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Mechanism of Lattice Frame Reinforcement (LFR)

System Used to Delay Settlement of Coastal Rock

Isuru Tharanga Dias Ganchai Tanapornraweekit Somnuk Tangtermsirikul
Graduate Student, School of Civil Research Faculty, Construction and Professor, School of Civil Engineering and
Engineering and Technology, Maintenance Technology Research Center, Technology,
Sirindhorn International Institute of School of Civil Engineering and Technology, Sirindhorn International Institute of
Technology, Thammasat University, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University,
Pathumthani, Thailand. Technology, Thammasat University, Pathumthani, Thailand.
[email protected] Pathumthani, Thailand. [email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract— This paper presents a study of the mechanism of the Due to large self-weight of the rock embankment, soil
Lattice Frame Reinforcement (LFR) system to reduce the rate of settlement is rather significant. Large self-weight cannot be
embankment settlement. The proposed LFR system consists of two avoided since the height of the rock embankment is crucial to
main components, polyester sheet (LFR sheet) and lattice framed keep its active status and to protect shores from sea waves. In
injected mortar polyester tube (LFR mortar tube). LFR system
can be applied under embankments. Both components are knitted
addition, width of the rock embankments is required to be
together before the mortar is injected into the tube. Firstly, sheet sufficient to maintain its stability during its lifetime. The
and the empty LFR tubes are placed to cover the area to be proposed LFR system is applied under the rock embankment to
improved. Secondly, mortar is injected into the tubes and all the delay and decrease settlement with time which is beneficial for
tube ends are sealed. After the injected mortar is properly cured, shoreline protection by expanding its active lifetime.
the embankment can be constructed on top of the LFR system. The
system distributes concentrated load from the embankment to Soil settlement is one of the main problems for coastal
much larger area under the LFR system, which reduces vertical embankment. The sinking of embankment due to soil
soil pressure under the embankment. Providing less pressure to settlement may cause the embankment not to function
the underneath soil, it results in lower soil settlement. Two
experimental embankments with LFR system were constructed in
efficiently. There are two types of soil settlement: immediate
Samut Sakhon province in Thailand. The actual soil settlements of and long-term settlements. Immediate settlement usually last
these embankments have been monitored for the future study. for the first few days and long-term settlement could last for
Tensile and bending tests were conducted to understand the years.[1]
behavior of the LFR material. This study aims to understand the
mechanism of the LFR system under rock embankment. LFR In most recent studies, a system referred as Lattice-
mortar tubes in the system behave more likely as a tensile member. Frame Reinforcement (LFR) system which is mainly applied to
The function of injected mortar is only to keep the LFR tubes in reduce soil settlement has grasped attention from construction
shape and to provide better constructability. industry [2].
Keywords— Lattice Frame Reinforcement (LFR), Soil
Settlement, Field measurement, Rock Embankment, Finite Element


Rock embankment is generally embankment

constructed from rocks and boulders to delay coastal erosion
because of radical sea waves (see Fig. 1). Shores are generally
washed away and damaged because of continuously sea wave
strikes. Rock embankments are playing an important role to
protect the shores. Rock embankment behaves as a barrier and
faces to sea waves before the waves approach the shores. After
strike on embankment, the coming waves become weaker and
consequently result in less damage to the shores.
Fig. 1. Example of rock embankment [photo from Ashimori Industry
Co., Ltd]
Fig. 2. Application of LFR system under the coastal rock embankment

Fig. 5. Cross section of LFR mortar tube

Fig. 3. Proposed component of LFR system

Fig. 6. LFR sheet texture

This study provides information about mechanism of

LFR system to reduce long term soil settlement under
embankment. The objective of this study is to investigate
material characteristics and the mechanism of the LFR system
and its applicability to protect seashores by maintaining the
level of embankment for a longer active life span.

