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I’ve always been obsessed with dinosaurs. PRIMAL INSPIRATIONS
When I was a kid, I wanted a velociraptor as my
pet. Dogs and cats seemed so… boring. But, alas… “If you steal from one author, it’s plagiarism; if you
you cannot get a velociraptor as a pet (nor as steal from many, it’s research.”
anything I guess). That’s why I made Primal —Wilson Mizner
Primal Quest was born from my passion for so I believe all art is collaborative. Everything
many things. My passion for game design, which that we create is inspired by what came before,
made me work tirelessly to create something whether we do it with awareness or not.
that combined the spirit of the classic fantasy
games that I love with the flexibility and dyna- Thus, Primal Quest, just like all my work, is the
mism of contemporary game design. My passion result of many influences, from many different
for pulp fantasy stories with courageous and mediums. From other games (whether they are
roguish characters that embark on apparently other tabletop Roleplaying Games or not), pass-
innocuous adventures to later find out they (or ing through comics, movies, cartoons, and all the
even the world) are in grave danger. My passion way to music!
for connecting with amazing people that I got to Primal Quest denies no influences, and this list
know because of gaming; I got to work with in- will be updated as the game grows and expands.
credible people that are not only talented, but As the adventurers explore the primordial world
generous and love their work too. And, finally, of Thaia, so do we discover new and enticing
my passion for dinosaurs! Roooaaar! new references for our weird adventures in the
I really believe this is my best work to date. I do stone age that never was.
hope you enjoy this game as much as I've en- This list includes things that have inspired the
joyed working on it. game (whether its system or setting), or may po-
May, 19th, 2022 tentially inspire future releases (both mine and
from other creators).

Literature Series
The Land That Time Forgot (1918) Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal (2019)
Edgar Rice Burroughs Cartoon Network Studios
The People That Time Forgot (1918) The Herculoids (1967)
Edgar Rice Burroughs Hanna-Barbera Productions
Out of Time's Abyss (1918) Mighty Mightor (1967)
Edgar Rice Burroughs Hanna-Barbera Productions
The Eternal Lover (1913) Thundarr the Barbarian (1980)
Edgar Rice Burroughs Ruby-Spears Productions
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness
(2004–2009) Michelle Paver Games
Shaman (2013)
Horizon Zero Dawn (2017)
Kim Stanley Robinson
Guerrilla Games
The Clan of the Cave Bear (1980)
Far Cry Primal (2016)
Jean M. Auel
Spear and Fang (1925)
Primal Rage (1994)
Robert E. Howard
Midway Games West Inc

Comics RPGS
Piteco (Graphic MSP Series )
Fire & Stone
Maurício de Souza Editora
Turok, Son of Stone (1954)
Cavemaster RPG
Dell Comics
The Goddamned series (2017) uct/101850/Cavemaster-RPG
Jason Aaron
The Bone Age
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs (1987)
Mark Schultz uct/329624/The-Bone-Age
Tiger Lung (2014) Pariah
Simon Roy
Kamandi, The Last Boy on Earth (1972) uct/311826/PARIAH-Volume-1
Jack Kirby Würm
Devil Dinosaur (1978)
Jack Kirby age-roleplaying-game/
Wolf-Packs and Winter Snow
Jurassic Park (1993) - Universal Pictures Hollow Earth Expedition
Brother Bear (2003) - Walt Disney Pictures
Ice Age (franchise) - Blue Sky Studios uct/23437/Hollow-Earth-Expedition-RPG
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (1970) FATE Condensed
Hammer Film Productions
Quest for Fire (1982) Cinema International Genesys -
10,000 BC (2008) - Legendary Pictures
Cortex RPG -
One Million Years B.C. (1966)
Hammer Film Productions Barbarians of Lemuria -
The Land that Time Forgot (1974)
Amicus Productions
Into the Odd -
Alpha (2018) - Columbia Pictures
Fiasco -

HERE? We recommend the use of the TTRPG Safety
A streamlined d6 rules system that gives you de- Toolkit to create a safe and welcoming environ-
grees of success, additional consequences, and ment for everyone to play the game in.
narrative control with a single die roll.
Character creation rules that are quick, intuitive, PLAYING THE GAME
and incredibly flexible, allowing the creation of Whenever characters are in a situation where the
distinctive characters. outcome is uncertain and also impactful on the
Rules for resource management, encumbrance, narrative, a Test is made.
and durability that makes the gritty primal world
come to life without complexity.
Combat and healing rules that make conflict ex-
citing and dangerous. Combat will not always be Roll a pool of Positive Dice (PD) and Negative
the wisest option. Dice (ND). You always roll at least one of each
and may earn +PD or +ND as explained below.
An open magic system encouraging creativity, in-
genuity, and making sorcery powerful yet costly. Subtract the highest ND from the highest PD,
then add the appropriate Attribute, obtaining a
Rules for making the game easy to run, improvise
for, and just fun for the Referee.
Compare the Result to the Difficulty. If it is equal
to or greater than the Difficulty, it is a success. If
THE PRIMAL WORLD it is lower than the Difficulty, it is a failure.
OF THAIA Result = PD - ND + Attribute
Primal Quest is being developed side by side with
The Primal World of Thaia, a zine for old-school
weird stone & sorcery adventure. Each issue will
present more details about the setting, option- Normally determined by a Stat possessed by the
al rules, character archetypes, adventures, mon- target or opposing force (their Attribute, Def,
sters, and much more. Get the latest news about Lvl, or something else).
The Primal World of Thaia at Difficulty 0 is the default if nothing is mentioned.
Difficulty of +1 or higher is considered difficult
CHARACTER SHEET and usually requires a Test. Difficulty below 0
is usually considered too easy to require a Test.
Download Primal Quest - Essentials character
sheet at: DIFFICULTY

