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About OPR Background Story

OPR ( is the home of many free games Ratmen Clans are groups of humanoid rats that have evolved
which are designed to be fast to learn and easy to play. into one of the most vicious fighting forces in the galaxy.
Nobody is sure of where they come from, but it is rumoured
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only
that they are the result of cruel human experimentation.
exist thanks to the support of our awesome community.
Although they all fight under a single banner, the various clans
If you’d like to support the continued development of our
are fiercely competitive, which has lead them to quickly
games you can donate on
develop many deadly and experimental technologies, used to
Thank you for playing! wage vicious wars.

They use lightning fast tactics to surprise and destroy their

enemies before moving on and leaving no trace of their
existence. It’s because of this that they are rumoured just to be
a myth on many planets, but those that have fought them know
that they are very real.

If you hear a squeaking nearby don’t let your guard down,

because the Ratmen Clans may just be about to ambush you.

Game Design: Gaetano Ferrara

Illustrations: Brandon Gillam


Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost
Clan Mother [1] 3+ 3+ Combat Staff (A3, AP(1)) Hero, Tough(6) A 105pts
Champion [1] 4+ 4+ Pistol (12”, A1), CCW (A2) Hero, Tough(3) B 40pts
Master Saboteur [1] 4+ 4+ Pistol (12”, A1), Explosives (A1, AP(4)) Hero, Scout, Stealth, Tough(3) C 55pts
Rat Piper [1] 5+ 4+ Combat Staff (A3, Poison) Hero, Piper, Tough(3) D 75pts
Rat Shaman [1] 5+ 5+ Pistol (12”, A1), CCW (A2) Hero, Psychic(1), Tough(3) - 45pts
Tangled Psychics [1] 5+ 4+ Bodyguard (A3), Rat Swarm (A6) Hero, Psychic(X), Tangle, Tough(3) E 75pts
Crawlers [3] 5+ 5+ Carbines (18”, A1), CCWs (A1) - F 30pts
Stalkers [3] 5+ 5+ Pistols (12”, A1), CCWs (A2) - G 35pts
Weapons Expert [1] 4+ 4+ Carbine (18”, A1), CCW (A1) Relentless H 20pts
Saboteur [1] 5+ 5+ Pistol (12”, A1), Explosives (A1, AP(4)) Scout - 25pts
Rat Swarm [1] 6+ 6+ Swarm Attacks (A3, Poison) Strider, Tough(3) - 15pts
Terror Beast [1] 4+ 3+ Claws (A3, AP(1)) Tough(3) - 50pts
Rat Ogre [1] 4+ 4+ Heavy Combat Drill (A3, AP(4)) Tough(3) I 50pts

A Upgrade with one: Special Rules

Staff-Flamethrower (12”, A6) +10pts Absolute Authority: When the hero activates
Staff-Blaster (12”, A3, AP(2)) +10pts pick one friendly unit within 12”. That unit and
Staff-GL (24”, A1, AP(1), Blast(3)) +10pts all friendly units within 6” get the Fast special
Upgrade with one: rule next time they move.
Lead from Behind +25pts Lead from Behind: Whenever the hero or a
Absolute Authority +45pts friendly unit within 12” fails a morale test roll
one die. On a 4+ the morale test is passed.
B Replace Pistol: Piper: The hero and all friendly Rat Swarm
units within 12” get Regeneration.
Carbine (18”, A1) +5pts
Piper’s Calling: When the hero is activated
Flamethrower (12”, A6) +10pts pick one friendly unit within 12”. That unit and
Heavy Flamethrower (12”, A6, AP(1)) +15pts all friendly units within 6” count as having
Heavy Machinegun (36”, A3, AP(1)) +20pts Quality 2+ next time they take a morale test.
Sniper Rifle (36”, A1, AP(1), Sniper) +15pts Safety in Numbers: When the hero activates
Replace CCW: pick 2 friendly units within 6”. Those units and
Combat Drill (A2, AP(2)) +5pts all friendly units within 6” get +1 to their next
Upgrade with: morale test rolls.
Safety in Numbers +25pts Tangle: When the hero is activated roll one D3
to determine the X value of its Psychic(X) rule.
C Replace Pistol:
Carbine (18”, A1) +5pts Psychic Spells
Flamethrower (12”, A6) +10pts Filth (4+): Target friendly unit within 12” gets
Poison in melee next time it fights.
D Upgrade with: Cracks (4+): Target enemy unit within 12”
Piper’s Calling +30pts takes 2 automatic hits with AP(2).
Sickness (5+): Target enemy unit within 18”
E Upgrade with one: gets -1 to hit next time it shoots.
Pistol (12”, A1) +5pts Lightning (5+): Target enemy unit within 12”
Flamethrower (12”, A6) +10pts takes 1 hit with AP(4) and Deadly(3).
Replace Bodyguard: Frenzy (6+): Target friendly unit within 12”
Elite Bodyguard (A3, AP(1)) +5pts may immediately move by up to 6”.
Pestilence (6+): Target enemy unit within 6”
F Replace up to two Carbines: takes 1 automatic hit per model.
Flamethrower (12”, A6) +5pts
Shred Rifle (18”, A2, Rending) +5pts
Plasma Rifle (24”, A1, AP(2)) +5pts
Rocket Launcher +10pts
(24”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Heavy Machinegun (36”, A3, AP(1)) +10pts

G Replace up to two Pistols:

Flamethrower (12”, A6) +5pts
Heavy Flamethrower (12”, A6, AP(1)) +10pts

H Replace Carbine:
Flamethrower (12”, A6) +10pts
Shred Rifle (18”, A2, Rending) +10pts
Plasma Rifle (24”, A1, AP(2)) +10pts
Heavy Flamethrower (12”, A6, AP(1)) +15pts
Rocket Launcher +15pts
(24”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Heavy Machinegun (36”, A3, AP(1)) +15pts
Replace CCW:
Combat Drill (A1, AP(2)) +5pts

I Replace Heavy Combat Drill:

Twin Combat Drills (A6, AP(2)) +5pts
Flamethrower (12”, A6), +5pts
Combat Drill (A3, AP(2))
Heavy Flamethrower (12”,A6,AP(1)), +10pts
Combat Drill (A3, AP(2))

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