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DIRECTIONS: Choose and encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer to each question.
1. The unit measure for the length in the metric system is the _________.
a. liter c. meter
b. gram d. gallon
2. A thousand grams is called a __________.
a. milligram c. gram
b. decagram d. kilogram
3. A ___________ is an example of a unit of volume.
a. centimeter c. square centimeter
b. cubic centimeter d. meter
4. Which units are metric measurements of mass?
a. meters c. newton
b. liters d. grams
5. How long is 1 meter?
a. 3 feet c. 3 yards
b. 100 centimeters d. 10 inches
6. It is the amount of space an object contains or occupies.
a. cube c. square unit
b. volume d. prism
7. What is the formula for the volume of a cone?
a. ½ base x height c. length x width x height
b. 1/3 π x (radius)2 x height d. π x radius3
8. What is the formula for the volume of a square-based pyramid?
a. 1/3 x (side of base)2 x height of pyramid
b. 1/3 x length of the base x width of the base x height of pyramid
c. 1/3 x ½ x base of the triangle x height of the triangle x height of the pyramid
d. length of the base x width of the base x height of pyramid
9. What is the formula for the volume of a triangle-based pyramid?
a. 1/3 x (side of base)2 x height of pyramid
b. 1/3 x length of the base x width of the base x height of pyramid
c. 1/3 x ½ x base of the triangle x height of the triangle x height of the pyramid
d. length of the base x width of the base x height of pyramid
10. What is the formula for the volume of a cylinder?
a. π x (radius)2 x height of the cylinder
b. π x (radius) x height of the cylinder
c. π x (radius)3 x height of the cylinder
d. π x (radius)4 x height of the cylinder

DIRECTIONS: Solve the following problems. Show your solution. (10 pts. each)
1. A rectangular prism has the dimensions of 6m by 7m by 8m. What is the volume of this rectangular prism?

2. Find the volume of a cube where s = 5cm.

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