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“The Liturgy as Exercise of

the Priestly Office of Jesus
Sacred Liturgy and the Shepherd
Lays His Life for His Sheep

“On the first day of the week,

when we were gathered together
to break bread, Paul talked with
them, intending to depart on the
next day, and he prolonged his
speech until midnight.”
Acts 20:7

● Sacred Liturgy and the Shepherd Lays His Life for His Sheep
 The Liturgy Defined
 Christ in the Liturgy
 The Eucharist: Source and Summit of Church Life


At the end of the lesson, you are required to do the following…

 Understand the nature of sacred liturgy.
 Appreciate the liturgy as “participation of the People of God in the work of God.”
 Respond to the call of the Church to fully participate in the sacred liturgy.
Do you know about religious missionaries? A religious missionary is a consecrated person sent into a
place to do evangelism or ministries of service, such as education, literacy, social justice, health care
and economic development. The religious missionary constantly faces various challenges: different
cultures, varied beliefs, unstable financial situation, rocky political situation, and a host of other factors
that are beyond his or her control. However, religious missionaries continue to offer their life to
spreading the word of God and the Good News in faithful response to “God’s abundant harvest.”

My story
There is a religious missionary named Fr. Anthony Patrick S. Santianez, a Filipino Xaverian Missionary serving
at Sierra Leone in West Africa. Fr. Santianez is the assistant parish priest of St. Guido Maria Conforti Church at
the Diocese of Makine. He ministers the sacraments, teaches catechism and makes home and community
visitations to his West African parishioners.

In the year 2014, the dreaded Ebola virus spread across Africa and killed a multitude of people. To protect its
citizens, the Philippine government made an appeal to all Filipino working in Africa to leave the country and go
home. Risking his health and life, Fr. Santianez chose to stay in West Africa and continued to serve his
parishioners. Fr. Santianez said that he models his life upon the “Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.” (cf. John 10:11).
Just like the Good Shepherd, Fr. Santianez is willing to lay down his life for his “sheep.”

For Fr. Santianez, leaving behind his parishioners at St. Guido Maria Conforti Church is not an option. He firmly
believes that his presence in Makine is most difficult times. This belief is affirmed when one of his parishioners
sent him a letter that said; “Father, don’t leave us. Stay with us, because if you leave us we will be more afraid.”
Fr. Santianez adds that his presence among his flock bears witness to the Gospel. It is a way to show solidarity
with the local population.

Despite all the hardship and challenges, Fr. Santianez is grateful for the opportunity to bring the teachings of
Jesus Christ in the predominantly Muslim country. He shares: “The people (of Sierra Leone) are kind to us. They
don’t discriminate. Actually, they were the ones who would invite us to build churches, schools, and clinics in
their communities. We have weekly catechesis. Aside from this, we visit them and talk to them. In our dealings
with them, we get to know their culture better. I also use this opportunity to share with them the teachings of
Jesus and His Church.”

In his message to friends and relatives in the Philippines, Fr. Santianez said: “Please pray for us. It is in prayer
and the sacraments that we can find comfort and means to address and overcome difficulties.”

The Gospel according to John (15:13): “There is no greater love than this, to give one’s life for
one’s friends.” The words and deeds of Fr. Santianez manifest his great love for God by loving the least, the
last and the forgotten. He is willing to risk his health and his life so that the people can feel God’s loving
presence as well as find strength and hope in the sacraments.

Fr. Santianez also spoke of praying and receiving the sacraments if we wish to find comfort and
overcome difficulties. In this lesson, we shall rediscover the nature and importance of the liturgy and the
sacraments in our daily life and how we can receive God’s grace through our active participation in them.


Content 5
Organization 3
Grammar 2
Total 10

Instruction: Answer the following questions.
1. What are the challenges that missionaries face in bringing the Goof News to non-Christians? (3-5

2. Was Fr. Santianez correct in risking his health and his life for his parishioners? Explain your answer.
(3-5 sentences)
3. How can we say that Fr. Santianez’s presence also shows Jesus’s loving presence to those in need? (3-5
4. Are you willing to risk your life for the Gospel? Explain your answer. (3-5 sentences)


Instruction: Fill in the heart by your answer in the question given. Avoid any erasures.

As a student, how will you show your love and faith in God?


The Liturgy Defined

The first gospel to be written was Mark’s. In its very first chapter, we find that when Jesus began
preaching, he proclaimed the Kingdom of God. There must be a reason for this! And the only possible reason is
the immense importance he puts to this central message of his. Jesus has come for one unique purpose- to
establish the Kingdom of God. To this proclamation, he adds a twofold demand: conversion and faith. In order
words, to accept the message of the Kingdom of God, demands from the individual a change of ways and
believing in the Good News.

The Cathechism of the Catholic Church (CCC, 1069) defines the liturgy as “participation of the People
of God in the work of God.” It is the public worship and official prayer of the Church. In the liturgy, we give
praise and thanks to God in Jesus’s name through ritual celebrated by the community of faith.

Our Catholic liturgy celebrates the Paschal event that changed human history: the life, the death and the
resurrection of Jesus. However, the liturgy is not only equated with the Sunday Mass or Holy Eucharist. It
includes the celebration of all seven sacraments, namely, Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance,
Anoinying of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. Also, the Liturgy of the Hours and the Rites of the Church
for consecrations, Cristian burial, and variety of blessings are liturgy, too.

One way to appreciate the liturgy is to see it as a “dialogue” between God and us (His people). In the
celebration of the liturgy, God “speaks to us in varied ways.” He calls us to gather in assembly so that we can
listen intently to His Divine Word, remember His deeds, power of the Holy Spirit, we, on the in need of
conversion and salvation and make the appropriate response to God with our hearts.

When we gather together for the liturgy, we manifest, express, renew and deepen out faith in God. Our
active participation in the ritual actions, gestures, songs and words acknowledge God’s goodness and power. In
engaging our body, mind, senses, imagination, emotions and memory in worshipping God, we proclaim Him as
the source and end of all blessings of creation and salvation. Furthermore, through the liturgical signs and
symbols, words and actions, music and holy images, we experience God’s saving images, and are made holy by
sacred rites.


Jesus Christ is actively present in the Church and in the liturgy. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
or Sacrosanctum Concilium tells us: Jesus Christ is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, not only in the person
of His minister but especially under the Eucharistic species. By His power, He is present in the sacraments, so
that when a man baptizes, it is really Christ Himself who baptizes. He is present in His words, since it is He
Himself who speaks when the holy scriptures are read in the Church. He is present, lastly, when the Church
prays and sings, for He promised: When two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst
of them. (Mt. 18:20). Hence, when we fully partcipate in the liturgy of the Church, share in her mission and
proclaim the Gospel to others through our good works and deeds, we unite ourselves to our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ.

We are called to fully participate in the sacred liturgy of the Church. Through our active participation,
we manifest our loving response to Christ’s presence in the Church. Also, when we engaged all our human
faculty (mind, body and heart) in the official worship of the Church, we allow ourselves to be drawn closel to
God’s love. By demonstrating the appropriate faith-response to the sacred liturgy, we isnpire others and
encourage them to actively participate, too.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC, 1407) tells us: The Eucharist is the heart and summit of
the Church’s life, for in it Christ associates his Church and all her members with his sacrifice of praise and
thanksgiving offered once for all on the cross to his Father; by thus sacrifice; he pours out the graces of
salvation on his Body which is the Church. Thus, Christ, as our eternal High Priest, acting through the ministry
of the priest, and truly present under the Eucharistic species of bread and wine, offers the eternal sacrifice as
our worship.

CCC (1419) further explains: Christ gives us in the Eucharist the pledge of glory with him. Participation
in the Holy Sacrifice identifies us with his Heart, sustains our strength along the pilgrimage of this life, makes
us long for etenal life, and unites us even now to the Church in heaven, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the
saints. Hence, when we fully participate in the Sunday Eucharistic celebration, we join with all the saints in
heaven in worshipping God. We also praise and give thanksgiving to Christ as we commemorate His sacrificial
death, resurrection and ascension. Empowered by the Eucharist, we participate in the building of God’s
Kingdom through our words and deeds. Inspired by the liturgy, we go to the “peripheries” and bring God’s
mercy and compassion to “the least, the last and the forgotten.

I. Analysis

Instruction: Read the following statements. Then write A if all the statements in the set are TRUE. Write B
if one of the statements in the set is FALSE. Then, rewrite the false statement on the space provided to
make it TRUE.

_____________1. The liturgy includes the celebration of all six sacraments. Baptism and
Confirmation are sacraments.

_____________2. Holy Orders is the source and summit of Christian life. Christ, as our eternal
High Priest, acts through the ministry of the priest.

_____________3. In the Eucharist, we commemorate Jesus Christ’s death, resurrection, and

ascension. The Eucharist empowers us to build the Kingdom of God.

_____________4. The liturgy is the participation of the People of God in “the work of God.”
The liturgy consists in rituals celebrated by the community of faith.

_____________5. The liturgy is a dialogue between God and His people. In the liturgy, we
manifest, express, renew and deepen our faith in God.
_____________6. The liturgy is a source of God’s grace. The holy priest ministering the liturgy
is the source of God’s grace?

_____________7. The liturgy is the exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ. The liturgy
sanctifies us through visible signs that effect invisible grace.

_____________8. The liturgy is centered in the Eucharist the Church Document Constitution
on the Sacred Liturgy is also known as Lumen Gentium.

_____________9. Christ is always present in His Church, especially in the liturgical

celebrations. In the sacrifice of the Mass, Christ is present only in the
Eucharist species.

_____________10. Jesus, the High Priest, offers Himself by prayer and obedience to the
Father. Through the liturgy, the people of God offer their prayers along with
those of Jesus Christ to the Father.

II. Illustration

Instruction: Illustrate any object or thing that for you best signifies liturgy. Explain your illustration
substantially in not less than 5 sentences.
Content 10
Grammar 3
Creativity 2
Total 15

III. Essay

Instruction: Answer the following questions. Explain every question substantially.

Content 5
Organization 3
Grammar 2
Total 10

1. How will you explain to a Grade Three student the Church teaching? The Eucharist is the source and
summit of Christian Life.?
2. How can you encourage young Christians to devoutly attend and actively participate in the Holy Mass?

Sacred Times and Seasons

“Finally I considered the task God
gave to the humans. He made
everything fitting in its time, but
he also set eternity in their hearts,
although they are not able to
embrace the work of God from
the beginning to the end.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

 Sacred Times and Seasons
o The Great Gift
o The Liturgical Calendar and the Sacred Seasons

If somebody as you, “How was your year?” what would your response be?

Some people might describe their year as productive and fulfilling while others might say that it
was a year full of challenges. A few people might even say that they did not realize that the year
has gone by and describe the year as “just another that passed them by.”

We can consider different ways to measure our year but whatever the season, day, week, or
month of the year it is, we are Christians all the days of our lives. Hence, we are all called to
live out our Christian faith every second, minute, day, week, month, and year that we are alive.
We are all called to live our lives with Jesus for 525,600 minutes every year (and every minute
that follows after that).

At the end of the lesson, you are required to do the following…

 Understand the liturgical season which recall and celebrate the various events in the
life of our Lord Jesus Christ.
 Appreciate the sacred times and seasons of the liturgical year.
 Respond to the call of the Church to fully participate in the liturgical celebration
during Advent, Christmas, Lent, Sacred Paschal Triduum, Easter and Ordinary Time

My Story

The Great Gift

It has been four years since the boy last saw his collection of basketball trading cards. However, the news
the vintage card that fetched a large sum of money at an auction make him remember and look for his set.
Perhaps, one of them has increased in value. I can also post them in E-bay and see if somebody is interested.
The boy was thinking of the possibility that he, too possesses a card that is worth millions.
“Have you seen my collections of trading card, Mother?” the young boy asked.
“Go look for them at the attic. I might place them there.” The mother replied.
So, the boy went to the dusty attic to look for his collection. Despite spending a lot of time, the boy could
not find what he was looking for. He was about to leave when something rolled from the overhead shelf and
dropped on the floor. Upon close inspection, the boy saw that it was a rolled parchment. He picked it up and
read it. The boy was surprised to find a map on the parchment. Below the map was a message written in
Gothic Calligraphy:
“Greetings to those who are looking for the great gift!
In your possession is a map to find it.
Be courageous and strong. Have faith on your journey.
The boy was intrigued with his find and hastened to see his mother. He had the urge to pursue the “great gift.”
“Mother, I found this map at the attic. Do you know anything about it?”
“Of course, son. It is a map owned by your great-great grandfather. Traditionally, it is passed by the
father to his son. However, the father can only pass the map if he was able to find the great gift.” The mother
replied. “So, that means grandfather was able to find the great gift! Now, I have to ask Father if he still
searching for it.” The boy said. The boy found his father at the garden. His father seemed to be lost in thought.
The boy wondered if he could just ask his father about the map later, but his curiosity got the best of him.

“Excuse me, Father. I am sorry for disturbing you, but I need to ask you something.” The boy measured his
every word. His father looks at him and smiled. The boy then showed him the map. “Father,” the boy said, “are
you still searching for the great gift?”

