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Attack Skill information provided by various members of GameFAQS

Maintained by: Some unassumed gender


Attack Skill Power Effect Range How to Obtain - Farmable enemies How to Obtain - Bosses
● Default Fire Attack Skill
1. Heat Breath 150 N/A D ● BomberNanimon (Garbage Pile)
● Meramon (Logic Volcano(Fire Circuit))
2. Fire Tower 385 N/A B ● Birdramon? (Logic Volcano(Garbage Pile)) ● Birdramon (Logic Volcano(Fire Wall))
3. Firewall 920 N/A C ● Red Vegiemon - Forest Path
● Birdramon (Logic Volcano(Garbage Pile))
4. Burning Heart 0 ATK up A ● Meramon (Logic Volcano(Fire Circuit))
● MetalTyrannomon (Logic Volcano(Dragon's
5. Inferno 2615 N/A B ● Greymon (Blue) (Bony Resort (Graveyard)) ● Arresterdramon (Logic Volcano)
● RedVeedramon (Logic Volcano(Dragon's ● Arresterdramon (Logic Volcano(Flame
Trident)) Lands))
6. Magna Bomb 4860 N/A A ● BlueMeramon (Absolute Zero) ● OmniShoutmon (Logic Volcano)
● Metal Greymon(Blue) (Faulty Ex
7. Flame Storm 4190 N/A A Machina(Pathfork Island)) ● Phoenixmon(Infinite Cauldron(Core 1))

Attack Skill Power Effect Range How to Obtain - Farmable enemies How to Obtain - Bosses
1. Bubble Breath 90 Slow D ● Default Water/Ice Attack Skill
● BlackGarurumon (Server Desert(Hallowed
2. Hail Spear 255 Slow B ● Seadramon (MOD Cape)
3. Splash 520 N/A B ● Seadramon (MOD Cape) ● BlackAgumon/BlackGabumon (MOD Cape)
4. Waterfall 1000 Paralysis B ● Seadramon (MOD Cape)
● Botamon(Giant/King) (MOD Cape(Flag
MOD Ship))
● MegaSeadramon (Logic Volcano,Dragon's
● Wizardmon (Bony Resort(Pink Stone House ● MetalSeadramon (MOD Cape(MOD Ship
5. Heavy Rain 1100 Confuse B Int.) 2.0))
● MegaSeadramon (Logic Volcano(Dragon's
6. Ice Statue 2160 Slow B ● Icemon (Absolute Zero(Frost Cathedral)) ● Vikemon (MOD Cape(Captain's Cabin))
● Vikemon (MOD Cape(Captain's Cabin))
● MetalSeadramon (MOD Cape(MOD Ship
● Lilithmon? (Logic Volcano(Fire Circuit))
● MetalSeadramon (Absolute Zero(Concealed ● Minervamon (Absolute Zero(Ice Way
7. Aurora Freeze 2745 Sprite B Gorge)) (Post-Game) Temple))

Attack Skill Power Effect Range How to Obtain - Farmable enemies How to Obtain - Bosses
1. Electric Chute 110 Paralysis C ● Default Air Attack Skill
● Wizardmon (Boney Resort (Pink Stone
2. Wing Shoes 0 SPD UP A House))
● DemiDevimon (MOD Cape) ● Kyubimon (Logic Volcano)
3. Wind Cutter 615 N/A B ● Fugamon (Nigh Plains)
● Saberdramon (MOD Cape, near
4. Electric Cloud 1050 Paralysis B MarineAngemon) ● Garudamon (Server Desert)
● Lopmon (Bony Resort, Celeb Blue Room)
5. Tailwind 0 SPD up A ● Garurumon (Absolute Zero(Frozen Way))
● Garurumon? (Absolute Zero) ● UlforceVeedramon (Nigh Plains(Cave
● MegaKabuterimon (Ohguino Entrance)
6. Thunderstorm 1800 Paralysis A Wastelands(Rosemons Room)) ● OmniShoutmon (Logic Volcano)
● BlueMeramon (Faulty Ex Machina(North ● Sakuyamon (Infinite Cauldron (Layer 6))
7. Hurricane 3150 Confuse A Coast))

