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of the BBC television series



22 SPYFALL Parts One & Two

40 12

The Snowmen


IN !

Photo courtesy of Stephen Cranford.

Mistress of Chaos Part 4

Email: [email protected] Doctor Who Magazine™ Issue 546 Published December

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Newstrade distribution: Marketforce (UK) Ltd 020 3787 9001. ISSN 0957-9818


DWM 546

I HG Wells’ The
War of the
Worlds at an
age. I’d never seen a film or
television adaptation before
I read the book and heard
Jeff Wayne’s record. In short,
there was nothing to supplant
the images that took root
in my imagination.
Years later, the
Hollywood versions of
The War of the Worlds
were huge disappointments
that left me baffled – why
had no one taken the
trouble to honour the
original Edwardian setting
of Wells’ book, let alone
the plot?
A couple of years ago it
was announced that the BBC was planning
a new production. My excitement was soon
tempered by the anxiety that nothing could
live up to the pictures I’d had in my mind
since childhood.
The BBC’s mini-series was broadcast
from November to December and, while
significant parts of it bore little resemblance
to the story I remember, I must admit
I was deeply impressed. Amongst many
other things, Wells’ 1898 novel was a grim
prophecy of the mechanised conflicts
that would engulf the 20th century. Peter and it’s not derived from a single, definitive While Peter Harness added his own
Harness’ screenplay and Craig Viveiros’ text – although it clearly owes a huge debt elements to The War of the Worlds, I now
direction depict the horror and despair to Wells, amongst other authors. So if a new realise that his sympathetic interpretation
of total war more vividly than any of the episode turns out to be rather different from of Wells’ novel brought an intriguing – and
previous films. our expectations, then who – or what – is it sympathetic – new dimension to the story
As much as I admired the achievement, supposedly betraying? that first gripped me all those years ago.
comparisons with the original book were The reasonable response to this question The War of the Worlds, like Dracula (also
never far from my thoughts. Which scenes is that Doctor Who can be pretty much in line for a BBC revamp), Doctor Who
and characters were invented? Would anything it wants to be. Whatever direction and so many of my favourite things,
Wells have approved? Was a strictly faithful the new episodes take will come to define remains compelling because it’s open
interpretation of the novel even considered? what Doctor Who is in 2020. Spyfall, the to different interpretations.
In a similar way, it strikes me that some title of the opening two-parter, is enough This is why I’m going to approach Fox’s
of us approach a new series of Doctor to tell us that there’s going to be a distinct even newer version of The War of the
Who with our own preconceptions. Which James Bond vibe about this story. And why Worlds with an open mind. And this is
is a curious thing, given that the series not? The series’ writers and directors have why I’m counting the days until Doctor
had no single creator (in fact, its earliest been jumping in and out of other genres Who returns…
foundations were laid by a BBC focus group) since the show began.

Mike Jones Patrick Mulkern Samantha Lee Howe
When he’s not designing DWM, Mike is busy working Patrick reviews Eric Saward’s novelisation of Revelation Former teacher Samantha writes horror and fantasy
on other classic TV projects. He’s designed books based of the Daleks on page 69. It’s a little-known fact that in under the pen name Sam Stone. Her debut thriller,
on Only Fools and 1975 Patrick played The Stranger in
Horses, Thunderbirds Davros – for his pals Our Bed, will be
and Captain Scarlet. in a derelict laundry published by the
After years of in Chesham. His HarperCollins
lugging a scanner grandad, passing by, imprint One More
around the country called him “a ruddy Chapter in February
in pursuit of rare lunatic”. Ten years (digital) and April
archive images, later Patrick first (paperback). On
he claims that one contributed to page 68 Samantha
of his arms is now DWM and also reviews the Doctor
slightly longer than began writing for Who short story
the other. Radio Times. collection Star Tales.


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Thanks to Series 11,
showrunner Chris Chibnall
has received a special
honour. And so have quite
a few other people…

photo with a chin raised like a Roman

centurion. We’re still laughing about that.
We gather outside the auditorium –
in a long line with others in their
gowns, like Gallifreyan academics –
at Sheffield City Hall in our finery. The
man carrying the mace says, “Can I just
say how much I loved Series 11.” We
process through the packed auditorium.
Four hundred students are receiving
their degrees today: we’re the sideshow
and the guests of honour. A string
quartet plays everyone in: Elbow’s
One Day Like This. Good Sheffield music
Dr Ruth Delle r, a reade r in medi a
and communications, gives a beautiful
citation, for the show and for Series 11
in particular. It makes us proud – of the
work we’ve done, and of being part of
this show’s heritage. We are awarded
the doctorate. It includes an engraved
medal. I give a brief thank you, on
n a cold Sheffield train We’re welcomed to the university behalf of 693 people and the importance

O station platform, we’re and we meet staff and students. Placing and joys of the team.
about to become doctors. Doctor Who in the heart of Sheffield has At the end we proceed out through
Mandip Gill (aka Yasm in clearly meant a lot to everyone here. Sheffield City Hall, wearing cap and
Khan), casting director We meet screenwriting students Tom gown and medal, as the string quartet
and Ashley, both Doctor Who fans, both plays the Doctor Who theme. And
Andy Pryor, executive producer Matt
stars of their course, who will be vying everyone in the audience is beaming and
Strevens, executive assistant Caroline
ve to do this job one day. There are always laughing at the sheer surreal lunacy of it,
Cook and myself are here to recei
unexpected Doctor Who connections but most of all we are. To be honoured
an honorary doctorate from Sheffield
everywhere you go. The Vice-Chancellor like this, for doing something you love,
Hallam University. It’s an unusual
of Sheffield Hallam University, Professor on a programme you love, is special.
doctorate, made out to me and the cast
Sir Chris Husbands, tells us he was Also: bonkers. Only on Doctor Who.
and crew of Series 11 of Doctor Who.
studying at Cambridge when Shada was Then it’s a Q&A at the students’
When it was first proposed, I loved that s
e being filmed there – he and some friend union with students studying on various
it included everyone: all 693 peopl set and got their photo s
snuck onto the
(yes, Sandra Cosfeld, our brilliant courses. Smart, detailed, precise and
taken with Tom Baker. forensic questions and a few Tom Baker
production co-ordinator, went and
were involved in maki ng We’re taken to be gowned. Oh my word scarves. Someone asks: “Are there
counted) who
we look ridiculous. I can’t believe we let Daleks in the next series?” No. Sorry!
the series – every supporting artist
those photos out. Mandip’s asked by the You can have Cybermen though.
and driver and caterer and medic
photographer to raise her chin slightly to When we get to the hotel, we’ve just
and runner and member of the
catch the light, but Matt thinks the note been sent the finished season trailer for
post-production team and writer and
all is for him so you can see him in the final final sign-off. (You’ll
director and guest and leading actor
now have an honorary have seen it all over
doctorate. It’s an the place by now).
unprecedented honorary I show Mandip and
doctorate. We like Andy, and Caroline,
unprecedented. It’s what on my phone, in a
Doctor Who does. It’s deserted corner of the
what Doctor Who seems lobby. The perfect end
to inspire others to do. to an extraordinary
So there we are, day. Monsters and
waving at each other guest stars and the
as we gather on the Thirteenth Doctor
platform at Sheffield. and Ryan and Graham
I’ve brought my mum, and Yaz. Back. For
to cheer us on. She a whole new series.
was 80 the day before. Oh we’ve got some
This is extending her treats for you.
birthday celebrations and Here we go again!
s, Chris Chibnall
and so she gets to hang r, Matt Streven DWM
Top: Andy Pryo y do cto rate fro m
eive an honorar lf of the cast an
out with Yasmin Khan. Mandip Gill rec
iversity on beha
m Un
Sheffield Halla eld Hallam Unive
11. Photo © Sheffi
crew of Series d cre w
cast an
me of the 693
Above: Just so Series 11.
ers res po ns ible for making
Gallifrey The latest official news
from every corner of the
Guardian Doctor Who universe...

“Something’s coming…”
Series 12 of Doctor Who will begin on New Year’s Day.

he first Series 12 trailer in the 2017 series finale World O Series 12 will see the return the Judoon and the Cybermen, plus new creatures,

T – which was released on

Saturday 23 November,
56 years to the day since
Enough and Time/The Doctor
Falls. The Doctor was mortally
wounded at the hands of the
including one played by Anjli Mohindra.
Ø Goran Višnjić in ER and Robert Glenister in Cold Feet.

Doctor Who was first broadcast Cybermen, ultimately leading “I first appeared in Doctor and it turned into this awesome
– has revealed some tantalising to his regeneration into Jodie Who in The Caves of Androzani dream job!”
glimpses of both new and Whittaker’s Doctor (as seen at at the tender age of 24 in “One of the great joys of
returning foes. the end of the 2017 Christmas 1984,” he says. “Thirty-five Doctor Who is the legendary
As well as an appearance Special Twice Upon a Time). years later I got to be in it again actors who want to come and
by the Judoon, the intergalactic The trailer features some at the not so tender age of join in the Doctor’s adventures,”
mercenary force who made of Series 12’s upcoming guest nearly 60. How time flies!” says executive producer Matt
their first appearance in 2007’s stars too, including Stephen Goran Višnjić is making his Strevens. “We were thrilled to
Smith and Jones, the trailer also Fry, who plays ‘C’, and Sir Doctor Who debut, although welcome Goran and Robert,
confirms that the Cybermen Lenny Henry CBE, who plays he does have plenty of whose work we’ve loved
will return during the 2020 Daniel Barton in the season’s experience around and admired for years.
series. The Cybermen were opening two-parter Spyfall. doctors after playing They create two iconic
last seen in battle with the Anjli Mohindra (Rani Chandra in Luka Kovač in the characters who are
Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) the Doctor Who spin-off series television series ER going to delight
The Sarah Jane Adventures, for nine years from and entertain.”
2007-11) can also be seen in 1999 to 2008. Series 12 of Doctor
the trailer, made up to appear Speaking ahead Who – starring Jodie
as a scorpion-like creature. of his appearance in Whittaker as the
Meanwhile, Goran Višnjić Series 12, Goran says: Doctor alongside Tosin
and Robert Glenister have been “I’ve always been a Cole (Ryan), Mandip
announced as additions to the huge fan of Doctor Gill (Yaz) and Bradley
line-up of guest stars for 2020. Who, so when the Walsh (Graham) –
Glenister – whose previous offer to play one of will begin on New
credits include Hustle (2004), my favourite people Year’s Day. Turn to
Cold Feet (2017) and Law & in history came, it page 22 to read an
O Daniel Barton (Lenny Henry) in Spyfall, Order: UK (2009-14) – is not made me so happy exclusive preview of
the two-part story that opens Series 12. new to the series. to be part of the show the first two episodes.


Three’s Company
was always kind of there in our Who family and he’d mention
era. It was never a send-up but everyone by name. When
there was this wonderful bond Katy Manning and John Levene
between all the characters. are chatting together, they
stars Jon Culshaw as Brigadier And that comes across because bring back the sense of when
Lethbridge-Stewart, John we had a relationship on and they were working together
Levene as UNIT’s Sergeant off screen. It does tell, and it’s in the 1970s, and Tim Treloar
Benton and Nicholas Briggs showing beautifully in this. I’m and I can just step into that.
as the voice of the Daleks. so proud of them all.” It’s terrific.”
Nick has also directed the “I love being with the Third Third Doctor Adventures:
stories in the box set. “For Doctor team,” adds Jon Volume Six is due for release
me, directing the Third Doctor Culshaw. “You get the sense of in May 2020, priced £24.99
Adventures is such fun,” he tells the family. Jon Pertwee would as a collectors’ edition CD and
DWM. “I remember that era always talk about his Doctor £19.99 to download.
very clearly from my childhood.
I attended Jon Pertwee’s
he Third Doctor and opening of a toy shop in 1972

T Brigadier Lethbridge-
Stewart are set to return in
the sixth volume of Big Finish’s
and I met him and all that era’s
team many more times, so
it feels like an essential part
Third Doctor Adventures. of me. Bringing it back to life
Tim Treloar continues to voice as authentically as possible
the Third Doctor alongside Katy on audio is sheer joy. It’s a
Manning as Jo Grant and Jon nostalgia overload of the very
Culshaw as the Brigadier in this best kind!
box set comprising two new “I find it particularly
adventures. moving that Katy Manning
Operation Hellfire, by has enthusiastically embraced
Jonathan Barnes, features Tim Treloar in the part of the
Winston Churchill; he’s voiced Third Doctor. Without her
by Ian McNeice, who played the blessing and encouragement,
character on TV in Doctor Who we couldn’t have embarked
from 2010-11. Meanwhile upon this.”
Terry Molloy, who played “I’m really enjoying it,” says
Davros in 1980s Doctor Who, Katy. “It’s got the humour that
voices Sir Davenport Finch. o The cast of the sixth volume of The Third
The Poison of the Daleks Doctor Adventures is led by Jon Culshaw,
is written by Guy Adams and John Levene, Katy Manning and Tim Treloar.

Web Premiere
narrated full-cast TV Hilio and Roslyn de Winter
Christmas Box
A soundtrack of the First
Doctor adventure The
Web Planet is to be released
as Vrestin.
Accompanying the vinyl
records are full episode billings,
for the first time. cast and credits, and eight
The six-part serial, which was illustrated panels that form an
first broadcast on TV in 1965, artwork montage.
was written by Bill Strutton The Web Planet is released
and stars William Hartnell as by Demon Records and
the Doctor. Presented across available from 13 December,
three heavyweight 180g pieces priced £55.99 or £49.99 for
of pink vinyl, the soundtrack an Amazon-exclusive edition,
features linking narration which is limited to 500 copies
from Maureen O’Brien (who and pressed on 180g ‘Animus
played Vicki) and the cast Splatter’ vinyl.
includes William Russell as Ian,
Jacqueline Hill as Barbara,
Martin Jarvis as
very existing complete Fools and Horses (1981-2003)

E Doctor Who story from

1963 to 1989 will be
available to watch on BritBox
and Gavin & Stacey (2008-10).
The Doctor Who collection
will include the recent animated
in the UK from Boxing Day. recreations of some missing
BritBox is a streaming episodes, as well as the HD
service that boasts “the version of the 1970 story
biggest collection of British box Spearhead from Space, in which
sets available in one place”. Jon Pertwee made his debut
ø The Web Planet As well as Doctor Who, BritBox as the Third Doctor.
vinyl box set from
offers such favourites as A subscription to BritBox costs
Demon Records.
Downton Abbey (2010-15), £5.99 per month. Visit
o The BritBox Doctor
Broadchurch (2013-17), Only for more information.
Who menu screen.


Your views on the world of Doctor Who...
Email: [email protected] or tweet us at: @DWMtweets
Send your letters to:
Galaxy Forum, Doctor Who Magazine, Brockbourne House,
77 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 8BS.

Last issue, Doctor Who

O Cheryl’s artwork of the Sixth and
Magazine hosted the World Cup Seventh Doctors enjoying Christmas.
of the Daleks, a readers’ Twitter
survey which saw 1975’s Genesis Cup but I didn’t know
of the Daleks voted as the why... I’ve always found
greatest Dalek story of all time… The Power of the Daleks
[1966] and The Evil of the
VICTORY OF Daleks [1967] to be vastly
THE DALEKS superior stories.
I thought the victory of s PAUL TAPNER POOLE
Genesis of the Daleks I assume your piece about
was very well deserved. The Five Best Dalek Audio
However, I would have Adventures in issue 545
really loved to have seen was compiled before
Remembrance of the Emissary of the Daleks
Daleks [1988] in first O A Lego Doctor Who Christmas by Ben Jackson. Ø Genesis of the Daleks (1975). [written by Andrew Smith,
place. The story contains so and starring Colin Baker as the
many amazing Dalek moments Character Options figures, I remember being amazed when Doctor and Nicola Bryant as
and it’s from a generally even though the eye-stalks and I first saw mine: my parents Peri] came out? Because that
underrated era of Doctor Who. other accessories on the ones had hidden it behind a curtain! really deserves to be in there.
Plus, Ace smashes a Dalek with I had always fell off. (I have Horrific, but an amazing
a baseball bat! What more could bags full of eyeless Daleks at surprise! The feature was written after
you want? home.) Having these toys was Emissary of the Daleks was
I would also have loved to see a massive part of my childhood, s JAMES HADWEN- released in August... but
Resolution [the 2019 New Year’s so I was pleased to add the BENNETT EMAIL this excellent story missed
Day Special] get a much higher variants which featured in Big I started watching out appearing in the top
placing in the competition, as I Finish audio adventures to my Doctor Who in five due to some extremely
think it’s a superb episode which Dalek collection this year. 1980. Some day strong competition. Now,
added a new dimension to the Second only to these soon I really hope to although there’s no Doctor
fear that the Daleks inspire. Character Options models were understand the appeal Who Christmas Special this
As for my favourite Dalek the large remote-controlled of Genesis of the Daleks. December, you’ve been telling us about
toys, they have to be the Russell T Davies-era Daleks. I knew it would win the World your favourites from years gone by...

STAR LETTER Doctor Who team is prepared

to use the greatest blue box in
the universe in a much more
s COLIN MOORE EMAIL effective manner this time.
It’s finally here – the Doctor Besides that, the series visuals
Who Series 12 trailer arrived in general look like they’ll be
on 23 November! There amazing again.
was no better way to I’m also excited to
celebrate the 56th find out what the
anniversary of returning Judoon and
the debut of Cybermen (who look
the show’s first scary as hell here)
episode. This was are up to now. Are
like Christmas in they who the Doctor
ø Stephen Fry as ‘C’ in Spyfall. O Where will the TARDIS land in Series 12?
November! feels is after her,
The clip is only one or is that a separate to be a serious role, so the Colin’s letter wins him a copy of the
minute long, but it’s issue? Does any of this stakes seem to be high in the seasonal audio adventure Blood on
so promising. My favourite have anything to do with the premiere, which is exciting. Will Santa’s Claw and Other Stories, which
thing is that the redesigned “Timeless Child” mentioned in every member of the Doctor’s features the Sixth Doctor and Peri. It’s
TARDIS interior looks much The Ghost Monument? I’m still fam survive these adventures? available now
larger than it did in Series waiting to find out what that Is that why Yaz is crying? from
11. The last version left was all about. I’m happy to watch this video priced £14.99 on
me feeling claustrophobic; Stephen Fry makes an another thousand times for the CD or £12.99
however, it appears that the appearance in what appears rest of 2019. to download.


This issue’s selection of
Who-related videos…

O A polymer clay model of the s Watch the latest trailer for Series
O All of Me by Jack Newman. Doctor by Christopher Mockridge.
12 of Doctor Who, which features
FESTIVE FAVES music cue when Astrid falls. And s PHILLIP GILFUS EMAIL some thrilling scenes and a few
STEVE HURR EMAIL I never fail to cry to that epic I enjoy many Doctors, but there familiar faces. Go to:
Voyage of the Damned tune when the Titanic crashes is only one Christmas Special
[2007] was Christmas Special though the atmosphere. A true that I watch every year – A
perfection for me. I love high point of Doctor Who. Christmas Carol [2010] starring
a good disaster movie and this Matt Smith. I love the spin on
delivered in spades. The motley s ARRON LOWE EMAIL the classic Dickens tale, with the
crew of survivors trying to My favourite Christmas Special Doctor using time travel as only
escape the doomed ship while is Voyage of the Damned. he can. The singing of Katherine
battling the ‘Robots of Death’- It had Kylie in it! Adventure. Jenkins and the accompanying
style Hosts – what more could Peril. KYLIE! Humour. music are out of this world and s BabelColour, aka the talented
you ask for after eating your Heartbreak. KYLIE!! her character’s ultimately happy, Stuart Humphryes, presents a trailer
own body weight in turkey and Incredible cast playing an but tragic, ending goes where for the fan film The Ten Doctors
mince pies? Oh I know – just amazing array of characters, few episodes of Doctor Who Re-Imagined. Go to:
one of the biggest superstars a great villain and constant have gone before. You laugh,
on the planet! Kylie was the twists and turns. Incredible! you cry, you get the childlike
icing on the Christmas cake. wonder of the season – and let’s
Voyage of the Damned should not forget Sir Michael Gambon’s
be shown on BBC One every performance as Kazran!
Christmas along with The
Wizard of Oz and Love Actually. s TOBY HALL EMAIL
My favourite Christmas Special
s AIDAN PHILLIPS EMAIL is Last Christmas [2014, s A young Doctor Who fan gets an
I love the spectacle of Voyage starring Peter Capaldi as the out-of-this-world surprise as part of
of the Damned. I think that Doctor], because it combines the BBC’s annual Children in Need
it’s such a great concept – I the base-under-siege scenario telethon. Watch on BBC iPlayer
mean, Titanic in space, sheer with dreams in a brilliant at 27’ 45”. Go to:
genius. Also it gave us David Inception-esque plot which
Tennant and Kylie Minogue, now is also reminiscent of the 50s
that’s a Doctor and companion sci-fi film The Thing from
duo which is just perfect for Another World and its gorier
O The Doctor (David Tennant), Astrid
Christmas. But above all else 80s remake. It also has one of
(Kylie Minogue), Foon (Debbie Chazen)
I love the beautiful score by and Morvin (Clive Rowe) in Voyage of the best lines from Doctor Who:
Murray Gold, especially the the Damned (2007). “There’s a horror movie called 1

The Daft Dimension BY LEW STRINGER s A 20-minute video about 1964’s

The Dalek Invasion of Earth. Find out
how Terry Nation’s design ideas were
ignored in the creation of his new
monster... Go to:

s The theme music for the

Doctor Who VR game The Edge
of Time, arranged by Richard
Wilkinson and orchestrated by
Tristan Noon. Go to:


What’s your favourite
Christmas Doctor Who story?

@burgerhewrote The Christmas

Invasion [2005] because we got a
new Doctor for Christmas, but mainly
because we got so much Jackie Tyler!


Bride [2006] tied with The Christmas
Invasion. They were pacey, fun,
emotional character-driven

@fishnchips4all The End of Time

[2009-10] is such an amazing story
and due to its Christmas elements,
it feels like it can only be watched at
this time of year!
O Will Simpson’s Doctor Who-themed sleeve tattoo. O The Thirteenth Doctor and her friends, by Whovian Life.
@jasonwells1732 A Christmas Carol
[2010]. Katherine Jenkins. Need I and was now watching my first Hartnell TARDIS set and at our local Odeon in Swansea
say more. Christmas episode. What more police-box exterior for the on Wednesday 4 December.
could I have asked for... Rose, 2017 Christmas episode Twice The project is in aid of Bobath
@_hoddiecrow The Doctor, the a Christmas tree twirling at Upon a Time. Wales, and we have been lucky
Widow and the Wardrobe [2011] a screaming Jackie, Santa There’s now a free, unofficial enough to have the project
because of Madge who can stop the robots and, of course, new ebook about the TARDIS console narrated by Seventh Doctor
Doctor with a look and fly a forest Doctor David Tennant and his as it appeared in Sylvester McCoy.
through the Time Vortex. And the hilarious impression of the the Pertwee era The completed
coda where neither Amy nor Eleven is Sycorax leader. (1970-74), which film includes
going to hug first. I have written. a number of
s MIKE FERGUSON EMAIL It covers both Doctor Who
@RandomsComments The Big The Snowmen [2012] is my the history of villains and even
Finish audio adventure The Chimes of favourite. I wish the Eleventh the console and a young Dylan
Midnight [2002] is pretty great. And Doctor had gone travelling with provides screen- Thomas, and
has Paul McGann! Christmas wouldn’t Victorian Clara for a full season. accurate plans for was recorded
be Christmas without She’s so good. And so many the prop as well. at a number
Mrs Baddeley’s things to enjoy: the Paternoster The ebook can of locations
plum pudding! Gang, Strax with the Memory be found online around Wales
Worm, the line “Silence, boy!” at: where Doctor
O Ysgol Pen-y-Bryn Special
– not to mention the return TARDISebook School’s unofficial Doctor Who film. Who filmed
of the Great Intelligence. previously. A trailer
It’s wonderful. And finally… some more new Doctor Who! can be seen on our school
YouTube channel:
I love the ‘forgotten’ Thirteenth s JAMES WILLIAMS EMAIL
O Reader Richard Unwin sent us
a picture of the Yeti and Cybermat Doctor Christmas Special. The Throughout the past year That’s very impressive, James –
that his friend Tessa Hatts made for online short ’Twas the Night our pupils at Ysgol Pen-y- congratulations to all concerned! Thank
him, based on instructions from the Before Christmas [released Bryn Special School have you for all your letters, artwork and
1986 Doctor Who Pattern Book. on YouTube on 20 December been working on their own images this issue. Please keep writing
2018] is a brilliant story with unofficial Doctor Who film in to the usual address:
1 Alien? That’s really offensive; great performances from Jodie project, which was launched [email protected] DWM
no wonder everybody keeps Whittaker and Bradley Walsh,
invading you!” albeit in animated form.
I encourage everyone to check
The Christmas Invasion [2005, However, everything is
starring David Tennant as the drawing me towards Twice
Doctor] has become annual Upon a Time as my favourite
festive viewing for me. It’s Christmas Special due to the
a huge, terrific episode and heart-breaking and fantastic
a fantastic introduction to performances from all involved.
the Tenth Doctor. It takes me
right back to being a kid and SECRETS OF
watching it for the first time. THE TARDIS
s JOHN STAPLES NOTTINGHAM Readers might remember that
Favourite Special? It’s got to be I featured in the 2018 DWM
The Christmas Invasion for me. Special Edition In the Studio,
I was 12 years old, just finished with regard to the help I gave
my first-ever series of Doctor the Doctor Who production
Who, my first regeneration, team with the recreated O The cover art to Tony Farrell’s TARDIS book.


1 3

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i s i o n

c u t i v e D e c
E xe Show
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r Chris
lifts the
eries 11
r w ard to
s i n s to re when
what ’ s…
D o c t o r return
the RN
w by MA


t’s a rainy afternoon in Cardiff and at the BBC’s Opposite page:
Roath Lock Studios Chris Chibnall is multi-tasking. Chris Chibnall, pictured
in the TARDIS control
He sweeps into the room, clutching a box of
room set on 24
half-eaten rice salad. “I haven’t quite finished my September 2019.
lunch,” he apologises, flipping open the lid and
Below: Series 12 of
producing a fork. Doctor Who was in
Chris has interrupted an edit on one of the Series production for much
12 episodes – and his lunch – to spend an hour-and-a-half of 2019.
with Doctor Who Magazine. This is our first in-depth
catch-up with the showrunner since Series 11 finished,
and we’ll be taking the opportunity to find out what makes
him tick. As well as angling for clues about the episodes
coming in 2020.
Chris is only the third person to have taken the reins
of Doctor Who since the show was revived by Russell
T Davies 15 years ago. By the time he started work on
Doctor Who in 2016, Chris had written episodes for the
David Tennant and Matt Smith Doctors, been one of
the producers of the spin-off series Torchwood and had
enjoyed a major hit with ITV’s Broadchurch. However,
none of this could fully prepare him for what was ahead,
so he scheduled an informal handover meeting with
outgoing showrunner Steven Moffat.
“We had a massive dinner,” says
Chris. “I don’t mean a massive load
of food,” he says, smiling, “but
a dinner where he said, ‘This is what
you need to know, this is how you
need to recruit…’ He literally went
through everything, and when I got
home I wrote it out word for word.
I don’t keep a diary very often, but
I kept a diary that night.”
Can Chris share any of the advice
Steven gave him? “He told me, ‘The
bad bits of this job are less bad than
everyone tells you they are. The
good bits are slightly better.’ And
I really think that’s true. The actual
advice was much smaller than you
might think. When you come into the
show – and I’m sure this happened
when Steven began – the person
who’s in the job will know that the
person who’s about to take over
will have things they want to do,
editorially, artistically, however you
want to classify it. The useful advice
is about how to live your life day-to-day in the maddest

“I knew it would
job you will ever have. And by ‘maddest’, I’m talking
about the sheer number of hours it will demand from
each day, the sheer relentlessness of it. Steven’s advice
was about the stamina you need, how you survive and

change my life the people you need around you.”

