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Sorrowful Mysteries.
Virgin Mary loves listening to us praying the holy rosary, because it is the prayer we pray not only
simple but also powerful men and women.

This prayer is so simple that it is for everyone; you can pray wherever you want, at any time and you
can pray it alone or surrounded by people...

Even today, Virgin Mary is still asking us to pray the rosary , it does not matter where we are or what
the date or year is; The holy rosary is her favourite. This is the way She is teaching us how to talk and
have a real conversation with her son, Jesus.
Sorrowful Mysteries

We call mysteries to those actions or moments Jesus

Christ lived to teach us something.

Every Tuesday and Friday, we commemorate those

moments in which Jesus had to suffer a lot.

We start making the Sign of the Cross. Next, we state

the first mystery. After that, we recite the Lord’s
Prayer, ten times the Hail Mary and then the Glory Be
So we do this way, until we reach the five mysteries of
the day.

My God, when I think nowadays in those deep sorrow

moments your dear son and virgin Mary suffered, I ask you to
teach me how not to complain about the things I do not have
and please, make me learn how to help those who suffer.
Lord’s Prayer Hail Mary Glory Be
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father,
hallowed be thy name; Full of Grace, and to the Son,
thy kingdom come; The Lord is with thee. and to the Holy Spirit.
thy will be done; Blessed art thou among women, As it was in the beginning,
on earth as it is in heaven. and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, is now,
Give us this day our daily bread. Jesus. and ever shall be,
And forgive us our trespasses, Holy Mary, world without end.
as we forgive those who Mother of God,
trespass against us. Pray for us sinners now, Amen.
And lead us not into temptation; and at the hour of our death.
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, Amen.
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.
Jesus’ agony and his prayers
at the Garden of Olives.
(Luke 22, 45)

Jesus’ passion has started, but his friends fell asleep. A true
friend is there when you need him, especially when in pain.

My God, if I find there is anyone suffering, please do not

let me fall asleep as your disciples did.
Christ has been scourged at the pillar.
(Mark 15, 12)

This heartbreaking moment was not only suffered by Jesus,

even today, this action is repeated when someone who feels
him/herself stronger than others, makes us feel weak.

Did I ask myself; Am I part of those who help or am I part

of those who make others feel uncomfortable?
Jesus is crowned with thorns.
(Mathew 27, 27)

All our wrongdoings, our lies that make innocents suffer or

our lack of solidarity with others, are crueler than the thorns
Jesus wore.

What can I do to change thorns for good actions?

Jesus is condemned to death and
carries his own cross to Calvary.
(Luke 23, 26)

It becomes very difficult to be like Simon of Cyrene who

helped Jesus to bear the cross.

If you find someone who is asking you to help him/her to

bear a cross, would you help him/her?
Jesus died on the cross to save me.
(Luke 23, 46)

Jesus died on the cross to save us, we regret all this and
everyone of us want to turn around and run very fast in the
other direction.

How do you help those who suffer from injustice and bad
actions to be not living these wrongdoings again?

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