Applicability of the LFR system has been investigated

on several occasions. Okamoto M. studied behavior of LFR
Fig. 4. LFR mortar tube spacing
system underneath a railway structure. LFR system was applied
Generally, LFR system can be applied under to a real scale field test which was carried out on a soft ground
embankment (see Fig. 2). The LFR system is a combination of comprising clayey sand. This soil did not meet the requirement
polyester sheet and mortar-injected polyester tubes arranged of subgrade according to Japanese standard (Railway technical
into a manner of lattice orientation (see Fig. 3). However, the research institute 1992) for railway structures [3]. The required
effect of the LFR system with embankment has not been well satisfactory K30 value is 34.5 MN/m2. Before the application of
studied for long term soil settlement. In this study, two different LFR system, it was noted that K30 value of the original soil was
arrangements of LFR tubes are introduced, i.e. 1m x 1m and 2m 21.2 MN/m2 which was lower than the requirement. To
x 2m spacing in between tubes (see Fig. 4). evaluate the improvement of soil after LFR system was applied,
the plate load test was again conducted. The K30 of the soil with
LFR system was 67.1 MN/m2 which satisfied the requirement
Main components of LFR system are LFR mortar tube of railway road construction [4]. Yoshida, T et al. investigated
and LFR underlying sheet. Sheet and tubes are knitted together, the behavior of LFR system against differential soil settlement.
and tubes are jointed in lattice arrangement. In this study, the A load test was performed for the soil site with LFR system.
LFR mortar tube is 100 mm in diameter (see Fig. 5). Material Their study confirmed that the differential settlement against a
for LFR sheet and LFR tube is polyester sheet which is 0.7 mm locally concentrated vertical load was much less after applying
in thickness. The density of this polyester is 1046 kg/m3. the lattice frame system [5]. Okamoto M. performed a series of
Texture of the LFR sheet is shown in Fig. 6. Combination of dynamic centrifugal model tests. The results showed that LFR
sheet and mortar injected tubes reduces soil pressure system could reduce differential settlement of soil that
underneath caused by self-weight of embankment. LFR system undergoes seismic liquefaction. The system effectively reduced
distributes load from the embankment to a much larger area of deformation of the liquefiable layer of the case in which the
underneath soil. This effect is called as load dispersion effect. improved zone was totally set under the embankment [2].
Although several studies have been conducted,
mechanism of LFR system has not been clearly investigated.
Moreover, there is no study on the long-term settlement
behavior of the soil after applying the LFR system. There are
several parameters of the LFR system which should be
considered in the design of the system, i.e. area of the LFR
system, diameter of LFR mortar tube, LFR tube spacing, and
effect of injected mortar on the efficiency of the system.

Behavior of soil settlement can be considered to

identify the effectiveness of the LFR system. Spacing of LFR
tubes could be a major parameter in this regard. The most
effective spacing arrangement to reduce soil settlement can be
considered as a parameter to optimize the proper configuration
of the LFR system. For this reason, two types of data will be
considered and compared in the future study, i.e. field data and
finite element (FE) analysis results.


Monitoring the real settlement of the experimental

sites of LFR system has been performed in order to study the
performance of the LFR system as well as the effects of the LFR
tube spacing. One of the seashore areas of Samut Sakhon
province, Thailand was selected as the site location used to
monitor the settlement of the embankment with LFR system in Fig. 8. Soil profile of the experimental site [7]
this study. The site is about 50 km away from Bangkok,
Thailand. There are two rock embankments where each of them In order to investigate the effectiveness of the LFR
is 100 m apart (see Fig. 7). These two embankments have system, it is necessary to monitor the long-term settlement for
different LFR tube spacings which are 1m x 1m and 2m x 2m. a certain period. A brief measurement process of soil settlement
Currently, field measurements have been monitored on these is as follows. Two stations were used to measure the level of
two embankments. the embankment with LFR system sites (see Fig. 9). Station 3
is the transfer station from the benchmark reference. TP 3 and
TP 4 are used to transfer the level from station 3 to station 4.
From station 4, levels of the embankments are recorded. The
level of each embankment is averaged from levels at five
locations on the embankment which are at the center and -

Fig. 7. Experimental rock embankments [photos from Ashimori

Industry Co., Ltd]

A. Soil testing data and filed monitoring of soil settlement

There are different types of soils existing along seashores of

Thailand. Clay, silty and sandy soils are highlighted among
them [6]. Soil samples were collected from the site. Laboratory
tests such as, consolidation test, unconsolidated undrained tri-
axial test, and vane shear test were conducted. According to soil Fig. 9. Process of recording field soil settlement
testing, several soil layers were identified. These soil layers can
be categorized as clay, silty clay, and silty fine sand to medium four corners of the embankment. The levels of the
sand as shown in Fig. 8. embankments were recorded once a week in the first month
after finishing the construction of the embankment with LFR III. TEST RESULTS
system. The measurement was conducted once a month in the
1st year after construction. In the 2nd and 3rd year of the Stress strain data was collected from the tensile tests.
monitoring, the measurement was once every two months and There were two noticeable slopes in the stress-strain curves of
three months, respectively. Currently, the measurement is in the all specimens. First (initial) slope was caused due to initial
beginning of the 4th year after the construction. The stretch of the sheet (see Fig. 12). After the sheet was stretched
measurement will be conducted twice a year in this phase. to a stress about 50 MPa, curve showed a higher second slope
which means the LFR sheet resists tension more effectively
B. Tests of materials for the LFR system after initial stretching of the sheet. The failure of the tensile test
specimens is shown in Fig. 13. Table 1 shows the summary of
There were two main components in the LFR system, properties of LFR sheet resulted from the tensile tests.
LFR mortar tubes and LFR sheet. Two laboratory tests were
conducted to determine the material properties of each
component. These laboratory tests were the tensile test (ASTM
D3039) [8] of the LFR sheet and the flexural test (ASTM D790)
[9] of LFR mortar tube.

