Modul Ajar English 2nd Grade

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A. Identitas sekolah
Nama Penyusun/Institusi/Tahun Amy Fauziah / MI Khoirul Huda / 2022
Mata Pelajaran English
Jenjang Sekolah Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Fase/Kelas 2 ICP
Alokasi waktu 2 JP
Domain/Topik Simple Present Tense and present continuous
B. Kompetensi Awal
Student Understand the use of simple present tense in a daily life
C. Profil Pelajar Pancasila
Have faith, fear God, and have character, Noble: Indonesian
students who believe, fear God
God by giving thanks for everything that he has determined.
Mutual cooperation: Indonesian students have the ability to
work together, namely the ability to carry out activities together
voluntarily so that the activities carried out can run smoothly,
easily and lightly. The elements of gotong royong are
collaboration, caring, and sharing.
Facilities and Infrastructure
Facilities and Infrastructure Smart TV, Internet, bahan ajar digital, Video youtube,
E. Target Peserta Didik
F. Model Pembelajaran
Moda Pembelajaran Tatap Muka (TM)
Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning
Problem-Based Learning
Pendekatan Pembelajaran Contextual teaching and learning

A. Learning Objective
1. Students are able to evaluate ideas and views based on logical rules
thinking from reading fluently and understanding new words, borrowed words from local languages,
and foreign languages, related to abstract or complex themes, assessing the accuracy of information
in reading and the diversity of people's descriptions in the text. Students are able to use the simple
present in everyday life. Students write their responses to the reading using the knowledge they have
gained from other readings. Reading activities are used as a provision in writing activities at the next
B. Questions

The simple present is a form of sentence with a pattern that uses a verb to express an event that is
currently taking place and is repeated. In the simple present tense there are several kinds of sentences,
namely positive, negative and interrogative sentences. Learning the simple present tense can
introduce students to practicing the use of sentences in everyday life.

Persiapan Pembelajaran
1. Parepare the material contained in ppt, smart tv, worksheet, and audio
2. Make assesment project for Student

D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembuka
1. Do open dialog with Students for asking their activities
2. Show a video about daily routine from youtube
3. Educator convey learning objectives

Kegiatan Inti:
1. Guru menyiapkan materi yang dapat didengar (rekaman) oleh siswa melalui media MP3
(untuk anak auditori), guru juga menyiapkan materi negosiasi yang terjadi dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari dengan menayangkan/mengirimkan video (untuk anak yang
visual) dan menyiapkan presentasi/video komik tentang drama yang menggambarkan
kehidupan sehari hari (untuk anak yang kinestetik). (diferensiasi konten)
2. Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan untuk memusatkan perhatian pada materi
Daily activities and describing people things and place dengan cara : mendengarkan,
menonton dan menyimak video atau gambar-gambar drama yang terjadi dalam
kehidupan sehari- hari. (Kegiatan Literasi)
3. Peserta didik mengamati masing-masing media tentang daily activities and describing
something yang terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan guru bertanya jawab tentang isi dari
media yang telah ditayangkan atau di perdengarkan. (diferensiasi proses)
4. Guru memberikan penjelasan tentang present tense dan present continuous
5. Peserta didik dipersilahkan untuk melihat LK yang telah dibuat.
6. Peserta didik diberi kesempatan untuk mendiskusikan dengan kelompok yang dibagi
tiga kategori yaitu: low, middle, dan high untuk menjawab LK.
Kegiatan Inti Kelompok Low:
a. Peserta didik menonton video tentang daily activities
b. Peserta didik mencermati macam daily activities dari video
c. Peserta didik menuliskan aktivitas yang telah diamati dari video
d. Peserta didik diberi worksheet tentang reading text
d. Peserta didik mendiskusikan bersama anggota kelompoknya sesuai instruksi pada
Kegiatan Inti Kelompok Middle:
a. Peserta didik mencermati flash card tentang daily activities
b. Peserta didik menuliskan informasi penting tentang daily activities.
c. Peserta didik diberi worksheet tentang daily activities
d. Peserta didik mendiskusikan bersama anggota kelompoknya sesuai instruksi pada
Kegiatan Inti Kelompok High:
a. Peserta didik mencermati video tentang environment issues
b. Peserta didik menulis informasi penting yang terdapat pada video.
d. Peserta didik diberi worksheet tentang environment issues
c. Peserta didik mendiskusikan bersama anggota kelompoknya sesuai instruksi pada

6. Pendidik melakukan pemantauan dan bimbingan konsep materi yang ada di dalam LK
untuk didalami dan dikembangkan lebih lanjut.

