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Experiment 4

Design & Simulation of Loop Antenna using CST

Introduction to Loop Antennas

An RF current carrying coil is given a single turn into a loop, can be used as an antenna called as loop
antenna. The frequency range of operation of loop antenna is around 300 MHz to 3 GHz.
It may be in any shape such as circular, rectangular, triangular, square or hexagonal according to the
designer’s convenience.

Rectangular loop Circular loop Triangular loop

Loop antenna are of types:

 Large loop antennas (Length = ⅄)
 Small loop antennas (Length = ⅄

1. Rectangular Loop Antenna Design (Part I)

Steps of Construction:

Step 1: Construction of Rectangle for Rectangular Loop

Click on Modeling from the Menu Bar.

Select Brick from Modeling.
Press Esc key to show Dialogue Box.
Enter the following values in Dialogue Box and select material as a PEC.

Step 2: Subtraction of Rectangular portion from designed rectangle in step 1

Click on Modeling from the Menu Bar.

Select Brick from Modeling.
Press Esc key to show Dialogue Box.
Enter the following values in Dialogue Box and select material as a Nickel.

Click on Ok.
Following Dialogue Box will be shown, select cut it away highlighted shape.

Step 3: Subtraction of small Rectangular portion for assigning a Port

Click on Modeling from the Menu Bar.

Select Brick from Modeling.
Press Esc key to show Dialogue Box.
Enter the following values in Dialogue Box and select material as a Nickel.

Click on Ok.
Following Dialogue Box will be shown, select cut it away highlighted shape.

2. Wave Port Excitation

Select the designed Loop from Components.
Rotate and Zoom the central faces of Loop from View.
Click on Modeling and select Pick Face center from Pick Point.

Double click on one of the central point of face to select the point P1.
Rotate the Loop to view its other central side and Repeat the previous step for the selection of another
point P2.
Go to Simulation and select Discrete Port.
Following Dialogue Box will be shown:
Put impedance is equal to 50 Ohms and then click Ok
Results / Analysis
Go to Simulation and select Field Monitor.
Following Dialogue Box will be shown.
Select E-Field, set Frequency as 3 GHz and then click on Apply.
Select H-Field and Surface Current, set Frequency as 3 GHz and then click on
Apply. Select Surface Current (TLM only), set Frequency as 3 GHz and then click
on Apply. Select Power Flow, set Frequency as 3 GHz and then click on Apply.
Select Far Field/RCS, set Frequency as 3 GHz and then click on Apply.
Finally, click on Ok.

Go to Home and Click on Start Simulation.

You can check the results of antenna after the Simulation is completed!

1. S Parameters (Return Losses)

Click on 1 D Results, S-Parameters and then S 11 from Project manager.
Right click anywhere on the shown graph, select Add Curve marker and double click on lowest

Value of curve to show exact value of S11 at that point.

2. Gain
Click on Far Fields and then far field (f=3) [1] from Project manager.
From Menu Bar, select Far Field Plot and change Directivity to Gain (IEEE).

3. Radiation Pattern

Click on Far Fields and then far field (f=3) [1] from Project manager.
From Menu Bar, select Far Field Plot and click on Polar.
Set the value of Cut angle =0
Graph represents the radiation pattern for E-field

Set the value of Cut angle =90

Graph represents the radiation pattern for H-field

4. Surface Current

Click on 2D/3D Results and then Surface Current (f=1) [1] from Project manager.
2D/3D Plot will be shown on Menu bar, click on Animate Fields
Click on Properties to change Scaling or any other parameter.
Show surface current result during the Lab viva of this experiment!
2. Circular Loop Antenna Design (Part II)

Steps of Construction:

Step 1: Construction of Loop

Click on Modeling from the Menu Bar.

Select Torus from Modeling.
Press Esc key to show Dialogue Box.
Enter the following values in Dialogue Box and select material as a PEC.

Step 2: Subtraction of portion from designed Loop

Click on Modeling from the Menu Bar.

Select Brick from Modeling.
Press Esc key to show Dialogue Box.
Enter the following values in Dialogue Box and select material as a Nickel.
Click on Ok.
Following Dialogue Box will be shown, select cut it away highlighted shape.

2. Wave Port Excitation

Select the designed Loop from Components.
Rotate and Zoom the central faces of Loop from View.
Click on Modeling and select Pick Face center from Pick Point.
Double click on one of the central point of face to select the point P1.
Rotate the Loop to view its other central side and Repeat the previous step for the
selection of another point P2.
Go to Simulation and select Discrete Port.
Following Dialogue Box will be shown:
Put impedance is equal to 50 Ohms and then click Ok

Results / Analysis
Go to Simulation and select Field Monitor.
Following Dialogue Box will be shown.
Select E-Field, set Frequency as 3 GHz and then

Click on Apply.
Select H-Field and Surface Current, set Frequency as 3 GHz and then click on Apply.

Select Surface Current (TLM only), set Frequency as 3 GHz and then click on Apply.

Select Power Flow, set Frequency as 3 GHz and then click on Apply.
Select Far Field/RCS, set Frequency as 3 GHz and then click on Apply.
Finally, click on Ok.
Go to Home and Click on Start Simulation.

You can check the results of antenna after the Simulation is completed!

1. S Parameters (Return Losses)

Click on 1 D Results, S-Parameters and then S 11 from Project manager.
of curve to show exact value of S11 at that point.
Right click anywhere on the shown graph, select
Add Curve marker and double click on lowest value

2. Gain
Click on Far Fields and then far field (f=3) [1] from Project manager.
From Menu Bar, select Far Field Plot and change Directivity to Gain (IEEE).

3. Radiation Pattern

Click on Far Fields and then far field (f=3) [1] from Project manager. From Menu Bar,
select Far Field Plot and click on Polar.
Set the value of Cut angle =0
Graph represents the radiation pattern for E-field
Set the value of Cut angle =90
Graph represents the radiation pattern for H-field
4. Surface Current

Click on 2D/3D Results and then Surface Current (f=1) [1] from Project manager.
2D/3D Plot will be shown on Menu bar, click on Animate Fields
Click on Properties to change Scaling or any other parameter.

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