0 Moderate | 1 to 2 Hard | 3 to 4 Very Hard | 5 Daunting | 6+ Legendary
WANT TO MAKE Effect is determined by subtracting the Difficul-
ty from Result.
A PRIMAL QUEST Effect of 0 or higher is a success. The higher the
COMPATIBLE PRODUCT? number, the more accomplished the success.
You can make material compatible with Primal Effect below 0 is a failure. The lower the number,
Quest by adhering to these simple rules: the worse the failure.
You can use text directly from this document. Effect = Result - Difficulty
Credit Diogo Nogueira for being the original cre-
ator of Primal Quest and include a link to both and this docu-
Extra Positive Dice (+PD)
ment. Receiving more PD to roll on Tests:
This is a general license. Please get in touch at Invoking a pertinent Tag to their advantage (the
[email protected] if you want to negotiate a tag can be their own, from a piece of gear, from
license with different terms. the environment, from an Opponent).

Having some tactical advantage, such as attack-
ing from higher ground, flanking an opponent,
or debating against someone whose notes you Before rolling the dice, a player can declare that
perused. they are making an Effort.
Anything else the Referee thinks benefits a char- The player may sacrifice any number of Vitality
acter in that circumstance. points to gain +PD on a one-per-one basis.
If they sacrifice enough Vitality points to drop
Extra Negative Dice below 0, their character falls unconscious and is
(+ND) Dying (see Dying in the Combat section).

Receiving more ND to roll on Tests:

When there’s a Tag that applies negatively to
the situation (either from that character, the en-
vironment, a condition that they are suffering
from, etc.).
Some effects in the game impose +ND, such as
spells and powers, monster abilities, damaged or
poorly crafted gear, and so on.

When a character’s PD comes up a natural “6,”
they score 1 Boon. Boons can be spent to gener-
ate benefits:
Apply an appropriate Stat (an Attribute, a weap-
on’s Dmg, an Opponent’s Lvl) to the Test’s Re-
Grant a +PD to their or another character’s next
Test, as long as it is justified narratively.
Impose a +ND to an Opponent’s next Test, as
long as it is justified narratively.
Gain some insight about the circumstances, as
long as it is justified narratively. CHARACTER CREATION
Some other benefit that is independent of suc- Characters in Primal Quest live in a mythical
cess or failure, as long as the Referee approves. stone age. They are survivors ready to face any
danger in their path.
When someone’s ND comes up a natural “6,”
they score 1 Setback. Setbacks can be spent by Assign 3 points among Body (strength, dexterity,
the Referee to generate consequences. endurance), Mind (perception, memory, knowl-
edge), and Heart (willpower, charisma, empa-
Apply an appropriate Stat from the opposing side
(an Attribute, a weapon’s Dmg, an Opponent’s
Lvl) to the Test’s Result. An Attribute may be reduced to -1 to increase an-
other Attribute by +1.
Provide a +PD to an Opponent’s next Test, as
long as the Referee justifies this narratively. No Attribute may start higher than +3.
Impose a +ND to a character’s next Test, as long
as the Referee justifies this narratively. Tags
Apply a negative consequence to the situation in Create 5 Tags that define the character:
accordance with the narrative.
Concept: Who is the character? Where are they
from? What’s their occupation? Are they a hunt-
er, a shaman, a lorekeeper ?
Talent: What’s something that sets the charac-

ter apart? What can only they do? Do they have
keen eyes, sharp reflexes, or eidetic memory?
Motivation: What drives the character for- Characters will change as they adventure
ward? Is it honor, duty, riches? Or do they seek through the world.
power, salvation, or peace?
Relationship: What’s a close relationship the Experience Points (XP)
character has? What would the character do for
Characters earn 1 XP by fulfilling any of the fol-
them? Do they have an enemy?
lowing conditions:
Trouble: What makes the character’s life hard-
er? Do they walk with a limp? Do they have an E Survive the game session.
E Use a Tag for the first time in the ses-
sion (you can earn 1 XP from each
Equipment Tag).
Every character begins with a sack (thisdoes not E Make an impactful mark on the game
count for Encumbrance purposes). Choose one world (make an ally, acquire an ene-
of the following options for starting equipment: my, change the power structure, de-
feat a powerful enemy). You can earn
A 1 weapon (stone), 1 weapon (wood or
bone), 1 armor (any), 1 shield (any),
XP this way multiple times each ses-
50’ rope, 3 torches, fire kit, waterskin,
3 units of Food, and 3 units of Water.
B 1 weapon (wood or bone), 1 armor
(light or medium), hunting tools, 50’ Players can spend XP to improve their characters
rope, 3 torches, fire kit, waterskin, 3 in different ways:
units of Food, and 3 units of Water.
E To increase an Attribute by +1, spend
C 1 weapon (wood or bone), 1 armor
(light), 3 arcane foci, 3 torches, fire
XP equal to the new score multiplied
by 5 (a minimum of 5 XP). No charac-
kit, waterskin, 3 units of Food, and 3 ter can have an Attribute higher than
units of Water. +5.
See the next section for more details on Equipment. E To acquire a new Tag, spend XP equal
to the current number of Tags the
Other Stats character possesses multiplied by 3.

