Learner's Activity Sheet: MAPEH Physical Education (Quarter I - Week 1)

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Learner’s Activity Sheet

MAPEH Physical Education (Quarter I – Week 1)

Name: _____________________________________ Grade and Section: ________________

Teacher: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________________
School: __________________________________________________________________________

Dear Learner,

Good day!
In this week, you will learn to: undertakes physical activity and physical
fitness assessment (PE8PF-Ia- h-23). And sets goal based on assessment
results (PE8PF-Ia-24).
Specifically, you will learn the following:
1. define the meaning of BMI.
2. classify the Body Mass Index according to each classification.
3. compute the BMI of individuals and members of the family.

In this lesson, taking good care of one’s body is being integrated.

Your teacher

Health Related Fitness (Measuring Body Mass Index)

Activity 1 Measuring Weights and Heights

Instructions: Get the weight and height of all the members of your family.
Fill out the table below. Later, you will use this table to determine the Body
Mass Index (BMI) and of each family member. ( 2 points each)
Activity 1 Activity 4
Members Weight Height BMI Classification
1st sibling
2nd sibling
3rd sibling

1 8
Activity 2

Instructions: Read the given questions below and write your answer on the
space provided. (5 points each)

Which of the pictures above you think has an ideal Body Mass Index?

Guide Questions:

1. What is the ideal Body Mass Index of a person?

2. What is the importance of having a normal Body Mass Index?
3. How can a person maintain a normal Body Mass Index?
4. Can you consider your daily lifestyle a healthy one?


Activity 3

Instructions: Please practice your writing skills by copying this on your

BMI or Body Mass Index is the ratio of your weight and height. It is a
good way to determine whether your weight is in healthy proportion to your
height. By knowing your BMI, you will have an idea on the possible health
risks you may be facing.
Formula to solve your BMI

A BMI at 18.49 or below indicates that the person is underweight. 18.6 to

24.99 is considered as normal weight. 25 to 29.99 overweight and a BMI of
30 or more considered as obese.

Underweight Normal Overweight Obese Extremely

18.49 or below 18.5 to 24.99 25 to 29.99 30-39.99 obese 40.00 and

Our daily lifestyle and routine affect our Body Mass Index. An overweight
person may be at risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, heart or
blood vessel problems, cardiovascular disease, and muscle problems among
others. On the other hand, a person who is underweight maybe at risk of
malnutrition, anemia, and osteoporosis among others.
(Source: Chatswood Medical and dental care. Available at:

Activity 4

Instructions: Read and answer the following question (5 points each)

4.1 Now, go back to the table in Activity 1. Compute the Body Mass Index of
each family member (BMI) and identify its classification.

4.2 Set a goal. In the next 21 days, how much BMI do you want to achieve?
4.3. What are the top 3 activities you will do to achieve this goal?

Activity 5

Instructions: Fill the columns below by answering the following questions.

(10 points each)


What did you do in What new knowledge Please rate your
this lesson? did you discover? performance in this lesson:
___ 1 Needs improvement
___ 2 Good
___ 3 Very Good
___ 4 Excellent

1. K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies
2. Chonan H. Barraquis Third Edition (2004) English This Way, page 259.
Rex Printing Company, Inc.
3. www.googleimages.com

This is to certify that my child has successfully done all the
activities included in this Learning Activity Sheet.

_________________________________________ ____________________
Name and Signature of the Parent Date

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