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Practical Feng Shui 101

By Master Alex Zi

A MUST READ fundament and practical Feng Shui book

“Practical Feng Shui 101” is an introductory book for professional Feng Shui (A Chinese
philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment) in a practical and interesting way.
If you want to learn some real and solid knowledge about Feng Shui, you should read this book.
It covers the following categories: preparation before purchasing or renting a house, foundation
of the land and shape of the house, figures and five elements (The five types of Qi dominating at different
times, and a fivefold conceptual scheme that many traditional Chinese fields used to explain a wide array of phenomena), gate,
window, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, shrine, corridor, patio, balcony,
front and back garden, swimming pool, chimney, fence, worshiping four corners of a newly-
decorated house, and date selection.

The first chapter of the book is about the preparation for purchasing or renting a house, so called
“Yang House” (House occupied by living people), which is very important. Good preparation can save
you a lot of trouble in correcting, defusing, and relieving Feng Shui problems in future.

I have cited many Chinese ancient texts for reference, not to show off my knowledge, but to
quote from the classics to prove that Feng Shui is a well-founded tradition, not a theory
fabricated out of thin air. If you need to go deep into the study of a certain topic, you can also
refer to the original ancient text by the source cited.

Although it may sound a little superstitious and often get ignored, the custom of worshiping the
four corners before moving into a newly-decorated house is very important, and can indeed
improve the luck of the house.

There is an wisdom saying that “Luck originates from geographical position, but will be
hastened by an auspicious date.” Date selection is ranked among three treasures of Feng Shui,
namely, shape, Qi (In traditional Chinese culture, Qi is an active principle forming part of any living thing) and date.
Handling matters according to the ecliptic auspicious date and time can play a good role in
promoting prosperity.

This book also contains the mystique “improving luck by Vital Restoration”, a wonderful and
typical way of “Yin House” (Burial site, tomb or grave) serving Yang house. The academic basis of
"life foundation" is the authentic geographical creation method, which has gradually become
popular since the Tang Dynasty. Yang Yunsong, the master of the older generation committed to
saving the poor, also helped people to select burial sites to build life foundation. However, it is
truly lamentable that the heretics are rampant nowadays, and the immoral people turn it into a
trick that everyone fears.

In the U.S., "life foundation" has two major advantages. (1) Untouched: a large number of new
and high-quality outstanding burial sites are in idle state, for the local people do not know what
"tracing the dragon vein and spotting the burial site" is, so the Qi of dragon is still well reserved.
(2) Prosper: as an economic and military power in the world, the U.S. is the place where
prosperity and vitality gather. It is most suitable for the requirements of “instant payback of a
well-selected burial site”. I hope this book can give you a different perspective.

Table of Contents

Chapter I. Preparing for Purchasing or Renting a House

How to select a house beneficial to your luck at the current Yuan
A Border Line (Kongwang Line)
Due Direction and Deflection
Magnetic Declination
Qi in Neighbourhood
Joining, Interlocking, Weaving and Bonding
Penetrating, Cutting, Dashing and Spurting
Outdoor Materialized Evil Qi
Offending Road
Bow’s Back
Slot between High-rises (Heaven Chopping) and the Edge of Skyscraper (Wall Edge)
Offending Sharp Corners
Evil Qi of Craning Neck
Evil Qi of Towers (Qiao Xing)
A Solitary Peak and Pressurizing Mount Taishan
Evil Qi of Head-pressing and the Water Pouring on Head
Evil Qi of Foot Cutting
Evil Qi of Centipede
Waterfall at Roller Shutters
Evil Qi of Single-Yang and Single-Yin
Evil Qi of Sickle and Stirred Qi
Evil Qi caused by Light, Reflected Light and Glistening Light of Waves
Evil Qi of Heaven Blade
Evil Qi of Noise
Evil Qi of Smell (Weisha)
Evil Qi Brought by Chimney (Chongtiansha)
Evil Qi Thrusting on Face (Cimiansha)
Evil Qi of Scissors.
Fork Junction
Evil Qi of Tumour
Evil Qi of Wind Chimes
Through Gates
Evil Qi of Heart-piercing (Chuanxin Sha)
Evil Qi of Open Mouth (Kaikou Sha)
House on Cliff
Evil Qi caused by Ridge (Wuji Sha)
Unfilled Corner
Basement and Dark, Damp Houses
Direction of Positive, Negative and Water
Four Ancient Sacred Beasts (1): Black Tortoise
Four Ancient Sacred Beasts (2): Vermilion Bird
Four Ancient Sacred Beasts (3): Azure Dragon (left) and White Tiger (right)
Four Ancient Sacred Beasts (4): Hill of Worshiping (Chao) and Long, Narrow Table (An)
Living on Hill or by Water
Agreeable House for Your Fortune (Eight Characters)

Chapter II. Foundation and Shape of House

Foundation and Shape of House (1)
Foundation and Shape of House (2)
Foundation and Shape of House (3)
Foundation and Shape of House (4)
Unfilled and Protruding Corners

Chapter III. Numbers and Five Elements

Numbers and Feng Shui of Mobile
Figures and Feng Shui of Yang House
Details of 0-9
Figures of Five Elements in Name Study
Figures of Five Elements in Some Feng Shui Schools
Choose A Lottery Number based on Five Elements
Figure of Five Elements based on Hetu (River Map)
Figure of Five Elements in the Luoshu (Luo Book)
Integration of Hetu and Luoshu

Chapter IV. Main Entrance

Your Own Position for Blessing and Prosperity (1)
Your Own Position for Blessing and Prosperity (2)
Auspicious Positions for Tianyi Benefactors
Your Own Position against Blessing and Prosperity
Main Hall (Mingtang)
The Auspicious Patterns of Main Hall
The Inauspicious Patterns of Main Hall
Narrow Doorstep and Immature Fetus
Interlinked Doors Harm People and Wealth
Door Facing the Main Entrance Causes Love Affairs (Menchong Sha)
Kitchen Facing the Main Entrance Causes Financial Loss
Welcomed by Delight
Neat and Bright
Quarrelling Doors
Offending Evil Qi
Collection of Yang House
Instruction on House Selection
Ten Instructions of Yang House
Main Entrance Facing Stairs
Mixed Evil Qi of the Eight Directions
Line of Ghost Entry
Pattern of Multiple Doors
Room Door
Door as the Bone and Path as Tendon
Oppressed Fortune
Tips for Households Feng Shui-Main Entrance-Mirror of Eight Diagrams
Overlarge Door Cracks
Door against the Current
Unmatched Door and Room
Lu Ban’s Ruler
Tips for Households Feng Shui-Main Entrance-Door Sill
Door Viewer
Dos and Don’ts for Hallway
Metal Gate
Reinstalling the Gate
Formula of Extra Inlet of Qi (City Gate)

Chapter V. Window
Qi Leaks via Multiple Windows
Doors and Windows of Appropriate Sizes
Angled Windows and Lunette
Types of Window
Is a Window Facing North Good or Bad?
Dreaminess under Window
Offending Evil Qi outside Window
Two Windows Facing Each Other
Curtain and Five Elements

Chapter VI. Bedroom

Unbacked Bed
Weighting the Bed
Master-slave Relationship among Rooms
Couples’ Bedroom
Marriage-hastening Room
Bedroom for the God of Literature
Above and Beneath the Bed
Hanging Swords in Bedroom
Human Statues or Models Placed in Bedroom
Furniture and Decoration in Bedroom
Color of Bedroom Wall
Bed too Close to Window
Articles Unsuitable for Bedroom
Installing the Bed
Taboos of Bedroom

Chapter VII. Kitchen

Stove as the Source of Life
Keeping Water and Fire away from the Midcourt Line
Irregular Kitchen
Open Kitchen
A Stove Facing the Gate will Cause Financial Loss
Crossbeam over Stove
Stove between Pillars
A separate Kitchen and Rootless Stove
Stove at the Fire Gate
Netherworld Streams from Eight Evil Directions
Poverty-alleviating Netherworld Streams
Exposed Edged Tools
Do’s and Don’ts of Kitchen
Worshipping Stove at Year End

Chapter VIII. Dining Room

Positions and Materialized Evil Qi
Dining Table
Household Sanitation

Chapter IX. Living Room

Bright Living Room and Dim Bedroom
Lower at First and Higher in the End, Outstanding Figures in the Generations to Come
Evil Qi of Heart-piercing (Chuanxin Sha)
Diamond-shaped Living Room
Five Surrounding Doors
Elongated Living Room
Left/Right Halls
Single-room Apartment

Chapter X. Bathroom
How to Design the Toilet
Offending the Door
Stove Offending
Position of Literature (Wenchang)
No Water and Fire on the Central Lines
Common Do’s and Don’ts

Chapter XI. Shrine

Heaven, Earth and Human
Do's and Don’ts

Chapter XII. Corridor

Chapter XIII. Courtyard

Chapter XIIII. Balcony

Chapter XV. Front and Back Garden

Folds on the Up
Screening the Evil Qi
Evil Qi of Tree Shade
Lush Growth of Trees and Grass
Harmonious Match
What Plants to Grow
Plants Beneficial to Luck
Inauspicious Plants

Chapter XVI. Swimming Pool


Chapter XVII. Chimney

Chapter XVIII. Enclosure

Chapter XIX. Decoration and Worshipping the Four Corners before Moving in

Chapter XX. Date Selecting

Mysteries of fundamental improvement by secret Feng Shui technique “Vital Restoration”
in U.S.

Chapter I. Preparing for Purchasing or Renting a House

How to select a house beneficial to your luck at the current Yuan (One Yuan contains 60 years in lunar
Comfortable living environment is very important for everyone, which is directly connected to
our luck and fortune. Therefore, Feng Shui values highly our living places, and selecting an ideal
house is of the top priority. When purchasing or renting a house, you’d better steer clear of those
with long history, miscellaneous Qi and run-down look.
As Five Songs of Heaven Yuan said, “Yang house should be put before everything else, but luck
also comes from the burial site. The unrest Qi in your house will court disaster, while even if a
propitious burial site couldn’t make it up.”
And Xuan Ji Fu( Xuan Ji Fu, written by Xu Dasheng of the Song Dynasty, boasts the founding work of fortune telling
based on horoscope) said, “A house is directly related to success and failure of people living in it, so
is a grave of ancestor to rise and fall of the family.”
When selecting living environment such as apartment, office building, store, etc., if you can find
a place beneficial to your luck at the current Yuan, it will gather quite a lot of luck. The
following is the introduction of Yuan and Yun (One Yun lasts for 20 years and three Yuns constitute one Yuan)
in recent years,

The ninth Yun of the bottom Yuan: Beginning of Spring (Lichun) of 2024 to Lichun of 2044
The eighth Yun of the bottom Yuan: Lichun of 2004 to Lichun of 2024
The seventh Yun of the bottom Yuan: Lichun of 1984 to Lichun of 2004
The sixth Yun of the middle Yuan: Lichun of 1964 to Lichun of 1984
The fifth Yun of the middle Yuan: Lichun of 1944 to Lichun of 1964
The fourth Yun of the middle Yuan: Lichun of 1924 to Lichun of 1944

At present, we are at the end of the eighth Yun of the bottom Yuan. If a Yang house was
completed after 2004, or more precisely, capped after Lichun of 2004, it would be called “a
Yang house conforming to current Yuan”. In such case, the star symbolizing the eighth Yun
should be taken as the heaven center, and the compass should be adjusted accordingly. As the
flying stars of the Shan (In Feng Shui theory, the 360 degrees are divided into 24 sections, each of which contains 15
degrees. The section is called “Shan”) and Xiang are distributed at the eight cardinal directions of the
compass in clockwise or counterclockwise rotation, if a hexagram of favored location was
achieved via the star combination, the house would be roughly defined as being beneficial to
both family members and wealth. Of course, it should be matched with the natural environment
pattern, both within and outside.
The eighth Yun of the bottom Yuan takes the Eighth-white Wealth Star as the principle star. The
eighth Yun heaven center represents parents, and the stars in the direction of Eighth-white Star
naturally indicate male offspring. So, their pure and strong power will benefit family member,
wealth, official rank and longevity.
The buildings completed during the seventh Yun are slightly inferior in power.
Buildings completed during the sixth Yun are even inferior. Those buildings completed during
the fifth and forth Yuns are even more overshadowed.
In addition, we should also pay attention to the buildings built during the period crossing Yuan
or Yun. For example, for a multi-storey residential building, half of which was built during the
seventh Yun and capped at the eight Yun, it is possible (but not absolute) that some units may
have mixed trigrams. The layout needs to be handled carefully. Of course, such building should
be avoided if possible.
In any case, a house beneficial to your luck at the current Yuan will be the first choice to capture
good luck.

A Border Line (Kongwang Line)

Kongwang Line, also known as crevice-crossing line or boundary line, lies just between two
trigrams or two sections on the compass without direction.
If the house you want to purchase or rent just locates between the north-south line and the
northeast-southwest line, namely, along the boundary of eight trigrams, it will be called “major
Kongwang”, implying an extremely ill omen. It is better to avoid such a house.
Even if the house faces south, it also needs to be checked carefully. On simple Feng Shui
applications, we have four due directions (east, south, west and north) and four due oblique
directions (southeast, southwest, northeast and northwest), and evenly divide them into three
parts, i.e., one trigram corresponds to three Shan. So, we have 24 Shan in total. In north, there are
Wang, Zi and Gui, and in south, Bing, Wu and Ding. Each Shan covers 15 degrees.
If the house is located at the boundary between facing Bing with the back to Ren and facing Wu
with the back to Zi, the house will be called “Kongwang” due to the unsuitable combination of
Yin and Yang, implying a moderate ill omen.
If the house is located at the boundary between facing Wu with the back to Zi and facing Ding
with the back to Ding, the house will be called “minor Kongwang” due to the suitable
combination of Yin and Yang, implying a minor ill omen.
For the harm of the border line, you can refer to the following works of the sages:
Fei Xing Fu: “Living in a house at Kongwang line, you may find supernatural beings in the
room, or the unsuitable combination of Yin and Yang may lead to mental disorder.”
Bao Zhao Jing: “Even an auspicious burial site might suffer from the wrong direction. You’ll
regret mistaking Yin and Yang” and “Mistakes of Yin and Yang will result in complete failure.”
Xuan Long Jing: “Wrong combinations may give rise to various misfortunes. Xin-Xu will hurt
people; Yi-Chen may kill people. Ding-Wei sheds fortune to the last coin. Yin-Jia
dissipates a family fortune. Shen-Geng results in death from drowning. Hai-Ren brought about
serious illness and Si-Bing the criminal penalty. Ren-Zi makes people decease without offspring
and Gen-Yin causes people suffer enough. Jia-Mao will see paralytics and Xun-Si both the deaf
and dumb. Bing-Wu will generate fire hazard and Geng-You a disorderly family and adultery.
With Qian-Hai, insane offspring will definitely emerge, while with Kun-Shen, orphans and
widows will appear.”
Tian Yu Jing: “If water flows out of the hexagram position, it will not be preserved. If it is close
to the four Dragon positions, the family will get the title of nobility and enjoy the official rank
for generations to come. The first turning of water flow represents the official position and
wealth of the first generation, and the second turning represents that of two generations. The
third turning, interworking with the parents’ position, represents the permanent high position and
great wealth. If water flows beyond its position, it is just like cutting off a horse’s head, and the
glory, splendor, wealth and rank will be ended at the first generation. If the shape of mountain
and flow of water go straight without any turning, people will only get some minor official
Shen Diemin, offspring of the Shen’s: “The Kongwang line is just like a needle falling in crack.
In a trance, the man is in an unsteady airship.” “Numerous evil spirits hide in Kongwang line.”
If the house is located on the border line, no matter the major, medium and minor one, the Qi of
the eight diagrams will certainly be mixed. Accordingly, the fortune of the house will surely be
in turmoil, thus the resident will surely be trapped in a very dangerous state. It is better to move
out of such house. When selecting both Yin and Yang houses, we must avoid, by all means, the
border line.
Due Direction and Deflection
As we have mentioned above, each Shan covers 15 degrees. If Yin or Yang house locates within
the 9 degrees in middle, the due direction can be set on the compass, which is called due-
direction hexagram.
If the house locates beyond the 9 degrees in middle, the deflection hexagram may be applied.
The improved version of hexagram will be applied in the latter case. There are quite a few
versions available, but the principles are roughly the same.
Opinions diverge greatly on replacing due-direction hexagram with deflection hexagram, giving
rise to several schools.
The opinions vary, and the theory of deflection is highly controversial. Before you purchase or
rent a house, you'd better choose one on due direction, and try to avoid deflection. The reason is
very simple.
As Tian Yu Jing said, “Deflection will dissipate a family fortune”, “Deflection will definitely
interrupt your official career” and “Due direction benefits generations of people with wealth and
official ranks”.
Du Tian Bao Zhao Jing: “A strange combination of Yin and Yang may lead to endless failure.”
In case of deflection, the fortune may be lost, and the Qi may be mixed due to the unmatched
Yin and Yang. Therefore, a house with due-direction hexagram is deemed appropriate.

Magnetic Declination
Directions on compass do not necessarily correspond to those on map for a simple but scientific
reason: the difference between due north and magnetic north.
Due North, namely the North Pole, also known as the geographic North Pole or true North, is the
northernmost place on the earth's surface, which is related to the earth's axis of rotation.
The magnetic north, as shown by the compass, is affected by the earth's magnetic field. On the
other hand, the earth's magnetic field will be interfered by the magnetic mantle in the center of
the earth, the minerals with magnetism on the surface, solar wind, cosmic rays and
electromagnetic waves produced by human civilization.
Due north and magnetic north differ in different areas and moments. Taking the year 2018 as an
example, when Hong Kong is at minus 2 degrees 54 minutes, and the magnetic north is slightly
shifted to the west. In Los Angeles, it’s 11 degrees 55 minutes, and the magnetic north is
significantly shifted to the east. Auckland in New Zealand is 19 degrees 48 minutes, and the
magnetic north is shifted to the east even more, beyond the 15 degrees of one Shan.
Here comes a question: should Feng Shui theory be based on true north or magnetic north? In the
circle, there are different opinions, and everyone sticks to his own argument. According to my
personal experience, I tend to take the magnetic north as the basis, for the simple reason that in
the ancient Feng Shui theory, the concept of the true north and the magnetic north is not clearly
stated at all. They originate from the compass. Of course, it should be based on the magnetic
north, that is, the existing directions on compass.
If the directions of Yin and Yang houses could be observed only on map, the difference between
due and magnetic north must be taken into consideration.

Qi in Neighborhood
Yang houses, especially those for living, are greatly influenced by the nearby Qi, so we must be
careful in selecting them. As a place for rest, a residence should be quiet, comfortable and stable.
The following places should be avoided as far as possible. Only when there is no way to avoid
them could they be chosen and then remedied by Feng Shui methods.
The influence of surrounding environment on Yang house is profound and remarkable. In ancient
times, Mencius’ mother moved three times only for better environment for her son. It has
become a much-told story across the country.
A good living environment will benefit not only yourself, but your family as a whole. In order to
create a good adjacent atmosphere (Qi) and an ideal external environment for your home, you'd
better avoid dubious places, such as temple, hospital, police station, court, prison, fire station,
restaurant, theater, market, container yard, odd-shaped artwork, high voltage tower, public toilet,
garbage room, electricity meter room, cemetery, funeral parlor, coffin seller, and betting station,
mahjong parlors, nightclub, gas station, unoccupied house or store, etc.
When selecting a proper living environment, the scope can be narrowed step by step, from the
habitable nation to state/province, county, town, and finally a specific plot. A good community
can assist, amend or even attract luck. As the saying goes, “One takes the color of one's
company”, it is the same in Feng Shui Theory. If you live in a community polluted by smoke and
miasma, and crowded by people from various social walks, you and your family will gradually
be infected, and the next generation will be ruined. Please have a second thought about it. On the
contrary, if you live in a community of elites, with good cultural quality and strong learning
atmosphere, you and your family will be influenced sooner or later, which is a good way to
change the fate of the family.
Of course, the neighbors should be selected carefully, for they form the atmosphere closest to
your home, and the impact is more direct. Before purchasing or even renting a house, remember
to visit your new neighbor and observe the surrounding environment.

Joining, Interlocking, Weaving and Bonding

The four words originate from Remarks on Water Flow Pattern of Xue Xin Fu, “Joining,
interlocking, weaving and bonding, precise and clear for you to remember.” They describe the
four auspicious patterns of water flow, which mark a decisive position in Feng Shui Theory. The
five key points on geography are “mountain range, grave, sand, water flow and direction”,
among which the water flow pattern earns its place.
Green Satchel Classic: “As we all know about Yin and Yang theory, mountain symbolizes
family numbers, and water symbolizes wealth.”
And: “Still mountain for population and flowing water for wealth.”
Or: “The water will decide your fate; it’s the blood vessel in which the Qi circulate among
It can be seen that water flow pattern is extremely important and closely related to everyone's
wealth, which must not be neglected.
In addition to the real water, such as lake, sea, river, pool, stream, pond, fountain, etc., roads are
often regarded as virtual water, and treated in the same way as real water, for "even the terrain is
lower by one Cun, it should be considered as water”. It will also affect our wealth.
The four auspicious patterns of water flow are:
Joining: two streams join together to hold the prosperous Qi;
Interlocking: the peak, projection, or mound blocking the water outlet;
Weaving: water flows in a winding way, like shuttle weaving;
Bonding: streams gather and are impounded to form a pool or lake.
Such auspicious patterns of water flow at auspicious positions can be regarded as a great plus for
Yin and Yang house.

Penetrating, Cutting, Dashing and Spurting

It was recorded in Xue Xin Fu that “The four inauspicious patterns of water flow like penetrating,
cutting, dashing and spurting should be avoided.” We should avoid the four inauspicious patterns
of water flow as much as possible.
Penetrating: the water flow goes through the middle hall of the house, a common harmful layout
in Yang house.
Cutting: Qi will disperse with wind and disappear at the stream boundary. So, if Yin or Yang
house is too close to the boundary, the prosperous Qi will fail to gather. If the main entrance of
the Yang house is too close to the road, the result will be the same. In addition, it may indicate
risk of traffic accident.
Dashing: stream comes straight like an arrow. As Du Tian Bao Zhao Jing said, “The straight-
coming water is the most inauspicious.” The evil Qi of spurting arrow is often related to blood-
shedding, financial loss or illness.
Spurting: or side spurting, meaning inauspicious stream that spurts from left or right side, and
forms evil Qi.
We’d better stay away from the above four situations.

Outdoor Materialized Evil Qi

There are various materialized evil Qi outdoors. When you purchase a house, you’d better avoid
it, or use Feng Shui layout to neutralize it. Here I list 120 kinds of evil Qi below based on
Volume II of Yang House Collection. Actually, the varieties of evil Qi are much more than that,
and some of them may be out of date or not suitable for modern buildings, while some of them
are still of reference value. Please refer to the following form:

Architectural Reference in Feng Shui Auspicious/ Effect

Composition Theory Inauspicious
Single room Single-Yang, no match Inauspicious
Double rooms Single-Yin, no match Inauspicious
Triple rooms Yin-Yang consistency, One for Auspicious
heaven and two for earth
Four rooms Void Inauspicious Residents in the
two rooms on the
left may be
childless. The two
rooms on the right
are a little better.
5-10, 12-16, 24, 25, 27, 30 Auspicious
11, 17-20 Inauspicious
1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 folds of the yard Auspicious
2, 4, 6, 10, 11 folds of the yard Inauspicious
High outside and low inside Head-pressing Inauspicious
High at sides and low in middle Master-bullying Inauspicious
A single high building, An up-looking Vermilion Bird Inauspicious Involved in lawsuit
high in middle and low at sides
Two wings with a hall in Inauspicious A helpless widow
between, but without a principle remarries, or the
hall subject replaces
the monarch. The
surname of the
family will be
Two wings with a principle hall Auspicious A flourishing
in between family
Two wings against the principle Inauspicious Die young
A room penetrating the main Inauspicious Hurt by thief or
room from the side illness like ulcer
High house with low Inauspicious Seriously ill and
surroundings (houses, wall or lonely
forest in neighborhood)
Low house with high Inauspicious Be in jail
surroundings (houses, wall or
forest in neighborhood)
High at front and low at back Inauspicious Die young, poor or
Long outside and short inside Inauspicious Die young, poor or
Main house equals the wings in Inauspicious A violent death
height, without other houses in
High at main house and low at Inauspicious Be rich and then
two wings be poor
High at center and low at front Inauspicious
and back
A high house with low gateway Inauspicious
A row of houses gradually lower Inauspicious Becomes poor and
depends on rich
Grand houses centering on a Inauspicious Children dying or
small room at the courtyard chest distress
Enterclose behind the house Inauspicious Be harmful to
one’s wife
A small room at back Inauspicious Real estate loss
Angle rule-shaped room Inauspicious Death
Small rooms at the end of wing- Inauspicious Orphan and widow
Small room under the eaves of a Inauspicious Widow, poor and
large one hard work
High in middle and low at sides Inauspicious Financial loss and
family separated
A small house at the main Inauspicious Poor
entrance of a large one
Unoccupied room at side Inauspicious Death of family
Low and long wings Inauspicious Go to exile
Slanting or reversed wing-room Inauspicious Be disobedient;
strange epidemic;
offspring die
roadside; become
Arrow-alike small room in front Inauspicious Disaster lasts for
of the main hall three years
Small house blocks the back of a Inauspicious Hustles and
large one bustles, without
much earning
Small houses facing one another Inauspicious Orphan, widow,
in front of or at sides of a large poor or paralysis
Long and straight wings Inauspicious People dissipate a
family fortune and
leave native place.
High-rise blocks the main room Inauspicious Loss of real estate
Lonely high-rise Inauspicious Father deceases
Hall at end used as bedroom Inauspicious Father deceases
Low in middle and high at ends Inauspicious Illness
Two wings directly connect to the Left wing-senior Inauspicious Out of the money
back of hall Right wing-minor
House lies transversely in front of Azur Dragon turns its head around Inauspicious Die a violent
the wing, with the left side death, financial
outward loss, family
House lies transversely in front of White tiger looks up Inauspicious
the wing, with the right side
House lies transversely in front of Azur Dragon wags its tail Inauspicious Lust, die young,
the wing, with the left side inward tuberculosis
House lies transversely in front of White tiger grins Inauspicious Family dissension
the wing, with the right side
House lies transversely at the Azur Dragon turns paws over Inauspicious
back of the wing, with the left
side outward
House lies transversely at the White tiger turns paws over Inauspicious
back of the wing, with the right
side outward
House lies transversely at the Azur Dragon turns tail over Inauspicious Lust, die young,
back of the wing, with the left financial crisis
side inward
House lies transversely at the White tiger Inauspicious
back of the wing, with the right demonstrates its courage and power
side inward
House lies transversely behind the Tails of tiger and dragon meet Inauspicious Offspring addicted
wing to gambling
Small houses at the four corners Inauspicious Makes against
official position;
illness; financial
Long tiles beyond the eave Inauspicious Family broken up
Back eaves of the main hall, Inauspicious Death of family
connecting to a penthouse member
A lonely house at the doorway Inauspicious Illness
Unoccupied house at left Inauspicious Lawsuit
Unoccupied house at right Inauspicious Disaster with child
Building protruding from sideway Inauspicious People leave the
native place
Memorial archway at doorway Inauspicious Fire disaster
Watercraft at doorway Inauspicious Lose a lawsuit
Waterside pavilion at doorway Inauspicious Old widow
Eaves gutters unite to hide the Inauspicious Eye disease and
eaves difficult labor
Water running from the two eaves Inauspicious Unceasing family
join together quarrels
Houses join at one end but Inauspicious Illness and sadness
separate at the other
A small house at the end of a long Inauspicious
one, like the leg and foot
Twofold houses, with a wing at Inauspicious Financial loss and
left and vacancy at right decaying houses
Uneven houses connected Inauspicious Destruction in
High at front houses and Inauspicious Besotted offspring
gradually low at back ones and financial loss
Wide at front and narrow at back Inauspicious Selling the house
for poverty
High at left and low at right Inauspicious Go to exile
No right wing Inauspicious The wife dies
No left wing Inauspicious The husband dies
New houses with old ones in Inauspicious Harmful to
between residents
Inclining house supported by Inauspicious Financial loss
A row of houses completed one Inauspicious Disaster lasts for 3
after another years.
Half-ruined house Inauspicious Involved in lawsuit
Decaying foundation with Inauspicious At a low ebb
existing house
Small house on a large courtyard Inauspicious Weak, illness,
death and decaying
Large house on a narrow Inauspicious Heart disease and
courtyard much phlegm
Long and straight hall Inauspicious Die young, poor
Hall narrow in width Inauspicious Poor, stupid and
Wings completed before the main Inauspicious Harmful to the
hall owner, financial
Inclining and skew hall Inauspicious Immoral woman,
House misses at the directions of Inauspicious Harmful to wife
Gan, Gen, Xun and Kun and children; weak
and illness
House collapses at Azure Dragon Inauspicious Widow
and White Tiger
House vacant at east and west Inauspicious Involved in lawsuit
Leaky granary in front of the hall Inauspicious Illness, too much
difficulties, loss in
Broken steps Inauspicious Financial loss
The sides of the house are broken Inauspicious Nightmare
but not repaired
Shot by running water from eaves Inauspicious Die for illness
gutters of neighbors
Carved beams and painted rafters Inauspicious Chaos
A chimney on the gateway house, Vermilion Bird exhales Inauspicious Disaster lasts for
in front of the main house three years
Small room with many chimneys Inauspicious Abortion, eye
disease, widow
A small pavilion built in front as Inauspicious
passage of another house
Two long houses with a short one Inauspicious Owner of the short
in between house will sell it
A small room built on a large one Inauspicious Lust, financial loss
Wing-room unconnected to the Inauspicious Decadent
main house
Two wings of the same height of auspicious Rich and honored
the main house
Twofold wing-room on right side Inauspicious Extramarital affair
Twofold wing-room on left side Inauspicious The eldest son will
leave the native
High at left wing Inauspicious Sells farmland
The front room crosses the main Inauspicious Teenager dies
hall, without penetrating it
Dragon head missed Inauspicious The first and
second branches
will decline
The wings not of same length Inauspicious Harmful to wife
and mother
Small pavilions built on wings Inauspicious Adultery
Long eaves of the two wings Inauspicious Involved in lawsuit
Pillars of the hall face the central Inauspicious Harmful to
room teenagers
Pillars of central room face back Inauspicious Die as travelling,
of the hall financial loss
The hall faces away from the Inauspicious Harmful to the
central room owner, or involved
in lawsuit
The hall higher than the inner Inauspicious Prodigal
central room
The hall lower than the inner Auspicious Wealth and rank
central room
Different folds of houses Auspicious Wealth and rank
gradually rising
Large house with high and small Auspicious Wealth and rank
Small house with high and small Inauspicious
Small rooms on both sides of the Auspicious Wealth and rank
main house, and blocked at back
Small rooms on both sides of the Inauspicious
main house, without being
blocked at back
Narrow at front and wide at back Auspicious Wealth and rank
Wings lower than the main house, Auspicious Wealth and rank
and match each other
Main house and two wings in Auspicious Wealth and rank

Offending Road
Offending road refers to the road going straight to Yang house, especially narrow and long ones,
or those bearing fast traffic. They gather heavy evil Qi.
As the saying goes “a straight-coming road is like a spear”, such road may bring blood-shedding,
accident, lawsuit, financial loss and illness.
Five Songs of Heaven Yuan: “It’s hard to predict the effect of offending roads. In case of proper
position, it may be considered valueless treasure, and in awkward positions it may be extremely
If the gate of the Yang house is at an auspicious direction, the offending road may add to the
prosperity, while the health may be harmed. So, it may be suitable for some stores, but not for
However, the positive effect of offending roads is not common, as Tian Bao Zhao Jing said,
“Only one of the eight trigrams is suitable.”
Different offending directions will harm different family members, you can refer to the simple
instructions below:
Offending the left side (outward looking): hurt men or the first family branch (the fourth and
seventh family branches may also be affected).
Offending the middle: hurt the second branch (the fifth and eighth branches may also be
Offending the right side: hurt women or the last branch (the sixth or ninth branches may also be
Offending forward: hurt women.
Offending backwards: hurt men.
Offending the foundation: hurt women.
Offending the top: hurt men.
Considering the Late Heaven Bagua (“Later Heaven” or “King Wen” bagua), the specific one affected may
be spotted.
For example, an offending road from the northwest may hurt fathers and grandfathers in the
family, and the one from the southwest may hurt mothers and grandmothers. And:
Direction East Southeast North South Northeast West
Target Eldest Eldest Middle Middle Youngest Youngest
son daughter son daughter son daughter
The specific body organs affected depend on the 24 Shan, which consists of the 12 earthly
branches, eight of the ten heavenly stems, and four of the eight trigrams. You may refer to the
following chart for the organs corresponding to the 24 Shan:
Shan Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si
Organ Bladder Belly Gallbladder Fingers Skin Tooth
urethra spleen hands liver shoulder

Shan Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai

Organ Stomach Stomach Large intestine Small intestine Leg Head
rib wrist lung ankle renal
eyes spine foot sac

Shan Jia Yi Bing Ding Geng Xin

Organ Gallbladder Liver small intestine heart Large intestine Lung

head shoulder navel thigh

Shan Ren Gui Gan Kun Xun Gen

Organ Bladder Kidney Head Belly Thigh Hands
visceral organ main and collateral channels
shin foot

The body organs

of the corresponding offending directions may be easily affected, and the person stood by the
corresponding location of the eight trigrams will stand the breach. Please think twice before you
select a house offended by road.
Bow’s Back
If the road or river curves like a bow, and its back fronts straight to the gateway, the house owner
will suffer from financial loss, disaster and illness.
As Notes for Geography said, “It’s the symbol of revolt that the main hall sits facing the bow’s
back. All your family members and servants may act against your will. Your family will decline,
and you’ll accomplish nothing.”
On the contrary, if the Yang house locates within the bow, namely, surrounded by roads or
rivers, it’s an auspicious pattern of “jade belt around waist”, and the family will be of privilege
and wealth, and last long.
As Master Yang said, “The house encircled by river will benefit the family, and the people living
in it may enjoy wealth and high rank soon.”
In addition, we must pay attention to the water quality. The clear water is auspicious, while the
dirty water will lead to financial loss.

