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Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference

Version 2.5.7 OL-7825-02

Corporate Headquarters C isco Sys te ms , Inc . 1 70 W es t Tas ma n D r i ve Sa n Jose , C A 9 513 4-1 706 USA h t t p : / /w w w .c i s c o .co m T e l: 4 08 5 26- 400 0 8 00 5 53-NET S ( 638 7) F a x : 4 08 5 26- 410 0

Customer Order Number: DOC-7825-02= Text Part Number: OL-7825-02

THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS. THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN THE INFORMATION PACKET THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT YOUR CISCO REPRESENTATIVE FOR A COPY. The following information is for FCC compliance of Class A devices: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case users will be required to correct the interference at their own expense. The following information is for FCC compliance of Class B devices: The equipment described in this manual generates and may radiate radio-frequency energy. If it is not installed in accordance with Ciscos installation instructions, it may cause interference with radio and television reception. T his equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in part 15 of the FCC rules. These specifications are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. Modifying the equipment without Ciscos written authorization may result in the equipment no longer complying with FCC requirements for Class A or Class B digital devices. In that event, your right to use the equipment may be limited by FCC regulations, and you may be required to correct any interference to radio or television communications at your own expense. You can determine whether your equipment is causing interference by turning it off. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the Cisco equipment or one of its peripheral devices. If the equipment causes interference to radio or television reception, try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures: Turn the television or radio antenna until the interference stops. Move the equipment to one side or the other of the television or radio. Move the equipment farther away from the television or radio. Plug the equipment into an outlet that is on a different circuit from the television or radio. (That is, make certain the equipment and the television or radio are on circuits controlled by different circuit breakers or fuses.)

Modifications to this product not authorized by Cisco Systems, Inc. could void the FCC approval and negate your authority to operate the product. The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCBs public domain version of the UNIX operating system. All rights reserved. Copyright 1981, Regents of the University of California. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER WARRANTY HEREIN, ALL DOCUMENT FILES AND SOFTWARE OF THESE SUPPLIERS ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITH ALL FAULTS. CISCO AND THE ABOVE-NAMED SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE. IN NO EVENT SHALL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILTY TO USE THIS MANUAL, EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. CCSP, the Cisco Square Bridge logo, Follow Me Browsing, and StackWise are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc.; Changing the Way We Work, Live, Play, and Learn, and iQuick Study are service marks of Cisco Systems, Inc.; and Access Registrar, Aironet, ASIST, BPX, Catalyst, CCDA, CCDP, CCIE, CCIP, CCNA, CCNP, Cisco, the Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert logo, Cisco IOS, Cisco Press, Cisco Systems, Cisco Systems Capital, the Cisco Systems logo, Cisco Unity, Empowering the Internet Generation, Enterprise/Solver, EtherChannel, EtherFast, EtherSwitch, Fast Step, FormShare, GigaDrive, GigaStack, HomeLink, Internet Quotient, IOS, IP/TV, iQ Expertise, the iQ logo, iQ Net Readiness Scorecard, LightStream, Linksys, MeetingPlace, MGX, the Networkers logo, Networking Academy, Network Registrar, Packet, PIX, Post-Routing, Pre-Routing, ProConnect, RateMUX, ScriptShare, SlideCast, SMARTnet, StrataView Plus, SwitchProbe, TeleRouter, The Fastest Way to Increase Your Internet Quotient, TransPath, and VCO are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries. All other trademarks mentioned in this document or Website are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (0501R) Printed in the USA on recycled paper containing 10% postconsumer waste. Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference Copyright 2002-2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


Preface xi Audience xi Organization xi Related Publications xii Document Conventions xii Obtaining Documentation xiii xiii Ordering Documentation xiii Documentation Feedback xiii Obtaining Technical Assistance xiv Cisco Technical Support Website xiv Submitting a Service Request xiv Definitions of Service Requests Severity xv Obtaining Additional Publications and Information xv Command-Line Interface 1-1 Getting Help 1-1 Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy) 1-2 CLI Command Hierarchy 1-2 CLI Authorization Levels 1-10 Prompt Indications 1-12 CLI Help Features 1-12 Partial Help 1-13 Argument Help 1-13 The [no] Prefix 1-14 Navigational and Shortcut Features 1-14 Command History 1-14 Keyboard Shortcuts 1-15 Tab Completion 1-15
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


FTP User Name and Password 1-16 Managing Command Output 1-16 Scrolling the Screen Display 1-17 Filtering Command Output 1-17 Redirecting Command Output to a File 1-17 CLI Scripts 1-18 CLI Command Reference 2-1 Syntax and Conventions 2-1 CLI Commands 2-2 ? 2-2 access-class 2-3 access-list 2-4 attack-detector default 2-6 attack-detector 2-8 attack-detector <number> 2-9 attack-filter (LineCard Interface Configuration) 2-11 attack-filter (Privileged Exec) 2-12 attack-filter subscriber-notification ports 2-14 auto-negotiate (GigabitEthernet only) 2-15 bandwidth 2-16 blink 2-17 boot system 2-18 calendar set 2-20 cd 2-21 clear arp-cache 2-22 clear interface LineCard 2-23 clear interface LineCard subscriber 2-24 clear interface LineCard subscriber db counters 2-25 clear interface LineCard traffic-counter 2-26 clear logger 2-27 clear RDR-formatter 2-29 clock read-calendar 2-30 clock set 2-31

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference




clock summertime 2-32 clock timezone 2-36 clock update-calendar 2-37 configure 2-38 connection-mode (SCE 1000 platform) 2-39 connection-mode (SCE 2000 platform) 2-40 copy 2-41 copy ftp:// 2-42 copy-passive 2-43 copy running-config startup-config 2-44 copy source-file ftp:// 2-45 default subscriber template all 2-46 delete 2-47 dir 2-48 disable 2-49 duplex 2-50 enable 2-51 enable password 2-52 exit 2-53 failure-recovery operation-mode 2-54 force failure-condition (SCE 2000 only) 2-55 help 2-56 history 2-58 history size 2-59 hostname 2-60 interface FastEthernet 2-61 interface GigabitEthernet 2-62 interface LineCard 2-63 ip access-class 2-64 ip address 2-65 ip advertising 2-66 ip default-gateway 2-68 ip domain-lookup 2-69 ip domain-name 2-70
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02



ip ftp password 2-71 ip ftp username 2-72 ip host 2-73 ip name-server 2-74 ip rmi-adapter 2-75 ip rmi-adapter port 2-76 ip route 2-77 ip rpc-adapter 2-78 ip rpc-adapter port 2-79 ip ssh 2-80 ip ssh access-class 2-81 ip ssh key 2-82 ip tunnel 2-83 L2TP identify-by 2-84 line vty 2-85 link failure-reflection 2-86 link mode 2-87 logger add-user-message 2-89 logger device User-File-Log 2-90 logger device User-File-Log max-file-size 2-91 logger get support-file 2-92 logger get user-log file-name 2-93 logout 2-94 management-agent system 2-95 mkdir 2-96 more 2-97 more user-log 2-98 MPLS 2-99 no access-list 2-100 no enable password 2-101 no ip access-class 2-102 no ip host 2-103 no ip route all 2-104 no RDR-formatter destination 2-105
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference




no RDR-formatter destination all 2-107 no snmp-server community all 2-108 no snmp-server host all 2-109 no sntp server all 2-110 no subscriber 2-111 no subscriber anonymous-group 2-112 no subscriber mappings included-in 2-113 no timeout 2-114 no tos-marking diffserv 2-115 ping 2-116 pqi install file 2-117 pqi rollback file 2-118 pqi uninstall file 2-119 pqi upgrade file 2-120 pwd 2-121 queue 2-122 RDR-formatter category-number 2-123 RDR-formatter destination 2-124 RDR-formatter forwarding-mode 2-126 reload 2-127 reload shutdown 2-128 rename 2-129 rmdir 2-130 scm apply file 2-131 script capture 2-132 script print 2-133 script run 2-134 script stop 2-135 [no] service password encryption 2-136 service RDR-formatter 2-137 service telnetd 2-139 setup 2-140 show access-lists 2-144 show blink 2-145
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


show calendar 2-146 show clock 2-147 show failure-recovery operation-mode 2-148 show hostname 2-149 show hosts 2-150 show interface FastEthernet 2-151 show interface GigabitEthernet 2-154 show interface LineCard 2-155 show interface LineCard application 2-156 show interface LineCard attack-detector 2-157 show interface LineCard attack-filter 2-158 show interface LineCard connection-mode 2-160 show interface LineCard counters 2-161 show interface linecard link mode 2-162 show interface LineCard link-bypass (SCE 1000 only) 2-163 show interface LineCard physically-connected-links (SCE 2000 only) 2-164 show interface LineCard silent 2-165 show interface LineCard subscriber 2-166 show interface LineCard subscriber aging 2-167 show interface LineCard subscriber anonymous 2-168 show interface LineCard subscriber anonymous-group 2-169 show interface LineCard subscriber db counters 2-170 show interface LineCard subscriber mapping 2-171 show interface LineCard subscriber name 2-172 show interface LineCard subscriber properties 2-173 show interface LineCard subscriber TP-mappings statistics 2-174 show interface LineCard subscriber TP-IP-range 2-175 show interface LineCard subscriber mapping included-in TP-IP-range 2-176 show interface LineCard tos-marking mode 2-177 show interface LineCard tos-marking table 2-178 show interface LineCard traffic-counter 2-179 show interface LineCard traffic-rule 2-180 show interface LineCard [MPLS|VLAN|L2TP|IP-tunnel] 2-181 show interface LineCard vlan translation 2-182
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference




show ip access-class 2-183 show ip advertising 2-184 show ip default-gateway 2-185 show ip rmi-adapter 2-186 show ip route 2-187 show ip rpc-adapter 2-188 show ip ssh 2-189 show management-agent 2-190 show management-agent notifications 2-192 show management-agent notifications counters 2-193 show line vty 2-194 show line vty timeout 2-195 show logger device User-File-Log 2-196 show logger device User-File-Log counters 2-197 show logger device User-File-Log max-file-size 2-198 show logger device User-File-Log status 2-199 show logger nv-counters 2-200 show pqi file 2-201 show pqi last-installed 2-202 show RDR-formatter 2-203 show RDR-formatter connection-status 2-204 show RDR-formatter counters 2-205 show RDR-formatter destination 2-206 show RDR-formatter enabled 2-207 show RDR-formatter forwarding-mode 2-208 show RDR-formatter statistics 2-209 show running-config 2-210 show scm last-applied 2-212 show snmp 2-213 show snmp community 2-215 show snmp contact 2-216 show snmp enabled 2-217 show snmp host 2-218 show snmp location 2-219
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02



show snmp MIB 2-220 show snmp traps 2-221 show sntp 2-222 show startup-config 2-223 show system operation-status 2-223 show system-uptime 2-225 show telnet sessions 2-226 show telnet status 2-227 show timezone 2-228 show tunnel mode 2-229 show version 2-230 show version all 2-232 show version software 2-235 silent 2-236 snmp-server 2-237 snmp-server community 2-238 snmp-server contact 2-239 snmp-server enable traps 2-240 snmp-server host 2-242 snmp-server location 2-243 sntp server 2-244 [no] sntp broadcast client 2-245 sntp update-interval interval 2-245 speed 2-245 subscriber aging 2-247 subscriber anonymous-group export csv-file 2-248 subscriber anonymous-group import csv-file 2-249 subscriber export csv-file 2-250 subscriber import csv-file 2-251 subscriber sm-connection-failure (SCE 2000 only) 2-252 subscriber template export csv-file 2-253 subscriber template import csv-file 2-254 subscriber TP-IP-range name IP-range target-TP 2-255 subscriber TP-mappings 2-256
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference




subscriber TP-IP-range 2-257 telnet 2-258 timeout 2-259 tos-marking mode 2-260 tos-marking reset-table 2-261 tos-marking set-table-entry 2-262 traffic-counter 2-263 traffic-rule 2-264 unzip 2-267 VLAN 2-268 vlan translation 2-269 Index 1

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


This guide contains Command-Line Interface (CLI) commands to maintain the SCE Platform. This guide assumes a basic familiarity with telecommunications equipment and installation procedures. Throughout the book, the procedures shown are examples of how to perform typical SCE platform management functions. Because of the large number of functions available, not every possible procedure is documented in the instructional chapters. The CLI Command Reference (on page 2-1) provides a complete listing of all possible commands. The other chapters provide examples of how to implement the most common of these commands, general information on the interrelationships between the commands and the conceptual background of how to use them.

This guide is for the networking or computer technician responsible for configuring and maintaining the SCE Platform on-site. It is also intended for the operator who manages the SCE Platform(s). This manual does not cover high-level technical support procedures available to Root administrators and Cisco technical support personnel.

This manual covers the following topics: Chapter Chapter 1 Title Command-Line Interface (on page 1-1) Description Describes how to use the SCE Platform Command-Line Interface (CLI), its hierarchical structure, authorization levels and its help features. Provides an alphabetical list of the available CLI commands that you can use to configure the SCE.

Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference (on page 2-1)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Preface Related Publications

Related Publications
This Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference should be used in conjunction with the following Service Control Engine documentation:

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) Software Configuration Guide Cisco SCE 2000 4xGBE Installation and Configuration Guide Cisco SCE 2000 4/8xFE Installation and Configuration Guide Cisco SCE 1000 2xGBE Installation and Configuration Guide

Document Conventions
Command descriptions use the following conventions:
boldface font italic font [] {x | y | z} [x | y | z] string Commands and keywords are in boldface. Arguments for which you supply values are in italics. Elements in square brackets are optional. Alternative keywords are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. Optional alternative keywords are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. A nonquoted set of characters. Do not use quotation marks around the string, or the string will include the quotation marks.

Screen examples use the following conventions:

screen font Terminal sessions and information the system displays are in screen font.

boldface screen font Information you must enter is in boldface screen font. italic screen font ^ Arguments for which you supply values are in italic screen font. The symbol ^ represents the key labeled Controlfor example, the key combination ^D in a screen display means hold down the Control key while you press the D key. Nonprinting characters, such as passwords, are in angle brackets. Default responses to system prompts are in square brackets. An exclamation point (!) or a pound sign (#) at the beginning of a line of code indicates a comment line.

<> [] !, #

Notes, cautionary statements, and safety warnings use these conventions.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Preface Obtaining Documentation


Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in this manual.


Means reader be careful. You are capable of doing something that might result in equipment damage or loss of data.

Obtaining Documentation
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available on Cisco also provides several ways to obtain technical assistance and other technical resources. These sections explain how to obtain technical information from Cisco Systems.
You can access the most current Cisco documentation at this URL You can access the Cisco website at this URL You can access international Cisco websites at this URL (

Ordering Documentation
You can find instructions for ordering documentation at this URL: You can order Cisco documentation in these ways:

Registered users (Cisco direct customers) can order Cisco product documentation from the Ordering tool: Nonregistered users can order documentation through a local account representative by calling Cisco Systems Corporate Headquarters (California, USA) at 408 526-7208 or, elsewhere in North America, by calling 800 553-NETS (6387).

Documentation Feedback
You can send comments about technical documentation to this URL (http://[email protected]).
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Preface Obtaining Technical Assistance

You can submit comments by using the response card (if present) behind the front cover of your document or by writing to the following address: Cisco Systems Attn: Customer Document Ordering 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-9883 We appreciate your comments.

Obtaining Technical Assistance

For all customers, partners, resellers, and distributors who hold valid Cisco service contracts, the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) provides 24-hour-a-day, award-winning technical support services, online and over the phone. features the Cisco TAC website as an online starting point for technical assistance. If you do not hold a valid Cisco service contract, please contact your reseller.

Cisco Technical Support Website

The Cisco TAC website ( provides online documents and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. The Cisco TAC website is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Accessing all the tools on the Cisco TAC website requires a user ID and password. If you have a valid service contract but do not have a login ID or password, register at this URL (

Submitting a Service Request

Using the online TAC Service Request Tool ( is the fastest way to open S3 and S4 service requests. (S3 and S4 service requests are those in which your network is minimally impaired or for which you require product information.) After you describe your situation, the TAC Service Request Tool automatically provides recommended solutions. If your issue is not resolved using the recommended resources, your service request will be assigned to a Cisco TAC engineer. For S1 or S2 service requests or if you do not have Internet access, contact the Cisco TAC by telephone. (S1 or S2 service requests are those in which your production network is down or severely degraded.) Cisco TAC engineers are assigned immediately to S1 and S2 service requests to help keep your business operations running smoothly. To open a service request by telephone, use one of the following numbers: Asia-Pacific: +61 2 8446 7411 (Australia: 1 800 805 227) EMEA: +32 2 704 55 55 USA: 1 800 553-2447 A complete listing of Cisco TAC contacts ( is available online.
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Preface Obtaining Additional Publications and Information

Definitions of Service Requests Severity

To ensure that all service requests are reported in a standard format, Cisco has established severity definitions. Severity 1 (S1)Your network is down, or there is a critical impact to your business operations. You and Cisco will commit all necessary resources around the clock to resolve the situation. Severity 2 (S2)Operation of an existing network is severely degraded, or significant aspects of your business operation are negatively affected by inadequate performance of Cisco products. You and Cisco will commit full-time resources during normal business hours to resolve the situation. Severity 3 (S3)Operational performance of your network is impaired, but most business operations remain functional. You and Cisco will commit resources during normal business hours to restore service to satisfactory levels. Severity 4 (S4)You require information or assistance with Cisco product capabilities, installation, or configuration. There is little or no effect on your business operations.

Obtaining Additional Publications and Information

Information about Cisco products, technologies, and network solutions is available from various online and printed sources.

Cisco Marketplace ( provides a variety of Cisco books, reference guides, and logo merchandise. The Cisco Product Catalog describes the networking products offered by Cisco Systems, as well as ordering and customer support services. Cisco Press ( publishes a wide range of general networking, training and certification titles. Both new and experienced users will benefit from these publications. For current Cisco Press titles and other information, go to Cisco Press ( Packet ( magazine is the Cisco Systems technical user magazine for maximizing Internet and networking investments. Each quarter, Packet delivers coverage of the latest industry trends, technology breakthroughs, and Cisco products and solutions, as well as network deployment and troubleshooting tips, configuration examples, customer case studies, certification and training information, and links to scores of in-depth online resources. iQ Magazine ( is the quarterly publication from Cisco Systems designed to help growing companies learn how they can use technology to increase revenue, streamline their business, and expand services. The publication identifies the challenges facing these companies and the technologies to help solve them, using real-world case studies and business strategies to help readers make sound technology investment decisions. Internet Protocol Journal ( is a quarterly journal published by Cisco Systems for engineering professionals involved in designing, developing, and operating public and private internets and intranets. World-class networking training is available from Cisco. You can view current offerings at this URL (
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Preface Obtaining Additional Publications and Information

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference




Command-Line Interface
This chapter describes how to use the SCE Platform Command-Line Interface (CLI), its hierarchical structure, authorization levels and its help features. The Command-Line Interface is one of the SCE Platform management interfaces. This chapter contains the following sections: Getting Help 1-1 Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy) 1-2 CLI Help Features 1-12 Navigational and Shortcut Features Managing Command Output CLI Scripts1-18 The CLI is accessed through a Telnet session or directly via the console port on the front panel of the SCE Platform. When you enter a Telnet session, you enter as the simplest level of user, in the User Exec mode. The SCE Platform supports up to six concurrent CLI sessions; five sessions initiated by Telnet connection, and one session on the console port. In this chapter, the procedures shown are examples of how to perform typical SCE Platform management functions using the CLI. The CLI Command Reference chapter gives you examples of how to implement the most common of these commands, and general information on the interrelationships between the commands and the conceptual background of how to use them. 1-16 1-14

Getting Help
To obtain a list of commands that are available for each command mode, enter a question mark (?) at the system prompt. You also can obtain a list of any commands associated keywords and arguments with the context-sensitive help feature. The following table lists commands you can enter to get help that is specific to a command mode, a command, a keyword, or an argument.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 1 Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy) Table 1-1 Getting Help

Command-Line Interface

Command abbreviated-command-entry?

Purpose Obtain a list of commands that begin with a particular character string. (Do not leave a space between the command and question mark.) Complete a partial command name. List all commands available for a particular command mode. List a commands associated keywords. Leave a space between the command and question mark. List a keywords associated arguments. Leave a space between the keyword and question mark.

abbreviated-command-entry<Tab> ? command ? command keyword ?

Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy)

When using the CLI there are two important concepts that you must understand in order to navigate:

Authorization Level: Indicates the level of commands you can execute. A user with a simple authorization level can only view some information in the system, while a higher level administrator can actually make changes to configuration. Almost all of the procedures in this manual require an Admin authorization level. See CLI Command Hierarchy. Command Hierarchy Level: Provides you with a context for initiating commands. Commands are broken down into categories and you can only execute each command within the context of its category. For example, in order to configure parameters related to the Line Card, you need to be within the LineCard Interface Configuration Mode. See CLI Command Hierarchy.

The following sections describe the available Authorization and Command Hierarchy Levels and how to maneuver within them. The on-screen prompt indicates both your authorization level and your command hierarchy level, as well as the assigned host name. See Prompt Indications (on page 1-12).


Throughout the manual, SCE is used as the sample host name.

CLI Command Hierarchy

The set of all CLI commands is grouped in hierarchical order, according to the type of the commands. The first two levels in the hierarchy are the User Exec and the Privileged Exec modes. These are non-configuration modes in which the set of available commands enables the monitoring of the SCE Platform, file system operations, and other operations that cannot alter the configuration of the SCE Platform.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 1

Command-Line Interface Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy)

The next levels in the hierarchy are the Global and Interface configuration modes, which hold a set of commands that control the global configuration of the SCE Platform and its interfaces. Any of the parameters set by the commands in these modes should be saved in the startup configuration, such that in the case of a reboot, the SCE Platform restores the saved configuration. The following table shows the available CLI modes.
Table 1-2 CLI Modes

Mode User Exec

Description Initial mode with very limited functionality.

Level User Admin

Prompt indication SCE> SCE#

Privileged Exec General administration; file system manipulations and control of basic parameters that do not change the configuration of the SCE Platform. Global Configuration Interface Configuration Line Configuration Configuration of general system parameters, such as DNS, host name, and time zone. Configuration of specific system interface parameters, such as the Line Card and the Ethernet interfaces. Configuration of Telnet lines, such as an access-list.