Like Russell and Steven before him, Chris is
a self-confessed Doctor Who fan. He nevertheless took

utterly. It doesn’t some time considering whether to accept the BBC’s

offer to take over the series. “I expect Russell took
a while to think about it and I’m sure Steven did too,”

change you as he says. “I knew it would change my life utterly.

It doesn’t change you as a person, but it changes your
life on a minute-by-minute, year-by-year basis. It’s

a person, but it profound, but you also know it’s an absolute privilege.”

hris’ first series of Doctor Who was broadcast from

changes your life on October to December 2018. The casting of a female

Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) was the most totemic
innovation, but by no means the only way Chris

a minute-by-minute, rang the changes. As he explains, it was all part of his

overarching ambition. “Series 11 was about recruitment
to Doctor Who. That’s what a new Doctor has to do.

year-by-year basis.”
I think you can see this if you look through the history
of the show; some years are more ‘recruity’ than others,
and this was one of them. We were taking a big leap 1



Chris Chibnall

and even though you know what’s coming

up in production, there can suddenly be
Above: The Doctor’s 1 by casting the first female Doctor, and we had to make wildcards that you couldn’t have accounted for.
friends return for everyone want to come and have a look.” “Another example is The Ghost Monument. There were
Series 12 – Ryan (Tosin
Cole), Yaz (Mandip
Incredibly, Series 11 was the first season of episodes originally quite a few more characters in that – other
Gill) and Graham since 1978 to feature no returning villains or monsters. participants in the race – but as we got closer to the
(Bradley Walsh). Chris and his writers devised entirely new threats to location shoot we realised we didn’t have the budget to take
Below left: Vinette further freshen up the format. “I think the perception that many actors to South Africa. So we had to pare back.
Robinson as American of the show, out there in the world, was that it was slightly “Each episode has different demands,” he continues.
civil rights activist Rosa inaccessible to the casual viewer,” says Chris, before “If we think about Rosa, the demand was, how do we
Parks in Rosa (2018). raising his fork in a cautionary gesture. “I’m not saying tell this story in a Doctor Who way? Right at the start
Below right: Demons for one moment that I agree with that perception, but that I pitched it to a room of writers who looked at me like
of the Punjab (2018), was some of the attention it was getting. And that’s the I was insane. The show had never touched on this subject
written by Vinay Patel,
most dangerous thing that can happen to Doctor Who. We before and I think the pitfalls were really clear. We had
was set during the
Partition of India. were trying to bring in as many new viewers as possible, to tell the story of Rosa Parks and we had to involve our
while obviously trying to keep the existing viewers.” characters, but we had to be careful not to rob Rosa
Audiences love Daleks and Cybermen – wouldn’t they of her decision-making and agency.”
have been a good jumping-on point for new or former fans? Did these pitfalls contribute to the decision to tell
“A number of things were in play,” he explains. “The reason Rosa Parks’ story, as opposed to that of other civil rights
we didn’t bring the Cybermen back in Jodie’s first year was campaigners such as Claudette Colvin? “Yes,” says Chris.
that there had just been a massive Cyberman adventure “But there were so many figures you could tell the stories
at the end of Peter Capaldi’s era. Brilliantly, you had the of. In the iconography of the civil rights movement Rosa
Mondasian Cybermen in Peter’s final story. If we’d have Parks is slightly more well-known.
brought them back eight episodes later it wouldn’t have felt “What really interested me in the historicals was that
like a treat. And we did bring the Daleks back. They were they were stories that you know, or felt you should know,
always going to be coming back. We just
saved them for the Special, shortly after
the series ended.” “Each episode has different
demands. If we think about
hris shook things up behind the
scenes as well, recruiting an
entirely new team of writers
and hothousing ideas in
Rosa , the demand was,
a collaborative environment. Some
of the Series 11 scripts went through how do we tell this story
numerous permutations
before they reached the
screen. “There was a
in a Doctor Who way?”
version of Vinay Patel’s
story [Demons of the
Punjab] that was
much more epic,” he
remembers. “There
were so many ways
you could tell that
story, and we
arrived at the
final version after
a long journey.
Each episode had
a scripting process,
and then you reach the
point where the scripting
process meets production.
You can get the script to
exactly where you want it,


‘Whatever you do, don’t
change the logo, because it’s
a world of pain,’” says Chris,

n keeping with Series 11’s new laughing. “It’s difficult because
direction, the latest version you have to come up with
of the Doctor Who logo is the something different from all the
result of a radical redesign. logos that have gone before, and
“I remember [outgoing executive you have to bear in mind that
producer] Brian Minchin said, it will appear not just on the TV Far left: Brian Minchin,
show but on every product.” when he was executive
1 Did Chris give the design producer of Doctor Who,
agency a detailed brief? “Not on the set of the Twelfth
a strict brief, no, but there were Doctor’s TARDIS in 2017.
certain things I wanted the logo Left and below left:
to communicate, such as colour, was literally covered in logos. The new Doctor Who
logo was revealed
light and energy. After a while Hundreds of them.”
in 2018.
they said they had some ideas Chris and fellow executive
Below: The Pting
to show us, and I remember producer Matt Strevens picked
from The Tsuranga
thinking, ‘I hope I’m not going the logo they liked best, later Conundrum (2018).
to walk into the room and they’ll showing it to Charlotte Moore and Bottom: The casting of
offer me a thousand choices.’ BBC Head of Drama Development Jodie Whittaker as the
What happened was that I walked Piers Wenger. “Everyone had to first female Doctor was
into the room that we’re in now be happy with it,” says Chris, Chris’ biggest innovation.
and I saw that one of the walls “because a new logo is a big deal.”

but at the same time you might have felt that you didn’t I was saying I couldn’t come up with a title I liked.
know all the details.” ‘Rise of the Spiders’? Not quite right... Literally
This was the first time a showrunner, or indeed any within 30 seconds Vinay came up with Arachnids
producer of Doctor Who, had created scripts in this way. in the UK. I thought, ‘That’s it – amazing!’”
How did the Series 11 writers’ room work? “It’s more The story rooms ran for one or two weeks at a time.
accurate to describe it as a story room,” says Chris, “because “It was very regimented,” says Chris. “We worked from
what we don’t have here is a writers’ room of the sort they 9.00am to 6.00pm. People brought ideas and we talked
have in America. Over there they have writers’ rooms where generally about what this version of the show would
writers are paid to be full-time members of staff.” be. The tone of it, the purpose of it
Co-executive producer Sam Hoyle made the first and – perhaps most importantly
approaches to writers without revealing to them or their – how does Doctor Who
agents that they were being sounded out for Doctor Who. keep evolving and
“We were building a team,” says Chris. “We recruited keep surviving in
up-and-coming writers whose work we liked, whose voices the contemporary
were interesting, and who worked as a contrasting group. television landscape?”
“The other rule,” he adds with a smile, “was that they

had to be good people. [American writer and director] hris describes
Joss Whedon once said that you can be the best writer in Doctor Who
the world but you also need to be well-behaved. I need to as “one of the
be able to have you in my house!” most valuable
With the true nature of the project revealed, Chris drama commodities
began sharing stories he’d originally described to Charlotte in the world”, and as
Moore, the BBC’s Director of Content. “I brought a lot such you’d expect him
of the ideas, but not all of them. Joy [Wilkinson] pitched to be acutely aware of the
her episode, The Witchfinders, but most of the others special place it occupies in
were ideas that existed in at least a nascent form. I knew the rapidly evolving world
I wanted to do a story about a mail-order company in of entertainment.
space, I knew I wanted to do a story about Rosa Parks, “Television is moving so
I wanted to do Partition. So when Vinay came into our fast,” he says emphatically.
first story room and said, ‘I want to write an episode “Even in the year we’ve
about the Partition of India,’ I said, ‘Yes!’” been off the air, television
Don’t writers have a reputation for jealously guarding has transformed. There’s
their ideas? “I don’t think this generation of writers is like more drama than ever
that, and the writers own their ideas anyway. One of my before, and the quality
jobs in running the story room, or story conferences, was of it is incredibly
to bring the overview; I knew we were doing giant spiders high. Budgets are
one week, so we needed a cuter monster the week after. higher and the
I wanted to do that so we could get the kids back on board, ratings are going
because we’d scared the life out of them the week before! down. It’s
The Pting [from The Tsuranga Conundrum] was created not that less
by Tim Price, who was there with us. And Vinay came up people are
with the title Arachnids in the UK in a WhatsApp group! watching 1



Chris Chibnall
1 drama, it’s that more people are watching more shows. trailers echoed to the familiar cry of “Exterminate!” Why
Netflix now has a five per cent share of the UK viewing was it decided to add the sound of the Dalek at this late
market. They didn’t have that two years ago.” stage? “Because by then it had already leaked,” says Chris.
Chris says these changes have already made a deep When asked if this was frustrating, he shrugs. “It’s part
impact. “A unifying show is rare. What would you say of the job. You just respond to these things as and when
are the unifying dramas of the last two years? Line of they happen. We wanted to keep the Dalek relatively
Duty, Bodyguard, Killing Eve? I can’t think of any others. low-key until the series had finished, and there was only
There is no way that Peaky Blinders is being judged on a short gap between the series finishing [on 9 December]
its overnight ratings, because it’s been a massive hit on and the Special going out. That was the purpose of trying
BBC One. The ratings system is out of date, especially the to keep it a secret, because otherwise people would have
obsession with overnights. been wondering when the Daleks were coming.”
Chris says that the 2020 episodes, and the approach

“We’re now going to take you to their promotion, will be different from what we saw
in Series 11. “In 2018 we had standalone adventures and

into the deeper corners of we didn’t use any old monsters. That was phase one of a
strategic plan. We’re just about to go into phase two of that

the Doctor Who universe.”

plan. Within that you have a deliberate development and
progression. Having brought new and old viewers into the
world of the Thirteenth Doctor, we’re now going to take
“In 2019 alone there were more than 14 million you into the deeper corners of the Doctor Who universe.
streams of Doctor Who on the BBC iPlayer. Some of “There are all sorts of ways we’re going to do that.
those are for episodes that were broadcast in 2005. This Some of it is structural; we’re going to have some two-
means you now have to consider not only the size of the parters in 2020, there’s going to be a serial thread running
audience on the night something goes out, but what’s through and we’ve got some returning monsters in the
happening for years afterwards.” shape of Judoon and the Cybermen. There’s a sense of,
Relatively little was known about the Series 11 episodes now you’ve got to know the Thirteenth Doctor, how can
before they were broadcast – surely this policy of strict we test her? What are the profound challenges we can set
secrecy was geared towards boosting overnight ratings? for this Doctor and her friends?
“We used any strategy we could to pull Doctor Who back to “We’re going deeper into the past of Doctor Who,” he
the centre of the cultural conversation,” he says. “If people promises. “We’re also going deeper into the present – in
don’t know what’s coming then they’ll tune in. If they know terms of the Doctor and her friends – and maybe deeper
Below: The Judoon, first what they’re going to get then there’s no urgency to watch. into the future…” DWM
seen in Smith and Jones “You’re trying to get a story to the screen without people
(2007), return to face the knowing too much about it in advance,” he continues. “You Next issue:
Doctor in Series 12.
have to protect the people who watch it first, because that’s Torchwood, writing
Right inset: The their choice.” Doctor Who, inside
appearance of a Dalek
in Resolution (2019) was
The publicity for Resolution, the 2019 New Year’s Day the edit suite
kept secret until shortly Special, hid the fact that the Thirteenth Doctor would and Chris’
before transmission. come face-to-eyestalk with a Dalek – at least until the final playlists.





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BBC, Doctor Who (word marks, logos and devices) TARDIS and CYBERMAN (word marks and devices) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting
Corporation and are used under licence. BBC logo © BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo © BBC 2018. Licensed by BBC Studios. Cyberman image
© BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. The Cybermen created by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis and used under licence. DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE 17
Meet the Team
The directors of Series 12 have all spoken recently The Bay (2019). He has won two
Welsh BAFTAs, for his work on The Indian
exclusively to Doctor Who Magazine... Doctor and 35 Days in 2013 and 2016
Lee is delighted to be working
Feature by EMILY COOK on Doctor Who. “I was born
20 miles north of Cardiff and
Doctor Who has been in
the area since 2005. I’ve
been gagging to do it. It’s
great working at Roath Lock
because I can live at home
ee describes his route to the acting is a really with my other half and the

L into directing as “rather

circuitous”. After graduating
from the University of Exeter
with a First-Class Honours
degree in drama and English he trained
important part of the directing
process, and it seems to me that
on a film set the actors are the
only department not to have
a head. Somebody has to take
dog! Also, to my knowledge, I’m
the only director who’s done
Pobol y Cwm [2012], Casualty
[2013-16], Wizards vs Aliens
[2014] and now Doctor Who
as an actor at RADA. on the mantle of that and [all of which are recorded
“For a few years I was doing both acting I see it as primarily my job at Roath Lock Studios].
and directing,” he says. “My last theatre as director, amongst lots I’ve done the full set, which
job was at Theatr Clwyd about four years of other things.” I’m rather proud of.”
ago, when I played Hamlet.” Lee’s directing credits Lee mostly directs
Lee says his experience as an actor helps include the Welsh documentary nowadays but says he hasn’t
him to direct. “It gives me a short-hand drama Galesa and the short film officially retired from acting.
with actors. An element of trust is Want It (both 2015), as well as Would he be up for a part
engendered, simply by knowing I’ve been hit dramas such as Waterloo Road (2015), in Doctor Who? “Of course! Doesn’t
on the other side of the camera. Tending Vera (2017-18), Shetland (2018) and most everybody want to be the Doctor?”

Below: Director
Lee Haven Jones.
Top right: Simon
Jones (Mark Flanagan)
in the Welsh TV drama
35 Days.
Above right:
A publicity image from
Wizards vs Aliens.


Far left insets:
Daniel Ezra (as
Jeremiah) and Kayode
Ewumi (Kazim) in
ida is a self-confessed fan Enterprice; and Robyn

Cara (as Leonie),
of Hollywood science-fiction
Mandeep Dhillon
films. “I loved the Alien (Tash) and Umbreen
quadrilogy and Star Wars Razia (Shaheeda)
was really huge for me in Hounslow Diaries.
as a child,” she says. “I grew up Left: Director
in Singapore so Doctor Who was Nida Manzoor.
something I came to a bit later,
when we moved to the UK. Although
Doctor Who is globally known, it’s still
very British, which I love.”
Nina has written her own sci-fi, action
and comedy shorts. “Those
genres are where I enjoy
storytelling, and it was through
making those short films that
I progressed to directing some
new comedy pilots for the BBC.”
Back in 2015 Nida was named
one of Broadcast magazine’s
‘Hot Shots’. Since then, she’s
directed the first series of the
online BBC comedy drama Enterprice
(2017-18) – for which she recently received
a Royal Television Society award nomination
– and the pilot episode of BBC Three’s “so to be given this platform with Doctor “Doctor Who combines so many of the
Hounslow Diaries (2018). In 2018 she also Who is so exciting – it’s a dream job to land. things I love. It has such heart and diversity
wrote and directed Lady Parts, an original It was great working with Jodie Whittaker in its characters and storytelling but also
music comedy series for Channel 4. as the Doctor – she blows my mind – and so much adventure and fun, with aliens
“At this stage in my career I’m trying also Chris Chibnall as the showrunner. and spaceships and all the stuff that I really
to find a way into genre stuff,” says Nida, I’m such a huge admirer of his work. geek out over.”

four episodes,
including the opener
and finale. “There
are thematic
ideas that run
amie is a Scottish film director Jamie says joining the 2020 season of through this

J and animator who studied

film and television at the
Edinburgh College of Art,
where he made his first short
films. He has also developed skills in sand
Doctor Who is “a real honour. The series
has got such an illustrious legacy; being able
to contribute to it in some way feels like
being part of history.”
For Series 12
series,” he says
cryptically, “so
it’s nice doing the
first and last
animation and in 2008 won the McLaren Jamie has They’re like
Award at the Edinburgh Film Festival and directed thematic
Best Animation Award at BAFTA Scotland two filming bookends.” 1
for his contributions to Three Minute blocks,
Wonders and The World According To... comprising
He subsequently enrolled at the National
Film and Television School.
Jamie isn’t entirely new to Doctor Who.
“My first job out of film school – my first
professional filming gig ever – was
doing a mini Doctor Who episode
Insets above: Clara
around the 50th anniversary
[in 2013]. It was a great Coleman) in the
eye-opening bit of training for mini-episode Clara
me. I did a little short called Clara and the TARDIS
and the TARDIS as well as doing bits of (2013) and Thomas
second unit for the main episode that was Brodie-Sangster as
Nigel in Orbit Ever
filming. That was in the Matt Smith era, After (2013).
so in preparation for that one five-minute
Left: Director
episode I watched all of the Eleventh of photography
Doctor episodes and that was my way into Catherine
the show. I stayed a fan after that.” Goldschmidt and
In 2014 Jamie was nominated for director Jamie
a BAFTA for his short film Orbit Ever Magnus Stone.
After, in 2015 he directed the TV mini-
series Tripped, and in 2016 he directed
the TV movie The Last Dragonslayer.
1 mma studied initially at art (2009) was nominated

E school, gaining a BA from

Central St Martin’s College of
Art & Design and an MA from
the Royal College of Art.
“After that I thought, ‘Actually, I really
for a Palme d’Or at the
62nd Cannes Film Festival.
During 2010 and 2011 she
was mentored by director John Hillcoat
on the prestigious Guiding Lights scheme
like filmmaking,’” she says. “My mum was and selected for the inaugural BAFTA
an actress and my dad was a journalist, ‘Elevate’ initiative, a scheme addressing
so I’ve always had the word and the the under-representation of female
performance. I’m interested in visual. directors in high-end drama. Subsequently
Filmmaking is the perfect synthesis of Emma has directed episodes of the BBC
those three interests. My mum would dramas Holby City (2014), Call the
always turn on the TV and say to us, Midwife (2018) and Silent Witness (2019).
‘What did you think of the performance?’ “It’s so important that girls can see
And my dad would be asking, ‘Who shot women directing and writing – and being
it? Who directed it?’ He’d make us write the Doctor!” she says. “I’m very glad I’m
reviews of what we’d watched – even
as a six-year-old!” Emma laughs at the
memory. “Mine didn’t make
any sense at all.”
After graduating from doing Doctor Who when the Doctor is
the National Film and a woman, with the lovely, lovely Jodie.”
Television School, Emma’s Emma has particularly enjoyed working
short film After Tomorrow on the TARDIS set. “I remember when
I came down for my interview and they
took me into the TARDIS. I got quite
a childish thrill and wanted to press every
button! My mum’s in her eighties and she
wanted to come and have a walk around
the TARDIS too. It has such a broad
appeal and it’s a national treasure.
“People feel very strongly about Doctor
Who and that comes with a certain
amount of pressure. It’s a very big deal.
Don’t mess it up!” DWM

Next issue: The writers contributing

their first Doctor Who scripts with
Series 12 – Maxine Alderton, Charlene
James and Nina Métivier.

Top inset: Jack Hodgson

(David Caves) and Dr Nikki
Alexander (Emilia Fox)
in the first part of the
Silent Witness episode
Betrayal (2019).
Top right: A detail from
the current TARDIS set.
Above from top: James
(Joseph Mawle) in the
short film After Tomorrow
(2009); and Sister
Winifred (Victoria Yeates)
in Call the Midwife.
Right: Director
Emma Sullivan.



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BBC, DOCTOR WHO and TARDIS (word marks and logos) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence. BBC logo © BBC 1996.
Doctor Who logo and WHO insignia © BBC 2018. Dalek image © BBC/Terry Nation 1963. K-9 image © BBC/Bob Baker/Dave Martin 1977. Licensed by BBC Studios.
Spyfall Part One
octor Who is back. there is only one person they can turn
For the first time in

With a two-part story to – and that’s the Doctor.”
Doctor Who’s history, that’s quite unlike
anything the series
“What’s nice about doing a second
season is that you can start kind of
a new series will launch has done before. front-footed,” says Jodie Whittaker,
“It’s a global who returns as the Thirteenth
with a festive hour-long espionage thriller… with aliens!” says Doctor. “In the first season, because
writer Chris Chibnall. “When agents you’ve just regenerated and you’ve
Special. “It had to be around the world are attacked, the been given this new body, you’re
intelligence services still finding your feet. But this time
bigger and better,” says suspect alien I’m starting fully formed thanks to
Mandip Gill. “And it is.” involvement. In
those circumstances
the tools that I’ve acquired over the
last season.”

Preview by EMILY COOK




In the first episode of Spyfall thinking, ‘This is the big set-piece of

(we can see what you’ve done the episode.’ But then I’d read more
there, Chris), the Doctor acquires and go, ‘Oh, maybe it’s this piece…
a smart new outfit, designed by Ray It just kept getting bigger and bigger.
Holman. “We have to blend in at Chris wanted a sense of it being
a very posh party, so we all rock up in a global episode with lots of different
our finest,” says Jodie. “There countries and locations.”
have been additions to my costume In order to achieve this, the
before – like a scarf, a bum bag or production team returned to South
a different-coloured t-shirt – but this Africa. “It was really cool filming out
was the first step away from what there,” says Jamie. “We were using
I usually wear. I say ‘a step’ because South Africa as about five or six
it’s not really a leap. The trousers are different countries, which was really
the same shape and it’s the same sort fun from a locations point of view. Also
of boots and socks – only a different we got to escape winter in the UK!”
colour. The tux was very comfortable, Jodie doesn’t want to give too much
and was designed to make the Doctor of the plot away but teases that “There the action. “It was great being thrown
Opposite page:
blend in without leaving the character are very high stakes throughout. The into such an epic episode,” she says. Yaz (Mandip Gill),
“There’s a lot of running, a lot of
“It rattles along extremely chasing, a lot of being chased. Fast
cars – all that kind of stuff. It had to
Ryan (Tosin Cole),
the Doctor (Jodie
Whittaker) and
quickly. It’s like trying to fit be bigger and better. And it is.”
The first episode ends on a
Graham (Bradley
Walsh) are

a whole James Bond film into jaw-dropping cliffhanger. “We got

given the script in chunks,” says Jamie,
dressed for
a posh party…
but where on Earth
60 minutes.” JAMIE MAGNUS STONE “so it was quite a genuine cliffhanger
for the cast and the crew as well!”
have they landed?
Above: Jamie
behind. Ray’s very good at that. Even pace of the episode is really fast, but “The way the first episode ends, Magnus Stone, the
the lining has special details!” not so fast that you’re losing the plot.” it’s like, ‘WOAH!’ What a way to start director of Skyfall
Of course, “If you’re going to do “It rattles along extremely off a series!” says Tosin. “I think it’s Part One.
a spy thriller you want to bring in the quickly,” agrees Jamie. “It’s like really going to get everyone excited to Below: Guest
gadgets,” adds Chris. “This is a story trying to fit a whole James Bond see what happens. So get comfortable. star Lenny Henry as
Daniel Barton.
about technology as well. The rise film into 60 minutes.” Grab the popcorn. It’s about… to go…
of technology, and our acceptance down.” DWM
of technology, is obviously interesting s we already know, there
territory for Doctor Who. Technology
is outpacing us all at the moment,
more so than ever before. I’m not
A are some major guest stars
on board for the ride. “With
some actors you just feel that Doctor
sure we’re all aware of what our Who has been waiting for them,”
technology can do, even though says Chris. “I think that’s true of both
we’re all happily wearing it.” Stephen Fry [who plays ‘C’] and Lenny
The first episode of Spyfall is Henry [who plays Daniel Barton].
directed by Jamie Magnus Stone. Chris “We spoke to Andy Pryor, our
describes Jamie as “an incredibly esteemed casting director, about the
visually inventive director. He’s good various parts. The conversation went,
with CG, he’s got a great sense of tone, ‘If we could have anyone in the world
he’s very funny, very warm, and he’s for this, we’d have Stephen Fry. But
great with both character and action. I guess he’d be too busy, or he might
This episode’s packed with action, not want to do it.’ Andy is always
so that was really important. great at saying, ‘You never know –
“We’re always trying to raise the let’s ask him.’ So we asked, and he
bar of production standards and better said yes very quickly, with massive
what was done the year before,” he excitement and enthusiasm. He’s
continues. “Last year we had the Doctor a huge Doctor Who fan and couldn’t
jump a crane in night-time Sheffield. In believe he’d been asked to be in the
episode one of Spyfall we’ve probably show. The cast were over the moon
got three or four sequences like that.” and he was delightful to everyone.”
One such sequence is a hair-raising “I’ve worked with Stephen before,”
chase. “I was on a motorbike for says Jodie, “but that was only for
that,” says Jodie, “but it was on a brief moment in St Trinian’s
a low loader because I can’t ride [2007]. I’ve worked with Lenny
a motorbike! It was still fun though, before as well [in Broadchurch],
with the wind whipping past.” so that was an absolute treat.
Jodie had a stunt double for the They’re both such wonderful actors,
action scenes. “It was a guy who was and great to be around.”
dressed up to look really similar to Jodie’s co-star Tosin Cole, who
me,” she says. “I couldn’t believe it returns as Ryan Sinclair, was
when I first met him on set. I looked similarly thrilled. “Lenny was proper
at him, looking just like me, and went, cool,” he says, “like an older version
‘Er… right!’” of me, basically. We talked a lot. He’s
For Jamie, these sequences were very funny and such a nice guy.”
some of the highlights. “When I was Mandip Gill, who’s back as Yasmin
reading through the script I kept Khan, found herself at the heart of


