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Basic Occupational
Occupational Safety
Safety &
& Health


Taking Health and Safety to the Next Level

NAME: _______________________________
NAME: _______________________________
TRAINING DATES: _____________________
TRAINING DATES: _____________________
\VENUE: ______________________________

VENUE: ______________________________

37 Mahabagin Street, Teachers Village, Quezon City, 1101

-14 Mahinhin(02) 6661204
St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101
( 02 7903-5489 ý *[email protected]
37 Mahabagin Street, Teachers Village, Quezon City, 1101
(02) 6661204
-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101
( 02 7903-5489 ý *[email protected]
Importance Of Occupational Safety And Health 2
Why the Need for OSH / OSH Situationer 3
Salient Features of OSH Legislation RA11058 7
Theories of Accident Causation 15
Risk Assessment Concepts & Process 21
The Causes of Accidents - Unsafe Acts & Conditions 23
Workplace Safety Hazards 26
Workplace Health Hazards 37
Working Environment Measurement 52
Medical Surveillance 56
Risk Assessment 80
Control Measures of Health Hazards 85
Control Measures of Safety Hazards 96
Accident Investigation 106
Communicating OSH 115
Workplace Emergency Preparedness 122
Employees Compensation Program 128
Development of An Occupational Safety and Health Program 132
Job Hazard Analysis 138
Workshop Templates 141

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( 02 7903-5489 ý *[email protected]

Absolutely true: Every worker has the right to a SAFE and HEALTHY workplace!

What is the STATUS of occupational safety and health (OSH) in MY workplace?

1. Accidents and injuries result to loss of lives, limbs, time and property
2. Most accidents at work could have been prevented
3. Sound prevention need to be implemented systematically in the national
and enterprise / workplace level

The BOSH Framework

Course Title:

Type Of Course: Basic; Mandatory

Methodology: Lecture & discussions, exercises, workshop, presentation and reporting

Duration: 5-Days

Course Description
• Mandatory 40-Hour Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training for Safety Officers 2
• Pursuance with Republic Act No. 11058 and DOLE Department Order 198-2018.

Course Objectives
To provide the participants the basic knowledge and skills on the basic concepts and principles of
occupational safety and health (OSH) that will enable safety officers to develop and implement their
company’s safety and health program.

What is Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)?

Occupational safety and health is a discipline with a broad scope involving three major fields:
§ Occupational Safety
§ Occupational Health and
§ Industrial Hygiene.

OSH encompasses the social, mental and physical well-being of workers - the “Whole Person”. ILO

Why the need for OSH?

1. OSH Situationer
2. Roles of Safety Officers
Workplace Risk Assessment
3. Hazards identification
4. Evaluation of Risks and Hazards
5. Control Measures
Accident Causation: Risky Workplace and Risky Workers
6. Dangerous occurrences, imminent danger situations
7. Accident Investigation
Responses to OSH Issues and Concerns
8. OSH Programming and Legislations
Communicating OSH
9. Training of Trainers
OSH Inspection
10. Conduct of OSH Inspection

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 1

Locally, the plight of health and safety of the Filipino is somewhat challenging. As a third world country we
have shifted from an agricultural background to an industrial front. As the 21st century unfolds, more emphasis
is placed by the government and private sector on OSH concerns to take us out of that hole into a brighter
future. This is the situation of OSH in the Philippines

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

1. Explain the current Philippine OSH situation;
2. Describe the OSH situation in their own workplaces;
3. Enumerate the roles of safety officers play in OSH implementation.
4. Identify the risk assessment steps or processes and
5. Define unsafe or unhealthy acts and conditions

Global OSH Data ILO Report

1. 270M work-related accidents
2. 160M occupational diseases (causing more than 4 days absence)
3. Average of 5,000 people die every day due to work-related accidents every year
4. 355,000 fatal work-related accidents every year (half occur in agriculture; other high-risk sectors:
mining, construction and commercial fishing)
5. 4% (or over 1.2 million USD) of the world’s GDP is lost due to occupational diseases and accidents.
6. 12,000 children are killed on the job annually

Local Scenario: Filipino Workers

1. 41.5 million+ employed Filipinos (January 2018) both in the formal and informal sectors
2. 57% services sector; 25% agriculture;
3. 18% industry sector (mining, manufacturing, construction etc.)
4. 3.5 million government employees

Vision 1 Million: Be an OSH Champion

1. A dynamic, holistic, and sustainable program that aims to develop OSH Champions (advocates)
beginning in 2018 until 2022.
2. Program to continue create and raise awareness, understanding and passion for OSH among Filipinos.
3. Increase the number of OSH advocates will help achieve decent work and accident and illness free
workplaces in the Philippines.

1. Develop OSH Champions (advocates) from all sectors
2. Increase the level of recognition and respect for OSH as essential to the productivity & sustainability of
any enterprise.

Key Local OSH Data Sources:

1. 2015-2016 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE)
2. Work Accidents/Illnesses Report (WAIR) Summary of mandatory reports of companies
3. NSO Household Survey Data
4. OSHC Database

Labor Inspection Data


BLES Integrated Survey (BITS)

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101
( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 2
1. BLES Integrated Survey (BITS) is conducted by the Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics in
coordination with the DOLE Regional Offices.
2. As a vital supplementary source of data to administrative-based statistics on occupational safety and
health in DOLE, the BITS is a nationwide survey.
3. For 2013, BITS covered 34,579 sample establishments with 20 or more workers.
4. 2013 Occupational Injuries Survey – magnitude of establishments affected by occupational accidents,
count of accidents, number and type of cases of injuries due to these accidents

Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) 2015-2016

Description Cases
Fatal 156
Non-fatal with lost workdays 17,703
Without lost workdays 33,102
Total cases of occupational injuries 50,961

All Industries (Establishments employing 20 and over) except

Agriculture 2003, 2007, 2009

INDICATOR 2003 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015

Total Cases* 23,265 20,386 17,713 48,957 49,118 50,961
Superficial Injuries and Open Wounds 11,609 10,517 9,045 11,140 12,765 10,042
Fractures 1,927 1,839 1,356 2,082 1,497 1,572
Dislocations, Sprains and Strains 3,336 2,366 2,085 2,460 2,004 2,254
Traumatic Amputations 547 234 194 220 317 228
Concussions and Internal Injuries 1,048 694 589 953 576 880
Burns, Corrosions, Scalds and Frostbites 2,300 2,065 1,781 2,073 1,538 1,509
Acute Poisonings and Infections 221 750 665 229 242 245
Foreign Body in the Eye 1,848 1,565 1,558 1,471 1,253 1,101
Others 430 356 451 7 510 28
Source of data: Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics 2003/2004, 2007/2008, 2009/2010, 2011
/2012 BLES Integrated Survey, Philippine Statistics Authority, 2013/2014, 2015/201 6 Integrated Survey
on Labor and Employment

All Industries (Establishments employing 20 and over) except Agriculture 2003, 2007, 2009

INDICATOR 2003 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015

Total Cases* 55,413 47,235 71,894 85,483 171,787 127,973
Work-Related Musculoskeletal
20,603 13,296 28,574 45,572 88,454 78,716
Occupational Dermatitis 5,028 5,965 5,644 4,374 9,381 6,196
Occupational Asthma 6,742 8,759 4,906 3,652 8,914 8,363
Infections 7,825 6,517 3,482 3,773 6,395 3,559
Tuberculosis - - 2,921 4,505 3,670 3,320
Heat stroke, cramps, exhaustion 631 577 633 1,044 1,792 1,078
Cardiovascular Diseases 1,454 854 767 2,030 1,679 1,567
Deafness 510 172 320 868 296 309
Chilblain, frostbite 150 112 37 99 268 321
Cataract 634 284 140 309 218 314
Acute Poisonings 202 189 192 91 125 N/A
Source of data: Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics 2003/2004, 2007/2008, 2009/2010, 2011 /2012 BLES Integrated
Survey Philippine Statistics Authority, 2013/2014, 2015/2016 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment

Impact of Work Injuries and Illness

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101
( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 3
1. “ Work-related safety and health problems result in an economic loss of 4–6% of GDP for most
2. “ About 70% of workers do not have any insurance to compensate them in case of occupational diseases
and injuries.”


2017 2016 2015

Reported Work-Alert 72 31 46
Fatal 95 29 125
Non-Fatal 117 44 69
With issued WSO 47 19 11
Work-Alert Report 2017 2016
Industry 2017 2016
Construction 36 14
Manufacturing 19 4
Services 5 5

OSH Compliance and Violations 2018

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 4


1. Non-adherence to reporting of work-related accidents or illnesses and other OSH requirements
2. Sustainability of compliance with Labor Laws/ Standards
3. Lack of commitment from management/workers

Percentage of Establishments Employing 20 or More Workers by Occupational Safety and Health

(OSH) Policy/Program Implemented and Major Industry, 2015-2016 (n= 28,799)

(Source: Philippine
Statistics Authority,
Integrated Survey on Labor
and Employment)


1. Low compliance rate to OSH Standard (OSHS)
2. Limited coverage of OSH Standard
3. Absence of strict penalties
4. Fragmented OSH Administration
5. Outdated OSH Standard

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 5

Better known as the Legislation on Occupational Safety and Health, we find four (4) references, namely:

1. P.D.442, Labor Code of the Philippines;

2. Book IV, Title I (Chapter I, Medical & Dental Services – Chapter II: Occ. Safety & Health Standards
3. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 11058 ENTITLED “An Act Strengthening Compliance With Occupational Safety
And Health Standards And Providing Penalties For Violations Thereof” and the
4. Implementing Rules and Regulations DOLE D.O. 198 series of 2018


The state affirms labor as a primary social and economic force and that a safe and healthy workforce is
integral in nation building.

Section 2 – COVERAGE
• All private establishments where work is being undertaken
• Includes establishments located inside special economic zones and other investment promotion agencies
(e.g. Philippine Economic Zone [PEZA], Clark Development Corporation [CDC])

Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) 1-2000; signed March 4, 2020, effective May 22, 2020: The
Rule covers the public sector such as national government agencies, government-owned and controlled
corporations, government financial institutions, state universities and colleges and local gov’t units.


A. DOLE Accredited Training Organizations – Refers to those which have been granted accreditation by
DOLE pursuant to Department Order No. 16-2001
B. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Standards – A set of rules issued by DOLE which mandates
the adoption and use of appropriate practices, means, methods, operations & working conditions to
ensure safe & healthful employment.
C. Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) – Establishments employing < 10 employees & < 100 employees,
D. General Safety & Health Inspection – An examination of the work environment, including the location
and operation of machinery other than those covered by technical safety audits, ventilation, and other
possible sources of safety and health hazards
E. COMPETENCY STANDARDS – Refers to industry determined specification of proficiency required
for effective work performance.
F. CERTIFIED FIRST-AIDER – Refers to any person trained and duly certified to administer first aid by
the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) or any organization authorized by the Secretary of Labor and
Employment. This includes Dept. of Health, Bureau of Fire Protection and TESDA
G. EMPLOYER – Any person, natural or juridical, including the contractor, subcontractor, and principal
employer who directly or indirectly benefit from the services of the employee.
H. WORKER - Refers to any member of the labor force, regardless of employment status.
I. Workers’ OSH Seminar – Refers to the mandatory eight (8)-hour module conducted by the safety officer
of the workplace as prescribed by the OSH standards.
J. Imminent Danger – A situation caused by a condition or practice in any place of employment that could
reasonably be expected to lead to death or serious physical harm
K. LOW RISK ESTABLISHMENT – Refers to a workplace where there is Low Level of danger or exposure
to safety and health hazards and not likely or with low probability to result in accident, harm or injury,
or illness.
L. MEDIUM RISK ESTABLISHMENT – Refers to a workplace where there is Moderate Exposure to
safety and health hazards and with probability of an accident, injury or illness, if no preventive or control
measures are in place.\
M. HIGH RISK ESTABLISHMENT – Refers to a workplace wherein the presence of hazard or potential
hazard within the company may affect the safety and/or health of workers

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 6
The following are workplaces commonly associated with potentially high-risk activities:
1. Chemical works and chemical production plants;
2. Construction;
3. Deep sea fishing;
4. Explosives and pyrotechnics factories;
5. Firefighting;
6. Healthcare facilities;
7. Installation of communication accessories, towers and cables;
8. LPG filling, refilling, storage and distribution;
9. Mining;
10. Petrochemical works and refineries;
11. Power generation, transmission and distribution in the energy sector;
12. Storage and distribution center for toxic or hazardous chemicals;
13. Storage of fertilizers in high volume;
14. Transportation;
15. Water supply, sewerage, waste management, remediation activities;
16. Works in which chlorine is used in bulk; and
17. Activities closely similar to those enumerated above and other activities as determined by DOLE in
accordance with existing issuances on the classification of establishments.


1. Capacity building of all workers including mandatory trainings;
2. Provision of information on OSH;
3. Use of devices/equipment with approved industry standards;
4. Compliance with all the requirements of the OSH Standards;
5. Provide appropriate DOLE tested & approved PPEs FREE of charge to the workers.


1. Participate in capacity building activities on safety and health and
2. Comply with instructions to prevent accidents or imminent danger situations in the workplace
3. Observe prescribed steps to be taken in cases of emergency
4. Proper use of all safeguards and safety devices furnished for workers’ protection and that of others


1. Any other person, including the builder or contactor who visits, builds, renovates or installs devices
or conducts business in any establishments or workplace, shall comply with the provisions of this
Rules and all other regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
2. Whenever 2 or more undertakings are engaged in activities simultaneously in one 1 workplace, it
shall be the duty of all concerned to collaborate and cooperate to ensure compliance with OSH
standards and regulations, other OSH related topics and programs;
3. REPORT TO THEIR IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR any work hazard that may be discovered in the

Section 5 - THE RIGHT TO KNOW:
The different types of hazards in the workplace; Be provided with training, education and orientation;


To refuse unsafe work without threat or reprisal from the employer in cases of imminent danger. Affected
workers may be temporarily assigned to other work areas;


To report accidents / dangerous occurrences to DOLE-ROs and other government agencies in the most
convenient way; Workers shall be free from retaliation for reporting accidents.

Section 8 - THE RIGHT TO PPE:

To be provided barriers whenever necessary by reason of the hazardous nature of the process or

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 7
All establishments, projects, sites and all other places where work is being undertaken shall have safety
signages and devices to warn the workers and the public of the hazards in the workplace.
Safety signage and devices shall be posted in prominent positions at strategic locations in a language
understandable to all, and in accordance with the OSH standards on color of signs for safety instructions
and warnings, Globally Harmonized System (GHS) pictograms, construction safety, classification and
labelling of chemicals, radiation, safety instructions and warning signs, set by DOLE


Contractor or Subcontractor, if any, must comply with the OSH standards set by DOLE on safety and
use of such equipment in the different phases of the company or project operation including the transport
to and from the establishment, project, site or place where work is being undertaken. Appropriate training
and certification by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) or other concerned government agency shall be a requirement for
operators before use of equipment, if applicable.


The employer, contractor or subcontractor, if any, shall provide the workers in all establishments,
projects and all other places where work is being undertaken adequate and suitable information on the
Workplace hazards; Control mechanisms; Appropriate measures; Emergency & disaster management

Section 12 - OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM - Covered workplaces shall

develop and implement a suitable OSH program and shall be guided by a format prescribed by DOLE.
1. The OSH program shall be updated, communicated and be made readily available to all persons in the
2. The core elements of OSH program are integrated in the company OSH program such as Management
Commitment and employee involvement, HIRAC, safety and health training and education, and OSH
program evaluation.
3. The company shall submit a copy of the OSH program to the DOLE Office having jurisdiction over the
4. A duly signed company commitment to comply OSH requirements together with the company OSH
program using the prescribed template shall be considered approved upon submission EXCEPT for
Construction Safety and Health Program which shall need approval by DOLE prior to construction.

Basic Components of Company OSH Program and Policy (DO 198-18, Chapter IV, Section 12)
1) Company Commitment to Comply with OSH Requirements
2) General Safety and Health Programs
a) Safety & Health Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Control (HIRAC) -
b) Medical Surveillance for early detection and management of occupational and work-related disease
c) First-aid and emergency medical services
3) Promotion of Drug Free workplace, Mental health Services in the Workplace, Healthy lifestyle
4) Prevention and Control of HIV-AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B
5) Composition and Duties of health and safety Committee
6) OSH Personnel and Facilities
7) Safety and Health Promotion, Training and Education
a) Orientation of all workers on OSH
b) Conduct of Risk Assessment, evaluation, Control -*Continuing training on OSH for OSH Personnel -
*Work permit System
8) Toolbox/Safety Meetings, job safety analysis
9) Accident/Incident/illness Investigation, Recording and Reporting
10) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
11) Safety signage
12) Dust control and management and regulation on activities such as building of temporary structures and
lifting and operation of electrical, mechanical, communications system and other requirements.
13) Welfare Facilities

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 8
14) Emergency and disaster preparedness and response plan to include the organization and creation of
disaster control groups, business continuity plan, and updating the hazard, risk and vulnerability
assessment (as required)
15) Solid waste management system
16) Compliance with Reportorial Government Requirement (refer to Item 9.0)
17) Control and Management of Hazards (refer to Item 2-HIRAC)
18) Prohibited Acts and Penalties for Violations
19) Cost of Implementing Company OSH program


a) For establishments with less than 10 workers and low risk establishments with 10 - 50 workers. –
A SO1 shall establish an OSH committee composed of the following:
Chairperson Company owner or manager
Secretary Safety officer of the workplace
Member At least one (1) worker, preferably a union member if organized

b) For medium to high risk establishments with 10-50 workers and low to high risk establishments
with 51 workers and above. – The OSH committee of the covered workplace shall be composed of
the following:
Ex-officio Employer or his/her representative
Secretary Safety officer of the workplace
Ex-officio Certified first-aider, OH nurse, OH dentist, and OH
members physician, as applicable
Members Safety officers representing the contractor or subcontractor, as the case may be, and
representative/s of workers who shall come from the union, if the workers are
organized, or elected workers through a simple vote of majority, if they are

c) For 2 or more establishments housed under one building or complex including malls. – When two
or more establishments are housed under one building or complex, the health and safety committee
organized in each workplace shall form themselves into a Joint Coordinating Committee to plan and
implement programs and activities concerning all the establishments.
Chairperson Building owner or his/her representative such as the building administrator
Secretary Safety officer of the building or complex appointed by the Chairperson
Members At least two safety officers from any of the establishment housed under one
building or complex
At least two workers’ representatives, one of which must be from a union if
organized, from any of the establishment housed under one building or complex


In the implementation of OSH program, the required safety officers shall be employed or designated with
the following duties and responsibilities:
(a) Oversee the overall management of the OSH program in coordination with the OSH committee;
(b) Frequently monitor and inspect any health or safety aspect of the operation being undertaken with
the participation of supervisors and workers;
(c) Assist government inspectors in the conduct of safety and health inspection at any time whenever
work is being performed or during the conduct of an accident investigation by providing necessary
information and OSH reports as required by the OSH standards; and (d) Issue Work Stoppage Order
(WSO) when necessary based on the requirements and procedures provided by the OSH standards.

Safety officer/s of all workplaces must possess the necessary training and experience requirement
according to its category as contained herein.

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 9
The respective qualifications of safety officers are as follows:

SO1 8 hours OSH Orientation Course

2 hours Trainors Training
SO2 Mandatory 40 hours training applicable to industry
SO3 Mandatory 40 hours trading applicable to industry
Additional 48 hours advance / specialized OSH training relevant to industry
At least 2 years’ experience in OSH\
Other requirements as prescribed by OSHS
SO4 Mandatory 40 hours training applicable to industry
Additional 80 hours advance / specialized OSH training relevant to industry
A total of 320 hours OSH related training or experience (additional training may be converted
to experience: 80 hours = 1-year experience or vice versa
Actual experience as SO3 for 4 years
Other requirements as prescribed by OSHS


The Safety Officer shall be certified by the company's Human Resource (HR) unit/section based on the
qualification requirements such as completion of the prescribed training and minimum years of OSH
experience as provided for under Section 14. Thus, the appointment of its own safety officers and the
appropriate category level of Safety Officer ( i.e. Safety Officer 1, Safety Officer 2, Safety Officer 3 and
Safety Officer 4) shall be issued by the company.

The engagement of the services of a certified OSH Consultant (SO4) shall be allowed for a period not
longer than one (1) year for establishments whose designated safety officer has to be trained or is in the
process of completing the prescribed training courses and relevant experience.

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 10
The employer may not establish an emergency hospital or dental clinic in the workplace where there is
a hospital or dental clinic which is located not more than five (5) kilometers away from the workplace,
accessible in not more than twenty-five (25) minutes travel time.

The employer has facilities readily available for transporting workers to the hospital or clinic in cases of
emergency. For this purpose, the employer shall enter into a written contract with the hospital or dental
clinic for the use of such hospital or dental clinic for the treatment of workers in cases of emergency.

However, this shall not excuse the employer from maintaining in his/her workplace a first aid treatment
room or clinic for workers.


1. First-Aider - Standard first aid training
2. OH Nurse - At least forty (40)-hour Basic OSH training course for OH Nurses
3. OH Dentist - At least forty (40)-hour Basic OSH training course
4. OH Physician - At least fifty-six (56)-hour Basic OSH training course for OH Physicians
The workers’ OSH seminar and other trainings/orientations as required by the employer and by any law
shall be at no cost on the worker and considered as compensable working time.


All employers, contractors or subcontractors, if any, shall submit to DOLE all safety and health reports,
and notifications such as but not limited to:
1. Annual Medical Report (AMR); DOLEBWCHSDOH-47-A
2. Report of the Safety Organization; (RSO) the OSH Committee Report DOLEBWCOHSDIP-5
3. Employer’s Work Accident Illness Report (WAIR); DOLEBWCOHSDIP-6
4. Annual Work Accident or injury Exposure Data Report (AEDR). DOLEBWCOHSDIP-6b
5. Government Safety Engineers Accident Investigation Report (Work-ALERT Form IP-6a_1)


The PRC shall determine the minimum and necessary competency on safety and health for OSH
personnel and use the same as equivalency in their application for Continuing Professional Development
(CPD) units. In order to professionalize, upgrade and update the level of competence of workers, TESDA
or PRC, shall establish national competency standards and prepare guidelines on competency assessment
and certification for critical occupations to include requirements on safety and health.

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 11
1. All establishments, projects, sites and all other places where work is being undertaken shall have the
following free welfare facilities in order to ensure humane working conditions:
2. Adequate supply of safe drinking water;
3. Adequate sanitary and washing facilities;
4. Suitable living accommodation for workers, as may be applicable such as in construction, shipping,
fishing and night workers;
5. Separate sanitary, washing and sleeping facilities for all gender, as may be applicable;
6. Lactation station except those establishments as provided for under DOLE Dept. Order No. 143-15;
7. Ramps, railings and the like; and
8. Other workers’ welfare facilities as may be prescribed by the OSH standards and other issuances.


All employers, contractors or subcontractors, if any, shall comply with other occupational safety and
health standards as provided for in the 1978 DOLE Occupational Safety and Health Standards, as


The total cost of implementing a duly approved OSH program shall be an integral part of the operations
cost. It shall be separate pay item in construction and in all contracting or subcontracting arrangements.


The employer, project owner, contractor, or subcontractor, if any, & any person who manages, controls
or supervises the work being undertaken shall be jointly & solitarily liable for compliance with OSH
standards including the penalties imposed for violation thereof as provided for in this Rules.


1. All matters arising from the visitorial and enforcement power of the Secretary of Labor and Employment
or his/her duly authorized representatives shall be governed by the applicable rules on the administration
and enforcement of labor laws pursuant to Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Philippines, as
renumbered, and other laws.
2. The Secretary of Labor or his/her duly authorized representatives with the appropriate inspection
authority shall have the authority:
3. To enforce the mandatory OSH standards in all establishments and conduct an annual spot audit on its
compliance for the same. Must be attended by a Safety Officer and representative of the management
and workers of the establishment.
4. May order stoppage of work or suspension of operations of any unit or department of an establishment
when non-compliance to this Rules, OSH standards and other applicable laws poses grave and imminent
danger to the safety and health of workers in the workplace.
5. Any kind of self-assessment shall not take the place of labor inspection conducted by DOLE.
6. No person or entity shall obstruct, impede, delay or otherwise render ineffective the orders of the
Secretary of Labor and Employment or the Secretary’s duly authorized representatives issued pursuant
to the authority granted under Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Philippines, and no lower court or
entity shall issue temporary or permanent injunction or restraining order or otherwise assume jurisdiction
over any case involving the enforcement orders.


2. If stoppage of work due to imminent danger occurs as a result of the employer’s violation or fault, the
employer shall pay the affected workers their corresponding wages during the period of such stoppage
of work or suspension of operations.
3. For purposes of payment of wages and any other liabilities arising from the WSO, the employer is
presumed as party at fault if the WSO was issued secondary to an imminent danger situation which would
imperil the lives of the workers. A mandatory conference not later than 72 hours shall be held to
determine whether the WSO will be lifted or not.


A worker may file claims for compensation benefit arising out of work-related disability or death. Such
claims shall be processed independently of the finding of fault, gross negligence or bad faith of the
-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101
( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 12
employer in a proceeding instituted for the purpose. The employer shall provide the necessary assistance
to employees applying for claims.


There shall be established package of incentives under such rules and regulations as may be promulgated
by the DOLE to qualified employers and workers to recognize their efforts towards ensuring compliance
with OSH and general labor standards such as OSH training packages, additional protective equipment,
technical guidance, recognition awards and other similar incentives.


There shall be willful failure or refusal to comply with the OSH standards if the following exists:

1. A record on the safety report of SO or minutes of the meeting of the OSH committee that there’s a
violation of the OSH standards but no action has been made despite findings of OSH violation/s,
2. Repeated simple refusal or failure to comply following a report to DOLE by the worker of prohibited
act/s committed by employer, or Presence of risk or danger in plain view.
3. Should there be non-compliance of two (2) or more items, all penalties shall be imposed; however, the
total daily penalty shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand Pesos (₱ 100,000.00).
4. Fines for micro establishments with one (1) to nine (9) workers, and small establishments with ten (10)
to fifty (50) workers shall have a 0.5 factor if OSH violation has been corrected not later than forty-eight
(48) hours.
5. When the violation exposes the worker to death, serious injury or serious illness, the imposable penalty
shall be One Hundred Thousand Pesos (₱100,000.00).
6. The Secretary of Labor and Employment may issue additional violations and corresponding fines
following consultation with stakeholders.
7. An employer, contractor or subcontractor who was found to be a repeat violator of the above prohibited
acts shall have the penalty of additional fifty percent (50%) thereof and shall be compounded for every
instance of repeat violation.

Section 34 – EFFECTIVITY
This Rules shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in a newspaper of general circulation.
Signed: 06 December 2018 / Published: 09 January 2019 / Effectivity: 25 January 2019.