Admin Admin

SCE(config)# SCE(config if)#



When you login to the system, you have the User authorization level and enter User Exec mode. Changing the authorization level to Admin automatically moves you to Privileged Exec mode. In order to move to any of the configuration modes, you must enter commands specific to that mode. The list of available commands in each mode can be viewed using the question mark ? at the end of the prompt.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 1 Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy)

Command-Line Interface

The figure below, illustrates the hierarchical structure of the CLI modes, and the CLI commands used to enter and exit a mode.
Figure 1-1: CLI Command Hierarchy

The following commands are used to enter the different configure interface modes and the Line Configuration Mode:

E1 interface LineCard 0 E2 interface FastEthernet 0/0 (management port, all platforms) E2 interface FastEthernet 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, or 0/4 (line ports, SCE 2000 4/8xFE platform) E3 interface GigabitEthernet 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, or 0/4 (line ports, SCE 2000 4xGBE platform) E3 interface GigabitEthernet 0/1, 0/, (line ports, SCE 1000 2xGBE platform) E4 line vty 0

To move from one interface configuration mode to another you must exit the current interface configuration mode (as illustrated in the above figure).

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 1

Command-Line Interface Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy)


Although the system supports up to five concurrent Telnet connections, you cannot configure them separately. This means that any number you enter in the line vty command (0, 1, 2, 3 or 4) will act as a 0 and configure all five connections together.

EXAMPLE: This example illustrates moving into and out from Interface configuration mode as follows:

Configure the SCE Platform time zone (global configuration) Enter FastEthernet Interface configuration mode for Mng port Configure the speed of the management interface Define the link mode. Exit Interface configuration mode
SCE#>configure SCE(config)#>clock timezone PST -10 SCE(config)#>interface FastEthernet 0/0 SCE(config if)#>speed 100 SCE(config)#>exit SCE(config)#>interface LineCard 0 SCE(config if)#>link-mode forwarding SCE(config if)#>exit

Entering and Exiting Global Configuration Mode

To enter the Global Configuration Mode:

Step 1 At the SCE# prompt, type configure, and press Enter. The SCE(config)# prompt appears.

To exit the Global Configuration Mode:

Step 1 At the SCE(config)# prompt, type exit and press Enter. The SCE# prompt appears.

Interface Configuration Modes

The components that are configured by the Interface Configuration Modes are:
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 1 Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy)

Command-Line Interface


LineCard: Interface LineCard 0 The LineCard interface configures the main functionality of viewing and handling traffic on the line.


See Configuring the Physical Ports (on page 1-6)


Line Configuration Mode: Line vty 0 The Line Configuration Mode enables you to configure Telnet parameters.

Configuring the Physical Ports

The SCE Platform system contains the following physical port interfaces:

Fast Ethernet Management: Interface FastEthernet 0/0 The FastEthernet Management Interface configures the settings for the interface to other network elements within the system. This interface should be connected to the internal Ethernet within the operators site.

Fast Ethernet (SCE 2000 4/8xFE): Interface FastEthernet 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, or 0/4 The FastEthernet Interface mode configures the settings for the FastEthernet interface to the Internet traffic on the wire. Each of the four ports can be set individually.

Gigabit Ethernet (SCE 1000 platform): Interface GigabitEthernet 0/1, or 0/2 The GigabitEthernet Interface mode configures the settings for the GigabitEthernet interface to the Internet traffic on the wire. Each of the two ports can be set individually.

Gigabit Ethernet (SCE 2000 4xGBE platform): Interface GigabitEthernet 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, or 0/4 The GigabitEthernet Interface mode configures the settings for the GigabitEthernet interface to the Internet traffic on the wire. Each of the four ports can be set individually.


You need to specify the slot number and the interface number when referencing any interface. The slot number is always 0, and the interfaces are numbered as follows: Ethernet Line Interfaces: SCE 1000 platform: 1,2 SCE 2000 platform: 1,2,3,4 FastEthernet Management Interface: 0

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 1

Command-Line Interface Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy)

Configuring the Management Port The following commands are used to configure the management port for all platforms:

duplex ("speed" on page 2-245) ip address (on page 2-65)

speed (on page 2-245) Configuring the Fast Ethernet Line Ports

The commands that are used to configure the Fast Ethernet line ports are:

bandwidth ("speed" on page 2-245) duplex (on page 2-50) queue ("speed" on page 2-245)

speed (on page 2-245) Configuring the Gigabit Ethernet Line Ports The commands that are used to configure the Gigabit Ethernet line ports are:

auto-negotiate (GigabitEthernet only) (on page 2-15) bandwidth ("queue" on page 2-122) queue (on page 2-122)

Entering FastEthernet (Management) Interface Configuration Mode

Before you can configure the FastEthernet parameters for the management interface, you must be in the FastEthernet Management Interface Configuration Mode. To enter FastEthernet Management Interface Configuration Mode:

Step 1 To enter Global Configuration Mode, type configure and press Enter. The SCE(config)# prompt appears. Step 2 Type interface FastEthernet 0/0 and press Enter. The SCE(config if)# prompt appears. The system prompt changes to reflect the higher level mode.

To return to the Global Configuration mode:

Step 1 Type exit.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 1 Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy)

Command-Line Interface

Entering LineCard Interface Configuration Mode

The following procedure is for entering Line Card Interface Configuration mode. The procedures for entering the other interfaces are the same except for the interface command as described above and in CLI Command Reference (on page 2-1). To enter LineCard Interface Configuration mode:

Step 1 To enter Global Configuration Mode, at the SCE# prompt, type configure, and press Enter. The SCE(config)# prompt appears. Step 2 Type interface LineCard 0, and press Enter. The SCE(config if)# prompt appears. Step 3 To return to Global Configuration Mode, type exit and press Enter. The SCE(config)# prompt appears. Step 4 To exit Global Configuration Mode, type exit and press Enter. The SCE# prompt appears.

Entering Ethernet Line Interface Configuration Mode

Entering the Fast Ethernet Line Interface Configuration Mode To enter the FastEthernet Interface Configuration Mode:

Step 1 To enter Global Configuration Mode, type configure and press Enter. The SCE(config)# prompt appears. Step 2 For the SCE 2000, type interface FastEthernet [0/1|0/2|0/3|0/4] and press

The SCE(config if)# prompt appears.

EXAMPLE: The following example shows how to enter Configuration Mode for the FastEthernet Interface number 3.
SCE(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/3 SCE(config if)#

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 1

Command-Line Interface Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy)

Entering the Gigabit Ethernet Line Interface Configuration Mode To enter the GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration Mode:

Step 1 To enter Global Configuration Mode, type configure and press Enter. The SCE(config)# prompt appears. Step 2 For the SCE 1000, type interface GigabitEthernet [0/1|0/2] and press Enter. Step 3 For the SCE 2000, type interface GigabitEthernet [0/1|0/2|0/3|0/4] and

press Enter.
The SCE(config if)# prompt appears.

EXAMPLE: The following example shows how to enter Configuration Mode for the GigabitEthernet Interface number 2.
SCE(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/2 SCE(config if)#

Navigating between the Interface Configuration Modes

To navigate from one Interface Configuration Mode to another:

Step 1 Type exit. You are returned to the Global Configuration Mode. Step 2 Type the appropriate command to enter a different Interface Configuration Mode.

Exiting Modes
This section describes how to revert to a previous mode. When you use the exit command you revert to the general level above the current level, as shown in the figure in CLI Command Hierarchy (on page 1-2). To exit from the Privileged Exec mode and revert to the User Exec mode:

Step 1 At the SCE# prompt, type disable, and press Enter. The SCE> prompt for the User Exec mode appears.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 1 Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy)

Command-Line Interface

Exiting from any configuration mode and revert to the previous mode is done in the same manner, as in the following procedure. To exit from the Global Configuration Mode:

Step 1 At the SCE(config)# prompt, type exit, and press Enter. The appropriate prompt for the previous level appears.

EXAMPLE: The following example shows the system response when you exit the Interface Configuration mode. SCE(config if)#exit SCE(config)#

CLI Authorization Levels

The SCE Platform system has three authorization levels, which represent the users access permissions. When you initially connect to the SCE Platform, you automatically have the most basic authorization level, that is User, which allows minimum functionality. In order to perform administrative functions on the SCE Platform, you must have Admin or Root authorization, which means changing the level by logging in with an Admin or Root password, as described in the procedure To log in with Admin level authorization, below. This manual covers the functions that can be performed by the Admin level user. The commands available in each authorization level are all the commands of the lower authorization layers plus commands that are authorized only to this level.


This manual covers the functions that can be performed by the Admin level user, unless otherwise noted.

The following CLI commands are related to authorization levels:

enable disable

Each authorization level has a value (number) corresponding to it. When using the CLI commands, use the values, not the name of the level, as shown in the following table.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 1

Command-Line Interface Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy)

Table 1-3

Authorization Levels

Level User Admin



Prompt > #

Password required. This level enables basic operational functionality. 0 Password required. For use by general administrators, the Admin 10 authorization level enables configuration and management of the SCE Platform. Password required. For use by technical field engineers, the Root authorization level enables configuration of all advanced settings, such as debug and disaster recovery. The Root level is used by technical engineers only and is not documented in this manual. 15



A telnet session begins with a request for password, and will not continue until the proper user password is supplied. This enhances the security of the system by not revealing its identity to unauthorized people. To log in with Admin level authorization:

Step 1 Initiate a telnet connection. Step 2 A Password: prompt appears. Type in the user level password and press Enter. The SCE> prompt appears. You now have user level authorization. Step 3 From the SCE> prompt, type enable 10 and press Enter. The system prompts for a password by showing the prompt Password: Step 4 Type in the password for the Admin level and press Enter. Note that the password is an access-level authorization setting, not an individual user password. The system prompt changes to SCE# to show you are now in Admin level.

EXAMPLE: The following example illustrates how to change the authorization level from User to Admin, and then revert back to User. No password is required for moving to a lower authorization level.
SCE>enable 10 Password: cisco SCE#disable SCE>

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 1 CLI Help Features

Command-Line Interface

Prompt Indications
The on-screen prompt indicates your authorization level, your command hierarchy level, and the assigned host name. The structure of the prompt is: <hostname(mode-indication)level-indication> Authorization levels are indicated as follows:
This prompt... > # #> Indicates this... indicates User and Viewer levels indicates Admin level indicates Root level

Command hierarchy levels are indicated as follows:

This command hierarchy... User Exec Privileged Exec Global Configuration Interface Configuration Line Configuration Is indicated as... SCE> SCE# SCE(config)# SCE(config if)# SCE(config-line)#

EXAMPLE: The prompt MySCE(config if)# indicates:

The name of the SCE platform is MySCE The current CLI mode is Interface configuration mode The user has Admin authorization level

CLI Help Features

CLI provides context sensitive help. Two types of context sensitive help are supported:

Partial help Argument help

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 1

Command-Line Interface CLI Help Features

Partial Help
To obtain a list of commands that begin with a particular character string, enter the abbreviated command entry immediately followed by a question mark (?). This form of help is called partial help, because it lists only the keywords or arguments that begin with the abbreviation you entered. EXAMPLE: The following example illustrates how typing c? displays all available arguments that start with the letter c. SCE(config)#snmp-server c? Community contact SCE(config)#snmp-server c

Argument Help
To obtain a list of commands associated keywords or parameters, type a question mark (?) in place of a keyword or parameter on the command line. Note that if <Enter> is acceptable input, the symbol <cr> represents the Enter key. EXAMPLE: The following example illustrates how to get a list of all arguments or keywords expected after the command snmp-server. SCE(config)#snmp-server ? Community Define community string Contact Enable Host Location SCE(config)# When asking for help on particular parameter, the system informs you of the type of data that is an accepted legal value. The types of parameters supported are:
STRING DECIMAL HEX When a String is expected, you can enter any set of characters or digits. If the string has a space as one of its characters, use double-quote () marks to enclose the string. Any decimal number. Positive number is assumed, for negative numbers use the symbol. A hexadecimal number; must start with either 0x or 0X.

Set system contact Enable the SNMP agent Set traps destination Set system location

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 1 Navigational and Shortcut Features

Command-Line Interface

EXAMPLE: The following example illustrates the use of ? to get help on commands syntax. In this example, you can enter either the word running-config, or any name of a file, after the word copy. SCE#copy ? running-config STRING SCE# Copy running configuration file Source file name

The [no] Prefix

Many CLI commands offer the option of adding the word no before the command to disable the feature controlled by the command or revert it to its default configuration. This notation is shown in the CLI Command Reference (on page 2-1) as [no] to denote it is optional. For example, no service telnetd disables the telnet server. Enabling the telnet server is done by typing service telnetd.

Navigational and Shortcut Features

Command History
CLI maintains a history buffer of the most recent commands you used in the current CLI session for quick retrieval. Using the keyboard, you can navigate through your last commands, one by one, or all commands that start with a given prefix. By default, the system saves the last 30 commands you typed. You can change the number of commands remembered using the history size command. To use the history functions, use the keys shown in the following table.
Table 1-4 Keyboard Shortcuts for History Functions

Arrow Up arrow Down arrow

Shortcut Ctrl-P Ctrl-N Ctrl-L Ctrl-R

Description Moves cursor to the previous command with the same prefix. Moves cursor to the next command with the same prefix as original. Re-display the current command line.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 1

Command-Line Interface Navigational and Shortcut Features

Keyboard Shortcuts
The SCE Platform has a number of keyboard shortcuts that make it easier to navigate and use the system. The following table shows the keyboard shortcuts available. You can get a display the keyboard shortcuts at any time by typing help bindings.
Table 1-5 Keyboard Shortcuts

Description Navigational shortcuts Move cursor one character to the right. Move cursor one character to the left. Move cursor one word to the right (forward). Move cursor one word to the left (backward. Move cursor to the start of the line. Move cursor to the end of the line. Editing shortcuts Delete the character where the cursor is located. Delete from the cursor position to the end of the word. Delete the character before the current location of the cursor. Delete the character before the current location of the cursor. Deletes from the cursor position to the end of the line Deletes all characters from the cursor to the beginning of the line Deletes all characters from the cursor to the beginning of the line. (Same functionality as CTRL-U.) Delete the word to the left of the cursor. Recall the last item deleted. Completes the word when there is only one possible completion. Completes the word when there is only one possible completion. (Same functionality as <Tab>.)

Shortcut Key



Tab Completion
The CLI interface features tab completion. When you type in the first letters of a command and type <Tab>, the system automatically fills in the rest of the command or keyword. This feature works only when there is one possible command that could be possible using the starting letters. EXAMPLE: The letters snm followed by <Tab> will be completed to the command snmp-server.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 1 Managing Command Output

Command-Line Interface

SCE(config)#snm<Tab> SCE(config)#snmp-server If you type <Enter> instead of <Tab>, and there is no ambiguity, the system actually carries out the command which would be filled in by the rest of the word. EXAMPLE: The following example displays how the system completes a partial (unique) command for the enable command. Because enable does not require any parameters, the system simply carries out the enable command when the user presses Enter. SCE>en<Enter> Password: SCE#

FTP User Name and Password

CLI enables saving ftp user name and password to be used in FTP operationsdownload and upload, per session. These settings are effective during the current CLI session. EXAMPLE: The following example illustrates how to set FTP password and user name and the use in these settings for getting a file named config.tmp from a remote station using FTP protocol. SCE#ip ftp password vk SCE#ip ftp username vk SCE#copy ftp://@ myconf.txt connecting (user name vk password vk) to retrieve config.tmp SCE#

Managing Command Output

Some commands, such as many show commands, may have many lines of output. There are several ways of managing the command output:

Scrolling options: When the command output is too large to be displayed all at once, you can control whether the display scrolls line by line or refreshes the entire screen. Filtering options: You can filter the output so that output lines are displayed only if they include or exclude a specified expression. Redirecting to a file: You can send the output to a specified file

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 1

Command-Line Interface Managing Command Output

Scrolling the Screen Display

The output of some show and dir commands is quite lengthy and cannot all be displayed on the screen at one time. Commands with many lines of output are displayed in chunks of 24 lines. You can choose to scroll the display line by line or refresh the entire screen. At the prompt after any line, you can type one of the following keys for the desired action:

<Enter> show one more line <Space> show 24 more lines (a new chunk) <g> Stop prompting for more <?> Display a help string showing possible options Any other key quit showing the file

Filtering Command Output

You can filter the output of certain commands, such as show, more, and dir, so that output lines are displayed only if they include or exclude a specified expression. The filtering options are as follows:

include: Shows all lines that include the specified text. exclude: Does not show any lines that include the specified text. begin: Finds the first line that includes the specified text, and shows all lines beginning with that line. All previous lines are excluded.
<command> | include <expression> <command> | exclude <expression> <command> | begin <expression>

The syntax of filtered commands is as follows:

The <expression> in these commands is case sensitive. EXAMPLE Following is an example of how to filter the show version command to display only the last part of the output, beginning with the version information. SCE# show version begin revision

Redirecting Command Output to a File

You can redirect the output of commands, such as show, more, and dir, to a file. When writing the output of these commands to a file, you can specify either of the following options:

redirect: The new output of the command will overwrite the existing contents of the file. append: The new output of the command will be appended to the existing contents of the file.
<command> | redirect <file-name> <command> | append <file-name>
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference

The syntax of redirection commands is as follows:



Chapter 1 CLI Scripts

Command-Line Interface

EXAMPLE Following is an example of how to do the following:

Filter the more command to display from a csv subscriber file only the gold package subscribers. Redirect that output to a file named current_gold_subscribers. The output should not overwrite existing entries in the file, but should be appended to the end of the file. SCE# more subscribers_10.10.2004 include gold append current_gold_subscribers

CLI Scripts
The CLI scripts feature allows you to record several CLI commands together as a script and play it back. This is useful for saving repeatable sequence of commands , such as software upgrade. For example, if you are configuring a group of SCE Platforms and you want to run the same configuration commands on each platform, you could create a script on one platform and run it on all the other SCE Platforms. The available script commands are:

script capture script stop script print script run

To create a script:

Step 1 At the SCE# prompt, type script capture sample1.scr where sample1.scr is the

name of the script.

Step 2 Perform the actions you want to be included in the script. Step 3 Type script stop. The system saves the script.

EXAMPLE: The following is an example of recording a script for upgrading software.

SCE#script capture upgrade.scr SCE#configure SCE(config)#boot system new.pkg Verifying package file... Package file verified OK. SCE(config)#exit SCE#copy running-config startup-config Writing general configuration file to temporary location... Extracting files from /tffs0/images/new.pkg... Verifying package file...
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 1

Command-Line Interface CLI Scripts

Package file verified OK. Device /tffs0/ has 81154048 bytes free, 21447973 bytes are needed for extraction, all is well. Extracting files to temp locations... Renaming temp files... Extracted OK. Backing-up general configuration file... Copy temporary file to final location... SCE#script stop SCE#

To run the script recorded above, type:

SCE#script run upgrade.scr

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02



CLI Command Reference

This chapter contains all the CLI commands available on the SCE platform. Each command description is broken down into the following sub-sections:
Command syntax Description Default Authorization Mode Parameters Usage guidelines Example The general format of the command. Description of what the command does. If relevant, the default setting for the command. The level of user authorization required for using the command. The mode (command line) from which the command can be invoked. Description of parameters and switches for the command. Information about when to invoke the command and additional details. An illustration of how the command looks when invoked. Because the interface is straightforward, some of the examples are obvious, but they are included for clarity.

Syntax and Conventions

The CLI commands are written in the following format: command required-parameter [optional-parameter] [no] is an optional parameter that may appear before the command name.

When typing commands, you may enclose parameters in double-quote marks, and you must do so when there is a space within a parameter name. Examples are shown in courier style. Bold courier is used to show the commands as you type them and regular courier is used for system prompts and responses.


The command prompt, SCExxxx, in the examples and in other sections of the CLI commands represents the type of platform of the SCE, where xxxx denotes either 1000 for the SCE1000 platform or 2000 for the SCE2000 platform.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

CLI Commands
Lists all commands available for the current command mode. You can also use the ? command to get specific information on a keyword or parameter. To obtain a list of commands that begin with a particular character string, enter the abbreviated command entry immediately followed by a question mark (?). This form of help is called partial help, because it lists only the keywords or arguments that begin with the abbreviation you entered.
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords


This command has no default settings All To list a commands associated keywords or arguments, enter a question mark (?) in place of a keyword or parameter on the command line. This form of help is called argument help because it lists the keywords or arguments that apply based on the command, keywords, and arguments you have already entered. Authorization: User

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example shows ways of requesting help using the ? wildcard. SCE(config)#ip ? default-gateway Sets the default gateway domain-lookup Enables the IP DNS-based host name-to-address translation domain-name Define a default domain name host Add a host to the host table name-server Specify the address of one or more name servers to use for name and address resolution route Add IP routing entry SCE(config)#ip d? default-gateway domain-lookup domain-name SCE(config)#ip de? default-gateway SCE(config)#

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Restricts Telnet server access to those addresses listed in the specified access list. Use the [no] form of this command to set the Telnet server to accept access from any address. access-class number in no access-class number in

Syntax Description


An access-list number (199).


No access list Line Configuration Mode

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following are examples of the access-class command: EXAMPLE 1 The following example configures an access class for all Telnet lines. SCE(config-line)#access-class 1 in SCE(config-line)# EXAMPLE 2 The following example removes an access class for Telnet lines. SCE(config-line)#no access-class in SCE(config-line)#

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Adds an entry to the bottom of the specified access list. access-list number permission address
Syntax Description

number permission address

An access-list number (199). Indicates whether the IP address should be allowed or denied access permission as described in the Valid Permission Values table in the Usage Guidelines.. Addresses to be matched by this entry as described in the Valid Address Values table in the Usage Guidelines.


Command Modes

Global Configuration

Usage Guidelines
Table 2-1 Valid Permission Values

deny permit
Table 2-2

Deny access to list member Permit access to list member.

Valid Address Values

any ip-address

All IP addresses are matched by this entry. This is equivalent to specifying the address The IP address or range of IP addresses, matched by this entry. This can be one address in the x.x.x.x format or a range of addresses in the format x.x.x.x y.y.y.y where x.x.x.x specifies the prefix bits common to all IP addresses in the range, and y.y.y.y is a mask specifying the bits that are ignored. In this notation, 1 means bits to ignore. For example, the address means any IP address. The address means IP addresses from to The address means IP addresses from to (A more natural way of expressing the same range is

Authorization: admin

The following example adds entries to the bottom of access-list 1. The first entry permits access to through The second entry denies access to any address. Together this list allows access only to addresses 10.1.1.*.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE(config)#access-list 1 permit SCE(config)#access-list 1 deny any SCE(config)#

The following example defines access list 2, a list that denies access to all IP addresses in the range: to, permits access to all other addresses in the range to, and denies access to all other IP addresses. Note that since the first range is contained within the second range, the order of entries is important. If they had been entered in the opposite order, the deny entry would not have any effect. SCE (config)#access-list 2 deny SCE (config)#access-list 2 permit SCE(config)#

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

attack-detector default
Defines default thresholds and attack handling action. If a specific attack detector is defined for a particular situation (protocol/attack direction/side), it will override these defaults. Use the no version of this command to delete the user-defined defaults. The system defaults will then be used. attack-detector default protocol protocol attack-direction attack-direction side side action action open-flows open-flows ddos-suspected-flows ddos-suspected-flows no attack-detector default protocol protocol attack-direction attack-direction side side action action open-flows open-flows ddos-suspected-flows ddos-suspected-flows
Syntax Description


TCP, UDP, IMCP, other

attack-direction attack-source, attack-destination, both side action open-flows subscriber, network, both report, block Threshold for concurrently open flows Threshold for DDoS-suspected flows.