Spyfall Part Two
The second episode of Spyfall resolves a House in Newport, so we were
all over the place.”
Left inset: The Daleks
surround the TARDIS in
major cliffhanger and continues the epic Spyfall isn’t the only two-part the cliffhanger to Day
story we’ll see in 2020. “A two-part of Armageddon by
adventure. “I hope the audience will be story gives you a greater scale of Terry Nation, the
storytelling, both geographically and second episode of The
wondering, ‘How are they going to get emotionally,” says Chris. “This was
Daleks’ Master Plan
(1965-66); and Steven
something I’d been really looking
out of that?!’” says Chris Chibnall. forward to doing, because it means
and the Doctor prepare
for a dangerous
you can go deeper into characters, journey in the
cliffhanger to Escape
Preview by EMILY COOK and MARCUS HEARN have more expansive plots, and you
Switch by Dennis
can travel greater distances in both
Spooner, the tenth
space and time. This two-parter also episode of the story.
s a kid growing up into. Some of the toys are scary, sows some of the seeds for the series
Opposite page above

in the 1970s, part some of them make you sad.” that’s ahead of us.” left: Morven Christie
of what got me In the director’s chair for this Lee also directed episode three, as DS Lisa Armstrong
addicted to Doctor episode is Lee Haven Jones. “Lee is but says even he isn’t fully aware in The Bay. The lead
Who was the very in-demand,” says Chris. “This of what the rest of the series has in director on the series
cliffhangers,” says year [2019] he was nominated for store. “I will definitely be sitting down was Lee Haven Jones,
who has directed
writer Chris Chibnall. “They were a Welsh BAFTA and he was the lead and tuning in. It’ll be fun to see how
Skyfall Part Two.
essential to the DNA of the show. director on ITV’s The Bay. He’s one it all shapes up.” Photo © ITV Studios
The structure of Doctor Who was of [producer] Nikki Wilson’s absolute Global Entertainment.
based on a ‘tune in next favourite directors; she’s s for future adventures,
week’ style of storytelling
that had its roots in 
Dick Barton and 
been desperate to get him
onto the show.”
“I’m picking up
A “I think the season as
a whole is like one massive
cliffhanger,” says Mandip Gill.
Opposite page above
right: Lee Haven Jones
on the TARDIS set.
Right: Team TARDIS,
Flash Gordon. from a huge “It’s going to raise a lot of questions. ready for new
“That’s not the cliffhanger,” says People are going to question what adventures in 2020.
case in the same Lee. “Even though they know and what they’ve learnt.
way in the modern it’s the follow-up to Each character starts questioning
show,” he adds. “So episode one, episode things about themselves.”
when you do get the two does have quite “There’s absolute character
chance to do a cliffhanger a distinct feel.” development in this series,” agrees
now, it’s really exciting.” Why bring in different Jodie. “The thing that makes this
According to legend, directors for a two-part job for me is that we have this
in 1965 Terry Nation story? “It’s to do with wonderful off-screen friendship.
and Dennis Spooner which episodes we The love and support we have for
would try to shot in South Africa,” each other comes across in the
out-cliffhanger Chris explains. scenes. If one of the characters
each other while “The second part is in danger, or if there’s a fear
co-writing The of Spyfall has very that someone hasn’t made it, then
Daleks’ Master Plan. different locations to we can draw on a genuine sense
“My inner Terry Nation the first, so we divided of fear or loss. And in the lighter
and Dennis Spooner were up the [recording] scenes I think it helps that we
battling it out,” says Chris, blocks accordingly. It was genuinely find each other funny.
laughing. “I knew where
I was going with the second episode,
but I hope the audience will be
“There are sinister forces
wondering, ‘How are they going
to get out of that?!’
at work across different
“The second episode is no less
epic than the first,” he promises,
dimensions.” CHRIS CHIBNALL
“but events take a darker turn. a logistical thing, but it had a great That chemistry’s priceless because
It’s very different in mood and aesthetic knock-on. it keeps everybody’s energy up
visual and tone. There are many “As well as having a different mood, and it helps to create an on-screen
matters of life and death, and episode two also has a really different dynamic that’s very real.”
there are sinister forces at work visual palette. For episode one Jodie hints that over the coming
across different dimensions.” everyone was out in the sunshine in episodes her Doctor will be tested in
“There are some wonderful South Africa. For episode two there new ways. “I try not to limit myself
Easter eggs and everything were night shoots in the cold, the to what I’ve done before,” she says.
is perfectly intertwined in wind and the rain.” “This role enables me to delve into
Chris’ script,” adds Jodie “We were recording all over South different parts and the writing gives
Whittaker. “I treat every Wales,” recalls Lee. “We were in me opportunities to go on journeys
script as a kind of Cardiff Bay and at Howell’s School [in that might show us a completely
toybox to jump Llandaff]. We were also at Tredegar different side to the Doctor.” DWM




Doctor Who Magazine’s TARDIS
tin contains 120 tantalising,
taxing and trivial questions.
Each interviewee must answer
a random selection…
Interview by EMILY COOK

uch to his surprise,
Tosin Cole is “taking a
back seat” on the set of
Doctor Who.
“I thought it was
gonna be me leading the banter,” Tosin
tells us, “but I’ve got to give the
crown to Bradley [Walsh]. You
just can’t keep up with the guy!
He’s got gags upon gags and he’s
such a prankster. But everyone’s
chipping in; we’re all bantering,
like a little family. I wind up
Bradley whenever I can. Mandip
[Gill], I flick her hair. And I
throw hand warmers at Jodie
[Whittaker]’s head.
“I’m actually still quite
childish,” Tosin admits with
a mischievous smile. The
Fourth Doctor once said
there was no point being
grown up if you can’t be
childish sometimes. “Yeah,”
says Tosin. “He knows! I
will always throw a hand
warmer at your head.”

n 2018 Ryan
Sinclair was a new
recruit to Team
TARDIS. According to
Tosin, his character
is “bringing a bit of
flavour into the squad.
He’s young, he’s fresh,
he’s urban. Ryan would
probably be my little
cousin. I can relate to him
in many different ways: I’m
a bit cheeky, I like a bit of
Right: Tosin Cole banter, sometimes I don’t
prepares to lift say the smartest thing in the
the lid on DWM’s room.” But that’s where the
TARDIS tin. similarities end.
“Ryan can’t play sports
because of his dyspraxia but I do
like playing sports, especially
basketball – that’s my sport.
And seeing aliens… Ryan’s got
that by a mile. I don’t relate to
that at all. Obviously.”
Tosin describes himself
as “a proper London boy.
I like walking. I like taking
the tube. I just like being
normal.” Is that tricky now


Far left: Reggie Yates
(top right as Leo
Jones) with his on-
screen Doctor Who
family – Tish (played
by Gugu Mbatha-Raw),
Francine (Adjoa Andoh)
and Martha (Freema
Agyeman) – and
the Doctor (David
Tennant) in The Lazarus
Experiment (2007).
Left: Tosin’s friends
Letitia Wright
(Anahson) and Joivan
Wade (Rigsy) in 2015’s
Face the Raven.

he’s a Doctor Who regular? “Obviously overwhelmed by the opportunity it might

the more successful you want to be in this throw you off because you’re so anxious to
field… it’s a gift and a curse, innit? I’ve just get it right. Me being really chilled is just
got to bite the bullet and embrace it, man.” me being comfortable with who I am and
On hand to help Tosin embrace his confident in what I can do.”
new-found Doctor Who fame is a host Now it’s time for Tosin’s latest challenge.
of Who alumni. “I spoke to Noel Clarke He shakes the contents of the TARDIS tin
[who played Rose’s boyfriend Mickey and dives in for the first question…
Smith] and Reggie Yates [Martha’s brother
Leo Jones], who’s a friend of mine. He was How often do you have your hair cut?
like, ‘Bro, I still get recognised for it and For this show, every week. But if I’m not
I only did one or two episodes – and you’re working, I’d say every two weeks. What’s
one of the companions!’ I’ve spoken to the longest your hair has ever been? About
some of my other actor friends who’ve been here. [He points to just above the bottom
in it too, like Joivan Wade [Rigsy in 2014’s of his chin.] Afro. It took about a couple
Flatline and 2015’s Face the Raven] and of months to grow.
used to hang around with people my age.
“I was so chilled and relaxed I’d always hang around with the older lot.
Even now to this day. Obviously I’ve got
at the audition you would have mates my own age, but I’m usually with
someone a bit older. Have any old friends got
thought I didn’t care.” back in touch since you’ve been in Doctor Who?
Not really, because I’m not accessible like
Letitia Wright [Anahson in Face the Raven]. Which day of your life would you most like that. I don’t live like I’m an actor. I try to
“My family, though – they don’t get it,” to relive? live like I’m normal. Compared to most of
Tosin says with a laugh. “My dad was like, My younger secondary school days. Just my friends, who showcase what they do on
‘What’s Doctor Who?’ And I was like, ‘Bro, a good school day with the lads, full of social media, I don’t over-promote things.
you should know. It’s been going for years!’” laughs and proper banter. I don’t say, “Look, I’m doing this job.” I’m
Tosin did have some prior awareness quite laid-back. It’s just the way I am.
of Doctor Who before becoming a series Who was your first best friend?
regular. “I’d watched one or two episodes I remember making a friend on my first Have you ever written a letter of complaint?
with David Tennant in. Was there one with day at secondary school. The story is this: No, I don’t think I have. It would just feel
scary angels that move?” The 2007 episode there was this guy named Justin. He said, like I’m grassing, so I don’t complain.
Blink? “Yeah! That was creepy. It really “What’s your name?” I said, “Tosin. What’s
made me jump. So yeah, I know the basis of your name?” “Justin.” And we were like, What’s the trickiest play or film you’ve ever
the show and I did a bit of research, but I’m “OK cool. I guess we’re friends now.” And been involved in?
not an encyclopaedia for Doctor Who. that was it. Simpler times, man. It’s I did a play called ear for eye. That was
Don’t judge me! I think it actually weird, though, probably the trickiest because of the
helps coming fresh because dialogue. The lines were quite rapid and
to it. I want to add I never really everything had to 1
my new energy
to it; I don’t want
to recreate what
someone else has
done before me.”
Alongside his
fresh perspective,
Tosin brings a laid-
back approach to
his work. “I was so
chilled and relaxed
at the audition [for
Doctor Who], you’d Far left: A Weeping
have thought I didn’t Angel in the 2007
episode Blink.
care. But that’s the
best approach for me Left: A scene from
ear for eye and
nowadays. In the past
publicity material for
I’ve had big auditions the stage play.
for films I’ve really Photo © Stephen Cummiskey.
wanted. If you’re too



you’re Spider-Man in the playground. What do you see: a glass half-full or a glass
1 have a certain rhythm to it. Do you prefer It’s basically the same thing but with half-empty?
theatre or TV? It depends. I like to dibble cameras there. I’m going to say 50-50. Bit of both.
and dabble, do different stuff. As Depends how you look at it and if it’s
long as the story’s good! What’s Is Elvis still alive? a good day or not. What is it today? 50-50.
the trickiest thing about working He was at one point.
on Doctor Who? Reacting What is your worst habit?
to aliens. Normally, I’ve Do you remember your I’d say my potty mouth. Do people tell you
been in more dramatic first kiss? off for that? Yeah. Every time I’m in the
stuff where you’re just I was pretty young. How car with my cousin and his son, he’ll have
interacting with other young? I’d say five or six. to remind me that his son’s in the car.
actors, real people. But And you had a girlfriend?
now I’m working with Yeah. I think she was When was the last time you went too far?
aliens and looking at older than me as well. All the time.
things that are meant Seven? [Laughs.] Yeah.
to be there, but ain’t there… She wanted a younger man. Do you have a childhood hero?
but they’re gonna be there. It’s I can’t remember how long Hmm... Spider-Man? You dressed up as him
a different process, but practice she was my girlfriend for, but I can at Halloween? Nah, Spider-Man wasn’t my
makes perfect. How do you practise? I’m remember that I was living in America hero back then – I think that costume was
weird: I’ve been in the mirror for so many and it was Halloween. I remember I was all my mum could get! It’d be a cartoon
hours trying different reaction faces wearing a Spider-Man costume – I had character, I think. Probably [a character
because I don’t want to have the same the mask and everything – and she kissed from] Dragon Ball Z.
reaction to everything. You can get in the me in front of all my boys. I was
habit of just doing your go-to face so it’s proper excited. What is your all-time favourite film?
about finding variety and different levels This question cannot be asked.
to react to things. I really like movies and
[Tosin demonstrates there are just too
two different shocked many films. My
faces.] What’s your favourites
scared face? Listen, probably
I’m a man’s man.
I try to pretend I’m
not scared, so people
don’t see that face
too often. But it’s
fun reacting. Getting
chased by aliens is
like being a kid again
– really using your
imagination like you
used to do in primary
school, pretending

Top left: Mystic River (2003)

is one of Tosin’s favourite films.
Top right: Jake Gyllenhaal as
David Jordan in Life (2017).
Above inset: Elvis Presley,
who died in August 1977.
Far right: Goku, the hero of the
Dragon Ball manga series.


Who is your guru? Like, “Ah that tree’s been around for years,
I’m so laid-back that things change all the it gives us oxygen…” [Tosin trails off then
time with me, so I’d just say life in general. laughs.] Ha! What am I on about?
What do you mean by that? Well, sometimes
change every two to three years. What are I’m inspired by one person and sometimes What are you watching on Netflix
your top five at the moment? [Long pause.] It’s it’s things that happen. Is anyone – or anything at the moment?
tough. I think Mystic River has to be in my – in particular inspiring you at the moment? No. I’m watching Ozark. The second season
top five. Life is one of my favourites I suppose I’m more inspired by is amazing. I finished the second-to-last
and so is Training Day. La Haine whole groups of people. Like episode last night.
and Superbad. Paid in Full is now, when I look at my peers
probably up there too. that I grew up with, I see What is the king of cheeses?
This list could go on… what everyone’s doing and I’m not really a big cheese fanatic.
It could, man. I think that’s inspiring, to All I know is cheddar cheese, mozzarella,
know everyone’s working parmesan. I don’t know how people
What’s the best joke towards something. But do that crackers and cheese and wine
you know? my inspirations change. thing for dessert. That’s weird. Whereas
I don’t have any. When I’m Sometimes I might look cheesecake, or cheeseburger… do you
funny it just happens in the at a tree and feel inspired. know what I’m saying?
moment. I might say something
funny, but I ain’t got no jokes. If you could travel back in time and offer your
younger self some advice, what would it be?
“Sometimes I might I’d try to encourage my younger self.
Sometimes I used to doubt myself in
look at a tree and certain things. Sometimes I might have
let opportunities slip away. So I’d say that
feel inspired.” I should run with my instincts more.
I’d tell myself that I am the
Bradley tells funny jokes, but then he’s man, even when I thought
a comedian. Well, he’s lots of things but I wasn’t. DWM
a comedian is one of his traits. He’s a musician
too. We’ve heard that he sings on set… Yeah,
there’s a lot of singing, especially when
we’re freezing cold, and as the most vocal
of the bunch Bradley is the lead singer.
Do you sing too? Ah, you know, I dabble.
I’m a man of many talents. Will there be a
Graham and Ryan duet any time soon? Bradley’s
not really one for duets. He only did duets
with Sharon [D Clarke, who played Grace],
because he’s scared I might outshine him.

Would you get in a driverless car?

Not for now. Maybe in the next 20 or
30 years when they’ve perfected the
technology. Or maybe if the car was on a
long straight road. But that’s still a bit risky.

Which body part would you most like Top right: Netflix series
to change? Ozark (2017-) stars
My pinky toe. What’s wrong with it? It just Laura Linney and Jason
does its own thing. Everything else is kind Bateman as Wendy and
of normal and then my Martin Byrde.
pinky toe… it’s just a bit Inset above left:
too… chubby. Chubby?! “Sometimes I might
look at a tree and feel
[Laughs.] Yeah,
inspired,” says Tosin.
it looks like it’s got
Tosin Cole photos
extra popcorn on © Marcus Hearn.
it or something.


n t i n
d v e
n A i m e

A a n d
p a c e
S 14



23 17


8 10



13 18 15


The Time Lord technology of the TARDIS allows
it to traverse more than just time, space
and dimensions. It can also cross television and
radio genres, materialising at any point in the
schedules as a fixture of festive family fun...

4 December Opposite page: Rose

(Billie Piper) and the
2009 Doctor Who is so big this
Doctor (David Tennant)
s the festive needed for this BBC One teaser. Christmas that it merits its own in a publicity photo for
season approaches, A Christmas tree comes to life, festive channel ident. Trudging The Christmas Invasion
Doctor Who is often first with festive lights and then by through sparkling, ankle-deep snow (2005).
peppered through contra-rotating the lower two levels in a pine forest, the Tenth Doctor Above left and top:
popular programming. of its sharp, needle-covered limbs discovers that the TARDIS is buried An animated Twelfth
Tuning our time-and-space visualiser at increasingly dangerous speed. almost up to its windows in a snow Doctor meets Sprout
across six decades of seasonal On the soundtrack, the menace is drift, close to which a couple of Boy in 2015.
silliness reveals how the TARDIS has underlined as Jingle Bells segues into reindeer are loitering. An idea forms Above right: The Doctor
criss-crossed Christmas television Murray Gold’s arrangement of Ron and an eyebrow arches… Moments aboard an improvised
sleigh in a BBC One
and radio. There’s a highlight for Grainer’s famous theme, prefiguring later sleigh bells jingle, a sextet of
channel ident from 2009.
each of the December dates leading one of the menaces soon to face a caribou pull the police box clear, the
Left: Donny MacLeod
up to the big day… newly regenerated Doctor in The Doctor tugs at their reins and his
interviews Peter
Christmas Invasion. vessel sweeps across the treetops, Davison on Pebble Mill
1 December looping the loop. The ensuing circle at One in 1980.
2015 “There once was a sprout who reassures viewers that they’re tuned Below left: A spinning
loved to give/Looking for friends to to BBC One. tree teases The
spend Christmas with,” intones Peter Christmas Invasion
Capaldi as the festive schedule gets 5 December in 2005.
underway with the animation Sprout 2018 “I’m still in the process and Below right: Mandip
Boy. Ignored by baker, toymaker and in the midst so I can’t really get an Gill and presenter Harpz
Kaur on BBC Asian
woodcutter, the unloved Brussels outside perspective,” admits Mandip
Network’s Breakfast
sprout is discovered by a cartoon Gill of her role as Yasmin Khan when Show in 2018.
incarnation of the Twelfth Doctor she joins Harpz Kaur on the BBC
and invited to a tableful of Christmas Asian Network’s
chums, ranging from veteran cook Breakfast Show.
Mary Berry to non-nonsense cop Before playing
John Luther. Pulling a cracker with 3 December Harpz’ ‘Quiz
Dot Cotton of EastEnders, the Doctor 1980 “Today the friendly old Pebble with All the
adds: “Together as one is what it’s Mill lobby is suddenly filled with Rules’, Mandip
about/And at Christmas, everyone menace,” explains presenter Donny discusses the
loves a sprout!” The message is clear: MacLeod as he’s stalked by a battered TARDIS’ arrival
“For Christmas together… BBC One!” blue Dalek but moments later rescued during the
by the TARDIS, piloted by Doctor-in- partition of India
2 December waiting Peter Davison. Guesting on in the recent
2005 “SOMETHING’S COMING…>” BBC1’s live lunchtime magazine from Demons of the
declares a blinking on-screen cursor, the BBC’s Birmingham studios, the Punjab: “I just
with not even a programme title actor is ostensibly promoting his new thought, ‘This
sitcom Sink or Swim. He spends much is so exciting
of his time instead debating viewers’ because they’re
ideas on how to portray the Time going to have
Lord… including dressing as a waiter this massive
with a sailor-suited chimpanzee as a story about
companion. Peter promises to take history – but how
note of all the suggestions and says are they going
he’ll “put them on the producer’s to incorporate
desk tomorrow morning”. aliens?’” 1


An Advent in Space and Time

programme. Then, presenter Gethin

Jones attempts to get David Tennant
to discuss The Christmas Invasion in
the star’s trailer. “It’s a big secret,”
Above and right:
Mrs Brown (Brendan he hedges. “You’ve got to wait for
O’Carroll) and the Christmas Day.” After a sneak preview
Doctor (Matt Smith) of the TARDIS smashing into the
on BBC One’s It’s Powell Estate, Konnie Huq launches
Showtime promotion a competition to win a Doctor Who
in 2012.
put to the test as she prepares Jodie’s DVD box set. “AND IF YOU GET
Above centre and
Massaman Curry – with salad – for THE AN-SWER WRONG, YOU WILL
bottom left: Jodie
Whittaker joins Jamie her old friend Emma and other café BE EX-TER-MIN-ATED,” grates the
Oliver and Jimmy patrons. “I’m not a very confident studio guest. “Oh no, you won’t,”
Doherty for a spot of cook,” warns Jodie, but she seems to Konnie assures viewers. “I RE-FUSE
cooking on Southend 1
6 December know what she’s doing with yardlong TO GET IN-VOLVED IN A STU-PID
Pier in Jamie and 2012 “This dressing room better be beans and bok choy. EARTH-LING PAN-TO ROU-TINE,”
Jimmy’s Friday Night
bigger than it looks,” declares party- fumes the metallic monster…
Feast in 2018.
hatted matriarch Agnes Brown (of 8 December
Right: Tim (Tim
Brooke-Taylor) and
the sitcom Mrs Brown’s Boys) as she 10 December
Bill (Bill Oddie) see peers inside the police box parked in 1980 “This book contains designers’
the TARDIS in The a chaotic television studio. “No! Don’t original drawings of dresses from the
Goodies in 1973. go in…” calls out harassed Christmas 1920s, and they were used recently
Bottom centre: producer-cum-comedian Rob Brydon, in the making of the new Doctor
A Dalek meets Blue but too late – the TARDIS fades out Who series,” explains Sarah Greene
Peter presenters of existence. Rob is then whisked off on (again) Blue Peter. This edition
Konnie Huq, Matt to supervise cycling Call the Midwife uses Christmas shows and pantos
Baker and Liz Barker
in 2005…
nuns and Pudsey the dancing dog as an excuse for a pre-filmed visit
in the first instalment of BBC One’s to Bermans & Nathans, the London
Top right: … and
David Tennant talks to It’s Showtime promotion. In the next company with
Blue Peter presenter episode, an amorous Miranda Hart 1973 In BBC2’s the world’s
Gethin Jones. will pursue Matt Smith’s Victorian anarchic largest
Far right: The design Doctor with a sprig of mistletoe… sitcom The collection of
for the fancy dress Goodies, Tim film and stage
costume worn by 7 December Brooke-Taylor costumes for
Tegan in Black Orchid 2018 “At the end of Southend pier, and Bill Oddie hire. And this
we’ve got a Doctor in the house,” become two is – in turn –
Bottom right: Richard explains chef Jamie Oliver when terrified astronauts an excuse for
Lightbody interviews
Channel 4’s Jamie and Jimmy’s when forced aboard Graeme a pre-filmed
Tom Baker in Derry
in 1978. Friday Night Feast returns after an ad Garden’s NASA-style Moon mission to preview of
break. “We’re taking Jodie Whittaker rescue a pair of missing astrobunnies. Black Orchid,
back in time and recreating a dish she When Bill shrieks that he wants to a TARDIS trip
first tasted in Thailand 17 years ago.” go home, Tim suggests calling the not due to land on BBC1 for another
The new Doctor’s culinary skills are fire brigade to get them down and three months, premiered via an
says he’ll “pop out to the telephone excerpt in which “Nobody knows
box”. “What telephone box?” asks his who’s who as it’s a masked fancy
incredulous colleague as they stare dress ball.”
at the endless starscape. “That one
out there,” replies Tim as a familiar
space/time vessel glides past…

11 December
9 December 1978 “Where’s the TARDIS heading
2005 “HE-LLO AND WEL-COME to next?” asks BBC Northern
TO FRI-DAY’S BLUE PETER,” Ireland’s Richard Lightbody,
intones a Dalek, prowling attempting to grab a word with Tom
the set of BBC One’s Baker. In his capacity as the current
long-running children’s Doctor, Tom has just turned on the


1982 hit Don’t Go, while a
Dalek joins an identity parade
that includes John B Sparks
of pub rockers Dr Feelgood.
In one of the best
Doctor Who-stylings ever
applied to another series,
Catherine demonstrates
joyous ignorance of
both music and her BBC
science-fiction series.
2009 “Let’s get on with the comedy legend “I didn’t even know
quiz before I fall back through Bernard Cribbins. he wasn’t called
a wormhole in time and space The guests are tested Doctor Who,”
and turn back into Sylvester on musical matters Catherine
McCoy,” urges David Tennant ranging from McFly tells David.
as guest host of BBC Two’s (“what happened “I thought that
Never Mind the Buzzcocks. when Busted died was his name.
Joining team captain Noel and regenerated”) to I thought you
Fielding is Catherine Tate Kate Bush (“the only were Mr Who,
(alias Donna Noble) and jazz known sound in the universe who was a doctor.” after Catherine explains that
pianist Jamie Cullum, while that repels Cybermen”). “I did an interview for a the lyrics to Kate Bush’s 1978
opposing them is Phill Jupitus During the intro round, an [Salvador] Dalí documentary smash Wuthering Heights
accompanied by Radio 1 DJ Jo Ood emerges from the TARDIS today, and it wasn’t half as were not in fact in Emily
Whiley and Donna’s grandad, to help Jo recognise Yazoo’s weird as this,” says Noel, Brontë’s 1847 novel.