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 13

Expressly, it is known that there are several major theories concerning accident causation, each of which
has some explanatory and predictive value.
1. The domino theory developed by H. W. Heinrich, a safety engineer and pioneer in the field of
industrial accident safety.
2. Human Factors Theory
3. Accident/Incident Theory
4. Epidemiological Theory
5. Systems Theory
6. The energy release theory, developed by Dr. William Haddon, Jr., of the Insurance Institute for
Highway Safety.
7. Behavior Theory
Accident theories guide safety investigations. They describe the scope of an investigation.

Heinrich's Domino Theory

According to Heinrich, an "accident" is one factor in a sequence that may lead to an injury.
• The factors can be visualized as a series of dominoes standing on edge; when one falls, the linkage
required for a chain reaction is completed.
• Each of the factors is dependent on the preceding factor.


Heinrich’s Dominos – The Process

1. A personal injury (the final domino) occurs only as a result of an accident.

2. An accident occurs only as a result of a personal or mechanical hazard.
3. Personal and mechanical hazards exist only through the fault of careless persons or poorly designed or
improperly maintained equipment.
4. Faults of persons are inherited or acquired as a result of their social environment or by ancestry.
5. The environment is where and how a person was raised and educated.

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Heinrich’s Domino Theory – Critical Issues

• The factor preceding the accident (the unsafe act or the mechanical or physical hazard) and it should
receive the most attention.
• Heinrich felt that the person responsible at a company for loss control should be interested in all five
factors, but be concerned primarily with accidents and the proximate causes of those accidents.
• Heinrich also emphasized that accidents, not injuries or property damage, should be the point of attack.
– An accident is any unplanned, uncontrolled event that could result in personal injury or property
damage. For example, if a person slips and falls, an injury may or may not result, but an accident
has taken place.

Heinrich’s Domino Theory – Corrective Action Sequence (The three “E”s)

• Engineering
o Control hazards through product design or process change
• Education
o Train workers regarding all facets of safety
o Impose on management that attention to safety pays off
• Enforcement
o Insure that internal and external rules, regulations, and standard operating procedures are
followed by workers as well as management.


Heinrich posed his model in terms of a single domino leading to an accident. The premise here is that
human errors cause accidents. These errors are categorized broadly as:
1. OVERLOAD - The work task is beyond the capability of the worker
a. Includes physical and psychological factors
b. Influenced by environmental factors, internal factors, and situational factors
a. To hazards and safety measures (worker’s fault)
b. To incompatible work station (management, environment faults)
a. Lack of training and misjudgment of risk

But the structure of this theory is still a cause/effect format.


Extension of human factors theory. Here the following new elements are introduced:
1. Ergonomic trap - These are incompatible work stations, tools or expectations
(management failure)
2. Decision to err - Unconscious or conscious (personal failure) •
3. Systems failure - Management failure (policy, training, etc.)

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1. This field studies relationship between environmental factors and disease

2. Can be used to study causal factors in a relationship

Two key components:

1. Predisposition characteristics - tendencies may predispose worker to certain actions

2. Situational characteristics - peer pressure, poor attitude, risk taking

Together these characteristics can cause or prevent accidents that a person predisposed to a given
situation or condition may succumb to.

Summary - Traditional Chain-of-Events Accident Causality Models

1. Explain accidents in terms of multiple events, sequenced as a forward chain over time.
2. Events linked together by direct relationships (ignore indirect relationships).
3. Events almost always involve component failure, human error, or energy-related events.
4. Causality models form the basis for most safety-engineering and reliability engineering analyses
and/or designs.

Limitations of Event-Chain Causality Models

1. Neglects social and organizational factors

2. Does not adequately account for human error
– One cannot simply and effectively model human behavior by decomposing it into
individual decisions and actions. One cannot study human error in isolation from:
i. physical and social context
ii. value system in which behaviors takes place; and
iii. dynamic work process
3. Neglects adaptation
– Major accidents involve systematic migration of organizational behavior to higher levels
of risk.

Reliability Engineering vs. System Safety

1. Both arose after World War II

2. Reliability engineering is often confused with system safety engineering, but they are different and
sometimes even conflict
3. Reliability engineering focuses on quantifying probabilities of failure.
4. System safety analysis (e.g., fault tree analysis) focuses on eliminating and controlling hazards
a. Considers interactions among components and not just component failures
b. Includes non-technical aspects of systems
5. Highly reliable systems may be unsafe and safe systems may not be reliable.

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Civil Engineers are
accustomed to these
types of charts –
CPM diagram
(aka a PERT chart).

Under normal circumstances chances of an accident is low. Rather than looking at the environment as
being full of hazards and people prone to errors, system safety assumes harmony (steady state) exists
between individuals and the work environment.

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Systems Theory Applied to Transportation Engineering

1. The driver is a victim – this assumes the demands that the traffic system puts on the driver is too
complex for the driver’s limited capacity to process information.
2. As a result of this assumption the system must be designed to be less complex, which prevents
errors from occurring.
3. “The energy and barriers perspective”: The system must also reduce the negative consequences of
errors, i.e., introduce safety margins that allows the driver to incur an error without being hurt too


William Haddon a medical doctor and the administrator of NHTSA at one point in time, in 1966 helped
to impose the following regulations for new cars:
1. Seat belts for all occupants
2. Energy-absorbing steering column
3. Penetration-resistant windshield
4. Dual braking systems
5. Padded instrument panel
6. All measures correspond with the energy and barrier concept

• The systems theory approach, in contrast to the energy release theory, treats the driver as a passive
responder in his environment.
• The evidence is that he is in fact an active participant, regulating his/her level of preferred risk
• Risk compensation/ behavioral adaptation: operators within a system may take advantage of safety
measures in other ways than to increase safety
• Two basic forms of compensation to road safety measures:
– Increased speed
– Reduced attention


” ... more efficient brakes on an automobile will not in themselves make driving the automobile any
safer. Better brakes will reduce the absolute size of the minimum stopping zone, it is true, but the driver
soon learns this new zone and . he allows only the same relative margin between field and zone as
Reference: Gibson J. J. & Crooks L. E. (1938): A theoretical field analysis of automobile driving. The
American Journal of Psychology, 51, 453-471

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 18

Not a blame model


• Often referred to as behavior-based safety (BBS)

• 7 basic principles of. BBS – Intervention
– Identification of internal factors
– Motivation to behave in the desired manner
– Focus on the positive consequences of appropriate behavior – Application of the scientific method
– Integration of information
– Planned interventions

• Accidents may/may not fall under any one model
• Result from factors in several models.
• One model cannot be applied to all accidents


-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 19

Risk Assessment is made up of the following processes: Identifying workplace hazards, Evaluating
risks to worker’s safety and health and Control the relevant hazards.

Hazard and Risk

Any source of potential damage, harm, or adverse health effect on people.

A combination of the probability of occurrence of a hazardous event and the severity of injury or damage
to the health of people caused by this event.

Risk Assessment Steps

European Agency of Safety and Health at Work

• Identifying hazards /those at risk

• Evaluating, prioritizing risks
• Deciding on preventive action
• Taking action

Hazard Identification? It is the process of finding and identifying:

• Hazardous agents (situations, products etc.) That could contribute to provoking an occupational
accident or/and disease
• Workers are potentially exposed to these hazards.

Hazards, from where?

• Man - Lack of physical or mental capacity, lack of knowledge or skills, lack of right attitude or
• Machine - Workplace lay-out, machines, hand tools, software & hardware, tables or chairs
• Material - Dangerous substances, heavy loads and sharp or warm objects
• Method - Tasks, working hours, breaks, training, communication, team work, contact with visitors,
social support or autonomy.
• Environment - Exposures to extreme light, noise, climate, vibrations, air quality or dust

Identification of Hazards
1. Safety Hazards
• The harm results in some kind of injury to the worker
• Working conditions where harm to the workers is of an immediate & violent nature
• Result in broken bones, cuts, bruises, sprains, loss of limbs, etc.
• Associated with poorly guarded or dangerous equipment & machinery

2. Health Hazards
• Working conditions which result in an illness
• Often, latency between exposure & disease
• Exposure to dangerous substances or conditions such as chemicals, gases, dusts, noise, etc.

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Evaluation of Risk

RISK = (Probability) of PROBABILITY

event Multiplied by
(Severity) of harm

Hazard Hazardous Event Harm


RISK = (Probability) of event Multiplied by (Severity) of harm

Review the Hierarchy of Controls

1. Elimination - eliminate the hazard at the source

2. Substitution - provide an alternative that is capable of performing the same task & is safer to use.
3. Engineering - provide or construct physical barrier or guard, Requires a physical change to the
workplace, material or machines
4. Administrative - develop policies, procedures, practices & guidelines. Provide trainings, instructions &
supervision about the hazard
5. PPE - Personal equipment designed to protect the individual from the hazard. Control that requires the
worker to wear a barrier - it’s the last resort






Hierarchy of Controls

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 21

Terms Defined:

Safety - Freedom from accidents / injuries. Absence of hazardous conditions and acts

Health - Freedom from illness. It is the state of wellness, not just the absence of disease

Hazard – The potential of an Act or Condition that can lead to an accident

Risk – the chance of physical or personal loss

Safety Hazards - Acts or conditions that can lead to injuries

Health Hazards - Acts or conditions that can lead to illness

Accidents - these are unexpected, unforeseen, unplanned and unwanted occurrences or events that cause
damage or loss of materials or properties, injury or death.
• An accident is usually the result of contact of a body (or man) with a source of energy above the
threshold limit of the body.
• An occurrence that interrupts the normal and orderly progress of any activity
• May lead to physical harm, damage to property, delay in operation or even death.

Immediate Causes of Accidents:

1. Unsafe or Unhealthy ACTS

A violation of a commonly accepted safe procedures and or processes.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) defines this as “any human action that violates a
commonly accepted safe work procedure or standard operating procedure.” This is an act done by a
worker that does not conform or departs from an established standard, rules or policy. These often happen
when a worker has improper attitudes, physical limitations or lacks knowledge or skills.

2. Unsafe or Unhealthy CONDITIONS

The physical or chemical property of a material, machine or the environment that may result in injury to
a person, damage or destruction to property and other losses;

The ANSI defines this as the physical or chemical property of a material, machine or the environment
which could possibly cause injury to people, damage to property, disrupt operations in a plant or office
or other forms of losses. These conditions could be guarded or prevented.

Examples of unsafe conditions include: slippery and wet floors, dusty work area, congested plant lay-
out, octopus wiring, scattered objects on the floor/work area, poor storage system, protruding nails and
sharp objects, unguarded rotating machines/equipment, etc.

What will you look for as Safety Officers?

• Examples of Unsafe Acts
• Operating equipment without authority
• Removing safety devices
• Using Defective equipment
• Improper / Non-use of PPE
• Horse playing
• Working while under the influence of alcohol or drugs

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 22
Examples of Unsafe Conditions
• Inadequate guards or protection
• Defective tools or equipment
• Congested or blocked exits
• Inadequate warning systems
• Slippery floors
• Hazardous environmental condition

Factors Contributing to Unsafe Acts & Conditions

• Improper Attitude
• Physical Limitations
• Lack of Knowledge or Skills
• Lack of Supervision
• Unsafe system of work
• Lack of motivation
• Non-adherence to OSH

ACCIDENTS are caused... so ACCIDENTS can be prevented

Mr. Hienrich’s Survey

88% Unsafe or Unhealthy Acts
10% Unsafe or Unhealthy Conditions
2% Acts of Nature

98% Accidents are Preventable
2% Non-Preventable


Immediate causes of accidents or illnesses

Unsafe or unhealthy Acts Unsafe or unhealthy conditions


Unable Unnoticed

Unmotivated Uncorrected

• Accidents and injuries result to losses of lives, limbs, time and property
• Most accidents at work could have been prevented
• Every workplace has different hazards, risk, levels of exposure. Tailor fit your OSH response.
• Conduct workplace risk assessment through hazards IDENTIFICATION, EVALUATION and

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 23
What is Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)?
Occupational Safety and Health is a discipline with a broad scope involving three major fields –
Occupational Safety, Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene.

Occupational Safety deals with understanding the causes of accidents at work and ways to prevent
unsafe act and unsafe conditions in any workplace. Safety at work discusses concepts on good
housekeeping, proper materials handling and storage, machine safety, electrical safety, fire prevention
and control, safety inspection, and accident investigation.

Occupational Health is a broad concept which explains how the different hazards and risks at work may
cause an illness and emphasizes that health programs are essential in controlling work-related and/or
occupational diseases.

Industrial Hygiene discusses the identification, evaluation, and control of physical, chemical, biological
and ergonomic hazards (more on this in the section on Industrial Hygiene).

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is targeted towards achieving:

1. The promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of
workers in all occupations;
2. The prevention of adverse health effects of the working conditions;
3. The placing and maintenance of workers in an occupational environment adapted to physical and
mental needs;
4. The adaptation of work to humans (not vice versa).

OSH encompasses the social, mental and physical well-being of workers, that is, the “whole person”.

Types of accidents:
1. Fall from height and fall from the same level (slips and trips)
2. Struck against rigid structure, sharp or rough objects
3. Struck by falling objects
4. Caught in, on or in between objects
5. Electrocution
6. Fire

Causes of Accidents are classified as:

1. Unsafe Condition - seen as the situation or source containing the hazard or force
2. Unsafe Act - a violation of safe procedure
o Act of omission – omitted the action which resulted in an accident
o Act of commission – committed the action which resulted in an accident

Unsafe / unhealthy Condition: the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) defines this as the
physical or chemical property of a material, machine or the environment which could possibly cause
injury to people, damage to property, disrupt operations in a plant or office or other forms of losses.
These conditions could be guarded or prevented.

Examples of unsafe conditions include: slippery and wet floors, dusty work area, congested plant lay-
out, octopus wiring, scattered objects on the floor/work area, poor storage system, protruding nails and
sharp objects, unguarded rotating machines/equipment, etc.

Unsafe / unhealthy Act: the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) defines this as “any human
action that violates a commonly accepted safe work procedure or standard operating procedure.” This is
an act done by a worker that does not conform or departs from an established standard, rules or policy.
These often happen when a worker has improper attitudes, physical limitations or lacks knowledge or

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 24

Let us begin by saying that Hazards are Identified through:

1. Walk through survey or ocular inspection
2. Review of processes involved
3. Knowing the raw materials used, products and by products
4. Gathering of workers’ complaints
5. Safety Data Sheet

Occupational Safety Hazards:

1. Poor Housekeeping
2. Fire
3. Use of Machines
4. Electricity
5. Materials Handling


Cost of Poor Housekeeping

1. Trips, and falls
2. Fires
3. Chemical and machine accidents
4. Injuries from electrical problems
5. Collisions and falling objects
6. Health problems Eliminates accident and fire hazards

Good Housekeeping - this is the foundation of a safe, healthy and pleasant workplace.
1. It is essential that all areas be kept clean, orderly, and with all necessary things in the proper places.
2. Housekeeping is not just keeping your workplace clean and safe but it is an effective workplace
3. Housekeeping means there is a place for everything and everything is in place. It is everybody’s
business to observe it in the workplace.
4. Housekeeping is important because it lessens accidents and related injuries and illnesses; it therefore
improves productivity, and minimizes direct and indirect costs ofaccidents/illnesses.

The 5-S System

• It is a set of systematized steps of good housekeeping to organize work areas, keeps rules and
standards, and maintain the discipline needed to perform a good job.
• It engages all employees in bringing about continuous improvements and foundation of Self-
discipline on the job that will result to greater Productivity, Quality & Safety.
• A visually-oriented system of cleanliness, organization, and arrangement designed to facilitate
greater Productivity, Quality & Safety.

Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain

Sort (Seiri)
(Seiton) (Seiso) (Seiketsu) (Shitsuke)

5S Program
Seiri Sort Suriin
Seiton Systematize Sinupin
Seiso Sweep Simutin
Seiketsu Standardize Siguraduhin

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Shitsuke Self-discipline Sariling kusa

5-S System Procedure

1-S: SEIRI (Sorting / Suriin)

• Means clearly distinguish between items needed to be kept and what needs to be discarded
• Means removal of items not needed for current operation and activity in the workplace.

2-S: SEITON (Set In Order / Sinupin)

• Means that items needed in the workplace are arranged so that they are easy to find, easy to use
and easy to return.

3-S – SEISO (Shine / Simutin)

• Means SHINE, keeping the workplace swept, clean and organized by ingraining such habits as
part of the work culture instead of making cleaning a periodic exercise
• Cleaning also means Inspection
• The Best Cleaning is no cleaning at all

4-S: SEIKETSU - (Standardize / Siguraduhin ang kalinisan)

• This means creating a consistent way to carry out tasks and procedure
• Everyone does it the same (documented) way.
• Make it habit! Repeat and Repeat and Repeat
• It integrates Sort, Set in order, and Shine into a unified whole

5-S: SHITSUKE – (Self Discipline / Sariling Kusa)

• It means how to challenge to sustain the gains of 1S to 4S activities
• KEYPOINT: SELF DISCIPLINE – the will to do what is right regardless if monitored or not
• Having an initiative to do work and start work without being told.
• Have the discipline to follow rules without being told or even if nobody is around to take notice.
• Always follow and observe company rules and regulations
• Focus Improvement to sustain 5S System
• Know What is Right, Value What is Right, Do What is Right
• Self-Discipline: Employee understands, obeys, and practices the rules all the time.


This is the active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of combustion (RA 9514). It
is a rapid oxidation process accompanied with the evolution of light and heat of varying intensities.

Characteristics and Behavior of Fire

It is virtually impossible to predict exactly when a fire will occur and, upon its inception, the extent of
its destructive potential. However, through scientific knowledge of ignition, the combustibility of solids,
liquids, and gases, and the products of combustion, effective ways to control the dangers of fire and
explosion can be determined.

Ordinary fire (one that can be extinguished by ordinary extinguishing agents) results from combustion
of fuel, heat and oxygen. When a substance that will burn is heated to a certain critical temperature
called its “ignition temperature”, it will ignite and continue to burn as long as there is fuel, the proper
temperature, and a supply of oxygen. For many years, the three-sided figure of the fire triangle has
adequately been used to explain and describe the combustion and extinguishing theory. If anyone of the
three elements is removed, a fire cannot exist. A new theory has developed to explain combustion and
extinguishments further. This is the transition from the plain geometric triangular figure, which we
recognize as the fire triangle, to a four-sided geometric figure, a tetrahedron, which resembles a
-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101
( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 26

Normal air contains 21% Any heat energy sufficient to

Oxygen. Some fuel materials release vapor from the fuel and
contain sufficient oxygen cause ignition
within their makeup to support HEAT
burning. Source

REACTION The Components needed to
ignite and sustain a fire.
Source Source

Common sources of heat that cause fires

• Overloaded electrical system
• Open flames
• Smoking or cigarette butts
• Hot surfaces
• Friction
• Cutting & welding
• Electrical spark

Classification of Fires and Extinguishing Methods

Class A Fires – Fires involving ordinary combustible materials, such as wood, cloth, paper, rubber and
many plastics. Class A Extinguishment – water is used in cooling or quenching effect to reduce the
temperature of the burning material below its ignition temperature.

Class B Fires– Fires involving flammable liquids, greases and gases. Class B
Extinguishment – The smothering or blanketing effect of oxygen exclusion is most effective. Other
extinguishing methods include removal of fuel and temperature reduction.

Class C Fires– Fires involving energized electrical equipment. Class C Extinguishment – This fire can
sometimes be controlled by non- conducting extinguishing agent. The safest procedure is always to
attempt to de-energized high voltage circuits and treat as Class A or B fire depending upon the fuel

Class D Fires– Fire involving combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium and
potassium. Class D Extinguishment – The extremely high temperature of some burning metals makes
water and other common extinguishing agents ineffective. There is no agent available that will effectively
control fires in all combustible metals. Special extinguishing agents are available for control of fire in
each of the metals and are marked specifically for that metal.

Class K Fires– Fire involving animal fats, seen mostly in kitchen fires and deep fryers. Never throw
water on a kitchen fire. The water will be wrapped by the oil

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Basic Chemistry of Fire
1. Fuel or Combustible material – a material, which contains chemical elements that will react with
oxygen, and under proper conditions, produce fire.
2. Oxygen – we need 16% oxygen to sustain fire.
3. Sufficient heat to raise the temperature of the fuel surface to a point where chemical union of
the fuel and oxygen occurs.
4. Chemical Chain Reaction – vapors of gases, which are distilled during burning process of a
material, are carried into the flame.

3 Methods of Heat Transfer

1. Conduction – direct conduct of heat from one body to another.
2. Convention – the circulating medium of heat transfer, occurs upward.
3. Radiation – when energy travels through space or material in waves.

Products of Combustion – When a fuel burns, it undergoes chemical changes and there are four products
of combustion:
1. Fire Gases – refers to the vaporized products of combustion.
2. Flame – is the visible luminous body of a burning gas, which becomes hotter and less luminous
when it is mixed with increased amounts of oxygen.
3. Heat – is a form of energy, which is measured in degrees of temperature to signify its intensity.
It is responsible for the spread of fire.
4. Smoke – is a visible product of incomplete combustion.

Phases of Burning
1. Initial stage or Incipient Phase or Beginning Phase
2. Growth or Flame Producing Phase or Free-Burning Phase - Fully developed
3. Decay Smoldering Phase

Important Points to Remember About Liquid Fuels

• Flashpoint - The lowest temperature at which liquid fuel gives off flammable vapors
• Flammable liquid - A liquid having a flash point below 100 F (37.8 °C)
• Combustible liquid - A liquid having a flash point at or above 100 F (37.8 °C)

Flammable Liquid Flashpoint °C

Gasoline -42.8 The lower the flashpoint,
Acetone -20 the more dangerous a
substance is.
Isopropyl Alcohol 12
Combustible Liquid Flashpoint
Kerosene 38.8
Corn Oil 254

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 28
Top Causes of Fire in the Philippines
• Inhalation of Toxic Fumes
o Carbon Monoxide
o Carbon Dioxide
o Hydrogen Cyanide
• Deprivation of oxygen (Asphyxia)
• Effects of Heat (Hyperthermia)
• Backdraft or smoke explosion

Causes of Fire Deaths

• Faulty or Overloaded Electrical System
• Open flames and candles
• Neglected Electrical Devices or Appliances
• LPG, Smoking and matches
• Lightning & Sparks
• Friction & Spontaneous combustion


Location No. of Deaths

Ozone Disco, Q.C. (Plus 83 Injured, P15M In Damages) 160
Philippine Lung Center 25
Damas De Islas De Filipinas 27
Qc Manor Hotel 75
Novo Jeans and Shirts Clothing Store 17
Kentex Manufacturing Factory 72
NCCC Mall Davao 38



• An assemblage of parts that transmit forces, motion and energy in a predetermined manner.
• Can be simple or compound

Where Mechanical Hazards Occur

The subject matter is designed in such a way that by the end of the period, the user will be able to list
different mechanical hazards in the workplace; enumerate the safe guidelines for machine use; and point
out machine guards and machine safeguards.

1. Point of Operation
A point in the machine where work is performed directly on the material. (Cutting, Shaping, Boring or
Forming stock, Punching, Shearing, Bending, Cutting).

2. Power Transmission Apparatus

Any component of the mechanical system, which transmits energy to another part of the machine
performing the work (flywheels, pulleys, belts, couplings, gears). Hence performance is indirectly.

3. Other Moving Parts

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All parts of the machine which moves while the machine is in operation (Reciprocating, rotating, and
transverse moving parts)

Where Mechanical Hazards Occur

Other Moving Parts

Power Transmission

Point of Operation

Causes of Machine Related Accidents

• An individual making unwanted contact with a moving part of a machine.
• Something flying from the machine.
• A machine malfunction, including mechanical and electrical energy sources failure.
• Workpiece movement during a forming or cutting process

Effects of Machine Related Accidents

• Can result to severe injuries
• Loss of trained and skilled employee
• Loss in productivity
• Damaged equipment


• A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles. Electricity is the flow of
moving electrons. When the electrons flow it is called an electrical current.
• Failure to ensure a safe design, proper work procedures, proper servicing and maintenance of
electrical equipment often result in bodily harm or death, property damage or both.
• Electricity usually does not look hazardous. Many people have been electrocuted when they thought
they knew what they were doing.
• Today almost all industries and manufacturing relies on electricity in the workplace – from lighting
to operating complex machinery

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 30
• The employer must train employees in safe work practices in working with electrical equipment.
• The training rules distinguish between workers & Authorized Personnel.

Our personal safety depends on understanding and practicing three (3) things:

• Basic principles of electrical safety

• Safe work practices
• Correct response to emergencies

Basic Electrical Terms:

• Voltage (E) - The difference in potentials between points (measured in volts)

• Current (I) - The movement or flow of electric charges (measured in amperes).
• Resistance (Ω) - The property of material, which opposes the flow of electric current (ohms).
• Ohm’s Law - The current flowing in a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely
proportional to the resistance.
• Conductor – Permits electrons or electric current to flow through it.
• Insulator - Used to provide barrier around a conductor (to prevent accidental contact).

Electric circuit
Any combination of a conductor and a source of electricity connected together to permit electrons to
travel in a continuous stream.

Electricity may take multiple paths, flowing through all possible circuits. The greatest amount of current
will flow through the path of least resistance, or lowest impedance.

Any part of your body that accidentally bridges the gap between two different voltage levels creates a
new electrical circuit, and your body may provide the path of least resistance to the ground. Equipment
grounding connects all conductive materials that enclose electrical lines.

Bypassing grounds or careless handling of grounding connections can result in electrical fires, shock and

A circuit-protection device (CPD) protects against circuit malfunction by preventing too much current
from passing from the power source through the rest of the circuit.

If current flow exceeds a CPD’s rated max amperage, the device will stop the flow by melting, tripping
or opening to break the circuit.

There are three direct and two indirect types of electrical accidents:

Direct Indirect

Electrocution or death
due to electric shock Fall

Electric shock

Burns Fire

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Causes of Electrical Accidents

• Contact with live conductors

• Short circuiting
• Arcs and sparks
• Overloading
• Inadequate grounding
• Non-usage of standard replacement
• Wet environment


A failure or malfunction within the electrical components of equipment or machinery can cause
electrical fires. Electrical fires originate in electric wires, cables, circuit breakers, and within electrical
• Electric short
• Circuiting
• Arcing blast and sparks
• Overloading
• Use and Misuse of defective electrical equipment

Clues That Electrical Hazards Exist

• Tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses
• Warm tools, wires, cords, connections, or junction boxes
• Circuit breaker that shuts off a circuit
• Worn or frayed insulation around wire or connection

Causes of Electrocution Fatalities

• Contact with Overhead Power lines
• Not following Lockout/Tagout procedures
• Contact with Live Circuits
• Poorly Maintained Extension Cords
• Defective Power Tools

Electric Portable Tools


Damaged or Ground prong

broken casing missing on 3-prong

Damaged cord,
outer sheath
broken Symbol
It is ok if the wire
of the tools are
double insulated

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The likelihood of being shocked is greatly multiplied in damp locations
• People are excellent conductors
• Never use electrical equipment in damp or wet areas
• Do Not spray water around any electrical source

A material having many free electrons that can move easily.

A material having few free electrons that cannot move easily.

SHOCK is the most serious electrical hazard.

