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Commission on Diocesan Schools of La Union


Central east #1, Bangar La Union
Name: _________________________________________ Date: _______________
Grade and Section: ____________________________ Teacher : Jonalyn D. Obina

MODULE 5: Type of Media: Broadcasting Journalism

This module allows students:

 To further develop their understanding of the conventions of broadcast journalism.

 To further develop an understanding of the roles and responsibility ies of journalists working in a
broadcast newsroom.
 To further evaluate the relevance of the audience in broadcast reporting.
 To develop an understanding of the ethical and regulatory considerations broadcast journalists face in a
modern newsroom.
 Electronic transmission of radio and television signals that are intended for general public reception, as
distinguished from private signals that are directed to specific receivers. 
 In its most common form, broadcasting may be described as the systematic dissemination of
entertainment, information, educational programming, and other features for simultaneous reception by
a scattered audience with appropriate receiving apparatus.

Examples of Broadcast Media are:

 Television (digital and analogue);

 Radio;
 Internet media like websites, blogs and podcasts;
 Online streaming.

What is "Journalism?"
 Journalism is a form of writing that tells people about things that really happened, but that they might
not have known about already.
 The most important characteristic shared by good journalists is curiosity. Good journalists love to read
and want to find out as much as they can about the world around them.
 People who write journalism are called "journalists." They might work at newspapers, magazines,
websites or for TV or radio stations.
Journalism comes in several different forms:

I. News
A. Breaking news: Telling about an event as it happens.
B. Feature stories: A detailed look at something interesting that's not breaking news.
C. Enterprise or Investigative stories: Stories that uncover information that few people knew.

II. Opinion
A. Editorials: Unsigned articles that express a publication's opinion.
B. Columns: Signed articles that express the writer's reporting and his conclusions.
C. Reviews: Such as concert, restaurant or movie reviews.

Types of Journalism

A. Reporting
How do you get the facts for your news story? By reporting!
There are three main ways to gather information for a news story or opinion piece:
 Interviews: Talking with people who know something about the story you are reporting.
 Observation: Watching and listening where news is taking place.
 Documents: Reading stories, reports, public records and other printed material.
Note: Whenever you are interviewing someone, observing something happening or reading about something,
you will want to write down the answers to the "Five Ws" about that source:
 Who are they?
 What were they doing?
 Where were they doing it?
 When they do it?
 Why did they do it?
Tips: Many good reporters got their start by keeping a diary. Buy a notebook, and start jotting down anything
interesting you hear, see or read each day. You might be surprised to discover how many good stories you
encounter each week!

B. Writing
Here are the keys to writing good journalism:
 Get the facts. All the facts you can.
 Tell your readers where you got every bit of information you put in your story.
 Be honest about what you do not know.
 Don't try to write fancy. Keep it clear.
 Start your story with the most important thing that happened in your story. This is called your "lead." It
should summarize the whole story in one sentence.
 From there, add details that explain or illustrate what's going on. You might need to start with some
background or to "set the scene" with details of your observation
 Again, write the story like you were telling it to a friend. Start with what's most important, then add
background or details as needed.
 When you write journalism, your paragraphs will be shorter than you are used to in classroom writing.
 Each time you introduce a new source, you will start a new paragraph. Each time you bring up a new
point, you will start a new paragraph. Again, be sure that you tell the source for each bit of information
you add to the story.

 Whenever you quote someone's exact words, you will put them within quotation marks and provide
"attribution" at the end of the quote. Here's an example:

"I think Miss Cherng's class is really great," ten-year-old McKinley student Hermione Granger said.

 Sometimes, you can "paraphrase" what a source says. That means that you do not use the source's exact
words, but reword it to make it shorter, or easier to understand.

Even though the class

was hard, students ACTIVITY 1: WHAT MAKES NEWS?
really liked it, Directions: Answer the following questions to practice making the kind of
McKinley fourth- decisions editors do as they create the newspaper every day. Use your copy of
grader Hermione the newspaper to help.
Granger said.
1. What kind of information is included in the newspaper every day?
2. How do you think the editors decide what to put in the newspaper?
3. Write the headline of a story you read in the newspaper. Explain why you think it was published. Remember
to use one or more of the six reasons editors use to publish a story.
4. What did editors do to tell you how important they thought the story was?
5. If you could include a story in the newspaper, what would it be? Give one or two reasons why you think the
story is important.



Directions: Use the following tips to plan and do your interview. You may not need to follow each one, but be
sure to review all steps before starting.

1. Identify the person(s) you will need to interview.

2. Research background information.
3. Prepare a list of interview questions. Think of questions that answer the Five Ws and H.
4. Avoid questions that can be answered yes or no.
5. Schedule the interview in advance and call to confirm.
6. Dress appropriately.
7. Do the interview in a comfortable setting.
8. Be on time.
9. Have an icebreaker ready to start conversation flowing.
10. Begin with the easiest questions to help warm up the person being interviewed.
11. Take careful and accurate notes.
12. Asking the person to repeat a statement is OK.
13. When the interview is finished, you can ask, “Is there anything else you would like to tell me?”
14. Remember to thank the person you have interviewed.
15. Check your notes and rewrite them as necessary as soon as possible after the interview. Otherwise, you may
forget what your shorthand means after a few days.

Prepared by: Checked by and Noted:

Jonalyn D. Obina Jennifer B. Galuz

Subject Teacher Principal

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