The boy’s father lovingly looked at his son and replied, “Actually, I have already found the great gift. I
know by tradition that I should have given the map to you. However, something prevents me from doing so.
You see, though I have found the great gift, I feel guilty because I have not used it to the full.”

Hearing the admission of his father about the great gift made the boy even more interested. He wanted to
possess the great gift, too.

“Oh, please tell me, Father, what the great gift is!” the boy pleaded.

His father smiled and said, “Of course. But first, let me tell you about my adventure.”

The boy sat beside his father and listened to every word.

“I was just a bit older than you when your grandfather gave me the map.” The father began. “I was so
excited to find the “great gift” that I decided to leave our home and embark on an adventure. I started my
Journey in the fall of that year. The wonderful weather allowed me to pursue the great gift at a leisurely pace. I
had enough provisions with me and thought that I would finish the journey just before the season ended.
However, I met some difficulties along the way and was only halfway through the map when winter came. It
was a difficult time for me. I had very little food and water. The biting cold and the dreary landscape broke my
spirit and I almost gave up the search. I still remember to this day the heavy snowstorm that forced me to seek
shelter in a cave. It was the longest night of my life. I was pretty sure I would lose my toes and fingers since I
was already weak and had nothing much to protect me from frostbite. However, I draw my last vestige of
strength, prayed, and convinced myself that seasons come and go. I must reach my goal. I survived the
snowstorm and continued with the journey. I decided to take one day at a time and believed that I would outlast
the cold, hunger, and fatigue. Soon enough, spring came. I was able to procure some provisions and followed
the course on the map. I traveled all through the season of spring. When summer came, I noticed that I was
almost at the endpoint. However, the arduous journey and the different seasons had taken their toll on me and I
knew that my body was already spent.
Just when I could no longer take another step, I discovered that I was at the end of the map! I realized that I
was standing in front of a small hut. I softly knocked on the door and when it opened, I was surprise to see
your grandfather. He was beaming with pride and happiness! He hugged me and ushered me in. I shared with
him my journey, my difficulties, challenges, and success. I spoke to your grandfather until late in the night.
When I was done talking, he softly spoke and told me about the great gift. At first, I could not believe that I
struggled so hard and spent a lot of time for the gift that your grandfather told me. In fact, it seemed that the
gift was not great at all! However, your grandfather patiently explained to me the meaning of the “great gift.”
The more I listened and open my mind and heart, the more I understood the immense value of the gift. I
accepted the gift from your grandfather and left the hut a new person. Unfortunately, there are days when I
feel that I am not fully using the great gift. That is the reason why I have not given the map to you.”
The boy was silent for a while. Then, he put a hand on his father’s shoulder.
“Father, I understand. Perhaps it is the best if we spent the great gift together with mother.” He said.
The boy’s father smiled. The boy then knew that he too will soon possess the great gift and told
himself that he would use it well.


The story about the “great gift highlights the of the importnace
of time and seasons in a person’s life. The grandfather, the father and the son looked for and found the great
gift at certain times in their lives. In their quest for the great gift, they also experienced different seasons: a
season of joy, sadness, suffering and peace.

Reflecting upon the story, our Christian life also goes through different times and seasons. In our
“Christian pilgrimage,” the Church journeys with us throughout the sacred timed and seasons. In this lesson, we
shall rediscover the importance and significance of the liturgical year in our lives.

Content 5
LOGGING ON: Organization 3
Grammar 2
Total 10

Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. What could have moved the boy to desire the great gift?


2. Why was the boy’s father disappointed with the great gift? Is there any situation in your life that you
feel disappointed? Cite some situations.


3. What is the great gift described in the story?


4. If you will be asked to come up with one thing that you can consider as a great gift, what would it be?



Instruction: Read and analyze the poem given below. Make a reflection in your own interpretation in the
message of the poem.

A time for giving birth, a time for dying; a time for planting, a time for uprooting.
A time for killing, a time for healing; a time for knocking down, a time for building.
A time for tears, a time for laughter; a time for mourning, a time for dancing.
A time for throwing stones, a time for gathering stones; a time for embracing, a time to refrain from
A time for searching, a time for losing; a time for keeping, a time for throwing away.
A time for tearing, a time for sewing; a time to be silent and a time to speak.
A time for loving, a time for hating; a time for war, a time for peace.
What profit is there for a man from all his toils?



In our Christian faith, we celebrate the sacred times and seasons designated in the liturgical year. The
liturgical year consists of liturgical season which recall and celebrate various events in the life of our Lord
Jesus Christ. The mystery of Jesus Christ which is unfolded through the cycle of the liturgical year calls us to
live His mystery in our own lives. The liturgical year is made up of six periods, namely:

 Advent which is the season of four weeks of preparation before the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
During advent we prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Advent also prepares
us for the anniversary of the Lord’s birth on Christmas. Advent comes from the Latin word “ad
venire” which means “to come to.” It begins the Church’s liturgical year.

 Christmas Time wherein we recall the Nativity of Jesus Christ and his manifestation to the
people of the world. Second to Easter, the Christmas is one of the most important days of the
Church yea. During the Christmas season, we commemorate the “fest of the incarnation” or “the
feast of God becoming flesh.” The Christmas season begins with the vigil masses on Christmas
eve and concludes with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

 Lent or Lenten season which is a six-week season of penance before Easter. The Lenten seasons
start every year on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. A “Visita Iglesia” or “Seven
Churches Visitation” is a Lenten tradition wherein seven churches or religious sites are visited by
the pious to pray the Stations of the Cross. Traditionally, the Visita Iglesia is done during Holy
Thursday. In preparation for Easter, Catholics can also pray, do penance, go for confession,
practice almsgiving, and exercise self-denial.

 Sacred Paschal Triduum which are considered as the holiest “Three Days” of the Church’s year
wherein we recall the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. From the evening of Holy
Thursday to Easter Sunday, the Church celebrates the Easter Triduum which is the summit of the
liturgical year. While it is three calendar days, the Easter Triduum is considered liturgically as
“one day” of unfolding for us the unity of Christ’s Paschal Mystery.
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, and
the Easter Vigil Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord are the liturgical services that take place the
Sacred Paschal Triduum.

 Easter Time, which is the season, composed of 50 days of joyful celebration off the Lord’s
resurrection from the dead and His sending forth of the Holy Spirit. The term Easter came from
the Old English meaning “East.” Just like every morning where the sun rises from the East, Easter
reminds us of our light and our hope who is Jesus Christ. Easter is the celebration of the Lord’s
resurrection from the dead, culminating in his Ascension to the Father and the sending of the Holy
Spirit upon the Church. Easter Sunday to the second Sunday of Easter is called the “Octave of
Easter” or “Eight Days” which allows us to celebrate the Easter joy. During Easter time, the
Paschal candle is kept near the ambo and lit during liturgical celebrations.
 Ordinary Time which is divided into two sections: one span of 4-8 weeks after Christmas Time
and another that lasts about six months after Easter Time. In Ordinary Time, Catholics consider
the fullness of Jesus’s teachings and works among His people.
The new liturgical year begins on the first Sunday of Advent which also marks the transition from
one lectionary cycle to the next. We have three lectionary cycles represented by the letters A, B and C.
During the year A cycle, the Gospel according to Matthew is the primary Gospel that is used for the
readings. In year B, the Gospel according to Mark is read while in year C the Gospel according to Luke is
proclaimed. The Gospel according to John is proclaimed on Sundays in each one of the years.
On the weekdays of the Ordinary Time, there is a two-year cycle numbered I and II. Year I
readings are for the years that end in odd numbers (i.e. 2015, 2017, 2019) while Year II readings are for the
years that end in even numbers (i.e. 2016, 2018, 2020).
The lectionary cycles also allow a devout Catholic who attends the Holy Mass every day for three
years to listen to the word of God and read most of the Holy Bible.
During the liturgical year, the Church also celebrates solemnities, feasts and
memorials to commemorate special events or persons that are highly revered by the Catholic Church.


I. Multiple Choice
Instruction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. This refers to the season that covers the four weeks of preparation before Christmas.
A. Advent B. Ordinary Time C. Christmas D. Sacred Paschal Triduum

2. This refers to the sacred time that is composed of 50 days of joyful celebration of the Lord’s
resurrection from the dead.
A. Lent B. Ordinary Time C. Easter D. Sacred Paschal Triduum

3. We have lectionary cycles so that ___________________________________.

A. Catholics would be more familiar with the text of the Bible
B. The Gospel according to John will be familiar to the faithful.
C. The faithful will always have new Gospel readings to look forward to.
D. The Synoptic Gospels will be known to all Mass goers.

4. This refers to the beginning of the new liturgical year.

A. First Sunday of Advent C. Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King of
the Universe
B. First Sunday in Ordinary Time D. Christmas

5. During this season in the liturgical year, we remember and celebrate “God becoming man.”
A. Advent B. Ordinary Time C. Christmas Time D. Sacred Paschal Triduum

6. This feast of the Virgin Mary is celebrated during the season of Advent and commemorates the Blessed
Virgin Mary being free from the original sin from the very moment of her conception in the womb of
her mother.
A. Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord C. Solemnity of the Assumption
B. Feast of the Immaculate Conception D. Solemnity of Mary Mother God

7. This feast of the virgin Mary commemorates the end of her earthly life and being assumed body and
soul into heavenly glory.
A. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God C. Feast of Immaculate Conception
B. Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord D. Solemnity of the Assumption

8. Which of the following is not required among Catholics in the celebration of liturgical seasons and
sacred times?
A. Gift-giving and the practice of charitable acts
B. Flogging and being crucified on a cross
C. Confession and corporal acts of mercy
D. Active participation in the Holy Mass

9. The Ordinary Time in the liturgical year is meant for us to ____________________________.

A. Relax after fasting and doing penance during the Lenten season
B. Reflect more deeply on the teaching of Jesus Christ and live it out in our daily lives
C. Prepare for the season of Christmas
D. Remember the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus

10. The Sacred Paschal Triduum allow us to _________________________.

A. Recall the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus
B. Actively participate in the unfolding of Christ’s Paschal Mystery
C. Receive spiritual graces from the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s
Passion, and the Easter Vigil Mass of the Resurrection
D. All the above
Content 5
Organization 5
Grammar 10
Total 20
II. Essay

Instruction: Answer the following questions substantially in not less than 3 sentences.
1. Describe how you can fully benefit from the liturgy and the sacraments of the liturgical seasons and
sacred times.

2. Describe how our life parallel to the six liturgical periods and how our knowledge, experience, and love
of Christ should move us to become “men and women for others.”


My Task:

In a ½ Illustration board make a poster that show the liturgical seasons of the
Church. Then, explain your poster in not less than 10 sentences.
Content 15
Grammar 10
Creativity 5
Total 30
Opening of God
Jesus said: “But the hour is
coming, and is even now here,
when the true worshipers will
worship the Father in spirit and
truth; for that is the kind of
worshippers the Father wants.
God is Spirit, and those who
worship him must worship in
spirit, and truth.”

John 4:23-24
 Opening to God
o Prayer: Personal Faith-Relating to God
Authentic Christian Prayer

Our personal relationship with God is more important than anything else. The heart of this relationship
is prayer, which is also the primary way that we foster and maintain it. Prayer as the Catechism explains: is the
raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God. (CCC 2559). Whether
spoken or unspoken, prayer is that privileged communication which each person shares with his or her Creator
Prayer is something that we learn and it is also a gift from God. It is a combination of our own personal
effort and the work of God within us. It establishes a real communion with God that forms into the relationship
intended by him each one of us. If we begin by doing what we can and ask him for help, he will help us
although sometimes in ways that we may not at first understand. Developing a prayer life can only happen if
one makes time for the Lord each day, also, the Scriptures are usually in teach.


At the end of the lesson, you are required to do the following…

 Describe the nature of prayer.
 Appreciate prayer as a way to forge a loving, conscious, and personal relationship with God.
 Respond to the call of the Church to help people who are in the “periphery.”

My Task:

In a formatted bond paper (to be attached in this module) make your own personal


Activity 1

Instruction: Analyze the picture given below and make an interpretation of your own about
what you see in the pictures.

Activity 2

Instruction: Answer the following


1. What do you think is the importance of prayer for the current situation we are facing?
2. As a student, how will you influence a three-year-old kid to pray personally? Explain.
3. In your own opinion, why do you think prayer is important?

Content 5
Organization 3
Grammar 2
Total 10
Activity 3

Instruction: Fill in the Graphic Organizer by putting the importance of prayer.




The National Catechetical Directory of the Philippines (NDCP, 321) tells us that prayer is personal
faith-relating to God. Through Christian prayer, we forge a loving, conscious, personal relationship with God,
our all-loving, good Father, who has adopted us through His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit.
When we are fully aware of our relationship with God, and graced by the Holy Spirit, we actively take part in
what St. Teresa of Avila describes as “an intimate conversation with God who we know loves us.
Prayer necessitates from us a clear understanding of WHO GOD IS and WHO WE ARE. The
Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC, 1476) tells us that prayer can be an adoration of our creator who calls
us to become His children. Prayer can be also being an act of contrition of forgiveness from our divine Savior
for all our sins. Furthermore, prayer can be thanksgiving for all the blessing that we have received. We can also
pray for our needs and the needs of others through petition prayers or consecrate our thoughts, words, and
actions to God through offertory prayers. Basic prayers, therefore, can be adoration, thanksgiving, petition,
contrition, and offering. Such prayers emanate from our deepest selves and inspired by God’s Holy Spirit. The
Catechism of the catholic Church succinctly describes prayer as the very life of our hearts and souls to which
the Holy Spirit gives life. It must then be made clear that we are able to pray not because we can but because of
God’ grace. CFC (1479) proclaims: “Our Christian prayer, then, is not something we do on our own power ‘for
God,’ as it were, but a precious gift to us by the Spirit.


