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DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher R A L P H R Y A N H . T O O Learning Area DISS

Teaching Dates and Time 3rd Week September 5 to September 9, 2022 Quarter I



A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.

B. Performance Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.

C. Learning Competency Compare and contrast the various Compare and contrast the various Social Compare and contrast the various Compare and contrast the
Write the LC code for each. Social Science disciplines and their Science disciplines and their fields, main Social Science disciplines and their various Social Science
fields, main areas of inquiry, and areas of inquiry, and methods. fields, main areas of inquiry, and disciplines and their fields,
methods. (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIb-d-3) (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIb-d-3) methods. (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIb-d-3) main areas of inquiry, and
methods. (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIb-
Define Linguistics, identify the Describe Political Science, identify the fields, Interpret Psychology, identify the d-3)
fields, areas of inquiry and areas of inquiry and methods of Political fields, areas of inquiry and methods
methods of Linguistics. Science. of Psychology. Interpret Sociology, identify
the fields, areas of inquiry and
methods of Sociology.
II. CONTENT Introducing the disciplines within the Social Sciences: 5. Linguistics 6. Political Science 7. Psychology 8. Demography

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials 1
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource Jose, M. D. & Ong, J. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Quezon City. Vibal Group, Inc., pp. 20-37


A. Reviewing previous lesson Review on their knowledge of

or presenting the new lesson the previous lesson
Ask the learners: 1. What are the
Ask the learners: 1. Where do you think (Psychology). Guide question: 1.
different disciplines of social Ask the learners: 1. What have we
the word Psychology came from? (3 In your own words, how will you
science that have been discussed discussed yesterday? (3 minutes)
minutes) define Psychology? 2 Is
last week? (3 minutes)
Psychology important in our
daily life? How? (5 minutes)
B. Establishing a purpose for Group Activity
the lesson Group the learners into five (5).
Each group will pick a strip of
paper with a statement written In a ¼ sheet of paper, learners will write
on it. Representative of each their answers for the following: 1. Give 3 Teacher put meta cards (with
group will read what is written. PINOY HENYO: descriptive words of: respective fields or areas of
The teacher will ask the following a. LION discipline) in one specific table;
questions: Teacher group learners into five (5); b. EAGLE then ask learners randomly to
1. Do you understand what is each will have two representatives to c. OCEAN pick the meta cards and paste it
written on the strips? guess a word particularly political icon. Processing: 1. Answer to the first pertains into the board where they
2. What do you think is the E.g. Pres. Duterte, Governor Umali, etc. to how the person sees himself/herself 2. categorized (Sociological or
language used in the statement (10 minutes) How others see him/her. 3. Perspective in Demographic)
3. What do you think is the life (5 minutes)
reason why we have many (10 minutes)
4. Where does language came
from? (10 minutes)
C. Presenting Group Activity: WEB MAPPING Group the learners into 2 and
The teacher will deliver a lesson that will
examples/Instances of the Form a word map using the word with the aid of Concept Pattern
new lesson Guide Question: Who are those tackle the goals and key concepts of
LIGUISTICS. From the words, they Organizer, each group will
personalities? What is common among psychology At the same time, learners
formed the definition of identify the similarities and
them? (5 minutes) will be introduced to the branches of
Linguistics will then be derived. differences between Sociology
Psychology. (10 minutes)
(12 minutes) and Demography.
D. Discussing new concepts Group Activity Evolution of Group Activity Recitation: 5 learners will be selected to Presentation of the lesson:
and practicing new skills # 1 Language From the previous Directions: Each group doing a role answer the following questions: 1. How Teacher will discuss the
groupings. The learners will be playing showing the political scenario of are the goals of Psychology related to discipline and fields of the
asked to: 1. Cite 5 Filipino words
and determine their
corresponding translations into
Hippie, jejemon, gay lingo, and
text language. Ex.  Nanay-
Ermats (Hippie),
varying interests of branches of
the Philippines. (See attached rubric for Psychology The teacher will ask for
mudra (Gay Lingo)- nnay (Text) 2.
the evaluation). Processing of the volunteers after the 5 selected learners. If
Use the 5 Filipino words into a latter. Base on the above
activity, Let the learners give their ideas there are no more volunteers, the
sentence using the Hippie, activity.
and concepts about the activity. (10 teacher
jejemon, gay lingo, text language
minutes) can proceed to the next activity. (15
The teacher will introduce the
different fields of Linguistics
(Morphology-study of language
form, Syntaxstudy of how words
are being formed into a phrase,
Phonology-study of sounds of
language) (15 minutes)
E. Discussing new concepts Discuss the importance of the
and practicing new skills # 2 two fields and the main areas of
inquiry and methods.
F. Developing mastery Class recitation in a form of Board
(leads to Formative Work The teacher will randomly
Assessment 3) distribute 9 words/phrases to the Teacher will discuss the disciplines of VIDEO CLIP: Learners will be presented a
The learners will analyze
class. The assigned student will the social sciences (references: Political video clip that exhibits the different
demographic data prepared by
post it on the board according to Science in the Philippines; A history of a perspectives of people from all walks of
the teacher and its effect on the
its classification. (Morphology, discipline by: Remegio E. Agpalo (17 life with regards to Psychology (10
Syntax, and Phonology) The class minutes) minutes)
will check if the given answers are
correct. (5 minutes)
G. Finding practical application The learners will choose any
Questions to be asked: 1. How do From what they have learned,
of concepts and skills in Government position the wish to hold Learners will write 2-3 sentences in their
daily living you use language appropriately in learners will be asked to write
someday. As a Government official, notebook about the importance of
your daily communication? (5 an essay on how they will apply
what would be your priority project? (5 studying Psychology. (5 minutes)
minutes) these in their daily lives.
H. Making generalizations and Recitation Recitation: Learners will give a brief but precise In their own words, learners will
abstractions about the The following questions will be What is Political Science all about? explanation on the quotation: “We know differentiate Sociology from
lesson asked: 1. What is Linguistics all How does it influence our society? what we are but not what we may be.” – Demography.
about? 2. What are the three Political Science deals with the Ophelia in Hamlet (7 minutes)
fields of Linguistics? (5 minutes) systems of the government, and the
analysis of political activities, political
thoughts and political behaviors. (5
I. Evaluating learning Like or Unlike Teacher will read Five items quiz: True or False The
statements to the class and learners teacher will show pictures/ scenarios.
will identify if the statements are The learners will identify whether the SHORT QUIZ
correct or not by raising a thumbs-up picture / scenarios concern political
and thumbs- down. (5 minutes) science. (5 minutes)
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked Noted:


Teacher III SHS Focal Person for Academics Secondary School Principal IV

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