Calculate the following Stats: E To change a Tag or rewrite it, spend

XP equal to the current number of
Vitality: Equal to 10 + Body. Determines how Tags the character possesses.
hardy the character is.
Defense (Def): Determined by armor and
shield. Determines how hard it is to hit the char-
acter in combat. Sometimes having the right piece of equipment
can make the difference between glory and
Create the character’s remaining essential de- Resources
Currency is almost nonexistent in the world and
Name: Choose an appropriate name for your
people barter for what they want when they can’t
get it themselves.
Gender: Determine the character’s gender as
Everything is evaluated in quantities of Resourc-
they identify themselves.
es that it is worth. All costs in this section are in
Looks: Describe the character. How do they Resources.
look? What do they wear?
There are 2 types of Resources: Food and Water.
Personality: What is the character’s personal-
Humans need 1 unit of Food and 1 unit of Wa-
ity like? Are they grim and secretive? Or joyful
ter per day.
but deceitful?

There may be rare places, like cities, that use cur- Encumbrance Limit: No one can carry more
rency (such as shells, beads, coins, clay tablets, than 20 units of Encumbrance.
tools, jewelry, etc). Unless otherwise noted, one item counts as 1
3 units of Resources count as 1 unit of Encum- unit of Encumbrance. Some smaller items may
brance. be bundled together into 1 unit of Encumbrance,
at the Referee’s discretion. Remember, 3 units of
Encumbrance Resources count as 1 unit of Encumbrance.

Sometimes, carrying too many items will slow a

character down.
Encumbrance Threshold: Characters can car-
ry up to 10 + Body units of Encumbrance com-
fortably. When carrying more than this limit,
movement is reduced by half, and all Tests are
made with +ND.

There are 4 Weapon Categories.

Weapon Category Cost Dmg Notes

Unarmed 0 0 -
Small 5 1 +PD to hide small weapons. ½ unit of Encumbrance.
Medium 10 2 -

Large 20 4 +ND to hide large weapons. 2 units of Encumbrance.

There are 4 Armor Categories.
Armor Category Cost Def Notes
Unarmored 0 0 -
Light 10 +1 Can pass as normal clothes. 1 unit of Encumbrance.
Medium 30 +2 +PD to pass as normal clothes. 2 units of Encumbrance.
Heavy 75 +3 Can’t pass as normal clothes. 3 units of Encumbrance.

There are 3 sizes of shields.

Shield Size Cost Def* Notes

Small 10 +1 Blocks 1 attack before breaking. 1 unit of Encumbrance.

Large 30 +1 Blocks 2 attacks before breaking. 2 units of Encumbrance.

Tower 75 +2 Blocks 3 attacks before breaking. 2 units of Encumbrance. +ND to

attacks and can only take 1 action per round.

* After blocking all attacks it can, a shield is broken and no longer provides its bonus to Defense.

Adventuring Gear Movement
Characters will find use for almost anything they Combatants are in constant movement during
can find. Below is a list of some sample items. a battle.
It is up to the Referee to determine the current To move between Range Bands a character must
cost in Resources and units of Encumbrance spend an action.
Getting up, lying down, looking for an item in a
dried meats E dried fruits E 50’ rope E character’s sack, and other similar actions count
sack E waterskin E whetstone E healing as a movement action as well.
herbs E 10’ pole E fire kit E 3 torches E
magic mushrooms E bone dagger E stone Characters can perform other small actions
mallet E wooden stake E sack of grease while taking a movement action for free, such as
E heavy fur E religious symbol E char- drawing a weapon, grabbing an item from their
coal piece belt, shouting something to an ally, and so on.

Durability Range Bands

When using an item or weapon and a Setback This game abstracts distance and range into 3
is rolled, it can be spent to damage said objects general bands.
based on the material they are made from. When Close: Just a few yards away. In range of
Durability reaches 0, the item is broken. most melee weapons.
Wood: Can only be damaged once. Durability 1. Far: Further away than a few yards, but still
Bone: Can only be damaged once. Durability 1. within range of a running character. In range
of most ranged weapons.
Stone: Can be damaged twice. Durability 2.
Distant: Further than a character can nor-
Bronze: Can be damaged thrice. Durability 3. mally run. Usually not in range of any mun-
dane weapon.
Sooner or later, characters will have to resort Attacking
to violence to survive the dangers of the world.
Tests in the game are almost always made by the Slashing with an axe. Crushing with a giant fe-
players, but there may be special cases where the mur. Firing a bow.
Referee might roll for the Opponents.
1 Choose a target within the weapon’s
Round of Combat
2 Make a Body Test with Difficulty equal
to the target’s Lvl or Def.
Time in combat and other action oriented ac-
tivities are measured in rounds lasting approxi-
mately 10 seconds. 3 The attack hits if the Result is equal
to or higher than the Difficulty. Oth-
Combatants can normally take 2 actions ev- erwise it has failed.
ery round.
A round ends when every combatant has taken
4 Damage is determined by adding the
Test’s Effect to the weapon’s Dmg.
their actions or decided not to take them.
Characters can dodge, parry, or avoid attacks in
Characters and Opponents act in order of ini- many ways.
Initiative can be defined by the Referee in accor- 1 Make a Def Test with a Difficulty equal
to the attacker’s Result or Lvl.
dance with the fiction.
When in doubt, characters need to make a Body 2 The enemy’s attack is avoided if the
Test is a success.
Test and they will act before any Opponent
whose Lvl is equal to or lower than the Result.
3 If the Test fails, the character suffers
damage equal to the value of the neg-
ative Effect plus the attacker’s Lvl or
their weapon’s Dmg.

