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Module 12:
SCHOOL YEAR: 2021-2022
15. Understanding Bullying in the light of the Scriptures and Church Teachings
15.1. Bullying and Violence in Schools
15.2. Christus Vivit (Call to the Youth)
15.3. Sacrament of Confession

In this module, we celebrate the forgiveness and

mercy of God as the sinner humbly acknowledges and
confesses his or her sins. This sacrament, repairs or reestablishes a person’s unity with
and membership in the Church. In this sacrament, we will encounter a God who does not delight
in giving punishment to his people but a God of mercy, justice, and above all, a God of

Let this lesson show you how to say “No to violence!” in your school.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-32)

The Parable of the Prodigal son can help us understand the stages in our journey back to God.
The journey for the young man in the parable began with the selfishness of sin.
Sin took him from the home of his father, as our sin takes us from God and the
Christian community.

 The conversion process begins with “coming to one’s senses,” with a realization that not all is
right with our values and style in life. This recognition of one’s sinfulness is possible because the
Father has long been waiting for our return.

 Conversion is our response to our father, who has long been calling us back. It is a change of
heart expressed in one’s conduct. This message is at the very heart of Jesus’ preaching.

Additional information about the Sacrament of Reconciliation please refer to your

book pages 204-207

 Any social group that you plan to join should promote love and respect for the dignity and life
of its members. It is important that you choose wisely the social groups that you will join.

 You can help prevent violence in school, not only by being selective of the groups that you
will join but also by managing conflicts peacefully, treating others with respect, reporting
violence you know to adults or persons in authority, and speaking out against violence.

Ways to Prevent Violence in School

1. Choose wisely the organizations and groups that you will join.
2. Learn how to manage conflict well.
3. Treat everyone with respect and love.
4. Let an adult know if you are being bullied or being a victim of violence.
5. Join organizations and activities that are aimed at preventing violence in school.

Christus Vivit (Call to the Youth)


The Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Christus Vivit" of Pope Francis, with the results of the
Synod of Bishops last October (2008) on the topic "Young People, the Faith, and Vocational

“Jesus, himself eternally young, wants to give us hearts that are ever young” (13). 
 Jesus is the model for all young people. He spent His youthful years sharing fully in the life
of His family and His people. He began His ministry in the prime of life and was a young
man when he gave up his life for us.
 The youth are the ‘now’ of the Church. They enrich the Church in invaluable ways and we
must support them: financially (fund their initiatives), pastorally (allow the youth to voice
their visions and criticisms of the Church, get them involved in decision making – let them
be “agents of youth ministry” through new mediums, give them the freedom to evangelize
other young people wherever they are to be found), emotionally (weep for all those young
people who are less fortunate than ourselves – “some realities in life are only seen with eyes
cleansed by tears” – ask the Lord for this grace), and spiritually (listen to their real
questions, journey with them, teach them how to pray, etc)
“Christ is alive (‘Christus Vivit’) and he wants you to be alive!” (1).
 Jesus Christ is alive! He is present in your life at every moment. He comes to you today and
every day to give you life, and “life in abundance” (Jn 10:10).
“The first thing we need to discern and discover is this: Jesus wants to be a friend to
every young person. This discernment is the basis of all else” (250).
 Discernment is a calling from a friend – Jesus. This friend has a special gift
perfectly fit for you, “a gift that will bring you more joy and excitement than
anything else in this world” (288).
God’s response of mercy and compassion to our need for forgiveness and
healing opens us to a renewed life. This is affected in a concrete way
through the Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Penance

“those who approach the Sacrament of Penance obtain pardon from God’s mercy for offenses
committed against him, and are, at the same time, reconciled with the Church, which, they have
wounded by their sins and which, by charity and example and prayer, labors for their conversion
(See also CCC, 1422, CFC, 1771)
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium ), 11

 The description above summarizes the key points of the meaning and purpose of the
Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Penance theses are further explained in the following
 God is His Mercy Forgives/ Reconciles Us to Him
 The Richness of the Father’s Mercy Expressed in Jesus
 In His Preaching
 In His Suffering, Death, and Resurrection
 Expressed and effected in the Rite of penance

Life of Saint:

Read the Story of St

Alphonsus de Liguori pp 210-211
To understand more the story access the link


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