Kegiatan Penutup
1. Pendidik memberikan penguatan dan umpan balik
2. Peserta didik diberi kesempatan untuk merevisi jawaban salah sehingga LK akan
menjadi bahan literasi bagi peserta didik
3. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi
4. Pendidik melakukan refleksi
5. Pendidik membuat Rencana Tindak Lanjut
E. Asesmen
1. Asesmen Diagnostik
Diagnostik non Kognitif Terlampir
Diagnostik kognitif Terlampir

2. Asesmen Formatif
Tertulis Terlampir Rubrik
Tidak tertulis Diskusi, dan Presentasi Rubrik

3. Asesmen Sumatif
Tertulis Pedoman penskoran
Terlampir Rubrik

F. Refleksi Peserta Didik dan Pendidik

a. Pendidik
1. Apakah tujuan pembelajaran tercapai?
2. Apakah nampak peserta didik belajar secara aktif?
3. Apakah seluruh peserta didik mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik?
4. Apakah pembelajaran yang saya lakukan sudah sesuai dengan apa yang saya
5. Hal-hal apa yang berjalan dengan baik?

b. Peserta Didik
1. Apa yang membuat kamu tertarik dengan pelajaran hari ini?
2. Hal penting apakah yang kamu pelajari hari ini?
3. Apa yang ingin kamu pelajari lebih jauh dari materi yang telah dipelajari hari ini?
4. Bagian pelajaran mana yang membuatmu paling merasa kreatif hari ini
5. Apa yang membuat kamu penasaran/ingin tahu mengenai suatu hal di hari ini
6. Pada saat kegiatan apa kamu merasa tampil paling baik ?
7. Pelajaran besok/yang akan datang akan kamu mulai dari bagian mana ? dan
8. Hal apa yang dapat kamu lakukan dengan apa yang sudah kamu ketahui hari ini?

Mengetahui, Sidoarjo, 11 Oktober 2022

Kepala Madrasah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Umi Lailatul S.Hum Fajru Achmi, S.E.

Worksheet for high level

Informational text
Definition The type of non-fiction written text whose purpose is, as its
name says, to inform
Function To transmit to the reader certain information, data, descriptions,
real facts or knowledge of any nature.
Grammar Used Simple Present, Present Progressive
Characteristic 1. No argument or opinion
2. Clear and precise language
3. Real topic

Text 1
Emperor Penguins
The emperor penguin is the largest of the penguin species. They can grow to be between 44-48
inches tall. They are very easy to spot because of their black heads and white bellies.
Emperor penguins are mostly found in Antarctica. They spend their lives on the Antarctic ice and
the surrounding waters. They search for food in the ocean and mainly eat krill, fish, and squid. They are
great swimmers and are even able to hold their breath under water for twenty minutes.
How can emperor penguins survive the cold? The body of an emperor penguins has layers of
blubber of fat that helps to keep them warm.
1. Match the paragraph and the main idea of the text “Emperor Penguins” by draw line!
Paragraph Main Idea
Paragraph 1 The way of emperor penguins survive
the cold
Paragraph 2 The emperor penguin is the largest of
the penguin species.
Paragraph 3 Emperor penguins spend their lives on
the Antarctic ice and the surrounding

2. The correct statement about the reason Emperor Penguins very easy to spot is … .
a. Because they can grow to be between 44-48 inches tall.
b. Because the emperor penguin is the largest of the penguin species.
c. Because they have black heads and white bellies.
d. Because they are mostly found in Antarctica.

3. The correct statements about Emperor Penguins are ….

a. Emperor Penguins are great swimmers and are able to hold their breath under water
b. They can grow to be between 41-43 inches tall.
c. Emperor penguins are mostly found in Antarctica
d. Penguins live in the North Pole

Text 2
Earth Day
Earth Day is always on April 22 nd. It takes place every year in almost 200 countries! Earth day is
one of the largest holidays of the year.
Earth day is about peace and about respecting our world. Many people do an entire Earth Week,
because this is so important. It is also close to Arbor Day, when you plant trees on the last Friday in
On Earth Day, you might clean up your neighborhood. Maybe you ride a bike or take a bus
instead of taking a car. You can take a shorter shower to save water. You could recycle instead of
throwing things into the trash. How else can you help the world?
4. Which statement is true based on the text “Earth Day”?
a. Many people do an entire Earth Week because it is fun.
b. When people plant trees on the last Friday in April called Arbor day.
c. Earth Day takes place every year in more 200 countries
d. Earth day is the only one holiday of the year.