Attack Skill Power Effect Range How to Obtain - Farmable enemies How to Obtain - Bosses
● Default Nature Attack Skill
1. Poison Powder 80 Poison D ● Aruraumon in Nigh Plains (Forest Path)
● Woodmon (Ohguino Wastelands(Rose
2. Earth Coat 0 DEF up A ● Gotsumon in Noise Desert (Desert Storm)
● Woodmon/Vegiemon (Ohguino ● Woodmon/Vegiemon (Ohguino
Wastelands(Guts Land) [Fight proced by Wastelands(Guts Land) [Fight proced by
3. Bio Field 420 Poison B Goblimon] Goblimon]
● RedVegimon (Forest Path)
● Woodmon (Ohguino Wastelands(Rose
4. Root Bind 715 Slow B Palace))
● Taomon(Silver) (MOD Cape(Captain's
● Wizardmon (Bony Resort(Pink Stone House
5. Rock Fall 2115 N/A A Int.) ● Kabuterimon (Nigh Plains(Old Cableway))
● Taomon(Silver) (MOD Cape(Captain's
● Wizardmon (Bony Resort(Pink Stone House
6. Earth Power 0 STA up A Int))
● Taomon(Silver) (MOD Cape(Captain's
7. Venom Disaster 2280 Poison A Cabin) ● Final story boss (chapter 4 / spoilers)

Attack Skill Power Effect Range How to Obtain - Farmable enemies How to Obtain - Bosses
1. Dark Spirit 30 N/A C ● Default Dark Attack Skill
2. Blackout 310 Confuse D ● BlackAgumon (MOD Cape(Mod Ship 1.0)) ● Devimon (Infinite Cauldron(Layer 1))
● BlackGabumon (Nigh Plains(Old Cableway
3. Nightmare 765 Rage C ● Saberdramon (MOD Cape) ● BlackAgumon/BlackGabmon (MOD cape)
● Doumon (Logic Volcano, Hidden Red
● Youkomon (Logic Volcano(Hidden Red House)
4. Chaos Cloud 1405 Confuse D House)) ● SkullGreymon (MOD Cape)
● Metalgreymon(Blue)/BlackWeregarurumon
● Greymon (Blue) (Bony Resort(Graveyard)) (Faulty Ex Machina(West Coast))
5. Shadow Fall 2205 N/A A ● WaruSeadramon (MOD Ship 2.0) ● Diaboromon (Post-game, Infinite Cauldron)
● Black MetalGarurumon (Infinite Cauldron
6. Hide and Seek 4200 Unjustified A ● Lopmon (Bony Resort(Celeb Blue Room)) (Layer3))
● Beelzemon (MOD Cape(Captain’s Cabin))
● Lucemon FM (Absolute Zero(Frozen
● Omegamon Zwart-D (Story)
7. Evil Squall 3665 Slow A ● Boltboutamon (DLC)

Attack Skill Power Effect Range How to Obtain - Farmable enemies How to Obtain - Bosses
● Default Holy Attack Skill
1. Light Soul 90 N/A C ● Piddomon (Logic Volcano(Flame Lands))
2. Saint Ray 220 N/A B ● ClearAgumon (Bony Resort) ● Angewomon (Faulty Ex Machina)
● Piddomon (Logic Volcano(Flame Lands))
3. Holy Breath 0 STA&SPD up A ● ToyAgumon/ClearAgumon (Bony Resort)
4. Flash 1110 N/A B ● Piddomon (Logic Volcano(Flame Lands))
● PlatinumNumemon (Infinite Cauldron(Layer
● Piddomon (Infinite Cauldron(Layer2))
5. Saint Shield 1175 Rage A ● Piddomon? (Logic Volcano)(Unconfirmed)
● PlatinumNumemon (Infinite Cauldron(Layer
6. Judgement 3525 N/A A 5))
● Dynasmon (Infinite Cauldron Core 01)
● Alphamon (Logic Volcano(Fire Wall))
● Leopardmon (Server Cemetery)
● Imperialdramon PM (Infinite Cauldron(Core
7. Shining Nova 3200 N/A B 02 / Post Game)