Command Modes

LineCard Interface Configuration Use the notify-subscriber keyword to enable subscriber notification. Use the dont-notify-subscriber keyword to disable subscriber notification. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following examples illustrate the use of the attack-detector default command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example configures a default attack detector for TCP flows from the attack source.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE(config if)#attack-detector default protocol TCP attack-direction attack-source side both action report open-flows 500 ddos-suspected-flows 75 EXAMPLE 2: The following example enables subscriber notification for the specified situation (protocol/attack direction/side). SCE(config if)#attack-detector default protocol TCP attack-direction attack-source side both notify-subscriber

Related Commands

attack-detector <number> (on page 2-9)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Enables the specified attack detector and assigns an access control list (ACL) to it. attack-detector <number> access-list access-list
Syntax Description

number access-list

The attack detector number. The number of the ACL containing the IP addresses selected by this detector


Command Modes

LineCard Interface Configuration

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example enables attack detector number "2", and assigns ACL "8". SCE(config if)# attack-detector 2 access-list 8

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

attack-detector <number>
Configures a specific attack detector for a particular situation (protocol/attack direction/side) with the assigned number. Use the no form of this command to delete the specified attack detector. attack-detector <number> protocol protocol attack-direction attack-direction side side action open-flows open-flows ddos-suspected-flows ddos-suspected-flows no attack-detector <number> protocol protocol attack-direction attack-direction side side action open-flows open-flows ddos-suspected-flows ddos-suspected-flows
Syntax Description

number protocol

Assigned number for attack-detector command. TCP, UDP, IMCP, other

attack-direction attack-source, attack-destination, both side action open-flows subscriber, network, both report, block Threshold for concurrently open flows Threshold for DDoS-suspected flows



Command Modes

LineCard Interface Configuration Use the notify-subscriber keyword to enable subscriber notification. Use the dont-notify-subscriber keyword to disable subscriber notification. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following examples illustrate the use of the attack-detector <number> command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example configures the attack detector number "2".

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

SCE(config if)#attack-detector 2 protocol TCP attack-direction attack-source side both action report open-flows 500 ddos-suspected-flows 75 EXAMPLE 2: The following example deletes attack detector number "2". SCE(config if)#no attack-detector 2

Example 3: The following example disables subscriber notification for attack detector number "2". SCE(config if)#attack-detector 2 dont-notify-subscriber

Related Commands

attack-detector default (on page 2-6)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

attack-filter (LineCard Interface Configuration)

Enables/disables attack detection. attack-filter no attack-filter
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


attack-filter is disabled LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example disables attack detection. SCE(config if)#no attack-filter

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

attack-filter (Privileged Exec)

The attack-filter command prevents attack filtering for a specified IP address/protocol. If filtering is already in process, it will be stopped. When attack filtering has been stopped, it remains stopped until explicitly restored by another CLI command (either specific or general). Use the no form of this command to restore attack filtering. When using the force-filter keyword, it forces attack filtering for a specified IP address/protocol. When attack filtering has been forced, it continues until explicitly stopped by another CLI command (either specific or general). Use the no form of this command to stop attack filtering. attack-filter slot-number ip ip-address protocol protocol attack-direction attack-direction side side [dont-filter] attack-filter slot-number ip ip-address action action protocol protocol attack-direction attackdirection side side [force-filter] no attack-filter slot-number [dont-filter] [all] no attack-filter slot-number [force-filter] [all]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. ip-address action IP address from which traffic will not be filtered.

report, block


TCP, UDP, IMCP, other

attack-direction attack-source, attack-destination, both


subscriber, network, both


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC After configuring the attack detectors, the SCE Platform automatically detects attacks and handles them according to the configuration. However, there are scenarios in which a manual intervention is desired, either for debug purposes, or because it is not trivial to reconfigure the SCE attackdetectors properly. The user can use the CLI attack filtering commands to do the following:

Usage Guidelines

Prevent/stop filtering of an attack related to a specified IP address Force filtering of an attack related to a specified IP address

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Attack filtering can be prevented for a specified IP address/protocol by executing a dontfilter CLI command. If filtering is already in process, it will be stopped. When attack filtering has been stopped, it remains stopped until explicitly restored by another CLI command (either force-filter or no dont-filter). Attack filtering can be forced for a specified IP address/protocol. If filtering is already in process, it will be stopped. Forced attack filtering will continue until undone by an explicit CLI command (either no force-filter or dont-filter). Use the all keyword to restore or stop all filtering. Authorization: admin

The following are examples of the attack-filter command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example prevents attack filtering for the specified conditions. SCE#attack-filter 0 ip protocol TCP attack-direction attack-source side both dont-filter SCE# EXAMPLE 2: The following example restores all attack filtering. SCE#no attack-filter 0 dont-filter all EXAMPLE 3: The following example forces attack filtering. SCE#attack-filter 0 action block ip protocol TCP attack-direction attack-source side both EXAMPLE 4: The following example stops all forced attack filtering. SCE#no attack-filter 0 force-filter all

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

attack-filter subscriber-notification ports

Specifies up to three ports as subscriber notification ports. TCP Traffic from the subscriber side to these ports will never be blocked by the attack filter, leaving them always available for subscriber notification. Use the [no] form of this command to remove all ports from the subscriber notification port list. attack-filter subscriber-notification ports ports no attack-filter subscriber-notification ports ports
Syntax Description


Port numbers. Up to 3 ports can be specified as subscriber notification ports.


Command Modes

LineCard Interface Configuration

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example defines adds ports to the subscriber notification port list. SCE(config if)# attack-filter subscriber-notification ports 100,101,102

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

auto-negotiate (GigabitEthernet only)

Configures the GigabitEthernet Interface auto-negotiation mode. Use this command to either enable or disable auto-negotiation. When set to no auto-negotiate, auto-negotiation is always disabled, regardless of the connection mode. auto-negotiate no auto-negotiate default auto-negotiate
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


On for active connection mode; Off for passive connection mode GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration Note that auto-negotiation does not work when the SCE Platformis connected via an optical splitter. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example configures the SCE Platform to perform no auto-negotiation. SCE(config if)#no auto-negotiate SCE(config if)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Sets Ethernet shaping. bandwidth bandwidth burst-size burstsize
Syntax Description

bandwidth burstsize

bandwidth measured in kbps. Burst size in bytes.


Bandwidth = 100000K (100 Mbps) burst-size = 5000 (5K bytes)

Command Modes

FastEthernet Interface Configuration GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration This command is valid for the FastEthernet and GigabitEthernet line interfaces only. Interface FastEthernet 0/# Interface GigabitEthernet 0/#

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following sets bandwidth and burst size. SCE(config-if)#bandwidth 100000 burstsize 5000 SCE(config-if)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Blinks a slot LED for visual identification. Use the no form of this command to stop the slot blinking. blink slot slot-number no blink slot slot-number
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Not blinking Privileged EXEC

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example configures the SCE Platform to stop blinking. SCE#no blink slot 0 SCE#

Related Commands

show blink (on page 2-145)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

boot system
Specifies a new package file to install. The SCE Platform extracts the actual image file(s) from the specified package file only during the copy running-config startup-config command. When using the no version of this command, you do not have to specify the package-file-name. boot system ftp://username[:password]@server-address[:port]/path/source-file destination-file no boot system ftp://username[:password]@server-address[:port]/path/source-file destinationfile
Syntax Description

ftp://destination-file The ftp site and path of a package file that contains the new firmware. The filename should end with the .pkg extension.


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration Use this command to upgrade the SCE Platform embedded firmware. The package file is verified for the system and checked that it is not corrupted. The actual upgrade takes place only after executing the copy running-config startup-config command and rebooting the SCE Platform. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example upgrades the system.

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE(config)#boot system ftp://vk:[email protected]/downloads/SENum.pkg.pkg Verifying package file Package file verified OK. SCE(config)#exit SCE#copy running-config startup-config Backing up configuration file Writing configuration file Extracting new system image

Extracted OK.

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

calendar set
Sets the system calendar. The calendar is a system clock that continues functioning even when the system shuts down. calendar set hh:mm:ss day month year
Syntax Description

hh:mm:ss day month year

Current local time in hours in 24-hour format, minutes and seconds (HH:MM:SS). Current day (date) in the month. Current month (by three-letter abbreviated name). Current year using a 4-digit number.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Always coordinate between the calendar and clock by using the clock read-calendar command after setting the calendar. For further information on setting the clock, see Setting the Clock. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example sets the calendar to 20 minutes past 10 AM, October 13, 2001, synchronizes the real-time clock to the calendar time, and displays the result. SCE#calendar set 10:20:00 13 oct 2001 SCE#clock read-calendar SCE#show calendar 10:20:03 UTC THU October 13 2001

SCE#show clock 10:20:05 SCE# UTC THU October 13 2001

Related Commands

show calendar (on page 2-146) show clock (on page 2-147)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Changes the path of the current working directory. cd new-path
Syntax Description


The path name of the new directory. This can be either a full path or a relative path.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC The new path should already have been created in the local flash file system. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example shows the current directory and then changes the directory to the log directory located under the root directory. SCE#pwd tffs0 SCE#cd log SCE#pwd tffs0:log SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

clear arp-cache
Deletes all dynamic entries from the ARP cache. The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a TCP/IP protocol that converts IP addresses to physical addresses. Dynamic entries are automatically added to and deleted from the cache during normal use. Entries that are not reused age and expire within a short period of time. Entries that are reused have a longer cache life. clear arp-cache
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings Privileged EXEC

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example clears the ARP cache. SCE#clear arp-cache SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

clear interface LineCard

Clears the LineCard Interface counters. clear interface LineCard slot-number counters
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example clears the Line-Card 0 counters. SCE#clear interface LineCard 0 counters SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

clear interface LineCard subscriber

Clears all anonymous subscribers in the system. clear interface LineCard slot-number subscriber anonymous all
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example clears all anonymous subscribers. SCE#clear interface LineCard 0 subscriber anonymous all

Related Commands

no subscriber (on page 2-111)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

clear interface LineCard subscriber db counters

Clears the total and maximum subscribers database counters. clear interface LineCard slot-number subscriber db counters
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example clears all anonymous subscribers. SCE#clear interface LineCard 0 subscriber db counters

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

clear interface LineCard traffic-counter

Clears the specified traffic counter. clear interface LineCard slot-number traffic-counter name [all]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. name Name of the traffic counter to be cleared.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use the all keyword to clear all traffic counters. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example clears the traffic counter name counter1. SCE#clear interface LineCard 0 traffic-counter name counter1

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

clear logger
Clears SCE Platform logger (user log files). This erases the information stored in the user log files. When using the counters keyword, it clears the counters of the SCE Platform logger (user log files). The counters keep track of the number of info, warning, error and fatal messages. When using the nv-counters keyword, it clears the non-volatile counters for the entire log or only the specified SCE Platform. These counters are not cleared during bootup, and must be cleared explicitly by using this command. clear logger [device user-file-log|debug-file-log] [counters|nv-counters]
Syntax Description


The device name to be cleared, either user-file-log or debug-file-log


This command has no default settings. Privileged EXEC The users log files have a size limit, with new entries overwriting the oldest entries. Therefore, there is no need to regularly clear the log files. Use this operation when you are certain that the information contained on the logs is irrelevant and might be confusing (For example, when reinstalling the system at a new site, whose administrators should not be confused with old information). Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following examples illustrate the use of the clear logger command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example clears the SCE Platformuser file logs: SCE#clear logger device user-file-log Are you sure?Y SCE# EXAMPLE 2: The following example clears the user log file SCE Platformcounters.

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

SCE#clear logger device user-file-log counters Are you sure?Y SCE# EXAMPLE 3: The following example clears the user log file non-volatile counters. SCE#clear logger device user-file-log nv-counters Are you sure?Y SCE#

Related Commands

show logger device User-File-Log (on page 2-196)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

clear RDR-formatter
Clears the RDR formatter counters. clear RDR-formatter
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Privileged EXEC

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example clears the RDR-formatter counters. SCE#clear RDR-formatter SCE#

Related Commands

show RDR-formatter (on page 2-203)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

clock read-calendar
Synchronizes clocks by setting the system clock from the calendar. clock read-calendar
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Privileged EXEC

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example updates the system clock from the calendar. SCE#clock read-calendar SCE#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

clock set
Manually sets the system clock. clock set hh:mm:ss day month year
Syntax Description

hh:mm:ss day month year

Current local time in hours in 24-hour format, minutes and seconds (HH:MM:SS). Current day (date) in the month. Current month (by three-letter abbreviated name). Current year using a 4-digit number.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Always coordinate between the calendar and clock by using the clock update-calendar command after setting the clock. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example sets the clock to 20 minutes past 10 PM, October 13, 2001. SCE#clock set 22:20:00 13 oct 2001 SCE#clock update-calendar SCE#show clock 22:21:10 UTC THU SCE#show calendar 22:21:18 SCE# UTC THU October 13 2001




Related Commands

clock update-calendar (on page 2-37) show calendar (on page 2-146) show clock (on page 2-147)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

clock summertime
Configures the SCE Platform to automatically switch to daylight savings time on a specified date, and also to switch back to standard time. In addition, the three-letter time zone code can be configured to vary with daylight savings time if required. (For instance, in the eastern United States, standard time is designated EST, and daylight savings time is designated EDT). Use the no form of this command to cancel the daylight savings time transitions configuration. clock summertime no clock summertime The format of the command varies somewhat, depending on how the dates for the beginning and end of daylight savings time are determined for the particular location:

recurring: If daylight savings time always begins and ends on the same day every year, (as in the United States):

Use the clock summer-time recurring command

The year parameter is not used

not recurring: If the start and end of daylight savings time is different every year, (as in Israel):

Use the clock summer-time command

The year parameter must be specified

General guidelines for configuring daylight savings time transitions:

Specify the three letter time zone code for daylight savings time. recurring: specify a day of the month (week#|first|last/day of the week/month). not recurring: specify a date (month/day of the month/year). Define two days:

Day1 = beginning of daylight savings time. Day2 = end of daylight savings time.

In the Southern hemisphere, month2 must be before month1, as daylight savings time begins in the fall and ends in the spring.

Specify the exact time that the transition should occur (24 hour clock).

Time of transition into daylight savings time: according to local standard time. Time of transition out of daylight savings time: according to local daylight savings time.

For the clock summer-time recurring command, the default values are the United States transition rules:

Daylight savings time begins: 2:00 (AM) on the first Sunday of April. Daylight savings time ends: 2:00 (AM) on the last Sunday of October.

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Syntax Description


The 3-letter code for the time zone for daylight savings.

week1/week2 The week of the month on which daylight savings begins (week1) and ends (week2). A day of the week, such as Monday, must also be specified. The week/day of the week is defined for a recurring configuration only. Default: Not used day1/day2 The day of the week on which daylight savings begins (day1) and ends (day2). For recurrent configuration: day is a day of the week, such as Sunday. Use the keywords first/last to specify the occurrence of a day of the week in a specified month: For example: last Sunday March. For non-recurrent configuration: day is a day in the month, such as 28. Default: day1 = first Sunday, day2 = last Sunday

month1/month2 The month in which daylight savings begins (month1) and ends (ends2). Default: month1 = April, month2 = October year1/year2 The year in which daylight savings begins (month1) and ends (ends2). For non recurring configuration only. Default = not used time1/time2 The time of day (24-hour clock) at which daylight savings begins (time1) and ends (time2). Required for all configurations. Default: time1/time2 = 2:00 offset The difference in minutes between standard time and daylight savings time. Default = 60


recurring, offset = 60 minutes

Daylight savings time begins: 2:00 (AM) on the first Sunday of April. Daylight savings time ends: 2:00 (AM) on the last Sunday of October.

Command Modes

Global Configuration Use the recurring keyword to enable subscriber notification.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference

Usage Guidelines



Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Use the first/last keywords to specify the occurrence of a day of the week in a specified month: For example: last Sunday March. Use a specific date including the year for a not recurring configuration. For example: March 29, 2004. Use week/day of the week/month (no year) for a recurring configuration:

Use first/last occurrence of a day of the week in a specified month. For example: last, Sunday, March (the last Sunday in March). Use the day of the week in a specific week in a specified month. For example: 4,Sunday, March (the fourth Sunday in March). This would be different from the last Sunday of the month whenever there were five Sundays in the month.

Authorization: admin

The following examples illustrate the use of the clock summertime command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example shows how to configure recurring daylight savings time for a time zone designated "DST" as follows:

Daylight savings time begins: 0:00 on the last Sunday of March. Daylight savings time ends: 23:59 on the Saturday of fourth week of November. Offset = 1 hour (default)

SCE(config)#clock summer-time DST recurring last Sunday March 00:00 4 Saturday November 23:59 EXAMPLE 2: The following example shows how to configure non-recurring daylight savings time for a time zone designated "DST" as follows:

Daylight savings time begins: 0:00 on April 16, 2005. Daylight savings time ends: 23:59 October 23, 2005. Offset = 1 hour (default)

SCE(config)#clock summer-time DST April 16 2005 00:00 October 23 2005 23:59 EXAMPLE 3: The following example shows how to cancel the daylight savings configuration. From the SCE(config)# prompt, type no clock summer-time and press Enter.

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE(config)#no clock summer-time

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

clock timezone
Sets the time zone. Use the no version of this command to remove current time zone setting. The purpose of setting the time zone is that the system can correctly interpret time stamps data coming from systems located in other time zones. clock timezone zone hours [minutes] no clock timezone
Syntax Description

zone hours minutes

The name of the time zone to be displayed. The hours offset from GMT (UTC). This must be an integer in the range 23 to 23. The minutes offset from GMT (UTC). This must be an integer in the range of 0 to 59. Use this parameter to specify an additional offset in minutes when the offset is not measured in whole hours.


GMT (hours = 0) Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example sets the time zone to Pacific Standard Time with an offset of 10 hours behind GMT. SCE(config)#clock timezone PST 10 SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

clock update-calendar
Synchronizes clocks by setting the calendar from the system clock. clock update-calendar
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Privileged EXEC

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example updates the calendar according to the clock. SCE#clock update-calendar SCE#

Related Commands

clock set (on page 2-31) show calendar (on page 2-146) show clock (on page 2-147)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Enables the user to move from Privileged Exec Mode to Configuration Mode. configure
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Privileged EXEC After the user enters the configure command, the system prompt changes from <host-name># to <host-name>(config)#, indicating that the system is in Global Configuration Mode. To leave Global Configuration Mode and return to the Privileged Exec Mode prompt, type exit.

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example enters the Global Configuration Mode. SCE#configure SCE(config)#

Related Commands

exit (on page 2-53)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

connection-mode (SCE 1000 platform)

Sets the connection mode to either inline (on the wire) or receive-only (using beam splitter or switch). connection-mode connection-mode on-failure on-failure
Syntax Description

connection-mode inline or receive-only setting. inline SCE Platform is connected in a bump-in-the-wire topology. receive-only SCE Platform is connected in a out of the line topology using a beam splitter or switch. On-failure determines system behavior on failure of the SCE Platform. (inline topologies only) Bypass cutoff


connection mode = inline LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example sets the connection-mode to inline and the on-failure mode to cutoff. SCE(config if)#connection-mode inline on-failure cutoff

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

connection-mode (SCE 2000 platform)

Sets the connection mode parameters. connection-mode connection-mode physically-connected-links physically-connected-links Priority Priority On-failure On-failure
Syntax Description

connection mode inline: single SCE Platform inline receive-only: single SCE Platform receive-only inline-cascade: two SCE Platforms inline receive-only-cascade: two SCE Platforms receive-only physically-connected-links The number of the link connected to the SCE Platform. (two SCE Platform topology only) link 0 link 1 Priority Defines which is the primary SCE Platform.(two SCE Platform topologies only). primary secondary Determines system behavior on failure of the SCE Platform. (inline topologies only) Bypass cutoff



Command Modes

LineCard Interface Configuration

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example show how to configure the primary SCE Platform in a two-SCE Platform inline topology. Link "0" is connected to this SCE Platform, and the behavior of the SCE Platform if a failure occurs is bypass. SCE(config if)#connection-mode inline-cascade physically-connected-links link-0 priority primary on-failure bypass SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Copies any file from a source directory to a destination directory on the local flash file system. copy source-file destination-file
Syntax Description


The name of the original file.

destination-file The name of the new destination file.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Both file names should be in 8.3 format, that is, there are a maximum of 8 characters before the period and three characters following it. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example copies the local analysis.sli file located in the root directory to the applications directory. SCE#copy analysis.sli applications/analysis.sli SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

copy ftp://
Downloads a file from a remote station to the local flash file system, using FTP. copy ftp://username[:password]@server-address[ :port]/path/source-file destination-file
Syntax Description

username password Port source-file

The username known by the FTP server. The password of the given username. Optional port number on the FTP server. The name of the source file located in the on the server.

server-address The dotted decimal IP address of the FTP server.

destination-file The name of the file to be saved in the local flash file system. The file should be in 8.3 format, that is 8 digits, dot, then 3 digits.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use the following syntax for remote upload/download using FTP: ftp://username[:password]@server-address[:port]/path/file You can configure keyword shortcuts for the copy command using the following commands:

Usage Guidelines

IP ftp password to configure a password shortcut. IP ftp username to configure a username shortcut.

Authorization: admin

The following example downloads the ftp.sli file from the host with user name vk and password vk. SCE#copy ftp://vk:[email protected]/p:/applications/ftp.sli SCE#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Uploads or downloads a file using passive FTP. copy-passive source-file ftp://username[:password]@server-address[:port]/path/destination-file [overwrite]
Syntax Description

source-file username password port

The name of the source file located in the local flash file system. The username known by the FTP server. The password of the given username. Optional port number on the FTP server.

server-address The dotted decimal IP address.

destination-file The name of the file to be created in the FTP server.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use the following format for remote upload/download using FTP: ftp://username[:password]@serveraddress[:port]/path/file Use the overwrite keyword to permit the command to overwrite an existing file. You can configure keyword shortcuts for the copy command using the following commands:

Usage Guidelines

IP ftp password to configure a password shortcut. IP ftp userName to configure a username shortcut.