Blocking SORCERY
Characters may opt to block attacks if they are Some individuals can learn to manipulate the
using a shield. primal forces of the world, harness the magic of
their ancestors, or channel the forces of the void
They must declare they are Blocking before they to conjure magical effects. However, power al-
roll for Defending. ways comes with a cost.
When an attack is blocked, it causes no damage,
but damages the shield.
Arcane Focus
A shield cannot be used for Blocking if it blocks
the maximum number of attacks it can. It is bro- Characters need an item associated with each
ken. A broken shield no longer provides its bo- magic word they want to be able to use in the
nus to Defense. game.
A default Arcane Focus is associated with one
Healing magic word only, but more powerful Arcane Foci
(associated with multiple magic words, for ex-
Characters can rest in a safe space, where they ample) may be found in the game world.
can bind their injuries. A character can’t use a magic word to cast spells
if they don’t carry a respective Arcane Focus as-
Short Rest
sociated with it.
Takes 10 minutes and allows a character to re-
gain 1d3 + Heart Vitality points. Afterwards,
the character must pass a Body Test with a
Magic Words
Difficulty equal to the number of Rests taken Here are a few examples of possible magic words
that day, or they can’t benefit from another to associate an Arcane Focus with:
Short Rest until the next day.
fire E ice E death E mirror E shadow E
claw E blade E wolf E transform E re-
Long Rest veal E truth E veil E ray E hand E grasp
Takes 6 hours and allows the character to re- E entangle E fruit E tree E animal E por-
gain 1d6 + Heart Vitality points. It also allows tal E spirit E converse E spider E web E
for a Test to recover from adverse effects, message E fly E breathe E mark E slumber
such as poison, illness, and other maladies. A
character can only take 1 Long Rest per day. Spellcasting
Sorcery is a powerful yet dangerous tool.
Extended Rest
Takes roughly a week in a safe haven. Char- 1 Describe the effect of the spell and
explain how the Arcane Focus allows
acters regain all their Vitality points and can
make Tests to recover from injuries and other that effect (a character can combine
maladies with a +PD. multiple Arcane Foci for more com-
plex effects).
Dying 2 The Referee determines if the effect is
a Cantrip, Invocation, Ritual or Mir-
Characters are always at risk of dying. acle.
When a character’s Vitality reaches 0, they fall
unconscious and will wake up in 1 hour (or soon- 3 The caster or any willing or helpless
target they touch can spend Vitality
er if healed) with a new scar (ask the player to to add +PD to the Test on a one-per-
describe it). one basis.
When a character’s Vitality drops below 0,
they are Dying and must make a Body Test with 4 The character makes a Mind Test
against the appropriate Difficulty. If
a penalty equal to their current Vitality. If they
successful, the spell works as intend-
succeed, they fall unconscious and will wake up
ed. If it is a failure, it has no effect and
in 1 hour (or sooner if healed) with a new scar
any Vitality points spent are lost.
(ask the player to describe it). If they fail, they
are Injured and will die in 1 hour if not healed.

Cantrip E Present a dangerous world, full of pos-
sibilities and threats.
Mostly narrative effects that don’t cause direct
mechanical impact in the game, such as produc- E Remember to be the characters’
ing a small flame, changing hair color, making senses, describing not only sight and
something small briefly disappear. sound, but smells, tastes, sensations,
texture, and touch.
Base Difficulty Casting time
E Telegraph danger before it strikes the
1 1 action characters. Death always leaves a trail.
E Always present multiple choices for
Invocation the players and be open to new pos-
sible solutions as the players will cer-
Effects that can be reproduced by an individu-
tainly find them.
al with appropriate equipment. Such as creating
light equivalent to a torch, firing a magical arrow, E Show the consequences of their ac-
or climbing a smooth wall. tions, for better or worse. The game
world is alive and reacts to the char-
Base Difficulty Casting time acters.
2 E Always be fair. You’re not playing
1 round
1 +ND to the Test against the characters, but you’re not
playing to help them either. You’re a
referee, a neutral arbiter. Let the dice
Ritual fall where they may.
Effects that would require a group of individuals E Reward good ideas and determination.
to recreate, such as bashing a castle gate open, Not everything will work all the time,
building temporary shelter, or shooting a fireball but don’t be stingy when the charac-
from a catapult. ters risk so much. At least let them try
and make sure they know the risks.
Base Difficulty Casting time
10 minutes Luck Test
2 +ND to the Test
When in doubt about how things will unfold, ask
for a Luck Test.
Miracle The character makes a normal Test without add-
These are truly extraordinary effects that can- ing any Stat, but adding appropriate Tags.
not be reproduced without magic or advanced The higher the Result, the more favorable the
technology, like becoming invisible, causing an outcome.
earthquake, or making a meteor fall from the sky. The lower the Result, the more unfavorable the
Base Difficulty Casting time
A Result close to 0 means it is not that good, nor
8 that bad. Come up with a compromise.
6 hours
4 +ND to the Test
Random Encounters
For every 30 minutes of game time, roll 1d6.
When running this game, keep these things in
mind: On a 1, an encounter occurs. Roll another d6: (1-
3) variations of a common encounter; (4-5) un-
usual and uncommon encounter; (6) weird and
dangerous encounter.
On a 2, an omen of an encounter occurs. Roll
1d6, as above, and describe what the characters
Any other result means nothing happens for now.