The Catechism for Filipino Catholics (1480) tells us that authentic prayer is always rooted in the heart
and related to the neighbor in loving compassion and service. Christian prayer is directly addressed to God
while involving an intrinsic relation to one’s neighbor (CFC, 1481). Our prayer therefore is two-fold: it is to
God and for others.
If we are to inculcate an authentic prayer-life, we need to understand the nature and method of prayer.
CFC (1565) tells us that, as to its nature, Christian prayer is personal communion with God our Father, through
Jesus Christ in the Spirit, within the Church, centered around the Eucharistic Table, in our pilgrimage of faith,
hope, and loving service of neighbor.
As to its method, Christian prayer is grounded in Sacred Scripture and the Church’s liturgy, actively
drawing in our concrete human context, and consciously seeking to follow the Spirit’s movement guiding us to
personal spiritual growth and communal faith-commitment.

Authentic Christian prayer, therefore, is “personal” (graced by the Holy Spirit we intimately converse
with God who loves us), communal” (we pray with the other members of the Church through the sacred
liturgies and sacramental worship), and a faith-commitment” to serve our neighbors specially the “least, the last
and the forgotten.


I. Modified True or False

Instruction: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False. If the statement is False, correct
the underlined word/phase to make it true. Kindly, use the space provided.

_______1. The Holy Spirit grants us the grace to pray. _________________________________.

_______2. Authentic Christian prayers entail good works. __________________________.

_______3. Christian prayer is centered around the Eucharistic Table. ____________________

_______4. Christian prayer is something we do on our own power for God.


_______5. Basic prayers can be adoration, thanksgiving, petition, praying novenas, and

offerings. ________________________________________.

_______6. Liturgical celebrations have popular symbols. ____________________________.

_______7. Our prayers come from our intellect and inspired by God’s Holy Spirit.


_______8. Prayer can also an act of petition for forgiveness from our divine Savior for all our sins.


_______9. Our faith-commitment impels us to serve our neighbors. ________________________

_______10. The popular symbols in the liturgical celebrations reminds us to put into action our

faith. ________________________________________.

II. Construction

Instruction: Construct a meaningful prayer for the world


Discernment of Spirits
“Beloved, do not believe every
spirit, but test the spirits to see
whether they are from God, for
may false prophets have gone
out into the world.”
1 John 4:1

 Discernment of Spirits
o Consolation, Desolation, and How Spirit
o Discernment of Spirits
o Ora et Labora (Work and Prayer)


Discernment of spirits is the interpretation of what St. Ignatius Loyola called

the “motions of the soul.” These interior movements consist of thoughts,
imaginings, emotions, inclinations, desires, feelings, repulsions, and
attractions. Spiritual discernment of spirits involves becoming sensitive to
these movements, reflecting on them, and understanding where they come
from and where they lead us.

At the end of the lesson, you are required to do the following…

 Understand that human persons need to discern the spirits in their lives and decide to
avoid sin and serve God.
 Appreciate the Holy Spirit, which is active in their lives,
 Respond to the challenge of catechizing the members of their school community.

My Story

Ora Et Labora (Work and Prayer)

“Teach me how to pray,”

The young man told the Master.
“Please show me the way.”

The Master replied:

“The truth that you are seeking
Now you will find.”

“Two men prayed for rain,

But only one plowed his field;
Now who has more faith?”

“Two students prayed,

But only one read her books;
Who will pass the test?”

“Two sons prayed for work,

But only one looked for it,
Now who will be hired?”

“Two girls prayed for friends,

Only one was sweet and kind;
Now who will be loved?”

The young man then knew

What his Master was saying:
We must pray and act.

The Master showed to the young man that prayer must be accompanied with good works. While it
is good to pray to God for our needs, we must also act so that we can have food on our table, earn good
grades, contribute to meaningful work, and have fulfilling relationships. God Content
gave us intelligence and
capable bodies to live well and His grace allows us to pursue a purpose-driven Organization
life. 3
Grammar 2
Total 10

Activity 1

Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. What do you think is the message of the poem?

2. Explain how praying can lead a person to action?
3. What do you think is the meaning of “faith without good works is dead (cf. James 2:17)?

4. Describe how a person can manifest great faith through prayers. Give a specific example.
Activity 2
Instruction: Research on the internet about St. Ignatious of Loyola. Then list down the traits of St. Ignatious
you want also to attain and list down also the learning from the life of St. Ignatious.
St. Ignatious of Loyola


Teaching Mind:


St. Ignatious of Loyola noted that the dense complex of motives and actions either move us toward or
pull as away from God, we experience “consolation.” “Consolation” allows us to focus outside and beyond
ourselves, shows us where God is active in our lives and where He is leading. It also releases new energy in us.
We are “on fire” with God’s love and feel impelled to praise, love, and serve God and help others. Spiritual
consolation encourages and facilitates a deep sense of gratitude for God’s faithfulness, mercy, and
companionship in our li. On the other hand, when we experience “desolation” we focus on ourselves,
experience darkness or turmoil in our souls and are bombarded by temptations. We delve deeper into negative
feelings, give up on things that are important to us, and ultimately pull away from God.
The First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians tells us: We have not received the spirit of the world. But
the Spirit who comes from God and, through him, we understand what God in his goodness has given us. (1

Cor 2:12). The Spirit who comes from God grants us the grace to receive love, joy, and peace in our lives while
the evil spirit characteristically brings confusion, doubt, and disgust.
Hence, a person who lives in God’s grace experience love, joy, and peace while those who lives in sin
struggle with confusion, doubt, and disgust. However, it is also possible for a person who is seriously serving
God to experience desolation brought by the evil spirit. The evil spirit’s intent is to lead the person away from
God by stirring up anxiety, false sadness, needless confusion, frustration, and other obstacles. In the same vein,
people who live a life of sin can be disturbed and shaken up by the good spirit. The purpose of good spirit is to
make the person unhappy with sinful way of life and experience conversion. However, the evil spirit wants
sinful people to continue in their confusion and darkness. So, the evil spirit tries to make them complacent,
content, and satisfied with their distractions and pleasures.

We can do some basic practice that will allow us to discern the spirits in our lives. When we have made
a decision to avoid sin and serve God but after a while experience desolation, we must persevere and remain
faithful. It is the evil spirit who brings confusion and doubt to pull us away from God. When we are feeling
down and wallow in self-pity and negativity, it would serve us well to pray a little more and ask for God’s
grace. It is also possible that we experience a sudden consolation and love for God. In such instance, we can be
assured that a good spirit is moving in our lives and has brought us love, joy, and peace. However, if there
comes a time when we are thinking or praying and then become consoled or disconsolate, we must
courageously test such movements and humbly pray for God’s grace so that we may discern if the spirit is good
or evil. We must grapple with the key question: Where is the movement coming from and where is it leading
me?” We must acknowledge that spiritual consolation does not always mean happiness and that spiritual
desolation does not always mean sadness. There will be times when an experience of sadness becomes a
moment of conversion and intimacy with God ( a person realizes his or her sinfulness, begs for God’s mercy,
and strives to have an intimate relationship with God). The lives of the saints have shown that human suffering
can be moments of great grace, too. Similarly, peace or happiness can be illusory if these feeling are helping us
avoid the changes we need to make (A sinful person continues with his or her wicked ways because he or she is
happy and satisfied).
The discernment of spirits is a challenging task. It will require maturity, inner quiet, and the ability to
reflect. For young people, it is helpful to practice discernment of spirits with the assistance of a spiritual
The Catechism for Filipino Catholics tells us that our culture is replete with all kinds of spirits but we
are confused about them and how they act. We are then called to pay attention to the discernment of spirits and
put the spirits to a test to see if they are from God. CFC (1272) also tells us that if we want to learn about the
Holy Spirit, we have to focus on how the Spirit is active in our lives. We can do this by reflecting upon our own
thoughts and feelings, how we relate with our friends and family, and our social life in the community and
parish. Furthermore, we can experience the Spirit in prayer. Lastly, the CFC tells us that: We discern the Spirit
by relating to Jesus Christ, in Holy Scripture as interpreted in Catholic Tradition, in our personal prayer,
devotions, and especially in the Church’s liturgical worship and moral witness of loving service.


I. Identification
Instruction: Read the following statements and write the correct answer on the space provide.

___________________1. This refers to “a kind of movement that eventually drives a person to act.
___________________2. This facilitates a deep sense of gratitude for God’s faithfulness, mercy, and
companionship in our life.
___________________3. This refers to what we feel when we go deeper into negative feelings, give up on
things that are important to us and ultimately pull away from God.

___________________4. This refers to the spirit that comes God and grants us the grace to receive love,
joy, and peace in our lives.

___________________5. This refers to the spirit that brings confusion, doubt, and disgust.
___________________6. This refers to what we do when we reflect and ask ourselves, “Where is the
movement coming from and where is it leading me?”
___________________7. These people have shown that human suffering can also be moments of grace.
___________________8. This person can help us in discerning spirits and assist us in our journey towards
spiritual maturity.
___________________9. These refer to what a person feels and experience when he or she is imbued with
the Holy Spirit.
__________________10. This refer to how we should live if we truly we adhere to the Holy Spirit.

II. Essay

Instruction: Answer the following question given below.

1. Describe how a young adult like you can fully benefit from the discernment of spirits.
2. How can you explain “discernment of spirits to a Grade 10 student?
In a formatted bond paper (to be attached in this module) make a reflection paper with
regards to your learning of the lesson.
Content 10
My Task:
Organization 5
Grammar 5
Total 20




“And Peter said to them, “Repent

and be baptized every one of you
in the name of Jesus Christ for the
forgiveness of your sins, and you
will receive the gift of the Holy
Acts 2:38
 Effective Signs of Invisible Realities
o The Last Leaf
o The Sacraments Defined
o Nature of Sacraments

God’s Story Is Our Story Is the Church’s Story….

and the sacraments are the means through which we can experience this. We all
know how life-giving and transforming it is to hear good news and more so when it is
delivered with a delighted hug and celebrated with a gathering of family and friends.
The sacraments of the Church are among greatest means through which we hear the
best of ‘good news’ and are touched and embraced by God in ways which lead us to

At the end of the lesson, you are required to do the following…

 Understand that the sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and
entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us.
 Appreciate the grace that they receive from Jesus Christ.
 Respond to the challenge of living their lives in imitation of Christ and spread the
word about the nature of sacraments.

My Story
The Last Lift

Once there were two patients who shared the same hospital room. The first patient often received
visitors and had a cheerful disposition. The second patient mostly kept to himself and hardly had any visitors.
Seeing that they were both stuck on their beds and having gone through all other activities to pass the time,
the first patient decided to befriend the second one.
However, the efforts of the first patient to strike a conversation with the second patient fell on deaf
ears. The second patient was disconsolate. Despite the second patient’s discouraging reaction, the first patient
decided to continue with the one-way conversation. This annoyed the second patient although he remained
The second patient thought, Sooner or later this guy will get tired of talking and after that he would
leave me alone.
Days and weeks went by and the first patient continued with his cheerful disposition. He kept on
sharing with the second patient his life, dreams, inspirations. He even talked about all the wonderful things
that he would do once he got out of the hospital.
The second patient never appreciated what the first patient was doing but he remained quiet. He
thought, At least he keeps me entertained. Some of his stories are pretty interesting.
One summer day, the first patient shared the second patient a thought-provoking story. He told the
second patient: Do you see that tree by the window? Only when the last leaf on that tree falls should you
give up hope. As long as you see a single leaf hanging by the branch of that tree, it means that you should
never give up. You should hold on to life, just like that remaining leaf!
The second patient looked at the first patient and smiled.
The second patient thought, “We are here stuck on our hospital beds and this guy thinks about a tree.
He is really out of his mind!

The day that the first patient told his “friend” the story about the last leaf was actually the last time that
the second patient saw him.

The second patient thought, perhaps he was moved to another room or transferred to another hospital. At
least I can get some peace and quiet!

Unfortunately, the health of the second patient got worse. That summer was the most difficult for him.
There were days that the pain was so intolerable that he fancied the idea of just giving up. His dire situation
made him impatient and irritable. Yet, when all hope seemed lost, he looked out of the hospital window and
focused on the tree. Somehow the tree gives him comfort and consolation.

After a few more weeks, the situation of the second patient got worse. He was weak and felt like dying.
But, whenever he looked out of the window and saw the tree, the remaining embers of hope and inspiration in
his heart were stirred. He cannot give up! Just like the leaves that were hanging by the branch of that tree, he
too must hang on to life.

