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Arranged to fulfill course assignments Analytical Reading


By :
Group 3
MUH. IRGIHESI (20320133)
NURPIANA (20320137)


First of all, the writer wants to express his thanks to Allah SWT, because
of His bless and grace, the entitled ”Summarize,Analyze, and Respond (SAR) ”
can be finished on time.
This paper is a requirement to fulfill the assignment from Ms. Wiwiek
Zulfiani Rahman, S.Pd, M. Pd. The writer also thanks to him for all the guidance
to complete it.
In completing this paper, the writer faced many problems, but with the
help of many people, all the problems could be passed. May Allah SWT give the
blessing for them. Although this paper has many deficiencies in the arrangement
and explanation, the writer hope that it can be used as a reference for the reader to
understand the Paper.

Sengkang, 26 March 2022



COVER............................................................................................................ i
FOREWORD.................................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY...................................................................... 1
A. Background......................................................................................... 1
B. Problem Formulation......................................................................... 1
C. Purpose................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION......................................................................... 2
A. Summarize........................................................................................... 2
B. Analyze................................................................................................. 3
C. Respond................................................................................................ 4
D. Example SAR....................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II CLOSING............................................................................... 6
A. Conclusion........................................................................................... 6
B. Suggestion............................................................................................ 6
BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................................... 7


A. Background
This resource gives you a way to approach reading and responding to
nonfiction without requiring you to write an essay. It is relatively formulaic
but builds skills through scaffolding concepts and encouraging students.
Following such an approach will help you greatly with learning from
textbooks, articles, encyclopedias, and other forms of nonfiction writing that
you may encounter in your college career. The goal is to encourage you to
develop the confidence necessary to start reading critically and making
arguments about the nonfiction you read.
The approach is called "SAR" for Summarize, Analyze, and
Respond.SAR should be exactly three paraghraphs long and no longer than
two typed, double-spaced pages and shoul be free of errors in conventions,
writen in present tense in an academic tone.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the Summarize,Analyze,and Respond?
2. What is the part of summarize,analyze,and respond?
3. How the example of SAR?

C. Purpose
1. To knowthe Summarize,Analyze,and Respond
2. To know the part of summarize,analyze,and respond.
3. To know example of SAR


Summarize is the process of drawing conclusions or summaris of a
reading just by quoting the meaningful points. Summarize the ideas, mainly
with your own words, including BRIEF (2-5 word) cited direct quotations
when necessary. Include the author’s first and last names—correctly spelled
—as well as the essay title in quotation marks. This should be the shortest of
the three paragraphs.Keep your summary in the present tense.
Note: The verbs you use in summarizing an essay suggest an author’s
purpose and can imply a judgment of that purpose.
If you say, “The author . . .
o Tells” (suggests the author’s purpose is to explain or narrate)
o Explains” (suggests author’s purpose is to explain or inform)
o Argues” (suggests author is trying to persuade)
o Claims” (suggests author is trying to persuade; further suggests you don’t
buy what the author is saying)
o Informs” (suggests dryly expository writing)
o Persuades” (suggests persuasive writing, duh)
o Exposes” (suggests author’s purpose is to investigate something hidden)
o Teaches” (suggests author is explaining or informing)
o Narrates” (suggests author is telling a personal story)
o Relates” (suggests author’s purpose is to explain through comparison)
o Distinguishes” (suggests author’s purpose is to explain by contrasting
o Compares” (suggests author’s purpose is to draw similarities between
o Contrasts” (suggests author’s purpose is to find differences between

o Warns” (suggests author’s purpose is to persuade through caution)
o Suggests” (suggests gently persuasive writing)
o Implies” (suggests persuasive writing; further suggests you’re skeptical
about the author’s motivations and/or implications)
Note: Summaries are NOT like movie trailers, designed to entice the
viewer into thinking there’s something interesting coming. Instead,
summaries should explain clearly and briefly what those interesting ideas
ARE and what the author’s argument is.
Sample summaries
In “The Culture of American Film,” Julia Newman claims that
analyzing movies for “cultural significance” (294) can lead to greater
understanding of our society and of changes in our society.
In “Nothing But Net,” Mark McFadden argues that instead of
protecting “work rules and the rules of common decency” (paragraph 1),
internet spying technology is ultimately ineffectual and creates an atmosphere
of mistrust.

Identify parts of the reading, including: the context in which text was
written; the audience for whom the text is intended; the purpose of the text;
what rhetorical strategies the writer uses; the genre reflected by the text; the
stance the writer takes toward the subject; the tools the writer uses to develop
support; and the overall thesis of the essay. An analysis is about what the text
does, rhetorically speaking. Note the verbs in this paragraph should be in
present tense.
 Context: This essay is a contribution to a larger discussion or debate
about what? What events or ideas prompted the author to write this

• Audience: Who is likely to read this essay? Where was it originally
published, and what type of publication is/was it? Who can access this

• Purpose: To entertain? To persuade? To congratulate? To instruct? To

warn? To scold? To inform or explain? Some combination of these?