Attack Skill Power Effect Range How to Obtain - Farmable enemies How to Obtain - Bosses
1. Mach Jab 100 N/A D ● Default Hand-to-Hand Attack Skill
● Nanimon (Server Desert)
● Kuwagamon (Ohguino Wastelands (Thorn
2. Muscle Charge 0 ATK + STA up A Palace))
● Fugamon (Nigh Plains)
● Meteormon (Logic Volcano)
3. Spin Attack 485 N/A D ● Gotsumon (Server Desert)
● Paildramon (MOD Cape)
4. Buster Dive 1220 N/A B ● Meteormon (Logic Volcano) ● Veemon (Server Desert)
● BlackGarurumon/Greymon(Blue) - (Faulty
Ex Machina(West Coast))
● Giant Botamon (MOD Cape(MOD Flag ● Palidramon (MOD Cape)
5. War Cry 650 Rage D Ship)) ● BanchoLeomon (Logic Volcano (FireCircuit))
● BlueMeramon (Infinity Cauldron (Layer 4)) ● Metalgreymon(Blue)/BlackWeregarurumon
● Greymon Blue (Bony resort(Pink Stone (Faulty Ex Machina(West Coast))
6. Spiral Driver 2590 N/A C House)) ● BanchoLeomon (Logic Volcano)
● WereGarurumon(Black) (Bony Resort(Night
7. Fighting Aura 3800 ATK up C Church)

Attack Skill Power Effect Range How to Obtain - Farmable enemies How to Obtain - Bosses
● Default Weapon Attack Skill
● ToyAgumon (Giant/King) (Bony Resort, Bony
1. Mechanical Claw 120 N/A D Drive)
● Solarmon (Faulty Ex Machina(Entrance Area))
2. Upgrade 0 All stats up A ● Hagurumon (Faulty Ex Machina(EastCoast))
● Machinedramon (Story)
3. Energy Ball 675 Paralysis ● Hagurumon (Faulty Ex Machina(EastCoast)) ● Datamon (story)
● WarGrowlmon(Orange)(Faulty Ex Machina(East
● ToyAgumon (Giant/King) (Bony Resort, Bony
4. Anti-Attack Field 1455 N/A B Drive)
● Metal Tyrannomon (Logic Volcano(Dragon’s
● Black WarGrowlmon (Infinite Cauldron(Layer 6))
5. Gigawatt Laser 3500 N/A S ● Datamon (Infinite Caldron (Layer 05)) ● Machinedramon (Story)
● MetalMamemon (Infinite Cauldron(Layer 3))
● WarGrowlmon(Orange) (Faulty Ex Machina(East
● ToyAgumon (Giant/King) (Bony Resort, Bony ● Datamon (Story)
6. Delete Program 2700 Sprite A Drive) ● Machinedramon (Story)
● Machinedramon (Dimension T(Memory ● RustTyrannomon(Infinite Cauldron 4/PG)
7. DG Dimension V3 3760 Sprite A 10(Repeatable Boss))) ● Chaosmon(Infinite Cauldron 5/Post Game)

Attack Skill Power Effect Range How to Obtain - Farmable enemies How to Obtain - Bosses
● Default Filth Attack Skill
● Geremon (Server Desert(Dead End Town))
1. Cooties Kick 70 Confuse D ● Numemon (Nigh Plains)
2. Super Stinky Jet 240 Paralyse D ● Numemon (Nigh Plains)
3. Poop Toss 515 Rage B ● Geremon (Dead End Town)
● PlatinumSukamon(King/Giant) (Logic
Volcano(Fire Circut))
● Geremon (Dead End Town)
● PlatinumSukamon (Faulty Ex
4. Poop Attack Field 935 Poison C Machina(Drainage Path))
● BomberNanimon (Server Desert(Garbage ● Sukamon (Faulty Ex Machina(Drainage
5. Poop Fling 1350 Confuse B Pile)) Path))
● BomberNanimon (Logic Volcano(Taomon's
Medit. Place))
● PlatinumSukamon (Faulty Ex
6. Guerilla Poop 1000 Slow A Machina(Drainage Path))
7. Extreme Poop ● PlatinumNumemon (Infinite Cauldron(Layer
Death 2850 Poison/Slow A 5))

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