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Arrest Affidavit
Arrested? Y At Large? JRA? Document *: Division *:
Date: 07/15/2008
------ .. - -. Ag,ency
- FCICiNCIC Check:-- _. oa:ti:Ttme or Arre-=-
I FL0480000
: !_ 07/16/2008 16:33:00
- - ---'f$:1 BondSd At: - - --.
L,' Arre:t: .
I rAdutt- I ... i(ey:- -l-Jukel "Nilmber.- --"
.J{_ I
: A.K.A: . R.lce: ;-ooiF' . Age:
!ANTHONY,CASEY MARIE F :03/19/1986 22
PCKs"City: .
.- 'Stite/cOuntry: ---- -- 'tieight:--- ---- i'WeiQM:--- <
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RES Streett;
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City: State: ZIP; Home Phone; Other Phone:

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ScanITattool:- Ethnicity:
f Drive"'. LicenMlStlteW NO: -- --- --- i State:
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1A535-113-86-599-0 ;FL
INext of Kin Name: Address: Ptlone:
i Business ,. "_ .__.
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i C;ty:
Oomestic Violence?
Misd.: ORO: Traff1=-C-=--c.:___ _ ,_
GOC : Description ICts1FSS/ORD Name
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!I'NEGLECT OF A .. i827 .03 (31J9..... ._,-- . _

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- .
NAME CL,F,MI: Arrs? Juv FeL Misd. ORO. Troll NTA
iRaceii'yge: IDOB: _
NAME CL,F,MI: Arrs? Juv Fe!. Misd. ORO. Troll NTA
IRace: S..: IAge: 008:
NAME CL,F,Ml: Arrs? Juv F... Mild. ORO. Troll NTA
I Race: S..: IAge: I008: 1
NAME fL,F,M): Arrs? Jvw F... Mild. ORO. Troll NTA
[Roce: ISex: IAge: 008: i
DCF Nolif..d?
IBy Whom? _-.l:nP,obotion?
I Miranda Warning? I By Whom? !Invoked1
.. --,
i ---L
- -- _-- .
Sworn to and .ubscribed. before _, I swear or affirm the above statement.s are eorrect and t.rue
thia __ day of year __
Officer'. Signature a Bua. Pbone )(0
Notary Public Law Enf'orceaent or CorrecUons Officer
Peraonally lCnown Produced Identification /
-::O"'f"'f""ic-e-r-':-.----::P,--r-,-i-nt:-ed""'''''N:-ame'''-"'CL::--:,P""l---'-/ Em
Booltinq/Receivinq Siqnature
'1'ype of idant1.fication:
Siqnature: _
R.pol1 OffiCi' Printed At
2684/MELICH,YURI N 07/16/2008 19:32
Page 1 of 1
Narrative SlIPP
The undersigned has probable cause to believe the above-named defendant, on the 9 day of
June, 2008, at approximately 13:00 []a.m. [X]p.m. at 4937 HOPESPRING DR (Zone 20) in Orange
County did
On JUly 15th, 2008 at 0045 hrs, I was notified by Sgt. Reggie Hosey about a report of a missing child, later
identified as Caylee Anthony (2 yoa).
The initial report indicated the child was last seen at 2863 S. Conway Road around apartment #210 on June 9th,
2008 between 0900 and 1300 hrs. According to the child's mother, the child was last left with the babysitter
(Zenaida Gonzalez) at the above S. Conway Road address. Since June 9th, the defendant has not been able to
locate Zenaida or her child and she never reported the incident to law enforcement until tonight. The reason she
was reporting it tonight was because her mother, Cynthia Anthony, insisted on calling the police after the
defendant told her she hadn't seen the child for over a month. Cynthia found the defendant and brought her home
after the car the defendant was driving was found abandoned and
towed several days ago. Deputies had gone to the S. Conway Road address and met witO management who told
them the apartment the defendant showed them had been vacant for 142 days (since February 29th).
I briefed my supervisor (Sgt. John Allen) and responded to to begin my investigation. I first
met with the defendant inside the residence and spoke with her alone and away from other family members.
