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Dr.Poornima Madan mam

Syed Kamran Ashraf

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my


Who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on

the topic “Principals of management” which also helped me in doing
a lots of research and I came to know about so many new things. I
really thank to them.

Secondly, I also like to thanks my parents and friends who

help me a lots in finalizing this project within the limited timeframe.
Introduction of
KFC (Kentucky fired chicken) is an American fast food restaurant chain
headquartered in Louisville kentucky , that specializes in fired chicken. It is the
world’s second largest restaurant chain. With 22621

location globally in 150 countries as of December 2019

Kfc was founded by colonel Harland sanders (1890-1980)

an entrepreneur who began selling fired chicken form his roadside restaurant
in corbin Kentucky

Name- Kentucky fired chicken

Industry- Restaurant
Genre- Fast food restaurant
Founded- Sanders courts & café
March 20, 1930, 92 years ago

Founder- Colonel harland sanders pete harman

Headquarters- 1441 Gardiner lane louisville, Kentucky,
About the Henri Fayol
Life time- 1841 to 1945

Birth- Born in france

Profession- Mining engineer and management therapist

Education- Graduate from mining academy at st.entinne in 1880

Writings- ‘Administration industrellect generate’ published in English as

grand and industrial management in 1949.

Henri fayol was a French mining engineer who develops a general

theory of business administration that is often called fayolism. He
and his colleagues develops this theory independently of scientific
management but roughly contemporary he is widely acknowledged
as a founder of modern management method .
Division of work
In practice employee are specialized in different area and they have different
skill. Different level of expertise can be distinguished within the knowledge
area (from generalist to specialist) personal and professional development
support. according to henri fayol specialization promotes efficiency of the
work force and increases their accuracy and speed. The work is divided into
small task/jobs. A trained and competent specialist is required to perform each
job. Thus, division of work leads to specialisation. According to fayol division of
work intends to produce more and better work for the same effort.

Application in KFC
KFC is based on a concept of division of labour. It has a labour chart according
to which position are assigned to each and every employee according to their
capabilities. Those worker who are good at customer service are assigned as
front staff and those who are good in making and preparation are assigned in
kitchen. This help to enhance their skill at particular work.
Authority and
In order to gets things done in an organisation, management has the all
authority to give orders to the employee of course with the authority come
responsibility. According to henri fayol, the accompanying power or authority
give the management the right to give order to the subordinates. The
responsibility can be traced back from performance and it is therefore
necessary to make agreement about this. In other word authority and
responsibility go together and they are two side of the same coin.

Application in Kfc
Kfc has very well used this principal of authority and responsibility, when a
manager delegates his authority to any staff member to manage the front
counter and customer services and handling customer behaviour he gave
certain amount of responsibility.
The third 14 principals of management is about obedient it is often a
part of the core value of a mission and vision in the form of good
conduct and respectful interaction. This management principal is
essential and is seen as the oil to make the engine of an organisation
run smoothly. The principal states that discipline is required for any
organisation to run effectively. In order to have discipline employee,
managers need to built a culture of mutual respect. There should be
a sets of organisation rules, philosophies, and structures in places
that should be met by everyone.

Application in kfc
Changing the sanitizer after every two hours, washing hand after
hour, update fried time this all come in discipline. How employee full
fill all these responsibility. Punctuality matter a lots at kfc and while
serving the customer the employee must be very polite and kind to
them. Discipline is followed
Unity of command
The management principal unity of command means that an individual
employee should receive order from one manager and that’s the employee is
answerable to that manager. If task and related responsibility are given to the
employee by more than one manager this may lead to confusion which may
leads to possible conflict for using this principle, the
responsibility for mistake can be established more easily.

Under the principle of war unity of command means that’s all the forces fall
under one responsible commander with the requisite authority to direct all
force in pursuit of a unified purpose. Simply put, it means one mission boos.

Application in kfc
According to my research, I have learnt that this principle is not equally applied
at kfc because if there is more than one manager and therefore, the team
member are getting commands from both of them but not at the same time
this one is not followed.
Unity of direction
This 14 principal of management is all about focus and unity. All
employee deliver the same activities that can be linked to the same
objective. All activities must be carried out by one group that form a
team. These activities must be described in a plan of action. The
manager is ultimately responsible for this plan and he monitor the
progress of the defined and planned activities. Focus area are the
effort made by the employee and coordination. One unit and one
plan for the group of activities having the same objective is the
essence of this principal. It implies that there should be one head
and one plan for a group of activities having the same objective.

Application in kfc
KFC is a beverage restaurant which aims to serve the customer at its
best.Like unity of command this principle is more applicable on big
enterprises. The front staff which take order are directed by one
manager who run their order and the only one who gives instruction
to the team members.
Subordinates of individual
intrest to genral intrest
There are always all kind of intrest in anorganisation. In order to
have an organisation function well, henri fayol indicated that
Personal interest are subordinates to the interest of the organisation
(ethics). The primary focus is on the organizational objective and not
on those of the individual. The applies to all leaves of the entire
organisation including the managers.

Subordinates of individual interests to general interest is one of fayol

14 administrative principle where any individual interest that conflict
with an organizational interest must be subordinated to the intrest
of the organisation.

