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Name: Yumiko Josefa Mae R.

Marfil Program: AB Psychology

Class Activity 4

Research the definition of the following dance form.

 Ballet

It is rooted in the Italian word “ballare” which means “to dance, this kind dance is
elegant but very physically strenuous style of dance.

It is a traditional art form that originated over 500 years ago in Italy. Though ballet
dancers are trained to appear gentle and graceful in their movements, ballet technique
requires a tremendous amount of strength, balance, technical skill, and  flexibility.
Dance moves like arabesques, pliés, and pirouettes are part of the basic movement
vocabulary of ballet. Traditionally, female ballet dancers perform en pointe—meaning
on the points of their tiptoes. Some of the most famous ballets include Swan
Lake, The Nutcracker, and Romeo and Juliet.

 Modern Dance

Modern Dance began to develop in the United States and Europe late in the 19th
century, receiving its nomenclature and a widespread success in the 20th. It evolved as
a protest against both the balletic and the interpretive dance traditions of the time.

As opposed to the vertical posture, which is dominant in ballet,

modern dance embraced dancing close to the floor with horizontal movements. Dancing
with flat feet and bent limbs, movements which were shunned in ballet, was a way of
portraying emotions in modern dance. Ballet represents classical and formal narrative,
while modern dance contrasts

 Classical Dance

Classical dance traces its origins to Italy, during the 15th-century period known as
the Renaissance. It was essential for noblemen and noblewomen of that era to be able
to dance and move their bodies elegantly.
Classical dance is an Indian dance form. It is very famous form of dance and people
are gaining interest about this. Other countries have started this form of dance to
support the concept Indians have regarding this particular form of dance. However,
classical dance is a conventional dance enlightening the feelings, emotions or
sentiments through dance drama or poetry. This form is portrayed by dignity, poise and
precision of movement. It is elaborated by formal gestures, steps, and poses. There are
different styles and forms of Classical dance like Ballet, Ballroom, Tango, and

 Ethnic Dance

Ethnic dance refers to a dance that comes from a specific cultural group, such as
polka or flamenco. Any dance that is connected to a particular ethnic group is
considered an ethnic dance.

Ethnic dance has various subcategories, such as folk dancing. Folk dances are
activities that are an intrinsic part of a culture. This includes dances such as the
Mexican hat dance or the Argentine tango. It is not just that the dances come from a
particular ethnic group but that the dances help to define that group. A dance that
originated with a particular ethnic group from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the United
States or anywhere else counts as ethnic. However, if it is not popular or well-known,
then the dance often does not count as a folk dance.

 Folk Dance

Folk dance was invented several centuries back. About the origin of folk
dance, very little detail is available. Folk dances are traditional and such dances
are taught through generations. So due to this reason, the evolution of folk dance
takes place slowly. Several cultural groups preserve the tradition of folk dance. In
this article, you will find out the history of folk dance, its evolution, and its current

Folk dances are usually danced at social gatherings (which can be formed
spontaneously or during yearly celebrations) that can but are not required to have a
particular dancing stage and are almost always so simple to dance that new dancers
and amateurs are encouraged to start dancing with everyone else. Such dances almost
never have an official governing body that is keeping the development of folk dance in
check. Instead of that, the morphing of the folk dances in their countries and local
regions happens spontaneously by the changes with local traditions. Modern dances
that have developed spontaneously such as hip hop are not regarded as folk dance,
and they are often called as “street dances”.

 Ballroom Dance

Ballroom dancing traces its origins to the early 20th century when the West End
establishments were developing the art of ballroom dancing. The world’s leading board
for ballroom dance examinations, the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD),
was established in 1904. There were some notable people who were instrumental in the
development and promotion of modern ballroom dance.

Ballroom dancing is a partnership dance where couples, using step-patterns, move

rhythmically, expressing the characteristics of music. Ballroom dancing consists of two
styles: the Smooth, or Standard, and the Rhythm, or Latin. The Smooth, Standard style
focuses on the elegance, grace and fluidity of movement. Dancers rotate in a counter-
clockwise direction, moving around the entire floor. The couple is constantly moving on
the dance floor, transitioning from one place to the next in a fixed pattern. The Foxtrot,
Waltz, Tango, Viennese Waltz and Quickstep are danced in this manner.

 Exercise Dance

Exercise Dance or aerobic exercise that has physical, mental, and emotional

benefits. It's great for both kids and adults and can build strength and balance as well as

Dance is exercise, so the physical benefits of dancing will be similar to that of

other cardio activities such as Improves cardiovascular health, improving balance and
strength and gentle on your body. It also had a mental benefit such as boost cognitive
performance and challenge your brain. When it comes to the emotion it helps you to be
inclusive, social active help to boost your mood.

 Dance Exercise

Dancing is an exercise that engages the entire body as well as the mind. Learning
and remembering choreography keeps your brain active while constant movement
addresses your heart, circulation, balance, muscles and joints. Dancing kills calories,
and it is fun to boot!

When you dance for exercise on a regular basis, you can reduce mental tension and
stress because you stimulate happiness endorphins in the brain that alleviate worries
and concerns. Additionally, dance improves your memory because it forces you to recall
steps, patterns, and elaborate routines.

 Allied Movement Form

Any dance that is both choreographed and performed. Some would say figure
skating can be because it is a choreographed dance performed in skates on ice and in
front of a crowd.

This is a choreographed routine performed before an audience either for

entertainment or a recognized sports event. This includes ice skating, synchronized
swimming, gymnastics aerial dancing

 Street Dance

Popping and Locking started in the early 1970’s funk era in California, USA.
Breaking or Bboying started in the Bronx in New York in the late 1970s but came to the
world’s attention through films such as Wild Style and Breakdance in the 1980s. The
significant feature of the history of Street Dance was that it was the dance of young

Street dances, more formally known as vernacular dance, are dance styles that
evolved outside of dance studios in any available open space, such as streets, dance
parties, block parties, parks, school yards, raves, and nightclubs. They are often
improvisational and social in nature, encouraging interaction and contact with spectators
and the other dancers. These dances generally evolve out of urban and suburban
spaces and are a part of the vernacular culture of that geographical area. Some
examples of street dance include B-boying (or breakdancing), which originated in New
York City, and Melbourne Shuffle which originated in Melbourne, Australia.

 Interpretative Dance

Interpretive dance comes out of a modern dance tradition that began in the early
1900s. This movement away from the traditional and constrictive ballet dancing was
invented by dancers such as Isadora Duncan and Loie Fuller among others. Along with
the movement away from ballet, there was also a movement towards fitness and using
dance in new ways.

It used classical concert music but marked a departure from traditional concert
dance. It seeks to translate human emotions, conditions, situations or fantasies into
movement and dramatic expression, or else adapts traditional ethnic movements into
more modern expressions.

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