A, An, Some, Any

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A, an, some, any

A – używamy z rzeczownikami policzalnymi, zawsze w liczbie pojedynczej

There is a pen.
An - używamy z rzeczownikami policzalnymi, zawsze w liczbie pojedynczej, przed samogłoskami (A, E, I, O, U)
There is an orange.
Some – używamy z rzeczownikami policzalnymi oraz niepoliczalnymi, przeważnie w zdaniach twierdzących (+)
There are some oranges.
There is some milk.
Any - używamy z rzeczownikami policzalnymi oraz niepoliczalnymi, w zdaniach przeczących i pytania (-, ?)
Is there any cheese?
Are there any dogs?

1) Write a or an


2) Write a, an or some

4……………………………..group of people

3) Fill in the gaps with some, any, a or an

9. Our teacher didn’t give us…..homework yesterday.

1. Yes, there…………...glass of milk.
A) a B) an C) any D) some
A) a B) an C) any D) some
2. There is……..………………...juice.
Mr. Smith has……...questions that he wants to ask you.
A) a B) an C) any D) some
A) a B) an C) any D) some
3. There is..……………….cheese on the table. They have ………..apples
A) a B) an C) any D) some A) a B) an C) any D) some
4. Have they got……………….books? They don’t have…………..bananas.
A) a B) an C) any D) some A) a B) an C) any D) some
5. We haven't got…………...cinema here.
Thomas read ………..interesting books last month.
A) a B) an C) any D) some
A) a B) an C) any D) some
6. I don't need…………...money I bought …………... milk
A) a B) an C) any D) some A) a B) an C) any D) some
7. I’m tired. Do we have……time to take a nap? I need…………...help with my homework.
A) a B) an C) any D) some A) a B) an C) any D) some
8. Is there…….milk? Do you have ……... coins for the bus?
A) a B) an C) any D) some A) a B) an C) any D) some

4) Write a, an, some or any

1. There are……………………………………..hats on the floor.

2. I have ordered….……………………………………….pizza for you.
3. Are there……………………………………………..posters in the museum?
4. Is there…………………………..…………………...dog over there?
5. There are…………………………………………...eggs in the kitchen.
6. Can you make………………………………………….omlette?
7. There's…………………………………………….…..book on the table
8. Is there…………………………….…………………..orange in the fridge?
9. I have………………………………………………….sandwich.
10. He does't have………………………………………...cake.
11. I’ve got………………………………………………...apples.
12. There is…………………………... …………………...milk in the fridge.
13. Are there…………………………………………..……pictures on the wall?
14. He hasn’t got ...............…………………………………money.
15. There aren’t ..................………………………………...oranges on the table.
16. Have you got .................. ………………………………food?
17. Is there ...............………………………………………...cheese left?
18. My father has got ...............……………………………...problems with his car.
19. We’ve got .................. ……………………..……………..friends in Italy.
20. There is ..............…………………………………………..water under the bed.
21. Have they got ...............……………………………………ideas?
22. Matthew hasn’t got ...............………………………………cousins.
23. There’s ...............……………………….…………………..orange juice in the bottle.
24. Have you got .........…………………………………………questions?
25. There are .............…………………………………………flowers in the garden.
26. There isn’t ..............……………………………………….. snow outside.
27. My parents have got ...……………………………............. CDs.
28. I need ...........…………………………………………...... chips.
29. I want…………………………….…………...………... ticket to London, please.
30. Look, there is………………………….…………….. aeroplane in the sky.
31. There are………………………………………...clouds in the sky today but the weather is fine.
32. . Be careful! There is………………….…………………. car in front of us.
33. I have……..……………………………………..…….old records here.
34. I want…………..……..writing pad,………………..….. pen, and…………………...……….ink.
35. There isn't…………………………………………..... ink in my pen.
36. I've never met………………………………...……...Eskimo.
37. Have you got………………………………….…...….. cigarettes?
38. Give me……………………..……………....….……. apples, please.
39. There are…………….……………………………..….letters for you, John.
40. I wonder if there are..……………………..…………...mistakes in my test.
41. Have you got…………………………………..….…...books on English phonetics?
42. Are there……………………………………..………..girls in your football team?
43. Have you got…………………………………..……..……...paper clips?
44. Is there……………………………………...…………….sugar in my coffee?
45. My brother has got…………………….…………..……...new jeans.
46. Are there……….…………………………...……………..apples on the tree in your garden?
47. Have we got…………………………………..…………….butter?
48. They've got…………….………………………..…….…….baby giraffe in the zoo
49. I'm going to the market to buy..………………...………………………..fruit
50. There isn't…………….………………………………...………….tea in the pot.
51. They can have………………………………..……...bread and butter if they're hungry.
52. Are there…………….……………………………….... eggs in the fridge?
53. There's………………………………….……..policeman at the door.
54. Is there…………………………………….………..news about the plane crash?
55. There was…………....…………………..…….accident on the bridge last night.
56. There are………………………………...…….good films on at the moment.
57. My aunt is living in……………………………….very nice house outside the city .
58. I can't brush my teeth because there isn't…………………….………………. toothpaste left.
59. Let me give you……………………………..……...advice.
60. There aren't ………………………...……………. taxis here. You must walk down the street.
61. There aren't….…………………………...... taxis here. You must walk down the street.
62. The dog is thirsty . Give him……………………....……………….water.
63.……………………….. flowers arrived for you this morning.
64. I'm going to get………………...….…………...money from the cash machine.
65. They don't have……………………….…………..children.
66. I'd like………………….……….……...…….orange, please.
67. Would you like………………….………………….coffee?
68. Do you have……………………………..………….pets?
69. He's got……………………………………………...…...dog and some mice.
70. There are…………………………………………….……..chairs in his room.
71. Are there………………………………..…..…...cupboards?
72. I'd like to read……………………………..………..good book.
73. There's……………………………………..….supermarket next to our school.
74. Is there…………………………….…...opera house in your town?
75. He brought me……………………….…………….magazines.
76. Can I have………………………………..……….bread, please?
77. I didn't buy…………………………...………….milk in the shops.
78. John has..……………………………….……...older brother and a younger sister.
79. Have you got…………………………...……….. tomatoes?
80. There are……………………………………..……...…..exercise books on the floor.
81. Did you get the ketchup? No, they didn't have………………………...……..
82. You should eat……………………………………..…...fresh fruit.
83. We had to wait for……………………………..……………..minutes.
84. Is there……….……………………………….……..lemonade left?
85. They didn't sing……….…………………………..………….songs.
86. Here are……..………………….…….……..cornflakes, but there isn't..………….………..milk.
87. I'm looking for……………...…….…..good music.
88. There is no butter in the fridge. Let's go and get……….………..………..
89. Have we got………………..………….………….bread
90. Do we need…………………………..….bottle of wine?
91. There isn't………………………….….…….pasta
92. I had……….……………………….……….cereal for breakfast.
93. Jane doesn't have…………………..…………….friends.
94. Have you got………………………….………..brothers or sisters?
95. I'm hungry - I'll have……………………….………………..sandwiches.
96. I had……….………………………….….…..salad for lunch.
97. I need………………………………………..………..information about the city.
98. We don't have………………………….……...…………….money.
99. There are………………………………………..…..children in the street.
100. I am reading………………………………...……...nice book.