Authorization: admin

The following example performs the same operation as the previous copy ftp example using passive FTP. SCE#copy-passive appl/analysis.sli ftp://myname:[email protected]/p:/applications/analysis.sli SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

copy running-config startup-config

Builds a configuration file with general configuration commands called config.txt, which is used in successive boots. copy running-config startup-config
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Privileged EXEC This command must be entered to save newly configured parameters, so that they will be effective after a reboot. You can view the running configuration before saving it using the more runningconfig command. The old configuration file is automatically saved in the tffs0:system/prevconf directory.

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example saves the current configuration for successive boots. SCE#copy running-config startup-config Backing-up configuration file... Writing configuration file... SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

copy source-file ftp://

Uploads a file to a remote station, using FTP. copy source-file ftp://username[:password]@server-address[:port]/path/destination-file
Syntax Description

source-file username password port

The name of the source file located in the local flash file system. The username known by the FTP server. The password of the given username. Optional port number on the FTP server.

server-address The dotted decimal IP address.

destination-file The name of the file to be created in the FTP server.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use the following format for remote upload/download using FTP: ftp://username[:password]@serveraddress[:port]/path/file You can configure keyword shortcuts for the copy command using the following commands:

Usage Guidelines

IP ftp password to configure a password shortcut. IP ftp userName to configure a username shortcut.

Authorization: admin

The following example uploads the analysis.sli file located on the local flash file system to the host SCE#copy /appl/analysis.sli ftp://myname:[email protected]/p:/applications/analysis.sli SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

default subscriber template all

Removes all user-defined subscriber templates from the system. The default template only remains. default subscriber template all
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example removes all user-defined subscriber templates. SCE(config if)# default subscriber template all SCE(config if)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Deletes a file from the local flash file system. Use the recursive switch to delete a complete directory and its contents. When used with the recursive switch, the filename argument specifies a directory rather than a file. delete file-name [/recursive]
Syntax Description


The name of the file or directory to be deleted.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following examples illustrate the delete command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example deletes the oldlog.txt file. SCE#delete oldlog.txt SCE# EXAMPLE 2: The following example deletes the oldlogs directory. SCE#delete oldlogs /recursive 3 files and 1 directories will be deleted. Are you sure? y 3 files and 1 directories have been deleted. SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Displays the files in the current directory. dir [applications] [-r]
Syntax Description

applications Filters the list of files to display only the application files in the current directory. -r Includes all files in the subdirectories of the current directory as well as the files in the current directory.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example displays the files in the current directory (root). SCE#dir File list for /tffs0/ 512 TUE JAN 01 00:00:00 1980 512 TUE JAN 01 00:00:00 1980 7653 TUE JAN 01 00:00:00 1980 29 TUE JAN 01 00:00:00 1980 512 TUE JAN 01 00:00:00 1980 SCE#




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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Moves the user from a higher level of authorization to a lower user level. disable [level]
Syntax Description


User authorization level (0, 10, 15) as specified in Login and User Levels, in table Authorization Levels.


This command has no default settings. Exec Use this command with the level option to lower the user privilege level. If a level is not specified, it defaults to User mode. Authorization: user

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example shows exits from root to admin mode: SCE#>disable 10 SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Configures the duplex operation of the FastEthernet Interface to either half duplex, or full duplex. auto means auto-negotiation (do not force duplex on the link). duplex mode no duplex mode
Syntax Description


Set to auto, full or half to indicate the duplex mode.


Auto FastEthernet Interface Configuration Changing this configuration takes effect only if the speed (see speed (on page 2-245)) is not configured to auto. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example configures the FastEthernet port to half duplex mode. SCE(config if)#duplex half SCE(config if)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Enables the user to access a higher authorization level. enable [level]
Syntax Description


User authorization level (0, 10, 15) as specified in in Login and User Levels, in table Authorization Levels.


admin Exec If a level is not specified, the level defaults to the Privileged Exec mode, level 10. Authorization: User

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example accesses the administrator authorization level. Note that the prompt changes from SCE> to SCE#, indicating that the privilege is the administrator privilege level. SCE>enable Password:[pwd] SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

enable password
Configures a password for the specified authorization level, thus preventing unauthorized users from accessing the SCE Platform. enable password [level level] [encryption-type] password
Syntax Description


User authorization level (0, 10, 15) as specified in Login and User Levels, in table Authorization Levels. If no level is specified, the default is Admin (10).

encryption-type If you want to enter the encrypted version of the password, set the encryption type to 5, to specify the algorithm used to encrypt the password. password A regular or encrypted password set for the access level. If you specify encryptiontype, you must supply an encrypted password.


password: pcube or cisco Global Configuration After the command is entered, any user executing the enable command must supply the specified password.

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Passwords must be at least 4 and no more than 100 characters long. Passwords can contain any printable characters. Passwords must begin with a letter. Passwords cannot contain spaces. Passwords are case-sensitive.

Authorization: admin

The following example sets a level 10 password as a123*man. SCE(config)#enable password level 10 a123*man SCE(config)#

Related Commands

no enable password (on page 2-101)

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Exits the current mode and reverts to the mode used prior to the current mode. exit
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments and keywords.


0 All Use this command each time you want to exit a mode. The system prompt changes to reflect the lower-level mode. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example exits from the Configure Interface Mode to Global Configuration Mode and then to Privileged Exec Mode. SCE(config if)#exit SCE(config)#exit SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

failure-recovery operation-mode
Specifies the operation mode to be applied after boot resulting from failure. When using the no or default switch, you do not have to specify the mode. failure-recovery operation-mode mode no failure-recovery operation-mode default failure-recovery operation-mode
Syntax Description


operational or non-operational. Indicates whether the system will boot as operational or not following a failure.


mode = operational Global Configuration Authorization: admin The following example sets the system to boot as operational after a failure SCE(config)#failure-recovery operation-mode operational SCE(config)#

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

force failure-condition (SCE 2000 only)

Forces a virtual failure condition, and exits from the failure condition, when performing an application upgrade. force failure-condition no force failure-condition
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example forces a virtual failure condition. SCE(config if)#force failure-condition

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Prints a list of keyboard bindings (shortcut commands). help bindings
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Exec Authorization: User The following example shows the partial output of the help bindings command.

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE>help bindings Line Cursor Movements --------------------Ctrl-F /-> Moves cursor one character to the right. Ctrl-B /<Moves cursor one character to the left. Esc-F Moves cursor one word to the right. Esc-B Moves cursor one word to the left. Ctrl-A Moves cursor to the start of the line. Ctrl-E Moves cursor to the end of the line. Esc F Moves cursor forward one word. Esc B Moves cursor backward one word. Editing ------Ctrl-D Esc-D Backspace Ctrl-H Ctrl-K Ctrl-U Ctrl-X Ctrl-W Ctrl-Y

Deletes the character where the cursor is located. Deletes from the cursor position to the end of the word. Deletes the character before the current location of the cursor. Deletes from the cursor position to the end of the line. Deletes all characters from the cursor to the beginning of the line. Deletes the word to the left of the cursor. Recall the last item deleted.

Help and Operation Features ---------------------------? <Tab> <Esc><Tab> Ctrl-I SCE> Argument help. Toggles between possible endings for the typed prefix. Displays all the possible arguments backwards. <TAB>

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Enables the history feature, that is, a record of the last command lines that executed. Use the no form of this command to disable history. history no history
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


History is enabled. Privileged EXEC

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example enables the history feature. SCE#history SCE# The following example disables the history feature. SCE#no history SCE#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

history size
Sets the number of command lines that the system records in the history. history size size no history size
Syntax Description


The number of command lines stored in the history of commands for quick recall.


10 lines Privileged EXEC The size of the history buffer can be any number from 0-50. Use the [no] form of this command to restore the default size. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example sets the history buffer size to 50 command lines. SCE#history size 50 SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Modifies the name of the SCE Platform. The host name is part of the displayed prompt. hostname host-name
Syntax Description


The new host name.


SCE Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example changes the host name to MyHost. SCE(config)#>hostname MyHost MyHost(config)#>psnn

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

interface FastEthernet
Enters FastEthernet Interface Configuration mode. interface FastEthernet slot-number/interface-number
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. interface-number The FastEthernet interface number. Enter a value of 0 to configure the management port, or a value of 1 - 4 to configure one of the line ports.


Command Modes

Global Configuration Use this command to configure the management port for the SCE1000 and the SCE2000 platforms. This command is used to configure the line ports only for the SCE 2000 4/8xFE. The system prompt is changed to reflect the Fast Ethernet Interface Configuration mode. To return to the Global Configuration Mode, type exit. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example enters into FastEthernet Configure Interface Mode. SCE(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/0 SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

interface GigabitEthernet
Enters GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration mode. interface GigabitEthernet slot-number/interface-number
Syntax Description

slot-number Enter a value of 0. interface-number The GigabitEthernet interface number. Enter a value of 1 - 4 to configure one of the line ports.


Command Modes

Global Configuration Use this command to configure the line ports only for SCE 2000 4xGBE platform. This command is not used for configuring the management ports. The SCE 1000 platform uses line ports 1 - 2 and the SCE 2000 platform uses line ports 1 - 4. The system prompt is changed to reflect the GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration mode. To return to the Global Configuration Mode, type exit. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example enters into GigabitEthernet Configure Interface Mode to configure line port 1. SCE(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/1 SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

interface LineCard
Enters LineCard Interface Configuration Mode. interface LineCard slot-number
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration The system prompt is changed to reflect the Line Card Configuration mode. To return to the Global Configuration Mode, type exit. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example enters LineCard Interface Configuration Mode. SCE(config)#interface LineCard 0 SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

ip access-class
Set the global IP access class. The access list defined here contains the definitions for all IP addresses with permission to access the SCE Platform system. IP addresses not permitted in this access list cannot access or detect the SCE Platform, that is, even a ping command will receive no response if it is not from a permitted IP address. ip access-class number
Syntax Description


The access-class number.


none (all IP addresses can access the system) Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example sets access list 1 as the global access list. SCE(config)#ip access-class 1 SCE(config)#

Related Commands

no ip access-class (on page 2-102)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

ip address
Sets the IP address and subnet mask of the FastEthernet Management Interface. ip address new-address subnet-mask
Syntax Description

new-address The new IP address. subnet-mask The network mask for the associated IP network.


Command Modes

FastEthernet Interface Configuration If there is a routing table entry mapped to the old address, but not to the new address, the command may fail. This command is valid for the management interface only, Interface FastEthernet 0/0. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example sets the IP address of the SCE Platform to and the subnet mask to SCE(config if)#ip address SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

ip advertising
Enables IP advertising. If the destination and/or interval is not configured, the default values are assumed. Use the no version of the command to disable IP advertising. Use the default version of the command to restore IP advertising destination or interval to the default values. ip advertising [destination destination] [interval interval] no ip advertising default ip advertising
Syntax Description

destination interval

The IP address of the destination for the ping requests Default: The frequency of the ping requests in seconds Default: 300 seconds


disabled destination = interval = 300 seconds

Command Modes

Global Configuration

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following examples illustrate the use of the ip advertising command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example enables IP advertising, specifying as the destination and an interval of 240 seconds. SCE(config)#ip advertising destination interval 240 SCE(config)# EXAMPLE 2: The following example restores the IP advertising destination to the default value.
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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE(config)#default ip advertising destination SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

ip default-gateway
Configures the default gateway for the SCE Platform. Use the no form of this command to unset the SCE Platform default gateway. ip default-gateway x.x.x.x no ip default-gateway
Syntax Description


The IP address of the default gateway for the SCE Platform.


Command Modes

Global Configuration

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin The following example sets the default gateway IP of the SCE Platform to

SCE(config)#ip default-gateway SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

ip domain-lookup
Enables or disables the domain name lookups. Use the no form of the command to disable the domain name lookup. ip domain-lookup no ip domain-lookup
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


enabled Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

EXAMPLE 1: The following example enables the domain lookup. SCE(config)#ip domain-lookup SCE(config)# EXAMPLE 2: The following example disables the domain lookup. SCE(config)#no ip domain-lookup SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

ip domain-name
Defines a default domain name. Use the no parameter of this command to remove the current default domain name. When using the no parameter, you do not have to specify the domain name. ip domain-name domain-name no ip domain-name
Syntax Description

domain-name The default domain name used to complete host names that do not specify a domain. Do not include the initial period that separates an unqualified name from the domain name.


Command Modes

Global Configuration

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following examples illustrate the use of the ip domain-name command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example configures the domain name. SCE(config)#ip domain-name SCE(config)# EXAMPLE 2: The following example removes the configured domain name. SCE(config)#no ip domain-name SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

ip ftp password
Specifies the password to be used for FTP connections for the current session. The system will use this password if no password is given in the copy FTP command. ip ftp password password
Syntax Description


The password for FTP connections.

Default password is admin

Defaults Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example sets the password to be used in the FTP connection to mypw. SCE#ip ftp password mypw SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

ip ftp username
Configures the username for FTP connections for the current session. This username will be used if no username is given in the copy FTP command. ip ftp username user-name
Syntax Description


The username for FTP connections.

Default username is anonymous

Defaults Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example sets myname as the username for FTP connections. SCE#ip ftp username myname SCE#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

ip host
Adds a host name and address to the host table. ip host hostname ip-address
Syntax Description

hostname ip-address

The host name to be added. The host IP address in x.x.x.x format.


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration Authorization: admin The following example adds a host to the host table. SCE(config)#ip host PC85 SCE(config)#

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


Related Commands

no ip host (on page 2-103)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

ip name-server
Specifies the address of 13 servers to use for name and address resolution. The system maintains a list of up to 3 name servers. If the current list is not empty, this command adds the specified servers to the list. The no option of this command removes specified servers from the current list. ip name-server server-address1 [server-address2] [server-address3] no ip name-server
Syntax Description

server-address1 The IP address of the name server. server-address2 The IP address of an additional name server. server-address3 The IP address of an additional name server.


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example adds the DNS and to the configured servers list. SCE(config)#ip name-server SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

ip rmi-adapter
Enables or disables the RMI adapter. Use the no option of this command to disable the RMI adapter. ip rmi-adapter no ip rmi-adapter
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration Authorization: admin The following examples illustrate the use of the ip rmi-adapter command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example enables the RMI adapter. SCE(config)#ip rmi-adapter EXAMPLE 2: The following example disables the RMI adapter. SCE(config)#no ip rmi-adapter

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

ip rmi-adapter port
Defines the RMI adapter port. Use the default option to reset the RMI adapter port assignment to the default port (1099). You do not need to specify the default port number. ip rmi-adapter port port-number default ip rmi-adapter port
Syntax Description

port-number The number of the port assigned to the RMI adapter


Default port number is 1099. Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following examples illustrate the use of the ip rmi-adapter port command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example shows how to configure the RMI interface, specifying 1299 as the RMI adapter port. SCE(config)#ip rmi-adapter SCE(config)#ip rmi-adapter port 1299 EXAMPLE 2: The following example shows how reset the RMI adapter port. SCE(config)#default ip rmi-adapter port

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

ip route
Adds or removes an IP routing entry to the routing table. Use the no option to remove an IP routing entry from the routing table. ip route prefix mask [next-hop] no ip route prefix mask [next-hop]
Syntax Description

prefix mask next-hop

The new entrys prefix. The new entrys subnet mask. The new entrys next hop in the route.


Command Modes

Global Configuration All addresses must be in dotted notation. The next-hop must be within the Management FastEthernet Interface subnet. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following examples illustrate the use of the ip route command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example sets the next-hop to for IP addresses in the range to SCE(config)#ip route SCE(config)# EXAMPLE 2: The following example removes the entry added in the previous example. SCE(config)#no ip route SCE(config)#

Related Commands

no ip route all (on page 2-104)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

ip rpc-adapter
Enables the RPC adapter. Use the no option of this command to disable the RPC adapter. ip rpc-adapter no ip rpc-adapter
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration Authorization: admin The following examples illustrate the use of the ip rpc-adapter command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example enables the RPC adapter. SCE(config)#ip rpc-adapter EXAMPLE 2: The following example disables the RPC adapter. SCE(config)#no ip rpc-adapter

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

ip rpc-adapter port
Defines the RPC adapter port. Use the default option to reset the RPC adapter port assignment to the default port of 14374. ip rpc-adapter port port-number default ip rpc-adapter port
Syntax Description

port-number The number of the port assigned to the RPC adapter.


The default port number is 14374 Global Configuration Authorization: admin The following examples illustrate the use of the ip rpc-adapter port command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example shows how to configure the RPC interface, specifying 1444 as the RPC adapter port. SCE(config)#ip rpc-adapter SCE(config)#ip rpc-adapter port 1444 EXAMPLE 2: The following example shows how reset the RPC adapter port. SCE(config)#default ip rpc-adapter port

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

ip ssh
Enables the SSH server. Use the no option to disable the SSH server. ip ssh no ip ssh
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following examples illustrate the use of the ip ssh command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example enables the SSH server. SCE(config)#ip ssh SCE(config)# EXAMPLE 2: The following example disables the SSH server. SCE(config)#no ip ssh SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

ip ssh access-class
Assigns an access class list (ACL) to the SSH server, so that access to the SSH server is limited to the IP addresses defined in the ACL. (See ACLs.) Use the no keyword to remove the ACL assignment from the SSH server. ip ssh access-class access-list-number no ip ssh access-class
Syntax Description


The access list number of an ACL


Command Modes

Global Configuration

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

EXAMPLE 1: The following example assigns an existing ACL to the SSH server. SCE(config)#ip ssh access-class 4 SCE(config)# EXAMPLE 2: The following example removes the ACL assignment from the SSH server. SCE(config)#no ip ssh access-class SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

ip ssh key
Generates or removes the SSH key set. ip ssh key [generate|remove]
Syntax Description

generate generates a new SSH key set and saves it to non-volatile memory. Key size is always 2048 bits. remove removes the existing key set.


Command Modes

Global Configuration Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


EXAMPLE 1: The following example generates a new SSH key set. SCE(config)#ip ssh key generate SCE(config)# EXAMPLE 2: The following example removes the SSH key set, SCE(config)#ip ssh key remove SCE(config)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

ip tunnel
Configures recognition of L2TP tunnels and skipping into the internal IP packet. User the no form of this command to disable tunnel recognition. An IP tunnel is mutually exclusive with using VLAN for classification. ip tunnel mode no ip tunnel
Syntax Description


The mode used for the L2TP tunnels.


ip tunnel recognition is disabled LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example enables recognition of L2TP tunnels. SCE(config if)#ip tunnel L2TP skip

Related Commands

show tunnel mode (on page 2-229)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

L2TP identify-by
Configures the port number that the LNS and LAC use for L2TP tunnels. The default port number is 1701. L2TP identify-by port-number port-number
Syntax Description

port-number The port number to be configured for L2TP tunnels.


1701 LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example identifies the L2TP port as being port# 1000. SCE(config if)#L2TP identify-by port-number <1000>

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

line vty
Enters Line Configuration Mode for Telnet lines, configuring all Telnet lines. line vty start-number [end-number]
Syntax Description

start-number A number in the range 0-4. The actual number supplied does not matter. All telnet lines will be configured by this command. end-number A number in the range 0-4. The actual number supplied does not matter. All telnet lines will be configured by this command.


Command Modes

Global Configuration The system prompt changes to reflect the Line Configuration mode. To return to Global Configuration Mode, type exit. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example enters the Line Configuration Mode for all lines. SCE(config)#line vty 0 SCE(config-line)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

link failure-reflection
Enables/disables the link failure reflection. link failure-reflection [on-all-ports] no link failure-reflection
Syntax Description

on-all-ports Enables reflection of a link failure to all ports


Disabled LineCard Interface Configuration Use the on-all-ports keyword to enable reflection of a link failure to all ports Use the no form of this command to disable failure reflection (the on-all-ports keyword is not used in the no form of the command). Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example enables the reflection of a link failure to all ports: SCE(config if)#link failure-reflection on-all-ports SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

link mode
Configures the link mode. The link mode allows the user to enforce the specified behavior on the link. This may be useful during installation and for debugging the network. link mode link mode
Syntax Description


Use this parameter for SCE 2000 platforms only GBE: GBE1-GBE2 GBE3-GBE4 FE: LINK1 LINK2 all-links Forwarding Bypass Cutoff Sniffing



Command Modes

LineCard Interface Configuration Use the link parameter for the SCE 2000 4xGBE and the SCE 2000 4/8xFE platforms only. Since the SCE 1000 platform has only one link, it is not necessary to specify the link. Use the 'all-links' keyword to configure the link mode for all links (SCE 2000 platforms only). The 'sniffing' option can be configured only for all links (use the all-links' keyword). Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following examples illustrate the use of the link mode command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example configures "bypass" as the link mode on the first link for the SCE 2000 GBE platform. SCE(config if)#link mode GBE1-GBE2 bypass EXAMPLE 2: The following example configures "forwarding" as the link mode for the SCE 1000 GBE platform.

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

SCE(config if)#link mode forwarding EXAMPLE 3: The following example configures "sniffing" as the link mode on all links for the SCE 2000 GBE platform. SCE(config if)#link mode all-links sniffing

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

logger add-user-message
Adds a message string to the user log files. logger add-user-message message-text
Syntax Description

message-text The message string you wish to add.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example adds "testing 123" as the message to the user log files: SCE#Logger add-user-message testing 123 SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

logger device User-File-Log

Disables or enables the logger device. logger device User-File-Log status
Syntax Description


enabled or disabled, indicating whether to turn on or off logging.

Defaults Command Modes


Global Configuration

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example disables the User-File-Log device. SCE(config)#logger device User-File-Log disabled SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

logger device User-File-Log max-file-size

Sets the maximum log file size. logger device User-File-Log max-file-size
Syntax Description


The maximum size for the user log (in bytes).


1,000,000 bytes Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example configures the maximum size of the User-File-Log device to 65000 bytes. SCE(config)#logger device User-File-Log max-file-size 65000 SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

logger get support-file

Generates a log file for technical support. Note that this operation may take some time. logger get support-file filename
Syntax Description


Name of the generated log file.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example generates a log file named tech_sup for technical support. SCE#logger get support-file tech_sup SCE#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

logger get user-log file-name

Outputs the current user log to a target file. The output file name can be a local path, full path, or full ftp path file name. logger get user-log file-name target-file
Syntax Description


The log file name where the system will write the log file information.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example retrieves the current user log files. SCE#logger get user-log file-name ftp://myname:[email protected]/d:/log.txt SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Logs out of the Command-Line Interface of the SCE Platform. Logout
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords


This command has no default settings. Exec

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: User

The following example shows how the user logs out (and confirms the logout). SCE>logout Are you sure? Y

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

management-agent system
Specifies a new package file to install for the management agent. The SCE Platform extracts the actual image file(s) from the specified package file only during the copy running-config startupconfig command. When using the no version of this command, you do not have to specify the package-file-name. management-agent system package-file-name no management-agent system
Syntax Description

Package file name The name of a package file that contains the new management agent software. The filename should end with the .pkg extension.