5. What can we do on earth day? Give your opinion!


6. Should we celebrate Earth Day? Why? Give your reason!


7. Based on the text 1 and text 2, we can conclude that the text mainly used .....
a. Simple present continuous because it uses V-ing
b. Simple present tense because it uses V1
c. Simple past tense because it uses V2
d. Simple future because it uses will + V1

8. Examine the grammatical used in the text! Write the sentences from Text 1 and Text 2 and group
them based on the correct structure.

Present Simple (Verbal) Present Simple (Nominal)

1. ..... 1. …..
2. ….. 2. …..
3. ….. 3. …..

9. Which sentences are correct based on the structure of present simple?

a. They lives in a big house.
b. Riana and Jenny go to school by bus.
c. Reyhan are a smart student.
d. Her mother is an English teacher.

10. Draw line between the tenses and the sentences!

Present Simple
Mona is a diligent student.
Rico is drawing the mountain.
They are playing football.
Mr. Smith is a famous actor.
Juna and Edo are at school.
I am listening to music.

Listen to the audio “water conservation” and answer the questions below!

11. Why is water necessary to people and other living things?


12. How is the condition when there is no plants?


13. When should vegetation forest and grass be planted?


14. Which statement is true about the ways of conserving the water?
a. Build more houses to
b. Build dam across the river
c. Build tall building
d. Build more factory

15. The correct statements about the dam are ….

a. To store water during wet season for use in dry season
b. To grow the grass and plants to fertilize the land
c. To flow the water after raining
d. To help prevent floods by controlling the flow of the water

16. Draw a line to match between the condition and the result of the nature!

Results to the nature

Living things cannot live Place with no
Water can be held by the land plants
There will be a lot of flood
Water would run off after it rains
There will be no flood
Place with
Water cannot be held by the land many plants
Living things can live

17. Re-write about the content of the audio using your own language!
18. Create a paragraph about the condition of your environment!
19. Speaking activity!
Describe about your activities that use the water and how your ways to save the water!

Worksheet for medium level


Text 1
Hi! My name is Emma. I am ten years old and I am English. I live with my family in Brighton in
the South of England. My day usually starts quite early. I always get up at 7.30 on weekdays, but at the
weekends I sleep an hour and a half longer. When I get up, I go to the bathroom first. I wash my face to
wake me up, brush my teeth and then I have a shower, after that I comb my hair get dressed. I usually
wear casual clothes, mainly jeans, shorts, T-shirt and trainers.
I always have breakfast with my mom and my little brother, Tommy. My dad never has breakfast
with us because he starts work early on weekdays. I usually have a bowl of cornflakes with hot meal and
toast with marmalade. Before I go to school, I have to walk our dog, Leo. I usually walk to school
because I do not live very far.
Classes start at 8.30. I like Math best but I am also good at Science and English. I have two break
at 11 and at 1 o’clock. I eat a sandwich and drink orange juice. I also play with my classmate in the
playground. School finishes at 3.30 and my Dad pick me up. We come back home by car. Then we have
lunch together.
After lunch, I play with my brother for a while and then I do my homework and study. Twice a
week I have a basketball practice. I love doing sports. Before dinner I sometimes meet my friends or
watch a TV quiz. I seldom play computer game, I simply fine them boring. We have dinner at 7.30 and I
often set the table. After dinner I read a book or surf internet for a while. At 9.30, I go to the bathroom to
have a shower, brush my teeth and put on my night dress. Before I go to sleep, I listen to music on my
MP3 player because it makes me feel relaxed.
Answer the following question based on the text given!
1. The text is mainly about ... .
a. Emma’s hobby
b. Emma’s activity
c. Emma’s reality
d. Emma’s friendly

2. The text above includes as … .

a. Descriptive text
b. Procedural text
c. Narrative text
d. Recount text

3. The correct statements about Emma’s activities are … .

a. She usually gets up at 11.00
b. She always has breakfast alone
c. She goes to school on foot
d. Before dinner, she sometimes watches TV

4. The correct statement about the reason Emma walk to school is … .

a. Because her father does not want to take her up
b. Because she loves to walk
c. Because her house is near by the school
d. Because she walks to school with her friends

5. Match Emma’s activity with the time!

She always gets up at ... .

Her classes starts at ... .
School finishes at ... .
She goes to bed at ... .