As Ming Tang Nei

Jing said, “The stinky water, or the urine of livestock, should be avoided when selecting Yin or
Yang house. Living in such house, women may suffer uterine bleeding, and men hemorrhoids,
etc. Moreover, the family may decline and the property may be lost.”

Slot between High-rises (Heaven Chopping) and the Edge of Skyscraper (Wall Edge)
“Heaven Chopping” refers to a slot between two adjacent buildings in the vicinity of the
residence. Looking from the house, it seems as if the two buildings have been ripped open by a
huge blade, leaving a crack.
Generally speaking, the narrower the gap is, the sharper the blade will be, and the more
destructive it will be to people.
The longer and deeper the slot is, the longer the blade will be, and the greater the evil influence
will be.
The closer the crack is to the house, the more harmful it will be.
It’s better to avoid such a sight from the gateway, window, bedroom and kitchen, or the residents
may suffer violence, financial loss, rat (betrayer & annoying friend). The pregnant women and
chronically-ill people must take extra care.
“Wall-edge” refers to the wall of the adjacent high-rise facing directly like a blade, which is
similar to the “Heaven Chopping”. It should also be avoided as much as possible.
Offending Sharp Corners
The evil Qi of sharp corners refers to the poignant objects in vicinity of the Yang house, the most
common of which are art works, advertisement signboards, and sharp parts of the nearby high-
rises or pavilions, terraces and open halls.
The offending sharp corners are not only adverse to health, but also easy to attract rats and cause
Among the five elements, the sharp corners belong to fire, so the red sharp parts have heavier
evil Qi. During the inauspicious days, people should take more concern.
Please try your best to avoid it in selecting houses. If it does appear near your house, you can use
a thick curtain to block it. Trees with large leaves and thick trunk may also be helpful.
Sharp corners of furniture should be avoided as much as possible, especially for families with
Evil Qi of Craning Neck
The evil Qi of a craning neck is a concept first mentioned in Feng Shui theory of Yin House,
which refers to another hill hidden behind the hills around the tomb. Its peak sticks out, while the
rest is hidden behind other hills, just like a man craning his neck to pry and hatching a sinister
There was a pithy formula, “If a craning neck is at front, you may suffer thieves; if it is at back,
your wife may have an affair.”
Applying the concept to Yang house, it refers to the protruding buildings or hills around your
With a protruding object at front, your property may be stolen. In more serious cases, your
family member may commit theft.
With a protruding object at back, your family members, especially the women, may be caught in
a love triangle, or even an extramarital affair.
With a protruding object on the left, teens are more likely to have problems, in addition to the
troubles mentioned above.

With a protruding object on the right, you are more likely to offend a rat in addition to the
troubles mentioned above, for it’s the direction of the White Tiger.

Evil Qi of Towers (Qiao Xing)

The tall buildings, pavilions, mountains or towers near Yang house can be called Qiao Xing,
whose shape, of course, should not have offending sharp corners or be unusual and offensive. Its
location should also be devoted particular care to.
Five Songs of Heaven Yuan: “Qiao Xing refers to high hills and buildings, which could influence
a family. No matter how far it is, at an auspicious direction, it could benefit people, while at an
inauspicious direction, it may harm the residents.”
Now we are in the eighth Yun of the bottom Yuan, so the auspicious direction is the northeast,
where a hill will be in favor of the family’s health.
If a slender high-rise locates at a proper position, it will facilitate the family members’ academic
achievement and help them pass the exam for professional certificates.
If it sits at an inauspicious place, the evil spirit may invade the house, which must be neutralized,
just as what is said in Zi Bai Jue, Xuan Ji Fu, and Secret Code of Heaven.
In addition, Qiao Xing has an ability to return the Qi. So after accurate calculation, it can return
the auspicious Qi to the house.

A Solitary Peak and Pressurizing Mount Taishan

The “Solitary Peak” refers to a single high-rise with small houses surrounding it. The building
stands out without any shelter, just like the residents are lack of assistance of people. They have
to bear the burden alone without any help, worn out physically and mentally.
On the contrary, a small building fenced in by surrounding skyscrapers is a bullying manner,
namely, the head-pressing pattern. It’s just like a man often stifled by tall people around him. It’s
hard for people living in such building to have their day. They are often oppressed by their
superiors and colleagues, depressed and frustrated.
The head-pressing pattern is similar to the pressurizing Mount Taishan, but we tend to describe
the tall buildings in front as the Mount Taishan, and the high-rises on the left and right sides the
head-pressing pattern. They are very similar.
Five Songs of Heaven Yuan: “What is the merit of Taishan, the overwhelming mountain?”
In fact, it’s better for us to live in a building in a harmonious coexistence with the surroundings,
as if nestling snugly among them. A brief description is given by Book of Burial:
“Around the tomb there are mountains standing for the four sacred beasts: the Azure Dragon on
the left, the White Tiger on the right, the Vermilion Bird in front and the Black Tortoise at back.
To select an auspicious tomb, we must see the Black Tortoise lowering its head, the Vermilion
Bird dancing, the Azure Dragon stretching and the White Tiger tamely bending down. It’s the
natural postures of the four beasts, without which the tomb may harm the owner’s offspring.”
The postures refer to the shape and trend of the surrounding mountains, which can be concluded
as being gentle, smooth, obliging and endless.

Evil Qi of Head-pressing and the Water Pouring on Head

Tall buildings at the two sides of someone’s residence are known as the head-pressing pattern.
As the name suggests, it’s hard for the resident to have his day with head pressed. The person
living in the house will be frustrated in career and suffer many mishaps in life.
As the ancient books said, “high gateway and low hall may lead to family decline” and “head-
pressing pattern refers to the layout of high around and low at center”.
And, “The drawing-near hills around the house will harm the residents.”
The high-rise like the pressurizing Mount Taishan should be avoided as far as possible.
Head-pressing pattern and the water pouring on head always come out together.
As Notices for Geography said, “The water should be the boundary of the dragon vein. In case
that it pours down to the head/grave mound, the vein of Qi will be interrupted. The offspring of
the tomb owner will gradually die out.”
When it rains, the rain
water from the top of Mount Taishan converges and pours down like a fall, which becomes an ill
omen, and should be avoided.

Evil Qi of Foot Cutting

Evil Qi of foot cutting, also known as foot-cutting flow, generally refers to the pattern that Yang
house is too close to the sea, river, pool, etc. If the house is too close to the seaside, in the
typhoon season of greater wind and waves, the seawater will rush to the shore and destroy its
As Notices for Geography said, “Foot-cutting refers to a tomb without any Qi left and has its
base soaked. An auspicious grave has bedclothes, how could water cut the feet? A foot-cutting
tomb will make the owner’s family poor, lonely, helpless, and even extinct. A tomb at high
elevation is an exception.”
Foot-cutting flow will bring ups and downs to your family. Even if you are in good luck, it will
not last long.
In addition to the real water, attention should also be paid to the virtual water. For example, if the
road is too close to the Yang house with a narrow sidewalk, it will also cut the feet. It’s not only
inferior in Feng Shui theory, but also has hidden traffic hazards.

Evil Qi of Centipede
Such a materialized evil Qi for modern household was rare in ancient times. The most common
example is the sewage pipe of a nearby building. It is close to the external wall of the building
and extends from top to bottom like a giant centipede. The sewage pipe contains sewage, which
enhances its destructiveness.
In addition, water pipes, telephone poles, antennas, transmitter towers, dead trees, fences, etc. are
shaped like centipedes, which will also trigger the evil Qi.
It will bring eye disease, skin disease, gastrointestinal discomfort and quarrels. The one could be
seen from the window will be more effective, if not, it will be relatively slight.
It can be kept away by window screening, and in more serious cases, neutralized by copper cock,
or keel.

Waterfall at Roller Shutters

The common waterfall at roller shutter is the declivitous stairs outside the gate, symbolizing
financial loss. The more inclined or longer the stairs are, the more obvious the evil will be.
As Notices for Geography said, “It refers to the flowing-away water in front of the tomb. The
family’s fortune will be lost, and men will die young, leaving only widowed mother. Another
man will marry into the family and there will be no successor for the family.”
Attention also should be paid to the upwards stairs facing the gateway, or the health will be
It’s auspicious to have slightly upwards terrace outside Yang house, for it’s just like the royal
street. The family will become rich.
In addition, the winding path or road outdoor is also a propitious sign, which may bring great
fortune or high official rank.

Evil Qi of Single-Yang and Single-Yin

As Tao and Teh said, “Out of Tao, One is born; Out of One, Two; Out of Two, Three; Out of
Three, the created universe. The created universe carries the yin at its back and the yang in front.
Through the union of the pervading principles it reaches harmony.”
Yin and Yang, an important concept of metaphysics, are opposite and complementary.
In Word and Expression, Yin was interpreted as “the darkness, and the south of the water and the
north of the mountain”, and in Shuo Wen Xi Zhuan, “the north of the mountain and the south of
the water, beyond the sunshine”.
In Word and Expression, Yang was interpreted as “high and brilliant”, and in Meaning
Testimony of Word and Expression, “high and brilliant, in contrary to Yin”.
Yin is represented by earth, moon, night, cold, mother, female, abdomen, inside, lower, static,
mountain, dark, melting, exterior, void, complete, double, even, compliant and inclusive.
Yang is represented by heaven, sun, day, heat, father, male, back, outside, upper, moving, water,
light, gathering, surface, solid, progressive, single, odd, strong, dominant.
Yin-Yang theory is more widely used in modern computer programs. The binary language of
computer is 0 and 1, actually representing Yin and Yang.
The relationship between Yin and Yang is quite subtle and mysterious. Many sages including
Confucius have dealt with it in their works. In conclusion, they complement each other, depend
on each other, and oppose each other. Single Yang or Yin couldn’t last long, so the heaven and
the earth pair them up to produce all things on earth.
Imbalance will lead to single Yang or Yin. The former one harms men and the latter hurts
For example, if one, three, five or seven men live at odd-numbered street addresses, or a house in
the direction of Jia, Geng, Bing or Ren, or in adjacent to police stations, fire stations, courts,
barracks and gyms, it will give rise to the evil Qi of single-Yang.
Correspondingly, if one, two, four, six or eight women live at even-numbered street addresses, or
a house at the direction of Yi, Xin, Ding and Gui, or in adjacent to graveyard and funeral parlour,
it will generate the evil Qi of single-Yin.
In such cases, residents will feel lonely, and the interpersonal relationship will be affected.

Evil Qi of Sickle and Stirred Qi

A nearby viaduct bearing high-speed traffic will stir the Qi and destroy the Feng Shui pattern
around the residence. The rapid-running vehicles on the viaduct will stir the atmosphere nearby
to fluctuate vigorously and lead to extremely unstable magnetic field. The function of residence
is to provide us with a stable and comfortable environment to recuperate, and the viaduct
obviously goes against the original intention.
A straight and long flyover is just like water flow running straight away, which is not auspicious.
The curved overpass is also not appropriate, for the outward bend will form an offending bow,
and the inward bend a sickle.
In addition, the noise and exhaust gas generated by vehicles will also have an impact.
Rapid-transit, light-railway and high-speed rail flyovers will also have different impacts, and
should be avoided.

Evil Qi caused by Light, Reflected Light and Glistening Light of Waves

Living in a modern metropolis, it’s common for us to encounter all kinds of light or reflected
light. Huge colorful neon signs near your residence dazzle at night, disturbing your sleep. It is
called Guangsha (evil Qi of light) in metaphysics.
In addition, buildings with glass curtain walls near Yang house (including residential and office
buildings) will also reflect the sunlight, which may be troublesome. In metaphysics, it is called
Fanguangsha (evil Qi of reflected light).
If the light or reflected light targets the due west, the location of the White Tiger, it’s an ill omen;
if it is at the inauspicious directions based on the astrolabe, things will get worse.
One situation is easily overlooked. By the sea, we could see the sky and ripples meet at a line. In
the evening, the setting sun shines and the breeze bring warmth. It’s a poetic and pictorial
splendor. However, the light reflected by waves into the house is not so good. If the sunlight
reflected into the room is too bright, it is called “blood basin in mirror” in metaphysics, which
will give rise to cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, gynecological diseases, and
even cancer. It is extremely dangerous.
In addition to the sea, river, lake, swimming pool, pond and stream all can create such a pattern.
In addition to houses facing westerly, other ones can also stand a chance to be offended by such
evil Qi, as long as there is water nearby. A simple solution is to install reflective curtains, such as
aluminum blinds, to reflect the glaring sunlight out, which can be of great help.

Evil Qi of Heaven Blade

Heaven blade refers to the huge signboards of stores, which are common in Asia. Taking Hong
Kong’s bustling areas for example, it’s easier for residents on lower stories to be affected by
such signboards.
As far as the evil spirit is concerned, the residents below the signboards are most affected,
especially during the attack of typhoon. The crumbling signboards do cause potential danger to
the people living below them.
The dazzling neon lights of the signboards will cause trouble to the neighborhoods. The hard
light attracts your attention and disturbs your rest. In order to block out the glare, you may close
the curtain, but the room will seem too cramped, which is quite troublesome. Of course, it is
better to stay away from such situation.

Evil Qi of Noise
All disturbing sounds can be called Shengsha (evil Qi of noise). Both homes and offices should
be quiet, or people will get upset and restless.
The noise generated by construction sites nearby, fast-moving cars on the road, trains, ships and
airplanes, the operation of factory machinery and equipment, the music of square dance, the
sound of neighbors' sparrows, the passing of propaganda vehicles, the passing of fire engines and
police cars with sirens, the noisy playgrounds and markets, large-scale assemblies and various
indoor noises are all sources of Shengsha.
Please do not underestimate the impact of such noise. It will not only affect your hearing, but
also cause nervous tension and temper-losing.
The simplest solution is the sound insulation materials, including sound insulation cotton, sound
barrier, double glass and even earplugs, which are all practical.

Evil Qi of Smell (Weisha)

Guo Pu had pointed out in his Book of Burial that “Both Yin and Yang house should be
embraced by animate Qi” and “Qi will go with wind and come to a halt at the stream boundary.
The ancients gathered it and made it circulate within boundary. That’s why we call it Feng Shui”.
The essence of Feng Shui lies in the word “Qi”, which must be the auspicious one nourishing
lives, instead of the dead stink and foul Qi.
What Weisha refers to is absolutely not the former one, but the disgusting, unpleasant and
pungent smell, which may originate from nearby factory, stinking ditch, garbage station,
incinerator, public toilet, sewage treatment plant, canal biogas, stinky tofu shop, dirty neighbors,
waste gas from expressways, construction sites, etc.
It is very difficult to prevent and resolve Weisha, for it comes with wind and can be smelled
everywhere, seriously affects the geomantic field and often leads to unmentionable disease and
unstable luck of the house. It’s annoying if Yin or Yang house encounters such a problem. Take
special care to avoid Weisha when selecting house.
In another case we can find the evil Qi brought by chimney (Chongtiansha), namely, a tall
chimney outside the gate or window. It may give rise to frail health, illness and career frustration.
Things will get worse if the smoke from the chimney drifts into the house.

Evil Qi Brought by Chimney (Chongtiansha)

If the residents can overlook the towering chimneys of power plants, incinerators and factories
from the gate or window of the Yang house, it will be called Chongtiansha. A smoking chimney
will be worse. If three chimneys stand in a row side by side, evil Qi of incense (Xiangsha) will
come into shape.
Chimneys belong to fire, which is harmful to the respiratory system, eyes and cardiovascular
circulation. Other organs will also be affected, and it is even more harmful to the luck of
Long and straight objects, such as chimneys, are also referred to as brushes. Therefore, the
smoking chimney is like a burning brush, which is not conducive to children's studies.
Raising goldfish is a good way to neutralize such evil Qi. The water in the fish tank can put out
the burning chimney. If the fish tank is placed in the position standing for wealth, it can also
bring fortune.

Evil Qi Thrusting on Face (Cimiansha)

Cimiansha is caused by the rocky mountain and earth slope outside the gate or window, or
protruding shed frame and bamboo branches, as well as pointed sculpture, etc. They are like
numerous pricking needles directly thrusting on the Yang house.
They may bring injury, theft and disputes, and even lawsuit.
The simple solutions include thick curtains and carved wooden gourd.

Evil Qi of Scissors.
Such an inauspicious pattern refers to a house pinched at a fork junction. The two roads on both
sides are just like scissors, cutting off the building from the base.
It may generate quarrels, injury, financial loss and annoying romantic affairs. The settlements
include convex lens with eight diagrams, rock from Mount Taishan (Shigandang), crystal ball,
plants with thick trunk and round sculpture. However, the impact can only be mitigated, not
Fork Junction
It refers to the Y-shaped branch roads in front of the gate, both sides of which can be passed
through. It is common at the hotel lobby, hospital, government building, office building and
high-level service-oriented residential buildings, but rare in general residential buildings.
As Instructions on Selecting Houses said, “A fork-shaped road will separate family members, or
even take a toll on real estate.”
The fork-shaped roads stand for the most inauspicious water among the five elements, resulting
in unhappy love affairs, quarrels, rat, and dispute among family members or staff.
To neutralize it, you can close one of the branches, or change it into a one-way street, so that the
traffic can pass only in one direction.

Evil Qi of Tumour
If any arched protruding buildings on the surface of a high-rise, based on Feng Shui theory of
similarity, the protruding objects are just like the tumor on body, which will generate the evil Qi
of tumor. If there is a family history of cancer, such evil Qi is more likely to rear its ugly head.
As the name suggests, this kind of evil Qi is very similar to tumor, which is not easy to resolve.
An additional small house outside a high-rise also stands a chance for such an evil Qi. Think
twice before groundbreaking.

Evil Qi of Wind Chimes

If the house you want to purchase or rent has or used to have wind chimes hung, you’d better
take care or keep away from it. For some masters may encourage people to hang metal wind
chimes to neutralize the Fifth-Yellow star’s malevolence.
The Fifth-Yellow star (Lianzhen star) is one of the nine major stars in Feng Shui theory, also
known as Tianshu in ancient times. It’s the fifth star of the Big Dipper, symbolizing evilness,
distortion and disease.
It belongs to earth of the five elements, so it’s reasonable to neutralize its impact with metal.
However, the metal wind chimes tend to attract evil spirit into the house, and there would be
endless disasters. Actually, there are many other ways to avoid its negative effects, and the wind
chime is not necessary.

Through Gates
The through gate refers to the pattern in which the main entrance and the back door (or the
French windows, balcony, etc.) directly face each other. The straight passage through the house
will form an evil Qi of heart-piercing or arrow, which cannot be judged as auspicious. Such
passage will make it difficult for the house owner to amass fortunes, which is often spent or
given away easily.
Why we consider it an ill omen? The key lies in the straight passage going through the house. As
we have mentioned before, in Feng Shui theory, road (or path, passage) is commonly regarded as
virtual water.
According to Xue Xin Fu, only the still water could reach the balance of Yin and Yang. The
winding water flow runs slowly, and the state of quietness and stillness can be achieved. So,
there was an old saying, “With winding passages in the house, a prime minister will be born into
the family”.
The way to neutralize through gate is simple. Just place green plants or furniture alternately
between the front and back door, so as to make the Qi flow in a winding manner. It will also be
helpful to set a porch or screen at the front door, and furniture or round table at the back door to
gather Qi.

Evil Qi of Heart-piercing (Chuanxin Sha)

As mentioned above, the through gates are one of Chuanxin Sha. There are various forms of
through gates, for example, the direct connection between the main entrance and the back door,
the French window, as well as between doors of room, toilet, kitchen and garage.
There are also other versions of heart-piercing, such as Instructions on Selecting Houses says, "A
heart-piercing beam in the hall will bring disaster to the family.” The beam column in the
middle of the living room is a typical Chuanxin Sha. In addition, the tree, the telegraph pole and
the crossbeam facing the door, and even the road or river directly rushing over can be classified
as Chuanxin Sha.
Sha, as the name suggests, is rather dangerous and must be resolved. The resolving method
varies with the cause. Take the heart-piecing column as an example, it is common to decorate the
column with carved encircling dragon and phoenix. I have also seen the display screen installed
on the column body, turning the evil Qi into a screen. It’s quite a creative method.

Evil Qi of Open Mouth (Kaikou Sha)

If the door of the home or office faces the elevator’s door, it’s called Kaikou Sha, or Hukou Sha
(tiger’s mouth). The opening and closing of the elevator’s door are just like a beast opening its
mouth to hunt, which is harmful to people's health and wealth. Moreover, it will lead to air flow
chaos and magnetic instability, affecting the luck of the family. In addition, the opposition
between the two doors can be considered as an evil Qi of door-facing (Menchong Sha). So there
is a saying “Doors of two families shouldn’t face each other, or one of them may encounter
In addition, if a shop is facing the entrance or exit of the underground garage, it will also be
affected by Kaikou Sha. If the elevator’s door is on the right hand side of the Yang house, it will
generate a White Tiger Kaikou Sha, which is also unfavorable.

House on Cliff
If a residence is built on a steep hillside, as the saying goes, "Living in a house on cliff, the
family may cry bitterly." From the perspective of geomantic metaphysics, people living in cliff
house may suffer disasters, which is not auspicious.
According to the “Cross at the Main Hall center” of the four ancient beasts, a Yang house with
head-lowering Black Tortoise at back, dancing Vermilion Bird in front, winding Azure Dragon
on the left and tamely-bowing White Tiger on the right can be considered a standard one.
However, a house on the cliff has no beast on one side at least, so it violates the Feng Shui
principle of storing wind and gathering Qi, and will generate the evil Qi of wind-leaking. It’s
A house on cliff also has inherent hidden danger in foundation. In case of sudden natural and
man-made disasters, such as rainstorm, flood, earthquake, and even improper excavation, the
foundation may be damaged and the house structure will be affected. Therefore, such a house is
not a good choice.

Evil Qi caused by Ridge (Wuji Sha)

Wuji Sha refers to the dashing ridges of neighbors’ houses. The Volume II of Collection of Yang
House describes it as follows:
“The dashing ridge in front of the main hall stands for failure in lawsuit, while at back leads to
disability, early death and hidden disaster. If a house running diagonally against the main hall
from the front, the family members may be hurt by thieves, and from the back may give rise to
ulcers at people’s back.”
No matter whether it comes, it is unfavorable and must be resolved.
“In case that a row of houses is not completed at the same time, namely, being capped one after
another, the family members may suffer misfortunes for three years.”

Unfilled Corner
Unfilled corner refers to the absence of some corners in a Yang house, which is a common
appearance. The Qi may be leaked from the corner, resulting in imbalance of the corresponding
direction in the Eight-diagram and affecting the Feng Shui harmony of Yang house. Different
directions will give rise to different impacts. You can refer to the following introduction:
Divine by Natural Direction Family Body Part Organ
Eight Symbol Member
Gan Heaven Northwest Father Head Brain
Kun Earth Southwest Mother Belly Spleen
Zhen Thunder East Eldest son Foot Heart
Xun Wind Southeast Eldest Thigh Liver
Kan Water North Middle son Ear Kidney
Li Fire South Middle Eye Gall
daughter bladder
Gen Mountain Northeast Youngest son Hand Stomach
Dui Marsh west Youngest Mouth Lung
For example, if the northwest corner of a Yang house is unfilled, the host of the family may be
harmed, and the whole family, especially the host, may suffer head illness.
If the southwest corner of a Yang house is unfilled, the hostess of the family may be harmed, and
the whole family, especially the hostess, may suffer intestinal tract illness.
By parity of reasoning, unfilled corners at east or southeast will have an impact on the eldest son
or daughter respectively.

Basement and Dark, Damp Houses

Insufficient sunshine is the common problem of basement. In some worse cases, the warm
sunshine can't even reach the interior at all. Long-term lack of sunlight will lead to excessive Yin
and deficient Yang, thus Yin and evil Qi will gradually accumulate.
Ancient books like Introduction on Yang House, Book of How to Know, Secret Knowledge of
Shan and Song of Selecting Tomb said, “Excessive Yin and deficient Yang will attract evil spirits
and bring disasters to the family.”
Without sufficient Yang Qi, the Yin Qi may take advantage of the weak point, and give rise to
illnesses, ghosts and disasters. So, it’s better to give up dark and damp basement or houses.

Direction of Zhengshen, Lingshen and Zhaoshen

Yuan/Yun Date Zhengshen Lingshen Direction Based on
Direction Tian Yu Jing,
1 Yun of Top 1864-1884 North South the
Yuan Zhengshen
2 Yun of Top 1884-1904 Southwest Northeast and
Yuan Lingshen
3 Yun of Top 1904-1924 East West directions
Yuan refer to the
4th Yun of Mid 1924-1944 Southeast Northwest auspicious
Yuan and
5th Yun of Mid 1944-1954 Southwest/Southeast Northeast/Northwest
direction of
Yuan 1954-1964 Northwest/Northeast Southeast/Southwest the current
6th Yun of Mid 1964-1984 Northwest Southeast Yuan and
Yuan Yun. The
7th Yun of 1984-2004 West East positive
Bottom Yuan direction
8th Yun of 2004-2024 Northeast Southwest gathers the
Bottom Yuan auspicious
9 Yun of 2024-2044 South North Qi of the
Bottom Yuan current
Yuan, while the Lingshen position, namely the opposite direction of the Zhengshen one, pools
the inauspicious Qi.
However, the Lingshen direction is suitable for gathering water (it refers to not only real water
like lake, sea, river, park, pool, stream, pond, swimming pool, etc., but also virtual water,
namely, low, flat and spacious ground like park, square, wide road or parking lot), which may
bring wealth. On the contrary, the Zhengshen direction facilitates number of family members.
The water encountered may lead to financial losses.
The Zhengshen and Lingshen positions may shift based on the three Yuan and nine Yun.
The direction of Zhaoshen refers to the wealth-pooling direction. At present (the 8th Yun of
Bottom Yuan), it’s the due east. And for the following Yun, it will shift to the southeast.

Four Ancient Sacred Beasts (1): Black Tortoise

The four ancient sacred beasts refer to the Azure Dragon (left), the White Tiger (right), the
Vermilion Bird (in front) and the Black Tortoise (at back), who guard Yin or Yang house. Why
we need such guards? As the prosperous Qi “goes with wind”, some tight fences are needed to
hold the Qi. In this way, the Qi can be guided into house to increase the luck.
Dan Jing Kou Jue: “It’s essential to select a prosperous landform for Yang House, which should
be backed by vigorous mountain range and embraced by streams in front, as well as with broad
Main Hall, restraint stream inlets and outlets, and unimpeded vision ahead.”
Jade Mirror: “Screens should be seen on all sides of the Yang House, so as to pool wind and Qi.
A site of wealth and rank should include a flat rideau, round and high mountains range at back
and slightly-even ground in front. Bamboo could be planted around to pool wind and Qi.”
“Clear and peaceful streams in front of the main entrance will give rise to wealth, rank and
outstanding offspring. Located higher than the surroundings, the Yang House will be offended
by wind, leading to financial loss and decrease in the number of family members.”
Can Xia Dao Ren: “In Feng Shui theory, the high mountains belong to Yin and basin Yang. An
ideal burial site on flat ground should have hills in front and even, broad ground at back.”
Book of Burial: “The Black Tortoise, namely the mountains at back, should be low and tame, just
like thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers submitting themselves to your rule.
Streams are preferrable at the back of the burial site. The peaceful flow is auspicious and the
rapid (or even waterfall) is ominous.”
Jing Hua Sui: “The burial site should be positioned at the pool of dragon Qi of mountains. The
clear and peaceful streams should linger in front of the Main Hall.”
“The pompous and capping mountains at back (the Black Tortoise) is not suitable for graves.
The surrounding mountains, especially the mountains at back (the Black Tortoise), shouldn’t be
too high, or it’ll be ominous.”
In conclusion, both Yin and Yang house should be surrounded by stretching, smooth and round
hills in a harmonious manner. The water could gather at center and the Qi could be embraced by
hills. There are also specific requirements on the four beasts. For the Black Tortoise, it should
lower its head, like accepting the burial. As pouring water into the grave, if it gathers at the
center, it’s an auspicious pattern.
The Black Tortoise is the hill at back of the Yin or Yang house. It should be neither absent nor
too high. If it is too high, the house will bear an avalanche of pressure. A round peak will be the

Four Ancient Sacred Beasts (2): Vermilion Bird

The main hall in front is the pool of wealth. It’s better to set two main halls, both inside and
outside the house. The inner one should be compact, and the outer one should be wide, flat and
fenced. As an old saying goes, “A main hall large enough for thousands of horses will bring
extreme wealth and official rank.”
Such instructions could also be found in Comments on the Main Hall and Secret of Master Wu.
Ming Tang Jing: The Main Hall should be square and broad to hold a vast host of infantry and
cavalry, thus the grave will be qualified to bury emperors and feudal nobles. The grave with even
and regular foundation or a foundation in the shape of pan bottom, and a Main Hall containing
hundreds of people are suitable for common nobility and officials.
Wu Gong Mi Jue: “Different requirements have been set on inner and outer Main Hall. The inner
one requires screens around, and the outer one should be spacious. If both equipped, offspring of
the grave owner will become high-rank officials.”
The major taboo of the main hall refers to narrowness, just like a preterm fetus born deficient.
The mountains in front of the outer Main Hall should rise and dance in a happy mood. The
auspicious pattern should be elegant and comfortable, caring each other affectionately.
It’s ominous for the mountains range in front to offending each other, crooked or in abominable
A narrow hall is not auspicious, which may result in ignorant and stubborn offspring or abortion.
It’s favorable for the outer main hall to have “flying and dancing Vermilion Bird” in front,
namely, “the handsome, energetic and towering hill sits in front, as if watching the house with
affection”. It’s taboo to have a flying-away Vermilion Bird, namely “the hill in front turns its
back on the house, reluctant to circle around it (or grave), as if trying to fly away”.

Four Ancient Sacred Beasts (3): Azure Dragon (left) and White Tiger (right)
The Azure Dragon and the White Tiger are the indispensable guards of Yin and Yang houses.
Referring to the ancient texts of Xin Jing, Qu Li Zhu, Nang Jin, Book of Burial and Private
Judgement on Yang House, etc., we can make the following conclusion:
The Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon and White Tiger are the gods of the four due
directions. The geographers used their names just to distinguish the hills of the corresponding
directions, not assimilate their shapes to the exact beast. The Azure Dragon stands for the hill on
the left hand side, which should be winding and stretching, and the White Tiger the hill on the
right hand side, which should be tamely bowing. For a Yang house, the head of the tiger should
be large and thick, and the dragon tail should be lifted, or the owner of the house may be
Xin Jing: “In Feng Shui theory, the Azur Dragon is on your left side, and the White Tiger right
Qu Li Zhu: The Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, Azur Dragon and White Tiger actually stand for
the four constellations in the heaven. In Feng Shui theory, the astrology is assimilated to
different mountains on the earth. The mountain in front is named the Vermillion Bird, at the back
the Black Tortoise, on the left Azur Dragon and on the right the White Tiger.
Nang Jin: The reversing and tightly-embracing mountain is the most auspicious.
Book of Burial: The best pattern for the Azur Dragon is like a winding snake, and the White
Tiger a tame beast.
Secret Instruction of Yang House: It’s auspicious to see the head of the White Tiger high and
thick, and tail of the Azur Dragon broad.
Notices of Geography: The mountain ranges on left and right sides should be of similar height,
just like cradling arms to bow with hands clasped. The worst pattern includes competing
mountains on left and right sides, cutting edge, broken pieces, reversed bow, spreading all round,
skew, straight and long, overwhelming, over-sinking, over-thin, barren ridge, broken mountain
range, imminent, abominable chevron, etc. If the stream comes from the left side (the Azur
Dragon), it’s better to see the White Tiger longer to embrace the left side, and vice versa.
After all, the key principle for the dragon and tiger must be “tamely bowing and bending”.
Notices for Geography has stated it in details: “They should bow and give precedence to each
other with agreeable heights. The fighting pattern must be avoided. Those unpleasant postures or
the hollows drawing winds are all inauspicious, and deserve serious consideration. If the water
flows from the left, the tiger hill should be longer; if it flows from the right, the dragon hill
should be longer.”