Before asking for a recorded statement, I reviewed her original four page written sworn statement and asked if this
was her version of what happened. She said it was. I told her that the incident was very suspicious and her
version suspect. I gave her an opportunity to tell me something different, but she claimed her written version was
true and accurate. I then conducted a recorded interview of the defendant in her presence and with her
knowledge. r
The defendant lived at this a d d r e ~ on' IP-until June 9th, 2008. On June 9th, she left with her
daughter Caylee to go to work a t ~ ......-nlis was between 0900 and 1300 hrs. En route, she says she
stopped by 2863 S Conway Road and met with Zenaida Gonzalez who babysits Caylee. She left Caylee with
Zenaida at that building at the stairwell that leads to apartment 210. She says she's known Zenaida for four years
and Zenaida has babysat Caylee for the past one and a half years. When the defendant left work around 1700 hrs
and came to pick up Caylee, she says she got no answer at the door. She tried calling Zenaida's cell phone
(number unknown) and got no answer. She started going to places that Zenaida was known to frequent but didn't
locate her or her child.
The defendant said she was "pacing and worrying" and went to her boyfriends house where she felt "safe". Her
boyfriend is Anthony Lazzaro. Since June 9th, the defendant says she's done her "own investigation" in trying to
find her daughter. She claims she's gone to clubs Zenaida's known to frequent in hopes of seeing her or her
daughter. She never called the police to report her child's disappearance. The defendant said she'd seen "movies
and reports" of missing people getting hurt if the police got involved. She only called tonight after her mother
confronted her with the whereabouts of the child and the defendant's version of events.
The defendant said she had told two people about her missing child, both were co-workers at
One was Jeffrey Hopkins and the other Juliette Lewis. She said they could confirm her story.
The defendant agreed to show me the three last known locations for Zenaida in hopes of identifying her. The
defendant rode with me in my unmarked car to meet with a marked unit and other Deputy Sheriff to attempt
contact at one of these locations. We first went to the corner of Glenwood and Robinson where she pointed out a
Sworn to and subscribed before me, I swear or affira the above statements are correct and true
this _ day of year __
Officer's Signature Officer'S Bus. Phone No
Notary PUblic Law Enforcement or Corrections Officer
Personally Known Produced Identification
Type of identification: _
""'Of=fi""'ce-r""'-'.--=p""'-ri""'-n""'-ted-=-=Ilame (L,T) 1 EID Booking/Receiving Signature
Signature: _
Repol1 Officer Printed At
2684/MELICH,YURI N 07/16/2008 19:32
Page 1 of 4
Narrative SUpp
building on the northwest corner. She pointed at a second floor window and said Zenaida had lived in that
apartment in early 2006 to mid 2006 when she moved into another house owned by Zenaida's mother 12
The building she pointed out was later identified as 301 N Hillside Drive. a seniors only facility. The defendant said
the apartments were three stories and the window above Zenaida's belonged to Zenaida's roommate. As a note,
the initial responding deputies had found a handwritten note with the address of 232 Glenwood in the defendant's
car prior to my arrival. This address was directly across from the building she just pointed out to me.
We then went to 2863 S Conway Road #210 to confirm this was the same apartment she showed deputies earlier
that night and where she had left the child on June 9th. She confirmed that was the apartment.
We then went to the Crossings at Conway town home community near Michigan Avenue and S. Conway Road.
This is where Zenaida's mother allegedly owned a condo and where she claims she'd dropped her child off
several times between mid 2006 to early 2007. We rode through the complex, down every street and the
defendant said she couldn't remember what the address was. We knocked at three different addresses_
making contact with three different tenants. all of which did not know Zenaida or her mother
_. The defendant said she didn't remember the house because she stopped paying attention to it since she
came so many times.
I dropped the defendant back off at her residence on' : : 2 telling her I would call her if I needed anything.
Prior to leaving. I was approached by her father George who stressed his concern that his daughter is holding
information back information. He and his wife (the defendant's mother) fear something may have happened to
I met with Sgt. John Allen and briefed him on what had transpired thus far. From there, I went to 2863 S Conway
Road (The Sawgrass Apartments) and met with Dave Turner (maintenance man) and Amanda Macklin
(manager). Neither claims to know a Zenaida. They were shown a photo of the missing child Caylee and no one
recognized her. They confirmed that the apartment the defendant mentioned had been vacant for 142 days Dave
Turner let me into the apartment and I confirmed it was vacant. They ran several names in their system and found
a Zenaida Gonzalez who had come to look at an apartment on April 17th. She was never a tenant. They gave me
a "guest card" completed by Zenaida Gonzalez which contained her cell phone number.
