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Q3 - LESSON 6 Student’s name:..................................Class: 7B...............

Corrector’s name:...................................

I. Fill in: say of tell in the correct form.
0. Can you ... tell... me what time the film starts?
1. She .................. she would never speak to him again.
2. I promise to .................. the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
3. Who .................. you I wasn’t going to the party?
4. Bob promised to .................. nothing about it to anyone.
5. Sometimes it's hard to .................. one twin from the other.
6. She always .................. good morning to her neighbours.
7. I couldn’t believe what he .................. to me.
8. Please .................. me what happened!
9. "Go and tidy your room,” she .................. to her son.

II. Complete the reported speech sentences.

10. Sara said, “I need some help.”
 Sara said (that) she............................................................................ some help.
11. Tom said, “I’m meeting David for dinner.”
 Tom said (that) he ............................................................................. David for dinner.
12. Ms. Davis said, “I have studied in Cairo.”
 Ms. Davis said (that) she ................................................................... in Cairo.
13. Bill said, “I forgot to pay my electric bill.”
 Bill said (that) he ............................................................................... to pay his electric bill.
14. Barbara said, “I am exhausted.”.
 Barbara said (that) she ...................................................................... exhausted.
15. I said, “I’ll carry the box up the stairs.”
 I said (that) I ...................................................................................... the box up the stairs.
16. Jerry said to me, “I can teach you to drive.”
 Jerry said (that) he ............................................................................ me to drive.
17. Ed said, “I want a CD player.”
 Ed said (that) he ................................................................................ a CD player.

III. Fill in the gaps with the correct pronoun or possessive adjective.
0. James said, “My boss wants me to go to London tomorrow.”
 James said ... his ... boss wanted to go to London the following day.
18. Mary said, “I’m waiting for my son to come out of school.”
 Mary said that ......................... was waiting for ......................... son to come out of school.
19. George said, “I’ve bought a new car for my mum.”
 George said ......................... had bought a new car for ......................... mum.
20. Julie said to me, “I need you to help me with the shopping.”
 Julie told me that ......................... needed ......................... to help ......................... with the
21. John said, “I’d like to take you out to dinner.”
 John said ......................... ‘d like to take ......................... out to dinner.
22. Helen said to Jane, “I think your new haircut is lovely.”
25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0964 177 322 1
 Helen told Jane that ......................... thought ......................... new haircut was lovely.
IV. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
23. “We'll be travelling round Europe next month,” said Jerry. (following)
 Jerry said that ……………………………………………………… be travelling round Europe.
24. “I had Evan and Christie over for dinner last night,” said Liz. (before)
 Liz said that ……………………………………………… had Evan and Christie over for dinner.
25. “Daz came here two days ago and then suddenly left,” said Barry. (gone)
 Barry said that Daz had ……………………………………………………… and then suddenly left.
26. “We won't be visiting Tom this evening,” Sam told us. (that)
 Sam told us that they wouldn’t be.................................................................................
27. “I haven't spoken to Mary since last week,” Gloria said. (previous)
 She said that they hadn’t spoken to Mary.....................................................................
28. “I usually meet new people here,” she said. (there)
 She said she.................................................................................................................
29. “They aren't going on holiday this year,” he said. (that)
 He said that they weren’t .............................................................................................
30. Jane said, “I haven’t finished my homework yet.” (finished)
Jane said that she hadn’t ..................................................................................................

V. Turn the sentences into reported speech. In which of the following sentences do the tenses
remain the same? Why?
0. The instructions say, “The mobile phone’s battery needs to be fully charged before use.”
 ...The instructions say (that) the mobile phone’s battery needs to be fully charged
before use.
(Explanation: The tense does not change because the introductory verb is in the
present simple.)
31. “Koalas live in Australia,” the teacher said.
Explanation: ...............................................................................................................................
32. If you had worn your jacket, you wouldn’t have got cold,” she said.
Explanation: ...............................................................................................................................
33. Mum says, “Dinner is ready.”
Explanation: ...............................................................................................................................
34. “If you mix red and blue, you get purple,” the Art teacher said.
Explanation: ...............................................................................................................................
35. “I’ll meet you at the bus stop at three o’clock,” he said.
Explanation: ...............................................................................................................................

I. Write a phrasal verb from the list below in the correct form to replace the words in bold.
pass out pull through come round/ to wear off
get over put on look after cut down


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36. Gill slowly ........................................... after the operation. (became conscious)
37. My dad is trying to ........................................... on smoking. (do less)
38. I think the medicine is beginning to ............................................. (stop being effective)
39. Sill decided that he needed to go on a diet after ............................................ weight. (gaining)
40. It was so hot in the stadium that a number of people ............................................. (became
41. I finally ........................................... the cold that I had had all week. (recover from)
42. We thought we were going to lose our horse when he got ill. but he managed to
……………………. ............................................ (survive)
43. My dentist told me to ........................................... my teeth. (take care of)

II. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the
same line.
The no-surgery solution!
These days, it seems there's an (44) .............................. for everything. Whether you OPERATE
want something made smaller or you want to (45) .............................. your best EMPHASIS
features, you can bet that plastic (46) .............................. claim to have the solution. SURGERY
We at BodySculpt know, though, that you don't want the (47) .............................. COMFORT
associated with surgery. But you can't enjoy the (48) .............................. effects BENEFIT
without going under the knife, can you? Yes! No need for (49) .............................. SURGERY
procedures with a long (50) .............................. period! Our unique service consists of RECOVER
a series of (51) .............................. that will give you the results you've always wanted! INJECT
Call now and speak to one of our (52) .............................. . OPERATE