Opponents Characters need to rest for 6 hours per
day when traveling, or they need to pass
All non-player characters (NPCs) are referred
E a Body Test with a Difficulty equal to
to as Opponents. They have much simpler Stats
the number of days without sleeping to
than characters.
keep going.
Level (Lvl): Determines how powerful the
Opponent is, their level of challenge. Used as
the Difficulty of Tests made against them. Getting Lost
Damage (Dmg): Determines how devastat- When traveling through unknown lands, charac-
ing their attacks are. Used to calculate damage ters can get lost.
of their attacks.
Vitality (V): 1d6 per Lvl. May vary at the Ref- 1 Ask for a Mind Test with a Difficulty de-
eree’s discretion. termined by the environment (see ta-
ble below).
Special Abilities (SA): What the Opponent
can do that sets them apart. There are no hard
and fast rules for them.
2 If the characters are successful, they
keep traveling according to their plans.

Reaction 3 If they fail, they get lost and travel to

a randomly adjacent hex, believing they
When in doubt about how an Opponent reacts are going the right direction.
to characters, ask for a Luck Test. Use the Result
on the table below. Terrain Type Difficulty
Luck Test Result Reaction Plains, Valleys, Roads 0
-5 Hostile Forests, Hills, Badlands 1
-4 to -3 Unfriendly Thick Forests, Tundra, Deserts 2
-2 to +2 Unsure Swamps, Jungles, Mountains 3
+3 to +4 Friendly
+5 Helpful
Characters will often need to camp in the wil-
derness to rest.
EXPLORATION Characters need to find a secure loca-
The world is full of wonder and horror to be dis- E tion to make camp. The Referee may ask
covered. Adventure awaits! for a Mind Test for them to find one.
Only 1 Random Encounter roll is made
Rate of Exploration E when the camp is in a secure location.
Otherwise, make 2 rolls.
Characters can normally travel 24 miles
E Characters can take a Long Rest when
per day.
E the camp is in a secure location. Oth-
If carrying more than their Encum- erwise they can take only Short Rests.
E brance Threshold, characters can travel
12 miles per day.
Use a hexagonal map, where each hex
is 6 miles to a side and 12 miles across.
When passing through difficult terrain
in a hex, characters travel at half speed.


The Mother’s Vale runs from the base of the Humans have erected 3 villages in the vale and
Father Mountain in the north to the Pit in the they live peacefully between them, trading re-
south. To the east, beyond the hills, lies the sources and information. Other sentient be-
death-ridden tar pits. To the west are the Mon- ings also live in the vale. Rumors of a great town
ster Mountains, and the sinister and ancient called Apekin is rumored to exist in the Deep
creatures that dwell there. Green jungle in the south, but no one has re-
turned to confirm its location.




12 2


A fishing village of around 40 people. Most of Problem: Brikla has had visions
their homes are built atop stilts over Lake Bagah, about the Mother Tree. It is dying. Evil
and they are all skilled with boats. Lakit is most- is growing inside it. She believes the
ly composed of humans, but a few individuals strange meteor that fell from the sky
from other sentient species live here, along with is connected to these visions (see #7).
a triceratops who helps them after being healed Special: Lakit is a welcoming village,
by Brikla, the village shaman and elder. and most characters will be welcomed
with open arms if their approach is re-
spectful and peaceful. Brikla is an ac-
complished herbalist and can summon
ancestral spirits with shamanic rituals.
She can be a great ally to the PCs.
d6 Random Encounter

1 1d3+1 Tribe Members (L1 D1 V4) coming back or going out to hunt and gather.

2 1d3 Tribe Children (L0 D0 V2) playing with a dangerous wild animal.

3 1d6+1 Tribe Members (L1 D1 V4) discussing what they should do next.

2d6 Aurochs (L3 D3 V15 SA: D6 when charging) running from an Allosaurus (L6 D6 V25
SA: 2 attacks per round) in the distance.
1 Auroch (L3 D3 V15 SA: D6 when charging) wounded and in a rage. Something with huge
claws attacked it.
Trihok, the Triceratops (L5 D5 V20 SA: D7 when charging) is following the party from
a distance.


Forested village on the southern side of Lake Problem: Strange and vicious crea-
Bagah. Its population is around 60 and includes tures are attacking the villagers. Crea-
both humans and Pekiks, an intelligent species tures they have never seen before.
of monkeys roughly the size of a human child. They are coming from deep within the
Their homes are built in the thick tree branch- Deep Green jungle (see #10).
es and all of them are accomplished foresters. Special: Those that provide help and
Leadership is shared by Artuk, a human warrior prove to be friends of the people of
with a noble heart, and Progo, an elder Pekik Ferik can be presented with 1d6 blood
shaman with strong bonds to forest spirits. fruits (regain 1d6 Vitality) once per
month to divide between themselves.

d6 Random Encounter

1 1d3 Tribe Members (L1 D1 V4) collecting fruits and wood.

2 1d6 Pekiks (L1 D1 V4 SA: +ND on Tests to find them in forested areas) hunting small prey.

1d3 Tribe Members (L1 D1 V4) and 1d3 Pekiks (L1 D1 V4 SA: +ND on Tests to find them in
forested areas) doing rounds, as they protect their village.

4 1d6+1 Axehawks (L2 D3 V6 SA: Flying) looking for food or just messing around.

1d3+1 Red Gorillas (L4 D4 V15 SA: can make 2 attacks per round) fighting each other
over food.
Mahuk, a Dire Alligator (L5 D5 V20 SA: +ND to Defending for non-aquatic creatures) is
very hungry.