• This happens when you touch a live wire, a tool or a machine with poor insulation.
• You then become a conductor. The shock that you feel is the electrical current going through your
• Severity of the shock depends on:
• Path of current through the body
• Amount of current flowing through the body (amps)
• Duration of the shocking current through the body.


Zero Accidents can be achieved when workers follow simple practical guidelines in lifting, transferring
or handling materials. Incorrect procedures in carrying out these tasks can, and will result to body injuries
when not properly addressed.


After the training, participants will be able to demonstrate with confidence the proper and safe materials
handling in accordance to the Occupational Safety and Health Standards, thus, completing the task with

A technique which includes the art of lifting, moving, and storing materials. It refers to any method used
for moving materials by people, by people using equipment

Manual handling is a common activity in most workplaces. It includes lifting, lowering, pulling, pushing,
carrying, moving, holding or restraining an object. Injuries and musculoskeletal disorders affect the
back, neck, shoulders, arms & hands. It can be prevented through a systemic approach of identification,
assessment and control of risks associated with manual handling


Manual Handling
Is the of lifting, transporting and packaging of products using own physical strength.
Hand operated handling, transporting and packaging of products.

Mechanical Handling
Pertains to more rigid, powered and non-powered mechanics mainly for handling bulky and heavy items

Hazards Associated with Materials Handling

• Physical strain or over-exertion
• Falling load
• Collision
• Hits, cuts, blows
• Trapped between objects
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Causes of Back Injuries and Back Pain
• Repeated Lifting of Materials
• Lifting Too Much Weight
• Sudden Movements, Shift of Load, Whole Body Vibrations
• Lifting & Twisting at the same time
• Bending over for long periods of time
• Bending Back
• Twisting with load
• Attempting to much weight (load too heavy)
• Reaching too far
• Lifting to one side
• Off – balance shifting
• Failure to use personal PPE, such as gloves and safety shoes

Anatomy of the Back

• Ligaments hold the spine’s vertebrae together.
• Muscles are attached to the vertebrae by bands of tissue called tendons (imagine rubber bands).
• Between each vertebra is a cushion known as a disc (marshmallow).
• Spinal vertebra (backbone).
• Openings in each vertebra line up to form a long, hollow canal.
• The spinal cord runs through this canal from the base of the brain.
• Nerves from the spinal cord branch out and exit the spine through the spaces between the vertebra.

Mechanism of Back Injury

As you lift (or maintain stagnant postures for a prolonged time), the vertebra compresses each of the
inter-vertebral discs causing these to squeeze out through the spaces in each vertebra. These, in turn, can
press upon nerves that also exit the spaces from the spinal cord, thus producing the sensation of pain
along the back.


Disc compression

Anterior forces stronger than posterior forces Disc herniation Other Disc Disorders

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Industrial Truck Safety Popular Misconceptions
• “Anyone can drive a lift truck.”
• “They handle just like a car.”
• “They are easier to drive than a car.”
• “You don’t need any training to safely drive a fork lift.”

• A deteriorating housekeeping may be the first evidence of a deteriorating safety and health program
• Lifting and moving things at work is something you probably do every day. Unfortunately, it’s also
an everyday cause of disabling injuries and even deaths!
• To produce fire, three things must be present at the time: Fuel, Heat and Oxygen.
• Mechanical hazards occur:
• at the point of operation,
• power transmission components and
• other exposed moving parts of the machine.
• Failure to ensure a safe design, proper work procedures, proper servicing and maintenance of
electrical equipment often result in bodily harm or death, property damage or both.


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Objectives for this module are as follows:

• To Explain the principles of Industrial Hygiene
• To Identify health hazards in their workplace


Basic approaches to achieving Occupational Safety and Health in the workplace begin with the
Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene – this is the control of hazards to acceptable limits. Industrial
hygiene is “the science and art devoted to the identification, evaluation and control of environmental
factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace, which may cause sickness, impaired health and well-
being, or significant discomfort and inefficiency among workers or citizens of the community.”

Concerns of Industrial Hygiene

Detection, measurement and evaluation of hazards in the workplace.

Planning & implementation of measures to improve environment.
The conservation of health & prosperity of the workers and his community.

1. A safe working environment.
2. A safe system of work.
3. Provide adequate facilities for the welfare of their employees.
4. Provide information, training and supervision to ensure employees’ safety from injury and health

• Take reasonable care to protect own’s health and safety at work.
• Follow and Comply with the company’s Health and Safety guidelines primarily, the use of safety
devices and PPE.

What are Health Hazards?

According to medical dictionaries:
1. Any agent or activity posing a potential hazard to health
2. Any organism, chemicals, conditions, or circumstance that may cause illness

1. Identify/recognize the occupational health hazards in the workplace
2. Know measuring instruments used to assess hazards
3. Identify the evaluation methods to assess the levels of exposure to hazards
4. Introduce control methods to address the hazards

Implementing safety and health in the workplace is the ultimate goal of labor protection. Industrial
hygiene is one of the disciplines necessary in the implementation of safety and health in the workplace.
As discussed in the objectives, it deals with identifying occupational health hazards in the work
environment. Secondly, through Work Environment Measurement (WEM), these suspected hazards can
be evaluated objectively (through the use of different industrial hygiene equipment); and lastly the
necessary control methods can be applied.

The Working Environment Measurement (WEM), is the quantitative evaluation of hazards cited in Rule
1070 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS). Suspected hazards are measure with
industrial hygiene equipment in order to assist companies in complying with the standards in keeping
their workplace safe.

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The four types of occupational health hazards are Physical Chemical, Biologic Ergonomic. These
will be discussed in detail in the following pages. Contact with any of these can result to injuries or
accidents. To deal with them, we apply the fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene.

Three Steps to Control Hazards and Accidents

1. Identify the hazard - “alamin, kilalanin”
a) Inspection (this is conducted before an accident occurs)
b) Investigation (this is conducted after an accident occurs)

2. Evaluate – “suriin, sukatin”

To determine if the hazard you identified is within standards, or the ranges of a maximum and minimum
safe or threshold limits. If it is outside the range, then the suspected act or condition is indeed hazardous.

3. Correct the hazard – “ituwid, itama, ayusin”

a) Engineering Methods – eliminate, remove or reduce the hazard through
b) Administrative Methods - control of employees’ exposure
c) Personal Protective Equipment – Wearing a protective barrier to shield the worker from the
hazard – it is the last resort.

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Excerpt from ILO-1995: Occupational Health is the promotion & maintenance of the highest degree of
physical, mental & social well-being of workers in all occupations.


By the end of the session, the participant will be able to address the First step of Industrial Hygiene: To
Identify the different occupational health hazards, list their effects on the body, and enumerate
corrective actions to address them.

1. Physical Hazards
2. Chemical Hazards
3. Biological Hazards
4. Ergonomic Hazards

1. Noise
2. Vibration
3. Heat Stress
4. Cold Stress
5. Illumination
6. Pressure

CHEMICAL HAZARDS - These are substances have 3 physical states: Liquids, Solids and Gas.
These are present in
1. Dust
2. Gasses
3. Vapors
4. Fumes
5. Mists

1. Bacteria
2. Viruses
3. Fungi
4. Insects/Parasites
5. Plants

ERGONOMIC HAZARDS - Mismatch between the worker and his work

1. Incorrect posture, stagnant position
2. Unnecessary, Forceful and/or Unusual Lifting or Reaching
3. Repetitive actions
4. Improper Tools, Workstation and Equipment Design
5. Non-recovery of the body
6. Uncomfortable workstations

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1. NOISE – is harmful and unwanted sound, characterized by 3 parameters:

• Frequency - measured in (Hertz) cycles per second
• Loudness - intensity of the sound, measured in Decibel (dB)
• Duration – length of exposure (continuous, intermittent, burst, waxing / waning)

Ear Anatomy
Permissible Noise Exposure (OSHA 1981) – maximum sound level for a given amount of time, where a
worker need not wear hearing protection, provided

Duration / day Sound Level

Hours Decibels dB
8.0 90
4.0 93
2.0 96
1.0 99
0.5 102
0.25 or less 105

Adverse health effects of noise

• Elevation of the hearing threshold or minimum level of perceptible sound
• Traumatic damage to the middle and inner ears
• Rupture of the eardrum
• Acoustic Trauma (Explosion, gunshot) - Deafness
• Temporary Threshold shift (New Year’s fireworks)
• Tinnitus
• Poor communication

• It is a physical factor that acts on man by transmission of mechanical energy from sources of oscillation.
• Usually refers to the inaudible acoustic phenomena, which are recognized by the tactile experience of
touch and feeling.
• It is a vector quantity with both a magnitude and direction.
• Continuous low frequency oscillation that is more likely felt than heard
• Affects the body through direct contact

• Segmental vibration: Chain Saw, Portable Grinder, Jackhammer, Polishers, hand held power tools,
• Whole Body Vibration: Tower Crane, Cars, Buses, Train, places with floor mounted machines

Health Effects of Vibration

• Inflammation of joints and muscles (wrist, elbow, shoulder)
• Vibration white finger
• Generalized fatigue

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Sometimes referred to as ambient light fills in between the two and is intended for general illumination of
an area.
Type of lighting which illuminates a relatively small area without illuminating the general surroundings

Visibility of a workplace as a result of light:

§ The source of light is either natural or artificial
§ It is measured in lumens or lux

Importance of Illumination – it is important that we see what we are doing. There are recommended
illumination standards based on the visual demands of different activities. Below is a summary of
illumination required based on activity. (Please refer to the table of Illumination Levels in the OSHS for the
complete listing)

Activity Minimum Illumination (lux)

active storage 50
production line 300
clerical work 500
fine movement work 1000

• Double vision
• Headache
• Painful irritation
• Production of excess tears
• Redness of eyes

Bright – if the workplace illumination is higher than the recommended

Dark – if the workplace illumination is lower than the recommended

Temperature Extremes - its either HOT or COLD

Factors affecting Heat Exposure:

Temperature & Humidity
Light, Moderate, Heavy & Very Heavy
Heat & Cold Stress

HEAT STRESS – when the workplace heat causes the body’s temperature to go higher than 37.5°C, like in the
following exposure settings:
a) High temperature
b) High humidity
c) Poor ventilation
d) Multiple heat sources

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Thermoregulatory Mechanism
A defense system of the body where heat is first removed from the organs producing it (metabolic heat) to
the skin by the blood to maintain a temp of 37°C (+/- 0.5°C) by SWEATING. It enhances:
1. Conduction – transfer of heat through direct contact (from a warm to a cool area)
2. Convection – thru air currents
3. Radiation – outward transfer of heat from a high temp level to lower temp level
4. Evaporation – conversion of liquid to gas



Skin Anatomy

Acute Health Effects of Heat

• Prickly heat - immature sweat glands
• Heat fatigue - bad mood (water loss)
• Heat cramps - muscle spasm (loss of water + salts)
• Heat exhaustion - fatigue, dehydration, diaphoresis, nausea, vomiting
(loss of water + salts + electrolytes)
• Heat stroke - overheating, seizures (failure of thermoregulatory system)

COLD STRESS - when the workplace temp causes the body’s temperature to go lower than 36.5°C as in ice
plants, Broadcast Industry, Semiconductor Industry, Food processing plants, Ice Cream plants, Deep sea
diving, Laboratories. Thermoregulatory mechanism to raise temperature is by CHILLING / SHIVERING.

Health effects of Cold

• Hypothermia, Chills (also another normal thermoregulatory mechanism)
• Frostbite – medical condition where cold temperature constricts blood vessels, impedes blood flow
to fingers, thus resulting in tissue and cell death

Prevention & Treatment

• Transition rooms where temperature is higher than the cold room
• Rest breaks, warm food and drink
• Thermal clothes

Prevention & Treatment

• Tool redesign
• Rest breaks, maintenance of equipment / tools
• Gel-filled gloves, padded clothing, handles with dampers

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The motion of electrically charged particles produces electromagnetic waves. These waves are also called
“electromagnetic radiation” because they radiate from the electrically charged particles. They travel
through empty space as well as through air and can penetrate some other substances. Radio waves,
microwaves, visible light and X-rays are all examples of electromagnetic waves.

The electromagnetic spectrum can be divided into two at a wavelength of about 10 nm, which
distinguishes Non-Ionizing Radiation and Ionizing Radiation. Visible light, infrared and microwaves are
types of non-ionizing radiation. X-rays and Gamma rays are examples of ionizing radiation. The
distinction between non-ionizing and ionizing radiation is simply one of associated energy. For the
ionizing region of the electromagnetic spectrum, the energy incident upon a material is large enough to
remove an electron from an atom orbit to produce ionization, whereas for the non-ionizing region the
energy is not normally sufficient to produce ion pairs.

IONIZING RADIATION A radiation consisting of particles, x-rays, or gamma rays with sufficient
energy to cause ionization in the medium through which it passes.
NON-IONIZING RADIATION refers to any type of electromagnetic radiation that does not carry
enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules that is, to completely remove an electron from an atom or

Types of Non-Ionizing Radiation:

1. Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation
2. Infrared (IR) Radiation
3. Laser Radiation
4. Microwave Radiation

Effects of Non-ionizing radiation
Ozone may be produced as a result of electrical discharges or

ionization of the air surrounding non-ionizing radiation sources, e.g. UV, high power laser, microwave
and short duration exposure in excess of a few tenths ppm can result in discomfort (headache, dryness of
mucous membranes and throat).

• Strobe lights
• Halogen bulbs


This is the atmospheric force that is constantly applied on the body, which may be affected by changes
in altitude or artificially induced work conditions.

Pressure is defined as the force exerted against an opposing fluid or thrust distributed over a surface,
expressed in force or weight per unit of area (like pounds per square inch or “psi”. Critical injury and
damage can occur with extremes of pressure. We perceive pressure in relation to the earth’s
atmosphere—at sea level, about 14.7 psi.

As altitude above sea level increases, atmospheric pressure decreases

éaltitude = ê pressure and ê altitude é pressure

Pressure changes cause body stress. In human physiology studies, the typical unit of measure is in
millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).

When pressure decreases, air expands and when pressure increases, air compresses
êpressure = air expands and é pressure = air compresses (becomes compact)

Physiologic loss of hearing both is experienced as one increases altitude, and as one decreases altitude
because inside the middle ear, this expanding air pushes the eardrum outward; or the vacuum created
during compressing air pulls the eardrum inward. It has been recognized as from the beginning of caisson
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work (work performed in a watertight structure) that men working under pressures greater than at a
normal atmospheric one, are subject to various illnesses connected with the job.
Hyperbaric (greater than normal pressures) environments are also encountered by divers operating under
water, whether by holding the breath while diving, breathing from a self-contained underwater breathing
apparatus (SCUBA), or by breathing gas mixtures supplied by compression from the surface (Muro-ami
divers of Davao and Palawan).

Occupational exposures occur also in building the foundation of bridges in bodies of water, or tunnels
using Caisson method, where a compressed gas environment is used to exclude water or mud and to
provide support for structures. Man can withstand large pressures due to the free access of air to the
lungs, sinuses, and middle ear. The problem begins when the openings (access) of these internal air
spaces to the outside becomes obstructed (as in sinusitis).

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Chemicals are important in daily operations, including the life of a person. They exist as solids, liquids
and gases. Their presence and use in the workplace are synonymous with growth and production.
However, chemicals can still cause reactions when these come in contact with objects, people and/ or
other chemicals. It is a type of occupational hazard caused by exposure to substances in the workplace.

Occupational health hazards also arise from contact with chemical agents in the form of vapors, gases,
dusts, fumes, and mists, or by skin contact with these materials. The degree of risk of handling a given
substance depends on the magnitude and duration of exposure.

a. Gases are substances in gaseous state are airborne at room temperature. Examples are chlorine,
hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, phosgene and formaldehyde.
b. Vapor results when substances that are liquid at room temperature evaporate. Examples are the
components of organic solvents such as benzene, toluene, acetone, and xylene.
c. Mist is fine particles of liquid that float in air (particle size of 5 to 100 um approximately.
Examples: nitric acid and sulfuric acid.
d. Dust is a solid harmful substance, sometimes ground, cut or crushed by mechanical actions and
fine particles float in air (particle size of about 1 to 150 um). Examples are metal dusts and
e. Fume is a gas (such as metal vapor) condensed in air, chemically changed and becomes fine
solid particles which float in air (particles size of about 0.1 to 1 um). Examples are oxides
generated from molten metal such as cadmium oxide, beryllium oxide, etc.

Routes of Entry into the body:

A. Dermal Absorption/ Injection (Skin)

Important “accidental” route of entry, health effects of chemicals
• Localized irritation
• Generalized reaction (sensitization or allergic reaction)
• Absorption and vascular dissemination
• Increase absorption with increased temperature and perspiration

B. Ingestion
• Accidental swallowing from eating in contaminated area
• Smoking on the job with contaminated fingers and hands
• Ingestion of inhaled materials

C. Inhalation
Most “important” route of industrial chemical exposure
• Concentration in the air
• Duration of exposure
• Amount of air inhaled

D. Optical (Eye) Contamination

Chemicals enter the body thru direct contact with the conjunctiva, then it passes into the canals that drain
tears from the eye

A substance diffused or suspended in the air, especially one normally liquid or solid. Occupational
exposure is from:
• Degreasing of metals
• Printing
• Dry-cleaning
• Painting
• Laboratory Analysis

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A water in the form of particles floating or falling in the atmosphere at or near the surface of the earth
and approaching the form of rain. Occupational exposure is via:
• Wastewater treatment
• Acids from electroplating
• Oil mists from cutting & grinding operation
• Mist from Spray painting operation

Volatilized solid that condenses when they contact air:
• Soldering operation
• Welding
• Lead-battery making
• Mining operation

Refers to the suspension of solid particles in air.
Dust are classified according to size:
• Total Dust – all dust particles in the area
• Respirable Dust – fraction of total dust which passes through a selector which can be inhaled
and deposited in the lungs



• Building • Leaded paint • Thermal & acoustic insulation
• materials such • Grinded metal • Fire resistant walls & partitions
• as stone, bricks • Asbestos cement sheets &
• & concrete flooring

• Flooring
• Wood fixtures

Control of chemical hazards:

1. At the Source
• Substitution the chemical • Isolation of the source
• Changing the process • Wetting of dusty work
• Enclosing the source • Installing local exhaust

2. Along the Path

• Applying dilutional ventilation • Increasing distance between the source and
• Good housekeeping the receiver
• Improving general ventilation

3. At the Receiver
• Enclosing workers in control rooms • Training and Education
• Rotation of workers • Use of PPE

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Biologic hazards are the cause of infectious disease that can originate from people, animals and plants.
They are characterized by 2 parameters: 1) can reproduce or replicate; 2) living or dead organisms. They
come in the form of Bacteria, Viruses, Molds, Fungi & Parasites even Plants..

They can be a part of the total environment or associated with certain occupations such as medical
professions, food preparation and handling, livestock raising, etc.

Diseases transmitted from animals to humans are commonly infectious and parasitic which can also result
from exposure to contaminated water, insects, or infected people. Occupational exposure is via:

• Poor sanitation and housekeeping

• Hospital works
• Removal of industrial waste and sewage
• Poor personal cleanliness

They transfer communicable diseases like:

• Tuberculosis • URTI • Rabies
• AIDS • Sore eyes • Lice
• Hepatitis A, B, C, E • STD • Snake bite
• Chicken pox • Skin Diseases

Control of Biologic Hazards is by:

• Engineering – Isolation rooms, Vaccination, medications
• Administrative – Reverse isolation, medical check-up sick leave
• PPE – masks, gloves, glasses

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Ergonomics is a technique that brings together several disciplines to solve problems arising from work
and the working environment. Ergos- work; Nomos- natural way
• Ergonomic hazards cause pain and fatigue from various sources.
• Lead to low productivity and output (mental and physical performance)

The ILO defines ergonomics as “... The application of human biological science in conjunction with the
engineering sciences to achieve the optimum mutual adjustment of man, and his work, the benefits being
measured in terms of human efficiency and well-being.” “Ergonomics is the science of fitting jobs to
the people who work in them”

The ergonomics approach goes beyond productivity, health, and safety. It includes consideration of the
total physiological and psychological demands of the job upon the worker. It deals with the interaction
between humans and traditional environmental elements as atmospheric contaminants, heat, light, sound,
and all tools and equipment used in the workplace.

The human body can endure considerable discomfort and stress and can perform many awkward and
unnatural movements for a limited period of time. However, when awkward conditions or motions are
continued for prolonged periods, the physiological limitations of the worker can be exceeded. To ensure
a continued high level of performance, work systems must be tailored to human capacities and

Ergonomic hazards can be seen in:

• Poor workplace design – cramped leg area, crowded worktable, distant work materials
• Awkward body postures – prolonged sitting, twisted body while bending
• Repetitive movements – sewing, cutting, stamping
• Static posture – prolonged standing without motion
• Forceful motion – extreme pulling and pushing
• Manual handling – improper carrying of materials, use of pliers.

In a broad sense, the benefits that can be expected from designing work systems to minimize ergonomic
stress on workers are as follows:
• More efficient operation;
• Fewer accidents;
• Lower cost of operation;
• Reduced training time; and
• More effective use of personnel.

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Components of Ergonomics:
1) Job (trabahong ginagawa)
a. The task needed to achieve a result
b. Governed by guidelines designed to prevent muscle overload
c. Requires learning, training and skill
2) Workstation (lugar na pinag-tatrabahuhan)
a. Place of deployment where duties are carried out Job
b. Where equipment, machines, tools are located
3) Tool (kasangkapan). These are:
a. Powerful, fast and tireless
b. Enables man to accomplish his job with less effort Man
c. An extension of the workers body Work Tool
d. Enables him to handle less-structured equipment station
4) Man (manggagawa)
a. An integral part of the man-machine-system.
b. Intelligent, adaptive and versatile
c. Man (with his limited capacity to adapt) adjusts to the job, workstation and tool, so he ends up
with injuries (Musculo-skeletal disorders or MSD’s).

5) Signs or symptoms (injuries) or MSD (musculo-skeletal disorders) of ergonomic hazards:

a. Wearing of wristbands d. Absenteeism, increase clinic visit
b. Shoulder turning e. Regular Intake of pain-relief
c. Arm stretching medication

Risk Factors of the Job/Task:

1. Position
• Follow the ergos-nomos position (natural posture of the body)
• Less fatigue, less strain on tendons and ligaments
• Wrists straight (180° angle), Shoulders relaxed
• Back and neck as close to their natural alignment as possible
• Elbows near the side, bent at a 90° angle to reach the work.
2. Force
• Decrease the use of force, it strains muscle tendons;
• Use equipment that will reduce the force,
• Use tools that will do the work for you.
3. Frequency
• Repetitive action of the same muscles – it tires the body and produces pain
• It is more difficult to control frequency than position & force …
• Therefore, it is more important to make it possible for employees to work in the best position
they can to reduce the force applied.

Methods of Identifying Hazards:

1. Walk-through/ocular inspection – this is necessary in identifying the potential hazards and
determining the critical conditions in the workplace. It will be good to make a checklist for
2. Review of the process involved – The identity of the chemical intermediates formed in the
course of an industrial process and the toxicological properties of these intermediates may be
difficult to establish. Undesirable chemical by-products such as carbon monoxide resulting from
the incomplete combustion of organic material may be formed.
3. Knowing the raw materials, by-products and finished products – Knowing about the raw
materials used and the nature of the products manufactured will help you determine the specific
contaminants to which workers are actually exposed. Possible impurities in raw materials such
as benzene in some solvents should be considered.
4. Gathering workers’ complaints – the actual chemicals or substances handled may be
determined by interviewing the workers. More so, their complaints can also be gathered and
assessed in the clinic record.
5. Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a summary of important health, safety and toxicological
information on the chemical or the mixture ingredients.

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Elements of GHS

a. Hazard Classification Criteria has three major hazard groups namely

physical, heath, and environmental hazards. Based on the three
classifications should conform
of hazards, to the Globally
the following composeHarmonized
the GHS System
criteria:(GHS) of classification and labeling of
chemicals. The GHS is an international standard for classifying chemicals and communicating its
* Physical hazards – explosives, flammable gases/aerosols, oxidizing
hazards. It is a basis for establishing a comprehensive national chemical safety program, and a
gases, corrosive to metal,
comprehensive substances
approach to definingand
and mixtures
communicating information on labels
with water, emit data
and safety flammable
sheets. gases, and others.

* Health The GHS–was

hazards developed
acute toxicity,inskin
Agenda 21 of the
corrosion/ United serious
irritation, Nations eye
Conference on Environment and
Development (UNCED) held in Brazil in 1992.
damage/eye irritation, respiratory or skin sensitization,
carcinogenicity, reproductive
In Brazil, (1992) toxicity,
an International aspiration
mandate hazards,
to harmonize andChemical
New others. / Product Labeling was Adopted
at the UN Conference on the Environment and Development: “A globally-harmonized hazard
* Environmental and compatible
hazards labeling to
– hazardous system, including
aquatic material safety data sheets and easily
understandable symbols, should be
hazardous to the ozone layer, and others. available, if feasible, by the year 2000.”

Labels for materials with chemical hazards are changing to a new Globally Harmonized System (GHS)
d. Hazard communication composed
label format on or before of Safety
June 1, 2015. Datawill
GHS labels Sheet (SDS)
have new and pictograms (diagram on right),
Labels. signal words, hazard and precautionary statements, product identifier, and supplier information.
GHS labels must include specific:
DO 136-2014
* signal words for
Guidelines - warning or danger of Globally Harmonized Systems (GHS) in chemical safety
the implementation
* hazard statements
program - flammable liquids, fatal if swallowed
in the workplace.
* symbols/ pictograms.

Employers must:

§ Dec 1, 2013 - Train employees on new

labels & SDS
§ June 1, 2016 - Update labels, complete
training & update HazCom program
(Source: Globally harmonized system. (2011, June 01). Retrieved August 31,
2011, from Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety Chemical manufacturers, distributors,
Web site: importers

§ June 1, 2015 - Comply with provisions of

rule – except can continue to…
Basic Occupational Safety and Health (BOSH) Training
§ December 1, 2015 - ship under old system
Page 151 of 246 until this date

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Safety Data Sheet (Global Harmonization System) – as the biodata of a chemical, it contains:

1. Chemical Product / Company Details

2. Composition, Information on Ingredients
3. Hazards Identification
4. First Aid Measures
5. Fire Fighting Measures
6. Accidental Release Measures
7. Handling and Storage
8. Exposure Controls, Personal Protection
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
10. Stability and Reactivity
11. Toxicological Information
12. Ecological Information
13. Disposal Considerations
14. Transport Information
15. Regulatory Information
16. Other Information

Clear Points
• Industrial Hygiene is the science and art devoted to the identification, evaluation and control
of hazards.
• Safety Officer has the role to classify his establishment through proper identification of the
different health hazards as part of the risk assessment process.
• There are various ways or strategies to identify different health hazards in the workplace.

