Foreign and Local

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Foreign Literature, Studies and Systems


Nurhikmah N., Febryandhie A. (2021). The Effect of Facilitating Conditions on

Implementing A Regional Financial Management Information System (SIPKD) at Padang
City Hall Government.

The government is trying to realize the excellent service to the community by building
information technology in finance or accounting in relation to the financial management area.
The purpose of this study to determine the influence of facilitating conditions on implementing a
regional financial management information system (SIPKD). This research was conducted at
Padang City Hall government. One hundred questionnaires have sent to companies, and only
80 questionnaires can be used. The data collection techniques uses questionnaires prepared by
using the UTAUT konstuk. Quantitative analysis techniques and simple linear regression
analysis is used as a data analysis technique with the help of SPSS 25. The analysis shows the
facilitating conditions positive influence on the implementing a regional financial management
information system (SIPKD).

Zeb, J., Froese, T., & Vanier, D. (2012). Survey of Information Technology Use for
Municipal Infrastructure Management. Journal of Information Technology in Construction
(ITCON), 17(11), 179-193.

Information formerly communicated through human interactions may now be transmitted

electronically through computer-to-computer data exchange as municipalities increasingly rely
on computer-based systems and data management. Far more formal specifications and
agreements are required (Zeb et al., 2012).

Starnes B. (2018). Challenges in City Management: A Case Study Approach.

As studied by Starnes B. (2018) case studies based on observations made during her long
experience, incorporating urban management and organizational management theories with
actual practice. She discusses a variety of current local issues, including people, policy,
housing, homeless, transportation, and budgets. Each study presents and analyzes a scenario,
identifying economic and political aspects as well as often conflicting personalities and interest


Amannah C. I. (2016). Management Information System for Real Estate and Property

As indicated by Amannah C. I. (2016) this article's management information system software

will prove to be a powerful bundle in meeting all of the company's requirements for carrying out
its tasks. As a result, the system is only suitable for the successful and efficient operation of real
estate and property management. The stated objectives were met in particular; the solution
statement resulted in a clear and unambiguous conclusion to this project a software
development project. When compared to the traditional system, the new system is much more
functional and effective in terms of acquiring real estate and a property at a faster rate and with
more flexibility.
Local Literature, Studies and Systems

Bautista, R. M. (2015). Promoting Digital Empowerment through Implementation of

Barangay Management System. Bulacan State University. International Journal of
Engineering Research and General Science, 3(2 Part 2).

Local government units (LGUs) in the Philippines are divided into provinces, cities,
municipalities, and barangays, each authority to manage its resources. The barangay, the
country's smallest administrative unit, is the basis upon which the country's prosperity is
established. More than 42,000 barangays around the nation are the principal implementers of
the government's numerous visions, programs, and endeavors for the community. As a result,
barangay empowerment may eventually lead to a stronger, more resilient, and prosperous
society. With the advancement of modern technology, barangays now have more options to
better serve their inhabitants through computerizing papers such as barangay clearance,
certificate of tolerance, letter of recommendation, annual report, and others (Bautista, 2015).

Algara, R. (2015, December). Barangay Resident Record Management and Certificate

Issuance System.

According to Algara (2015) on Barangay Resident Record Management and Certificate

Issuance System, the research focuses on Barangay's records management system. The
Barangay treasurer or secretary handles permits, certificate transactions, community taxes,
commercial taxes, and other fees. They are also responsible for keeping track of records,
capturing, and maintaining up-to-date records of all issuance transactions, as well as daily,
monthly, and annual reports. They manually processed transactions daily, focusing on obtaining
Barangay clearance, certification, cedula, and permissions. The constituents who make the
request must go through a lengthy procedure before the task can be processed. They utilized
folders and papers to keep files, update, access data, and document costs. In acquiring and
recording the information, the personnel experienced problems and a lengthy procedure.
Imus, J. K., Magleo, E., Soriano, M. A & Olalia, R. (2018, February). Barangay Management
Information System (BMIS) for Cities and Municipalities in the Philippines. International
Journal of Computer Applications 180(19):33-36.

The Barangay Management Information System captures and organizes information while also
sending files from the barangay hall to the city hall. In information retrieval and operations,
computers, in particular, act as general service tools and weapons. Computer-based information
retrieval works by utilizing software that may provide information services to an organization or
institution. It is a powerful and practical constructor for societal and industrial progress at the
same time. An information service allows the user to access, retrieve, and send data through
the internet (Imus et al., 2018).



According to Aparici M. M. A. & Ruelan J. R. J. (2018), the study's findings: A module that takes
or stores barangay data has been sought and supplied. As a result, there were two (2) options
for preserving the barangay. A module that populates barangay data was provided with
information from the administrator and barangay personnel. The Data can be populated by
municipal employees and administrators. A module that geotagged commodities was supplied,
as well as the ability to preserve and monitor its status. The barangay coordinates and
commodities were combined to create the system that can generate a placemark with
information about it.

Bautista, R. (2015). Bulacan State University. International Journal of Engineering

Research and General Science 3 (2 Part 2).