By the season of fall, the second patient started to recover his health. Soon, he was able to move his body
and sit on his bed. At last after days of waiting, his doctor gave him a clean bill of health. Upon hearing this, he
rushed towards the window to see closely the tree and the last leaf. When he was just about a few inches from
the window, he was surprised to see that the tree has actually lost all of its leaves. The solitary leaf that he was
seeing across the room was actually a painting.

The doctor noticed his puzzlement and told him, “Your friend asked somebody to paint that leaf on the
window. He said that it will help you get better.

The second patient smiled and said a prayer for his friend.

The two patients had a unique relationship. Even though the second patient was not warm and
friendly, the first patient chose to make the best out of their dismal situation and opened-up to the second
patient. The turning point of their story was the “message of hope” given by the first patient to the
second which became an invaluable source of strength and inspiration. The tree and theRubricslast leaf were a
visible sign for the second patient that he must hold on to life and not give upContent 10
hope. Just like the story,
the lesson on the nature of sacraments elucidates how sacrament are “effective signs of invisible
realities. Organization 5
Grammar 5
Total 20
Activity 1
Instruction: Answer the following questions.
1. Describe why the first patient was cheerful while the second one was morose. Can we say that we have
the power to choose our reactions to our life situations?
2. Describe the relationship of the first patient and the second patient. Do you think despite the one-way
communication, both of them benefited from each other’s presence?

3. Why do you think the first patient shared with the second patient the story about the last leaf?
4. How did the last leaf that was painted on the window help the second patient?

Activity 2
Instruction: How will you keep your hope in our current situation were facing? Write your answer inside
the tree of hope.

Teaching Mind:


What are sacraments? The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us: the sacraments are efficacious
signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us.
Efficacious sign means that the sacrament that is performed by the minister or a priest, effects in us the
invisible reality that t signifies. Take for example the visible sign of water during baptism. Water indicates
cleansing. Hence, when water is poured on a person during the sacrament of baptism, he or she experiences the
cleansing of the flesh. As an efficacious sign, baptism cleanses the person’s sin by the invisible reality of
Christ’s sanctifying grace.
We also profess that the sacraments were instituted by Christ (CFC, 1114). The Catechism for Filipino
Catholics tells us: Christ, the eternal Word made flesh, is the visible sign, the sacrament of God. Hence, we
believe that the mysteries of Christ’s life are the foundations of what he would henceforth dispense in the
sacraments, through the ministers of Church.
Through the sacraments, we receive God’s grace which is a free and undeserved gift from God through
Jesus Christ. Grace allows us to respond to God’s call to be his children. In living our lives according to the
will of God, we can become partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life.

 All the sacraments are related to Christ. It is Jesus Christ who instituted the sacraments and it is from
the mysteries of His life that the power of the sacraments originates. The sacraments are powers that
come forth from the body of Christ and actions of the Holy Spirit in the Church.
 All the sacraments are related to the Church. It is the Church that discerned the seven sacraments
instituted by the Lord. It is through that Church that the sacrament of Christ’s actions works, and it is
also the Church that manifests and communicates to men the mystery of communion with God.
 All the sacraments are related to faith in God. The sacraments are prepared for by the word of God
(scripture) and faith (belief). Hence, the sacraments pre-suppose faith if the person who receives it
desires to fully benefit from it, be sanctified, build up the Body of Christ, and give worship to God.
Also, since the Church’s faith precedes the faith of the believer, the law of prayer then is the law of
faith. This means that no sacramental rite may be modified or manipulated at the will of the minster or
the community.
 All the sacraments are related to salvation. The sacraments are efficacious (counter the grace they
signify) because it is Jesus Christ who is at work in the sacraments: it is Jesus Christ who acts in His
sacraments in order to communicate the grace that each sacraments signifies. Because this, the
sacraments act ex opera operato which means that “the sacraments are not wrought by the righteousness
of either the celebrant or the recipient but by the power of God. Thus, the sacraments are necessary for
salvation because through them, we receive “sacramental grace.” The grace of the Holy Spirit, given by
the Lord Jesus Christ, allows us to partake in the divine nature by living in union with Him.
 All the sacraments are related to eternal life. The sacraments anticipate eternal life and through them,
we receive the guarantee of our inheritance to eternal life. The Catechism of the Catholic Church cites
St. Thomas Aquinas who summed up the various aspects of sacramental signs: Therefore, a sacrament
is a sign that commemorates what precedes it- Christ’s Passion; demonstrates what is accomplished in
us through Christ’s Passion- grace; and prefigures what that Passion pledges to us- future glory.


I. Modified True or False.

Instruction: Read the following statements. In the space provided, write T if the statement is True and F if it
is False. If the statement is False, change the underlined word/phase to make the statement True.

_______1. The sacraments were instituted by the Church. _____________________

_______2. The power of the sacraments originates from the minister or priest.


_______3. There are six sacraments from which we can receive God’s grace. ____________

_______4. A Christian must receive all the sacraments in order for him of her to be saved.


_______5. The sacraments do not guarantee our inheritance to eternal life. ______________

_______6. The recipient of the sacrament must have faith so as to receive God’s grace.


_______7. Ex opera operato which means that the sacrament is performed by the power of God.

_______8. All sacraments are related to the Church. _________________________

_______9. Jesus Christ is God’s sacrament. __________________________________

_______10. God’s “grace” can be earned by prayers and charitable acts.


II. Essay

Instruction: Answer the following questions substantially in not less than 3 sentences.

1. Give three concrete examples that show how the sacraments are related to the church.

2. Explain how sacraments ca move Christians to be selfless and perform charitable acts.


In a ¼ Illustration board, select from the seven sacraments that you want to make a poster.
Then explain why you chose to draw that sacrament.
Content 15
Organization 10 My Task:
Creativity 5
Total 30

I. Identification: Kindly write on the space provided the term described by the statement.

________________________1. This refers to what we receive from the sacraments which are necessary for our
________________________2. This refers to what the sacraments pre-suppose if we want to fully benefit from

________________________3. This refers to the act of giving of praise and thanksgiving to God through

_______________________4. This refers to the one who truly offers the eternal sacrifice in the Holy Eucharist.

_______________________5. This phrase means that “the sacrament is not wrought by the righteousness of
either the celebrant or the recipient but by the power of God.”

II. Matching Type: Match the liturgical seasons on Column A with their meaning on Column B.

Column A Column B

_______1. Sacred Paschal Triduum A. Six-week period of penance before Easter.

_______2. Easter Time B. Four weeks of preparation before the celebration of Jesus’s

_______3. Advent C. Visit of the Magi

_______4. Christmas Time D. Recalls the Nativity of Jesus Christ and his manifestation to
the people of the world.

_______5. Lent E. Recalls the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus

F. 50 days of joyful celebration of the Lord’s resurrection from
the dead and sending forth of the Holy Spirit

III. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

_______1. On the Liturgical Year cycle A, the Gospel readings are taken from _______.
A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke D. John

_______2. How many years’ cycle is there for the Sunday readings in Ordinary Time?
A. One B. Two C. Five D. None of the above

_______3. Ex opera operato means ___________.

A. That Christ is present in the sacraments
B. That the power of the sacraments come from God
C. That we receive God’s grace despite our human weakness
D. All the above

_______4. Which Solemnity of Mary is celebrated every December 8?

A. Immaculate Conception C. Annunciation of the Lord
B. Mother of God D. Assumption

_______5. In the Philippines, the following are considered as significant gains in the liturgy except
A. Masses celebrated using the vernacular language
B. Local hymns written and put to music
C. Crucifixion of devotees during Lent
D. “Misa ng Sambayanang Pilipino”

IV. Table Completion: On Column A is the list of the sacred seasons in our liturgical calendar. On
column B, write two popular symbols that best represents the sacred season. On column C, write
two specific actions that you can do with your friends or family to celebrate or actively participate in
the sacred season.
Column A Column B Column C
1._________________________ 1._________________________

2._________________________ 2._________________________

Christmas Time 1._________________________ 1._________________________

2._________________________ 2._________________________

1._________________________ 1._________________________

2._________________________ 2._________________________

Sacred Paschal Triduum

1._________________________ 1._________________________

2._________________________ 2._________________________

Easter Time
1._________________________ 1._________________________

2._________________________ 2._________________________

Ordinary Time
1._________________________ 1._________________________

2._________________________ 2._________________________

V. Essay: Answer the following questions.

1. How can you help your siblings understand that Christ is present in all of the sacraments?

2. What activity can you suggest to your parish priest that will increase the love and appreciation of the
youth for the sacraments?

VI. Collaborative Task

Task: Salt and Light: An Open Letter to Young Christians

Goal: The goal is to write a one-page open letter addressed to the young Christians of today.

Role: You are a Christian who wants to inspire young Christians to actively participate in sacred liturgy and

Partner: Your partner will be chosen by your teacher.

Situation: The challenge involves writing one-page open letter that will inspire young Christians to actively
participate in sacred liturgy and prayer. The letter should include salient ideas about sacred liturgy and prayer
based from the lessons. The Liturgy as the Exercise of the Priestly Office of Jesus Christ, Sacred Seasons,
Opening to God, Discernment of Spirits, and Effective Signs of Invisible Realities.

Product: A one-page open letter that will inspire young Christians to actively participate in sacred liturgy and
prayer. You will give the letter to your chosen partner at the same Grade level, ask him or her to read it, and
share his or her thoughts about it.

Standards: Your letter must meet the standards set on the rubric.

Remember: The task must be documented.


CRITERI Exceeds the Meets the Standard Approaching the Below the Standard
A Standard 3 Standard 1
4 2
The letter is clear, The letter is creative The letter is plain. The letter is not
Creativity concise creative, and and inspiring. creative and
very inspiring. inspiring.

The letter has The letter has The letter has The letter lacks
interesting and meaningful relevant relevant
Presentatio inspiring examples/anecdotes. examples/anecdotes. examples/anecdotes.
n examples/anecdotes.

The letter is The letter is value The letter slightly The letter is poor in
stimulating and value laden. promotes a positive terms of its value
laden. It also draws value. content.
Message inspiration from the
lesson on sacred
liturgy and prayer.


“The Sacrament of Christian

Divine Adoption
“By the baptism in his death,
we were buried with Christ
and, as Christ was raised from
among the dead by the glory
of the Father, so we begin
walking in a new life.”
Rom 6:4

 Divine Adoption
o The Christmas Gift
o Theology of Divine in Scripture
o Divine Adoption in the Teachings of the Church
o Divine Adoption and the Writings of Blessed Columba Marmion

What does it mean that we have been saved? What happened to us when we became
Christian? There are many ways to speak about this, many important distinctions can be
made, and many consequences can be fleshed out—but my favorite model or image of what
happens is that of adoption. As St. John tells us, “See what great love the Father has lavished
on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! (1 Jn 3:1) What is
adoption but a completely gratuitous gift of love, a “becoming part of the family? This family
is nothing less than the Mystical Body of Christ, which is a participation in the Holy Trinity.

At the end of the lesson, you are required to do the following…

 Understand that all of us have been predestined to be adopted sons and daughters of
God in the Son Jesus Christ, through the gift of the Holy Spirit.
 Appreciate the Sacrament of Baptism for through if we were incorporated to the
Church and became adopted children of God.
 Respond to the challenge of partaking in the divine nature by persevering to be
always Christ-like in words and deeds.

My Story

The Christmas Gift

Christmas eve.
The family just came home from the Christmas Vigil Mass and are now preparing for the Noche
Buena. The smell of ham, cheese, freshly baked bread, and spaghetti wafted out from the kitchen. After the
was laid on the dining table, the family prayed and greeted Jesus, “Happy Birthday!” The early hours of
Christmas morning were spent eating the delicious food and sharing wonderful stories.
Christmas, the eldest son said, “I wonder how long it has been since Ninang Betty gave me a
Christmas gift.
Christmas gift, at your age, perhaps you should be the one giving your Ninang a gift. His mother
replied. Remember, for 13 years, she always gave you something. The last time I spoke to her, she shared
with me that she really thought of you like her own son. Now that you are 17, perhaps you can give your
Ninang a gift.
But what would I give her?” The son asked. I think it is unusual for an inaanak to give his Ninang a
Why not give her the gift of your presence? His father replied. Your Ninang Betty has retired from
work and spends most of her time at home. I’m sure that she will be delighted to see you. You can also catch
up with your kinakapatid Fatima and Kaye.
Oh, yes, Fatima and Kaye!” the son replied. They were like sisters to me. I still remember the time
that our family went to their rest house at Tali Beach in Batangas. It was a great summer vacation!
Can I come and visit them, too? The youngest child asked. I want to see Lola Betty. I will ask Ate
Fatima to help me with my scrapbook and play with Kaye!
Of course, Edna. The father replied. “Perhaps you will even get an aginaldo!
The eldest son smiled and told his sister,Just don’t forget to say, ‘Mano po!’ and kiss Ninang Betty!
The whole family laughed and continued with their Noche Buena.
Have you ever asked your parents why they choose certain people to be your godparents? It is
common among parents to choose their close friends (and sometimes relatives) to be the godparents of
their children. Such choice emanates from the parent’s desire to provide their children with second
Content 5
parents whom they intimately know and trust. Ideally, godparents are respectable, morally upright, and 3
God-fearing Christians who will help the godchild live a life in accordance with Grammar
the teachings of 2
Total 10
Christ. Ideally too godparents are expected to take care of their godchild, should something fatal
happen to the parents.
While it is expected that godparents give their godchild material thing, it is far more important
for godparents to give gifts that are more precious than gold. Some of the gifts that godparents can
dispense to their godchild are sound advice, instruction about the Catholic faith, and living a Christ-
centered life that the
Furthermore, young can
a godchild emulate.
becomes an extended member of the godparent’s family. As such, they
share privileges and responsibilities with their “kinakapatid.” Part of this responsibility is helping their
“kinakapatid” in times of need and assisting their godparents when the situation calls for it. Truly, Baptism
allows Christian families to grow and practice charity.
However, baptism is not only significant because of godparents, the giving and receiving of gifts or
being a member of the extended family. The lesson on divine adoption shows the deeper meaning of our
Baptism which is becoming sons and daughters of God. As adopted children of God, we acknowledge
God’s grace and positively respond to the call of living our lives according to His commands.