• Rhetorical strategies: Chronological narrative? Analyzing cause and/or

effect? Arguing? Comparing and/or contrasting? Making analogies?
Classifying and/or dividing? Describing? Defining? Explaining a
process? Dialogue? Some combination of these?
• Genre: Formal argument? Analysis of some other text(s)? Evaluation?
Memoir? Profile? Proposal? Reflection? Letter?

• Stance: Resigned? Antagonistic? Humorous? Assured? Happy?

Confident? Sympathetic? Urgent? Encouraging? Frustrated? Energetic?
Pleading? Detached? Ambivalent? Apathetic? Clinical? Amused? Smug?
Humorous? Sarcastic? Questioning? Some combination?

• Tools: Evidence such as expert testimony, quoting authorities, using

facts, figures, and statistics, or direct quotations? Examples such as
allusions to public knowledge, well-known anecdotes or personal
experience, graphic illustrations, fictional scenarios, colorful and
descriptive imagery, or figures of speech? Appeals to Logic, character,
emotion, need, or value, or the inadvertent or deliberate use of logical
fallacies? Design elements such as subheadings and sidebars? Persuasive
elements such as concessions to the opposition or qualifiers to one’s own

• Thesis: The one or two sentences that best summarize the point of the
essay. Sometimes the point is implied instead of overtly stated.
Note that tone usually changes as the text unfolds, and you see it in
specific word choice, which you should note in your analysis. Also, if you

identify logical fallacies as tools, you should criticize the essay for its logical
flaws in paragraph 3, your Respond paragraph.

Give a personal response to the reading. What ideas do you find
interesting? Why? Even if you don’t like the essay, you should still be able to
find something interesting about it. Do you agree with the author’s
“message”? You can also evaluate and/or challenge the essay in this
paragraph. Is the author’s purpose achieved? How well does the author prove
her/his argument? What could someone on the other side of this argument
say, and how valid would that criticism be? What flaws in logic do you see in
the author’s argument? You should use present tense verbs in this section, and
you may also speak from the first person, using "I" as you write your

A Student
Mrs. Johnson
ENG 111
23 September 2015
SAR #1: “The Culture of American Film”
In “The Culture of American Film,” Julia Newman argues that
analyzing movies for “cultural significance” (294) can lead to greater
understanding of changes in our society.
This essay was written in the context of a growing movement in
academia toward viewing popular films as literature and analyzing movies as
cultural text. Newman’s intended audience is probably university-
levelscholars, but her ideas are accessible to anyone interested in examining
film as it suggests underlying societal structures. One purpose of this essay is
to explain how to view films as indications of what’s going on in our society,

but Newman also wants to persuade the reader that there’s more to movies
than just entertainment. The organizational form of the essay is classification,
as Newman places movies into categories of those that do reflect changes in
our society and those that do not, then she compares and contrasts these
categories. In addition, the essay employs a chronological organizational form
in which Newman describes the plots of various movies from 50 years ago to
the present. The tone of the essay is consistently encouraging and
knowledgeable. There’s a sort of majestic tone to the introduction, too, as
Newman pronounces that the “significance of storytelling has diminished
over the decades, and cinema has risen to take its place” (291). Tools
Newman uses to accomplish her purpose include specific examples of film
analyses, an impressive balance between academic and accessible word
choices, and concessions to the opposition, like when she writes, “However, it
is easy to overstate these connections” (292). The thesis of the essay appears
on page 298: “But as cinematic forms of storytelling overtake written forms
of expression, the study of movies as complex text bearing cultural messages
and values is becoming more and more important.” In other words, we can
learn a lot about structural shifts within our culture through studying popular
film as literary text.
I found the ideas in this essay quite compelling. The essay makes me
want to examine the movies of ten or twenty years ago to consider what they
suggested about our society then. The essay also makes me think about films
that have been nominated for Academy Awards this year, like The Artist, and
what the popularity of this silent movie says about changes taking place in
our culture right now. I do wish Newman had used more current examples;
most of her examples are so old that I’ve never seen them. I also wonder how
much knowledge of history is necessary to really apply her thesis. . . . I don’t
think I’ll ever have a strong enough understanding of American history to
apply Newman’s ideas to movies that have been popular in the past, and I
can’t imagine trying to examine currently popular movies for what they
suggest about cultural shifts that are happening right now. It seems like the

type of analysis she encourages is only possible in retrospect and with a
strong understanding of movements in American history.


Summarize is the process of drawing conclusions or summaris of a
reading just by quoting the meaningful points. Analyze is the ability to
analyze a reading rather we know the intent and purpose of the reading.
Respond is the react to a statement or question. SAR is the goal to
encourage you to develop the confidence necessary to start reading
critically and making arguments about the nonfiction you read
In writing and preparing this is certainly a lot of wrong and
lacking, so we expect the rhythm and constructive advice for the future.


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