Four Ancient Sacred Beasts (4): Hill of Worshiping (Chaoshan) and Long, Narrow Table
In addition to the four sacred beasts, it’s better for Yin or Yang house to have Chaoshan and
Anshan hills in front.
Notices of Geography: The low hill in front of the grave is called Anshan, serving as a desk. It
should be low and small in various shapes, which should be regular, smooth, round, pretty, bright
and slightly curving inward.
“The Anshan should slightly curve inward to embrace the dragon grave, and the outer mountain
range should be tame and affectionate.”
“The Anshan in front should be in appropriate distance from the grave, better to be slightly
approaching (proper distance needed) instead of being too far away.”
Master Yang: A too-close Anshan will oppress the grave.
“Anshan in ugly, protruding or oppressing shapes is inauspicious.”
Notice of Geography: Chaoshan refers to the mountain range farther from the grave, like foreign
courtiers worshiping the emperor. It should be high and magnificent, and with a modest,
courteous and surrendering look.
“The regular and pretty shape is auspicious. No matter pointed or high, round or protruding,
upright or foursquare, level or smooth, it should be glorious and with lush growth of trees and
grass. The bad looks include being broken, overwhelming, ugly, crooked, sprawling, outward
bending, over-majestic, collapsing and barren.”
Master Liu: The ideal shapes of Chaoshan and Anshan mountains are: with pretty-shaped
mountain in front and screen at back; flat mountain range in front, and magnificent and pretty
mountains in the distance. The auspicious shapes of the distant mountain include: as slim as
brush pen; round like an arch; in real square or oblong; in five shapes of metal, wood, water, fire
and earth; in shape of Santai (three steps) constellation; in shapes of bell and drum; in neat array
like troop. A neat array of Chaoshan in the distance is the propitious sign, while the mountains in
irregular shape, jagged rock and pointed and broken peaks are not.

Living on Hill or by Water

As Five Songs of Heaven Yuan said, “It’s favorable to live by water than in hill.” Such an
argument can be traced back to the Feng Shui theory mentioned by the previous sage Guo Pu in
his Book of Burial, “Qi will go with wind and stop at the stream boundary. The ancients gathered
it and made it circulate within boundary. So, water is superior to wind in gathering Qi.”
Living by water, you can have a good view of the sea, lake, river, pool, or other places where the
real water centering on the house, such as streams, pools, fish ponds, swimming pools, etc. It’s a
good way to store prosperous Qi. Of course, the premise is that the water should be pretty, clear
and still.
In addition, it is really enjoyable to see the intoxicating sea view every day. With such a view,
pressures of work and life can be relieved easily.
However, we should be careful with the sea or lake view at sunset. When the sun, especially the
scarlet one at sunset, shines on the water and the beam is reflected into the house, the evil Qi will
be generated, which is called "blood basin in mirror". As the name suggests, it's very dangerous
and must be resolved.

Agreeable House for Your Fortune (Eight Characters)

The house you live in should match your Birth Time Characteristic, especially the Yin-Yang and
five elements. The characteristics of each person's fate are unique, which can be basically
divided into the auspicious god (Xi Shen) and amending god (Yong Shen).
Xi Shen and Yong Shen are terms in Chinese traditional eight-character numerology. Eight
characters, that is, the year, month, day and hour of the person's birth are made into four
columns, and each column is equipped with a heaven stem and a branch of the earth. The
different arrangements of the eight characters contain different information of Yin and Yang and
five elements, which constitute different eight-character life patterns. There are "less than" and
"too much" in the fate, which are called "diseases", and "Yong Shen" is the "medicine" for
different "diseases". "Xi Shen" is the element of Yin-Yang and five elements that can play a vital
role for "Yong Shen".
For example, a person born in summer needs water for cooling and nourishing, while those born
in winter need fire for warming up. It’s the application of Yong Shen in adjusting seasons.
There's an 80% chance of doing it right, for there are other patterns to be considered, like
supporting, weakening or mediating.
“Supporting” refers to assisting one of the five elements, which is too weak.
“Weakening” means to weaken one of the five elements, which is too strong.
“Mediating”, as it suggests, means to mediate among two of the five elements, which are fighting
fiercely, for they may hurt other elements.
The four applications mentioned above are “formal ones”. There are also complicated variations.
You could ask professionals to help you spot your own Xi Shen and Yong Shen.
Then, it’ll be more convenient for you to select a Yang house. For example, a person with water
as Xi Shen and Yong Shen should find a house surrounded by real water, like sea, lake, river,
stream, pool, pond, etc. If there is no real water around, the virtual water like park, parking lot,
square, could serve as substitute, for "as long as the terrain is lower by one Cun, it should be
considered water flow”.
Green gardens will be suitable for a person with wood as his Xi Shen and Yong Shen.
Besides, the five elements also have corresponding direction, storey, figure and color, which can
be applied in combination.

Chapter II. Foundation and Shape of House

Chapter II Foundation and Shape of House (1)

Yin and Yang house have different requirements on the foundation and the shape of house, such
as "Yin house focuses on the dragon vein, while Yang house prefers a stretch of flat land". The
foundation of Yang house should be wide, flat, regular and full. In the hills, a flat slope is the
best; in the open country, the high place should be preferred. The foundation of Yang house
should be surrounded by hills and water.
Five Songs of Heaven Yuan: The foundation of Yang House should be broad and in steady
structure, backed by the Black Tortoise and greeted by great rivers in front, so as to gather rich
Qi and fortunate. In case of being surrounded by creeks, the wind and Qi could also be pooled. If
the rivers weave like longitude and latitude of fabric, the house owner can be successful in any
Yuan or Yuan.
Xing Sha Fu: The foundation of Yin House should be tight and compact, with screens all around,
while that of Yang House should be broad, with picturesque scenery, and suitable for a big
family to root and spread branches and leaves. A lonely hill with shallow scream and narrow
terrain only fits small families, restricting their development.
Glow-eating Taoist Priest: The foundation of Yang House should be broad, flat, regular and
complete, and the crooked, unfilled and protruding ones are inauspicious. The nearby mountains
and dragon veins should be studied more carefully.
Dan Jing Kou Yue: A Yang House should be backed by magnificent mountain and faced by
embracing and surrounding streams. The Main Hall should be broad; the outlet of stream should
be restraining and reserved; the front should not be obstructed.
Jade Mirror: A towering building surrounded by low one-storey houses makes people lonely and
helpless, and leads to disputes and lawsuits. If the arch over the gateway, or the mental gate at
the entrance is higher than the house, the house owner will have a bad luck.
Qi Yan Jing: Overextravagant outlook of Yang House leads to misfortune.
Tai Yin Jing: Important cities should be located on flat ground and better surrounded by steams.
The foundation of a Yang House should be at higher ground and never in basin.
Qing Jiang Zi: A place relatively higher on even ground is the best site for houses. It’s better to
be surrounded by streams.
Yu Sui Jing: Never build house at the depression between two peaks, or the house owner will
suffer poverty. A house at the highest point of the peak will lead to temporary wealth.
A house built on gentle slope will certainly lead to prosperity. In mountains, a house should be
built on relatively flat ground, and on higher place on plain. Basin should be avoided as much as
Peng Ke Zi: Hollow on slope or higher place on terrace are suitable for building houses. A house
near to stream will promote your luck in making money.
Hundreds of ancient books had comments on it, such as Five Songs of Heaven Yuan, Xing Sha
Fu, Qi Yian Jing, Tai Yin Jing, Qing Jiang Zi, Yu Sui Jing, Peng Ke Zi, etc. An adequate
foundation will benefit the family. For example, in a city, all the high places, except the official
administration, must be preoccupied by insiders. In countryside, things may be better. Even in
open country, the high place is necessary, for the low and damp places may give rise to financial
losses or decrease in the number of family members.

Foundation and Shape of House (2)

Unfilled corner refers to the absence of some corner in a Yang house. The Qi may be leaked
from the corner, resulting in imbalance of the corresponding direction in the Eight-diagram and
affecting the Feng Shui harmony of Yang house. Particularly, if the northwest/southwest corner
of a Yang house is unfilled, the host/hostess of the family will be harmed. Besides, unfilled
corners at east or southeast will respectively affect the eldest son or daughter.
Zhai Jin: Foundation of Yang House should be regular, and the irregular one should be trimmed,
or it may give rise to unfilial offspring, financial loss and death of family members (especially
the elder).
Collection of Yang House: Defectiveness at north or south of the foundation will cause illness,
quarrels and lawsuits, while at east and west the career frustration.
Defectiveness at east of the foundation will cause financial loss, at west disasters, at south
quarrels and at north the ill omen.
Deficiency at the due north, due south, due east and due west at the same time is auspicious sign
on the contrary.
Four unfilled corners are great ominous omen.
Particularly narrow at north and south of the foundation is ominous omen.
Broad and long at north and north, and narrow at east and west will increase wealth and family
Unfilled corner at southeast of the foundation will first lead to death of family members in early
years, and later increase wealth and family members.
Deficiency at south by southwest, and west by southwest of the foundation will assist your
development in official circles.
Deficiency at west by northwest, and north by northwest of the foundation will harm family
members, but is dignified.
There will not be great influence with deficiency at northeast of the foundation.
A foundation long at right side and short at left side will lead to loneliness and widow, while the
one long at left side and short at right side will harm your wife and children.
A foundation narrow at the back: financial loss and death of family members;
A foundation narrow in the front and broad at the back: riches and rank;
A foundation pointed in the front and broad at the aback: financial loss and harm to ladies;
A foundation pointed at the back and broad in the front: ominous omen.
Rosy Clouds-Eating Taoist Priest: a narrow foundation should not be completely used for
building houses, or it may lead to fire hazard and harm the family members.
A square and even foundation stands for riches, honor and luck.
The following three patterns will add to your wealth: a steady foundation with gradually-broad
road in front; a foundation upright and foursquare at the back and round and protruding in the
front; a round foundation with waved decoration in the front.
There have also been various suggestions on the unfilled corners of Yang house. In conclusion,
unfilled corners of different directions may generate many kinds of misfortune, such as financial
loss, orphan and widow, decrease in the number of family members, frustrations in career, etc.
We’d better find a foundation regular and full, long from south to north and narrow from east to
west, etc.

Foundation and Shape of House (3)

In addition to the foundation, the shape of the house is also very important. As Guide on Yang
House said, “The second step is to check body of the house, which should be in regular shape. If
there is any unfilled corner, the due direction and the diagram should be changed. The best ratio
of length to width is between 1:2 and 1:3. That is to say, if the width is 5 meters, the length
should be 10 to 15 meters. If the building is too long, there will be lack of sunshine and air flow,
and the residents will be prone to illness. If the width is larger than the length, it will be harder
for the house to gather Qi, resulting in financial loss.
As Five Songs of Heaven Yuan, Yang House and Heaven Yuan and Collection of Yang House
said, the good look of Yang house should be of regular square with the best length-width ratio
between 1:2 and 1:3, and in adjacent to deep river bend. Earth mounds are favorable.
Ten Instructions on Yang House also have detailed inscription on the shape of house.
Shape Impact
Building wall before completing a Financial loss
new house
A small house at back Death of family member
T-shaped house Family member dying out
Low in front and high at back Growth in wealth
Connected houses behind Death of family member and loss in
real estate
A warehouse added to the built-up Financial loss
houses’ back
Tear down half and middle of a Decrease in the number of family
dwelling members
Neighbors’ house/wall corner in sight Deaf and dumb
around the house
Roof of the house in a line Disobedient, brothers on bad terms
Directly facing the road at the main Host of the family will die a violent
door or the side door for vehicle death
The side door for vehicle at the Illness and death
directions of Zi, Wu, Kun and Gen
Waste water pooling in courtyard Dysentery
Riprap in courtyard Eye illness
Side house directly facing the main Disaster
Tower on the main entrance Harm the host
Corner of the house protrudes into the Engage in lawsuit
Dirty clothes of baby hung overnight Illness
Thin cracks on wall Illness

Foundation and Shape of House (4)

Digest of Yang House has also mentioned the different requirements on foundation and shape of
Yang house. In conclusion, “An auspicious house must be equipped with regular foundation,
neat frame and good look. If it is too high, too broad, too humble or too narrow, or lying on all
sides, the owner will suffer financial loss and decrease in the number of family members.”
A magnificent Yang House with neat and complete fence is dignified.
A residence with tight fencing, distinct walls, bright and simple courtyard and neat and
reasonable design will lead to wealth and rank.
Main halls at both north and south, and over-imposing pattern at the left and right sides will give
rise to unfilial offspring.
A drawn-up Yang House without surroundings to depend on is the ominous omen.
An inclined Yang House will bring illness to residents.
Ghosts may linger in the house too deep and broad to be completely exposed to sunshine.
Deficiency in house or fence will harm the family, which should be repaired as soon as possible.
Too-high foundation and hollow in front or at back of Yang House will harm your wealth.
The false theory includes: narrow foundation and high buildings harm both wealth and family
member; broad foundation with short houses lead to temporary wealth and rank.
Zhai Zong: We must make a general survey of the external surroundings and orientations of a
Yang House. The ideal pattern must include the Azur Dragon on the left side, the White Tiger on
the right side, the Black Tortoise at back and ideal Vermillion Bird and Main Hall in front,
beyond which there must be Anshan and Chaoshan. Moreover, the orientation of Yang House is
also of much concern.
Residential unit differs with government office space. The former one should be delicate and
tight, and the latter broad and magnificent. So do bedroom, living room and dining room. The
living room should be broad and spacious, while an over-commodious bedroom can’t pool the
Qi. The courtyard in Yang House represents wealth, and one in moderate size could accumulate
a fortune. Short houses in front can be regarded as Anshan, which is auspicious. Overtopping
houses in front will create pressure, while a too-short house in front is out of proportion. Too-
close house in front will lead to excessive oppression, but a distant one will leak the auspicious

Unfilled and Protruding Corners

It is common to see unfilled and protruding corners at foundation or houses. Take the former for
example, its direction will affect the corresponding family members.
If the northwest/southwest corner of a Yang house is unfilled, the host/hostess of the family will
be harmed.
The protruding corners stands for the overwhelming Qi at the corresponding direction of
diagram. For example, a protruding corner at due east may result in an overbearing and unbridled
oldest son, who frequently argues with his parents.
Or, a protruding corner at southeast may result in an unruly and willful eldest daughter, who does
not follow instructions.
The following are the images and objects represented by the Late Heaven Bagua eight
diagrams[1] for your reference:

Trigram Image in Family Body Organ

Name Attribute Animal Direction
Figure Nature Relationship Part Elements
Healthy Brain Metal
☰ qián and Father Horse Head Northwest
Lake, Third Lung Metal
☱ duì Pleasure Goat Mouth West
marsh daughter
Light- Gall
☲ lí Fire giving, Pheasant Eye bladder South
Inciting Heart Wood
☳ zhèn Thunder First son Dragon Foot East
First Liver Wood
☴ xùn Wind Penetrating Fowl Thigh Southeast
Hole and Kidney Water
☵ kǎn Water Second son Pig Ear North
Resting, Stomach
☶ gèn Mountain Third son Dog Hand Northeast
Devoted, Spleen
☷ kūn Earth Mother Cow Belly Southwest

Diamond-shaped dining hall is quite common in Hong Kong, where an inch of land values an
inch of gold. The advantage of this design is to let in sunshine and broaden the vision as much as
possible for all the apartments of the whole high-rise.
However, such a design will lead to the inconsistency between the directions of the windows of
the dining room and bedroom. If the Yang house is oriented to the sun (i.e. the lighting surface),
the direction of one apartment will vary, resulting in the miscellaneous hexagrams and the
disordered magnetic field. In the extreme case, a strange combination of Yin and Yang may lead
to endless failure, so we have to deal with it carefully.
The curved windows and doors or the circular design of the whole building will also cause
different directions in the same apartment, thus the Qi and magnetic field will be in chaos.
The right direction is the key to Feng Shui pattern of Yin or Yang house, emphasizing the purity
of a single hexagram. So, think twice before deciding on diamond-shaped or round apartments.

Chapter III. Numbers and Five Elements

Numbers and Feng Shui of Mobile

Numbers are almost everywhere in our daily life, including the date of birth, number of our ID
card, student / employee ID, telephone number, bank number, Octopus Card, home and office
address, license plate, policy of insurance, stock and all the numbers related to you. Maybe you
have never paid any attention to them, their magnetic energy affects you all the time.
Take the mobile phone, which is most frequently used, as an example, it has become a part of the
Feng Shui theory. The more you use it, the more it will affect your magnetic field. Different
numbers represent different elements, and lead you to different destinies. A suitable mobile
phone number can direct you to a broad road, full of light and hope, and can improve your
wealth, career, family, health, popularity, wisdom, social status, etc. On the contrary, if the
number is not suitable for you, it will bring you unexpected frustration and drag down your
It's not easy to find yourself a right mobile phone number. It must match your birth time and date
to boost your vitality. The number itself must gather suitable lucky stars, and keep you away
from all the evil stars.

Figures and Feng Shui of Yang House

In Feng Shui theory of Yang house, numbers are also very important, including those of our
doorplate, storey and apartment. Numbers influence all aspects of the whole family, and cannot
be ignored. The combination of numbers should consist of auspicious stars.
Details of 0-9
The most basic components of number are 0 to 9, which have different characteristics.
Combinations of two, three or even more numbers will respectively generate different
mathematical hexagrams. I hope that my next book on digital science can explain it in detail.
Five elements: Earth. (Early and Late Heaven Bagua)
It is the beginning and end of all things, so there is a saying “returning to zero”.
Positive: Thinking carefully, protecting oneself, thinking clearly.
Negative: Introversion, concealment, dilemma, reluctance to change, passivity.
(1) The First-White, Greed Wolf Star (Dubhe)
Five elements: Water (Early and Late Heaven Bagua).
Characters: Second son, thief, spy, itinerant entertainer, judge, surgeon, educator, laborer, hard-
working people, people with virus, philosopher, debauchee, people in catering industry, poker-
faced and ruthless people.
Interpersonal relationships: Drifting, wandering, insidious and despicable.
Body parts: kidney, ear, blood, uterus, ovary, testicle, semen, urethra, fallopian tube, shoulder,
waist, sweat gland, saliva, pituitary gland and lacrimal gland.
Diseases: Cardiovascular diseases, diarrhea, stomachache, disease infection, tinnitus, anemia,
stomach cold, uterus, ovary, ectopic pregnancy, depression, psychosis, diabetes, infertility,
fatigue, edema, hemorrhoids, food poisoning, blood loss, drowning, venereal diseases, Qi and
blood imbalance, alcoholism, backache, hematuria, varicella, incontinence, etc.
Images: rivers and wells, sewers, moats, ocean, wine, liquid, sweat, tears, dew, rain, thin ice,
gears, moon, wood, pig, fox, fish, shellfish, dolphins, seals, otters, jewfish, hippopotamus, seal,
whale, pillar, thorn, eel, donkey meat, ghost, darkness, refrigerator, diet, liquid state, etc.
Color: Black, blue.
Benefit: Passing an imperial examination, fame all over the world, reputation and intelligence,
romance, unexpected wealth, official rank and prestige.
Harm: Wandering, worrying, disaster caused by romance, venereal disease, financial loss, living
in a foreign country.
Positive: Qian diagram represents father, male, spark, performance of strength, explosive force,
vigorous energy, innovation, independence, leadership style, initiative, masculinity, rigidity,
tenacity, creativity, understanding and intelligence.
Negative: Being dictatorial, aloof, ignoring others, unyielding, beginning well but ending badly,
unreasonable, subjective, persisting one’s old ways, arrogant, unsocial.
(2) The Second-Black, Jumen Star (Merak)
Five elements: Fire (Early Heaven Bagua), and earth (Late Heaven Bagua).
Characters: Mean people, ordinary people, poor people, farmers, judges, wives, hostesses, people
with pot belly, stingy people, secretaries, consultants, waiters, etc.
Interpersonal relationships: Rats, the masses, coward, weak and stingy people.
Body parts: Stomach, spleen, abdomen, muscle, kidney, pancreas, etc.
Diseases: Diarrhea, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal diseases, unbalanced diet, dyspepsia,
gastrointestinal diseases, skin diseases, fever, hypertension.
Images: Cloth, bed, grain, house, food, office, furniture, paste food, pastoral, cheap goods, cattle,
cats, kangaroos, ceramics, handbags, slippers, carpet, bedding, etc.
Color: Mud yellow, brown.
Benefit: meek, farmland, wealth, respected.
Harm: Stinginess, illness, loneliness, financial loss, unexpected calamity, provoking evil spirits.
Positive: Gregarious, tolerant, friendly, good at leveraging, understanding, fruitful, for Kun
hexagram, mother, female, gentle, accepting, cooperative, serving others, having a partner,
thoughtful, spontaneous, fruitful, introvert, good at teamwork, attaching importance to group
relations, and happy to receive positive (not negative) feedback from others.
Negative: Strong dependence, hesitation, complaint, lack of sense of security, heavy mental load,
hypocrisy, inconsistent words and deeds, weakness, excessive accommodation, two faces,
aversion to the feeling of loneliness, and being untrue to oneself.
(3) The Third-Green, Lucun Star (Phecda)
Five elements: Wood (Early Heaven Bagua, Late Heaven Bagua).
Characters: The eldest son, athletes, clerks, singers, broadcasters, professionals, knights, youth,
thieves, pedestrians, successors, princes.
Interpersonal relationships: False alarm, impetuous, active, less quiet, angry.
Body parts: Liver, hair, voice, foot, hand, tendon, nervous system, vocal cord, gate of life,
Diseases: Foot disease, liver and gall disease, panic, neck ache, nervous system, hand and foot
paralysis, stomach and gallbladder diseases, beriberi, fear, fasciitis, hoarseness, adolescent
Images: Horse, dragon, cart, flute, Xiao, seed, drum, shoe, road, wooden furniture, deer, plant,
flower, tree, signal, airplane, laugh, cry, clock, code, coriander, moving beam, etc.
Color: Green, cyan.
Benefit: Power, successful career and prosperous family, renowned for eloquence.
Harm: Lawsuit, quarrel, fighting, and financial loss.
Positive: lucky, optimistic, simple, funny, full of enthusiasm, excited, naive,
enjoying the hustle and bustle of life, straightforward, smart, witty, creative, with musical talent
and strong presentation skills.
Negative: Childish, superficial, giving up easily, anticlimax, unreliable, emotional, worried about
personal gains and losses, corruption, disharmonious, capricious, willful and overambitious.
(4) The Fourth-Wealth, Wenqu Star (Megrez)
Five elements: Metal (Early Heaven Bagua) and wood (Late Heaven Bagua).
Characters: Eldest daughter, scholar, widows, monks and Taoists, residents in the mountains and
plains, immortal practitioners, concubines, ladies, writers, journalists, teachers, literati, poets,
advertising practitioners, businessmen, travelers, shopkeepers, cashiers, adulteress, public
relations practitioners, entertainers, youth, honest and upright officials, envoys.
Interpersonal relationships: Gentle but unstable, and treacherous.
Body parts: Thigh, stroke, hair, liver, complexion, chest, breath, etc.
Diseases: Diseases of the thigh and humerus, stroke, bowel disease, evil Qi, liver disease, wind-
evil, asthma, nausea, vomiting, backache, baldness, odor, halitosis, external genitalia, arm,
injury, freckles, nocturia, dry skin, allergy, chest pain, whelk.
Images: Flowers and forest, paper, book, brush, wood, fruits and vegetables, lettuce, rope,
handicrafts, quilt, gas, pastoral, apartment, post office, butterfly, dragonfly, chicken, observatory,
dandelion, eye with too much white.
Color: Green, cyan.
Benefit: Study, examination, culture and art, and reputation.
Harm: Dispute, misfortune caused by romance, trouble caused by wine and women.
Positive: mission must be achieved, loyalty, diligence, patience, pragmatism, prudence,
persistence, architect, executor, righteousness, down-to-earth, hard-working, conservative,
reliable, step-by-step, stubborn, good wife and good mother, the backbone of the team, strong
organizational ability, clear-cut work, keen vision, ability to get the point.
Negative: Stubborn, stingy, stereotyped, narrow-minded, inconsiderate, self-sacrificial,
depressive, lacking sense of security, afraid of any commitment, always missing opportunities.
(5) The Fifth-Yellow, Lianzhen Star (Alioth)
Five elements: Earth (Early Heaven Bagua, Late Heaven Bagua).
Diseases: Viscera, tumor, cancer, virulent, etc.
Evil Qi: Violent death, schizophrenia.
Body parts: Abdomen, spleen, muscle, stomach.
Diseases: Cancer, cerebral hyperemia, tumor, sudden death, high fever, ulcer, infectious disease,
poisoning, madness, constipation, dystocia, infertility, abortion, gastrointestinal digestive system,
relapse of old diseases, toxic sores, promiscuity and decrease in the number of family members.
Objects: Antiques such as heirloom, compass, broom, and some strange items. These items must
come from ancient houses, tombs, temples, etc. Because of the strangeness of these items,
careful consideration must be given when selecting them.
Color: Earthy yellow, brown.
Benefit: Extremely supreme as emperor, powerful for all directions, and returning to the throne.
Harm: Great evil star, blood, financial loss, unexpected calamity, attracting evil spirits.
Positive: Exploration, adventure, change, breakthrough, balance, diversification, great leader,
Emperor, beauty-loving, pleasure-loving, reforming, exploiting, connotation, all kinds of martial
arts, great change, self-made, socially active, adaptable, brave, adventurous, unconstraint,
attractive, enthusiastic, revolutionary leader, eloquent, enthusiastic, straightforward, righteous
and free.
Negative: Strong sexual desire, frequent change of boyfriends / girlfriends, ups and downs,
wildness, inattention, impulsive, too conceited, afraid of any commitment, rebellious,
unconstraint, tend to indulge oneself and offend others.
(6) The Sixth-White, Wuqu Star (Mizar)
Five elements: Water (Early Heaven Bagua) and metal (Late Heaven Bagua).
Characters: Monarch, father, adult, old man, elder, palace official, celebrity, civil servant,
chairman, president, leader, prime minister, party leader, champion, person who does good
deeds, astronomer, astrologer, etc.
Interpersonal relationships: Vigorous, brave, decisive, witty, active and less quiet.
Body parts: Head, bone, lung, Qi, antibody, sudden death, high fever, ulcer, pus, infectious
disease, madness, constipation, gastrointestinal disease, abortion, dystocia, infertility, recurrence
of old diseases, cerebral hemorrhage, abdomen, spleen, muscle, stomach, viscera and tissues.
Diseases: Head disease, lung disease, discoid bone, upper jiao (one of the three jiao).
Objects: Relatively luxurious and distinguished, different from those of ordinary people, such as
gems, gold, clocks and crystals. Ordinary people can also choose round mirrors, crystal products,
glasses, vehicle models, statue of gods and astronomical instruments.
Color: Gold, silver, white.
Benefit: Authority, military leader, power, windfall.
Harm: Hard work, loneliness, financial loss and family failure.
Positive: Motherhood, good wife and good mother, peace, harmony, elegance, comfort, Queen,
Cancer, good woman, sacrifice spirit, serving people, solving team conflicts, filial piety, family
care, love, treatment, home care, coordination, gentleness, delicate emotion, skilled at
interpersonal communication, ready to help others, responsible and committed.
Negative: Blind devotion to parents, not giving up, stubbornness, sorrow beneath a cheerful
appearance, effusiveness, neglecting one’s own needs (loneliness, hard work, fear, inadequacy,
barbarism), often making wrong decisions when irrational, tending to hurt oneself when helping
others without asking for return.
(7) The Seven-Scarlet, Pojun Star (Alkaid)
Five elements: Fire (Early Heaven Bagua) and metal (Late Heaven Bagua).
Characters: Concubines, maidens, geisha, female stars, witches, slaves, maids, broadcasters,
psychics, lawyers, financial practitioners, salesmen, translators, language teachers, singers, etc.
Interpersonal relationships: Joy, quarrel, dispute, knowledge of food and drink.
Body parts: Tongue, mouth, throat, lung, sputum, saliva, trachea, female genitalia.
Diseases: Lung disease, poor diet, toothache, oral ulcer, halitosis, venereal disease, lung disease,
bronchitis, knife wound, alcoholism, drug abuse, etc.
Objects: Dolls, celebrity photos, pictures of girls, chess, gourd, art knife, perfume bottle,
hardware, lakes, rivers, marshes, rain, radio, zoo, tea hall and so on.
Color: White, gold, silver.
Benefit: Social intercourse, financial industry, a name for eloquence, singer, ceremony aster, etc.
Harm: Quarrel, destruction, injury, financial loss, dispute.
Positive: 7 is a lucky number, representing painstaking effort, wisdom, fond of learning, humble,
depth and pursuit of knowledge, pursuit of truth, sense of responsibility, good at studying, skilled
in calculation, dedicated to work, loving pleasure and comfort, and unwilling to work hard.
Negative: Lonely, not gregarious, eccentric, introvert, shrinking, not sophisticated, being a
quitter, ungrateful, hard to please.
(8) The Eighth-White, Zuofu Star (assistant on the left)
Five elements: Wood (Early Heaven Bagua) and earth (Late Heaven Bagua).
Characters: Young men, idle people, residents in mountains and plains, children, bank staff,
clergy, lame people, guards, managers, public relations practitioners, reformers, confidants.
Interpersonal relationships: Isolation, tranquility, advance and retreat, hesitation.
Body parts: Fingers, bones, nose, back, penis, spleen, stomach, and nervous system.
Diseases: Arthritis, neurological disorders, schizophrenia, dementia, stones, constipation, sprain,
sciatica, rhinitis, obesity, beriberi, rheumatism, anorexia, impotence, stomachache, gallstones,
cervical vertebra, spondylosis, spleen diseases, etc.
Images: Paths, small stones, tables and chairs, sofas, jewelry boxes, printing pads, inkstones,
pottery, pots, vases, warehouses, banks, shrines, buildings, tombstones, temples, caves, walls,
walls, hotels, homes, real estate, dogs, foxes, melons, fruits, mice, small parts, etc.
Color: Mud yellow, brown.
Benefit: Professionalism, gentleman, fame and wealth.
Harm: Autism, mysophobia, impotence, loss of wealth and righteousness, plague.
Positive: Rich, strong sense of purpose, good at calculation, ability of organizing, business
minded, practical, ambitious, motivated, intelligent, honest in nature, kind to others, power-
hungry, aversion to conflict, ideal entrepreneur, businessman, housekeeper, with love of
Negative: Insatiable, utilitarian, ambitious, unscrupulous, bargaining, selfish, ruthless,
manipulative, stubborn, arrogant, impatient, proud, abnormal persistence in favorite, suppressing
oneself in the face of conflict, learning to love more, sympathizing honestly, and overreaching,
which reflects negative emotions.
(9) The Ninth-Purple, Youbi Star (assistant on the right side)
Five elements: Metal (Early Heaven Bagua) and fire (Late Heaven Bagua).
Characters: Second daughter, literati, big bellies, people with eye diseases, soldiers, middle-aged
women, beauties, scholars, painters, models, photographers, optometrists, ophthalmologists,
prosecutors, appraisers, religious figures, magicians, brides, pilots, sheep herders, hypocrites,
couples and cohabitants.
Interpersonal relationships: Culture, intelligence, talent and beauty.
Body parts: Eyes, heart, abdomen, tongue, small intestine, nail, shoulder.
Diseases: Eye disease, cardiovascular disease, influenza, arrhythmia, abortion, hypertension,
skin, macula, dehydration, fever, constipation, dystocia, bleeding, etc.
Objects: Mirror, crystal lamp, sunglasses, painted glass, artificial flower, refrigerator, microwave
oven, electric lamp, iron, flashlight, compass, cosmetics, aircraft, gunpowder, munitions,
ammunition for guns, deer, zebra, peacock, dorsal scale, oriole, crane, bird of paradise, flying
bird, airplane, sun, moon, cow, insect, wax bracelet, red light, electricity, rainbow, petroleum,
Mountain God, solitary tree, shrimps and crabs, chimneys, stoves, etc.
Color: Red, purple, bright yellow, orange.
Benefit: Romance, luck, happiness, love, unexpected help, property, birth of a son, and love
between husband and wife.
Harm: Crying, infertility, eye disease, financial loss, decrease in the number of family members,
fire, trouble caused by romance.
Positive: Great wisdom, kindness, with the sixth sense, mercifulness, creativity, intelligence,
strong learning energy, high energy index, arrogance, full of vitality, motivation, adaptability,
extroversion and high motivation.
Negative: Face of an angel and heart of a devil, selfishness, manipulation of others, craftiness
and viciousness, unrestrained imagination.
There have been a lot of controversies about the character of five elements of numbers. Here I
share with you some of the typical ones.

Figures of Five Elements in Name Study

(I) The figures of five elements in the name study refer to the way of identifying the five
elements based on the stroke number, and further distinguishing the good or ill luck. The details
are as follows:

Number Season Five Yin Yang

1 Spring Wood / ✓
2 ✓ /
3 Summer Fire / ✓
4 ✓ /
5 Central Earth / ✓
6 Emperor ✓ /
7 Autumn Metal / ✓
8 ✓ /
9 Winter Water / ✓
10 ✓ /

Figures of Five Elements in Some Feng Shui Schools

(II) In some Feng Shui schools, the corresponding elements of figures are as follows:
1 and 6-metal; 2 and 7-wood; 3 and 8-water; 4 and 9-fire; 5 and 10-earth.
The singular numbers are Yang and the even numbers are Yin.