6. Draw a line to match the correct chronological order of the story!

My dad never has breakfast with us First
because he starts work early on weekdays.
At 9.30, I go to the bathroom to have a
shower, brush my teeth and put on my Second
night dress.
I always get up at 7.30 on weekdays, but at
the weekends I sleep an hour and a half Third
I also play with my classmate in the

7. Examine the main idea of each paragraph!

a. First paragraph:
b. Second paragraph
c. Third paragraph
d. Fourth paragraph

8. Match the following statements with its correct question word by drawing a line!

She is ten years old

Because she does not live very far

She eats a sandwich and drink

orange juice

She reads a book or surf internet

for a while

She has breakfast with her mom

and her little brother, Tommy.

9. Based on the text above, we can conclude that the story mainly used .....
a. Simple present continuous because it uses V-ing
b. Simple present tense because it uses V1
c. Simple past tense because it uses V2
d. Simple future because it uses will + V1
Whom does Emma have breakfast 10. Make sentences with the following words using simple
with? present!
Why does Emma walk to school? a. Eat : ......................................................................................
What does Emma do after dinner?
How old is Emma?
What does Emma eat at school? b. Drink : ..................................................................................
c. Sleep : .....................................................................................

Present Continuous
Present Continuous is used to describe an ongoing activity in the present.
Formula To be
+ Subject + to be + V(ing) I am
- Subject + to be + not + V(ing) He
? To be + Subject + V(ing)? She is
Example We are
+ She is reading a book They
- She is not reading a book
? Is she reading a book?

11. Match the word with the sentences of present continuous below!

playing My brother is ... a tank in his drawing book

drawing The girls are ... on the stage
singing The scouts are ... in the playground
dancing The children are ... in the playground
camping We are ... Indonesia Raya in the ceremony

12. Which sentences below are correct based on the structure of present continuous?
a. They is talking to the stranger.
b. My sister is writing an essay.
c. I are studying English.
d. We are collecting stamps.

13. Change the following sentences into its correct form (Present continuous)
a. (+) Riana is waiting for her friends in the airport.
(-) ..........................................................................................
(?) ..........................................................................................

b. (+)..........................................................................................
(-) Mrs. Yeni and her daughter are not watering their flowers.
(?) .........................................................................................
Listen to the audio “daily routine”!
14. What does the woman do after wake up? ………………………………….
15. Whom does the woman have lunch with? ………………………………….
16. How does the woman go to work? ……………………………………………
17. What does the woman do before having dinner? …………………………
18. Match the activities of the woman with the time!
Activities Time

Wake up 7:00 AM

Finish working 8:30 AM

Go to bed 9:00 AM

Leave home to work 5:00 PM

Start working 10:00 PM

19. Re-write about the content of the audio using your own language!

20. Write a short paragraph about your own daily activity!

21. Speaking activity
Describe about your routine activities on weekend!

Worksheet for low level


He is a widower and

1. The best title for the text above is … .

a. My grandmother is a strong widow
b. My grandfather always makes me laugh
c. We live in big house with grandfather
d. My grandfather is sixty four years old

2. The main idea in the first paragraph…..

a. Tim is Lucy’s best friend
b. Lucy’s grandfather is 64years old
c. Lucy loves her grandfather very much
d. He loves to play with Lucy

3. The correct statements for second paragraph are … .

a. My brother’s name is Kevin
b. My grandfather often makes me sad
c. I think my grandfather is a magician.
d. I prepare my grandfather’s breakfast everyday

4. Circle ‘True’ for the correct statement, or ‘False’ for the wrong statement based on the text above!
a. Lucy’s grandfather is named John T/F
b. They spend a lot of time together. T/F
c. Lucy has got a sister. T/F
d. Lucy’s grandfather lives alone. T/F

5. Match the main point below to the correct paragraph!

My grandfather lives with me and my

Paragraph 1
Tim is my beloved gradfather Paragraph 2
My grandfather is the only one who truly
Paragraph 3
understand me

6. Rewrite the sentences below using correct capital letters!

a. because it’s raining lalia can not go to shopping.
b. tedy really like drawing tiger cow and giraffe

7. Listen to the audio “what does she look like?”

a. What is the name of a girl’s little sister?.........................................
b. How old is she?
c. What does she look like?
d. What is she wearing?

8. Describe your best friend in the following space below!

9. Make sentence using these word!
a. Simple present
1) Read
2) Eat
3) Study

b. Present continuous
1) Play
2) Watch
3) Write

10. Speaking Activity

Describe about this picture!

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