Command Modes

Global Configuration Use this command to upgrade the SCE Platform management agent. The package file is verified for the system and checked that it is not corrupted. The actual upgrade takes place only after executing the copy running-config startup-config command and rebooting the SCE Platform. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example upgrades the system with the mng45.pkg package. SCE(config)#management-agent system mng45.pkg Verifying package file Package file verified OK. SCE(config)#exit SCE#copy running-config startup-config Backing up configuration file Writing configuration file Extracting new management agent Extracted OK.

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Creates a new directory. mkdir directory-name
Syntax Description

directory-name The name of the directory to be created.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example creates a new directory named mydir. SCE#mkdir mydir SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Displays the contents of a file. more file-name
Syntax Description


The name of the file to be displayed.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC The running-config option displays the running configuration file. The startup-config option displays the startup configuration file. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following partial sample output displays the content of some file. SCE#more somefile.txt I am a happy little file. SCE#

Related Commands

show running-config (on page 2-210) show startup-config (on page 2-223)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

more user-log
Displays the user log on the CLI console screen. more user-log
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Privileged EXEC

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example displays the user log on the CLI console screen. SCE#more user-log <INFO> | 01/28/97 22:29:22 | CPU #000 | Logger: Task Initialized successfully

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Configures the MPLS environment. MPLS [VPN|Traffic-Engineering] [skip]
Syntax Description


Labels are mandatory in the traffic. Labels are not mandatory in the traffic.



Traffic-Engineering LineCard Interface Configuration Use the VPN keyword when the labels are mandatory in the traffic, otherwise use the TrafficEngineering keyword. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example selects the VPN MPLS tunnel environment. SCE(config if)#mpls vpn skip

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

no access-list
Removes an entire access list (together with all its entries).
no access-list number

Syntax Description


An access-list number (199).


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example removes access list 1. SCE(config)#no access-list 1 SCE(config)#

Related Commands

access-list (on page 2-4)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

no enable password
Resets the password for the specified authorization level to the default value. For the user level, this means that no password is required. For the admit and root levels, the password is restored to the default value (pcube or cisco). no enable password [level level]
Syntax Description


User authorization level (0, 10, 15) as specified in in Login and User Levels, in table Authorization Levels. If no level is specified, the default is Admin (10).


For the admin and root levels, the password is restored to the default value 'pcube'. Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example removes the requirement for user level password. SCE(config)#no enable password level 0 SCE(config)#

Related Commands

enable password (on page 2-52)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

no ip access-class
Resets global access to the SCE Platform from any IP address. no ip access-class
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example resets global access. SCE(config)#no ip access-class SCE(config)#

Related Commands

ip access-class (on page 2-64)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

no ip host
Removes a host name and address from the host table. no ip host hostname [ip-address]
Syntax Description

hostname ip-address

The host name to be removed. If you do not include an IP address, all mappings for the hostname are removed from the list. The host IP address. If the pair {hostname, IP-address} does not exist in the host table, the system returns no indication


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example removes a host name together with all of its IP mappings. SCE(config)#no ip host PC85 SCE(config)#

Related Commands

ip host (on page 2-73)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

no ip route all
Removes all IP routing entries from the routing table. no ip route all
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example removes all IP routing entries from the routing table SCE(config)#no ip route all SCE(config)#

Related Commands

ip route (on page 2-77)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

no RDR-formatter destination
Removes the mappings of an RDR formatter destination to categories. When all categories for a destination are removed, the entire destination is removed. no RDR-formatter destination ip-address port port-number [category {name category name }| {number [1-4]}]
Syntax Description

ip-address category

IP address of the destination. Use this parameter to remove a particular category from this destination. The category may be identified by either a user-defined name or number (1 to 4). If the category is specified, only the specified category is removed. If no category is specified, the entire destination is removed.

port-number The port number of the destination.


Command Modes

Global Configuration

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

EXAMPLE 1: The following example removes an entire RDR formatter destination. SCE(config)#no RDR-formatter destination port 34000 SCE(config)# EXAMPLE 2: The following example removes only one category from the specified RDR formatter destination. SCE(config)#no RDR-formatter destination port 34000 category name prepaid SCE(config)#

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

RDR-formatter destination (on page 2-124)

Related Commands

no RDR-formatter destination all (on page 2-107)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

no RDR-formatter destination all

Removes all of the configured RDR-formatter peer connection for the list of possible destinations. no RDR-formatter destination all
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example removes all RDR formatter destinations. SCE(config)#no RDR-formatter destination all

Related Commands

RDR-formatter destination (on page 2-124)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

SCE(c onfi g) #

CLI Command Reference

no snmp-server community all

Removes all configured communities. no snmp-server community all
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command had no default settings. Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example removes all configured communities. SCE(config)#no snmp-server community all SCE(config)#

Related Commands

snmp-server community (on page 2-238)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

no snmp-server host all

Removes all configured hosts. no snmp-server host all
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration Authorization: admin The following example removes all configured hosts. SCE(config)#no snmp-server host all SCE(config)#

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


Related Commands

snmp-server host (on page 2-242)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

no sntp server all

Disables all SNTP uni-cast servers. no sntp server all
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example disables all SNTP uni-cast servers. SCE(config)#no sntp server all SCE(config)#

Related Commands

sntp server (on page 2-244)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

no subscriber
Removes a specified subscriber from the system. Use the all form to remove all introduced subscribers. no subscriber name subscriber-name no subscriber all
Syntax Description


The specific subscriber name to be removed from the system.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example removes all subscriber. SCE(config if)# no subscriber all SCE(config if)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

no subscriber anonymous-group
Removes a specified anonymous subscriber group from the system. Use the all form to remove all anonymous subscriber groups. no subscriber anonymous-group name group-name no subscriber anonymous-group all
Syntax Description

group-name The anonymous subscriber group to be removed from the system.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example removes all anonymous subscriber groups. SCE(config if)# no subscriber anonymous-group all SCE(config if)

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

no subscriber mappings included-in

Use this command to remove all existing subscriber mappings from a specified TIR or IP range. no subscriber mappings included-in TP-IP-range name TP-IP-range-name IP-range
Syntax Description


Meaningful name assigned to this traffic processor IP range

IP-range IP address and mask length defining the IP range


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example removes any existing subscriber mappings from the CTMS1 TIR. SCE(config if)# no subscriber mappings included-in TP-IP-range name CMTS1

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

no timeout
Configures the Telnet server to work with no timeout. No matter how long there is no activity on the Telnet session, the system does not automatically disconnect the Telnet session. no timeout
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Line Configuration Mode

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example disables the timeout. SCE(config-line)#no timeout SCE(config-line)#

Related Commands

timeout (on page 2-259)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

no tos-marking diffserv
Disables the TOS marking. no tos-marking diffserv
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Disabled LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example disables TOS marking. SCE(config if)#no tos-marking diffserv SCE(config if)#

Related Commands

tos-marking mode (on page 2-260)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Pings the given host to test for connectivity. The ping program sends a test message (packet) to an address and then awaits a reply. Ping output can help you evaluate path-to-host reliability, delays over the path, and whether the host can be reached or is functioning. ping host
Syntax Description


The host name or IP address of a remote station to ping.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example pings the host SCE#ping pinging ... PING 56 data bytes 64 bytes from host ( icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms 64 bytes from host ( icmp_seq=1. time=0. ms 64 bytes from host ( icmp_seq=2. time=0. ms 64 bytes from host ( icmp_seq=3. time=0. ms ---- PING Statistics---4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/0/0 SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

pqi install file

Installs the specified pqi file using the installation options specified (if any). This may take up to 5 minutes pqi install file filename [options options]
Syntax Description

filename options

The filename of the pqi application file to be installed. The desired installation options. Use the show pqi file command to display the available installation options.


Command Modes

LineCard Interface Configuration

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example installs the Subscriber Manager anr10015.pqi file. No options are specified. SCE (config if)#pqi install file anr10015.pqi

Related Commands

show pqi file (on page 2-201)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

pqi rollback file

Reverses an upgrade of the specified pqi file. This may take up to 5 minutes pqi rollback file filename
Syntax Description


The filename of the pqi application file to be rolled-back. It must be the pqi file that was last upgraded.


Command Modes

LineCard Interface Configuration Always specify the last pqi file that was upgraded. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example reverses the upgrade for the Subscriber Manager using the anr100155.pqi file. SCE (config if)#pqi rollback file anr100155.pqi

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

pqi uninstall file

Uninstalls the specified pqi file. This may take up to 5 minutes pqi uninstall file filename
Syntax Description


The filename of the pqi application file to be uninstalled. It must be the pqi file that was installed last.


Command Modes

LineCard Interface Configuration Always specify the last pqi file that was installed. Always run the pqi uninstall command before installing a new pqi file to prevent accumulation of old files on the disk. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example uninstalls the Subscriber Manager anr10015.pqi file. SCE(config if)#pqi uninstall file anr10015.pqi

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

pqi upgrade file

Upgrades the application using the specified pqi file and the upgrade options specified (if any). This may take up to 5 minutes pqi upgrade file filename [options options]
Syntax Description

filename options

The filename of the pqi application file to be used for the upgrade. The desired upgrade options. Use the show pqi file command to display the available options.


Command Modes

LineCard Interface Configuration A given pqi upgrade file is suitable for upgrading only from specific previously installed pqi files. The upgrade procedure checks that an upgrade is possible from the currently installed pqi file. The upgrade procedure will be stopped with an error message if the upgrade is not possible. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example upgrades the Subscriber Manager using the anr100155.pqi file. No options are specified. SCE (config if)#pqi upgrade file anr100155.pqi

Related Commands

show pqi file (on page 2-201)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Displays the current working directory. pwd
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Privileged EXEC

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the current working directory as tffs0. SCE#pwd tffs0: SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Sets the queue shaping. queue queue-number bandwidth bandwidth burst-size burstsize
Syntax Description

queue-number Queue-number from 14, where 4 is the highest priority (fastest). 1=BE, 2, 3=AF, and 4=EF. BE is the best effort queue, that is the lowest priority. EF is the Expedited Forwarding queue, that is the highest priority forwarding. The AF (Assured Forwarding) queues are middle-priority, with 3 being a higher priority queue, that is, packets from queue 3 are transferred faster than those in queue 2. bandwidth Bandwidth measured in kbps. 0 disables packet transmission from the queue. The maximum bandwidth is determined by the line rate. Bandwidth is set in resolutions of ~140Kbps, that is rounded to the nearest multiple of approximately 140 Kbps. Burst size in bytes, from 016000000.



Bandwidth = 100000K (100 Mbps) Burst size = 8000 (8K bytes)

Command Modes

FastEthernet Interface Configuration GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration This command is valid for the FastEthernet and the GigabitEthernet line interfaces only. Interface FastEthernet 0/# Interface GigabitEthernet 0/# Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following sets queue shaping for queue 1. SCE(config-if)#queue 2 bandwidth 20000 burstsize 1000 SCE(config-if)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

RDR-formatter category-number
Assigns a meaningful name to a category. This category name can then be used in any rdr-formatter command instead of the category number. Use the no option of this command to disassociate the name from the category. The name will then not be recognized by any CLI commands. RDR-formatter category-number [1-4] name category name no RDR-formatter category-number [1-4] name category name
Syntax Description

category name The user-defined name to be assigned to the category.


This command has no default settings. Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example assigns the name prepaid to Category 1. SCE(config)#RDR-formatter category-number 1 name prepaid SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

RDR-formatter destination
Configures an RDR destination entry. Up to four entries can be configured. Each entry must have a different priority. The entry with the highest priority is used by the RDR formatter, provided that a connection with this destination can be established. This is where the RDRformatter sends the events produced by the LineCard Interface. RDR-formatter destination ip-address port port-number [category {name category name }| {number [1-4]}] [priority priority-value]
Syntax Description

ip-address category

The destination IP address. (Optional) Use this parameter to assign a priority to a particular category for this destination. (Optional) Use this parameter to identify the category by number (1 to 4).

port-number The destination port number.

category name (Optional) User-defined name that identifies the category number priority-value The priority of the destination. The priority value may be any number between 1 (lowest) to 100 (highest).


Command Modes

Global Configuration The category may be identified by either name or number. Assign a high priority to send RDRs from the specified category to this destination. Assign a low priority if RDRs from the specified category should not be sent to this destination. For the first entry, if no priority is set, the highest priority is automatically assigned. For all subsequent entries, the priority must be explicitly defined. It is also possible to assign a different priority to each category for each destination. If no category is specified, the same priority is assigned to both categories for that destination. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands


The following examples illustrate the use of the RDR-formatter destination command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example configures an RDR-formatter destination with the default priority (highest) both categories. SCE(config)#RDR-formatter destination port 33000 SCE(config)# EXAMPLE 2: The following example configures an RDR-formatter destination with a different priority for each category. This configuration will send RDRs from category 2 to this destination, but not RDRs from category 1. SCE(config)#RDR-formatter destination port 34000 category number 1 priority 10 category number 2 priority 90 SCE(config)#

Related Commands

no RDR-formatter destination all (on page 2-107) show RDR-formatter destination (on page 2-206)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

RDR-formatter forwarding-mode
Defines the mode in which the RDR formatter will send the RDRs to the destinations. RDR-formatter forwarding-mode mode
Syntax Description


Settings: redundancy, multicast as described in the Valid Mode Settings table in the Usage Guidelines.


mode is redundancy

Command Modes

Global Configuration

Usage Guidelines
Table 2-3 Valid Mode Settings

redundancy multicast

All RDRs are sent only to the primary (active) connection. All RDRs are sent to all destinations.

Authorization: admin

The following example sets the RDR formatter mode to redundancy. SCE(config)#RDR-formatter forwarding-mode redundancy SCE(config)#

Related Commands

show RDR-formatter forwarding-mode (on page 2-208)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Reboots the SCE Platform system. reload


In order not to lose the current configuration, use the copy running-config-all startup-config-all command before using the reload command.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. Privileged EXEC

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows backing up of the configuration and performing a system reboot. SCE#copy running-config-all startup-config-all SCE#reload Are you sure? Y The system is about to reboot, this will end your CLI session

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

reload shutdown
Shuts down the SCE Platform system, preparing it for being turned off. reload shutdown
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use this command to shut down the SCE Platform system in an orderly manner, before turning it off. After issuing this command, the only way to revive the SCE Platform from its power-down state is to turn it off, then back on. This command can only be issued from the serial CLI console port. When issued during a telnet CLI session, an error message is returned and the command is ignored. This is done to prevent the possibility of shutting it down from a remote location, from which it is not possible to power back up. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example shows the shutdown process. SCE#reload shutdown You are about to shut down the system. The only way to resume system operation after this is to cycle the power off, and then back on. Continue? Y IT IS NOW SAFE TO TURN THE POWER OFF.

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Changes the file name to the specified name. rename existing-file-name new-file-name
Syntax Description


The original name of the file.

new-file-name The new name of the file.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example changes the name of file test1.pkg to test3.pkg. SCE#rename test1.pkg test3.pkg SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Removes an empty directory. To remove a directory that is not empty, use the delete command with the recursive switch. rmdir directory-name
Syntax Description

directory-name The name of the directory to be deleted.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC You can only remove an empty directory. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example deletes the code directory. SCE#rmdir code SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

scm apply file

Applies an scm configuration file. scm apply file file-name
Syntax Description

file-name Name of the file to be applied.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration scm configuration files are specific to the current application installed. Refer to the relevant application documentation for the definition of file format and content. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example applies a scm configuration file that disables TOS marking. SCE (config if)#scm apply file /tffs0/xmlFile.xml applying configuration ... state ... SCE (config if)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

script capture
Begins the recording of a script. It tracks all commands typed until the script stop command is used. Use this command to capture a sequence of repeated commands into a file for the purpose of executing the commands again. Use the script stop command to stop capturing the script. script capture script-file-name
Syntax Description

script-file-name The name of the output file where the script is stored.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the script capture for the script1.txt. SCE#script capture script1.txt SCE#cd log SCE#cd .. SCE#pwd SCE#script stop

Related Commands

script stop (on page 2-135)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

script print
Displays a script file. script print script-file-name
Syntax Description

script-file-name The name of the file containing the script.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example prints the commands captured in script1.txt. SCE#script print script1.txt cd log cd .. pwd script stop SCE#

Related Commands

script capture (on page 2-132)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

script run
Runs a script. The halt parameter causes the command to break script on errors. script run script-file-name [halt]
Syntax Description

script-file-name The name of the file containing the script. halt Stops the script running if one of the commands results in an error.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use this command to run a script that you have previously created using the script capture command. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example runs the script named script1.txt. SCE#script run script1.txt cd log cd .. pwd tffs0: script stop SCE#

Related Commands

script capture (on page 2-132)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

script stop
Stops script capture. Used in conjunction with the script capture command, it marks the end of a script being recorded. script stop
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example stops the capturing of a script. SCE#script capture script1.txt SCE#cd log SCE#cd .. SCE#pwd SCE#script stop SCE#

Related Commands

script capture (on page 2-132)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

[no] service password encryption

Enables password encryption, so that the password remains secret when the configuration file is displayed. Use the [no] form of this command to disable password encryption. Default Disabled (no encryption) Authorization Mode USAGE GUIDELINES


Global Configuration

Passwords that were configured in an encrypted format are not deciphered when password encryption is disabled.

EXAMPLE: The following example shows the effect of enabling password encryption.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE#configure SCE(config)#enable password abcd SCE(config)#exit SCE#more running-config #This is a general configuration file (running-config). #Created on 10:20:57 ISR TUE July 3 2001 enable password level 10 0 abcd SCE#configure SCE(config)#service password-encryption SCE(config)#exit SCE#more running-config #This is a general configuration file (running-config). #Created on 10:21:12 ISR TUE July 3 2001 service password-encryption enable password level 10 5 e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f SCE#

service RDR-formatter
Enables/disables the RDR-formatter. The RDR-formatter is the element that formats the reports of events produced by the LineCard and sends them to an external data collector. Use the no keyword of this command to disable the RDR-formatter. service RDR-formatter no service RDR-formatter

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

This command has no arguments or keywords

Syntax Description Defaults

Enabled Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following examples illustrate the use of the service RDR-formatter command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example enables the RDR-formatter. SCE(config)#service rdr-formatter SCE(config)# EXAMPLE 2: The following example disables the RDR-formatter. SCE(config)#no service rdr-formatter SCE(config)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

service telnetd
Enables/disables Telnet daemon. Use the no form of this command to disable the daemon preventing new users from accessing the SCE Platform via Telnet. service telnetd no service telnetd
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords,


Telnet daemon enabled Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following examples illustrate the use of the service telnetd command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example enables the Telnet daemon. SCE(config)#service telnetd SCE(config)# EXAMPLE 2: The following example disables the Telnet daemon. SCE(config)#no service telnetd SCE(config)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Invokes the setup utility, which is a dialog, or series of questions, that guides the user through the basic configuration process. This utility runs automatically upon initial connection to the local terminal. The utility may also be invoked explicitly to make changes to the system configuration. Following is a brief list of the parameters configured via the setup command:

Host ID parameters: IP address, subnet mask, and hostname Passwords: admin password, password encryption The root password can be configured upon initial system configuration and when accessed from the root user.

Time settings: time zone, offset from UTC, local time and date SNTP configuration: multicast client, unicast server, unicast query interval Domain Name Server configuration: default domain name and IP address (up to 3) RDR-formatter destination: IP address and TCP port number Access Control Lists: up to 100 lists, with 20 IP addresses in each list, each entry can be designated as permitted or denied. Create ACLs for IP access, Telnet access, SNMP GET community access, and SNMP SET community access as needed:

SNMP configuration: Define the following:

GET community names (up to 20) SET community names (up to 20) trap managers (up to 20): IP address, community string, version name of system manager

Topology configuration: Define the following:

connection mode administrative status after abnormal reboot SCE 1000 Platform:

link-bypass mode when operational redundancy link-bypass mode when not operational deployment type physically-connected-link index priority

SCE 2000 Platform:

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

on-failure link behavior

For a complete description of the command, see the SCE Platform Installation and Configuration Guide. setup
Syntax Description

The setup command does not include parameters in the usual sense of the word. However, the setup utility questions prompt for many global configuration parameters. Following is a table listing all parameters for which values may be requested by the setup dialog. The table in the Usage Guidelines lists all the parameter values that are necessary to complete the initial configuration. It is recommended that you obtain all these values before beginning the setup.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines
Table 2-4 Setup Command Parameters

Parameter IP address subnet mask default gateway hostname admin password

Definition IP address of the SCE Platform. Subnet mask of the SCE Platform. Default gateway. Character string used to identify the SCE Platform Admin level password. Character string from 4-100 characters beginning with an alpha character.

root password

Root level password. Character string from 4-100 characters beginning with an alpha character.

password encryption status Enable or disable password encryption? Time Settings time zone name and offset local time and date Standard time zone abbreviation and minutes offset from UTC. Current local time and date. Use the format: 00:00:00 1 January 2002 SNTP Configuration broadcast client status Set the status of the SNTP broadcast client. If enabled, the SCE will synchronize its local time with updates received from SNTP broadcast servers. unicast query interval Interval in seconds between unicast requests for update (64 1024)
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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Parameter unicast server IP address DNS Configuration DNS lookup status default domain name IP address

Definition IP address of the SNTP unicast server.

Enable or disable IP DNS-based hostname translation. Default domain name to be used for completing unqualified host names IP address of domain name server. ( maximum of 3 servers)

RDR Formatter Destination Configuration IP address TCP port number Access Control Lists Access Control List number How many ACLs will be necessary? What IP addresses will be permitted/denied access for each management interface? You may want ACLs for the following: Any IP access Telnet access SNMP GET access SNMP SET access list entries (maximum 20 per list) IP access ACL telnet ACL SNMP Configuration SNMP agent status GET community names SET community names trap managers (maximum 20) Enable or disable SNMP management. Community strings to allow GET access and associated ACLs (maximum 20). Community strings to allow SET access and associated ACLs (maximum 20). Trap manager IP address, community string, and SNMP version. IP address, and whether permitted or denied access. ID number of the ACL controlling IP access. ID number of the ACL controlling telnet access. IP address of the RDR-formatter destination TCP port number of the RDR-formatter destination

Authentication Failure trap Sets the status of the Authentication Failure traps. (See Configuring Traps.) status enterprise traps status system administrator Sets the status of the enterprise traps. (See Configuring Traps.) Name of the system administrator.

Topology Configuration (Both Platforms) connection mode Admin status of the SCE Platform after abnormal boot Is the SCE Platform installed in bump-in-the-wire topology (inline) or out of line using splitter or switch (receive-only)? After a reboot due to a failure, should the SCE Platform remain in a Failure status or move to operational status provided no other problem was detected?