Christmas lights in the city of Derry. who gets in the way!” the cyborg adds, think of who actually lives in a time
Above: David
“Do you know, I don’t know,” says pointing at the hapless host. machine… It’s his home.”
Tennant hosts a
Tom, as he’s mobbed by fans. “I never Doctor Who-themed
know you see. I work on four or six 13 December episode of Never
scripts at a time – I don’t know where 2014 “Probably the best-loved Mind the Buzzcocks
I’m going at all.” Tom juggles pens, time machine in all science in 2009. An Ood and
photographs and personable banter fiction,” declares historian Dominic a Dalek appear on the
show, whose team
for the cameras of Scene Around Six Sandbrook, standing on what he calls members comprise Jo
while affirming: “I’m impressed by the “sacred ground” of the original Whiley, Phill Jupitus
the people of Derry.” TARDIS control room in the BBC and Bernard Cribbins,
Two documentary series Tomorrow’s and Jamie Cullum,
Worlds. Subtitled ‘The 14 December Noel Fielding and
Catherine Tate.
Unearthly History 2008 “You’re appearing in the
of Science Fiction’, Christmas Doctor Who as a kind Far left: Isla St Clair
and Larry Grayson
the edition called of future Doctor Who, which has got
on Larry Grayson’s
Time features everyone saying that you are going Generation Game.
enthusiastic to be the next Doctor Who,” says
Left: David Tennant,
comments on the presenter Andrew Marr, going for the Karen Gillan, Neil
TARDIS from former world record in saying ‘Doctor Who’ Gaiman and Steven
Doctor David in one sentence during BBC One’s Moffat appeared on
12 December Tennant, erstwhile The Andrew Marr Show. His guest Tomorrow’s Worlds,
presented by Dominic
1981 “The problem is quite specific. companion Karen is actor David Morrissey, soon to be
Sandbrook in 2014.
I’m just what the Doctor ordered!” Gillan (alias Amy seen in The Next Doctor and hotly
declares a familiar metal dog, who’s Pond) and series tipped to succeed David Tennant. Above left: Andrew
Marr interviews David
part of a “galactic guest star” line- writer Neil Gaiman, “I can’t obviously reveal too much Morrissey on The
up on BBC1’s Saturday-night game with then-current because it is the Christmas Day show,” Andrew Marr Show
show Larry Grayson’s Generation showrunner says David M. “It was a great job in 2008.
Game. The Doctor’s former travelling Steven Moffat to do.” “Was? Past tense?” asks the Below: A gold Blue
companion K9 – as correctly emphasising: host, seizing on his guest’s grammar. Peter badge.
identified by both sets of contestants “What makes the “That particular episode was a great
– attempts to plug his forthcoming Doctor unique as show to do,” backtracks David…
show K9 and Company, while the a time traveller is
Generation Game compere responds that he is the only 15 December
without a trace of enthusiasm: time traveller I can 2009 “I certainly had a very good
“I can hardly time, I certainly enjoyed myself and
wait.” After was very proud of it,” comments
that, another departing Doctor David Tennant on
mystery monster the set of St Trinian’s 2: The Legend
– actually of Fritton’s Gold, recalling his Time
a 1960s-70s Lord tenure for Blue Peter presenter
hybrid Cyberman Joel Defries. Before a preview of The
with a 1980s End of Time, David warns: “The final
voice – informs stories which you’ll see at Christmas
the bemused time are a bit of a tear-jerker.” To
Larry that its honour the inspiration he’s offered to
mission is to young actors in his role as the Doctor,
dominate the the star is awarded the prestigious
universe. “We gold Blue Peter badge: “I’m very
destroy anyone honoured. Thank you, Blue Peter.” 1


An Advent in Space and Time

1 17 December
2010 “I thought, ‘Wouldn’t
it be amazing if I could tell
my grandchildren that one
day I was in Doctor Who,’”
bubbles mezzo-soprano
Katherine Jenkins as she
promotes her tuneful turn as
Abigail in A Christmas Carol on Louise Jameson (Leela), John Leeson
ITV1’s The Alan Titchmarsh Show. 19 December (K9) and Katy Manning (Jo). Up
Top left and above: After a live performance of In the 1989 Eamonn Holmes, the host against some of the country’s top quiz
Alan Titchmarsh
Bleak Midwinter (anticipating her of BBC1’s Open Air, is questioning champions – the titular Eggheads –
interviews Katherine
Jenkins on a 2010 similar rendition in the forthcoming a group of children from Our Lady’s the time travellers could be facing
edition of The Alan festive Doctor Who episode), the Primary School, Whaley Bridge. “their most dangerous adventure to
Titchmarsh Show. singer explains: “I had never had any “What do you think of Doctor Who?” date” in a quest to win £1,000 for
Above right: Eamonn acting experience before… I loved it. he asks. “Brillllllll!” chorus the their chosen charities. Can Frazer
Holmes interviews I was so nervous of doing it.” Nativity-performing youngsters in remember what sort of hat was worn
Sylvester McCoy on response. Promoting his appearance by 1970s TV detective Kojak?
Open Air in 1989. 18 December in Aladdin at the Manchester Palace
Below inset and 1986 “I was on the 50,000th edition Theatre, Sylvester McCoy says of
bottom left: Colin when the TARDIS prototype was Doctor Who: “They will bring it back
Baker and Ray Reardon
on Tomorrow’s World
shown,” recalls the Sixth Doctor (alias in 1991… supposedly… hopefully…
Christmas Quiz in Colin Baker), captaining the “expert who knows… I don’t know what
1986. panel” of the Tomorrow’s World happens at the BBC. I try to find out
Below centre: A 2010 Christmas Quiz, a festive edition by talking to the man who cleans
edition of Celebrity of BBC1’s long-running science show. the toilets on the sixth floor of the
Eggheads featuring Guessing the purpose of a series Executive Suite, but he’s on holiday
Colin Baker, Louise of new inventions, Colin believed at the moment.”
Jameson, John Leeson,
that a triangular torch item could
Katy Manning and
Frazer Hines. be “a device for looking at the small 20 December
print in a BBC contract”… possibly 2010 “Materialising on planet
Far right: Peter
Davison and Sandra with reference to his unexpected Egghead today are ‘Behind the Sofa’,”
Dickinson promote departure from Doctor Who. declares Dermot Murnaghan, host
Cinderella on Russell The mystery object was in fact of BBC Two’s quiz show Celebrity
Harty’s Christmas a snooker-playing Eggheads as he introduces guest
Party in 1982. aid, as challengers Colin Baker (the Sixth
demonstrated Doctor), Frazer Hines (Jamie),
by world
Ray 21 December
Reardon. 1982 “Where there’s a doctor,
there’s a Who,” trills actress
Sandra Dickinson (alias the Fairy
Godmother). “Ouch!” exclaims
her husband, Peter Davison (aka
Buttons), as he joins in
a customised version of
the 1935 melody Where
There’s You There’s
Me. The song forms
part of a promotion
for the Doctor Who-
themed production
of Cinderella about to
open at the Assembly
Hall in Tunbridge
Wells, directed by
current Who producer
John Nathan-Turner


and also featuring Anthony Ainley
(between appearances as the Far left and centre
Master). However, tonight the pair left: The 1988
Tomorrow’s World
are live from London’s Greenwood Christmas Quiz
Theatre, and are just two of the featured Sylvester
panto-plugging personalities offering McCoy, Dr Nancy Lane
Christmas cross-talks on BBC2’s and Jonathan Minns,
Russell Harty’s Christmas Party. “It runs along, counting something with Spike Milligan as
Father Christmas.
dangling…” ponders the Time Lord,
correctly determining the device’s Left: Leslie Crowther
and Peter Glaze on
raison d’être. Then, Father Christmas
a Radio Times cover
– revealed as comedy legend Spike from 1965 promoting
Milligan – demonstrates its function Crackerjack.
as a coat-hanger counter. Bottom left: Sandra
children’s show Crackerjack*. The Dickinson and Peter
23 December Doctor’s real TV companions Polly Davison in Cinderella.
1966 “I’m the old Doctor Who,” (Anneke Wills) and Ben (Michael Below: In 2010,
sings Peter Glaze. “I’m the new Who,” Craze) join in with the festive fun. The Graham Norton unveils
warbles Leslie Crowther. These two pastiche versions of the recently prototypes for Amy
comedic versions of the William regenerated Doctor feature in Alice and Eleventh Doctor
22 December Hartnell and Patrick Troughton Through the Goggle Box, in which the
figurines, and Matt
Smith joins Kara
1988 “What can it be indeed? Doctor incarnations are introducing titular heroine encounters numerous Tointon, Matt Lucas
Who? Panel? Any thoughts?” asks themselves to the strains of the Beach small-screen favourites. and David Walliams
Howard Stableford as he chairs Boy’s recent hit Good Vibrations on the sofa for The
another Tomorrow’s World Christmas on the Christmas edition of BBC1’s * CRACK-ER-JACK! Graham Norton Show.
Quiz for BBC1. This time, the Doctor
(played by Sylvester McCoy) arrives
in the studio by TARDIS and then stuff and all of Chris [Eccleston]’s and
dismisses his transport with “Home then I went further back… and Tomb of the
James!” Accompanied by Cambridge Cybermen [1967] is my favourite.”
zoologist Dr Nancy Lane and 2010 “I like fish fingers and I like custard, “Oh, fantastic! Patrick Troughton story
Jonathan Minns of the what can go wrong?” observes the – wonderful!” agrees Doctor Who devotee
British Engineerium, host of BBC One’s The Graham Norton David Walliams, leaving a bewildered
the Doctor ponders Show, sampling unconventional Graham nodding as if he hasn’t
the purpose of festive fare in the final hour lost control of his own show.
a strange object of Christmas Eve. Audience Christmas is also a time
handed to him member Emily claims that for presents and surprises,
by a celebrity she would make a good and from a special safety
Santa Claus. companion for the Doctor, case Graham produces
and this is her test. the forthcoming Titan
The celebrity sofa Masterpiece Collection
includes not only comedy busts of the Doctor
actors Matt Lucas and and Amy, which Matt
David Walliams but also has never seen before.
Matt Smith. “Tomorrow’s “She’s prettier than that,”
a big day for Matt Smith, comments Graham of Karen
of course,” says Graham. “It’s his Gillan’s likeness. “Also, she’s bigger
first Doctor Who Christmas Special.” than that in real life,” adds David.
There follows a short preview of “Have a very merry Christmas everyone,”
A Christmas Carol. “I went for the audition says Graham to viewers preparing for
having never watched an episode,” the big day, while the Doctor, plus
admits Matt. “Then I went back and Nardole-to-be and Gibbis-in-waiting,
I watched all of David [Tennant]’s enhance the festive mood.


of C I N D E R S
Hello boys and girls! Did
you know that the stars
of Doctor Who appeared
in pantomime back in the
1980s? Oh yes they did!

n Saturday 5 January
1985 I was in the
audience for the
matinée of Cinderella at
the Gaumont Theatre,
Southampton. It was
billed as a “Doctor
Who pantomime” and Colin Baker’s arrival
on stage was met with a huge cheer. He
was playing Buttons and threw chocolate
buttons (and eggs!) into the audience.
I remember the hilarious ‘mistake’ when
Anthony Ainley – playing Baron Hardup
here but better known as the Master on
TV – referred to Buttons as “Doctor”.
After that, bad traffic on the way home
meant I missed Part One of Attack of the
Cybermen. It was an emotional day.
This Cinderella was written and directed
by Doctor Who’s then producer, John
Nathan-Turner, who had a long interest in
pantomime. According to Richard Marson’s
2013 biography, young John was taken to
the panto every Boxing Day and at school
put on a show of his own called Cinder’s
Fella. His first full job in the theatre was
on a production of Puss in Boots starring
Des O’Connor. While working on the BBC
drama The Pallisers, John also wrote
and directed a version of Cinderella for
charity. The single performance took
place at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane,
on 16 December 1973 and starred Judi
Dench, Richard Briers and Penelope
Wilton, with a cameo by Peter O’Toole.
John had apparently loitered in the
canteen of the BBC’s Rehearsal Rooms to
cajole stars into joining the show.
Yet the idea for a Doctor Who
pantomime apparently came from Lovett
Top: A ticket for the Bickford – director of the 1980 TV story
opening night of the
1982 production of
The Leisure Hive. “I had children,” he told
Cinderella in Tunbridge Marson, “and was very keen [they] should
Wells. Picture courtesy of see good theatre.”
Stephen Broome. The producer needed little persuading.
Above: The programme “John loved pantomimes, and had always
for the pantomime. dreamed of putting on his own,” says Peter
Picture courtesy of David Dovey. Davison in his 2016 autobiography, Is There
Right: An article about Life Outside the Box? “We were effectively
the new production from both a willing and captive cast.” That ‘we’
local newspaper The
comprised just two Doctor Who actors –
Courier, published on
5 November 1982. Davison and Ainley, with Davison’s then
wife Sandra Dickinson as Fairy Mirazel.


Far left: A page from the
Tunbridge Wells programme
featuring Jodie Wilson as
Cinderella. Picture courtesy
of David Dovey.

Left: Jodie Wilson with

producer John Nathan-Turner.
Photo © Jodie Brooke Wilson.

Below: Jodie’s mum,

Dolore Whiteman, appeared
in Logopolis (1981) as
Tegan’s Aunty Vanessa.
Photo © Jodie Brooke Wilson.

Bottom: Peter Davison

turns on the Christmas
lights in Tunbridge Wells
on 13 December 1982.
Photo © Stephen Broome.

But other cast members had connections booking is being arranged for a charter December, the Courier pictured Davison,
to the series. Jodie Wilson, for example – package for Doctor Who fans from the again in costume as the Doctor, with the
playing Cinderella – was the daughter of United States.” The same paper ran a young winners of their competition: Sara
Delore Whiteman, who’d played Tegan’s competition to visit the “Doctor Who set” Casbon, Roy Stevens and Edward Jolly. Fifty
Aunt Vanessa in the 1981 story Logopolis. at BBC Television Centre and have tea with runners up were named, each winning a
“John and his partner Gary Downie Peter Davison. ticket to the panto, though Daniel Blythe
absolutely adored Mum,” Jodie tells Doctor of Smarden – later a writer of Doctor Who

Who Magazine. “Around the time she did n 10 November, Davison, Dickinson books – tells DWM he doesn’t remember
Doctor Who, my sister Tracey and I were and Wilson wore their pantomime receiving a ticket and didn’t see the show.
performing at the Players’ Theatre in costumes for a publicity appearance The Courier also produced the 28-page
London and Mum invited John and Gary in London’s Covent Garden, with pictures newspaper-style programme for the panto,
to a performance. Then John was casting appearing in newspapers such as the 10,000 copies of which were air-freighted
Daily Mail over subsequent days. On 13 to Doctor Who fan clubs in America, with
“John loved November, Davison was in costume as the
Doctor to switch on the Christmas lights in
another 3,000 sent to Australia.
On 21 December, Davison and Dickinson
pantomimes, Tunbridge Wells – covered by the Courier
on 19 November. On 4 December, Davison
were live on BBC2 as part of Russell
Harty’s Christmas Party, telling jokes and
and had always was again in his Doctor Who costume to sign
books at the local Chiesmans department
performing a song from the pantomime.
(Dickinson: “Where’s there’s a Doctor,
dreamed of store. Badges were given out – “I’m going
to see Peter & Sandra in Cinderella”. On 10
there’s a Who.” Davison: “Ouch!”) Davison
was uncomfortable, telling Harty afterwards
putting on his that “Singing live on TV
like this is just terrible.”
own.” PETER DAVISON (You can judge for
yourself by looking at
Cinderella. He told Mum he would write the clip included on the
a new character called ‘Alice from the DVD of Enlightenment.)
Palace’ so my sister could be in it, too.” Even That wasn’t
so, the sisters had to audition. “We sang all. Davison told
If Momma Was Married from the musical Richard Marson that
Gypsy. I think John saw our mum as a Downie, who acted
Momma Rose figure and he loved the song. as choreographer,
That was the start of a great friendship.” was “horrible to the
On 5 November 1982, the Kent and dancers”, which
Sussex Courier interviewed Bickford about prompted “one of my
his ambitious plans for the forthcoming very few tantrums
pantomime, to be staged at the Assembly in my professional
Rooms in Tunbridge Wells. “There’s going career.” Davison also
to be a BBC Doctor Who science-fiction felt that “The location
exhibition [in the foyer] and already a was terrible… [And] 1



Right: Colin Baker as

Buttons and Nicola
Bryant as Cinderella
in the 1984 production
of Cinderella in
Southampton. Photo
courtesy of Stephen Cranford.

Far right: Buttons

waves Cinderella off to
the ball, as Fairy Mirazel
(Jacqueline Pearce)
provides the coach and
horses. Photo courtesy
of Stephen Cranford.

Below: The front cover

“Initially, I remember
and the profile page
of Jacqueline Pearce
saying, ‘Well, I’d rather have
from the programme for
the 1984 production. Christmas off,’ but John was
This copy has been
autographed by the
stars. Pictures courtesy
very insistent.” COLIN BAKER
of Andrew Ledger.
then came out of the frame, Charming. Jacqueline Pearce, playing Fairy
giving us a great opportunity Mirazel, was yet to be seen in The Two
1 outrageously, we would spend Doctor to showcase our tap-dancing.” Doctors (1985) but was known for another
Who rehearsal time rehearsing for the “I was very pleased with what John did,” science-fiction series, which was why this
pantomime. I wasn’t mad about that.” Bickford told Richard Marson, “because Doctor Who pantomime opened with the
Indeed, locations used on The King’s he was very inventive [and] brilliant at theme from Blake’s 7.
Demons (1983) seem to have been chosen pantomime.” But he admitted the show Again, rehearsals overlapped with those
based on their proximity to Tunbridge was not a financial success: “I spent far for Doctor Who, this time on Timelash –
Wells. “I often wondered,” says Davison too much money on the production.” which Baker, Bryant and Nathan-Turner
in his autobiography, “if the BBC Head This didn’t deter Nathan-Turner, who had already missed the first days of as
of Series turned a blind eye to its passive bought the sets and costumes from the they were at the TARDIS 21 convention
involvement in John’s production.” show. On 19 September 1984, he established in Chicago. Baker later admitted he was
Of course, none of this was visible to the Teynham Productions with Doctor Who uneasy about all this. “I thought, ‘Well,
audience on the opening night of Cinderella director Fiona Cumming and her husband [John] must have cleared it with the BBC.’”
on 23 December. Doctor Who fan Stephen Ian Fraser. On 26 December, Teynham’s “John hadn’t allowed me to even
Broome was in the audience, having Cinderella opened in Southampton. consider a part in [the 1985 drama] Tender
already attended the book signing and is the Night at the same time as Doctor

the turning-on of the Christmas lights. y then, Colin Baker had succeeded Who,” Nicola Bryant tells DWM. “‘You’re
“I remember a TARDIS outside the Davison in Doctor Who. “Initially, committed to this show,’ he told me. But
Assembly Hall, and the theatre being I remember saying, ‘Well, I’d rather I had to do the pantomime.” She admits she
crowded,” he tells us. “It was a big success.” have Christmas off,’” Baker told Richard found it gruelling. “I’d studied tap dancing,
Davison sang, danced and cracked jokes, Marson, “but John was very insistent.” but where you don’t move your upper body
threw chocolate buttons and hard-boiled Anthony Ainley reprised his role as Baron and it’s meant to look effortless. Cinderella
eggs into the audience, and performed Hardup – in the same green frock coat and was sling-your-arms-around tap, a very
a version of the Wilson, Keppel and Betty orange check trousers as before, but now different style – and Gary Downie was
sand dance – as belly dancer Betty. Ainley with the beard and moustache he wore as a taskmaster. So while doing Doctor Who,
sang and danced too, and got a big laugh the Master. There were more Doctor Who I was desperately practising routines.
when he ‘accidentally’ called Buttons actors this time: Nicola Bryant as Cinderella I so drummed it into my head, I can still
“Doctor” – just as he would and Mary Tamm as Prince remember my moves.”
in Southampton. There seems to have been less
“There were publicity than for the Tunbridge
always a lot of Doctor Wells production. Ten-year-old
Who fans at the Andrew Ledger was a member
stage door wanting of the Doctor Who Appreciation
autographs,” Jodie Society and read DWM but had
tells us. With little no idea there was a Doctor Who
experience of Doctor pantomime on his doorstep
Who, what did she until he saw posters outside the
make of it all? “I was theatre on 27 December. “Then
just very excited to Mum came clean and told me
be playing Cinderella, she had tickets for that very
and I loved the fact night!” he says, laughing. “We
that we had real ponies sat in the stalls, which felt a long
on stage. Also, John way from the stage. But Colin
wrote this lovely dream was great as Buttons.”
sequence where I looked A VHS recording by Gary
into a mirror – but it Downie shows a lively, childlike
was me and Tracey, both Baker performance, very
dressed the same. Tracey different from his version of the


fter Cinderella, Jodie as well as backing vocals
Wilson went on to on other period songs.
a successful career on “We recorded them
stage. In 1986, she starred at the BBC recording
opposite Cliff Richard in Time studio in London and
– a science-fiction musical then had a few days on
that seems to have owed location [at Barry Island
some debt to Doctor Who, in Wales], filming with
given characters called ‘The Sylvester McCoy and Bonnie
Time Lord’ and ‘Carol-Ann’. Langford. It was exciting to
Jodie and her sister Tracey meet Stubby Kaye, who had
also stayed in touch with been in Guys and Dolls on
John Nathan-Turner, who cast Broadway – Guys and Dolls
them as singers in the 1987 was our first big musical in
Doctor Who story Delta and the UK after arriving from
the Bannermen. Australia. I worked with
“That was going back in Bonnie again later on a TV a songwriter
time to a 1950s band, and series, I’d Like to Teach the – her debut
of course we were thrilled and World to Sing, about the album, Halfway
said yes,” Jodie tells us. The singing coach Ian Adam.” to Paradise, was
sisters sang lead vocals on As Jodie Brooke Wilson, released in 2003. In 2007, star of the first professional
classics Mr Sandman, Lollipop she’s since forged she married singer and pantomime John Nathan-
and Goodnight, Sweetheart, a successful career as comedian Des O’Connor – the Turner worked on.

Doctor. “Yes, though at that point I only

had [his debut story] The Twin Dilemma to Above left inset:
The cover art for the
compare it to,” says Andy. “I didn’t get to go
soundtrack release of the
the stage door afterwards but I wrote to the science-fiction musical
cast and sent them my programme to sign. Time, and Jodie Brooke
They sent it back with postcards and a BBC Wilson’s 2003 album
photograph of Mary Tamm as Romana – Halfway to Paradise.
that was very exciting post!” Above right: Bonnie
A new series of Doctor Who began on Langford (as Mel) and
5 January and that morning Baker and Sylvester McCoy (as the
Doctor) in Delta and
Bryant appeared on Saturday Superstore,
the Bannermen (1987).
with Tamm, Pearce and Nathan-Turner Jodie and her sister
there to promote the pantomime as well. Tracey appeared as
Baker then drove the cast to Southampton backing singers.
in time for the matinée. There followed Left: Anthony Ainley as
an evening performance and two shows Baron Hardup, flanked by
the next day. On Monday, Baker and The Trollettes (aka David
Bryant were filming Revelation of the Raven and James Court)
as the Ugly Sisters. Photo
Daleks at locations chosen for their courtesy of Stephen Cranford.
proximity to the theatre.
“We’d be up at five and go to hair
and make-up, ready for filming,” recalls
Nicola. “We’d be out in the cold and
snow all day. Then we’d be on stage
in the evening, maybe back to the hotel
by midnight or one – and then filming
the next day. Colin and I had a sort
of competition with the crew: if anyone
yawned, we were on them. We
couldn’t have been ill – there
was no one to cover for us on the
shoot. It was lunacy!”
Even so, she has fond
memories of the pantomime. Left inset: A ticket for
the 27 December 1984
“It’s all part of a magical time
in my life. I couldn’t have done
Far left: A page from the
it with anyone else but Colin; Southampton programme
we were a good team. And featuring Mary Tamm
I already knew Mary Tamm (as Prince Charming),
from conventions, but I became Colin Baker (the Doctor)
great friends with Jacqueline and Nicola Bryant
Pearce doing that show. Plus,
Picture courtesy of
I remember the gasp of the Andrew Ledger.
audience each night as I’d
Left: Jill Nalder as
emerge from the trapdoor Dandini, the Prince’s
in my finery, ready to go to valet, and Mary Tamm
the ball. It was exhilarating, as Prince Charming. Photo
exhausting but fun.” DWM courtesy of Stephen Cranford.




“There was never

a folder called The
Cartmel Master Plan,
with a list of things to
do in it. It was a general
tendency and a sort
of definite intent.”
And somewhere else
t he tea’s
g e t t in g c ol d
In December 1989, Doctor Who was taken off air.
Now, 30 years later, in the final part of a candid
interview, former script editor Andrew Cartmel
‘spills the tea’ on the end of days...
Interview by BENJAMIN COOK
ow must it feel to have a master plan Andrew’s three seasons, and the show was suspended Opposite page: Sylvester

named after you? “Well, it’s weird,” says before any of it could be resolved. (The Cartmel Master McCoy (As the Doctor)
and Sophie Aldred (Ace)
Andrew Cartmel. “I don’t know. I quite Plan was fulfilled in the New Adventures novels, though.)
on location in Perivale
like it.” Time Lord? Human? Other? Since Doctor Who returned for Survival (1989).
When he script-edited Doctor Who in to TV in 2005, no production team has dared go there.
Above: Former Doctor
the late 1980s, was The Cartmel Master The Doctor’s origins remain under wraps. “Well, for Who script editor Andrew
Plan even a thing? Or were Andrew’s attempts to restore now,” says Andrew, smiling. “Seriously, one day someone Cartmel.
some Darkness™ and Mystery™ to the title character will tell that story – and probably do it better than we Photo © Helen Solomon.
– to turn the Doctor into a manipulative, amoral chess would have.” Below inset: Ace believes
master who’s far more, and something ‘Other’, than just Another part of the Master Plan got much more that the Doctor is dead in
a Time Lord – only dubbed The Cartmel Master Plan screen time: the Seventh Doctor’s ruthless streak. “Yes, Part Three of Survival.
in retrospect? “If you’re asking me if the Master Plan ruthless is a good word. And manipulative. He has to Below: The Doctor is
existed when I was script editor,” replies Andrew, now be. And Sylvester [McCoy] totally got behind it. He transported to the planet
61 (he doesn’t look it), “I’d say yes… and no. completely brought it to life. As soon as he got a whiff of the Cheetah People
in Survival.
“I had a very definite and particular determination of that darker, more ruthless approach, he liked it.”
to make the Doctor more powerful, more active, Doesn’t the Doctor’s manipulation of Ace
darker and more mysterious,” he explains between border on emotional abuse?
mouthfuls of red velvet cake, as we chat in “That makes the Doctor a more
a café off Portobello Road. “I wanted him interesting character,” argues 1
to have agency – be the doer, not the
done-to; be the mover, not the moved. And
I wanted to restore the enigma inherent
in the title of the show. All of those things
were very conscious, and that collection
of approaches came to be known as The
Cartmel Master Plan. So that totally existed.
“But it was never called that at the time.
There was never a folder called The Cartmel
Master Plan, with a list of things to do in it. It
was a general tendency and a sort of… definite
intent. It was an informal but specific approach. The
right approach. I saw what needed doing, I discussed it
with the writers, and it worked. I’m very proud of The
Cartmel Master Plan.”
It was some time later that Andrew first heard the
term – “at a convention, I think, in the late 90s or early
2000s. I was on a panel with the divine Paul Cornell
[writer of several of Virgin Books’ New Adventures in
the 1990s, and subsequently episodes of the TV series].
He said, ‘Andrew, have you heard of The Cartmel Master
Plan?’ ‘The what?’ The fans must have come up with the
name. It was yonks later that I thought, ‘Oh, it’s kind of
a play on The Daleks’ Master Plan. OK, clever.’”

he most controversial strand of The Cartmel

Master Plan would be a string of revelations
about the Doctor’s past – his real beginnings,
way back, pre-First Doctor, all entwined with
early Time Lord history. Except, on screen this only
amounted to a handful of hints during the last two of



