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Please, all stand, …Good morning again class, are you ready for our lesson today?

Miss secretary, is
there any absent today? Very good, that’s a good start to start our new lesson. Class, may I ask this
question, what would you do if the teacher is in front?

Very good!, so I’m expecting that you will all those standards you have just given. Okay? So at the end of
this lesson you are expected to do the following task,..those are the set of 0bjectives that we are going
to achieve as we go on with our lesson.

As human beings we have many important ways to convey and understand information as we
communicate. We are born with ears and never learn to hear- how to say it. You, as a student, you grow
up learning how to speak by listening to the peples who are cloase to us and imitating others. So in rour
previous lesson you have learned the ability to scan and skim in order to find specific information using
reading styles for one’s purpose. In today’s lesson you will practice your listening skills by applying the
listening strategies based on purpose.

So, to start with, let us have an activity, this activity is called Reflect on the Memories. But before that,
what would you if we will be having our activity?... Very good! Now what you are going to do is close
your eyes. I will be playing a song and I want you to reflect on the memories you have when you have
problems. I will also ask a questions that would help you remember your memories. Please do answer
those questions in your mind. Are you ready? So I will now play the song.

a. Have you experienced having problems or encountered things which you think you can’t
do it?
b. How did you face them?
c. Did you think that someone can help you with that? Or the only one who can help you is
d. Have you overcome those? If yes, how?
e. After that incident, did you think that it would be nice to trust yourself? Why? Why not?

Now, open your eyes. Okay, so I will be asking you again the questions I’d asked you on our first activity.
I will be calling you randomly through the use of this. Okay?

The first question is.. yes you are correct but how did you faced them? We faced the conequences by
trusting ourselves in order to solved them. Now, did you think…. For me I will chose both, because we
need someone to help us especially when we need to solve this problem and trusting yourself is the
another way too. Next question…Of course the only one who can help is yourselves.. because if you can
trust yourself then you will overcome thse challenges. Next questions.. Yes, because we won’t know
how our life would go so trusting ourselves is the best way to face challenges in life.
So very good class. Now Based from the activity, what do you think is our topic for today? What do we
the skills that you did a while ago? You can not respond to my questions , if you have’nt this skills That
So what is listening? Kindly read When we say listening it plays an important roles in people’s live. Of the
four major areas of communication skills and language development- Listening-speaking, reading and
writing- the most basic is listening. Why? Because if we listened carefully in a certain context or topic we
can immediatelty respond, basta Samahan lang ng tamang pakikinig. All right?

Now I will be playing a song entitle “The Voice within” by chrisitna Aguilera. Reminder again, what
would you do if you are listening to a song? So I want you to do that while listening to the song for I will
be asking sets of questions later. Do you understand? So for you to have a basis, I have here guided
questions. So I will be playing now the music.

What a good song right? What can you say about the song class? Yes, it was a sad song, makakarelate
dito ung mga may problema sa buhay. Well alam ko lahat tayo may problema sa buhay di lang natin tuh
sinasabi, ako man din ay may problema, problema sa bulsa. To test if you really understand the message
of the song, I will be asking you questions regarding it. Are we clear?

So we will have a game called “Pic the flower” so these flowers contain questions that you need to
answer. So to find out who will be the one to choose among the flower here.. I have here a flower when
the music plays you are going to pass the flower to your classmate.. and if the music stop the one who
get the flower will choose and a answer the question given. Is that clear? So let’s get started!
a. The title of the song is “The Voice Within”.
b. The singer is singing to a young girl, which represents herself.
c. It means that when no one’s around. Rely on yourself because you are the only one who can
help you.
d. Those lines moved me in a way that sometimes we need to take our strength in ourselves just
like in making the best out of us. We need to be strong enough to survive.
e. It means that, nothing will happen if you will always avoid problems and challenges.
f. It is hard to stand on your own when you’re so afraid because you will never know what will
happen in the end.
g. Based form all the questions, the message of the song goes like this: Trust your own instinct, no
matter what people might say about you, no matter what criticism or negativity might come
your way, just trust yourself always and just be who you are.

All right so that;-‘s end our acvity class, I hope you enjoyed it. So what did you feel while listenng to the
song? Why did you feel that? Or feel determined. Even on tough challenges, we can still survive if we
will just trust ourselves. What part of the song strikes you the most? Why? The bridge of the song. It
tells that life can take you anywhere you go, and it’s up to you if you will survive or surrender.

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