A village in the mountains protected by a wall Problem: A warband led by a brother

of rocks and wood, and by flesh and blood. The and sister is coming to the village and
mountainfolk, as they are sometimes called, are is going to kill half of the village and
more isolated than the other two villages, but take the rest as prisoners and slaves.
still remember the time when they were only They are called the Death Siblings.
one large nomadic group. They survive by hunt- The people of Morik are unaware and
ing and gathering, and their mines provide them ill-prepared.
with coal. They trade with the other villages, but Special: They have access to mines
usually just allow a small band of them into their and stones. Stone weapons can be eas-
walls. Their population is around 50 individuals, ily acquired here if the PCs earn their
almost all of them trained to battle with shields confidence. Additionally, their leader
and stone tipped spears. They are led by Hamak, has a piece of melted star metal that
a large old man who looks like a gray-haired bear. can be fashioned into a sword, but he
hasn’t figured that out yet.

d6 Random Encounter

1 1d3 Miners (L2 D2 V8) going to or returning from the mines.

2 1d3+1 Mountaineers (L2 D2 V8 SA: Has a small shield) hunting wild goats.

3 1d6+1 Warriors (L2 D3 V10 SA: Has a small shield) patrolling the region.

1d3 Death Siblings’ Scouts (L2 D2 V7 SA: +ND on Tests to detect their presence) explor-
ing the region.

5 2d6 Death Siblings’ Raiders (L2 D4 V10) coming back from a vicious battle.

Fargor, a huge Yeti (L5 D5 V20 SA: +ND to detect him in the mountains) who considers
himself King of the Mountain and always demands tribute from whomever he meets.


A towering structure of rock, weird metal, and Secret: The structure is actually an
bones of unknown creatures lies on a small is- antenna made by an alien creature
land of Lake Bagah. Its appearance and configu- that lives inside the island and who is
ration is irregular—some swear it changes when trying to communicate with its home
no one is looking. One time, a horn curved dark planet.
is pointing north, the next it’s pointing south. Danger: On the lake’s bottom lies an
But if anyone tries to move it themselves, it is ancient spaceship that crashed there
impossible. thousands of years ago. Inside, a terri-
ble creature still lies dormant in cryos-
leep. If the sunken ship is disturbed, it
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS might be freed.

d6 Random Encounter
1d3 Bone Piranha Swarms (L3 D3 V10 SA: Can attack all targets within Close range) look-
ing for food.
1 Giant Constrictor Snake (L4 D3 V16 SA: After it hits, the victim must pass a Body Test
or they cannot move) still digesting a large animal (or person) in their belly.
1d3 Giant Leeches (L2 D2 V7 SA: After first hit, does 3 damage every round unless victims
can detach it) trying to feed themselves.
1 Dakosaurus (L4 D6 V16 SA: +ND to Defending for non-aquatic creatures) feeling like
playing with its food.
1 Cloaked Hermit (L3 D3 V13 SA: Can paralyze others with gaze - Mind Test to resist)
Tak’Lukar, an Ancient Terror (L8 D5 V35 SA: can make 8 attacks per round) who demands
an offering in an alien tongue.


Inside the northern reaches of the great Deep Secret: The Mother Tree has been
Green jungle lies a colossal tree that the Peo- infected by an alien parasite that ar-
ple of the Vale call Mother Tree. It bears traits rived in a spaceship that crashed to
of almost all the other trees in the vale, but its the north. It is dying and transforming
trunk grows to more than 400 ft tall, its leaves into something wicked.
can cover an entire hut, and they say its rare fruit Danger: The tree will start giving out
can even give life back to the recently deceased. more fruit, but they will be contami-
However, something is wrong with it. nated. People will be healed and even
resurrected from the dead, but domi-
nated by an alien hive mind.
d6 Random Encounter

1 1d3 Tribe Members (L1 D1 V4) from Ferik, meditating by the tree.

1d6 Pekiks (L1 D1 V4 SA: +ND on Tests to find them in forested areas) hoping to find a
fruit to save a loved one.
1 wounded Red Gorilla (L4 D4 V15 SA: can make 2 attacks per round), still furious, but
who does not want to fight again.
1d6 Brachiosauruses (L5 D5 V30 SA: Max Vitality) feeding on the tree’s leaves. They
are easily scared.
1d3 Megatheriums (L4 D4 V15 SA: Can only act or move each round) dominated by an
alien parasite.
The Mother Tree (L? D? V? SA: ?) speaks with an echoing, soothing voice. She asks for
help to take her last viable seed to a Promised Land.


The northern boundary of the vale. This enor- Secret: Father Mountain is actually
mous mountain is set apart from all others near- alive. This ancient being is possibly the
by by its impressive height and the abundance of last Titan alive, and it has given life to
life it contains. A lush jungle turns into a more a race of living rock beings with hearts
open forest as the vegetation climbs its sides. of magma.
Many beings live in the mountain and nearby Danger: Tectonic activity has been
land—although conflicts arise from time to time, increasing over the last few months.
they maintain a peaceful coexistence. Earthquakes are becoming more com-
mon, possibly causing rockslides.

d6 Random Encounter

1d6+1 Neanderthals (L2 D2 V8 SA: +ND for Defending when attacked by 2 or more Nean-
1 derthals) looking for missing companions.

1d3 Cave Bears (L4 D4 V18 SA: May opt to not do damage to immobilize target and deal 6
2 damage per round until they pass a Body Test) looking for a new lair.

1 old Wooly Mammoth (L5 D5 V30 SA: Max Vitality; D8 when charging) climbing the
3 mountain alone.

4 1d3+1 Pterosaurs (L3 D4 V13 SA: Flying) hunting.

5 2d6 Saurornitholestes (L2 D4 V8 SA: 2 attacks per round) pursuing prey.

1d6+1 Rock Dwarves (L3 D4 V15 SA: Suffers half damage from non-metal weapons) look-
6 ing for gems to feed Father Mountain.