Topology Configuration (SCE 1000)

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Parameter link bypass mode on operational status redundant SCE 1000 platform? link bypass mode on nonoperational status

Definition When the SCE 1000 is operational, should it bypass trafific or not? Is there a redundant SCE 1000 installed as a backup? When the SCE 1000 is not operational, should it bypass traffic or cut it off?

Topology Configuration (SCE 2000) type of deployment physically connected link (cascade topology only) Is this a cascade topology, with two SCE Platforms connected via the cascade ports? Or is this a single platform topology? In a cascade deployment this parameter sets the index for the link that this SCE 2000 is deployed on. The options for the SCE 2000 are link-0 or link-1. In a single-SCE 2000 Platform deployment this parameter is not relevant since one SCE 2000 is deployed on both links. In this case the link connected to port1-port2 is by default link-0 and the link connected to port3-port4 is by default link-1. priority (cascade topology only) on-failure behavior (inline connection mode only) If this is a cascaded topology, is this SCE 2000 the primary or secondary SCE 2000? If this SCE 2000 is deployed inline, should the failure behavior be bypass or cutoff of the link?

Authorization: admin

The following example runs the setup utility. SCE#setup --- System Configuration Dialog --At any point you may enter a question mark ? followed by Enter for help. Use ctrl-C to abort configuration dialog at any prompt. Use ctrl-Z to jump to the end of the configuration dialog at any prompt. Default settings are in square brackets []. Would you like to continue with the System Configuration Dialog? [yes/no]: y

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show access-lists
Shows all access-lists or a specific access list. show access-lists [number]
Syntax Description


Number of the access list to show


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example displays the configuration of access-list 1. SCE#show access-lists 1 Standard IP access list 1 Permit, wildcard bits deny any SCE#

Related Commands

access-list (on page 2-4)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show blink
Displays the blinking status of a slot. A slot blinks after it receives a blink command. show blink slot slot-number
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the blink status of slot 0. SCE#show blink slot 0 Slot 0 blink status: off

Related Commands

blink (on page 2-17)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show calendar
Displays the time maintained by the real-time system calendar clock. show calendar
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the current system calendar. SCE#show calendar 12:50:03 UTC MON November 13 2001 SCE#

Related Commands

calendar set (on page 2-20)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show clock
Displays the time maintained by the system clock. show clock
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the current system clock. SCE#show clock 12:50:03 UTC MON November 13 2001 SCE#

Related Commands

clock set (on page 2-31)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show failure-recovery operation-mode

Displays the operation mode to apply after boot resulted from failure. show failure-recovery operation-mode
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use the failure-recovery operation-mode command to configure this. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example displays the failure recovery operation mode: SCE#show failure-recovery operation-mode System Operation mode on failure recovery is: operational SCE#

Related Commands

failure-recovery operation-mode (on page 2-54)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show hostname
Displays the currently configured hostname. show hostname
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows that SCE is the current hostname. SCE#show hostname SCE SCE#

Related Commands

hostname (on page 2-60)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show hosts
Displays the default domain name, the address of the name server, and the content of the host table. show hosts
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the domain and hosts configured. SCE#show hosts Default domain is Name/address lookup uses domain service Name servers are, Host Address ---------PC85 SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface FastEthernet

Displays the details of a FastEthernet Interface. The counters keyword displays the values of counters of a line FastEthernet interface. The duplex keyword displays the configured duplex mode and the actual status of it. The ip-address keyword displays the currently configured IP address and subnet mask of the Management FastEthernet Interface. The speed keyword displays the configured speed mode and the actual status of it. The queue keyword displays the values of counters of a queue in a line FastEthernet interface. show interface FastEthernet slot-number/interface-number [counters [direction]|duplex|ip address|speed|queue queue-number]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. interface-number direction FastEthernet interface number 0, 1 - 4. Optional direction specification, to show only counters of a specific direction. Use in or out.

queue-number Number of queue, in the range 0-3.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Enter a value of 0 for the interface number when using the ip-address keyword. Enter a value of 1 - 4 n the interface-number parameter for line ports 1 - 4 to show information on the line interfaces for the SCE 2000 4/8xFE platform only. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following examples illustrate the use of the show interface FastEthernet command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example shows the FastEthernet details.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

SCE#show interface FastEthernet 0/0 ip address: subnet mask: Configured speed: auto, configured duplex: auto AutoNegotiation is On, link is Up, actual speed: 100, actual duplex: half SCE# SCE#show interface FastEthernet 0/1 Configured speed: auto, configured duplex: auto AutoNegotiation is On, link is Up, actual speed: 100Mb/s, actual duplex: full Bandwidth: 100000 Kbps, Burst-size: 5000 bytes SCE# EXAMPLE 2: The following example shows the FastEthernet interface counters. SCE#show interface FastEthernet 0/1 counters In total octets: 191520 In good unicast packets: 560 In good multicast packets: 0 In good broadcast packets: 0 In packets discarded: 0 In packets with CRC/Alignment error: 0 In undersized packets: 0 In oversized packets: 0 Out total octets: 0 Out unicast packets: 0 Out non unicast packets: 0 Out packets discarded: 0 SCE# EXAMPLE 3: The following example shows the FastEthernet interface duplex mode configuration and status. SCE#show interface FastEthernet 0/1 duplex Configured duplex: auto AutoNegotiation is On, link is Up, actual duplex: half SCE# EXAMPLE 4: The following example shows the configured IP address. SCE#show interface FastEthernet 0/0 ip address Ip address: Subnet mask: SCE# EXAMPLE 5: The following example shows the FastEthernet interface speed configuration and status.

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE#show interface FastEthernet 0/1 speed Configured speed: auto AutoNegotiation is On, link is Up, actual speed: 100 SCE# EXAMPLE 6: The following example shows the FastEthernet interface queue number 3. SCE#show interface FastEthernet 0/1 queue 3 Bandwidth: 100000 Kbps, Burst-size: 8000 bytes SCE#

Related Commands

duplex (on page 2-50) interface FastEthernet (on page 2-61) ip address (on page 2-65) queue (on page 2-122) speed (on page 2-245)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface GigabitEthernet

Displays the details of a GigabitEthernet Interface. show interface GigabitEthernet slot-number/interface-number
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. interface-number GigabitEthernet interface number 1 - 2, or 1 - 4.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Enter a value of 1 - 2 n the interface-number parameter for line ports 1 - 2 to show information on the line interfaces for the SCE 1000 2xGBE platform. Enter a value of 1 - 4 n the interface-number parameter for line ports 1 - 4 to show information on the line interfaces for the SCE 2000 4xGBE platform. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example shows the GigabitEthernet details. SCE#show interface GigabitEthernet0/1

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard

Displays information for a specific LineCard Interface. show interface LineCard slot-number
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: user

The following example shows that the LineCard Interface does not currently have an application assigned to it. SCE#show interface linecard 0 No application is assigned to slot 0 Silent is off Shutdown is off SCE#

Related Commands

interface LineCard (on page 2-63)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard application

Displays the name of the application assigned to the LineCard Interface. show interface LineCard slot-number application
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the current application. SCE#show interface LineCard 0 application /tffs0/app/apricot.sli SCE#

Related Commands

interface LineCard (on page 2-63)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard attack-detector

Displays the configuration of the specified attack detector. show interface LineCard slot-number attack-detector attack-detector [default|all]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. attack-detector The number of the specific attack detector to be displayed. all default Displays the configuration of all existing attack detectors Displays the default attack detector configuration.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use the all keyword to display the configuration of all existing attack detectors. Use the default keyword to display default attack detector configuration. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following examples illustrate the show interface LineCard attack-detector command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example displays the configuration of attack detector number 3. SCE#show interface LineCard 0 attack-detector 3 EXAMPLE 2: The following example displays the configuration of the default attack detectors. SCE#show interface LineCard 0 attack-detector default EXAMPLE 3: The following example displays the configuration of all existing attack detectors. SCE#show interface LineCard 0 attack-detector all

Related Commands

attack-detector (on page 2-8)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard attack-filter

Displays the attack filtering configuration. show interface LineCard slot-number attack-filter [option]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. option See Usage Guidelines for the list of options.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Following is a list of options that may be displayed:

Usage Guidelines

query IP address configured: displays the configured threshold values and action for the attack detector for a specified IP address query IP address counters: displays the current counters for the attack detector for all protocols and attack directions for a specified IP address current-attacks: displays all currently handled attacks dont-filter: displays all existing stopped attack filters force-filter: displays all existing forced attack filters

subscriber-notification ports: displays the list of subscriber-notification ports Authorization: admin


The following examples illustrate the use of the show interface LineCard attack-filter command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example displays the configuration of the attack detector for a specified IP address. SCE#show interface LineCard 0 attack-filter query IP address configured EXAMPLE 2: The following example displays all existing forced attack filters. SCE#show interface LineCard 0 attack-filter force-filter EXAMPLE 3: The following example displays the subscriber notification ports.
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE#show interface LineCard 0 attack-filter subscriber-notification ports

Related Commands

attack-filter ("attack-filter (LineCard Interface Configuration)" on page 2-11)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard connection-mode

Shows the LineCard Interface connection mode (inline or receive-only). show interface LineCard slot-number connection-mode
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the LineCard connection mode configuration parameter value. SCE#show interface LineCard 0 connection-mode inline SCE#

Related Commands

(SE2000)connection-mode ("connection-mode (SCE 2000 platform)" on page 2-40)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard counters

Displays the LineCard Interface hardware counters. show interface LineCard slot-number counters
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the hardware counters for the LineCard Interface. SCE#show interface linecard 0 counters DP packets in: 100 DP packets out: 100 DP IP packets in: 90 DP Non-IP packets: 10 DP IP packets with CRC error: 0 DP IP packets with length error: 0 DP IP broadcast packets: 10 DP IP fragmented packets: 0 DP IP packets with TTL=0 error: 0 DP Non TCP/UDP packets: 10 DP TCP/UDP packets with CRC error: 0 FF counter #0: 0 FF counter #1: 0 FF counter #2: 0 FF counter #3: 0 ...

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface linecard link mode

Displays the configured LineCard Interface link mode. show interface linecard slot-number link mode
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the configured link mode for the LineCard Interface. SCE#show interface linecard 0 link mode SCE#

Related Commands

link mode (on page 2-87)

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard link-bypass (SCE 1000 only)

Displays the current LineCard link-bypass mode, as well as the configured modes for boot- time, normal operation, and failure. show interface LineCard slot-number link-bypass
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin The following example shows the current and configured bypass modes.

SCE#show interface LineCard 0 link-bypass Link-Bypass configuration according to status: On-Boot : Bypass On-Operational: No-Bypass On-Failure : Bypass Current bypass state is: No-Bypass SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard physically-connected-links (SCE 2000 only)

Displays the link mapping for the LineCard Interface. show interface LineCard slot-number physically-connected-links
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the link mapping for the LineCard Interface. SCE#show interface LineCard 0 physically-connected-links SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard silent

Displays the current LineCard Interface silent state. When the silent state is Off, the LineCard events reporting function is enabled. show interface LineCard slot-number silent
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the LineCard Interface silent mode. SCE#show interface LineCard 0 silent Off SCE#

Related Commands

silent (on page 2-236)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard subscriber

Displays subscribers meeting one of the following specified criteria:

Having a value of a subscriber property that is equal to, larger than, or smaller than a specified value Having a subscriber name that matches a specific prefix Having a subscriber name that matches a specific suffix

Use the amount form to display the number of subscribers meeting the criteria rather than listing actual subscriber names. show interface LineCard slot-number subscriber [amount] [prefix prefix] [suffix suffix] [property propertyname equals|greater-than|less-than property-val]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. prefix suffix The desired subscriber name prefix to match. The desired subscriber name suffix to match.

propertyname The name of the subscriber property to match. property val The value of the specified subscriber property. Specify whether to search for values equal to, greater than, or less than this value.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

Following is an example that lists the number of subscribers with the prefix gold in the subscriber name. SCE#show interface linecard 0 subscriber amount prefix gold SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard subscriber aging

Displays the subscriber aging for the specified type of subscriber (anonymous or introduced). show interface LineCard slot-number subscriber aging [anonymous|introduced]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following is an example of how to display the aging of introduced subscribers. SCE#show interface linecard 0 subscriber aging introduced SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard subscriber anonymous

Displays the subscribers in a specified anonymous subscriber group. Use the amount form to display the number of subscribers in the group rather than a complete listing of members. show interface LineCard slot-number subscriber anonymous [amount] [name group-name]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. group-name The anonymous subscriber group.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC If no group-name is specified, all anonymous subscribers in all groups are displayed. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following is an example of how to display the number of subscribers in the anonymous subscriber group anon1. SCE#show interface linecard 0 subscriber anonymous amount name anon1 SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard subscriber anonymous-group

Displays the configuration of the specified anonymous subscriber group. Use the all form with no group name to display all existing anonymous subscriber groups. show interface LineCard slot-number subscriber anonymous-group [name group-name] [all]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. group-name The anonymous subscriber group.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following is an example of how to display the anonymous subscriber groups. SCE#show interface linecard 0 subscriber anonymous-group SCE#

Related Commands

subscriber anonymous-group export csv-file (on page 2-248) subscriber anonymous-group import csv-file (on page 2-249)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard subscriber db counters

Displays following subscriber database counters:

Current number of subscribers Current number of introduced subscribers Current number of anonymous subscribers Current number of active subscribers (with active traffic sessions) Current number of subscribers with mappings Current number of IP mappings Current number of vlan mappings Max number of subscribers that can be introduced Max number of subscribers with mappings Max number of subscribers with mappings date / time Total aggregated number introduced Total number of aged subscribers Total number of pull events

Number of traffic sessions currently assigned to the default subscriber show interface LineCard slot-number subscriber db counters
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows how to display the subscriber database counters: SCE#show interface LineCard 0 subscriber db counters SCE#

Related Commands
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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard subscriber mapping

Displays subscribers whose mapping meets one of the following specified criteria:

Is within a specified range of IP addresses Intersects a specified IP range Matches a specified VLAN tag Has no mapping

Use the amount form to display the number of subscribers meeting the mapping criteria rather than listing actual subscriber names. show interface LineCard slot-number subscriber mapping [amount] [IP iprange] [intersecting IP iprange] [VLANid vlanid] [none]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. iprange vlanid Specified range of IP addresses. Specified VLAN tag.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following is an example that lists the number of subscribers with no mapping. SCE#show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping amount none SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard subscriber name

Displays information about a specified subscriber. The following information can be displayed:

Mappings OS counters (bandwidth and current number of flows) All values of subscriber properties All of the above

If no category is specified, a complete listing of property values, mappings and counters is displayed. show interface LineCard slot-number subscriber name name [mappings] [counters] [properties]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. name mappings counters properties The subscriber name. Display subscriber mappings. Display OS counters. Display values of all subscriber properties.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following is an example of how to list the OS counters for the specified subscriber. SCE#show interface linecard 0 subscriber name gold123 counters SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard subscriber properties

Displays all existing subscriber templates. show interface LineCard slot-number subscriber properties
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following is an example of how to display the subscriber templates. SCE#show interface linecard 0 subscriber templates SCE#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard subscriber TP-mappings statistics

Displays the traffic processor mappings state. show interface LineCard slot-number subscriber TP-mappings statistics
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following is an example of how to display the traffic processor mappings . SCE#show interface linecard 0 subscriber TP-mappings statistics SCE#

Related Commands

subscriber TP-mappings (on page 2-256)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard subscriber TP-IP-range

Displays the configuration of a specified TIR. show interface LineCard slot-number subscriber TP-IP-range TP-IP-range-name [all]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. TP-IP-range-name Name of the TIR to be displayed.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use the all keyword to display all existing TIR configurations. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


Following is an example of how to display all existing TIR configurations . SCE#show interface linecard 0 subscriber TP-IP-range all SCE#

Related Commands

subscriber TP-IP-range (on page 2-257)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard subscriber mapping included-in TP-IP-range

Displays the existing subscriber mappings for a specified TIR or IP range. show interface LineCard slot-number subscriber [amount] mapping included-in TP-IP-range [TP-IP-range-name | IP]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. TP-IP-range-name IP Name of the TIR for which mappings should be displayed. IP range for which mappings should be displayed.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use the amount keyword to display the number of existing mappings only, rather than the mappings themselves. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following examples illustrate the show interface LineCard subscriber mapping includedin TP-IP-range command: EXAMPLE 1: Following is an example of how to display all existing mappings for TIR CMTS1. SCE#show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping included-in TP-IP-range CMTS1 SCE# EXAMPLE 2: Following is an example of how to display the number of existing mappings for TIR CMTS1. SCE#show interface linecard 0 subscriber amount mapping included-in TP-IP-range CMTS1 SCE#

Related Commands

subscriber TP-IP-range (on page 2-257)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard tos-marking mode

Displays the current LineCard TOS marking status. show interface LineCard slot-number tos-marking mode
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows that the tos marking mode is enabled: SCE#show interface LineCard 0 tos-marking mode ToS marking mode on slot 0 is enabled SCE#

Related Commands

tos-marking mode (on page 2-260)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard tos-marking table

Displays the current LineCard TOS marking table. show interface LineCard slot-number tos-marking table
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the ToS marking table: SCE#show interface LineCard 0 tos-marking table BE AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 green 0x0 0xa 0x12 0x1a 0x22 yellow 0x0 0xc 0x14 0x1c 0x24 red 0x0 0xe 0x16 0x1e 0x24 SCE# FE 0x2e 0x2e 0x2e

Related Commands

tos-marking set-table-entry (on page 2-262)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard traffic-counter

Displays the specified traffic counter. show interface linecard slot-number traffic-counter name [all]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. name Name of the traffic counter to be displayed.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use the all keyword to display all traffic counters. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example displays information for all existing traffic counters. SCE#show interface linecard 0 traffic-counter all Counter 'cnt' value: 0 packets. Rules using it: None. Counter 'cnt2' value: 1284 packets. Rules using it: Rule2. 2 counters listed out of 32 available.

Related Commands

traffic-counter (on page 2-263)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard traffic-rule

Displays the specified traffic rule configuration. show interface linecard slot-number traffic-rule name [all]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0. name Name of the traffic rule to be displayed.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use the all keyword to display all traffic counter rules. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example displays information for the Rule1 traffic rule. SCE#show interface linecard 0 traffic-rule name Rule1

Related Commands

traffic-rule (on page 2-264)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show interface LineCard [MPLS|VLAN|L2TP|IP-tunnel]

Displays the tunnel configuration. show interface LineCard slot-number [MPLS|VLAN|L2TP|IP-tunnel]
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the IP tunnel configuration. SCE#show interface LineCard 0 ip-tunnel tunnel mode: tunneling disable SCE#

Related Commands

MPLS (on page 2-99) L2TP identify-by (on page 2-84) ip tunnel (on page 2-83) VLAN (on page 2-268)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show interface LineCard vlan translation

Shows vlan translation configuration. show interface LineCard slot-number vlan translation
Syntax Description

slot-number The number of the identified slot. Enter a value of 0.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the vlan translation configuration. SCE#show interface LineCard 0 vlan translation vlan translation constant: increment 16 SCE#

Related Commands

vlan translation (on page 2-269)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show ip access-class
Shows the access list defined for global IP access to the SCE Platform system. Only IP addresses permitted access according to this access list are allowed access to the system. show ip access-class
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the IP access class mapping. SCE#show ip access-class IP layer is using access-list # 1. SCE#

Related Commands

ip access-class (on page 2-64)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show ip advertising
Shows the status of IP advertising, the configured destination and the configured interval. Use the [destination] and [interval] versions of the command to display only the configured destination or interval, respectively. show ip advertising [destination|interval]
Syntax Description

destination Displays IP advertising destination. interval Displays the interval between ping commands


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC Use the form show ip advertising destination to display the IP advertising destination. Use the form show ip advertising interval to display the interval between ping commands. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example shows the IP advertising status and configuration. SCE#show ip advertising IP advertising is disabled IP advertising destination is IP advertising interval is 853 seconds

Related Commands

ip advertising (on page 2-66)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show ip default-gateway
Shows configured default gateway. show ip default-gateway
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example displays the default gateway. SCE#show ip default-gateway Default gateway: SCE#

Related Commands

ip domain-lookup (on page 2-69)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show ip rmi-adapter
Displays the status of the RMI adapter (enabled or disabled) and the configured port. show ip rmi-adapter
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the configuration of the RMI adapter. SCE#show ip rmi-adapter RMI server is ONLINE RMI server port is 1099

Related Commands

ip rmi-adapter (on page 2-75)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show ip route
Shows the entire routing table and the destination of last resort (default-gateway). When using the prefix and mask parameters, it shows the routing entries from the subnet specified by the prefix and mask pair. show ip route [prefix mask]
Syntax Description

prefix mask

The prefix of the routing entries to be included. Used to limit the search of routing entries.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following examples illustrate the use of the show ip route command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example shows the default gateway. SCE#show ip route gateway of last resort is SCE# EXAMPLE 2: The following example shows retrieval of the ip route. SCE#show ip route | prefix | mask | next hop | |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| | | | | SCE#

Related Commands

ip route (on page 2-77)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show ip rpc-adapter
Displays the status of the RPC adapter (enabled or disabled) and the configured port. show ip rpc-adapter
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the configuration of the RPC adapter. SCE#show ip rpc-adapter RPC Server is OFFLINE RPC Server port is 14374

Related Commands

ip rpc-adapter (on page 2-78)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show ip ssh
Shows the status of the SSH sever, including current SSH sessions. show ip ssh
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows how to retrieve the current SSH status. SCE#show ip ssh

Related Commands

ip ssh (on page 2-80)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show management-agent
Shows Management agent status: enabled/disabled and access-list number used. show management-agent [access-class|enabled] [notifications [counters]]
Syntax Description

selected-info Type access-class to view only access class status, or enabled to view only the enabled/disabled status.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following examples illustrate the show management-agent command: EXAMPLE 1: The following example shows the agent status. SCE#show management-agent Management agent is enabled. Agent is active Management agent does not use any access-list. SCE# EXAMPLE 2: The following example displays whether access lists are in use for the Management agent. SCE#show management-agent access-class Management agent does not use any access-list. SCE# EXAMPLE 3: The following example shows the Management agent is enabled.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE#show management-agent enabled Management agent is enabled. Agent is active SCE#

Related Commands

management-agent system (on page 2-95)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show management-agent notifications

Displays the status of notifications sent to the Management agent. show management-agent notifications
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example displays the default status for management agent notification. SCE#show management-agent notifications Default status of all notifications is ON SCE#

