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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Bukidnon
District of Quezon
Kiburiao, Quezon Bukidnon


1ST SEMESTER S.Y. 2020-2021


Date of Lesson Delivery: May 28, 2021
Grade/Section/Time: Grade 12 TVL – Home Economics


a. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic

concept and underlying theories in preparing and producing pastry products

b. Performance Standard: The learners demonstrate competencies in preparing

and producing pastry products

c. Learning Competency: Select packaging appropriate for the preservation of

product freshness and eating characteristics (TLE_HEBP9-12PP-IIj-6)

At the end of the one (1) hour lesson, 90 % of the students will be able to:
1. Identify appropriate food packaging material;
2. create an original food label design, and;
3. value the principles in food packaging through making a slogan.


Types of food packaging materials


Learning Resources: Arcos A., Dogelio M., Domo A., and Kong A. (2016) Bread
and Pastry Production – Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track Manual
First Edition DepEd Complex Pasig City: Sunshine Interlinks Publishing
House, Inc.

Materials: Strategic Intervention Material, Chalkboard, Laptop, DLP, art materials.

Teaching Strategies: Lecture, Cooperative Learning, and ICT Integration



A. Classroom Routine
 Opening Prayer One student will lead the prayer
 Greetings “Good Morning Ma’am”
“Good Morning Class”
 Checking of attendance
“Say, present when your
name is called” “present”

B. Review/ Recall
 “Let us recall what we had
transpired with our
previous lesson”

 “What are different storing “Wrapping, packaging material,

cold storage, chilling, freezing”
techniques?” Ms. Ara?

 “Ok very good I’m glad

“Yes Ma’am”
that you’ve still
remember our previous
lesson. So, now let’s

C. Motivation

“I have here fun-ways to think activity

which you are going to guess the
words with pictures as clue in it.”

If you know the words, raise your Yes, Ma’am

hands so I can call your name.
Are you ready?

D. Lesson Proper

At the end of our lesson you are

expected to:
Identify appropriate food packaging
create an original food label design,
value the principles in food
packaging through making a slogan.

“Please open your SIM and let us all Each student will read the directions in the
read the directions in the guide card on guide card
page 1”
“In designing food packaging, you must
consider the following purpose and
functions to have the best and
appropriate packaging”

“Please read the functions of a good

package and explain”
“Provide a barrier against dirt and other
“Annie” contaminants thus keeping the product
clean. Since food is enclosed with a
packaging material the content must
then be safe for consumption”

“Prevent losses. For example, packages

“Next, Ronnie” should be securely closed to prevent
leakage. It must be properly sealed to
also prevent from the entry of other
harmful contaminants”

“Protect food against physical and

“Third, please explain Fhedeil” chemical damage, such as, the harmful
effects of air, light, insects and rodents.
Without your packaging material, the
food is susceptible to any contaminants
which may possibly cause hazards to
the health of the consumers”

“Help the consumers to purchase the

food, because the label may contain
“What else, Shara” information such as taglines that will
catch the eye of the consumers”

“Cluster or group together small items in

“Marianne, please read and explain other one package for efficiency. Such as for
function” example small types of food like
candies, it can be pack in a bag to
contain numbers of candies to purchase”

“Those are important functions of a

good packaging; now let’s move to the
next page of your guide card”
“wood, plastic, paper, glass”
“What are the most commonly used
food packaging materials? “

“In your guide card please read silently

the characteristics of these packaging
materials. I will give you 3 minutes to
read and comprehend what is written in
the guide card”
“is able to withstand heat treatments
“Lester, can you give at least one such as pasteurization and sterilization”
characteristics of a glass packaging

“Very good!”

“What about the characteristics of a

plastic packaging material?”
“it is easy to handle and convenient for
“Mary An” the manufacturer, retailer, and

“How about paper?” “is an inexpensive packaging material,

“Therese” however highly absorptive, and is fairly
easily torn”

“How about the characteristics of a “offers good protection, good stacking

wood? give at least one Sara” characteristics and strength”

“How’s your learning experience?

Did you enjoy reading those stuffs, or
did you feel sleepy and tired? If you felt
tired you can rest for a while and take a
deep breath” “Yes ma’am”
“Are you now ready?”

“What must appear on the label? “Name under which the product is
Flor, can you give at least one” sold”

“yes, the name of the product is

important consideration in product
development because it will be
remembered by the consumers”

“What else?” “List of ingredients”

“The packaging label and design must

have the list of ingredients for the
consumers to know what are the
materials involve in making the product.
All ingredients must be listed especially
ingredient with allergen content”

“Are the Name or business name and “Yes, because this information should
address of the manufacturer or be present in the label for it will inform
packager necessary in the label?” the consumers where and who made
the product, in case of complaints the
“All those information you had read and manufacturer can be easily tracked”
discussed are very important for our
next activity. I think, you are now ready
to explore on how to create different
packaging materials with label and
design. As you see the pictures in your
guide card, those are some sample of
bakery packaging which will serve your
guide for the next activity”
“I know you can create your own
original packaging label and design”

E. Activity
I would like you to form a 3 groups for
your activity. Answer the given
activities in your activity card from page
7 – 9. Do it silently and read the
instructions carefully. If you have
queries feel free to ask me”. And
choose 1 member of the group to
present your output.
Students will collaboratively do the
Group 1 - Activity no. 1 – identify activities given in the activity cards
appropriate packaging material
for different products and make
a paragraph on its importance.

Group 2 - Activity no. 2 – create your own

original label and design for
juice product.

Group 3 - Activity no. 3 – Give the

importance of food packaging
and make a slogan.

F. Analysis

“Do the analysis found in your Students will answer the

enrichment card 2 choosing the enrichment card on page 13
right characteristic of a packaging

G. Application

“Apply your knowledge in product Students will create their own

packaging and design your own product label design
product label.”

H. Abstraction
“The different packaging materials
“What have you learned?” and its characteristics and how to
make use of this appropriately”
“Very good!”

 “Does the use of SIM make our “The use of SIM make our lesson a
lesson easier or not?” lot easier because it is provided with
a guide card and different activities
that we enjoyed”

“Very good, a round of applause

to everyone”

I. Evaluation

Answer the questions given in the Each student will answer in the SIM
assessment card of the SIM on page Assessment card
10 and 11

J. Assignment

Answer the enrichment activities on

pages 14-16 of your strategic
intervention material.

V. Remarks

 The lesson is taken one hour in two sessions.

VI. Reflection

1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below

3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.

4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

Prepared by:

Teacher I
Checked by:

Master Teacher II

Noted by:
School Principal I

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