DWM Andrew Cartmel


Right: TP McKenna 1 Andrew. “Ultimately, his companions are like pets. It

(as Captain Cook), was [Andrew’s predecessor as script editor] Terrance
Sylvester McCoy as Dicks who first said that, and he’s right.” Hang on a
the Doctor and Jessica
Martin as Mags in The
second. Like... pets? “In the sense that they’ll die, and
Greatest Show in the he’ll live on and get another one. You have to think of the
Galaxy (1988-89). Doctor on that sort of scale,” says Andrew, finishing off his
Below: The first issue cake. “See – ruthless.”
of influential comic When he created Ace, Andrew was on the cusp of his
Love and Rockets, 30s and in the thick of his first year as script editor. “John
from 1982. [Nathan-Turner, Doctor Who’s producer throughout the
Bottom: Ace is taught 1980s] said, ‘We need a new companion, because Bonnie
about 1960s currency Langford [who played Mel] is leaving and it’s time. I want
by Mike (Dursley
you to write up a description of her replacement. And
McLinden) in Part One
of Remembrance of the give her a name.’ I was on staff, so anything I created
Daleks (1988). was owned by the BBC, which would save them money,
which was the idea. I sat in my office and wrote a brief
description. I called her Alf – short for Alfreda – and
she was a teenage demolition expert, a sort of ‘bovver
“I created Ace. But
boot’ girl.
“So I created Ace. But also I didn’t, because the really
also I didn’t, because
important creating began when the writers got hold of her.
It started with Ian Briggs [who wrote Ace’s debut, 1987’s the really important
Dragonfire, as well as 1989’s The Curse of Fenric], who
changed her name from Alf to Ace and changed her from
a very two-dimensional sketch into a wonderful, three-
creating began when the
dimensional human being. Briggs brought Ace to life. He
took my crudely drawn cartoon and turned her into an
writers got hold of her.”
exquisitely rendered, finished illustration. the kind of aesthetic. She’s of that era. She’s a post-punk
“Then we had Ben Aaronovitch, who wrote heroine. Definitely a child of the 80s.”
Remembrance of the Daleks [1988]. And that’s so full of
great character stuff, like Ace getting a crush on the RAF ecember marks 30 years since the final
sergeant who turns out to be the bad guy, and
her encounters with the casual racism of the
1960s. The way Ian and Ben wrote Ace, she’s
D instalment of Survival was broadcast on BBC1,
drawing the final season of 20th-century Who to
a close with a battle between the Doctor and a
like her own person and the sort of person newly feral Master. To honour the anniversary, the show’s
you want to spend time with; appealing and 1989 run – Season 26 – is being released on Blu-ray.
kind of tough, in a nice way. Then writers “I want to personally apologise to all those people
like Marc Platt [1989’s Ghost Light] and Rona who’ll be watching it for the first time,” says Andrew.
Munro [the same year’s Survival] extended, “I ask them just to ignore the things that
developed and deepened the character.” aren’t the fault of the scripts. You need
Another influence, says Andrew, was to watch Survival and, in your mind,
Love and Rockets, the comic-book alter the Cheetah People. In Ghost
series that launched in 1982, “with Light, there are some dodgy insect-
these kick-ass girls with cute, headed monsters [the Husks].
short haircuts and combat boots, When you watch Fenric, it’s got
who are rocket engineers to be the extended director’s
and stuff, working cut [the 2003 ‘Special
on spaceships. Ace Edition’, included
could be straight on the upcoming
out of Love and Blu-ray]. The thing
Rockets. That’s about Fenric is, it
People made of smoke spread! For a non-
smoker, it was awful.
“But back then, I need

n DWM 543, Andrew capacity for alcohol. Also, to point out, everybody
discussed John Nathan- he was a smoker. I hated at the BBC was drinking
Turner the producer. But cigarette-smoking. In those and smoking.” Not
what was John the man like? days, there was actually Andrew, though? “No,
“Very good and very bad,” a sign up in the production John and I lived very
considers Andrew. “More gallery that said, ‘In different lives. I didn’t
good than bad.” the interest of health smoke. I wasn’t a drinker.
He adds: “John was a and safety, please keep I wasn’t gay. I was in
party animal. He had a huge smoking to a minimum.’ a steady relationship,
Sometimes whereas John was very
John would promiscuous. Although
try to be we were aware of those
nice and aspects of each other, it
sit in the wasn’t really relevant,
opposite because we didn’t hang
corner of out socially. I’d do my
the gallery job and go home. If you
to smoke. do your job and don’t
As if the go home, if you hang
smoke out with the boss, that’s
wouldn’t potentially a disaster.”

only works in the extended edit; the broadcast version in the Galaxy [the Season 25 finale] – minimum make-up, Above left: Nicholas
was too drastically shortened.” just contact lenses, fangs and claws. Instead we got The Courtney (who played
So did Andrew often feel let down by Doctor Who’s Teddy Bears’ Picnic. Less is more if you can’t do ‘more’ the Brigadier) and John
budgetary and time constraints? “We were aware of that properly, and we couldn’t. It was a tragic flaw, though Photo courtesy of
problem. We were aware of that danger. You can put as not a fatal flaw, in that wonderful story; otherwise a Stephen Cranford.
much detail as you like in the scene directions, but it often masterpiece from beginning to end. So if people could Above: Unlike Andrew,
just won’t make it to screen. We thought we’d found a watch my era in that light, that’s all I ask.” JNT was a smoker.
way around it. On [the Season 26 opener] Battlefield, Ben For several years, however, Survival had the dubious Photo courtesy of
said, ‘But if we put it in the dialogue, they have to pay honour of being Doctor Who’s last-ever broadcast Stephen Cranford.

attention to it.’ He had this scene where they were inside TV serial. In DWM 513, Rona Munro confessed that Below: The Cheetah
an alien spaceship and Ace says, ‘It’s like being in some she “minded enormously at the time… It felt like this People prepare to go
huge animal.’ But then what we actually got was a spiral enormous grief. It was like a death… It just is a memory hunting in Survival.
staircase with some Christmas tree lights on it. At that that’s quite painful to revisit.”
point, you just give up.” “Of course it is,” says Andrew, in a low and sincere tone.
Apart from some scenes on the Cheetah People’s planet, “The BBC’s stupidity beggared belief. Rona wrote one
Season 26 is set entirely on Earth. “I was always pushing of the greatest Doctor Who stories ever. How could you
for that, because we could do those stories better. John watch that and say, ‘We’re not going to do this any more’?
always wanted to do monsters and alien worlds, because They got rid of us just when it was really getting good
he thought that’s what Doctor Who was. But it was what again. Which angers me beyond the
Doctor Who did least well, especially at that time. ability of language to express.”
I never wanted the Cheetah People to be in costumes. When did Andrew realise that
I wanted them to be like Mags in The Greatest Show Doctor Who might not be returning 1



DWM Andrew Cartmel


Right: Andrew on the

set of Ghost Light in
1989 with writer
Marc Platt.
Photo © Ian Mackenzie.
Far right: Peter
Cregeen, the BBC’s
Head of Series from
1989-93; and Cregeen’s
1989 statement on
Doctor Who, as it
appeared in the
Radio Times.
Right inset: Sylvester
and Sophie on set for
Ghost Light.
Below inset: Bill Potts
(Pearl Mackie) in The
Pilot (2017).
Bottom left: Ace with
Phyllis (Joanne Bell) 1 for a 27th season? “I knew that
and Jean (Joann Kenny)
something was happening,” he says,
in Part One of The Curse
of Fenric (1989). “because John specifically asked me
to write a coda for Survival. He had
Bottom centre: Ace
comforts the dying a sense that the show was going
Karra (Lisa Bowerman) on hiatus and wasn’t coming back no plans to axe Doctor Who. “I very
in Part Three of any time soon, so we had to put a much hope that it will continue to
Survival. proper ending on it.” So Andrew be as successful in the 90s as it has
Bottom right: Ace “set scripted that famous speech about been for the last 26 years,” he wrote.
the template for so burning skies, sleeping seas, rivers However, in Endgame, a documentary
many companions that that dream and cooling tea, which on Survival’s 2007 DVD release,
followed” says Andrew.
McCoy delivers over the closing shot of Cregeen revised his statement: “I’m
the Doctor and Ace strolling off, arm in arm. afraid that, in 1989, I was the person who
“But how did I feel when I heard the show cancelled Doctor Who,” he declared. “I think
was cancelled?” asks Andrew. “Well, the BBC never most people at that stage regarded it as a programme
told us. Nobody ever actually sat us down and said, ‘You’re that had seen better days… If it was ever to have any life
cancelled.’ We just weren’t renewed. No information. Just again in the future, it needed a long rest.”
silence. Like ghosting your ex! The BBC ghosted us. But Andrew takes a deep breath. “How could you watch
I don’t think it was even a decision. It was a non-decision. Season 26 and not say, ‘This is way better than it was.
They didn’t renew the show, and then they kept on not Give it a chance’? Sorry, but it makes me enraged.”
renewing it.” Did Andrew ever blame himself for Doctor Who’s
In a statement published in the Radio Times a few cancellation? “No, because I did what I still believe was
days before Survival Part Two aired, Peter Cregeen [the an excellent job, thanks to a great team of writers. In any
BBC’s Head of Series, 1989-93] insisted that there were case, I was almost immediately working on another show

Come on, Ace...

wrote in stuff. It wasn’t deemed
Fenric appropriate back then, in a
about the family show, to have openly

eason 26 is, in many ‘undercurrents’. And Rona gay or bi characters – which
ways, powered by Ace’s writing in Survival about is sad, but there we are. So
coming-of-age story. the deep, underlying we had to sneak it
She addresses her childhood feelings. And the in. I’m immensely
traumas. She works through bi or lesbian proud we did.
her angst. And she explores references, like “It was
her sexual identity, notably Ace’s close only relatively
in The Curse of Fenric and bond with recently
Survival. Karra.” that people
“What a double punch,” See also: her pointed
Andrew says of those two chemistry with out to me
serials. “They’re fantastic Gwendoline in how influential
stories and, yes, consumed Ghost Light and my era, especially
with sexuality. All that with Shou Yiong in Season 26, was on
Freudian stuff Ian Briggs Battlefield. “It’s all terrific the revived show and
how Ace set the template
for so many companions
that followed. Characters
like Bill Potts wouldn’t
have existed without
Ace. So I’m very
pleased that my
writers and I set the
template, prepared
that groundwork.”


[script-editing BBC1’s Casualty], so my head was just full
of that and I had a whole other set of problems. By and
large, I moved on. When we discuss it today, I feel residual
fury – I still think it’s very foolish what the BBC did – but
it’s ancient history. The show is back with a vengeance.
So maybe it doesn’t really matter.”
But it took 15 years, three months and 20 days for
Doctor Who to return for good. Andrew admits he
hasn’t watched much ‘Nu Who’, but he’s a fan of Jodie
Whittaker. “I thought she was a tremendous choice.
I knew she’d be fantastic. And I’m delighted we’ve got
a female Doctor. There’s a contingent of men out there
who get really upset about that stuff; the same people who
went nuts at Jane Austen being on a banknote. Maybe
a female Doctor could’ve been a disaster, but any time
you recast the Doctor it could be a disaster. Ardent fans
tend to be quite proscriptive and not fond of change.
It happened when Sylvester was cast in 1987 – he was
the first modern Doctor, really. But Jodie was the most
radical change, so it was quite a shock to the system. But
“It was the unwritten Above: The Rev Mr
Wainwright (Nicholas
Parsons), Ace, the
they pulled it off. She’s brilliant. And really, now anything
goes. That’s quite thrilling.”
rule: if you were a Doctor and Captain
Bates (Stevan Rimkus)
are among those present

hat’s next for Andrew? He’s devoting his script editor, you’d to witness the chains
of Fenric shatter in Part

W commission yourself.”
energies to three projects. Firstly, his series Three of The Curse of
of crime novels, The Vinyl Detective. “I really Fenric.
am proud of them. They’re finding a growing Below left: Sylvester
readership with each book.” The fifth, Low Action, was and financially – that was a big mistake,” he acknowledges. with a canine chum, on
location for Survival.
finished in October and is out in May. Also, he’s written “It was the unwritten rule: if you were a script editor,
a stage play, Partner in the Firm, which will debut next you’d commission yourself immediately. You weren’t Below right: Flip Back
(2019) and Low Action
summer. “I’m fantastically excited,” he says. supposed to, but everybody did. Except me. It wasn’t a (to be published in
“Fingers crossed DWM readers will come and lack of confidence; more a genuine desire, having got 2020), two crime novels
see it.” It’s on at London’s Tristan Bates through the door myself, to give a whole bunch of in Andrew’s range The
Theatre from 24 May to 21 June 2020. other writers a chance. At the time, it felt like the Vinyl Detective.
He’s written a children’s book too. right thing to do. For some years afterwards I
“It’s a rhyming book, like a Dr Seuss regretted it. But I regretted it because I was
book. It’s called Kitten on the Loose. broke. Now I’m quite happy that
‘There’s a kitten on the loose. It’s not I gave all those other writers a chance.
a mouse, it’s not a moose.’ If it finds “Also, I didn’t expect the show to go away as
the right publisher, I think it could be quickly as it did. I sort of intended to write for it,
very popular,” he says, then adds: “So in but then never got around to it, and before I knew
an ideal world, I’d write a Vinyl Detective it the show had been cancelled. So I’d love to have
novel a year, a stage play a year, and a a crack at it today, writing for Jodie’s Doctor. I should
kids’ book a year.” add, ‘And I’ve got a story idea!’ At the same time, I know
And how about that Ben Aaronovitch has a story idea that’s really
an episode of TV dynamite. And they should hire Marc Platt to do
Doctor Who? He some, because he was wonderful.” He pauses,
never wrote a then smiles. “See, I’m doing it again. This is
whole one back always my problem. I’m putting my other
in the day. “In writers first. So let’s say yes, before anybody
career terms – else. Ben, Marc, Ian, Rona… but chiefly they
should hire me.” DWM

Season 26 is released on Blu-ray in

January. The Vinyl Detective: Low Action
is published by Titan in May.




Blue Blood For Ian Collins, the forthcoming Season 26

box set will serve as a reminder of the
time he chased Nicholas Parsons around
a graveyard while dressed as a blue alien.
Interview by EMILY COOK

Above: Ian Collins riday 5 October 2018. It’s two days before Jodie but because I wanted to see how television worked. The
in his current role as Whittaker makes her on-screen debut as the first thing I did was The Bill. Then one day the agency
a presenter, in the Thirteenth Doctor and at BBC Radio Kent a rang and said, ‘We’ve got this job: it’s to be a monster in
Talkradio studio.
new breakfast-show presenter is about to be Doctor Who. Do you want to do it?’ In about a tenth of a
Below: Captain Sorin revealed. “It’s like a Doctor Who [regeneration] second, I went, ‘Yes of course I do.’ I spent the next few days
(Tomek Bork) uses his
faith to escape the
– a reinvigorated moment,” says Ian Collins, as thinking, ‘What’s the monster? Am I going to be a Dalek? Or
Haemovores in The he introduces himself to listeners. a Cyberman? Or something new?’ I had no idea. All I knew
Curse of Fenric (1989). “You have a rather bizarre Doctor Who claim to fame, was I had to go to Hawkhurst Church for three days’ filming.”
The Haemovore played don’t you, Ian?” asks his co-host, Anna. Arriving on location in Kent, Ian discovered he was to be
by Ian is on the left “Yes,” he replies. “I was a monster in Doctor Who.” a Haemovore. He recalls getting into character in the
of the photo, wearing
In a past life, Ian played a Haemovore in 1989’s The make-up trailer. “Because of the eye holes in the masks, our
a frilly collar.
Curse of Fenric. Ahead of the Blu-ray release of The eyes had to be made-up in Haemovore blue. Nowadays you’d
Collection – Season 26, he’s invited DWM to Radio Kent probably have a more considered fitting for a mask but we
to recall the making of the serial. just turned up and put them on.”
“I was 16 and I’d signed up with an extras agency,” he Was it difficult to breathe behind the mask? “No, it
says, “not because I had big ambitions to become an actor was fine. I remember Nicholas Parsons, who played


the vicar, saying, ‘Are they OK, those things
you’re wearing? Are you all right?’ I went Above left: An extra
gets made up to be
home and said, ‘Mum, Nicholas Parsons spoke
a Haemovore.
to me today!’ He’s still around of course – Photo © Ian Collins.
90-something and still doing Radio 4’s Just
Above right: Recording
a Minute. Incredible!” in the graveyard.
Photo © Ian Collins.

nce the Haemovores were made up, says Left: The Haemovores,
Ian, “Like all extra jobs, there was a lot of led by Phyllis (Joanne
hanging around. There’s a scene where Bell) and Jean (Joann
a Haemovore chases Sophie Aldred [Ace] up a Kenny) go on the attack.
ladder. I think they used a stunt man for that. Ian’s Haemovore is in the
centre of the frame.
The rest of us had to sit on the church roof for
about two hours, just waiting in case they needed Below: The Rev Mr
Wainwright (Nicholas
a couple of extra Haemovores.” Parsons) attempts to
Ian may not have chased Sophie Aldred up prevent the vampiric
a ladder but he had a more than adequate monsters from entering
consolation prize. “The coolest thing I did,” his church.
he confides, “was definitely chasing Nicholas
Parsons around a graveyard. Also, the bit where he’s
battling to shut the door of the church, have you noticed
the candlestick moment? He’s using it to bash the
Haemovores away but, because it’s a prop, it’s made of
rubber. If you watch it back, you’ll see the candlestick
actually bends at one point!”
One of Ian’s highlights was meeting Sophie Aldred
and Sylvester McCoy. “They were both wonderful in
between takes. One lunch break I remember shouting out
to Sylvester, ‘Can I do a quick picture?’ He said, ‘Yes, of

“Extras can get

slightly forgotten
on a film set, but
being a monster
felt like you weren’t
a normal extra.”
course you can.’ He was so happy and nice, and Sophie
was really lovely too. I remember the big producer, John
Nathan-Turner, being there as well – although I wasn’t
really aware of who he was then, other than people saying,
‘John Nathan-Turner’s here!’
“We were treated incredibly well,” Ian continues.
“Extras can get slightly forgotten on a film set, but being
a monster felt like you weren’t a normal extra. A ‘normal’
extra would’ve been paid around £40 a day but, if you got
direction, it went up to like £400 a day, so every extra
craved to be told what to do. Because monsters are
a crucial part of Doctor Who there was direction involved.
In one scene we had to walk through the graveyard,
somebody sprayed some mist and said, ‘Hold your hands
up. ACTION!’ That shot was in the Radio Times. I wish 1



Ian Collins

Right: Two Haemovores

pose for Ian between
takes. Photo © Ian Collins.
Far right: The
Haemovores advance
in the churchyard.
Below left: Sylvester
McCoy as the Doctor.
Below right: Recording
a scene for The Curse of
Fenric on location in April
1989. Photo © Ian Collins.

1 I had a copy of that. It was on the DVD cover as well.”

We’re looking at the DVD cover now. “Each Haemovore “Each Haemovore
looks slightly different. I’m the one with the frilly collar,
which was good because it makes me identifiable. When looks slightly
we put our masks on, I remember thinking, ‘No one’s
going to know I’ve been in Doctor Who. They’ll only have different. I’m the one
my word for it.’ Which technically is still the case. Unless
I’ve bluffed it for all these years…” with the frilly collar.”
Ian admits he’s surprised to still be asked about a small
part he played 30 years ago. “As a kid I was a fan of Tom would’ve been kept in some reverential place, but he said
Baker and Doctor Who was always quite big, so at the time they’d just been sitting in a box in a shed for 30 years!”
I felt I was part of something special. But I didn’t realise During the interview, says Ian, “The mask was put on
I was part of something that would be so prevalent now.” a dummy head and placed on the table next to us. Pete
said, ‘Does that table move around? It doesn’t. Right, if

hen writer-director Pete McTighe got in touch I sit underneath it…’ So when you see the Blu-ray, assuming
with Ian about doing an interview for the upcoming they use it, there’ll be a shot of the mask rotating which
Season 26 Blu-ray, he was sceptical at first. will look like it’s on an automatic plinth, but it’s actually
“I actually thought it was a joke and I didn’t reply for Pete McTighe under the table moving it with his hands.”
about three weeks. Eventually I emailed, saying, ‘Sorry Ian laughs. “I was like, ‘You’re the director, mate,
if I’m coming back to you too late on this.’ He replied, you shouldn’t be doing this.’ But he was so enthusiastic
‘We’re filming on Sunday. If you can make it, that’d about the whole thing and really wanted to get it right.
be great.’ Apparently, The Curse of Fenric is his favourite story. Pete
“The guy who designed the Haemovore masks [Stephen said when he returned from Australia the first place he
Mansfield] was at the interview too. I thought the masks headed was Hawkhurst, because he wanted to go to the
church and see where it was filmed. He’s such a big fan
and such a nice bloke.”

CHEQUE IT OUT Ian suggests that “Most people alive probably have
a memory of Doctor Who. The fact that I was in it always
creates a conversation. I’ve spoken to really quite well-

en years ago sat down and had a drink. known actors who have said they would do a day in a mask
I met Sylvester He spoke to me like I was for Doctor Who. David Walliams was one of them. Of
McCoy again at part of the family. course, he’s done it now. [Walliams played Gibbis in 2011’s
Soho House in London,” “I remember I said The God Complex.] Who doesn’t want to be a monster in
says Ian. “Me and my to Sylvester, ‘The funny Doctor Who? I was only an extra for a very short period
mate were at the bar thing is, I still get cheques of time but my Doctor Who experience was amazing.”
and he said, ‘There’s for being in The Curse He smiles. “The fact that you can’t actually see my face
Doctor Who over of Fenric for DVD sales is completely irrelevant.” DWM
there! You should around the world. You
introduce yourself.’ obviously get them as
I thought, ‘As if I’m well but for a lot more.’
going to do that.’ He said, ‘I should jolly
“My mate is well hope so… I was the
quite an extrovert, Doctor.’ He said it in
so he went up to such a nice way and he
Sylvester and said, wasn’t bragging at all.
‘Ian was one of He was just proudly like,
your monsters.’ ‘I was the Doctor.’”
Sylvester said, Does Ian still get those
‘Which one were cheques now? “They
you, dear boy?’ stopped coming recently.
I told him I was They were only for really
a Haemovore and small amounts but it was
he said, ‘Come always quite nice when
and join us!’ So we one came through.”



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Exploring the hidden depths of Doctor Who’s most intriguing stories...

Let’s travel back to FIRST BROADCAST: 25 December 2012

Christmas in Victorian England, 1842: a young boy builds
a snowman – then hears its voice
London, when the Doctor in his head…
met a young woman 00m 14s The villainous voice that says it can
called Clara Oswald for help young Walter (Cameron Strefford) is
that of Ian McKellen – who later appeared
the very first time… as himself in the 50th anniversary ‘Red
Button’ comedy The Five(ish) Doctors
Feature by ALAN BARNES Reboot (2013). McKellen also played semi-
retired actor Freddie, life partner to Stuart
(played by sometime Master Derek Jacobi),
n a cold, Christmassy in the ITV sitcom Vicious (2013-16). In the

morning, a little boy second episode (broadcast 6 May 2013), it
discovers that the was revealed that Freddie has been invited
snowman he made in his to a “fan club screening” of his Doctor Who
garden has come to life… episode: “Apparently, I’ve been voted the
The Snowmen begins, tenth most popular villain of all time… Does
then, exactly like The Snowman (1982) something like that even mean anything?”
– the animated TV film that gave us the The Snowmen was extensively
song Walking in the Air. Really, though, restructured in post-production.
The Snowmen began with the late Douglas As scripted, this ‘young Walter’
Adams, who, circa 1979, briefly served as scene came later, following on
script editor of Doctor Who. Interviewed from the opening titles, and
for the academic study Doctor Who: The the pre-credits sequence,
Unfolding Text (1983), Adams recalled set in 1892, was focused
how he’d once imagined a story in which around another boy entirely:
the Doctor decided that he was sick and a boy dropped from the
tired of travelling the universe, fighting finished programme. As
evil: “And I wanted him actually to try written and recorded,
and escape out of it, and refuse to have the episode opened with
anything to do with whatever problem the a little boy (played by
universe may throw at him. But gradually Max Furst) looking out
having to return to that because of of a bedroom window
something that happened.” The Snowmen into a small back
was that idea, writer Steven Moffat garden, and frowning
admitted in the Radio Times: “I remember at the sight of the “big
reading about it and thinking it sounded round jolly snowman”
so great that, if I ever had the chance, standing there. The
that would be one hell of a story to tell…” snowman had no
Here, the ‘something that happens’ features: “no coals
to rouse the Doctor from the existential for eyes, or carrot
funk caused by the loss of his companions nose… and somehow
Amy and Rory Pond is Clara Oswald. its blankness is
At the time of recording, new companion almost sinister.”
actress Jenna-Louise Coleman had The boy asked his
not only recorded her appearance as mother (Devon Black)
‘alternative Clara’ Oswin Oswald in if snowmen came back –
2012-13 series opener Asylum of the because outside, he insisted,
Daleks, but a further two episodes as the Above: The was the same snowman they’d
‘regular’ 21st-century version of Clara: sinister Dr Walter made the year before…
Simeon (Richard
Hide, then Cold War – which aired as
E Grant) in The
the fourth and third episodes of 2013. Snowmen (2012).
Meaning we all expected the Victorian
Right: A mother
Clara to turn out to be the regular Clara. (Devon Black) and
But she wasn’t, as became apparent in her little boy (Max
The Snowmen’s cruel twist; when she Furst) look out
failed, in fact, to go walking in the air… from his bedroom
Which deserves to be remembered window in a scene
cut from the
as one of the nastiest surprises in
finished episode.
Doctor Who’s history.