I. Read the text and the questions below.
For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
Let me tell you about a young boy who made a model car all on his own. The boy is me, six years ago
when I was just 11 and the car was small and simple but in my imagination it was a high-speed, Formula 1
racing car, speeding along the race track.
It was during the school summer holidays and workmen were building a new drive and garage beside our
house. While watching the workmen I had an idea. I'd build a car to drive into the garage in celebration of
the new addition to our home. I told my mother and drew up complicated plans but I couldn't find the right
materials, so I gave up and spent a miserable couple of days doing nothing. My mother noticed that I'd
stopped working and asked me why. I explained and she suggested that maybe I should change my plans
to fit the materials I did have, rather than give up.
And that's just what I did. I found small pieces of wood in my father's workshop and made my car from
anything that was lying around the house. When I found a small engine from an old model plane of mine I
added that. The power came from a battery attached with some wire I found in a cupboard.
By the time the garage was finished, so was my car. I called my family together outside the house,
connected the wires, started the engine and placed the car on the driveway. It was fast and I had to run to
the garage to rescue it before it crashed into the new door. My family began to clap and I smiled proudly.
Thanks to my mother I learned the value of seeing a project through to its end. Soon I was making plans for
my next project: a helicopter!
53. What is the writer trying to do in this text?
A. suggest that everybody should try making something
25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0964 177 322 3
B. recommend a type of car that is easy to make
C. explain how he learned not to give up on an idea
D. give information about where to find good model cars
54. Why did the writer start building the car?
A. to show the workmen that he could build something too
B. to pass the time during the school holidays
C. to give to his mother as a special present
D. to celebrate the family’s new garage
55. How did the writer feel about the first car he planned?
A. sad that he was unable to find suitable things to build the car with
B. annoyed that his father wouldn’t let him borrow any materials
C. frustrated by how much time he’d wasted on the project
D. embarrassed by the poor quality of the car plan he drew
56. What do we find out about the car the writer finally made?
A. It was completed shortly after the garage was built.
B. It was powered by an old electric motor.
C. It went up the driveway too quickly and hit the garage.
D. Its design needed some improvements.
57. What advice might the writer give about making something?
A. Always try to keep to your plans rather than change them halfway through your project.
B. When you start a project you need as much help as you can get, so ask your friends and family
to get involved.
C. Look carefully around you to see what’s available and what things you can reuse for your project.
D. Don’t make a car for your first project – they’re difficult to get right and may not work.


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Q3 - LESSON 6 Student’s name:..................................Class: 7B...............
Corrector’s name:...................................


I. Rewrite the quotations in reported speech. Change the pronouns if necessary.
0. ‘I stole a CD from the music shop,’ he said
He said that he had stolen a CD from the music shop.
1. ‘I want to catch the shoplifter,’ the security guard said.
2. ‘The police arrested a vandal,’ she said.
3. ‘It’s difficult to catch drug dealers,’ said the police inspector.
4. ‘We are questioning two teenagers about the burglary,’ the police officer said.
5. ‘I sometimes go joyriding with my friends,’ he said.
6. ‘The police are looking for the bank robbers,’ she said.
7. ‘A boy in my class vandalized a park bench,’ my brother said.

Look at the sentences below about some young people who write for a TV show.
Read the text on the opposite page to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, mark A. If it is not correct, mark B.
8. Dan wrote for the first series of the TV programme Catch. ………..
9. Dan is also one of the actors in Catch. ………..
10. Dan ask his friends if he can use the actual things they say in his writing. ………..
11. Catch is about a group of teenagers at a real college. ………..
12. Each week Catch follows the story of one particular character. ………..
13. The original idea for Catch came from the television production company. ………..
14. Ken Thomas looked for young people to write Catch at various places around London. ………..
15. Lizzie Wise was a big fan of Catch before she started writing for it. ………..
16. Lizzie’s background is in theatre rather than television. ………..
17. Lizzie says the most difficult scenes to write are those where the characters say ………..
very little.


Dan Finelli is a normal teenager from north London; he goes to school, enjoys hanging out with his mates
and only occasionally misses his classes. But Dan also happens to be a writer for the popular teen drama,
Catch. The second series starts this week and the one-hour episode that Dan wrote, his very first for the
show, will be on screen later in the year. This will make him one of the youngest writers of a peak-lime
drama ever.
“What's great about Catch is that the characters are exactly like the people around you,” says Dan, who
also plays the part of Computer Chris in the show. “When I'm at school and one of my friends says
25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0964 177 322 5
something funny I write it down in my notebook and use it later in the script. I never tell them I'm doing it. I
just want it to sound as real as possible,” Dan adds.
Catch is about the lives of a group of 16-18-year-olds in a sixth-form college. The school doesn't really
exist, but the whole show does feel very true to life. There's an episode every week and each one
concentrates on an individual member of the group and tells his or her story.
The idea for the programme came from an unusual source, a father-and-son pair of writers, Ken Thomas
and his son, Callum. They took their idea to a TV company and were very surprised when the company
said they were keen to make it. Now, Ken and Callum are central members of the writing team but in order
to build that team, Ken had to go to theatre companies and writing groups all over London to find both
writers and teens to advise on the stories.
One writer he approached to join the team for the second series was Lizzie Wise. She had never heard of
Catch when Ken first invited her to write. But Ken thought she would be right for the show because he'd
read one of her plays and thought she was a very strong writer. Lizzie is only nineteen but has lots of
valuable theatre experience. She says, “I've watched much more TV than I've ever watched plays, so it
wasn't difficult for me to change to TV writing. What's most challenging on Catch is the number of scenes in
which there's hardly any talking and where the story's told through the looks the characters give each other
and their body language only. These scenes take a long time to get right but they look great on the screen.”

Questions 20-25.
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a conversation between a girl, Bernice, and a boy, Jude, who study at different
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. If it is not
correct, choose the letter B for NO.


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