) referred above, the ‘Commission or the Participating Member State in question shall notify the Contractor or the Participating Contractor Affiliate (or leader in case of a joint tender) the time limits to submit additional information or corrections or a new version of the documents or deliverables. a2 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE Suspension takes effect on the date the Commission or the Participating Member State in question sends the notification. The remaining payment period resumes from the date on which, the requested information or revised documents are received or the necessary further verification, including on-the-spot checks, is carried out. Where the suspension period exceeds ‘two months, the Contractor or the Participating Contractor Affiliate (or leader in the case of a joint tender) may request the Commission or the Participating Member State in question to justify the continued suspension. 11.19.5 Interest on late payment On expiry of the payment periods specified in Article 18, the Contractor or the Participating Contractor Affiliate (or leader in the case of a joint tender) is entitled to interest on late payment at the higher of (a) the rate applied by the European Central Bank for its main refinancing operations in euros (the reference rate) plus five points (or such centralized bank reference rate set forth in the Vaccine Order Form) and (b) 2%. The reference rate is the rate in force, as published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union, on the first day of the month in which the payment period ends. Suspension of the payment period as provided for in Article II.19.4 is not considered as giving rise to late payment. Interest on late payment covers the period running from the day following the due date for payment up to and including the date of payment as defined in Article 1.19.1 11.20 RECOVERY 1.20.1 Recovery procedure In all cases where the recovery procedure as described in the Financial Regulation applies, the parties shall follow the procedure set out in this Article. Before recovery, the Commission or the Participating Member State in question must formally notify the Contractor of its intention to recover the amount it claims, specifying the amount, due and the reasons for recovery and inviting the Contractor to make any observations within thirty (30) days of receipt. If no observations have been submitted or if, despite the observations submitted, the Commission or the Participating Member State in question decides to pursue the recovery procedure, it must confirm recovery by formally notifying a debit note to the Contractor, specifying the date of payment. The Contractor must pay in accordance with the provisions specified in the debit note. If the Contractor does not pay by the due date, the Commission or the Participating Member State in question may, after informing the Contractor in writing, recover the amounts due: (a) __ by offsetting them against any amounts owed to the Contractor by the Commission or the Participating Member State in question; by taking legal action. 43 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE 11.20.2 Interest on late payment If the Contractor does not honour the obligation to pay the amount due by the date set by the Commission or the Participating Member State in question, the amount due bears interest at the rate indicated in Article II.19.5. Interest on late payments will cover the period starting on the day after the due date for payment and ending on the date when the Commission or the Participating Member State in question receives the full amount owed. Any partial payment is first entered against charges and interest on late payment and then against the principal amount. 11.21 CHECKs AND AUDITS 11.21.1 The Commission and the European Anti-Fraud Office may check or require an audit on the Implementation of the APA. This may be carried out either by OLAF’s own staff or by any outside body authorised to do so on its behalf, provided that the auditor may not be a competitor of the Contractor. Such checks and audits may be initiated at any moment during business hours during the provision of the services and up to five years starting from the payment of the balance of the last specific contract issued under this APA, ‘The audit procedure is initiated on the date of receipt of the relevant letter sent by the Commission, Audits are carried out on a confidential basis. 1121.2 The Contractor must keep all original documents stored on any appropriate medium, including digitised originals if authorised under national law, for a period of five years starting from the payment of the balance of the last specific contract issued under this APA. 11.21.3 The Contractor must grant the appropriate right of access to sites and premises where the APA is implemented, and to all information, including information in electronic format, needed to conduct such checks and audits. The Contractor must ensure that the information is readily available at the moment of the check or audit and, if so requested, that information is handed over in an appropriate format. The auditor must, insofar possible, comply with all applicable and reasonable security measures notified to Commission by the Contractor subject to this not creating any material obstacles for the performance of the auditor’s tasks. 1121.4 On the basis of the findings made during the audit, a provisional report is drawn up. The Commission or its authorised representative must send it to the Contractor, who has 30 days following the date of receipt to submit observations. The Contractor must receive the final report within 60 days following the expiry of the deadline to submit observations. On the basis of the final audit findings, the Commission or the Participating Member State in question may recover all or part of the payments made in accordance with Article 11,20 and may take any other measures which it considers necessary. SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE IL21.5 In accordance with Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 of 11 November 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks and inspection carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European Communities’ financial interests against fraud and other irregularities and Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 September 2013 conceming investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office, the European Anti-Fraud Office may carry out investigations, including on the spot checks and inspections, to establish whether there has been fraud, corruption or any other illegal activity under the contract affecting the financial interests of the Union. Findings arising from an investigation may lead to criminal prosecution under national law. ‘The investigations may be carried out at any moment during the provision of the services and up to five years starting from the payment of the balance of the last specific contract issued under this APA. 11.21.6 The Court of Auditors and the European Public Prosecutor's Office established by Council Regulation (EU) 2017/19398 (‘the EPPO’) have the same rights as the Commission, particularly right of access, for the purpose of checks, audits and investigations. 