We returned to the same back garden craning up over the
later, when the boy, having sneaked out wall” – to see the
of bed, exited the house to see: “Crump!! exterior of Darkover
Crump!! Two more identical snowmen House, not introduced
explode up through the snow!!” Mouths in the finished
opened in their faces to reveal “glittering programme until after
fangs” – whereupon, unsurprisingly, the boy the opening titles.
raced back indoors…
05m 21s “Doctor who?”
01m 25s Fifty years later: the grown-up wonders Clara, hanging
(Dr) Walter Simeon (Richard E Grant) upside-down from the
watches as his workers scrape snowmen hatch in the roof of the
samples into specimen jars from the alley Doctor’s carriage.
outside the Rose & Crown pub, where Clara On screen, this leads
was already supposed to have met the Doctor of the 1960 stage musical Oliver!, itself taken into the first use of the series’ new opening
(in the scene beginning at 03m 13s). This was from Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist (1839). title sequence and theme arrangement –
supposed to be Simeon’s second stop, having For his part, the Doctor (Matt Smith) was but stage directions specified a title caption
already collected samples from the now- described as resembling another Dickensian reading simply “DOCTOR WHO… No
dormant snowmen in the little boy’s garden. character: “A Victorian gentleman now: individual episode title, or title sequence.
Originally, the first workman began scraping sombre, bit severe. Almost Scrooge.” Just a few sombre bars of the traditional
at the base of the snowman – whose mouth Originally, Clara recognised the snowman music, Victorian style.”
suddenly cracked open, revealing its teeth. as one she’d made the year before, just as
Careful, warned Simeon: “The snow has the little boy had: “So how can it be back 06m 42s In a scene
travelled a long way. It’s bound to be hungry.” again?” she wondered. When the Doctor originally placed
Richard E Grant had twice before played queried how Clara could remember “the between the first
alternative Doctors: firstly in the Steven exact snowman” she’d made last Christmas, Little Boy’s House
Moffat-authored Comic Relief adventure she said she couldn’t forget it: “Look at the scene and Clara’s
The Curse of Fatal Death (1999), then in face – gave me nightmares.” introduction, Simeon’s called on Captain
the ‘webcast’ animation The Scream of the Latimer (Tom Ward) at Darkover House.
Shalka (2003). 04m 46s Clara The year before, Latimer’s children’s
chases after the governess drowned in the ornamental pond,
01m 57s Simeon Doctor’s brougham which then froze; Simeon tells Latimer
has entered the carriage – which, that he wants what’s growing inside the
boardroom of the as written, cued the pond – and gives him his card. Stage
‘GI Institute’, where first cut back to the little boy, seeing two directions specified only a “brief glimpse”
he spoons snow more snowmen appear in his garden (see of Simeon’s card – “just the embossed
from the specimen jars into a huge globe above). Then the action returned to Clara, letter G.I. and an address”. High definition,
while the voice of the snowman speaks making a “flying leap” to jump on the back however, gives away the secret identity of
to him… in a scene originally intended to of the Doctor’s carriage – but just missing Simeon’s snowman to anyone familiar with
be placed much later, after Clara had fled and tumbling through the snow. Whereupon: adversaries of the Second Doctor – since
down the staircase leading to the Doctor’s “we pan to a high wall next to her, now the clearly visible ‘Great Intelligence 1
cloud-borne TARDIS (at 18m 00s).
The Simeon/sinister voice dialogue was
altered in dubbing. Instead of reporting that Young Walter’s house was Treowen,
the last of the arrivals had been sampled, at Wonastow in Monmouth.
Simeon said that the thaw would be coming
tonight. Then, rather than say that the Saul Metzstein directed 2012 Human Nature/The Family of Blood, Excepting additional sequences
swarm was approaching, the voice replied: Christmas special The Snowmen as 2007). Darkover’s playroom and and pick-ups recorded outside
“The thoughts and dreams and nightmares half of a two-story block with The children’s bedroom, though, were the principal production period,
of this entire city are ours now. We are Crimson Horror, the sixth episode found at Insole Court on Fairwater everything else was recorded
learning much of this world. But not enough. to air in 2013 – since both stories Road, Cardiff – also the venue for throughout August and September
We must learn to take human form.” featured the Doctor’s Victorian ultimately cut scenes set at the series’ new Roath Lock Studios
This was followed by the scene in which England associates Vastra, in a little boy’s house. home, including the Rose & Crown
Simeon fed the workmen to the suddenly Jenny and Strax. Further GI Institute yard and alley exteriors, and designer
materialised snowmen. interiors were recorded Michael Pickwoad’s new TARDIS
The GI Institute at Cardiff University. interior – built when the cost of
A barmaid discovers that a snowman has boardroom scenes were Victorian London exteriors moving the existing set from Upper
suddenly appeared in the yard outside the first to be recorded, at were recorded around Corn Boat Studios was deemed prohibitive.
the Rose & Crown, and asks a mysterious The Coal Exchange in Mount Stuart Street and Portland Square in
passer-by if he made it… Square, Cardiff, over Monday 6 and Bristol. Madame Vastra’s orchid The Snowmen ranked 68th
Tuesday 7 August 2012. Two days house was located at Llandough (out of 241) in DWM’s First
03m 14s The were spent at Fields House, Newport Castle in the Vale of Glamorgan. 50 Years poll of 2014.
barmaid is Clara (previously seen in Blink, 2007)
(Jenna-Louise recording the Captain Latimer’s Top: Living
Coleman) – the study scenes, among others. Clara’s snowmen!
spitting image graveside was located at Cathays Above inset: Director
of Oswin in Asylum of the Daleks (2012), Cemetery on Allensbank Road, Saul Metzstein.
although the Doctor doesn’t know what Cardiff. Four days in total were spent Right: The scenes set
Oswin looked like. Stage directions described recording various Darkover House in Darkover House
Clara as “Nancy in Oliver”, and indeed, she exteriors and interiors at the Gothic were shot on location
wears a claret-coloured dress, higher-cut but revival Treberfydd House in Brecon at Treberfydd House
in Brecon.
otherwise very like that worn by Shani Wallis (previously the boarding school in
as Nancy in the 1968 film version


1Institute’ is located at 2 Bloomsbury Lane, be placed immediately
London (not a real address). after the scene in which
Simeon’s workmen
07m 50s Simeon’s took scrapings from the
confronted by the snowmen in the little
Silurian Madame boy’s garden…
Vastra (Neve
McIntosh) and Clara thinks about
Jenny (Catrin Stewart) – associates of the the snowman in the
Doctor’s last seen in A Good Man Goes to yard, causing fanged
War (2011), whose exploits, according to snowmen to form…
Right: Clara
Simeon, have inspired one Dr Doyle to write Oswald (Jenna-
certain “fantastical tales” in The Strand 12m 55s …because the Louise Coleman)
Magazine. If Vastra was the model for the snow’s feeding off her and the Doctor
not-yet-knighted Arthur Conan Doyle’s thoughts, explains the (Matt Smith) are
Sherlock Holmes, her “suspiciously intimate Doctor in exposition surprised by a very
unusual snowman.
companion” Jenny must be a proxy for expanded from the
Holmes’ live-in chum Dr Watson. shooting script. As
Simeon tells Vastra that “winter is written, after more snowmen appeared, Clara’s followed the Doctor… who whistles
coming”, echoing a recurring phrase from Clara told the Doctor: “Every time you tell a section of the Austrian organist Franz
the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones me to stop thinking about it, I think about it!!” Xaver Gruber’s Silent Night (1818) as he
(2011-19) – one used for the title of its It was just a snowman, the Doctor assured arrives at a snowy square and pulls the
first episode, in fact. her – which she countered with, “It’s a scary bottom of a retracting ladder from the air.
In the shooting script, Vastra and Simeon snowman. I had nightmares about it!” Too Originally Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht, the
didn’t meet until the final ‘boardroom’ late, the Doctor warned her not to think about same tune had featured in both of the last
sequence (circa 48m 26s). This scene was the nightmares… because now the snowmen two Christmas specials, A Christmas Carol
written long after the rest of the episode and revealed their fangs. “They’ve never done (2010) and The Doctor, the Widow and the
recorded during production of the 2012-13 that in my nightmares,” noted Clara. Wardrobe (2011); it would turn up again
series finale The Name of the Doctor (2013) in Twice Upon a Time (2017).
– also featuring Vastra, Jenny and Simeon, 13m 14s Urged by the Doctor, Clara
and also directed by Saul Metzstein. imagines the snowmen melted… and the pair 17m 13s Clara
of them find themselves suddenly soaked knocks on the door
09m 08s Vastra as the snowmen dissipate. Stage directions of the 20th-century
and Jenny’s other imagined the aftermath differently: “They police box she’s
associate is the look down – they’re up to their ankles in found parked on
Sontaran Strax (Dan water. Wider: The snow is gone from the a cloud at the top of a long spiral staircase,
Starkey) – Doyle’s alleyway – but it is now flooded.” invisible from the ground. Stage directions
model for Holmes’ cook-cum-landlady indicated: “we might notice that the TARDIS
Mrs Hudson, we presume – who’s driven 14m 16s Having has aged quite a bit. The paintwork has
the Doctor’s carriage to observe Simeon sneaked out of the darkened with age, and the box is battered
entering the GI Institute. carriage meant to and battle-scarred”. It is – but why? At the
As Strax’s dialogue about the snow take her back to the end of the previous televised adventure, The
samples implies, this scene was meant to Rose & Crown, Angels Take Manhattan (2012), the Doctor
read a message left for him in the afterword
to River Song’s pulp fiction-y part-memoir
intention to “split Melody Malone by his lost companion
the world open with Amy Pond – in which she’d predicted that,
a giant drill through with Amy and her husband Rory trapped
that they’d healed his wounds, the thinnest part of in 1938, “you won’t be coming back here
and that what he’d presumed the Earth’s crust”. for a while”. This stage direction, coupled
to be the fatal shot had only Evidently Dr Doyle with Vastra’s statement (at 24m 55s) that
caused him to faint. Vastra then was paying more the Doctor was “different once, a long time
offered to take Strax back with attention than the ago”, would seem to indicate that Amy
them to the “planet” of London Doctor, since this was right – and that for the Doctor, some
in the year 1888 (late autumn, bears a remarkable resemblance considerable time has passed between the
we presume, since Vastra had only to his novella When the World events of The Angels Take Manhattan
astra, Jenny and recently killed ‘Jack the Ripper’). Screamed (1928), in which and now.

V Strax were among the

‘soldiers’ assembled
by the Doctor in
A Good Man Goes to War (2011)
Two further minisodes were
produced, both set in the run-up
to The Snowmen – ie, passing over
the great many adventures enjoyed
his Prof George Challenger
sought to do much the same.
The final minisode, Vastra
Investigates, ended with
Has he only recently returned
to Earth, though? In the
interim, he seems to have
fallen out of love with the
to take part in an assault on the by the trio (and supposedly snow beginning to fall… tweedy jackets he’d worn
asteroid Demons Run – during exploited by one A Conan Doyle) in hitherto, and (as we’ll see)
which Strax was (apparently) killed, the intervening period, 1888-92. Above left: Vastra (Neve the TARDIS control
a turn of events referenced by the In The Great Detective (originally McIntosh), Strax (Dan room has undergone
Doctor at 11m 50s, when he broadcast on 16 November, as Starkey) and Jenny a significant revamp
tells Clara how a friend of his had part of the 2012 Children in Need (Catrin Stewart) in – which makes
The Battle of Demons
brought Strax back (ie, from death). telethon) the so-called Paternoster that ‘battle-
Run: Two Days Later.
This was dramatised in The Battle Gang (of Paternoster Row, in the scarred’ direction
Above: When the World
of Demons Run: Two Days Later, a City of London) sought to engage particularly
Screamed, published in
‘minisode’ eventually incorporated the “retired” Doctor’s interest, The Strand Magazine. intriguing. Was the
into the Complete Seventh Series describing (for example) the case previous control
DVD/Blu-ray release. Here, Jenny of one Professor Erasmus Pink, Madame Vastra. room literally lost
explained to the recovered Strax who’d drunkenly declared his in a battle of some


17m 53s The Doctor Realising what he’d said, Latimer blushed; 22m 09s The children
finds Clara’s shawl, and, seeing him “going all colourful again”, have shown Clara
dropped in her flight Clara went to pour water from a carafe, the pond their last
down the staircase: saying: “You know what happens now – governess drowned
in early drafts, he you’ll go completely scarlet and knock over in – but as late as
found her hat at the foot of the stairs, with a vase.” Clara then asked if it’d help if she shooting script stage, they saw something
“DOCTOR WHO” written in the snow beside. loosened Latimer’s collar. “Probably not rising up from the centre of the still-frozen
a tremendous amount, no,” replied the pond: “You’d almost think it was an ice
18m 11s At the Institute, more snow is Captain, before “taking up a proper stern sculpture – a crudely formed ice sculpture
spooned into the globe – oddly, because position at the fireplace” so they might get of a clawing hand reaching up out of the
Simeon had brought in “The last of the “Down to business”. frozen pond.” Frannie asked Clara why
arrivals” earlier (at 01m 46s). Surely the Clara’s ‘vase’ line was paid off at the end the ice looked like a hand – “It’s like she’s
samples would have melted by now? (In of the scene. Before exiting Latimer’s study, coming back” – and it was this that led her to
fact, this scene seems to have been created Clara warned him to “step away from that describe how she’d dreamed about her old
entirely in post-production and dubbing, since china figurine” – and, as she entered the governess coming back for Christmas. 1
it featured nowhere in the shooting script.) hallway, closing the door behind her, we
heard “an ornament smashing from within
19m 00s Christmas the room”. Giving “a tut and a little Left: The Doctor in his
Eve morning, and shake of her head”, Clara moved on... Dickensian garb.
Clara exits the Rose Bottom: Digby (Joseph
& Crown, despite 20m 56s In the garden, ‘Miss Darcey-Alden) and Francesca
the landlord (Jim Montague’ is reunited with Latimer’s (Ellie Darcey-Alden) greet
Clara in the garden of
Conway) begging her to stay – but why would children Francesca (Ellie Darcey-Alden)
Darkover House.
he think that Clara’s mysterious “other work” and Digby (Joseph Darcey-Alden).
is any of his business? The closing credits Unusual name, ‘Digby’ – so The Fact of
confirm that this is Clara’s Uncle Josh – even Fiction is tempted to observe that
though scripted dialogue references to their it’s not impossible for him to grow
familial relationship didn’t make it to the up to be the unseen ‘Uncle Digby’
finished programme. As written, for example, whose big country pile the Arwell
Clara departed the pub with the line, family visited at Christmas 1941 in The
“Because, Uncle, you’d never believe me!” Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe.
Stage directions gave Digby Latimer’s age
19m 20s Having changed her clothes en
route, Clara arrives at Darkover House…
where she normally works as a governess.
Stage directions gave ‘Miss Montague’
a forename: “This is her in her Beryl
Montague guise, all haughty and cold.” Circa
autumn 2011, a Victorian governess named
Beryl (named, it appears, after writer
Steven Moffat’s mother-in-law, TV producer
Beryl Vertue) had been intended to replace
Amy Pond as the Doctor’s companion, prior
to a rethink early in 2012 – meaning Clara’s
assumed identity is that lost companion as ten, meaning he
character, pretty much! was born circa 1882,
Clara is met by maid Alice (Liz White) and the Arwells’ Uncle
– but in early drafts, Latimer’s household Digby is said to be “in
also included a footman named Billy (the a home in Battersea” in 1941 –
name of Sherlock Holmes’ Baker Street so if they are the same Digby, he ended up
pageboy, note). in a convalescent (or similar) home by the
age of 59. Which seems young; but if Digby
20m 08s Clara has followed his father into the navy, he could
been summoned to easily have ended up a captain in his thirties,
Captain Latimer’s during the First World War – and been
study to discuss his injured in battle…
daughter Francesca’s
recent nightmares – but a big chunk of this
scene was cut in editing. Stage directions
described how Clara’s very presence caused
her widowed employer to immediately
blush and go to pieces: “The moment she’s
in the room he is a man carved out of solid
embarrassment, communicating largely in
awkward pauses – because, let’s be clear,
she is Far Too Pretty.” On screen, Clara
asks Latimer: “You wanted to see me?”
Originally, Latimer floundered – “Like he
always flounders with her” – and filled the
silence by saying she looked well. “I am
well, I am always well, I am very firm on
that point,” replied Clara, to which Latimer
responded: “Yes, you look very firm.”


1Jenny sees Clara trying to call the Doctor something more permanent
down from his cloud, and takes her to see than snowmen, the Doctor
Vastra – who challenges Clara to entice investigates the frozen pond.
the Doctor with a one-word message…
32m 35s “Bloomin’ ’ell!”
26m 48s That exclaims Clara when the ice
message – ‘Pond’ – governess (voiced by Juliet
causes the Doctor to Cadzow, aka bus driver
lower his book and Edie McCredie in the BBC
look at his reading children’s series Balamory,
glasses… because they’re the glasses he took 2002-05) enters the
from Amy in The Angels Take Manhattan. As children’s bedroom.
written, this prompted a cutaway to the hand
in the frozen pond: “just once it... twitches.” 33m 36s The maybe it was originally a Sontaran barracks
Doctor’s blasted tradition that Strax accidentally exported to
27m 23s Purporting the resurrected a New York schoolyard at some point? (Now
to be consulting governess with his there’s a story that needs to be told.)
detective Sherlock sonic screwdriver.
Holmes, the Doctor Outside, however, Simeon activates a strange 39m 25s Simeon wants the governess as
calls in on Simeon device (described in stage directions as “like a blueprint for the Intelligence – so, with Clara
at the Institute – wearing the deerstalker a bubble wand for blowing bubbles through”) following, the Doctor’s lured the ice creature
hat and Inverness cape that made only their that generates “snow”, and blows it over to the roof. Now, in order to bypass the
second print appearance that same month, the wall – which was supposed to have been attic window, the governess dissipates, then
December 1892, in the illustrations by Sidney witnessed by Vastra and Jenny, “watching reforms outside – but she wasn’t meant to
Paget for the Strand Magazine story Silver the G.I. cab from a discreet distance...” be the only menace present. Stage directions
Blaze. What’s happened to the different, but had snowmen “extruding themselves into
equally Paget-ian, hat and cape combination With snowmen having appeared existence” on the rooftop while the Doctor
worn by the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) in outside, Vastra, Jenny and Strax join challenged Clara to divine his plan: “visible
The Talons of Weng-Chiang (1977) – is it no the Doctor indoors – where Jenny between them the Ice Governess, nearly
longer in the TARDIS wardrobe? generates a forcefield to hold the formed. All around snowmen growing –
reconstituted ice governess. ice-fanged mouths yawning open. In the
28m 26s The Doctor soon deduces that middle, the Doctor and Clara – nose to nose,
the intelligent, snow-mimicking crystalline 36m 44s “Sir, please like they’re more concerned about their
organism inside the globe is a “Moriarty” do not noogie me own game of brinkmanship than the danger
– a reference that must fly over the head of during combat prep,” growing around them.”
everyone else in the room, since The Final asks Strax, after the
Problem, introducing Holmes’ criminal Doctor affectionately 40m 26s “So
mastermind nemesis Professor James rubs his knuckles on the Sontaran’s head. – barmaid or
Moriarty, won’t be published in the Strand The so-called ‘noogie’ appears to have governess, which is
until December 1893, a full year later. originated in the US in the mid-20th it?” the Doctor asks
(Unless Moriarty is a real person in this century, with the Oxford English Dictionary Clara, as they begin
universe, even though Holmes isn’t?) dating the first published use of this slang to climb the spiral staircase to the TARDIS
term to the 1960s (in the Israel Horovitz parked above the house. He never hears
Since the Intelligence needs human DNA play The Indian Wants the Bronx). So maybe her answer, though, because a significant
in ice form in order to translate itself into Strax picked it up from the Doctor… or chunk of their subsequent chat was cut for
time. Originally, she told him that she was
“just helping out” her uncle by working as
bag of equally a barmaid – but she’d bettered herself by
impossible learning to talk proper: “People take you
dimensions – seriously when you talk proper. Pay you
hen Clara, Because The Fact of Fiction’s at one point more too.” The Doctor surmised that she’d

W in the guise
of Victorian
governess ‘Beryl
Montague’, puts her charges
Poppins consultant Miranda
Barnes (15) notes that, whereas
Poppins is first seen to live on
a cloud in the sky, and uses an
a full-sized
hat-stand from
its interior…
changed her name, probably faked some
references and pretended to be a qualified
governess – which led her to ask, sharply:
“Are you a qualified doctor?”
Frannie and Digby to bed (at umbrella to descend to the London The exchange in which Clara asks
31m 50s), she promises them house where her two young how they got up “so high so quick”, and
that a man who “lives on charges Jane and Michael the Doctor told her how the staircase
a cloud in the sky” is live, ‘Miss Montague’ was “taller on the inside”, didn’t
coming to help – which will eventually (at feature in the shooting script and
the children take to 39m 39s) use an appears to have been dubbed in
be another of her umbrella to help her post-, to cover the discontinuity
“definitely true” stories, ascend from her two left by the loss of the lines above.
like having being born young charges’ London
behind the clock face of Big house to the cloud in the 40m 57s The Doctor leads
Ben, and inventing fish. sky where her friend the Clara inside the TARDIS – the
Clara isn’t a magical Doctor lives. camera following the pair
nanny, like Mary Stranger still to Top: The malevolent through the doors into its new,
Poppins – as most observe that, whereas ice governess. impossibly dimensioned control
famously incarnated by the bow-tie-wearing Inset left: Mary Poppins room interior in a single unbroken
Julie Andrews in the Walt Doctor has a police box (Julie Andrews) and Clara shot, for the first time in the
Disney film of 1964 – but that’s bigger on the inside with their umbrellas. series proper (although a similar
is there an interesting comparison than the out, the bow-tie-wearing Above: Clara in her role shot had featured in the 1993
to be made here, nonetheless? Poppins carries around a carpet as a governess. anniversary documentary
30 Years in the TARDIS).


The Doctor gives Clara her own TARDIS The ‘memory worm’ that Strax failed to a disembodied
key – but the ice governess grabs hold use on Clara earlier is in the tin. It bites entity that
of her, and they fall off the cloud to the Simeon, erasing his memory – and with it, thinks it can
ground far below. the Intelligence’s voice, thinks the Doctor… invade the
world with
44m 31s Future 50m 48s This isn’t (abominable)
technology installed the last time the snowmen, or
in Latimer’s study Doctor will use a that (as the Doctor had told it at 48m 48s,
has (temporarily) memory worm: the when he brought out that souvenir tin) that
brought Clara species reappears the London Underground of 1967 is a “key
back from death. Stage directions set an in Time Heist (2014), when they’re used strategic weakness in metropolitan living”
“almost religious” scene: “There is now as part of a plot to burgle the Bank of – lines clearly intended to pave the way for
a table in the middle of the room, and Karabraxos. the Second Doctor’s earlier encounters
Clara is laid on it… surrounded by with the Intelligence. (The Intelligence
fantastical medical paraphernalia.” 52m 10s The Intelligence has possessed won’t actually seize control of the
A globe – specifically said to resemble the emptied Simeon – presumably Underground before circa 1975, however –
the gravity globes used to illuminate the the first time it’s pulled off a trick it’ll some 40 years after the 1935 date given to
cavern in The Satan Pit (2006) and the later repeat on Tibetan master monk the events of The Abominable Snowmen.)
‘Maze of the Dead’ in The Time of Angels Padmasambhava (Wolfe Morris) in The Vastra and Jenny are wrong to imagine
(2010) – cast “a cone of light” over her; Abominable Snowmen and Staff Sergeant that they’re not in a great deal of danger
light intended to “change in colour and Arnold (Jack Woolgar) in The Web of Fear. from the disembodied Intelligence – as
intensity” according to Clara’s condition. But would it have learned how to do it if the they’ll discover when the entity formerly
Doctor hadn’t used the worm on Simeon…? known as Walter Simeon returns in The
47m 41s Having Name of the Doctor (2013).
placed a piece of 54m 27s Mirroring
the shattered ice Clara’s tears, all the 58m 15s With the
governess in a snow has turned Doctor heading
London Underground to salt water. As off in search of
souvenir tin, the Doctor tells Simeon directed, a beeping the truth about
that he’ll see him back at the Institute – could be heard coming from the medical the seemingly
then slams the door. Which, as scripted, equipment as Strax implored Clara to fight… impossible so-called “soufflé girl” again,
prompted the voice of the Intelligence to Then, after the TARDIS returned the we see a 21st-century iteration of Clara
be heard in Simeon’s head, saying: “Return Doctor to Darkover, and Clara had used taking a short cut past the Victorian
to me. He is coming here – return!!” her last breath to echo Oswin’s words version’s overgrown grave – a Clara Oswin
to the Doctor – “Run, you clever boy. Oswald born (according to a Cyberman in
49m 25s In the boardroom, the Doctor And remember” – the beeping became Death in Heaven, 2014) on 23 November,
learns that Simeon first encountered the “a continuous whine”. the same day the Victorian Clara was
Intelligence when he was a boy, when it born (so her gravestone says). So are all
took the form of his snowman – the cue for 56m 29s Later, beside Clara’s grave, the Claras born on the same day of the
a couple of (unscripted) flashbacks to the Jenny and Vastra conclude that even if the same month? (A day that seems strangely
opening scene. In early drafts, it wasn’t Intelligence has survived, they can’t be significant, although The Fact of Fiction
Walter’s mother in much danger from can’t quite place it…)
(Annabelle Dowler) The Doctor catches up with
who tried to call him this Clara in The Bells of Saint
back in, but a strict John (2013). DWM
tutor… who was seen
lying dead in the snow
after the snowman
promised to help
him. Two further
scenes from
Walter Simeon’s
early life were lost
from early versions. Left: Dr Simeon
First, the voice was heard promising to is possessed by
the Intelligence.
help the 12-year-old Walter pass a school
exam; then the 20-something Walter
was welcomed into the boardroom of the
institute by a “burly, bearded man” named
Travers, who described plans for a new
invention. Through the window, Walter
saw his snowman again…
‘Travers’ was surely meant to be some
relation to Edward Travers (Jack Watling),
who encountered the Great Intelligence in DVD/BLU-RAY The
The Abominable Snowmen (1967) and its Complete Seventh Series
sequel The Web of Fear (1968) – but alas,
the drafts in which he appeared didn’t BBC Worldwide
elaborate on the connection. 2013

Out now


Our verdict on the latest episodes and products.