Related Commands

management-agent system (on page 2-95)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show management-agent notifications counters

Displays counters of notifications sent to the Management agent, that is, the number of notifications that were sent and the number that were dropped. show management-agent notifications counters
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example displays the counters for management agent notifications sent and dropped. SCE#show management-agent notifications counters Number of notifications sent: 1320 Number of notifications dropped: 0 SCE#

Related Commands

management-agent system (on page 2-95)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show line vty

Shows the access list configured to the Telnet server that contains the list of addresses that have access to the system. show line vty timeout|access-class in
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the access list configured for telnet lines. SCE#show line vty access-class in Telnet server is using access-list # 1. SCE#

Related Commands

line vty (on page 2-85)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show line vty timeout

Shows the timeout configured to the Telnet sessions. show line vty timeout
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the timeout configured for the telnet session: SCE#show line vty timeout Timeout is 30 minutes SCE#

Related Commands

line vty (on page 2-85)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show logger device User-File-Log

Displays the SCE Platform logger configuration status and maximum file size. show logger device User-File-Log
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the SCE Platform logger User-File-Log status and configuration. SCE#show logger device User-File-Log SCE User-File-Log status: Enabled SCE User-File-Log file size: 64000 SCE#

Related Commands

logger device User-File-Log (on page 2-90)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show logger device User-File-Log counters

Displays the SCE Platform logger counters. show logger device User-File-Log counters
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the current SCE Platform User-File-Log counters. SCE#show logger device user-file-log counters Logger SCE User-File-Log counters: Total info messages: 73 Total warning messages: 44 Total error messages: 0 Total fatal messages: 0 SCE#

Related Commands

logger device User-File-Log (on page 2-90)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show logger device User-File-Log max-file-size

Displays the SCE Platform logger maximum file size. show logger device User-File-Log max-file-size
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the SCE Platform logger User-File-Log max file size configuration. SCE#show logger device User-File-Log max-file-size SCE User-File-Log file size: 64000 SCE#

Related Commands

logger device User-File-Log max-file-size (on page 2-91)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show logger device User-File-Log status

Displays the SCE Platform logger configuration status. show logger device User-File-Log status
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the SCE Platform logger User-File-Log status. SCE#show logger device User-File-Log status SCE User-File-Log status: Enabled SCE#

Related Commands

logger device User-File-Log (on page 2-90)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show logger nv-counters

Shows the non-volatile counters for the specified type of log file (user log or debug log). show logger [device device] nv-counters
Syntax Description


The log device for which to display the counters (either user-file-log or debug-filelog.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the user log file non-volatile counters. SCE#show logger device user-file-log nv-counters SCE#

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show pqi file

Displays information, such as installation options, about the specified application file. show pqi file filename info
Syntax Description


The filename of the desired application file.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows how to display application file information. SCE#show pqi file myfile.txt info application: sm description: SCE 1000 sm target SCE: SCE 1000 module names: sm20001.pm0

Related Commands

pqi install file (on page 2-117)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show pqi last-installed

Displays the name of the last pqi file that was installed. show pqi last-installed
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows how to display application file information. SCE#show pqi last-installed package name: pack1 package date: Tue Jun 10 17:27:55 GMT+00:00 2003 operation: Upgrade

Related Commands

pqi install file (on page 2-117)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show RDR-formatter
Displays the RDR formatter configuration. show RDR-formatter
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the configuration of the RDR formatter. SCE#show RDR-formatter Status: enabled Connection is: down Forwarding mode: redundancy Connection table: ---------------------------------------------------------Collector | Port | Status | Priority per Category: | IP Address / | | |--------------------------| Host-Name | | | Category1 | Category2 | --------------------------------------------------------- |33000 | Down | 100 | 100 | |33000 | Down | 60 | 60 | |33000 | Down | 40 | 40 | ---------------------------------------------------------RDR: read: 0 ,sent: 0, thrown: 0 UM: read: 0 ,sent: 0, thrown: 0 Logger: read: 0 ,sent: 0, thrown: 0 Errors: thrown: 0 Last time these counters were cleared: 14:05:57 UTC SUN February 23 2003 SCE#

Related Commands

RDR-formatter destination (on page 2-124)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show RDR-formatter connection-status

Shows the current RDR formatter connection table and status (main connection status: up\down, forwarding mode, and connection/activity information for each destination). show RDR-formatter connection-status
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the RDR-formatter connection status. SCE#show RDR-formatter connection-status Connection is: up Forwarding mode: redundancy Connection table: ---------------------------------------------------------Collector | Port | Status | Priority per Category: | IP Address / | | |--------------------------| Host-Name | | | Category1 | Category2 | --------------------------------------------------------- |33000 | Up | 100 primary | 100 primary| |33000 | Down | 60 | 60 | |33000 | Up | 40 | 40 | ---------------------------------------------------------SCE#

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands


show RDR-formatter counters

Shows the RDR-formatter counters. show RDR-formatter counters
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the RDR-formatter counters. SCE#show RDR-formatter counters RDR: read: 0 ,sent: 0, thrown: 0 UM: read: 0 ,sent: 0, thrown: 0 Logger: read: 0 ,sent: 0, thrown: 0 Errors: thrown: 0 Last time these counters were cleared: 14:05:57 UTC SUN February 23 2003 SCE#

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show RDR-formatter destination

Shows the RDR-formatter destinations. show RDR-formatter destination
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the RDR-formatter configured destinations. SCE#show RDR-formatter destination Destination: Port: 33000 Destination: Port: 33000 Destination: Port: 33000 SCE#

Related Commands

RDR-formatter destination (on page 2-124)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show RDR-formatter enabled

Shows the RDR-formatter status (enabled/disabled). show RDR-formatter enabled
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows that the RDR formatter is enabled. SCE#show RDR-formatter enabled Status: enabled SCE#

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show RDR-formatter forwarding-mode

Shows the configured RDR-formatter forwarding-mode (redundancy/multicast). show RDR-formatter forwarding-mode
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the RDR formatter forwarding-mode. SCE#show RDR-formatter forwarding-mode Forwarding mode: redundancy SCE#

Related Commands

RDR-formatter forwarding-mode (on page 2-126)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show RDR-formatter statistics

Shows the current RDR formatter statistics. show RDR-formatter statistics
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the current RDR statistics. SCE#show RDR-formatter statistics Total: sent: 0 in-queue: 0 thrown: 0 rate: 0 RDRs per second max rate: 0 RDRs per second Destination: Port: 33000 Status: down Active: no Sent: 0 Rate: 0 Max: 0 Last connection establishment: 14:05:57 UTC SUN February 23 2003 Destination: Port: 33000 Status: down Active: no Sent: 0 Rate: 0 Max: 0 Last connection establishment: 14:05:57 UTC SUN February 23 2003 Destination: Port: 33000 Status: down Active: no Sent: 0 Rate: 0 Max: 0 Last connection establishment: 14:05:57 UTC SUN February 23 2003 SCE#

Related Commands
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show running-config
Shows the current configuration. show running-config [all-data] more running-config [all-data]
Syntax Description

all data

Displays defaults as well as non-default settings.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC The all data switch may to see sample usage for many CLI configuration commands. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example shows the partial output of the more running-config command.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE#>more running-config all-data #This is a general configuration file (running-config). #Created on 16:48:11 UTC WED June 13 2001 cli-type 1 #version 1 service logger

no service password-encryption enable password level 10 0 pcube enable password level 15 0 pcube service RDR-formatter no RDR-formatter destination all RDR-formatter history-size 0 clock timezone UTC 0 ip domain-lookup no ip domain-name no ip name-server service telnetd

FastEthernet 0/0 ip address speed auto duplex auto

exit ip default-gateway no ip route all line vty 0 4 no access-class in timeout 30 exit SCE#>

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show scm last-applied

Displays the last scm configuration file that was applied. show scm last-applied
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the last scm configuration file that was applied. SCE#show scm last-applied /tffs0/xmlFile.xml

Related Commands

scm apply file (on page 2-131)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show snmp
Displays the SNMP configuration and counters. show snmp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the SNMP server configuration and status.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

SCE#show snmp SNMP server status: Enabled Location: London_Office Contact: Brenda Authentication Trap Status: Enabled Communities: -----------Community: public, Access Authorization: RO, Access List Index: 1 Trap managers: -----------Trap host:, community: public, version: SNMPv2c SNMP stats: 29 SNMP packets input 0 Bad SNMP version errors 29 Unknown community name 0 Illegal operation for community name supplied 0 Encoding errors 0 Number of requested variables 0 Number of altered variables 0 Get-request PDUs 0 Get-next PDUs 0 Set-request PDUs 29 SNMP packets output 0 Too big errors 0 No such name errors 0 Bad values errors 0 General errors 0 Response PDUs 29 Trap PDUs SCE#

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show snmp community

Displays configured communities. show snmp community
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the SNMP manager communities. SCE#show snmp community Community: public, Access Authorization: RO, Access List Index: 1 SCE#

Related Commands

snmp-server community (on page 2-238)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show snmp contact

Displays the configured MIB-2 variable sysContact. show snmp contact
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the system contact. SCE#show snmp contact Contact: [email protected] SCE#

Related Commands

snmp-server contact (on page 2-239)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show snmp enabled

Displays the SNMP agent status (enabled/disabled). show snmp enabled
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the SNMP server enabled status. SCE#show snmp enabled SNMP server status: Enabled SCE#

Related Commands

snmp-server (on page 2-237)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show snmp host

Displays the destination hosts for SNMP traps. show snmp host
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the destination hosts for SNMP traps. SCE#show snmp host Trap host:, community: public, version: SNMPv2c SCE#

Related Commands

snmp-server host (on page 2-242)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show snmp location

Displays the configured MIB-2 variable sysLocation. show snmp location
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the system location. SCE#show snmp location Location: London_Office SCE#

Related Commands

snmp-server location (on page 2-243)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show snmp MIB

Displays MIB variables. show snmp MIB mib variables
Syntax Description

mib variables

Name of MIB to display. Only a value of MIB-II is supported. Name of group to display. Use one of the following values: AT, ICMP, interfaces, IP, SNMP, system, TCP or UDP.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the MIB-2 system group. SCE#show snmp MIB MIB-II system sysDescr.0 = CiSco Service Engineering, SW version: Control Card Version 1.30 build 29, HW version: SCE GE RevE sysObjectID.0 = sysUpTime.0 = 14 hours, 25 minutes, 59 seconds sysContact.0 = [email protected] sysName.0 = SCE sysLocation.0 = London_Office sysServices.0 = 2 SCE#

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show snmp traps

Displays the SNMP traps generation status (enabled/disabled show snmp traps
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the SNMP server traps status. SCE#show snmp traps Authentication Trap Status: Enabled Enterprise Trap Status: Enabled SCE#

Related Commands

snmp-server enable traps ("[no | default] snmp-server enable traps [snmp [snmp trap name]] [enterprise [enterprise trap name]]" on page 2-240)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show sntp
Displays the SNTP configuration and update statistics. show sntp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows statistics from the SNTP clients. SCE#show sntp SNTP broadcast client: disabled last update time: not available SNTP uni-cast client: enabled there is one server: 1: last update time: Feb 10 2002, 14:06:41 update interval: 100 seconds SCE#

Related Commands

sntp server (on page 2-244)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show startup-config
Shows the startup configuration file. Use this command to review the configuration used by the SCE Platform at boot time in comparison with the current configuration to make sure that you approve of all the differences before saving the configuration by using copy running-config startup-config command. show startup-config more startup-config
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows a sample output. SCE#more startup-config #Created on 20:17:46 UTC THU January 1 2001 #cli-type 1 #version 1 logger SCE User-File-Log max-file-size 20000 ip domain-name *pcube* ip name-server interface FastEthernet 0/0 ip address interface LineCard 0 silent SCE#

Related Commands

copy running-config startup-config (on page 2-44)

show system operation-status

Displays the operation status of the system. show system operation-status

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Syntax Description Defaults

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the system operation status: SCE#show system operation-status System Operation status is Operational SCE#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show system-uptime
Displays the length of time the system has been running since the last reboot.. show system-uptime
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the system uptime for the SCE Platform. SCE#show system-uptime SCE uptime is 21 minutes, 37 seconds SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show telnet sessions

Displays any active Telnet sessions. show telnet sessions
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows that there is one active Telnet session. SCE#show telnet sessions There is 1 active telnet session: Index | Source ================ 0 | SCE#

Related Commands

telnet (on page 2-258)

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show telnet status

Displays the status of the telnet server daemon. show telnet status
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows that the telnet daemon is currently enabled. SCE#show telnet status Telnet daemon is enabled. SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show timezone
Displays the current time zone and daylight saving time configuration as configured by the user. show timezone
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the time zone configured by the user. SCE#show timezone Time zone: ISR minutes offset from UTC: 120 SCE#

Related Commands

clock timezone (on page 2-36)

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show tunnel mode

Displays the selected tunnel mode. show tunnel mode
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the selected tunnel mode. SCE#show tunnel mode tunnel mode: L2TP SCE#

Related Commands

ip tunnel (on page 2-83)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show version
Displays the configuration information for the system including the hardware version, the software version, the application used, and other configuration information. show version
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the current version information of the SCE Platform.

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE#show version System version: Version 2.5.2 Build 240 Build time: Jan 11 2005, 07:34:47 Software version is: Version 2.5.2 Build 240 Hardware information is: rx : 0x0075 dp : 0x1808 tx : 0x1708 ff : 0x0077 cls : 0x1721 cpld : 0x0025 Lic : 0x0176 rev : G001 Bootrom : 2.1.0 L2 cache : Samsung 0.5 lic type : MFEoptic mode : Part number: 53AA-BXC1-AAAA Revision: A02A Software revision: G001 Serial number: 043P6982 Power Supply type: AC SML Application information is: Application file: /tffs0/temp.sli Application name: Application help: Original source file: H:\work\Emb\jrt\V2.5\sml\actions\drop\drop_basic_anyflow.san Compilation date: Wed, September 22, 2004 at 21:25:21 Compiler version: SANc v2.50 Build 32 gcc_codelets=true built on: Tue September 22 2004 09:51:57 AM.;SME plugin v1.1 Default capacity option used. Logger status: Enabled Platform: SCE 2000 - 4xFE Management agent interface version: SCE Agent 2.5.1 Build 18 Software package file: ftp://vk:[email protected]/P:/EMB/LatestVersion/2.5.2/se1000.pkg SCE2000 uptime is 21 minutes, 37 seconds SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

show version all

Displays the complete version information as well as the running configuration for all components. show version all
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows version and configuration information for all the system components.

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

SCE#show version all System version: Version 2.5.2 Build 240 Build time: Jan 11 2005, 07:34:47 Software version is: Version 2.5.2 Build 240 Hardware information is: rx : 0x0075 dp : 0x1808 tx : 0x1708 ff : 0x0077 cls : 0x1721 cpld : 0x0025 Lic : 0x0176 rev : G001 Bootrom : 2.1.0 L2 cache : Samsung 0.5 lic type : MFE optic mode : Part number: 53AA-BXC1-AAAA Revision: A02A Software revision: G001 Serial number: 043P6982 Power Supply type: AC SML Application information is: Application file: /tffs0/temp.sli Application name: Application help: Original source file: H:\work\Emb\jrt\V2.5\sml\actions\drop\drop_basic_anyflow.san Compilation date: Wed, September 22, 2004 at 21:25:21 Compiler version: SANc v2.50 Build 32 gcc_codelets=true built on: Tue September 22 2004 09:51:57 AM.;SME plugin v1.1 Default capacity option used.

Logger status: Enabled

Platform: SCE2000 - 4xFE Management agent interface version: SCE Agent 2.5.1 Build 18 Software package file: ftp://vk:[email protected]/P:/EMB/LatestVersion/2.5.2/se1000.pkg

SCE2000 uptime is 21 minutes, 37 seconds SCE# .

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Current configuration: ====================== #This is a general configuration file (running-config). #Created on 10:14:59 UTC TUE January 11 2005 . .

interface LineCard 0 connection-mode active no silent . . Software package file: Not available Unified management package file: /tffs0/images/um13012.pkg SCE#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

show version software

Displays version information for the current software. show version software
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example shows the current software version. SCE#show version software Software version is: Version 2.5.2 Build 240 SCE#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Disables the LineCard from reporting events. Use the [no] form of this command if you want the LineCard to send reports. silent no silent
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No silent LineCard Interface Configuration Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines Examples

The following example changes the LineCard state to silent. SCE(config if)#silent SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Enables the SNMP agent. You can use any of the other SNMP-server commands to enable the SNMP agent. Use the no form to disable the SNMP agent from responding to SNMP managers. All SNMP settings are saved and are restored when the SNMP agent is re-enabled. snmp-server enable no snmp-server
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords


disabled Global Configuration You must define at least one community string in order to allow SNMP access. For complete information on community strings. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example disables the SNMP server. SCE(config)#no snmp-server SCE(config)#

Related Commands

snmp-server community (on page 2-238)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

snmp-server community
Sets a community string. The optional acl-number parameter states the access list number to restrict the managers that can use this community. snmp-server community community-string [read-option] [acl-number] no snmp-server community community-string [read-option] [acl-number]
Syntax Description

community-string The SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c security string that identifies a community of managers that can access the SNMP server. read-option Legal values are ro and rw. The default ro (read-only) option allows managers to view MIB variables. rw sets the variable to read-write. acl-number Number of the access list that lists the managers who may access the SCE Platform via SNMP.


no SNMP access Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example configures an SNMP managers community that has read-only permissions for the SCE Platform MIB. Only SNMP managers in access list 1 can access the SCE Platform. SCE(config)#snmp-server community public ro 1 SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

snmp-server contact
Sets the MIB-2 variable system contact. Use the no form of this command to remove the contact setting. snmp-server contact contact no snmp-server contact contact
Syntax Description


A string that identifies the system contact.


Command Modes

Global Configuration

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example configures the system contact. SCE(config)#snmp-server contact [email protected] SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

snmp-server enable traps

Enables/disables SNMP traps (only authentication-failure traps and enterprise traps can be controlled using this command). Use the [default] form of this command to reset SNMP traps to the default status. snmp-server enable traps [snmp [snmp trap name]] [enterprise [enterprise trap name]] no snmp-server enable traps [snmp [snmp trap name]] [enterprise [enterprise trap name]] default snmp-server enable traps [snmp [snmp trap name]] [enterprise [enterprise trap name]]

Syntax Description

snmp trap name

Optional parameter used with the snmp parameter to control a specific snmp trap. Setting = Authentication

enterprise trap name

Optional parameter used with the enterprise parameter to control a specific enterprise trap. Settings = chassis, link-bypass, logger, operationalstatus, RDR-formatter, sntp, system-reset, telnet


snmp traps: disabled enterprise traps: enabled Global Configuration There are two classes of SNMP traps that are controlled by this command:

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

snmp traps enterprise traps

The options snmp and enterprise are parameters specifying the class of traps that are to be enabled/disabled by this command. Each class, or type, is composed of specific traps. Use these parameters as follows:

To enable/disable all traps of one type: Specify only snmp or enterprise. To enable/disable only one specific trap: Specify snmp or enterprise with the additional trap name parameter naming the desired trap. To enable/disable all traps: Do not specify either snmp or enterprise.

Since, at this time, the only snmp type trap is the authentication trap, the snmp and authentication parameters are currently redundant.

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Authorization: admin

The following example configures the SNMP server to send traps. SCE(config)#snmp-server enable traps SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

snmp-server host
Sets destination hosts for SNMP traps. snmp-server host address [traps] [version version] community-string no snmp-server host address [traps] [version version] community-string
Syntax Description

address traps version

The IP address of the SNMP server host. Optional switch, does not influence command functionality. Version of the SCE Platform software running in the system. Can be set to 1 or 2c.

community-string The SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c security string that identifies a community of managers that are able to access the SNMP server.


No hosts Global Configuration If no communities are specified by the snmp-server community command, the community string specified by this command is used by the SCE Platform, as if an snmp-server community community-string ro was given. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example adds a host destination for SNMP traps. SCE(config)#snmp-server host version 2c public SCE(config)#

Related Commands

no snmp-server host all (on page 2-109)

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

snmp-server location
Gives a name to the SCE Platform location, setting the MIB-2 variable sysLocation. Use the no form of this command to remove the location setting. snmp-server location location no snmp-server location
Syntax Description


A string that specifies the system location.


no location Global Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example configures the system location. SCE(config)#snmp-server location London_Office SCE(config)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

sntp server
Enables the SNTP uni-cast client to query the specified SNTP server. Use the no form of this command to disable the SNTP uni-cast server. sntp server {address|hostname} no sntp server
Syntax Description

address hostname

The IP address of the SNTP server. The hostname of the SNTP server.


SNTP uni-cast server is disabled Global Configuration Authorization: admin The following example enables an SNTP server at a specified IP address. SCE(config)#sntp server SCE(config)#

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


Related Commands

no sntp server all (on page 2-110)

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

[no] sntp broadcast client

Enables the SNTP multicast client to accept SNTP broadcasts from any SNTP server. Use the [no] form of this command to disable the SNTP multicast client. Default disabled Authorization Mode EXAMPLE: The following example enables the SNTP multicast client. SCE(config)#sntp broadcast client SCE(config)# admin Global Configuration

sntp update-interval interval

Defines the interval (in seconds) between SNTP uni-cast update queries. Default 900 Authorization Mode PARAMETERS interval The interval between queries in seconds. EXAMPLE: The following example sets the SNTP update interval for 100 seconds. SCE(config)# sntp update-interval 100 SCE(config)# admin Global Configuration

Configures the speed of the FastEthernet Interface to either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps. Auto means auto-negotiation (do not force speed on the link). speed speed no speed
Syntax Description


The speed in Mbps or auto-negotiation. Can be set to 10, 100 or auto.