Choose A Lottery Number based on Five Elements

(III) Choose A Lottery Number based on Five Elements
Five Elements in 2009:
Metal: 09,10,17,18,25,26,39,40,47,48
Wood: 06,07,21,22,29,30,37,38
Water: 02,05,13,14,27,28,35,36,43,44
Fire: 01,08,15,16,23,24,31,32,45,46
Earth: 03,04,11,12,19,20,33,34,41,49
In the selection of lottery numbers, the figures for five elements vary with the year. For example,
8 symbolizes fire in 2009.

Figure of Five Elements based on Hetu (River Map)

(IV) Figure of Five Elements based on Hetu
In addition, there are two important theories for the figure of five elements. The first is about
Hetu. It is said that during the Fu Hsi period, a dragon horse emerged from the Yellow River
with a pattern on its body, which was recorded by Fu Hsi. As it originated from the Yellow
River, it was called the Hetu (pattern from river). Later, it evolved into the following pithy

Dui Qian Xun
Li Kan
Zhen Kun Gen

Formula of Hetu
Number Yin/Yang Shan Five Direction
1 Yang Kan Zi Water North
6 Yin
2 Yin Li Wu Fire South
7 Yang
3 Yang Zhen Mao Wood East
8 Yin
4 Yin Dui You Metal West
9 Yang
5 Yang Wu Ji Earth Center
10 Yin
Hetu is also known as River Map. According to Remarks on Eight Diagrams, "Heaven and earth
determine the upper and lower positions. Mountains and lakes share the same Qi. Thunder and
wind fight with each other. Water and fire are not compatible with each other. The eight trigrams
are mixed with each other (into 64 hexagrams). Therefore, the inverse number in Book of
Changes can be used to predict future events." The eight pure hexagrams (Qian-heaven; Kun-
earth; Gen-mountain; Dui-house; Zhen-thunder; Xun-wind; Kan-water; Li-fire) are a part of the
Hetu. Here, please note that the number 8 in the Hetu belongs to wood.

Figure of Five Elements in the Luoshu (Luo Book)

(V) Figure of Five Elements in Luoshu
Luoshu, also known as Luo Book, is said to be copied from the pattern of a turtle floating out of
the Luoshui River as King Yu was taming the flood. According to this method, King Yu
managed the flood successfully, and divided the territory into nine parts. From then on, the
nation developed in peace.
Xun Li Kun
Zhen Center Dui
Gen Kan Qian

Stars of Nine Positions

Fourth- Ninth- Second-
Green Purple Black
Third- Fifth- Seventh-
Virid Yellow Red
Eighth- First- Sixth-
White White White
The confusion of the five elements in mathematics is obvious to all. Take 8 as an example, it
belongs to metal in the name study, to water in some Feng Shui Schools, to fire in 2009 lottery
number choosing, to wood in Hetu and earth in Luoshu. That is to say, it combines all the five

Integration of Hetu and Luoshu

In order to avoid further unnecessary disputes, we must clarify that the combination of Hetu and
Luoshu should be applied, that is, the former should be taken as the foundation and the latter as
the outward manifestation. The principle has been mentioned in numerous ancient books such as
Zi Bai Jue. So, it’s the right way to study both Hetu and Luoshu to reach the final answer.
It is a general practice to use Early Heaven Bagua as the thing-in-itself and Later Heaven Bagua
as the practical application. The interactive application of the two is the use of the reform.
Zi Bai Jue : The First White Star (Green Wolf Star) dominates the 60 years’ fortune of the upper
Yuan, thriving together with the Sixth White Star (Mizat). The Fourth Green Star (Wenchang
Star) dominates the 60 years’ fortune for the middle Yuan, thriving together with the Ninth
Purple Star. The Seventh Scarlet Star (Alkaid) dominates the 60 years’ fortune of the bottom
Yuan, thriving together with the Second Black Star (Merak). It conforms to the pithy formula of
the Early Heaven Bagua: One and Six share the same ancestor; Two and Seven are on the same
road; Three and Eight are always together; Four and Nine are friends. The Early Heaven Bagua
and Later Heaven Bagua should be used alternatively.
Simultaneous emerging of the Ninth Purple Star and the Seventh Scarlet Scar often leads to fire
hazard. The former belongs to fire (Later Heaven Bagua) and the latter fire (Early Heaven
Bagua). If they meet at an auspicious direction, disaster will only be brought by external stimuli,
while at an ominous direction, disaster will occur without any external stimuli.
So, we may come to the conclusion that the Early and Later Heaven Bugua should be used in a
cooperative manner.

Chapter IV Main Entrance

The main entrance, bedroom and kitchen are the three piths of a Yang house, among which the
main entrance ranks the first, plays a decisive role in forming the entire Feng Shui pattern, and
deserves close attention.
Just as Five Songs of Heaven Yuan, Guide for Yang House, Yang House and Heaven Yuan, Xuan
Ji Fu Ge Jue and many other ancient books said, the main entrance is of primary significance for
the residents. An upright gate and the straight path in it will lead the prosperous Qi into the
house. If it was rebuilt, the luck may completely shift in an immediate manner. “How great the
dwelling is, for it’s directly related to success and failure. How essential the grave is, for it’s a
matter of establishment and abolishment.”
The entrance for Qi is the hub for the house, and the pattern for the main entrance is of vital

Your Own Position for Blessing and Prosperity (1)

Before accepting [l1][Ma2]Feng Shui theory, you may know only eight directions: east, south,
west, north, and southeast, northeast, southwest and northwest. Therefore, people often say that
my house is facing south, which refers to the division of four due directions and four due oblique

When you are

exposed to the primary knowledge of Feng Shui, you will divide each of the eight directions (45
degrees each) mentioned above into three parts (15 degrees each). Thus we have 12 Earthly
Branches: Zi (rat), Chou (ox), Yin (tiger), Mao (rabbit), Chen (Dragon), Si (snake), Wu (horse),
Wei (sheep), Shen (monkey), You (chicken), Xu (dog), Hai (pig), eight of the ten Heavenly
Stems: Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui (Wu and Ji are hidden in the central palace), and
the four Shan of the Late Heaven Bagua (namely Qian, Kun, Xun, Gen). There are a total of 24
Shan (section):

The Feng Shui theory of blessing and prosperity refers to the science of pursuing good fortune
and avoiding disasters, based on your own zodiac and assisted by the 12 Earth Branches among
the 24 Shan.

Your Own Position for Blessing and Prosperity (2)

A main entrance set on the house owner’s own position for blessing and prosperity will generally
improve his luck.
The four groups of each three Earth Branches in most harmonious relationship:
Hai-Mao-Wei: Wood
Yin-Wu-Xu: Fire
Si-You-Chou: Metal
Shen-Zi-Chen: Water
Taking a house owner with the Zodiac of Tiger (Yin) for example, the auspicious positions for
his main entrance are Wu and Xu. Other zodiacs can be treated in the same manner.

And the six groups of each two Earth Branches in relatively harmonious relationship:
Zi-Chou: Earth
Yin-Hai: Wood
Mao-Xu: Fire
Chen-You: Metal
Si-Shen: Water
Wu-Wei: Earth
If the house owner was born in the year of Tiger, his own auspicious direction can be spotted by
setting the compass on the central point of his unit—if the main door is just located at the north
by northwest, then the door is his own auspicious direction. The rest Zodiacs can be done in such

Auspicious Positions for Tianyi Benefactors

The Tianyi benefactors refer to the people who will assist you in wealth and official rank.
Ancient books like San Ming Tong Hui and Zhu Shen Jing considered it as the most auspicious
and respectful god in one’s fate. How to spot the god in your life? Please refer to the following
pithy formula:
Date of Birth Tianyi
Jia, Wu and Chou and Wei
Yi and Ji Zi and Shen
Bing and Ding Hai and You
Ren and Gui Mao and Si
Xin Wu and Yin
For example, a person born on the day of Jia, Wu or Geng will have the Tianyi benefactor as
Chou and Wei. If his main entrance is just set at Chou or Wei, it will be an auspicious pattern for
Based on the above chart, people born on other dates could find their Tianyi benefactors.

Your Own Position against Blessing and Prosperity

To carry on the above, if the main entrance is set on the inauspicious position, it will damage the
overall luck of the owner of household. There are several groups of Earthly Branches going
against each other:
Six contradictory Earthly Branches
Zi-Wu; Chou-Wei; Yin-Shen; Mao-You; Chen-Xu; Si-Hai.
For example, a main entrance set at Xu will be harmful to the family owner with the zodiac of
Dragon. The same goes for other zodiacs.

The offending Earthly Branches: Zi-Mao; Yin-Si-Shen; Chou-Wei-Xu; Chen-Chen; Wu-Wu;

You-You; Hai-Hai.
For example, a main entrance set at Zi will be harmful to the family owner with the zodiac of
Rabbit. The same goes for other zodiacs.

Six groups of mutually-harmful Earthly Branches: Zi-Wei; Chou-Wu; Yin-Si; Mao-Chen; Shen-
Hai; You-Xu.
Six groups of mutually-discordant Earthly Branches: Zi-You; Mao-Wu; Chou-Chen; Wei-Xu;
Yin-Hai; Yi-Shen.
The effect of the above two situations are mild, but they should be avoided as much as possible.

Main Hall (Mingtang)

The Main Hall refers to the place in front of the main entrance of a Yang house, or the small flat
ground before the tomb. There are inner halls and outer ones, with their respective requirements.
In Notes for Geography, we can find detailed description, “The main hall is the hall of the son of
heaven, who conducts clear and bright governance. It is the place where all the officials are
evaluated and where the imperial sacrifices are made. Feng Shui masters borrow the title to name
the place before the tomb, for it gathers the mountain vein and water flows, a similar pattern.”
“However, there are two so-called main halls: inner halls and outer halls, or large halls and small
ones. The two cannot be treated as the same.”
"Where the mountain is gentle and flat, surrounded by dragon and tiger, and near to the hill of
An, it should be the inner hall, which should be neither too wide, nor too narrow, or the Qi
couldn’t gather in a proper manner…”
"Where the steep mountain vein plunges into the tomb but far from the hill of An, it should be
the outer main hall. In such case, the wider the hall is, the better it will be. Encircled by
mountains and welcoming winding streams from outside, it’s the best pattern for outer main
“The most auspicious tomb must combine inner and outer main halls, and the tomb owner’s
offspring will get high official ranks generation after generation.”
Other ancient books and Feng Shui masters also talked about the significance of the main hall,
like Tian Bao Jing, Ru Shi Ge, Xin Fa, Notes on the Six Classics of Geography, Yuan Zhen, Qing
Nang Ao Yu, Master Wu, Yuan Ji, Ying Yi, Instruction on Yang House, Dan Jing, etc. In
conclusion, the main hall should be flat, open, concentrating and tolerant. The patterns of
steepness, inclines, crushing, choking and reversing should be avoided.
Tian Bao Jing: “A quiet and peaceful plot backed by magnificent mountain range, no matter in
mountains or on plain, can be called “minor Main Hall” that could store wind and pool the Qi. If
surrounded by streams beyond the minor Main Hall in the shape of goldfish and feelers of a
shrimp, it’s the ideal pattern of steam embracing.”
Ru Shi Ge: “A real Main Hall has round halo, the middle Main Hall needs to be embraced by the
Azur Dragon and the White Tiger, and the major Main Hall should be within Ahshan, featuring
the meeting of four streams, a precious pattern.”
Xin Fa: “The Main Hall gathers wealth, which should be enclosed by mountains. An over-
oppressing pattern leads to temporary wealth and rank, while a spacious one late prosperity.”
Di Li Liu Jing Zhu: It’s dignified to be embraced by streams in the shape of goldfish in front of
the Main Hall.
Yuan Zhen and Qing Nang Ao Yu: The mountains (Black Tortoise) backing Yin or Yang House
should be carefully surveyed in shape, tendency and position.
Master Wu: The inner Main Hall should be compact and united with tight fencing, while the
outer Main Hall should be broad and bright.
Zhu Nan Hou: The Main Hall should be of the shape of pot bottom, gathering wind and pooling
the Qi. It’s auspicious for the outer Main Hall to be broad enough to hold a large number of
mounted and food soldiers.
Yuan Ji: “The Main Hall determines whether a dragon grave is real or fake. A real Main Hall
should be round and slightly low, with real streams gathering in front and embraced by affective
mountain ranges from all directions.”
Jing Yi: A slightly or moderately sinking Main Hall like the cupped palm will benefit the luck in
making money. If it is protected by the Azur Dragon on left side and the White Tiger on the right
side like pliers, it will give rise to wealth and rank. A Main Hall spacious enough to hold
thousands upon thousands of horse and soldiers will bring reputation to offspring.
Ten Principles of Yang House: “Foundation of a Yang House should be broad and even, with
open and bright vision in front.”
Dan Jing: It’s auspicious to have, in front of Yin and Yang House, an open and bright vision,
embracing streams and tight and hidden outlets.
The Main Hall should be even, open and united, and with affectionately embracing Chaoshan in
front. Its ominous patterns include uneven, broken, tilting, sharp falling of four corners, freestone
blocked in middle and reversing, and affectionless mountain range around.

The Auspicious Patterns of Main Hall

The nine auspicious patterns of the main hall:
1. Interlocking: The two sides of the main hall are interlocked like the mandarin collar.
2. Tightness: The main hall is enclosed to prevent the prosperous Qi from leaking.
3. Embracing: The water flow embraces the main hall.
4. Pooling: The stream around the main hall gather at the heaven center.
5. Flat: The main hall is open, flat and regular, without any mess.
6. Worshipping: Streams gather at the main hall, just like ministers worshipping the emperor.
7. Surrounded: The main hall is surrounded by hills and water, just like all things are ready.
8. Spacious: The main hall should be open and wide, not being narrow or blocked.
9. Destination: Mountain veins and streams naturally reach their ends here, just like hundreds of
nations come to worship the Central Kingdom.
The Inauspicious Patterns of Main Hall
There are nine inauspicious patterns of the main hall:
1. Shooting: Mounds with pointed corners directly targets the tomb, which will lead to violent
2. Reversed: It’s the symbol of revolt that the main hall sits facing the bow’s back. All your
family members and servants may act against your will. Your family will decline, and you’ll
accomplish nothing.
3. Blocked: A blocked main hall will give rise to dull and obtuse offspring, or difficult labour,
eye disease, adoption, marriage with a widower or injustice among brothers.
4. Toppling over: If the main hall topples over, the water will flow away with the prosperity.
5. Cramped: The hill of An sits too close to the tomb, leaving too narrow space for the main
hall. The offspring of the tomb owner will be stupid and cruel.
6. Inclined: The terrain of the main hall tilts to one side, which may give rise to a broken family
or endless disasters.
7. Broken: Raised stones or mounds, as well as holes in the main hall may lead to complete
failure, theft, orphanhood and widowhood, or even murder, unexpected disasters and financial
8. Pouring: Water pours down before the tomb due to the steep terrain, which may lead to
violent death and unexpected disasters.
9. Wilderness: Broad stretch to the horizon before the tomb without any limitation. Such a
pattern cannot gather the prosperous Qi.
The inauspicious patterns are too numerous to enumerate, which could be analogized by the ones
mentioned above. The ancient books should be referred to for a profound understanding. In
general, the main hall symbolizes the weal and woe and shouldn’t be neglected.

Narrow Doorstep and Immature Fetus

The meaning of this pithy formula is very clear. If the doorstep, namely, the main hall, is too
narrow, it’s just like an immature fetus with an inadequate natural endowment. According to
Guide on Yang House, the narrow main hall will lead to ignorant and stubborn offspring.
A friend of mine has an apartment with three bedrooms and two living rooms in the downtown
area of Mong Kok (Hong Kong). It is bright and tidy with reasonable spacing. The neighbour
structure of the whole building is not so complicated, and there is no divided room. As a quiet
residence by the bustling street, it’s of good Feng Shui pattern. There is only one drawback, that
is, the narrow sidewalk before the entrance.
According to the apartment owner, once his friend went to visit him, but narrowly escaped being
hit by the passing car in front of the main entrance. The friend was not well aware of the narrow
sidewalk. In addition to the immature foundation, the narrow doorstep is prone to traffic hazards.
Interlinked Doors Harm People and Wealth
I often find some offices with two or more doors to facilitate passage. Some people simply
remove the door to form a channel. It is undoubtedly convenient for people to get in and out,
however, it’s a great taboo in Feng Shui theory. It’s so-called “interlinked doors harm people and
Feng Shui theory focuses on storing wind and gathering Qi, so it requires the complete set of
four ancient sacred beasts, namely, the Black Tortoise at back, the Vermilion Bird and main hall
at front, the Azure Dragon on the left and the White Tiger on the right.
As for the Yang house, the four sides of an office should also be equipped with the complete set
of four ancient sacred beasts. Too many doors will facilitate leakage of the Qi, or even attract
evil wind to disperse the prosperous Qi.
So, Yang House and Heaven Yuan argued that “Better a single door than numerous doors, for the
latter pattern will lead to leakage of the Qi and harm the foundation.”

Door Facing the Main Entrance Causes Love Affairs (Menchong Sha)
Menchong Sha refers to the situation where a room door faces directly to the main gate, that is to
say, once the main gate is opened, you will directly see the room door. It is often related to
disputes on love affairs. Therefore, there are relevant formulas on such a case, such as "Door
facing the main entrance causes love affairs with outsiders".
Such a kind of evil Qi, whatever the current Yuan or Yun is, is always harmful to residents,
which is entirely different from the offending roads. Jiang Dahong, the wise man in the past,
mentioned in his Five Songs of Heaven Yuan: “It’s hard to predict the effect of offending roads.
In case of proper position, it may be considered valueless treasure, or it may be extremely
In his opinion, if the gate of the Yang house is of an auspicious direction, the offending road may
add to the boom (stand few chance) temporarily, but the residents’ health may be harmed. If it
offends an inauspicious direction (stands most chance), the negative effect will increase,
resulting in loss of family member and wealth.
So, it’s not suitable for residence, but befits commercial buildings. The simple reason lies in the
fact that residence requires a quiet and comfortable environment, and the emergence of offending
road is contrary to the above purpose. Secondly, offending road is easy to induce health
concerns, not conducive to the health of the people living in the house. Please think twice before
making decision.

Kitchen Facing the Main Entrance Causes Financial Loss

The meaning of this ancient formula is very clear. The main door directly opened to the kitchen
will influence not only the family’s diet, but also the wealth. The stove’s front should be targeted
to the auspicious position, and should not be offended.
In Southern California, it is quite common to see cookers when the gate is opened, which is
unfavourable to the financial situation in architectural structure. In addition, the common open
kitchen is even more unfavourable to the luck of people living in the house. The situation will be
worse if both taboos are violated.
Moreover, the door should not directly face the toilet, so as to avoid the dirty Qi and gather the
prosperous Qi.
In fact, the two problems above can be solved easily by adding a hallway or placing a screen.
As soon as the door is opened, it is most appropriate for the visitors to see the living room,
because the guests can be conveniently received. Such pattern can help people build their social
network and get acquainted with benefactors.

Welcomed by Delight
Guidance for Yang House: “Feeling the spring in the air at home, your family must be in
harmony. With rustle in the air like that of fall, your family will decline.” If you open the gate
and see the spring return to the good earth, full of vigor, harmony, warmth and hope, your family
fortune will gradually increase. On the contrary, if you feel cold or even thrilling at the entrance
and feel creepy, your family fortune will be undermined. Therefore, setting a delightful scene at
the entrance is helpful to improve the luck and strengthen the wealth and longevity.
Therefore, it’s better to avoid negative objects or mirror at the entrance. As the saying goes,
"mirror to door, loss of family member and wealth".
There are many effective patterns, among which the simplest one is to hang a large character of
“blessing”, a positive and optimistic portrait or artworks with positive energy. You can even
display your trophies, medals, commendations, plaques, etc., which will help to strengthen the
luck of people living in the house.

Neat and Bright

Wu Jingluan the wise man has mentioned at the beginning of his Xuan Ji Fu that “How great the
dwelling is, for it’s directly related to success and failure. How essential the grave is, for it’s a
matter of establishment and abolishment. The entrance of Qi is the hub of the house, and the
assistance to an auspicious tomb.” The main entrance is the mouth to receive Qi for Yang house,
and the key influence factor to its general luck. It is better to keep the entrance clean and bright,
and not to pile sundries to block or pollute the Qi.
Shoe cabinet placed at the entrance, of course, can facilitate the daily life of the family, but we
should pay attention to the smell emitted, which will pollute the air entry. You may as well
choose a sealed shoe cabinet to help isolate odor. In addition, the shoe cabinet should not be too
tall. According to the division of heaven, earth and human (Heaven Yuan occupies the upper
part, which is about one third of the whole structure; the Human Yuan occupies the middle part,
while the Earth Yuan occupies the bottom, one-third of the entire structure), since the shoes are
worn on the feet, they should be considered as the Earth Yuan. The height of the shoe cabinet
should not exceed one third of whole height of the wall, which is a reasonable measure. Of
course, it should not be too big or broad. In case of numerous shoes, we may as well put the
frequently worn ones into the shoe cabinet and store the others separately.
Guidance for Yang House also stated that “The smell of chicken, pigs and dogs will attract
poverty and illness.” Of course, we do not raise such animals in modern family. But if you do
have pets, such as cats, dogs or hamsters, please keep the entrance tidy to avoid foul smell. Their
nests should not be set near the entrance, lest they would cause pollution.

Quarrelling Doors
"Quarrelling doors" refers to the situation where the doors of the two families face each other,
and you can see the opposite one when you open your own door. It is a pattern of evil Qi. As
Guidance for Yang House said, "Residence of two families should not face each other, or one of
them must be harmed." The pattern will make two families wane and wax, as if in a zero-sum
In such zero-sum mechanism mentioned above, it’s a pity that we can only try our best to
strengthen the magnetic field of our house, at the cost of sacrificing the interests of the other
Modern society attaches great importance to privacy, while quarrelling doors are exactly the
opposite to the privacy of two families. You can easily pry into any earth-shaking family discord
through the door. In the same way, the other party will know the trouble of your family inside
out. Gossip and rumour often arise from such doors, and worries are deepened. Therefore, when
selecting houses, it's better to avoid such a pattern.

Offending Evil Qi
It’s inauspicious to have the main entrance offended by evil Qi, including corner, eave, lamp
post, flagpole, road sign, tree, tower, mountain collapse and pointed artwork. They may bring
family misfortune, illness, financial loss or even injury.
According to Guidance for Yang House:
Single tree (at the entrance)-widowhood;
Giant tree- illness;
A pair of rocks-illness of livestock;
Forest opposing the main entrance-affect vision
Dead tree-poverty;
Mound-eye disease;
With the addition of inauspicious stars or bad horoscope, the calamities will befall easier, for
which we must find a solution.

Collection of Yang House (1)

Collection of Yang House contains complete information, including formulas about the main
entrance. You can refer to the following chart:
Situation in front of the Main Effect
Water pool Wealth and outstanding offspring
Widening road Health
Narrow road Gynecological disease
Scissors-shaped road Loss of real estate
Offending long road Financial loss and lawsuit
Rock pointing to the door Family dispute
Single hill or grave stone Misfortune
Room door facing directly Love affairs
Stone heap Virgin cajoled
Offending road Love affairs
Another small house at front Death
Small house under the tree Sorrowful cries
Towers Loss of real estate
Single tower Widowhood
Craning neck hill Thieves
Large rock Woman’s heartaches
Bamboos Sadness
Fork-shaped road A broken family
Road like a reversed bow with Orphanhood, widowhood, lust,
the curve outwards lawsuit, financial loss
Square-shaped road Hang oneself, dying in foreign
Zigzag road Great wealth and high official
Earthworm-shaped road Death for tuberculosis
“ 川 ”-shaped offending road Theft and quarrel
X-shaped road Cutting one’s throat
Road at the position of the Offspring becomes noble in
Wisdom Star foreign land, who may never
return if the road goes straight
away without turning back.
“ 火 ”-shaped road Disaster
Tick-shaped road Murder
Fire spear-shaped road Fire disaster
Two ditches into the gate A woman with two husbands
Ditch from the back of the house Widow suffers endless disasters
New pond Dying out
Double pools Crying
Pond on the left Purchasing real estate
Pond on the right Wife dying young
Pit privy Cardialgia
Narrow Official held over at one place

Instruction on House Selection

The main entrance dominates in Yang house, ranking first among the three keys. As we all
know, the Qi mouth is the hub of the house. Instruction on House Selection left much place for
the significance and influence of the gate. Here is a brief summary for your reference:
Situation in front of the Main Effect
Main Hall full of vigor Outstanding offspring
Wide Endless high official ranks
Straight road Disaster to family head
Shabby house Jail
Small house Disaster of livestock
Big tree Disaster of livestock
Bamboo Wailing women
Big tree Widowhood
Two trees Self-hung woman
Vine around tree Self-hung
Towering house Dispute between father and son
Bay Wealth and official rank
Curving stream Wealth and official rank
Tick-shaped road Thieves
Offending ditch Rebelling offspring, violent
Facing tomb Rocky relation of couple
Round pond A blow on chest
Encircling water Wealth
Stream on the Azure Dragon Minister in court
Flat hummock on Azure Dragon Wealth
Entrance taller than the hall Offspring dying out
Entrance taller than the wall Misfortune
Deflective pillar Illness
Deflective door leaves Rocky relation of couple
Repairing on pillar Disaster
Uneven walls at sides Remarrying, lawsuit,
orphanhood and widowhood
Broken walls or path illness
Hole on door leaves Disaster, financial loss
Hollow between door leaves Illness and lawsuit
Two doors facing each other Disaster to one of the two
Two main entrances Disharmony between father and
son, family disorder
Barn doors opposite each other Disasters and stroke
Girder going through the middle Death of family members
of hall
Handrail outside the entrance Death of family members
Houses at back of warehouse tuberculosis
Fork-shaped road Failure in family reunion, loss of
family member, poverty
“丁”” shaped road Failure in family reunion, loss of
family member, poverty
Cross-shaped road Offspring with skill, but off the
Gradually-narrowing road Poverty
Gradually-broadening road Wealth and health
Stream coming forward Wealth
Square foundation and tight Growth in wealth and number of
fence family members
Pointed rock at south Fire disasters
Higher on right or at west Outstanding offspring
Like being chopped by chisels Outstanding offspring
Frog-shaped rock Humpback and ugly son
Towering gate Temple
Go straight to the door Loneliness

Ten Instructions of Yang House

Ten Instructions of Yang House also mentioned about the significance and influence of the gate.
Here is a brief summary for your reference:
Situation in front of the Main Effect
Offending streams or bridges Weak offspring
New pond Failure of issue, crescent shaped
pond is preferable
Pointed by neighbours’ houses Unfilial offspring
Red or white rock Inauspicious
Hill surrounded by stream at Immoral woman
back of the house
Neck-craning hill Thieves
Steep hill at back Thieves
Foundation pointed at the ba Failure of issue

Square or round foundation auspicious

Facing the waterfall Immoral woman
Wailing stream Financial loss
Double ponds or pond at west Cry
Water drops Eye disease
Flat, round hill Auspicious
Streams in front of the gate in Failure of issue and financial
shape of “ 八 ” loss
Well Lawsuit
Building fence and outer door Failure
before completing the house
Uneven door leaves or wall at Remarrying or orphanhood and
both sides widowhood

Door leaves higher than the wall Crying

Puddle A broken family
Giant tree Plague
Top of the wall against door Gossip
Fork-shaped road Loss of family member
Roads offending each other Old people dying
Shot by water flow A broken family and dumb
Shrine Illness
Water flows under the door Financial loss
Well Evil spirit
Toilet Carbuncle
Offending waterway Disobedient offspring
Warehouse’s door Family decline and plague
Hammering block Copy clerk
Straight house in front Poverty
Drooping willow Inauspicious
Door opened at Xun, or open the Disaster
window at crack or hole
Door opened at northeast Attracting evil spirits
Three doors in a line Family decline
Jade-belt-shaped stream High official position
Single tree Widowhood
Double trees Two families live in a yard
Triple or double ponds Orphanhood and widowhood
Tree twined by vines Lawsuit
Hollow tree Tuberculosis of women
Streams in the shape of “ 八 ” Selling real estate and leaving
homeland, adultery
“ 川 ”-shaped road Financial loss and lawsuit, or
three men dying with the roads
directly dashing to the main hall
“ 火 ”-shaped road Teenager dying
Double ponds Illness
Small house Lawsuit
Small rocks Children scared by ghosts, deaf
and dumb

Main Entrance Facing Stairs

Stairs visible at the main entrance is a kind of evil Qi, varying in ill omen.
An upward stair may harm health, or result in slight injury, and a downward one will result in
financial loss.
An upward stair at the middle of the main entrance is a kind of heart-penetrating evil Qi, and a
spiral one will be worse.
There is strict control on the position of indoor stairs. Just as Five Songs of Heaven Yuan
mentioned, “With an auspicious direction, it could benefit people, while an inauspicious
direction may harm the residents.” The indoor stair is Qiao Xing in small scale, but has profound
impact on the residents’ fate, which depends on its direction. It should be carefully designed.
Mixed Evil Qi of the Eight Directions
If the back, face or the main entrance of a Yang house is just located at the eight directions (due
south, north, east and west, as well as northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest), the resident
will suffer the mixed evil Qi.
As Digest of Yang House pointed out, such an evil Qi “will give rise to loss of family member,
dispute between father and son, husband and wife, or death without issue.”
This pattern involves the structure of the main entrance, which is difficult to modify. So, it’s
better to avoid it when purchasing or renting houses.

Line of Ghost Entry

The four due oblique directions have different titles:
Northwest: Gate of heaven;
Southeast: Gate of earth;
Southwest: Gate of Human; interior/female gate of ghost; line of ghost entry;
Northeast: Gate of ghost; exterior/male gate of ghost; line of ghost entry.
As Qi Yan Jing said, “The ghosts enter via the northeast gate, where the excessive Yin gathers
ghosts and evil spirits.”
If the main entrance is located at the northeast or southwest areas, it will violate the line of ghost
entry and attract ghosts and monsters, disturbing the family. The inauspicious pattern is difficult
to be neutralized. In case of evil stars, the disasters will happen repeatedly. You’d better keep
away from it.

Pattern of Multiple Doors

Most of the buildings in Hong Kong are high-rises. No matter you live in luxury house or
cramped apartment, there is usually only one main entrance for passengers, without back door or
garage door. However, the elements that affect your Feng Shui are not limited to the gate of your
unit, but include the main entrance of the entire building. If your residence is located at an
enclosed yard, the multiple entrances to the whole estate will also affect your luck.
If you live in a detached or village house, or in a single family house in Southern California as I
do, you may use a garage door or a back door in addition to the main entrance.
As Five Songs of Heaven Yuan said, the combination of multiple doors should be carefully
arranged. The main entrance must be measured and completed before the back door and room
doors, so as to form an auspicious pattern. If you fail to set an auspicious direction for the side
doors, it’s better to have one single main entrance. In conclusion, only when all the doors,
including front door, back door, side door and even the room doors, are arranged according to
Feng Shui theory, will the fortune last forever.

Room Door
Your room door is the key to Feng Shui, for it is for your exclusive and regular use. Just like the
main gate of the whole building, it has a far-reaching influence on the entire luck. However, it
does not affect you alone, but all the residents in the building. Another example is the gate of
your house, which is called "the most essential gate". It ranks first in the three major elements of
Yang house, from which we can see the extremely important influence. However, it does not
affect you alone, but every member of your family. Only the door of your room is exclusive to
you (and your mate), so the Feng Shui effect is quite subtle.
Yang House and Heaven Yuan: “The main entrance concerns the luck of the whole family, while
the room door has a bearing on the couple’s safety. Fortune of other branches of the family, such
as servants and concubines, depends respectively on their door rooms.”
Five Songs of Heaven Yuan: “The bedroom of the couple is of particular significance. The match
of Yin and Yang serves as the foundation of the house.”
So, equal importance should be attached to the other doors of the house as to the main entrance.
The evil Qi should be avoided. Their positions and orientations should be specially arranged to
accept the auspicious Qi. Some mascots may be the best choice.

Door as the Bone and Path as Tendon

The main entrance is the key to Yang house’s Feng Shui pattern, while the paths, both inside and
outside the entrance, mustn’t be ignored. They are just like bones, tendon and blood veins
integrated into a whole. If the path leading from the main entrance to the door room was
restricted or checked in terms of the five elements, the fortune of the house will be harmed. On
the contrary, if they are of interpromoting relation by five elements, the propitious pattern will be
achieved. Such ancient books as Five Songs of Heaven Yuan, Guide of Yang House and Secret
Decree of Heaven have all talked about it.

Oppressed Fortune
Guidance of Yang House: “Pavilion over the main entrance will depress your fortune.” If
pavilion, terrace, open hall or balcony is built over the main entrance, the inlet of Qi will be
blocked, which is inauspicious.
There is also related description in Collection of Yang House, which I quote below for your
Architecture Pattern Impact
Low entrance and tall house Harming wife and son
Protruding towers Going to exile
Memorial archway by the Fire disaster
Boat like at the entrance Lose lawsuit
Rolling awning and water drops Eye disease and difficult labor
Chimney above the gateway and Crying for three years
in the middle of the main house
If archway, beam, giant crystal lamp, fan, lockers, shrine or oversized plaque appears above the
gate or room door, it will weight the door and affect the luck. We should keep heavy load or
obstruction away from the main entrance or the room door.