How much/How many

How much – używane z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi

How much money ?

How many – używane z rzeczownikami policzalnymi

How many people?

1) Write much or many

1. How……..……………..people are you expecting?

2. How…………………... money do you want for this?
3. Thank you so……………………….for your help.
4. I feel..……………….better today, thank you.
5. I like that dress very……..………..
6. There are so………………...things I want to ask you.
7. There are too…………………..paintings to see in one visit.
8. I've got so…………………….news to tell you.
9. Do you have…………….………..work to do?
10. Thank you very..……………………...for coming.
11. I don't have……….……………….friends.
12. Please be quick. I don't have……….….…..time to spare.
13. It's been a poor summer. We haven't had..…………good weather.
14. There haven't been………………...sunny days
15. How……………………………..players are in a handball team?
16. How………………………….pocket money do you get per week?
17. How..…………..……………….time is left?
18. How……………………………..sisters does Ella have?
19. How………………………….coins did you find yesterday?
20. How..………………….………….water is in this bottle?
21. How…………….……….……...crosswords did she solve correctly?
22. How……………………………...milk do they have for breakfast?
23. How……..……………………….…….bikes were stolen last year?
24. How……………………...coffee do your parents drink per day?
25. There is too…………….…………..….water in the bath tub.
26. How………………….………….brothers and sisters has Anne got?
27. I don't receive………………………....letters nowadays.
28. How……………………….……. rice do you eat per week?
29. I put too..……………………..…..salt in the soup.
30. How..……………………….…...people were at the party?
31. It doesn't make………………………………...sense.
32. There wasn't..……..………………….. traffic on the motorway.
33. My grandfather does not have……………….…………...hair, anymore.
34. How………………….…………...plates do we need?
35. There isn't…………....…….......water in your cup.
36. There aren't..…………………..apples in the fridge.
37. There isn't………………... sugar in her coffee.
38. Is there....….………………...pollution in Beijing?
39. There aren't………………………….trees in the garden
40. Mike hasn't got……………………………….spare time.
41. Is there……………………..……..dust on the table?
42. Have you got…………………….magazines at home?
43. Is there……………………….………..salt in the salad?
44. There aren't……………………….students at school.
45. Is there……………………...ink the yellow bottle?
46.Phillip owns……….……..………….properties in France.
47. How……………………………..… money have you got?
48. We had so…………………….……. fun.
49. Have you got……………………... friends in Roma?
50. Is there……………………………..dirt in the hall?
2) Write How much or How many

1…………………………………..stars are there in the sky?

2………………………………….people live on islands?
3………..………………………..birds are there?
4………………………………...water is in the ocean?
5………………….…………….money is in a bank?
6………………………………..countries are there in the world?
7………………………………..bread is eaten per day?
8………………….……………… bones are there in the human body?
9………………………………… sand is in the deserts?
10………………………………..information is on the internet?
11……………………………….. lemonade have we got? We've got only one bottle.
12………………………………..bottles of juice are in the fridge? Three.
13………………………………..meat do we have? We have got two steaks.
14……………………………….bananas have we got? We haven't got any.
15………………………………. sugar have we got? Enough.
16……………………………….... bread do we need? Two loafs of bread.
17………………………………... pens are in your bag? Six.
18…………………………….….. money have we got? We haven't got a lot.
19………………………………..bikes are there in the garden? Two.
20…………………………….…………...children have they got? Two girls and a boy.
21…………………………………………......milk have we got? About one and a half litres.
22…………………………………………….. steaks have we got? We've got eight steaks.
23…………………………………………....time do you need to finish your homework? An hour.
24……………………………………………...friends does she invite to her party? More than 30.
25……………………………………………people work in your father's company? Seven, I think.

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