1.22 RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES The relationship hereby established between the Contractor and the Commission is solely that, of independent contractors. Neither party has authority to act or make any agreements or representations on behalf of the other party. This APA is not intended to create, and shall not, be construed as creating, between the parties, the relationship of principal and agent, employer and employee, joint venturers, co-partners, or any other such relationship, the existence of which is expressly denied. 1.23 WAIVER ‘A waiver by any party of any term or condition of this APA in any instance shall not be deemed or construed to be a waiver of such term or condition for the future, or of any subsequent breach thereof. All remedies specified in this APA shall be cumulative and in addition to any other remedies provided at Law or in equity, except where expressly otherwise agreed. 11.24 FURTHER DocUMENTS ich party hereto agrees to execute such further documents and take such further steps as may be reasonably necessary or desirable to effectuate the purposes of this APA. 11.25 HEADINGS Headings of Articles or other parts of this APA are included herein for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this APA or change the meaning of this APA. 11.26 ELECTRONIC DELIVERY AND STORAGE, Delivery of a signed APA by reliable electronic means, including facsimile or email (with receipt electronically confirmed), shall be an effective method of delivery of the executed APA. 45 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE This APA may be stored by electronic means and either an original or an electronically stored copy of this APA can be used for all purposes, including in any proceeding to enforce the rights or obligations of the parties to this APA. 1.27 ENTIRE AGREEMENT This APA, together with any Annexes and Attachments, which are hereby incorporated by reference, constitute the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter and ‘merges and supersedes all prior discussions and writings with respect to thereto, 11.28 Costs Each party will bear its own legal costs in preparing and concluding this APA. 46 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE This Vaccine Order Form is submitted by: [The Government of [+]] (the “Participating Member State”), represented for the purposes of signing this Vaccine Order Form by [forename, surname, function, department of authorising officer), to: [Add details for Contractor] ‘The Participating Member State and Contractor are together referred to as the “Parties” and each individually as a “Party”. WHEREAS — Contractor and the European Commission, acting on behalf of and in the name of the Participating Member States, entered into an Advance Purchase Agreement for the purchase and supply of Contractor’s Vaccine for EU Member States dated [+] 2020 (the “APA”), the terms of which are binding on the Participating Member States and must be read in conjunction with this Vaccine Order Form. — The APA provides that each Participating Member State will submit to Contractor a Vaccine Order Form through which Contractor shall make available and deliver to the relevant Participating Member State a proportion of the Contracted Doses or Additional Order as applicable, in accordance with the allocation provided by the Commission pursuant to Article 1.6.3 of the APA and at the price and conditions as set out in the APA. — In accordance with Article 1.5.2 of the APA, the [name of Participating Member State} hereby places its order for its full allocated portion of the Contracted Doses or Additional Order (as applicable). Article T Subject matter 1, This Vaccine Order Form is submitted by [name of the Participating Member State] to Contractor in accordance with the terms of the APA, and forms an integral part of the APA. The terms and conditions of the APA are incorporated into this Vaccine Order Form by reference. In the event of contradiction between this Vaccine Order Form and the APA, the terms ofthe APA prevail regardless of any provision to the contrary. Any capitalised terms in this Vaccine Order Form will have the meaning attributed to them in the definitions list included in Article 1.2 of the APA. aT SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE 2. This Vaceine Order Form relates to the order for the Participating Member State’s full allocated portion of the Contracted Doses or the relevant Additional Order (as applicable) as set out in the allocation provided by the Commission to Contractor pursuant to Article 1.6.2 of the APA. The submission of this signed Vaccine Order Form by the Member State to Contractor constitutes a binding order by the Member State for the purchase of its full allocated portion of the Contracted Doses or the relevant Additional Order (as applicable) as follows a. [Name of the Member State] will purchase [insert amount] number of doses of [Contracted Doses] [Additional Order] of the Vaccine, on the basis of the following delivery schedule: [insert details of quarterly allocation]. b. The Delivery Price of Contracted Doses is [insert price here] euros per dose exel, VAT, The total amount payable by the Participating Member State for the [Contracted Doses} [Additional Order] is [insert amount], excluding [insert applicable percentage]% VAT 3. By signature of this Vaccine Order Form, the undersigned Member State warrants to Contractor that: a itis irrevocably and unconditionally bound by the terms of the APA (as concluded by the Commission on behalf and in the name of the Participating Member Siates), including the indemnification obligations and the liability, limitation of liability and exclusions terms set out therein; b the provisions of the APA are enforceable against it in accordance with its terms; © it shall indemnify the Indemnified Persons in accordance with Article 1.12 (Indemnification) of the APA; dit has full right, power and authority to enter into this Vaccine Order Form and to perform its respective obligations under it; € the person executing this Vaccine Order Form is duly authorized to execute and bind the undersigned Participating Member State to the terms set forth herein and incorporated by reference. 4, The Participating Member State acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to the Participating Member States under the APA. The Participating Member State further acknowledges that the long- 48 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Further, to the extent applicable, the Participating Member State acknowledges that the Vaccine shall not be serialized. 5. The Participating Member State represents and warrants that all necessary permissions and approvals have been or will be obtained prior to the time for performance by Participating Member State, to authorise performance of all of the obligations contained herein. Article IT Delivery, Supply 1, Delivery Address. The Delivery Address for the Participating Member State is as follows: Member State to enter location of its distribution hub] 2. Supply of the Products ‘The Contractor shall supply the Products as further deseribed in the AP, Include any additional details concerning the supply here.] Note: Article II Invoices; Notices 1, Invoice and Payments. Contractor shall invoice the Participating Member State in accordance with the terms of the APA. All payments to Contractor or its designated Affiliate shall be made in accordance with the terms of the APA. Payment shall be made in the following currency pursuant to the provisions of Article 1.19.2: [to be completed]. 