In the process of searching for dragon vein and outstanding tomb, Feng Shui masters always
apply the skill of “analogy”, that is, by carefully observing the landscape around the dragon
grave, they describe the pattern in words in an original and creative manner, so that the outsiders
can know the pattern at a glance. So, people can try to locate the pattern by following up the text
and using their imagination, instead of a specific map. Taking the numerous grave sites in Hong
Kong for example, we can see “great throne for immortals”, “golden bell over fire”, “yellow
dragon out of cave”, etc.
Among the common evil Qi for households, the skill of analogy is not unfamiliar to us, such as
“offending road”, “craning neck” and “heaven chopping”. Their details have already been
discussed before, and here I briefly quote as follows:
“A straight-coming road is like a spear, which may bring blood-shedding, accident, lawsuit,
financial loss and illness.”
“The evil Qi of a craning neck is first mentioned in Feng Shui theory of Yin House, which refers
to another hill hidden behind the hills around the tomb. Its peak sticks out, while the other parts
are hidden, just like a man craning his neck to pry and hatching a sinister plot.”
“A heaven chopping refers to the slot between two connected buildings in the vicinity of the
residence. Looking from the house, it seems as if the two buildings have been ripped open by a
huge blade, leaving a gap.”
Why they get such names? It’s because that people analogize them to some familiar objects in a
vivid manner. Even ordinary people could get a general idea about it like professionals.
The arch, of course, is no exception. It’s known as the evil Qi of tomb for its structure similar to
a tomb. Such a structure is natural in Yin house, but is not a good choice in Yang house. We can
often see arches in the Spanish style buildings everywhere in California. I can only advise you to
take it into careful consideration.
Tips for Households Feng Shui-Main Entrance-Mirror of Eight Diagrams
Mirror of Eight Diagrams is often used in Feng Shui layout. The three traditional types are
convex mirror, concave mirror and plane mirror.
The convex mirror is often used to keep off the evil Qi, which is commonly used. If the main
entrance is against the offending road, road of bow’s back or heart-penetrating road, a convex
mirror can be set above the door frame on an auspicious day to pacify the evil Qi.
The concave mirror is often used for gathering Qi. For example, if a downward stair faces
directly to the door (waterfall at roller shutters), you will suffer financial loss. A concave mirror
will pool the Qi of wealth. However, when attracting the auspicious Qi, it also breathes in the
evil, dirty or decadent Qi. So it’s necessary to place a charm at its back to press down the evils.
The plane mirror takes the golden mean, neither convex nor concave, and just fends off the evil
Qi. Of course, some people use it.
When installing the mirror, be sure not to direct it to your neighbours, so as to avoid disputes.
Please stay in harmony with your neighbours.
If your house is offended by your neighbour’s mirror, you can choose an auspicious time and
date to negotiate with them, trying your best to solve it in a peaceful way. If the negotiation fails,
Feng Shui method can be applied.
Some people install animal heads rings on the door or lions on its both sides, which is not proper,
for the beasts may hurt people.
Overlarge Door Cracks
As Fingers and Palm said, “Wealth will leak through the door with wide crack on its base, and
the family will decline due to a deep and long courtyard.”
The crack between the door and the frame, especially at the bottom, should not be too wide,
otherwise wealth will leak though it, undermining the fortune of your family. A wide crack can
be amended by a door sill to prevent the Qi from leaking.
Ancient coins forged during the reign of five emperors of the Qing Dynasty (Shunzhi, Kangxi,
Yongzheng, Qianlong and Jiaqing) will be helpful for blocking the Qi and improving the fortune.
And, the thick doormat of the corresponding colours of the five elements has the similar effect.
In addition, if the main gate and room doors are located at inauspicious positions, the Qi will also
be leaked. Chart of Yang House has stated that “A door at the inauspicious position will result in
abortion. And the real estate, live stock and family members will suffer losses. However, if the
door is carefully arranged based on the auspicious stars, the house owner may have offspring
passing the imperial exams one after another.”

Door against the Current

In Feng Shui theory, there are two major concepts of being with or against the current, initiated
by the tomb-selecting methods.
As mentioned by Guidance of Yang House, if the door opened with the current, the propitious Qi
will drift away with the stream. And, if the door is opened against the current, the wealth will
come in daily, just like the oncoming stream. So, the wealth may come with the stream flowing
toward the door, but go with it flowing away. Ancient books such as Xue Xin Fu, Notes for
Geography, etc. also mentioned that the door of Yin or Yang house against the current is
auspicious, especially for the main mountain vein between two currents winding.
When the theory is applied to Yang house, a longer or higher road on the left can be considered
as an oncoming stream, and the shorter or lower road on the right that flowing away. So, if the
door is opened to the left, it’s the stream flowing away and the house owner will surfer financial
losses. On the contrary, a rightly opened door is against the current, through which the wealth
will come in.
As for the dead end, the entrance can be seen as inlet, and the dead end the outlet.
Masters of some Feng Shui schools may advise their customers to open the door sideways to
welcome the current. However, the tilt angle and the line between diagrams should be arranged
carefully. In addition, all the doors indoor should be of the same orientation to avoid mutual
Finally, the door opened to welcome the current should not be too exaggerated, which may not
look good, or may take up too much space. Such a way puts the cart before the horse, and also
violates the basic principle of Feng Shui theory.
Unmatched Door and Room
The sizes of the door and the room should match in a harmonious way. An oversized or
undersized door is not proper.
As Yi Zhang Jin said, “A small door on a large house will chock the Qi, and the wealth will be
leaked from an oversized door.”
Actually, the main entrance, rooms, their doors, and the house itself should be of proper scale.
Large rooms (such as master's suite) should have wide doors, while small rooms (such as guest
rooms and bathrooms) should have narrower ones.
In addition, gatehouse is also described in ancient Feng Shui books like Qi Yan Jing and Jade
Mirror. In conclusion, unmatched doorway, house and arch will give rise to financial loss, rise of
Yin and fall of Yang (women do better than men), orphanhood and widowhood, or sale of real

Lu Ban’s Ruler
In terms of the traditional Feng Shui architecture of Yang house, the construction and installation
of the main gate deserves particular care. In addition to selecting a suitable auspicious date, its
length, width and height are also very critical, which must be measured with Lu Ban ruler.
Moreover, it’s better to use Lu Ban ruler to measure for shrine, stove, bed and other furniture to
seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. Because of the significance of building a gate, there is a
saying in Feng Shui theory "ten graves are not as important as one gate.”
As described in Classics of Lu Ban ( Lu Ban (507 BC -- 444 BC) was the founder of carpentry, a native of the State
of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period), “Lu Ban’s ruler is about 1.44 chi (It is a Chinese unit of measurement.
One chi equals to 0.33 meters and contains 10 cun.); each chi contains eight cun of a normal ruler; one cun
equals 1.8 cun of a normal ruler, with the scales of wealth, illness, separation, morality, official
rank, robbing, disaster and luck (thing-in-itself).”
Lu Ban’s ruler consists of two parts. The upper one is called Wengong Ruler, which is used to
measure the Yang house, shrine, Buddhist utensils, etc. The lower part is Dinglan Ruler, which is
used to measure Yin House and ancestors’ memorial tablets. Generally, the red letters stands for
prosperity while the black ones disaster.
Wealth and luck are applied on the main entrance of Yang house, morality for temples and
official rank for the feudal administration office.
Meaning of the eight scales on the ruler can be concluded as:
Name Meaning Suitable Place
Wealth Wealth Main entrance
Illness Illness Not suitable for
Separation Family members Not suitable for
separate entrance
Morality Filial piety Government office
Official rank Official rank Government office
Robbing Theft Not suitable for
Disaster Financial loss, theft Not suitable for
Luck (thing-in-itself) Great luck Main entrance

Dinglan Ruler is marked by ten characters, each of which is further divided by four segments.
You can refer to the following chart:
Name Meaning
Ding New member to the family, especially a son
Hai Disaster, illness and rats
Wang Wealth and happiness
Ku Sadness and poverty
Yi Money earned in a proper way
Guan Promotion and property
Si Serious disease, injury and death
Xing Revitalization of possessions and
Shi Frustration and financial loss
Cai Wealth and treasure

In addition, the following pithy formulas are for your reference:

(One step equals 4.5 chi, starting from the triangle-shaped edge on the end of tile above the hall)
One step: auspicious;
Two steps: lawsuit;
Three steps: auspicious;
Four steps: disaster and plague;
Five steps: Tanlang serves Jinkui
Six steps: unlucky matters like death, burial, etc.;
Seven steps: glory and splendour;
Eight steps: infirmities and diseases;
Nine steps: great prosperity, wealth and high position;
Ten steps: theft and disaster;
Eleven steps: increase of family members and wealth;
Twelve steps: endless disasters to family members.
- Step number for Yin house, which should be in joint usage with the 24 Shan
(One step equals 3.5 chi, starting from the tombstone)
One step: riches and honour, as well as blessing and longevity;
Two steps: disaster and loss of real estate;
Three steps: outstanding offspring of all the family branches;
Four steps: financial loss and disaster;
Five steps: auspicious and peaceful;
Six steps: men as robbers and women as prostitutes;
Seven steps: blessing from heaven;
Eight steps: lawsuit and disaster;
Nine steps: permanent high position;
Ten steps: financial loss and poverty;
Eleven steps: increase of family members and wealth;
Twelve steps: separation of family members.
Tips for Households Feng Shui-Main Entrance-Door Sill
The sky is clear and on the move, while the earth is turbid and still. A door sill installed at the
entrance can block part of the turbid earth Qi, such as sand and dust, from getting into the room
with wind to pollute the house.
In addition, the door sill can also keep the indoor auspicious Qi inside, helpful for storing and
gathering Qi. Therefore, it can be said that the door sill has a hundred merits and not a single
If there is offending evil Qi outside, such as offending road, bow’s back, waterfall of roller
shutters (downwards stairs), you can choose a high doorsill; if there is not, the door sill can be
lower. Lu Ban’s ruler can be used to determine the auspicious height. However, an excessively
high door sill will become an obstacle.
There is also a traditional Feng Shui method of burying the ancient coins forged during the reign
of the five emperors of the Qing Dynasty on an auspicious day, so as to strengthen the effect of
neutralizing the evil Qi and defending the house. You may as well refer to it.
Please do not install door sill if a wheelchair user lives in or may visit the house. Convenience
should always be taken into consideration.

Door Viewer
According to traditional Feng Shui theory, Yang house is prone to be conflicted by theft stars,
such as the Seventh-Scarlet, Puojun Star (Alkaid) mentioned in Summary of the Nine Stars.
The evil Qi of neck-craning also deserves attention. It refers to a single hill (or building) hidden
behind the hills (or buildings) around. Its peak sticks out, while the other part is hidden, just like
a man craning his neck to pry and hatching a sinister plot. If it appears in front of the house, the
house may be burgled; if it appears at the back, there would be adultery.
The above-mentioned situations need a solution. With social progress, home security should
keep pace with the times to meet the increasingly severe challenges. In order to protect the safety
of family members and property, importance should be given to modern security facilities such
as anti-theft eye, monitoring lens and anti-theft chain.

Dos and Don’ts for Hallway[l3]

Hallway, or the porch, belongs to the interior of the house, and serves as passageway connecting
the interior and exterior, as well as a cushioned area. Based on the concept of the ten principles
of the heaven heart, it can be regarded as the inner main hall, the area just outside the entrance
the middle main hall, and the farther part outside the door the outer main hall.
According to Master Wu’s Secret, the inner main hall should be compact, but not too narrow. A
too narrow hallway may give rise to ignorant and stubborn offspring.
The hallway serves as both the main hall and the position of wealth, so we must pay close
attention to it. Its ten dos and don’ts are as follows,
(1) If the kitchen, toilet, living room, dining room or stair directly faces the main entrance, a
hallway should be set.
(2) The hallway should be kept simple and tidy, clean and comfortable. As the passageway
between the air inlet and the interior, the hallway gathers the Qi. Keeping it simple and tidy will
help attract the prosperous Qi into the house.
(3) The light should be moderate, neither too bright nor too dark.
(4) The floor can be a little dark, while the wall and ceiling should be of soft and bright tone.
(5) Neither too narrow nor to wide.
(6) Mascots should be placed here to greet visitors. The more, the better.
(7) Flowers or artistic potted plants can be placed here for both greening and pepping-up.
(8) Auspicious artworks or portraits are also good choices.
(9) Screen with auspicious design.
(10) Sealed shoe cabinet to avoid stinky smell.

(1) Messy, disorganized, or stinky.
(2) Irregular ground or a too-low ceiling.
(3) Mirror directly facing the door.
(4) Lion, tiger or pointed objects.
(5) Beam over head, large lamp, ceiling fan and wall cupboard.
(6) Precious belongings, or the thieves may be attracted, which leads to financial loss or injury of
(7) Oversized plant that blocks the passage. Withered branches and leaves should be clipped
(8) Shrine should be carefully arranged here, or a pattern of evil Qi may be formed.
(9) Colour of carpet offending the auspicious star should be avoided by all means.
(10) If a fish tank was placed here, its position should go well with the auspicious stars or the
formula on how to avoid evil Qi.

Metal Gate
According to the Feng Shui theory of Yang house, the main gate is the master and the metal gate
is the assistant. If the colour and shape of the metal gate could improve the diagram of the main
door, the prosperity will be added. The diagram and five elements of the main gate can be
referred to in the Late Heaven Bagua: north belongs to water, south to fire, east and southeast to
wood, west and northwest to metal, northeast and southwest to earth.
Shape and design of the metal gate are as follows:
Metal: round or semicircular.
Wood: long line or rectangle.
Water: composed of many circles or semicircles, such as plum blossom shape and wave shape.
Fire: sharp pattern, triangle or polygon.
Earth: square.
For example,
If the main gate is located at south, it belongs to fire. If the metal gate is design to have a shape
of wood, it is greatly auspicious;
If the metal gate is design to have a shape of fire, it is auspicious;
If the metal gate is design to have a shape of metal, it is detrimental;
If the metal gate is design to have a shape of earth, it is inauspicious;
If the metal gate is design to have a shape of water, it is greatly inauspicious.

The main gate and the metal gate are just like the master and assistant. Colour of the carpet is
crucial. The five elements of corresponding colours are as follows:
Wood: green and cyan.
Fire: red, purple, orange and bright yellow.
Earth: Brown and muddy yellow.
Metal: gold, silver and white.
Water: blue, black and light gray.
Just like Xuan Kong Mi Zhi said, “Violation of numerous taboos lead to sudden decline of
If the main gate is located at north, the yellow carpet and cyan gate will form an inauspicious
On the contrary, if the gate faces east or south, which belongs to wood and prefers assistance
from water, blue carpet can be selected. If it prefers assistance from wood, metal gates with a
design of long line or rectangle can be selected, and the colour can be blue, black, light grey,
green and cyan, which will bring wealth and blessings.

Reinstalling the Gate

If the main gate was surrounded by evil Qi, or it accepts the declining or dead Qi, and you fail to
find effective solution, you may consider reinstalling the gate. However, you should treat it
carefully. As the saying goes, “gate of Yang house is of primary importance”. If the gate is
reinstalled properly, based on Yang House and Heaven Yuan, “the fortune of the family will
change thoroughly and immediately.”
The three treasures of Feng Shui, namely, the shape, Qi and date, should be perfectly matched.
(1) The reinstalled gate should avoid the major evil Qi patterns outside, including heart-
penetrating, bowffective solution, you may consider reins flying dagger. And in terms of interior,
the kitchen, toilet, stair, pillars and shoot-through door must not face the gate directly.
(2) The reinstalled gate must receive the fall of three specific auspicious stars of the current
Yuan, just as Five Songs of Heaven Yuan pointed out.
(3) It’s necessary to select an auspicious date and time for ground breaking.
After reinstallation, attention should also be paid to the path arrangement. There is a vivid
saying, “the gate and paths are just like bones, tendon and blood veins, integrating into a whole.
If they are ill-matched, the whole design will not benefit the family.”

Formula of Extra Inlet of Qi (City Gate)

The concept of city gate is commonly used for Yin and Yang houses, boasting a remedial
measure to attract Qi into the house. It has been mentioned in a large number of ancient books. In
conclusion, if we take the city as the house, or the pool of Qi, the city gate is just the passageway
of Qi, without which the Qi stored in the city will be a pool of stagnant water.
According to Qing Nang Ao Yu, Jiang Yao’s Commets and Xuan Kong Ben Yi, the eight
diagrams are just like a city, and its gate locates at an unfilled place, through which the Qi
coming in and going out. The direction of the city gate sets the general keynote of the city.
Without such a vacancy, the Yin and Yang cannot be distinguished, and the mobility and
immobility cannot be identified. However, without tightness, the Qi will be scattered in all
As Distinguishment on Geography said, “The city gate is extremely flexible. Both mountains and
rivers have their own city gate. A fork-shaped river takes the branch as the city gate. If there is
no branch, its city gate could be the place where water winds around the tomb. In conclusion, it’s
where the power lies. For mountain veins, the city gate is located at its ending place, or the place
in adjacent to the peak, or its origin. On plains, the boundary limiting Qi, or the stream border
line of lower field, should be considered as city gate.”
In simple application of Yang house Feng Shui, the city gate refers to the both sides of the
orientation. Developing the extra inlets could improve the luck of the house. However, the true
and false city gates should be distinguished, and city gate should be identified in accordance with
the pure diagram and pure Qi.

Chapter V. Window

In Feng Shui theory, window’s influence ranks only second to the main entrance. The larger the
window, especially the French window, the greater its impact on Yang house. So it cannot be
As Five Songs of Heaven Yuan pointed out, “Air flows into the house from eight directions,
including all the doors, windows and crevices on the wall. The auspicious wind adds to blessing,
while inauspicious one brings disaster.”
Both the opened doors and windows could take in Qi. Combined with the stars of the given year,
they can deliver quick returns. So, they deserve close attention.
The Eighth-White Star is the flourishing star of the current Yuan, and also the star that boosts
wealth. If it befalls on French window or larger window, more auspicious Qi will be introduced
into the house, and the residents’ luck in making money will be promoted. The Ninth-Purple Star
stands for joy and will be the flourishing star of the Bottom Yuan, which may enhance the
joyous atmosphere and fortune. The First-White is also an approaching prosperous star,
benefiting school work and marriage.
The evil stars that need to be neutralized include the Fifth-Yellow, the Second-Black, the Third-
Green, Seven-Scarlet and the three major evil stars.

Qi Leaks via Multiple Windows

It’s hard for a house with too many windows to store wind and Qi, which is similar to the saying
“too many doors harm people and wealth.” Such a house cannot gather fortune.
As Yuan Kong Jing said, “If several windows or doors are suddenly installed in an old house, the
children living there will suffer evil wind and sore, and the family will suffer financial and
livestock loss.”
We can get to know from the above formulas that multiple doors and windows will harm wealth
and health, especially that of kids.
The problem of having multiple windows can be easily solved by closing them and the curtain. If
you can open or close the corresponding windows in turn based on auspicious stars of current
dates, the evil Qi will be avoided and the flourishing Qi can be attracted into the house, so as to
achieve good effects and avoiding evil ones.

Doors and Windows of Appropriate Sizes

Windows of a house should be of proper sizes. Oversized windows do not fit small house, and
undersized window does not go well with a large house.
Oversized windows will let in excessive sunshine, or the Yang Qi, which will not only reduce
assistance, but also give rise to family disputes. Your family members will be prone to lose
temper with trifles, and the consequences may range from quarrels to unimaginable conflicts. In
such case, you may choose some simple and thick curtain of fresh color, which can not only ease
the atmosphere, but also block the sun, so as to balance Yin and Yang, and the overexcited mood
can be alleviated.
Undersized windows on a large house will lead to insufficient lighting. A dull room will not only
make people lazy, but also tend to pool the evil or Yin Qi, which will affect the luck of the
house, as well as the wealth and health of the people living in it. The ideal solutions include
adding new windows to increase lighting, turning more lights on, adding larger lamps, or even
installing pilot light to make up the shortage.

Angled Windows and Lunette

The theory of Feng Shui has a long history, with its emphasis on distinguishing the direction and
orientation by 24 Shan, setting compass and judging good or ill luck. One of the distinguishing
methods is to consider the side receiving most sunlight as orientation (Xiang Shan), and its back
the Zuo Shan.
The angled window refers to a right angle formed by two windows at a wall corner. For example,
one window faces south and the other east. If the compass is set by the orientation to the
sunshine, the Yang house may belong to both Zi-Wu and You-Mao, the two completely different
diagrams. The impure directions and mixed diagrams will lead to a disordered magnetic field.
The mutual interference between them will greatly harm the family fortune due to the imbalance
of Yin and Yang.
The lunette, no matter curving inwards or outwards, may have the similar problem. So, we
should be careful about this when purchasing or decorating a house.

Types of Window
There are various types of windows at all times and in all over the world. In western architecture,
we don't often have certain types. The following are some common ones:
Single Hung Window, Double Hung Window, Cottage Window, Two-Panel Slider Window,
Three-Panel Slider Window, Picture Window, Deadlites Window, Casement Window, Awning
Window, Transoms Window, Jalousie Window, Glass Block Window, Storm Window, Egress
Window, Skylight Window, Round Window, Arched Window, Different Shapes Window, Bay
Window, Bow Window, Oriel Window, Garden Style Window and Hopper Window.
Their impacts on Feng Shui can not be discussed in depth due to the limited space. Some of them
call for attention, for they violate the basic Feng Shui principles.
Bay Window: protruding from the building.
Oriel Window: a form of bay window.
Bow Window: arc-shaped or nearly arc-shaped bay window.
Garden Style Window: protruding window like bay window.
The four types above share the characteristic of protruding from the main building. It’s an evil Qi
called “tumour evil”. As its name suggests, it will easily cause tumor. Although malignant tumor
is dangerous, benign tumor should not be ignored.
In today's window sill design of high-rises, some are similar to that of bay windows in that both
protrude from the building. Developers are willing to adopt such a design, for it can increase the
lighting and the space. But it may trigger the tumor evil, so it’s better to neutralize it.
In addition, hopper window also has hidden danger in terms of Feng Shui, which are
characterized by opening to the interior and occupying the indoor space. It’s better to avoid it.

Is a Window Facing North Good or Bad?

An idiom suggests that “a window facing east will lead to disclosure of crime/plot”; another
idiom indicates that auspicious Qi comes from the east? Is a window facing north good or bad?
In terms of geographical environment, it’s easier for a house located at the northern hemisphere
with window facing north to take in thrilling wind from the north in the severe winter. The larger
the north window is, the more significant the impact will be. A window facing north is not good.
East-facing window is more ideal. The soft sunshine at sunrise can go into the house to bring
vitality to greet the start of a good day. In Feng Shui theory, the east also represents spring and
wood of the five elements, symbolizing endless vitality.
Windows installed to face the south or southeast are also ideal, for they are conducive to
daylighting and let in sufficient Yang Qi, which will improve the luck of the house.
The window faces west will make the house hot and dry due to the western exposure. In
addition, the west belongs to metal of the five elements and represents autumn, introducing an
awful atmosphere, which is unfavorable to people in conflict with metal in terms of their Eight
Characters. At the same time, the afterglow of sunset also represents the atmosphere of twilight.
It is somewhat unfavorable to let in such sunlight into the house.
The eighth Yun of the Bottom Yuan lasts from 2004 to 2024, with northeast as the positive
direction. A door or window facing northeast will let the prosperous Qi of the current Yuan into
the house to improve its overall fortune.
If real water, such as lake, sea, river, park, pool, stream pond and fish pond, can be seen at the
southwest (the negative direction) of the house, it is beneficial to the wealth. So, doors or
windows facing real water are favorable.
Real water to the east (direction of water of current Yun) will also bring wealth. We can install
doors or windows on this side to pool fortune.
The ninth Yun of the Bottom Yuan will last from 2024 to 2044, with the positive direction at
south, negative direction at north and water direction at southeast. The design should be adjusted

Skylight can increase lighting, and neutralizing the problem of excessive Yin and deficient Yang.
It’s a good choice to set a skylight in bathroom without window, dark corridor and stairwell.
However, remember not to install a skylight in living room (especially above the sofa) and
bedroom (especially above the bed).
The evil Qi of “heaven chopping” mentioned above refers to the slot between two high-rises,
from which you can see a line of sky. It’s like a high building chopped by a giant blade into two
parts, leaving only the crack. It’s harmful to health.
The skylight is just like a variant of “heaven chopping”, a sward straightly piercing from the
heaven. It’s similar to evil Qi of heart-piercing, bringing hidden trouble to health.
People usually stay in bed or at sofa for quite a long time, so it’s better not to set a skylight
We can install movable curtains for its indoor part, so as to open or draw curtains in a flexible
Dreaminess under Window
If the bedside or tailstock is too close to the window, especially those large ones, people will be
easily annoyed by the invading Qi from outside during sleep, and the sleep quality will be
affected. So, there is a saying “dreaminess under window”. When the bed is too close to the
window, strange dreams and even nightmares will increase significantly, leading to a decline in
sleep quality. In serious cases, you may get up in the morning feeling downhearted and absent-
minded, just like having burnt the night oil. In fact, the solution is not too difficult: moving the
bed away from the window as far as possible and you’ll see the obvious improvement.
In addition, if the bedside is backed by the window, things will get worse. The larger the window
is, the worse it will be. Back of the bedside is the location of the Black Tortoise, whose most
suitable place is the real wall. With a stable supporter, the auspicious layout will be achieved.
The tailstock should be moved away from the window, instead of being backed by or oriented to
the window, or the evil Qi of window will cause disturbance.

Offending Evil Qi outside Window

It’s good to be welcomed by delight instead of evil Qi as you open a door or window. So, all the
shaped evil Qi, mentioned above or not, like heaven chopping, offending road, bow’s back, hall-
piecing, waterfall at roller shutters, foot-cutting steam, scissors, pointed corner, blood basin in
mirror, tumor, centipede, neck-craning… should be avoided.
Furthermore, those evil Qi causing injury, like heaven chopping, pointed corner, heart-piercing,
are the most unwanted sights by a bedroom window, especially for pregnant women, patients
suffering chronic illness and the frail.
Good solutions include vibrant gardens, yards full of birds’ twitter and flowers’ fragrance,
beautiful natural scenery, quiet pastoral scenery and fish ponds, which not only make people feel
comfortable, but also improve the overall Qi field.

Two Windows Facing Each Other

Two windows facing each other, also known as the evil Qi of offending windows, means that
windows of two apartments are very close to each other. With such windows, the two families
are somewhat deprived of privacy. Any happy event, family discord or unhappy event (e.g.
quarrel between husband and wife, father and son, creditors, extramarital affairs or family
disaster) will soon be learnt by your neighbors.
In such a case, first of all, it is a privacy matter which deserves sufficient attention. The quarrel
between neighbors is often caused by invasion of privacy. If a neighbor hears an unpleasant
event in your home from the window, he may soon spread it in the community, and sometimes in
the wrong way. The dispute will surely emerge.
The larger the window is, the more serious the problem will be. If both the two families have
large French windows, the fortunes of the two families will interact and interfere with each other,
certainly leading to fluctuation of fortune and unstable family fortune. Therefore, when
purchasing or renting a unit, you’d better avoid such apartments.

Curtain and Five Elements

Both materials and colors of curtain can be divided into five elements, giving rise to
corresponding interactive relations:
Water: blue, black, grey and wave-shaped;
Fire: red, purple, orange, plastics and artificial fiber;
Wood: green, fabrics and lace, wood or bamboo made;
Metal: white, golden, silver, aluminum and metalware;
Earth: brown and yellow.
The relations between the five elements are quite complicated, the patterns of which include
mutual assistance or restriction. So, attention should be devoted to their combinations.
And, we can refer to the Late Heaven Bagua for the five elements of the eight due directions:
Earth: Gen (northeast), center, Kun (southwest);
Wood: Zhen (east), Xun (southeast);
Metal: Dui (west), Qian (northwest);
Water: Kan (north);
Fire: Li (south).

Chapter VI. Bedroom

As the crucial part of household Feng Shui, the bed is often crowned as “minor Tai Ji”, for
everything can be regarded as a Tai Ji. Some schools even set the compass centering on the bed,
and then establish the 24 Shan of the eight directions, so as to distinguish between good and ill
luck of all the directions and their interaction, neutralize evil Qi and boost wealth.
Normal people spend seven to eight hours a day, or about a third of their life, in their beds. If the
bed has good geomantic magnetic field, you could use the sleep time to improve your luck
without any effort. It’s a simple but practical method.
On the contrary, if your bed has Feng Shui problems, as soon as you fall asleep you’ll lose your
luck. Even if you work hard to make progress during the day, you still lose your ground at night.
If one third of your life is spent on retrogressing, how can your entire fortune go well?
Suitable bed is the soul of household Feng Shui, we will make discussion on it in the following

Unbacked Bed
It’s the great taboo to leave head of the bed unbacked, which indicates the omission of the Black
Tortoise as the backer, known as a great defect in Feng Shui theory. The four ancient sacred
beasts are all required according to the basic Feng Shui principles, namely, the Black Tortoise at
back, the Vermilion Bird and main hall in front, the Azure Dragon on the left and the White
Tiger on the right. The ten principles on Yin house is just based on the above standards.
Guo Pu, an ancient scholar of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, repeatedly stressed the importance of
gathering wind and Qi in his famous work Book of Burial, which is also based on the above four-
animal concept. Standard postures of the four beasts should be “head-lowering Black Tortoise at
back, dancing Vermilion Bird in front, winding Azure Dragon on the left and tamely-bowing
White Tiger on the right”.
On the contrary, any inconformity will lead to a failure. For example, the Black Tortoise doesn’t
lower its head; the Vermilion Bird flies away instead of dancing; the White Tiger squats and
looks up to the grave; the Azure Dragon crouches and turns its head round to squints, as if it’s
“In conclusion, both the tiger and the dragon should lie tamely.”
It can be seen that the four ancient sacred animals should be all in place with proper postures.
An unbacked bed head means the lack of Black Tortoise at back, which has been referred to in
Book of Burial. In brief, all the things have Yin at back and Yang in embrace, so we must set
screen at back. The evil wind attacking people’s shoulder and back tend to cause illness. In a
similar way, the Black Tortoise serves to shelter one’s back.
So, headboard of your bed equals the Black Tortoise, which is essential to your bed. In case of
missing it, please install or change a new one on an auspicious time and date.
In addition, the window at back of the bed head is also improper. First of all, people may suffer
dreaminess and insomnia below a window. Second, wind coming in through the window
(especially in winter) will lead to the pattern of “evil wind wiping the cave”, which is
unfavorable to health.
If there is anything moving at back of the bed head, like elevators or pedestrian access or traffic
passage, your soul will be disturbed during sleep. It affects sleep quality in short period and your
health in the long run.
Solid wall is the best backing for bed head, for the powerful Black Tortoise can provide adequate
protection, which is superior.
On the left and right sides of the bed, it is better to place low cabinets to bear the bed lamp for
convenient lighting. The two cabinets can be regarded as the Azure Dragon and the White Tiger,
guarding from both sides.
Sufficient space must be reserved at the end of the bed, which should be kept simple, clear and
quiet, so that the main hall of Vermilion Bird is orderly and in line with the rules of Feng Shui
Oppressing the Bed
A crossbeam over the bed is the great taboo on bed installing, for it seems to give a sense of
oppression and give rise to fortune-oppressing and blade effect according to the Feng Shui
theory. If in the same direction with the bed, the crossbeam will divide the bed and even the
people on the bed into halves like the evil Qi of heaven chopping. If they form a right angle, the
crossbeam will cut the bed and sleeper off like a fodder chopper. The danger is imaginable.
People recover their strength during sleep, when their bodies are in a state of relaxing, resting
and repairing, and the body defense mechanism is relatively weak. In such a stage, the
crossbeam’s long time impact (ordinary people’s sleep lasts for 7 to 8 hours, that is, one third of
the life time will be spent in the bed) cannot be ignored for its great damage.
Large ceiling lamp or fan is similar to the crossbeam in terms of disadvantage. In addition, rough
ceiling is also a problem, which should be avoided.

Master-slave Relationship among Rooms

Seniority and hierarchy should be taken into consideration in household Feng Shui layout. The
master room should be larger than others and have more functions (e.g. separate washroom,
bathroom, sauna, cloakroom, etc.). It’s reasonable to reserve it for the host and hostess, and other
rooms for other family members.
I have encountered a case when investigating household Feng Shui. A family of three lived in a
comfortable apartment. The couple doted on their only son, and indulged him in many ways.
They moved to a small guest room and gave up their master room to their only son.
After exchanging rooms, the son became more domineering and unreasonable. When the couple
accidentally said something against their son's will, they would be immediately criticized and
scolded by him, who did not show respect or filial piety at all. The couple never imagined that
their doting would lead to such a consequence. They felt deeply grieved.
I suggested that they send the son to boarding school, preferably a military school, to cultivate
him with military training, discipline and physical labor. After the son moved out, the couple
moved back to the master room.