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Zero accidents is partly achieved by Rule 1077 (OSHS), provided to protect the employer and the
employee through Working Environment Measurement or (WEM). This is the periodic monitoring of
workplace parameters to ensure a safe and healthy environment. It documents your findings as to being
safe or unsafe. This section explains the second step of Industrial Hygiene, which is to Evaluate the

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:
1. Discuss Work Environment Measurement (WEM) and its importance in evaluating the
hazards in the workplace and monitoring exposure of workers
2. Comply with industrial hygiene related OSHS provisions and other issuances, laws and
3. Explain the Threshold Limit Values (TLV) and its importance in evaluating workers’

WEM is the quantitative evaluation of hazards cited in Rule 1077 of the Occupational Safety and Health
Standards (OSHS). Shall mean sampling and analysis carried out in respect of the atmospheric working
environment and other fundamental elements of working environment for the purpose of determining
actual conditions therein.

Rule1077: Working Environment Measurement

• The employer shall exert efforts to maintain and control the working environment in workplace.
• WEM will be conduct on hazardous workplaces.
• Keep WEM measurement records for validation of enforcing authority.
• WEM shall be performed periodically as may be necessary but not longer than annually.
• WEM shall be conducted by trained personnel (internal).
• WEM shall be done only by DOLE or its accredited testing centers.

DO 160-16: Guidelines on the Accreditation of Consulting Organizations to Provide WEM Services

• Establishments shall only seek WEM services from accredited WEM Providers Otherwise, the
WEM shall NOT be regarded as compliant to Rule 1077 (Working Environment Measurement)
of the OSHS
• NO person or organization shall be allowed, hired or provide WEM services unless the
requirements of this rule are complied with

Such environmental measurement is accomplished through qualitative and quantitative evaluation of

conditions in the work area that are suspected to be hazardous. The source of data to determine these
suspect areas come from: Walk-Through Survey, Chemical Inventory, Process and Equipment Review
and Plant Layout.

1. A Walk-Through Survey is another term for an inspection, which is conducted to physically and
visually identify the location a suspected hazard.
2. Chemical inventory is determining the hazard based on a list of chemicals in site through 16
components in their Safety Data Sheet.
3. Process and Equipment Review is evaluating the hazard based on the manufacturing methods
and mechanism of operation of the tools and equipment as well.
4. Plant layout – a layout map is used to plot the location of the monitoring points to allow the
technician to conduct accurate sampling of the hazards. This can be requested form the company
or can be drawn out by the technician.

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Purpose of the WEM:
• To determine levels of exposure among
• To assess the effectiveness of control measures;
• To investigate complaints;
• To determine compliance with state regulations.

Determining the magnitude or level of hazards using

industrial hygiene equipment through WEM.

Once the hazards have been recognized, it is necessary

to measure the levels of the hazards and the magnitude
of workers’ exposure to them. This is done through the
WEM, which employs direct measurement of hazards.
WEM is conducted for the following purposes:
1. Determine magnitude of harmful environmental
2. Physically check the environment through
3. Predict harmfulness of new facilities, raw
materials, production processes and 
4. Monitor worker’s exposure to harmful
5. Maintain favorable environment conditions. Plant Layout for use to plot monitoring sites
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of environmental
control measures adapted to 
improve the workplace.

Monitoring Types
1. General monitoring – (ambient, area, grab sampling) measurement of agents in the area
2. Personal monitoring – (exposure monitoring) detect presence of substances entering the
worker even in low quantities; possibly no health effects seen yet (NOEL – no observable
effect level)
3. Biological Monitoring (Effect Monitoring) - you are detecting the presence of materials in the
workers through the complaints or visible physical changes in the workers’ health (with or
without injury). Examples are measurement of lead and mercury in blood or in urine.

It is best that WEM be conducted on a regular basis. Work Environment Monitoring should be done at
least once a year.

Evaluation of the Results of WEM

Results from monitoring are to be compared with acceptable limits as those that appear in the OSHS
(although sadly outdated are still reference values). Is the measurement of a particular worker’s exposure
to airborne contaminants the data collected approximates the concentration of contaminant by which the
worker is exposed to.

Accepted Standards:
• Occupational Safety and Health Standards
• American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ACGIH (Threshold Limit Values
(TLV) (Biological Exposure Indices (BEI))
• Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA)
• American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

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Equipment used for environmental monitoring

Physical agents:
1. Noise/sound (sound level meters, -waveband analyzers, audiometer)
2. Light (photometer, illumination meter)
Heat and stress (Wet bulb globe thermometer)
3. Radiation (radiation survey meter)

Light meter
Noise meter Heat Stress WBGT Radiation meter

Chemical agents - gas/dust contaminants (indicator tubes, stationary and personal samplers, high and
low volume samplers)

Personal Sampling Grab Sampling Area Sampling

Biological agents (microscopes, microbial samplers)

Other equipment (atomic absorption spectrophotometer, gas chromatograph)

Analytical Equipment Sample Analyzed

Gas Chromatograph Solvents
High Performance Liquid
Inorganic chemicals
Atomic Absorption
Phase Contrast Microscope
Asbestos fibers / quantitative (fiber count) and
(PCM)/ Fourier Transform Infra-
qualitative analysis.
red Spectroscopy (FTIR)
X-ray Diffractometer Mineral dust
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Acids and Other Chemicals

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B. Analysis of results
The collected samples from the WEM are analyzed in the laboratory. Some of the analytical instruments
used are as follows: UV-VIS Spectrophotometer for analyzing acids, AAS for heavy metals, Gas
Chromatograph for organic solvents, and X-ray Diffractometer, Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR)
Spectroscopy, and Phase Contrast Microscope (PCM) for quantitative and qualitative analysis of asbestos
and silica.

Environmental Monitoring

C. Comparison of measurement results with standards

Laboratory analysis results are compared with the Threshold Limit Values (TLVs). These are exposure
guidelines that have been established for airborne concentration of many chemical compounds.
Concentrations of hazards that exceed the TLVs can cause adverse effects to humans. There are three
categories of TLVs:

1. Time-Weighted Average (TLV-TWA) is the time-weighted average concentration for a normal

8-hour workday or 40-hour workweek to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed,
day after day, without adverse health effects.
2. Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL) is the maximum concentration to which workers can be
exposed continuously for 15 minutes without suffering any harm. Not to exceed 4 exposures in
one day.
3. Ceiling (TLV-C) is the concentration that should not be exceeded during any part of the working
exposure; otherwise, the exposed workers might be vulnerable to serious risks.
TLV tables

The measurement data will be compared with existing standards or guidelines:
• Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) guideline used by ACGIH
• Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) -standard used by OSHA (DOL)
• Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs)
• Recommended Exposure Limits (RELs) guideline used by NIOSH - the new PEL (CDCP)
• Maximum Allowable Concentrations (MACs)

Action Level
• The level of a harmful or toxic substance/activity which requires medical surveillance,
increased industrial hygiene monitoring, or biological monitoring. (NIOSH and OSHA)
• Action Levels for TLV for chemical is 50% of its TLV

Clear Points
The degree of hazard from exposure to harmful environmental factors or stresses would depend on the
• Nature of the material involved
• Intensity of exposure
• Duration of exposure
• Individual susceptibility

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Aims and Objectives:

• Discuss medical surveillance and biological monitoring as strategies in examining health
conditions of workers
• Explain the role of these strategies in preventing occupational illnesses.
• Describe the different steps in conducting medical surveillance.

Systematic continuous, repetitive, health-related activities that should lead to corrective action.
• Surveillance in occupational health practice covers periodic, systematic and continuous
hazard assessment and medical examination.
• Surveillance data will provide trends or emerging patterns in workplace hazards and
• Surveillance has to be followed by preventive action (appropriate control measures) and
evaluation of the effectiveness of intervention.
• Surveillance is conducted to meet regulatory requirements.


Ambient or
Biological Medical Surveillance

• Work • Blood • Pre-employment (Entrance)

Environment • Urine • Periodic Examinations
Monitoring • Stool • Special Examinations
• Chest X-ray • Transfer Examinations
• Tissue cultures • Separation Examinations
• Semen

Purpose of Medical Surveillance

PRIMARY - Prevention of illness.
• Aims of Occupational Health (WHO, ILO)
SECONDARY - Early detection of work-related health problems and determining its cause.

Monitoring Strategies

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Monitoring Strategies

Why do we conduct Medical Surveillance?

• Worker populations are not homogenous
• Certain members will be particularly vulnerable or at greater risk than others. (individual
• Hazard level within safe or acceptable limits do not guarantee that workers will not be

What determines workers health?

• Hazards exposure in the working environment
• Physical
• Chemical
• Biological
• Ergonomic

Workers Health Practices

• Individual risk-taking behavior
• Physical exercise,
• Sedentary work
• Diet and nutrition
• Unhealthy habits
• Smoking, alcohol

Personal Social Factors

• Inequities in gender,
• Race,
• Age, residence, etc.
• Family & medical history
• Occupational status
• Employment conditions
• Income

Access to Health Services

• Preventive occupational health services
• Specialized curative care and rehabilitation
• Health and accident insurance

Why do we conduct Medical Surveillance?

• Monitoring of certain high-risk groups:
• Workers new to a hazardous job
• Workers returning after injury or illness
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• Workers with concurrent condition or illness which can be adversely affected by
workplace hazards
• Workers exposed to very hazardous substances or work processes
• When diseases in question are associated with particular exposure or industry.
• Mandated by DOLE

Steps in Surveillance of Occupational Diseases:

Hazard and exposure assessment
1. Identification of adverse health outcomes for each hazard
2. Selection of medical screening tests
3. Interpretation of data and recommendation
4. Communication of results
5. Documentation/ recordkeeping
6. Evaluation of control measures

Identification of adverse health outcomes for each

1. Types of substances
2. Process Involved
3. Exposure pathways
4. Exposed population
5. Estimate intensity, frequency and duration of exposure to toxic agent

Health Hazards Classification

1. Noise
2. Vibration
3. Heat Stress
4. Cold Stress
5. Illumination
6. Pressure

CHEMICAL HAZARDS - These are substances have 3 physical states: Liquids, Solids and Gas.
These are present in
1. Dust
2. Gasses
3. Vapors
4. Fumes
5. Mists

1. Bacteria
2. Viruses
3. Fungi
4. Insects/Parasites
5. Plants

ERGONOMIC HAZARDS - Mismatch between the worker and his work

1. Incorrect posture, stagnant position
2. Unnecessary, Forceful and/or Unusual Lifting or Reaching
3. Repetitive actions
4. Improper Tools, Workstation and Equipment Design
5. Non-recovery of the body
6. Uncomfortable working stations

Adverse Health Effects from Physical Hazards

Adverse Health Effects from Chemical Exposure

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Sources of Biological Hazards Microorganisms
1. Bacteria
2. Fungi
3. Parasites
4. Viruses

Transmitted thru:
1. Soil
2. Insects
3. Plants
4. Animals
5. Humans

Questions to ask about Biological Hazards when assessing your workplace

1. Are my employees working around other people who may have a contagious disease or
2. Do my employees work with or around animals and insects?
3. Is the workspace clean and clear of mold and fungi?
4. Will my employees be working around potentially hazardous pathogens or biological
materials such as sewage?
5. If my employees are around biological hazards, do they have the proper protective equipment
to be safe?
6. Are there any “sharp” materials that need to be cleaned regularly and properly and/or disposed
of safely and securely?

What to do once biological hazards have been identified?

• Pest extermination or prevention
• UV disinfection
• Provide no-contact waste disposal receptacles
• Use of non-porous building materials as surface finishing
• Regular cleaning of the workplace,
• Changing work processes and activities to make them more safe
• Requiring that safety equipment be used and worn
• Allowing proper sick leave for employees
• Proper disposal of materials that may pose a biological risk.
• Providing immunization programs, training, reduced work hours

• Mycobacterium tuberculosis (causative agent)
• Transmission - droplet infection (sneezing and coughing)
• 90% cure rate with DOTS
• Weight loss
• Low grade afternoon fever
• Persistent cough &, sometimes, blood-streaked expectoration or hemoptysis

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

A virus which causes AIDS
AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
A serious & usually fatal condition in which the body’s immune system is severely weakened & cannot
fight off infection

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Surely, the most significant discussion of the course will be on how exposure to the different hazards in
the workplace can cause problems with health, which may bring about disease or death. This module
aims to give you basic knowledge on the health effects of the different hazards encountered in the
workplace and the means to prevent such occurrences.

It is important to understand the key concepts in the causation of disease from work exposures. You will
be defining the following terms in the course of this module: exposure, toxicity, hazard, and risk. You
also wish to emphasize that hazards in the workplace can cause harm if there is undue exposure through
elevated workplace concentration without control measures in place.

Occupational diseases and work-related illnesses can be prevented. It is important to have health
programs in place, which allow for screening susceptible individuals and early diagnosis of diseases to
prevent progression of an illness or to immediately control workplace hazards so that optimum workers
health is maintained.


By the close of this session, the participant will be able to:

1. Explain the key concepts of occupational health.
2. Discuss and explain common hazards in the workplace and their effects on 
workers’ health.
3. Describe the role of medical surveillance in preventing occupational illnesses and 
4. Identify ways to protect one’s self from health hazards. 

The main thrust of the concepts of occupational health is to emphasize prevention of occupational
diseases and work-related illnesses rather than its cure. 
Technical and ethical guidelines for workers'
health surveillance (OSH Series, No. 72) show the recent changes in occupational health. With technical
progress, more sophisticated means of investigation, greater emphasis on prevention and holistic
approaches on primary health care, human rights and organizational aspects are now available. This has
led the Joint International Labor Organization / World Health Organization (ILO/WHO) Committee on
Occupational Health to redefine the concept of occupational health during its 12th Session in 1995. Under
these new circumstances, a tripartite ILO Committee of Experts used the definition as a starting point to
develop guidelines for adapting workers' health surveillance to these changes.

The purpose of health surveillance needs clarification and the individual and collective health
assessments must be combined. Workers' health surveillance must:

• Operate under controlled, well-organized conditions, preferably in accordance with the ILO's
Occupational Health Services Convention. This Convention sets general principles on occupational
health practice and how to establish and run health services
• Be based on sound ethical and technical practice
• Ensure professional independence and impartiality of health professionals, as 
well as workers' privacy
and confidentiality of individual health information 
Workers' health surveillance is not an independent
answer, but is a useful complement to guide preventive action that should be linked to monitoring
occupational hazards, which may be just as useful as injury and disease surveillance in targeting
prevention programs. 

Review on Occupational Health

Recall the different hazards presented in the previous module. Exposure to these health hazards is most
often the cause of ill-health and that is what you want to avoid. Eliminating exposure to hazards removes
the conditions for ill-health and its negative consequences while you are at work.

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The ill-health that results from exposure to harmful environmental conditions in the workplace is
explained as follows Key Concepts in Occupational Health:

Exposure Potentially harmful agents

Response Normal / altered body response

Result Homeostasis or disease

The predisposition of a worker to suffer from an occupational illness depends on the characteristics of
exposure to a hazard and on individual susceptibility. Although workplace hazards can potentially cause
harm to a worker, the risk or the likelihood that this harmful effect would take place depends on the
conditions of exposure. These factors include intensity and duration of exposure to the hazards, timing
of exposure and multiplicity of exposure.

1. Exposure duration or the length of time of being vulnerable to work hazards. 
Constant exposure to
amounts which have low levels in the workplace over a prolonged period of time increases the risk
of disease after a latency period (the interval between exposure to a hazard(s) and the clinical
appearance of disease);
2. Magnitude, level or dose of exposure. As the concentration or amount of a hazard is increased the
likely it can do more harm.
3. Timing of exposure. This is related to exposure duration. A worker who is exposed to a hazard
continuously or for several periods in a day is more at risk than those with less exposure
4. Multiplicity of exposure. Exposures to mixtures of hazards or several chemicals at the same time
can cause synergistic or cumulative effects.

Despite having similar exposure to workplace hazard, workers may be affected differently due to non-
occupational factors. In smokers, for instance, clearance of dusts that have entered the lungs is inhibited,
thereby increasing the risk of succumbing to the ill-effects of the hazard. The non-occupational factors
that must be considered include age, sex, genetic factors, previous medical history and lifestyle habits of
the worker.

Age is an important factor since elderly and young workers have poor metabolic processes, which allow
a buildup of toxic substances. In a normal adult, these substances can be easily neutralized.

Sex is a very important consideration, too. A hazardous agent may be toxic to female workers and not
toxic to male workers or vice versa. For pregnant women, some toxins may cause developmental
problems in the fetus. Lead and mercury have been documented to cause neurological defects in the
offspring of exposed pregnant women. In both men and women, other toxins may affect their
reproductive systems.

The genetic make-up of a worker should also be considered because those with history of allergies will
find it difficult to work in an environment where their allergies would likely flare up. Also, those with
enzyme deficiencies may not be able to handle toxic substances that enter the body.

Your medical history is important to identify previous illnesses, which may be aggravated by
substances, or agents found in the workplace. An anemic (weak and pale) worker who will be employed
in a company using lead may continue suffering from anemia (condition characterized by an abnormally
low number of red blood cells in the circulating blood) due to lead exposure. A worker diagnosed with a
liver disease should be closely monitored if he/she would be working with solvents since which may
compromise the liver functions.

Lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, drug abuse,
among others can alter a worker’s natural defense mechanisms and increase the chance of developing ill-
effects. For example, higher risk of liver disease in a worker exposed to solvents and a history of alcohol
consumption; or increased risk of hypertension in a worker with occupational stress who is also eating

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high salt and high fat diet. The risk of lung cancer is much greater in workers who have workplace
exposure to asbestos fibers and who also smoke.

Health Effects of Occupational Health Hazards

Hazards in the workplace that can cause ill-health among workers include the following:
1. Chemical hazards such as dusts, gases, vapors and mists.
2. Physical hazards such as noise, illumination, extremes of temperature, vibration and radiation (non-
ionizing and ionizing).
3. Ergonomic hazards due to repetitive movement, improper posture, forceful exertions, monotonous
tasks, mental stress, etc.
4. Biological hazards that can cause harm to humans such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

Adverse Health effects of physical hazards



Noise Induced Hearing Heat stroke, Heat Exhaustion, Heat Cataract, radiation burns, cancer,
Loss (NIHL) cramps. Frostbite congenital birth defects


Hand-Arm vibration Visual fatigue, glare, headache

Although some claim that noise is subjective, you cannot deny that damage results from the intensity of
noise (the louder the noise, the more likely noise-induced illnesses will occur), the duration of exposure
to loud sounds in the work environment (the longer a worker is exposed, the risk for hearing impairment
is also greater) and the type of noise (very loud sounds such as blasts may immediately destroy the
eardrum and affect the level of hearing).

There are two types of noise-induced hearing loss: Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) or auditory fatigue
where hearing recovery occurs after 24-48 hours and Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS). In PTS,
irreversible hearing loss occurs and manifestations of hearing loss are present.

When hearing is damaged, blended sounds such as “sh” or “ch” are the first to be affected. Sounds seem
to be muffled and there are frequent complaints of ringing in the ear or tinnitus.
Noise affects not only your hearing but also your entire well-being or general health. It brings about other
health effects such as hypertension and hyperacidity. Stress-related disorders also occur due to noise such
as irritability and difficulty in sleeping.

In order to see changes in the hearing ability, a worker may be asked to undergo an audiometric
examination. It should be done after a day off to prevent the effect of auditory fatigue or temporary
threshold shift from occurring since this may cause false positives in the audiogram. Health surveillance
such as audiometric exams are used to detect early signs of hearing damage among the employees and
to prevent progression of the damage. Decrease in the hearing of workers suggests the need for noisy
industries to start a hearing conservation program.

Extremes of temperature: Heat and Cold Heat

Heat is a form of thermal energy, which may come from body metabolism, increased physical activities,
radiation from hot objects or from the sun, and byproducts of industrial processes. To keep the
temperature at a stable level, the amount of heat gained by the body must be equal to by the amount lost.
Heat loss happens through convection, radiation, conduction and evaporation. Heat balance is also
affected by the physiological mechanisms regulating cardiovascular function and sweating. These
mechanisms can influence heat exchanges in two ways. The first is by changing the rate of heat transfer
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from the internal organs and tissues to the periphery of the body. The second way is through the alteration
of the temperature and vapor pressure on the surface of the skin. Heat disorders can arise from natural
conditions. These disorders, however, occur more frequently following exposure to artificial conditions
such as hot processes related to working with furnaces, kilns, boilers and smelting.

In the presence of elevated environmental temperature, high humidity, heavy physical activity, loss of
fluids and electrolytes or impaired heat dissipation, heat stress-related disorders may manifest. They
include skin lesions termed as miliaria rubra, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. There are
different clinical features that differentiate the heat-related illnesses and the prognosis or usual outcomes
of these diseases. For a worker to adapt to a very hot working environment, he/she must first be
acclimatized by being exposed to the area progressively. During his/her first working day, a three to four
hour work exposure is warranted. This duration will be increased gradually so that in two weeks, he/she
can adapt and be able to spend eight hours in the workplace. However, despite adaptation, frequent
drinking of small amounts of water is essential.

In the Philippines, exposure to cold environment only occurs in certain work areas, e.g., ice plants and
freezers in the food industry. Being a tropical country, the Philippines does not present cold stress as a
severe occupational hazard but is still an important OSH issue in some sectors. Cold exposure and the
associated behavioral and physiological reactions have an impact on human performance at various
levels of complexity. Mild exposure implies no or negligible body core cooling and moderate cooling of
the skin and extremities. Severe exposure results in negative heat balance, a drop in core temperature and
concomitant pronounced lowering of temperature of the extremities.

Effects may be localized such as frostbite in the extremities or may affect the entire body causing general
hypothermia. As previously mentioned, cold exposure causes distraction and cooling. Behavior and
mental functions are more susceptible to the distraction effect, whereas physical performance is more
affected by cooling. It is assumed that physical performance is highly dependent on tissue temperature
and deteriorates when temperature of vital tissue and organ parts drops. An important factor contributing
to performance decrements is exposure time. The longer one is exposed to the cold exposure, the greater
the effect upon the deeper tissues and neuro-muscular functions of the victim.

Radiation: Non-Ionizing and Ionizing

Different radiation energies comprise the electromagnetic spectrum. Areas occupied by ionizing
radiation have the shortest wavelength and generates the highest energies. On the other hand, non-
ionizing radiation is characterized by longer wavelengths and lower energies. Ionizing radiation is
capable of producing ion pairs by interaction with matter. Ionizing radiation differs from other forms of
radiant energy in being able to deposit enough localized energy in an absorbing material to disrupt atoms
and molecules and produce ions and free radicals that causes biochemical changes. Alpha particles, beta
particles, neutrons, x-ray and gamma rays are examples of ionizing radiation.

Exposure to ionizing radiation impinges on and penetrates into matter. The media is altered and may
produce cell death, change in cell reproduction or division and genetic mutation. X-ray is the most
common radiation in the medical field. Individuals undergoing treatment for cancer may also be exposed
to the gamma rays produced by radioactive materials such as radium and cobalt 60. There are naturally
occurring radioactive materials such as radon and uranium found in mines. Natural background radiation
comes from terrestrial radiation, (which emanates from radium and other radioactive materials in the
earth’s crust, cosmic rays that originate from outer space and internal radiation which is emitted by
potassium-40) and other naturally occurring radio nuclides normally present in the body.
In an individual, injury from ionizing radiation may occur as a somatic effect (those that are seen in the
individual that receives the agent) that occurs immediately after irradiation or after several months or
years. Effects of radiation may also be heritable, affecting the progeny or children of those with exposure
during pregnancy.
Ionizing radiation may affect different organ systems in the body and, depending on the dose, health
effects may manifest from skin reddening with small doses to sterility and even death with large doses.

In Non-Ionizing Radiation or NIR, there is not enough energy to cause ionization of matter.
The types of NIR are Ultraviolet (UV) rays, Infrared (IR), Lasers, Microwaves (MW), Radio frequencies
(RF), Extremely Low Frequency and Static Fields. They have distinctive features depending on their
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wavelength. Different processes in the workplace can produce NIR. Apart from sunlight, welding is
another source of UV. Sources of RF and MW radiation include radio emitters and cell phones while
sources of IR are furnaces, heat lamps and IR lasers.

Exposure to NIR may also affect the body’s organ systems. The usual target organ for UV or ultraviolet
radiation is the skin and cornea of the eyes and effects may be skin redness, premature skin ageing, and
skin cancer. Eye injuries may manifest as cataract, retinal injury and a type of conjunctivitis known as
welder’s flash. Infrared affects the eyes and may cause corneal and conjunctive burns, retinal injury and
cataract. Lasers are potential hazards also to both the skin and eye. Other forms of NIR may cause current
conduction and heat.

Vibration is a physical factor that causes mechanical oscillations. It affects workers when the mechanical
energy is transmitted to the body. There are two types of vibration: general or whole-body vibration and
local or segmental vibration. Workers operating heavy equipment or driving buses or tracks are exposed
to general or whole-body vibration. Workers using pneumatic or powered hand tools such as drills,
grinders, chain saws are exposed to local or segmental vibration.
Exposure to whole-body vibration can cause discomfort or cause injury. It is also associated with elevated
health risk for low back pain in workers exposed for many years to intense whole-body vibration.
Stomach problems, headache and muscle pains have been reported among workers with occupational
exposure to whole-body vibration.

The harmful effect of vibration on the human body also arises from local or segmental vibration.
Prolonged exposure of the hands to vibrating tools may lead to the development of vibration disease, or
“Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome” (HAVS). The risk of HAVS is increased in the presence of other
factors such as cold environmental temperature and long working duration. HAVS is characterized by
attacks of whitening (blanching) of one or more fingers when exposed to cold; tingling and numbness in
the fingers; and pain.

Administrative and engineering control measures should be implemented to prevent the adverse health
effects caused by vibration. Adequate information and training of operators of vibrating equipment will
help them adopt safe work practices. Adequate rest periods should also be provided to decrease the
duration of exposure to the hazard and, in effect, decrease the risk of the disorders. Selection of proper
tools with lowest vibration is advisable.

Medical surveillance should be performed for early detection of vibration- related health disorders and
for evaluation of effectiveness of control programs.
The worker should be advised to keep the entire body warm. Gloves may be needed to keep the hands
warm. The workers must be advised to avoid smoking as this may aggravate the effects of segmental
vibration by diminishing blood flow to the hands and fingers.

Proper lighting or illumination of the workplace is important to have safe and healthy workers. Signs that
are lighted properly decrease the risk of accidents. Adequate illumination improves productivity by
ensuring that the details of the task can be easily seen by the worker thereby decreasing errors and
wastage of materials.

It is not only the quantity of light in the work area that is important for optimum vision but the quality as
well. For example, shadows and silhouettes can be produced by improper light sources or light
distribution that is not uniform. Inadequate illumination may cause visual complaints among workers
and cause productivity problems. The usual complaints after working in poorly lighted areas are visual
fatigue, double vision, headaches, painful irritation, redness of the eyes or conjunctivitis and frequent
tearing or lacrimation.

The appropriate lighting level is dependent on the task being performed. Generally, precision work would
need higher levels of light compared to tasks that do not deal with details.

