Unit 10 Fame

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Lenguas VIII

Ciclo escolar 2021 – 2022


1. The rise to fame
2. Talking hypothetically about the
past (third conditional)
3. My life would have been
different LEII. Ericka Abigail Chiyean Ávila
[email protected]
4. Chain story [email protected]
5. In the public eye
6. Tag questions
7. Proyecto Integrador, FASE 2
8. Resolución de dudas
The rise to fame

• What happened at the radio contest? He sang and won.

• What could have happened if he hadn’t won? He wouldn’t have become a singer.
• What would have happened if he had only sang pop? He wouldn’t have sang opera.
Talking hypothetically about the past
If clause Main clause
(event that didn’t happen) (hypothetical result)

If + Past Perfect, Past modal

If Watson had stayed in school, he would have done something else.
If he had continued his education, he could have gotten formal training.
If he hadn't won the contest, he might not have become a singer.

▪ The third conditional is used to describe situations that didn’t

happen, and to imagine the result of those same situations.
▪ Both the condition and the result are hypothetical, because they are
impossible now. It’s often used to express past regrets.
Talking hypothetically about the past

“If I had gotten a gold metal, I would have been happier”.

WH Questions Yes/No Questions

What + Main clause (question) + If clause Main clause (question) + If clause

▪ What would you have done if you had won a ▪ Would you have been happier if you had won
gold metal? a gold metal? Yes, I would.
▪ What would you have felt if you had won? ▪ Would you have felt better if you had won?

If clause, + What + If clause (question) If clause, + Main clause (question)

▪ If you had won a gold medal, what would ▪ If you had won a gold medal, would you have
you have done? been happier? No, I wouldn’t.
▪ If you had won, what would you have felt? ▪ If you had won, would you have felt better?
Exercise 1
1. He crashed his car because he fell asleep while driving.
He wouldn't have crashed his car If he hadn’t fallen asleep while driving.

2. We couldn't go to the concert, because we didn't have enough money.

We could have gone to the concert If we had had enough money.

3. Mary lost her job because she was late for work.
Mary wouldn’t have lost her job if she hadn’t been late for work.

4. The wind was so strong that the bridge collapsed.

If the wind hadn’t been so strong, the bridge wouldn’t have collapsed.

5. I couldn't call Sally because I had lost her number.

I could have called Sally If I hadn’t lost her number.
Exercise 2 (Student’s Book, page 99)

wouldn’t have uploaded

hadn't uploaded
wouldn’t have watched
might not have become

would have happened

had gotten Would
have become
had liked
might have received

hadn’t had
might not have taken
would have missed had listened
My life would have been different

1. How might these people’s lives have been different?

If Alice hadn’t applied for an internship, she wouldn’t have ended up working there.
If Martin hadn’t taken the personality test, he wouldn't have worked in advertising.
If Alfonso hadn’t gotten sick, he wouldn’t have gotten in nursery.

2. Think about big decisions in the life of a celebrity you know. Use third
conditional to talk about them, how their lives would be different?
Chain story
What would you have done if you had been born into a
famous family?
• “If I had been born into a famous family, I might have traveled around the world”.
• “If I had traveled around the world, I would have known a lot of cultures”.
• “If I had known a lot of cultures…

If I had known it was cold…

If I had studied more…
If Chris Evans hadn’t played Captain
In the public eye
Ways to become famous:
1. Bad press
You get discovered by someone.
2. Get discovered
You’re just in the right place at the right time.
You have connections (you know people that helps you with your career). 3. Career take off
4. Drop out of sight
When you’re becoming famous: 5. Have connections
Your career takes off (you’re career is really going well). 6. Be in the
You make headlines (you’re continuously in the news). headlines
You’re in the headlines a lot. 7. Make headlines
You’re an up-and-coming star (people think you’re going to be great). 8. The right place
and the right
When things don’t work out: time
Your career goes downhill (he gest fewer and fewer roles/movies). 9. Go downhill
You get bad press (the news and media are constantly criticizing you). 10.Up-and-coming
You drop out of sight (people don’t hear about you anymore).
Exercise 3 (Workbook, page 76)

bad press

go downhill made headlines

drop out of sight

take off
got discovered

have connections in the right place

in the headlines
Tag questions

A tag question is a special construction and very common in spoken

English. Tag questions are statements followed by a mini-question.
We use them to:
▪ Ask for confirmation
▪ Check information we know is true
▪ When we expect the listener to agree with our statement
They mean something like: "Is that right?" or "Do you agree?“
Tag questions
Tag questions are made using an auxiliar (be, do/does, did,
have/has) and a subject pronoun.
There is one exception: the question tag after I am is aren't I.
I'm in charge of the food, aren't I?

Positive statement, Negative tag question Negative statement, Positive tag question

Same subject Same subject

She is really popular now, isn’t she? His career hasn’t taken off, has it?
Same auxiliar Same auxiliar

• That was dumb to do, wasn’t it? • It isn’t easy to become famous, is it?
• She won the talent show, didn’t she? • That wasn’t too smart, was it?
• He produces a lot of songs, doesn’t he? • She didn’t have connections, did she?
Exercise 4 (Student’s Book, page 101)
haven’t you
doesn’t he

are they

aren’t they

haven’t they
don’t they

wasn’t it
didn’t she
wasn’t she
was she

haven’t you
isn’t it
Exercise 5 (Workbook, page 74)

You started acting at the age of seven, didn’t you?

Your first major role was in The Man in the Moon, wasn’t it?
You appeared in over 25 movies by the age of 30, didn’t you?
You have produced several movies, haven’t you?
You are married to a talent agent, aren’t you?
You have three children, don’t you?
Proyecto Integrador, FASE 2
A success story
In your teams, think of somebody who has achieved success in a way. What
are the reasons she/he/they became popular? Write about the story.
Make sure your work has:
• 150 - 180 words total
• Al least three sentences to talk about how his/her/their life would have
been if things had happened differently (third conditional) (red)
• At least 3 topic and supporting sentences (help note) (blue)
• 2 tag questions (green)
• 4 words from the vocabulary of unit 10 (in the public eye) (highlighted)
• To finish, choose a quotation about success that is suitable to your story
and use it to make a conclusion
Proyecto Integrador, FASE 2

Topic and supporting sentences are going to help you tell the
story and have a clearer introduction, middle and conclusion.
Proyecto Integrador, FASE 2
Finish you story
using one of
this quotes to
give your
Remember to
quote properly.

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