2. Notice. Any notice given under this Vaccine Order Form must a) be made in writing in English in paper or electronic format; b) bear the APA number and the number of this Vaccine Order Form; c) be made using the relevant communication details set out below with respect to the Member State and Contractor (as applicable); d) be sent by mail and email: Participating Member State: {Name of Participating Member State] [Full official address of Participating Member State] [Full name of addressee physical person (contact person)] [Function of addressee physical person (contact person)] E-mail: [complete email of addressee physical person (contact person)] 49 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE Contractor: [Add details] Article IV. Entry into Force and Duration 1. This Vaccine Order Form shall enter into force on the date of signature by the Parties and will remain into force until termination of the APA, or if the APA expires, until the last delivery of Product which in any event must take place within 6 months of such expiry. Article V. Applicable Law and Settlement of Disputes 1. For the avoidance of doubt, Article 1.13 (Applicable Law and Settlement of Disputes) of the APA shall apply to any dispute arising out of the implementation of or in connection with this Vaccine Order Form and the Participating Member State irrevocably agrees to be bound by the provisions set out therein. (Signature page follows) 50 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE SIGNATURES For the Participating Member State, [forename/surname/position! Signature: Done at [place], [date] For acceptance of the Vaccine Order Form, [Contractor], [forename/surname/position| Signature: Done at [place], [date] ‘The invoice will be paid only once the Contractor has returned the signed Vaccine Order Form, 51 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE ANNEX Jl: AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMMISSION AND MEMBER STATES ON PROCURING. COvip-19 VACCINES ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBER STATES AND RELATED PROCEDURES, ANNEXED TO THE COMMISSION DECISION (2020) 4192 51 18 JUNE 2020 Agreement Preamble Having regard to Article 4(5)(b) of Couneil regulation (EU) 2016/369 on the provision of emergency support within the Unionlas amended by Couneil regulation (EU) 2020/521 of 14 April 2020 activating the emergency support under regulation (FU) 2016/369, and amending its provisions taking into account the COVID-19 outbreak (hereinafter SI regulation”); ‘The European Commission (“the Commission”) and The following Member States: (XXX), hereinafter referred to as “the Participating Member States” ‘Together referred to as “the Parties” Agree on the Following: Article 1: Objective and mandate of the Commission ‘On the basis of the present agreement, the Commission is mandated to conclude, on behalf of the Participating Member States, Advance Purchase Agreements (“APA”) with vaccine manufacturers with the objective to procure vaccines for the purposes of combatting the COVID 19 pandemic at Union level. ‘The Annex to this agreement sets out the negotiating directives for this purpose. Article 2: Acquisition of vaccine doses It is the Participating Member States, and not the Commission, that shall acquire vaccine doses. from the manufacturers on the basis of the APAs unless otherwise agreed. All relevant vaccination policies shall therefore remain matters for the Participating Member States. Article 3: APAS containing a right to acquire vaccine doses Where the Commission concludes an APA in conformity with the present agreement that provides the right for the Participating Member States to acquire vaccine doses, the use of such a right shall take place by means of the conclusion of contracts between the Participating Member States and the vaccine manufacturers. There shall be no obligation for any Participating Member State to conclude such a contract on the basis of the APA. The APA shall contain a clause to this end, Article 4: APAs containing an obligation to acquire vaccine doses Where the Commission intends to conclude, in conformity with the present agreement, an APA containing an obligation to acquire vaccine doses, it shall inform the Participating Member 52 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE States of such intention and the detailed terms. In case a Participating Member State does not agree with the conclusion of an APA containing an obligation to acquire vaccine doses or its terms, it has the right to opt out by explicit notification to the Commission within 5 working days after the Commission has communicated its intention to conclude the APA. All Participating Member States not having opted out within the period of 5 working days are deemed to have authorised the Commission to negotiate and conclude the APA with the vaccine manufacturer in their name and on their behalf. Article 5: The legally binding nature of APAs ‘Once concluded, the terms of the APA shall be legally binding on the Participating Member States, except for those who have exercised their right to opt out. Article 6: Responsibility and liability ‘The present Agreement regulates only the division of potential liability and indemnification between the Commission and the Participating Member States. It does not regulate the extent to or the conditions under which potential liability of the vaccine manufacturer may be taken over or indemnified under the APAs, ‘The Commission shall be exclusively responsible for the procurement process and the conclusion of APAs including any liability arising out of the conduct of the negotiations. Participating Member States acquiring a vaccine shall be responsible for the deployment and use of the vaccines under their national vaccination strategies, and shall bear any liability associated with such use and deployment. This shall extend to and include any indemnification of vaccine ‘manufacturers under the terms and conditions of the relevant APA for liability related to the use and deployment of vaccines normally borne by such manufacturer. Article 7: Obligation not to negotiate separately By signing the present Agreement, the Participating Member States confirm their participation in the procedure and agree not to launch their own procedures for advance purchase of that vaccine with the same manufacturers. In case an APA containing an obligation to acquire vaccine doses has been concluded with a specific manufacturer, the Member States having made use of the opt-out provided under the present Agreement can enter into separate negotiations with the same manufacturer after the APA under the present Agreement has been signed. Annex Initial considerations A. permanent solution to the COVID-19 crisis is most likely to be brought about by the development and deployment of a safe and effective vaccine against the virus. Every month gained in the deployment of a vaccine will save many lives, many jobs and billions of euros. ‘Therefore, it is the objective of the present Agreement that the EU takes steps to secure sufficient supplies of a safe and effective vaccine for Member States. Structure and purpose of the procurement 33 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE Work on a COVID-19 vaccine is challenging for many reasons: the shortened development timeframe, the large upfront costs for manufacturers, the high failure rate during clinical trials. If vaccine producers follow their usual practice of making investments