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The Hindu News Analysis – 06th October 2022 – Shankar IAS Academy
S. Page Number*
News Articles
No. C B D H T
1, 1, 1, 1,
1 Nobel for work on ‘click chemistry’ and quantum mechanics 12 10 14

2 Exhuming new light 10 8 10 - 8

3 Gubernatorial procrastination is unreasonable (Editorial) 10 8 10 - 8

4 NCW notice to Cong. Minister over remarks against BJP MP 14 12 16 - 12

5 Muthoot Finance to raise up to ₹300 cr. via secured NCDs 16 14 18 - 14

6 Prelims Practice Questions

@ end of the video
7 Mains Practice Question
*C – Chennai; B – Bengaluru; D – Delhi; H – Hyderabad; T – Thiruvananthapuram

Pg: 1, 14 – Delhi Edition;

Pg: 1, 12 – Chennai Edition;
Pg: 1, 10 – B, T


• Medical field –
Click Chemistry:
 Targeting and blocking of pathogens in
• 2001 - Barry Sharpless
• A group of reactions –  Usual method - carbon-hetero bond
 Fast, simple, gives high product yields formation.

 Versatile, reliable

 Applicable to small-scale & large-scale


 Reagents should be readily available.


• Click - reaction with smaller molecules with

carbon frame.

• Result

 Intrinsic drive for the molecules to bond


 Side reactions avoided.

 Minimal loss of material.

• Click chemistry - find molecules that fulfil

the same functions as natural molecules.

Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Consider the following statements with
reference to Entangled quantum state.
1. Two particles behave like a single unit
even when they are separated.
2. Due to their vast separation, a change
induced in one will not affect the other.
Which of the statements given above is/are
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2

Pg: 10 – C, D;
Pg: 8 – B, T

Svante Pääbo

• Dicovery - genomes of extinct hominins • Gene transfer – extinct hominins  Homo

and human evolution. sapiens.

• Work - Sequenced the genome of the • Way – through migration around 70,000
Neanderthal. years ago.

• Neanderthal - an extinct relative of • Flow of genes - physiological relevance.

present-day humans
• Example: Immune system reaction to
• Discovery of a previously unknown infections.
hominin - Denisova.
• Paleogenomics - reconstruction & analysis of
genomic information in extinct species.

• Genetic differences provided basis for

exploring uniqueness of humans.

• Homo sapiens - first appeared in

Africa – approx. 300,000 years ago.

• Neanderthals - developed outside

Africa & populated Europe & Western

• About 70,000 years ago - Homo

sapiens group migrated

 From Africa to the Middle East

 Rest of the world.


• Genomic DNA sequencing –

relationship of present-day humans &
extinct Neanderthals.

• First Neanderthal genome sequence -

published in 2010.

• Recent common ancestor of

Neanderthals & Homo sapiens lived
around 800,000 years ago.

Pg: 10 – C, D;
Pg: 8 – B, T

Part A—Preliminary Examination

Paper I - (200 marks)
 Current events of national and international importance.

Part B—Main Examination

General Studies‐II: Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations.
• Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure,
devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein.
• Separation of powers between various organs dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions.
• Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other countries.
• Parliament and State legislatures—structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising
out of these.

Governor’s power to a Constitutional Bill  Return the Bill to the houses

Article 200  Returned bill - House shall reconsider

the Bill - within six months.
• Bill passed by SLA or both SLA & SLC.
 Bill passed again - with or without
• Presented to the Governor.
amendment - Governor should assent.
 Give assent to the Bill.
 Or reserve for President’s consideration.
 Withhold the assent.
• Governor’s opinion
 Reserve for President consideration.
 Derogates the HC’s powers.

 Endangers its position

• President & Reserved Bill

 Give assent

 Withhold the assent.


• Unreasonable or unconstitutional reasons

United States
given by Governors
• President empowered to refuse assent &
• Example: Kerala Governor announcement –
return a Bill to the House.
No assent to Lokayukta & Kerala University
Amendment Bills. • If Houses again pass with two thirds of
majority in each House - Bill  law.
Veto Powers
• United Kingdom
• Absolute Veto
 Royal assent necessary for a Bill.
 President’s power to withhold assent to a
 Crown’s power to withhold assent.
 Dead letter – no Veto power
 Bill then ends & does not become an act.
 Refusal by monarchy - unconstitutional.

• Pocket Veto

• Suspensive Veto  Bill kept pending for an indefinite

 President returns the bill to Parliament  American President - 10 days.

for reconsideration.
 Indian President - no such time-rule.
 Parliament resends the bill with or
• Exceptions
without amendment to the President.
 No suspensive veto for President -Money Bill.
 Approve the bill without using any of veto
powers.  No veto power - constitutional amendment
 Reserved State bills
 CA bills cannot be introduced in SLA.
 President withhold his assent
 Governor enjoys absolute veto, suspensive
 Absolute veto over state bills.
veto except on money bills.

