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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Lanao del Norte
Dalama, Baroy, Lanao del Norte

SY 2022-2023

_________1. One of the functions of management that demands assigning tasks, setting aside funds, and
bringing harmonious relations among the individual and work group or teams in the organization.
a. Staffing b. Planning c. Organizing d. Leading/directing e. Controlling
_________2. This entails influencing or motivating subordinates to do their best so that they would be able to
help the organization’s endeavour to attain their set goals.
a. Staffing b. Planning c. Organizing d. Leading/directing e. Controlling
_________3. Involves determining the organization’s goals or performance objectives, defining strategic actions
that must be done to accomplish them, and developing coordination and integration activities.
a. Staffing b. Planning c. Organizing d. Leading/directing e. Controlling
_________4. It is a type of management where leaders and workers have two-way communication.
a. Autocratic b. Persuasive c. Consultative d. Participative e. All of the Above
_________5. This management type is a one-way leadership where there is a single authority.
a. Autocratic b. Persuasive c. Consultative d. Participative e. All of the Above
_________6.The company’s project is a shared responsibility and each member has self-direction.
a. Autocratic b. Persuasive c. Consultative d. Participative e. All of the Above
_________7. The Father of Scientific Management.
a. Max Weber b. Henri Fayol c. Frederick Taylor d. Hugo Munsterberg e. All of the above
_________8. When Mark the manager communicates his department's resource needs to company
headquarters, which interpersonal role is he fulfilling?
a. Leader b. Disseminator c. Liaison d. Figurehead e. All of the above
_________9. Sylvia is a manager at an accounting services firm. She is designing a long-term organizational
plan that will help in the development of all the projects in currently progress. What managerial level does Sylvia
belongs to?
a. Top level managers b. Middle level managers c. Lower level managers d. None of the above
_________10. Which level of management is responsible for implementing programs that are intended to carry
out the broader objectives of an organization set by executives?
a. Supervisory managers b. Middle-level managers c. Top-level managers d. Lower-level managers
_________11. These are skills that enable managers in all levels to relate well with people.
a. Conceptual skills b. Human skills c. Technical skills d. Professional skills
_________12. A manager who possess the holistic knowledge and processes and potential problems of an
industry is a must. What type of managerial skills are we referring to?
a. Conceptual skills b. Human skills c. Technical skills d. None of these are correct
_________13. Fred the football coach must meet with the media and answer questions about team performance
after every game. Which one of Mintzberg's managerial roles is Fred fulfilling?
a. Liaison b. Spokesperson c. Disseminator d. Monitor
_________14. Which level of management is responsible for establishing a vision for the organization,
developing broad plans and strategies, and directing subordinate managers?
a. Top-level managers b. Middle-level managers c. Lower-level managers d. Operational managers
_________15. What managerial level is described if one their functions is to focus on long-term organizational
concerns and emphasize the organization’s stability, development, progress, and overall efficiency and
a. Top-level managers b. Middle-level managers c. Lower-level managers d. Operational managers
_________16. It is a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective
A. Economy B. Organization C. Employment` D. None of these
_________17. Suppose you want to open your own boutique and you use your savings to start up the business,
and you are the sole owner of the said boutique. This type of business is called _____________________.
A. Sole Proprietorship B. Partnership C. Corporation D. Cooperative
_________18. It is an artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of succession and the powers,
attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its existence.
A. Sole Proprietorship B. Corporation C. Partnership D. Cooperative
_________19. Which role of business organization that taxes are being collected from businesses to fund
governments’ expenditures and programs?
A. Provide Employment
B. Through Investment
C. Production of Goods and Services
D. Increase in Government’s Revenue
_________20. What is your analysis of the given statements below?
Statement 1: Economy is a system of organizations and institutions that either facilitate or play a role in the
production and distribution of goods and services in a society.
Statement II: Business organizations help improve economy through job creation.
A. Both Statements are true
B. Only Statement 1 is true
C. Only Statement II is true
D. Both Statements are false
_________21. Which role of business organization that improves the economy through job creation? A. Provide
B. Through Investment
C. Production of Goods and Services
D. Increase in Government’s Revenue
_________22. What is your analysis of the given statements below?
Statement 1: Success in business translates to the economic well-being of a company and offers improved
quality of life of the citizens of the country.
Statement II: When consumer confidence or trust dips in business, it is not just sales that are affected, this
mistrust has a ripple effect which can result in an increase in a country’s general economy.
A. Both Statements are true B. Only Statement 1 is true C. Only Statement II is true D. Both Statements are false
_________23. The degree to which a society accepts or rejects the unequal distribution of power among people
in organizations and the institutions of society.
a. Power Distance
b. Uncertainty Avoidance
c. Time Orientation
d. Individualism-Collectivism
_________24. The degree to which a society emphasizes shortterm thinking versus greater concern for the
future or long-term thinking.
a. Power Distance
b. Uncertainty Avoidance
c. Time Orientation
d. Individualism-Collectivism
_________25.The degree to which a society emphasizes individual accomplishments versus collective
a. Power Distance
b. Uncertainty Avoidance
c. Time Orientation
d. Individualism-Collectivism
_________26. What is the most basic of all managerial functions?
A. planning B. staffing C. organizing D. controlling
_________27. What is the type of plan that gives you a place to record your mission, vision and values, as well
as your long-term goals and the action plan you’ll use to reach them?
A. strategic plan B. operational plan C. tactical plan D. contingency plan
_________28. “Planning is deciding in advance, what is to be done; that is a plan is a projected course of action.”
Who is this position held by?
A. Henry Fayol B. Weirich and Koontz C. Newman D. Frederick W. Taylor
_________29. These plans were made when something unexpected happens or when something needs to be
A. strategic plan B. operational plan C. tactical plan D. contingency plan
_________30. A level of planning that focuses on support functions which are possessed by a business
enterprise. A. strategic level C. corporate level B. functional level D. business level
_________31. Which of the following is incorrect?
A. planning is the part of the management process that attempts to define the organization’s future
B. the approach to planning can differ greatly from manager to manager
C. planning is a onetime event
D. planning is thinking out in advance the sequence of actions to accomplish a proposed course of action
_________32. What are the two basic components of planning?
A. goals and decisions B. plans and decision C. goals and plans D. goals and actions
_________33. Questions such as “What is our business?” and “Who is the customer?” are generally answered in
a company’s?
A. Vision B. Objective C. Mission D. Values
_________34. What are the three levels of planning?
A. corporate, business, functional
B. low, middle, high
C. central, regional, divisional
D. high, average, below
_________35.A period of transition between the traditional society and a society that takes off, and for a certain
time that society is establishing the preconditions for take-off.
A. Take-Off B. Traditional Society C. Preconditions for take off D. Drive Maturity
_________36.This requires a different type of skill set from human laborers, so the economy shifts from
agriculture to production.
A. Take-Off B. Traditional Society C. Preconditions for take off D. Drive Maturity
_________37. It is about a 60-year period between the take-off and the final stage, the age of mass
A. Take-Off B. Traditional Society C. Preconditions for take off D. Drive Maturity
_________38. It is the raise in the value of goods and services produced in a country over time normally in a
year after adjusting the inflation.
A. Economic B. Development c. Economic Growth D. Demand and Supply
_________39.factors such as monetary and fiscal policies, interest rate, employment, inflation rate, demographic
changes, political changes, energy, security, and natural disasters.
A. Economic Growth B. Economic Development C. Economic Forces D. Economic
_________40. The action taken by the policy makers to raise the standard of living of general public by
developing human capital, critical infrastructure, health, security, literacy/education, regional competitiveness,
social institution, and any other initiatives for the welfare of public as a whole.
A. Economic Growth B. Economic Development C. Economic Forces D. Economic