in production capacity only when they are sure of a viable product, this will result in considerably longer waiting times for ‘a vaccine, Investments need to be made now in order to ensure that vaccines are being produced at the scale required as early as possible, Under the present agreement, this challenge will be addressed through concluding EU-level ‘Advance Purchase Agreements (“APA”) with vaccine manufacturers when necessary, to secure access to vaccine candidates where they are successful, including up-front EU financing to de-risk essential investments to increase the speed and scale of manufacturing successful vaccines. Funding for the up-front payments will come from the Emergency Support Instrument (ESI), ‘The Parties understand that developing a safe and effective vaccine is a highly complex process and the risk of failure in any such venture is very high. Therefore, the aim is to put in place APAs with a number of manufacturers of leading vaccine candidates, to maximise the chances of having access to at least one successful vaccine. ‘The Commission will invite all vaccine manufacturers to manifest interest. In general, the Commission will give priority to negotiating specific APAs with those manufacturers that (a) have entered or have firm plans to enter clinical trials still in 2020, (b) have the capacity to develop 2 successful vaccine and (c) have a proven capacity to produce at scale already in 2021. Process and governance In order to run the procurement centrally and efficiently, the European Commission will set up a steering board for the process subject to Article 6 of the present Agreement. It will be co- chaired by the European Commission and a Participating Member State with experience in the negotiations and production capacities for vaccines. ‘The steering board will include senior officials from all Participating Member States to assist and provide guidance throughout the evaluation process. The co-chairs of the steering board will propose a team of a limited number of experts with relevant experience for the ongoing negotiations from six Participating Member States with production capacities for vaccines. These experts will join with the European Commission in a negotiation team (“Joint negotiation team”), which will work on a.continuous basis as one unit ‘That joint negotiation team will start work immediately building on previous contacts with individual companies by the European Commission and Participating Member States. In order to Taunch negotiations with a specific manufacturer, there needs to be support from at least four Participating Member States. The joint negotiation team will make its best effort to take the advice of the steering board into account in the negotiations and will report back to the steering board on a regular basis on the progress made in negotiating with individual companies. For compliance with the applicable rules, all members of the steering board and the joint negotiation team will obtain the status of experts associated to the procurement process as provided in the Financial Regulation, Given their access to highly sensitive business information, all those members will be required to sign strict confidentiality and no-conflict-of interest agreements. Assisted by the steering board, the European Commission will then decide which of the resulting APAS should be concluded, in particular if financing under ESI is insutficient to finance all relevant packages. ‘The Commission will only consider those APAs for financing where at least four Participation Member States have expressed agreement. Before making any final decisions, the Commission 54 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE will seek independent scientific advice on the state of progress and the available data on quality, safety and efficacy for the vaccine candidate in question, Should financing under ESI be insufficient, Participating Member States can decide to top up ESI funding to make up the gap to finance all packages. In such a case where there are opportunities to conclude further APAs but money from ESI is no longer sufficient, Participating Member States will have the opportunity to express their interest in such opportunities. If at least four Participating Member States express interest, those Participating Member States will make use of the possibility of a voluntary contribution to ESI to the required amount allowing the Commission to proceed with signing the APA only on behalf of those Member States that have expressed interest and contributed. the funds to ESL For full transparency, the European Commission will report to the TPCR at least once every two weeks on overall progress more generally. Advanced Purchase Agreements and conditions To conclude APAs, the joint negotiating team will negotiate funding packages with individual vaccine producers in return for the right to buy a specific number of vaccine doses in a given timeframe and at a certain price. As outlined in the present Agreement, the European Commission also has the possibility to conclude APAs including an obligation to procure the vaccine if it becomes available, where the conditions (notably the pricing) of those APAs make this worthwhile and in line with the conditions in the present Agreement. If in such a case the distinction between upfront payments and purchase price is difficult to draw, the Commission will share the total cost related to the vaccine purchase but will in any case contribute no more than 50% of the total cost Funding provided up front will be considered as an advance payment for any eventual purchase by Member States, thus reducing the amount that Member States will have to pay when eventually purchasing that vaccine. The up-front payments under the APAs shall be used by manufacturers to de-tisk the necessary investments related to both vaccine development and clinical trials, and the preparation of the at- scale production capacity along the entire vaccine production value chain in the EU required for a rapid deployment of millions of doses of an eventual vaccine. The relevant payments should be structured according to the need of the manufacturer, but subject to the state of the vaccine development, in particular relying on transparency of the associated clinical data and its assessment, at the time of payment. This isin order to avoid obligations to pay in situations where the development work has shown a vaccine candidate likely to be unsuccessful. The purchase price of the vaccine, as well as the amount of funding provided up front will take into account a transparent estimation of production costs (supported by independent audits where available), as well as the resources already granted from other public sources. Under the APA, the ‘manufacturer can be asked to provide ex post proof supported by independent audits conceming the activities financed by these payments. The aim of the negotiation is to conclude APAs with individual companies under the best possible conditions. These APAS should specify details with respect to: a) Payments to be made, such as payment amounts, payment schedules, type of payments requested and the use of those payments related to de-risk investment, financing clinical trials, providing working capital and scaling-up production capacity; 58 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE b) Delivery details of the vaccine if successful, such as price per person immunised (or