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Adverse Health Effects of Chemical Hazards

Workers are exposed to various chemicals in the workplace. These chemicals have inherent toxicities
that can potentially harm humans depending on the amount that has entered the body and the conditions
of exposure. Here are some concepts you must understand:
• Toxicity is the intrinsic capacity of a chemical agent to adversely affect an organism, including
• Toxic chemical is the agent that can cause the adverse effect
• Hazard is the potential for the toxicity to be realized in a specific setting or 
• Exposure refers to the process or extent that a worker experiences or comes in contact with a
particular hazard in the workplace or as a result of one’s occupation
• Dose is the amount of the toxic agent that has entered the body
• Risk is the probability or chance of a specific adverse effect to occur. 
Chemicals can enter the body
by several routes. Being familiar with all routes of entry will help in preventing exposures. The most
important and most common route of entry is by inhalation through the lungs. Organic solvents and
pesticides are examples of chemicals that are easily absorbed through the skin. Chemical substances
can also enter the body through the mouth by accidental ingestion.
• Congenital anomalies, Neoplasms, Mutagenicity, Teratogenicity, Carcinogenicity,

Chemical Hazards Adverse Health Outcomes

As stated in Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Toxicological Information section:

• Neurologic (brain, nerves)
• Cardiovascular (heart, blood vessels)
• Hematologic (blood)
• Respiratory (airway, lungs)
• Renal (kidneys)
• Urologic (bladder)
• Gastrointestinal (stomach, intestines)
• Dermatologic (skin)
• Teratogenic (birth defects)
• Carcinogenic (cancer)

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Safety Data Sheet

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Safety Data Sheet

Adverse Health Effects of Biological Hazards

Biologic hazards are plants, animals and their products that may present risks to the health of persons
infected by biologic agents they carry. Such biologic agents are classified as bacteria, virus, fungi, and
parasites depending on their physical and other cellular characteristics. For example, bacteria and fungi
have cell walls while viruses do not.

Why the need to measure absorbed amount?

• Biological Monitoring
Assessment to overall systemic exposure to chemicals by measurement of the chemicals or their
metabolites in blood, urine or breath.
• Biological Exposure Indices (BEI)
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Indicates a concentration below which nearly all workers should not experience adverse health effect.


(Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry)

Acute vs. Chronic Toxicity

Represents cumulative damage to
specific organ systems
Occurs almost immediately (hours/days) after an
exposure Many months or years to have
recognizable clinical disease

Absorption of phenol through the skin creating a

Inhalation of lead causing damage to the kidneys
chemical burn
Inhalation of formaldehyde causing irritation to
Inhalation of asbestos causing cancer to the lungs
mucus membranes
Usually in large amounts Usually in small amounts

Local vs. Systemic Toxicity

Local Systemic
Occurs at the site of chemical contact Distant site from point of contact, may
involve many organ systems
Contact with acid creating a chemical Consumption of lead causing damage to
burn the kidneys
Ozone exposure causing lung irritation Exposure to carbon tetrachloride causing liver
Aldehyde splash in the eyes Exposure to arsenic causing hemolysis
or red blood cells

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Tuberculosis is at the top of the list because it remains one of the most prevalent illness affecting
Filipinos. It is among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality based on Philippine Health Statistics
and Field Health Service Information System.
Tuberculosis (TB) is the sixth leading cause of illnesses and deaths in the Philippines; the country is
ninth out of the 22 highest TB-burden countries in the world and has one of the highest burdens of
multidrug-resistant TB.

Tuberculosis is a long-standing infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The TB

bacteria usually attack the lungs, but can also attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, brain,
bones and intestines. If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal.

TB is primarily an airborne disease. The bacteria are spread from person to person in tiny microscopic
droplets or aerosol when a person TB disease forces air from his/her lungs when coughing, sneezing,
speaking, singing, or laughing. A person then inhales the bacteria vigorously expelled from the lungs of
an active TB patient. A person needs only to inhale a small number of these to be infected.

TB can survive for extended periods of time in the air and on various surface areas. It was found that
28% of the tuberculosis bacteria remain alive in a room after nine hours. Tuberculosis can live up to 45
days on clothing, 70 days in carpet, 90 to 120 days in dust, approximately 105 days on a paper book, and
approximately six to eight months in sputum. Ultraviolet light, volume of air in a room and recirculation
of air through a HEPA filter are important factors that affect the survival of the bacteria. Until the droplet
falls, it can be breathed in at any time.

Symptoms do not appear unless a patient has active TB. The most common symptom of active pulmonary
tuberculosis is coughing that lasts two or more weeks. Other symptoms are low grade fever, night sweats,
feeling weak and tired, losing weight without trying, decreased or no appetite, chest pains and coughing
up blood.

Only people with active TB whose sputum is contains the TB bacilli can spread the disease to others.
However, exposure does not necessarily mean one will become infected with tuberculosis. If you have
been exposed to an active tuberculosis patient or an area that is contaminated, you should seek medical
advice immediately.

It is therefore best to understand the life cycle of tuberculosis. An index case or the first patient in an
outbreak may spread the infection to people they spend time with every day. This includes family
members, friends, and coworkers. However, people infected with the TB bacilli will not necessarily
become sick with the disease. The immune system "walls off" the TB bacilli which, protected by a thick
waxy coat, can lie dormant for years. About 90-95% undergo healing of their initial infection and the
bacteria eventually die off. This stage manifests no symptom and is not contagious. This condition is
known as inactive or latent TB. If, however, the body's resistance is low because of aging, infections
such as HIV, malnutrition, or other reasons, the bacteria may break out of hiding and cause active TB in
5-10% of patients. Active TB patients manifest symptoms and become sick during their life while 30%
of them, even if left untreated, will spontaneously remit or restore back to being healthy.

A person with TB disease, if left untreated, could infect approximately 10- 20 persons within two years'
time. The most infectious are the sputum smear (+). Persons with contagious TB disease must be treated
and cured to stop the spread of TB in our communities. Active TB can also spread to other parts of the
body through the bloodstream.

The best way to prevent tuberculosis is to strengthen one’s immune system by eating healthy, exercising
regularly and getting plenty of rest. If one has active TB, covering the mouth when coughing, sneezing
or laughing is one way to help prevent the propulsion of the bacteria into the environment.

Wearing a mask during this time is very helpful as well as staying at home until one’s sputum
examination has reverted back to normal as certified by one’s physician. At home, sleep in a room by
oneself to help prevent the transmission of the disease to other members of the family. Making sure that
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the workplace has proper ventilation is one way of preventing the transmission of the disease to co-

In 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the new Stop TB Strategy. The core of this
strategy is DOTS, the TB control approach launched by WHO in 1995. DOTS stands for Directly
Observed Treatment Short course, the curative treatment for tuberculosis. At its core, it involves
supervising the patient’s intake of medication. One cannot have DOTS, however, without a coordinated
program with the following components: reliable, widely available smear microscopy diagnosis; an
uninterrupted drug supply; recording and reporting of cases and outcome; and, most important,
government commitment to assure that necessary resources are available to maintain the program. These
5 elements make up the DOTS strategy.

Patients who have been treated under DOTS-based services have >90% cure rate while about 70% of
those with disease and untreated will die in 5 years. Those who have not been treated will spread the
disease to others thereby completing the cycle.

In 2003, Executive Order No. 187 on Instituting a Comprehensive and Unified Policy for the
Tuberculosis Control in the Philippines adopted the DOTS strategy of the National TB Program (NTP)
which has become the basis of implementation of TB control among the concerned sectors. The treatment
success in the 2008 DOTS campaign was 90% overall, surpassing the 85% target for the first time.
The National TB Control Program (NTP) develops policies and plans and provides technical guidance
to regional and provincial / city-level NTP management teams, overseeing the implementation of the
program at the municipal and barangay levels based on NTP policies and standards.
Under NTP, TB control services are provided mainly through public primary health care facilities (also
called DOTS facilities) operated by local government units in a devolved set-up. There are additional
DOTS facilities within the NTP’s network of service providers that either refer diagnosed TB patients
for treatment or directly provide TB treatment services using DOTS strategy. These include private
outpatient clinics; public and private primary, secondary and tertiary care hospitals; workplaces; clinics
under faith-based organizations and community-based nongovernmental organizations (NGOs); and
public institutions such as military facilities, jails and prisons.

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) issued Department Order (DO) No. 73-05:
Guidelines for the Implementation on Policy and Program on Tuberculosis Prevention and Control in the
Workplace to assist companies in strengthening TB prevention efforts through enterprise-level policies
and programs. This DO was signed on March 31, 2005.


Another biologic hazard that has an impact in the workplace is HIV and AIDS though workers in the
manufacturing sector are hardly exposed to this virus by the nature of their work. The Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the cause of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - a
condition in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life- threatening opportunistic
infections and cancers to thrive.

HIV belongs to a group of viruses known as retroviruses. Once inside the human body, the virus attacks
the cells of the immune system, specifically the CD4+ helper cells. The virus uses the helper cells’
cellular material or genetic material to replicate itself consequently filling the helper cell. The body tries
to keep up by making new cells or trying to contain the virus, but eventually the HIV wins out and
progressively destroys the body's ability to fight infections and certain cancers. HIV is present blood,
semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk of an infected mother in infectious quantity.

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Quick Facts:

AIDS is the result of HIV’s attacks on the body’s immune system. This medical condition leaves the
individual so unprotected that any other virus that attacks the body can cause grave damage. It is the
most advanced stage of infection with HIV. Contrary to some popular misconceptions, HIV is a difficult
disease to get. For HIV to be transmitted, the following three conditions must be met:
1. HIV must be Present 
Infection can only happen if one of the persons involved is infected with HIV.
Some people assume that certain behaviors (such as anal sex) cause AIDS, even if HIV is not present.
This is not true.
2. There must be a sufficient quantity of HIV 
The concentration of HIV determines whether infection may
happen. In blood, for example, the virus is very concentrated. A small amount of blood is enough to
infect someone. A much larger amount of other fluids would be needed for HIV transmission. 
contains the highest concentration of the virus, followed by semen, then by vaginal fluids. Breast milk
can also contain a high concentration of the virus, but in this situation, transmissibility depends on WHO
and HOW. An adult can ingest a small amount of breast milk at no probable risk. But an infant, with
his/her very small body and newly forming immune system, consumes vast quantities of breast milk
relative to his/her body weight. Therefore, an infant is at risk from breast milk, whereas an adult may not
3. HIV must get into the bloodstream 
It is not enough to be in contact with an infected fluid to become
infected. Healthy, unbroken skin does not allow HIV to get into the body; it is an excellent barrier to
HIV infection. HIV can only enter the bloodstream through an open cut or sore, or through contact with
the mucous membranes or damaged tissue in the anus and rectum, the genitals, the mouth, and the eyes;
or be directly injected from a needle or syringe. 
You cannot get HIV from kissing, hugging, casual
contact, drinking from the same glass, eating together, swimming pools, public toilets, pets, and mosquito
bites. HIV is not transmitted through casual, every day contact. Since HIV is not transmitted by saliva,
it is impossible to get it through sharing a glass, a fork, a sandwich, or fruit. The chemicals used in
swimming pools and hot tubs would instantly kill any HIV, if the hot water had not killed it already.

Sterilized needles are always used in taking blood from donors, so HIV is not spread in this manner.
Humans are the only animals that can carry HIV. HIV is not transmitted by mosquitoes, flies, ticks, fleas,
bees or wasps. If a bloodsucking insect bites someone with HIV, the virus dies almost instantly in the
insect's stomach (as it digests the blood). HIV can only live in human cells.

There are laboratory tests that can be availed of should one decide to be tested. How do HIV tests work?
The most commonly used HIV tests detect the presence of HIV antibodies – the body’s army that
comprise part of our immune system and fights off invaders such as bacteria and viruses. There are tests
that identify HIV's genetic material or proteins directly.

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It can take some time for the immune system to produce enough antibodies for the antibody test to detect
it, and this “window period” between infection with HIV and the ability to detect it with antibody tests
can vary from person to person. During this time, the HIV viral load and the likelihood of transmitting
the virus through sex or needle-sharing partners may be very high. Most infected individuals will develop
detectable antibodies within 2 to 8 weeks (the average is within 25 days) of their infection. Ninety-seven
percent (97%) of persons will develop detectable antibodies in the first 3 months. Even so, there is a
small chance that some individuals will take longer to develop detectable antibodies. Therefore, a person
should consider a follow-up test more than three months after their last potential exposure to HIV. In
extremely rare cases, it can take up to 6 months to develop antibodies to HIV.

Body Fluids with High Viral Load

Conventional HIV tests are sent to a laboratory for testing, and it can take a week or two before the test
results are available. There are also rapid HIV tests available that can give results in as little as 20
minutes. A positive HIV test result means that a person may have been infected with HIV. All positive
HIV test results, regardless of whether they are from rapid or conventional tests, must be verified by a
second “confirmatory” HIV test.

HIV antibody tests can have two different results: positive or negative.
1. A positive result on a confirmed HIV antibody test means that HIV antibodies are present and one is
infected with HIV (called "HIV positive"); the person can infect others but does not mean that the person
has AIDS.

2. A negative result on an HIV antibody test means that most likely one is not infected with HIV.
However, it can take 3 to 6 weeks, and sometimes up to 3 months (and in few cases up to 6 months)
before HIV antibodies show up on a standard test. As a result, some people who are recently infected
with HIV may still have a negative test result during this time.

Knowing your status can allow you to begin treatment, which can help prevent the further spread of the
virus, and in some cases prevent complications associated with HIV infection. HIV testing should be
voluntary and confidential. Counseling before and after HIV testing will help you understand what
behaviors put you at risk and teach you how to decrease the chance of becoming infected. If the test result
is positive, counseling will address your immediate needs for support and information, and teach you on
how to decrease the chance of infecting others.

In the early 1980s when the HIV/AIDS epidemic began, people with AIDS were not likely to live longer
than a few years. Today, there are 31 antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) to treat HIV infection. These treatments
do not cure people of HIV or AIDS. Rather, they suppress the virus, even to undetectable levels, but they
do not completely eliminate HIV from the body. By suppressing the amount of virus in the body, people
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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 71
infected with HIV can now lead longer and healthier lives. However, they can still transmit the virus and
must continuously take antiretroviral drugs in order to maintain their health quality.
Recent information from UNAIDS showed rapidly expanding epidemic among men having sex with men
(MSM) from 0.28% in 2007 to 7.7% in 2013, there is also increasing prevalence among freelance Female
Sew Workers (FSW) from 0.16% in 2007 to 0.68% in 2011.

Reported Mode of HIV Transmission

Reported Mode of HIV Transmission
(DOH-EB, December 2018)
(DOH-EB, December 2018)

With the rising trend in the number of new cases in a month, the Philippines cannot afford to be
complacent. Several factors have been identified which may lead to continued considerable increase of
new HIV infections in the country: high rates of sexually transmitted infection (STI); a substantially large
sex industry, networks of men having sex with men with behaviors putting them at considerable risk of
HIV infection; a legal situation which does not support HIV prevention services to injecting drug users;
an increasing number of HIV cases in adolescents and young people, large numbers of adolescents living
or working under conditions which make them very vulnerable to sexual abuse or exploitation, combined
with overall low awareness of STI and HIV risk and low condom use (UNICEF).

In addition, the Philippines has more than 7 million migrant workers moving in and out of the country.
Twenty-eight percent of the total number of reported HIV/AIDS cases are migrant workers (PNAC). In
a UNAIDS report, “HIV in Asia and the Pacific: Getting to Zero” cited HIV prevalence among people
who inject drugs particularly in Cebu City accelerated rapidly from 0.6%to 53% in just two years,
between 2009 and 2011. In nearby Mandaue, 3.6% of people who inject drugs are HIV- positive. The
overlap between injecting drug use and sex work means that HIV epidemics in people who inject drugs
invariably spread to other population groups until effective prevention efforts take hold.

Of the 358 (339 males and 19 females) HIV positive cases, 31 were reported as AIDS cases. The median
age is 30 years (age range: 24-30 years) acquired the infection through sexual contact (heterosexual,
homosexual, bisexual).

There is a significant difference in the number of male and female cases reported. Eighty-one percent
(5,826) were males. Ages ranged from 4-79 years (median 27 years). The age groups with the greatest
number of cases were: 20-24 years (19%), 25-29 (26%) and 30-34 years (19%).

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 72
HIV and AIDS is an urgent issue for the workplace that we must pay attention to because it has the
potential to reduce productivity and economic growth. The virus can place heavy financial and social
burden on families as they are faced with reduced income and often need to pay for an array of medical
treatments. Workers and families also face considerable stigma and discrimination from the virus causing
loss of jobs and other acts of discrimination in the community.
The ABC approach to preventing the
sexual transmission of HIV has been defined and adopted by a variety of organizations, governments and
non- governmental organizations ever since the term was first used in 1992 when the then Secretary of
Health, seeking a compromise between the Catholic Church and government at the time brought together
abstinence, fidelity and condom use to create the 'ABC slogan.‘

According to UNAID's 2004 Global Report on the AIDS Epidemic, 'ABC' stands for:
• Abstinence (not engaging in sex, or delaying first sex)
• Be faithful to one's partner or reducing the 
number of sexual partners
• Correct and consistent use of condoms 
These were later expanded to include:
• Don’t share needles/sterilized needles
• Education and information 

In recognition of the fact the HIV and AIDS has far-reaching consequences beyond the health sector, the
government passed Republic Act 8504 otherwise known as The Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control
Act of 1998 to prevent the spread of the virus among the working population. The DOLE D.O. No. 102-
10: Guidelines for the Implementation of HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control in the Workplace
Program strengthens the workplace response in implementing provision of the law.

Hepatitis B

Most common cause of liver cancer and liver Cirrhosis among Filipinos.

Mode of transmission:
• Sexual contact
• Mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth (vertical transmission)

Exposure to contaminated blood or infected body fluids (semen, vaginal secretions, etc.)

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 73
Health Effects of Ergonomic Stresses

The International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Executive Council in 2000 defined Ergonomics (or
human factors) as the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of the interactions among
human and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and
methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.

The three main goals of ergonomics are: to make work safe and
humane, to increase human efficiency and to create human well-being.
The worker is affected by the following factors at work: tools,
workstation, task, environment and organization. A balance must be
maintained where one looks at the capabilities and limitations of the
worker with the work system.

With an imbalance of all these factors, effects on worker’s

performance and their health occurs which may lead to low product
quality, high rate of errors, material and equipment loss or wastage, including musculoskeletal and other
systemic disorders. An example of musculoskeletal disorders arising from ergonomic stresses is carpal
tunnel syndrome, which arises from median nerve compression in the wrist and secondary to repetitive
flexion of the wrist.

Those with carpal tunnel syndrome experience numbness and pain of the wrist joint. There are different
factors in the workplace that may cause physical injury or psychosocial illness. In the case of work-
related musculoskeletal disorders, several work factors have been identified to increase the risk of these
disorders. When a worker assumes awkward positions or his posture remains static or unmoving for long
periods, excess load is carried by certain muscle groups that may cause discomfort and even pain after
long periods. The same mechanism applies to work entailing forceful exertions, movement over an
extreme range of motion and highly repetitive work.

The risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) depends on the magnitude of the factor (i.e.
the intensity, frequency and duration of exposure). Single or, more commonly, multiple risk factors may
be present in the workplace. Multiple risk factors often interact to produce a higher risk for developing

The primary goal in the prevention of WMSDs is to reduce or eliminate the risk factors involved in their
etiology. Involving all business or factory stakeholders, including the workers, in the problem-solving
process will enhance problem- solving capabilities, compliance to changes and job satisfaction. Careful
examination of sick leave forms, compensation claims, medical records and outcomes of worker
interviews may reveal risk factor indicators. Symptom surveys and periodic medical examinations may
provide additional clues. A walk-through survey of the workplace is imperative to observe how the risk
factors are produced under usual working conditions.

After identifying and properly evaluating the ergonomic stresses that exist, interventions are selected
with the objective to reduce the magnitude and duration of risk factors. Controlling the risk factors may
require redesigning the employee’s workstation, tools, and work schedule or work methods. These
measures aim to lengthen the recovery time of the muscle groups often used, by using other muscle
groups and joints and finding ways in improving worker’s posture. For example, inadequate space may
be the reason for awkward postures and providing enough workspace may improve such posture. It is
important to acknowledge that workers’ education and training are vital in the success of ergonomic

Policies may be implemented by companies to promote compliance with the preventive strategies.
Psychosocial factors that have been identified as ergonomic stresses include work, which calls for
increased cognitive demands, poor job design and stressful organizational climate. In the workstation,
the workplace dimension, i.e., providing adequate room to fit, reach and see the work, are important
ergonomic factors to improve productivity. In addition, the workplace environment, comfortable
temperature, proper lighting, reduced vibration and noise levels do much to improve workers efficiency.

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Substance Abuse

Impacts of Alcohol and Drugs at Work

Selection of Medical Screening Tests


Noise Noise-induced hearing loss Audiometry
Neuro examination
Nervous system Liver profile
Liver Biological monitoring
(urinary toluene
Chest X-ray
Silica Silicosis (lung disease)
Pulmonary function tests (PFT)
Chest X-ray
Asbestos Asbestosis (lung disease)
Pulmonary function tests (PFT)
Neuro examination
Lead Anemia Biological monitoring
(Lead in blood)

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Biological Monitoring - Selected Substances
(Adopted from ACGIH, 2018):

S-Phenylmercapturic acid/g creatinine
Benzene urine End of shift
or t,t-Muconic acid/g creatinine
End of shift at end of
Hexane urine 2,5-Hexanedione
Lead compounds
(except alkyl lead blood Lead Not critical
Mercury, elemental urine Mercury Prior to shift
urine o-cresol/g creatinine End of shift
urine Toluene End of shift
Acetone urine acetone/L urine End of shift
Styrene urine mandelic acid End of shift

Xylene urine methylhippuric End of shift

acids/g creatinine
Trichloroethylene urine TCA/L urine By the end of the last
shift of a workweek/
shift period
Cadmium and its blood Cd/g creatinine Not critical
inorganic compounds

Interpretation of Data and Recommendation

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4. Communication of Results

Medical surveillance
• Feedback of group results
• Ensure medical confidentiality
• Use codes instead of actual names of the employees.


• Provides a mechanism for continuously improving health and safety performance
• Occupational Health Policies and Programs based on the results (e.g. top illnesses of the company)

5. Recordkeeping
• Test results, interpretation, record of notifications, AMR
• Exposure evaluations
• WEM, Biological monitoring
• Resulting environmental modifications
• Control measures implemented
• Requirements, procedures, and interpretation of findings for health surveillance as specified by
national legislation (e.g.TLVs or Threshold Limit Values)
• Medical History of workers
o Personal illnesses
o Family health problems
o Reproductive history
o Lifestyle (e.g., Smoking, drug use, etc.)
• Occupational History
o Descriptions of All Jobs Held
o Work Exposures
o Symptoms or Illnesses at Previous Jobs
o Personal Protective Equipment Used


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6. Evaluation of Control Measures

Clear Points:

• The purpose of medical surveillance in occupational health is prevention of illness.

• When illness arises from a particular exposure, medical surveillance is necessary.
• There are various health effects for every health hazards present in my workplace.
• We can refer to Safety Data Sheet on the health effects of chemicals used in my workplace.
• Medical surveillance and biological monitoring are strategies done to check for any abnormalities
in the body at physiological and cellular levels.
• Safety Officer must classify the risk of the health hazards before implementing appropriate control
measures to address them.
• Medical surveillance has to be followed by preventive action and evaluation of the effectiveness of

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Define Risk Assessment

RISK ASSESSMENT is a term used to describe the overall process or method where you:
• Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm (hazard identification).
• Analyze and evaluate the risk associated with that hazard (risk analysis, and risk evaluation)
• Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard, or control the risk when the hazard cannot be
eliminated (risk control).

Why is Risk Assessment Important?

• Create awareness of hazards and risk.
• Identify who may be at risk (e.g., employees, cleaners, visitors, contractors, the public, etc.).
• Determine whether a control program is required for a particular hazard.
• Determine if existing control measures are adequate or if more should be done.
• Prevent injuries or illnesses, especially when done at the design or planning stage.
• Prioritize hazards and control measures.
• Meet legal requirements where applicable.

What is the goal of Risk Assessment?

The goal is to try to answer the following questions:
• What can happen and under what circumstances?
• What are the possible consequences?
• How likely [and severe] are the possible consequences to occur?
• Is the risk controlled effectively, or is further action required?

When should a risk assessment be done?

There may be many reasons a risk assessment is needed, including:
• Before new processes or activities are introduced.
• Before changes are introduced to existing processes or activities, including when products,
machinery, tools, equipment change or new information concerning harm becomes available.
• When hazards are identified.

Risk Assessment Steps


1. Identifying hazards and those at risk 1. Identify the hazards
2. Evaluating, prioritizing risks 2. Decide who might be harmed and how
3. Deciding on preventive action 3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
4. Taking action 4. Record your significant findings
5. Monitoring and reviewing 5. Review your assessment and update if necessary

Categories of Hazards

SAFETY HAZARDS - Something that has potential to cause injury

HEALTH HAZARDS - Any agent or activity posing potential hazard to health

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Any agent or activity posing potential hazard to

Something that has potential to cause injury
Poor Housekeeping Chemical Hazard
Fire Physical Hazard
Use of Machine Biological Hazard
Electricity Ergonomics Hazard
Material Handling

How are the hazards identified?

1. Walk through survey or ocular inspection

2. Review of processes involved
3. Knowing the raw materials used, products and by products
4. Gathering of workers’ complaints
5. Safety Data Sheet
6. Include non-routine activities such as maintenance, repair, or cleaning.
7. Look at accident, incident & near-miss records.
8. Include people who work off site either at home, on other job sites, drivers, teleworkers, with clients,
9. Look at the way the work is organized or done (include experience of people doing the work, systems
being used, etc.).
10. Look at foreseeable unusual conditions (for example: possible impact on hazard control procedures
that may be unavailable in an emergency situation, power outage, etc.).

How do you know if the hazard will cause harm (pose as a risk)?

1. Product information or manufacturer documentation.

2. Past experience (knowledge from workers, etc.).
3. Legislated requirements and/or applicable standards.
4. Industry codes of practice or best practices.
5. Health and safety material about the hazard such as safety data sheets (SDSs), research studies, or other
manufacturer information.
6. Information from reputable organizations.
7. Results of testing (atmospheric or air sampling of workplace, biological swabs, etc.).
8. The expertise of an occupational health and safety professional.
9. Information about previous injuries, illnesses, near misses, incident reports, etc.
10. Observation of the process or task.

Remember To include factors that contribute to the level of risk such as:

1. The work environment (layout, condition, etc.).

2. The systems of work being used.
3. The range of foreseeable conditions.
4. The way the source may cause harm (e.g., inhalation, ingestion, etc.).
5. How often and how much a person will be exposed.
6. The interaction, capability, skill, experience of workers who do the work.

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How are risks ranked or prioritized?

A description of how likely an event is to occur or how likely it is that a proposition is true.


