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learning Objectives

Cognitive: Read and write the symbol of ¢ for centavos and ₱ for peso
Psychomotor: Write the number symbols accurately
Affective: Show appreciation for the value of money

II. Learning Content

Skills: Reading and writing the number symbol of ¢ for centavos and ₱ for peso.
Reference: BEC PELC I.A.4.1
Materials: coins, paper bills, flash card
Value: Appreciation for the value of money

III. Learning Experiences

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Call 2 pupils to stand at the back. Teacher flashes number cards. For every correct answer, the child
goes to square laid on the floor. The 1 st child to reach the last square beside the teacher’s table is the

2. Review
Complete the word in the box by writing the letters on their proper places.

V in the 7th box S in the 9th box

E in the 5th and 10th box L in the 2nd box
A in the 8th box R in the 6th box
F in the 1st box W in the 4th box
O in the 3rd box

3. Motivation
You want to buy a new flower vase for mother. What do you need to buy it? Do you have money with you?
Is money important to us? Why?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation
a. Show a covered box to the class and say: “There are lots of money inside the box. Do you like to pick one
and tell a story about it?”

Ask a pupil to pick a coin or bill in the box and help him/her describe it.
Example: “This is a 25 centavo coin. It is round. It has number 25 on it.”

Put a 25 centavo coin on the chart and the printed name [25 centavos] and [25¢] beside it.

Show a ₱20 bill. Let the children look at it. Let them describe it. Write [20 pesos] [₱20]

Ask the pupils to read them correctly. Give more examples of coins and bills. What symbols did we use
for centavos? Pesos?

b. Teacher flashes cards with pictures of coins. Pupils tell their value.
c. Work in pairs. One will show a coin/paper bill while the other writes its symbol.

2. Fixing Skills/Practice
Game: The Price is Right!
Teacher: I have some objects here. Show me the correct price. Write the price on your show me board.
The one who will match the correct price wins the game.
Doughnut Pad Paper Pencil

? ? ?

Answer: ₱1 Answer: ₱10 Answer: ₱2

3. Generalization
What symbol do we use for centavos? For pesos?
We use ¢ for centavos and for ₱ pesos.

C. Application
The teacher shows the actual coins or bills. The pupils will choose and write the corresponding amount
in the boxes below.

₱5 10¢ ₱50

₱10 ₱1 ₱20

IV. Evaluation

Write the correct symbol. Use ¢ or ₱.

1. 10 _____ 4. 20 _____

2. 50 _____ 5. 50 _____

3. 25 _____

V. Assignment

How much do these cost? Write the amount using the symbol ¢ and ₱.

1. _____ 4. _____

2. _____ 5. _____

3. _____

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