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Name: Leodian Diadem D. Mercurio Course, Year & Section: BSA 4-C

1. Define research.

According to Meriam-Webster Online Dictionary, the word research is coined from the

Middle French word "recherche", which comes from deriving a compound Old French term

"recerchier";"re-" (which means again or once more) and "cerchier" ( meaning to search, to

seek, to look for), together they define research as a "Diligent inquiry or examination to seek or

revise facts, principles, theories, applications, etc.; laborious or continued search after truth"

(Etymologeek, n.d.) and is described as "a careful, systematic, patient study and investigation in

some field of knowledge, undertaken to establish, facts or principles" (Thyer, 2001). Here, it is

emphasize that a research is a systematic inquiry that is compromise by defining and refining

problems, to formulating hypothesis, collecting, organizing, evaluates data and reach to research


In a clear and concise definition, research is a process of creating new knowledge or ideas

undertaking a series of investigation that arrives to a determinate conclusion. It is an activity that

begins with a question with an unknown answer or a study that aid us verify its credibility and to

understand easier the existing data of an available knowledge. For a research to be acknowledge

as one it must undertake certain defined parameters, it must adhere to the three criteria that

governs research:

1. Is undertaken by making a framework within certain philosophies.

2. Makes use of procedures, methods, and techniques that have been tested for their validity and

reliability. And

3. Has been planned to be unbiased and objective.

Criterias’ governing research emphasizes that it is a careful investigation or inquiry that

utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to solve problems and create new knowledge that is
generally applicable (Dawson); is a systematic investigation to establish facts (Creswell, 2008),

and a detailed study of a subject that entails the gathering and analyzing data to arrive with a

determinate answer to an open-ended question, idea or hypothesis. However, the extent of

applying the criteria to its consummation varies to its field of academic discipline.

2. How will you ensure the quality of the research?

According to the education material that was given to us, there are 10 steps that would assist us to

ensure the quality of a research paper, these are the following;

1. The purpose should be clearly defined.

2. Common concepts should be used to be understood by all.

3. Research procedures should be explained in detail.

4. Research design should be carefully planned.

5. The researcher should declare all the possible errors and their possible impact on the findings.

6. Analysis of the data should be sufficiently adequate to reveal significance.

7. The methods of analysis should be appropriate.

8. The validity and reliability of the data should be checked carefully.

9. The researcher should have a good command of research methodologies and be intelligent and


10. Ethics in research refers to a code of conduct for behavior while conducting research. Ethical

conduct applies to the organization and the members who sponsor the research, the researchers

who undertake it, and the respondents who provide the necessary data.

Ensuring the quality of a research is important for many reasons. The most obvious is that

the whole point of research is to produce reliable data for a new discovery or idea. First and

foremost, to ensure the quality of a research, one must consider the transparency when describing

a research. Due to constraints in communication and knowledge of understanding, it is never fully

achieve the transparency of describing a certain research study. To minimize misinterpretations,

the purpose should be clearly defined. Common concepts must be used and research procedures

must be enlisted in detail to be understood by all. When using jargons on the research, terms and

definitions must be listed in the terminologies of the paper, for the audience to understand. One

should be meticulous in planning its research design because it is your blueprint or key to

effectively address the research problem. Thus, method of analysis used should be appropriate.

In doing a research, the researcher must be honest, unbiased and objective in declaring the

results, the possible errors and possible impacts from the results. This will ensure that your data is

free from preconception. Data acquired must also be sufficient or adequate to reveal significance.

When gathering and collecting data to be applied in the research, one must be meticulous, rigid

and careful. Verifying first if the source is credible and reliable.

Above all, to ensure the quality of the research, the research itself must be intelligent,

experienced, have a good command for research methodologies and behave accordingly when

conducting a research in an ethical conduct.

There are multiple reasons why behaving accordingly to the ethical conduct during

research is crucial. According to Enago Academy (2021), “The credibility of the scientific

community and the perception of the public to judge and accept new results strongly depends on

the authenticity of the results that have been published” and researchers are required to ensure

conformance to ethical requirements during scientific research, including the proper design and

implementation of studies that involve human or animal experiments, avoiding scientific

misconduct (such as data fabrication or plagiarism), following environmental and safety

regulations, adhering to norms related to authorship and intellectual property, and keeping

confidentiality agreements. A researcher adhering to the conformance of ethical conduct supports

important social and moral values that will ensure that the public can trust research and be

confident in it.

Enago Academy. (2021, September 30). Importance of Research Ethics. Retrieved from

Resnick, D. B. (2015). What is Ethics in Research and Why is it Important?

Retrieved from

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