Activity 1

Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. What were the Filipino and Catholics traditions highlighted in the story?
2. Godparents (ninong or ninang) are expected to give gifts or aginaldo to their godchildren specially
during the Christmas season. However, godparent is handpicked not because of their ability to give but
because of their capacity to love and guide. Describe a few nonmaterial gifts that godparents can give to
their godchildren.

3. What do you think about the idea of giving our godparents the gift of our presence?
____________________________ __________________________________
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____________________________ __________________________________
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4. Does being a godchild mean that we are also considered as a member of our godparent’s family? Why?

Activity 2

Instruction: Fill in the boxes that do you think the traits to be a good godparent.

Activity 3

Instruction: Illustrate any object that for you best symbolizes baptism. Explain your illustration.

Teaching Mind:


In the Holy Scriptures, St. Pau; explains that all of us have been predestined to be adopted sons and
daughters of God in the Son (Jesus Christ), through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Pre-destined means that God, in
His loving kindness, has decided from the very beginning that we become His adopted children. Ephesians 1:5
From eternity he (God) destined us in love to be his adopted sons and daughters through Christ Jesus, thus
fulfilling his free and generous will. This goal suited him: that his loving-kindness which he granted us in his
Beloved might finally receive all glory and praise.

Our adoption as sons and daughters of God is made possible through Jesus Christ, the son of God. Jesus
Christ, the Word of God incarnate, sacrificed Himself so that we can be redeemed and freed from the slavery of
sin. This saving truth is succinctly described by St. Paul in his Letter to the Galatians (4:4-6):
But when the fullness of time came, God sent his Son. He came born of woman and subject to the Law,
in order to redeem the subjects of the Law, that we might receive adoption as children of God. And because
you are children, God has sent into your hearts the Spirit of his Son which cries out: Aba! That is, Father!
Jesus Christ has sent to us the Holy Spirit: “From now on the Helper, The Holy Spirit whom the Father will
send in my name, will teach you all things, and remind you of all that I have told you (Jn 14:22). The Holy
Spirit that we have received in the Sacrament of Baptism allows us to acknowledge God as our Father (just as
Christ did) and intimately call God “Abba” which means Father. St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans (8:14-17) tells
All those who walk in the Spirit of God are sons and daughters of God. Then, no more fear: you did not receive
a spirit of slavery, but the Spirit that makes you sons and daughters and every time we cry, Abba! (this is Dad!)
Father! The Spirit assures our spirit that we are sons and daughters of God. If we are children, we are heirs,


Our divine adoption is a free and undeserved gift from God. The Catholic Church teaches that we
became adopted sons and daughters of God through God’s grace and loving kindness. CCC (1996) explains:
Our justification comes from the grace from God. Grace is a favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives
us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal
God’s plan of loving kindness and our predestination to be His children is further elucidated in CCC
(257): God’s plan of loving kindness has been conceived by the Father before the foundation of the world, in
his beloved Son: ‘He (God the Father) destined us in love to be his sons’ and to be conformed to the image of
his Son’ through ‘the spirit of son ship. God the Father decided to adopt us from the very beginning and desired
that we become like His Son Jesus Christ who is obedient to His holy will and graciously responds to His love.
Furthermore, our adoption as sons and daughters of God takes place in our incorporation into the
Church through the Sacrament of Baptism. The CCC (2782) states: by Baptism, he (God the Father)
incorporates us into the Body of his Christ; through the anointing of his Spirit who flows from the head to the
members, he makes us others ‘Christs.
If we are sons and daughters of God who through the Sacrament of Baptism became “other Christ’s
(partakers of the divine nature), we are then called to practice continual conversion and new life. CCC (2784)
tells us: Praying to our Father (Abba) should develop in us two fundamental dispositions: First, the desire to
become like him: though created in his image, we are restored to his likeness by grace; and we must respond to
this grace. Therefore, being an adopted sons and daughters is a privilege and a challenge. We have received the
grace of God to become like Him and we must persevere to be always Christ-like in our words and deeds.

Blessed Columba Marmion (1858-1923) was an Irish monk who is considered as the “Doctor of Divine
Adoption. In his books, Christ the Life of the Soul, and Christ in His Mysteries, Blessed Marmion made man’s
divine adoption through Jesus Christ the center of his teaching.
Blessed Marmion taught that the Divine Persons of the Blessed Trinity have predestined the human
person to participate in their divine life to enter their Communion. God has predestined that we participate in
God’s own life, accomplished through the grace of divine adoption. The gift of supernatural adoption is made
in and through the Son; in him, that this plan is realized. In the Incarnation, the Son (Jesus Christ) shares in
human nature so that human being may share in the Son’s divine nature, in his relationship with the Father in
the Holy Spirit. Blessed Marmion also tells us: By nature, God has only one Son. By love, he will have a
multitude of them, without number (cf. Eph 1:5).


I. Matching Type.

Instruction: Match the phrases/statements in Column A with the words/concepts in Column B. write the
letter on the space provided.

Column A Column B

________1. This refers to the free and undeserved help A.Divine Adoption
that God gives us to respond to His call to
become children of God. B. Baptism

________2. This refers to the Spirit that allows us to cry C. Trinity

out “Abba!” to God the Father.

________3. This refers to the holy person who declared: D. Pre-destination

“By nature, God has only one Son. By love,
He will have a multitude of them, without E. Grace

F. Jesus Christ
________4. This term is synonymous with “Father” or
“Dad.” G. Blessed Marmion

________5. This refers to the apostle who proclaimed the

theology of divine adoption in his letter to the I. Abba
Ephesians and Galatians. J. Letter to the Eph 1:5

________6. This refers to the Letter of Saint Paul where us K. Letter to the Gal 4:4-6
pre-destination as adopted sons and daughters
of God is proclaimed. L. Church

________7. This refers to the Letter of Saint Paul which

assures us that we are indeed children of God
who receives the Spirit of his Son in our hearts? M. Body of Christ

________8. This refers to the nature of Jesus Christ when

he “emptied Himself and became like us.” N. Human

________9. This refers to a plan that was made before the O. Saint Paul
Foundation of the world.

________10. This refers to the Body of Christ that we were

incorporated in when we received the sacrament
of Baptism.

II. Essay
Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. Describe how you will explain the theology of divine adoption to your younger siblings.


2. How can you encourage your friends to actively participate in the liturgical celebrations? Give
specific examples.

III. Picture Analysis.

Instruction: Analyze the picture below and give your interpretation or your understanding about the picture.

Integration into the Community of

“Baptism, which corresponds to
this, now saves you, not as a
removal of dirt from the body
but as an appeal to God for a
good conscience, through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
1 Peter 3:21
 Integration into the Community of Believers
o The Filipino Catholics of Paete, Laguna and The St. James the Great Church
o Church’s Teaching on Baptism
o The Baptized as the Heart of the Church in the Heart of the World
Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae
spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism
we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are
incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: “Baptism is the sacrament of
At the end of the lesson, you are required to do the following…
regeneration through water and in the word.
 Understand the two effects of Baptism which are “to unite the baptized with Christ,
According to the Apostle Paul, the believer enters through Baptism into communion with
their Risen Lord” and “sharing in Christ’s ‘baptism’ of His Paschal Mystery.
Christ’s death, is buried with him, and rises with him:
 Appreciate their sharing in Christ’s mission and threefold office as Prophet, Priest,
Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into
and King.
his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was
 Proclaim the truth about the grace that they have received from their Baptism and
raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.
live out their Christian vocation through charitable words and deeds.
The baptized have “put on Christ.” Through the Holy Spirit, Baptism is a bath that purifies,
justifies, and sanctifies.

My Story

The Filipino Catholics of Paete, Laguna and The St. James the
Great Church

Have you been to a Church that was built in 16th century?

The Philippines is blessed to have century-old churches that are extant in the present times. In the
town of Pete, Laguna, the church of St. James the Great is an example of a beautiful 16 th century church
because oi its architecture, ornate façade, and antique religious art. Furthermore, the church of St. James
the Great is a monument to the unwavering faith of the people in God and the great devotion of the
Paetenos to their patron saint.
Laguna de bai (province of Laguna) was pacified around the year 1578 and the gospel was brought
to the widely scattered inhabitants by the Franciscan Missionaries Juan De Plasencia and Diego De
Oropeza. Coseteng in Spanish Churches in the Philippines narrates that the missionaries zealously covered
their religious territory by foot and canoe. The Exception with the Purpose add that Father Juan De
Placensia was fluent in Tagalog (the native language of the people from Laguna de Bai) and translated The
Doctrina Cristiana (Book of Christian Doctrine) for the catechumens. Furthermore, De Placensia’s
descriptions of the parishioners’ customs were concise but comprehensible, indicating personal experience,
careful observations, and thoughtful reflections. A few years later, the effort of the missionaries bore fruit
and towns were established along the lake area: Lumbang, Baras, Morong, Siniloan, Pangil, Paete,
Majayjay, Nagcarlan, and others.
The town of Paete, was founded in 1580 by Fr. Juan De Placensia. The name Paete was derived from the
Tagalog word Paet or chisel as a tribute to the townspeople’s skills in wood carving. In the building of
churches, village communities furnished the friars and parish priest with contributions of food, supplies, and
free labor in building churches. It is noteworthy that the people generously shared their skills and talents in
the building of the church. The Paete craftsmen used their mastery in woodcarving to design and construct the
church of St. James the Great tells us:

It must have been this artistic tradition, the discipline, and the feeling for the medium, which the artisans
who carved the façade of the church had transmitted on the stone surface. The hard stone has been
transformed by their chisels in to a soft, pliant surface completely covered with flowing breathing forms. The
façade of the church in Paete is not only a manifestation of local reaction to baroque influence but also
reflection of the artistry and exuberance of the people.

The people of Paete find close affinity with the church. A devotee of St. James the Great said: Is
not our church very beautiful? We hope that we can keep it that way. We hope that our faith will be as strong
and unshakeable our church. May we be faithful sons and daughters of God, followers of Christ, and one with
the Roman Catholic Church. We hope that we have a clear conscience like our clean church. Let us preach
and defend our faith.

Every Thursday, the devotees of St. James the Great gather at the church to celebrate Mass and
pray. This Thursday Devotion is highlighted by the exposition and kissing of a relic of St. James. During lent,
parishioners are invited to the exhibit at the parish hall where religious icons are displayed to the public. The
organizers claim that the exhibit showcases the woodcarving skill and artistry of the people of Paete and is an
expression of faith by the people.

Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we become adopted sons and daughters of God and members of the
Body of Jesus Christ (the Church). The people of Paete demonstrated that when we share our talents, skills, and
time for the Church, we grow in faith as well as inspire other members to do the same. When the Paetenos
declared that they want to become “faithful sons and daughters of God, followers of Christ, and one with the
Roman Catholic” they manifested their desire to integrate themselves into the community of believers.
Like the Paetenos and all “adopted sons and daughters of God,” inclusion in the Church carries distinct
rights and responsibilities. Pope Francis tells us, All the baptized, whatever their position in the Church or their
level of instruction in the faith, our agents of evangelization… and the new evangelization calls for personal
involvement on the part of each of the baptized. Every Christian is challenged, here and now, to be actively
The following lesson explores our new life in Christ by virtue of our baptism and how the baptized are
considered as the “heart of the Church in the heart of the world.

Content 5
Organization 3
Grammar 2
LOGGING ON: Total 10

Activity 1

Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. How did the people of Paete become Christians?


2. Describe hoe the people of Paete show their love for God and for the Church.
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ _.
3. Describe how the religious customs and traditions
of the people of Paete strengthen their faith and bring
them closer to the church.

4. What specific events demonstrate the close affinity of a parishioner of St. James the Great to the
universal church?

Activity 2

Instruction: Research on the internet about St. James the Great. Then list down the traits of St. James
you want also to attain and list down also the learning from the life of St. James.

