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Lesson Topic Page
First Quarter
1 Conversations with Peers in School Setting 2
2 Words with Short e, a and i Sounds 3
3 Words with Short o Sounds 4
4 Words with Short u Sounds 5
5 Words with Different Medial Vowels in CVC Pattern 6
6 Sentences and Non-sentences 7
7 Kinds of Sentences 8
8 Nouns 9
9 Proper Nouns and Common Nouns 10
10 Irregular Plural Nouns 11
11 Thank you Letter 12

ENGLISH 3 Nicolites Montessori School

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Lesson 1: Conversations with Peers in School Setting

How to initiate conversation
1. You need to be friendly.
2. Establish eye contact.
3. Introduce yourself.
4. Consider your environment.
5. Find what they interested
6. Ask open ended-question

1. Greeting - a polite word or sign of welcome or recognition. We can use

greetings to initiate conversation.
“Good Morning!”
“What’s new?”

2. Starting Comment or Question - after the polite greeting, you may start asking
some questions.
“Can I tell you about……?”
“ Did I ever tell you about…..?”

3. Conversation - a talk, especially an informal one, between to more people, in

which news and ideas are exchanged. In a conversation you need to:
• Take turns- means giving everyone the opportunity to speak their mind.
And being a good listener makes it a good conversation.
• Discuss the same topic
• Make comments

4. Short Explanation - The act or process of making something clear or easy to

understand. In telling an explanation you may say:
• Well, I better go…
• I should get back to class

5. Farewell - used to express good wishes on parting. In the conversation is over

you may say:
• “Take care”
• “Bye “

ENGLISH 3 Nicolites Montessori School

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Lesson 2: Words with Short “e”, “a” and “I” Sounds

Let’s read the following CVC words with short “o” sounds.

bag leg mid ban fen

nip can hen pin man

bar get pit ram Ted

win cat peg dip tab

fed pit gig jet lad

Ben zip cam red tin

ENGLISH 3 Nicolites Montessori School

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Lesson 3: Words with Short “o” Sound

Let’s read the following CVC words with short “o” sounds.

Bon con Don son ton

won cot dot got hot

jot lot not pot rot

tot dog fog hog jog

log for nor Bob cob

job mob rob nob rod

ENGLISH 3 Nicolites Montessori School

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Lesson 4: Words with Short ‘u’ Sound

Let’s read the following CVC words with short “u” sounds.

bug dug hug jug mug

but cut hut nut rut

cub hub rub sub tub

bun fun gun nun run

bum gum hum sum cup

pup bus fur bud mud

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Lesson 5: Words with Different Medial Vowels in CVC Pattern

C-V-C means consonant-vowel-consonant. A CVC word is a three-letter word

that follows the spelling pattern of a consonant, then a vowel, and then
another consonant.
For example, top. T is a consonant. O is a vowel. P is a consonant. C-V-C.

Here are some more examples of C-V-C words with medial vowels.

c a t

r e d

b i g

d o g

h u t

bad get dig log

nut fat met gig

for bud pan mix

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Lesson 6: Sentences and Non-sentences

A group of words that Non-Sentence
are used to express a
Non- sentence Is a
thought and that
group of words that
makes sense. A
does not tell a
sentence always
VS complete idea or
begins with a capital
thought. It does not
letter and ends with
end with a
period (.), question
punctuation mark.
mark (?), or an
exclamation mark (!)

Sentence Non-Sentence

The boys are playing basketball. playing basketball

A fat dog is eating. a dog
The foods are delicious. delicious food
I bought small bags. small bags
I love to study at NIcolites Nicolites Montessori School
Montessori school.

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Lesson 7: Kinds of Sentences

1. Declarative Sentence
• These sentences tell something.
• These sentences will tell you facts, opinions, and other
• This type of sentence will end with a period.
• I am a third-grade student.
• Our class is having a party on Friday.

2. Interrogative Sentences
• An interrogative sentence asks a question
• This type of sentence ends with a question mark.
• What is your favorite subject?
• Are we going to have recess today?

3. Imperative Sentences
• An imperative sentence gives a command or request.
• This type of sentence is used when you order a person to do
something or ask a request or favor.
• This type of sentence ends with a period.
• Get the flag quickly.
• Open the door.
• Please turn on your camera.

4. Exclamatory Sentence
• Exclamatory sentences express the intense feelings of a
• Third type of sentence ends with an exclamation point. (!)
• You won the prize!
• That is a huge whale!

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Lesson 8: Nouns
Nouns are the words that names people, place, animal and things.

Person Place Thing Animal Idea



Name of Person Name of Place

man mother daughter son airport school playground

Name of Things Name of Animals

books camera basket dog bird fish

Name for Ideas

ENGLISH 3 Nicolites Montessori School

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Lesson 9: Proper Nouns and Common Nouns

Common Noun
• Common nouns are the general or generic name of person, place,
animal and things.
• It is only capitalized if it is part of a title or it is used in the beginning of
tree, man, mountain, box etc.
Proper Noun
• Proper nouns are the specific or particular name of person, place,
animal and things.
• Proper noun is always capitalized.
Example: Nasugbu, Batangas , December, James Reid

Let’s notice the difference in the below table:

Common Noun Proper Noun
school Nicolites Montessori School
teacher Donna Panaligan
country Philippines
month September
animal Brownie
fruit Banana
cellphone Nokia
television Samsung
food chain Jollibee
shoes Nike

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Lesson 10: Irregular Plural Noun

Read the following sentences. Take note of the highlighted word
pairs in each sentence. One is singular in number and the other is plural.
1. The child told the other children to join the Book Fair
2. The wounded sheep was left by the shepherd to get the other
Child and sheep are two nouns whose plural is not formed by adding-s
or es. These are called irregular nouns because they form their plural in
irregular ways.
Rules in Pluralizing Irregular nouns
• To get the plural form of irregular nouns, change their spelling.
• To form its plural, some nouns do not change spelling.

Change in Spelling No Change in Spelling

child-children Tuna-Tuna
mouse-mice Fish-Fish
tooth - teeth Equipment- Equipment

• Singular nouns ending in f or fe form the plural by changing f or fe to

“v” then adding -s or -es
Leaf-leaves wife- wives
Life-lives loaf-loaves
• Some irregular nouns are used only in the plural form.
Eyeglasses goods
Goggles scissors
• Other nouns are plural in form but singular in meaning.
News measles
Mathematics aerobics
ENGLISH 3 Nicolites Montessori School
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Lesson 11: Thank you Letter

Writing a Thank you Letter
When people do something nice for you, it is important to thank them.
Each time you thank someone, you are showing that you have done. One
great way of saying thank you is to write a letter.
Let’s practice writing a thank you letter together.
Use the questions and prompts below to help you write a thank you l letter
to somebody special in your life.

Dear _________________________,
What good thing has this person done?
Thank him or her sincerely. How did you feel when
he or she did something nice for you?
Did something good happen to you
because of this person’s actions? Tell him or her
any good news you might have. Is there anything
else you would like to share with this person?
Once more, thank the person for his or her
kindness and generosity. Tell him or her how much
you appreciate having someone like him or her in
your life and that you look forward to seeing him
or her again.
Sincerely yours,

ENGLISH 3 Nicolites Montessori School

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