Couples’ Bedroom
The master room or the couple's bedroom is very important in Feng Shui theory, so it ranks
second among the three crucial parts (gate, bedroom and kitchen) of Yang house.
Only a closely-bound couple could make a perfect marriage. So, the master bedroom should not
be located at inauspicious positions or the befalling points of evil stars of current Yuan or Yun,
and the auspicious directions or lucky stars would be favorable. The evil stars include the Fifth-
Yellow, the Second-Black, the Third-Green and the Seventh-Scarlet; while the lucky stars
include the Eighth-White, Ninth-Purple, Sixth-White and First-White. Their characteristics have
been introduced in detail in Summary of the Nine Stars, a remarkable work on Xuankong Feng
Shui theory.

Marriage-hastening Room
For those who come of age but have no boyfriend or girlfriend, household Feng Shui layout can
be adopted to hasten their marriage. The simplest but effective way is to place the bed at your
own position symbolizing romance, so as to motivate the star of marriage.
In the theory of Eight Characters, each of the year, month, day and hour could be symbolized by
two characters (one for the Heaven Stems and the other for Earth Branches). People born with
romance are:
Year Month Day Hour
Earth Yin, Wu, Xu Mao Yin, Wu, Xu Mao
Branches Shen, Zi, Chen You Shen, Zi, You
Hai, Mao, Wei Zi Hai, Mao, Zi
Si, You, Chou Wu Si, You, Wu
If the romance star appears in the Earth Branches of year or month, the person will enjoy a happy
marriage, while in day or hour, the person (especially for woman) will suffer extramarital affairs.
People who desire for love could motivate the star in an appropriate manner by placing the bed at
their own positions symbolizing romance. However, over-motivation may lead to disputes or
disasters. In addition, women born with the Eight Characters of Jia-Wu, Bing-Yin, Ding-Wei,
Wu-Chen, Geng-Xu, Xin-You and Ren-Zi are inclined to suffer extramarital affairs. They may
give themselves unnecessary trouble by placing bed on such positions.

Bedroom to Promote Schoolwork

Parents, of course, want their children to grow up healthily and happily, and make progress in
their studies, so as to make achievements in the future. The most effective way to improve their
school work is to arrange them to sleep in rooms symbolizing the god of literature. The
corresponding stars (Wenqu Star and Wenchang Star) are the Fourth-Green and the First-White,
the combination of which is really powerful, just as Zi Bai Jue, Fei Xing Fu, Xuan Ji Fu and
Xuan Sui Jing said.
Four fern leaf hedge bamboos growing in water, or four hung blessed brushes can be placed in
the room to echo the figure combination of one-four.

Above and Beneath the Bed

Large ceiling lamp or fan is similar to the crossbeam in terms of disadvantage, which may harm
your luck and influence your sleep quality. It’s better to remove or neutralize them.
Do not pile up too many sundries under the bed, otherwise the dirty Qi tend to accumulate there
to affect your health. Please clean under the bed frequently to avoid too much dust or dirt.
Attention should also be paid to the storeys above and beneath your bed. Bathroom or closestool,
where the dirt gathers, will greatly affect your luck if they are above your bed. Partitioned flats
are common in Hong Kong. If you have partitioned flats or hotel upstairs, you must be careful
with them.
It’s not a good choice to set your bed over a kitchen, which belongs to fire of the five elements
due to the essential role of the stove. If you are on fire day and night, you may suffer
cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Such situation should be solved.

Hanging Swords in Bedroom

It’s a common occurrence for heroes to fight with swords in martial arts fiction, while in reality,
it’s not a good household decoration especially for the bedroom. People recover their strength,
not demonstrate martial skills, in bedroom, which should be a cozy, comfortable and safe place.
The sharp blades tend to cause injury and the shaped evil Qi in Feng Shui theory. Never place
them in bedroom.
If the evil stars, such as the Fifth-Yellow Star, of the current year or month befall the orientation
of the blades, their rage will be triggered by the sharp object, bringing disasters.
In addition, blades should be kept away from the positions where the three evil stars of current
year and month, and Taisui the major evil star, or their ominous elements will be boosted. In
conclusion, blades should be avoided as much as possible.

Human Statues or Models Placed in Bedroom

Tiny human statues or models placed at home, especially in bedroom, tend to bring disputes or
rats. If they are placed at the positions of the Third-Green Star of current year, things will be the
similar. The Third Green Star belongs to wood, so we can use fire to burn and neutralize its
effect based on the theory of Five Elements. Besides, we can use metal to oppress the wood in
terms of their natures.
Rats are everywhere in our lives, bringing great trouble and destruction. The solutions include
avoiding portrait model and sculpture at home. In addition, it’s popular to beat their images
during the Wakening of Insects, a nice day for neutralizing evil Qi such as White Tiger,
Heavenly Hound and base people, as cursing them with all kinds of bad language.
Here I would advise you to cultivate your virtue on mouth, and not to commit the crime of
speaking wickedly or cursing. In fact, the best way is to befriend the rat, which is similar to the
method of transforming evil Qi into wealth in Feng Shui theory. Swords can be turned into

Furniture and Decoration in Bedroom

The furniture inside bedroom should be soft, sweet, pure and fresh, comfortable, and concise in
principle. The bedroom is a place for us to rest and recuperate, to heal the body and soul. Just
like a baby returning to its mother's arms, we can sleep peacefully and comfortably in mother’s
So, we should avoid cold furniture inside the bedroom, like marble desk face or furniture with
large area of glisters metal, which look beautiful and noble, but cold to touch. They are
unfavorable for bedroom.
Sharp furniture, ornaments and furnishings tend to cause household accidents, and the pointed
parts have evil Qi, which are not suitable in your bedroom.
Round furniture or furniture with filleted corners will add harmony to the bedroom. Soft
decoration is also favorable.

Color of Bedroom Wall

The color of bedroom wall should be simple and fresh, bright, warm and cozy. Dark hue will
shadow the room, which is not a good choice.
The color of bedroom wall should not be too bright, colorful or dazzling, otherwise it is difficult
for people to relax and rest in the room. I have seen a bedroom with four walls of different bright
hues, and visitors may feel dizzy when entering the room. I queried and found that he did have
suffered insomnia and bad sleep. The solution is to paint the wall with proper hue on an
auspicious date and time.
Light beige is quite a good choice. The simple and fresh color will illuminate the room.
Moreover, it’s not an evil-drawing color, deserving my recommendation.
We should also pay attention to the color of bed sheets and curtains, which shouldn’t be too dark,
bright or flowery. In conclusion, they should be simple and fresh.

Bed too Close to Window

People are the most relaxed and vulnerable during sleep, so the protection is needed. If the left or
right side of the bed is too close to the window, people may be dreamful, that is, they may have
various strange dreams or even nightmares. The reason is that the bed is too close to the window,
so the spirit is easily disturbed by external interference. Therefore, we must keep a proper
distance between the bed and the window so that we can sleep peacefully.
A window behind the bed head is regarded as the great taboo in Feng Shui theory, which refers
to the evil wind wiping the grave due to lack of the Black Tortoise.
As Notes for Geography and Song of Quan Ju Ru Shi said, it’s auspicious for the grave site to be
enclosed tightly, for the harmful wind will take the advantage of gaps to invade the cave. The
owner may suffer loss of family member. For example, it’s essential for a valley to store wind,
for people standing on a wide expanse of flat land, without any protection around, might as well
defy the wind. Although in a thrilling winter, they may not get ill. However, a gap in the valley is
the most horrible. The harmful wind will attack people through the gap like an arrow. That’s why
the grave site should shun gaps. Similarly, the bed head should lean against a solid wall, and the
door and window should be sealed to block the evil wind.

Mirrors are widely used in Feng Shui pattern. Some are applied to block disaster and evil Qi,
some to gather Qi and wealth. Taking the commonly used convex mirror for example, it is often
used to keep off the materialized evil Qi. If the main entrance is set by the offending road, road
of bow’s back or heart-penetrating road, it could ease the evil Qi after being set above the door
frame on an auspicious day.
The concave mirror is often used to gather Qi. For example, if a downward stair faces directly to
the door (waterfall at roller shutters), you will suffer financial loss. A concave mirror will pool
the Qi of wealth. However, as attracting the auspicious Qi, it may also breathe in the evil, dirty or
decadent Qi. So it’s necessary to place a charm at its back to oppress the evils, so as to take in
the good and shut the door upon the evil spirit’s face.
Plane mirror, neither convex nor concave, is a typical one. It’s equipped with both functions of
taking in and screening, which tend to be mixed. So, it’s proper to hide it in common layout for
Yang house to avoid evil Qi.
A plane mirror set in adjacent to the bed may summon up a dead man’s soul, which must be

The lighting in the bedroom is completely different from that in the office. The bedroom should
be warm, comfortable and convenient for rest, so beige is more suitable, that is, the lamps with
the color temperature of 2,700K (soft white) or 3,000K (Warm White), which can provide
enough light source without being too dazzling.
Daylight lamps are suitable for office work, namely the one with the color temperature between
5,000K to 6,000K. With enough bright sunlight, we can work in a natural spirit of a hundred
times, full of vitality.
In addition, we can adopt lamps with adjustable buttons. When you need enough light, you can
turn the button to adjust. To create a romantic ambience, you can turn it down a little. Adjustable
lighting can flexibly meet the various needs, filling your life with possibilities.

It is a decent choice to place appropriate aroma in the room, which makes the room fragrant and
pleasant, and produces different effects, such as regulating the atmosphere, purifying the air,
relaxing and reducing pressure, and improving insomnia. Some of them can have different
therapeutic effects, such as treating migraine, sinusitis and eczema. Here are some common
Lavender: purify the mind, calm nerves, improve insomnia, deodorize, diminish inflammation
and kill bacteria.
Geranium: calm the mind, treat anxiety and depression.
Bergamot: refreshing, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, improve the condition of dyspepsia.
Orange flower: improve headache and neuralgia, help sleep.
Jasmine: relieve tension, soothe the mind, relax muscles, improve eczema, moisturize skin and
reduce wrinkles.
Chamomile: improve anxiety and tension, make people easy to sleep, relieve headache.
Rosemary: refreshing, decompression, antibacterial, regulate tension.
Peppermint: relieve mental fatigue and soothe restless mood.
Ylang ylang: improve hormone secretion, regulate melancholy, antibacterial, aphrodisiac, and
relieve tension.
Sandalwood: tranquilizing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
Rose: relax and promote estrus.
Patchouli: sterilization, anti-inflammatory, improve anxiety and depression.
Lemon oil: refreshing and purifying air.
Camellia oil: antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, relieve itching, improve hair loss, enhance
immune capacity.
In addition to the aromatherapy machine and other different devices, you can also use it in the
bubble bath. With the warm hot water and steam, aroma penetrates into the skin and your breath
to create good effect.
In addition, massage with essential oil is also a good choice. You can also massage your loved
one with essential oil. It can not only relax the lover's mood, but also enhance each other's
feelings and create a romantic and warm atmosphere.

Room temperature should be adjusted based on your own feelings, neither too hot nor too cold.
However, you could slightly adjust it based on your own fortune.
People with fire as the positive god (e.g. people born in severe winter) could turn it up a little to
add fire to your fortune. Accordingly, people with water as the positive god (e.g. people born in
scorching summer) could turn it down to decrease fire for your fortune.
Sauna is also a good way to improve your luck. The heat generated by sauna could speed up
blood circulation and drive morbid and evil Qi away from human body. Dry steaming is suitable
for people with fire as the positive god, while wet steaming proper for those with water as the
positive god.

Music can not only cultivate one's temperament, but also produce different effects, such as
enhancing memory, helping concentrate, inspiring and stimulating creative thinking, relieving
restlessness, reducing pressure, relieving pain, entering into a state of meditation, treating
insomnia, and eliminating brain fatigue.
Alpha brainwave (frequency of 8-13hz) music, known as inspiration music, originated from the
European Renaissance. It integrates the information of the universe and nature, makes the brain
resonate and stimulates the right brain to work, so as to make the brain awake and relax, enhance
attention, stabilize emotion, keep happy mood, strengthen inspiration and creativity, improve
memory ability, promote appetite and improve sleep quality.
Alpha brain wave music has different effects on different groups of people. For pregnant women,
it can play a role in miscarriage prevention and midwifery practice, improving emotional
intelligence and strengthening the intelligence of the baby. For infants, it can stimulate brain
development, stabilize emotion and improve sleep quality. For students, it can strengthen their
concentration and memory and relieve their study fatigue. For businessmen, it can stabilize the
mood, reduce blood pressure and relax, and improve work efficiency. For people with insomnia
and mental weakness, it can relax the body and mind and improve the quality of sleep.
In addition, the music of θ theta brainwave (frequency of 4-8hz) can make people relax deeply
and enter into a higher level of mental state just like meditation. At this time, the door of the
mind will be opened, and the critical and moral filtering mechanism will be shut down. They will
show a high level of acceptance of the external information, so it is often used in self-hypnosis or
hypnotic activities.
Accompanied by Delta brain wave (frequency: 0.4-4Hz) music, people sleep on both ears in an
unconscious manner. The quality of sleep depends on its frequency.
In the bedroom, you can play music of different frequencies according to different needs.

Articles Unsuitable for Bedroom

The bedroom is a place for recuperation, physical and spiritual healing and love making.
Therefore, there are many taboos about the articles in the room, which should be violated by no
Do not place Buddha or other religious articles in the bedroom. Bedroom is an extremely private
place, and you may do all sorts of things you wouldn't do in public, or even have sex with your
partner. It’s blasphemous to place Buddha statues or even shrine in the bedroom, which must be
It’s also unfavorable to place crystal objects in bedroom for their strong magnetic field. If
misplaced, they may cause adverse effect. Their strong magnetic field will also affect your sleep.
So, it’s best to avoid them.
Plants are also not suitable because they compete with you for oxygen at night. Some odorous
plants may have an impact on you.
Antique furnishings are also not suitable. Many antiques have a long history and unknown
origins, and some of them also contain evil Qi. Please think twice before placing them in your
home, especially in your bedroom.

Installing the Bed

Bed installing is an important link of household Feng Shui. Many friends misunderstand that
only newlyweds need to install the bed. Of course, the procedure of installing a bed for
newlyweds is complicated, but a simple bed installing ceremony should also be carried out
before or when the old bed is replaced. At least you need to choose the right time and date based
on your own fortune. For the procedure of bed installing, there are many following pithy
formulas for reference, such as How to Organize Bed Placing. People, especially the newlyweds,
should pay attention to the incompatibilities.

Compatibilities Incompatibilities
Auspicious hour or date of the People with tiger as zodiac
newlyweds, one or two days before
wedding ceremony
The bridegroom should sleep with Unoccupied room or bed
a boy (better born in the year of
Dragon) till the wedding night
Any other person touches, sits or
sleeps in bed on the day of wedding
ceremony till bedtime
Place clothes of the newlyweds on Newlywed sleeps alone in
bed if they are out for honeymoon honeymoon.
Pregnant women, women in periods or
people in mourning (within at least
108 days)
Divorcee sits or sleeps in bed
Stable bed Sundries piled up under bed
Lean against the wall at left side Moving an old bed where a woman
became pregnant

Bed installation is very important, especially for newlyweds. You need to prepare the following
things before installing a bed: double red Chinese characters of “happiness”, areca-nut, hair
weeds, dried lily bulb, coconut, red package, kerchief, lotus root, candy, red dates, peanut,
longan, lotus seeds, chestnut, quilt and bed sheets with design of dragon and phoenix, pillow
with pattern of mandarin ducks, etc.
In conclusion, all the articles should have the homophonic allusion of “happiness”, “a beautiful
and satisfactory matrimonial connection”, “grand-generativity”, etc.
The people qualified for installing the bed include a good-fortuned gentleman (with both parents
living, conjugal affection, one son and one daughter at least, and one elder/younger brother/sister
the best) and a good-fortuned lady. The gentleman moves the bed to the auspicious position and
the lady makes the bed. In modern society, such gentleman and lady are difficult to find. So, the
requirements may be simplified, and elder family members can do the job.
Sometimes, people may find a healthy and lively baby for the ceremony, whose diaper will be
changed in bed, symbolizing bed-wetting.
The procedures for bed-installing go like the following,
(1) Making the bed. On the auspicious hour and date, the gentleman moves the bed to proper
position (decided based on Feng Shui theory in advance), and then the lady makes the bed, and
scatters the articles mentioned above on the bed. Meanwhile, she has to recite lucky greetings,
expressing the best wishes (happiness, grand generativity, good marriage, bright future, etc.) to
the newlyweds. It’s expected that the good luck of the gentleman and lady will be passed to the
newlyweds, who could have their babies soon.
(2) Weighting the bed. Generally speaking, a boy born in the year of dragon may be sent to roll
and play in bed, indicating having a lovely baby early, wealth, etc. In some customs, he should
pee in bed.
(3) Lifting the bed net. The lady hangs bed net over the bed.
(4) Bed consecration. On the day of wedding ceremony, the bed and related articles in the bridal
chamber are formally put into use.

Taboos of Bedroom
The taboos of the bedroom have been discussed before. This brief supplementary material is only
for your reference.
Taboos of bedroom: irregular room; rooms too long and narrow; dazzling decorations; oversized
or cramped room; no window; a door facing the main entrance and the back gate, as well as
doors of garage, kitchen and toilet; too-low window (no lower than the bed); window facing
north; crack or hole on wall, ceiling and floor; uneven floor; closestool that is too high; mirror at
bed head; dresser at bedside; too many reflected objects; bed installed under stairs offended
closestool; shrine separated from the bedside only by a wall; giant painting over the bed head;
too-low baseboard; be exposed to hard light; overhead air conditioner; Beds should not be placed
over or under toilet/stove; window sill as part of bed; feet directly against room door or the main
entrance; no solid wall supporting the bed head, facing the edge of skyscraper.

Chapter VII. Kitchen

Stove as the Source of Life

As one of the three keys (main entrance, bedroom and stove) to Yang house, kitchen plays an
important role in households Feng Shui. As Three Keys to Yang House said, “The stove
dominates the family’s good or ill luck, weal and woe. Why? It’s because that the stove is the
source of life, and all the diseases originate from the diet.”
“An auspicious stove will bring back longevity and wealth to a short-lived and bad fortuned
It can be seen that the kitchen is closely linked to health and wealth of the family. We can refer
to the following chart on Late Heaven Bagua for the proper positions of the kitchen.
Family Five Impact
Name Direction
Relationship Elements
Kitchen(fire) Metal Not ideal;
qián Father Northwest harms
Third Metal Not ideal
duì West
Second Fire Too much
lí South
daughter fire
Wood Quite
zhèn First son East
First Wood Quite
xùn Southeast
daughter auspicious
Water Not ideal;
kǎn Second son North
harms sons
Earth Quite
gèn Third son Northeast
Earth Quite
kūn Mother Southwest

Keeping Water and Fire away from the Midcourt Line

Kitchen or toilet should be kept away from the central point of the house. Taking the kitchen
(belongs to fire) for example, if it’s set at the central point, the fire will burn the heart, resulting
in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In addition, the house will be prone to catch fire.
Based on the central point, we could draw the X and Y axial of the house, namely the lines
between the midpoints of the length and width. Their intersection is the central point.
Kitchen and toilet should be kept away from the intersection due to the heavy heat of the former
and the sewage disposal of the latter (the mephitis will influence the Feng Shui pattern). That’s
why people keep them away from the midcourt line.

Irregular Kitchen
Irregular room, or even room with unfilled corners, should not be used as kitchen. Unfilled
corner refers to the absence of some corners in a Yang house. The eight directions stand for
different family members respectively, giving rise to different impacts. You can refer to the
following introduction:
Divine by Eight Direction Family
Diagrams Member
Qian Northwest Father
Kun Southwest Mother
Zhen East Eldest son
Xun Southeast Eldest daughter
Kan North Middle son
Li South Middle
Gen Northeast Youngest son
Dui west Youngest
Unfilled corners at corresponding directions will influence the energy and fortune of
corresponding family members. In the worst case, the one at southwest will greatly influence the
status of hostess in family and her fortune, for the Kun (at southwest) is her own position.
Unfilled corners at other directions are no good.
Irregular rooms are not so bad as the ones with unfilled corners. However, it will also lead to
imbalance among the family members in terms of the Eight Diagram. We must find solutions for
such imbalanced and inharmonious situation.
Open Kitchen
Traditional Feng Shui theory doesn’t applaud open kitchen, for kitchen is considered as the
position of wealth at home, which should be hidden, instead of being open to public. The saying
“A stove facing the gate will cause financial loss” is similar to “wealth should be hidden from
public vision”.
In terms of Feng Shui theory, an open kitchen couldn’t pool the wind and Qi. The flame is prone
to be disturbed by instable airflow, unfavorable for Feng Shui theory.
However, open kitchen becomes increasingly popular in modern household design and we have
to accept it. There are still some principles that we should bear in mind.
(1) No window at the back of the stove, or the Qi of wealth tends to disperse.
(2) The main gate, room door, back door or the door of toilet should not directly face the stove.
(3) The stove and the tap should be neither too close to each other, nor in a line, or the fire and
water will offend each other.

A Stove Facing the Gate will Cause Financial Loss

The ancient saying “A stove facing the gate will cause financial loss” has two meanings: first, the
kitchen, or the stove, should not directly face the main gate; second, the kitchen door and the
stove should not be in a line, or it may bring financial loss.
Such a principle is recorded in various books on Yang house, like Key to Stove Design, Ode of
Whip Shaking, etc. In conclusion, such a design will give rise to financial loss, and
gynaecopathia like dysmenorrhea, headache and bleeding.
In addition, the kitchen door should not directly face, be adjacent to or connected with the toilet
door. Door of the refrigerator should not directly face the kitchen door and the stove.

Crossbeam over Stove

Crossbeam over head, especially over the bed, is the great taboo in Feng Shui theory, which may
generate strange dreams according to Qi Yan Jing. Besides, it’s inauspicious to have stairs over
the bed, which may cause difficult labor. In terms of kitchen, a cross beam over the stove mouth
is not a good thing.
According to Key to Stove Design:
Open stove belly: financial loss;
Room over stove: children die young, infantile convulsions, death due to chicken pox;
Stove being offended or targeted, or stove with crossbeam over head: broken pot;
Stove offended by door or oppressed by stairs: the White Tiger befalls and dysentery;
Stove faced by room door: gynaecopathia like dysmenorrhea, headache and bleeding.
A stove not offended will benefit family health.

Stove between Pillars

Crossbeam produces pressure from above, while pressure from left and right sides are also no
good. Just like Ode of Shaking Whip said, “A stove between pillars brings disasters to children.
Three doors around the stove cause financial loss. Room door facing the stove keeps wealth
away from you.”
Two pillars too close to the stove in middle give rise to the pattern of “Azure Dragon and White
Tiger bullying the master”, which will harm family members (especially the kids). The most
effective solution is to move the stove away to protect it from being bullied.
In addition, a stove mouth offended by the main gate, room door or the toilet door may harm
your wealth.

A separate Kitchen and Rootless Stove

Some people like to arrange grand dinners at home, or to fry over fierce flame, producing much
of lampblack. If the family environment permits, they may set up stoves outdoors, so that they
have more space to cook, and the cooking fumes will not pollute the indoor environment. At the
first sight, it’s a good way, but it causes the problem of “separate kitchen”. As the name
suggests, starting a new stove can easily lead to family conflicts. The most obvious manifestation
is the repeated quarrels. What's more, it will cause family division, which is not necessarily a
good thing. We should avoid setting up cooking stoves outdoors.
In addition, in an independent dwelling, the best location for stove is on the ground floor. If
placed on the second floor or above, it will form a "rootless stove". According to ancient books,
stoves set on muddy ground with flagstone beneath or upstairs is called “rootless stove”, leading
to loss of family member. We should avoid such a pattern.
The separate kitchen and rootless stove are not common. I just record them here for your

Stove at the Fire Gate

What does “fire gate” mean? It involves the concept of 24 Shan.
As Secret of Yang House said, “The stove should be kept away from the fire gate, or it may bring
fire hazard. If the house is located at the direction of Yin, Wu or Bing, the fire gate will be at Si,
house at Shen, Zi and Chen, the fire gate at Hai, house at Si, You and Chou, the fire gate at Shen;
the house at Hai, Mao and Wei, the fire gate at Yin.” The rest can be done in the same manner.
We can stand at the center of the house and check the kitchen’s position with a compass. If it is
at the fire gate, the kitchen must be removed.
In addition, the kitchen should be kept away from Taisui the Jupiter. As Old Man of White Cloud
said, “We should set the stove at the direction of the Heavenly Stem, instead of the Earthly
Branch, or the Taisui Star will befall every 12 years, bringing financial loss and loss of family
member, as well as lawsuit and illness.” So, you’d better avoid the above taboos when
purchasing houses, lest you will have future worries.

Netherworld Streams from Eight Evil Directions

Netherworld streams from eight evil directions refer to incoming path or orientation of coming
stream or the water pipe inlet, leading to financial loss and loss of family member.
We can refer to the following chart for the directions of netherworld streams when selecting
Yang houses:
Orientation Direction incoming stream
that should be avoided
Geng Kun
Ding Kun
Kun Geng and Ding
Bing Xun
Yi Xun
Xun Yi and Bing
Jia Gen
Gui Gen
Gen Jia and Gui
Ren Qian
Xin Qian
Qian Xin and Ren

Poverty-alleviating Netherworld Streams

The netherworld streams mentioned earlier are evil ones resulting in financial loss and loss of
family member, on the contrary, the poverty-alleviating ones brings babies and wealth. The pithy
formula goes like follows,
Orientation Xin Gui Yi Ding Geng Bing Jia Ren
To Qian Gen Xun Kun Kun Xun Gen Qian
Here are some points we should devote attention to:
(1) Both kinds of streams are introduced in terms of orientation;
(2) Their corresponding orientations are the same, but differentiated by coming and going. The
evil streams are incoming with good luck, while the auspicious ones outgoing with
(3) Orientation and outgoing poverty-alleviating netherworld streams are:
Orientation To Streams ending at
Yi Xin Qian
Bing Ren
Geng Jia Gen
Ding Gui
Xin Yi Xun
Ren Bing
Gui Ding Kun
Jia Geng

Exposed Edged Tools

Scissors, knives and sharp objects in kitchen should be hidden in cabinet, barrel or knife rack. Do
not place them at will outside.
Exposed knives and tools with blades are prone to cause households accidents and increase the
risk of injury, and more likely to cause quarrels between couple or among family members or
stimulate family conflicts. We should avoid it as much as possible by tidying them away after

Do’s and Dont’s of Kitchen

The following are other compatibilities and incompatibilities of kitchen:
Kitchen should be kept clean and dry with plenty of light and air circulating;
The refrigerator is also related to your wealth, which should be neither empty nor stuffed with
too much expired food.
The kitchen should not be set in a built-out building, that is, the “impedimenta house”.
The toilet door should not face the kitchen.
Stove Front
The stove mouth should be somewhat hidden.
It should not be facing or targeting the master’s bedroom;
In adjacent to bedrooms;
Facing directly the toilet, hall, room door, shrine and crossing[l4];
Offended by corner[l5];
Surrounded by sundries from above and below;
Under the toilet;
Backing the wall of toilet and kitchen;
Got through by water/gas pipe from below;
At the position of the White Tiger (suitable for the position of Azure Dragon);
In adjacent to the window, from which the auspicious Qi will leak;
Facing to burner, electric cooker, microwave oven and water tap;
Clamped by water tap and refrigerator from two sides;
Facing the refrigerator and mirror;
Two stoves in one house.

Worshipping Stove at Year End

The Kitchen God (Zao Jun) masters kitchen and diet, and is known as an important god
monitoring good and evil behaviors of the people.
If you are his worshipper, please offer incense near the kitchen stove every day.
Zao Jun is responsible for supervising the good and evil of human beings and reporting to the
heaven court at the end of the year. Therefore, on the day of seeing off the god at the end of the
lunar calendar, every family will offer sacrifices carefully and pray for his protection. The
ceremony is usually carried out from December 23 to 25 of the lunar calendar. The officers'
families generally choose December 23, while the common people 24 and the boat dwellers 25.
In terms of offerings, there are the following:
(1) Sweet foods such as maltose and glutinous rice balls. Some people may replace them by
granulated sugar, sliced sugar or chocolate.
(2) Three kinds of livestock and wine, such as roast meat, chicken, fish, liquor, tea, etc.
(3) All kinds of candy, cookies, peanuts, cakes.
(4) All kinds of fruits and vegetables.
(5) Incense.
(6) Joss paper to worship Zao Jun.
The fourth day of the first lunar month is a big day for you to welcome Zao Jun returning from
the heaven. On that day, you should prepare new dishes and chopsticks, as well as good wine and
delicacies for him, and pray for a prosperous new year.

Chapter VIII. Dining Room

Positions and Materialized Evil Qi

As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people. In addition to satisfying our
hunger, delicious food is also a great enjoyment of life. The dining room at home is a place
where the family can spend time together while enjoying the delicious food. Therefore, its Feng
Shui pattern will affect the happiness of the family. Here are some points you need to pay
attention to:
Compatibilities Incompatibilities
Near the main entrance
Sharing the same room with kitchen, or in
the kitchen
Under the toilet
Too far away from kitchen
Red table cloth
Light-colored wall Colorful wall
Soft lighting Dazzling or thrilling white light
Square/rectangle Unfilled/protruding corner

Dining Table
The following are compatibilities and incompatibilities of dining table:
Compatibilities Incompatibilities
Round table Cornered table
Corners targeting the main entrance
Crossbeam, bulky lamp or fan over
Small lamp right above the center of
Weights above the seats
Under the toilet
Offended by materialized evil Qi, like
door, toilet, straight path or pointed
Even-numbered seats
Shrine directly facing the table

Household Sanitation
(1) Do not leave food at the table overnight as it’s prone to breed bacteria.
(2) Please keep the table and floor clean after dining. Do not leave any food residue on the table.
(3) Do not place too much sundry on the table, or the foul will find its shelter.
(4) Don’t put rotten fruit on the table, or the mosquitoes will be bred.
(5) Frequently clean ceiling lamp or fan (if any) above the table, or the dust may fall on the food.
(6) Food can be sheltered from insects with net cover to secure health of family members.

Chapter IX. Living Room

Living room is essential in households Feng Shui pattern. The whole family spend time there and
relatives and friends are received there. In Collection of Yang House, it was referred to as “an old
house with brilliant and moist complexion will bring good luck, while a dull and lonely new
house will result in decline” and “if an empty living room gives a feeling of clamor, the family
will prosper”.
So, Qing Jiang Zi said: “Both auspicious and ill omens will be reflected by complexion.”
An empty room giving a feeling of clamor and happiness indicates prosperity of the whole
family. On the contrary, a crowded room giving a feeling of coldness is an inauspicious sign.
Description on other complexions in Collection of Yang House is as follows,
Complexion Sign
Red shining light with rising mist Big events such as passing national
exams, promotion, having lovely son,
unexpected wealth, etc.
Red and purple flames with smoke Fire hazard
Overwhelming dark light with mist or Unexpected disaster
White light with light smoke Death
Auspicious Qi with dark light Decline of fortune; upcoming disaster
Auspicious Qi with white light Death
Dark light tinged with colors Happy event after mourning
Red and purple light above house Birth of honorable son; passing
national exams successively; sudden
promotion; unexpected wealth
Colorful lights soaring into the sky An extremely auspicious site below
and fall in thousands of whisps at
Blue, red and yellow light Official rank or great wealth
White light Birth of a great general to the family
Large at bottom and pointed at top Fake light

Bright Living Room and Dim Bedroom

Living room is the place for joint activities of the family, and a shared space to receive visitors.
It’s a position of wealth essentially. So, please keep it simple and neat, cozy and comfortable, so
as to better pool wind and store Qi.
The corners, especially the ones facing the gate, are regarded as visible wealth positions. You
can place some Feng Shui mascots, or green plants with large leaves such as lucky bamboo
growing in water, pachira macrocarpa, money tree to attract wealth.
Living room should be simple and bright but without fierce light, or the Yang Qi may drive
wealth away. Of course, a dim room may attract ghosts.
The pattern, design and direction of the living room are complicated in theory, which may affect
the entire fortune of the family. We should devote attention to it.

Lower at First and Higher in the End, Outstanding Figures in the Generations to Come
It’s ideal to open the gate and see the living room in front, as I have mentioned above. On the
contrary, it’s not so good to see bedroom before the living room. Just as Zhai Jin said, “Such a
pattern means to Yin outside and Yang inside, which may cause financial loss”. Obviously, it
harms your fortune.
In the pattern of opening the gate to see the living room, the house should be lower at first and
higher in the end. Just like Ten Instructions on Yang House said, “Lower at first and higher in the
end, outstanding figures will emerge in the generations to come. In opposite case, the family
members will encounter disaster.” Collection of Yang House also held the similar view, and
pointed out that the two wings should be connected to the main part.
In conclusion, the living room at the entrance should be at the same level of the main gate, and
the rear, another part of the living room or the dining room, should be slightly higher. It will help
children’s school work or future career.