_________41. One of the important functions of material management that involves buying the equipment,
materials, tools, parts etc. that are required for an industry.
A. Store management C. Inventory Management
B. Material planning and control D. Purchasing
_________42. This is an electronic business which involves business to business (B2B) and business to
customers (B2C) transactions.
A. Blogging C. Digital marketing
B. E-commerce D. Auction online
_________43. This a financial policy which considers whether to follow a systematic pattern of earnings retention
or dividend distribution.
A. Dividend policy C. Investment policy
B. Capital Structure policy D. Dividends
_________44. This is the actual sequence of activities that results in the production of goods and services that
have values for customers.
A. Value chain C. Productivity
B. Reengineering D. Value analysis
_________45. This is the process of obtaining information about jobs needed to achieve the organization’s goals.
A. Job specification C. Job analysis
B. Job order D. Part time job
_________46. Which of the following is one of the functions of Information and Communication Technology
A. Estimates the capital requirements of a business.
B. Helping to design and develop products and services.
C. Encouraging commerce through internet use.
_________47. Which of the following is one of the functions of operating management?
A. Estimates the capital requirements of a business.
B. Helping to design and develop products and services.
C. Encouraging commerce through internet use.
D. Stimulates demands for the products of the company.
_________48. Marketing management “is essentially demand management”. Who said it?
A. Philip Kotler C. McCarthy
B. Newman D. William J. Stanton
_________49. Which description best describes what a finance person does?
A. Checks the pricing of products are suitable.
B. Plans and monitors budgets so the business does not lose money.
C. Contacts possible new customers.
D. Installs new software.
_________50. In business, which sector would deals with all employee matters?
A. Financial C. Human Resource
B. Office D. Marketing

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