Politically speaking, the Philippines is composed of local government units (LGUs) classified as
province, city, municipality and barangay where each is allowed to manage its own resources.
The smallest administrative unit of the country, the barangay, serves as the foundation from
which the country’s success emanates. The more than forty two thousand barangays all over
the country are the primary implementers of the different vision, projects and undertakings of the
government for the community. Thus, empowerment of individual barangay may eventually lead
to a stronger, more resilient and more prosperous society. The advent of modern technology
opens wider opportunities for barangays to serve its constituents better through computerization
of the documents it provides such as barangay clearance, certificate of indulgency, letter of
recommendation, annual report and others. Motivated by the vision of empowering this self-
governing political system digitally, the researcher aimed to determine the advantages of ICT
and develop an office management system that will hasten the transactions performed and
documents provided by the barangays. The developed system was designed to be accessed
only by the authorized users to ensure the integrity of all transactions. The study determined the
significant features, and the most appropriate method of system development used in the
development of an effective and reliable barangay management system. The output of the study
was evaluated based on the ISO 926 Software Quality Assurance Model by employees of
selected barangays and was assessed with high level of acceptability.

Lado, M. J., Maloloy-on, M. I., Perez, G. C., Rizaldo, P. M., & Tacocong, S. A. (2017).
Computerized Information System in Barangay Poblacion, Danao City, Cebu.

According to Lado, M. J. et al., (2017), Because of the manual process of providing services to
their people, barangay employees frequently confronted challenges and lengthy procedures
regarding retrieving, computing, and processing. A Computerized Barangay Information System
can provide a more efficient manner of disseminating information, help retain records, and
provide superior service. It strives to keep resident records as complete and current as feasible.
Based on the available resident census data kept by the barangay, it is easily accessible for
verification, monitoring, and reference purposes.

Barangay Information System is efficient to use as it opts to improve the manual process of
barangay. It provides record keeping and updating information; it also allows the admin to
search or view residents’ data of barangay Parian. It will also lessen the wastage of papers and
cost-efficient for barangay officials, administration, and agencies. The information of the
barangay Parian will easily be maintained for any changes or updates, based on the study of
Aguinaldo, R.V. (2020).

Al-Nakib, M., & Wang, H. (2015). Using Management Information Systems (MIS) to Boost
Corporate Performance (11th ed., Vol. 1). School of Management, Wuhan University of

According to the study of Al-Nakib, M., & Wang, H. (2015), the management information system
(MIS) provides data on potential future occurrences, as well as efficiency and output rates.
Furthermore, a higher level of strategic performance is associated with stronger information
management capabilities. These, as well as a number of other elements, are thought to be key
features of MIS that have a direct impact on a company's financial and strategic performance. In
addition, Installing and implementing such a system is expensive for businesses because it
usually necessitates integration with existing technologies but it still plays core role in achieving
a high level of agility and competitive performance of the business. Every company wishes for
increased operational efficiency and flexibility. In the long run, a good, and above all,
operational, functional, and efficient management information system should be supported by
stable and dependable electronic data transmission network systems.

Mercurio, D., & Hernandez, A. (2017). An Open Data and Geo-based Information Systems.
Technological Institute of the Philippines.

According to Mercurio, D., & Hernandez, A. (2017), a web-based information system that
incorporates open data and geo-based features. This system is used to collect data and is
utilized for planning, analysis, and decision-making in order to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of government community - based services. It offers tools to efficiently gather,
analyze, and use inhabitants, crime, and health records generated in the community using an
open data and geo-based information system for barangays in the Philippines. As a result, this
study represents a foundational study in the development of national information systems that
connect government organizations and services.

Carpio C. O. (2015). Barangay Management System.

As stated by Carpio C. O. (2015) Residents can use this site to register, file complaints, and
make requests online. The barangay secretary can use the system to receive messages and
keep track of the residents' registry, document requests, and other information complaints. The
barangay chairman serves as the authorized person. Requests can be approved, and
complaints can be viewed and responded to by the authority. Even when he's on company
duties or away from the office, he can generate reports of the office. Additionally, the system is
capable of sending SMS updates to residents on the state of their homes requests/complaints,
or for local advisory announcements ordinances, as well as barangay ordinances.

(2019). Barangay Management Information System.


The Barangay Management Information System (BMIS) aids in the identification of barangay
needs that are important for nutrition and development planning, project implementation,
monitoring, and evaluation, as well as the capacity building of Barangay Development Councils
(BDCs) in e-governance. BMIS revolves around data, from collection to analysis, storage, and

Lacasandile, A. D., Abisado, M. B., Labanan, R. M., & Abad, L. P. (2020). Information-Based

Dashboard: Automation of Barangay Information Profiling System (BIPS) for Decision

Support towards e-Governance. In 2020 The 4th International Conference on E-

Society, E-Education and E-Technology (pp. 68-75).

According to Lacasandile, A. D. et al., (2020, August), E-government, as its core, might

achieve good governance by profiling each family in the community utilizing information
and communication technologies. Essential information such as labor and employment

statistics, family income and expenditures, demography by population and age, water and

sanitation, type of housing, and education could be provided once profile data has been


Imus, al., (2018). Barangay Management Information System (BMIS) for Cities and

Municipalities in the Philippines. 180(19), 33–34.

According to Imus, J. et al., (2018), the Barangay Management Information System provides

an instant and easy approach to get things done. Every barangay needs to keep track of

and manage information. At the same time, documents can be sent from the barangay hall

to the city hall. The study concludes that the Philippines' Barangay Management

Information System for Cities and Municipalities plays an important role in making work

more efficient. The information obtained, such as stakeholders, regulations, IT equipment

to be utilized, and barangay forms and reports, are necessary inputs in the study's conduct

because they are the means of obtaining the study's proper output.

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