alternatively, number of doses required per person immunised and price per dose), ‘quantity of doses to be delivered and delivery timeline following approval, and ©) Any other relevant conditions, such as production capacity built or used in the EU or liability arrangements. For liability arrangements, the joint negotiation team will make its best effort to limit what is required by individual companies for the purpose of indemnification to be included in the terms and conditions of the APA. ‘The APAs will contain provisions to clarify the law applicable to both the APA and resulting purchase orders as well as the competent courts. The Participating Member States agree that each APA negotiated by the Commission on their behalf with a vaccine manufacturer will have the same applicable law for all Participating Member States, and that the courts corresponding to. that applicable law will be competent to hear disputes arising from that APA. When taking a decision to finance individual APAs, the European Commission, in consultation with the steering board, will take into account the following elements: any available data on quality, safety and efficacy of the vaccine at time of negotiation of the contract, speed of delivery at scale, cost, risk-shating, diversification of technologies, capacity to supply through development of production capacity within the EU, possible flexible future use of any capacity funded, engagement at an early stage with EU regulators with the intention to apply for an EU marketing authorisation for the candidate vaccine(s), commitment to supply vulnerable counties. The procedure outlined above complies with the ESI Regulation and the Financial Regulation. ‘The latter is aligned to the European procurement Directives, which also provide the basis for national procurement rules. Participating Member States may rely on the procedure run by the European Commission to directly purchase vaccines from the manufacturers as and when any of the vaccines becomes available based on the conditions laid down in the APA. Access to vaccine doses will be allocated to Participating Member States according to the population distribution key. In the negotiations with the pharmaceutical industry under the present Agreement, the Commission will promote a Covid-19 vaccine as a global public good. This promotion will include access for low and middle income countries to these vaccines in sufficient quantity and at low prices The Commission will seek to promote related questions with the pharmaceutical industry regarding intellectual property sharing, especially when such IP has been developed with public support, in order to these objectives. Any vaccines available for purchase under the APAs concluded but not needed and purchased by Participating Member States can be made available to the global solidarity effort 56 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 Germany France Italy Spain Austria Greece Cyprus Malta Denmark Sweden Finland Ireland Portugal Belgium Luxembourg Netherlands Poland Romania Bulgaria Slovenia Croatia Czech Republic Hungary Slovakia Lithuania Latvia Estonia 37 SENSITIVE SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE Polymun Scientific Immunbiologische Forschung GmbH, Donaustrasse 99, Klosterneuburg, Niederoesterreich 3400, Austria Dermapharm AG, Lil-Dagover-Ring 7, 82031 Grinwald, Germany Rentschler Biopharma SE (Rentschler), located at Erwin-Rentschler-Str. 21, 88471 Laupheim, Germany 58 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE ‘Country, Participating Contractor Affiliate Germany BioNTech Europe GmbH France Pfizer SAS Italy Pfizer S.t Spain Pfizer S.L.U. Austria Pfizer Corporation Austria GmbH Greece Pfizer Hellas SA Cyprus Pfizer Hellas SA Malta Pfizer Hellas SA Denmark Pfizer ApS Sweden Pfizer Innovations AB Finland Pfizer Finland Oy Ireland Pfizer Healthcare Ireland Portugal Pfizer Biofarmacéutica Sociedade Unipessoal, Ida Belgium Pfizer SA Luxembourg Pfizer Luxembourg SARL. ‘Netherlands Pfizer BV Poland Prizer Trading Polska sp. 20.0. Romania Pfizer Romania SRL Bulgaria Pfizer Export B.V. Slovenia Pfizer Export B.V. Croatia Pfizer Export B.V. Czech Republic Pfizer PFE, spol. 5 ro. After 1/12 shall be merged into Pfizer, spol. s t.0. Hungary Pfizer Gyéayszerkereskedelmi Kft Slovakia Pfizer Export B.V. Lithuania Pfizer Export B.V. Latvia Pfizer Export BV. Estonia Pfizer Export B.V, 59, SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 (090177e191a8069b\Approved\Approved On: 14-Aug-2620 17:03 (GNT) SENSITIVE Be Biotherapeutics Pharmaceutical Sciences ‘Specification Review Team 1NX100421728, Voreion 4 Te: David Cire From: Jef Rycvek Date: 14-Aug-2020 Subject: Specification Report for PF-07305885 COVID-19 Vaccine BNT162b2 mRNA Drug Substance CC: Margaret Rueseh, Justin Sperry, Amy St Charles, Susan John, Mary Denton, ‘Speciication Review Team ‘This report has been updated to add process performance qualification (PPQ) drug substance specifications, Table 2-1 has been amended to acd the LIMS Product Name for the PPQ drug substance, Ini drug substance specifications ave retained in Sevtin 3.0 ad remain wnehnged ‘sinus versions) oF his dotatient, FQ diy substance specications are ale as Minor hangs tote. and tts headers were made in ender to differentiate the inti substance specification sootons AA summary of changes between the initial and the PPQ specifieations is captured in Vale I=L “able 1-1: Changes o DS spectneations from inital 19 FF Analytical “Acceptance Procedure | Juwee’ | Rationale for Date of ad ‘cre |‘samocr cmap” | Comer ta nike Hl ‘ted cat Pete | arurre | 2c ronoorsre | aa | Meta SEE rrnnowsre | man | eben Ey ~ Scene Teva Mato clea tsi Tauren | yc ee ee ee ee ee ee ee vo ny : se iad Senet | aurce on, ‘Report Results | ryevoon10x70 | meek ‘eck Lo strc bea — = Iegeed | ue “This ovum cots coafdctal iaomation belonging wo Paw: Except on maybe oherute gred ofa swing by accepting or reviewing these material you are oho such informato in conidece and ot 10 islet ots (xcept whete equi by applicable av), srt se fr untried purposes, Fath chet of atl or suspected breach of thi obligatio,Pizc shouldbe promptly nied PFIZER CONFIDENTIAL SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 090177e194a80€9t+ApprovedAproved On: 1<-Aug-2020 17:08 (GMT) Specification Roport Template rage 2010 {Bd ‘Those Spetcton chances have na impact on approve supplies: 1G) these Speicatiog changes Impact ha alowing bts is neni: Regulatory comments: "Tse Spelctin changes hare we lnpoct oo vege uate ‘hove Speiention champs my impact epltorysubasions 20 PRODUCT INFORMATION SENSITIVE ‘A bret aeseripton of tne product ana oiner information relevant 0 esiabllshing tne specifeation are prove in Table 2 ‘rout Name ‘Table 2-1: General Product Deseription ‘PEAOTSOSWNS COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA Dro Subst IMS Prt Name ‘D5001426 inal Speiictons (Section 3.0) 5.001477 PPO Specfction (Seton 40) NT Verne Code | NTIED? TNTRNACoie | RBPUROA "oso FF PeOTsN NT Piowitcoty —_| gsT+I225) Gener ropes [mRNA Tye NA Moi TP I-Mate ITA) 5 Cap aig nF? Upon APO Toco Antigen | Full Protein S22 Vat ‘mRNA Leth 4285.0 Tergetea Meter T0681 yal reins Atoorion | 50 Linge) “isn, Fannin, Dose Manafetarng Process [ nto wansrpon and tangential flow Slaton (VT TER) Fonmulaton 10 mAt HEPES 01 wi EDTA ot 7.0 ‘Meir doe 30 ig Mt dove PFIZER CONFIDENTIAL 6 SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 090177e194a80€9t+ApprovedAproved