I then went to and met with Investigator Leonard Turtora. After briefing him on what I was there
for. he checked several names in their database and came up with the following results. The defendant was fired
on 4/24/06 and she was NOT currently employed there. Jeffrey Hopkins (an alleged outcry
witness) did work for but he was fired in 5/13/02. Juliette Lewis (another alleged outcry witness)
was not found as a current or former employee of . Zenaida Gonzalez (who the defendant
claimed was a seasonal employee) was also not found as a current or former employee of_
While with Leonard. I called the defendant on my c e ~ h o n e and put my phone's speaker on so all could hear. The
defendant confirmed that she did currently work for. as an event coordinator. She said her office
extension was 407-224-1000 x104. Leonard said this was not a valid extension and even tried calling it. She said
her direct supervisor was Tom (Manley). They have no Tom Manley employed there. The head of the events
department is Tom Mattson. Leonard called him and confirmed they did not have the defendant listed as an
employee. either past or present. I asked the defendant where her office was (she claimed to have her own office)
and she couldn't give me the building number or location. When asked if she had her current work ID she said
she didn't know where it was.
I asked Sgt. Allen to see if he could arrange to have someone go back to theaddress and meet with
Sworn to and subscribed before me, I swear or affirm the above statements are correct and true
this day of
Officer'a Signature Officer's Bua. Phone No
Notary Public Law Enforcement or Corrections Officer
Personally Known Produced Identification
Type of id.ntification: _
=Of=fi,....c.-r-:- a"""p"--r1-:-' n-:-ted""":"":':Name ..... -(=L--=, r"""")-'-/ Em
Booking/Receiving Signature
Siqnatur.: _
Report Officer
2684/MELICH,YURI N 07/16/2008 19:32
Page 2 of 4
Narrative SUPP
the defendant to see if she'd agree to come to At 1230 hrs Sgt. Allen and Detective Appie
Wells went to the 7 address and met with the defendant who agreed to accompany them to?
. Investigator Turtora agreed to assist us with this.
Once at , I met with the three at the employees entrance. Investigator Turtora was present. The
defendant, who didn't have her 10, explained to the security officer at the entrance she was a current employee
and lost her 1D. When the security guard (Steve) asked who her supervisor was, she told him it was Tom Manley.
When told no Tom Manley worked there, she had no answer. Investigator Turtora agreed to escort the defendant
to where she said she worked. We followed her into a building nearby and down the building's inner hall. She
walked with purpose and acted like she knew where she was going. Halfway down this hall, she stopped, turned,
and told us she hadn't told us the truth and she was not a current employee.
At this time, we found a small conference room in which to talk to the defendant. This conversation was also
recorded. Prior to beginning this interview, we stressed that the door was unlocked and were in the room for
privacy only. She understood and agreed to speak with us on tape. In short, the defendant was confronted with all
the inconsistencies in her story and the fact that I had proven she lied on almost every thi"g she had told me. She
admitted she lied to me about the apartment at 301 N Hillside being one of Zenaida's. She admitted her
ex-boyfriend Ricardo Morales lived across from this residence, and though she had stayed there since the child
went missing, she never mentioned this address or name to us. She admitted she lied about being employed with
she thought that the may happen to find out if her child Caylee or Zenaida had visited
since June 9th. She admitted that she should have called the police the day the child went
missing and in not doing so, she failed to provide the victim with the care, supervision and services necessary to
maintain the child's physical or mental health. The defendant still maintained that she last saw her daughter with a
Zenaida on June 9th, 2008 at the S. onway address.
It should be noted that at no time during any of the above interviews did the defendant show any obvious emotion
as to the loss of her child. She did not cry or give any indication that she was legitimately worried about her child's
safety. She remained stoic and monotone during a majority of our contacts.
While the defendant was with Detective Wells, I called the Zenaida Gonzalez I identified from the Sawgrass
Apartments. She was open and responsive, and when asked, denied knowing Casey, Calee, or babysitting for
anyone at all. She agreed to meet with an investigator to give a sworn statement. This was later done by OCSO
Missing Persons Investigator Awilda McBryde and Investigator Kari Roderick where she was shown photos of the
defendant and Caylee and denied knowing either.