Evil Qi of Heart-piercing (Chuanxin Sha)

Crossbeam or pillar in middle of house, especially in living room, affects the appearance and
brings disasters. Such an evil Qi is called Chuanxi Sha. According to Collection of Yang House,
the pattern will bring death to the family.
In addition, it’s inauspicious to see overpass from the living room. As Song of No Bridge outside
House pointed out, a high bridge in adjacent to the house will dissipate the family fortune.
We may refer to Collection of Yang House for other evil Qi concerning the living room:
Pillars in front of the living room: teenagers’ death;
Pillars at back of the living room: dying on the way or foreign land or financial loss;
Living room at left and central room at west: disputes and the host leaving;
Living room at right and central room at east: internal conflicts and lawsuits;
Higher living room and lower central room: widow and dissipating family fortune;
Lower living room and higher central room: rich, noble and outstanding figures;
Jagging living room and central room & pillars at façade of the central room: evil Qi of heart-
Pillar offending the back of living room: inauspicious;
Front living room not in line with the rear room: inauspicious;
Living room on the left and central room at west: inauspicious;
Living room on the right and central room on the left: inauspicious;
Living room higher than inner room: inauspicious.

Diamond-shaped Living Room

The living room of diamond shape once became a big selling point of high-rise unit. One of the
most important reasons lies in its auspicious name, which adds to the glamour of the apartment.
With an open view, the diamond-shaped living room is most suitable for the houses that have
open scenery, like mountain view or seascape. In addition, privacy could be well protected, for
there was no apartment on the opposite side.
However, there are still many disadvantages of the diamond shape. If there are rugged rocks,
sharp angles, sky cut or blood basin mirror outside, evil Qi may easily come in through window
to cause trouble.
Additionally, the irregular living room will set obstacles for furniture arrangement, to which we
have to give more considerations. The unfilled corner is a congenital defect of diamond-shaped
living room, which cannot be ignored but is difficult to neutralize.

Five Surrounding Doors

Such a pattern is common in regular but cramped apartment. The doors of two bedrooms, one
kitchen, one toilet and the main entrance are collectively called “five doors”. They all lead to the
living/dining room, namely, the center. Due to the limited space, there will be no hallway at the
entrance. Such typical pattern is named “five surrounding doors”.
The five connected doors in a narrow space are unfavorable to the pooling of wind and Qi. Such
a living room is of a representative wealth-leaking pattern, which will result in financial loss.
In addition, through gates are common for such pattern, i.e., the doors and windows are in a same
line, which may give rise to financial loss, extramarital affairs and disputes.
Messy and cramped living space will affect your fortune and bring illness and disasters.

Elongated Living Room

Elongated living rooms are common at present, which may involve Feng Shui issues.
As Yang House and Heaven Yuan said, “A square house is equipped with all the Eight Diagrams,
while an elongated one has only two of them.”
Taking modern home for example, a square house is ideal for all its Eight Diagrams evenly
distributed and harmonious Qi field. An elongated space focuses only two diagrams up and
down, or left and right, leaving little space for the other six Diagrams. Such a pattern is
congenitally deficient in Feng Shui pattern.
In an elongated living room with the gate on the long side, visitors will be greeted by a row of
wide windows, which will lead to financial loss. Moreover, it’s difficult to set hallway as screen
in an elongated living room due to its limited space. So, elongated living room is not an ideal
In an elongated living room with the gate on the shorter side, long corridor or passage should be
avoided, or the evil Qi of spear will come into shape. This problem is relatively easy to solve.
We can set hallway at the entrance, or screen and short cabinet in the middle of the room.

Left/Right Halls
When visitors enter an apartment with left/right halls, they will find living room on the right and
dining room on the left, or vice versa. Such layout is common in medium or large apartments.
Generally speaking, apartments with such layout have large windows, or even French windows
or a terrace at living room. Some apartments have large windows at dining room. The advantages
of such layout are lighting and air flow. Located between the living room and dining room, the
main gate is equipped by Azure Dragon and White Tiger, with relatively balanced magnetic
field. It’s quite a good layout.
Under normal conditions, only those large apartments have left/right halls. The common defect
may lie in the main gate directly facing the door of bedroom (especially the master room), which
forms evil Qi of through gates. It may lead to extramarital affairs. The decent solution is to install
another door at the end of the corridor connecting the living room and dining room to divide the
space in halves.

Single-room Apartment
It’s also known as Studio Apartment, Studio Flat, Self-Contained Apartment, Efficiency
Apartment, Bed-Sitter Apartment and Bachelor Apartment, which is quite popular across the
world, especially in commercial areas where an inch of land values an inch of gold. Functions of
the bedroom, kitchen, toilet and living room are all concentrated in one tiny room. Despite its
space-saving and convenience for rent, such apartment has many hidden defects.
“Kitchen facing the main entrance causes financial loss.” Due to the limited space, the stove will
be seen as soon the door is opened, which may cause financial loss. However, due to the same
reason, such situation cannot be prevented by setting a screen or door curtain.
“Exposed bedside dissipates fortune.” Due to the limited space, visitors could see the bed as soon
as the door is opened, which will lead to financial loss and extramarital affair. If space narrowly
permits, a short cabinet should be set by the bed.
“The closestool offends the hall, bed and stove.” Offended by the closestool, openly or secretly,
your health and fortune will be affected. You’d better keep the toilet door shut. Besides, the toilet
must be kept clean and neat to avoid unpleasant smell.

Chapter X. Bathroom

How to Design the Toilet

When designing or purchasing a house, you should see to it that the toilet is at the auspicious
position. According to Song of Arranging Toilet, I have made the following chart for your
Direction Auspicious Inauspicious Effects Note
Qian √ Burglary
Hai √ Harm to sons;
Ren √ cataract
Xu √
Jia √
Yi √
Bing √
Ding √
Xin √
Chou √
Zi √ Harm to
silkworms and
Gui, Gen, √
You and
Xun and √ Harm to women
Yin, Mao, √ Harm to the
Wei and Kun hostess
Wu √ Favorable to
country estate
Shen and You √ Fierce flames
Yin, Shen, Si √ Harm to children
and Hai
In conclusion, among the 24 Shan, Xu, Qian, Hai, Ren, Zi, Yin, Mao, Chen, Xun, Si, Wei, Kun,
Shen are not suitable for toilet.

Offending the Door

A toilet door directly facing the main gate will influence health and bring disputes and lawsuits.
Just as Jade Mirror, Wang Si San and other ancient books said, the toilet shouldn’t be set at the
Qian position. If it faces directly the main gate, it will bring lawsuit, heart disease, etc.
So, we should not choose apartments in such design, or we must select an auspicious date to
neutralize it.

Stove Offending
It’s a great taboo to set the bathroom door opposite to the kitchen door (in more serious case to
the stove), which may bring illness.
As Zhao Shui Jing said, if the two doors face each other, the health of the family members will
be harmed in specific years:
Offended from the left side: Year of pig, rabbit and goat;
Offended from the right side: Year of snake, roost and ox;
Offended in front: Year of tiger, horse and dog;
Offended from behind: Year of monkey, rat and dragon.
In addition, the Second-Black star of the current Yuan or Yun will also bring disaster and illness,
which should be neutralized.

Position of Literature (Wenchang)

If the star of literature (Wenchang) befalls the toilet, it will be undoubtedly a great failure in
households Feng Shui design.
As Fingers and Palm said, “Toilet should be set at the position of Wenchang, or the god will be
polluted, the genius overshadowed and the fame compromised.”
Such a pattern will influence not only the academic achievements of children, but also your fame
and rank in a significant way. If the pattern has taken effect, please keep the air flow in the
bathroom fresh, dry and clean, and place green water plants in the bathroom to help remove the
Bathrooms with independent windows are more favorable for the better lighting and air
circulation, while those without window are inferior, for the dirty Qi cannot be conveniently
discharged, and we have to rely on good ventilation equipment. Additionally, the lighting is also
an important issue. We should install pilot burner, lest the evil Qi should accumulate inside the
dim toilet.

People may remove the original toilet and reconstruct it into a bedroom, living room or dining
room. If only from the perspective of interior design, it is certainly a good choice, for it gives
flexibility to decoration and increases interior space to meet the needs of different householders.
However, such reconstruction will be a great taboo according to Feng Shui theory. The toilet
serves to drain the sewage, and the rooms on the upper floor and lower floor (especially the
upper one) remain toilets. If you transform the room into bedroom, you’ll be attacked by dirty Qi
from above and below. How can your wealth, health and love not be affected?
If you reconstruct the toilet into dining room, it will affect not only yourself, but also the whole
family. Illness finds its way in by the mouth. Dining daily between the dirty Qi from above and
below, how can the health of you and your family not be affected?
If the toilet is reconstructed into living room, the sofa will suffer pincer attack by the dirty Qi day
and night, and the whole fortune of the family will surely be harmed. So, please think twice
before the reconstruction.
No Water and Fire on the Central Lines
Water and fire refers to the toilet and the kitchen respectively. The two should not be placed on
the central lines of the house. The central lines here refer to the vertically and horizontally
symmetrical lines. Simply put, if the house is evenly divided by a cross, the toilet and kitchen
should be kept away from the cross.
The intersection point of the cross, namely, the central point of the house, is the most important.
The toilet and kitchen should be kept away from it. If the kitchen is set at the point, the family
members would suffer cardio-cerebrovascular diseases, and if the toilet is set there, it would
bring illness to people’s kidneys, urinary system and reproductive system, and harm the marital
In addition, the toilet should not be set at the northeast (Gen) and southwest (Kun), both of which
belong to earth of the five elements, or the conflict will break out between earth and water.
Common Do’s and Dont’s
The following do’s and dont’s need great attention:
Open the window to keep the air circulating;
Grow plants in water to neutralize the dirty Qi;
Keep it clean, dry and with fresh air, and sufficient sun shine;
Keep the toilet door and the toilet cover shut.
Set the toilet in kitchen, leading to chronic and stubborn diseases;
Toilet facing the shrine;
Toilet set at north;
Toilet set at south (conflict between fire and water).

Chapter XI. Shrine

Heaven, Earth and Human

The best design for household’s shrine should be three layers: the top layer for the heaven to bear
statues of immortals, Buddha, etc., the middle layer for human to bear the memorial tablets for
ancestors, and the bottom layer for the earth to bear the guardian, god of the ground.
Based on the theory of “orbicular sky and rectangular earth”, the censer to worship the immortals
and Buddha should be round and made of metal. For example, a round bronze censer could
match the five elements of the Heaven Yuan.
The censer worshipping the earth god should be made of ceramics (earth) to match the five
elements of the Earth Yuan.

Do's and Dont's:

Shrine has profound and instant impact on the family fortune. The following do’s and dont’s are
for your reference:
-We should sincerely and respectfully invite the immortals, Buddha or Bodhisattva to guard the
house, protect family members, attract wealth and make everyone healthy.
-Popular materials for statues include wood, ceramics and metal, but plastic polyester should be
-The auspicious date and hour to install the shrine should be in line with the Eight Characters of
the householder, who should conduct ablution on previous day, and worship the god with respect
and modesty.
-It’s better for the shrine to be set in the same direction with the house.
-The shrine of Duke Guan can face the main gate directly to guard the house and attract wealth.
Other immortals or Buddha should be kept away from the gate. Their ideal positions are
commonly at the opposite corner of the main entrance (visible position of wealth).
-The shrine shouldn’t directly face or back the kitchen and toilet. Offending pointed corner,
stairs, mirror or beam column shouldn’t be set in front. An open space should be left in front, so
as to avoid the pattern of “facing the wall and pondering about its misdeed”.
-No crossbeam or air-conditioner over the shrine.
-No toilet above.
-Keep clean and neat in front of the shrine.
-No corridor or passage below the shrine.
-Shrine should not be placed under the stairway.
-Not in the vicinity to the window or the gate to avoid Qi leaking or too much disturbance.
-Not in the vicinity to the fish tank to avoid the evil Qi of water pouring on head or foot-cutting.
-Keep quiet around the shrine and keep it away from TV or voice box to avoid evil Qi of noise.
=Keep it away from the evil Qi of light.
-It should be very steady.
Chapter XII. Corridor

The corridor, which is often neglected, is very important in households Feng Shui pattern and
can influence your family fortune. Whether a corridor brings weal or woe depends on its design.
According to Guide on Yang House, Five Songs of Heaven Yuan, Yang House and Heaven Yuan,
both the gate and paths should be studied. With auspicious directions, the path will introduce
gods into the house. The main entrance is the key to Yang house’s Feng Shui pattern, while the
paths, both inside and outside the entrance, mustn’t be ignored. They are just like bones, tendon
and blood veins, integrated into a whole. If the path leading from the main entrance to the door
room was restricted or checked in five elements, the fortune of the house will be harmed. On the
contrary, if they are of interpromoting relation in five elements, the propitious pattern will be
Just as Xuan Kong Mi Zhi pointed out, it’s better for corridors or passages and the main gate
reach interpromoting relation in terms of stars, and the repeated restriction or checking relation in
five elements will lead to decline.
In Feng Shui theory, the following points of corridors deserve our attention:
-Too dim or too much lamps. The light should be in accordance with the doctrine of the mean
-Too colorful walls.
-Crossbeam over head.
-The corridor or passage should not divide the house into halves.
-The corridor shouldn’t be too long and narrow, and the ceiling shouldn’t be too low, or people
may feel oppressed.
-The corridor should not offend door rooms.
-Room doors along the corridor shouldn’t face directly to each other.
-Don’t place pointed objects, too much sundries or large furniture on the corridor, which should
be kept neat and unobstructed as far as possible.
-Propitious paintings can be placed along the corridor.
Chapter XIII. Courtyard

It’s not common to see courtyard in modern households. I have occasionally encountered
courtyards in China or South California. Some ancient books of Feng Shui have mentioned its
design. You could refer to the following ancient records to judge the good or ill luck. (References:
Book of Yang House, Households Secret of Green Crow, Fingers and Palm, Zhai Jin, Qi Yan Jing, Collection of Original Secret,
Collection of Yang House, Secret Instruction of Selecting Yang House, Magic Book of Yang House, Ode of Whip Shaking, Purple
Purse, Authentic Nine Houses, Comments on Yang House, Old Man aged 100.)
Layout of Courtyard Impact
Wall and courtyard in neat formation Wealth
Houses in H-shaped layout Financial loss
Houses in barrow-shaped layout Disobedient offspring
Deep and long courtyard Family decline
Narrow and broad courtyard Loss in country estate
Gap between the door bottom and the Loss of financial resources
Alleys at both sides Tuberculosis
Long road against the main gate Poverty and lawsuit
Tall buildings with impending Disasters in three years
Higher front hall and lower back hall The second generation becomes
Houses in barrow layout Loss in cropland
Pointed or askew courtyard Family broken up
Two wings higher than the main hall Changing surname and moving to
foreign land
Higher on right side and lower on left Decline
Additional small house on right of the Widowhood
main hall
Deep courtyard Widowed
Higher on left side and lower on right Failure of issue
Towering building on left Widowhood
Clitter on courtyard Difficult labor
Well on courtyard Induced abortion
Small house on courtyard Early death
Courtyards in and outside the main Countless lawsuits
Small houses and broad courtyard Qi leaking
Cramped courtyard around large Breath losing
Vertically long in courtyard Too urgent air flow
Transversely long and vertically short Chocked in chest
Irregular courtyard Disasters
Too cramped/broad courtyard Inauspicious
“ 一 ”-shaped courtyard Loss in wealth and family member
Towering houses on “ 一 ”-shaped Far away from home
Too deep courtyard Financial loss
Too long courtyard Poverty
Courtyard in checkerboard/table shape Auspicious
Courtyard in coffin shape Inauspicious
Courtyard with depth of only five cun Auspicious
Water drained from the courtyard Inauspicious
against the gate/pillar
Mound at center of the courtyard Eye disease
Flower growing on the mount Adultery
Round stone steps Heart disease
Pointed ground of the courtyard Illness
Ponding in courtyard Dysentery, epidemic
Winding path on courtyard Viper into house
Water vat buried under the eaves Illness in spleen and stomach
Well in front of the hall Disputes
Well against the room door Disaster
Stove at south and well at north Disobedient offspring
Well on courtyard Abortion and eye disease
Well in front of the hall Heartache and eye disease
Well at back Tuberculosis and difficult labor
Chapter XIIII. Balcony

In the light of the theory of “setting direction according to the sun”, a bright and broad balcony
with sufficient lighting is considered as the first star of the orientation (to be the best). Its
opposite palace is the direction of Shan (star of Shan).
According to such ancient books as Fine Song of Heaven Yuan, Instruction on Yang House, Yang
House and Heaven Yuan, Tian Yu Jin, etc., the star of orientation has the most profound impact
on the fortune of Yang house. An auspicious star will lead to good luck and great wealth. On the
contrary, if the star attracts declining Qi, the family will also decline.
In addition, to prevent mixed Qi and avoid possible trouble, the directions should be simple and
pure, otherwise extreme care should be taken.
In terms of Feng Shui of Yang house, the do’s and dont’s for the balcony are as follows:
Do’s Dont’s
Simple and cozy Messy and full of sundries
Hang clothes out
Wide landscape below the balcony, Too close to opposite high-rises, or
seascape or lake view the best, or irregular buildings opposite
green mountain scenery and garden
Security window (oppressing)
Good-quality awning
Unblocked drainage
Facing south or southeast
Too-low rails
In line with the main gate, or facing
directly the kitchen
Cumbersome furniture

Chapter XV. Front and Back Garden

Folds on the Up
Garden is important in Feng Shui pattern of Yang house. According to Collection of Yang
House, the increasingly high folds represent the sunrise, thus is auspicious.
Short plants are suitable for front garden. You may as well arrange fresh and green grass on the
periphery, then the short plants, and finally those slightly taller plants in the backyard. We should
form a pattern of step-by-step rise. Just as the scripture goes, “Once you build a house with folds
on the up, you will naturally strike it rich.” From the visual point of view, such a pattern is
pleasing to the eye, and just in line with the principle of “solid location and virtual orientation”.

Screening the Evil Qi

In case of evil Qi outside the house, such as offending road, bow’s back, pointed corner, too fast
vehicles or noise, it’s better to grow tall plants with lush branches and leaves in the innermost
fold of the front garden as screen. It may work well.

Some Feng Shui schools like to use prickly plants such as cactus and keel to fight evil spirits. Of
course, the author holds reservations about this. After all, thorny plants are easy to cause
damage, so they are not recommended.
If we really want to use it, we should also take adequate preventive measures. For example, you
can put the cactus in front of the door and within a fence to screen or even fight the evil spirit
with the thorns of the cactus. Remember to place higher plants behind the cactus, and large-leaf
plants should also be placed between the cactus and the passage. In this way, the pricks are only
targeted at the evil spirit. No one in the front, the passageway and the interior will be damaged.
Evil Qi of Tree Shade
It is not auspicious to have tall plants near the house. Too high and too large plants close to your
house will screen sunlight. Yin Qi will be prone to accumulate, and the fortune of your house
will be disturbed.
Some residents of the new buildings install supports on the walls to grow plants. In some houses,
the outer walls are covered by entangled vine climbing plants. All of them will attract evil Qi
into the house and bring troubles.
Lush Growth of Trees and Grass
A standard garden should have lush growth of trees and grass, as well as birds’ twitter and
fragrance of flowers. So, Book of Three Yuan pointed out that “Lush green vegetation grows on
auspicious plot, and prosperous house will improve the luck of family.”

Harmonious Match
The garden should be in harmony with the house. Just as some ancient book said, “The house
takes position and pattern as body, spring water as blood vessel, grand as skin and flesh, trees
and grass as hair, room as clothes, door and gate as crown and belt. Such a garden is the most
Area of the garden should be in proportion to the size of the house, neither too broad nor too
narrow. According to the theory stated in Introduction of House:
Deficiency Undermining Fortune Sufficiency Enriching Fortune
Large house and few residents Small but crowded house
Large gate and small house Small gate and large house
Incomplete walls Complete walls
Stove and well in malposition Small house and much domestic
Too broad yard Drainage ditch leading southeast

What Plants to Grow

The front yard and back yard are suitable for planting different kinds of flowers and trees.
However, a number of points deserve our attention. Here are some important tips for your
According to ancient books, it’s unnecessary to make excessive demands on trees in urban area
or around stores. Whereas, in countryside, trees are like clothes of dwellings. Living on open
ground, people need trees to protect creatures and to keep out the cold. In countryside, lush trees
will bring prosperity to the house, and wither trees are the sign of family decline. Lush
vegetation could shade the geographical veins with great vitality and form the auspicious pattern.
Different trees should be planted at different positions:
East: peach trees and aspen;
South: prune trees and date;
West: cape jasmine and elm;
North: apricot and plum trees.
According to the compass:
Mulberry and Cudrania: Ren, Zi, Gui and Chou;
Pine and cypress: Yin, Jia, Mao and Yi;
Poplar and willow: Bing, Wu, Ding and Wei;
Pomegranate: Shen, Geng, You and Xin.
Tall trees: Si, Chen and Xun;
Short trees: Xu, Qian and Hai.
We may refer to Song of Ancient Trees for more information:
Look of Tree in front of the gate Impact
Bending Leisure and blessing
Peach and apricot trees Amative and sottish
Weeping willow Depressed
Single tree Widowhood and orphanhood
Peach tree Protecting offspring
Forest Disaster and illness
Double trees Livestock hurt but people healed
Single bald tree Disputes among families
Strange giant tree Illness and loss of reputation
Tall trees of the same height Get high official positions at early
Bump roots Deaf, blind, dizzy
Surrounding bamboos Rich
Tall trees bending over the house Fear
Trees only on left side Disaster impending
Tree on right side with red flowers Extramarital affairs
Big tree on right side Rich
Tree with humpback Decrease in both wealth and
Wither tree Fire hazard and death
Wither tree over the roof Widowhood
Big tree pressing the gate No girl and few boy
Fruit trees at left side Miscellaneous diseases
Crown outwards Exile
Water falls from crown Drowning
Two trees with the house in middle Loss of family member
Prostrating bully Widowhood and illness
Chinese banana Widowhood
Chinese scholar tree Rich and high rank
Dead tree Financial loss and sudden death

Plants Beneficial to Luck

Based on ancient books, there are various plants adding blessings to Yang house, such as
Magnolia, Jujube, Toon, begonia and pomegranate.
Planting magnolia, jujube tree, Chinese toon, begonia, pomegranate in the garden can play a role
in improving the luck of the house. Magnolia has the reputation of "as pure and beautiful as ice
and snow". Jujube, whose sweet fruits can be used as food and medicine, can beautify the
garden. The leaves of Chinese toon are bitter in taste and cold in nature. They can be used as
medicine to clear away heat and detoxify, invigorate the stomach and regulate Qi, stop bleeding
and consolidate essence. The idiom "both Chinese toon and Hemerocallis flourish" symbolize the
health and well-being of parents. Begonia flower, with natural and unrestrained branches and
gorgeous brocade, is known as the "fairy in the flower", "flower princess" and "noble flower".
Pomegranate can be used as food, medicine and even insecticide.
In addition, yulan, Chinese flowering crabapple, winter jasmine, peony and sweet-
scented Osmanthus together are traditional auspicious plants.

Inauspicious Plants
Mulberry, pine, cypress, pear, pagoda trees are not suitable for gardens.
In addition, there are some pithy formulas we should pay attention to:
No mulberry in front and no willow/Chinese scholar tree at back;
Weeping willow in front of the gate is not auspicious.
Bamboos or trees drooping by waterside make children fall into water.

Chapter XVI. Swimming Pool

The position and shape of swimming pool and pond are associated with good or ill luck.
Position Impact
Inkstone-shaped pond in front Offspring’s success in national exams
Clear as mirror Clever sons
Large, round pond in front Wealth accumulation
Pond on the left Changing wife
Two ponds with path in middle Self-hanging
Round small pond in front An attack on chest
Double ponds Weeping, early death of offspring
Ponds on both sides in front Promiscuous
Pond at right side Inauspicious
Well in east and pond in west Mania and dumb
One pond in front and one at back Early death of offspring
Pond at back Offspring scattered
Half-moon: wealthy (but at current inauspicious position Pojun, children may get drowned);
Three ponds in “ 品 ” pattern: increase in wealth and number of family members;
Triangle: triangle in love;
Connected ponds: widow;
Connected ponds in different sizes: serious illness.
In conclusion, half-moon pond or inkstone-shaped pool is the first choice for Feng Shui design.
Modern rectangular or square swimming pools are also acceptable. It would be better to make
the four corners a little rounder. We must not build a swimming pool of strange shape.
As for the location of the swimming pool, it is better to build it in front of the house, which runs
counter to modern architecture. As a matter of fact, the location of the swimming pool must be
calculated accurately to improve the luck.

Chapter XVII. Chimney

Collection of Yang House: “Several chimneys above a small house will result in induced
abortion, eye illness and widowhood”. A chimney right in front of the middle of the main house
is inauspicious.
Main Idea of Yang House: “A chimney between pillars harms the householder.”
Jade Mirror: “The chimney needs no decoration.”
Taking southern California as an example, many independent houses there have chimneys, which
often bring a lot of troubles.
Chimney is the outlet of dirty Qi, so its position needs careful calculation. The midpoint, the
heaven-heart cross or front are all not suitable. And the right side or the west, the location of
White Tiger, is not appropriate.
The most ideal positions are left side (Azure Dragon) and the back (Black Tortoise).
In addition, the quantity of chimneys is also important. Two or three chimneys are not good for a
small house.

Chapter XVIII. Enclosure

Walls are very important for Feng Shui layout of Yang house, which can not only pool wind and
gather Qi, but also guard your house, especially when you are living in a Single Family House.
According to ancient books, the enclosure should be complete and tight, or the ghosts may enter
through gaps or cracks with wind. Fence in neat formation and bright and clean courtyard are
signs of an auspicious house. The solid fence is the foundation for you to live and work in peace
and contentment. Walls should be constructed after the house is completed, or the family will
suffer bad luck.
There are many taboos for walls as stated in ancient books like Yuan Kong Jing, Yuan Mi Ji,
Book of Yang House, etc. In brief, we shouldn’t construct house on the wall; the corners of the
wall shouldn’t be pointed, or they may harm yourself or others; the wall should be well
maintained and the climbing plants should be eliminated in time, so as to avoid lawsuits or
quarrels; the walls should not be too short, and the broken parts should be repaired as early as
possible; two sides of the wall should be in balance; the wall shouldn’t be painted red.

Chapter XIX. Decoration and Worshipping the Four Corners before Moving in

Decoration and Worshipping the Four Corners before Moving in

The age-old ceremony of worshipping the four corners refers to paying a courtesy call on the
four corners of the house after moving into a new house or after decoration. It will improve the
fortune of the house.

Moving into the House

Please choose an auspicious date for moving-in. When you move in, carry with yourself the bank
book, checkbook, rice, fruit and vegetable. As soon as you enter the house, you should open all
the windows and doors, and blow the four corners and surrounding areas with an oscillating fan.
Then, you should heat water to make it boiling. It’s called “producing wind and arousing water”.
Then, please introduce your name and date of birth, and then read the following lines to the door:
"Lord of the house, would you bless the ____? May we be safe, healthy and prosperous in
business and assisted by patrons, have a harmonious family life, clever sons, all wishes come
true and good fortune every year."
Worshipping the Four Corners
The four corners to be worshipped actually include four corners, the midpoint, God of Land, God
of Wealth, God of Kitchen, the ancestors, the heaven and the gate. They can be roughly divided
into four corners and three directions. The required sacrifices are as follows:

The Centre of the House

Roast meat (don't chop the original bone)
Three bowls of rice (or barbecued pork bun)
Two salt eggs cut into halves, three at the midpoint and one at the door.
Three kinds of fruit (five for each kind), a total of 15, and a half fruit censer. For example, cut
the apple in half, place the flat side on the ground, with the arch upward to bear incense and
Three glasses of wine.
Three cups of tea.
Five sticks of incense (inserted on the fruit censer).
Joss paper for midpoint: In case of decoration, the joss paper should be kept till you finish the
work. In case of moving in, it must be burnt. The same goes for everything else.

Four corners (of the house)

Fresh fat pork with skin, chopped into small pieces.
Raw sprouts (mung bean sprouts, not soybean sprouts).
Raw tofu, cut into small pieces.
One fruit cut into 7 pieces, plus a censer fruit.
Three sticks of incense (on the censer fruit).
Seven grains of sugar.
Seven peanuts (in half).
Seven cookies, the thinner the better.
Joss paper for four corners.
Three glasses of wine.
Three cups of tea.

Main Entrance
An apple, an orange, and a censer fruit (cut in half).
Seven slices of barbecued pork.
Two bowls of rice (or steamed bun stuffed with sweetened bean paste, or steamed bun).
Salted egg (a half).
Two glasses of wine.
Two cups of tea.
Two sticks of incense (on the censer fruit).
Joss paper for the gate.

How to worship the God of Kitchen has been stated above.

Banana and pineapples can be used for moving-in, not the groundbreaking for decoration. Plum,
pomegranate and carambola should be avoided in any case.
Read out the following funeral oration when worshipping each palace:
All the gods and masters, I beg your blessing. (Your name) bought/rented this apartment. Please
forgive me for any disturbance during the renovation, decoration and moving-in. So I prepared
this dinner for you to express my apology. After you enjoy the meat and wine, please return to
your own spirit tablet or the temple. Please bless us with good luck and prosperity in our
After the ritual text is read out, the joss paper (for midpoint, gate and four corners) can be
incinerated. Pour the wine and tea on a prepared tray. When the joss paper is burnt out, please
put all the offerings in a plastic bag. Do not tie the bag. Throw it into a trash can far away outside
the door.