HIGH Likely to be experienced once or twice a year by an individual

MEDIUM May be experienced once every five years by an individual
LOW May be experienced once every five years by an individual

Example of Risk Assessment

Task Hazard Risk Control
Painting a Stepping on a 1 Falling from 1 meter height
room meter step tool to Severity: cause a short-term
reach higher areas strain or sprain.
A severe sprain may require a
few days off work.
Probability: occur once in a
lifetime as painting is an
uncommon activity in this

• Immediately dangerous: stop the process and implement controls
• High risk: investigate the process and implement controls immediately
• Medium risk: keep the process going; however, a control plan must be developed and should be
implemented as soon as possible
• Low risk: keep the process going, but monitor regularly. A control plan should also be
• Very low risk: keep monitoring the process

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2. Refers to a workplace where there is low level of danger or exposure to safety and health hazards
and not likely or with low probability to result in accident, harm, injury, or illness.
4. Refers to a workplace where there is moderate exposure to safety and health hazards and with
probability of an accident, injury or illness, if no preventive or control measures are in place.
6. Refers to a workplace where there is high level of exposure to safety and health hazards, and
probability of a major accident resulting to disability, death or major illness is likely to occur if no
preventive or control measures are in place.

The following are workplaces commonly associated with potentially high-risk activities

1. Chemical works and chemical production plants;

2. Construction;
3. Deep sea fishing;
4. Explosives and pyrotechnics factories;
5. Firefighting;
6. Healthcare facilities;
7. Installation of communication accessories, towers and cables;
8. LPG filling, refilling, storage and distribution;
9. Mining;
10. Petrochemical works and refineries;
11. Power generation, transmission and distribution in the energy sector;
12. Storage and distribution center for toxic or hazardous chemicals;
13. Storage of fertilizers in high volume;
14. Transportation;
15. Water supply, sewerage, waste management, remediation activities;
16. Works in which chlorine is used in bulk; and
17. Activities closely similar to those enumerated above & other activities as determined by DOLE in
accordance with existing issuances on the classification of establishments.

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Review the Hierarchy of Controls

1. Elimination - eliminate the hazard at the source

2. Substitution - provide an alternative that is capable of performing the same task & is safer to use.
3. Engineering - provide or construct physical barrier or guard, Requires a physical change to the
workplace, material or machines
4. Administrative - develop policies, procedures, practices & guidelines. Provide trainings,
instructions & supervision about the hazard
5. PPE - Personal equipment designed to protect the individual from the hazard. Control that requires
the worker to wear a barrier - it’s the last resort






Hierarchy of Controls

Clear Points:

• When conducting hazard identification, it may help to work as a team and include both people
familiar with the work area, as well as people who are not - this way you have both the
experienced and fresh eye to conduct the inspection.
• There is no one simple or single way to determine the level of risk. Nor will a single technique
apply in all situations. The organization has to determine which technique will work best for each
• Ranking or prioritizing hazards is one way to help determine which risk is the most serious and
thus which to control first.
• Any violation of the OSH Standards and other laws must be considered as immediately dangerous
or totally unacceptable.

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Albeit, the control of hazards in the workplace revolves around engineering control. If one can design
the hazard out of the equation, then workers can go about their tasks safely. The application of industrial
ventilation most of the time addresses the problem, since 80% of the work environment problem is
attributed to poor ventilation, especially when presence of chemical and hot processes are involved.
While general ventilation can be used for thermal comfort of workers, local exhaust ventilation is a very
practical and beneficial approach in controlling hazardous substances in the workplace.
Administrative control measures on the other hand, are always available. Using personal protective
equipment (PPE) is also useful as interim control measures while the necessary engineering control
measures are being installed or where other controls may not be feasible.


By the end of the session, the participant will be able to:

1. At the end of the session, the participants will be able to
2. Discuss the general principles and different methods of controls in reducing workers’ risk and
3. Explain the importance of hierarchy of controls pertaining to health hazards

Control Measures in the Workplace

There are three general environmental control measures that are useful in the workplace: engineering
controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment.

Reason for control of hazardous substances

1. Protecting workers health from exposure to substances
2. Protecting workers comfort
3. Complying with the standards implemented

Key Elements of Industrial Hygiene:

1. Identification
2. Evaluation
3. Control

General Diagram of Controlling Hazards

Three 3 zones where control measures can be applied:

Along the transmission PATH


or Contamination which is the Worker

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1. Engineering Controls –

These eliminate the hazard by considering safety and health provisions, substitution, modification of
process/equipment, isolation, wet methods and industrial ventilation. Engineering methods of control
are the most effective in preventing or reducing work environment factors or stresses. Examples:

a. Proper design and planning – Initial consideration regarding safety and health aspects must be made
in the planning and construction stage. We should bear in mind that once the control measures are in
place, it is already very hard to alter or modify the design, especially when we realize that the control
measure being adopted is ineffective. Besides it is more expensive and will cost the company a lot to do
so. The correct identification of the problem and careful evaluation should be ensured and we have to
make sure that the intervention or control measure to be employed is the most cost effective.

b. Substitution/replacement of materials used. Use of less hazardous (or non-hazardous) chemicals in

place of hazardous chemicals. (Ex. - use of water-based rather than oil-based).

Factors to consider:
• Hazard Assessment
• Effectiveness
• Compatibility
• Existing Control Measures
• Waste Disposal

c. Modification in the process/equipment. A change in the process offers an ideal chance to concomitantly
improve working conditions. Most changes are made to improve quality or reduce cost of production.
However, in some cases, a process is modified to reduce the hazard. For instance, in modifying a process,
automation can be used to lessen worker’s exposure to the contaminant. In modifying equipment, the use
of lids can prevent dispersion of dust during mixing.

d. Isolation. Hazardous operations should be isolated to minimize exposure of workers. The isolation can
be a physical barrier, such as acoustic panels, to minimize noise transmission from a genset, whining
blower or ripsaw. The worker may also be isolated or enclosed in a soundproof control booth with a
clean source of air supplied to the booth. Isolation can also be in terms of time or distance.

e. Wet methods. Airborne dust hazards can be minimized or greatly reduced by applying water or other
suitable liquids. Dampening powder materials or suppressing dust generation through misting or spraying
of water will definitely control dust dispersion. Dampening or drenching powder materials to prevent it
from getting airborne is one of the simplest methods for dust control. Its effectiveness, however, depends
upon proper wetting of the particulates. Its application also depends on the nature of process and product.
Some powder conveying systems provide auxiliary water piping systems with sprinklers or water sprays
at the unloading side since formation of dust clouds occur when powder materials drop.

f. Industrial ventilation. A very important aspect of engineering control has to do with ventilation.
Industrial ventilation is the process of supplying fresh air and/or removing contaminant laden air by
natural or mechanical means to and from any space.

2 Types Ventilation
1. General or Dilution Ventilation
• Natural Ventilation
• Mechanical Ventilation
2. Local Exhaust Ventilation
• Enclosure hood
• Capturing hood
• Receiving hood

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Purpose of Ventilation
• Ensure condition of thermal comfort
• To renew the air in the workplace, therefore diluting eventual air contaminants to acceptable levels.
• To prevent hazardous air contaminants from generating into the working environment and reaching
the workers breathing zone.

2. Administrative Controls –

If the hazard cannot be removed, then the next approach is to reduce the exposure of the hazard as in:
scheduling hazardous work process; reduced working hours in hot processes and work areas with
excessive noise levels; assigning workers to other less hazardous work areas of production and training
of workers on various health and safety aspects.

a. Reduction of work periods. Reduction of work periods is a method of control in limited areas where
engineering control methods at the source are not practical.

b. Adjusting work schedules. For workers who must labor in a compressed-air environment, schedules
of maximum length work shift and length of decompression time have been prepared. The higher the
pressure, the shorter the work shift should be (and the longer the decompression time period.

c. Job Rotation. Job rotation when used as a way to reduce employee exposure to toxic chemicals or
harmful agents must be used with care. While rotation keeps exposure below recommended limits
exposes more workers to the hazard.

d. Training and Education of all workers. The education of supervisors usually is process equipment-
oriented. The aim of the safety and health professional should be to teach them about the safety and
health hazards that may be found in work areas. Supervisors should be knowledgeable and well-informed
about hazardous processes, operations and materials for which they are responsible.

e. Employee information and training. The worker must know the proper operating procedures that make
engineering control effective. If performing an operation away from an exhaust hood, the purpose of the
control measure will be defeated and the work area may become contaminated. Workers can be alerted
to safe operating procedures through manuals, instruction materials, signages, labels, safety meetings,
and other educational devices.

f. Emergency response training and education. Also, be sure to give employees training on how to
respond to emergencies. OSH training on when to respond or not is also critical. Many deaths have
occurred when untrained workers rushed in to save fallen co-workers and were, themselves, overcome.

g. Housekeeping and maintenance. Good housekeeping plays a key role in the control of occupational
health hazards. Remove dust on overhead ledges and on the floor before it can become airborne by traffic,
vibration, and random air currents. Stress that good housekeeping is always important; but where there
are toxic materials, it is of paramount importance.

The concern in administrative control is that the focus is on the worker (man). Since there are many
workers from different walks of life, you can expect different responses to the aforementioned control
methods. Since they are people, they can forget, act hurriedly, may be stubborn, and have knowledge or
attitude problems. There will always be an administrative control, the problem is in complying with it.

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3. Uses of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) –

If the hazard cannot be removed, and a worker is needed for the operation (or equipment), then the last
resort is to put a barrier between the worker and the hazard – thus the PPE. Actually, PPE can be used
in conjunction with engineering controls and administrative methods.

Uses of PPEs
• Where temporary control measures are necessary before engineering controls are installed
• To supplement engineering controls in reducing exposure during maintenance and repair
• During emergencies
• It is the last line of defense

However, PPEs protective devices have one serious drawback - they do not reduce or eliminate the
hazard. The fact that a protective device may become ineffective when the wearer lacks sufficient
knowledge on how to use it, adds to the limitation of these PPE.

• Head protection – hardhat, cap, visor

• Foot protection – safety shoes, boots
• Hand protection – gloves
• Eye protection – goggles or safety glasses
• Hearing protection – ear plugs or ear muffs
• Respiratory protection – SCBA, mask

The use of this should be confined to certain situations:

• Where temporary control measures are necessary before engineering controls installed.
• Where engineering controls are not practicable.
• To supplement engineering controls in reducing exposure during 
maintenance and repair.
• During emergencies

PPEs vary in design, equipment specifications, application and protective capability. Proper selection
depends on the toxic substance involved, conditions of exposure, human capabilities and equipment fit.
In this module though, we will be giving particular attention to respiratory protective equipment.

During exposure to hazards, as a last resort, workers turn to protect themselves with a barrier – called
Personal Protective Equipment or PPE. The degree of risk depends on the severity of the hazard, and
the degree of exposure. PPE is the last line of defense in Industrial Hygiene control; it does not eliminate
the hazard; it aids in controlling individual exposure.

What is personal protective equipment?

Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as "PPE", is equipment worn to minimize exposure
to serious workplace injuries and illnesses. These injuries and illnesses may result from contact with
chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards. Personal protective
equipment may include items such as gloves, safety glasses and shoes, earplugs or muffs, hard hats,
respirators, or coveralls, vests and full body suits.

Eye and Face Protection

Employees can be exposed to a large number of hazards that pose
danger to their eyes and face. OSH Standards requires employers to
ensure that employees have appropriate eye or face protection if they
are exposed to eye or face hazards from flying particles, molten metal,
liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapors,
potentially infected material or potentially harmful light radiation. Goggles

Many occupational eye injuries occur because workers are not wearing any eye protection while others
result from wearing improper or poorly fitting eye protection. Employers must be sure that their

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employees wear appropriate eye and face protection and that the selected form of protection is
appropriate to the work being performed and properly fits each worker exposed to the hazard. Spectacles,
Goggles, Safety goggles, Face shields

Head Protection
Protecting employees from potential head injuries is a key element of any safety program. A head injury
can impair an employee for life or it can be fatal. Wearing a safety helmet or hard hat is one of the easiest
ways to protect an employee's head from injury. Hard hats can protect employees from impact and
penetration hazards as well as from electrical shock and burn hazards.

Hard hats are divided into three industrial classes:

• Class A - hard hats provide impact and penetration resistance
along with limited voltage protection (up to 2,200 volts).
• Class B - hard hats provide the highest level of protection
against electrical hazards, with high-voltage shock and burn
protection (up to 20,000 volts). They also provide protection
from impact and penetration hazards by flying/falling objects.
• Class C - hard hats provide lightweight comfort and impact
protection but offer no protection from electrical hazards.

Foot and Leg Protection

Employees who face possible foot or leg injuries from falling or rolling objects Hard Hat
or from crushing or penetrating materials should wear protective footwear. Also,
employees whose work involves exposure to hot substances or corrosive or
poisonous materials must have protective gear to cover exposed body parts,
including legs and feet. If an employee's feet may be exposed to electrical
hazards, non-conductive footwear should be worn. On the other hand,
workplace exposure to static electricity may necessitate the use of conductive
footwear. (Leggings, Metatarsal guards, Toe guards, Combination foot and shin
Steel Toed Boots
guards, Safety shoes).

Hand and Arm Protection

If a workplace hazard assessment reveals that employees face potential injury to hands
and arms that cannot be eliminated through engineering and work practice controls,
employers must ensure that employees wear appropriate protection. Potential hazards
include skin absorption of harmful substances, chemical or thermal burns, electrical
dangers, bruises, abrasions, cuts, punctures, fractures and amputations. Protective
equipment includes gloves, finger guards and arm coverings or elbow-length
Employers should explore all possible engineering and work practice controls to Chemical Resistant Gloves
eliminate hazards and use PPE to provide additional protection against hazards
that cannot be completely eliminated through other means. For example, machine guards may eliminate
a hazard. Installing a barrier to prevent workers from placing their hands at the point of contact between
a table saw blade and the item being cut is another method.

Body Protection
Employees who face possible bodily injury of any kind that cannot be
eliminated through engineering, work practice or administrative controls,
must wear appropriate body protection while performing their jobs. In
addition to cuts and radiation, the following are examples of workplace
hazards that could cause bodily injury:
Temperature extremes;
Hot splashes from molten metals and other hot
liquids; Potential impacts from tools, machinery and materials; Hazardous

Cover All / Jump Suit

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Hearing Protection
Determining the need to provide hearing protection for employees can be
challenging. Employee exposure to excessive noise depends upon a number of
factors, including:

The loudness of the noise as measured in decibels (dB).
The duration of each

employee's exposure to the noise.
Whether employees move between work
areas with different noise levels. Whether noise is generated from one or
Ear Muffs and Ear Plugs
multiple sources.

Hearing protectors placed inside the ear to block out noise. To work effectively, they should fit snugly
into the ear canal. Discuss

A device composed of a headband with two cushioned ear cups that form a seal around the outer ear,
covering it completely and blocking out the noise.

Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)

Is a rating system used to determine the effectiveness of hearing protection devices to decrease sound
exposure within a given working environment.

• Earplugs
Approximate Noise Protective Level = Noise Level – [ (NRR – 7) x 0.5 ]
• Earmuffs
Approximate Noise Protective Level = Noise Level – [ (NRR – 7) x 0.75 ]

Example of Using the NRR : For Earplugs:

Approximate Noise Protective Level = Noise Level – [ (NRR – 7) x 0.5 ]
1. Noise level: 95 dB(A)
2. NRR of hearing protectors: 33 dB
3. Subtract 7 dB from the NRR: 33 dB - 7 dB = 26 dB
4. Multiply by 1/2: 26 X 1/2 = 13 dB
5. Subtract 13 dB from the Approximate Noise Protective Level: 95 dBA - 13 dB = 82 dB

Respiratory Protection
When employees must work in environments with insufficient oxygen or where
harmful dusts, fogs, smokes, mists, fumes, gases, vapors, or sprays are present, they
need respirators. These health hazards may cause cancer, lung impairment, other
diseases, or death.

Where toxic substances are present in the workplace
and engineering controls are
inadequate to reduce or eliminate them, respirators are necessary. Some atmosphere-
supplying respirators can also be used to protect against oxygen-deficient Respirator
atmospheres. Increased breathing rates, accelerated heartbeat, and impaired thinking or coordination
occur more quickly in an oxygen-deficient or other hazardous atmosphere. Even a momentary loss of
coordination can be devastating if it occurs while a worker is performing a potentially dangerous activity
such as climbing a ladder.

Air Purifying
Filtering air impurities which are present in the atmosphere before they are inhaled by the worker.
• Filter- type
• Cartridge- type

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Respirator Filter Definition

Filters restricted to use in an atmosphere free of oil aerosols

Filters intended for removal of any particle including oil-based liquid aerosol. Used only for single shift
(8 hours of continuous or intermittent use)

Filters intended for removal of any particle including oil-based liquid aerosols. Should be used and re-
used for not more than 40 hours or 30 days whichever comes first

Air Supplying
Provides continuous supply of uncontaminated air also known as -
(Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus [SCBA]) Used in:
• Confined spaces or oxygen deficient areas
• Concentration of contaminant is high
• Fire-fighting

Criteria for Selection of Respirators

• Identification of contaminants
• Maximum possible concentration of contaminants in the work area
• Acceptability in terms of comfort
• Compatibility with the nature of job
• Proper fit to the face of user to prevent leakage

What can be done to ensure proper use of personal protective equipment?

All personal protective equipment should be of safe design and construction, and should be maintained
in a clean and reliable fashion. It should fit well and be comfortable to wear, encouraging worker use. If
the personal protective equipment does not fit properly, it can make the difference between being safely
covered or dangerously exposed. When engineering, work practice, and administrative controls are not
feasible or do not provide sufficient protection, employers must provide personal protective equipment
to their workers and ensure its proper use. Employers are also required to train each worker required to
use personal protective equipment to know:
• When it is necessary
• What kind is necessary
• How to properly put it on, adjust, wear and take it off
• The limitations of the equipment
• Proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of the equipment

If PPE is to be used, a PPE program should be implemented. This program should address the hazards
present; the selection, maintenance, and use of PPE; the training of employees; and monitoring of the
program to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.

Options for Control

• Risk Evaluation • Choice of control options
• Hazards Identification • Determination of control needs

1. Determination of Control Needs

• Know the hazards in the workplace associated with specific jobs
• Consider normal operations, maintenance activities, foreseeable emergencies
• Know the risk to persons doing those jobs

2. Hazard Identification
• Agent • Route of Entry
• Physical Characteristic • Effect from exposure
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3. Risk Evaluation - For any particular job, know:
1. Nature and degree of exposure 9. Short- or long-term effect
2. Magnitude of exposure 10. Reversibility or otherwise
3. Increased level of exposure 11. Acceptable level of exposure
4. Length of exposure 12. Standards
5. Frequency of exposure occurrence 13. Accurate measurement
6. Related circumstances 14. Variations in concentration of contaminant
7. Result of exposure 15. Overall level of risk to the worker
8. Local or systemic effect

Control Options selected should:

• Reduce individual exposure to an acceptable level
• Be acceptable to the potentially exposed workforce
• Be practicable in terms of engineering concepts

Role of Management
1. Development of PPE Program
2. Implementation
3. Evaluation based on guidelines, standards
4. Revision, refinement

Industrial Hygiene Control

1. Engineering
2. Administrative
3. Personal Protective Equipment

Limitations of PPE
• It does not reduce or eliminate the hazard. If PPE is defective, the wearer may be exposed to the
hazard without knowledge of it.
• Protection provided to wearer only

Management of PPE Programs

• Ultimate responsibility of a PPE Program rests at Management level
• It should be supported by a written procedure and controlled by a responsible person

PPE Program is composed of the following elements: (SHRIMP DISC FC)

1. Selection 7. Maintenance
2. Fitting 8. Disposal
3. Health Aspects 9. Information & Training
4. Issue 10. Supervision
5. Proper Use 11. Reviews
6. Compatibility 12. Checklist

1. Selection
• To be done by a suitably trained person with adequate information of the task, hazards, personnel,
materials, etc.
2. Fitting
When first issued, the user should also be trained to check the fit whenever the equipment is used.
• Ensure an adequate fit under supervision

3. Health Aspects
• Use of PPE can affect employees’ health (e.g. skin irritation, heat stress)
• A number of medical conditions may make it difficult to use certain equipment

4. Compatibility - If more than one type of PPE is required to be worn simultaneously, then the harmony of
the individual items needs to be evaluated.
• The PPE also needs to be compatible with the task involved
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5. Issue
• Provision should be made to control the issue of PPE to employees, remembering that several types of
equipment may be available.
• PPE should be issued on a personal basis to individual employees. Apart from hygiene considerations,
employees are then more willing to accept responsibility for the care and maintenance of the
• A system requiring employees to sign for certain types of equipment is recommended and can provide
another check on the use of correct equipment.

6. Proper Use
• PPE is effective if worn properly for the appropriate task
• Use of PPE by Supervisor encourages employees & enforces PPE programs
• Equipment that can provide complete protection, but which is not properly used, may provide no
protection at all
• Employees should be prevented from taking used PPE for domestic purposes

7. Maintenance (Cleaning and Storage)

• Depending on type of equipment used, procedures need to be established for its cleaning and
maintenance when necessary
• Exempted here are single use (disposable) items
• Occasionally, during use, PPE may become contaminated with toxic materials. Provision should be
made to prevent contamination with other areas of the workplace or employees engaged in cleaning or
maintenance activities.
• Respirators can be placed in suitably labeled containers until sent for cleaning.

8. Disposal
• Used PPE can be contaminated with toxic agents and disposal procedures need careful consideration.
Depending on the circumstances, equipment may need to be treated as toxic waste

9. Information and Training

• Employees have to be given sufficient information and proper training about the hazards associated
with their jobs to enable them to work safely with minimal risk to health.
• Employees who are fully aware of the hazards and the need for protection will be more ready to accept
such difficulties and use the equipment provided
• Supervisors should be alert to any changes in the requirements of the job and any limitations placed
on the employee by the. PPE, ensuring that appropriate feedback is given to the Safety Advisers,
Occupational Health Personnel or Hygienist

10. Supervision
• A PPE program is unlikely to be successful unless the first line supervisory personnel are
knowledgeable and held accountable for effective use of PPE
• Supervisors must set an example by wearing PPE as appropriate and ensure its use by others as required

11. Reviews
• Periodic evaluation to confirm that the agreed procedures are appropriate and being followed
• Formal audit carried out by a third party with specialist advisers

12. Checklist
• To ensure use of properly fitted, effective PPE for specific jobs
• PPE is the last line of defense, hence, its effectiveness may be crucial to the health of the workers

As a Safety Officer, You NEED to Recommend Controls to mitigate all hazards in the workplace

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 92
Identification and Recommendation
Department Order 136 – 14: GHS






Hierarchy of Controls

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 93
Control Measures Mitigating Hazards at the Source
• Eliminate the source
• Substitution using a less harmful or less hazardous chemical or
• process
• Isolation – enclose sources or the employee, or the source and some
employees together rather than all employees
• Modification of the source or process
• Automation – use robotic, remote or computer aided products
• Separation – place the source in a different location to the employee
• Local Exhaust Ventilation – using ventilation to capture contaminant at the
source to prevent it from dispensing

Control Measures Mitigating Hazards at the Path

• Housekeeping (immediate cleanup)
• General exhaust ventilation (roof fans)
• Dilution ventilation (supplied air)
• Increase distance between source and receiver receiver(semi-automatic or remote control)
• Use of screen and partial barriers
• Continuous area monitoring (pre-set alarms)
• Adequate maintenance program

Control Measures Mitigating Hazards at the Worker

• Training and education (most important)
• Rotation of workers (split up dose)
• Enclosure of worker (air-conditioned crane cabs)
• Personal monitoring devices (dosimeters)
• Personal protective devices (respirators)
• Adequate maintenance program

Control Measures Using Combination of Controls

Clear Points:
• All hazards can be controlled
• There are usually many alternative methods of control
• Some methods of control are better than the others
• Some situations will require more than one control method to obtain optimum results

Controls should be introduced as a means to protect the health or comfort of workers along with other
objectives, including employee safety, reduction in environmental pollution and reduction in economic
loss. The Safety Officer shall ensure that effective controls are being implemented regularly monitored
and maintained.
“The correct identification and careful evaluation of the hazards are extremely important and will
constitute the basis of appropriate control measures

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 94

Aims and Objectives:

1. Identify and explain the different work environment control measures
2. Recognize appropriate control measures to reduce or eliminate the different hazards
3. Understand how environment control concepts, particularly industrial ventilation, can be applied to
the environmental hazards
4. Identify the different respiratory protective equipment.

Course Outline:
• Workplace Good Housekeeping (5S System)
• Fire Safety
• Machine Safety
• Safety on Material Handling & Storage
• Electrical Safety



Good housekeeping shall be maintained at all times through cleanliness of building, yards, machines, equipment,
regular waste disposal, and orderly arrangement of processes, operations, storage and filing of materials.

Benefits of Good Housekeeping

1. Eliminates accident and fire hazards
2. Maintains safe and healthy work conditions
3. Saves time, money, materials, space, and effort
4. Improves productivity and quality of work
5. Boosts morale
6. Reflects a well-run organization

Planning a Good Housekeeping Program (5S)

5S is a tool that represents the basic principles of housekeeping and workplace organization. It is more
than cleaning and painting. It is a disciplined approach to keep the workplace efficient and effective.
• Eliminates accident and fire hazards
• Maintains safe and healthy work conditions
• Saves time, money, materials, space, and effort
• Improves productivity and quality of work
• Boosts morale
• Reflects a well-run organization

The 5-S System

• It is a set of systematized steps of good housekeeping to organize work areas, keeps rules and
standards, and maintain the discipline needed to perform a good job.
• It engages all employees in bringing about continuous improvements and foundation of Self-
discipline on the job that will result to greater Productivity, Quality & Safety.
• A visually-oriented system of cleanliness, organization, and arrangement designed to facilitate
greater Productivity, Quality & Safety.

5S Program
Standardize Sustain
Seiri Sort Suriin Sort (Seiri)
Set in Order Shine
(Seiketsu) (Shitsuke)
Seiton Systematize Sinupin (Seiton) (Seiso)

Seiso Sweep Simutin

Seiketsu Standardize Siguraduhin
Shitsuke Self-discipline Sariling kusa

5-S System Procedure

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101
( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 95
1-S: Seiri (Sorting / Suriin)
• Means clearly distinguish between items needed to be kept and what needs to be discarded
• Means removal of items not needed for current operation and activity in the workplace.

2-S: SEITON (Set In Order / Sinupin)

• Means that items needed in the workplace are arranged so that they are easy to find, easy to use
and easy to return.

3-S – SEISO (Shine / Simutin)

• Means SHINE, keeping the workplace swept, clean and organized by ingraining such habits as
part of the work culture instead of making cleaning a periodic exercise
• Cleaning also means Inspection
• The Best Cleaning is no cleaning at all

4-S: Seiketsu - (Standardize / Siguraduhin ang kalinisan)

• This means creating a consistent way to carry out tasks and procedure
• Everyone does it the same (documented) way.
• Make it habit! Repeat and Repeat and Repeat
• It integrates Sort, Set in order, and Shine into a unified whole

5-S: Shitsuke – (Self Discipline / Sariling Kusa)

It means how to challenge to sustain the gains of 1S to 4S activities
KEYPOINT: SELF DISCIPLINE – the will to do what is right regardless if monitored or not
Having an initiative to do work and start work without being told.
• Have the discipline to follow rules without being told or even if nobody is around to take notice.
• Always follow and observe company rules and regulations
• Focus Improvement to sustain 5S System
• Know What is Right, Value What is Right, Do What is Right
• Self-Discipline: Employee understands, obeys, and practices the rules all the time.