On: 1<-Aug-2020 17:08 (GMT) SENSITIVE Specification Re rage 310 3.0 INITIAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRUG SUBSTANCE. ‘Analytial toot methods oontained inthis ostion were chocen to ensure the quality identity, ane [purty of the PF-07305895 drug substance throughout the manufacturing process and during long {erm storage under racammended storage conditions. The inital rlease specifications for F-0730S885 drug substance (LIMS Product Name DS-001426) are provided in Tuble 3-1. These are the analytical requirements for batch relcas listed in LIMS as the Drug Substance Specification. ‘Analytical procedures and acceotance criteria applicable to the PF-0730S885 drug substance stability program are noted in the table. ‘Table 3-1: Initial Drug Substance Specification “Anata tia || ees aA, Prowedare rani] uatty strate | AcceptaneeCeteria | Lis targa | Procedure Composition a Senet apperance cl s6nTu saxty — | ratonoiose | yes cia) . i i Arent ime | seers seawwennss| va. (Colerain) Ser clean wtigy | tin conemaion | 7082 Simeit ranma | vs ty ety of cael ance iy fc tiy conte pam | Ne eet | ni sraomios | ye. rads lata Imes pce | Rest DNA Temple | TOME DNA! ‘paromos |X amet | «Reale | = 10008 RNA rnatenoiont | oe rand AA GSMA) HA Adverts gets Geteow | sel tndonin | 125 i stononsss | ves PFIZER CONFIDENTIAL 62 SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 090177e194a80€9t+ApprovedAproved On: 1<-Aug-2020 17:08 (GMT) SENSITIVE Specification Re rage «oro Additional analytical tests as listed in Table 32 are performed for each drug substance batch to gain Furor information about the normal range of drug cubslanee manufacturing provvss variation, to evaluate now mothods, arto monitor the significance of the ateibute() moarurod by thot tt Table 32: Initial Additional Tests for Drug Substance Anabyical | Quality | acceptance Criteria | MIMS Target se Ampanmce | Vie | saditeenenssnn | tanentanin | tomas | ve (van | _raeres oxen | ewitin | NAtahenseeny | teourxents | raion | no pewaacn |_SORGRM | watitemaion ony | Repo Resa ws Reser [ayaa | nae wee | le sounc | scp | watmmaiononyy | repsetenin | ratomosrs | Yer ANAtmepiy | WAGaomainonyy | Rew esy ves saree Datooi0%9 reayrat | NACtemanonenyy | Raper Rests ve “able 3.9 ls de aye me det wile performer eaten pune “Table 3.3: Initial Characterization Tests for Drug Substance “st ares roedere Sain | Procure Sumber_| Protect | news | paar tose | Tansee [ve PFIZER CONFIDENTIAL 63 SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 090177e194a80€9t+ApprovedAproved On: 1<-Aug-2020 17:08 (GMT) SENSITIVE Specification Re rage 9010 4.0 PPQ SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRUG SUBSTANCE, Analytial toot methods oontained inthis otion were chocen to ensure the quality identity, and [purty of the PF-07305895 drug substance throughout the manufacturing process and during loag form storage under racammended storage conditions. The process performance qualification (PPQ) release specifications for PF-07305885 drug substance (LIMS Product Name DS-001477) are ‘provided in Table +1. These are the analytical requirements for batch release listed in LIMS as the rus Substance Specification, Analytical procedures and accentance criteria applicable tothe PF (07305885 drug substance stability program are noted inthe table. ‘Table 41: PPQ Drug Substance Specification Amal | ay Atrtae | AcpimeeCotta [LMG Tone | OR Comping eal Clary s6NTU sant ‘rationminss9 | Yes (cs) rors ot [mag | seamen raeioue | ty RTPCR agi gf tacedet WGersity confirmed Ttonntog07 No tx See eres, | ene rwomass | ve soanue son paras rvs | yes sarc rotycaytat | 27 yay sruomiase | yes ace | rests DNA Tempe | aay. Plone sera UsePage of 21 80 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE 2oz0TAaz2 v2.0 LUnpackaging and Re-lcing instructions Of the AeroSafe 47L7 ULT Parcel Shipper Recommendations (Using Thermal Shipping Container as Temporary Storage) + Local dry ice suppliers should be uted for re-icing the thermal chipping container + Temperature monitoring devices Lo be used i thermal shipping container is used as temporary storage. Sites are responsible for obtaining thelr own temperature ‘monitoring devices to monitor temperatures wnen using the tnermal shipping Container as temporary storage. lemperature monitoring devices (probe or probeless) capable of being ina dry ice environment to be used and placed in the location of the vial tay payload area within the thermal shipping container. ‘The thermal shipping container should be returned within 20 business days of delivery, including temperature datalogger. + If you receive a Controlant Real-Time Temperature Monitor, it must be returned withthe thermal shipping container. += Ifyou receive a Soncitech Temperature Meniter it dove not need to be returned, 5. Procedure 5.1. Unpackaging Responsible Action Step Role ‘uperator 1 Before opening the thermal shipping container, make sure the {area in which you are working has proper ventilation. Use of dry ice in confined spaces, such as small rooms, walk-in coolers, and/or poorly ventilated areas, can result in dopletion of oxygen reculting in acphyxistion. 2 Inawellventilated area, open the Outer Corrugated Shipper by cutting the tepe on the outside Plone sternal Use Page of 22 81 SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 SENSITIVE 2oz0TAaz2 v2.0 Lnpackagin and Re-teing instructions of the Aerosafe 47L7 ULT Parcel Shipper “Responsible Action Step Role 3. emove the VIP Lid carefully asthe temperature monitor ‘probe is connected to the Payload Box. Care should be taken tonnot disconnect the probe from the Payload Box. Ee, ae, © iS 4. While wearing insulated thermal gloves, takeout the Dry Ice Tay ier internal Use Page of 12 82 SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 SENSITIVE 2oz0TAaz2 v2.0 Lnpackagin and Re-teing instructions of the Aerosafe 47L7 ULT Parcel Shipper “Responsible Action Step Role 5. Remove the Payload Box from the thermal shipper by carefully pulling directly upwards. Care should be taken to ‘not disconnect the probe from the Payload Box. 6. Open the Payload Box and remove the vial ray. 7. Take vu the product for inspection ed innnediately (wil ‘one minute of opening) store n an ultra-low temperature freezer or prepare for use. If shipper will be used as ‘temporary storage for remaining vals within tray, immediately ee incert the tray with vale within ne minute of ‘opening and follow the re icing instructions “Refer to Recommendations section ofthis procedure for further details on using the thermal shipping container as temporary stora {8 If not using the thermal shipping container as temporary ‘storage, incert all components hack into the thermal shipping container for return ie Internal Use Page 6 of 12 83 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE 2oz0TAaz2 v2.0 LUnpackaging and Re-lcing instructions Of the AeroSafe 47L7 ULT Parcel Shipper Responsible | Action Step Role Ury lee must be ascarded in a wel ventiatea area berore Considering returning the thermal shipping container 3.2, Retung >. | a8 ine ure i eee aca covers See ee as peermmeen reer re Pier eral Use Page 13 of 22 88 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE Exhibit 2 of Attachment 3 - Unpacking and Re-icing: Thermal Shipper B Logistics Solutions & Compliance | Technical Assessment 2020TAN2A v2.0 Page Lof2 LUnpackaging and Re-teing netructions of the Softbox Mesium ULT | CONFIDENTIAL Parcel shipper 1. Purpose Unpackaging and Re-ting Instructions ofthe Softnox Medium ULT Parcel Shipper with version onto 2. Appendices ‘AppERAIEIO Tis ‘Anpendix A ‘Unnackaoing and Re-leng Instructions ofthe Sotbox Medium ULT Parcal Shipper 2. Change History au Number ‘Description oF Changeys] ‘Reston for Crange) 10, intial Relea inal Reease 20 Updated formating and pictures Tor Gary. | Updated Yemating and pictures for ‘aly Tgistcs Solitons and Gomplance] Tanspor Oualficaton and Compiance Manager March Arm Ando Marci-Ann Ando 2022084704400 REASON: | approve this document as [beta ese easinanae autor: |Name) — Marc-Ann Ando | SignDate Logistics Soluions and Compliance | Sr. Manager Transport Vaidaton & lnowaton James E Jean 2102020 r::0060%0 Asproved: | Name James Jean | SignDate | REASON: approve this document. 89. SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE Logistics Solutions & Compliance | Technical Assessment zuzurauzi v2) eee Unpackaging and Re-Icing Instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT | CONFIDENTIAL Parcel Shipper Appendix A: Instructions (12 Pages) SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE 2ozoTAazi v2.0 Unpackaging and Re-Icing instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT Parcel shipper ‘able Of Content 1. Purpose. 2. Scope 3, Reference Documents i a 4. General Requirements... 3 42. Material a ee saree a! 5. Procedure 4 Se Vipin arent wimtretmniemsiitete cineca 52. Re-kcing.. 7 6. History of changoe . 41 7. Appendix are - uf 3 71 Append: Softhos Meio IVT Barrel Shiner ” Plier Inter Use. Page 10112 o SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE 2020TA021 v2.0 Unpackaging and Re-Icing instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT Parcel shipper 1. Purpose ‘The purpose of this controlled document is to provide unpackagine and re-icine ‘requirements on the Softbox Medium ULT Parcel Shinper with Dry Ice CAUTION: Use of dry ce in confined spaces (small rooms or walk-in coolers) and/or ‘poorly ventilated areas can result in depletion of oxygen resulting in asphyxiation Exposed skin should be protected from contact with drv ice. Eve protection is recommended (for examole, safety alasses). Appropriate training to be been conducted for personnel handling dry ice and documented within their relevant training system as required 2. Scope This controlled document is applicable to unpackaging and re-Icing requirements using the Softbox Medium ULT Parcel Shiooer with Drv Ie. Plier Inter Use. Baga 2112 92 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE 2020TA021 v2.0 Unpackaging and Re-Icing instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT Parcel shipper 3. Reference Documents Document Number Description NA Safe Handling Guidelines for Dry lee NA Safety Data Sheet Ory ice 4, General Requlrem 4, materlals Specification Number Description 0.88557 SPEC ~Softbox Medium ULT Parcel Shipper NA insulated (Thermal) Gloves N/A Safety Glasses WA Carton Sealing Tape Nya. Dry lee Bellas (10 te 16 mm) 4.2. Recommendations ‘Recommendations (Using Thermal shipping Container as Temporary Storage) ‘ine tnermal shipping container is a passive (non-compressor) device that contains ary ice asthe energy source to maintain the required temperatures wnen ‘maintained property as defined by Pfizer instructions. Ine dry ie n the thermal shipper will deplete over @ number of days (duration will vary depending on use and care), which willimpact how long the shipper holds the temperatures. This differs from an ultra-low-temperature freezer, an active (electronically powered, compressor-driven) device, which when plugged in, is designed to maintain ultra: low temperatures indefinitely. The longer the thermal shipping container remains closed, the longer it wil take for the dry ice to deplete. ‘The thermal shipping cantainer shauld be stored at 15" to 25* Celsius, which i SO" to 77" Fahrenheit * The thermal shipping container is qualified with a minimum of 23 kgs of dry ice pellets (10 mm~16 mm pellets). Upon receipt and after opening, the box should be replenishedyinspected with dry ce within 24 hours by adding dry ice to the ‘maximum within the payload insert areas and dry ice pod. = The therm: pring container should be ro ico every & d += This can help maintain the level of dry ice and the temperature of the vaccine product. is recommended that the thermal shipping container not be opened more than 2 times a day, and shouldn't be opened for more than 1 minute at atime. If that I followed, the thermal shipping, Container snaula then oe re-icea every > cays. Plier Inter Use. Page 3112 93 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE 2020TA021 v2.0 Unpackaging and Re-Icing instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT Parcel shipper Recommendations (Using Thermal Shipping Container as Temporary Storage) “+ Local dry ice cuppliors should be used for re-icing the thermal shipping container. + Temperature monitoring devices to be used if thers shipping container is used as temporary storage. Sites are responsible for obtaining thelr own temperature ‘monitoring devices to monitor temperatures wnen using tne thermal shipping container as temporary storage. emperature monitoring devices (probe oF probeless) capable of being in a dry ice environment to be used and placed in the location of the wal tray payload area within the thermal shipping container. * The thermal shipping container should be returned within 20 business days of delivery, including temperature data logger. ‘If you receive a Controlant Real-Time Temperature Monitor it must be returned withthe thermal shipping container = you raceive 2 Soncitech Temperature Monitor it deve net need to be returned, 5. Procedure $1 Unpackaging Responsible Action Step ole Operator 3. Betore opening tne thermal shipping container, make sure the area in which you are working has proper ventilation. Use of dry ice in confined spaces, such as small rooms, walk-in cooler, and/or poorly ventilated areae, can re depletion of oxygen, resulting in axphyxition. 2 Ina well-ventilated area, open the Outer Corrugated Shipper by cutting the tape on the outside. Plier Inter Use. Page €of12 SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 SENSITIVE 2ozoTAazi v2.0 Unpackaging and Re-Icing instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT Parcel shipper Responsible Action Step Role 3. Open the lid. Nate: One side af the thermal shipping container is permanently affied soit is recommended to use the three finger hole die-cut on the foam. ‘Once the ld is opened the dry ice pod will be seen a illustrated below. 4. While wearing insulated (thermal) gloves, take out the Dry lee Pod. Plier Internal Use-Page $f 12 95 SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 SENSITIVE 2ozoTAazi v2.0 Unpackaging and Re-Icing instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT Parcel shipper Responsible Action Step Role 5. Access the pavload sleeve, whichis on top ofa thin layer of dry ica and openit. Note: The payload sleeve does not have a bottom, so do not pull it ‘out of the thermal shipping container. 