Chapter XX. Date Selecting

Shape, Qi and date are three Feng Shui treasures. “Shape” refers to the physical geography,
including mountain vein, tomb, mound and water. Qi refers to the five elements, Eight Diagrams
and corresponding stars, and “date” means to select an auspicious date for your events.
Selecting your own auspicious dates to hold important events could yield twice the result with
half the effort, so as to increase the chance of success. The important events include: destroying
old walls of shabby houses; triggering the luck of land; foundation laying and earth breaking;
setting the foundation stone; start working; installing pillars, bean, doors; setting stove and toilet;
digging well or ponds; draining water; improving the luck of house; opening business; moving in
new house; decoration; moving out; birthday celebration; installing bed or shrine; praying;
redeeming a vow to a god; being hospitalized; changing name or numbers; starting trading;
signing contracts; important negotiation, etc. In addition, wedding ceremony also needs a
selected date, for it involves various important links like marriage proposal, parents meeting,
exchanging wedding gifts, sending cakes and invitations, sending dowry, bed installing, hair
combing, marrying, marriage registration, entertaining guests, honeymoon, etc., all of which
should be conducted on auspicious hours and dates.
According to ancient books, “Luck originates from geographical position, but will be hastened
by a prosperous date.” Handling matters according to the ecliptic auspicious day and time can
promote prosperity. In conclusion, the proper date is the key to your fortune, without which “the
sun and moon will be dim in heaven; everything will not grow from the earth; the water will be
disturbed by wind; people will fall into an impasse; ghosts will be kept in hell forever and there
will be no manifestation of god. ”
We may refer to the “12 Gods of Jian Chu” to select auspicious dates. The 12 gods are:
Establishment (Jian), Abolishment (Chu), Fullness (Man), Evenness (Ping), Peace (Ding),
Governance (Zhi), Revolt (Po), Danger (Wei), Achievement (Cheng), Harvest (Shou), Openness
(Kai) and Shut-down (Bi). According to Official Book on Respecting the Principles of the
Heaven and the Earth, the twelve gods take turns to be on duty every day, serving as important
reference in selecting dates to pursue good fortune and avoid disaster.
The good or ill luck of specific dates could be found in Xuan Ze Zong Jing.
Generally speaking, Chu, Ding, Zhi, Wei, Cheng and Kai are regarded as auspicious, while the
others inauspicious.
In addition to the 12 gods, we can also apply the 28 lunar mansions. (The Twenty-Eight Mansions are part
of the Chinese constellations system. They can be considered as the equivalent to the zodiacal constellations in Western
astronomy, though the Twenty-eight Mansions reflect the movement of the Moon through a sidereal month rather than the Sun in
a tropical year. The lunar mansions were in use in other parts of Asia, including ancient Japan; the Bansenshukai, written by
Fujibayashi Yasutake, mentions the system several times and includes an image of the twenty-eight mansions.)
The names and determinative stars of the mansions are as follows:

Mansion ( 宿 )
Four Symbols Auspicious or
Name (pinyin) not for Translation Determinative star
角 (Ji ǎ o) Inauspicious Horn α Vir
亢 (Kàng) Auspicious Neck κ Vir
Azure Dragon 氐 (D ǐ ) Auspicious Root α Lib
of the East 房 (Fáng) Inauspicious Room π Sco
Spring 心 (Xīn) Inauspicious Heart σ Sco
尾 (Wěi) Inauspicious Tail μ Sco
箕 (Jī) Inauspicious Winnowing Basket γ Sgr
斗 (D ǒ u) Inauspicious (Southern) Dipper φ Sgr
牛 (Niú) Inauspicious Ox β Cap
Black Tortoise 女 (N ǚ ) Auspicious Girl ε Aqr
of the North
虚 (Xū) Auspicious Emptiness β Aqr
危 (Wēi) Inauspicious Rooftop α Aqr
室 (Shì) Auspicious Encampment α Peg
壁 (Bì) Auspicious Wall γ Peg
奎 (Kuí) Auspicious Legs η And
娄 (Lóu) Auspicious Bond β Ari
White Tiger 胃 (Wèi) Auspicious Stomach 35 Ari
of the West 昴 (M ǎ o) Inauspicious Hairy Head 17 Tau
Fall 毕 (Bì) Auspicious Net ε Tau
觜 (Zī) Auspicious Turtle Beak λ Ori
参 (Shēn) Auspicious Three Stars ζ Ori
井 (J ǐ ng) Inauspicious Well μ Gem
鬼 (Gu ǐ ) Inauspicious Ghost θ Cnc
Vermilion Bird 柳 (Li ǔ ) Auspicious Willow δ Hya
of the South 星 (Xīng) Inauspicious Star α Hya
Summer 张 (Zhāng) Auspicious Extended Net υ¹ Hya
翼 (Yì) Auspicious Wings α Crt
轸 (Zhěn) Inauspicious Chariot γ Crv
The method of selecting dates according to auspicious stars could be used in combination with
the two methods mentioned above.
Tiandehe: Roses all the way
Yuede: Roses all the way; no hunting or fishing
Tiande: Roses all the way
Liuhe: Roses all the way
Wuhe: Suitable for wedding and trading
Sanhe: Roses all the way
Dahongsha: Roses all the way
Tian’en: Roses all the way
Tianrui: Roses all the way
Yueen: Roses all the way
Yaoan: Roses all the way for installing shrine
Tiangui: Roses all the way
Yima: Roses all the way for traveling, moving, seeking medical advice and treatment
Wufu: Roses all the way for market opening and trading
Qiusi: Roses all the way
Jing’an: Installing shrine
Tianyuan: Roses all the way
Fusheng: Suitable for praying and wedding
Shengxin: Suitable for praying and sacrificing
Fuhou: Suitable for praying
Luku: Suitable for seeking wealth
Wangri: Suitable for planting
Bujiang: Suitable for wedding
Zhiri: Suitable for catching
Weiri: Suitable for installing bed
Tianma: Suitable for traveling and moving
Huoyao: Although auspicious star, may be evil in specific days
Yuedehe: Suitable for praying; shunning lawsuit, hunting or fishing
Jianri: Suitable for pacifying and finishing one’s apprenticeship
Dingri: Suitable for coming-of-age ceremony and negotiation for cooperation
Linri: Suitable for legal cases and presenting items
Fude: Suitable for sacrificing, praying, banquet and construction
Tianwu: Suitable for sacrificing, praying, banquet and construction
Bingfu: Suitable for pacifying and finishing one’s apprenticeship
Mingfei: Suitable for breaking ground and burying
Liuyi: Suitable for administration and admonitory talk to subordinates
Shiyi: Suitable for coming-of-age ceremony and negotiation for cooperation
Jiqi: Suitable for going to post
Shide: Suitable for feast
Jiqing: Suitable for submitting a memorial and being ennobled
Tiancai: Suitable for market opening and trading
Tiancheng: Suitable for trading and wedding
Yangde: Suitable for obliging
Tianguan: Suitable for going to post
Tiancang: Suitable for admitting people into family/office, repairing warehouse, receiving wealth
Sixiang: Suitable for sacrificing, wedding, ground breaking, planting
Jintang: Suitable for building memorial temple
Yuyu: Suitable for building memorial temple
Yutang: Suitable for traveling, going to post, cutting cloth for dress-making
Shiyang: Suitable for traveling, seeking medical advice, planting and herding
Tianhou: Suitable for traveling, moving, seeking medical advice and treatment
Xiangri: Suitable for going to post
Tianxi: Suitable for wedding, presenting betrothal gifts, praying for children, going to post, roses
all the way
Mucang: Suitable for receiving wealth, repairing warehouse, planting, herding
Tianfu: Suitable for building Yin and Yang house, warehouse, roses all the way
Tianyi: Suitable for seeking medical advice, medicine, and treatment
Xianxing: Suitable for going to post, taking imperial exams, starting school, roses all the way
Tianshe: Suitable for right the wronged, handling legal cases, offering sacrifice, redeeming a
vow to a god
Shouri: Suitable for going to post, pacifying the frontier
Guanri: Suitable for going to post
Minri: Suitable for admitting people into family/office, planting, herding and moving
Tianfu: Suitable for moving-in, giving gifts
Puhu: Suitable for praying, marrying, traveling, roses all the way
Xushi: Suitable for marrying, having concubine, adopting a relative’s son as the heir, admitting
maid, roses all the way
Yihou: Suitable for marrying, having concubine, adopting a relative’s son as the heir, admitting
maid, roses all the way
Shengqi: Suitable for constructing, ground breaking, traveling, seeking medical advice, herding,
planting, roses all the way
Yuekong: Suitable for submitting items to suggest policies, making bed curtain, repairing house
Yuecai: Suitable for opening store, repairing warehouse, install stove, traveling and moving out
Suide: Suitable for submitting memorial to the throne, presenting items
Shenzai: Suitable for praying, sacrificing and redeeming a vow to the god
Jieshen: Suitable for handling legal cases, seeking medical advice, shaving head, bathing,
relieving sb. from a curse
Dicai: Suitable for seeking wealth in busy streets
Shouri: Suitable for admitting people into family/office, receiving wealth and capturing
Biri: Suitable for constructing the dike, repairing the wall and filling the holes
Pingri: Suitable for decorating walls, repairing bridges and roads
Churi: Suitable for relieving, bathing, seeking medical advice and cleaning house
Pori: Suitable for seeking medical advice, abolishing house and wall
Manri: Suitable for admitting people into family/office, cutting cloth for dress-making, setting
files, repairing warehouse
Kairi: Suitable for starting school, moving-out, constructing and ground breaking
Chengri: Suitable for starting school and market, building the dike and moving-out
Chushen: Suitable for relieving, bathing, shaving head and cleaning house
Azure Dragon: Auspicious with auspicious gods, and evil with evil gods
Main Hall: Auspicious with auspicious gods, and evil with evil gods
Siming: Auspicious with auspicious gods, and evil with evil gods
Jinkui: Auspicious with auspicious gods, and evil with evil gods
Yutang: Auspicious with auspicious gods, and evil with evil gods
Baoguang: Auspicious with auspicious gods, and evil with evil gods
Additional formulas and methods of selecting auspicious dates:
1. Jiao, Kang, Kui, Lou, Gui, Niu and Xing are so evil that all the events should avoid the seven
2. Dates of taboo by Master Yang (lunar calendar): January 13, February 11, March 9, April 7,
May 5, June 3, July 1, July 29, August 27, September 25, November 21, December 19, 13
days in total. The above 13 days should be avoided for all events.
3. Days of earth: Eighteen degrees at the end of each season. The five elements are equally
distributed into the three hundred and sixty degrees of the periphery, and each element gets
seventy-two degrees. The seventy-two degrees after Beginning of Spring belong to wood,
after Beginning of Summer belong to fire, after Beginning of Autumn belong to metal and
after Beginning of Winter seventy-two belong to water. Since the prosperity of earth depends
on the four seasons, the king of the earth takes the eighteen degrees respectively before the
four “Beginnings” as the calculation standard. For simplicity, it usually takes the eighteen
days before the four “Beginnings”. Therefore, March, June, September and December of each
lunar year are marked as the days for the king of the earth. Traditionally, the earth breaking
should be avoided, for fear of offending the king of earth.
4. Days when nothing scared: On Ren-Zi, Gui-Chou, Bing-Chen, Ding-Si, Wu-Wu, Ji-Wei,
Geng-Shen and Xin-You days, the evil gods leave the earth to worship the heaven, so people
could do anything without any restraint. However, I do not advise you go secretly learn the
days, for it requires accurate time, as well as profound and solid foundation in metaphysics,
which is beyond the beginners.

Mysteries of fundamental improvement by secret Feng Shui technique “Vital Restoration”
in U.S. (1)
Heavenly Amnesty Day: As the name suggests, the day is effective in absolving people from
guilt, eliminating disasters, relieving misfortune, neutralizing evil spirits, exchanging the old for
the new, getting out of danger, and improving the weakness. We can take advantage of those
days to achieve good luck.
There are four to six “Heavenly Amnesty Day” in one year, that is, Wu-Yin in spring, Jia-Wu in
summer, Wu-Shen in autumn and Jia-Zi in winter.
According to San Ming Tong Hui and Tian Bao Li, the “Heavenly Amnesty Days” are for
absolving guilt. On those days, probation can be given, the wrong righted and kindness shown. If
auspicious gods become manifest, things will be better.
Official Book on Respecting the Principles of the Heaven and the Earth: “Jia tops the Heaven
Stem, and Wu is in the middle. Yin and Shen are at the beginning of spring and autumn, and Zi
and Wu are in the middle of winter and summer. The beginning of the stems is matched by
middle of the Earthly Branches, and the middle of Branches is matched by top of the stems. It’s
the integration of heaven and earth, Yin and Yang. It’s just like prisoner under sentence of death
has a narrow escape, so it’s named ‘Heavenly Amnesty Day’.”
Such days are suitable for sacrificing, blessing, praying for son, fasting, wedding, building Yin
and Yang house.

Mysteries of fundamental improvement by secret Feng Shui technique “Vital Restoration”

in U.S. (2)
As mentioned above, various ancient books pointed out that the “Heavenly Amnesty Day” had
its own magical effect, such as “turning disasters into blessing”, “obtaining assistance from evil
gods”, “suspending sentence, righting the wronged and obliging”, “general pardon for prisoner
under sentence of death”, “suitable for sacrificing, blessing, Taoist rites, praying for son,
wedding, building tomb, constructing Yin and Yang houses”.
If you want to use the day to change fortunes, you can, as recorded in ancient books, hold rituals
such as offering sacrifices, praying for blessings and fasting, so as to eliminate the mistakes of
the past and make up for the future, repent your sins and eliminate disasters, and invite good
luck. In particular, it is conducive to paying Yin debt, replenishing wealth, opening treasure
source, seeking children and happiness, marriage, praying for blessings, and so on.
“Tomb building and burial making” is also very beneficial. Traditionally, people practice “Vital
Restoration” on the “Heavenly Amnesty Day”. It is a pity that Hong Kong people fear the
method, for some so-called masters use it for defrauding. Now when we talk about the “Vital
Restoration”, it feels something impossible. It's really heartbreaking.
Practicing the “Vital Restoration” has an alternative name as “cultivating the life foundation”,
referring to rebuild the base of life by ourselves. It’s the extension of Yin house to Yang house.
During the evolution of Feng Shui theory, the principles of Yin house have been gradually
shared by Yang house. I wonder if you note that the word Feng Shui was carried forward in
Master Guo Pu’s renowned Book of Burial that “Qi will go with wind and stop at the stream
boundary. The ancients gathered it and made it circulate within boundary. That’s why we call it
Feng Shui” and “So water is superior to wind in gathering Qi”.
Feng Shui of Yin house is a commendation of filial piety, as the saying goes, “Filial piety is the
foundation of all virtues”. Notes for Geography, an ancient representative work of Feng Shui,
published many insights based on the cases of numerous famous masters through the eras. The
two brothers Xu Shanji and Xu Shansu stated in its preface: “As son of man, we should be
careful when choosing the burial sites to avoid regret afterwards, as all the sages like Confucius,
Mencius, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi had said. As the dead rests in peace, the living can
enjoy prosperous lives. In conclusion, we select burial sites of auspicious Feng Shui pattern to
bury our ancestors, and build ancestral temple to worship them, so as to secure the due regard for
precedence, to inherit in an orderly manner and guarantee the qualified successors. This is an
effective way to maintain relationships and strengthen cohesion among families, descendants and
human society, and plays a role in supporting ethic relation.”
This book is a collection of the essence of various schools, illustrating by dragon vein, grave,
mound and stream in a simple and clear manner. Various methods could be applied for only
spotting the site, such as via Tai Ji, Yin and Yang and the Eight Diagrams. The book is worth

Mysteries of fundamental improvement by secret Feng Shui technique “Vital Restoration”

in U.S. (3)
As ancient sayings go, “Filial piety is the foundation of all virtues” and “We must carefully
attend to the funeral rites of parents and preserve the memory of them with due sacrifices”. In its
early stage, Feng Shui focused on the mountain vein, cave, mound, stream and orientation of Yin
house, indicating the concept of “filial piety”. An auspicious Feng Shui pattern will surely show
filial piety to our parents, and benefit future generations.
How to benefit offspring? Actually, Guo Pu, the sage, had already unveiled the secret in his Book
of Burial. In conclusion, he argued that parents produced the body of the man, and when the
parents passed away and were buried, the corpses would get the Qi and the offspring be
benefited. The remains of parents are foundation of the offspring. They are just like the stem and
the branches, inheriting the same Qi. So, if the remains are buried at auspicious site, the living
will be blessed.
The book clarified that “returning Qi to remains” is the way to bless future generation, which
serves as the traditional concept of design Yin house. The Qi pooled must be auspicious, so the
opening sentence of the main part of Book of Burial went like “the burial should take advantage
of auspicious Qi”, making clear the purpose from the very beginning. With the aim achieved, the
deceased will rest in peace and the living blessed. Moreover, an auspicious tomb lasting three
Yuan will benefit not only individuals, but also people of a family branch or a generation. The
fortune of the whole family will be protected by the long-standing bless will.
On the contrary, the dying or declining Qi will cause decreasing number of family members,
financial loss or even repeated disasters. However, the top secret of the heaven is so well
concealed that even a short period of good fortune will be very hard to reach; the long-standing
bless over three Yuan requires real skill.

Mysteries of fundamental improvement by secret Feng Shui technique “Vital Restoration”

in U.S. (4)
According to the principle of tomb design, if we can avail ourselves of living Qi, “bring Qi back
to the bone”, we can change our fates and benefit living people by appeasing the dead. The
benefit can be extended to the whole family for generations to come.
The principle of “Vital Restoration” is similar to that of “tomb design”, with only difference in
the objects. The tomb design concerns the remains of ancestors, pursuing the overall and long-
standing blessing, while the “Vital Restoration” is aimed at “instant effect” that benefits the
living people themselves. For there is no remains, cenotaphs can be built instead. Many
celebrities in the past dynasties have their cenotaphs, including Liu Bowen (one of the founders
of the Ming Dynasty, had his tomb in Dingyuan, Suzhou), Shi Kefa (a well-known minister of
the Ming Dynasty) , Zheng Chenggong (at Jinmen), Chen Jinnan (in Tainan City) and Mr. Sun
Yat Sen ( in Biyun Temple, Xiangshan Mountain, Beijing).
Zhang Sanfeng, the famous Taoist and founder of Wudang Sec., also had his own cenotaph at
Xianlu Peak, where his disciples buried his rob and crown.
The concept of “Vital Restoration” can often be spotted among ancient books. According to
Book without Letter from Heaven by Guiguzi, Zhang Liang, the meritorious statesman of the
founding of the Han Dynasty found a precious cave in Xuzhou and set his own grave there. He
cultivated himself according to Taoism there and was finally enlightened.
During the reign of Emperor Tai Zong (627-649) of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Kechong, a
successful candidate in the highest imperial examination, was taught the secret method of “Vital
Restoration” by “Immortal of White Crane”. He found an auspicious place and built his life
foundation to collect the Qi from heaven, earth, mountains and rivers.
Master Yang Yunsong of the Tang Dynasty, with the good reputation of “savior of the poor”,
also selected sites for others to build their graves. He pointed out that “the geographic design
could change the fortune decided by the heaven. The magic power of Feng Shui and geographic
design could change your predestined bad fate, pursue good fortune and avoid disaster, so as to
achieve the aim of ‘Vital Restoration’ .”
The “Vital Restoration” began to prevail since the Tang Dynasty, known as the authentic luck-
creating method. It cultivates people’s life foundation with the auspicious Qi of the grave and the
mountains and rivers, so as to thoroughly remold oneself and fulfill good wishes including
fortune, love, career, family (offspring and harmony), health, popularity, wisdom, social rank,
promotion, lawsuit settlement, and disaster.

Mysteries of fundamental improvement by secret Feng Shui technique “Vital Restoration”

in U.S. (5)
The academic basis of “Vital Restoration” is the authentic geographical method, which has
gradually become popular since the Tang Dynasty. Yang Yunsong, the master of the older
generation committed to saving the poor, also helped people to select suitable sites to build life
foundation. However, it is truly lamentable that the heretics are rampant nowadays, and the
immoral people turn it into a fearful trick.
Date selection is ranked among three treasures of Feng Shui, namely, shape, Qi and date.
Handling matters according to the ecliptic auspicious date and time can play a good role in
building a successful “Vital Restoration”. Let’s start from the date selection.
There is an old saying that the proper date is the key to your fortune, without which “the sun and
moon will be dim in heaven; everything will not grow from the earth; the water will be disturbed
by wind; people will not reach any good end” and “Luck originates from geographical position,
but will be hastened by an auspicious date.” Auspicious hours and dates will add to the blessing.
So, I recommend the heavenly amnesty day and you can see the previous section for my
explanations. The “Heavenly Amnesty Day” of Wu-Xu Year (2018) are as follows,
1. February 15, 2018 (Thursday), New Year's Eve, Wu-Yin day of spring
2. April 16, 2018 (Monday), the first day of March of the lunar calendar, Wu-Yin day of spring.
3. July 1, 2018 (Sunday), May 18 of the lunar calendar, Jia-Wu day of summer.
4. September 13, 2018 (Thursday), the August 4 in the lunar calendar, Wu-Shen day of autumn.
5. November 28, 2018 (Wednesday), October 21 of the lunar calendar, Jia-Zi day of winter.
6. January 27, 2019 (Sunday), December 22 of the lunar calendar, Jia-Zi day of winter.
Among these six days, the ones in spring are the first choice, as there is an old saying “producing
in spring, growing in summer, harvesting in autumn and storing in winter”. Everything sprouts in
spring, a season full of vitality, so a spring day can deliver instant effect and completely meet the
purpose of rebuilding the life foundation.
“Vital Restoration” could enhance fortune, love, career, family (offspring and harmony), health,
popularity, wisdom, social rank, promotion, solving lawsuit, disaster, etc.

Mysteries of fundamental improvement by secret Feng Shui technique “Vital Restoration”

in U.S. (6)
It’s the best choice to build the Vital Restoration in spring, when all the things are full of
vitality. A spring day can deliver instant effect and completely meet the purpose of “rebuilding
the foundation of life”. The nearest heaven amnesty day is February 15, 2018 (Thursday), the
New Year’s Eve. We should cherish it.
And, the best choice for burial sites is the U.S. The two important reasons are:
(1) Intactness: a large number of new and high-quality outstanding “Vital Restoration” sites are
in idle state, for the local people do not know what “tracing the dragon vein and spotting the
“Vital Restoration” site” is, so the Qi of dragon is still well reserved. Compared with Hong
Kong, a tiny city, where ten major auspicious sites have been discovered there, plus numerous
precious one. However, thousands of times as large as Hong Kong, U.S. has far more than ten
auspicious “Vital Restoration” sites. The most critical point is that the genuine caves in the U.S.
still lay idle and remain undiscovered, so their Qi has remained intact.
(2) Prosperity: It is only a few hundred years since the discovery of the new world by Columbus,
the colonization of Europe, and the secession of the U.S. from British rule on July 4, 1776. U.S
has evolved from a barren land to a world military and economic power, with 374 overseas
military bases in more than 140 countries and regions. In terms of Feng Shui, U.S. surely has its
advantages. People from all walks of life have different predictions about who will dominate the
world order in the future. But the key point is that the U.S. is the place where the vigor and
vitality gather (otherwise, she will not be the mistress of world now). However, the “Vital
Restoration” stresses on instant effect because life is short.
It must be emphasized here that “Vital Restoration” can indeed have a magical effect on the
operation of heaven and earth, with the premise that the things we pray for must be auspicious
wishes. What are auspicious wishes anyway? It's simple. Those benefiting oneself without
hurting others.

Mysteries of fundamental improvement by secret Feng Shui technique “Vital Restoration”

in U.S. (7)
In the U.S., “Vital Restoration” has two major advantages. (1) Intactness: a large number of new
and high-quality outstanding “Vital Restoration” sites are in idle state, for the local people do not
know what “tracing the dragon vein and spotting the ‘Vital Restoration’ site” is, so the Qi of
dragon is still well preserved. (2) Prosperity: as an economic and military power in the world, the
U.S. is the place where prosperity and vitality gather, which best meets the requirements of
“instant payback of a well-selected ‘Vital Restoration’ site”.
Here I will focus on the unique advantages of the U.S. The key word is water, which plays an
important role in Feng Shui theory.
As ancient books like Qing Nang Xu, Mysterious Instruction of Qing Nang, Additional Compile
of Tian Yu Jing, San Yuan Feng Shui Theory and Secret Judgment on Yang House said, “Still
mountain for people and flowing water for wealth” and “He who commands water will become
rich”. Wise men through the ages all clarified that water stands for wealth, which is the unique
advantage of the U.S.
(1) In the northeast, there are five large freshwater lakes along the border between Canada and
the United States: Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
Except Lake Michigan, which is all within the United States, the other four lakes are shared by
the United States and Canada. The Great Lakes area is the largest freshwater area in the world, so
it is also called the north coast or the third coast.
(2) To the west of U.S. is the Pacific Ocean, the largest one of the five oceans on earth, stretching
from the south pole to the north pole, covering about 46% of the earth's water surface and about
32% of the total area.
(3) To the east is the Atlantic Ocean, the world’s second largest ocean.
(4) To the southeast is Gulf of Mexico.
The four water resources are the key of wealth and the Feng Shui drive of American economy.
Whatever Yuan or Yun they are in, they will always improve fortune. The most important one is
the fresh water resources in the Great Lakes region. In the concept of generation among five
elements, water can produce wood, so the five elements interact with one another. However, the
water in the five elements must be fresh water, not the salty one.

Mysteries of fundamental improvement by secret Feng Shui technique “Vital Restoration”

in U.S. (8)
The United States is geographically superior in its water source, with the Pacific Ocean to the
west, the Atlantic Ocean to the East, the Gulf of Mexico to the southeast, and the five Great
Lakes to the northeast. These five Great Lakes are the largest fresh water area in the world and
also the original driving force of the American economy. As the saying goes, “water is the key to
wealth and the mountains to people”. The water of the five lakes can produce all kinds of things,
and the economic growth of the United States is concentrated along the east coast. In this section,
we can briefly discuss the dragon veins of the United States. Different ancient books have
recorded that the global dragon stems from the west of Kunlun, that is, the Pamir Plateau. It is
the ancestor of the dragon veins and the old land of the western regions of the Tang Dynasty.
Various ancient books like Xing Li Da Quan, Fa Wei Lun, Zhuo Mai Fu and Ming Shan Bao Jian
stated that the Kunlun Mountains are the origin of mountain ranges under heaven. Yang
Yunsong also mentioned in the opening words of his work: “Sumeru Mountain is the skeleton of
heaven and earth, a giant existence supporting the heaven…all fours are the four continents…
High and steep, it stretches for thousands of miles…only the south dragon vein stretches into the
Central Kingdom.”
Among them, there are two northern dragon veins: one goes through the Pamirs and Sajan and
ends in Mongolia; the other reaches the Singanense along the Tianshan, Yinshan and Yanshan
Mountains. The two dragon veins meet at the border between China and Russia. The main
dragon vein crosses the Bering Strait in the Far East of Russia in deep water, rises again in North
America, and reappears as the five major mountain ranges in the U.S.
(1) The American Cordillera is the longest mountain chain in the world. It runs through the
western part of the North and South American continent, stretching for 15,000 kilometers from
Alaska in the north. It winds its way up and down, sprawling in all directions, all the way to
Tierra Del Fuego at south. The main mountain ranges are Rocky Mountains, Andes Mountains,
Coast Mountains and Sierra Nevada.
(2) The Rocky Mountains, one of the main components of the Cordillera mountain ranges,
originates from British Columbia, Canada. It runs for more than 4,800 kilometers from north to
south, undulating and powerful, until it reaches New Mexico in the southwest of the United
(3) The Coast Mountains start in Alaska, pass through British Columbia, and wind its way to the
right into Washington, Oregon, Southern California, and then into Mexico.
(4) Located in the east of California, the Sierra Nevada is 640 km long. It’s an integral part of the
western edge of the Cordillera mountains across the whole California. It is the geomantic motive
force that makes California a populous state.
(5) Appalachian Mountains, an ancient mountain range in the east of the United States, originates
from Newfoundland. It runs from northeast to southwest and ends in Alabama, with a total
length of 2,600 km.
Four of these five veins are in the west and the other one in the east.

Mysteries of fundamental improvement by secret Feng Shui technique “Vital Restoration”

in U.S. (9)
As mentioned above, there are five major dragon veins in the United States, four of which are in
the west and one in the east, while Kunlun Mountain is regarded as ancestor of dragon veins.
Yesterday I received some inquiries on dragon veins and caves, and I’ll give my answer here.
The article Comments on Vein, Tomb and Mound of Dragon in Notes for Geography gave the
"Why did geographers name mountain after dragon? Mountains assume endless variety of
shapes, large or small, rising or crouching, smooth or rigid, hidden or visible. Their forms are
unpredictable. Mountains can be analogized only by dragon, so they get such a name. Like the
dragon, mountains change unpredictably: hiding, emerging, soaring and jumping.”
“And what does vein mean? Qi and blood circulate along the veins of human body, where
quality and talent lie in. Veins of noble people are pure, those of humble people muddy, those of
virtuous people safe and those of evil people dangerous. So do those of the earth.” “However,
dragon and veins are closely connected. If there is a dragon, there is a vein; if there is no vein,
there is no dragon.”
“The caves are just like acupoints on human body, which should be identified carefully. As
Master Yang said, the caves should be positioned accurately and clearly like needling the
acupoints on a copper statue. As Sage Zhu pointed out, it’s just like acupuncture, and no
mistakes are allowed.”
It’s a brief and incisive article clearly describing what dragon, vein, cave and mound are.
In terms of Feng Shui, the reason why eastern United States leads the economic growth lies in
the Great Lakes area, while from the historical perspective, it’s due to the contribution of early
European immigrants. As the influence of the Asia-Pacific region increases, the economic
growth of the West Coast will soar in the future. Moreover, four of the five dragon veins on the
west coast will increase the influence of the West Coast.
Both the author’s residence and the Master Office are located in City of Monterey Park
(California). In 2017, the beautiful city was rated the third most livable city in the United States
by Money Magazine (, and the first in California. Fishers, Indiana tops
the nation and the second to it is Allen, Texas. Other California cities shortlisted were Santa
Monica (the 18th in U.S. and the second in California) and Los Alamitos (the 60th in U.S. and the
third in California). This is the end of the mysteries of changing fortune on heavenly amnesty
days, and tomorrow we’ll make a summary.

Summary of the mysteries of fundamental improvement by secret Feng Shui technique

“Vital Restoration” in U.S. (10)
“Heavenly Amnesty Day,” as the name suggests, is effective in absolving people from guilt,
eliminating disasters, relieving misfortune, neutralizing evil spirits, exchanging the old for the
new, getting out of danger, and improving the weakness. The pithy formula goes like “Disasters
will be changed into blessings on Wu-Yin day in spring, Jia-Wu day in summer, Wu-Shen in
autumn or Jia-Zi in winter.”
There were six “Heavenly Amnesty Day” Wu-Xu year (2018), among which the ones in spring
are the best, as there is an old saying “producing in spring, growing in summer, harvesting in
autumn and storing in winter”. Everything sprouts in spring, which is full of vitality. So a spring
day can deliver instant effect and completely meet the purpose of rebuilding the life foundation.
The nearest amnesty day is New Year's Eve, February 15, 2018 (Thursday). In addition, April
16, 2018 (Monday and March 1 of lunar calendar) is also Wu-Yin day in spring. You could make
good use of it to achieve good luck.
“Building the Vital Restoration” has an alternative name as “cultivating the life foundation”,
which means to the rebuilding of life foundation by ourselves.
The principle of “Vital Restoration” is similar to that of “tomb design”, with only difference in
the objects. The tomb design concerns the remains of ancestors, pursuing the overall and long-
standing blessing, while the Vital Restoration is aimed at “instant effect” that benefits the living
people themselves. For there is no remains, cenotaphs can be built instead. Many celebrities in
the past dynasties have their cenotaphs, including Liu Bowen (one of the founders of the Ming
Dynasty, had his tomb in Dingyuan, Suzhou), Shi Kefa (a well-known minister of the Ming
Dynasty) , Zheng Chenggong (at Jinmen), Chen Jinnan (in Tainan City) and Mr. Sun Yat Sen (
in Biyun Temple, Xiangshan, Beijing).
Master Yang Yunsong of the Tang Dynasty, with the good reputation of “savior of the poor”,
also selected sites for others to build their graves. He pointed out that “the geographic design
could change the fortune decided by the heaven. The magic power of Feng Shui and geographic
design could change your predestined bad fate, pursue good fortune and avoid disaster, so as to
achieve the aim of ‘Vital Restoration’.”
The Vital Restoration began to prevail since the Tang Dynasty, known as the authentic luck-
creating method. It cultivate people’s life foundation with the auspicious Qi of the grave and the
mountains and rivers, so as to thoroughly remold oneself and fulfill good wishes including
fortune, love, career, family (offspring and harmony), health, popularity, wisdom, social rank,
promotion, lawsuit settlement and disaster. Zhang Liang, the meritorious statesman of the
founding of the Han Dynasty, and Wang Kechong, a successful candidate in the highest imperial
examination, had all build graves for themselves. It’s said that numerous celebrities in Hong
Kong and Taiwan also engaged in such affairs, but kept it a secret for fear that people might
consider them superstitious. If you consult an authentic Feng Shui master, he will tell his guests
to keep a low profile to avoid complicate matters.
And, the best choice for burial sites is the U.S. The two important reasons are:
(1) Intactness: a large number of new and high-quality outstanding burial sites are in idle state,
for the local people do not know what "tracing the dragon vein and spotting the burial site" is, so
the Qi of dragon is still well reserved. Compared with Hong Kong, a tiny city, where ten major
auspicious burial sites have been discovered there, plus numerous precious tombs. However,
thousands of times as large as Hong Kong, U.S. has far more than ten auspicious burial sites. The
most critical point is that the genuine caves in the U.S. still lay idle and remain undiscovered, so
their Qi has remained intact.
(2) Prosperity: It is only a few hundred years since the discovery of the new world by Columbus,
the colonization of Europe, and the secession of the U.S. from British rule on July 4, 1776. U.S.
has evolved from a barren land to a world military and economic power, with 374 overseas
military bases in more than 140 countries and regions. In terms of Feng Shui, U.S. surely has its
advantages (to be discussed tomorrow). People from all walks of life have different predictions
about who will dominate the world order in the future. But the key point is that the U.S. is the
place where the vigor and vitality gather (otherwise, she will not be the mistress of world now).
“Water is the key to wealth and the mountains to people.” The U.S. possesses the top four water
resources: the Great Lakes region in the northeast boasts the largest freshwater body in the
world; to the west lies the Pacific Ocean, the largest of the five oceans on earth; to the east lies
the Atlantic Ocean, the second largest ocean in the world; to the southeast is the Gulf of Mexico.
These are the Feng Shui driving forces of the U.S. economy.
According to Ming Shan Bao Jian, the five dragon veins of the U.S. all originate from the
Kunlun Mountain. They are American Cordillera, the world’s longest mountain chain, Rocky
Mountains, Coast Mountains, Sierra Nevada (Feng Shui motive power of California, the state
with large population) and Appalachian Mountains. Four of these five veins are in the west and
the other one is in the east.
In terms of Feng Shui, the reason why eastern United States leads the economic growth lies in
the Great Lakes area, while from the historical perspective, it’s due to the contribution of early
European immigrants. As the influence of the Asia-Pacific region increases, the economic
growth of the West Coast will soar in the future. Moreover, four of the five dragon veins on the
west coast will enhance the influence of the West Coast.
The “Vital Restoration” stresses the instant effect because life is short. If you need any help, you
can contact me directly.

About the Author

Master Alex Zi was born in the 1970s. He has studied in the Chinese University of Hong Kong
(CUHK) and City University of Hong Kong (CityU), where he received three scholarships. Prior
to current business in Hong Kong, Master Alex has been the CEO of the Los Angeles Branch of
an International Corporation. He met two masters by chance during his stay in the states, and was
well taught in all fields in metaphysics, including Feng Shui (Chinese Physiognomy), Fortune
Telling, Hidden Calculations of Fate and most importantly, Royal Ultima Numerology System
Master Alex has been hired as an exclusive master of Feng Shui metaphysics by many
multinational groups and public institutions. He also serves as a guest lecturer in metaphysics at
the South California Council of Chinese Schools, the China Society of Southern California,
Asian Real Estate Association of America, West San Gabriel Valley Association of Realtors,
Arcadia Association of Realtors, Tri-counties Association of Realtors, Burbank Association of
Realtors, Pacific West Association of Realtors. HKBeauty, Megalife magazine and of Macau have invited him to open special columns about metaphysics.
Master Alex has also been invited as guest speaker by “New Comments on Ancient Rhyme” of
Guangdong TV station, “What should We Do in Year of Goat” of cable TV station of HK,
MetroInfo, Horror Hot Line of MetroMusicDigital, Onairpower, 9GRadio, “Appointment with
Haozheng” of a1c1 Radio, and ibhk.

Master Alex Zi is crowned as “Master of Luck-turning Vital Restoration in U.S.”. [email protected]

It’s said that the Manifested eight diagrams evolved from the Primordial eight diagrams and were created by King Wen of


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