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 96

Importance of Fire Safety:

Life safety - the primary goal of fire safety efforts is to protect building occupants from injury and to
prevent loss of life.
Property protection - the secondary goal of fire safety is to prevent property damage.
Protection of operations - By preventing fires and limiting damage we can assure that work operations
will continue.
Fire Prevention - Refers primarily to measures directed towards avoiding the occurrence of fire. Effective
fire prevention work will mean better security, less fire losses and less tragedies.

Principles of Fire Prevention and Control

• Prevent the Outbreak of Fire
• Provide for Early Detection
• Prevent the Spread of Fire
• Provide for Prompt Extinguishment
• Provide for Prompt and Orderly Evacuation

Prevent the Outbreak of Fire

• Provision of Hot Work Permit System
• Practice safe storage of chemicals
• Never overload a power outlet
• Smoke only in designated smoking areas
• Correct all defective wiring systems

Provide for Early Detection

• A complete protective signaling and control system including fire detection, alarm and
• Fire Alarms, Detectors, Annunciators

Prevent the Spread of Fire

• Compartmentation
• Fixed Fire Protection System
• Sprinklers, Hydrants, Fire Hose/ Fire Hose Cabinet

Provide for Prompt Extinguishment

• Removal of Fuel
• Excluding or Limiting Oxygen
• Cooling
• By Interrupting the Chain Reaction

Provide for Prompt and Orderly Evacuation

• Fire emergency evacuation route maps/evacuation plans
• Working/active fire brigade team/ emergency response team

Proper Operation of a Fire Extinguisher:

Pull pin

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 97
Using Portable Fire Extinguisher
1. Start about 6-8 feet from the fire then squeeze the trigger slowly while moving towards the fire
2. 10-lb fire extinguishers lasts only 10-20 seconds. It should be used correctly.
3. When the fire is extinguished, stop pulling the trigger. In the event of a re-ignition, at least there
would still be contents inside the unit.
4. Ensure that you have an escape path in case the fire is not extinguished

Fire Brigade Organization

Fire Safety Program

1. Fire Detection and Alarm System
2. First Aid Fire Protection System
3. Fixed Fire Protection System
4. Fire Exit Doors, Fire Exit Signs, directional arrows
5. Fire emergency evacuation route maps or evacuation plans
6. Inspection and maintenance system of fire detection, alarm, control and suppression systems.
7. Hot work permit system
8. Fire Safety Training
9. Conduct of drills
10. Working or active:
11. Fire Brigade Team
12. Emergency Response Team
13. Working & updated Emergency Response Plans
14. Compliance to standards (OSHS, Fire Code)

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 98

Safeguarding any machine part that may cause injury. It is the prevention of accidents when working with

• Loss of life
• Severe accidents or serious injury
• Loss of production
• Equipment damage and repairs
• Possible litigation
• Having time spent on accident investigation and other statutory requirements.

Machine Guards:
• Guards are barriers that prevent entry of an individual’s hands or other body parts into a hazard area.
• Installed to minimize the risk of injury to machine operators or other persons from hazardous machine
parts, materials being processed, or scrap.

• Prevent employee contact with hazardous moving parts
• Secured and durable
• Prevent falling materials into moving parts
• Create no new hazards
• Must not interfere with worker productivity
• Should allow for proper and safe maintenance and lubrication


Preventing Access: Preventing Dangerous Motion:

• Fixed enclosing guards • Photoelectric light
• Movable Guards with curtains/Presence sensing
interlocking switches device
• Two hand controls • Pullback devices
• Adjustable Guards • Restraint device
o Manually adjustable
o Self-adjusting

Lock-Out-Tag-Out System (LOTO)

The standard for the control of hazardous energy sources which covers maintenance of machines in which the
unexpected start-up of machines or release of stored energy could cause injury to employees.

LOCK-OUT (LOTO) is blocking the flow of energy from the power source to the equipment – and keeping
it blocked out. LOTO protects you from the unexpected start-up of machines or release of stored energy
during service or maintenance.

• Prevent employee contact with hazardous moving parts
• Secured and durable
• Prevent falling materials into moving parts
• Create no new hazards
• Must not interfere with worker productivity
• Should allow for proper and safe maintenance and lubrication

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 99
Machine Safety Program
An effective Machine Safety Program must have the following:
1. Equipment/Machine inspection and maintenance program.
2. Installation of safety devices (guards, relief valves, provision for
3. LOTO, interlocks, limit switches, etc.)
4. Compliance to regulatory requirements and standards.
5. Implementation of LOTO system.
6. Having a machine operation and safety procedures.
7. Machine alarm and warning signal system.
8. Equipment/machine safety signages.

In a Lock Out (LO), place a lock on a disconnect switch, circuit breaker, valve handle to make sure it
cannot be moved from the OFF or closed position.

In a Tag Out (TO) tag out, you attach a written warning tag at the place where the equipment would be
energized, such as at the ON switch or on a valve that opens a supply line.

Locks or Tags, which is better?

OSHA considers using a lock safer than just using a tag. The OSHA standard allows a tag in the place of
a lock only if the tag-out provides the equivalent protection of a lockout. Your Safety and that of your co-
workers – depends on the proper recognition and use of locks or tags. So, remember:
1. Never use your LO/TO for locking personal or unauthorized items
2. Never lend or borrow a lock or tag
3. Never remove someone else’s lock or tag

Sources of Energy
1. Electrical – can be a direct source
2. Hydraulic – uses fluid under pressure
3. Pneumatic – uses air under pressure
4. Kinetic – the energy created in a moving object
5. Potential – stored energy such as in capacitors, compressed air, hydraulics and springs
6. Pressurized liquids or gases – including steam/chemicals present in pipes/supply lines or
mechanical energy, gravity, pressurized systems and elevated parts.

Maintenance activities on equipment include:

• Constructing • Modifying • Adjusting
• Inspecting • Setting up • Servicing
• Installing • Maintaining

Who should be given training in LOTO?

1. Authorized employee – a person who locks out or tags our machinery or equipment in order to
service or maintain it.
2. Affected employee – an employee whose work involves use or operation of equipment under
lockout/tag out or who works in the area where service is being performed.
3. Other Employees – those passing thru it

Applying Lockout / Tag out

1. Prepare for shutdown – know equipment’s energy source before working on it
2. Notify employees
3. Shutdown – turn off the equipment
4. Isolate – find and isolate every form of energy that the machine uses. This includes pulling fuses,
throwing disconnects and capping any secondary sources of energy.
5. Apply LOTO – anything that might restore the flow of energy to the work area must be locked out.
6. Release stored Energy – from capacitors, relief valves, etc.
7. Verify power is off

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 100
In situations where multiple pieces of equipment are being locked, an authorized employee places all keys
in a lock box to which each employee attaches his or her personal lock.

Removal and Re-Energizing a System (Restarting the Equipment):

1. Remove tools, restore machine guards
2. Check employees – Notify Personnel that LOTO devices are being removed. Remove employees from
the area or make sure they are a safe distance from the equipment,
3. Remove LOTO Devices - The person who placed each device must be the one to remove it. If someone
who placed a LOTO device is not present, notify your supervisor who will follow specific procedures.
Never remove it yourself.
4. Notify affected employees
5. Restore energy.

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 101

Proper Procedure of Manual Lifting


1. Inspect materials for sharp edges, burrs, rough or slippery surfaces.

2. Get a firm grip on the object.
3. Keep fingers away from pinch points, especially when setting down materials.
4. Wipe off greasy, wet, slippery, or dirty objects before trying to handle them.
5. Never attempt to lift that are either too heavy or bulky to handle safely.


1. Stand close to the load and face the way you intend to move
2. Keep feet apart
3. Be sure you have a good grip on the load
4. Look forward to keep back straight
5. Keep arms straight
6. Tighten abdominal muscles
7. Tuck chin into the chest


1. Lightweight, flexible, tear and puncture-resistant clothing,

2. Safety boots with toe slip-resistant soles, and
3. Protective gloves, appropriate for the materials being handled.

Mechanical Handling - General Requirements

• Operators must be under skills training and must be authorized.

• Equipment must be regularly inspected and maintained.

Materials Storage Room General Requirements

1. Stored materials must not create a hazard.

2. Should be properly illuminated and ventilated.
3. Materials are properly identified and labeled (including hazard labels).
4. Should have proper danger or warning signs.
5. Must have a smooth flow of materials, material handling equipment and people.
6. Storage areas must be kept free from accumulated materials that may cause tripping, fires, explosions,
or that may contribute to the harboring of rats & other pests
7. When stacking and piling materials, it is important to be aware of such factors as the materials' height
and weight, how accessible the stored materials are to the user, and the condition of the containers
where the materials are being stored
8. Materials material handling equipment should not obstruct emergency equipment such as fire alarm
buttons, evacuation map, first aid kits, fire extinguishers (portable or fixed) etc.

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 102

Protection Against Hazards of Electricity

Maintain intentionally creating a low-

adequate resistance path
grounding of that connects to the earth
circuit and

Properly install enclosing electric equipment

guarding to make sure people don't
accidentally come into
contact with its live parts

Use of adequate ▪ Proper foot protection (not

and approved tennis shoes)
type of personal ▪ Rubber insulating gloves,
protective hoods, sleeves,
equipment matting, and blankets
▪ Hard hat (insulated -

Use of
in maintaining

Use of Ground Protects operator from

fault circuit electric shock
Interrupters ▪ Detects difference in
(GFCI) current going into the
equipment and returning
from it
▪ If ground fault detected,
GFCI shuts off electricity
in 1/40th of a second

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 103

Are variety of devices and gadgets designed to serve as a barrier between

workers and Workplace hazards.

DO 198-2018: The Right to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
Every employer, contractor or subcontractor, if any, shall provide his or her
workers, free of charge, PPE for any part of the body that may be exposed
to hazards, and lifeline, PFAS, gas or dust respirators or masks, and
protective shields whenever necessary by reason of the hazardous work
process or environment

Guidelines in Selecting PPE

• Identify specific safety hazards
• Understand the effect
• Choose appropriate and approved type
• Train workers on proper usage and maintenance.

Types of PPE Protection on



• Written Policy
• Proper Selection of
• Proper Training
PPE • Maintenance
• Incentive System
• Enforcement

Hierarchy of Controls

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 104

Suffice it to say that Accidents rank the fifth leading cause of death in the Philippines (June 2015 The
Medical Grind Medical News) worldwide. Employee safety records speak of man-hours worked safely,
while Lost Time, on the other hand, is the technical term for an accident. It can maim or kill a worker
and put a halt to the construction project.


• Learn the accident causation theory

• Discuss the importance of accident investigation
• Enumerate the types of accidents to be reported
• Document and make recommendations based on the investigation

Accidents are the result of Unsafe Acts and Unsafe Condition. Identifying the causative factors can
prevent recurrence and save valuable lives.
• Accident is unplanned, uncontrolled and undesirable.
• Disrupts normal function of the organization due to injuries/ fatality of workers or damage to
• Accident can be prevented from recurring through an efficient root cause investigation.

Accident Causation:
• Refers to the factors that are the primary reasons behind an accident.
• For occupational health and safety professionals, determining causation factors in any workplace
injury or accident is the key.

• Workforce
• Management of the workforce
• Policies Method
• Behavior

• Used or Worked or made

• Policies Environment Equipment
• Programs
• Work Methods

• Tools Materials
• Machinery

• Physical surroundings
• Natural environment
• Community, social & legal influences

REMEMBER: ACCIDENTS are caused... so ACCIDENTS can be prevented

Mr. Hienrich’s Survey
88% Unsafe or Unhealthy Acts
10% Unsafe or Unhealthy Conditions
2% Acts of Nature

98% Accidents are Preventable
2% Non-Preventable

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 105
Heinrich's Domino Theory

According to Heinrich, an "accident" is one factor in a sequence that may lead to an injury.
• The factors can be visualized as a series of dominoes standing on edge; when one falls, the linkage
required for a chain reaction is completed.
• Each of the factors is dependent on the preceding factor.

Heinrich’s Triangle

Primary Causes of Accidents

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101
( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 106
The physical or chemical property of a material, machine or the environment that may result in injury
to a person, damage or destruction to property and other losses; these could have been guarded or
• Unnoticed
• Uncorrected

• A human action that departs from a standard or written job procedure or common practice, safety
rules, regulations, or instructions.
• A violation of a commonly-accepted safe procedures and or processes.
• Unaware
• Unable
• Unmotivated

Cost of Accidents

Accident Investigation
• A methodical effort to collect and interpret the facts of accident.
• An inquiry as to how and why the accident occurred in order to explore actions that should be
taken to prevent or minimize recurrence of the accident.

Important Feature of an Accident Investigation

• Formal Policy requiring the proper and consistent reporting of all accidents is one of the most
important principles of any accident investigation program


• To establish all facts
• To draw conclusion
• To make recommendations
• To prevent recurrence

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 107
Investigations are conducted to:
1. Prevent recurrence
2. Comply with policies and regulatory requirements
3. Improve Supervisor’s Management Approach
4. Maintain employee awareness - HSE

Prevention is the reason for conducting an Accident Investigation

Unless the unsafe acts/conditions are:
1. Identified,
2. Eliminated or
3. Controlled… similar mishaps will occur.

All accidents must be investigated:

§ Non-LTA
§ Property Damage
§ Near Accident or Miss (Near Miss?)
Near Accident or Miss is an accident that did not happen, but could happen… it is still investigated


1. Fatal accidents
2. Accident causing injury or illness
3. Diseases
4. Dangerous occurrences
5. Near Miss – is a circumstance where injuries or property damage did not occur, but the potential
exists for those undesirable events.

The Supervisor should take responsibility in conducting the investigation

1. More familiar with the people involved
2. Has better understanding of the operation
3. Has personal stake in accident investigation
4. Knows the employees best

Investigate the following:

1. Incidents and Accidents
2. Medical Cases
3. Damage to property
4. Injury
5. Theft

Accident Investigations are usually considered a Supervisors responsibility. Advantages of

Supervisors over other investigators:
1. More familiar with the people involved
2. Better understanding of the operations and equipment
3. Personal interest in Investigations

Team Effort – investigate as a team, it increases the chance of identifying the cause, reduces backyard
blindness and bias.

Managing the Accident Scene

Two Priorities:
§ Care & Treatment of the Injured
§ Elimination or control of Remaining Hazards

Safety Sign Board

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 108
Care & Treatment of Injured
Supervisors can increase their ability to respond to Medical Emergencies by:
§ Training in First Aid
§ Drills under normal and abnormal conditions
§ Liaison with hospitals
Controlling Remaining Hazards
If a hazardous environment or toxic materials exist:
§ Notify necessary personnel
§ Provide PPE to potentially exposed
§ Refer to MSDS

Isolate the site

§ To protect people from further injury
§ To preserve evidence and valuable clues

Investigate immediately, because:

§ Operations are disrupted
§ Memories fade
§ Employees are at risk

Steps in Conducting the Investigation

1. Gather information
2. Analyze the facts
3. Make recommendations

1. Gathering Information (Preliminary Facts)

Sources of Information
§ Witnesses
§ Physical evidence at the scene
§ Existing records
Witnesses (these satisfy the 5 senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste)
§ Victim and onlookers
§ Those who heard what happened
§ Saw area prior to incident
§ Others with info about involved individuals, equipment or circumstances

A Healthy tip in asking Questions

When you ask questions, pretend you are blind, and you want a description, which you can picture in
your imagination.

Physical Evidence
These are the objects that the witness saw, heard, felt, tasted and smelled. Provides information about
an accident that witnesses may overlook or take for granted. In absence of the objects, there are 2
additional tools that serve as physical evidence:

a. Sketches
To record details at the accident site for later study Include everything that could be important:
§ Floor plan from overhead view
§ Location of involved man, machine, tool
§ Size/location of transient evidences (spills, dust, footprints, skid marks)
b. Photographs – these tools capture (take pictures in .raw format)
§ detail
§ color differences
§ complex shapes difficult to recall

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When taking Photographs, follow some tips
§ General area
§ Detailed shots
§ Show scale on small objects
§ Indicate reference point
§ Better to take too many than too few Underwater Camera
Examine Materials, Machines, Environment for:
§ Physical condition
§ Position of switches/levers
§ Reading of gauges
§ Safeguards Camera in an Underwater Housing

Other things to look out for:

§ Employee Actions. - Behavior, physical, emotional and mental
§ Environmental conditions - Lighting, heat, cold, moisture, humidity, dust, vapors
§ Equipment condition - maintenance program in place
§ Procedures - available or not, appropriate or not
§ Training - operation and maintenance

2. Analyzing the Facts

• This is done to determine the usefulness of information gathered. One simple approach is to compare
what you have found out with the corresponding standards. Determine which factors meet the given
limits (OSHS), and which do not. This is called Change Analysis – it compares how a job was actually
performed with the way it should have been performed

How the task was done How it should be done Complied / Not complied
These are the information you If YES, put an ✖, this is NOT
gathered: one of the causes
These are the standards:
1) Witness statements
Minimum and maximum
2) Physical evidence If NOT, put a ✔,
3) Existing records this IS one of the causes


§ Determined the direct and contributing factors, dig deeper!
§ If employee error, what caused that behavior?
§ If defective machine, why wasn’t it fixed?
§ If poor lighting, why not corrected?
§ If no training, why not?

Review Records:
• Check training records
o Was appropriate training provided?
o When was training provided?
• Check equipment maintenance records
o Is regular PM or service provided?
o Is there a recurring type of failure?
• Check accident records
o Has there been similar incidents or injuries involving other employees?

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3. Recommending Corrective Actions
• Specific
• Measurable 1. Engineering method
• Attainable 2. Administrative method
• Realistic 3. Personal Protective Equipment
• Time-bound

Prepare investigation report:

1) Background Information
a) Where and when the accident occurred
b) Who and what were involved
c) Operating personnel and other witnesses
2) Account of the Accident (What happened?)
a) Sequence of events
b) Extent of damage
c) Accident type
d) Agency or source (of energy or hazardous Material)
3) Discussion (Analysis of the Accident - HOW; WHY)
4) Direct causes (unsafe acts, energy sources; hazardous materials)
5) Contributing causes (personal or environmental causes)
6) Root causes (management policies; system procedures; inadequate trainings)
7) Recommendations (to prevent recurrence)

Mandatory Reports: OSHS Rule 1050

Notification and Keeping of Records of Accident and/ or Occupational Illness
1053.01 Notification
All work accidents or occupational illnesses resulting in disabling conditions or dangerous occurrence
shall be reported by the employer to the Regional Labor Office

• Employers Work Accident/Illness Report (DOLE/BQF/WAIR)

• 2 copies to concerned Regional Office & copy furnished BWC
• Shall be submitted by the employer on or before the 30th day of the month following the date of
the occurrence of the accident.

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 111
Actual Loss Measurements (injuries):
• Disabling injury frequency rate (FR)
• Annual Work Accident/Illness Exposure Data Report (AEDR) (DOLE/BWC/IP-6)
• 2 copies to concerned Regional Office & copy furnished BWC
• Submitted on or before January 20 of the following year with or without accident
• Disabling injury severity rate (SR)
• Disabling injury index
• Serious injury frequency rate (FR)
• Non-LTI frequency rate (FR)

Disabling Injury FR = # of disabling injuries x 1,000,000

employee hours of exposure

Disabling Injury SR = total days charged x 1,000,000

employee hours of exposure

Disabling Injury Index = (disabling injury FR) x (disabling injury SR)


AEDR Computations.
• # of Disabling Injuries = 10
• Total Emp-Hr Exp = 200,000

Frequency Rate (FR) = No. of disabling injury X 1,000,000
Total Employee-Hour Exposure
Frequency Rate (FR) = 10 X 1,000,000
Frequency Rate (FR) = 50

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 112
• Total days lost = 200
• Total Emp-Hr. Exp = 200,000

Severity Rate (FR) = Total days lost X 1,000,000
Total Employee-Hour Exposure
Severity Rate (FR) = 200 X 1,000,000
Severity Rate (FR) = 1,000

Other Requirements:
The following are examples of grounds of work stoppage due to condition or stage of being in
imminent danger


1. Damaged Pressure Relief Valve Explosion of boilers

2. Increase temperature of tank due to hot work & Explosion of a storage container
absence of inert gas inside tank.
3. No proper enclosure of the workplace & absence Bursting of a revolving wheel, grinding stone
of machine guard

4. Outriggers of crane are not placed on stable ground Collapse of a crane, hoist and other equipment
5. Oxygen acetylene gas cylinders exposed to Explosion or fire causing damage to the structure
excessive heat
6. Defective over-current protective Electrical short circuit or failure
device of electrical machinery

Clear Points:
• Accidents disrupts normal function of the organization due to injuries/ fatality of workers or
damage to property.
• Accident can be prevented from recurring through an efficient root cause investigation.
• Primary causes of accidents are unsafe/unhealthy acts & conditions
• Basic procedures in the conduct of accident investigation must be followed
• Results of accident investigation must be documented properly and thoroughly.
• Make recommendations based on the investigation.
• Dangerous occurrences in the workplace must be addressed.

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 113

Part of being safe and staying healthy is communicating it to the community. By the end of the
session, the participants will be able to:
• Explain the roles of safety officers in the conduct of OSH trainings;
• Enumerate and discuss the stages of the training cycle;
• Discuss basic presentation and facilitating skills;
• Prepare a training plan for their company.

How will efficient OSH communication help in achieving a safe and healthy workplace?

Communicate OSH Program

Identify unsafe or Conduct HIRAC

unhealthy acts and

•Proper communication
• OSH awareness to all workers and employers
• Conduct OSH trainings • Workers will take part and
• Motivation of workers help implement OSH program

How will efficient OSH communication help in achieving a safe and healthy workplace?

& Stake-


Employers respond to:

• Compliance requirements
• Status of compliance
• Costs
• Productivity indicators
• ”Need to know” and what can be done
• Efficient, effective way to implement OSH

How do you communicate OSH to Employers?

• Equip a place of employment for workers free from hazardous conditions that are causing or likely
to cause death, illness or physical harm to the workers
• Provide complete job instructions and proper orientation to all workers including, but no limited
to, those relating to familiarization with their work environment

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Workers respond to:
• How to keep themselves safe and healthy
• Linking OSH to their productivity
• Contributing to the achievement of the company

What to communicate with Workers:

• Company policies, OSH programs
• Administrative controls, OSH-related issuances
• New SOPs, operations, production processes
• Rights of workers
• Roles in OSH committee, OSH program
• Risk assessment, OSH audits
• WEM results, accident investigation reports
• Biological monitoring, medical surveillance
• Actions taken (ex. results of AMR..)

How do you communicate OSH to Employees?

• Workers’ OSH seminar
• OSH committee meetings
• Toolbox meetings
• OSH bulletin boards, posters, IEC materials
• Email brigades, reports
• Specific OSH learning sessions, re-orientation

Safety Officers as OSH Trainers: Training of Trainers on OSH

DO 198-2018 Sec. 3: Definition of Terms

Workers’ OSH Seminar - The Mandatory 8-hour Module conducted by the safety officer of the
workplace as prescribed by the OSH Standards
• Include management (discuss company policies)
• All workers including new hires (focus: rights of workers)
• No cost to employees considered as compensable working time
• For high risk establishments: quarterly re-orientation

Basic Components of Company OSH Program and Policy

1. Company Commitment to Comply with OSH Requirements
2. General Safety and Health Programs
3. Safety and health Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control (HIRAC)
4. Medical Surveillance for early detection & management of occupational & work-related diseases
5. First aid and emergency medical services
6. Promotion of Drug Free workplace, Mental health Services in the Workplace, Healthy lifestyle
7. Prevention and Control of HIV AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B
8. Composition and Duties of Health and Safety Committee
9. OSH Personnel and Facilities
10. Safety and Health Promotion, Training and Education
11. Orientation of all workers on OSH
12. Conduct of Risk Assessment, evaluation and Control
13. Continuing training on OSH for OSH Personnel
14. Work permit System
15. Toolbox/Safety Meetings, job safety analysis

Safety and Health Promotion, training and education provided to workers

• Orientation of all workers on OSH
• Conduct of Risk Assessment, evaluation and Control
• Continuing training on OSH for OSH Personnel
• Work Permit System - Applicable for medium to high risk establishments

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 115
Company Safety and Health Training Plan

Safety and Health Promotion, training and education provided to workers

Number of Employees in
Training Title Date

Mandatory 8-Hour OSH Training for Workers

Skill Development Trainings

Risk Assessment
Safety Training for Executive, Managers & Supervisor

Conduct of Safety Meeting Date

Tool box meeting

OSH Committee Meeting

Dept. OSH Meeting

Toolbox & Safety Briefings

Safety Briefings
Daily safety briefings by supervisors to all workers that help foster good safety and health culture.
Useful way to keep health and safety forefront in the minds of workers and make them aware of the
current risk and hazards.

Toolbox Meetings or Talks

Allow safety officers and workers to explore the risks of specific health and safety issues in the
workplace and think of ways to deal with them.
Toolbox talks should focus on a single topic and be held regularly for greatest impact.

Tips for Effective Toolbox Talks

Talk directly to your audience.
Keep it brief.
Stay positive!
Demonstrate your point.
Tell a story, not a statistic.

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 116
Safety Officers as OSH Trainers

Is a learning intervention;
Improves match between job requirements and individual’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes;
After training, the individual is able to apply learning immediately
Examples : BOSH, COSH, PCO Training etc.

The Goal of Training: Learning

Aims for a favorable change in perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors in a positive direction of an
individual, group or organization.
o Learning
o Improved Performance

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 117
Trainer Roles within the Training Cycle

Phases of the Training Cycle

Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Determines whether training is needed in the first place
Training should be based on sound, clearly identified requirements
o Identify the problem (compliance etc.)
o Is training the best way to respond to the problem?
o Identify the learners

Curriculum Development
1. Course Outline / Training Activity Plan
2. Identify/define good, sound learning objectives
3. Determine, selecting the (most appropriate) methodologies
4. Specify the training dates (half-day, one day or whole week etc.)
5. Mandatory 8-hour Safety and Health Seminar for Workers (see handout)

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 118
Development of Training Materials
Conversion of the Course Outline / Training Activity Plan into a complete set of materials:
1. Detailed Lesson Plans
2. Learner Materials – Workbooks, Hand-outs
3. Audiovisual Aids –Slides, Flip Charts, Etc.
4. Assessment And Evaluation Sheets
Other activities – making arrangements for the course, selecting the facilitators, etc.