Audio Frequencies Review by TIM WORTHINGTON

Illustration by JAMIE LENMAN

a bare 50 seconds of (dialogue-free)

footage to judge her on. The continuity
of Katarina’s short tenure also made it
extremely difficult to work her into any
kind of spin-off media, with the result
that many people have tended to overlook
the fact that she even existed.
This is why it’s so thrilling to find
n 1965 poor old Katarina a desperate criminal while viewers Katarina finally taking centre stage in

didn’t have a very had barely begun opening their Advent Daughter of the Gods, which, considering
happy Christmas. calendars. While the Doctor, Steven and the timing of its release, is almost like
Just four episodes into Sara got to enjoy a notorious Christmas the Christmas present she never got.
The Daleks’ Master Plan Day comedy runaround three weeks later, Conceived for Big Finish’s own 20th
(1965-66), the historically and viewers were gleefully unwrapping anniversary celebrations, this new audio
displaced TARDIS traveller was sucked their Anti-Dalek Fluid Neutralisers, she drama imagines what an anniversary
out of an airlock, saving the others from was presumably still floating through the story – in the style of The Three Doctors
vacuum of space. As if to emphasise (1972-73) and The Five Doctors (1983) –
how keen everyone was might have been
Reviewed this issue to move on, writer like in 1968. It finds
Terry Nation simply the First Doctor,
o Daughter of the Gods marked her exit in the Katarina and Steven
Featuring the First Doctor, the Second Doctor, script with “SPEECH crossing paths with
Steven, Katarina, Jamie and Zoe HERE TO COVER the Second Doctor,
RRP £14.99 (CD), £10.99 (download) THE CHARACTER Jamie and Zoe at
o Blood on Santa’s Claw OF THE GIRL”. an early stage of The
and Other Stories There was more Daleks’ Master Plan.
Featuring the Sixth Doctor, Peri and Joe indignity to come With Peter Purves
RRP £14.99 (CD), £12.99 (download) when all five episodes (Steven) and Frazer
featuring Katarina were Hines (Jamie)
Available from wiped, meaning that for standing in for their
many years there was respective Doctors,


Daughter of the Gods succeeds
in capturing the distinct style of
each era; it’s a witty and poignant
script that provides a real sense of
what might actually have gone out
in 1968. Sense of occasion aside,
it’s likely that any such television
story would have been a relatively
straightforward one – and that’s
exactly what we get here, with
the combined efforts of writer
David K Barnes and director Lisa
Bowerman creating an adventure that Above: Ajjaz Awad
somehow evokes both a Hartnell story and a plays Katarina in
Daughter of the Gods.
Troughton story at the same time.
There’s a good deal of rooting around in Right: Adrienne Hill
as Katarina in The
never-again-mentioned areas of the TARDIS,
Daleks’ Master Plan
plenty of references to “my ship”, chants of (1965-66).
and the expected levels of humorous Padbury), the Doctor
bickering between the respective sets of (Patrick Troughton)
series regulars. (“It’s all my fault!” “No, that’s and Jamie (Frazer
not true, Zoe – it’s Jamie’s fault as well!”) As Hines) in The Mind
Robber (1968).
for the two Doctors themselves, a priceless
exchange – “There’s
another fine mess you’ve
got me into”/“Please, put
Daughter of the Gods tradition that Doctor Who itself has largely
avoided. Blood on Santa’s Claw and Other
us in different cells” –
gives a fair indication of
gives one of Doctor Who’s Stories – the title is a nod to the 1971 horror
film Blood on Satan’s Claw – may well
how well they get along.
Peter Purves and
most unfairly neglected change all that. Written by Susan Dennom,
Nev Fountain, Andrew Lias and Alan Terigo,
Wendy Padbury take
turns narrating the
characters a long overdue it’s a collection of four tales featuring the
ever-welcome pairing of Colin Baker (the
more ‘visual’ elements chance to shine. Sixth Doctor) and Nicola Bryant (Peri),
(much as they’ve done alongside Luke Allen-Gale as Joe.
for BBC Audio soundtrack releases of Who at the same time, underline just how Joe is Peri’s boyfriend, a sometime chart
missing TV episodes), and there are some easily this reunion story could actually have star whom she and the Doctor met during
clever moments when there would clearly happened on TV. an unseen adventure involving a recording
have been a lot happening on screen and of Top of the Pops. The newcomer to the
the listener is left speculating on who t’s a fair bet that, at some point, TARDIS seems a likeable and level-headed
would have been in shot and what visual
effects might have been used. If you listen
closely enough it’s easy to imagine what the
telesnaps for this imagined piece of Doctor
I they also crossed paths with
comic turned director Jonathan
Miller, who in 1968 was hard
at work on a TV adaptation of MR James’
influence on the frequently hot-tempered
travelling companions – courtesy of
a fantastic performance by Gale that appears
to be channelling the pre-Fame David Bowie.
Who history might have looked like, and it’s short story Whistle and I’ll Come to You, However, Joe’s pop-culture reference points
difficult to think of higher praise than that. an acclaimed drama that eventually spawned are all over the place, from his love of the
Above all, Daughter of the Gods gives one an annual series of spooky tales under the ‘current’ Zager and Evans hit In the Year
of Doctor Who’s most unfairly neglected banner A Ghost Story for Christmas. 2525 to a suspiciously familiar anecdote
characters a long overdue chance to shine, While many familiar names, from Louise about Wookey Hole… But it really would be
and, without ever seeming unrealistic Jameson to Mark giving away too much to say any more. 1
or too ‘modern’, Ajjaz Awad portrays Gatiss, have been
a rounded and sympathetic involved with
Katarina. Nobody would have these Yuletide
been tempted to throw in chillers, it’s
a cursory note about a storytelling
a speech to “cover the
character of the girl”
after listening to this.
It’s rare to find
an imagining of
Doctor Who’s
alternative history
that’s both stylistically
and contextually
convincing, but Daughter
of the Gods manages
this to tremendous
effect. What’s more,
the accompanying
interviews with Frazer
Hines, Peter Purves and
Wendy Padbury, in which
they talk about how often
they used to meet in
Television Centre despite
never working on Doctor


1 Indeed, with all four yarns
hinging on unexpected twists
and turns (plus a fairly big
surprise hidden in the credits),
it’s difficult to say anything
about Blood on Santa’s Claw or
any of the three ‘Other Stories’
without revealing too much. The
title story takes place on Naxios,
a planet where all shapes and Right: Colin Baker,
sizes of fandom, from Elvis impersonators Nicola Bryant and
to coffee snobs, are allowed to live out Luke Allen-Gale star
their fantasies as reality. (Marc Bolan as the Doctor, Peri
and Joe in Blood on
worshippers, however, are banished to the
Santa’s Claw.
outer planets for sadly undisclosed reasons.)
Bottom: An
There’s also the small matter of Peri finding
illustration from the
Father Christmas dead and having to call on frontispiece of the
characters from Othello and The Wind in the 1965 Doctor Who
Willows to help solve his murder, assisted by Annual, featuring the
a particularly reluctant new ‘Santa’. First Doctor.
With its creepy Dickensian feel, the
affecting The Baby Awakes takes place in the
Ishtar Institute, a futuristic research centre
The newcomer to the TARDIS
where genetic engineering has been taken
to a new level by allowing prospective parents
seems a likeable and level-headed
to try out synthesised children. Posing as
a hopeful mum and dad, Peri and Joe have
influence on the frequently
been sent to infiltrate the centre and expose
its methods, but they quickly learn that their
hot-tempered travelling companions.
emotions are too complicated to be played return switch and the secondary TARDIS chill of the killer trees in The Christmas
with in this manner. control room, amongst others – confronts Invasion (2005) with the droll absurdity
With affectionate tongue-in-cheek nods the Doctor with a shameful secret from of The Feast of Steven (1965). Fear and fun
to the 2007 Christmas Special Voyage of the the Time Lords’ past that he may bear go hand in hand in this charming quartet
Damned, I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every more responsibility for than he realises. of stories and, provided you haven’t
Day sees the trio invited to a boisterous and Thankfully, something seemingly somehow ended up with an Anti-Dalek
well-appointed Christmas party in 5683, unimportant from one of the ‘Other Stories’ Fluid Neutraliser or even a lost Katarina
although all is by no means not what it might be on hand to help him deal with this. episode in your stocking, they’re well worth
seems. The TARDIS insists that it’s actually From the authentically tinny and soulless saving to listen to at Christmas.
12 April, the robotic waiters don’t seem to seasonal music to Peri having an equally Some listeners, of course, may even be
understand polite refusals, and nobody is convincing heart-to-heart with a fellow moved to channel the festive spirit of William
allowed to touch the decorations. partygoer in the bathroom, the four tales Hartnell and wish a “Happy Christmas to all
Finally, Brightly Shone the Moon that that make up Blood on Santa’s Claw and of you at home”. If you do, please remember
Night – which will delight continuity-loving Other Stories are as Christmassy as they are to raise a glass to the Daughter of the Gods
listeners with its references to the fast creepy, successfully combining the macabre as she floats on past… DWM

Talking Book Culshaw’s remarkable

take on the Brigadier.
rather lovely The Crocodiles
from the Mist, in which, as
That’s the beauty you’d expect, the Doctor and
o The Sinister Sponge Doctor step of these collections: Leela encounter some alien
and Other Stories onto a variety if one story doesn’t crocodiles. In the mist.
Written by various of planets quite hit the mark, The collection finishes with
Read by Nicola Bryant, Jon Culshaw, not entirely there’s another one Nicola Bryant
Frazer Hines, Louise Jameson, unlike The Web along in around reading
Dan Starkey Planet’s Vortis. 15 minutes. Beauty and
RRP £13.25 In a sequel to Follow the Phantoms the Beast
an off-screen adventure, the has shades of The Mind from the 1986
Available from BBC Audio Doctor returns to Tiro, finding Robber from an annual. It’s
that an old ally and the enemy on-form Frazer Hines, a thoughtful
ho wouldn’t want he defeated last time are still Dan Starkey gives us parable on

W to open an audio
collection called The
Sinister Sponge and Other
in residence. Culshaw’s reading
boasts his trademark urgency
and also a pleasingly tetchy
his Fourth Doctor
in The Sinister
Sponge, while
and beauty,
given flair
Stories on Christmas morning? Doctor. Culshaw returns for Louise Jameson by Bryant’s
This latest BBC Audio rattlebag the excellent Third Doctor narrates the bombastic and
curated from the pages of the adventure The House That affectionate
World Distributors’ Doctor Who Jack Built – notable for being rendering of the
Annuals is a treat, with seven written by Keith Miller of the Sixth Doctor.
stories from five narrators. then Doctor Who Fan Club It’s well worth
The standout is the curtain- – and the Fifth Doctor/UNIT putting The Sinister
raising Terror on Tiro, read team-up The Nemertines. Sponge and Other
by Jon Culshaw. This has The latter is the weakest Stories high on your
the epic spin of the earliest of the seven, but the reading list for Santa.
annuals, which saw the First lifts things and we get to hear MARK WRIGHT


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tells Yaz about the time Harry Houdini. This gives the

Star Tales she met the American

aviation pioneer
and author Amelia
reader an interesting new
perspective on the Doctor,
and how she may be seen
Earhart. Before we through innocent eyes. It’s

Book get there, though, Yaz

goes to the Doctor for
support and we get some
a fast, action-packed read
that’s also very thought-
provoking – and what’s not to
BBC Books RRP £12.99 ‘girl-bonding’ – not something love about Harry Houdini?
Written by Trevor Baxendale, Steve Cole, that’s particularly necessary, In The Pythagoras Problem,
Jenny T Colgan, Jo Cotterill, Paul Magrs, Mike Tucker as Yaz is a capable probationary by Trevor Baxendale, the Doctor
police officer and perhaps the visits the ancient Ionian Greek
least likely person to philosopher in 500 BC only to
need help or comfort. learn that an interdimensional
When the story creature is affecting the
itself begins, it’s space-time continuum.
a sinister and Some readers may find
chilling tale of the this adventure a little
Eleventh Doctor, hard going, as at its heart
alien parasites and it features mathematical
Earhart’s final flight. solutions to save the universe.
The next adventure However, the narrative flows well
is Paul Magrs’ That’s All Right, and the climax offers a powerful message
Mama, in which rock ’n’ roll legend about human strength.
Elvis Presley meets the Doctor in The final tale in the book is Mission
a timey-wimey alternative-history of the KaaDok by Mike Tucker, in which
context. This is an evocative and the Doctor meets actress Audrey Hepburn

Yaz goes to the Doctor for support

and we get some ‘girl-bonding’.
beautifully written tale that begins on the set of the classic 1961 film Breakfast
with the schoolboy Elvis and at Tiffany’s. This story, with Audrey
explores the relationship he had remaining unfazed by the appearance
with his mother. Later we learn of aliens and indeed the Doctor, is a winner
how Elvis’ life affects the present, from the start, being a fun romp with
including the Doctor and her a great deal of humour.
friends. It’s compelling, pacey, Overall this is an enjoyable collection
and boasts a real sense of time and of stories, with the best of the bunch
place. There are also a few cameos being the emotionally engaging That’s
of the Doctor in his-her different All Right, Mama, swiftly followed by
incarnations, which could bring Who-Dini? and Mission of the KaaDok.
tar Tales is a collection of tears to your eyes by the end. SAMANTHA LEE HOWE

S six stories, all featuring the

Thirteenth Doctor (together
with cameos from previous
incarnations), meeting famous
people throughout time.
In Einstein and the Doctor, by
Jo Cotterill, the Doctor and her
companions visit the German-born
theoretical physicist who
developed the theory of relativity,
The book opens with Chasing the Dawn and discover that a mysterious
by Jenny T Colgan, in which the Doctor illness is affecting children.
Unfortunately, this tale, featuring
a young Einstein and exploring the
power of imagination, is not the
most gripping in the book.
Next up is Who-Dini? by Steve
Cole, a rounded story told
from the perspective
of Bess, a 17-year-old
showgirl working
alongside the
master illusionist

Left: Escapologist
and illusionist Harry
Houdini in 1918.
Above inset: Aviator
Amelia Earhart and
scientific genius
Albert Einstein.
Right: The Doctor
(Jodie Whittaker)
gives Yaz
(Mandip Gill)
a reassuring hug.


the Doctor: Alex Sagovski, Revelation aired), I was

Book a psychiatrist and victim

of Davros. Saward also has
fun with neologisms. We
told by producer John
Nathan-Turner that
“Colin [Baker] and Nicola
BBC Books RRP £12.99 have zimbrig hardwood, for [Bryant] as a duo are a duo
Written by Eric Saward example; we learn that to be reckoned with.” His
Featuring the Sixth Doctor and Peri a voltrox is a flying cat and assertion always tickled
that the Doctor holds his me. The Sixth Doctor is on
trousers up with a Ninostic sparkling form, less vibrant
ompletists, rejoice! The final synthetic belt. There are also than on screen obviously,

C gap in your bookshelves

has been plugged! For, in
delivering his second Dalek
novel, Eric Saward has
concluded the run of adaptations of Doctor
six mentions of the mineral
tinclavic, among several
nods to Saward’s debut
serial, The Visitation (1982).
He’s admitted that
but one senses that Saward
hasn’t much time for Peri,
noting early on that she’s
“miffed with everything”,
a mood that rarely lifts.
Who stories aired between 1963 and 1989. Revelation of the Daleks Saward knows his era
As with the novels published by Target was inspired by Evelyn better than anyone and
decades ago, the original TV scriptwriter Waugh’s The Loved One. shows no compunction
adds depth to his characters and imagines (For the 1948 novel’s Whispering Glades in describing the horror for which it was
greater spectacle than a BBC budget could read Tranquil Repose; for mortician criticised. Thus, Davros’ only hand is blown
support at the time. Catching the tone of Joyboy read Jobel.) But his chief influence apart by Bostock (“green viscous blood
the era he script-edited in the mid-1980s, must have been his friend, the writer gushed from the wound”), Natasha shoots
Saward revels in the macabre. Here, and Doctor Who legend Robert Holmes. off half the face of a guard, and we’re
Davros is lurking on the planet Necros, The influence is plain in Saward’s world- served “a throbbing mass of offal” atop the
styling himself “the Great Healer” but building on and beyond Necros, while mutating skull of her father Stengos – to
exploiting a vast repository of the dead his plot is festooned with double-acts, this day perhaps the most disturbing image
to create a new breed of Daleks. of which Holmes was the master. in the history of Doctor Who.
It’s a faithful translation with no Saward favours his two security Despite glitches that could have
omissions that I could discern – and officers Takis and Lilt, noting that they been ironed out (dangling participles,
some welcome additions. On TV, used to perform a Laurel and “Glen” not Glenn Miller, a voice that
there were no scenes inside the Hardy tribute act. He even “built into a crescendo”), this is fluidly
TARDIS. Now Saward kicks allows Bostock, the smellier written, honours the Target tradition,
off with the Sixth Doctor of two assassins, to say of the and is cloaked in a sleek cream-and-gold
and Peri roaming its “vast smarmy factory bigwigs dustjacket to echo the livery of Davros’
cathedral-like” wardrobes; Kara and Vogel: “They’re Daleks. At under 40,000 words, it’s a
then, in a galley, our hero like a double act.” The breeze. I read it in one sitting in my own
rustles up a nut roast, having “bodysnatchers”, Natasha and tranquil repose. PATRICK MULKERN
“recently become a vegetarian”. Grigory, remain a dismal duo,
Two oddities: the Doctor is twice while leaping off the page, just as
said to be newly regenerated (this amusing as they were on TV, are
was actually his seventh TV Jobel, the randy, preening
adventure) and, throughout, Chief Embalmer with his
to avoid repeating “the ever-slipping toupée,
Doctor”, Saward often uses and Tasambeker, his
“the Time Lord” – it soon jars. besotted lackey.
Chapter Seven introduces a Long ago (March
new character to interact with 1985, in fact, just before

Above left inset: The

Doctor (Colin Baker)
encounters his old
enemies on the planet
Necros; Mr Jobel (Clive
Swift) and his doting
assistant Tasembeker
(Jenny Tomasin).
Left: Lilt (Colin Spaull)
and Takis (Trevor Cooper)
welcome the Daleks
to Tranquil Repose.


Competitions Your chance to bag the
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he latest Doctor Who Blu-ray

T box set includes all the

episodes from 1989’s Season
26, starring Sylvester McCoy
as the Doctor and Sophie Aldred as


Ace. This lavishly packaged set contains 11 12 13

Battlefield, Ghost Light, The Curse
of Fenric and Survival, and is released 14 15 16
on 20 January, RRP £56.16. DWM has
FIVE copies to give away to lucky 17 18
readers who can rearrange the letters
in the yellow squares of the crossword
to form the name of a character from
a Doctor Who Christmas Special. 19 20



23 24

25 26

27 28 29 30 31

32 33

34 35

36 37

ACROSS DOWN 28 John ____ – played the Master (4)

1 (and 20 Down) Used by the Sycorax (5,7) 1 Informal name given to the Doctor’s 30 She won a luxury cruise on the Titanic (4)
4 Town on Trenzalore (9) friend Alistair (4) 31 She planned to assassinate Davros (4)
8 Employee of Tranquil Repose: The – (1,1) 2 The Doctor asked her friends to gather 35 Deputy on Bowie Base (2)
9 Testimony resurrected her (4) essential ____ to make spider repellant (4)
10 Chessene and Shockeye (9) 3 Production code of story that was revisited ANSWERS NEXT ISSUE
11 The empty child had one on his hand (4) in Twice Upon a Time (1,1)
14 She spent her honeymoon on a crashing 5 What Ace and Shou Yuing were destined  LAST ISSUE’S SOLUTION
spaceship (3) to become at the hands of the Destroyer
16 Father of Elliot Northover (2) (11,2,4)
17 A puppet of one appeared in The Time of 6 The Curse of the Black ____ (4)
the Doctor (6) 7 ____ of Ghosts (4)
18 Adam ______ – played the PM’s aide, Alex (6) 12 Broadcaster who reported on the web
21 An explorer and a fellow of the Royal of fear (7)
Geographical Society (7,4-6) 13 The Doctor thought she was a ham-fisted
23 Max ______ – played King Priam (6) bun vendor (2)
24 (and 17 Down) The voice of the Great 15 One of the Wolves of Fenric (3)
Intelligence (3,3,8) 16 He played Marco Polo (4,4)
25 They held the UK’s nuclear launch codes (1,1) 17 See 24 Across
26 The biomechanoid (1,1,1) 18 The Ghost’s true identity (5)
29 Companion in The End of Time (4) 19 Victorian Clara’s middle name (5)
32 David _________ – played the Next Doctor (9) 20 See 1 Across
33 ____ Pooley – played Stahlman (4) 22 Za’s god (3) LAST ISSUE’S PRIZE WORD: SPIRIDON
34 True identity of the Knightmare (2) 25 Production code of The Mind Robber (1,1)
36 Sound designer (4,5) 27 Leader of the guerillas in the novelisation
37 The runaway bride (5) of Day of the Daleks (4)


il and the Devil n the latest

S Seeds of Arodor is
a new independent
production featuring
Sil, played by Nabil Shaban,
I release from BBC
Audio, Bonnie
Langford reads
Ian Briggs’ novelisation
who first appeared in the 1985 of his 1987 serial Dragonfire,
story Vengeance on Varos. a story featuring the Seventh
Awaiting a deportation Doctor, Mel and Ace.
hearing while confined in When the Doctor and Mel
a cold detention cell on the arrive at the space trading
Moon, Sil faces the death colony Iceworld, there is
sentence if he’s found guilty mischief afoot. They soon
of drug offences on Earth. discover that the culprit
To add to Sil’s distress, his is their old acquaintance
employers at the Universal Sabalom Glitz.
Monetary Fund aren’t very The Doctor decides to join
pleased with him. the charismatic rogue in the
As time runs out and friends desert him, Sil must use all ice passages and together
of his devious, underhanded and ruthless business acumen they search for the so-called
to survive. How can he possibly slime his way out of this one? ‘Dragon’s treasure’. But the
Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor is available now from Doctor doesn’t know the true
Reeltime Pictures, priced £15 on Blu-ray, £10 on DVD, £6 value of this mythical hoard. Only Kane, the most
to download and £3 to stream. We’ve got FIVE copies of the feared man in Iceworld, knows the secret of the Dragonfire...
Blu-ray to give away to lucky readers. For a chance to win one, Dragonfire is available now, priced £20 on CD. Thanks to
answer this question correctly: BBC Audio we’ve got FIVE copies to give away. Plus, for
ONE winner – an exclusive print of updated artwork by
What peculiar food does Sil enjoy eating? Alister Pearson, signed by Sophie Aldred, who played Ace.
To be in with a chance of winning one of these prizes, correctly
A Marsh minnows B Swamp sprats C Bog breams
answer the following question:

What word is Ace particularly fond of saying?

GROUND ZERO COMICS COLLECTION A “Coolio!” B “Amazeballs!” C “Wicked!”

he latest comics collection from Panini UK

T features more classic strips from the pages

of Doctor Who Magazine.
Ground Zero includes Curse of the Scarab
(featuring the Fifth Doctor), written by Alan Barnes with art
ost in Time and Space is
by Martin Geraghty; Operation Proteus (featuring the First
Doctor), written by Gareth Roberts with art by Martin Geraghty;
Black Destiny (featuring the Fourth Doctor), written by Gary
Russell with art by Martin Geraghty and Bambos Georgiou;
L an “unofficial guide to
the uncharted journeys
of Doctor Who” written
by Matthew J Elliott, with an
Target Practice (featuring the introduction by Alan Barnes.
Third Doctor), written by Gareth As well as knowing about
Roberts with art by Adrian everything from sea lions to the
Salmon; Ground Zero (featuring Batmobile, the Doctor has often
the Seventh Doctor), written alluded to meetings with historical
by Scott Gray with art by figures and visits to alien planets.
Martin Geraghty and Bambos Taking the television series
Georgiou; and Doctor Who and as its main inspiration, this
the Fangs of Time (featuring book chronicles every time the
the Fourth Doctor), written and Doctor seems to have gained
illustrated by Sean Longcroft. knowledge off screen, and tries
The book will be on sale to place where and when that
from December, price £15.99. information might have been acquired.
We’ve got FIVE copies to give Lost in Time and Space is available now from
away to lucky readers. To have priced £15.99. It’s also available as an ebook from selected
a go at winning one, answer online retailers. We’ve got FIVE copies to give away to lucky
this question correctly: readers. Fancy winning one of them? To be in with a chance,
answer this question correctly:
Prisoner Zero features in which Doctor’s debut
on-screen story? Which philosopher does the Thirteenth Doctor
A The Ninth Doctor B The Eleventh Doctor name-drop in 2018’s The Ghost Monument?
C The Thirteenth Doctor A Plato B Pythagoras C Aristotle

TERMS AND CONDITIONS The competitions open on Thursday 12 December 2019 and close at 23.59 on Wednesday 8 January 2020.
One entry per person. The competitions are not open to employees of DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE or anyone else connected with DWM, the printers or their families.
Winners will be the first correct entries drawn after the closing date. No purchase necessary. DWM will not enter into any correspondence.
Winners’ names will be available on request. Entrants under 16 years of age must have parental permission to enter.


We talk to the talents behind the upcoming Doctor Who releases.
Previews by DAN TOSTEVIN

RRP £24.99 (CD), £19.99

Series 9 – Volume 1
RELEASED January ig Finish starts the new year and they’re more authentic to the period. So

by taking us back to E-Space, we generally do both types of stories, because
Written by Jonathan Morris, the pocket universe featured in variety is always the spice of life. But for Series 9,
Marc Platt three stories of Doctor Who’s I was keen to stick with the four-parters,
STARRING 18th season (1980-81). And which would be very true to Season 18,
The Doctor Tom Baker for the first time since The and it would mean that the E-Space trilogy
Romana Lalla Ward Fourth Doctor Adventures began, each serial was now expanded to seven very rich
Adric Matthew Waterhouse comprises four episodes – the norm for the TV four-part adventures.”
K9 John Leeson series at the time. Volume 1 collects the first two new stories,
Colonel Aesillor Zyre Nimmy March “Nicholas Briggs [the executive producer] beginning with Marc Platt’s Purgatory 12.
Crimsson George Watkins and I agree on many things, but we look at “Purgatory 12 is an isolated asteroid in
Scraya/Pips Amy Downham story lengths differently,” says producer David E-Space,” Marc explains. “It’s a sort of cross
Mang/Wunshooz/Darklish Liam Fox
Richardson. “Nick is a big fan of two-parters – between a Russian gulag and the historical
Moni Lucy Heath
Bolan Christopher Naylor
he finds them compact and more exciting. I like Botany Bay in Australia, a penal colony full of
Laker Tania Rodrigues the four-parters – I find them more expansive, convicts transported from Britain from the 18th
there’s more to devote to the guest characters, century onward. So the inhabitants are


mainly criminals, although some landed
up there by accident. E-Space is a small,
young universe which teems with new
life, and there’s quite a range of races
incarcerated in the colony. But this is euniting the TARDIS read everything; Adric, who’s
Doctor Who, so the place may not quite
be what it seems.”
R team from the
E-Space Trilogy
a mathematical genius, and
K9, who’s got a little databank
Adric, the newest of the Doctor’s three posed an unusual challenge full of facts. You end up going,
companions, is still finding his feet aboard for Chase the Night writer ‘They’re all showing off
the TARDIS. “He’s still a stowaway, and Jonathan Morris. how clever they are!
the Doctor and Romana are not really sure “It’s an interesting dynamic, I’ve got to get them
what to make of him – or he of them, says because it wasn’t really explored talking to someone
Marc. All three of them are at arm’s length, on TV,” he says. “There was a else, because
analysing each other. Is Adric an uninvited lot of coming and going during there’s no one to
guest, a nuisance, or even a threat to the those three stories. Adric arrived ask the stupid
Doctor? He’s still a very naïve, gifted boy, and Romana and K9 left, so there questions!’
wrenched away from a world he felt he was never really a point where “You want
didn’t belong in. The crew member he they were together without one them all to have
of them being possessed, or K9 interesting things to do,
breaking down. Certainly, when so all four of them have
“E-Space is a small, I was writing it, I was very aware
that ‘the Doctor, Romana, K9
their own narratives
of which they are the
young universe and Adric in the TARDIS’ had
only really been done for
hero. They all split
up, and they all go off
which teems with a couple of scenes.
“And I found it incredibly
with different people,
and they all have their
new life.” MARC PLATT difficult to write for them,
because it’s four know-alls in
own journeys. Adric
has his little moments
a room!” he adds, laughing. of heroism, K9 has
most identifies with is K9. At least Adric “You’ve got the Doctor, who’s his moments to shine…
can learn to play chess, although he soon been everywhere; Romana, who’s Everyone has stuff to do.”
finds that even that is limiting. He’s looking
for a new beginning, but he brings a lot
of baggage with him. It leads to fireworks, soon attract the attention of a dark, that nothing can survive, so they have to
a schism in the TARDIS crew, and puts all hungry power that lurks in the heart constantly stay in the darkness. The planet
four of them in great danger.” of the asteroid.” is revolving at around ten miles an
Marc was keen to show Adric dealing hour at this particular latitude,
with the death of his brother, and to look he second story so it’s too fast to run, but you
at his Alzarian heritage. “From Full Circle
[1980], we know that his people can
T is Chase the
Night, written by
could have a train going
that fast.
evolve fast. It doesn’t mean that Adric can Jonathan Morris. “The “It’s a hard science-
change shape overnight, but he might be idea was to tell a story of fiction idea of the type
open to speedy adaptation, people who are trapped that [the Season 18
fitting into new situations in a situation, but script editor] Christopher
and environments. So the trap is that H Bidmead would
when he arrives at they have to hopefully have approved
Purgatory 12, he soon keep moving,” of back in 1980,” he adds.
finds a niche for Jonathan explains. “The whole thing originates
himself. The trouble “It’s a train on a track in terms of astrophysics. And
is, he’s young and going round and round a then you go, ‘What would be
guileless. A bunch planet, and when the planet is the ecosystem of a planet where things
of convicts are not facing the sun, could only survive in the night?’ Either
ideal mentors and it’s so hot they would have animals that would have
Adric’s talents to keep moving – their whole life would
be on the move – or you’d have plants
where the whole life cycle was that they
grow, live, pollinate, and die within the
space of a single night on this planet.
And night lasts for about one of our
months, so they’ve got plenty of
time to do that! I was really interested
in making up an entire world here,
and seeing what stories would come
out of that.”

Top: Matthew
Waterhouse, John
Leeson and Lalla
Ward return as Adric,
K9 and Romana.
Above inset: George
Watkins plays
Left: Tom Baker and
Matthew turn the
clock back 40 years.