St. James the Great


Teaching Mind:


If you will be asked to describe the significance of the Sacrament of Baptism in your Christian life,
what will be your response? The Catechism for Filipino Catholics presented the popular reductionist idea of
Baptism among Filipino Catholics. According to CFC (1597), there are Filipino Catholics who, during
Baptism, focus on the pouring of water on a baby’s head that will “wash away the original sin. Some Filipino
Catholics view baptism as a sacrament to be received only by babies. Also, some Filipino Catholics regard
Baptism as a single past event wherein it has no lasting effect on the recipient. It is unfortunate that there are
Filipino Catholics who have a shallow appreciation or insufficient understanding of the first sacrament that we
receive from the Catholic Church.
The Catechism for Filipino Catholics corrects the popular reductionist candidate’s idea of Filipino
Catholics about the Sacrament of Baptism. While it is true that the water poured on the head is an important
ritual of Baptism to symbolize the washing away of all our sins, it should not be considered as the only feature
of the baptismal celebration. Looking back, we remember that Jesus Christ instituted Baptism saying, Go,
therefore, and make disciples from all nations. Baptize them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. I am with you always, even to the
end of this world. (Mt 28:19-20). The focus of Baptism then is Jesus Christ, specifically our sharing in the
“dying and rising of our Lord and Savior. The Holy Scriptures tells us that “in baptism, we actually die with
Christ so that we, like Him, might raise to newness of life. and that whoever is baptized in Christ puts on
Christ. In Baptism, the pouring of water symbolizes the catechumen’s burial into Christ’s death, from which he
rises up by resurrection with him, as ‘a new creature. Hence, it is through Jesus Christ that we are interiorly
cleansed from a bad conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
According to the Canon Law, baptism can be given to babies and adults. The emphasis, however, is not
on age but on the preparation for the sacrament of Baptism. Adults who desire to be baptized must be admitted
to be catechumenate and, as far as possible, brought through the various stages to sacramental initiation, in
accordance with the rite of initiation as adapted by the Bishops’ Conference and with the particular norms
issued by it. Infant baptism, on the other hand, entails that “the parents of a child who is to be baptized, and
those who are to undertake the office of sponsors, are to be suitably instructed on the meaning of this
Sacrament and the obligations attaching to it.
The Sacrament of Baptism is not a single past event but a new beginning that brings a real change in a
person’s life. from it, we receive the baptismal grace which includes forgiveness of original sin and all personal
sin, birth into the new life by which man becomes an adoptive son of the Father, a member of Christ, and a
temple of the Holy Spirit. Hence, every baptized person is incorporated into the Church, the Body of Christ,
and made a sharer in the priesthood of Christ. Lastly, baptism is a ritual calling for a life of Christian
discipleship. As such, Baptism influences our daily life by being the permanent source of sharing God’s own
life in Christ. tells us that our Baptism grounds us to our future life process which is to live prophetically as
Christ lived, to witness as He did, to the luminous coming together of Gospel and life. To the world they
manifest and communicate Christ, Christ who loves, Christ who serves, Christ who saves.


CFC (1605) tells us that through the Sacrament of Baptism, we are united with the other members of
Christ’s Body which is the Church. In his first Letter to the Corinthians (12:12), Saint Paul proclaims that the
body of Christ, the Church, has many members but drink of one Spirit. This means that our relationship with
Christ is both personal and communal. Our “personal love” for Jesus Christ is rooted in loving friendship with
our fellow Christians. Truly, “if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love comes to its perfection in us
(1 Jn 4:20). When we manifest our love for God by loving our neighbors, we become the heart of the Church in
the heart of the world.
Also, the Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated by the community of baptized people (the Church), that
makes the risen Christ and His Spirit present in the world today.
In the first Letter of Saint Peter (2:4-5), he proclaims that the baptized upon being incorporated to the
body of Christ (the Church) become the “living stones” of Jesus’ spiritual house. As such, baptized Christians
are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation (1 Pt 2:9-10). The Sacrament of Baptism then confers on us
a sharing in Christ’s mission and threefold office as Prophet, Priest, and King.
CFC (1608-1609) also tells us that we, the baptized disciples of Christ, exercise our sharing in Christ’s
priesthood when we offer spiritual sacrifices as well as bear witness to Him when we proclaim the good news
through our words and deeds. CFC adds: By the sacrament of Baptism… a person becomes truly incorporated
into the crucified and glorified Christ and is reborn to a sharing in the divine life… but Baptism of itself is only
a beginning, a point of departure, for it is wholly directed toward the acquiring of fullness of life in Christ.

I. Multiple Choice.

Instruction: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

_______1. This refers to the age of people who can be baptized into the Church.
A. Infants B. Young children C. Adults D. All the above.
_______2. The following refer to the meaning of the Church except
A. A building for prayer and worship
B. A place to hold bazaars and other social activities
C. Christ’s body
D. Community of baptized people

_______3. The following refers to the true meaning of Baptism except

A. A new life in Christ
B. Incorporation into the Christian community, Christ’s Body
C. A ritual calling for a life of Christian discipleship
D. A one-time social event
_______4. This refers to the one who can administer the Sacrament of Baptism.
A. Baptized Christian B. Priest C. Deacon D. All the above
_______5. Which of the following is a popular reductionist idea about Baptism?
A. Baptism is a new life in Christ
B. Through Baptism we are incorporated into Christ’s Body
C. Prominent and wealthy persons should become godfathers and godmothers
D. Baptism calls us to a life of Christian discipleship
_______6. This refers to what the water symbolizes in the Sacrament of Baptism.
A. Forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins
B. Pouring of God’s blessings
C. Cleansing of the body
D. Initiation rite to be a member of the community of believers.
_______7. This refers to how the baptized share in Christ’s priesthood.
A. Through the offering of spiritual sacrifices
B. Participating in the activities of the parish
C. Taking care of the sick and elderly
D. All the above
_______8. This refers to our relationship with Christ as expressed by St. Paul in his First Letter to the
Corinthians 12:12.
A. Our relationship with Christ is both personal and communal.
B. Our relationship with Christ is personal.
C. We can only relate to Christ through the Church.
D. Only the baptized people can have a meaningful relationship with Christ.
_______9. This refers to what we must do if we are to live a life of Christian discipleship.
A. Proclaim Christ through our words and deeds.
B. Serve others.
C. Love God and our neighbor.
D. All the above
_______10. This refers to the first effect of Baptism.
A. Unites the baptized with Christ.
B. Incorporates us into the Church.
C. Grants us the grace of the Holy Spirit
D. Makes us sons and daughters of God

II. Essay.

Instruction: Answer the following questions substantially in not less than 3 sentences.

1. Give three examples on how you can inspire Christians and non-Christians to become charitable.


2. Give two examples on how the members of the Church can truly make the Risen Christ and His Spirit
present in the world today.

Have you ever visited any historical or century old Churches? Talk about your experience.
Christian Maturity
“Brothers do not be
children in your thinking.
Be infants in evil, but in
your thinking be
1 Corinthians 14:20 
 Christian Maturity
o Good Timber
o Sacraments of Confirmation Complements and Completes the
Sacrament of Baptism
o The Anointing with Oil and Spiritual Seal
o Effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation

Christian maturity is an ever-present goal for believers in Christ. This goal is to reach the very
height of Christ’s full stature (Ephesians 4:13). Although no believer can reach total
Christlikeness during earthly life, the Bible places it as the goal for every Christian. It is better
to reach for a goal that is too high and gain much than to reach a goal that is too low and gain
The main purpose of the lesson is to help the student become more like Christ, and to
encourage him or her to help others do the same. May the Lord bless you and help you to
make progress toward maturity in Christ through the study of this lesson.

At the end of the lesson, you are required to do the following…

 Understand the effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation which are “the special
outpouring of the Holy Spirit” and the “increase and deepening of baptismal grace.”
 Appreciate the “gifts of the Holy Spirit.”
 Encourage young Christians to be firm and steadfast to the faith.

My Story

Good Timber

The tree that never had to fight

For sun and sky and air and light,
But stood out in the open plain
And always got its share of rain,
Never became a forest king
But lived and died a scrubby thing.

The man who never had to toil

To gain and farm his patch of soil,
Who never had to win his share?
Of sun and sky and light and air,
Never became a manly man
But lived and died as he began.

Good timber does not grow with ease:

The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
The further sky, the greater length;
The more the storm, the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timbers grow.

Where thickest lies the forest growth,

We find the patriarchs of both.
And they hold counsel with the stars
Whose broken branches show the scars
Of many winds and much of strife.
This is the common law of life.

The poem Good Timber is a beautiful analogy between trees who fought for sun and sky and air and light”
that grew in immense size to become forest king and men (people) who surpassed hardships and suffering to
earn the title “manly man.
What was common between the forest king and manly man was their triumph against the storms, sun,
cold, rain, snow, and wind. That came to their lives. The difficult ordeals that they faced might have broken
their branches and given them scars but their suffering love made them bigger, stronger, good. And worthy of
their name.
In this lesson, we shall revisit the Sacrament of Confirmation and look at its importance and contribution to
our Christian maturity. We shall also discover how the confirmed can respond to the call of Christian
Content 5
Organization 3
Grammar 2
Total 10


Activity 1

Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. What happened to trees which “never had to fight for sun and sky and air and light” and men (people)
who “never had to toil”?
2. What do you think was the message of the poet when he wrote by sun and cold, by rain and snow/in
trees and men good timber grow?
3. How do the lines: Whose broken branches show the scars/Of many winds and much of strife/This is the
common law of life, describe the significance of hardship and suffering in our lives?
4. How can you relate the poem “Good Timber” to the challenge of being a Christian disciple?

Activity 2

Instruction: Reflect and ask yourself, how matured are you? Do you think you are matured enough to be
call fully grown Christian? What are the things you must consider for you to be called mature Christian?
Write your answer inside the box provided.

Activity 3.

Instruction: Illustrate any object or things that for you best symbolizes confirmation and anointing of the
sick. Explain it substantially.
Teaching Mind:



In the previous lesson, we have learned that we became other Christ’s or partakers of the divine nature
when we were baptized. Now that we have grown and are on our way to Christian maturity, the Sacrament of
Confirmation complements and completes the Sacrament of Baptism that we have received. While our Baptism
grounded us in our future life process which is to live prophetically as Christ lived, to witness as He did, to the
luminous coming together of Gospel and life (cf. CFC, 1597); it is through the Sacrament of Confirmation that
we are drawn into closer union with the Church endowed with strength to actively spread the Gospel.
The Sacrament of Confirmation was originally part of the expanded rite of Baptism. But as the Church
grew in size, the gift of the Spirit by the “laying on of hands, which in a way perpetuates the race of Pentecost
in the Church, was formed into a separate sacrament.
The Sacrament of Baptism conferred on us a sharing in Christ’s mission and threefold office as Prophet,
Priest, and King. It also directed us toward the acquiring of fullness of life in Christ. Through the Sacrament of
Confirmation, we are strengthened by the Holy Spirit and confirm our mission to give public witness to Christ
and the Church. Thus, Confirmation strengthens and confirms the grace of Baptism (cf. CFC, 1661).


In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the confirmand is anointed with oil, tells us that oil is a sign of
abundance and joy; oil cleanses (anointing before and after a bath) and limbers (the anointing of athletes and
wrestlers); oil is a sign of healing, since it is soothing to bruises and wounds; and it makes radiant with beauty,
health, and strength.
The anointing wit oil is significant because it carries meanings in the sacramental life. speaks of the
anointing’s various meanings. The pre-baptismal anointing with the oil of catechumens signifies cleansing and
strengthening; the anointing of the sick expresses healing and comfort. The post-baptismal anointing with
sacred chrism in Confirmation and ordination is the sign of consecration. By Confirmation Christians, that is,
those who are anointed, share more completely in the mission of Jesus Christ and the fullness of the Holy Spirit
with which he is filled, so that their lives may give off the aroma of Christ. Also, through the anointing the
confirmand receives the mark, the seal of the Holy Spirit.


CCC (1299-1301) describes the celebration of the Confirmation as follows:

In the Roman Rite, the Bishop extends his hands over the whole group of the confirmands. Since the
time of the apostles, this gesture has signified the gift of the Spirit. The Bishop invokes the outpouring of the
Spirit in these words:
All-powerful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
By water and the Holy Spirit
You freed your sons and daughters from sin
And gave them new life.
Send your Holy Spirit upon them
To be their helper and guide.
Give them the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The spirit of right judgment and courage,
The spirit of knowledge and reverence.
Fill them with the spirit of wonder and awe in your presence.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Then, the essential rite of the sacrament follows. In the Latin rite, the Sacrament of Confirmation is
conferred through the anointing with chrism on the forehead, which is done by the laying on of the hand, and
through the words: ‘Accipe signaculum doni Spiritus Sancti (Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.)” The
sign of peace that concludes the rite of the sacrament signifies and demonstrates ecclesial communion with the
bishop and with all the faithful.