Once back in the 'parking lot, Sgt. Allen pulled up all the Zenaida Gonzalez's in our DAVID system. The
defendant couldn't identify any of them based on this. I had him pull up the photo of the Zenaida I just spoke with,
and the defendant said she didn't recognize her.
In the course of this investigation, , received calls from several persons who know the defendant. All claim she is a
habitual liar and she has been known to steal from friends in the past. Below is a synopsis of what each individual
told me and later gave sworn statements about:
Amy Huizenga was the person who told the defendant's mother where the defendant could be found on the
evening of the 15th. She claims that the defendant picked her up at the airport around 1430 hrs on July 15th in her
(Amy's) car. Amy had loaned the defendant her car for the week she was gone. Amy claims the defendant stole
some checks and approximately $700. Amy lives with Ricardo Morales at 232 Glenwood Drive. She can't recall
the last time she saw Caylee.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, I swear or the above statements are correct and true
this day of year
Officer'S Siqnature Officer's Bus. Phone No
Notary Public Law Enforee.ent or Corrections Officer
Personally Known Produced Identification

Officer's Printed Name (L,F) / EID Booking/Receiving Signature
Type of identification: _
Siqnature: _
Report otr"er Printed AI
2684/MELICH,YURI N 07/16/2008 19:32
Page 3 of 4
Narrative SUPP
Anthony Lazzaro called claiming he first learned of Caylee's disappearance by deputies coming to his house early
this morning and inquiring about it. He claims he met the defendant in May and had been dating her since June.
He claims he last saw Caylee on or about June 2nd while at the pool at his complex. He had not seen Caylee
since. He has never met Zenaida nor knows where she lives. It was he that contacted Amy Huizenga and had her
call me regarding this case. Anthony said while the defendant lived with her since June 9th, she mentioned
several times that Caylee was with the "nanny" at Disney, Universal Studios, or the beach. She never gave him
any indication that the child was endangered or missing. Detective Gerald White later obtained a sworn statement
from Anthony regarding this.
Jessie Grund is a friend of the defendants. The defendant's mother mentioned him as one who took the defendant
to a hospital earlier in the year for a seizure. He called me before I could call him. He mentioned that the
defendant is a habitual liar. He told me that on June 25th, he received a call from the defendant who was trying to
cheer him up over a recent job loss. She told him she was free this weekend if he wanted to get together. They
used to date. She said that Caylee was with the "nanny" and they had gone to the beach for the weekend. After
learning of this incident, he immediately called me to let me know this and now it contradicted with what the
defendant had been telling everyone. Missing Persons' Investigator Awilda McBryde later obtained a sworn written
statement from Jessie regarding this.
Christine Chester, a friend of the defendant, called after seeing the missing persons story on Caylee on the news.
She claims to be the defendant's best friend. She also said the defendant and Caylee had been to her house and
all had gone for a walk on either June 12th, 13th, or 14th. She's sure of the date. She said she was surprised to
hear of the child missing. Investigator Kelly Deguzman later obtained a sworn written statement from Jessie
regarding this. r
Once at our central operations center, and after I started receiving the above phone calls reference the defendant
and her child, the defendant was given one more opportunity to change her story. She did not. She was then
placed under arrest for child neglect, and providing false information to us regarding this investigation.
INVESTIGATORS NOTE: As of this writing, we do not know the condition of the missing child Caylee Anthony.
We do not know where the child is. Based on the repetitive lies that the defendant has told, we do not know with
whom the child is or even if the child is alive. As I received information, and relayed it to the defendant after her
arrest, she continued to claim ignorance and at times, laughed about the situation. She still failed to show any
outward signs of remorse or concern for her missing two year old daughter. I request that she be held on a NO
BOND status until the child is located.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, I swear or affirm the above statements are correct and true
this _ day of year
Officer'. Signature Officer's Bus. Phone No
Notary Public Law Enforcement or corrections Officer
Personally Known Produced I
7":Of=fi,-ce-r':"'" .--=P,-ri,-n':"'"ted....,..".,.Name-(L,i)7 EID
Booking/Receiving Signature
'ryp8 of identification: _
Siqnature: _
Report Officer Printed At
2684/MELICH,YURI N 07/16/2008 19:32
Page 4 of 4

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