The Infinite Today
lmost a decade on from Alfie asked writer Sharon

their reunion in The Sarah Bidwell for “Jo doing
Jane Adventures, Jo Jones Groundhog Day” and “the
(née Grant) is back with Eleventh Doctor waiting in
the Eleventh Doctor – her arrivals holding a sign with
old friend with a new face. Jo’s name”, leaving her to
“Jo has been fighting the good fight for come up with the details.
the environment and is off to Mexico to “She plays around with tenses
help raise awareness in certain
about problems like sections to help reinforce on from her time with the Third Doctor,
deforestation,” explains the in-universe sense but literally has a problem with moving
RRP £2.99 (download)
Alfie Shaw, producer of disorientation,” says forward. The Doctor is emotionally clinging
of The Infinite Today. Alfie, “which was a really onto his friend, as well as trying to save
“But she can never fabulous touch that I her. The Eleventh Doctor has Rory and Amy
Written by Sharon Bidwell
reach Mexico. She didn’t see coming at all. taken from him, and we see the lengths the
keeps landing in Featuring Eleventh Doctor “I think the emotional Twelfth Doctor goes to protect Clara and try
Gatwick, on the same and Jo Jones core of the whole story is to help Bill, so it felt a very appropriate ‘new
flight, with the same Performed by Katy Manning how we try and move on,” Who’ theme to explore, but with one of the
cabin crew.” he adds. “Jo has moved Doctor’s old friends.”

Rumpole of the Bailey or

Silk, but with a fish-out-of-
RRP £24.99 (CD), £19.99 water element to it,” Matt
(download) RELEASED January explains. “This English
barrister is scooped up
Written by Roy Gill, by River to be used in her
James Goss, James Kettle, defence when she’s put on
Lizbeth Myles trial for murder, because
she thinks English law
is the one that takes the longest and will
therefore give her the most time to find the
real killer.”
The final story is Carnival of Angels by
Roy Gill, a prequel to the 2012 TV episode
The Angels Take Manhattan. “We’re in
New York with that moody atmosphere,
with gumshoes and police, and we’ve got a

The Diary of River Song carnival in there as well,” says Matt. “It’s the
Weeping Angels establishing their foothold
in New York, as we see on TV when the

Series Seven Doctor turns up.”

In previous volumes of The Diary of River
Song the Doctor has appeared in person,
but Series Seven sees River standing alone.
he Doctor’s time-travelling Abbey of Heretics by Lizbeth Myles. “It’s “She’s met virtually all the Doctors now,”

wife is back. These new a medieval mystery in an abbey, and Liz says Matt. “And what was nice in those
adventures explore River gave it this brilliant female slant by having earlier series were the little side-steps where
Song’s occasional role as an an abbess and novices who are hiding we saw what River was doing away from
investigator – sometimes in something within the cloisters.” the Doctor. So we’re starting to explore
the Melody Malone persona James Kettle’s Barrister to the Stars the whole universe of River’s life, because
seen on screen – by drawing on different is a courtroom drama. “It feels very like there’s so much more we can do with that
kinds of detective fiction. as well.”
The first is Colony of Strangers, STARRING Right: The cast of The
written by James Goss. “All the River Song Alex Kingston Diary of River Song:
Series Seven includes
tropes of the Scandi drama that Karl Charles Armstrong
Glen McCready, Alex
everyone fell in love with on Gudrun/Espen Wanda Opalinska
Kingston, Charles
BBC Four are there,” says script Robosurgeon/Tors Glen McCready Armstrong and
editor Matt Fitton. “A moody Sister Patrick Aurora Burghart Wanda Opalinska.
policeman, taciturn characters, Sister Ursula Jaye Griffiths
a mayor who may or may not Sister Magdalene Janet Henfrey
Thomas/System Paul Heath
be corrupt, grumpy farmers and
Hodgkiss David Rintoul
desolate beaches… You can
Integer(s)/Queen Anabelle Dowler
imagine River in a big woolly Judge/Computer Annette Badland
jumper solving the mystery! Duke of Ferrox Clive Hayward
“What Liz has done feels quite Stark/Prosecutor Robert Whitelock
Cadfael or Name of the Rose- Like Sullieman Timothy Blore
like,” he continues, turning to


Dark Universe Releases
he relationship AUDIOS


“ the Seventh
Doctor and
Ace is a
s Dark Universe
[Seventh Doctor] by
Guy Adams
complicated Big Finish £14.99 (CD),
thing,” says Guy Adams, £12.99 (download)
who reunites the duo in his
script for Dark Universe. “Our s The Diary of River
hero, who we all love dearly, Song: Series Seven by
does spend a significant Roy Gill, James Goss,
chunk of his time with Ace James Kettle,
being terribly manipulative. Below: Dark Lizbeth Myles
Universe stars Big Finish £24.99 (CD),
For all his protestations that
Mark Bonnar, £19.99 (download)
he’s trying to make her into Sylvester McCoy
a better person, it’s not and Sophie Aldred s The Fourth Doctor
necessarily his place to decide as the Eleven, the Adventures: Series 9 –
that. I think if you were telling Doctor and Ace. Volume 1 by Jonathan
those stories now, you’d have Morris, Marc Platt
to address that a little bit. determined to make sure that Big Finish £24.99 (CD),
“And it would be possible this happens.” £19.99 (download)
for Ace, as a grown woman, RRP £14.99 (CD), £12.99 Guy was initially asked to
to look back on that time as (download) RELEASED January tell the story of the Seventh
s Torchwood:
Fortitude by James Goss
a time when she travelled Doctor capturing the Eleven Big Finish £9.99 (CD),
with someone who was Written by Guy Adams and delivering him to Gallifrey £7.99 (download)
not necessarily kind,” he – an event established in the
continues. “We never really Eighth Doctor’s Doom Coalition s Torchwood: The Sins
The Doctor Sylvester McCoy
think about that possible Ace Sophie Aldred storyline (2015-17), where the of Captain Jack
relationship between a The Eleven Mark Bonnar Eleven became a major villain. by David Llewellyn
Doctor and a companion. We Ollistra Carolyn Pickles “My immediate response Big Finish £27.99 (CD),
expect them to look back and Gabriel Owen Aaronovitch was: OK, but we know what £24.99 (download)
think, ‘Ah, that wonderful Rasmus Damian Lynch happens there, so why is this
Tribe Leader Glen McCready s The Infinite Today
time when I travelled with story going to be important?” [Eleventh Doctor] by
the Doctor and nearly died Dark Citizen Lin Sagovsky Guy recalls. “So I wanted to Sharon Bidwell
on a daily basis!’ But I think come up with a story that was Big Finish £2.99
it’s interesting for Ace to look back on it and so vitally important in its own right that the fact (download)
go, ‘That person I travelled with… Were they that it was plugging this piece of continuity was
entirely as good as I felt they were at the time? the least of it all. It had to earn its place, so it’s Thursday 2 January
Did they have my best interests at heart?’ a story with huge stakes in which very huge, s Revelation of the
I think it’s worth asking those questions, even if very permanent changes are wrought on the Daleks (written by Eric
we only ever answer them in ways that reassure universe, the Doctor and Ace. Saward; narrated
by Terry Molloy)
us that our hero is as heroic as we think.” “I was determined that the scope of it would
BBC Audio
be almost absurdly ambitious,” he continues. £22.50 (CD)
hen Dark Universe begins, Ace is on a “I actually thought in terms of comics. Every so
W mission with the Time Lord psychopath
known as the Eleven, using her clout as
often, the comics companies do huge crossovers
designed to sell millions of issues because the
s Ninth Doctor
Novels: Volume Two
founder of A Charitable Earth to get him across stakes are higher than ever before – that sort (written by Steve
borders. Many years have passed since she last of hugely operatic, OTT storytelling. I wondered Lyons, Justin Richards,
saw the Doctor, and her feelings towards him if I could take something that is absurdly big – Gareth Roberts;
narrated by Camille
have evolved. proper end-of-season storytelling – and apply it
Coduri, Anthony
“The Eleven is trying to find what to something that might at first glance be: ‘Well, Head, Stuart Milligan)
is potentially the most dangerous why did you need to tell that story?’ BBC Audio £16
artefact in the universe,” says “So it was just mad ambition on my part,” he (download)
Guy. “It’s something that opens a concludes, with a smile. DWM
doorway to another universe – a
universe where one species has BLU-RAY
dominated entirely and
Monday 20
wiped out all other life.
The last thing you’d Doctor Who: The Collection
ever want to do is – Season 26
open that gate and BBC Studios £56.16
meet those people,
but the Eleven MAGAZINES
is… mentally
interesting, and he Thursday 2 January
doesn’t necessarily s DWM Yearbook 2020
recognise the folly Panini £6.99
of doing that.
Thursday 9 January
And surprisingly,
s DWM 547 Panini £5.99
he seems to have
assistance from s DWM 547: Deluxe Edition
Ace, who seems quite Panini £9.99 (available at WH Smith)


or a man who once

admitted to living his
days like crazy paving,
it’s perhaps appropriate
that the Seventh Doctor
should make his Blu-ray
debut with his last hurrah.
“There’s no scientific method, as such,
for how we select which seasons to
release,” explains Russell Minton, executive
producer of the Doctor Who Blu-ray range.
“But we try to mix it up, to appeal to fans
of every era. We’ve got five or six years of
these sets to come, so we’re trying to get
The next Blu-ray box set includes the right mix – of Doctors, of companions,
of monsters – so you feel like you’re getting
restored and expanded episodes from something fresh every time.”
the end of the series’ original run. As such, it’s the well-loved TARDIS team
of Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred
whose final adventures have been freshly
Preview by PAUL KIRKLEY scrubbed for January’s lavish Doctor Who:
The Collection – Season 26 box of delights.
The twilight years of Doctor Who’s
original run are a particularly fertile
source for extended and alternative cuts,
as the scripts had a habit of drastically
overrunning. Hence the inclusion here
of no fewer than three versions apiece
of Battlefield and The Curse of Fenric –
the original, plus both the DVD and VHS
extended editions – all of which have been
remastered and spruced up for HD.
A ‘workprint’ version of the celebrated
Victorian chiller Ghost Light has also been
collated by Mark Ayres from surviving
VHS material, while the broadcast version
has been remastered for HD, with results,
according to Mark, that look “a lot less
smeary than it did on DVD.” Ghost Light
with less ghostly light, if you will.
Mark has also worked his usual magic on
all audio elements of the set – including,
for the first time in the range, revisiting his
own scores (for Ghost Light and Fenric).
“I’m far enough removed from them now
that, from a mastering point of view, I treat
them as any other,” he says. “Yes, it
brings back memories, and of
course there are things I’d
do differently now. But
in general I’m just very
relieved that they seem
to hold up pretty well
after 30 years!”

20 January 2020
£56.16 (Blu-ray)

The Doctor Sylvester McCoy
Ace Sophie Aldred
Written by Ben Aaronovich
Directed by Michael Kerrigan
Ghost Light
Written by Marc Platt
Directed by Alan Wareing
The Curse of Fenric
Written by Ian Briggs
Directed by Nicholas Mallett
Written by Rona Munro
Directed by Alan Wareing


of a life, and tell it with warmth and kindness
“Nicholas Parsons was thrilled to be able and humour.”
John, who died in 2002, makes his presence

to participate – it was a real joy to reunite felt in the film via extensive archive interviews
– and even first-person narration. “We’ve

him with Sylvester and Sophie.” PETE McTIGHE interviewed 17 people for the documentary,
but the 18th interviewee is John himself,”
says Chris. “We wanted to get as much as
we could of John in his own words. Thanks
new documentary telling the really do feel like a gang,” agrees Russell. to David Richardson and Nick Briggs at
A behind-the-scenes story of the
Gothic classic The Curse of Fenric
“There’s a real familiarity as soon as they
start talking.”
Big Finish, we were able to use the audio
recording of John’s memoirs, and there’s
proved to be a labour of love for range Chris has also directed what is arguably a really crucial, incredibly candid interview
content consultant Pete McTighe. “When the jewel in this set’s crown. Showman that Bill Baggs shot with John in Brighton in
the DVD was issued, all the funds went into is a moving, immersive 82-minute the early 1990s. So hopefully you’ll actually
the Special Edition, so the story never had documentary about the life of producer feel like you’re walking John’s life with him.”
a ‘making of’,” he explains. “That had to be John Nathan-Turner. The team behind the Blu-ray range
rectified – and it’s one of my very favourite “I think there’s something really powerful are thrilled with the response from fans.
stories, so I decided I’d like to direct it. about John, as a story of rise and fall,” “They’ve become a bit of a shared experience
We took Sylvester, Sophie and Tomek Bork says Chris. “He begins his life with all this – bringing people together as part of the
(Sorin) back to all the original locations potential and energy and charisma – same conversation,” notes Russell.
– the beach, the church and the he’s incredibly young when he “Particularly this year,” adds Chris,
army camp – and assembled becomes Doctor Who producer. “when there hasn’t been any new Doctor
studio interviews with other And then the second half Who on the telly, the box sets have become
key contributors. of his life ends very sadly. a really lovely, positive focus for fandom.
“Nicholas Parsons was It’s a real privilege to be It’s a great way of shining a light on these
thrilled to be asked to able to tell that story, of different eras of the show, and giving them
participate and travelled miles this almost Greek tragedy the love they deserve.” DWM
from his home to see the
church again – it was a real joy Opposite page top:
to reunite him with Sylvester and Sylvester McCoy and
Sophie. He’s 96 now, but as erudite Sophie Aldred go Behind
and charming as ever. The final result is the Sofa.
a very thorough, energetic and emotional Above: Sophie, Sylvester
look back at a beloved story.” and Nicholas Parsons
are reunited for the new
Sophie Aldred is also in the hot seat for
making-of documentary
this set’s conversation with interviewer Buried Treasure: 30 Years
Matthew Sweet, while regular feature The of Fenric. Photo © Pete McTighe.
Writers’ Room reunites script editor Andrew Above left: Producer John
Cartmel with Ben Aaronovitch (Battlefield), Nathan-Turner introduces
Marc Platt (Ghost Light), Ian Briggs (The the new Doctor to the press
Curse of Fenric) and Rona Munro (Survival). on 2 March 1987.
“Traditionally writers would have a Left: Ian Briggs, Ben
relationship with the script editor, but not Aaronovitch, Rona Munro,
Andrew Cartmel and Marc
with each other,” observes director Chris
Platt discuss their work
Chapman. “But under Andrew, those writers in The Writers’ Room.
spent a lot of time hanging out together – Photo © Chris Chapman
they had a writers’ room, essentially.” “They


Disc 1 Disc 2 Disc 3 Disc 4

Four Episodes Three Episodes Four Episodes

Existing Special Features
Existing Special Features ● Storm Over Avallion – making-of Existing Special Features
● Audio commentary with Sophie Aldred, documentary ● Audio commentary with Sophie Aldred,
● Past and Future King
Angela Bruce, Nicholas Courtney, Andrew Cartmel, Marc Platt and
● Watertank
Andrew Cartmel and Mark Ayres
● From Kingdom to Queen
Ben Aaronovitch ● Light in Dark Places – making-of

● Season 26 press trailer ● Remembering Nicholas Courtney

● Writer’s Question Time

New Special Features New Special Features ● That’s the Way to the Zoo

● Battlefield movie- ● Behind the Sofa: Battlefield ● Little Girl Lost

length special ● Battlefield VHS version ● Deleted and extended scenes

edition in HD – four episodes in HD

● Optional 5.1 ● Optional 5.1 surround

surround sound sound mix on VHS

mix on both version
broadcast and ● Becoming the Destroyer Existing Special Features
movie-length with Marek Anton
● Audio commentary with Sylvester
versions ● OB and studio McCoy, Sophie Aldred and Nicholas
● BBC trails and footage Parsons
● Recutting the Runes
● Gallery footage
● Mark Ayres bonus interview
● Isolated music ● The Noel Edmonds

score Saturday Roadshow

● Revised and updated excerpt, featuring New Special Features
production subtitles Sylvester McCoy
● The Curse of Fenric Special Edition in HD
● Photo gallery in HD
● Commentary recording – behind the
● Optional 5.1 surround sound mix on
PDFs New Special Features
● Production paperwork
Disc 6 ● Behind the Sofa: Ghost Light both broadcast version and Special
● Scripts ● Ghost Light workprint version – three Edition
● BBC trails and continuity
● Radio Times cuttings episodes in SD
● Design drawings
Three Episodes ● Ghost Light studio footage
● Isolated music score

● Revised and updated production

● Optional 5.1 surround sound mix on
Existing Special Features both broadcast and workprint versions subtitles
● Audio commentary with Sylvester ● BBC trails and continuity
● Photo gallery in HD

McCoy, Sophie Aldred and Andrew ● Isolated music score

Cartmel ● Revised and updated PDFs
● Audio commentary (on Part Three) ● Production paperwork
production subtitles
with Clayton Hickman, Niall Boyce, ● Photo gallery in HD
● Scripts
Erica Brackenbury and Tim Kittel ● Radio Times cuttings

● Cat Flap Part 1: making-of documentary ● Ken Trew’s costume designs

● Cat Flap Part 2: making-of documentary ● VFX design drawings
● Production paperwork
● Outtakes
● Scripts
● Tomorrow’s Times: The Seventh Doctor
● Radio Times cuttings
● Stripped for Action: The Seventh Doctor
● Ken Trew’s costume designs
Photo © Pete McTighe.

● VFX design drawings

New Special Features ● Cellar set drawings
● Behind the Sofa: Survival
● The Writers’ Room: Season 26
● Panopticon 1993 – convention footage

featuring Sylvester McCoy and Sophie

Aldred Disc 7
● Now and Then – the locations of
Disc 5
● The Evolution of Survival – deleted,  
extended and alternative scenes Existing Special
Existing Special Features (long version) Features
● OB footage from 16mm
● Modelling the Dead ● Who Peter 1963-1989
● Claws and Effect black-and-white film ● Endgame
● Shattering the Chains ● Optional 5.1 surround sound mix

● BBC trails and continuity

● Costume Design New Special
● Isolated music score
● Haemovore Nicknames Features
● Revised and
● Take Two excerpt ● Sophie Aldred:
updated In Conversation
New Special Features production with Matthew Sweet
● Behind the Sofa: The Curse of Fenric subtitles ● Showman: The Life

● Photo
● Buried Treasure: 30 Years of Fenric – of John Nathan-Turner
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Christmas Quiz So make yourself comfortable, pull up a
mince pie, a glass of sherry and a Dalek
Sec voice-changer mask, and let’s see how
much you remember. Answers next issue –
no prizes, it’s just for fun!

Some easy ones to start
with. Simply find the
connection in each
of the following...
1) The Thirteenth
Doctor, the Tenth
Doctor, a Doctor
from The Curse
of Fatal Death,
a mother, Idris
and Epzo.
2) Azal, the Fifth Doctor,
Tegan, Turlough and
the Thijarians.
3) Campbell Singer,
Bernard Horsfall,
Ian Reddington,
Damon Jeffery and
Bradley Walsh.
4) Nurse Crane, Joan
Redfern, Midshipman
Frame, Maggie Cain
and the General.
5) The planet Krop Tor,
River Song, Clara
Oswald and the
Dalek in Resolution.


Last year, when the DWM Christmas
Quiz was being prepared, we were still
midway through the 2018 season. Now
we know that season’s final death toll,
it should be no problem to identify the
five sadly deceased characters who
uttered the following last words:
6) “Eat my salad, Halloween!”
7) “Hang on, I’ll report it. Get you back
to Dispatch.”
Christmas wouldn’t

ans of every generation have 8) “And how’re you spelling that?”
their own cherished memories 9) “What’s that? Oh my God!”
be Christmas at DWM of Doctor Who at Christmas. 10) “No, I will not go!”
Settling down to watch The
Towers without the Feast of Steven on Christmas EVERY DAY’S LIKE CHRISTMAS
Day 1965 while perusing the first World Christmas is all around... and not just
annual brainteaser. Distributors annual. Watching an omnibus in stories broadcast at Christmas. From
repeat of one of the best adventures of the which non-festive Doctor Who stories
Are you sitting past year. Tearing open gift-wrapping to have the following quotes been lifted?
comfortably? Good. reveal Target novelisations, videos, New
Adventures and Big Finish audios. Then, for
11) “So, do you think you can top last
year’s Christmas Special?”
Then we’ll begin… the last 14 years, settling down to watch a 12) “You got stuffed and it wasn’t
brand-new Doctor Who Special. even Christmas.”
That’s what this year’s quiz is all about. 13) “I mean, that’s like meeting Charles
Compiled by JONATHAN MORRIS Celebrating all those Christmases. The Dickens and he’s surrounded by
Illustration by BEN MORRIS Christmas past and the Christmas presents. ghosts at Christmas.”


WRAPPING 21 25 28
The following images are
taken from the spin-off
worlds of books, audios and
comic strips. They might
be covers, they might not,
but they’re all stories with
a Christmas theme. All you
have to do is identify them…

26 29

22 23

24 27 30

14) “We could just keep this as a funny known as K9 and Company: A Girl’s CHRISTMAS ISN’T CHRISTMAS
little film and play it every year at the Best Friend. TILL YOU GET HERE
Christmas party.” 36) The opening titles show us a typical And now, the Doctor Who Christmas
15) “He’d make a right Father Christmas, day in Sarah Jane Smith’s life. In what Specials themselves. We’re sure you’ve
wouldn’t he?” order does she do the following?: watched them all many times, even the
16) “If I were human, I’d say it was (a) Go for a drive. William Hartnell one that nobody has
Christmas.” (b) Go for a run. seen since 1965, so these questions
17) “Can you take a look at it now? (c) Enjoy a glass of white wine. should be no problem.
Double time Christmas bonus?” (d) Sit on a dry stone wall. 41) Which previous Doctor Who story
18) “You’d be wizard at writing Christmas 37) What terrifying incident befalls Sarah is named in the ‘silent
crackers, you two.” Jane in A Girl’s Best Friend movie’ captions of
19) “On Christmas Day I was taking photos that previously The Feast of Steven?
all over the place.” happened to her 42) In how many
20) “Next Christmas, take a vacation.” in Planet of the Doctor Who stories
Spiders? do we hear
I WANT AN ALIEN 38) Why does the Merry Xmas
FOR CHRISTMAS nature of that Everybody 1
So far there have been 14 Doctor Who terrifying by Slade?
Christmas Specials, plus two New Year’s incident
Day Specials. But they aren’t the only hold a grave
Doctor Who stories to be shown – or personal
repeated! – over the Yuletide holiday. significance
Here are the opening lines of five Doctor for her?
Who programmes broadcast in the week 39) Where had
before or after Christmas. Again, all you K9 previously
have to do is identify the stories… given a
31) “Hello, Bruce. What are you doing rendition of
here, huh?” We Wish
32) “It’s weird. I don’t understa – !” You a Merry
33) “As soon as the capsule is in position Christmas?
over the fissure, release it.” 40) When K9
34) “When are we going to get modern appeared in
equipment?” The Generation
35) “Om mani padme hum, om mani Game on
padme hum...” 12 December
1981, what
CHRISTMAS IS GOING was presenter
TO THE DOGS Larry Grayson’s
Who can forget that K9 also had his response to the
own Christmas Special back in 1981? prospect of
We refer, of course, to the gripping tale K9 having his
of market gardening and ritual sacrifice own show?


The DWM Christmas Quiz
1 43) Why wasn’t Wilfred Mott at his 57) Who emerged from the TARDIS
granddaughter’s wedding in The on BBC1 on Christmas Day 1983?
Runaway Bride? (You can name either the character
44) In Voyage of the Damned, the Tenth or the performer.)
Doctor never remarks on Astrid Peth’s 58) Who played the Doctor for the first
similarity to Kylie Minogue... even time on BBC2 on 18 December 1987?
though he once quoted the title of 59) Which TV show gave us Christmas
which Kylie hit? at Dr Who’s on BBC Two on
45) In The Christmas Invasion, Guinevere 23 December 2005?
One is a space probe sent to Mars. 60) Who confronted the Tenth Doctor
What is Guinevere in the parallel on BBC Two on 27 December 2007?
universe of Turn Left? (You can name either the character
46) The Next Doctor includes a clip from or the performer.)
which previous Christmas Special?
47) What did Minnie Hooper from The End DO YOU HEAR WHAT I HEAR?
of Time get locked inside on August The following are all quotes from DWM
Bank Holiday, 1962? interviews with Doctor Who luminaries
48) What do Amy and Rory do in from the past year. Who said:
A Christmas Carol that Cassandra 61) “I used to be a Doctor, you know.
and Rodney did in the 2001 Only Fools It’s 184. That’s my pulse.”
and Horses Christmas Special? 62) “I dressed up as
49) What is there a portrait of in the Chesney Hawkes –
children’s bedroom in The Doctor, uncanny! Absolutely
The Widow and the Wardrobe? uncanny.”
50) What’s the full address of the 63) “I think that was
Great Intelligence Institute quite important to
in The Snowmen? me growing up
51) Which monster/villain from because Doctor
a previous Christmas Special is Who is the triumph
pictured in of the geek.”
The Time 64) “I rang up Nigel Kneale
of the and asked if he’d write
Doctor? for Doctor Who. He was
horrified. He said, ‘Not
in a million years
would I write for that
piece of tat.’”
65) “It’s like a dog getting
52) What’s significant in a lift. Doors close,
about the titles of doors open, dog comes
The Next Doctor, out, everything’s changed.
The End of Time, The dog couldn’t possibly understand,
A Christmas but what does the dog do? The dog’s
Carol, The like, ‘I’m just going to enjoy this!’”
Snowmen and
and no other And finally, in 2019 we lost the
Christmas much-loved Doctor Who writer and
Specials? script editor (and great friend of DWM)
53) Who were The Terrance Dicks. So let’s celebrate his
Husbands of unforgettable novelisations that turned
River Song? a generation of children into avid
54) Which country readers and fans. The following are
was the first all chapter titles from his Doctor Who
to see Doctor Target novelisations – all you have to
Mysterio? do is identify them. (Note: When books
55) What threat does were reprinted under different titles,
the First Doctor make in either will be accepted.)
Twice Upon a Time that 66) The Girl Who
he previously made in The Was Different
Dalek Invasion of Earth? 67) A Kind of Victory
68) All Kinds of Futures
CHRISTMAS WAS 69) Return to Terror
BETTER IN THE 1980s 70) Village of Terror
A lovely thing about 71) Death by Terror
Christmases past was 72) The Monster
that Doctor Who would in the Tunnel
occasionally – unexpectedly 73) The Monster
– turn up in other shows’ in the Tunnels
Christmas Specials, almost 74) The Monster
like a little bonus gift. So… in the Swamp
56) Who played the First and 75) Monster in the Fog
Second Doctors on BBC1
on 23 December 1967? Answers will be published next issue. DWM


ext Issue...
Inside the edit suite
with the Doctor
Who showrunner

The Fact of Fiction

starts an epic
exploration of The
Daleks’ Master Plan

Series 12
The story behind
some of Doctor
Who’s most unusual

Exclusive PLUS! News Reviews

Previews of the next Interviews Competitions
episodes and interviews
DWM 547 available at , newsagents
with the new writers and comic shops from 9 January 2020, price £5.99
Also available as a Deluxe Edition from WH Smith, price £9.99

From the makers of Doctor Who Magazine


The Twelfth Doctor: Volume Two
Doctor Who Magazine’s chronicle of the series’ production
continues with this special issue, written and researched by
Andrew Pixley. This richly illustrated, 100-page volume is
dedicated to four episodes of the 2014 series, starring Peter
Capaldi as the Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald:


Available now from
and price £7.99








BBC, Doctor Who (word marks, logos and devices), and TARDIS (word marks and devices) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence.
BBC logo © BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo © BBC 2018. Licensed by BBC Studios. The Robots and the world of Kaldor created by Chris Boucher and used under licence.


Chris Chibnall and Jodie

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