Application in kfc
Selfishness, laziness, carelessness was always a main issue in kfc. kfc
has given lots of benefits to their employee like 10% off on their
meal, free drink, paid leave etc so that they can feel more associated
with the organisation. But employee should also have some faith in
their organisation and work for organisational benefits.
Motivation and productivity are close to one another as far as the
smooth running of an organisation is concerned. This management
principal argue that the remuneration should be sufficient to keep
employee motivated and productive. There are two types of
remuneration namely monetary and non-monetary. Ultimately it is
about rewarding the efforts that have been made. Remuneration is
the total compensation received by an employee. It include not only
base salary but ant bonus, commission payments, overtime pays or
other financial benefits that an employee received from an
employee. A job perk may or may not be a component of employee

Application in KFC
KFC provides equal pay rates to their employee which is standard
rates pays according to IRD and KFC also gives annual leaves to their
employee, ACC and other medical benefits as well fair remuneration
creates a fair environment in the organisation among staff.
Centralisation and

Management and authority for decision making process must be

properly balanced in an organisation. This depend on the volume and
size of an organisation including its hierarchy. Centralisation implies
the concentration of decision making authority at the top
management (executive board). Sharing of authorities for the
decision making process with lower levels (middle and lower
management) is referred to as decentralisation by henri fayol. Henri
fayol indicatd that an organisation should strive for a good balance in
this. Centralisation means concentration of authority at the top level
of management. While its dispersal among many level is called
decentralisation. Fayol suggest that an appropriate balance be
maintained between centralisation and decentralisation.

Application in KFC
Centralisation as well as accurate amount of decentralisation is
followed in kfc
Scalar chain
Hierarchy presents itself in any given organisation. This varies from
senior management (executive board) to the lowest levels in the
organisation. Henri fayol “Hierarchy” management principle states
that there should be a clear line in the area of authority (from top to
bottom and all manager at all levels). This can be seen as a type of
management structure. Each employee can contact a manager or a
superior in an emergency situation without challenging the
hierarchy. Scalar chain is a chain of all superiors from the top
management to the person working in the lowest rank. A clear line of
communication is very important for any organisation to avhieve its

Application in KFC

Information in kfc also follows scalar chain. The employee can’t

directly talk to the head office. First they have to communicate with
the assistant restaurant manager and then the manager restaurant
manager like, this the scalar chain goes on.
According to this principle of management employee in an organisation must
have the right resources at their disposal so that they can function properly in
an organisational. In additional to social order (responsibility of the managers)
the work environment must be save, clean and tidy. People and materials must
be in suitable places at the appropriates time and maximum efficiency. The
principle of the order states that a place should be fixed for everything and
everyone should be in its place.

Application in KFC
This principle is mostly used in kfc before doing all the preparation of
we need to puts everything sorted at its place to avoid confusion at
the end movement. Every day the work place gets cleaned and
worker changed and workers change the pans for all the ingredient
The management principle of equity often occurs in core value of an
organisation. According to henri fayol employee must be treated
kindly and equally. Employee must be in a right place in the
organisation to do things right. Manager should supervise and
monitor this process and they should treat employee fairly and
impartially. Equity is a combination of kindness and justice. This
principle states that manager should use kindness and justice toward
everyone they manage. This create loyalty and devotion among the
employee towards the organisation they work for.

Application in KFC
KFC treats their employee equal. No discrimination or racism is
followed at the restaurant. Each employee has give the same respect
and honour. The grievances and problem are deal very nicely and
effectively by manager.
Stability of personnel
This 14 principle of management represents deployment and
managing of personnel and this should be in balance with the service
that is provided from the organisation. Management strives to
minimize employee turnover and to have the right staff in the right
place. Focus area such as frequent change of position and sufficient
development must be manage well. The stability principle holds that
a company earning are much more stable then usually expected prior
to performance the trend analysis. Stability of tenure of personnel
refer to no frequent termination and transfer. According to this
principle, the management should provide the feeling of jobs
security among the employee because with the felling of insecurity
they will not contribute their maximum in the organisation.

Application in KFC
KFC make sure that the availability of the person whom the
organisation is hiring is long. Otherwise it will be a loss for the
organisation to again organise a process of interview and training.
Henri fayol argued that with this management principle employee
should be allowed to express new idea. This encourage interest and
involvements and creates added value of the company. Employee
initiatives are a source of strength for the organisation according to
henri fayol. This encourage the employee to be involved and
interested. Principle of initiative indicates that employee should be
encourage to develop and carry out plans for improvements. An
initiative is simply a project where an organisation is aiming to
introduce a new value or achieve a goal that is important to the
organisation business strategy.

Application in KFC
KFC understands the important of employee hence the employee are
equally given a chance to fell free to give any advice any suggestion
or change they something about the strategy.
Esprit de corps
The management principle “esprit de corps” of 14 principle of
management stand for striving for the involvement and unity of the
employee. Manager are responsible for the developments of morale
in the workplace individually and in the area of communication.
Esprit de crop contributes to the developments of the culture and
creates and atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding. Esprit de
cops means union is strength. It is one of the fourteen principle of
management developed by foyal. He emphasized on the team work.
According to him management must develop a felling of belonging
among the employee so that they can contributes maximum to
achieve the team goal.

Application in KFC
Coordination of kitchen staff fires station staff and production staff
and production staff helps front staff to feed the customers well
without the good and sound coordination the best service cannot be
given hence order gets delayed dissatisfaction of customers and bad
image of organisation.
The 14 principle of management can be used to manage organisation
and are useful tool for forecasting, planning, process management,
organisation management, decision making coordination and
control. Although they are obvious many of these matter are still
used based on common sense in current management practice in
organisation. It remains a practical list with focus area that are based
on henri fayol research which still applies today due to a number of
logical principle of henri fayol and it is clear that’s my organisation
be cause it ensure the smooth running of the organisation.

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