 Governor - no pocket veto.


• No remedy in Indian Constitution.

• Article 361

 Prohibits the court from initiating Practice Question – Mains

proceedings against a Governor or the GS – II
Q. With the growing Uncertainty in giving
 Reason for refusing a Bill - mala fide or assent to state Bills, discuss the roles of
extraneous considerations or ultra vires - Governor of a State with regards to a Bill
presented to her/him.
(150 Words, 10 Marks)
• No fixed timeline for the Governor to decide
the question of assent.

• Unreasonable acts - unsustainable in law.


Pg: 16 – Delhi Edition;

Pg: 14 – Chennai Edition;
Pg: 12 - B, T

National Commission for Women: Mission:

• Committee on the Status of Women in India & • To strive towards enabling women to

National Perspective Plan for Women. achieve equality and equal participation in
all spheres of life.
• January 1992 - set up under National
Commission for Women Act, 1990.

• 31st January 1992 - First Commission was



• A chairperson,

• A member secretary and

• Five other members.


• Takes up the issue of

Functions:  Child marriage,

1. Review the constitutional and legal  Sponsored legal awareness programmes,

safeguards for women.  Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalats and

2. Recommend remedial legislative measures.  Reviews laws under:

3. Facilitate redressal of grievances. 1. Dowry Prohibition Act

4. Advise the Government on all policy matters 2. Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic
affecting women. Techniques Act

3. Indian Penal Code

Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Consider the following statements with
reference to the National Commission for
1. Both the members and chairperson of
the commission are nominated by the
Central Government.
2. The tenure of both the chairperson and
every Member shall not exceed three
Which of the statements given above is/are
a) 1 Only
b) 2 Only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2

Pg: 18 – Delhi Edition;

Pg: 16 – Chennai Edition;
Pg: 14 - B, T


• Medium- to long-term debt instrument.

• Used by large companies to borrow money

• Both corporations & governments can issue

• No collateral backing.

• Interest rate rely on the creditworthiness and

reputation of the issuer.

Source :

Convertible debentures

• Can be converted into equity shares Functions

 Provides information and guidance to

• Debt finance – repayment obligation
institutional and individual investors.
• Equity finance - No repayment obligation.
 Enhances the ability of issuers to access
• Lower interest rate
the money market and the capital market.
Nonconvertible debentures
 Assists the regulators in promoting
• Cannot be converted into equity transparency in the financial markets

• Higher interest rate  Provides intermediaries with a tool to

improve efficiency in the funds raising
ICRA - Investment Information and Credit
Rating Agency of India

• Independent credit rating agency.

Previous Year Question – Prelims 2022

Q. Consider the following statements
1. In India, credit rating agencies are
regulated by Reserve Bank of India
2. The rating agency popularly known
as ICRA is a public limited company.
3. Brickwork Ratings is an Indian credit
rating agency.
Which of the following statement is/are
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3

Practice Question – Prelims Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Consider the following statements with Q. Consider the following statements :
reference to Entangled quantum state.
1. Human evolution is a quick process by
1. Two particles behave like a single unit which humans evolved from their
even when they are separated. apelike ancestors.
2. Due to their vast separation, a change 2. Amphibians evolved into reptiles.
induced in one will not affect the other.
3. Analogous organs arise due to
Which of the statements given above is/are Convergent Evolution.
Which of the above statements is/are not
a) 1 only correct?
b) 2 only a) 1 only
c) Both 1 and 2 b) 2 only
c) 3 only
d) Neither 1 nor 2 d) None of the above

Practice Question – Prelims Previous Year Question – Prelims 2022

Q. Consider the following statements with Q. Consider the following statements
reference to the National Commission for 1. In India, credit rating agencies are
Women: regulated by Reserve Bank of India
1. Both the members and chairperson of
2. The rating agency popularly known
the commission are nominated by the
Central Government. as ICRA is a public limited company.
2. The tenure of both the chairperson and 3. Brickwork Ratings is an Indian credit
every Member shall not exceed three rating agency.
years. Which of the following statement is/are
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 and 2 only
a) 1 Only
b) 2 Only b) 2 and 3 only
c) Both 1 and 2 c) 1 and 3 only
d) Neither 1 nor 2 d) 1, 2 and 3

Practice Question – Mains

Practice Question – Prelims
Q. With the growing Uncertainty in giving
assent to state Bills, discuss the roles of Q1. Option A
Governor of a State with regards to a Bill Q2. Option A
presented to her/him.
Q3. Option C
(150 Words, 10 Marks)

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