Four specimens were prepared for tensile test and the

tests were conducted using Universal Testing Machine (model
Testometric M500-50AT). Tensioning speed of 2mm/min was
used for the test. Test setup is shown in Fig. 10.

Flexural tests were conducted on five LFR mortar

tube specimens. An LVDT used to measure deflection of the Fig. 12. Stress-strain relationship of the tensile test for sheet specimens
specimen was installed at the mid span under the bottom side
of the specimen. One single point load was applied at the
midspan as shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 13. Failure of the LFR sheet specimens


Young's modulus (MPa) during initial stretch 474.36
after initial stretch 807.95
(a) (b)
Ultimate stress (MPa) 156.9
Fig. 10. Tensile test of LFR sheet (a) sheet specimens (b) tensile test setup Ultimate strain 0.23

Flexural behavior of LFR mortar tube was studied

using three-point bending test. Results showed a high initial
stiffness up to the average load of 7.79 kN. This initial stiffness
is the stiffness of the composite material which consists of LFR
tube and uncracked injected mortar. After this load level,
mortar broke, which can be observed from a sudden load drop
as shown in Fig. 14. Eventually, the LFR tube continually
resisted the loads after breaking of the mortar until fiber
breakage at the bottom side of the specimen. The test results
showed that the specimens failed from breakage of the LFR
tube at the average peak load of 14.09 kN. The bending test
Fig. 11. Flexural test setup specimen at failure is shown in Fig. 15.
2. When LFR tube behaves as a tensile member, the function of
injected mortar is only to maintain the circular shape of the
tubes and to maintain the stretched nature of the tubes. In
addition, self-weight of mortar makes the LFR system stands
still as much as possible during the construction which results
in a better constructability.

3. LFR tubes and underlaying LFR sheet are knitted together

where they are not allowed to separate. The vertical load from
self-weight of the embankment will be transferred horizontally
to the LFR tubes and sheet via friction between sheet and
Fig. 14 Load-mid span deflection curves of LFR mortar tubes underneath soil. It is noted that the sheet and tubes will resist
tension when the sheet and tubes are in stretch condition where
this condition can be maintained via interlockings between
rock-rock and rock-tube and sheet.

In the future study, a FEM model without LFR system

will be verified with a selected literature from a previous study.
The behavior of the LFR system will be simulated in detail
using FE analysis. Soil settlement values obtained from field
measurement and FEA data of the soil settlement will be
compared to verify the mechanism of LFR system. In addition,
the verified model can be further extended to perform
parametric studies of the LFR system in order to investigate
Fig. 15. Breakage of the LFR tube resulted from bending test effects of diameter of mortar tube, grade of mortar, arrangement
of LFR tube and size of embankment.

In order to understand the mechanism of the LFR This study aims to understand the mechanism of LFR
system, a preliminary FE analysis was performed. The material system under rock embankments. The evaluation of the FEM
properties of LFR sheet and LFR mortar tube are from the test will be carried out in term of total long-term settlement of the
results presented in the previous section. soil underneath LFR system. LFR mortar tubes in the system
behave more likely as a tensile member. The function of
The analysis results indicated that the embankment injected mortar is only to keep the LFR tubes in shape and to
settles down with almost the same settlement over its large area. provide better constructability. The sheet and tube resists
This behavior results in small curvature in the LFR tubes as tension when the material is in stretch condition where this
shown in Fig 16. condition can be maintained via interlockings between rock-
rock and rock-tube and sheet. Future study will be carried out
to confirm in this regard considering different parameters such
as, diameters of mortar tube, grades of mortar, arrangements of
LFR tube and sizes of embankment.
Small curvature of
the LFR tubes The first author would like to express his appreciation
Fig. 16. Deformed shaped of the LFR system under the embankment (5x and gratitude to the Excellent Foreign Student (EFS)
magnification) after 900 days of construction Scholarship and the TU Scholarship for Foreign Students for the
opportunity to pursue his Master degree at Sirindhorn
This implies that the LFR tube behave more as a International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat
tensile member instead of bending member. Based on the University, Thailand. Special gratitude goes to Teijin Limited to
results of this preliminary FE analysis, the mechanism of LFR provide funding for this research project and Ashimori Industry
system can be explained as follows. Co., Ltd. to facilitate necessary testing materials, photos, and
access to the experimental site. This study is also supported by
the Center of Excellence in Material Science, Construction and
1. Each LFR tube behaves like a tensile member rather than a
Maintenance Technology Project, Thammasat University and
bending member. This is due to a small curvature of the tube
when it is loaded from the self-weight of rock embankment.
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