The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1302, 1303) tells us that: the effect of the Sacrament of
Confirmation is the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit and that Confirmation brings an increase and
deepening of baptismal grace namely:
 It roots us more deeply in the divine filiation which makes us cry, “Abba! Father!”.
 It unites us more firmly to Christ;
 It increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us;
 It renders our bond with the Church more perfect;
 It gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and actions as
true witnesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the Cross.
The Catechism for Filipino Catholics adds that: Confirmation strengthens and confirms the grace of
Baptism, strengthening and confirming the mission to give public witness to Christ and the Church. This
witness flows from the permanent character imprinted by the sacrament on those confirmed.
Catholic tradition also tells us that in our Confirmation, we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit that will
help us become faithful Christian disciples. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are:
1. WISDOM. The gift of wisdom allows us to have the capacity to love spiritual things more than material
2. UNDERSTANDING. The gift of understanding allows us to know how to live as followers of Christ. It
perfects a person’s speculative reason in the apprehension of truth.
3. COUNSEL OR RIGHT JUDGMENT. The gift of counsel or right judgment allows us to know the
difference between right and wrong and to choose to do what is right.
4. FORTITUDE OR COURAGE. The gift of fortitude or courage makes us overcome our fear and stand
up for what is right in the sight of God.
5. KNOWLEDGE. The gift of knowledge allows us to understand the things about our faith.
6. PIETY OR PERSEVERANCE. The gift of piety makes us revere God and the Church. It allows us to
recognize out total reliance on God.
makes us aware of the glory and majesty of God. A person with wonder and awe knows that God is the
perfection of all we desire.


The Sacrament of Confirmation is usually received by confirmands who are around the age of
discretion. However, more important than the age for Confirmation is the careful preparation for the
confirmand, the parents, and the sponsor. Regarding godparents/sponsors, CFC (1664) tells us to follow faith
norms wherein godparents/sponsors should be:
 Sufficiently mature persons, at least 16 years old;
 Good-living Catholics who have been confirmed; and
 Capable and sincerely intending to help the newly confirmed to faithfully live out the duties of Christian


I. Multiple Choice.
Instruction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. This refers to the original minister of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

A. Priest B. Deacon C. Bishop D. Lay Minister
2. This refers to one of the symbols used in the Sacramental of Confirmation.
A. Covering of white cloth C. Laying on of hands
B. Pouring of Holy Week D. Lighting blessed candles
3. This refers to one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
A. Fear of the Lord B. Peace C. Faith D. Truth
4. This refers to one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that allows us to fight fear and apprehension in
preaching the Gospel.
A. Fear of the Lord B. Fortitude C. Knowledge D. Piety
5. This refers to the Sacrament that permanently strengthens the grace of Baptism.
A. Baptism B. Confirmation C. Eucharist D. Anointing of the Sick
6. Which of the following does not show an increase and deepening of baptismal grace?
A. Being united with Christ C. Doubting Church teachings
B. Being close to the Church D. Intimately calling God as “Father.”
7. The following are necessary in conferring the Sacrament of Confirmation except:
A. Anointing of the forehead with holy Chrism.
B. Saying the words: “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.”
C. Receiving a slight slap on the cheek
D. Laying on of hands over the head of the candidates.
8. The following refers to the faith norms for godparents/sponsors of confirmands except:
A. Good-living Catholics who have been confirmed.
B. Sufficiently mature persons, at least 16 years old.
C. Rich and influential Catholics.
D. Capable and sincerely intending to help the newly confirmed to faithfully live out the duties of
Christian life.
9. Oil is used to anoint the confirmands because:
A. It is cheap and abundant C. It is easy to apply and remove
B. It is part of the tradition D. It carries meanings in sacramental life

10. Those who received the Sacramental of Confirmation.

A. Are strengthened by the Holy Spirit
B. Are confirmed in their mission to give public witness to Christ and the Church
C. Receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
D. All the above

II. Essay.
Instruction: Answer the following questions substantially in not less than 3 sentences.

1. Give three possible ways wherein you can be a public witness to Christ to your family and your
2. Give three examples in your daily life wherein the gifts of the Holy Spirit can be replied.

Content 5
Organization 5
Grammar 10
Total 20

III.Word Hunt.

Instruction: Encircle the words in the puzzle as you find them. Then, write the words that corresponds to
the correct answer. Write your answer in the space provided.


________________________1. It is a sign of healing, since it is soothing to bruises and wounds; and it makes
radiant with beauty, health, and strength.
________________________2. Anointing with the oil of catechumens signifies cleansing and strengthening.
________________________3. Anointing before and after bath.
________________________4. Anointing with sacred chrism in Confirmation and ordination is the sign of
________________________5. The anointing of athletes and wrestlers.
________________________6. It is the seal of the Holy Spirit.
________________________7. The gift that makes us overcome out fear stand up for what is right in the sight
of God.
________________________8. The gift that
allows us to have the capacity to love spiritual
things more than material ones.
_______________________9. Allows us to
know the difference between right and wrong
and to choose to do what is right.
______________________10. It makes us aware
of the glory and majesty of God.
______________________11. It perfects a
person’s speculative reason in the apprehension
of truth
______________________12. Gift that allows us
to understand the things about our faith.
______________________13. The Sacrament of
Confirmation is usually received by confirmands
who are around the ____ of discretion.
_____________________14. It brings an
increase and deepening of baptismal grace.
_____________________15. It makes us revere God and the Church. It allows us to recognize our total
reliance on

The Power of the Word


 The Power of the Word “For the word of God is living
o The Eucharist
and active, sharper than any
INTRODUCTION: two-edged sword, piercing to
the division of soul and of
What were your first words this morning?
Often, we take words for granted. However, words carry immense value in our lives.
A popular quote highlights the importance of words, saying:
Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
Be careful of your character, for your character become your destiny.

So, this lesson will awaken you for the power of words. In how words can change someone’s


At the end of the lesson, you are required to do the following…

 Describe the Holy Eucharist as the “source and summit of our Christian life.”
 Appreciate the Liturgy of the Word.
 Encourage their family and friends to pray using the Sacred Scriptures.

My Story

The Power of Words

History is replete with examples of how words shaped not just the character of an individual but also
influenced and inspired the society. In the Philippines, the poem. Sa Aking Mga Kabata (attributed to Dr. Jose
Rizal, who allegedly wrote it at the age of 8, although scholars believe it to have been written by the poets
Gabriel Beato Francisco or Herminigildo Cruz) speaks of the importance of words, language, and love for our


Ang hindi magmahal sa kanyang salita

Mahigit sa hayop at malanang isda,
Kaya ang marapat pagyamaning kusa
Na tulad sa inang tunay na nagpala.

(Who does not love his own tongue is

Far worse than a brute or stinking fish,
For we should foster and make it great
I like unto a mother blest by fate)

Many of the greatest achievements begin with empowering words. When we share empowering words
with people, they become confident and inspired to take constructive action. Words are so powerful that they
can move people to take bold actions and accomplish things that seem impossible.
While we can choose to speak positive or empowering words to others, we must also be sincere and
really mean what we say. In doing so, people will find that we are concerned with them and desire what is best
for them.
If human words can inspire and move people to do impossible things, what more about the “Word” of
God? In this lesson, we shall discover the power of the Word and how God’s Word is intimately linked to our
daily lives.

My Task:
In a formatted bond paper (to be attached in this module), make a slogan using the famous
words of the popular personalities that impacted you as a student and as a youth. Then,
give a short explanation in how those words touched your feelings.
Content 10
Organization 10
Creativity 5
Total 25

Activity 1

Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. Do you believe that the words that we use can become our destiny? Why?
2. Can you give other examples wherein the words used by leaders became the catalyst for action and
3. How would you explain to a friend the meaning of the following lines from the poem Invictus? “I am
the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”

4. It the opportunity presents itself, what words of encouragement will you say to empower a person who
is feeling insecure, unsure, or apprehensive about taking constructive action?

Content 5
Organization 3
Grammar 2
Activity 2 Total 10

Instruction: List down the advantage and disadvantage of the power of words by filling in the graphic


The Power
of Words



The Catechism of the Catholic Church, tells us that the Holy Eucharist completes Christian Initiation.
Those who have been raised to the dignity of the royal priesthood by Baptism and configured more deeply to
Christ by Confirmation participate with the whole community in the Lord’s own sacrifice by means of the
Eucharist. In our active participation in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, our way of thinking is attuned to
Jesus Christ and the Eucharist confirms our way of thinking. Also, as the source and summit of our Christian
life), all the other sacraments and ecclesial ministries and works of the apostolates, are bound with the
Eucharist and oriented toward it.
The Catechism for Filipino Catholics also tells us that the whole Eucharistic celebration consists of:
o Introductory Rites: Entrance Hymn, Greeting, Penitential Rite, the Gloria, and Opening Prayer;
o Liturgy of the Word: Scripture Readings, Homily, Creed and Prayer of the Faithful
o Liturgy of the Eucharist: Preparation of the Gifts, the Eucharistic Prayer, including:
Preface, Invocation (Epiclesis) of the Holy Spirit;
Last Supper’s Narrative of Institution, Acclamation;
Intercessions, Great Doxology with Amen;
o Communion Rite: The Our Father, Prayer for Deliverance, Prayer for Peace, Breaking of the Bread,
Communion, Prayer after Communion;
o Concluding Rites: Final Blessing, Dismissal (cf. CCC 1346-55).
The Liturgy of the Word is not a lecture or message for the crowd. Instead, it is meant to nourish our
Christian life. just as Jesus Christ said that: man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes
from the mouth of God. (cf. Mt 4:4), the Liturgy of the Word is meant to encourage, inspire, and move us to
live each day of our lives as good Christians.
The Holy Eucharist is “structured like a meal” wherein the Readings, Homily, Profession of Faith- carry on
the meal’s conversation. In the Liturgy of the Word, the Church nourishes the people of God from the table of
His Word. Through the Scriptures, God speaks to us and leads us along the path to salvation. The Responsorial
Psalm is sung between the readings and helps us to meditate on the word of God. The high point of the Liturgy
of the Word is the reading of the Gospel. After the Scripture readings, the celebrant preaches the homily. The
Homily allows us to reflect and inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Homily brings to the here and
now the message of the Scripture readings. The Profession of Faith then follows the homily. After this, the
Prayer of the Faithful makes the assembly intercede with God on behalf of the Church, the world, and the
faithful gathered.


I. Multiple Choice.

Instruction: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Write your answer on the space

________1. This refers to the minister for the celebration of the Eucharist.
A. Priest or Bishop B. Deacon C. Acolyte D. Lay Minister
________2. The following refer to parts of the whole Eucharistic celebration except:
A. Concluding Rites B. Liturgy of the Word
B. Introductory Rites D. Blessing of religious icons
________3. Which of the following is part of the Liturgy of the Word?
A. Invocation of the Holy Spirit C. Scripture Reading
B. Prayer for Peace D. Final Blessing
_______4. The Holy Eucharist is structured like __________.
A. A meeting B. A meal C. A gathering D. An extravagant
_______5. This refers to the high point in the Liturgy of the Word.
A. Reading of the Gospel C. Homily of the Priest or
B. Singing of the Responsorial Psalm D. Profession of Faith
_______6. Which of the following is an example of active charity?
A. Condemning corruption C. Prioritizing our schoolwork
B. Segregating our trash D. Consciously living the
Gospel in our daily lives
_______7. CFC 1490 tells us that, “The Liturgy of God’s Word is addressed to each worshipper
in his or her own personal depth and uniqueness.” This means that
A. The Liturgy of the Word is like a lecture.
B. We receive religious information from the Scripture readings and Homily.
C. We can respond the call to love God and our neighbor in our own personal way.
D. We can skip the other parts of the Liturgy of the Word.
_______8. The following are true about God’s Word except:
A. God’s Word is sacred
B. God speaks to us through the Scriptures
C. Jesus is God’s Word made flesh
D. God’s word can be correctly interpreted by anyone
_______9. This refers to the source and summit of our faith.
A. Baptism B. Confirmation C. Liturgy of the Word D. Holy Eucharist
_______10. This part of the Liturgy of the word helps us to discover the meaning of the Word of
God and lead the community into active participation.
A. Scripture Readings B. Creed C. Homily D. Prayer of the Faithful

II. Essay.
Instruction: Answer the following questions substantially in not less than 3 sentences.

1. Give three ways to encourage your friends to actively participate in Liturgy of the Word.


2. Give an event in your life wherein God’s Word became “personal and unique.”


Content 5
III. Performance Task. Organization 5
Grammar 10
Title: Inspirational Poster Using Bible Passages Total 20

Goal: The goal is to create a poster that highlights a Bible Passage and a design that shows how such Bible
Passage can be lined by young people.

Role: You will choose a Bible Passage from the Liturgical readings (of the current Liturgical Year and
Season. You will then create a poster that will highlight the Bible Passage and design it (you can use
drawings) to show how the Bible Passage can be lived out by the young people of today.
Audience: Your whole class.
Situation: Some young people find it difficult to see the relevance of God’s Word in their daily lives. The
poster aims to inspire and help the young to realize the intimate connection between God’s Word and our
Christian life.
Product: A poster that highlights a Bible Passage and shows hos God’s Word can be lived out by young
people daily. You will put the posters in your room as well as in other highly visible areas in the school.
Standard: The poster must meet the standards set in the rubric.

CRITERIA Exceeds the Meets the Approaching the Below the

Standard Standard Standard Standard
4 3 2 1

Creativity The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is not
original and very creative. common. creative.

Message The poster is The poster is value The poster promotes The poster is poor
stimulating, laden. Christian in terms of content.
inspiring, and value discipleship.

Dissemination The poster is placed The poster is placed The poster is placed The poster is not
in highly visible in the room. where it can be seen put up.
area of the school. by some people.

