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Name of lesson: Stop motion

Grade level: 6-12

Unit of study: Clay/ Stop motions

Materials: Clay, paper, camera/ computer

Time frame: 2-3 Weeks

National Core Art Standards:

VA:Cr2.3.Ia: Collaboratively develop a proposal for an installation, artwork, or space design that
transforms the perception and experience of a particular place.
VA:Cn10.1.Ia: Document the process of developing ideas from early stages to fully elaborated

Lesson Objectives (what will the students do):

When creating an animation, students will learn and apply the following media skills:

• Background internet research from vetted sources

• Story boarding
• Animation production techniques
• Filming the animation
• Using animation software to animate and edit their lm
• Collaborating on pre-planning, production and animation screening
• Critiques (peer review) of others work

Learning Targets (what do you want the students to leave with):

Students will create a 1- minute (at least) stop motion video as a team, using a character, a
theme and a skit.

Procedures (what will you do , what will they do):

1. Learn about stop motion
2. Understand how to make it
3. View examples
4. Get into group to create their own concept
5. Present the videos to the class

➢ Thumbnail
➢ Documentation of progress
➢ Presentation of video


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