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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

FastEthernet Interface Configuration

Command Modes Usage Guidelines

Changing this configuration takes effect only if the duplex mode is not configured to auto. Authorization: admin


The following example configures a FastEthernet port to 100 Mbps speed. SCE(config if)#speed 100 SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

subscriber aging
Enables/disables subscriber aging for the specified type of subscribers (anonymous or introduced). The aging period may also be defined when aging is enabled. subscriber aging anonymous|introduced [timeout aging-time] no subscriber aging anonymous|introduced
Syntax Description

aging-time introduced

In minutes. Introduced subscribers

anonymous Anonymous groups subscribers


Command Modes

LineCard Interface Configuration The most common usage for aging is for anonymous subscribers, since this is the easiest way to ensure that anonymous subscribers that have logged-out of the network are removed from the SCE Platform and are no longer occupying resources. Aging time can be configured individually for introduced subscribers and for anonymous subscribers. Authorization: admin

Usage Guidelines


The following example enables subscriber aging for anonymous subscribers with a timeout period of 10 minutes. SCE(config if)#subscriber aging anonymous timeout 10 SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

subscriber anonymous-group export csv-file

Exports anonymous groups to the specified csv file. subscriber anonymous-group export csv-file filename
Syntax Description


Name of the csv file to which the anonymous groups information is to be exported.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example exports anonymous groups information to the specified file SCE(config if)# subscriber anonymous-group export csv-file s_g_0507.csv SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

subscriber anonymous-group import csv-file

Creates anonymous groups by importing anonymous subscribers from the specified csv file. subscriber anonymous-group import csv-file filename
Syntax Description


Name of the csv file containing the anonymous groups information.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration Anonymous Group csv files have a fixed format. All lines have the same structure, as described below: Anonymous-group-name, IP-range [, subscriber-template-number]. If no subscriber-template-number is specified, then the anonymous subscribers of that group will use the default template (#0), which cannot be changed by template import operations. Following is an example of an anonymous group csv file: group1,, 2 group2,, 3 group3,

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example imports subscriber from the file subscribers_groups.csv. SCE(config if)# subscriber anonymous-group import csv-file subscribers_groups.csv SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

subscriber export csv-file

Exports subscribers to the specified csv file. Subscriber csv files are application-specific. Refer to the relevant application documentation for the definition of the file format. subscriber export csv-file filename
Syntax Description


Name of the csv file to which the subscriber information is to be exported.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration Subscriber csv files are application-specific. Refer to the relevant application documentation for the definition of the file format. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example exports subscribers to the specified file. SCE(config if)# subscriber export csv-file gold_subscribers_04072003.csv SCE(config if)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

subscriber import csv-file

Imports subscribers from the specified csv file. subscriber import csv-file filename
Syntax Description


Name of the csv file containing the subscriber information.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration Subscriber csv files are application-specific. Refer to the relevant application documentation for the definition of the file format. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example imports subscriber from the file gold_subscribers.csv. SCE(config if)# subscriber import csv-file gold_subscribers.csv SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

subscriber sm-connection-failure (SCE 2000 only)

Configures the behavior of the system in case of communication failure between the SM and the SCE platform. subscriber sm-connection-failure action force-failure
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration If SM functionality is critical to the operation of the system: configure forced failure of the SCE Platform in the event of any loss of connection with the SM. If SM functionality is not critical to the operation of the system: no action needs to be configured. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example configures forced failure of the SCE Platform in case of failure of the SM. SCE (config if)#subscriber sm-connection-failure action force-failure SCE (config if)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

subscriber template export csv-file

Exports a subscriber template to the specified csv file, according to the party template. subscriber template export csv-file filename
Syntax Description


Name of the csv file to which the subscriber template is to be exported.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example exports the subscriber template to the specified file. SCE(config if)# subscriber template export csv-file gold0507.csv SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

subscriber template import csv-file

Imports a subscriber template from the specified csv file, creating a party template. subscriber template import csv-file filename
Syntax Description


Name of the csv file containing the subscriber template.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example imports the subscriber template from the file gold0507.csv. SCE(config if)# subscriber template import csv-file gold0507.csv SCE(config if)#

Related Commands

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

subscriber TP-IP-range name IP-range target-TP

Use this command to create or update a TIR. Use the no form of this command to delete a specified TIR. subscriber TP-IP-range name TP-IP-range-name IP-range target-TP IP-range target-TP no subscriber TP-IP-range name IP-range target-TP all
Syntax Description

TP-IP-range name

Meaningful name assigned to this traffic processor IP range

IP-range IP address and mask length defining the IP range target-TP number of the traffic processor to which this TIR is to be assigned


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration Use the remove-subscriber-mappings keyword when editing or deleting a TIR to remove any existing subscriber mappings. If mappings exist, and this keyword is not used, the command will not execute.

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

When deleting a TIR, only the range name is required. To delete all existing TIRs, use the [no] form of the command with the all keyword instead of the range name.

Authorization: admin

The following example creates a TIR named CMTS1 and assigns it to traffic processor# 5. The remove-subscriber-mappings keyword is used to remove any existing subscriber mappings. SCE(config if)#subscriber TP-IP-range name CMTS1 IP-range target-TP 5 remove-subscriber-mappings

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

subscriber TP-mappings
Reserves a specified number of subscriber rules for TIRs. subscriber TP-mappings max-TP-IP-ranges default subscriber TP-mappings
Syntax Description


Number of rules to allocate for TIRs


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration The maximum number of allowed reserved rules is 4096.

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

By default 0 (zero) rules are reserved for TIRs. Updating this configuration is a major system event and can only be performed when no subscriber mappings or TIRs are configured.

Use the [default] version of this command to restore default subscriber rule allocation. Authorization: admin

The following example reserves 500 subscriber rules for TIRs. SCE(config if)#subscriber TP-mappings max-TP-IP-ranges 500

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

subscriber TP-IP-range
Use this command to import TIR definitions from a csv file and to export TIR definitions to a csv file. subscriber TP-IP-range {import | export} csv-file filename Following is the format of the csv file: range name, ip-address/mask-length, target-TP
Syntax Description

csv-filename csv file to be imported or exported to import export Import from the specified csv file. Export to the specified csv file.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration Use the remove-subscriber-mappings keyword when importing TIR definitions to remove any existing subscriber mappings for specified IP ranges. If mappings exist, and this keyword is not used, the import command will not execute. The remove-subscriber-mappings keyword is not applicable when exporting to a csv file. Authorization: admin

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines


The following example imports TIR information from the csv file TIR_definitions. The removesubscriber-mappings keyword is used to remove any subscriber mappings that currently exist in the system on any of the IP ranges specified in the file. SCE(config if)#subscriber TP-IP-range import csv-file TIR_definitions remove-subscribermappings

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Starts a Telnet session. telnet address [ports]
Syntax Description

address ports

Telnet access address. Optional port number. Default is 23.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example starts a telnet session: SCE#telnet connecting to

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Configures the timeout for the Telnet session when the Telnet session is idle. After this time, the Telnet session is disconnected. timeout time
Syntax Description


Timeout length in minutes.


time = 30 minutes Line Configuration Mode

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example sets the timeout to 45 minutes. SCE(config-line)#timeout 45 SCE(config-line)#

Related Commands

no timeout (on page 2-114)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

tos-marking mode
Enables TOS marking. The SCE Platform can mark the IP ToS field of transmitted packets, according to the Diffserv scheme standard code points. The platform supports the association of services to the following Diffserv classes: BE (Best effort), EF (Expedited forwarding), AF1, AF2, AF3 and AF4 (Assured forwarding 1-4, respectively). When packets exceed the bandwidth limit they are configured with, they are internally marked in RED color and dropped by the SCE Platform itself. Packets that are below their limit are marked with either green or yellow drop precedence depending on their actual relative rate.


When TOS marking is enabled, the first few TCP packets are associated and marked with a default AF4 class that is mapped to the IQ2 queue. This occurs because the SCE Platform transmits the first few packets before classifying the flow and identifying the application or service

tos-marking mode mode

Syntax Description


Mode for TOS marking. Currently the system supports only diffserv.


Disabled LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example enables TOS marking: SCE(config if)#tos-marking mode diffserv SCE(config if)#

Related Commands

no tos-marking diffserv (on page 2-115)

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

tos-marking reset-table
Resets TOS settings to the Diffserv defaults. tos-marking reset-table
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example resets the TOS marking. SCE(config if)#tos-marking reset-table SCE(config if)#

Related Commands

tos-marking set-table-entry (on page 2-262)

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

tos-marking set-table-entry
The SCE Platform supports configuration via CLI of the mapping between the class and coloring and the exposed DSCP (Diffserv Code Points) values. The default of this table is direct mapping of the Diffserv standard code points. The TOS table reads the class and color of the packet being transmitted, and assigns the value set in the table according to the color and class. tos-marking set-table-entry class class color color value value
Syntax Description

class color value

Internal class of service assigned to the packet. Legal values are BE, AF1, AF2, AF3, AF4 and EF. Internal color assigned to the packet. Legal values are green, yellow, red and any. Value of the TOS marking, assigned to the packet IP header, as transmitted by the SCE Platform. This is a 6-bit value, expressed as a hex number in the range 0x0 to 0x3f.


Diffserv defaults LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example sets a TOS marking table entry. SCE(config if)# tos-marking set-table-entry class AF4 color yellow value 0x24 SCE(config if)#

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Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Defines a new traffic counter. Use the no form of the command to delete an existing traffic counter. traffic-counter name name {count-bytes | count-packets | all} no traffic-counter
Syntax Description


name to be assigned to this traffic counter.


This command has no default settings. LineCard Interface Configuration The following are usage guidelines for the traffic-counter command:

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Use the count-bytes keyword to enable counting the bytes in each packet. The counter will increment by the number of bytes in each packet. Use the count-packets keyword to enable counting whole packets. The counter will increment by one for each packet.

Use the all keyword with the no form to delete all existing traffic counters. Authorization: admin

The following are examples of the traffic-counter command: EXAMPLE 1: Following is an example of creating a traffic counter that will count bytes. SCE(config if)# traffic-counter name counter1 count-bytes EXAMPLE 2: The following example demonstrates how to delete all traffic counters. SCE(config if)# no traffic-counter all

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Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Defines a new traffic rule. Use the no form of the command to delete an existing traffic rule. traffic-rule name IP addresses IP-addresses protocol protocol ports ports flags flags direction direction traffic-counter traffic-counter action action no traffic-rule
Syntax Description

name protocol ports flags direction

name to be assigned to this traffic rule. Any one of the following protocols: TCP/UCP/ICMP/IGRP/EIGRP/IS-IS/OSPF/Other subscriber-side and network-side <port specification> TCP <flags specification> upstream/downstream/all

IP-addresses subscriber-side and network-side <IP specification>

traffic-counter name of traffic counter/none action block | ignore


Command Modes

LineCard Interface Configuration The following are the usage guidelines for the traffic-rule command: IP specification: all|([all-but] (<ip-address>|<ip-range>))

Usage Guidelines

<ip-address> is a single IP address in dotted-decimal notation, such as <ip-range> is an IP subnet range, in the dotted-decimal notation followed by the number of significant bits, such as

port specification (TCP/UDP only): all|([all-but] (<port>|<port-range>))

<port> is a single port number (0-65535) <port-range> is a port range in the following notation: <min-port>:<max-port>, such as 80:82.

<flags specification> (TCP only): Defines criteria for matching packets based on the TCP flag values.
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

all | (SYN (0|1|all) [FIN (0|1|all) [RST (0|1|all) [ACK (0|1|all) [URG (0|1|all) [PSH (0|1|all)]]]]]) For each flag a value of 0, 1, or all can be selected. Default is all. traffic-counter: Either of the following:

Name of an existing traffic counter: Packets meeting the criteria of the rule are to be counted in the specified counter. If a counter name is defined, the count action is also defined implicitly. none: If none is specified, then an action must be explicitly defined via the action option.

Use the all keyword with the no form to delete all existing traffic rules.

Authorization: admin

The following are examples of the traffic-rule command: EXAMPLE 1: This example creates the following traffic rule: Name = rule2 IP addresses: subscriber side = all IP addresses, network side = all IP addresses EXCEPT the subnet Protocol = TCP Ports: subscriber side = 100, network side = 100-150 Flags = RST flag when value = 1 and all ACK flag values Direction = downstream Traffic counter = counter2 Action = Block The actions performed will be counting and blocking SCE (config if)# traffic-rule rule2 IP-addresses subscriber-side all network-side all-but protocol TCP ports subscriber-side 100 network-side 100:150 flags RST 1 ACK all direction downstream traffic-counter counter2 action block EXAMPLE 2: This example creates the following traffic rule: Name = rule3 IP addresses: all Protocol = IS-IS Direction = upstream
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Traffic counter = none Action = ignore (required since traffic-counter = none) Since it is not TCP/UDP, port and flags are not applicable. The only action performed will be Ignore. SCE (config if)# traffic-rule rule3 IP-addresses all protocol IS-IS direction upstream trafficcounter none action ignore EXAMPLE 3: The following example demonstrates how to delete all traffic rules. SCE(config if)# no traffic-rule all

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

Extracts a zip file to the current directory. unzip filename
Syntax Description


Zip file to be extracted.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example extracts the SCE#unzip Unzipping '/tffs0/'... Zip file has 3 entries: 1.sli, 13429 bytes extracted preflut.sli, 12558 bytes extracted temp/SLI/x/IpraeLut.sli, 12929 bytes extracted Finished, Extracted 3 files.

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands


CLI Command Reference

Configures the VLAN environment. VLAN option
Syntax Description


There are three options: symmetric classify, symmetric skip, a-symmetric skip.


symmetric skip LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example configures the VLAN environment:. SCE(config if)#vlan symmetric skip

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Chapter 2

CLI Command Reference CLI Commands

vlan translation
Sets the VLAN translation constant for the network port side. The subscriber ports are doing the reverse operation. For example, if network is incrementing by 5 then subscriber port will be decremented by 5. Use the [no] form of this command to disable vlan translation for this port (sets the value to zero). vlan translation {increment | decrement} value value no vlan translation
Syntax Description


The value of the VLAN translation constant for the network port side.


value = 0 LineCard Interface Configuration

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines

Authorization: admin

The following example specifies a VLAN translation constant of 16 for the network port side . SCE(config if)#vlan translation increment value 16

Related Commands

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


Chapter 2 CLI Commands

CLI Command Reference

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



? 2-2 clear arp-cache 2-23 clear interface LineCard 2-24 clear interface LineCard subscriber 2-25 clear interface LineCard subscriber db counters 2-26 clear interface LineCard traffic-counter 227 clear logger 2-28 clear RDR-formatter 2-30 CLI Authorization Levels 1-10 CLI Command Hierarchy 1-2 CLI Command Reference 2-1 CLI Commands 2-2 CLI Help Features 1-12 CLI Scripts 1-17 clock read-calendar 2-31 clock set 2-32 clock summertime 2-33 clock timezone 2-37 clock update-calendar 2-38 Command History 1-14 Command-Line Interface 1-1 configure 2-39 Configuring the Fast Ethernet Line Ports 17 Configuring the Gigabit Ethernet Line Ports 1-7 Configuring the Management Port 1-7 Configuring the Physical Ports 1-6 connection-mode (SCE 1000 platform) 240 connection-mode (SCE 2000 platform) 241 copy 2-42 copy ftp // 2-43 copy running-config startup-config 2-45 copy source-file ftp

[no | default] snmp-server enable traps [snmp [snmp trap name]] [enterprise [enterprise trap name]] 2-244 [no] service password encryption 2-139 [no] sntp broadcast client 2-248

access-class 2-4 access-list 2-5 Argument Help 1-12 attack-detector 2-9 attack-detector <number> 2-10 attack-detector default 2-7 attack-filter (LineCard Interface Configuration) 2-12 attack-filter (Privileged Exec) 2-13 attack-filter subscriber-notification ports 215 Audience xi Authorization and Command Levels (Hierarchy) 1-2 auto-negotiate (GigabitEthernet only) 2-16

bandwidth 2-17 blink 2-18 boot system 2-19

calendar set 2-21 cd 2-22 Cisco Technical Support Website xiv xiii

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


// 2-46 copy-passive 2-44

default subscriber template all 2-47 Definitions of Service Requests Severity xv delete 2-48 dir 2-49 disable 2-50 Document Conventions xii Documentation Feedback xiii duplex 2-51

enable 2-52 enable password 2-53 Entering and Exiting Global Configuration Mode 1-5 Entering Ethernet Line Interface Configuration Mode 1-8 Entering FastEthernet (Management) Interface Configuration Mode 1-7 Entering LineCard Interface Configuration Mode 1-8 Entering the Fast Ethernet Line Interface Configuration Mode 1-8 Entering the Gigabit Ethernet Line Interface Configuration Mode 1-8 exit 2-54 Exiting Modes 1-9

interface FastEthernet 2-62 interface GigabitEthernet 2-63 interface LineCard 2-64 ip access-class 2-65 ip address 2-66 ip advertising 2-67 ip default-gateway 2-69 ip domain-lookup 2-70 ip domain-name 2-71 ip ftp password 2-72 ip ftp username 2-73 ip host 2-74 ip name-server 2-75 ip rmi-adapter 2-76 ip rmi-adapter port 2-77 ip route 2-78 ip rpc-adapter 2-79 ip rpc-adapter port 2-80 ip ssh 2-81 ip ssh access-class 2-82 ip ssh key 2-83 ip tunnel 2-84

Keyboard Shortcuts 1-14

L2TP identify-by 2-85 line vty 2-86 link failure-reflection 2-87 link mode 2-88 logger add-user-message 2-90 logger device User-File-Log 2-91 logger device User-File-Log max-file-size 2-92 logger get support-file 2-93 logger get user-log file-name 2-94 logout 2-95

failure-recovery operation-mode 2-55 Filtering Command Output 1-16 force failure-condition (SCE 2000 only) 256 FTP User Name and Password 1-15

Getting Help 1-1

management-agent system 2-96 Managing Command Output 1-16 mkdir 2-97 more 2-98 more user-log 2-99 MPLS 2-100

help 2-57 history 2-59 history size 2-60 hostname 2-61

Navigating between the Interface Configuration Modes 1-9

Interface Configuration Modes 1-5
Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Navigational and Shortcut Features 1-14 no access-list 2-101 no enable password 2-102 no ip access-class 2-103 no ip host 2-104 no ip route all 2-105 no RDR-formatter destination 2-106 no RDR-formatter destination all 2-108 no snmp-server community all 2-109 no snmp-server host all 2-110 no sntp server all 2-111 no subscriber 2-112 no subscriber anonymous-group 2-113 no subscriber mappings included-in 2-114 no timeout 2-115 no tos-marking diffserv 2-116

rename 2-132 rmdir 2-133

scm apply file 2-134 script capture 2-135 script print 2-136 script run 2-137 script stop 2-138 Scrolling the Screen Display 1-16 service RDR-formatter 2-140 service telnetd 2-142 setup 2-143 show access-lists 2-147 show blink 2-148 show calendar 2-149 show clock 2-150 show failure-recovery operation-mode 2151 show hostname 2-152 show hosts 2-153 show interface FastEthernet 2-154 show interface GigabitEthernet 2-157 show interface LineCard 2-158 show interface LineCard [MPLS|VLAN|L2TP|IP-tunnel] 2-184 show interface LineCard application 2-159 show interface LineCard attack-detector 2160 show interface LineCard attack-filter 2-161 show interface LineCard connection-mode 2-163 show interface LineCard counters 2-164 show interface linecard link mode 2-165 show interface LineCard link-bypass (SCE 1000 only) 2-166 show interface LineCard physicallyconnected-links (SCE 2000 only) 2-167 show interface LineCard silent 2-168 show interface LineCard subscriber 2-169 show interface LineCard subscriber aging 2-170 show interface LineCard subscriber anonymous 2-171 show interface LineCard subscriber anonymous-group 2-172 show interface LineCard subscriber db counters 2-173 show interface LineCard subscriber mapping 2-174

Obtaining Additional Publications and Information xv Obtaining Documentation xiii Obtaining Technical Assistance xiv Ordering Documentation xiii Organization xi

Partial Help 1-12 ping 2-117 pqi install file 2-118 pqi rollback file 2-119 pqi uninstall file 2-120 pqi upgrade file 2-121 Preface xi Prompt Indications 1-11 pwd 2-122

queue 2-123

RDR-formatter category-number 2-124 RDR-formatter destination 2-125 RDR-formatter forwarding-mode 2-127 RDR-formatter history-size 2-128 RDR-formatter protocol 2-129 Redirecting Command Output to a File 117 Related Publications xii reload 2-130 reload shutdown 2-131

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02


show interface LineCard subscriber mapping included-in TP-IP-range 2-179 show interface LineCard subscriber name 2-175 show interface LineCard subscriber properties 2-176 show interface LineCard subscriber TP-IPrange 2-178 show interface LineCard subscriber TPmappings statistics 2-177 show interface LineCard tos-marking mode 2-180 show interface LineCard tos-marking table 2-181 show interface LineCard traffic-counter 2182 show interface LineCard traffic-rule 2-183 show interface LineCard vlan translation 2185 show ip access-class 2-186 show ip advertising 2-187 show ip default-gateway 2-188 show ip rmi-adapter 2-189 show ip route 2-190 show ip rpc-adapter 2-191 show ip ssh 2-192 show line vty 2-197 show line vty timeout 2-198 show logger device User-File-Log 2-199 show logger device User-File-Log counters 2-200 show logger device User-File-Log max-filesize 2-201 show logger device User-File-Log status 2202 show logger nv-counters 2-203 show management-agent 2-193 show management-agent notifications 2195 show management-agent notifications counters 2-196 show pqi file 2-204 show pqi last-installed 2-205 show RDR-formatter 2-206 show RDR-formatter connection-status 2207 show RDR-formatter counters 2-208 show RDR-formatter destination 2-209 show RDR-formatter enabled 2-210

show RDR-formatter forwarding-mode 2211 show RDR-formatter history-size 2-212 show RDR-formatter statistics 2-213 show running-config 2-214 show scm last-applied 2-216 show snmp 2-217 show snmp community 2-219 show snmp contact 2-220 show snmp enabled 2-221 show snmp host 2-222 show snmp location 2-223 show snmp MIB 2-224 show snmp traps 2-225 show sntp 2-226 show startup-config 2-227 show system operation-status 2-227 show system-uptime 2-229 show telnet sessions 2-230 show telnet status 2-231 show timezone 2-232 show tunnel mode 2-233 show version 2-234 show version all 2-236 show version software 2-239 silent 2-240 snmp-server 2-241 snmp-server community 2-242 snmp-server contact 2-243 snmp-server host 2-245 snmp-server location 2-246 sntp server 2-247 sntp update-interval interval 2-248 speed 2-248 Submitting a Service Request xiv subscriber aging 2-250 subscriber anonymous-group export csv-file 2-251 subscriber anonymous-group import csv-file 2-252 subscriber export csv-file 2-253 subscriber import csv-file 2-254 subscriber sm-connection-failure (SCE 2000 only) 2-255 subscriber template export csv-file 2-256 subscriber template import csv-file 2-257 subscriber TP-IP-range 2-260 subscriber TP-IP-range name IP-range target-TP 2-258 subscriber TP-mappings 2-259

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference



Syntax and Conventions 2-1

Tab Completion 1-15 telnet 2-261 The [no] Prefix 1-13 timeout 2-262 tos-marking mode 2-263 tos-marking reset-table 2-264 tos-marking set-table-entry 2-265 traffic-counter 2-266 traffic-rule 2-267

unzip 2-270

VLAN 2-271 vlan translation 2-272

Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference OL-7825-02

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