“While they were eating, Jesus took bread,

and when he had given thanks, he broke
it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take
and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a
cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave
it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of
you. This is my blood of the covenant, which
is poured out for many for the forgiveness of
sins.  I tell you; I will not drink from this

Do you believe in Miracle?

When an event transpires and it cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws, it is assumed
that a miracle has happened. However, miracles that pertain to the Catholic faith go through a
rigorous screening process and thoroughly evaluated by the Catholic Church before it can be
confirmed and certified as a miracle.


At the end of the lesson, you are required to do the following…

 Describe the Holy Eucharist as the memorial of Christ’s power.
 Appreciate the Holy Eucharist as the “communion” in the divine life and the unity of
the People of God.
 Proclaim the significance and value of the Holy Eucharist to their family and friends.

My Story

The Eucharistic Miracle at Lanciano, Italy

One of the confirmed miracles according to the Catholic Church is the Miracle of Lanciano. In 700 CA at
Lanciano, Italy, there lived a priest who doubted the real presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. One
day as the priest saying the Words of Consecration, the bread literally turned into human flesh and the wine into
blood. The priest told the faithful, O happy witnesses to whom the Blessed Lord, to refute my unbelief, has seen fit
to reveal Himself in this Blessed Sacrament and make Himself visible to our eyes. Come and take a look to our
God so close to us. Here are the flesh and the blood of Jesus Christ, our Beloved.
The Basilian monks kept the custody of the elements until 1175 and then they were succeeded by the
Benedictine monks in 1176. The item was placed in different locations within the Church of St. Francis of
Lanciano. They were kept in Valesca Chapel from 1636 until 1902 when they were relocated to a new altar. The
elements are kept in an ostensorium and can still be seen today at the Church of St. Francis in Lanciano.

The miracle of
judging the priest as a “man of little faith, let us consider that the priest represents the people (past and present)
who doubted Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist. Those who doubt the mystery of our faith ask a valid question:
“How can a ‘bread and wine’ become body and blood?
It is human nature to doubt. In fact, in the Holy Gospel, even Thomas the disciple of Jesus, expressed
his doubt in the risen Christ. When we are assailed with doubt, let us remember John 20:29, Jesus said: Because
you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.
The miracle at Lanciano highlights the “mystery and reality” of our faith. Jesus Christ who instituted the
Eucharist, becomes present through the bread and wine that is offered by the priest in the Holy Sacrifice of the

My Task:
Watch this link ( After you


Activity 1

Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. Do you think these are events that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws?
2. If an event happens in your life and you (or other people) cannot explain it, will you be attributing it to
God? Why?
3. St. Anselm of Canterbury said, “I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but rather, I
believe in order that I may understand. How important is it for a Catholic to “believe” in order to
appreciate the “mysteries of our faith?”

4. The priest in Lanciano declared the miracle that he witnessed as a revelation of Jesus
Christ. In the present times, can you share specific examples wherein Jesus reveals
Himself to us?


Teaching Mind:

Saint John Paul II, in his Encyclical Letter Ecclesia de Eucharistia, proclaimed that The Church draws
her life from the Eucharist. In consonance with the Second Vatican Council’s assertion that the Eucharistic
sacrifice is the source and summit of our Christian life, St. John Paul II tells us that through the Holy Eucharist,
the changing of the bread and wine into the body and blood of the Lord, the Church rejoices in God’s saving
presence and feels his boundless love. Jesus Christ who is truly present in the Holy Eucharist feeds enlighten
His Church. The Eucharist which is a mystery of faith and a mystery of light opens our eyes and allows us to
recognize the presence of Jesus in our Christian life (cf. Lk 24:31).
The Holy Eucharist makes present our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ among the community of believers.
Through our conscious, active, and fruitful participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar, adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament, and devout participation in the procession on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of
Christ, we receive spiritual graces as well as “inexhaustible sources of holiness (cf. Ecclesia de Eucharistia).


St. John Paul II further explains that the sacramental representation of Christ’s sacrifice in the Mass
involves a most special presence whereby Christ, the God-Man, is wholly and entirely present. Drawing from
the teaching of the Council of Trent, we learn that the consecration of the bread and wine effects the change of
the whole substance of the wine into the substance of his blood. And the Holy Catholic Church has fittingly and
properly called this change transubstantiation. Hence, after the consecration, the bread and wine have ceased to
exist and from that moment on the body and blood of Jesus Christ becomes present before us under the
sacramental species of bread and wine. The Eucharist- bread that becomes the body Jesus and wine that
becomes Christ’s blood- is a mystery of faith (mysterium fidei) because it surpasses our human understanding
and can only be received in faith. We believe that the Holy Eucharist is the body and blood of Jesus Christ
because it is Jesus Christ. Who expressly said so. In his Encyclical Letter, Pope Paul VI quotes St. John
Chrysostom: Let us submit to God in all things and not contradict Him, even if what he says seems to
contradict our reason and intellect; let His word prevail over our reason and intellect. Let us act in this way with
regard to the Eucharistic mysteries, and not limit our attention just to what can be perceived by the senses, but
instead hold fast to His words. For His word cannot deceive. St. John Paul II adds that through the Eucharist,
Christ becomes our source of strength and food for our journey and “if in the presence of this mystery, reason
experiences its limits, the heart enlightened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, clearly sees the response that is
demanded, and bows low in adoration and unbounded love.


Jesus Christ said, I am the living bread which has come from heaven; whoever eats of this bread will
live forever. The bread I shall give is my flesh, and I will give it for the life of the world. Truly, I say to you, if
you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. The one who eats my
flesh and drink my blood lives eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. My flesh is really bread and
my blood is truly drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood, live in me, and I in them. Just as the
Father, who is life, sent me, and I have life from the Father, so whoever eats me will have life from me (Jn
6:51-55). The Holy Eucharist- bread that became the body of Jesus and wine that became Christ’s blood- is
therefore, a banquet wherein Christ offer himself to us as our nourishment. Also, the saving effect of the
sacrifice of Christ is realized where we receive Jesus in communion. Through communion, we receive the body
and blood of Jesus Christ that he offered for our salvation.
Furthermore, when we receive the body and blood of Jesus in communion, he also grants us His Spirit.
St. John Paul II explains, by the gift of his body and blood, Christ increases within the gift of his Spirit, already
poured out in Baptism and bestowed as a seal in the sacrament of Confirmation.
Our joy, hope, and confidence for the pledge of future glory rests on the words of Jesus: Just as the
Father, who is life, sent me, and I have life from the Father, so whoever eats me will have life from me (Jn
6:51-55). The Eucharist then is a foretaste of the fullness of joy that was promised by Christ. St. John Paul II
elucidates. Those who feed on Christ in the Eucharist need not wait until the hereafter to receive eternal life:
they already possess it on earth, as the first-fruits of a future fullness which will embrace man in his totality.
For in the Eucharist, we also receive the pledge of our bodily resurrection at the end of the world. Quoting Saint
Ignatius of Antioch, the Eucharist is a medicine of immortality, an antidote to death.


I. True or False.

Instruction: Read carefully the statement below and place T or F in the blanks according to whether they
express Catholic faith in the Holy Eucharist.

______1. Jesus is truly and substantially present in the consecrate bread and wine.
______2. Holy Communion is only a memorial of what happened a long time ago at the Last
Supper and not the living presence of the Risen Christ who comes in communion to
one with his people.
______3. Only Catholic priests can consecrate the bread and wine.
______4. Jesus Christ instituted the Eucharist.
______5. One can skip the Liturgy of the Word and still receive the Holy Eucharist.
______6. The Eucharist grants us the grace us the grace to live our lives according to the
teachings of Christ.
______7. One can receive the Eucharist only after confessing a mortal sin.
______8. From the Eucharist, we receive inexhaustible sources of holiness.
______9. Through the Liturgy of the Word, the bread and wine are changed into the
substance of the body and blood of Christ our Lord.
______10. Through the Holy Eucharist, Christ offers himself to us as divine nourishment.

II. Essay.

Instruction: Answer the following questions substantially in not less than 3 sentences.
1. How can you describe “transubstantiation” to a Grade 3 student who is about to receive his or her First
Holy Communion?
2. How can you encourage young people to hear and actively participate in the Sunday Mass? Give
specific examples.


I. Identification: Kindly write on the space provided the term described by the

___________________________1. This refers to the change of the whole substance of the

into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord.
___________________________2. This refers to the source and summit of the Christian life.
___________________________3. This refers to what the confirmand receives when he or she is
anointed with oil.
___________________________4. This refers to the sacrament that incorporates us the Body of
Christ, the Church.
___________________________5. This refers to who transform us into children of the Father
during the Sacrament of Baptism.

II. Matching Type. Match the concepts in Column A with those in Column B.

Column A Column B
_______1. Sacraments of Christian initiation. A. Bread and Wine
_______2. Consecrated in the Eucharist to become
B.Baptism, Confirmation ,Holy Eucharist
the Body and Blood of the Lord. C.
_______3. Only person who can preside at the D. Holy Gifts
Eucharist and consecrate the bread and wine. E. Priest or Bishop

_______4. Allows us to share in the divine nature as F. Deacon

children of God. G. Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders

_______5. Nourishes the people of God from the H. Liturgy of the Word
table of His Word.

III. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter that correspond to the correct answer.

_______1. Which of the following can substitute the bread and wine in Eucharistic celebration?
A. Pan de sal and waterB. bread loves and fish C. biscuit and coffee D. none of the

_______2. Which of the following is not necessary in the rites of the celebration of the
Sacrament of Baptism?
A. Proclamation of the Word of God C. Anointing with sacred chrism
B. Baptismal water D. None of the above

_______3. This refers to ordinary minister the Sacrament of Baptism.

A. Bishop B. Priest C. Deacon D. none of the above

_______4. This refers to the original minister the Sacrament of Confirmation.

A. Bishop B. Pastor C. Deacon D. none of the above

_______5. Which of the following can be removed from the Liturgy of the Word?
A. Prayer of the Faithful B. Homily C. Creed D. None of the above

IV. Skills. On Column A is the list of the Sacrament of Christian Initiation. On Column B, write two
popular symbols that best represent the Sacrament of Christian Initiation. On Column C, write two
specific actions that you can do with your friends or family to celebrate or actively participate in the
Sacrament of Christian Initiation.

Column A Column B Column C

1.___________________________ 1.___________________________
2.___________________________ 2.___________________________

1.___________________________ 1.___________________________
2.___________________________ 2.___________________________

1.___________________________ 1.___________________________
Holy Eucharist
2.___________________________ 2.___________________________

V. Essay. Answer the following questions. (5-10 sentences)

1. How can you help your family members understand the importance of the Sacraments of Christian
Initiation, if want to live as faithful sons and daughters of God?

2. Give at least three actions that show the positive effects of the Sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation, and
the Holy Eucharist on young people.

VI. Fill in the blanks. Complete the Roman Rites by filling the blanks.

All-powerful God, Father of our _______________,

By ________ and the ______________
You freed your sons and daughters from _______
And gave them new ______.
Send your Holy Spirit upon them
To be there _________ and _____________.
Give them the spirit of ____________ an _____________________,
The spirit of ______________________ and __________________________,
The spirit of ________________________ and _________________________.
Fill them with the ___________________ of wonder and awe in your presence.
We ask this through ________________________________.
VII. Group Task.

Title: Video of “The Eucharist: Source and Summit of Christian Life.”

Goal: The goal is to create a three-minute to five-minute video entitled “The Eucharist: Source and Summit
of Christian Life.”
Role: You will be involved in a group that will prepare the video. Use your skills and talents (scriptwriting,
acting, photography, video-editing) to help your group accomplish the task.
Audience: Your target audience are your social media friends.
Situation: Young Christian need to rediscover the significance and value of the Eucharist in their daily life.
Also showing hope for all specially to the situation that is facing the world today. Your task is to create a
three-minute to five-minute video entitled The Eucharist: Source and Summit of Christian Life.” You will
show the video to your social media friends and upload it on a social media site.
Product: A three-minute to five-minute that shows the Eucharist as the source of summit of Christian life
and also show how they will boost the hope of their target audience.
Standards: The video must meet the standards set on the rubric.
CRITERIA Exceeds the Meets the Approaching the Below the
Standard Standard Standard Standard
4 3 2 1
Creativity The video is The video is The video is The video is not
original and very creative. common. creative.

Presentation The video is The video makes The video shows The video does not
appropriate and the people value the importance of show the
allows people to the Eucharist. the Eucharist in our importance of the
pray and reflect. daily life. Eucharist in our
daily life.

Message The video very The video shows The video shows The video does not
clearly explains many examples of some examples of explain how the
how the Eucharist how the Eucharist how Eucharist is Eucharist is the
is the source and is the source and the source and source and summit
summit of summit of summit of of Christian life. It
Christian life. It is Christian life. It is Christian life. It is is poor in terms of
stimulating and stimulating and stimulating and content.
value laden. value laden. value laden.

Dissemination The video is The video is The video is The video is not
uploaded on a uploaded on a uploaded on a uploaded on social
social media site social media site social media site media site.
and received more and received 150 and received less
than 200 views or views and 150 than 100 views or
200 likes or likes or reactions. 100 likes and
reactions. reactions.

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