A tall, seemingly organic metal tower that fell Secret: Inside the spaceship, one can
from the sky a few days ago. It created a huge find alien technology and secrets of sci-
crater and created a ravine north of the Mother ence. If the characters manage to save
Tree. The ship is damaged and there is only one the surviving alien and can learn the
survivor inside, infected by an alien parasite that ship’s secrets, they will be able to use
is spreading through the region. The alien will die these resources to ensure their survival.
soon if not helped. Danger: An alien parasite, called Void
Oozes by other aliens, has infected the
spaceship’s crew and is now infecting
other beings in this world. They dis-
solve their hosts from the inside out,
modifying their host’s organs to better
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS suit their needs.

d6 Random Encounter
2d6 Velociraptors (L1 D2 V5 SA: +ND for Defending when attacked by 2 or more Veloci-
raptors) disturbed by the tower’s presence.

2 1d6 sickly mutated Parasaurolophuses (L3 D4 V10) just grazing and lazing about.

1d6 enraged Triceratopses (L5 D5 V20 SA: D7 when charging) furiously charging at the
1d6+1 Giant Ants (L3 D3 V10 SA: Damage taken reduced by 2) curiously examining the
1d6 Giant Dung Beetles (L3 D3 V9 SA: Horrid stench forces nearby victims to pass a Heart
Test or gain +ND to all Tests in its presence) rolling their dung balls around.
1d3 Void Ooze (L4 D4 V15 SA: After they hit, victims suffer 4 damage next round) seek-
ing new hosts.


Down south, the Deep Green jungle hides a great Secret: Deep below lies Bristari, the
pit that opens for miles and, as far as anyone Bright Star, the ruins of the last re-
knows, is bottomless. The people of the Moth- maining Ancient One’s city. Most of
er’s Vale usually avoid this place, as it is believed the people who lived there are long
to hide a great evil deep below. There are doz- gone, but a few remain, completely
ens, if not more, of cavern entrances and path- changed.
ways on the pit’s walls. The very few who have Danger: Something else dwells in the
returned after exploring any of them tell of a pit with the remaining Ancient Ones.
maze of caverns that does not seem natural— Something older, and utterly inhuman.
these raving mad survivors say that alien beings It calls out to other minds, to devour
or even Ancient Ones still live down there. them.

d6 Random Encounter
1d6 Giant Centipedes (L2 D2 V8 SA: When they hit, the victim must succeed at a Heart
Test or gain +ND to Tests for 1 hour) looking for food.
2d6 Giant Rats (L1 D1 V4 SA: When they hit, the victim must succeed at a Body Test or
gain +ND to Tests for 1d6+1 days) devouring a giant worm’s carcass.
1d3 Giant Spiders (L3 D3 V13 SA: Web can immobilize victims who fail a Body Test to
avoid it) carrying a dead Batkin enveloped in spider web.

4 1d6+1 Batkin (L2 D2 V7 SA: Flying; Echolocation) patrolling their caverns for intruders.

1d3 Batkin (L2 D2 V7 SA: Flying; Echolocation) from one tribe fighting 1d6 Batkin from
another tribe.
1 Ancient One (L6 D6 V25 SA: Can communicate with anyone telepathically) who has
been exiled by their people.


When the strange tower fell from the sky (see Secret: The ruins are from a civiliza-
#7), the impact caused tremors and formed tion that is at the same time from the
these ravines, which the People of the Vale start- future and from the past. There are
ed calling the Mother’s Wounds. They sprawl for records and theories about what will
dozens of miles and have formed a labyrinth of happen in Thaia. But can the charac-
passages that stretch deep below the vale. The ters decipher the strange language?
Mother’s Wounds have revealed ruins of older Danger: The alien parasites that
civilizations that are definitely not human—now came in the Tower that Fell are
the People of the Vale are debating whether they spreading through the world, starting
should explore further or avoid them. with the Mother’s Wounds. Creatures
are infected and goo is everywhere.

d6 Random Encounter
1d6 Toxodons (L3 D3 V18 SA: Max Vitality; D5 when charging) drinking contaminated

2 1d6 Chapalmalanias (L2 D3 V7) eating the remains of 1d3 Humans.

1d3 Smilodons (L4 D4 V15 SA: +ND to attacks against it) desperately trying to climb out
of the ravine.
1d6 Deinonychuses (L4 D4 V17 SA: +ND for Defending when attacked by 2 or more Dei-
nonychuses), hunting 1 Chapalmalania.

5 1 Brontosaurus (L7 D5 V22) who broke a leg falling in the ravine.

1 Mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex (L8 D8 V35 SA: Swallows target with a Setback on a De-
6 fending Test, automatically dealing 8 damage every round; regains 1d6 Vitality per round)
in a bout of rage.