6, Take out the product for ingpection and immediately (within ‘one minute of opening) store in an ultra-low temperature fraeter or prepare foruce, Hf chipper will be uted 26 ‘temporary storage for remaining vial trays, immediately e- Insert the trays within one minute of opening and follow the re-icing instructions. Pier Internal Use Pag of 12 96 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE 2020TA021 v2.0 Unpackaging and Re-Icing instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT Parcel shipper Responsible Action Step Role ‘Refer to Recommendations section ofthis procedure for, further detail sin ting the thar chipping entire semperary storage: 7. fot using the thermal shipping container as temporary storage, insert all components back into the thermal shipping container tor return, Dry ice must be discarded in a well ventilated area before coneldering returning the thermal shipping éantainer. 5.2. Relcing Responsible Action Step Role Operator 4. Refore opening the thermal shipping container, make sure the arco in which you are working hos proper ventilation. Use of ry ee in confined spaces, suet as stall tours, walk-in coolers, and/or poorly ventilated areas, can result in depletion of oxygen, resulting in asphyxiation, 2 Ina well-ventilated area, open the Outer Corrugated Shipper by cutting the tape on the outside, Plier Inter Use. Baga? 112 oT SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 SENSITIVE 2ozoTAazi v2.0 Unpackaging and Re-Icing instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT Parcel shipper Responsible Action Step Role 3. Open the lid. Nate: One side af the thermal shipping container is permanently affied soit is recommended to use the three finger hole die-cut on the foam. ‘Once the ld is opened the dry ice pod will be seen a illustrated below. 4. While wearing insulated (thermal) gloves, take out the Dry lee Pod. Pier Internal Use-Page Ro 12 98 SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 SENSITIVE 2ozoTAazi v2.0 Unpackaging and Re-Icing instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT Parcel ipper Responsible Action Step Role 5. Fill the sides of the payload sleeve with dry ice until i's equal, ‘with the corrugated structure. Pier Internal se Page 9 of 12 SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 SENSITIVE 2ozoTAazi v2.0 Unpackaging and Re-Icing instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT Parcel ipper Responsible Action Step Role 6. Reinsert the Dry Ice Pod and fill with dry ice leaving room between dry ice level and sides af shipper 7. Close the Dry Ice Pod. '& Close the Lid, the Outer Corrugated Shipper and reseal tape. Pie Internal Use Page 3012 100 SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 SENSITIVE 2ozoTAazi v2.0 Unpackaging and Re-Icing instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT Parcel shipper “Responsible Action Step Role 6, History of changes Version History of Changes on nial version we ‘Updatea formatting and pictures for clarity. Pa interal Use Page 1 ol 12 lol SSANTE/2020/C3/083 -12.838335 SENSITIVE 2ozoTAazi v2.0 Unpackaging and Re-Icing instructions ofthe Softbox Medium ULT Parcel shipper 7. Appendix 7.1 Appendix 1: Softbox Medium ULT Parcel Shipper Note: Approximate weights are based on maximum configuration o dry ice, item | DESCRIPTION & Pee |) 103) | ats Eo 4 kK) DRY ICE POD g : 3) PAYLOAD SLEEVE clas Vt val ys) MEDIUM ULT THERMAL SHIPPER 7 Emo Shoper Wight #580 J ‘vatate Fayoan space S65 K¥ES HWA Enteral Denension Ise TxD ‘int tye Dae Tae wesw oye Sm TotlWeghtw/t Valter a26h56 Yeoronate tome] [Toalwamntw svelte 26710 Poe interal Use Page 12.01 12 102 SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE Product Labelling Specifications Product labels for primary, secondary and tertiary packaging will be shared closer to regulatory filings. It is currently envisaged that the following will be part of the initial product artwork: Primary Packaging (Vial): ‘* Linear barcode: Scans as the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) that includes the human- readable National Drug Code (NDC) number. Secondary Packaging (Carton Tray ‘+ Linear barcode: Scans as the GTIN number that includes the human-readable NDC number. QR code: When scanned, this code links to a landing page where a copy of the Fact Sheets for the Healthcare Provider, patient/recipient, and Emergency Use Authorization Product Insert (i.e. e-leaflet) will be available. ‘+ 2D GSI DataMatrix: Scan of the 2D code will include the GTIN number, lot and expiry information. Product Packaging Specifications Primary Packaging ‘*2 mL type I glass preservative free multi-dose vial (MDV) ‘* MDV has 0.45 mL frozen liquid drug product #5 doses per vial Secondary Packaging “Single Tray” ‘Single tray holds 195 vials +975 doses per tray + Tray (white box) dimensions: 229 X 229 x 40 mm srtiary Container: Thermal Shipper (Softbox) ‘* Minimum 1 tray (975 doses) or up to $ trays (max 4875) stacked in a payload area of the shipper ‘* Payload carton submerged in 23 Kg of dry ice pellets (9 mm — 16 mm pellets) ‘© Thermal shipper dimensions ‘0. Internal Dimensions: 245mm X 245mm X 241mm © Extemal Dimensions: 400mm X 400mm X 560mm SSANTE/2020/C3/043 -SI2.838335 SENSITIVE A. Return “Logistics Delivery Equipment” refers to the long-distance thermal shipping container (Thermal Shipper”) used for shipping and the temperature data logger/monitoring device attached to such Thermal Shipper. Once dry ice is no longer needed, open the Logis temperature in a well-ventilated area. The dry is NOT leave dry ice unattended. ies Delivery Equipment and leave it at room will readily sublime from a solid to a gas. DO Store the empty Logistics Delivery Equipment until retum in an appropriate clean and secure location to protect and maintain the functionality of the equipment (e.g., do not store outside under uncontrolled conditions, exposed to weather, exposed to pests, ete.) Return of the Logistics Delivery Equipment to be undertaken within 20 business days following delivery of the Product to the Participating Member State’s recipient, which will be effected by collection by the Contractor within that time, Instructions and logistics for retum will be provided on the interior of the Thermal Shipper and will also be available on Pfizer’s website. In the event that either: (a) the Logistics Delivery Equipment (or any part thereof), is not made available for collection within such 20 business days; or (b) the Logisties Delivery Equipment (or any part thereof), is damaged in any way (determined in the Contractor's sole discretion), the Contractor shall be entitled to charge the Participating Member State $450 (exclusive of VAT) per Thermal Shipper and logger; which the Participating Member State shall pay within 30 days of the date of any invoice for such amount(s). Participating Member State acknowledges that such amount represents a reasonable pre-estimate of replacement cost for such Logistics Delivery Equipment as a result of the Participating Member State's default, act or omission. B. Disposal ‘rimary Container Units” refers to the vials that contain the Product. Destruction of the Primary Container Units that have been opened or are unused must take place at a facility appropriately licensed to handle and destroy pharmaceutical waste, medical waste, and/or hazardous waste, and destruction must be by means of grinding or incineration. “Secondary Cartons” refers to the immediate boxes that contain the vials of Product. Secondary Cartons must be defaced and destroyed in accordance with local clinical dosing facility waste management services, and Secondary Cartons may not be disposed of in routine houschold waste collection or recycling centres. 104

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