Training Implementation
As resource speaker and facilitator:
1. Conduct of training
2. Take care of logistics
3. Keep records of learner progress
4. Evaluate training instructor performance
5. Make adjustments when needed

Monitoring and Evaluation

1. Check-questions if the learner has retained the main points/key messages
2. Written evaluations
3. Quizzes/Exercises
4. Summarizing hand-outs, checklists
5. Connecting questions: questions which connect the new with the old subject

Presentation Skills
1. Fear of presenting or public speaking is universal!
2. Think of your audience in advance;
3. Anticipate questions;
4. Take a breath, pause!
5. Speak slowly especially when you have participants who are non native speakers
6. Make eye contact; use appropriate hand gestures
7. Sweep the room as you enter and deliver your opening spiel
8. Stand confidently, dress neatly and appropriately
9. Smile and the world will smile with you

Presenting via Webinar

1. Don’t think of sales without thinking of your audience first
2. Don’t use text-heavy presentation slides
3. Don’t ignore the technical aspects of your webinar
4. Don’t schedule your webinar last minute
5. Don’t speak from memory – write a narrative or notes
6. Do interact with the audience.
7. Do use storytelling to keep the presentation engaging
8. Do make the most of visuals
9. Do leave time for questions – and be prepared for them
10. Do follow up with a summary
11. Do follow allotted time per topic

Body Language
1. Eye contact
2. Posture
3. Hand gestures
4. Arms
5. Legs

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 119
Visual Aids
• Any device used to help or aid in communicating ideas

Non-Projected Visuals
• Writing Board
• Flip Chart
• Flash Card Y O U are your
Projected Visuals NUMBER 1 visual!
• Video Projector
• Slides
• Films

Qualities of a Good Visual

• Simple (K.I.S.S.)
• Visible - for slides, smallest font size 24
• Clear - gives the message directly and immediately

Guidelines for a Good Visual

1. As a general rule, use only a maximum of
2. 8 words per line
3. 6-8 lines per slide
4. 2 graphics per slide
5. One idea per slide
6. Leave margins around the visual
7. Put a heading on each visual using
8. A maximum of 5 words
9. Larger font than the body size
10. Font size not smaller than 28 points
11. Label charts/pictures boldly and clearly
12. Use appropriate (readable) fonts
13. No weird fonts or layout
14. Use phrases and key words, not sentences, check data, grammar, punctuation and spelling
15. Emphasize points by using color and art, animation and sounds, Pictures


1. Think of your audience in advance;

2. Anticipate questions;
3. Take a breath, pause!
4. Speak slowly especially when you have participants who are non-native speakers
5. Make eye contact; use appropriate hand gestures
6. Sweep the room as you enter and deliver your opening spiel
7. Stand confidently, dress neatly and appropriately
8. Smile and the world will smile with you

Clear Points
1. Practice, practice, practice!
2. Verbalize…hear your presentation out loud
3. Clarity – make your points and move on
4. Ownership – take responsibility for your presentations

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 120

Reaching forth when safety and health lapse, we face emergencies and crisis. Our objectives:
1. Enumerate the different types of emergencies
2. Explain the elements of an emergency preparedness program
3. Discuss basic preparations for common emergencies
4. Explain the fire brigade concept and organization

Definition of Terms:
A serious situation or occurrence that demands immediate action.
It is the result of a calamitous event causing massive death, injury or damage.

Natural emergencies
1. Flood
2. Volcanic eruption
3. Earthquake
4. Typhoon
5. Drought
6. Tsunamis

Man Made Emergencies - These can be a result of human error or willful intent
1. Industrial fires
2. Chemical spills / leaks
3. Chemical threat
4. Bomb threats / explosions
5. Structure collapse
6. Construction cave-in
7. Biological threats

Most developed countries operate three core emergency services: Emergency services providing
assistance in dealing with any emergency:

The agency who deal with security of person and property, which can cover all the categories of
emergency. They also to some extent deal with punishment of those who cause an emergency through
their deliberate actions.

Who deal with potentially harmful fires, but also often rescue operations such as dealing with road traffic
collisions. Their actions help to prevent loss of life, damage to health and damage to or loss of property.


These services attempt to reduce loss of life or damage to health. This service is likely to be decisive in
attempts to prevent loss of life and damage to health. In some areas "Emergency Medical Service" is
abbreviated to simply EMS.

Advance planning for emergencies - the best way to minimize potential loss

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 121
The objectives of this are to ensure that the company has developed and communicated plans that will
allow for the effective management of emergencies.

Why Emergency Preparedness Program?

• Quick and effective action is required during the onset of an emergency
• Effective action often depends on having plans in place before the disaster strikes
• If response is delayed, people’s lives maybe needlessly lost

ELEMENTS - Emergency Preparedness Program

1. Identify & Evaluate Hazards
2. Evaluate Resources
3. Develop Emergency Plan & Procedure
4. Conduct Training
5. Conduct Drills & Exercises
6. Educate the public
7. Integrate with community plan


• Existing Hazards
• Types of potential Hazards
• Number of People or things exposed to the hazard and its adverse consequences.

• Emergency Equipment
• Transportation
• Emergency Supplies
• Employees Training & Capabilities
• External Help Capabilities


• Command, Control, and Communications
• External Communication
• Records Preservation
• Life Safety
• Property Protection
• Recovery and Restoration
• Community Outreach


• Information on Different Types of Emergencies
• Safety & Health Hazard Risk Assessment
• Incident & Accident Reporting
• Hazardous Communication Program


• Co-existing Emergency Program
• Safety & Health Procedures & Protocols
• Duties of Other Person


• Community officials should be involved in the company’s emergency planning process and that
the company be involved in local planning.
• Philippine National Police
• Bureau of Fire
• National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 122

Evacuation Procedures
• During an earthquake people at most workplaces are at greatest risk from:
§ Collapsing ceilings,
§ Window
§ Light fixtures and
§ Other falling objects.
What to do:
• Stay indoors.
• Never attempt to walk or drive through flood waters.
• Look for NEWS updates
• Await instructions from emergency management officials.


Evacuation Procedures
• During an earthquake people at most workplaces are at greatest risk from:
§ Collapsing ceilings and other falling objects.
§ Light fixtures and Windows
What to do:
• If indoors, stay there. Take cover under sturdy furniture or against an inside wall.
• Stay away from window, skylights and other objects that could fall.
• Use stairways to leave the workplace if ordered to evacuate & Do not use the elevator.
• Be ready to rescue victims & move victims to a triage area if possible.

Any workplace that handles, stores or processes flammable gasses, liquids and solids is vulnerable to
explosion. Explosions offer no warning, causing disorganization and panic.
What to do:
• Try to establish communication with emergency scene coordinators.
• Assess damage to the workplace and estimate human casualties.
• Administer first aid if it is safe to do so.
• Do not use elevators.
• Evacuate following an established procedure.

The most likely workplace emergency is a medical emergency. A serious medical emergency such as
cardiac arrest requires immediate attention – Response Time Is Critical.
What to do:
• Inform the Nurses & First Aiders.
• Evacuate the area surrounding the release.
• Call the local emergency number, tell location and the nature of the emergency.

Any workplace that handles, stores or processes flammable gasses, liquids and solids is vulnerable to
explosion. Explosions offer no warning, causing disorganization and panic.
What to do:
• Call the local emergency hotline. Tell the dispatcher the workplace location and the nature of the
emergency. Do not move the victim.
• Notify an emergency scene coordinator for CPR or other first aid tasks.
• Inform the Incident Commander.
• Assist Professional Medical Responders when they arrive.
• Inform the victim's Supervisor.

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 123
Threats of violence maybe delivered in any form:
• Face-to-face
• By Fax or Telephone
• Email
• Threats can be directed toward the workplace or toward a specific person)
What to do:
• Activate a silent alarm if your workplace has one.
• Isolate the threatening person if it is possible to do so safely.
• Inform the Incident Commander.

• Take threats seriously.
• Don't use firearms or phones in the building- they generate radio waves that could trigger a bomb.
What to do:
• If someone find a package that may contain, or that may be a bomb, he or she should note its size,
shape and whether it emits a sound, then notify the Incident Commander.
• Call your local police station from outside the building to report the emergency and determine if an
evacuation is necessary.
• Use a communication method that does not generate radio waves to order the evacuation.
• Although terrorist acts pose minimal risks to most workplaces, the devastating of recent acts have
changed the perception of a "SECURE WORKPLACE" and added a new dimension to emergency
• What distinguishes terrorist acts is the use of threats and violence to intimidate or force.

What to do:
• Activate appropriate alarms.
• Stay calm and do not panic. Alert others in your area.
• Evacuate as directed by your supervisor to your designated evacuation area. Walk, do not run.
Remain in the evacuation area until the supervisor has accounted for everyone and you have been
instructed otherwise.
• Never use an elevator during a fire. Always use the stairwell.
• If there is smoke in the room, stay low (the air is cooler and cleaner closer to the floor); hold a wet
clothe over your mouth and nose; and only break windows as a last resort.
What to do:
• If a door is hot, do not open it. Use an alternate door if one is available and safe to use. If an
alternate door is not available, contact someone (if possible) and give them your exact location.
• Close all doors as you leave. Do not lock them.
• If trained to use a fire extinguisher, and the fire is in the incipient stage, you may attempt to
extinguish the fire. Remember that your own safety is of primary concern.
• Never attempt to put out a fire alone.


Suggestions include:
• Personal items
• Water and food, needed medications, clothing …
• Financial and legal documents
• Water proof container that cannot be easily replaced
• Name and phone numbers of contacts out of area
• Personal Preparedness Plan
• Food
• Extra Clothing
• Sleep Bags
• Personal Protective Equipment
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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 124


• Business establishments employing at least fifty (50) persons.
• Requirements for the grant of Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC)
• The head of the company, through its duly designated safety officer shall evaluate the potential
magnitude of a fire emergency within the company, and the availability of firefighting
assistance from the BFP to determine the nature of the organization to be established.

OSHS Rule 1948.02 (Item 1)

• Every place of employment depending on the magnitude of potential fires and the availability
of assistance from the public fire department shall organize a fire brigade to deal with fires
and other related emergencies.

RA 9514: The Revised Fire Code of the Philippines


• To enable the building head to conduct an effective fire safety program;
• To provide the organization by how the occupants can combat fires, evacuate the building and
prevent damage to lives and properties;
• To provide the building with the means by which a safety consciousness among the building
occupants and the community of certain buildings;
• To establish the necessary support and cooperation in the fire prevention and suppression.
-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101
( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 125
1. Familiarize, train and rehearse the occupants with evacuation procedures so that order and
control is maintained in actual emergency.
2. To determine if emergency escape facilities are sufficient for orderly evacuation of all occupants
3. When you hear an alarm, stop work activities and prepare to evacuate as directed by your
4. Proceed promptly to the nearest emergency exit. Walk quickly, but do not run.
5. Do not Use elevators, instead use stairways to the designated safe assembly area. Safe assembly
areas should generally be away from the building, upwind and out of the way of incoming
emergency personnel.
6. Remain in the safe assembly area location so that the supervisory personnel may conduct a
survey to account for all building personnel. Do not disperse or move to other assembly
7. Do not re-enter the building until the emergency response team leader has deemed it safe and
supervisory personnel have given permission to go back into the facility.


Are You Prepared?

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 126

Employees Compensation Commission Program (ECP) is here to address workers who suffer injuries,
illnesses and death when work-related. It was established as an improvement over the old Workmen’s
Compensation Program (WCP), as created by a written policy (P.D. 626) under the Labor Code of the
Philippines. Both programs provide benefits to workers in case of work-connected contingencies.


By the end of the ECC Module, the participant will be able to list the different compensable diseases and
injuries under the law. He can also point out the instances that will label the injury as work-related.

WCP provides for a litigious process between the employee and employer where the responsibility of
compensating the employee is with the employer. ECP is simple and non-litigious, benefits are paid from
a fund that is managed and guaranteed by the government.

It is a government agency mandated by law to provide meaningful and appropriate compensation to

workers in the event of WORK-RELATED CONTINGENCIES. Its main functions are:
1. Formulate policies and guidelines for the improvement of the Employees Compensation Program
2. To review and decide on appeal all EC claims disapproved by the Systems
3. To initiate policies and programs towards adequate occupational health and safety and accident
prevention in the working environment.

Eight members of the Commission:

1) Secretary of Labor – Chairman
2) SSS Head
3) GSIS Head
4) Phil Health Chair
5) CSC Chair
6) EC Exec Director
7) Employer Representative
8) Employee Representative

ECP is the present compensation package for public and private sector employees and their dependents
in the event of work-related contingencies. It was created under Presidential Decree No. 626, which was
made effective on January 1975.

The ECP is for public and private sector employees and their dependents. All sectors in industry are
covered. All employers are required by law to have their employees covered by the SSS or GSIS, which
is a requirement for them to be covered by the ECP

Designed to provide employees and their families with

• Income benefits
• Medical and
• Other benefits

It is or work-connected sickness/disease, injury or death.

Compensable Diseases:
Under Annex “A” of PD 626 as amended: For an occupational disease and the resulting disability or
death to be compensable, all of the following conditions must be satisfied:
1. The employee’s work and / or the working conditions must involve risk/s that caused the
development of the illness;
2. The disease was contracted as a result of the employee’s exposure to described risks;
3. The disease was contracted within a period of exposure and under such other factors necessary to
contract it;

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( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 127
4. There was no deliberate act on the part of the employee to disregard the safety measures or ignore
established warning or precaution
5. Not any disease is compensable
6. Only diseases caused by work or the working environment is compensable
7. List of 32 Occupational Diseases with specific conditions set - conditions or risk factors on the job
must be present for the disease to be compensable

Newly amended rules in Annex “A” of PD 626:

• Cardiovascular Diseases, BR No.11-05-13, May 26, 2011
• Cerebrovascular Accidents, BR No.11-05-13, May 26, 2011
• Essential Hypertension, BR No.11-05-13, May 26, 2011
• Tuberculosis (Pulmonary & Extra pulmonary) BR No.11-11- 29,
Nov 28, 2011
• Pneumoconiosis BR No.12-09-18, Sept 27, 2012
• Pneumonia, BR No.12-09-18, Sept 27, 2012
• Occupational Asthma, BR No.12-09-18, Sept 27, 2012
• Asbestos-related Diseases, BR No.12-09-18, Sept 27, 2012
• Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis, BR No.12-09-18, Sept 27,
Year 2012
• Byssinosis, BR No.12-09-18, Sept 27, 2012
• Other diseases not in the list may still be compensable if employee can establish causal
connection with the nature of his work or the working environment.

Compensable injuries:
For the INJURY and the resulting disability or death to be compensable, the injury must be the result of
an accident arising out of or in the course of employment.

Work – Connected Injuries

1. Happened in the workplace
2. Happened while performing official function
3. Outside of workplace but performing an order of his employer
4. When going to or coming from work
5. While ministering to personal comfort
6. While in a company shuttle bus
7. During a company sponsored activity

Progression of Illness (deterioration) or injury:

Where the primary illness or injury is shown to have arisen in the course of employment, every natural
consequence that flows from the illness or injury shall be deemed employment related.

Excepting Instance:
1. Intoxication
2. Notorious negligence
3. Willful intent to injure oneself or another

ECP Benefits:
1. Loss of Income Benefit
2. Medical Benefit
3. Carer’s allowance
4. Death benefit
5. Rehabilitation service

1. Loss of income benefit - It is the incapacity to work (DISABILITY) as a result of the illness or injury
that is being compensated.

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Types of Disability:
1. Total Temporary Disability TTD
2. Partial Total Disability PTD
3. Partial Permanent Disability PPD

Daily Income Benefit for TTD

• for disability not exceeding 120 days
• paid from first day of disability
• may go beyond 120 days but not to exceed 240 days
• P90/day for public sector employees (P200/day starting May 31, 2013)
• P200/day for private sector employees

Monthly Income Benefit for PTD

• for disability that is permanent and total
• also paid for
o Complete loss of sight of both eyes
o Loss of two limbs/permanent complete paralysis of two limbs
o Brain injury resulting in imbecility/insanity
• guaranteed for life if disability remains until death of the worker but may be suspended
o Failure to present for examination
o Failure to submit quarterly medical report
o Complete or full recovery
o Upon being gainfully employed
o Rehabilitation appliances e.g. hearing aid, crutches, wheelchair, etc.
o Re-skilling for re-employment
o Training for entrepreneurship

Permanent Partial Disability

Complete & Permanent Loss of the Use of Number of Months

One thumb 10
One index finger 8
One middle finger 6
One ring finger 5
One little finger 3
One big toe 6
Any other toe 3
One hand 39
One arm 50
One foot 31
One leg 46
One ear 10
Both ears 20
Hearing of one ear 25
Hearing of both ears 50
Sight of one eye 25

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2. Medical Benefits
§ Ward services for hospital confinement
§ Medical attendance by an accredited doctor
§ Surgical expense benefit
§ Reimbursement of cost of medicines

3. Carer’s Allowance
• Granted to employee who gets permanently and totally disabled and has difficulty taking care of
basic personal needs
• PhP1,000/month allowance for the private sector employees only (for public sector employees
starting 2018)

4. Death Benefits
• Monthly Income Benefit pension to beneficiary plus 10% for each dependent child not exceeding
• Funeral benefit of PhP20,000 for private sector; PhP3,000 for public sector (PhP20,000 for public
sector starting May 31, 2013)

5. Rehabilitation Services for ODW’s

What is the KAGABAY Program? It is a component of the ECP that extends Rehabilitation services
to Occupationally Disabled Workers (ODW’s)

ECC-Quick Response Team Program (ECC-QRTP)

The Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC) extends assistance to private and public sector
employees or their dependents in the event of work-related sickness, injury or death. In view of this, the
ECC believes that there is a need for its presence to be felt as soon as the contingency occurs. It is on
this premise that the ECC-QRTP was created.

Availing of ECP benefits

• Claims for EC Benefits are filed with the Systems
o SSS for private sector
o GSIS for public sector
• Fill up prescribed forms and attach support documents such as
o job description
o medical/hospital records
o Physical Exam / Medical Exam and Annual Exam Reports

Prescriptive Period
No claim for compensation shall be given due course unless said claim is filed with the Systems within
THREE (3) years from the time the cause of action occurred.
• Enjoyed only by those with Employee - Employer relationship
• Coverage/entitlement to benefits begin on first day of employment
• Benefits are in addition to SSS and Phil Health benefits

Employees’ Compensation Commission

4th and 5th Flr, ECC Building, 355 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City


-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 130

Compulsory to all industries is the development and implementation of an OSH PROGRAM

• Is a systematic plan to IDENTIFY, EVALUATE and CONTROL hazards and respond to
• It lays out responsibilities, resources, and procedures for keeping the workplace safe and


-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 131
Role of Management in OSH Programming

Effective safety program can be achieved basically through control of people’s actions. Only top
management has the authority to implement such controls.


Monitor performance:
• Compare current performance with previous performance (benchmark)
• Compare current performance with targets
Make necessary changes to improve the safety program
• Continue successes
• Change failures.

Management Commitment Sample

OSH Policy Requirement:

• Specific to the organization, concise, clearly written, dated, signed.
• Indicates management commitment, support and accountability
• Includes principle and objectives of protecting SH of all members of the organization.
• States compliance with OSHS and related laws.
• States objectives to continually improve the OSH MS
• Employees are aware, communicated and posted
• Covers all workers and community

DO 198-2018 SECTION 12: OSH Program

Covered workplaces shall develop and implement a suitable OSH program in a format prescribed by
DOLE which shall be posted in prominent places.

A. For establishments with less than 10 workers and low risk establishments with 10-50 workers. –
The OSH program, which shall be duly signed by the employer, must include at least the following:
1. Company commitment to comply with OSH requirements;
2. General safety and health programs, including:
• Safety and health hazard identification, risk assessment and control (HIRAC),
• Medical surveillance for early detection and management of occupational and work-related diseases, and
• First aid and emergency medical services;
3. Promotion of the following health domains:
• Drug-free workplace (RA 9165),
-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101
( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 132
• Mental health services in the workplace (RA 11036), and
• Healthy lifestyle;

Workplace Policy on Healthy Lifestyle Sample

Policy on Drug-Free Workplace Sample

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 133
Medical Surveillance

4. Prevention and control of the following health domains:

• Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (RA 8504),
• Tuberculosis (EO 187-03), and
• Hepatitis B (DOLE DA 05-2010);
5. Complete company or project details;
6. Composition and duties of the OSH committee;
7. OSH personnel and facilities;
8. Safety and health promotion, training and education, including:
• Orientation of all workers on OSH, and
• Conduct of risk assessment, evaluation and control;
9. Conduct of toolbox or safety meetings and job safety analysis, if applicable;
10. Accident/incident/illness investigation, recording and reporting;
11. Provision and use of PPE;

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 134
Workplace Policy on HIV-Aids Sample

Workplace Policy on Hepatitis-B Sample

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 135
Workplace Policy on Tuberculosis Sample

9. Provision of safety signage;

10. Provision of workers’ welfare facilities;
11. Emergency and disaster preparedness and mandated drills;
12. Solid waste management system; and
13. Control and management of hazards.

B. For medium to high risk establishments with 10–50 workers and low to high risk
establishments with 51 workers and above. – The OSH program, which shall be duly signed by
the employer, must include at least the following:
13. Dust control and management, and regulations on activities such as building of
temporary structures, and lifting and operation of electrical, mechanical,
communications system, and other equipment;

18. Prohibited acts and penalties for violations; and

19. Cost of implementing company OSH program.

Enforcement is one response but not the only response!

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 136

Meaningful HIRAC is achieved with Job Hazard Analysis or JHA. It is a collective effort that focuses
both on the different jobs in a company, and a group of people tasked to identify them.


By the end of this module, the participant will be able to list the steps for a Job Hazard Analysis, and cite
guides in observing different job procedures.

Accidents can occur when:

§ Work is performed incorrectly
§ Workers use hazardous materials
§ Work under hazardous conditions

The process of determining the hazards associated with a job is often referred to as a JHA or a Job Hazard
Analysis. Hazards that present risks to:
1. Environment
2. Safety
3. Health

For proper ESH management all jobs should include a JHA

JHA involves the following steps:

1. Identify basic steps of a job
2. Determine associated hazards
3. Make recommendations to control the hazards

Uses of a JHA
§ Create / improve SOP’s
§ Guide in observing employee performance
§ Accident investigation
§ Safety inspection

Prioritizing JHA’s
1) High Frequency of Accidents
2) Increase occurrence of Near-Misses
3) History of Serious Accidents / Fatalities
4) Potential for Serious Harm
5) New Jobs
6) Changes in Procedures or Standards

JHA Team Watch carefully when conducting a JHA

§ Supervisor
§ Employee most familiar with the job
§ Other employees who perform the job
§ Experts or specialists (maintenance, occupational hygienists, ergonomists, engineers)

Step 1. Identify the Basic Job Steps -Watch carefully as a worker performs the entire job at least once
§ As the operator performs the job again, list the individual steps on the left-hand column.
§ Using simple action phrases that are short and to the point
§ Steps should always be numbered to indicate the order

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 137
Problem: Most common error: describing the job in too much or too little detail.

Solution: List the steps in a way that you would instruct someone to do the task.

Step 2. Determine the Hazards:

Identify all of the existing or potential actions or conditions that could lead to an injury or illness, or harm
to the environment.

Hazard Guide:
§ The physical actions required for that specific step.
§ The materials used.
§ The equipment used.
§ The conditions under which the step is normally performed.

Physical Action: Materials (Chemicals)

§ Force (weight) § Corrosive
§ Frequency (repetition) § Flammable
§ Posture (prolonged) § Is the MSDS available
§ Position (distance) § Volatile

§ Mechanical hazard § Electrical hazard

Conditions "What if” Questions

§ Noisy environment § Anticipate hazardous situations
§ Temperatures extremes § Abnormal operating conditions
§ Vibration present § Incorrect or out of sequence
§ Poor or high Illumination § Additional attachments
§ Pressure (atmospheric force) § Replacements / alternatives
§ Prolonged hours § Consequence

4 factors to identify hazards • Rearranging

§ Physical action • Combining actions
§ Material • Change the process
§ Equipment • Training
§ Condition • Use of PPE
Physical Actions
• Modifying
Materials Equipment
• Substitution of materials § Installation of machine guards
• Machine guarding § Use automatic safeguard devices,
• Safeguarding § Replacement of equipment.
• Limit employee exposure § Training, experience, skills
• Use of PPE § Use of PPE

Work Area Conditions

§ Improved housekeeping procedures § Relocation (isolation by place)
§ Installation of additional lighting § Rescheduling (isolation by time)
§ Use ventilation system § Redesign the work area.
§ Noise reduction systems § Height
§ Vibration damping § Weight
§ Use of PPE § Distance

-14 Mahinhin St., U.P. Village, Quezon City 1101

( (02) 7903-5489 * [email protected] ý 138
Using A Job Hazard Analysis
§ Developing or updating SOP’s
§ Training employees
§ Observing employee performance
§ Conducting inspections
§ Investigating accidents

Develop / improve SOP’s

§ To constantly improve / develop written procedures to perform the job in the safest &
healthiest way possible.

Employee Training
§ Ensuring that each job step is performed safely & efficiently
§ To point out particular job steps or hazards that require special precautions.
§ Refresher training (infrequent jobs)
§ Increase awareness on hazards

Employee Observations
1. Guide in employee performance observations
2. Allows supervisors to focus on especially hazardous steps
3. Ensures employee is performing steps according to SOP

• When developing inspection checklists, supervisors can use JHA’s to help identify
hazardous conditions that may need to be included.

Accident Investigations
• To determine if the job was being performed incorrectly
• To tell if a hazard was overlooked in the initial analysis.

JHA’s - a simple step to safety


Job or Operation Title (Trabaho o Gawain)

Department / Division (Sangay) Job Location (Lugar ng Trabaho) Title of Employee Doing Job (Tawag sa Manggagawa

Date Performed (Petsa na Ginawa ang JHA) JHA Performed by (Sino ang gumawa ng JHA) Verified by

Special or Primary Hazards

Personal Protective Equipment being used (PPE na ginagamit)

Basic Job Steps Existing and Potential Hazards Recommended Corrective Action
(Mga Hakbang) (Mga Panganib sa Bawa’t Hakbang) (Mga Panlunas)


Mandatory SO1 Basic OSH Training Course

1. As a Safety Officer, you are required to conduct the Mandatory Worker’s OSH Seminar 
to  all  the  workers  in  your  company.  When  do  you  propose  to  conduct  the  said  OSH 
2. Aside  from  the  conduct  of  Worker’s  OSH  Seminar,  how  do  you  intend  to  share  the 
learnings of this training to your co‐workers? Check all that apply. 
a. Conduct 10‐15 minutes daily safety talk 
b. Conduct monthly or quarterly general assembly 
c. Prepare memo or reports 
d. Organized Safety and Health Committee 
e. Prepare simple information materials 
f. Others (Please specify) 

3. Indicate  timeline  or  person/s,  department,  STO  who  can  help  you  in  sharing  your 
learnings in this course 

Prepared by: 
______________________________________________              ______________________________________________ 
   (Signature over Printed Name)              Company 

______________________________________________              ______________________________________________ 
              Date                    Industry 


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