A large, lush jungle that gets greener as you go Secret: An Ancient One lives in the
deeper into its labyrinth of trees, vines, bushes, forest and protects it against any out-
and other Mother’s creations, as the People of siders that do it harm. They look like
the Vale say. Under its large leaves, thousands, a very tall, scrawny, and gray-skinned
if not more, creatures live and die everyday, and bald humanoid, wearing ragged shiny
things older than the Mother Tree itself dwell in clothes. However, they are getting
its deepest parts. Some even say the jungle itself old and their primal magic is not as
is alive, that it can change the paths that pass strong as it used to be. They seek an
through it at whim, revealing secrets to those it apprentice.
chooses and trapping those it does not like in a Danger: Botak, the oldest living
maze of gnarled trees, entangling vines, and bit- creature alive on Thaia, lives in a cav-
ing mosquitoes. ern under a giant rotten tree. It has
assumed the shape of a colossal snake
with fiery eyes. It has knowledge of
everything that has ever happened
and ever will. It does not want to be
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS disturbed, though.

d6 Random Encounter
1d3 Sabertooth Panthers (L3 D4 V10 SA: +ND to detect it in the shadows) stalking the
1d3 Megatheriums (L4 D4 V15 SA: Can only act or move each round) fleeing from some-
2d6 Bear Dogs (L3 D3 V12 SA: +ND for Defending when attacked by 2 or more Bear Dogs)
hunting a Megatherium.
1d3 Blood Drinking Plants (L3 D3 V10 SA: 3 attacks per round; half of the damage dealt is
converted to healing) trying to eat.
1d6 Night-Time Mushrooms (L2 D0 V8 SA: Forces a Body Test with a +ND for each extra
5 Night-Time Mushroom nearby to avoid falling asleep for 1d6 hours, for each hour, takes
2 damage) trying to eat.
1d3 Snakekin (L4 D4 V16 SA: Hypnotic Gaze - Mind Test or receiver +ND to all Tests
against them) exploring outside of their hidden citadel.


As one approaches from any direction, the first Secret: The Frog People that live in
thing they notice is the fetid, sweet smell of rot the swamp have bigger communities
and death. The Rotten Land, as this large swamp and structures below the water level.
covering the Mother’s Tears river estuary is They are insular, but have informa-
called, is a festering ground for insects, amphib- tion regarding anything that happens
ians, and reptiles. Rumors speak of a race of frog- in the Rotten Land.
like humanoids who have villages and huts hid- Danger: A Frog God lives below the
den by the foul fog that obscures vision in every water, sleeping until it is time to eat
direction. What is certain is that the region was again. It demands sacrifices, and the
once the home of an ancient civilization, as signs Frog People always deliver them, lest
of strange stone structures are seen everywhere, they suffer its wrath or curses.
if one is attentive enough.

d6 Random Encounter

1d6 Giant Frogs (L3 D3 V10 SA: With a Setback on the Defending Test, can entangle a tar-
1 get who will need a Body Test to escape) just chilling in the wind.

2d6 Giant Leeches (L2 D2 V7 SA: After first hit, does 3 damage every round unless vic-
2 tims can detach it) trying to feed.

1d3 Deinonychuses (L4 D4 V17 SA: +ND for Defending when attacked by 2 or more Dei-
3 nonychuses) hunting.

1d3 Frogkin Scouts (L2 D2 V7 SA: +ND to detect them in swamps) patrolling the near-
4 by area.

1d6+1 Frogkin Warriors (L3 D3 V10 SA: +ND to Attacking them when they are side by side)
5 carrying the carcass of a Giant Snail.

6 1 Spinosaurus (L7 D7 V25) devouring a colossal frog carcass.


These rocky hills smell of death, sweat, and fear. Secret: The hills were the site of an
The People of the Vale avoid this region unless ancient battle between a past civili-
it is utterly necessary, even though it is rich in zation and the hordes of chaos that
game and relics from past civilizations. They poured from the Monster Mountain’s
say the hills are haunted by evil spirits, and that depths. There are hundreds of rel-
a blood-drinking demon roams these hills in ics, weapons, and objects that could
search of lost travelers and fools who dare to prove very useful to the People of the
enter its territory. The proximity of the Monster Vale.
Mountain makes these tales even more believ- Danger: Chaos seeps from the north
able, as everyone knows about the evils that pour and has infected the very essence of
from that cursed place. the Fanged Hills. The dire wolves that
roamed this place have turned into
flesh-devouring chaos beasts and ter-
rorize the whole vale when the Red

d6 Random Encounter
1d3 Lost Travelers (L1 D1 V4 SA: +ND to all Tests involving them) roaming aimlessly.
They are scared.

2 1d6 Argentinosauruses (L6 D6 V25) fleeing desperately to the jungle in the east.

1d3 Cave Bears (L4 D4 V18 SA: May opt to not do damage to immobilize target and deal
6 damage per round until they pass a Body Test) dragging the corpse of a Dire Wolf.
1d6+1 Dire Wolves (L3 D4 V12 SA: +ND for Defending when attacked by 2 or more Dire
Wolves) hunting.
1d3 Devouring Chaos Beasts (L5 D6 V20 SA: +ND for Defending when attacked by 2 or
more Devouring Chaos Beasts) looking for trouble.
1 Giganotosaurus (L8 D8 V25 SA: Swallows target with a Setback on a Defending Test, au-
tomaticallt dealing 8 damage every round) fighting 1d3 Devouring Chaos Beasts.

Written by Graphic Design by
Diogo Nogueira Guilherme Gontijo

Edited by Map by
Wayne Canepa Fernando Salvaterra
What Else Is Out There?
Playtested by Illustrations by
Do you want to detail the contents of
a Hex? Does anything in the map catch PabloVasconcelos Felipe Faria
your attention? Create content for Primal Nogueira, Raquel
Quest as detailed on the first page! Figueira de Vasconce-
los, Rosangela Sique-
ira Nogueira, Pedro
Cosati, Felipe Tuller,
Edson Sorrilha,
Marcelo Leite, Anto-
nio Henning, and Yan

Don’t forget to get a copy of each issue of The
Primal World of Thaia. This zine will present
a primal world of weirdness and adventure for
use with Primal Quest and Old-School Essen-
tials! Each zine will bring new details on the
setting, optional rules, character options, ad-
ventures and much more!
For more about The Primal World of Thaia go

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