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Rules &
Lease Agreement

We are proud of this property and we hope that your living experience here will be pleasant and
comfortable. The support and cooperation of you, as our tenant, is necessary for us to maintain our high

This is your personal copy of our Policies and Rules. Please read it carefully as it is an integral part of
your rental agreement. When you sign your rental agreement, you agree to abide by the policies and rules
for this rental property, and they are considered legally binding provisions of your rental agreement. If
you have any questions, please contact us, and we will be glad to help.

This document is the lease agreement dated 12th May 2022, by Silimon Norbert Ferenc the landlord and
Alexandra Burlacu tenant for a one-bedroom flat for the premises located below:

Property Address: Apt. 2, 38 Oakley Street, Chelsea, London SW3 5HA

Rent: £920 Monthly (All utilities included)

Security Deposit: £700 (Refundable at the end of Tenancy)

New policies and rules or amendments to this document may be adopted by Owner upon giving 30 days’
written notice to tenant and the tenant should agree with the new changes.

Guests: Tenant is responsible for their own proper conduct and that of all its guests, including the
responsibility for understanding and observing all policies and rules.

Noise: Although the premises are well constructed they are not completely soundproof and reasonable
consideration for neighbors is important. Either inside or outside of the premises, so tenants or their
guests shall use or allow to be used, any sound-emitting device at a sound level that may annoy, disturb or
otherwise interfere with the rights, comforts, or conveniences of other tenants or neighbors. Particular
care must be taken between the hours or 9:00pm and 9:00 am.

Parking: No vehicle belonging to a tenant shall be parked in such a manner as to impede passage in the
street or to prevent access to the property. Tennant shall only use assigned and designated parking spaces.
Tenant shall ensure that all fire zones, or other no-parking areas remain clear at all times. Vehicles parked
in unauthorized areas may be towed away at the vehicle owner’s expense. Vehicles may not be backed in,
and repairs and maintenance of any sort are not allowed on the premises. All vehicles must be currently
registered and in operative condition. No trucks larger than ½ ton, commercial vehicles, recreational
vehicles, motorcycles, boats, or trailers are allowed anywhere on the premises without advanced written
approval of the Owner. All vehicles must be parked properly within the parking spaces provided. Tenants
shall ensure that their guests abide by all of these parking policies and rules.

Patios/Balconies and Entry Areas: Patios/balconies and entry areas are restricted to patio-type furniture
and are to be kept clean and orderly. No barbeques or similar cooking devices may be used on the
Premises without advanced written approval. No items may be hung from the Premises at any time, and
all entryways and walkways must be kept free from items that could be a hazard. Owner reserves the right
to require that items that distract from the appearance of the Premises be removed immediately upon
request. No unauthorized storage is allowed at any time.

Wall Hangings: Pictures may be hung on a thin nail. Mirrors, wall units, hanging wall or light fixtures
etc. need special attention and professional installation. Please contact the owner for approval in advance
as damages to the premises will be the responsibility of the tenant.

Hardwood Flooring & Laminates: All furniture must have felt pads under each piece to prevent
scratching or marring of hardwoods. Should a Tenant not comply with this effort a charge will be levied
for damage against rent to restore the flooring.

Trash: Tenant is responsible for keeping the inside and outside of the Premises clean, sanitary and free
from objectionable odors at all times. Tenant shall ensure that all trash, papers, cigarette butts, and similar
items are sealed in trash bags and placed in appropriate receptacles. No trash or other materials shall be
allowed to accumulate so as to cause a hazard or be in violation of any health, fire or safety ordinance or
regulation. Tenant shall refrain from disposing of any combustible or hazardous material and all trash
shall be disposed of routinely per the local trash collection procedures.

Animals or Pets: animals or pets may be kept on or are allowed on the premises by the Tenant or their

Maintenance: Tenant agrees to promptly notify Owner of any items requiring repair at the premises.
Requests for repairs or maintenance should be made by contacting the Owner or their agent during
normal business hours, when possible. Owner is responsible for maintenance and items repair at the
premises (he covers the costs). Emergencies involving any immediate health and safety matter should be
handled by the appropriate governmental agency (police, fire, and paramedic) and the Owner shall be
contacted as soon as practical thereafter.

Inclement Weather: Tenant shall close all windows, doors, and other building openings tightly when
leaving the Premises to prevent damage from the elements to the Premises. When the Tenant will be
away from the Premises during the heating season, the thermostat shall be placed at a minimum of 18 C
to avoid freezing of pipes and other damage.

Security Deposit: Tenant who are living in this area are to deposit the refundable security deposit and
one month(s) rent, and your Damage deposit will be refunded in full amount after your tenancy only if the
owner inspects the premises and found no damages that means, deposit will be refund to tenant in full
amount. The Landlord will issue a receipt for the deposit to the Tenant after it has been protected by a
government approved tenancy deposit scheme (TDP). No interest shall be paid by the Landlord to the
Tenant for the deposit.

Furniture’s: If tenant(s) do not meet furniture and property as expected (i.e as shown in the pictures),
this contract is considered not valid and all the tenants’ payment shall be refunded with immediate effect.

Keys: If you lose your key and need a new one, notify Owner to make the next move.

Key Release: Two sets of keys are to be released by Owner. This will be released to tenant as soon as
both parting agrees on the rental when they meet at the apartment on the moving in date.

Rent: Tenant is expected to pay rent at time given at least 5 days of the first month.
Awareness: Tenant is expected to notify owner of any sudden change that may occur at the premises

Insurance: The Owners insurance coverage offers no protection for the Tenants personal property or any
liability claims against the Tenant. The Tenant should obtain Renters Insurance coverage for fire, water,
wind, vandalism, theft, earthquake, tornado or other damage. This includes your vehicles, furnishings, and
all other personal property.

Safety/Security: Safety and security is the sole responsibility of each Tenant and their guests. Owner or
their agent assumes no responsibility or liability, unless otherwise provided by law, for the safety or
security of the Tenant or their guests, or for injury caused by the criminal acts of other persons. Tenant
should ensure that all doors and windows are locked at all times, and Tenant must immediately notify
Owner if any locks become inoperative. Tenant should turn off all appliances when departing from the
Premises and notify Owner when leaving for an extended period. Tenant shall not smoke in bed or within
the home use or store any combustibles on the Premises. Grounds maintained. The Fire Pit area (if
provided) will be cleaned out and ashes properly deposed of at the end of each month. No garbage, spare
parts empty propane containers or other items shall be present or will be removed at the Tenants expense.

Ending The Tenancy

This Lease may be ended by: -

a) The Lease reaching its end date and the Landlord giving one month’s prior written notice that
possession of the house is required at that end date.
b) By the Tenant giving the Landlord one month’s notice in writing to terminate the tenancy.
Commencement & Duration: The lease will commence on (“The start Date”) and
will end on: (“The end Date”). If the agreement is not brought to an end by either
party on the end date, it will continue thereafter on a monthly basis until ended by either party.
You are to sign at the bottom of the letter and send it back to Owner for verification. Once you sign this
letter, which means you agree to all terms and conditions of this lease agreement.

Landlord’s name: Silimon Norbert Ferenc Tenant's name: Alexandra Burlacu

Flat Address: Apt. 2, 38 Oakley Street, Chelsea, Address:
London SW3 5HA
Nationality: Hungarian Nationality:
Passport No: BH2279721 Passport No:

Signature: Silimon Norbert Signature:

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